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Item 7.2 AdvertiseContract 84-2 (2)
CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 23, 1984 SUBJECT : Sidewalk Repair Program - Contract 84-2 EXHIBITS ATTACHED : List of defective sidewalk locations; Specifications ~ill be available at City Council meeting RECO[~MENDATi~.-~Authorize Staff to advertise Contract 84-2 for bids FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Estimated project cost including engineering and inspection $100,000 Amount budgeted - $100,000 DESCRIPTION : A't its meeting of November 28, 1983, the adopted a sidewalk repair policy for fiscal year 1983-84 and $100,000 for undertaking sidewalk repairs throughout the City. In accordance with City Council direction, the City Engineer Specifications and a list of defective sidewalk locations. It is recommended that the City Council authorize Staff Contract 84-2 for bids. City Council appropriatea has prepared to advertise COPIES TO: ITEM NO. LOCATION 7506 Armarillo Rd. 7740 Armarillo Rd. 11673 Amarillo Ct. 11689 Amarillo Ct. 7560 Ashford Way ~561 Ashford Way 7669 Ashford Way 7201 Avon Ct. 7201 Avon Ct. 7223 Avon Ct. 8425 Bandon Dr. 8700 Bandon Dr. 11320 Betlen 479 Beverly Ln. 8486 Beverly Ln. 8560 Beverly Ln. 7536 Bonniewood Ln. 7564 Bonniewood Ln. 7582 Bonniewood Ln. 7600 Bonniewood Ln. GUTTER (L.F.) OVERLAY (S.F.) SIDEWALK (WIDTt! 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4' 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4' 4' 4' LENGTH) 24'-5" 8'-1/2" 6'-3 1/4" 18' 18'-10" I 7 ' -6" 23 '-1 1 /4" 5'-7 1/2" 3 '-8" 14'-11" 24'-9 1/3" 24'-10 1/2" 48' 39'-2" 20' 23'-9 1/4" 14'-9 1/2" 19'-9" 6'-1" 12'-7 1/2" SAWCUT (L.F.) 0 4' 4 4 4 4 8 4 4 8' 8 8 8 8 8 8 4 8' 4' 8' SHIELD (L.F.) 20' 0 10' 10' 10' 10' 20' 0 0 0 20' 20' 30' 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' COMMENTS 7614 7625 7626 7646 7649 7673 LOCATIOII Bonniewood Ln. Bonniewood Ln. Bonniewood Ln. Bonniewood Ln. Bonnlewood Ln. Bonniewood Ln. Bonniewood Ln. Aprox. 100' from the corner of Ardmore Bonniewood (left hand side of street facing southeast) 8471 Briarwood Ln. 8609 Briarwood Ln. 8617 Briarwood Ln. ~ 0 Briarwood Ln. 7461 Brookdale Ct. 7475 Burnham Wy. 7628 Burnham Wy. 7501 Calle Verde Rd. 7510 Calle Verde Rd. 7510 Calle Verde Rd. CURB & GUTTER (L.F.) ASPtlALT OVERLAY (S.F.) (WIDTH 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 SIDEWALK 4' 4' 4' 4 4 4 4 LENGTH) 21'-6 1/4" 46' 16' 7'-8 1/2" 29'-10" 22'-3" 29'-4" 17' 41'-11" 24'-4 1/2" 17'-8" 20'-1" 16'-3' 15'-9 1/2" 14'-2 1/2" 1'-11 1/2" 12'-2" 8' CONCRETE SAWCUT (L.F.) 8' 4' 4 8 8 8 4' 4' 8' 4' 4' 4' 4' 8' 4' TRENCH SHIELD (L.F.) 10' 30' 10 10 2O 10 + 2O 10 30' 20' 10' 20' 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' COMMENTS LOCATIOH 7510 Calle Verde Rd. 7518 Calle Verde Rd. Between 7510 and 7518 on Calle Verde Rd. 7526 Calle Verde Rd. ~7 Canterbury Ln. 7612 Canterbury Ln. 7672 Canterbury Ln. 7265 Cardiff Dr. 8262 Cardiff Dr. 8279 Cardiff Dr. 7629 Cardigan St. 7766 Cardigan St. ?'