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Community .Group Presentations
Report Prepared by Roger Bradley, Administrative Analyst
1. Community Groups Grant Applications
1. Receive the Staff Report.
2. Receive Presentations from Community Groups and
Organizations requesting funding.
See attached.
DESCRIPTION: This item is one component of the City's Annual Budget Study Session. The focus
is on providing the City Council with an opportunity to:
• Receive presentations from Community Groups requesting consideration for funding. as part of the
City's Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Budget.
Community Groun Presentations
This will mark the third fiscal year of a City .Council approved Community Group/Organization funding
process. There are several key elements that make up the Community Group/Organization funding
process: 1) standardized application packets; 2) groups who request. funding are required to make a
presentation to the City Council at the Goals & Objective and Budget Study Session, detailing the services
they provide to the Community and how the additional funding from the City would further assist them in
serving and benefiting Dublin residents and businesses; 3) Establishment of a maximum request per
project of $25,000 and a funding cap of $120,000 for the Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Budget process.
Outreach Ef orts
There were many points of contact as part of the application process and those outreach and education
efforts are listed below:
I. On December 1, 2008, a letter was sent to all recipients that applied for funding over the past
five (5) fiscal years of 2004/2005, 2005/2006, 2006/2007, 2007/2008 and 2008/2009, which
invited them to a meeting on December 18, 2008 to go over the application process. There
were four community groups in attendance at this meeting.
COPY. TO: 2009-2010 Community Group Funding Applicants w/o Attach. (~ /
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ITEM NO. ~ •'
H:\Budget\Goals & Objectives\agenda stmnt_2 DraftCmmtyGroupSeperateItem 3_31_09.doc
II. On December 18, 2008, letters and application packets were sent out to all recipients with an
application deadline of Friday, January 30, 2009, at 5:00 p.m. and the timeframe for the
Mandatory City Council Presentation of March 31, 2009.
III. A letter was sent on March 18, 2009 reminding all applicants to attend the Mandatory Budget
Session on Tuesday, March 31, 2009 starting at 6:00 p.m. Each of the organization
presentations are to be limited to five (5) minutes and will address:
- The success or impact of any past City funding received by the organization.
- Past organizational challenges.
- The need for this specific funding.
- The number of Dublin residents that would be served/impacted.
Applications Received
On January 30, 2009 at 5:00 p.m. the City received 17 applications from 16 community based
organizations. -Axis Community Health submitted applications for two projects. Upon Staff review, all
applications were deemed complete. Applications were received from:
1. Alameda County Green Business Program
2. Axis Community Health (Access to Health Care for Uninsured &Low-income Dublin
3. Axis Community Health (Renovation of Behavioral Health Services Building)
4. Chabot-Las Positas Community College District -Tri-Valley One-Stop Career Center
5. Child Care Links
6. Collaborating Agencies Responding to Disaster (CARD)
7. Community Resources for Independent Living (CRIL)
8. Dublin High School
9. Dublin Partners in Education
10. Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD)
11. Dublin Unified School District
12. Eden Council for Hope and Opportunity
13. Eden Information & Referral
14. Teen Esteem
15. Tri-Valley Business Council
16. Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center
17. Wells Middle School
The purpose of the Community Group/Organizational Funding process is to enable the City Council to
determine if a funding request should be preliminarily included for analysis as a higher service level in the
2009/2010 Preliminary Budget. Staff recommends only including the funding requests if the City Council
indicates its desire to see the item identified in a higher service level. The City Council will be designating
which funding requests to include. for further review as part of a later Staff Report to the City Council.
Additionally, Staff has provided a summary of the applications submitted. The reviews are organized
according to the order listed in the Table of Contents within Attachment 1.
1. Alameda County Green Business Program
The Green Business Program (GBP) is requesting $2,000 to provide environmental performance
certification for small to medium businesses within Alameda County. As part of the proposed program,
the. GBP will assist the six current Dublin Green Businesses in improving environmental performance.
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During Fiscal Year 2009-2010, three businesses are due for recertification. The GBP will also assist 1
current applicant as well as an expected 3 future prospects with the certification process. In Fiscal Year
2008-2009, the City Council provided $2,000 in funding to this organization from the City's Measure D
2. Axis Communi . Health
Axis Community Health is requesting $7,500 in support of its Enrollment and Eligibility Service, which
are a part of its access to health insurance efforts for low-income Dublin residents. This service assists
low-income Dublin families by aiding residents through the enrollment process in acquiring and enrolling
in public-supported health care plans. Specifically, the funding requested from the City of Dublin would
pay fora 0.2 FTE Enrollment Specialist, who would be able to assist 206 Dublin residents with
enrollment services.
