HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.2 EastDghrtyHillsParkDsgn (2) CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CiTY COUNCIL~MEETING DATE: April 14, 1986 SUBJECT : EaSt Dougherty Hills Park ~Design EXHIBITS ATTACHED : Preliminary Park Design; Park Development Cost Estimate RECOMMENDATION 1) Hear presentation from Singer & Hodges 2) Consider park design alternatives 3) Direct Staff to take necessary steps to implement City Council's adopted park design FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Estimated'cost to Developer - $666,380 Estimated cost to City - $189,970-$607,540 depending on option selected ~SCRIPTION : At the October 14, 1985 meeting of the Dublin City ~ ~uncil, the City Council retained the services of Singer & Hodges, Inc., to develop a park development plan for the City of Dublin. The City Council directed that the following park sites be included in the park development plan: Dolan, Dougherty Hills Open Space, East Dougherty Hills, Mape, Kolb & Shannon. Over the last 4 months, numerous neighborhood meetings have been held to provide input on the preliminary park design for these various parks. At its meeting of April 8, 1986, the Park & Recreation Commission finalized its recommendations for the preliminary park design for all 6 parks. A complete report from Singer & Hodges will be presented to the Council at its meeting of April 28, 1986 on all parks. In accordance with earlier City Council direction, Staff has prepared a report for the City Council regarding the preliminary park design for the 8 acre East Dougherty Hills park site in order that the developer of the Alamo Creek Villages can proceed with the grading of the park in conjunction with the residential development as soon as possible. The preliminary design for the East Dougherty Hills park site (see attached) was approved by the Park & Recreation Commission at its meeting of April 1, 1986. Singer & Hodges will be present at the City Council meeting to go over this plan in detail for the City Council. The Park & Recreation Commission did make a recommendation with respect to the park that would have a substantial impact on the City financially as well as necessitate an early decision with respect to this park in order that the Commission's recommendation could be sommodated into the grading plan for the park. The Park & Recreation commission approved a design which would call for the regarding and widening of the creek for aesthetics, better surveillance and greater accessibility by 'the public. If the City Council were to approve the Park & Recreation Commission's recommended park design, the City would be required to enter into a joint use agreement with the Alameda County Flood Control & Water Conservation District/Zone 7, redesign the channel configuration, and get Zone 7's approval, and assume maintenance and liability responsibility for the creek within the park. ITEM NO. ~ COPIES TO: Park & Recreation Commission Ron Nahas AGENDA STATEMENT: Page 2 East Dougherty Hills Park Design Attached to this report is the park development cost estimates for the preliminary park design alternatives. As agreed upon, at the City Council meeting of March 24, 1986, the Developer of the Villages @ Alamo Creek will be responsible for the construction.of the Phase I basic park improvements in accordance with the City's design and specifications. Based on the revised design recommended by the Park & Recreation Commission, the estimated cost to the Developer for these basic park improvements is $666,380. As shown in the park development cost estimate, the cost to the City for the Phase I development of the park will vary depending upon what the City Council agrees is the appropriate configuration for the creek within the park. Staff has identified 3 options available to the City Council with respect to the creek issue. Option %1 - The creek is designated as a flood control channel in accordance with Zone 7 specifications. This would require that the creek be fenced off and would not be accessible to park users. Zone 7 would be responsible for maintenance as well as any liability. Cost to the City - $0 O~tion %2 - The creek is accepted by the City as part of the park in ~ordance with the creek section proposed by the developer. Limited improvements are undertaken to make the creek more accessible to park users. These improvements would include clearing, revegetation and a series of walkways in order for park users to get down into the creek. The