HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.1 Wells Middle School Exh 17CITY OF DUBLIN
Fiscal Yeas 2009-2010
Section 2:
Application for
community Group/Organizational Funding
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Fiscal Year 2009-2010
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Fiscal Year 2009-20~ 0
1. Please select one expense category: X Capital ^ Operating
2. Applicant information:
Organization/Agency Name: Wells Middle School
Mailing Address: 6800Penn Drive_ Dublin. CA 9-I~68
Street Address: 6800 Penn Drive
City: Dublin
Kathy Rossellc. Principal
Executive Director/Chairperson
State: CA Lip: 9468
~) 828-6227 el: 6001 rosscllekath~-~~i;~dublin.kl2.us
Work Phone Email
Board President (if applicable) Work Phone Email
Please list the Primary Project Contact Person who would be able to answer questions about this
application and project/program'during the funding period.
Kath Rosselle Principal
Contact Person for ProjectlPro~ram .lob Title
X925) 828-6227 ex: 6001 -~ rossellekathy~cr;dublin.kl2.ca.us (925 82~-8851
Work Phone Email Fax
Federal Tax Identification No. (required): 94-1742440
Cityof Dublan Business License No. (required): N/A
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City of Dublin
Fiscal Year 2009-2010
14pplication foY Funds
3. Proposed Project/Program Information (Do not describe organization.)
Amount of Funds Requested: $?,~00.
(Maximum $25,000 per project.)
Proposed Project/Program Name:
"A 'T'aste of our Heritage"
Proposed Project/Program Date(s): 7'hursdav, N1a~~ 20, 2010
Please note: City Council Grant Fiu~ds are distributed nn a reimbursement basis. If your Agency
needs a 100% disbursement at the beginning of the Fiscal Year. please indicate this
below and please provide justification Tor this need.
X Agency is requesting 100% disbursement at the beginning of the Fiscal Ycar.
If selecting this option, please pro~~idc justification in the blank space bclo~~.
^ Agency is not requesting 100°io disbursement at the beginning of the Fiscal Year.
Please provide the frequency that reimbursements will be submitted to~theCity in the
blank'space below; e.g., monthly, quarterly. at project completion. etc.
• We arerequesting 100° ~ disbursementai the be;~inning of the Fiscal Year from
the City of Dublin. Due to the current.' cut back i n funding to education by the State of
California, it will not be possible for our site_to cover the cost for the cookbook or the
event without monetary support or sponsorship. One hundred percent disbursement will
allow an even flow, providing us an opportunity to maintain control over such issues as
deposits for cultural groups; printing,. service providers, etc.
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City of Dublin
Fiscal Year 2009-2010
application for Funds
a. How would the requested funds be used?
^ Describe, in detail, the PROPOSED PROJECT/PROGRAM (not the Agency).
^ Bulleted text is acceptable.
^ Identify if the proposed project/program is a new service, or extension of an
^ An additional page may be added,.. if needed:
This school,year Wellscampus is in the process of developing a h~Iulti-Cultural Cookbook, The
Flavor of ourCultures, which will completed b~~ 1~ Ia~~. it is an excellent-format for sharing the
wonderful cultural diversity we have on campus. R'e are collecting from ourWells families and
staff, contrbutionsof special family recipes which hold cultural as well as familial significance.
Included with the recipe will be a small para~araph discussing how and why the recipe is so dear
to the family and what special memories it brin~~rs to mind ~-vhen made for family and fl-iends.
This is a special wa~~ to share the flavors of our cultures with each other, via an element
common to all cultures and herita~~es...food.