~5 Catalon Ct. l 11536 Circle Way 11542 Circle Way 11560 Circle Way 11560 Circle Way 7005 Corinth Ct. 11461 Cresta Ln. CURB & GUTTER (L.F.) ASPHALT OVERLAY (S.F.) SIDEWALK (WIDTH 4' 4I 4' LENGTH) 7'-9" 18'-5" 18'-5" 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 24' 11-1" 9'-10 1/2" 15 ' -8" 7'-5" 17'-6 1/2" 6' 11' 17'-5" 16'-8 1/2" 9 ' -6" 12'-2 1/2" 15'-8 1/2" 8' -1 /2" CONCRETE SAWCUT (L.F.) 8' 4' 4' 8' 8' 8' 4' 8' 8' 8' 8' 8' 0 0 TRENCH & SHIELD (L.F.) 10 10 10 10 10 10' 10' 0 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' 0 10' COMMENTS LOCATION 11461 Cresta Ln. 8275 Davona Dr. 8301 Davona Dr. 8434 Davona Dr. 8377 Deervale Rd. ~510 Deervale Rd. 8542 Deervale Rd. 8596 Deervale Rd. 8611 Davona Dr. 8613 Deervale Rd. 8614 Deervale Rd. 8661 Deervale Rd. 8661 Deervale Rd. 693 Deervale Rd. 8725 Deervale Rd. Across the street down from 6848 6564 Ebensburg 6655 Ebensburg 8124 Edenberry & Eden St . Lr~. Ln. Pl. CURB 8 GUTTER (L.F.) ASPHALT OVERLAY (S.F.) SIDEWALK (WIDTH LENGTH) 2 -6 1 /2" 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4' 4 4 4 4 4 23'-2' 1/2" 15'-8 1/2" 14'-2" 36'-7 1/2" 17' 20'-4 1/2" 24'-1" 19'-6" 10'-7 1/2" 10'-6" 12'-5 1/2" 13'-8" 13'-3" 16'-9 1/2" CONCRETE SAWCUT (L .F.) 0 8 4 4 8 8 8 8 8' 8' 8' 8' 4' 8' TRENCH & SHIELD (L.F.) 0 10 10 10 2O 10 2O 20' 10' 10' 10' 10' 0 10 10 4' 12'-2 1/2" 8' 4' 7'-5 1/2" 4' 0 4' 3'-1/2" 4' 0 4' 19'-11" 4' 10 COMMENTS LOCATION 8702 Edenberry Pl. 8797 Ede~berry Pl. 8804 Edenberry Pl. 8249 Elgin Ln. 6874 Fir Ct. 0l,. the corner of 7706 Firebrand Starward On the corner of Firethorn & Tamarack On the corner of 7527 Fredrikesen Ln. 8436 Galindo Dr. 7667 Gardella Dr. 7682 Gardetla Dr. ~ 1 Gardella Dr. 7772 Gardella Dr. 7760 Gardella Dr. 7784 Gardella Dr. 7356 Glenoaks 7512 Hillrose Dr. 75'12 Hillrose Dr. CURB & GUTTER (L.F.) ASPHALT OVERLAY (S.F.) SIDEWALK (WIDTH LENGTH) 4' 10'-6 1/2" 4' 24'-2 1/3" 4' 19'-1/2" 4' 19'-5" 4' 4'-3/4" 7' 11"-4' 26'-3/4" CONCRETE SAWCUT (L.F.) 4 4 8 8 4 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 TRENCH & SHIELD (L.F.) 10' 20' 10' 10' 0 20' 4' 29'-6" 8' 0 4 4 4 8 4 8 4 8 8 20'-6 1/2" 15'-9 1/2" 8' 18'-11" 19'-8 1/2" 7'-3 3/4" 6' 19'-6" 21'-10 1/2" 15'-6" 10' 10' 0 0 10' 0 0 10' 0 10' COMMENTS LOCATION 7520 Hillrose Dr. 7528 Hillrose Dr. On the corner of 8010 Holland & Vomac. Across the street from the corner of Holand & ~ lac . Across the street from the corner of Holand & Vomac. 