HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 5.2 Appeal PA-023 LangeVAR (2) AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 24, 1985 SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING Appeal of Planning Commission action to deny PA 85-023 James Lange request for four variances EXHIBITS ATTACHED: A - Draft Resolution denying variance request Background Attachments 1 - Letter from James Lange dated 5/22/B5 2 - General Plan Map 3 - 5/20/85 Planning Commission Staff Report with background attachments 4 - Minutes of 5/20/85 Planning Commission Meeting RECO¡""U1ENDATION: . r¿{ q ~l} 1 - Open public hearing and hear Staff presentation 2 - Take testimony from applicant and the public 3 - Question Staff, applicant and the public 4 - Close public hearing and deliberate 5A- Adopt Resolution denying application or 5B- Direct Staff to draft resolution initiating General Plan Amendment and approving application, and continue item FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: On January 24, 1985, Mr. Lange met with Staff to discuss the development of auto glass replacement facility at 6997 Dublin Boulevard. Mr. Lange was informed at this meeting and again by letter on 4/9/85 that Staff had significant problems wit:--' the proposed use. It was Staff's posi tion that the proposed use would be inconsistent 'tli th the Retail/Office designation as provided for in the Ge~eral Plan. The General Plan designates the land use on this site as Retail/Office: ----------------------------------------------------------------- ITEH NO. 5·2..1 COPIES TO: James Lange Planning De?artment "Shopping centers, stores, restaurants, business and professional offices, motels, service stations and sale of auto parts are included in this classification. Residential use is excluded except in the Downtown Intensification Area." (Page 4) The appropriate General Plan land use de~signation for an auto glass replacement facility would be in an area designated as Retail/Office and Automotive: "This adds auto Residential classification includes dealerships, auto body uses are not permitted." all retail/office uses and shops, and similar uses. (Page 5) Mr. Lange submitted an facility with four regulations. application for variances to an auto glass replacement the C-2-B-40 District 1 - To allow construction of a 6,435 sq. ft. lot, rather than the 40,000 sq. ft. lot required by Zoning 2 _ To allow construction on a 55 ft. wide lot, rather than the l50 ft. meèian lot width required 3 - To allow zero (0) sideyard setback rather than the 20 ft. required sideyard setback ~ _ To allow parking in the 30 ft. front yard, rather than keeping the required front yard clear of parking On 4/30/85, the Zoning Administrator held a public hearing and denied Mr. Lange's application. Mr. Lange appealed. On 5/20/85, the Planning Commission unanimously upheld the action of the Zoning Administrator. In denying the appeal, the Planning Commission made the following findings: 1) The proposed use, an auto glass replacement facility, is not consistent with the Dublin General Plan which designates the Site for retail or oîfice development; 2) The proposed use would be more appropriately located in one of the industrial or auto related commercial areas of the City; 3) The proposed use is not consistent with other office and retail projects approved on Dublin Boulevard; and 4) The size of the site is inadequate for the proposed use. An auto glass replacement facility would operate more attractively and efficiently on a site larger than 6,435 sq. ft. On May 24, 198 5, Mr. Lange appealed the Planning Commi ss ion denial of the application. The 5/20/85 Planning Commission Staff Report is attached which contains the detailed background information. Staff recommends that the City Council adopt a resolution denying the application. Should the City Council want to approve the application, the City Council should direct Staff to draft a resolution l) initiating a General Plan Amendment to consiàer changing the land use designation from Retail/Office to Retail/Office and Automotive and 2) approving the applicJtior. with appropriate conditions, and continue the item until the next City Council meeting. -2- / RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN DENYING JIM LANGE'S APPEAL AND UPHOLDING THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION WHICH DENIED PA 85-023, A REQUEST FOR FOUR VARIANCE AT 6997 DUBLIN BOULEVARD WHEREAS, James -Lange filed an application for four Variances to allow the construction of a 1, 800 sq. ft. building at 6997 Dublin Boulevard; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Administrator did hold a public hearing on April 30 , 1985 , on this application; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Administrator denied said application on April 30 , 1985 ; and WHEREAS, James Lange filed a timely appeal of said denial ; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear said appeal at a public hearing on 5/20/85 ; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did deny said appeal; and WHEREAS, James Lange filed a timely appeal of said Planning Commission denial ; and WHEREAS, the City Council did consider said appeal at a public hearing on 6/24/85 ; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted recommending the appeal be denied; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and consider all said reports, recommendations and testimony as hereinabove set forth; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin City Council does hereby find that: 1 ) The proposed use, an auto glass replacement facility, is not consistent with the Dublin General Plan which designates the Site for retail or office development; 2 ) The proposed use would be more appropriately located in one of the industrial or auto related commercial areas of the City;DP 83-20 -, - eA 3 ) The proposed use is not consistent with other office and retail projects approved on Dublin Boulevard; and 4 ) The size of the site is inadequate for the proposed use . An auto glass replacement facility would operate more attractively and efficiently on a site larger than 6, 435 sq. ft . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Dublin City Council does hereby deny said appeal and uphold the action of the Planning Commission. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 24th day of June, 1985 . Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk DP 83-20 ,/ ti • ..... ( `dlige • hilde 041pio- _--= - REALTOR S t --- - = ;; �a'-• �� ��.'C,e`�,ty .�;.:�+.���.. 6500 VILLAGE PARKWAY, SUITE 206 � �• �'�;��' 1 �►�{�, :�� DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 94566 `,7. . rtwi -::t.. . 7-4,-* ;:, (415)828.6900 - - _-- - May 22, 1985 RECEIVED MPtY 24 1718.3 DUBLIN PLANNING Mr. Larry Tong, Planning Director City of Dublin P. 0. Box 2340 . Dublin, CA 94568 Re: Appeal of Zoning Adminis- trator Action to deny PA 85-023, James Lange request for four Dear Mr. Tong: variances at 6997 Dublin blvd. I would like to appeal the Planning Commissions's denial on the above captioned request for four (4) variances at 6997 Dublin Blvd. Please get us on the City Council Agenda as soon as possible. Very - ly yours, OP try 1114 JEL:vrh • cc: J. Ronald Findleton, Architect cc: Safelite i 4 , t 41771 117 07% .i' - I' 1.-LilL 1 Tr . • . ':• . - ,.... . • • - . . . Land Use and Circulation Sectioi ,Afgtt, . • . .,z . D u b I i n General Plan . . . .....:::::-. t...* .... .•:::....:•:.:.:.: .0.. . . , . , •• Residential • . . .; •-•. Single-Family Residential •••-••••'•'•••••••• • ..•....• .............. ., • 1--1 --- . • . -. -"!:-......................... ............ . Primary Planning Area . . • .... ,,, ,../.44..,-. :.....:.:••••:•:•:•:.:•:•::•:•:•:•:•.:.:.:.:, ...:.. Medium Density Residential r•• ', . . - c-11,••ii,i- : :.:•:-:-:•:•:•:•:•:-:-::..:...... •P„ •„,,,_- 4;1. .. • i;j." •:.i...:', ''. 4.....-• ' -.7.11r! . 0•.',." 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CITY OF DUBLIN PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA STATEMENT/STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: May 20, 1985 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department Staffs k SUBJECT: Appeal of Zoning Administrator Action to deny PA 85-023 , James Lange request for four variances at 6997 Dublin Boulevard GENERAL INFORMATION PROJECT: A request by James Lange for four variances to construct a 1, 800 sq. ft. building at 6997 Dublin Boulevard APPLICANT, REPRESENTATIVE & PROPERTY OWNER: James Lange 6500 Village Parkway Dublin, California 94568 LOCATION: 6997 Dublin Boulevard ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 941-210-28-2 • PARCEL SIZE: 6 , 876 sq. ft. EXISTING ZONING AND LAND USE : C-2-B-40, vacant GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: Retail/Office SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: North: C-2-B-40 , Commercial South: M-1, Light Industrial & Office East: C-2-B-40 , Commercial West: C-2-B-40 , Commercial ZONING HISTORY: On February 9 , 1984, the Dublin Zoning Administrator approved five variances to allow the construction of a two, story 3, 600 sq. ft. office building on this site; the project was never built. On April 30 , 1985, the Dublin Zoning Administrator denied a request for four l variances to allow the construction of an 1, 800 sq. ft. building. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS : Section 8-40 .2 states that a lot zoned C-2-B-40 shall have: 1) A front yard of 30 ' 2 ) Side yards of 20 ' 3 ) A minimum site area of 40 , 000 sq. ft . 4 ) A median lot width of 150 ' feet Section 8-63 . 4 states that required parking shall not occupy the required front yard. ITEM NO. 7 _., 1 Section 8-93 .0 of the Zoning Ordinance states that, in order to grant a Variance, the following findings must be made in the affirmative : 1) that there are special circumstances including size, shape, topography, location, or surroundings, applicable to the property which deprive the property of privileges enjoyed by other property in the vicinity under the identical zoning classification; 2 ) that the granting of the application will not constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and zone; 3 ) that the granting of the application will not be detrimental to persons or property in the neighborhood or to the public welfare. Section 65906 of the State Planning and Zoning laws states : Variances from the terms of the zoning ordinances shall be granted only when, because of special circumstances applicable to the property, including size , shape, topography, location or surroundings , the strict application of the zoning ordinance deprives such property of privileges enjoyed by other property in the vicinity and under identical zoning classification. Further, any Variance granted shall be subject to such conditions as will assure that the adjustment thereby authorized shall not constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and zone in which such property is situated. A variance shall not be granted for a parcel of property which authorizes a use or activity which is not otherwise expressly authorized by the zone regulations governing the parcel of property. The provisions of this section shall not apply to Conditional Use Permits . ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The City proposes to adopt a Negative Declaration which finds the project will not have a significant effect on the environment. NOTIFICATION: Public Notice of the May 20, 1985, hearing was published in the Tri-Valley Herald, mailed to adjacent property owners , and posted in public buildings . ANALYSIS : Mr. Lange is applying for the following four variances : 1) To allow the construction of a building on less than a 40 , 000 sq. ft . lot in the C-2-B-40 Zoning District (the lot is 6 , 435 sq. ft. ) 2 ) To allow the construction of a building on a lot with less than 150 feet of median lot width (the lot is 55 feet wide) l 3 ) To have sideyards of less than 20 feet (no sideyard is proposed along the west property line) 4 ) To allow parking in the required frontyard (the required frontyard in the C-2-B-40 Zoning District is 30 ' ) Mr . Lange is applying for the variances in order to construct a 1, 800 sq . ft . building to be utilized as an auto glass replacement facility. Prior to filing the application, Mr . Lange was informed that Staff has significant concerns regarding the proposed use. Those concerns were primarily related to the establishment of an auto glass replacement facility in a location that was designated for retail and office use in the General Plan Staff suggested that the proposed use be relocated to one of the industrial or auto-related commercial areas of the City. // / (See attached letter dated 4/9/85) . As noted above, the Zoning Administrator formally denied the application on April 30, 1985 . Staff has previously encouraged the use of the site for parking and/or landscaping in conjunction with the adjacent commercial development . The applicants indicated this proposal was not economically feasible . Staff ' s position on this site has been that a variance could favorably be acted upon if the use was retail or office in nature and the proposed project had superior design features to compensate for the variances . In this case, the proposed use is auto related and the building lacks any special design features . However, it should be noted that Staff ' s principal objection to the project is the inconsistency of the proposed use with the General Plan designation . The General Plan defines the Retail/Office designation as : "Shopping centers , stores ,restaurants, business and professional offices , motels , service stations and sale of auto parts are included in this classification. Residential use is excluded except in the Downtown Intensification Area . " The General Plan designated other areas of the City for Retail/Office and Automotive . This designation is defined as : "This classification includes all retail/office uses and adds auto dealerships , auto body shops, and similar uses . Residential uses are not permited" . The proposed use would be consistent with the Retail/Office and Automotive designation but would appear to be inconsistent with the Retail/Office designation. In addition, the project is inconsiste.nt with other projects recently approved on Dublin Boulevard: Blancarte (retail) , Automation Electronics (office) , Huening (retail) , Bedford (retail) , Great Western (office) , Bay Tree (office) and KB Enterprises (retail) . Mr . Lange notes that there are several existing automotive uses along Dublin Boulevard and therefore his proposed use is in "harmony" with these uses . It should be noted that these uses were approved prior to City Incorporation and prior to the development of a Dublin General Plan. The uses 4 that the City has approved along Dublin Boulevard are indicated above and reflect office and retail uses . In conclusion, it is Staff ' s position that this type of use is not appropriate in this portion of Dublin Boulevard and is inconsistent with the General Plan. RECOMMENDATION FORMAT: 1 ) Open public hearing and hear staff presentation 2 ) Take testimony from applicant and the public 3 ) Question staff , applicant and the public 4 ) Close public hearing and deliberate 5 ) Adopt Resolution ( s ) regarding the Negative Declaration /And Variance, or direct Staff to make revisions and continue hearing . -3- ACTION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt a Resolution (Exhibit A) which approves the Negative Declaration and (Exhibit B) which denies the variance request . ATTACHMENTS Exhibit A - Draft Resolution Approving Negative Declaration Exhibit B - Draft Resolution Denying Variance Background Attachments : 1) April 30 , 1985 Zoning Administrator Staff Report 2) April 30 , 1985 Zoning Administration