In''conjunction with the publication ol~ the cookbook, during the ?009-?Ol 0 school yearwe
would like to hold an event titled.. "A Taste of our Heritage'" and expand the horizonon
addressing''not only our sch~ol'.s but the multi-cultural community that can be found in Dublin
and on a grander scale. in the State of California. This event will be open to ourrrWells families
and the Dublin Community. The cookbool: will be a main feature at theevent where students
and then lamilies may purchase the cookbook. We envision this three-hour, spring evening
event consistiug'of "HeritageTables"; each table will feature a recipe from the cookbook.
prepared bya Wells family or staff member. This is an opportunity to taste. learn and explore
the various heritages on campus through the sharing~of fooditems which hold special meaning
to our families and staff. Wells Leadership students will be essential helpers at the event. We
would also like to have an exciting variety of performing arts: dance, music, vocal performances
and readings. In addition, a~book fair coordinated by our school librarian, will feature books for
sale representing the many heritages to be Found on campus. There will alsobe,books available
in other languages such as .Spanish and Chinese. We' seek to touch base with members from the
community to see about partnership/sponsorship forthe event. Lee Jouthas,~Dublin Library
Manger; has been approached and graciously agreed to have the Wells, The Flavor of our
Cultures Cookbook, as part of the Dublin Library's collection.
b. How would the PROPOSED PROJECT/PROGRAM address an unmet community
need and improve the quality of life for Dublin residents. Why is this project/program
needed? (Additional page may be added; if needed):
With-the continued growth of the many cultures on our campus, we would like
to not only recognize the diversity but to embrace it with open arms. Our
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campus, with its ethnic diversity, is a microscopic environment of society at
large. We feel a responsibility to ensure that our students grow, experience
and learn of the positive aspects such diversity can bring. What better way
to do so than through the sharing of food and drink. There are times when the
unfamiliar can breed fear and bring distance between members of a community.
Sociological research shows us that the younger a child is taught a value,
the greater the inclusion of the value and belief. Before they become full
fledged teenagers, before our window of opportunity closes as our students
move on to high school, we strive.»to provde< and instill each one with the
understanding, the respect and the ~=sponsibility'to_be given to ores fellow
man. There is a glob=-, Human tip, fi~_ut binds us to each other, no matter
what differences m- ^°~ist in our r~ c'_tage c r culture. ?ve` are all brothers
and sisters in thl:• =rtity called ti-= =uman Race. Wtr~ Che impending cuts to
education fundiri-;'~_ ~_~ State Leg's1.t~ e, we find it _~~cessary to reach out
to members in c-:.- sin ._'_ty far asst: t _~ ~ with `programs -r _>vents that will
benefit ourst ~d=rts tia~ ._~h the br ..__ ~ of their acade~r,ic and character
horizons. YouL ~ i-a.ce would be ;-:- `-,; appreciated.
e. .What documei~tation/data/records support the need for. this PROPOSED
PROJECT/PROGRAM? 'Please identity ~~our data sources. (Additional page n1a~ be
added, if needed.)
2007 2008
Asian 13% 12%
African-American 7% 7%
Pacific Islander 2% 1
Filipino. 3% 5%
Hispanic 16% 19%
Native American 0% 1%
White 55% 52%
Other 3% 3%
The first column of percentages represents our ethnic breakdown from 2007with the second
column of percentages reflectin~~ numbers for 2008. As noted;tlaere is a marked increase in our
Hispanic population. V~'e addressed the needs of our Hispanic sub-groupn2006 with an event
we called Latino Familia Fiesta. During tine 2009/201.0 school year we would like to broaden
our outreach to include all our ethnic groups on campus. The data is from our campus/district
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City of Dublin
Fiscal Year 2009-2010
Application for ~°~nds
d. Specify the PROPOSED PROJECT/PROGRAM population to be served.
The event is serving our st_--, a~ mire student x- [=_ilatioh'of 730 children
from the Dublin Community ~.,r.g ,9_ti- their fami~ ~ =:r . -n add~'t~ ~ r-, the event is
open to the general Dubl-r~ Communir_ r. With the ~cr_C-r_uedgr~wi r~~ of the many
.cultures on our camp°.: we would like -~ ~_t .~,; rec~~{nze the d ;--: ity but to
embrace it with open ~.cros. Our campu. s;i _~ i-s ethnic diversity, _
microscopic environment of society ~.t i ~ ; _ . °;P feel a response b--_- to ensure
that our students grow, experience r:r 1~::~~ = tl~e positive aspe:~~__ uc;r
- ~,,
diversity ''can... bring. What Bette °; so ~Y ~r through the ~~ ,_. i;ng of> food
and drink. There.. are` times when r =~= ~_. ~-ril~ ar car k_:--eed fear and being distance
between members of 'a community. i.ogical rese_.~ ?h shows us ti-at the ~-~unger
r. ~ ~ _ .