7294 Kolb Pl. 7294 Kolb Pl. 7203 Kingston Pl. Across the street from 6880 Lancaster Dr. Across the street from ~38 Lancaster Dr. Across the street from 6950 Lancaster Dr. 7658 Landale Ave. 6900 Langmuir Ln. 7362 Larkdale Av. 7383 Limerick Ay. CURB & GUTTER (L.F.) 5 1 /2" ASPHALT OVERLAY (S.F.) 10'-4" SIDEWALK (WIDTH LENGTH) CONCRETE SAWCUT (L.F.) 21'-5 1/2" 8' 4 4 24'-6" 8' 20-8" 8' 12' 8' TRENCH & SHIELD (L.F.) 20' 20' 0 10' 4' 59'-8" 4' 10' 4' 34'-2" 4' 2'-6" 34'-4" 4' 4' 11'-2" 4' 6'-10" 8' 1'-11 1/2" 4' 19'-9 1/2" 8' 8 14'-6 1/2" 8' 12'-2 1/2" 8' 19'-6" 8' 4' 4' 4' 10' 10' 0 0 0 0 10' 0 10' COMMENTS LOCATION 7428 Limerick Av. 8442 Longford Way 8527 Longford Way 8605 Longford Way 8709 Longford Way 8~97 Longford Way 8365 Lucania St. 6887 Mansfield Av. On the corner of Mansfield Av. & Brighton Dr. (NW) 11571 Manzanita Ln. 11571 Manzanlta Ln. 11623 Manzanita Ln. t 671 Manzanita Ln. 11671 Manzanita Ln. 11671 Manzanita Ln. Across the street from 11680 Manzanita Ln. Across the street from 11680 Manzanita Ln. 6362 Maple Dr. CURB & GUTTER L.F.) ASPflALT OVERLAY (S.F.) SIDEWALK (WIDTH 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 CONCRETE TRENCH SAWCUT SHIELD LENGTH) (L.F.) (L.F.) 22'-3 1/2" 8' 10' 12'-6 1/4" 4' 10' 19'-5 3/4" 8' 20' 27'-10" 4' 20' 25'-8 3/4" 8' 20' 21'-1/2" 4' 0 26'-6" 4' 10' 8' 4' 10' 27'-6 1/2" 8' 20' 4' 8' 4' 10' 2'-6 1/2" 8' 4' 10' 4' 13'-10" 8' 10' 2'-6" 16'-7 1/2" 4' 10' 4' 10' 0 20' 2'-6' 10-'1 5/8" 0 20' 4' 10'-1 5/8" 0 10' 2'-6" 10'-1 5/8" 0 0 7 ' -4" 8 ' 0 COMMENTS LOCATION 7072 Newport Ct. 8481 Newry Pl. 8497 Newry Pl. 6845 Penn Dr. Across the street I m 8142 Peppertree Rd. 6934 Pine Ct, Across the street from 6712 Poplar Wy. 6731 Poplar Wy. Across the street from 6752 Poplar Way 6768 Poplar Wy. 6906 Post Rd, ¢n~1 Prince Dr. 11360 Rampart Dr. 8758 Shamrock Pl. 7802 Shannon Av. 7803 Shannon Av. 7816 Shannon Avo 7~81 Shannon Ay. CURB & GUTTER (L.F.) ASPHALT OVERLAY (S.F.) (WIDTH 4' 4' 4' 2' 4 4 4 4 4 7 -4" 4 4 4 4 4' SIDEWALK LENGTH) 7 ' -7" 12'-2" 19'-11" 3 '-9" 11 '-10" 8 ' -4" 5 '-5 1 /2" 14'-4" 7' 12'-5" 5'-6 1/2" 5 '-7" 12'-4" 11 ' -6" 2'-5" 29'-3 1/2" 9 ' -4" 16'-4 1/2" CONCRETE SAWCUT (L.F.) 8' 4' 8' 8' 4' 8' 4' 8' 0 4' 4' 8' 8' 8' TRENCH SHIELD (L.F.) 10' 10' 10' 0 10' 10' 0 0 0 0 0 0 20' 10' 0 20' 0 0 & COMMENTS LOCATION 7072 Newport Ct. 8481 Newry Pl. 8497 Newry Pl. 6845 Penn Dr. Across the street i om 8142 Peppertree 6934 Pine Ct. Across the street 6712 Poplar Wy. 6731 Poplar Wy. Across the street 6752 Poplar Way 6768 Poplar Wy. 6906 Post Rd. ~921 Prince Dr. 11360 Rampart Dr 8758 Shamrock Pl 7802 Shannon Av 7803 Shannon Av 7816 Shannon Av 7881 Shannon Av Rd. from from CURB & GUTTER (L.F.) ASPHALT OVERLAY (S.F.) SIDEWALK (WIDTH 4' 4' 4 2 4 4 4 7 -4" 4 4 4 4 4 CONCRETE TRENCH SAWCUT SHIELD LENGTH) (L.F.) (L.F.) 7'-7" 8' 10' 12'-2" 4' 10' 19'-11" 8' 10' 3'-9" 8' 0 11'-10" 8' 10' 8'-4" 4' 10' 5'-5 1/2" 8' 0 14'-4" 8' 0 7' 