Minutes 3 ) Appeal letter dated 5/1/85 4 ) Negative Declaration 5 ) Site Plan Reduction 6 ) Applicable portion of the General Plan map COPIES TO Applicant Building Inspection Department -4- RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ---------------------------------------- ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR PA 85-023 , A REQUEST FOR FOUR VARIANCES TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 1, 800 SQUARE FOOT BUILDING AT 6997 DUBLIN BOULEVARD WHEREAS, Jim Lange filed an application for four variances to construct a 1, 800 sq. ft. building on the abandoned DSRSD property on the north side of Dublin Boulevard, south of Clark Avenue; and WHEREAS, an Initial Study was completed which indicated that the proposed project will not have a significant effect on the environment; and WHEREAS, A Negative Declaration has been prepared for this application in accordance with CEQA; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on this application; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted recommending the Negative Declaration is in compliance with CEQA NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission does hereby approve said Negative Declaration. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of May, 1985 AYES : NOES : / ABSENT: Planning Commission Chairman ATTEST : Planning Director / r\ithin 17 A Arli01 .1 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ------------------------------------------ DENYING JIM LANGE'S APPEAL AND UPHOLDING THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR ACTION WHICH DENIED PA 85-023, A REQUEST FOR FOUR VARIANCES AT 6997 DUBLIN BOULEVARD WHEREAS, Jim Lange filed an application for four Variances to allow the construction of a 1, 800 sq. ft. building at 6997 Dublin Boulevard; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Administrator did hold a public hearing on April 30 , 1985 , on this application; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Administrator denied said application on April 30 , 1985; and WHEREAS, Jim Lange filed a timely appeal of said denial; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear said appeal at a public hearing on 5/20/85 ; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, a Negative Declaration has been prepared for this application on the basis it will not have a significant effect on the environment; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted recommending the appeal be denied; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and consider all said reports , recommendations and testimony as hereinabove set forth; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission does hereby find that : 1) The proposed use , an auto glass replacement facility, is not consistent with the Dublin General Plan which designates t.r. Site for retail or office development; 2 ) The proposed use would be more appropriately located in one of the industrial or auto related commercial areas of the City; 3 ) The proposed use is not consistent with other office and retail projects approved on Dublin Boulevard; and 4 ) An auto glass replacement facility would operate more attractively and efficiently on a site larger than 6, 435 sq. ft. i pc_ ti,-1-e, 1 al . . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Dublin of Commission does hereby deny said appeal uphold the Zoning Administrator. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of May, 1985 . AYES: NOES : ABSENT: Planning Commission Chairman ATTEST: Planning Director 1 / // np P?-20 r CITY OF DUBLIN ZONING ADMINISTRATOR AGENDA STATEMENT/STAFF REPORT Meeting Date : April 30, 1985 TO: Zoning Administrator FROM: Planning Department Staff-5 SUBJECT: PA 85-023 , A request by James Lange for four variances at 6997 Dublin Boulevard GENERAL INFORMATION PROJECT: A request by James Lange for four variances to construct a 1, 800 sq. ft. building at 6997 Dublin • Boulevard APPLICANT, REPRESENTATIVE & PROPERTY OWNER: James Lange 6500 Village Parkway Dublin, California 94568 LOCATION: 6997 Dublin Boulevard ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 941-210-28-2 PARCEL SIZE: 6 , 876 sq. ft . EXISTING ZONING AND LAND USE: C-2-B-40, vacant GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: Retail/Office SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: North: C-2-B-40 , Commercial . South: M-1, Light Industrial & Office East: . C-2-B-40 , Commercial West: C-2-B-40 , Commercial ZONING HISTORY: On February 9, 1984, the Dublin Zoning Administrator approved five variances to allow the construction of a two, story 3, 600 sq. ft . office building on this site; the A project was never built. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS : .j Section 8-40 .2 states that a lot zoned C-2-B-40 shall -have : 1) A front yard of 30 ' 2 ) Side yards of 20 ' 3 ) A minimum site area of 40, 000 sq. ft . 