HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.1 Independent Living CRIL Exh 7~® CITY OF DUBLIN Fiscal Year 2009-2010 RECEIVED CITY QF~ CUELIN JAN 3 0 2009 CcITY MMwutr~'s O~FlCE C OMMUNITY G ROUP/ORGANIZATION APPLICATION FOR FUNDS COVER PAGE AGENCY NAME: COMMUNITY RESOURCES FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING ~CRIL~ PROPOSED PROJECT/PROGRAM NAME: DUBLIN INDEPENDENT LIVING SERVICES FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES FUNDING AMOUNT REQUESTED: 'I Z 2H3 SECTION 2 Page 1 of 13 EXHIBIT E APPLICATION FOR FUNDS 1. Please select one expense category: ^ Capital D Operating 2. Applicant Information: Organizatioi~/Agency Nan1e Community Resources for Independent Livin~~CRIL~ Mailing Address 439 A Street. Hayward, CA 94541 (Main Office) Street Address 3311 Pacific Avenue (Tri-Valley Office) City Livermore State CA Zip 94550 Sheri Burns 510-881-5743 SlZCa-i.l3urns(u~cril-online.~~~~-~ Executive Director/Chairperson Work Phone Email Chris Finn 510-881-5743 Chris.:Fin~~~(ri;c~-il-anline.or~ Board President (if applicable) Work Phone Email Please list the Primary Project Contact Person who would be able to answer questions about this application and project/program during the funding period. John Quinn Program Director Contact Person for Project/Program Job Title 510-881-5743 Johu.C~tzinn~ci-cril-o~~linc.ot•~ 510-881-1593 Work Phone Email Fax Federal Taa Identification No. (required) 94-2598873 City of Dublin Business License No. (required) 009274 SECTION 2 Page 2 of 13 ~~ ~.. City of Dublin Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Application for Funds 3. Proposed Project/Program Information (Do not describe organization.) Amount of Funds Requested $12,283.00 (Maximum $25,000 per project.) Proposed Project/Program Name Dublin Independent Living Services for People with Disabilities Proposed Project/Program Date(s): Start 07 / Ol / 2009 and End 06 / 30 / 2010 mo. day yr. mo. day yr. Please note: City Council Grant Funds are distributed on a reimbursement basis. If your Agency needs a 100% disbursement at the beginning of the Fiscal Year, please indicate this below and please provide justification for this need. ^ Agency is requesting 100% disbursement at the beginning of the Fiscal Year. If selecting this option, please provide justification in the blank space below. ~ Agency is not requesting 100% disbursement at the beginning of the Fiscal Year. Please provide the frequency that reimbursements will be submitted to the City in the blank space below; e.g., monthly, quarterly, at project completion, etc. Monthly reimbursements • SECTION 2 Page 3 of 13 ® City of Dublin Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Application for Funds a. How would the requested funds be used? ^ Describe, in detail, the PROPOSED PROJECT/PROGRAM (not the Agency). ^ Bulleted text is acceptable. ^ Identify if the proposed project/program is a new service, or extension of an existing one. ^ An additional page maybe added, if needed. During the past two years, CRIL's Dublin Independent Living (IL) Services Program for People with Disabilities has been providing free support services to hundreds of very low-income Dublin residents with disabilities and seniors with functional limitations. Through this unique, peer-based service approach, Dublin's most vulnerable residents are able to meet their personal independent living goals, thereby maintaining or achieving independent living and avoiding institutionalization. Through CRIL's multi-service support, Dublin's frail seniors and people with disabilities of all ages are better equipped with the skills needed to live, work and participate fully in their community. Comprehensive IL Services provided include: • Healthy Living Workshops (in conjunction with the Alameda County Food Bank); • Disease Prevention Workshops (in conjunction with Kaiser Permanente nurses and wellness counselors); • Disaster Planning & Preparedness Workshops (with CARD support; include free 3-day emergency supply/food kit); • Benefits and Pre-Employment Counseling; • Assistive Technology Information & Referral and Loan Program; • Peer Support Groups and Individual Peer Counseling; • Disability Resource Information; • Self-Advocacy Training and Community Advocacy Groups; • Tax Assistance (EKS/VITA); • CRIL also provides Dublin's disabled residents with Housing Assistance through CDBG funding from the cities of Dublin, Livermore and Pleasanton. CRIL has an excellent track record in assisting Dublin's residents with disabilities in achieving or maintaining self-sufficiency. Last fiscal year, twenty (20) Dublin residents with disabilities were given direct support and assistance through one or more IL service, with over 90°!o indicating in evaluations that they had met one or more goals and achieved greater independence. In only two quarters of the current fiscal year, CRIL has already met its direct service goal and is on track for meeting or exceeding all other goals. Moreover, last year, CRIL provided indirect services to another 88 Dublin residents with disabilities (43 of whom attended various IL workshops) and provided 28 businesses with ADA and other disability information and referral. One of the many Dublin residents who CRIL was able to assist with funding support from the City of Dublin's Community Grant, is Lori, a single woman who sustained a traumatic brain injury in her youth and struggles with depression, anxiety, and fibroid tumors. Lori is currently residing with hersister in SECTION 2 Page 4 of 13 r Dublin and was referred by a vocational counselor at the Department of Rehabilitation. Her most pressing need was to get connected with mental health services, with additional needs including, but not limited to, housing and vocational services. CRIL's Tri-Valley Coordinator provided Lori with numerous referrals for services and programs in the Tri-Valley area, including Anthropos Counseling Center, Los Positas College, Tri-City Homeless Coalition and CRIL's peer support group. At Los Positas she has maintained a full academic course load. She has also attended regular counseling sessions, actively participates in Department of Rehabilitation services and checks in with CRIL staff regularly. She is currently on a waiting list for a housing scholarship with Tri-City Coalition and is looking forward to moving into her own home. Lori is extremely motivated, has a positive attitude, and takes on the many challenges that life throws her way despite her difficulties and barriers. It is through the support of the City of Dublin Community Grant that CRIL is able to impact directly the lives of people with disabilities, like Lori, who strive to increase or maintain their self-sufficiency. CRIL is requesting City of Dublin Community Grant funding support to continue and expand our partnership in providing more than fifteen, non-housing independent living services and advocacy to seniors with functional limitations and people of all ages with disabilities living in the City of Dublin. With an allocation of $12,283, CRIL will be able to assist a minimum of 651ow-income Dublin residents with disabilities (15 directly and 50 indirectly) in meeting their independent living goals and achieving self- sufficiency. An additional 20 businesses will receive disability information and consultation services. With an investment of just $189 per person, the City of Dublin Community Grant will greatly increase the number of low-income residents with disabilities who are more self-sufficient and able to participate fully in their community. b. How would the PROPOSED PROJECT/PROGRAM address an unmet community need and improve the quality of life for Dublin residents. Why is this project/program needed? (Additional page maybe added, if needed): There are between 256,000 and 280,000 people with disabilities living in Alameda County with upwards of 7,000 living in the City of Dublin alone (DATA 2006 Hanson 2004 City of Dublin 20081 Inherently, services to persons with disabilities are services to the most impoverished members of our community. Additionally, Alameda County has a higher rate of poverty among adults with disabilities ages 18 to 64 years than most other bay area counties (Kaye, 2005). Compounding the poverty, people with disabilities are often segregated, isolated in their homes, or in other ways disenfranchised from their communities. Dublin's mission focuses on supporting a high quality of life and ensuring a safe and secure environment for its diverse community. In the next few years, when our local cities, state and country are experiencing a significant recession, the City's mission plays an even greater role in the lives of its residents. There will surely be an increased need for support and self-sufficiency services to our community's most vulnerable residents. Independent Living Services, like those provided by CRIL, triumph over the barriers that confront low-income persons with disabilities and disconnect them from full and meaningful participation in their communities. SECTION 2 Page 5 of 13 ~~ ~ p CRIL's Independent Living Services for frail seniors and people with disabilities are free to consumers, and designed to help lower income individuals with disabilities maintain their quality of life, become fully integrated into society, and live as independently as possible. Specifically, Independent Living activities have been proven to affect positive outcomes for persons living in the community and to reduce the risks for persons with disabilities to develop secondaN conditions (Resnick, 2002; White, 1994). Similarly, peer support is a fundamental principle of the independent living movement because it helps people recognize possibility and the potential of their own abilities. More than half of all CRIL staff are persons with disabilities, and are thereby able to provide both professional social services and peer support to Dublin residents with disabilities. Additionally, while it is common knowledge that the rate of disability increases with age, the 2000 Census found that 32.4% of the senior population in Alameda Count,~has a disability and the City of Dublin is no exception. CRIL has been focusing marketing and outreach efforts to seniors with disabling conditions over the past few years in an effort to increase the self-sufficiency of Dublin seniors and positively affect their ability to remain in their own homes. The most utilized CRIL services by Dublin's seniors are personal assistant / homecare worker referral and matching, benefits counseling and assistance, and assistive technology information and referral. In the past two years, CRIL has added three new services in response to the emerging needs of seniors and others with disabilities and functional limitations: Disaster Planning and Preparedness workshops, Healthy Living and Disease Prevention workshops, and Tax Preparation Assistance (Earn It, Keep It, Save It /VITA). We would not have been able to add these new programs without ongoing funding assistance from the Dublin City Community Grant, the Kaiser Permanente Diablo Valley Grant, and the United Way of the Bay Area EKS Grant. Moreover, all of these programs are available in Spanish to Dublin's significant Latino population (13.5%), as CRIL's Tri-Valley Coordinator is a woman with a disability who is bicultural and bilingual. One-third of CRIL's other service providers are also Latino and bilingual, and one is Asian and speaks Cantonese. Lastly, the federal government has recently mandated that all state and local jurisdictions implement disaster plans that include accessible mass sheltering and evacuation of people with disabilities (DoJ, 2008). National and State surveys continue to show that only a minority of Americans are prepared