HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.01 Draft 12-16-2008 MinDRAFT Ur llU~~ MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL ~ ~~ ,`~ OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN - ~ -~h sz c ~ // REGULAR MEETING -December 16, 2008 \`V .<~. CLOSED SESSION A closed session was held at 6:30 p.m., regarding: ~~~~- I. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL -ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to subdivision (b) of Government Code section 54956.9: One potential case. Facts and Circumstances: Government Code section 54956.9, subdivision (b)(3)(E). A regular meeting of the Dublin City Council was held on Tuesday, December 16, 2008, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic Center. The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m., by Mayor Sbranti. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers Hart, Hildenbrand, Scholz, and Mayor Sbranti. ABSENT: None PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge of allegiance to the flag was recited by the Council, Staff and those present. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 27 REGULAR MEETING December 16, 2008 ~ pF 19'~_ _=x),82 \~ ~`!/ll ~,FOR~s t~.. I ~ . DRAFT REPORT ON CLOSED SESSION ACTION Mayor Sbranti advised that no reportable action was taken. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Proclamation to Eagle Scout Jonathan David Ambrose Palomares 7:02 p.m. 3.1 (610-50) 2~~ P ~w. The City Council congratulated Jonathan David Ambrose Palomares on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout and read aloud a proclamation for him. Appointments to Citizens/Organization of the Year Ad Hoc Committee 7:04 p.m. 3.2 (110-30) City Clerk Caroline Soto presented the Staff Report and advised that each year the City of Dublin recognized a Citizen, Young Citizen and Organization of the Year at its Volunteer Recognition Event. As part of this process, an Ad Hoc Committee comprised of two Dublin Councilmembers was needed to perform duties which included arranging for impartial judging and selection of winners. The City Council would consider appointment of two Councilmembers to the Ad Hoc Committee. On motion of Cm. Scholz, seconded by Cm. Hart and by unanimous vote, the City Council confirmed the appointment of Vm. Hildenbrand and Cm. Hart to the Citizens/Organization of the Year Ad Hoc Committee. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 27 or ~ REGULAR MEETING n;`~~~`;~ December 16, 2008 '~~~~~ '1GIFOR~ 3~a~ DST City Councilmember Dublin Pride Week Committee Appointments 7:07 p.m. 3.3 (110-30) Administrative Analyst Roger Bradley presented the Staff Report and advised that the City Council would consider appointing two of its members to the 2009 Dublin Pride Week Committee for a limited term beginning January 2009 and ending December 2009. The Dublin Pride Week Committee plans and prepares this annual event, which seeks to engage individuals and/or groups in action based activities to help improve the community. On motion of Cm. Scholz, seconded by Vm. Hildenbrand and by unanimous vote, the Council confirmed the appointments of Vm. Hildenbrand and Cm. Scholz on the Dublin Pride Week Committee for the limited term of January 2009 through December 2009. Mayor's Appointments to City Commissions and Committee 7:10 p.m. 3.4 (110-30) City Clerk Caroline Soto presented the Staff Report and advised that following the City of Dublin's general municipal elections in November of even-numbered years, terms expired on each of the City's commissions/committee. Nine applications were received in response to four openings on the Planning Commission; nine applications were received in response to two openings on the Parks & Community Services Commission; six applications were received in response to three openings on the Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission; and one application was received in response to three openings on the Senior Center Advisory Committee. New members would be sworn into office in January 2009. The application period for the Senior Advisory Committee would be extended to January 7, 2009. On motion of Vm. Hildenbrand, seconded by Cm. Hart and by unanimous vote, the Council confirmed the Mayor's appointments to the Commissions and Committee as follows: Planning Commission -Don Biddle, Bill Schaub, Doreen Wehrenberg, Eric Swalwell Jr.; Parks & Community Services Commission -Steve Jones, Anthony Totaro; Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission -Kim Halket, Dayna Tutino, Steve Minniear; and DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 27 .