HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 7.3 St. Raymond's Church (2) ?/0 - q0 CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 23 , 1984 SUBJECT Old St . Raymond ' s Church EXHIBITS ATTACHED Letter from Amador-Livermore Historical Society dated January . 13 , 1984 ; Minutes of Park & Recreation Commission Meeting of December 13 , 1983 RECOMMENDATION Consider report and provide Staff/Commission direction FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Undetermined DESCRIPTION Background In October, the Amador-Livermore Valley Historical Society (ALVHS) contacted the City Council indicating an interest in meeting with the Park & Recreation Commission to investigate the possibility of mutually providing for the restoration of old St . Raymond' s Church. Representatives of ALVHS were in attendance at the Park & Recreation Commission meeting on December 13 , 1983 . The representatives indicated to the Commission members that they would like to consider a lease arrangement with the City . ALVHS President, Alan Campbell , indicated that they were considering a twenty year lease at one dollar per year, which would include renewal options . The Park & Recreation Commission had concerns about providing funding for capital improvements on a building which the City did not own . Therefore, the Commission requested additional information and a legal opinion from the City Attorney . The City Attorney has indicated that if a mutually acceptable agreement cannot be negotiated then the City Council would have the option to acquire the property for public use through emminent domain proceedings . This process would require the City to pay fair market value for the property based on an independent appraisal of the property . Park & Recreation Commission Request At the Park & Recreation Commission meeting on January 17 , 1984 , the Commission requested additional information on the potential cost of acquiring the old St. Raymond' s Church. The Commission is desirous of analyzing all costs and options available. In order to proceed with this process , the Commission has requested that the City Council authorize Staff to acquire an independent appraisal . Included in the motion was the request to have the City acquire an estimate of the cost of repairs necessary to bring the building up to code . --------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPIES TO: Alan Campbell, President, ALVHS P . 0. Box 573 , Pleasanton ITEM NO. 3 Park & Recreation Commission AGENDA STATEMENT: Old St. Raymond' s Church Page 2 Additional Correspondence Subsequent to the Park & Recreation Commission meeting, the City Council has received a letter from Mr . Alan Campbell, President of ALVHS . The Society has stated their intent to maintain ownership of the Church property in trust for the people of the Valley. They have indicated that they expect to begin restoration as soon as the weather permits and continue with the project to the extent that they have resources . Staff Review of Appraisal Costs At the Park & Recreation Commission meeting, the Commissioners were under the impression that an appraisal would cost approximately $150 . 00 The assumption of a small expenditure for a qualified appraisal encouraged them to request authorization . However, subsequent to the Commission meeting, Staff has consulted with the City Attorney on the cost of this item. The Attorney has estimated the cost between $3 , 000 and $5 , 000 . An appraisal which is used in emminent domain proceedings is required to be prepared by an independent appraiser and would serve as a legal document . Conclusion Therefore, given the additional information on the cost of appraisal and the receipt of correspondence from ALVHS, Staff requests the! City Council consider options available and that they provide direction accordingly . Amador -Livermore Valley ?* � c Historical Society .. ..��� I'', -,�-', January 13 , 1984 City Council City of Dublin 6500 Dublin Blvd . Dublin, CA 94568 Dear Mayor Snyder and Membersof the City Council : As a result of our meeting with your Park and Recreation Commission and the subsequent publicity I feel I should make the position of the Amador Livermore Valley Historical Society clear with respect to St . Raymond ' s Church . The A. L . V .H. S . holds the church in trust for the people of the Valley and it has always been our intent to restore it as nearly as possible to its original state . We do not feel that we have the right to relinquish this trust and , therefore , we shall proceed with our restoration plans . We intend to start as soon as the weather permits and will proceed at a pace determined by the extent of our resources . We look forward to the support of the people of the Dublin area in our efforts to complete the restoration . Very truly yours , Alan B. Campbell President , A.L .V.H . S . ABC/ht P.O. Box 573 • Pleasanton, CA 94566 (415) 462-2766 PARK AND RECREATION CO�fMMISSION MEETING MINUTES December 13 , 1983 A regular meeting of the City of Dublin Parks and Recreation Commission was held on December 13 , 1983 . The meeting was called to order at 7 : 35 p .m. by Chairman Zika . ROLL CALL - Chairman Zika called the roll with all memebers being present . APPROVAL OF MINUTES - The approval of the minutes of the meeting of November 22 , 1983 was moved by Commissioner McCormick and seconded by Commissioner Schmitt . =OLDST . AYMOND ' S CHURC e iscussion of the Old St . Raymond' s Church property was continued from the meeing on November 22 , 1983 , to allow input from representatives of the Amador Livermore Valley Historical Society, (ALVHS ) the current owners of the church property . Mr . Alan Campbell , President of ALVHS explained the group ' s interest in restoring the property . He indicated that the title to the property was held in a trust and ALVHS wanted it maintained as a historical monument in the public interest. Mr . Campbell indicated that they did not have a specific proposal, however, they are considering some sort of a long term lease arrangement with any group which would like to assist in restoring and maintaining the site . A lease for approximately 20 years at $1 . 