4 ) A median lot width of 150 ' feet Section 8-63 .4 states that required parking shall not cccuov the required front yard. Section 8-93 .0 of the Zoning Ordinance states that, in order to grant a Variance, the following findings must be made in the affirmative: 1) that there are special circumstances including size, shape , topography, location, or surroundings, applicable to the/proper_y-which-deprive- the property of privileges enjoyed--by P� Msfro85 ITEM NO. T _3-1 ,117r � A 11111•111 other property in the vicinity under the identical zoning classification ; 2 ) that the granting of the application will not constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent with the limitations upon other • properties in the vicinity and zone ; 3 ) that the granting of the application will not be detrimental to persons or property in the neighborhood or to the public welfare . Section 65906 of the State Planning and Zoning laws states : Variances from the terms of the zoning ordinances shall be granted only when, because of special circumstances applicable to the property, including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings , the strict application of the zoning ordinance deprives such property of privileges enjoyed by other property in the vicinity and under identical zoning classification. Further, any Variance granted shall be subject to such conditions as will assure that the adjustment thereby authorized shall not constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent with the limitations upon other `properties in the vicinity and zone in which such property is situated. A variance shall not be granted for a parcel of property which authorizes a use or activity which is not otherwise expressly authorized by the zone regulations governing the parcel of property. The provisions of this section shall not apply to Conditional Use Permits . . ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The City proposes to adopt a Negative Declaration which finds the project will not have a significant effect on the environment. NOTIFICATION: Public Notice of the April 30, 1985, hearing was published in the Tri-Valley Herald, mailed to adjacent property owners , and posted in public buildings . ANALYSIS : Mr . Lange is applying for the following four variances: 1) To allow the construction of a building on less than a 40 , 000 sq. ft. lot in the C-2-B-40 Zoning District (the lot is 6 , 435 sq. ft. ) 2 ) To allow the construction of a building on a lot with less than 150 feet of median lot width (the lot is 55 feet wide) 3 ) To have sideyards of less than 20 feet (no sideyard is proposed along the west property line) 4 ) To allow parking in the required frontyard (the T.•'{ required frontyard in the C-2-B-40 Zoning District is 30 ' ) Mr. Lange is applying for the variances in order to construct a 1, 800 sq . ft . building to be utilized as an auto glass replacement facility. Prior to filing the application, Mr . Lange was informed that Staff has significant concerns regarding the proposed use. Those concerns were Pr-•, marily related to the establishment of an auto glass replacement facility in a location that was designated for retail and office use in the General Plan Staff suggested that the proposed use be relocated to one of the industrial or auto-related commercial areas of the City . ( See attached letter dated 4/9/35) . S_aff ' s position cn this site has been that a variance could favorably be acted upon if the use was retail or office in nature and the proposed project had superior design features to compensate for the variances . (; r. In this case, the proposed use is auto related and the building lacks any special design features. However, it should be noted that Staff ' s principal objection to the project is the inconsistency of the proposed use with the General Plan designation. Further, it is inconsistent -with other projects recently approved on Dublin Boulevard: Blancarte (retail) , Automation Electronics (office) , Huening (retail) , Bedford (retail) , Great Western (office) , Bay Tree (office) and K & B Enterprises (retail) . In conclusion, it is Staff ' s position that this type of use is not appropriate on Dublin Boulevard and is inconsistent with the General Plan. RECOMMENDATION FORMAT: 1 ) Open public hearing and hear staff presentation 2 ) Take testimony from applicant and the public 3) Question staff , applicant and the public 4 ) Close public hearing and deliberate 5 ) Adopt Resolution(s) regarding the Negative Declaration and Variance, or direct Staff to make revisions and continue hearing. ACTION: Staff recommends that the Zoning Administrator adopt a Resolution (Exhibit A) which approves the Negative Declaration and (Exhibit B) which denies the variance request. ATTACHMENTS . Exhibit A - Draft Resolution Approving Negative Declaration Exhibit B - Draft Resolution Denying Variance Background Attachments : 1) Letter to applicant dated 4/9/35 1 2 ) Site Plan reduction .} 3) Negative Declaration • COPIES TO Applicant Building Inspection Department • -3- RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR PA 85-023 , A REQUEST FOR FOUR VARIANCES TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 1, 800 SQUARE FOOT BUILDING AT 6997 DUDLIN BOULEVARD WHEREAS, Jim Lange filed an application for four variances to construct a 1 , 800 s . ft . building on the abandoned DSRSD property on the north side of Dublin Boulevard, south of Clark Avenue ; and • WHEREAS, an Initial Study was completed which indicated that the proposed project will not have a significant effect on the environment ; and • WHEREAS, A Negative Declaration has been prepared for this application in accordance with CEQA; and WHEREAS , a public hearing was held on this application; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS , a Staff Report was submitted recommending the Negative Declaration is in compliance with CEQA NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Zoning Administrator does hereby approve said Negative Declaration. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this th day of , 1985 Zoning Administrator j ( ( RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN DENYING PA 85-023 JIM LANGE'S VARIANCE REQUEST TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 1, 800 SQUARE FOOT BUILDING AT 6997 DUBLIN BOULEVARD WHEREAS, Jim Lange filed an application for four Variances to allow the construction of a 1, 800 sq. ft. building at 6997 Dublin Boulevard; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Administrator did hold a public hearing on April 30, 1985, on this application; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and • WHEREAS, a Negative Declaration has been prepared for i this application on the basis it will not have a significant 1 effect on the environment; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted recommending the application be denied; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Administrator did hear and consider all said reports, recommendations and testimony as hereinabove set forth; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Zoning Administrator does hereby find that: 1) The proposed use, an auto glass replacement facility, is net consistent with the Dublin General Plan which designate=_ the Site for retail or office development; 2) The proposed use would be more appropriately located inone . of the industrial or auto related commercial areas of th_ City; 3) The proposed use is not consistent with other office and ;1 retail projects approved on Dublin Boulevard; and 4 ) An auto glass replacement - facility would operate more `,' attractively and efficiently on a site larger than 6, 435 ft . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the. Dublin Zoning / .; Administrator does hereby deny said application. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this th day cf , 1985 . AYES : NOES: ABSENT : Zoning Administratc: i // / DP 83-20 ZONING ADMINISTRATOR HEARING MINUTES Meeting Date : April 30 , 1985 Meeting Time : 10 : 00 A.M. PROJECT: PA 85-023 , a request by James Lange for four variances at 6997 Dublin Boulevard. Mr. Tong, Zoning Administrator, discussed the format for the hearing and indicated that any decision could be appealed to the Planning Commission and City Council if necessary. Mr. Tong opened the public hearing . Mr. DeLuca, Associate Planner, presented the Staff Report. Mr. Lange was applying for the following four variances : 1) To allow the construction of a building on less than a 40 , 000 sq. ft. lot in the C-2-B-40 Zoning District (the lot is 6 , 435 sq. ft . ) 2 ) To allow the construction of a building on a lot with less than 150 feet of median lot width (the lot is 55 feet wide) 3 ) To have sideyards of less than 20 feet (no sidevard is proposed along the west property line) 4 ) To allow parking in the required frontyard ( the required frontyard in the C-2-B-40 Zoning District is 30 ' ) The purpose of the variance is to allow the constructin of an 1, 800 sq. ft. building to be utilized as an auto glass replacement facility. Mr. DeLuca noted that Staff ' s principal objection to the application relates to the inconsistency of the proposed use to the General Plan designation of Retail/Office. The differences between Retail/Office and Retail/Office and Automotive as provided in the General Plan were discussed. Mr. Lange, applicant, stated he was not sure why the property was zoned C-2-B-40 in the first place . He noted that the use was allowed in the C-2 District and that there were auto-related uses in close proximity. k C VCS• 5 I-AD '65 ' ' f . Y 7 In7- ' ;;), Mr. Hilde, a business partner with Mr . Lange, stated that there were several existing automotive uses along Dublin Boulevard. Mr . Findleton, architect, stated that the auto glass replacement facility was the best use for the site . Mr . DeLuca clarified the General Plan designations and discussed the new Huening project on Dublin Boulevard. Mr. Tong closed the public hearing . Mr . Tong reviewed the Staff ' s recommendations and finding that the proposed use would be inconsistent with the Retail/Office designation in the General Plan . He also discussed the procedure for requesting the City Council to initiate a General Plan Amendment to change the designation from Retail/Office uses to Retail/Office and Automotive uses . Mr. Tong then adopted the Resolution (Exhibit "B" ) which denied the variance request. • 421fffiv62_41-20N-f----<- date ( Zoning Administr t r I • •.;..t.:..:,•;,:i........,!;.. ,.•;•; f,„,••,.,(..,-.1••,.......4r.....•...•.,•t.... :, --.•-•.,,.....-,'.1,.. , ... ....,::„•.;;;...4•,./. / ' ,.....•...:. ••• •• •.4.• .....t . - . .. : . .'. ; • . : '•'"1•...i..."1."'''.17'■.7..!-7''.1...* ,L",: •,..': ..: ' ..:,-7-. 1 ‘ s . ■ .e. t. , .ti•...;.. .c.o.:4 L.-.4•si Co.)1."' 27....' ; 4r--,.1 '........' 7•••••,•- - • •- .•'1.: 1 .1;r:J it." ■Pt: .i:•:...1 :.t. • : 4 •14 i'-•''‘'''7.7:•:.:-•::..'• ..t:-.•••1::,......, ; !!"i.'':-il.