~o~Dv REGULAR MEETING 1~~~~~ December 16, 2008 `~ '~ %~ DRAFT ~,~2 ~- Senior Center Advisory Committee -Albert Edge; and extended the application period for the Senior Advisory Committee to January 7, 2009. •~ City Council Organization/Committee Appointments/Assignments 7:11 p.m. 3.5 110-30 City Clerk Caroline Soto presented the Staff Report and advised that each member of the City Council represented the City of Dublin on various local and regional Boards/Committees/Commissions. On motion of Cm. Hart, seconded by Cm. Scholz and by unanimous vote, the City Council confirmed the Mayor's Appointment/Assignment List and directed Staff to notify affected agencies, as appropriate. Public Comments 7:13 p.m. 3.6 John McPartland, newly elected member on the BART Board of Directors, stated he represented District 5 which included the City of Dublin. He stated that he would make himself available to meet with citizens to see how he could best represent their needs and interests. Eric Hanson, Dublin resident, stated he was concerned about a change in parking restrictions between Tassaj ara and Brannigan on Dublin Boulevard and Central Parkway. There had been a parking deficiency in the area. The parking overflow for the nearby developments had been accommodated by street parking. He had spoken to Mark Lander of Public Works and had been informed that the parking restrictions were based on complaints of pedestrians and concerns for walking around vehicles. He asked if the City had notified the area residents. Had the City considered making only one side of the street a no parking zone? He also asked if any parking studies had been done. Was there a means to restore parking to at least one side of the street? DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 27 ~~oF~~ REGULAR MEETING 19,~~~~~ December 16, 2008 ~\ ~'IGII'17R~~ DRAFT i CONSENT CALENDAR 7:18 p.m. Items 4.1 through 4.7 Cm. Hart pulled Item 4.7 for discussion. .. Cm. Hart stated in regard to Item 4.1, Minutes of Regular Meeting of October 21, 2008, Adjourned Regular Meeting of November 4, 2008, Special Meeting of December 2, 2008 and Regular Meeting of December 2, 2008, he would abstain from voting on the Regular Meeting Minutes of October 21, 2008 and November 4, 2008, because he was not on the City Council at that time, but his vote would be for the balance of Item 4.1 and the balance of the Consent Calendar. On motion of Cm. Scholz, seconded by Vm. Hildenbrand and by unanimous vote, the Council took the following actions: Approved (4.1) Minutes of Regular Meeting of October 21, 2008, Adjourned Regular Meeting of November 4, 2008, Special Meeting of December 2, 2008 and Regular Meeting of December 2, 2008; Adopted (4.2 640-40); ORDINANCE N0.46 - 08 AMENDING CHAPTER 2.24 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO THE CITY'S CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE Adopted (4.3 1060-20) ORDINANCE N0.47 - 08 ESTABLISHING A BUS STOP ON KOHNEN WAY DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 27 of REGULAR MEETING ,,;`~ ~~;~ December 16, 2008 '``~~~~~ Gw~e~`~ DRAFT r~~~~ Accepted (4.4 390-20) Annual Report of Developer Impact Fee Funds for the Year Ended June 30, 2008; and adopted RESOLUTION N0.218 - 08 MAKING FINDINGS REGARDING UNEXPENDED TRAFFIC MITIGATION CONTRIBUTIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2007-2008 Received (4.5 330-50) reports as authorized by Section 41004 of the California Government Code; Approved (4.6 300-40) the Warrant Register in the amount of $1,826,307.05. Cm. Hart pulled Item 4.7, Approval of Purchase and Sale Agreement for Real Property at 5777 Scarlett Court Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project No. 93570 (Maintenance Yard Facility/Emergency Operations Center -Maintenance Facility Phase 1) (670-20), and stated he was not comfortable with having a $4, 000, 000 purchase agreement on the Consent Calendar. The City had discussed a corporation yard for a number of years. There was no question that the City needed it. Mayor Sbranti complimented Staff on their work on this item. On motion of Cm. Hart, seconded by Cm. Scholz and by unanimous vote, the City Council adopted RESOL UTION NO. 219 - 08 APPROVING A PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT WITH 84 L UMBER COMPANY FOR A PROPERTY LOCATED AT 5777 SCARLETT COURT, AND AUTHORIZE AND DIRECT THE CITYMANAGER TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT and approved a budget change in the amount of $3, 925, 000. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 27 `~ pF Dpq, REGULAR MEETING i9 ~~D-~~~ December 16, 2008 ~~ ~j ~~ Gc~FOR~~ ~~ ~~ DRAFT WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS -None PUBLIC HEARINGS Toyota of Dublin Master Sign Program/Site Development Review for Proposed Si~nage at 4600 Dublin Boulevard (PA 08-043) 7.25 p.m. 6.1 (410-30) Mayor Sbranti opened the public hearing. Assistant Planner Martha Aja presented the Staff Report and advised that Toyota of Dublin was requesting a Master Sign Program/Site Development Review for signage at the future Toyota of Dublin dealership located at 4600 Dublin Boulevard. The Master Sign Program/Site Development Review consisted of building signage, on-site directional signs and three freestanding signs. Guy Houston, representing Dublin Toyota, stated that this was another piece to moving Dublin Toyota to the former Auto Nation location. It was one of the more important pieces of the move. He asked that the City strike Condition # 14 in the Staff Report. This item referred to the freeway sign with the Hacienda Crossings logo at the base. Corporate Toyota had an issue with a freeway sign having any logo other than Toyota. The other two signs would have the Hacienda Crossings logo on them. They were working with Staff on the vegetation in the area that obstructed the signs. They were also working on the Caltrans right-of--way on the I-580 frontage. They were in discussions with Staff regarding directional signs along Dublin Boulevard for some of the retail centers, as well as auto dealerships. He asked for the City Council's support of this -item. Mayor Sbranti closed the public hearing. Cm. Hart asked for clarification on Condition # 14 in the Staff Report. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 27 or D U REGULAR MEETING 19,`~~~ ~~ December 16, 2008 ~~~~~/~ 4GIFpR~ DRAFT d Ms. Aja stated that Condition #14 asked that Toyota include an identifier connecting that sign to Hacienda Crossings as a way to connect the two sites. Toyota was asking that they not be required to put the Hacienda Crossings logo on the freeway sign. Mr. Houston stated that sign was the furthest east from Hacienda Crossings, so there was not direct connection with Hacienda Crossings. Vm. Hildenbrand stated it was not necessary to have the Hacienda Crossings logo on the freeway sign. Mayor Sbranti stated that because of the vegetation near the freeway sign, it obscured the view of the base of the sign. You would not be able to see the Hacienda Crossings logo if it were there. On motion of Vm. Hildenbrand, seconded by Cm. Scholz and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted RESOLUTION N0.220 - 08 APPROVING A MASTER SIGN PROGRAM/SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW FOR TOYOTA OF DUBLIN TO ALLOW THE PROPOSED SIGNAGE IN THE PD (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT) ZONING DISTRICT LOCATED AT 4600 DUBLIN BOULEVARD (APN 986-0016-024) PA 08-043 with the deletion of Conditions of Approval # 14 Shannon Community Center Facility Use Policy and Rental Fee Schedule 7:37 p.m. 6.2 (210-20) Mayor Sbranti opened the public hearing. Assistant Director of Parks and Community Services Paul McCreary presented the Staff Report and advised that the City Council would consider adopting a Facility Use Policy for the new Shannon Community Center. The policy would establish rules, regulations, procedures and fees governing the use of the Community Center. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 27 ~~ ~ o~ REGULAR MEETING i;~~~~~ December 16, 2008 ~\ ~ /~ ~4GI~t0~~~ DRAFT a,~~~+ Mayor Sbranti asked if Staff could research if the ratio of minors to adults for rental for youth events could be lowered. Mr. McCreary stated the Facilities Use Policy allowed for the Parks & Community Services Director to make exceptions to this requirement on a case-by-case basis. The City Council and Staff discussed the policy for placement of decorations on walls. Decorations could be placed in the lobby but not on wood finishes in the main hall as they could damage finishes. This was typical for most rental facilities. Mr. Marty Baron, Dublin resident, asked what provisions had been made for rental of the outside portion of the center. Mayor Sbranti stated that if someone rented the facility, they would also have access to the outside. It would not be rented separately. Also, if Ambrose Hall was rented on the weekend, there could not be a separate group renting another area of the Community Center. The policy was not for week day rentals. Mayor Sbranti closed the public hearing. On motion of Cm. Scholz, seconded by Vm. Hildenbrand and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted RESOLUTION N0.221- 08 ESTABLISHING A FACILITY USE POLICY AND RENTAL FEE SCHEDULE FOR THE USE OF THE SHANNON COMMUNITY CENTER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Historic Park Phase I -Award of Bid 7:51 p.m. 7.1 (600-35) Parks and Facilities Development Manager Herma Lichtenstein presented the Staff Report and advised that at its October 21, 2008 meeting, the City Council authorized Staff to DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 27 ~,~oF ~, REGULAR MEETING ,,; ~ ~~ December 16, 2008 '~\~~~ ~itrFOe~ DRAFT ~o~ ~.~ advertise for bids on Phase I of the Dublin Historic Park. After asix-week period, on December 5, 2008 the City received six bids with a low bid from Elite Landscaping, Inc. Vm. Hildenbrand asked if there would be any lighting improvements at the site when the structures were moved. Ms. Lichtenstein stated there would be park lighting throughout the project and Staff was working to get temporary power set up to get the main parking lot lights on at the bank. On motion of Cm. Hart, seconded by Vm. Hildenbrand and by unanimous vote, the City Council adopted RESOLUTION N0.222 - 08 AWARDING CONTRACT N0.08-09 DUBLIN HISTORIC PARK - PHASE I TO ELITE LANDSCAPING, INCORPORATED including the alternates. City Council Vacancy 7:55 p.m. 7.2 (610-30) City Manager Joni Pattillo presented the Staff Report and advised that upon being elected Mayor of Dublin, Mayor Sbranti's previous position as Councilmember became vacant. As a result of the vacancy, the City Council authorized the solicitation of applications from interested community members to fill the vacancy. The City Council would consider the applications submitted for the vacant position, interview the applicants, and consider appointing a Dublin resident to the City Council. Mayor Sbranti stated the Council would first discuss and agree on the process. He outlined the process as provided and attached to the minutes. On motion of Cm. Hart, seconded by Vm. Hildenbrand and by unanimous vote, the City Council approved the process as outlined by Mayor Sbranti. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 27 ~~ or ~8 REGULAR MEETING i;~~~~~ December 16, 2008 ~~ ~w R~~ rl~a~ DST Doreen Wehrenberg, Dublin resident, spoke in support of candidate Don Biddle. Bill Schaub, Dublin resident, spoke in support of candidate Don Biddle. Jimmy Huang presented a letter to the City Council in support of candidate John Zukoski. The order in which the candidates would speak for one minute regarding their qualifications was determined by random drawing. The candidates spoke in the following order: Chris Schauer was not present Shehu Solomon Hassan George Zika Albert A. Acker Sean Robert O'Keefe John M. Zukoski Bradley Head was not present Steven A. Jones Elpi Abulencia Philip Tucker Donald Biddle Connie Mack Mona Lisa Ballesteros Angela Muetterties Each Councilmember listed their two top candidates for City Council. The City Clerk read the names of the selected candidates: Vm. Hildenbrand selected Donald Biddle and George Zika; Cm. Scholz selected Donald Biddle and John Zukoski; Mayor Sbranti selected Donald Biddle and George Zika; and Cm. Hart selected Donald Biddle and George Zika. The order in which the three candidates would be interviewed was determined by random drawing. The order was George Zika, John Zukoski, and Donald Biddle. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 27 ~~ pF pU REGULAR MEETING i;~~~,~ December 16, 2008 ~~ ~ /~ GwFOe~`° DRAFT RECESS 8:53 p.m. Mayor Sbranti called for a brief recess Councilmembers present at 9:04 p.m. ~. ~ ~~~ The meeting reconvened with all Candidate Geor eg_Zika Cm. Hart stated Mr. Zika was over qualified. Why did he want to come back to the City Council? Mr. Zika stated there were new members of the City Council and City Staff. He wanted to assist with his experience. He would not run for the position in 2010 and believed a person should be elected to the City Council. He could assist with funding of capital projects through federal and State programs. Cm. Scholz asked how he exceeded the other two candidates. Mr. Zika stated he had been on the Planning Commission, the Parks and Community Services Commission, the City Council, and head of several task forces, including the Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) Water Rates Task Force. While on the Water Rates Task for instance, water rates had continued to rise and DSRSD stated they could not make cuts. On the Task Force, he was able to lower personnel costs. As a result, the water rates went down 5%. Vm. Hildenbrand stated with the growth in Dublin there were some significant traffic and parking concerns. How would he deal with them? Mr. Zika stated what was done was done. He had voted against some of the projects when he was on the City Council. On the next projects, they needed to ensure they had adequate parking. They had to stop developers from counting street parking as parking for their developments. Vm. Hildenbrand asked if he had come across any ideas other cities had come up with regarding parking. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 27 ~,~yorDU REGULAR MEETING 1; ~ ,~ December 16, 2008 ~ ~ ~` ~`~GIFpR~~ DRAFT .~, ~ -~~ , ° , °:~ -` N~ Mr. Zika stated no. There was going to be a problem with parking associated with the BART station on the east side of the City once the developments in the area had been built. BART riders were going to be parking in the retail areas. Mayor Sbranti asked Mr. Zika about his leadership style. Mr. Zika stated he was rather direct. He listened to citizens and their point of view. He did not have an agenda. He was truthful. Cm. Hart asked other than fiscal responsibility and parking and traffic, was there another policy issue that was of significant concern to him. Mr. Zika stated the City needed to get tax generating businesses back. The City had prepared and had not overspent when he was on the City Council. What provided programs for the City was sales tax. You could not cut preventative maintenance. The City needed to get tax paying companies back. Vm. Hildenbrand asked regarding the new leadership, how would he work with the new City Council. Mr. Zika stated he saw no problems working with the present City Council. Mayor Sbranti asked what were a couple of accomplishments of which he was most proud during his service on the City Council. Mr. Zika stated Emerald Glen Park and not letting the Sharks take part of it was one of those accomplishments. If he could change something, he would vote differently on having the Farmer's Market. Candidate John Zukoski Cm. Scholz asked how he saw himself fitting in with the present City Council. Mr. Zukoski stated each member had different skill sets they brought to the City Council and he would bring in private sector experience. He also had a finance background. From a technical perspective, he had financial acumen. He was a consensus builder and listened well. He would help implement ideas. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 27 ~~pFDp REGULAR MEETING 1;~~~~~ December 16, 2008 ~~ ~`~GIFpR~~ '~ ~~f F DRAFT A~~./// Vm. Hildenbrand asked how he would describe his leadership skills. Mr. Zukoski stated he was a good listener. He published a blog and that helped him research items and speak to leaders. He saw himself as a synthesizer. He could help with a lot of passion and influence. He tried to elicit and bring out the best in everyone. Cm. Hart asked what was the value of the blog when he cut and pasted portions of the City Council meetings, added condescending comments, personal opinion comments, and took comments out of context. Mr. Zukoski stated he was well known for the blog. The value of the blog was that it provided great information. He did not know what Mr. Hart was speaking of when he said cut and paste. He gave residents the opportunity to see what was upcoming. Residents needed to get involved in the process. He did not try to mislead anyone. As far as comments, they came from the residents. He was not going to try to censor what people had to say. Not everyone agreed with the City Council or the Planning Commission. The blog was a vehicle for people to express their opinions. Mayor Sbranti asked what the greatest contributions were that he had made to the City. Mr. Zukoski stated his experience included a biog. He was a member of the Dublin Rotary Club and is the president elect for 2010-2011, and he volunteered at the Senior Center. He had not served on the Planning Commission or the school board and was a newcomer. He brought potential, energy, ideas and passion. Vm. Hildenbrand stated there was a perception of a divide in the City. How would he broaden his perspective so that he had a full broad-based support of community members? Mr. Zukoski stated it was unfortunate to refer to Dublin in terms of east or west. Underlying that mindset could be a lot of misunderstanding. The City needed to do conflict profiling. There could be a workshop to get residents in the room together to discuss these issues. There was a perception that there were more projects in the east than in the west. But there were exciting things coming to the west, such as the Historic Park. The City could look at business opportunities in Downtown Dublin. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 27 G`~OFO~jB~ REGULAR MEETING 19,~~~,~ December 16, 2008 ~~ ~ /~ ~`~GI R~~ DRAFT ¢-+° ~ ,~ V Cm. Hart asked, regarding Mr. Zukoski's application, it stated he would eliminate subsidies provided to outside agencies such as non-profit organizations and the School District and the City must consider cutbacks in all areas. How would he address those issues with the non-profits and the School District. Mr. Zukoski stated that former Mayor Lockhart had addressed it a few weeks ago regarding a groundskeeper. The City needed to provide essential services. When the City was looking at a potential $1.5 million revenue shortfall, expenses would need to be cut. Next year's projections were more severe. The City had to look at providing those essential services now. The City did not borrow. When there were discretionary funds, those could be divvied up. When the City was looking at a deficit, it needed to look at what could be cut and still provide those essential services. Mayor Sbranti asked Mr. Zukoski why he had not applied for one of the Commission vacancies after he had not been successful for a City Council seat. Mr. Zukoski stated he brought in experience in more than one specific area. If he served on one of those commissions, he might not fit in. The City Council was where he was best suited to serve the residents of Dublin. Cm. Hart stated that in his application, Mr. Zukoski had stated that about 4,000 residents had voted for him which equated to about 17%. Why had he emphasized that so much? Mr. Zukoski stated with this election there had been a historic turnout. In 2006, Mayor Sbranti received about 5,600 votes and Cm. Scholz had received 2,500 votes. In that perspective, 4,000 was a lot of residents. Those residents felt he could serve them. His point was if he was not selected, what the City Council was telling those 4,000 residents was that their voice did not matter, it did not count. Mr. Hart asked could they not say the same thing about two other City Dublin Council candidates, Mr. Abulencia and Mr. Boboc. Mr. Zukoski stated looking at numbers, he had come out ahead. Mayor Sbranti asked how he saw himself interacting with the City Council and City Staff. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 27 ~ `~ REGULAR MEETING 19, ~ ,~ December 16, 2008 ~• ~\~~j~~ GLIFOR~~ DRAFT t l.P' i''~_"~ ~ ~. Mr. Zukoski stated there were regulations regarding interaction amongst City Councilmembers. Being respectful of one another was very important, as was looking to build consensus. Listening was crucial as was thoughtful consideration. They all formed a foundation for awell-working team. He had the utmost respect for the City Council. Anytime there was conflict, they would work through it. As far as City Staff, they did a wonderful job of making themselves available to residents in terms of providing information. As a member of the City Council, having that access, he could learn even more about the City. Vm. Hildenbrand stated she had discontinued her blog when she joined the City Council. On Mr. Zukoski's blog, there had been horrible things written about elected officials. How would he work well with the City Council considering they had to build a team? Would he be passing the blog on? What would he do? Mr. Zukoski stated he had decided before he ran for City Council that if he were elected, he would not be a contributor to the biog. There could be a conflict of interest. There was confidential information discussed during closed session. There had been times when people had