for a significant disaster and have the needed three to seven day "shelter in place" supplies (Kailes, Ostrom, 2006). CRIL's Disaster Planning and Preparedness Training Program for People with Disabilities and Seniors with Functional Limitations was made possible in large part due to the forward thinking and support of the City of Dublin. Since 2007, CRIL has trained over 150 Tri-Valley residents with disabilities in Disaster Preparedness and provided each with a free light-weight, easily transportable, water-resistant Survival Kit which includes first aid information, 3-day supply of water and food, a mylar blanket, safety light, CRIL emergency communication device, emergency planning guide and Vial of Life sticker. More than two-thirds of the participants have been seniors with disabilities and the majority request more information on CRIL and/or wish to become a consumer in order to obtain additional services. Post-workshop, four out of five participants consistently state that they feel better prepared and able to respond effectively in the event of a disaster or emergency. Disaster Preparedness Workshops, along with the other independent Living workshops, will continue to be offered to Dublin residents with disabilities through funding support from Dublin City Community Grant. SECTION 2 Page 6 of 13 c. What documentation/data/records support the need for this PROPOSED PROJECT/PROGRAM? Please identify your data sources. (Additional page maybe added, if needed.) A number of sources are referenced to support the need and efficacy of CRIL's IL Program for Persons with Disabilities and Seniors with Functional Limitations: Demographic Profile: The City of Dublin -The Official Website of Dublin, CA., 2008 Census Figures <http://www.ci.dublin.ca.us/DepartmentSubLevel2.cfm?PL=econ&SL=demog&dsplylD=862> Department of Justice. "ADA Guidelines From the U. S. Department of Justice on Sheltering for Mass Care," National Organization on Disability, January 8, 2008. Hanson, S., et.al. ``Community Needs Assessment," Center for Applied Local Research, 2004 ICF Publishing. Human Services Needs Assessment for the Tri-Valley --Incorporating the Cities of Dublin, Livermore, and Pleasanton; Center for Applied Local Research, 2003 Kailes, J. "Including People with Disabilities and Seniors in Disaster Services", CDIHP, June 2006 Kaye, PhD, Stephen." Disability, Health & Employment in California", Disability Statistics Center, University of California, San Francisco, 2005 National Organization on Disability. "New Poll Highlights Need for More Emergency Planning for and by People with Disabilities", January 30, 2004. Ostrom, M. "Quake Worries on the Decline", San Jose Mercury News. April 18, 2006 Resnisk, B. "The impact of self-efficacy and outcome expectations on functional status in older adults", Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, 14(4), 1-10, 2002. White, et al. "Preventing Secondary Conditions: A Role for Independent Living Centers", National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research,1994. U.S. Census Bureau. Statistics: Alameda County- Tri-Valley Cities, 2000 SECTION 2 Page 7 of 13 - _. ; City of Dublin Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Application for Funds d. Specify the PROPOSED PROJECT/PROGRAM population to be served. CRIL's Independent Living Project will serve low-income Persons with Disabilities and Seniors with Functional Limitations who reside in the City of Dublin. Specifically, the program will positively impact the lives of Dublin residents who are among the most impoverished and vulnerable of the community. 1. Fifteen (15) low-income residents with disabilities will receive direct independent living skills training in one or more non-housing services, such as peer counseling, health information, benefits counseling, self-advocacy training, and assistive technology referral. CRIL's peer support and training will result in a significantly increased ability for Dublin residents with disabilities to be self- sufficient in their home, work, school, families and community. Services and materials will also be available in Spanish and alternate formats. 2. Fifty (50) low-income seniors and persons with disabilities will receive indirect education, information & referral, and advocacy services that provide a foundation for improved self- .: sufficiency and community participation, including Disaster Planning and Preparedness Training, Healthy Living and Disease Prevention workshops. 3. Twenty (20) businesses andlor agencies will receive disability-related education, sensitivity awareness and accessibility consultation resulting in increased structural and services access to consumers with disabilities and disabling conditions. e. Projects/programs must be evaluated to determine if they are being carried out efficiently and if project/program goals are being met. Please describe how you plan to monitor your project/program's success and impact. ^ An additional page may be added, if needed. CRIL has several solid data sources listed below to provide quantitative and qualitative information for CRIL staff to evaluate the progress of its programs and services. The CRIL database format and programming validity are evaluated annually with programming modifications made as needed. CRIL's Intake Form is used with every person who wishes to become a consumer of CRIL and participate in creating a plan or set of goals to meet their objective or desired outcome. Independent Living (IL) Coordinators work with consumers to articulate their personal goals and action steps to achieve greater independence. Each month IL Coordinators submit a list of goals set with consumers so that CRIL's database can maintain a cumulative tracking of consumer goals that are set and met. SECTION 2 Page 8 of 13 • Sample Outcome Measure: A consumer whose outcome objective is to obtain a mobility device, such as a wheelchair, in order to safely and independently move about and exit the home, may create one or more goals with the AT Coordinator to help him or her reach that objective (e.g., meet with the AT Coordinator to discuss mobility needs and equipment options, obtain a referral to a doctor and an evaluator, obtain a list of providers that match the consumer's needs and type of assistance, utilize the Coordinator as an advocate if necessary, etc.). The goals are set at Intake, tracked a minimum of monthly with the consumer, then recorded as met when the consumer self-reports to the Coordinator that he or she .has achieved the desired outcome (e.g., obtained an appropriate wheelchair). • CRIL tracks the number of services, their length of time, and the number of contacts per consumer for all consumers seeking IL Coordination services through reporting monthly on our statistics tracking system. • Volunteers who support CRIL operations and provide peer counseling services complete our volunteer service log. • For individuals who do not become consumers, CRIL's monthly indirect statistics tracking log records any Dublin resident, regardless of disability status, who has received information and referral, community education, publications, disability awareness training, outreach services, and technical assistance that enhances inclusiveness of services. • CRIL conducts asemi-annual consumer satisfaction survey to solicit feedback regarding the quality of its direct service staff. Information is tabulated and presented to CRIL Management and Board of Directors for review and any necessary program modification. • Workshop participants are requested to complete aself-evaluation, rating their level of knowledge and activity before and after the Disease Prevention or Disaster Preparedness training. Staff then contacts each participant who becomes a consumer 6 months post-workshop to again evaluate the practical impact of CRIL's training. Quarterly file reviews ensure quality of documentation and correlate with the direct statistics sheets that account for daily contacts with all consumers. The IL Coordinators meet with the Program Director regularly for Independent Living Plan sessions to explore solutions related to consumer goal development. This provides both supervision for difficult consumer situations, and an opportunity to note consumer trends that may not be obvious elsewhere. Additionally, all CRIL staff members meet bi-weekly to discuss community involvement, program activities, and consumer trends. f. Specify numbers of clients served by agency, then by PROPOSED PROJECT/PROGRAM: - --- -------- A ency Participants ~ Total Number of Partici ants Served b A enc (if a licable) 1,000 + 3,000* Total Number of Dublin Residents Served by Agency (if applicable) 20 + 85 + 20** Pro'ect/Pro ram Partici ants Total Proposed Partici ants Served b this Pro'ect/Program 165 + 120 + 75 SECTION 2 Page 9 of 13 r Total Number of Dublin Residents Served by this Pro'ect 15 + 50 + 20*** * 1,000 unduplicated, directly served county-wide consumers + 3,000 people with disabilities and seniors indirectly served through I & R, advocacy and workshops. ** 301ow-income Dublin residents directly served in either housing or IL services + 85 provided housing I & R or any other indirect service + 20 Dublin businesses provided I & R or disability cansultation. *** 15 low-income Dublin residents directly served in non-housing IL services + 50 residents provided any non-housing, indirect services + 20 Dublin businesses provided I & R or disability consultation. City of Dublin Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Application for Funds 5. Financial Information -Operating Budget a. Expense Budget FY 2009-2010 EXPEnSF, BIJI)GET ORG:~.NII,a"1'IO~I Tlus PROJECT PROGRAM ~;RA;~'T RI.QUFST Personnel Costs EMPLOYEE SALARIES & BENEFITS 599,222 52,531 10,999 Non-Personnel Costs AUDIT AND ACCOUNTING 4,900 470 99 CONSULTANT SERVICES 38,141 970 220 DUES, PUBS, AND BOOKS 4,002 204 46 INSURANCE 8,500 701 158 OCCUPANCY -RENT, UTILITIES & OTHER 13,851 100 21 POSTAGE, PRINTING & COPYING 7,729 570 128 SUPPLIES-OFFICE & PROGRAM 4,353 657 104 TELEPHONE 14,002 2,210 508 ACCESS -PROGRAM/STAFF 646 0 0 BUILDING REPAIRS &MAINT. 9,602 0 0 EMPLOYEE RECRUITMENT 250 0 0 EQUIPMENT AND FURNITURE ACQUISITIONS 1,500 0 0 EQUIPMENT MAINT./REPAIRS 2,300 0 0 FUNDRAISING COSTS 2,000 0 0 INTEREST 500 0 0 OUTREACH 500 0 0 MEETING COSTS/ ENTERTAINMENT/ STAFF, BOARD, VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION 2,900 0 0 STAFF DEVELOPMENT 4,399 0 0 TRAVEL 6,428 0 0 TOTAL 725,725 58,413 12,283 Further Comments/Explanations (if necessary): SECTION 2 Page 11 of 13 i ~® ~. ~ __ City of Dublin Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Application for Funds b. Revenue Budget FY 2009-2010 RFVFVUE BUDGET Olt(..A11L.a'hlO~i PRO.IECT/PROGKA~I Committed/Restricted Funds (s ecif ~ source) Department of Rehabilitation-Community Or .