HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.5 Report on Commission and Committee Alternates (2)STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item 4.5 DATE:August 17, 2021 TO:Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM:Linda Smith, City Manager SUBJECT:Report on Commission and Committee AlternatesPrepared by:Marsha Moore, MMC, City Clerk EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:The City Council will receive a report on the status of alternate members of City Commissions and Committees. STAFF RECOMMENDATION:Receive the report. FINANCIAL IMPACT:None. DESCRIPTION:At the March 19, 2019 meeting, the City Council approved the creation of alternate positions for City Commissions and Committees. The first alternates were appointed by the City Council at the meeting of May 21, 2019 and began their service on July 1, 2019.At the July 21, 2020 meeting, the City Council received an update on the efficacy of these positions and the City Council asked Staff to further survey the Commission and Committee members and alternates about the addition of alternates. A survey was sent to the Commission and Committee members and alternates and 21 individuals responded. Responses were received by 14 members and seven alternates and were representative of all five Commissions and Committees. Most of the members felt alternates provided some or added value, while six out of 10 of the members of Commissions and Committees with two alternates felt one would provide the same value as two. 82 Page 2 of 2 All seven of the alternates that responded were recently appointed in January 2021 and the majority felt their opinion was valued by the Commission and Committee members. The table below provides information on the number of times an alternate voted in 2020 and year-to-date for 2021. Commission/Committee 2020 2021(Year to Date)Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission 1 0Human Services Commission 0 0Parks and Community Services Commission 0 0Planning Commission 3 1Senior Center Advisory Committee 0 5A separate survey was sent to Staff and of those that responded, the majority did not feel there was an increase in workload because of having alternates and there was a 50/50 split among Staff as to if alternates added value.Staff does not recommend any changes to the City’s Commission and Committee alternate structure. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVE:None. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH:The City Council Agenda was posted, and a copy of this report was sent to the Commission and Committee members and alternates. ATTACHMENTS:1) Summary of Commission and Committee Member and Alternate Survey Results 83 Commission and Committee Alternates SurveyMonkey 1 / 8 100.00%21 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00%0 100.00%21 0.00%0 Q1 Contact Information Answered: 21 Skipped: 0 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Name Company Address Address 2 City/Town State/Province ZIP/Postal Code Country Email Address Phone Number Attachment 1 84 Commission and Committee Alternates SurveyM onkey 2 / 8 23.81%5 23.81%5 19.05%4 23.81%5 9.52%2 Q2 What Commission or Committee do you serve on? Answered: 21 Sk ipped: 0 TOTAL 21 Pl anning Commission Parks and Community... Human Ser vices Commission Heritage and Cult ur al Ar t... Senior Center Advisor y... 0%10%20%30%40%5 0%60%70%80%90%100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Planning Commis sion Parks and Community Servic es Commission Human Servic es Commission Heritage and Cultural Arts Commiss ion Senior Center Adv isory Committee 85 Commission and Committee Alternates SurveyM onkey 3 / 8 42.86%9 19.05%4 38.10%8 Q3 How long have you served on this Commission or Committee? Answered: 21 Sk ipped: 0 TOTAL 21 Less than one year One to tw o year s More than two years 0%10%20%30%40%5 0%60%70%80%90%100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Less than one year One t o two years More than two years 86 Commission and Committee Alternates SurveyM onkey 4 / 8 66.67%14 33.33%7 Q4 Are you a _______ ? Answered: 21 Sk ipped: 0 Total Respondents : 21 Regul ar Member Al ternate 0%10%20%30%40%5 0%60%70%80%90%100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Regular Member Alternat e 87 Commission and Committee Alternates SurveyM onkey 5 / 8 Q5 As a Regular Member, how do you view the Alternate role? Answered: 14 Sk ipped: 7 50.00% 7 35.71% 5 7.14% 1 7.14% 1 14 0.00 Provide added va lue to the Commission or Committee Provide some value to the Commission or Committe e Provide little value to the Commission or Committee Do not provide value to the Commission or Committe (no label) 0%10%20%30%40%5 0%60%70%80%90%100% PROVIDE ADDED VALUE TO THE COMMISSION OR COMMITTEE PROVI DE SOME VALUE TO THE COMMISSION OR COMMITTEE PROVIDE LITTLE VALUE TO THE COMMISSION OR COMMITTEE DO NOT PROVIDE VALUE TO THE COMMISSION OR COMMITTE TOTAL WEIGHTED AVERAGE (no label) 88 Commission and Committee Alternates SurveyM onkey 6 / 8 64.29%9 35.71%5 Q6 For those Commissions or Committees with two alternates: Based on your Commission's or Committee's utilization of alternates, if you had one alternate do you believe the same value would be recognized as with two alternates? Answered: 14 Sk ipped: 7 Total Respondents : 14 Yes No 0%10%20%30%40%5 0%60%70%80%90%100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Yes No 89 Commission and Committee Alternates SurveyM onkey 7 / 8 90.00%9 10.00%1 Q7 If you are not participating as a voting member, do you actively participate in the discussion? Answered: 10 Sk ipped: 11 Total Respondents : 10 Yes No 0%10%20%30%40%5 0%60%70%80%90%100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Yes No 90 Commission and Committee Alternates SurveyM onkey 8 / 8 Q8 Do you feel your opinion is valued as an Alternate? Answered: 9 Sk ipped: 12 77.78% 7 22.22% 2 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 9 1.22 I always fee l my opinion is va lued I sometimes feel my opinion is valued I rarely feel my opinion is valued I never feel my opinion is valued (no label) 0%10%20%30%40%5 0%60%70%80%90%100% I ALWAYS FEEL MY OPINION IS VALUED I SOMETIMES FEEL MY OPI NI ON IS VALUED I RARELY FEEL MY OPINION IS VALUED I NEVER FEEL MY OPINI ON IS VALUED TOTAL WEIGHTED AVERAGE (no label) 91