made outrageous and unfortunate comments about Mayor Lockhart and other members of the City Council. But he had said that he may not have always agreed with Mayor Lockhart but he had incredible respect for her and she was a wonderful person. He thought she was a wonderful person. It was not right to attack folks personally. Candidate Don Biddle Mr. Biddle stated the upcoming Goals and Objectives budget process and Strategic Plan Workshop was very critical this year. Vm. Hildenbrand asked Mr. Biddle about his leadership style. Mr. Biddle stated he was a facilitator. He was a good listener and team player. He cooperated well and brought out the best in people. He liked good discussions and to think issues through. He did not like to make snap judgments. Everyone had their special skill sets and it was important for everyone to use those skill sets. It was important to have good discussions even when not everyone agreed, to move on and reach resolutions. Cm. Hart asked how he would differentiate himself from George Zika. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 27 ~o~~~ REGULAR MEETING 19,~~~,~ December 16, 2008 ~~ ~ /~ DRAFT ~ ~ ~' . `~ ~~ Mr. Biddle stated Mr. Zika was a great Councilmember. Mr. Biddle's background had a little more diversity. He had spent time in community service organizations and non- profits. He had spent time on the school board and thirty years in the private sector. His variety of skills and experience was a little different. Cm. Hart stated Mr. Biddle and Mr. Zika were both qualified, but reiterated, what made him different. Mr. Biddle stated Mr. Zika had spent considerable time on the City Council and other commissions. Mr. Biddle's area had been more in the non-profit area. The School Board was a little bit different. He was an engineer that worked in an area the company called project control that had to do with budget/cost control, forecasting and planning. Cm. Scholz asked how he might bring his school experience to the City Council. Mr. Biddle stated there were similarities between a School Board and a City Council in how they functioned and worked together. In a school situation, you were dependent on the State for funding. You did not have options of revenue generation as with the City. The basics of being on a board were the same: working with your board or Council, gaining trust, having good discussions, disagreeing when needed, exploring options and coming to resolutions. Mayor Sbranti asked, regarding his time of public service, what were a couple of accomplishments of which he was most proud and were there any he would do over. Mr. Biddle stated that in regard to the School Board, he was one of the only School Board members that advocated for the unification of the School District. The City had once been served by two different school districts. There had been resistance to the unification. He felt it was time for Dublin to have its own school district. He was in support of the unification. It was one of his proudest accomplishments. Mayor Sbranti asked if there was anything Mr. Biddle would choose to do over. Mr. Biddle stated the School Board should have been more proactive in searching for funds. It was a time before school foundations. In regard to the Planning Commission, he was proud of its accomplishments. They worked well together. They had made it a little easier for the City Council to function. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 27 ~~ pF Dp REGULAR MEETING ,,; ~ ~~~ December 16, 2008 '~\~~~~~ ~~~o~~ DRAFT Vm. Hildenbrand asked what was his perception of growth in Dublin. k af.:' QTY Y ~ ~i, ~y'3 f /,J Mr. Biddle stated Dublin had done a good job of managing growth. Managed, balance growth was important for a City. The City had discussed the job/housing balance. Dublin was now moving into a full service city. Vm. Hildenbrand asked in regard to densities, was there a huge need to change densities in the City. Mr. Biddle stated he appreciated what the Planning Commission and the Council had done in working with the last medium density properties. The City Council had one concept, the Planning Commission another. There was good discussion and in the end, there was a good reasonable decision to balance the community. The City needed housing that supported all levels of income in the community. Cm. Hart asked Mr. Biddle if he would run for City Council in 2010, if appointed. Mr. Biddle stated he would run again in 2010. He would have become more effective at that point. Mayor Sbranti asked Mr. Biddle why he had not run in this past election for City Council. Mr. Biddle stated he had been involved with the school parcel tax and that was where he had focused his effort. Looking back he would have tried to get involved earlier with the City Council. He had been involved in different areas. Schools had always been an interest to him. He was co-chair on Measure L and co-chair on the school bond measure. Two years ago he had given consideration to running for City Council but had only been with the Planning Commission two years and felt he needed more experience with that Commission. Cm. Hart asked the City Attorney if Mr. Biddle was appointed for the next two years, would it count as a full term. Mr. Bakker stated it would not count as a full term. He could run for City Council for two more four-year terms. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 27 `~OFDp REGULAR MEETING G ,9, (~ ~~ December 16, 2008 ~ ~ ~\ ~ ~~ ~'1L/i'17R~S DRAFT City Council Discussion re arding Candidates ~~~ Cm. Scholz stated she wanted the City Council to consider Don Biddle. There were good candidates with talent, experience and knowledge at many levels. These last three candidates offered different value, experience backgrounds, and political experience. Mr. Biddle was well qualified in the overall picture and she believed at this time with the serious economic conditions the City was in, he would be a very fine leader. He would fit in well with the sitting City Council. She recommended Mr. Biddle for City Council. Mayor Sbranti stated the City Council's job was to find the best person. If Mr. Zika was appointed, he would hit the ground running in terms of his experience. But in terms of Mr. Biddle, he was involved throughout the City. He appreciated Mr. Biddle's work on Measure L and Measure C. Mr. Biddle had been on the School Board at a very difficult time, right after Prop. 13. The School Board had to make tough decisions. He also liked his private sector experience. He would bring new leadership to the City. He supported Mr. Biddle for the position. Cm. Hart stated he would support Mr. Biddle as he would be a better fit at this time. Both Mr. Biddle and Mr. Zika had many years of dedicated service to the City. Vm. Hildenbrand stated Mr. Zika had supported her and was influential in getting her involved with the community. Mr. Zika's experience was appreciated by the City Council. It also allowed for the City Council to be a team. Mr. Biddle was always in the community and well respected. He had worked on Measure L. Mr. Zukoski wanted to be involved and engaged. All the candidates were highly qualified. At this time she would support Mr. Biddle for City Council. On motion of Cm. Hart, seconded by Cm. Scholz and by unanimous vote, the City Council approved the appointment of Don Biddle to the Dublin City Council. The City Clerk swore in Mr. Biddle. Mr. Biddle then took his place at the dais to finish out the meeting. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 27 of ck, REGULAR MEETING 19,`~ ~~ ~~ December 16, 2008 ~~~~~/~ G~~FOe~m DRAFT RECESS 10:15 p.m. Mayor Sbranti called for a brief recess. Councilmembers present at 10:20 p.m. ~~~~~ ;~ The meeting reconvened with all •~ NEW BUSINESS Shannon Community Center Grand Opening 10:20 p.m. 8.1 (210-20) Recreation Coordinator Lorri Polon presented the Staff Report and advised that the City Council would consider the proposed event plan for the Grand Opening of the new Shannon Community Center. Cm. Biddle asked when Staff would be moving to the Community Center. Director of Parks and Community Services Diane Lowart stated they anticipated moving furnishings and Staff to the Community Center by the end of January. Cm. Biddle asked when the facility would be available for rentals. Ms. Lowart stated the City would begin accepting applications in January for June rentals. The City Council discussed available dates for the grand opening. On motion of Vm. Hildenbrand, seconded by Cm. Hart and by unanimous vote, the City Council approved the proposed event plan and scheduled February 28, 2009 as the date for the Shannon Community Center Grand Opening. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 27 ~~oroU REGULAR MEETING ip ~ ~a2 December 16, 2008 ~ ~ ~\ DRAFT 2009 St. Patrick's Day Poster Artwork 10:27 p.m. 8.2 (900-50) Recreation Coordinator Lorri Polon presented the Staff Report and advised that the City Council would be asked to select the preferred poster design for the 2009 St. Patrick's Day Festival and announced the 2008 25t'' Annual St. Patrick's Day Festival was the recipient of an award of excellence from the California Parks and Recreation Society. The Festival was now being considered for an Award of Distinction, the highest agency award given. That award winner would not be announced until March. The City Council discussed the artwork. On motion of Cm. Biddle, seconded by Cm. Scholz and by unanimous vote, the City Council selected Option B, as shown in the Staff Report, for the 2009 St. Patrick's Day Poster. •~ Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Goals & Objectives and Budget Process 10:33 p.m. 8.3 (100-80) City Manager Joni Pattillo presented the Staff Report and advised that the City Council would consider establishing dates for meetings associated with the City's Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Goals & Objectives and Budget process. On motion of Cm. Hart, seconded by Vm. Hildenbrand and by unanimous vote, the City Council confirmed Saturday, February 7, 2009, 9:00 a.m., and Tuesday, March 31, 2009, 6:00 p.m., as dates and times associated with the Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Goals & Objectives process. ~~ City Council Disaster Training 10:36 p.m. 8.4 (520-30) Administrative Analyst Roger Bradley presented the Staff Report and advised that the City Council would consider holding a disaster preparedness training session for City DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 27 `~oF~ REGULAR MEETING ,,; ~~ ;~ December 16, 2008 '`~~~~ Gicr ~~~ DRAFT .. ~._ ~,, Councilmembers and provide Staff with a date within the week of February 