* 17,046 Department of Rehabilitation-AT** 70,000 Department of Rehabilitation-AB204** 339,866 De artment of Education** 80,727 $3,780 Cit of Fremont** 9,800 Cit of San Leandro** 10,000 CIL - WIPA** 3,000 Non-Committed/Restricted Funds (s ~ecify source) Cit of Livermore 6,930 6,900 Cit of Pleasanton CDBG 14,939 14,939 Cit of Pleasanton 6,600 6,600 Kaiser Foundation 9,900 9,900 Cit of Dublin Communit Or anization Grant 12,283 12,283 Cit of Dublin CDBG 4,011 3,488*** Alameda Count Tobacco Control Coalition 30,000 Cit of Ha ward 40,000 Public Authorit 50,253 General Funds-Fee for Service, Donations, Interest, Fundraisin 20,400 523 TOTAL 725,725 58,413 Further Comments/Explanations (if necessary): Note*-End of Grant cycle. Note**-Multi-year contract, actual awarded amount may vary, estimated same amount as current fiscal year. Note***-Have been informed that the City Staff is recommending this awarded amount to CRIL, Organization budget is a proposed budget. Adjustments will be made after notification of all awards. At this time, difference will be covered through one of the following activities: General Funds, Fee-for-Service, Donations, andlor Fundraising. SECTION 2 Page 12 of 13 1 1 City of Dublin Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Application for Funds 6. General Agency Information ^D Past grant applicants may check this box in lieu of completing item 6 (a-d) if the program organizational description on file with the City is correct and current. a. List all years that Organization has previously received City of Dublin funding (not Community Development Block Grant - CDBG). b. Describe the population(s) served by the Organzation. c. Describe all the services the Organization currently provides to Dublin residents. ^ An additional page maybe added, if needed. d. Has your agency ever previously received fiords from the City of Dublin? If yes, please specify in what Fiscal Years and the amount received each year.. i City of Dublin Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Application for Funds 7. Required Attachments: o Only one (1) copy per A~enc~ of each of the following is required, even with multiple projects/programs submitted. o Applications without the following documents will not be reviewed for funding. o Please label attachments: A, B, C, etc. A. Names of Governing Board; identify current Board officers. B. Current total Organization operating budget, including revenue. • Clearly label/identify the program that includes the PROPOSED PROJECT/PROGRAM. ~' C. Most recent audit report or tax return (if applicable). D. Resolution, letter or other document providing evidence of Board/Organization approval of application, and date approval was granted. ^ Board/Organization approval maybe pending. E. Organization's certificate of insurance showing coverage for liability and workers' compensation. F. Application Verification Declaration Signature Page. ~~ G. Signed affidavit form from each collaborating agency named in proposed project/program plan (if applicable). p' H. Copy of IRS Letter of Determination indicating tax exempt status. SECTION 2 Page 1 of 1 Attachment A Is ii a~pr less a rose? Board of Directors: Chris Finn President Marsha Burch Vice President Randy Dana Secretary/Treasurer Jeffrey Rosen Member-at-Large Marty Stenrud Dorene M. Giacopini H. Stephen Kaye, PhD Bruce Blanco Attachment B Community Resources for Independent Living Proposed Agency Budget FY 2009-2010 (REVENUE CITY 'ROPOSED PROPOSE( AGENCY PROJECT BUDGET BUDGET FY 2010 FY 2010 HAYWARD SS $ 40,000 DUBLIN-COMMUNITY $ 12,283 $ 12,283 SAN LEANDRO-SS $ 10,000 FREMONT SS $ 9,800 LIVERMORE-CDBG $ 6,900 $ 6,900 PLEASANTON SS $ 6,600 $ 6,600 DUBLIN CDBG** $ 4,011 $ 3,488 COUNTY ALAMEDA COUNTY TOBACCO CONTROL COALITI $ 30,000 FEE FOR SERVICE-CONTRACTS PUBLIC AUTHORITY (FEE FOR SERVICE) $ 50,253 PLEASANTON CDBG (FEE FOR SERVICE) $ 14,939 $ 14,939 CIL WIPA* $ 3,000 FOUNDATION KAISER FOUNDATION $ 9,900 $ 9,900 GOVERNMENT DEPT OF REHAB - 204 $ 339,866 DEPT OF ED-VIIC $ 80,727 $ 3,780 DEPT OF REHAB - ASSISTIVE TECH $ 70,000 DEPT OF REHAB- COMMUNITY ORGANIZING $ 17,046 OTHER SOURCES FEE FOR SERVICE-GENERAL $ 8,600 $ 523 DONATIONS $ 5,000 FUNDRAISING -EVENTS $ 6,000 INTEREST $ 800 TOTAL REVENUE OPERATING EXPENSES WAGES $ 486,496 $ 42,708 BENEFITS $ 112,726 $ 9,823 AUDIT AND ACCOUNTING $ 4,900 $ 470 CONSULTANT SERVICES $ 38,141 $ 970 DUES, PUBS, AND BOOKS $ 4,002 $ 204 INSURANCE $ 8,500 $ 701 OCCUPANCY -RENT, UTILITIES & OTHER $ 13,651 $ 100 POSTAGE, PRINTING & COPYING $ 7,729 $ 570 SUPPLIES-OFFICE & PROGRAM $ 4,353 $ 657 TELEPHONE $ 14,002 $ 2,210 ACCESS -PROGRAM/STAFF $ 646 BUILDING REPAIRS & MAINT. $ 9,602 EMPLOYEE RECRUITMENT $ 250 EQUIPMENT AND FURNITUREACOUISITIONS $ 1,500 EQUIPMENT MAINT.IREPAIRS $ 2,300 FUNDRAISING COSTS $ 2,000 INTEREST $ 500 OUTREACH $ 500 MEETING COSTS( ENTERTAINMENT( STAFF, BOARD, VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION $ 2,900 STAFF DEVELOPMENT $ 4,399 TRAVEL $ 6,428 TOTAL OPERATING EXCESS (DEFICIT) *Grant expires in September 2009. ** City Staff Recommendation is $3488 Attachment C AUDIT REPORT ON COMMUNITY RESOURCES FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING, INC. (A NOT-FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION) HAYWARD, CALIFORNIA FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION JUNE 30, 2008 AND 2007 COMMUNITY RESOURCES FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING, INC. (A NOT-FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION) HAYWARD, CALIFORNIA TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT 1-2 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: Statements of Financial Position 3 Statements of Activities 4 Statements of Cash Flows 5 Statements of Functional Expenses 6 Notes to Financial Statements 7-13 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT ON 14 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT ON SCHEDULE OF 15 EXPENDITURES OF FEDERAL AWARDS SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES OF FEDERAL AWARDS 16 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT ON INTERNAL CONTROL 17-18 OVER FINANCIAL REPORTING AND ON COMPLIANCE AND OTHER MATTERS BASED ON AN AUDIT OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNMENT AUDITING STANDARDS INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT ON COMPLIANCE WITH 19-20 REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE TO EACH MAJOR PROGRAM AND ON INTERNAL CONTROL OVER COMPLIANCE IN ACCORDANCE WITH OMB CIRCULAR A-133 BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND MANAGEMENT 21 SUMMARY SCHEDULE OF PRIOR YEAR AUDIT FINDINGS 22 SCHEDULE OF FINDINGS AND QUESTIONED COSTS 23 CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN 24 CHART INFORMATION 25-28 COMMUNITY RESOURCES FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING, INC. (A NOT-FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION) HAYWARD, CALIFORNIA INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT To: The Board of Directors Community Resources for Independent Living, Inc. Hayward, California We have audited the accompanying statements of financial position of Community Resources for Independent Living (CRIL), Inc., a not- for-profit Corporation, as of June 30, 2008 and 2007 and the related statements of activities, cash flows, and functional expenses for the years then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of Community Resources for Independent Living Inc.'s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. Prior year summarized comparative information has been derived from 2007 financial statements and our report dated September 10, 2007 in which we expressed an unqualified opinion on those financial statements. We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Governmental Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and the significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Community Resources for Independent Living, Inc. as of June 30, 2008 and 2007, and changes in its net assets and its cash flows for the years then ended in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, we have also issued our report dated November 11, 2008 on our consideration of Community Resources for Independent Living, Int.'s internal control over financial reporting and on our tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts 1 COMMUNITY RESOURCES FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING, INC. (A NOT-FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION) HAYWARD, CALIFORNIA INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT (CONT'D) and grant agreements and other matters. The purpose of that report is to describe the scope of our testing of internal control over financial reporting .and compliance and the results of that testing, and not to provide an opinion on the internal control over financial reporting or on compliance. That report is an integral part of an audit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards and should be considered in assessing the results of our audits. Our audits were conducted for the purpose of forming an opinion on the basic financial statements of Community Resources for Independent Living, Inc. taken as a whole. The accompanying schedule of expenditures of federal awards is presented for purposes of additional analysis as required by U.S. Office of Management and Budget Circular A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations, and is not a required part of the basic financial statements. Such information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial statements, and, in our opinion, is fairly stated, in all material respects, in relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole. DENNIS L. LORETTE ACCOUNTANCY CORPORATION Pinole, California November 11, 2008 2 COMMUNITY RESOURCES FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING, INC. (A NOT-FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION) HAYWARD, CALIFORNIA STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION JUNE 30, 2008 AND 2007 ASSETS 2008 2007 Current Assets: Cash on hand and in bank $ 99,638 $ 60,006 Grants and contracts receivable (Note 3) 115,979 132,167 Unconditional promise to give: (Note 4) Capital improvements - 301,767 Other 64,243 58,773 Prepaid expenses 15,218 7,265 Total Current Assets 295,078 559,978 Property and equipment, net (Note 5) 515,765 244,088 Other Assets: Deposit (Note 6) 940 1,079 TOTAL ASSETS $.811,783 $.805,145 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Current Liabilities: Accrued vacations $ 22,197 $ 18,213 Accrued expenses-other (Note 9) 5,308 1,652 Total Current Liabilities 27,505 19,865 Net Assets: Unrestricted 699,696 404,402 Temporarily restricted (Note 7) 84,582 380,878 Permanently restricted - - Total Net Assets 784,278 785,280 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $ 811,783 $ 805,145 * For comparative purposes only The accompanying notes and supplemental information are an integral part of these financial statements. 3 U z H C7 z H H '~.~ I-~ O H Z QO W O Z H ~a O oa WO O O ~ Z W C~ r.~ H H O U H O H a ~ H W [~ H O ~ E-I o O H N G4 H Q W w U ~ H H ~ CIa O po N Q ~ ~ O ~ W W '~~• ~ -~ U r>i -~ is L(1 d' M O d1 O I r-I I '--I l0 ~ CO N CO M L~ O [~ N CO d' Ln O OD CO lD O O rl l~ O L~ CO ~ CO [~ O1 r-1 l~ l0 O O d+ CO L(1 M L~ M Ql N ~ L~ N O l0 l0 rl ri 00 CO Lfl l~ O 00 M d' O L(l ~i O M r-i L(1 LC1 L~ f-I rl N O l.f) M CO ~ N [~ [~ L~ L(l r-I r-I L~ L~ L~ 4-I ~ ~• O 00 Lfl l0 d~ l0 Ol L~ LIl I L(l L~ M C~ O L~ N O CO ~ NO[~NOIL~r-I N N Ol LIIL~ M N O oD L~ ~ d' rl dl N r-1 rl ~-~I N N lfl L!) Ol Lfl N O N N ~+ 00 O O L~ N da rl ~' M M M da di d' ~ d' ~•-~ Ill d' r-{ O M l11 Lfl r-I N r-I M 111 ~ CO CO ~ N L~ l~ [~ l0 ri r-I L~ L~ l~ l.{ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ _ • r-I CO I I I I I I CO di l0 I I I I I l0 ~ N (~ N N N Ol dl [~ CO ~, ~ d' d~ l~ N N CO Lfl ~ U o o ~o ~ ~ o ~r H M M N dl dl CO CO ~ ~ [~ t~ O N N M v ~ CIl rl .,~ Q J-1 [i] I In l0 d' l0 Ol L` [~ d' r-I L~ M [~ O [~ d~ N l0 E-I O [~ N Ol [~ rl Ol N N O1 Ill L~ M N Ol O Ol ~ U H tT N r-1 '-I r-I [~ [~ Ln l0 Lll 61 Lfl N N d~ l0 O H R i l~ N d' ~-I d' M N l0 dl d' d' d' O1 c1' I11 d' O1 ~ ~, E--I N N d' r-I N r-1 M L(1 Ol O Ol ~ W O O l0 r-I .-I [~ N d' l0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ O N -~ ~ U ~ Q ~-I ~. ~i to ~ N ~ O ~-I rl O ~ N ~ N rd ~ U] ~ ~ ~+ N m ~ O O ~ U ~ U rn u1 O ~ R, ~ f!2 ~-I N ~ N U N •u cd ~ N ~ ~ .. U N bl ~ s~ Ul ~ ~+ Q-I O W cd U1 'Z~ R; • • b ~I N Ul -rl ~ ~-I N N Ul U] '~ ~ N Spa ~ ~ 4-I N ~ U m ZS U N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ W ~ •~ rtS ~ U U rd W a.