creek would be fenced off during the winter months when the water level is determined to be hazardous. The City would have to develop a joint use agreement with Zon~ 7 and would be required to assume maintenance and liability responsibility for the creek. Cost to the City - $134,130 Option %3 - The creek is accepted by the City as part of the park. In order to make the creek more visible and physically accessible, the east side of the creek would be regraded and widened. A grassy slope would be maintained along the creek edge and a low flow crossing developed to provide access across the creek from one side of the park to the other. The creek area would be revegetated and trails developed. This option would provide park users with much greater access to the creek. This option would also require the City to develop a joint use agreement with Zone 7 and assume liability and maintenance responsibility for the creek. Cost to the City - $417,570 If the City Council is interested in either Option %2 or Option ~3 with respect to the creek design, it is highly desirable that these improvements accomplished during the development of the Phase I basic park e~nstruction. If the City waited to make these improvements, the cost for these improvements would increase. If the City were to pursue either Option ~2 or Option #3, it is quite likely that these improvements would have to be financed from appropriations from the City's existing reserves since there will not be sufficient park dedication funds available without inhibiting the development of other parks within the City. The park development cost estimate (see attached) also indicates that the Phase II park improvements recommended by the Park & Recreation Commission would cost approximately $189,970. It is the Park & Recreation Commission's recommendation that the City Council approve the park design with the creek development identified in Option ~3. It is Staff's recommendation that the City Council 1) hear the presentation from Singer & Hodges, 2) consider all three creek development options and an approve the desirable design, and 3) authorize Staff to take the necessary steps to implement the Council's approved design. '. I EAST DOUGHERT¥ HILLS PARK ~ OF ~ ~A~K [~?~.C~"~M~-~' ~ , .... : '..--,'.':;' ~-, ... ,;.- - . . . EXHIBIT B COST ESTIMATES -_EAST DOUGHERTY HILLS PARK PHASE I Basic Park Development Creek Improvements Cost to Developer - Basic Park Development Site Work & Landscaping 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Site Preparation and Clearing Grading Drainage, Pipes, Inlets Irrigation Lawn Trees Water Connection & Drainage Fees Walks, Parking, Fencing, Lighting & Furniture !. Walk @ Ave. 6' Width Washed Agg. Concrete 2. Parking Lot A.C. 3. Parking Lot Curb 4. Lighting 5. Benches 6. Trash Receptacles 7. Sign 8. Drinking Fountain 9. Open Rail Fence 10. 6' Chain Link Fence 11. Bridge Design/Inspection/Survey Costs (14%) Contingency (15%) TOTAL COST TO DEVELOPER Option II - Cost to City - Creek Access Creek Area Development 1. Clearing 2. Revegetation 3. Creek Access 4. Creek Overlook Paving Design/Inspection/Survey Costs (14%) Contingency (15%) $ 8,400 60,000 25,000 67,200 57,600 21,250 20,600 $260,050 $ 60,000 27,500 10,800 44,800 3,600 2,OOO 2,500 1,600 31,200 14,250 50,000 $248,250 $ 71,162 89,918 $666,380 $ 2,800 84,812 12,000 2,700 3102,312 $ 14,324 17,494 TOTAL COST TO CITY $134,130 Cost Estimates - East Dougherty Hills Park Page Two Option III - Cost to City - Creek Improvements Creek Area Development 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Clearing Grading Creek Edge Treatment Edge Walk (6' Width) Rip Rap Low Flow Crossing Creek Area Revegetation Creek Overlook Paving Design/Inspection/Survey Cost (14%) Contingency (15%) TOTAL COST TO CITY PHASE II Enhanced Park Improvements Cost to City - Recreation Facilities Paving & Restroom Play Area (includes curbing, sand, special play equipment) Group Picnic Area (70-80 people) Individual Picnic Tables Restroom Bldg (Concrete Block w/maintenance storage) Design/Inspection/Survey Cost (14%) Contingency (15%) TOTAL COST TO CITY CUMULATIVE COST TO CITY Phase I - Creek Access Phase II - Enhanced Park improvements TOTAL CUMULATIVE COST TO CITY Phase I - Creek Improvements Phase II - Enhanced Park Improvements TOTAL $ 2,800 110,000 27,000 12,600 75,600 3,000 84,812 2,700 $318,512 $ 44,592 54,466 $417,570 $ 8,100 40,000 15,000 6,800 75,000 $144,900 20,290 24,780 $189,970 $134,130 189,970 $324,100 $417,570 189,970 $607,540