The City Council recommended funding of Axis Community Health for FY 2009-2010 in the amount of
$3,488 through the Community Development Block Grant program to support access to health insurance
for low-income Dublin residents.
3. Axis Communi Health
Axis Community Health is requesting $10,000 to support the renovation of its Behavioral Health Services
building. This funding represents approximately 9% of the overall renovation budget of $110,000. The
remaining balance of $100,000 is being requested from the Cities of Livermore ($62,000) and Pleasanton
($38,000). The project is being undertaken to increase capacity in providing substance abuse treatment
In Fiscal Year 2008-2009, Axis Community Health received $25,000 through the City Council's
Community Grant Program to construct a Women's Clinic at its Railroad Avenue site. Including both
Axis requests, the total request for funding for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $17,500, which is a decrease of
$7,500 from the amount awarded in Fiscal Year 2008-2009.
4. Chabot Las Positas Community College District (Tri-Valley One Stop Career Center)
Chabot Las Positas Community College District is requesting $15,000 to support the operation of the Tri-
Valley One Stop Career Center. The funds would be used to support Center operations and provide
workforce development activities for Dublin residents. The Tri-Valley One Stop Career Center anticipates
assisting 1,250 Dublin residents seeking employment with workforce development services as part of its
funding agreement with the City of Dublin. In Fiscal Year 2008-2009, this organization received $15,000
in funding from the City of Dublin.
5. CARD -Collaborating Agencies Responding to Disaster
CARD is requesting $10,000 in support to help provide direct preparedness and response support to
community organizations serving the City of Dublin. CARD would provide support to the City of Dublin
in four areas as part of its funding request: quarterly preparedness trainings, use of CARD's tools and
materials, ongoing preparedness support and consultation to the City of Dublin, and an annual
communications exercise. In Fiscal Year 2008-2009, CARD received $10,000 in funding from the City of
6. Childcare Links
Child Care Links' request of $23,500 is an increase of $5,000 over the FY 2008-2009 funding of
$18,500. The organization states that the requested increase is due to the growth of the City, the increase
in diversity within the. City itself, and a need for assistance with the coverage of costs previously provided
by the organization. Childcare Links, as part of its funding agreement with the City, would provide Dublin
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residents with services focused upon increasing the number and abilities of childcare professionals,
advocating for quality childcare, documenting supply and demand for childcare services, and offering
parent education programs.
7. Community Resources for Independent Livin (g,_CRIL)
CRIL is requesting $12,283 to continue providing low income persons with disabilities and seniors with
functional limitations who reside in the City of Dublin with the following services:
• Peer counseling, health information, benefits counseling and personal safety, resulting in a
significantly increased ability to be self-sufficient in their home and community.
• Indirect education, information and referral, and advocacy services that provide a foundation for
improved self-sufficiency and community participation, including Disaster Planning and
Preparedness Training.
• Disability-related education, sensitivity awareness and accessibility consultation for businesses
and agencies resulting in increased structural and services access to consumers with disabilities
and disabling conditions.
The City Council recommended funding of CRIL for FY 2009-2010 in the amount $3,488 through the
Community Development Block Grant program to provide housing information and referral services,
information on affordable and accessible housing, and assistance with creating Independent Living Plans.
In FY 2008-2009, CRIL received $11,925 through the City Council's Community Grants Program.
8. Dublin High School
Dublin High School is requesting $4,000 for Dry Grad Night, an all-night graduation party put on by the
Dublin High School community of parents and volunteers, which is clean and sober and includes music,
games, food, prizes, and entertainment. In Fiscal Year 2008-2009, Dublin High School received $4,000 in
funding through the City Council's Community Grants Program.
9. Dublin Partners in Education (DPIE)
DPIE is requesting $25,000 to support 3 DPIE Programs: Promotion of the Arts Program, Vocational
Mentoring at Dublin and Valley High Schools, and Career Days at Fallon and Wells Middle Schools. The
Promotion of the Arts Program links volunteer guest artists in the community with classrooms. The
Mentoring Program provides Dublin students with an opportunity to attend presentations by local
businesses and community volunteers, who share their career knowledge and professional experiences.
During Career Days, Dublin students are afforded the opportunity to spend a full day with local businesses
and community volunteers. This year's request is an increase of $10,000 over the Fiscal Year 2008-2009
funding level of $15,000.