8' 0 12'-5" 8' 0 5'-6 1/2" 4' 0 5'-7" 8' 0 12'-4" 0 20' 11'-6" 4' 10' 2'-5" 4' 0 29'-3 1/2" 8' 20' 9'-4" 8' 0 16'-4 1/2" 8' 0 COMMENTS LOCATION On the corner of 7777 Shannon & Vomac. Om the corner of 7777 Shannon & Vomac Across the street from the corner of Shannon and Vomac Rd. 7313 Sheffield Ln. 11477 Silvergate 11477 Silvergate 11479 Silvergate 11479 Silvergate 11497 Silvergate 11499 Sitvergate 11499 Silvergate ~.ox. 300' from San Ramon Rd. - left hand side facing west on Silvergate Dr. Aprox. 200' from Peppertree Rd. right hand side facing west on Dublin Green Dr. Across the street from 11681 Solana Dr. CURB & GUTTER (L.F.) 26'-0" 32"-0" 26 ' -6" ASPHALT OVERLAY (S.F.) 400 S.F. SIDEWALK (WIDTH LENGTH) CONCRETE SAWCUT (L.F.) 4I 31-10 1/4" 4' TRENCH SHIELD (L.F.) 24'-4" 8' 0 7'-11" 8' 20' 5'-9 1/2" 4' 10' 4' 34'-0" 0 0 4' 29'-0" 4' 0 4' 18'-0" 0 0 4' 26"-0" 0 50' 4' 6' 8' 0 6 9'-6" 4' 10' 4' 8' 8' 12' & COMDIENTS LOCATION 11681 Solana Dr. 11693 Solana Dr. 6669 Spruce Ln. On the corner of Spuce Ln, & Hemlock St. T ~2 Starward Dr. 7527 Sutton Ln.~ 7542 Sutton Ln. 7908 Tamarack Dr. 7252 Thames Ct. 7258 Tina Pl. 7258 Tina Pl. 7942 Vomac Rd. A~ross the street t ~m 7942 Vomak Rd. Across the street from 7942 Vomak Rd. Across the street 7970 Vomac Rd. Across the street 7970 Vomac Rd. Across the street 7970 Vomac Rd. from from from CURB & GUTTER (L.F.) 5 1/2" ASPHALT OVERLAY (S.F.) CONCRETE TRENCH & SIDEWALK SAWCUT SHIELD (WIDTH LENGTH) (L.F.) (L.F.) 4' 8' 10' 30' 4' 16'-13" 8' 10' 4' 13'-2 1/2" 8' 0 4' 3'-11" 4' 10' 4' 10'-2" 4' 10' 4' 13'-7 1/2" 4' 10' 4' 20'-7" 4' 20' 4' 7'-10" O' 10' 4' 20'-1" 8' 20' 4' 12' 4' 20' 2'-6" 5'-6" 0 0 4' 10'-1/2" 4' 20' 4'-5" 11'-9" 4' 20' 8' 20' 4' 6'-2" 8' 20' 4' 2' 12' 40' 4' 2' 0 0 COMMENTS LOCATION 7970 Vomac Rd. 7970 Vomac Rd. 8134 Vomac Rd. Across the street from 8134 Vomac Rd. ~ 'oss the street from 8134 Vomac Rd. Across the street from 8150 Vomac Rd. Across the street from 8150 Vomac Rd. 8240 Vomac Rd 8243 Vomac Rd 8337 Vomac Rd 8352 Vomac Rd 1~63 Vomac Rd 8366 Vomac Rd Across the street from 8738 Wicklow Ln. 7072 York Dr. Across the street from 6856 York Rd. CURB & GUTTER (L.F.) ASPHALT OVERLAY (S.F.) CONCRETE TRENCH & SIDEWALK SAWCUT SHIELD (WIDTH LENGTH) (L.F.) (L.F.) 4' 6'-2" 4' 0 4' 5'-8" 4' 0 4' 19'-9" 8' 10' 4' 11-4 1/2" 8' 10' 4' 14' 8' 10 4' 9'-4 1/2" 4' 10 4' 9'-11 2/8" 8' 20 4' 18'-9" 8 4' 20'-1 1/2" 4 4' 21'-6 1/2" 8 4' 7'-6 1/2" 4 4' 13'-9 1/2" 4 4' 6'-2" 8 4' 10'+ 4 4' 7'-1/2" 8' 4' 25'-6 1/2" 8' 10 10 10 10 0 0 10' 0 10' CO~IMENTS LOCATIOH Across the street from 6904 York Dr. On the corner of 4070 York Dr. & Cedar Ln. 1996 Zapata CURB GUTTER (L.F.) ASPHALT OVERLAY (L.F.) SIDEWALK (WIDTH 4' 4' 4' LENGTH) 16'-2/3" 13'-9" 12' CONCRETE SAWCUT (L.F.) 8' 4' TRENCH SHIELD (L.F.) 0 0 10' COMMENTS