00 per year is presently envisioned. Commissioner McCormick questioned whether a lease micht "-include an option to purchase the property . Mfr . Campbell indicated that the onlv option likely to be included would be a-: option to renew. Chairman Zika inquired as to the conditions w1'-1c' may be included in a lease . Mr . Campbell indicated that the deed would not allow the property to be used for religious purposes . He also indicated that they would not want to see it used as a regular meeting room. There was some discussion as to the restrictions placed on the deed and the opportunity to change them.. Ms . Dagmaor Fulton, Vice president of ALVHS indicated that this had been tried in the past and the Catholic Church was not receptive to a change in the conditions . Commissioner Donnell , questioned whether ALVHS had any estimates for the cost of retoration. Ms . Fulton indicated that they are doing research and do not have an estimate. Commissioner Schmitt inquired as to the amount of funds placed in the trust for the restoration. Mr . Campbell responded that it was between $5 , 000-$10 , 000 . The Society is currently trying to determine the exact amount . He stated that the society had expended funds in the past which were not charged to those funds and they were in the process making the adjustments . There was some discussion as to the desire to have city ownership . The representatives of ALVHS indicated that they saw it as something that should be preserved for the entire Valley . Commissioner Donnell questioned whether a 99 year lease might be a possibility . Mr . Campbell stated that he had no specific proposal and he would have to investigate the legal aspects . Commissioner McCormick suggested that ALVHS draft a proposed lease so the city could determine what was being offered. It was Mr . Campbell ' s opinion that it was too early to do this and they - - would want to have further discussions . Commissioner Donnell questioned whether the funds in the trust would be available to a group who leased the property . Mr . Campblell indicated that the money collected would be expended on the restoration . In continuing the discussion , Chairman Zika stated his concern with whether it would be appropriate to spend funds on a building , which would not be owned by the City . Commissioner McCormick questioned whether the City Manager had received any information from the City Attorney _ Mr . Ambrose explained that if the building were condemned the City would have to pay fair market value . He indicated that the City Attorney would need additional information and would need to examine the deed. Commissioner Schmitt made a motion that the Commission request the City Attorney to investigate legal remedies . The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hernandez and unanimously carried . Chairman Zika questioned Commissioner McCormick regarding information from Dublin Historical Preservation Societv. Commissioner McCormick indicated that he had contacted some members on an informal basis , however, their December meeting had been cancelled. He will be presenting the issue to them at their January meeting . COMMU`TTY - ST . PATRICK ' S DAY CELEBRATION The ommission discussed the list of potent/adde to be invited to meeting intended to determine inter community ce ebration. The following groups wer the list : PTA org nizations , Adult Softball , Ice Skap, Schools including Valley Christian Center, Junio , Boy Scouts , Girl Sc uts , Bluebirds , 4-H, Murray Advicil , Churches , DSRSD , a horseless carriage group and club . The groups will b invited to the next meeting t possible activitie for a corr�,unity- wide celeb/ation . ?r. Pete Snvde_ also addressed the Comm "sion on the Lions Club activities fort . Patrick ' s Day. The ions Club is attemOting to organiz a parade on March l- , 1984 . They have also secured the use o Shannon Center an are planning a day long celebration including food, refresh ents, and entertainment. Mr . Snvder requested the Commissions s port of this project, as a great deal of time has een devoted o the planning stage . Commissioner Schmitt ntioned hat there has been previous discussions about the possi ' lity f having a week long event. Given the Lions Club activit es Saturday and the Chamber of Commerce event on Friday nigh t was suggested that whatever activities the Commission help d to coordinate not conflict with those already planned. COMMISSION MEETING DATE The City Manager .r orted to t e Commission that the meeting room at Homestead Savi gs was only a ailable on the 3rd or 4th Tuesday . The consen s of the Commis ion Members was that the 3rd Tuesday was pre erred. This was e tablished as the regular meeting date . GOALS AND OBJEC IVES At the evious meeting the Commissione briefly discussed goals and objectives . Chairman Zika expresse an interest in having rem istic objectives . The discussion r ulted in identifv; g the following goals : a Resolving or Acquiring Old St . Raymonds Ch ch Creation of a list of Community Resources C . Monitor and provide input on the Recreation ' rector recruitment . d . Coordinate a Community Celebration e . Monitor the acquisition of Kolb Park