-~ •r-I -r-I ~ W U ~ ~I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t~ ~ ~ ri ~ N ~ ~ ~ R; O N ~ O .u O ~ ~ ~ •~ O ~ P4 W ~ ~ T3 • ~ U] Ul N N ~-I ~-I ~-I N N N f!1 RI .u ~ ~ rd ~ ~ N ~ ~ U2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O O ~ ~ ~ •~ Q O •,~ ~ ~ Q-I ~ . ¢' U r I A O u] ~ '~ -I Qa Ul ¢I • • ~ + N rd ~ ~ H u U] H U~ H ] ~ r RI ~ ~ ~- ~ ~ l O .~ ~ U1 •rI 4-I rd N ~ r-I ~ N ~ c!l c~ ~I rd '~ U W W U ~ U H +~ ~+ R. ~ •,~ N m to cn W ~ O ~ ~ ~ iT ~ ~ N f~' ~ ~ m N ,~ U U] CJ~ bl C11 rtS ~ rtS >~ ~ m ~ U ~ ~ O rd ~ N Ul ~ I W ~ c~ r-I Z O pl ~ f~ a-.I ~ ~ FC O N a s~ o a~ ~ ~ ~-~ ~ ~ w ~I ~ o .~ w .u W C7Uf=.~WHH~ ~ .u ~ a w cn E-I U H H ~ ~ ~ H H z H w z z -~ ~ COMMUNITY RESOURCES FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING, INC. (A NOT-FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION) HAYWARD, CALIFORNIA STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS JUNE 30, 2008 AND 2007 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES: Changes in net assets $ Adjustments to reconcile changes in Net assets to net cash provided (used) by operating activities: Depreciation (Increase) decrease in: Grants and contracts receivable Promises to give Prepaid expenses Deposits Increase (decrease) in: Accrued expenses NET CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES ("~T CU LET /'1T.T C~ L~T]nTrt TTl'c rT.+n mnrtr~r.Tm T rmTC~T mTr+n _ 2008 2007 (1,002) $ 54,303 33,499 16,188 296,297 (7, 953) 139 24,288 (30, 536) (31, 072) (l, 205) 280 7, 640 344,808 7,110 23,168 Purchase of equipment and furniture (305,176) NET CASH USED BY INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES (305,176) NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 39,632 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, BEGINNING OF YEAR 60,006 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, END OF YEAR $ 99,638 * For comparative purposes only The accompanying notes and supplemental integral part of these financial statements. (46, 291) (46, 291) (23, 123) 83,129 $ 60,006 information are an 5 •k Lfl l~ N d~ 00 O 00 M 00 I a\ r-I ~ cr M Ln M L~ l0 L11 ~ N d~ D\ W N d' O ~ O OD 00 NOll100 L()MIOMIO d~Ln L~MrlNd~l~Od^OrI IONOlON000 Ol 00 [~ O M rl d~ l0 OD r•i D\ r-I N d~ d~ [~ L~ L() ~ Lfl L~ M d~ l~ l0 O1 ~ r-I L~ N d' N L~ t` O d~ to Lll V' Lfl r-I d~ d° ri l~ M N r-I d+ M d~ l!) L~ N d~ t.(l Ol d~ M O M IO d~ d~ M rl rl '-I l~ N O N d~ Lfl 10 L~ ~ i!} H In O ~ H ~ Ln 00 O1N 1001 I C\I-()01 LnMrl l-f10\O\O~rI IOONrINI~ I-fl to W d~N DO O~ L~ N 0100 'd~M Ol r-I d~lO L~L~riNOrl 00 r-IOL~OMMrl N000101 r100 N O\ N ri IO d~ M rl M M L~ r-I cJ+ V~ In 00 O N 00 OD L~ 00 d~ O [~ d~ Lfl C~ 01 00 O L~ d' N N O ~ J-l O M Q\ r-I cr rl d> M rM N C` H 00 N N N M l~ r-I O r-1 rl I~ M O M d~ (~ O IO Lfl L() L~ ~-1 N N r-1 r-I N M Ln Ll N d~ tIl l~ L~ U] L? {? rl .,~ U U2 L~ d~ M d~ I ~ I Lfl I Ol I ~ r-I O dl 01 ~ I IO ~ N Lfl O L Lfl Lfl 01 N N 01 H O ~' H W N In M r-I d~ O L~ r-1 N d~ ri 00 O ~ M r-I Lfl Ol O OD N IIl ~ 00 L~ LC1 M (d P: U Ln r-1 00 N Ol Q\ 01 d~ Lf1 M O N ~H d~ r~ O Lfl Lry O O M O l~ l~ Ill is Q H -.-1 E'a a 'J 01 O W OD r-1 M N r-I ri O r-I M N N r-I M M Ln Ol w HpW ~ rl N U] U] W i!} i!} N ,S: z ~ " H UU Z OOON O I l0 I O I O1 I O1 r~00 I I l0 I LflMr-I I I I I Ml0 W I Ol 00 t` ~ H ,7.., W OD 10 d~ dl W M L~ M N N d{ d~ ri M Ol 01 N N d~ [~ (~ 'J H ~ tll O1 OD M rl N d\ to r-I M r-I r-I r-I d~ Lfl. O1 11 H _ W O ~ I"'~ O l~ d\ N ~ ~ ~ I...I Zi 7-i N a~ a ~~ W ~ th ~ °a w A ~I w ~ H w ao ~ ~ ,A7~ a w W a" O z OO f-~ fy t~ lO rl d+ I 00 I Ill I I I Lf1 I N Ol O1 00 I ri d~ ri L(1 O M Lll N M d~ N O M M •ri a O W O N Z ai d~ W 01 N I.f) L~ [~ rl r-I 00 M M N ~-1 I-fl O1 C~ 00 M lO rl OD L7) O Ltl [r] U H ~ ~ Z Ol r-I 01 ri [~ IO M N O N d'~ d~ r-l O r-I L() OD 00 N O M N Ln ~ H ~ U U O U L.7 ~ O1 L~ ~ r-I M r-I r-I 00 ~-I M rl rl r-I M ~ ~ N N a ~ ~ w ~ r-I ri ~ ~~ ~ o~ ~~ W ~ >+ to A ~ ~ '~ W p U1 OD d~ IO 00 1p Lfl I N I-fl O Lfl 01 I Lfl I I L1l rl O M O 1O N O I O Lfl N I 01 00 L~ O i,T' ~ W IOM r-I rl 01 L~ 'd~ IO O L~ O1 l0 M O O 10 N [~ N N L~ M L~ d~ d~ 01 ~-1 U IO lfl IO 00 rl M d~ L~ N d~ Ol d~ M O M 1O d~ O1 IO O1 ~ O1 ~ 01 ~ IO O ~ W Zi H ~ ~ ~ ~ U" ~ M O1 N 111 01 Lll M r-I r-I 10 N N N M Ill rl l0 d> 01 l0 l0 r W Cr' O Ri O d' d~ L~ N r-I 00 N H -ri H L} L} 1~ L". N O ~ ~ Ul ri ~ U N q N ~ U ~ N N ~ ~ 10.I N ~ C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-O ~ Ol ~ O O ~ ~ r-I -rl 1~ c~ cd ~ 1~ ~ N N ~ •• E '~ U ~ U E ~ N O X~ '~ N ''~ m~ ~ q N b~ N bl O a ~ N ~ to ~ ~ ,~ q ~ U C N ~ O ~+ Ol fd S~ (0 ~ ~ N -r-I •r-I ~I -rl U1 W ~~" ~ ~ N O f11rd E m y e w ~, ~~ N a -~ N ~ m a w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N R. G rn ~, ~ -~ N }S S-I 'd '~ -~--1 •r-I •ri N ~ ~-I O N 'Lf G N S'' r-i N Ul ~-I L"i RS ~ ~ I ~-I ~1., U W ¢a f~ U W U1 •ri Q~ ~ aa~ro ofoa ~UV rdU,~ ~ oo -~ ~ ~ w ~ E ~+ N SC ~ ~ -~ N u1 m •~ N N Ol ~ rd rn ~ ~ A rl O O ua rd O 'd 1~ U] 1J td N ~ O rn a.I -.-i N '~ U ~ '~ '~ N U] ~ rt3 ~ W ~ U ~~a~ ~a~rnmroo~a,au~U~~ ~ rn a~~m~~ a~ro ~ ro a a ~ ~a,a~~~, ~+o~~n-u.QOVa~-~~mc~trlUV~ z~~ov~o -~~ o -~ sc ~ -~ 5v~-I rtf N E -~ ~ r, -~ >. E ro rts N ~ ~ ~-~+ -~ .~ ~ ~ rl ~ U w o v ~ ~+ o o~ aE~ a~ ~~ o w~+ ~+ ~+~-~ a, ro~ ww,~ ~ av-~+ a~ s~ w U ,~ N ~ r-i ~ O O O r-I W m td ~ •r-I 'd ~ N td ~ ?-I .1.1 ~ 1.1 w w C1. N N ~ r-i U ~ S-I H -~ ~ CZ ~ H U -~ to ~ N ~ fJ., ~ rn ~ ~ N -u cn -~ G ro ~ ~ k r-I rt •r-I m to a ~ ~+ ~ ~ E ~ ~ U ~ ~ O ~ O E ~ ~ G ~ N N ~ O ~ N t~ 1.1 ~ ~ N ~ +~ •r-I N H O .. ~cnWa ~~WPQUAAW W[z+HHa~oaaarnrnv~HHH~~ A O fs.~ H ~ ~ O cp O * Z COMMUNITY RESOURCES FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING, INC. (A NOT-FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION) HAYWARD, CALIFORNIA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Page 1 of 7 NOTE 1 - THE ORGANIZATION Community Resources for Independent Living, Inc. (CRIL), is a not- for-profit California Corporation established in March 1979 for the purpose of serving physically disabled adults with programs and activities designed to enhance life styles and increase opportunities for full participation in the life of the community. CRIL is a cross-disability, community-based organization. Anyone with a disability is eligible for services regardless of race, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, familial status, religion, or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) status. CRIL supports, empowers, and teaches skills to persons with disabilities so that they may more fully participate in community and life activities. CRIL teaches and advocates for change to remove barriers to access for persons with disabilities. CRIL derives a substantial portion of its support and revenue from reimbursement type grants with the State of California, Department of Rehabilitation and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under Community Development Block Grants. The Corporation's Mission Statement is: "CRIL ADVOCATES AND PROVIDES RESOURCES FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES TO IMPROVE THE QUALIFTY OF LIFE AND MAKE COMMUNITIES FULLY ACCESSIBLE." NOTE 2 - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES o Basis of Accounting The financial statements of CRIL are prepared on the accrual basis of accounting and, accordingly, reflect all significant receivables, payables, and other liabilities. 7 COMMUNITY RESOURCES FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING, INC. (A NOT-FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION) HAYWARD, CALIFORNIA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Page 2 of 7 NOTE 2 - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (CONT'D o Basis of Presentation Financial statement presentation follows recommendations of the Financial Accounting Standards Board in its Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 117, Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit Organizations. Under SFAS No. 117, CRIL is required to report information regarding its financial position and activities according to three classes of net assets: unrestricted net assets; temporarily restricted net assets; and permanently restricted net assets. o Grants and Contracts Support received under grants and contracts is recorded as public support in the appropriate account when related costs are incurred. Grants receivable represent amounts due for expenditures incurred prior to year-end. o Contributions/Donations The Corporation accounts for contributions in accordance with recommendations of SFAS No. 116, "Accounting for Contributions Received and Contributions Made." In accordance with SFAS No. 116, contributions received are recorded as unrestricted, temporarily restricted, or permanently restricted support depending on the existence and/or nature of any donor restrictions. All other donor-restricted support is reported as an increase in temporarily or permanently restricted net assets depending on the nature of the restriction. When a restriction expires (that is, when a stipulated time restriction ends or purpose restriction is accomplished), temporarily restricted net assets are reclassified to unrestricted net assets and reported in the Statement of Activities as net assets released from restrictions. o Functional Expenses CRIL allocates expenses on a functional basis among its programs, support services and fundraising. Expenses that can be identified with program and support service are allocated directly according to expenditure classifications. COMMUNITY RESOURCES FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING, INC. (A NOT-FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION) Promises to Give NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Page. 3 of 7 NOTE 2 - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (CONT'D.) 0 0 Promises to give (an agreement to contribute cash or other assets) are recorded as revenue in the period received. Assets received with donor stipulations that limit the use of the asset are reported as restricted support. When the donor restriction expires, that is, when a stipulated time restriction ends or purpose restriction is substantially met, temporarily restricted net assets are reclassified to unrestricted net assets and reported in the statement of activities as .net assets released from restrictions. Property and Equipment Donated property and equipment are recorded as support at estimated fair values. Donated assets are reported as unrestricted support unless the donor has restricted the donated asset to a specific purpose. Assets donated with explicit restrictions .regarding their use and contributions of cash that must be used to acquire property and equipment are reported as restricted support. Absent donor stipulations regarding how long those donated assets must be maintained, CRIL reports expirations of donor restrictions when the donated assets are placed in service. Major categories of property and equipment, including their depreciable lives are as follows; Buildings Equipment Furniture 0 Estimates HAYWARD, CALIFORNIA and improvements and furnishings 15-30 years 5- 7 years 3- 5 years The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect certain reported amounts and disclosures. Accordingly, actual results could differ from those estimates. 