-•• Au,,,.„, li,...,,,••:......;,.1.-74y40, ..1••. . ---.r- 'i II ',1,•!..• • 1.T.',.?...A....V'5.'1'::.....i.••.::.1.7u:O._. .,_._,..ta.•.; .;._., .... .. .......r.. )1:-.S•1‘•,,-41,..- -4,,,i•:-...4r....•,.7.,i,1;.,,,11,...t41,7.0...t,. .-•c.1--.:,,i,,:. ..:Kri.:-.... ,. •:.-••:...-.,...:--...... ..,••-•,-......? . - ......• .. .. -.;•,.-:-'.,...,..:2,..1.,i.-„ .1.... 7 ...;.,,,,... .•. :....:. ....:....q:. . _ ._ _ • • .1 ;": Ian e • i e _:. .. • .... : fq...: Akita, -,-••••4 •tr.:...•- • • ' ' f b or • i t77--- .., -,...,-.,..‘," .. . ...,••••„,„,,-.• „„.,..-...„---______,_ ....... , : ( - • Iiii;iiii6.• ---7-------. .. a - '' cm-= .... • •" ' '' '. • : R EALTOR • - .T4ip .....4 .,..-- el • c. • .. ....-: •:' _ ... . • • . • ';;. •,4*i..•••• 4. . ---.... .....4-•••11,...r.7:1...kliri111..r.1.4" .%... • •• .."• ,.. are...*is1:Pi'41,110. 4.761.1.71114... • - ' ... t •.•..•• • -•6500 VILLAGE PARKWAY, SUITE 2C 5 • '.'.-..• skair.Aei"4141.4e 'r' t.'4,•10*.reage.Litr..■ • t 4 etkp Iwdrefi2f.'.4h41111Krile.,....,(444 ■C . kt - DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 94568 ii. :: •- - Neal, 4ifIr4j .04,"7■01L4 I ar"as '••,7% 4r.Wit ,. •- (415)823-6900 . . •- • ...' ..• . . -• :- -•• . -.. - " • . : '. --' -- • . .• - ' ::'--- --- - 1. :.:-. . • ...' • • .' •,•Nay 1,..1985 • ••• . •• ••••••,......•c..%•1.',r`oi..,1,i):,4:.. ;'..:. 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''''............17:...".;.':..• ..-• .• Zoning Administrator *. . - . . . . • • • . . • - • • • Planning Department . •• .. • . . . . . . - • of Dublin • . •- ...- .. • .. .. • • . . . . . '• ‘.•'- - '••••••••• •••••••.•City .....,.......... . • . . • . . • • . . . • . .: . : - •••••• • •• . ... . P - 0 :Box 2340 '.... - . • , - • •-• • • • . 1 •. ..• . • • 1 - • • - ;- • • i '• '*••• •:-.7....7. • ii•• • •••••Dublin ' C ::::7:94568 . . - 1 • • • • Re: . PA 85-023, A request by James • . Lange for four variances at • . •.• .. • ....• . .. . • Gentlemen: . . . 6997 Dublin Blvd., Dublin, Ca. , - • - - -- • I • . - . • 1 -• .. - : • We wish to appeal the Zoning Administrator's decision of April 30, 1985 on the captioned subject request for variance. • . - - - • • . . .. . . . : . ,.-• .:..4,47...*•••!-•.-••• • . , ..-- • .• • .•we are of the opinion that our proposed use for this property is in • •:. - - • 1•: ••• --••har•mony with numerous other automotive uses along Dublin Blvd. - It seems .--...inconsistent to us that the general plan was recently changed thereby • . : .• • • , . . • . . .. • . .• a*fecting our intended use,when similar uses-exist :on adjacent properties ---- ,••:;:_•.*.-; • •:.*.‘.•......4,:5,.'-'.:-•:::::,::.:.?•-.7.•.:'•;-.',• ...-, .:-........• .-% .7. . -. •. . • :: ..."2"..:..; ::. zoned identically to ours. --..•-•7.... - .....7..- :,...: :•••.1-.1.-.7,..--.7-,!:-7.7.•.:-..;••;•,-:,..-::::.-i-.,. :•,•••••••,-.-.•...::;:,...:-.-..,:....:: . ..• ., . ..• • I ' - .-c.....:. :--.... :.•...-• Please inform me when our appeal is scheduled to be heard by the Dublin -planning... •• - • - 1,---..-••••......... •••• •...:-......-., ••.: ' •••••-- --• •-••• Commission. ... -.. --- _: ...• .,.• ......7......,.,..z.:„..... ..in...sy.,:.,,,...:;4........i..,d. .;,,...:.........._.....,.. .... . . . • • . ...,--,.:-:,...?...--•••••-•:• -....% ••••..,-•• .',...4•.• ..,;„...:„,.,.,,..,.,...7 ..-....•.,....'.....•••■•••••••••••-4-•:.;•"-.,-:1•":;•3„..:••■,:••-.-....••• •*-.:'...• .., • •':. 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Box 2340 Dublin, CA 91565 Engincerin9!Public Works 629.4'�I NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR: PA 85-023 , a request for four variances to allow the construction of • a 1, 800 sq. ft. building at 6997 Dublin Boulevard (Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21000, et seq. ) LOCATION: The abandoned DSRSD property on the north side of Dublin Boulevard, south of Clark Avenue . PROPONENT: 6997 Dublin Boulevard DESCRIPTION:_ A request for four variances to allow the construction of a 1, 800 sq. ft. building at 6997 Dublin Boulevard. APN: 941-210-28-2 FINDINGS : The project will not have a significant effect on the environment. INITIAL STUDY: The Initial Study is attached which indicates the project will not have a significant effect on the environment. MITIGATION MEASURES : None required PREPARATION• This Negative Declaration was prepared by the City of Dublin Planning Staff (415) 829-4916 �TnA-n DATE: `1 (COs SIGNATURE: rig/1/ Laurence L. Tong, Planning Director FL Vr6-. 5 1-2)')( s Ni • r 171 ',....,_ . • . .... . I • . . • . . ...• . . -. . .... .„ ... . ,..,... .. . •.... . . . . ....... - , „ ._ , . - -_- _ . . •••••■• 11. • . . . . . . • . . . . _1. , .i.• . F r--.--... . . . ••I 14.14 06,0.41....,:..•se0.0.1 b.•........-F:11r 1 ' ' ■•■•••-1 ■ n...• •.....,•.a••-•••••.......,..... . •:1' - . •---"--- --..".".----'•-•----- ----- Ira rrs/•■.:••••• --.Tat/.6"..____r__._...,,f: .— I11/•••••,... . AI . - . ' .3 1 . ( •,?' . . , ■ . I.-a % • t- _ I . ty . 14......:.4.44......4.• ' . -4. I I •....••••,.........-,•••.44.1 ,.11••1....1..1..• . I 71..:.'•71:::.:.74 0.= /, / I ...,, Clo...1..7 1,4•1•10,../....•“. I • . • I • • 1. • I . - . -•• ' ' i I ' ....--•• - • • I . I • 4'C I.114.4 e••••••61..6•I 4 eiss.b 7 - i..1 I 1: • . '1""6"r—t.;-i.fr:;;;:ts.