10. Dublin Unified School District (DUSD)
DUSD is requesting $5,978 for the Red.Ribbon Week and the Safety in Your Schools Programs. This is
an increase of $2,428 over. Fiscal Year 2008-2009. -The increase is largely due to the inclusion of the
Safety in Your Schools Program, which amounts to $2,500. The Red Ribbon Week Program would work
with Dublin youth to promote and increase adrug-free lifestyle. The proposed Safety in Your Schools
Program would target Dublin's high school students and would provide a Challenge Day Program to bring
children together and continue a student peer mentoring program.
11. Eden Council for Hope and Opportunity (ECHO)
ECHO is requesting $5,635 for its Rental Assistance Program (RAP). RAP is a rent/deposit guarantee
program which provides assistance to low- to moderate-income tenants to pay security deposits or
delinquent rent. A budget is completed and if the client has residual income at the end of the month, the
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RAP Counselor negotiates small, monthly payments until the amount is paid. A contract is signed by the
tenant and landlord, and ECHO acts as guarantor in the event that the tenant defaults. This year's request
is a decrease of $3,580 from the Fiscal Year 2008-2009 funding level of $9,215.
12. Eden Information & Referral (Eden I&R)
Eden I&R is requesting $10,000 to continue its goal of serving as a link between Alameda County
families and individuals and the full range of community resources available to them. Eden I&R is a
source of information on, and referral to, low-cost housing, emergency shelter, and other social service
agencies for Alameda County residents. Eden I&R provides this information via a 2-1-1 telephone service.
A 2-1-1 telephone number is similar to the emergency number 9-1-1. Specifically, the 2-1-1 service has
been set aside by the Federal Communications Commission for 24 hours a day and 7 days a week access
to health and human services. Alameda County 2-1-1 is supported by a Countywide public/private
leveraged partnership between the County, the 14 Cities. and the Private Sector. In Fiscal Year 2008-2009,
Eden I&R received $10,000 in funding through the City Council's Community Grants Program.
13. Tri-Valley Business Council (TVBC)
The TVBC is requesting $5,000 to undertake aTri-Valley Economic Development Study. This study
would examine the growth of innovation companies within the Tri-Valley, determine their ongoing needs,
and evaluate the effectiveness of the programs in place to assist such companies. The amount requested
for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $13,000 less than Fiscal Year 2008-2009 funding of $18,000.
14. Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center (TVHOC)
The TVHOC is requesting $25,000 to serve Dublin residents through its Housing Opportunities Program
(HOP). The HOP consists of education programs and counseling services designed to educate the buyer
on home ownership opportunities. Although the HOP's primary focus is the purchase of Below Market
Rate For-Sale units, all market rate buyers are welcome to receive counseling and partake in the
educational programs. The HOP will provide post-purchase education workshops and one-on-one
counseling services. In Fiscal Year 2008-2009, TVHOC received $25,000 in funding from the City of
Dublin from the City's Housing In-lieu Funds.
15. Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) (NEWS
DSRSD is requesting $25,000 to create a new low-income assistance program for Dublin residents. The
funding provided would subsidize the fixed portion of a household water bill at $16 every two months.
Income requirements would be based on PG&E's CARE Program.
16. Teen Esteem (NEW)
Teen Esteem is requesting $6,000 to provide assemblies to middle and high school students, about the
importance of making healthy choices, media influences, consequences of choices, self-respect and
respect for others, integrity and character. In addition, education events would also be available for parents
on how to deal with youth and other topics. The goal of the program is to help students make the best
possible choices in the areas mentioned.
17. Wells Middle School (NEWS
Wells Middle School is seeking $2,500 in funding from the City to provide a multicultural. event for its
students and the community focused around a cookbook it is producing entitled "The Flavor of our
Cultures." The event will recreate the many recipes within the book and provide an opportunity to taste,
learn, and explore the various heritages on the campus.
RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council receive the Staff Report and
receive the presentations from Community Groups and Organizations requesting funding.
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Listing of Community Groups Requesting Funding for Fiscal Year 2009-2010
Previously Fr~urled Co~rn~runity Groups
Alameda County Green Business Program
Axis Community Health - Access to Health Care for Uninsured &
Low-income Dublin Residents
Axis Community Health - Renovation of Behavioral Health
Services Building
Chabot-Las Positas Community College District (Tri-Valley One-
Stop Career Center)
CARD -Collaborating Agencies Responding to Disaster
Child Care Links
Community Resources for Independent Living (CRIL)
Dublin High School
Dublin Partners in Education
Dublin Unified School District
Eden Council for Hope and Opportunity
Eden Information & Referral
Tri-Valley Business Council
Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center
NE~~' Cof~tniurrity Group Requests
(New) Dublin San Ramon Services District
(New) Teen Esteem
(New) Wells Middle School
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