9 COMMUNITY RESOURCES FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING, INC. (A NOT-FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION) HAYWARD, CALIFORNIA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Page 4 of 7 NOTE 2 - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (CONT'D. o Cash and Cash Equivalents For purposes of the Statements of Cash Flows, CRIL considers all demand deposits with banks and money market accounts with securities firms to be cash. CRIL had no cash equivalents during the period. o Income Tax Status CRIL has been granted tax-exempt status by the Internal Revenue Service under Code 501(c)(3) and the California Franchise Tax Board under Section 23701 (d) of the Revenue and Taxation Code. o Bad Debts Bad debts are provided for by the direct write-off method of accounting which approximates the same result that would be achieved under a generally accepted accounting method. o Comparative Information The financial statements include certain prior year summarized comparative information in total but not by net asset class. Such information does not include sufficient detail to constitute a presentation in conformity with generally accepted accounting principals. Accordingly, such information should be read in conjunction with CRIL's financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2007, from which the summarized information was derived. 10 COMMUNITY RESOURCES FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING, INC. (A NOT-FOR-PROFIT. CORPORATION) HAYWARD, CALIFORNIA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Page 5 of 7 NOTE 3 - GRANTS AND CONTRACTS RECEIVABLE Grants and contracts receivable at June 30, 2008 and 2007 are: 2008 2007 Center for Independent Living $ 3,356 $ 2,524 Department of Education 13,798 21,425 State of California Department of Rehabilitation 6,192 17,030 Public Authority for IHSS-fee for services 15,735 - City of Livermore 1,216 2,030 City of Fremont 4,613 2,972 City of Pleasanton-fee for services - 3,955 City of Dublin 1,128 3,938 City of Pleasanton 2,637 1,970 Department of Rehabilitation 67,304 .76,323 $ 115,979 $ 132,167 NOTE 4 - UNCONDTTTONAT~ PRnMT~F.fi TC) l;'T~TF. 2008 2007 Capital Improvements City of Hayward-CDBG $ - $ 183,972 City of Fremont-CDBG - 65,192 City of Pleasanton-CDBG - 5,000. County of Alameda - 47,603 $ - $ 301,767 Others Center for Independent Living $ 6,617 $ 9,342 CA Dept. of Education Title VII 35,328 20,593 CA Dept of Rehabilitation 22,298 26,368 City of Livermore - 2,470 $ 64,243 $ 58,773 11 COMMUNITY RESOURCES FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING, INC. (A NOT-FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION) HAYWARD, CALIFORNIA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTE 5 - PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT Page 6 of 7 Property and equipment at June 30, 2008 and 2007 consist of: 2008 2007 Lands $ 54,271 $ 54,271 Buildings and improvements 667,810 367,312 Equipment 78,532 75,326 Furniture 72,989 71,.516 873,602 568,425 Less: Accumulated depreciation (357,837) (324,337) $ 515,765 $ 244,088 Depreciation expense for years ended June 30, 2008 and 2007 was $33,500 and $24,288, respectively. Capitalized fixed assets acquired for years ended June 30, 2008 and 2007 totaled $ 305,176 and $ 46,291, respectively. For .fiscal year 2008, CRIL recorded $ 300,493 in building improvements cost which were paid by various cities and Alameda County (see page 11) through the City of Hayward acting as fiscal agent. NOTE 6 - DEPOSIT This account represents a deposit with Workman's Compensation. NOTE 7 - TEMPORARILY RESTRICTED NET ASSETS At June 30, 2008 and 2007 temporarily restricted net assets consisted of: 2008 2007 Center for Independent Living $ 6,617 $ 9,341 CA Dept. of Education Title VII 35,328 20,593 CA Dept. of Rehabilitation 22,298 26,368 City of Livermore - 2,470 IBM Grant 1,000 1,000 BART Legal Settlement 19,339 19,339 Capital Improvement: City of Hayward, CDBG - 183,972 City of Fremont, CDBG - 65,192 City of Pleasanton, CDBG - 5,000 County of Alameda - 47,603 Total $ 84,582 $ 380,878 12 COMMUNITY RESOURCES FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING, INC. (A NOT-FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION) HAYWARD, CALIFORNIA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Page 7 of 7 NOTE 8 - CONCENTRATION OF CREDIT RISK Grants receivable consists of fees and reimbursements due from federal, state, county, and city governments or their agents including pass-throughs from other not-for-profit organizations. At June 30, 2008, receivables from federal agencies or their agents accounted for about 83 percent of the total, while state, county and city governments or their agents account for about 17 percent. NOTE 9 - ACCRUED EXPENSES - OTHER Accrued expenses-other as of June 30, 2008 and 2007 consists of: 2008 Audit fee Unemployment insurance Worker's Compensation insurance $ 4,099 755 45~, 2007 $ - 761 R9l $ 5,309 $ 1,652 NOTE 10 - LEASES The Center primarily operates from Hayward which are owned by the Coy Fremont ($ 280) and Livermore ($ leases. The two operating leases are payments are $ 3,360 and $ 1,200 respectively. its headquarter offices in ~poration. Branch offices in 100) are on month-to-month renewed annually. The annual for Fremont and Livermore, 13 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION COMMUNITY RESOURCES FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING, INC. (A NOT-FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION) HAYWARD, CALIFORNIA INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION To: The Board of Directors Community Resources for Independent Living, Inc. Hayward, California Our report on the audit of the basic financial statements of Community Resources for Independent Living, Inc. as of June 30, 2008 appears on pages 1 and 2 of this report. The audit was made for the purpose of forming an opinion on the basic financial statements taken as a whole. The supplemental information is presented for purposes of additional analysis and is not a required part of the basic financial statements. Such information for the period has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial statements and, in our opinion, is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole. DENNIS L LORETTE ACCOUNTANCY CORPORATION Pinole, California November 11, 2008 14 COMMUNITY RESOURCES FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING, INC. (A NOT-FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION) HAYWARD, CALIFORNIA INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT ON SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES OF FEDERAL AWARDS To: The Board of Directors Community Resources for Independent Living, Inc. Hayward, California We have audited the basic financial statements of Community Resources for Independent Living, Inc. (a not-for-profit Corporation) as of and for the year ended June 30, 2008, and have issued our report thereon dated November 11, 2008. Our audit was performed for the purpose of forming an opinion on the basic financial statements taken as a whole. The accompanying schedule of expenditures of federal awards is presented for purposes of additional analysis as required by U.S. Office of Management and Budget Circular A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations, and is not a required part of the basic financial statements. Such information has been subjected to auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial statements and, in our opinion, is fairly stated, in all material respects, in relation of the basic financial statements taken as a whole. This report is intended solely for the information and use of management, Board of Directors, and federal awarding agencies and pass-through entities and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties. DENNIS L. LORETTE ACCOUNTANCY CORPORATION Pinole, California November 11, 2008 15 COMMUNITY RESOURCES FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING, INC. (A NOT-FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION) HAYWARD, CALIFORNIA SCHEDULE OF EXPENITURES OF FEDERAL AWARDS FOR YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2008 PASS-THROUGH FEDERAL ENTITY PASS-THROUGH GRANTOR/ CFDA IDENTIFYING FEDERAL GRANTOR/PROGRAM NUMBER NUMBER AWARDS Major Program N/A 12,468 N/A 183,972 N/A 65,192 N/A 5,000 N/A 47,603 Passed through State of 84.169A 26065 $ 340,921 $ 340,921 California, Department 84.169A 26055 70,000 70,000 of Rehabilitation 26522 19,881 15,006 26522 68,181 45,883 Other Programs U.S. Department of Education Centers for Independent Living Programs Programs Passed through State of California, Department of Rehabilitation 84.132A H132A010032-07 20,702 84.132A H132A010032-08 82,822 84.169A 26889 6,.487 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant Passed through the City of Livermore 14.218 City of Hayward CDBG City of Fremont CDBG City of Pleasanton CDBG County of Alameda Center for Independent Living Passed through Social Security Administration Total Awards N/A 9,341 N/A 10,000 REVENUE RFCnCNT 7R1~ 20,703 47,495 6,487 12,468 182,699 65,192 5,000 47,603 9,341 3,383 $ 942,569 $ 872,181 The above Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards includes the federal grant activity of CRIL and is presented on the accrual .basis of accounting. The information in the Schedule is presented in accordance with the requirements of OMB Circular A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations. Therefore, some amounts presented in the Schedule may differ from amounts presented in, or used in the preparation of the basic financial statements. 16 COMMUNITY RESOURCES FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING, INC. (A NOT-FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION) HAYWARD, CALIFORNIA INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT ON INTERNAL CONTROL OVER FINANCIAL REPORTING AND ON COMPLIANCE AND OTHER MATTERS BASED ON AN AUDIT OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNMENT AUDITING STANDARDS Page 1 of 2 To: The Board of Directors Community Resources for Independent Living, Inc. Hayward, California We have audited the financial statements of Community Resources for Independent Living, Inc. (a not-for-profit Corporation) (CRIL) as of and f or the year ended June 3 0 , 2 0 0 8 , and have i s sued our report thereon dated November 11, 2008. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Internal Control Over Financial Reporting In planning and performing our audit, we considered CRIL's internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinion on the financial statements, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of CRIL's internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on the effectiveness of CRIL's internal control over financial reporting. A control deficiency exists when the design or operation of a control does not allow management or employee, in the normal course of performing their assigned functions, to prevent or detect misstatements on a timely basis. A significant deficiency is a control deficiency, or combination of control deficiencies, that adversely affects CRIL's ability to initiate, authorize, record, process, or report financial data reliably in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, such that there is more than a remote likelihood that a misstatement of CRIL's financial statements that is more than inconsequential will not be prevented or detected by CRIL's internal control 17 COMMUNITY RESOURCES FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING, INC. (A NOT-FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION) HAYWARD, CALIFORNIA INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT ON INTERNAL CONTROL OVER FINANCIAL REPORTING AND ON COMPLIANCE AND OTHER MATTERS BASED ON AN AUDIT OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNMENT AUDITING STANDARDS Page 2 of 2 A material weakness is a significant deficiency, or combination of significant deficiencies, that results in more than a remote likelihood that a material misstatement of the financial statements will be prevented or detected by CRIL's internal control. Our consideration of internal control over financial reporting was for the limited purpose described in the