-4;-•-i-'---,--:-..71-1`.,-;,-,-,---i, 1. re.ki:•••-- - . it i ,!, i I ••1 ......m.,1-■.. --. ..— • lc s• r_._ 0:. , 4 •• I 1; 5 action Th•• builds., . ILZLitLi.LAI 6,-,‘ 1. 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",•.....4.•' 0-..t..• ;,...12c. -..... •2-,•••••0- .gig i'• "- - /..n,e',`.°_,Xi---::•--!:.'e%37:1'-'3...D.r.• "t% • 1 -- -- ■... .... :utuntenntruun mn ultuniisuu . no ,1.1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1111,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .: .,,,,,,,,,,11" 111111■ 3,,,,, •.........:.....„.,. . ., ............■ . .• ....".., i • , . , . • • . ...- (411111 , ec* moo ft. 1 1 - -- --• pc, 1■ATC./. St->t) ( S '-•-)\ •:.....-.;7.:.-ci \. i.\ . /lpresentea background on the applicationd it did seem to make sense to act on the Conditions Use Permit application if the uses were going to be terminat by August 1, 1985 . Staff recommmended that the Planning Co mission accept the letter as withdrawal of the Conditional u ° Permit application and direct Staff to either monitor or con ' nue Zoning enforcement action. Holly Musta said she was a tenant •n the site. The landlord has not let her know what was Kapp ing . She wanted know until wshe apply for a permit so she ld continue operations could purchase property in evermore and move . Staff said she should, work out a permit application with the landlord. She would eed to show that she had authorization from the landlord to ape y for the permit . • Cm. Alexander losed the public hearing . Cm. Pett said that, because of the letter, the Planning Commissi •n should suspend action on the Conditional Use Permit apple .tion and monitor the situation. A status report should be bro ht to the Planning Commission after August 1, 1985. he Planning Commission Concurred. SUBJECT: 7 . 2 Appeal of Zoning Administrator Action to deny PA 85-023 James Lange request for four variances at 6997 Dublin Boulevard. Cm. Alexander opened the public hearing . Mr. Tong presented the Staff Report indicating the four variances being requested, the General Plan designation of retail and office, rather than retail, office and automobile, and the Zoning Administrator ' s action to deny the application. Staff had previously encouraged the use of the site as parking and landscaping for the adjacent commercial development . Mr . Jim Lange said he purchased the site in 1982 . He worked with Safelight prior to the General Plan adoption. He said office use would crowd the adjacent retail complex. He listed various auto related uses along Dublin Boulevard. Cm. Alexander said the site was too narrow and, also, that the be use was not consistent with pick Gene up r uckPlor an. other mediumusi zed too tight to back up a p P vehicle . On motion of Cm. Raley , seconded by Cm. Petty, and by a 4-0 vote (Cm. Barnes absent ) , the Planning Commission adopted y Regular Meetin g Rig RESOLUTION NO. 85-022 ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR PA 85-023 A REQUEST FOR FOUR VARIANCES TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 1, 800 SQUARE FOOT BUILDING AT 6997 DUBLIN BOULEVARD and on motion of Cm. Mack , 'seconded by Cm. Petty, and by a 4-0 vote (Cm. Barnes absent) , the Planning Commission adopted, with an additional finding that the site was inadequate . RESOLUTION NO. 85-023 DENYING JIM LANGE' S APPEAL AND UPHOLDING THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR' S ACTION WHICH DENIED PA 85-023 A REQUEST FOR FOUR VARIANCES AT 6997 DUBLIN BOULEVARD * * * * SUBJECT : 7 . 3 PA 85-032 Bedford Properties Planned Development Rezoning to allow Industrial Business Park uses and a sign program at the northeast corner of Sierra Court and Sierra Lane . Cm. A exander opened the public hearing. Mr . Tong distributed a letter rom Bedford Properties , dated May 20, 1985. Mr. Tong presente * the Staff Report noting the prveiously approved Site Developmen Review, the reason for the Planned Development application, the General Plan designation, the proposed sign program, and ,uestions regarding 1) office uses not associated with another on ite permitted use and 2) a limit on amount of floor area devote• to office use . Staff requested the Planning Commission to provi - direction to the Staff and applicant on the two questions . Bud Lake of Bedford Properties explained the concepts of his letter to the Planning ommission and asked the Planning Commission to consider as - permitted use : Administrative offices normally incidental to and supportive of the above uses . He also asked for consideration of commercial and retail uses incidental and supportive of ot •er business park uses. He expressed concern regarding a percen•age limit on offices. Cm. Raley said that we should not have -n office not associated with another on site permitted use . . . Raley had no major problem with the applicants proposal, but t -t it needed to be a little firmer to make the area truly an M-1 ( . .ht Manufacturing) district . The area needs to definitely be an -1 district. If it is to be a C-0 (Administrative Office) distric , it should be rezoned to C-0 . Conditional uses need to be calle. out as well as those uses not allowed. Cm. Alexander continued the public hearing until the June , 1935 Planning Commission meeting . Regular Meeting PCM-5-055 5/20/85