16, 2009 to hold the session. Vm. Hildenbrand asked if the City could collaborate with other agencies for these trainings. City Manager Pattillo stated she would bring back for City Council consideration an overall training curriculum for the City Council. This training would be more topic specific - to discuss media relations. Vm. Hildenbrand asked if there were any opportunities for the City to collaborate with some of the services providers/agencies in the area so that everyone was getting the same message. Everyone should be trained with the same materials. City Manager Pattillo stated that the City would be hosting a roundtable session on January 15, 2009, with all the appointed officials of the agencies that served the City of Dublin. This would include the Dublin Unified School District, Dublin San Ramon Services District, Zone 7, Las Positas Junior College. This could be one of the topics that could be discussed as far as shared interest. The City Council asked Staff to check to see if Wednesday, February 18, 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. was available for the training. On motion of Vm. Hildenbrand, seconded by Cm. Scholz and by unanimous vote, the City Council approved holding a disaster training session for the City Council on February 18, 2009, at 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m., if available. i~ Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Strategic Planning Workshop 10:44 p.m. 8.5 (100-80) City Manager Joni Pattillo presented the Staff Report and advised that Staff was in the process of finalizing the budget calendar for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 and requested that the City Council provide direction on its desire to hold a Strategic Planning Workshop. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 27 ~pFDp REGULAR MEETING ~ ~ /p ~jj ~~ December 16, 2008 '`~~~~ `!L/FOR~~ DRAFT .. ~~ On motion of Cm. Biddle, seconded by Cm. Hart and by unanimous vote, the City Council provided Staff with direction to hold a Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Strategic Planning Workshop on Saturday, January 31, 2009, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. and authorized Staff to engage Sherry L. Lund Associates to facilitate the Strategic Planning. •~ OTHER BUSINESS Brief INFORMATION ONLY reports from Council and/or Staff, including Committee Reports and Reports by Council related to meetings attended at City expense (AB 1234) 10:51 p.m. 9.1 City Manager Pattillo stated Public Works had stayed ahead of the storms with its efforts. Mt. Diablo Rose Society would offer a rose pruning demonstration at Emerald Glen Park on January 17, 2009. Cm. Biddle thanked the City Council for its confidence and support for the opportunity to serve on the City Council. Vm. Hildenbrand welcomed Cm. Biddle to the City Council. She attended the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) Regional Planning Committee meeting regarding including other agencies in planning for disasters. The City Council might want to consider having agencies come and discuss what they were doing for disaster planning. She attended the City's tree lighting ceremony and the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority (LAVTA) legislation meeting. The LAVTA Operations Committee met yesterday and discussed cuts that would affect Dublin. She hoped they would not have as many cuts as proposed. Cm. Scholz welcomed Cm. Biddle. The process to fill the City Council vacancy was very fair. She had attended the Employee Recognition Holiday Dinner and the Tri-Valley Business Council. Cm. Hart congratulated Cm. Biddle. Cm. Hart informed him of the January 21-23 New Councilmember Academy in Sacramento. He had attended the Tri-Valley Business meeting, the Dublin Tree Lighting ceremony; the Employee Recognition Holiday Dinner and the John Monego Tree Lighting. He asked if the meeting could be adjourned in honor of Officer John Monego. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 27 ~~ ~ ~~ REGULAR MEETING i;~~~~~ December 16, 2008 ~` ~ ~~ ~4GIFOR~~ DRAFT '' ~) ~.~- ~~- Mayor Sbranti welcomed Cm. Biddle. Mayor Sbranti attended the Dublin Chamber Mixer, the City's Tree Lighting Ceremony, the Employee Recognition Holiday Dinner, the Tri-Valley Business Council, the Board of Trustees Swearing-In, and the Alameda County Mayors Conference. He also attended the Tri-Valley Mayors and City Managers meeting regarding what the legislative agenda was going to be when the Mayors go to the US Mayors Conference in January. The main issues for the five Tri-Valley Cities were transportation, BART/high speed rail, some projects on the East Bay Communications System, Lawrence Livermore Lab, the Veterans' Hospital in Livermore, and water, focusing on water supply, recycling, and issues with the Delta. They also discussed Livermore's lobbyist and maybe looking for a regional lobbyist. This would be brought back to the City Council for consideration. ADJOURNMENT 10.1 There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 11:09 p.m. in memory of Officer John Monego and our fallen troops. Minutes prepared by Caroline P. Soto, City Clerk Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 27 REGULAR MEETING o``~oewi~ ,,, ~ ~~ December 16, 2008 ~ ~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~