first paragraph of this section and would not necessarily identify all deficiencies in internal control that might be significant deficiencies or material weaknesses. We did not identify any deficiencies in internal control over financial reporting that we consider to be material weaknesses, as defined above. Compliance and Other Matters As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether Community Resources for Independent Living's financial statements are free of material misstatements, we performed tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts and grant agreements, noncompliance with which could have a direct and material effect on the determination of financial statement amounts. However, providing an opinion on compliance with those provisions was not an objective of our audit and, accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. The results of our tests disclosed no instances of noncompliance or other matters that are required to be reported under Government Auditing Standards. This report is intended solely for the information and use of management, Board of Directors, and federal awarding agencies and pass-through entities and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties. DENNIS L. LORETTE ACCOUNTANCY CORPORATION Pinole, California November 11, 2008 18 COMMUNITY RESOURCES FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING, INC. (A NOT-FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION) HAYWARD, CALIFORNIA INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT ON COMPLIANCE WITH REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE TO EACH MAJOR PROGRAM AND ON INTERNAL CONTROL OVER COMPLIANCE IN ACCORDANCE WITH OMB CIRCULAR A-133 Page 1 of 2 To: The Board of Directors Community Resources for Independent Living, Inc. Hayward, California Compliance We have audited the compliance of Community Resources for Independent Living, Inc. (a not-for-profit Corporation) with the types of compliance requirements described in the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-133 Compliance Supplement that are applicable to each of its major federal programs for the year ended June 30, 2008. Community Resources for Independent Living, Int.'s major federal programs are identified in the summary of auditor's results section of the accompanying schedule of findings and questioned costs. Compliance with the requirements of laws, regulations, contracts, and grants applicable to each of its major federal programs is the responsibility of Community Resources for Independent Living, Int.'s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on Community Resources for Independent Living, Inc.'s compliance based on our audit. We conducted our audit of compliance in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America; the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States; and OMB Circular A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations. Those standards and OMB Circular A-33 require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether noncompliance with the types of compliance requirements referred to above that could have a direct and material effect on a major federal program occurred. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence about Community Resources for Independent Living, Inc.'s compliance with those requirements and performing such other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. Our audit does not provide a legal determination of Community Resources for Independent Living, Inc.'s compliance with those requirements. 19 COMMUNITY RESOURCES FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING, INC. (A NOT-FOR-PROFIT ORGANIZATION) HAYWARD, CALIFORNIA INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT ON COMPLIANCE WITH REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE TO EACH MAJOR PROGRAM AND ON INTERNAL CONTROL OVER COMPLIANCE IN ACCORDANCE WITH OMB CIRCULAR A-133 Page 2 of 2 In our opinion, Community Resources complied, in all material respects, to above that are applicable to each for the year ended June 30, 2008. for Independent Living, Inc. with the requirements referred of its major federal programs Internal Control Over Compliance The management of Community Resources for Independent Living, Inc. is responsible for establishing and maintaining effective internal control over compliance with the requirements of laws, regulations, contracts, and grants applicable to federal programs. In planning and performing our audit, we considered Community Resources for Independent Living, Inc.'s internal control over compliance with requirements that could have a direct and material effect on a major federal program in order to determine our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinion on compliance and to test and report on the internal control over compliance in accordance with OMB Circular A-133. Our consideration of the internal control over compliance would not necessarily disclose all matters in the internal control that might be material weaknesses. A material weakness is a reportable condition in which the design or operation of one or more of the internal control components does not reduce to a relatively low level the risk that noncompliance with applicable requirements of laws, regulations, contracts, and grants caused by error or .fraud that would be material in relation to a major federal program being audited may occur and not be detected within a timely period by employees in the normal course of performing their assigned functions. We noted not matters involving the internal control over compliance and its operation that we consider to be material weaknesses. This report is intended solely for the information and use of management, Board of Directors, and federal awarding agencies and pass-through entities and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties. DENNIS L. LORETTE ACCOUNTANCY CORPORATION Pinole, California November 11, 2008 20 COMMUNITY RESOURCES FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING, INC. (A NOT-FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION) HAYWARD, CALIFORNIA BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND MANAGEMENT AT JUNE 30, 2008 Mark Baur, Secretary/Treasurer Bruce Blanco, Member Marsha Burch, Vice-President Randy Dana, Member Chris Finn, President H. Stephen Kaye, Member Jeffrey A. Rosen, Member-at-large Marty Stenrud, Member Waseem Sufi, Member Executive Director Sheri Burns 21 COMMUNITY RESOURCES FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING, INC. (A NOT-FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION) HAYWARD, CALIFORNIA SUMMARY SCHEDULE OF PRIOR YEAR AUDIT FINDINGS YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2007 There were no prior year findings. 22 COMMUNITY RESOURCES FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING, INC. (A NOT-FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION) HAYWARD, CALIFORNIA SCHEDULE OF FINDINGS AND QUESTIONED COSTS JUNE 30, 2008 A. SUMMARY OF AUDITOR'S RESULTS 1. The auditor's report expresses an unqualified opinion on the financial statements of CRIL. 2. There were no reportable conditions disclosed during the audit of the financial statements. 3. No instances of noncompliance material to the financial statements of CRIL were disclosed during the audit in accordance with Government Auditing Standards. 4. There were reportable conditions in internal control over major federal award programs disclosed during the audit. 5. The auditor's report on compliance for the major federal award programs for CRIL expresses an unqualified opinion on all major federal programs. 6. Audit findings that are required to be reported in accordance with Section 510 (a) of OMB Circular A-133 are reported in this Schedule. 7. The programs tested as major programs included Department of Education, CFDA No. 84.169A. 8. The threshold for distinguishing Type A and B programs was $ 300,000. 9. CRIL was determined to be a low-risk auditee. B. FINDINGS - FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AUDIT No matters were reported. C. FEDERAL AWARD FINDINGS AND QUESTIONED COSTS No matters were reported. 23 COMMUNITY RESOURCES FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING, INC. (A NOT-FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION) HAYWARD, CALIFORNIA CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2008 There were no reportable conditions. 24 COMMUNITY RESOURCES FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING, INC. 439 "A" ST. HAYWARD, CA 94541 October 30, 2008 Dennis L. Lorette Accountancy Corporation 2131 San Pablo Ave. Pinole, CA 94564 We are providing this letter in connection with your audit of the statement of the financial position of Community Resources for Independent Living, Inc. as of June 30, 2008 and the related statements of activities, cash flows, and functional expenses for the year then ended for the purpose of expressing an opinion as to whether the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position, changes in net assets, and cash flows of Community Resources for Independent Living, Inc. in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. We confirm that we are responsible for the fair presentation in the financial statements of financial position, changes in net assets, and cash flows in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. We are also responsible for adopting sound accounting policies, establishing and maintaining effective internal control, and preventing and detecting fraud. We confirm, to the best of our knowledge and belief, as of October 30, 2008, the following representations made to you during your audit. 1. The financial statements referred to above are fairly presented in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles and include all assets and liabilities under the Organization's control. 2. We have made available to you all- a. Financial records and related data. October 30, 2008 Community Resources for Independent Living, Inc. Representation Letter Page 2 b. Minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors or summaries of actions of recent meetings for which minutes have not yet been prepared. 3. There have been no communications from regulatory agencies concerning noncompliance with, or deficiencies in, financial reporting practices. 4. There are no material transactions that have not been properly recorded in the accounting records underlying the financial statements. 5. We acknowledge our responsibility for the design and implementation of programs and controls to prevent and detect fraud. 6. We have no knowledge of any fraud or suspected fraud affecting the Organization involving- a. Management, b. Employees who have significant roles in internal control, or c. Others where the fraud could have a material effect on the financial statements. 7. We have no knowledge of any allegations of fraud or suspected fraud affecting the Organization received in communications from employees, former employees, grantors, regulators, or others. 8. The Organization has no plans or intentions that may materially affect the carrying value or classification of assets, liabilities, or net asset balances. 9. The following, if any, have been properly recorded or disclosed in the financial statements: a. Related party transactions, including revenues, expenses, loans, transfers, leasing arrangements, and guarantees, and amounts receivable from or payable to related parties. October 30, 2008 Community Resources for Independent Living, Inc. Representation Letter Page 3 b. Guarantees, whether written or oral, under which the Organization is contingently liable. c. All accounting estimates that could be material to the financial statements, including the key factors and significant assumptions underlying those estimates, and we believe the estimates are reasonable. in the circumstances. 10. There are no estimates that may be subject to a material change in the near term that have not been properly disclosed in the financial statements. We understand that near term means the period within one year of the date of the financial statements. In addition, we have no knowledge of concentrations existing at the date of the financial statements that make the organization vulnerable to the risk of severe impact that have not been properly disclosed in the financial statements. 11. We are responsible for compliance with the laws, regulations, and provisions of contracts and grant agreements applicable to us; and we have identified and disclosed to you all laws, regulations and provisions of contracts and grant agreements that we believe have a direct and material effect on the determination of financial statement amounts or other financial data significant to the audit objectives. 12. Community Resources for Independent Living, Inc. is an exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Any activities of which we are aware that would jeopardize the Organization's tax-exempt status, and all activities subject to tax on unrelated business income or excise or other tax, have been disclosed to you. All required filings with tax authorities are up-to-date. 13. There are no- a. Violations or possible violations of laws and regulations and provisions of contracts and grant agreements whose effects should be considered for disclosure in the financial statements, as a basis for recording a loss contingency, or for reporting on noncompliance. October 30, 2008 Community Resources for Independent Living, Inc. Representation Letter Page 4 b. We are not aware of any pending or threatened litigation, claims, or assessments or unasserted claims or assessments that are required to be accrued or disclosed in the financial statements in accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 5 (or which would affect federal award programs), and we have not consulted a lawyer concerning litigation, claims, or assessments. c. Other liabilities or gain or loss contingencies that are required to be accrued or disclosed by Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 5. d. Designations of net assets disclosed to you that were not properly authorized and approved, or reclassifications of net assets that have not been properly reflected in the financial statements. 14. The Organization has satisfactory title to all owned assets, and there are no liens or encumbrances on such assets nor has any asset been pledged. 15. We have complied with all restrictions on resources (including donor restrictions) and all aspects of contractual and grant agreements that would have a material effect on the financial statements in the event of noncompliance. This includes complying with donor requirements to maintain a specific asset composition necessary to satisfy their restrictions. 16. With respect to federal award programs: a. We are responsible for complying and have complied with the requirements of OMB Circular A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations. October 30, 2008 Community Resources for Independent Living, Inc. Representation Letter Page 5 b. We have, in accordance with OMB Circular A-133, identified in the schedule of expenditures of federal awards, expenditures made during the audit period for all awards provided by federal agencies in the form of grants, federal cost-reimbursement contracts, loans, loan guarantees, property (including donated surplus property), cooperative agreements, interest subsidies, insurance, food commodities, direct appropriations, and other assistance. c. We are responsible for complying with the requirements of laws, regulations, and the provisions of contracts and grant agreements related to each of our federal programs and have identified and disclosed to you the requirements of laws, regulations and the provisions of contracts and grant agreements that are considered to have a direct and material effect on each major federal program. d. We are responsible for establishing and maintaining, and have established and maintained, effective internal control over compliance requirements applicable to federal programs that provides reasonable assurance that we are managing our federal awards in compliance with laws, regulations, and the provisions of contracts and grant agreements that could have a material effect on our federal programs. We believe the internal control system is adequate and is functioning as intended. Also, no changes have been made in internal control over compliance and other factors to the date of this letter that might significantly affect internal control, including any corrective action taken with regard to reportable conditions (including material weaknesses) reported in the schedule of findings and questioned costs. e. We have made available to you all contracts and grant agreements (including amendments, if any) and any other correspondence with federal agencies orpass-through entities relating to federal programs. f. We have received no requests from a federal agency to audit one or more specific programs as a major program. October 30, 2008 Community Resources for Independent Living, Inc. Representation Letter Page 6 g. We have complied, in all material respects, with the compliance requirements, including when applicable, those set forth in the OMB Circular A-133 Compliance Supplement, relating to federal awards and have identified and disclosed to you all amounts questioned and any known noncompliance with the requirements of federal awards resulting from other audits or program reviews. h. Amounts claimed or used for matching were determined in accordance with relevant guidelines in OMB Circular A-122, Cost Principles for Nonprofit Organizations, and Subpart C, Cost Sharing and Matching, of OMB Circular A-110, Grants and Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and Other Nonprofit Organizations. i. We have disclosed to you our interpretation of compliance requirements that may have varying interpretations. j. We have charged costs to federal awards in accordance with applicable cost principles. k. We have made available to you all documentation related to the compliance requirements, including information related to federal program financial reports and claims for advances and reimbursements. 1. Federal program financial reports and claims for advances and reimbursements are supported by the books and records from which the basic financial statements have been prepared. m. The copies of federal program financial reports provided you are true copies of the reports submitted, or .electronically transmitted, to the respective federal agency orpass-through entity, as applicable. October 30, 2008 Community Resources for Independent Living, Inc. Representation Letter Page 7 n. We are responsible for and have accurately prepared the summary schedule of prior audit findings to include all findings required to be included by OMB Circular A-133, and we have provided you with all information on the status of the follow-up on prior audit findings by federal awarding agencies and pass-through entities, including all management decisions. o. We are responsible for and have accurately prepared the auditee section of the Data Collection Form as required by OMB Circular A-133, and we are responsible for preparing and implementing a corrective action plan of each audit finding. 17. We have identified to you any previous financial audits, attestation engagements, performance audits, or other studies related to the objectives of the audit being undertaken and the corrective actions taken to address significant finds and recommendations. No events have occurred subsequent to the statement of financial position date and through the date of this letter that would require adjustment to, or disclosure in, the financial statements or in the schedule of findings and questioned costs. Signed: Signed: Date: Date: Title: Executive Director Title: Board President November 5, 2008 Sheri Burns Executive Director Community Resources for Independent Living, Inc. 439 "A" St. Hayward, CA 94541 Re: Draft Audit Report Dear Sheri: Enclosed is a copy of our draft report of Community Resources for Independent Living, Inc. for the year ended June 30, 2008. Please review ASAP and let me know if you have any comments or questions. Both Cora and Leonora found CRIL to be fiscally sound and with excellent internal controls that are being adhered to. Our adjusting journal entries will accompany the final report. Also enclosed is a required Representation Letter. Please sign along with the Board Treasurer and return to me in the self-addressed envelope. The audit was completed on October 30, 2008. However, Auditing Standards now require the Audit Report be dated upon receipt of the signed Representation Letter. Sincerely, Dennis L. Lorette DLL/11 enc. P.S. If you want me to present the report at your next Board meeting, I will be happy to do so. November 12, 2008 Sheri Burns Executive Director Community Resources for Independent Living, Inc. 439 "A" St. Hayward, CA 94541 Dear Sheri: Enclosed are (5) five copies of the final Audit Report of Community Resources for Independent Living, Inc. for the year ended June 30, 2008. April Monroe picked up the Incentive Funding Form earlier today. The tax returns will follow next week. Sincerely, Dennis L. Lorette DLL/11 enc. November 6, 2008 Sheri Burns Executive Director Community Resources for Independent Living, Inc. 439 A Street Hayward, CA 94541 Re: Form RRF-1, Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2008 Dear Sheri: Enclosed is Community Resources for Independent Living, Inc.'s required Form RRF-1 for the subject year. A check for $ 75.00 payable to "Attorney General's Registry of Charitable Trusts" must be included with the Form. No extensions are granted with this form so please sign and date where indicated and mail on or before November 15, 2008 to: Registry of Charitable Trusts P.O. Box 903447 Sacramento, CA 94203-4470 Also, enclosed is a copy of Form 8868, Application for Extension, for Community Resources for Independent Living, Inc.'s Federal tax return Form 990. We have already filed this form with the Internal Revenue Service on your behalf. No extension is required with the State for Form 199. If you have any questions please give me a call. Sincerely, Dennis L. Lorette DLL/11 enc. Attachment D State of California BOARD RESOLUTION Original Amendment # Community Resources for Independent Living WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of Community Resources for Independent Living (CRIL) has read the proposed 2009-10 Dublin City Grant application between the City of Dublin and CRIL and said Board of Directors acknowledges the benefits and responsibilities to be shared by both parties to said agreement, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said Board of Directors does hereby authorize the following person or persons: Name of Person Authorized to Sign Agreement Title of Person Authorized to Sign A reement Chris Finn Board President Sheri Burns Executive Director of Community Resources for Independent Living on behalf of the organization to sign and execute said application and all amendments there to, except to increase the financial liability of said organization. CERTIFICATION I, the Recording Secretary named below, hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly adopted by the Board of Directors of Community Resources for Independent Living at a meeting of said Board regularly called and convened at which a quorum of said Board of Directors was present and voting, and that said resolution was adopted by a vote of the majority of all Directors present at said meeting. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand as Recording Secretary of Community Resources for Independent Living. Address Where Board Meeting was Held: 439 A Street, Hayward, CA 94541 Date of Board Meeting Signature of Recording S etary Date Signed December 18, 2008 ~ January 27, 2009 .~2-z. ~: Attachment E OP ID JF ACORD CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE (MNI/DD/YYYY) cor~ro2 O1 28 09 PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATIO Nonprofit Services Ins . Agency ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE Dennis Costa HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR 2843 Hopyard Rd. #169 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW Pleasanton CA 94588 Phone: 877-669-5101 Fax:877-669-5109 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # INSURED INSURER A: NIAC INSURER B: COmm. Resources for Ind Living INSURER C: 439 A Street H d CA 94541 INSURER D: aywar INSURER E: COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. LTR NSR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE DATE MM/DD/YY POLICY EXPIRATION DATE MM/DD/YY LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ l O O O O O O A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY 2008-16173-NPO 07/01/08 07/01/09 PREMISES (Eaoccurence) $ 100000 CLAIMS MADE ~ OCCUR MED EXP (Any one person) $ 5 0 0 O PERSONAL&ADVINJURY $ lOOOOOO X Prof. Liab. 1nClu GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 3000000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PRODUCTS -COMP/OP AGG $ 3 O O O O O O POLICY PRO- JECT LOC Em Ben. 1000000 AUT OMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT i t E $ 1000000 A ANY AUTO 2008-16173-NPO 07/01/08 07/01/09 den ) ( a acc ALL OWNEDAUTOS BODILY INJURY SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) $ X HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY X NON-OWNED AUTOS (Per accident) $ PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per accident) $ GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT $ ANY AUTO OTHER THAN EA ACC $ AUTO ONLY: AGG $ EXCESS/UMBRELLA LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ OCCUR ~ CLAIMS MADE AGGREGATE --' $ $ DEDUCTIBLE $ RETENTION $ $ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND ' - TORY LIMITS ER EMPLOYERS LIABILITY ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE E. L. EACH ACCIDENT $ OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? If E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYE $ yes, describe under SPECIAL PROVISIONS below E.L. DISEASE -POLICY LIMIT $ OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS /LOCATIONS /VEHICLES /EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT /SPECIAL PROVISIONS * 10 days notice of cancellation for nonpayment of premium. Certificate Holder is included as an Additional Insured - Funding Source. GtK11tIGAft FiVLDER CANCELLATION City of Dublin 100 Civic Plaza Dublin CA 94568 L+Irr~~ SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATIC DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 3 O * DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LUIBILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. 25 (2001/08) POLICYHOLDER COPY STATE P.O. BOX 420807, SAN FRANCISCO,CA 94142-0807 COMPENSATION I N S U R A N C E FUND CERTIFICATE OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE ISSUE DATE: 01-28-2009 GROUP: POLICY NUMBER: 0537734-2008 CERTIFICATE ID: 49 CERTIFICATE EXPIRES: 08-07-2008 08-07-2008/08-07-2009 CITY OF DUBLIN 100 CIVIC PL2 DUBLIN CA 94568-2658 NB This is to certify that we have issued a valid Workers' Compensation insurance policy in a form approved by the California Insurance Commissioner to the employer named below for the policy period indicated. This policy is not subject to cancellation by the Fund except upon 30 days advance written notice to the employer. We will also give you 30 days advance notice should this policy be cancelled prior to its normal expiration. This certificate of insurance is not an insurance policy and does not amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policy listed herein. Notwithstanding any requirement, term or condition of any contract or other document with respect to which this certificate of insurance may be issued or to which it may pertain, the insurance afforded by the policy described herein is subject to all the terms, exclusions, and conditions, of such policy. THORIZED REPRESENTATI PRESIDENT EMPLOYER'S LIABILITY LIMIT INCLUDING DEFENSE COSTS: $1,000,000 PER OCCURRENCE. ENDORSEMENT #2065 ENTITLED CERTIFICATE HOLDERS' NOTICE EFFECTIVE 08-07-2000 IS ATTACHED TO AND FORMS A PART OF THIS POLICY. EMPLOYER COMMUNITY RESOURCES FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING, INC. (A NON-PROFIT CORP.) 439 A ST HAYWARD CA 84541 [NJD,CN] NB (REV.2-05) PRINTED 01-28-2009 Attachment F City of Dublin Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Application for Funds APPLICATION VERIFICATION I attest that the information contained inthis FY 2009-2010 grant application is accurate and that the funds requested will not supplant any other monies secured by the organization. Attached is a resolution, letter, or other document providing evidence that the Board of Directors approved the application as submitted. Successful applicants are required to submit a summary report as soon as possible after submitting the reimbursement request, but not later than August 31, 2010. Failure to submit a report will result in ineligibility for future funding. Signatures: ate ~-~' ~ Date SECTION 2 Page 11 of 16 ~~ /i .~ ~ Board President/Chairperson Attachment H ~FF~TIFICrtk~"~, ~F-~'il"ll~ IQ~DI6A~~TIC !~~?~~?~1'F~~'TI~~I~I" I, 1~~11fr+J $HELLEY, Secretary cri State of tho St~t~,oF Calif~tinni~,, hecet~y rki~}~! Ttra.t an the ~~ d~~r n~ M~~ct~::~9~9, ~P~~-+1'UMtT~Y 'RE~~~~~~~ ~; I11V~EPI`i'a~ENT kM~, 1~1~: be~arr~egnvor~ted ~ud~c:k[i+~ k~w~+s ~f ~k~e State of Cal'rfomia by filing i~ Articles ~f tn~or~ratioru~ in tE~i~.of~ae~, ~a5d , That n~o r+e~rorxi exits in this offrce of -a `.c~~#ificak~ of dissoGutian . of saad corporation nor of a oburt er~ler declaring ~fi~ofution~ki'teif; no[:~of:~.rrt~r~er gar cQrrs~li~d~tio~rt ~t~ich terminated its ex~s#i~nt~; end' - Thta:t said corpora~tio~'s coriaarate . p~avve;. rigF~ts grad:` privileges are . not saas~p~ertderi ora the records vf'this-o~(iae; end` Tf~at according tc~ #Yae :t~cords of.ths: ef~'r~e;: the mid corratiQn is auth~~iz~cf k~ ~xencis~e .all- fits corporate , pawe~s, ri~tets .arrd' pri~nil+~ 'end is in good i!ogel st~arading in the State of Ga:liforrrnra; ~md That no inforrnativn i~ ~~tallable in this affic~ Ora: the finaaacial condition, btasia~~ess ackivity or practuces ~of ttais ~GVrpvr~tinrt_ _ Ei?1~1~J{T`'h3;ESS ~J4lHEF~t=r~F,1. ~xute this. cer#t~ ~rkd ati~ix the ~reat'S~eal ~f floe St~t~ of Califomiai this day ~i7f January. ~G, 2fDb4.: . r KE4IN` SH11Ltr~l~ ~ecreta.r~ aE S~t~7ke. r~ ~~~E'~'~~k~~ ~J~k' `~''~':F Int$rar~$1 F~~ev~ra.t~~ Seg~reca .L~x~Fttne.€~t ~f t~:~e ~'asur~ ~Ir-~~~u~~ti, ~1H . ~i}1 f~a1~: h~rwarrmber ~, ~0~1~ R~s€~ry.ta Cao~tac~E: J'~ie ~6gP~n~~n ~1-~}~~ ~aa~,~r~~r het ~p~ei~ist ~~~~Ura~t~ G~~SbufGaS ~~r RI1~~~d~k1'~ L1~'II'~Q; If~~, Tit ~r~ea T~ela,'~E~ra~rre ~~mlaa: 4~~ A ~r~raek a.va ~m ~t~a ~:s~o- ~,.m~ E~ti _ F~~ 1~~rmr~f.~~~-: ~~~~~' F~d~r~l I~~r7til~ti~ln:~ur~rt C~4?r fir or hy+l~~a: ~h'i~ I~~kk~r i~ i~r: c~ra~a t~:yourr~~e~t fog ~ ~ ~:f• yr~~ur vc~ni~ki~'s rlat~ermin~fa~n lath ~~ later>uv~l tal~a tYa ~~~ cif .tl' ~ _ ~ ~~I y~e~ u~qu~s. Oar r~o+br~ti~ ir~di~ke th~;t ~ ~d~terrrilr~~#Ir~m Ret~~ i~d ira 4~b~r 'I~ f ~ ~~rar~~~~ your ~r~~r~i~~ti~n ~x~~~tic~i' ~r~ara~'~~ar~1 income tax ~un~dar ~ticn ~5i~"3~~~{~~ +alFt~re anf~rr~1 I~eva~r~t~ Cr~d~: TI7~t letteris Mill in akFe~:' ~d .c3ra in~~~mr~ ~ctxs~gUerr~yr ~+u6~rti!sd„ cle~~il~aed_+~a~r ar~~a7z~tian ~~ one fh~t i~`m~at ~ priu~al~ f~undatevn vwith~ kl~e;'me~r~ir~g ~f ri.,~~3 cFtl~ d~~~~ it i~ ~n ~r~ar~l~~tf~ro ~i~~cmtd A~ ~~ 5(?~~~.~~~~ .and 1 ~~?~kr~~~ )f?~?~w~: "This ~l~,s~f're~tlt~~'~1~~ ~~ era ~?~~ ~~~ptf~:rt ~~tt ~to~.,rar~arhi~~ti~on'~ apa;r~tiau~ u,~QUI~1 c~~tinua.~~ strt~ti ~e ~p~f~~on_ !f ycur~or~ar~za~iaa~`~'~~autfi.~~'rif ~e.~~rt. gar its c1`~~c~+~~r, m~t~~ ~t t~pcr~tir~r~; ;cH` ~~ ~~v~ ~'ig'~d,' fuse I~t Icy ~= era ~on~~r ~ ~~ cf ~~ ~ an' ~~carr~pt sit~~us ~d ~d~tic~ ~ttrs of ~,!xaur ro~~r~~~kidr-_ _ _ , '~(vur ~r~ruizaticir~ is: tequir kt~':~[~ F+d~'t`~~.(?, l~eta~rn ~t ~?r~~rii~ttit~r~ ~xrapt Pam 'I~~oma Tom, ~a~ly ~F its _ >. ~n~s r~c~ip escE~ ~~~r ~~~ rr~rt~ll~r crrvra ~ ~~5,[~~. If ~ r~~urn ~s r~c~ia~~d it rn~st ~ f f~cl by' ~--~ ~15#~ _ ~~rr}r ~,r`'Gh~ f~f#~i ra~anth offer tl~a en~f +o# t>~~ cr~~t~~or's ~-~r5~tt~a1 ~~~~~ p~rt~od. ~~ i~ti+t irr~p~s~~ ~ ~~rt~ky of ~ ~ d~:y, +ap t~ :~: ~'am!~Elrp'~F ~~(l!~~~, ~rMe~ a ~~~rrt 'i~ fled ~~te, unlass tf~~er~ is re~~oa~able;, _ _ c~~se fca~ #ha ~~~~, All e~~rn~t ~r~I€~~~.tion~ sunless s~a~i~®y axctudeti~ ire c~[~ fat t~;es octet the F~ed'~r~l trrsn~e trb+~rtrFon~-Act ~~~i~l ~~curity t.~s~ on r~rn~r~~vr~ of ~10~] car m~re'p~~l to e~c#~ ~rrr~l~y~~ dt-rirdg .a I~r~~~r~~~t. Yo~E ~~aniza~kic!n is tx~t ]iabl~ for tba.~x im~~~e~f Urad~r tha l~adl Unaa~ra~fc~ym~t~t~`€~ ~,~:k ~FU~'A}. Or~~rri¢~n~ Ihat are not ~~,u~.#e f"~~d~t,~r~~ ~o1t ~i~~aj~ct rt~ ~a~ e~~i~~ tax~~ ~arrr Ch~~a~~r ~:~ +~f i~ie ~oda_ I--I~a~nrever, ~~s~ c~~niz~~ar~s :hit ~U~~n'1~1iy ~~emp~ from otf~$r fader~l ~~cci~ tax t~n~rs may deduct conttiliul~o~s to ~+~ar c~z~~an ~~ provi€t~~ in s~cttnn '17~ of th$ fade. e~qu~~s,,. C~~adias, d~v~s~i transfer, c~ chi t€~ ~~ur ~an¢atcon ar toy its d~ ~~ dedu~ti~~~ t feel e~~t~* ~a~ _ _ ~~ft t~.x ~urpvsas il• they rrtt fl~~ a~~i~ibl~'~r~vis~n~'~f s~$ ~16~5~, 2'IiDG, and ~5 of tFre ~ob~. ~CQrram~nty Ft.~souil~~~ For ]nd~?~de~t~ Liuiirc~; 8rpc, ~~1-25°887"3 Your oa~~niz~ti~on 'ss n~~t r~pr~d ty~ ~e`f~~~r~l i~~m~ tax ral~rr~s unless at i~ sub~~k t~ the #~~:`~ ur~~~l~al' baseness sncvm~ _~arr ~'k~i ~f:t~~'t~~de_ Ff ~o~r ~a~~r~hz~fi~n, is ~r~bte~k to tl1i~ t~~c, 'st rreu~E:~f~ ~ri~ income t~xr~kum Sri the ~dr'trt ~.~T,-F.a€~r~1j~k ~r~~o~i~~tic~a~ 13u~ia~e~~ li+ T~c.R~fu~~ lay t1hi~ ~letkl~lr,;;' are a~t~t det~>~alnln~ ~n+hi~r ~n~ 4f ~r~r e}I':g~n¢~tion's pa~serat ter propcasr~d a~tiv~ities arc enn~etak~f it di yr busane. ~~ ~t~fin~e~ ~n suc~rti.~~13 ~f::titl~:~~ad~. -E'Ji~ I ~~uai~s ~~ k~o irh~ke ~t~t~r c~l<~~in~n'~ ~ra~vu~l ~tun~ ~v~l~'~b~? f~r;p~a~ii~c i~sp~ti~r~ ~vth~aulk ~hg 'For thr~~ ~~~~ ~it~~r :thy d>.a~ ti~t~° ~ the ~tu~. If ~or~r or~~niz~fnom hid ~ cap~r,of its ~~rpliti~ar~ ~~~ rasr~v~nikic~ra o~ ~x~rn~~an era ,.I~I~ ~ ~., ~'~~~~ ak iii ~Isn r~g~i~e~ tc~ ra7~ke ~il~;'bf~`tor i~9i~ irr~pecli~r~ ~ c~p~c ~P th8 exe,~~tl~n ~p~l~r~tlar~ ~~ :s~pP~arhn~ d=oec>~n~nt~ ~d the ~x~~ption 9~tt~r;to ~r~~'an~lie~6 ~Ma re~gu sx~c9~ dacument~ in p~s~ err an.v-mttn~ .°Yn~u n ~t°~~r~e n~~r a ~~r~af~e f~~`f~r r~;procluon a~ a~e~~l- I~e ~sts:f~ar tie ~(~l r1~#~r~~l~ ~T~ti~ f ~~~ nc~k require ~+~ ~ `pr~uid~ c~+pts, of p,t~loc in~p~t;ticarr do~aiments,IJta~t a~:~rad~el~t a~~u~rl~ti~~ ~'~s b~ g tfi~~rr~ [sn tn~ I~t~rr't~t ('~1l~~td '!a~'i 4.~'4`~~b~~. `:'Y"~u ~:; ~~ If~ble fpr' ~. ~~na e~f:~~ ~ f~f ~~~ ~9~~ der u~~st m~k~:kt~~s~ tia~~um~ts a.~~l~b~e fQ,r pv6kic _ inspection {U~ ter ~ mmi~rn crf ~i'~~7;4+ an .kh~- c ~f ~n ~r-ntnak ret~m~~ .. B~a~se this fet~~r ~1~1 I~Ip ~~u~ ~~y~ ~~r~~tas ab€~u~ ~~ur ar~arliz~ki~r~'.~ ~x~errr~~ ~~~~ a~ f~~ut~~~d~n st~rt-~s, y~t~ Q~lai k,~a~p l: u~~-a-fie ndz~ho~`s~~eranancrat rnds_ '~`$,. -. II''~a~! lad any'. ~4:1~~`t14~[l~ pC~~~: ~R U~ ~~ t6~~ t~,1~ptt~an~ numh~:r ~hhrr~w~a in fE~e 9~ea~im~ oF#!~s , ~'(~~ I~tl;er ~~~s year" c~g~r~iz~xla~'~ c~rn~'k'it~~.