a child i= t aught 'a value, tr,:- r ~ ~` -r the inclu~ - the value r.r 1 -'_
Before the~~ ~ me full ~- ; _~~ l ~~r.a ~~-rs, bef~~r L_ ~,-~~a~~~w of opp. -~_:r i -
closes as o± ~ ~ =udents r . -- r_ _ r-~~ _~~~~-~01 , sfi_ ~ _ ~_ -~ provide ~ ! ~rstill
each one' wits file undE ~,rr ,,~;, Y~- _ __ y~~ , 1 r_e ~~:or~sibility -; given
to ones fellow r"_an. 11 re s a r I ~,bo-, h~~-r_a~~ -~= °~h _r tii~.~s 'us ~ ~ _,Y_ ether;
no matter what :-=serer -:- r.. , .<_1; r -_i our hcri ~ - ~ _lture. - -_ ~= 11
brothers and ~-s ors in L:~- ~ ~.__~ .- : ~_led the lh.r~,un . _~ . With tr- _rlpendzng>~
cuts to educat _ - n -unding by = ",z 1 r~ Legislature, ,- ' i 1 it r __ .-v to
reach gout to cor~unur~ty fdundaticn- to ~ ae= istan ~~_rl ~_ ~ aT.: ~. r-t.~ that'
will benefit c,~~ students thr ,~cr ~ -__e ! -a:.- _~-rr ~f ~i -_- a~~~.mi"; ~-._a _~r _ ~_=er
horizc~i-i~ . YOUr ssistan~~ wrn_-d Y g ->'~,~ ti.r~ ,ia' ~_~.
e. Projects/programs must be e~-aluatcd to dctern~ine if they are being carried out efficiently
andif pro,ject/program goals are bein;~ met. Please describe howyou plan to monitor
yowproject/program's,success and impact.
^ An additional page maybe,added, if needed.
The success of expanding outreach, t~nderstandin~~ and tolerance between uur ethnic groups on
campus will be visible through the environment on campus. What better"way to evaluate success
than to see everyone getting along as they ~o throu~~h their academic day.
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Specify numbers of clients served by agency, then by PROPOSED
A~rc~~c~ 1'artici ~rut~_ ~ _ -_-
Total Number of Participants Seri ~~~I h~ Agency (if applicable) 730 students
Total Number of Dublin,Residents Served by ~~ency (if applicable) 730 students and
their families
Project/Program Partcihanis _ __
Total Proposed Participants Served b~• this Project/Program Same as above
Total Numbcr of Dublin Residents Served bi this Project Same as above
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City of Dublin
Fiseal Year 2009-2010
~lppli~ation for Funds
5. Financial Information.;- Operating budget
a. Expense Budget '
i~ ti' ? 009-201.11 j
EyPF:~SI~:BUDGF:'T I OllG,1~~I7:~1~1O~~y ~, 1 Pizo.~ r ~ °r/
~,1~-~~~I, 121~:O[~F;~T
Personnel Casts ;
Fi11plO~~eC `:1~;Ir1eS ~~ ~ ~'ll~'~ I~< _
Non-Personnel Costs ' _
Services & Supplies
Capital Costs
Other (please specify)
Other(please specify)
Further Comments/Explanations (il necessary):
Please note the required. infonllation and documents are available with the Dublin
Unified School District Application.
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City of I9ublin
Fiscal Year 2009-2010
Application foY Funds-
b. Revenue Budget
TS- 2009-2010 ~~~ ~'~,
12t:~~1~_y[JE Bu~~c.t.~r OI~c~~ir.~~~ri~>~ j l'12OJECT/Pii<x~az:~~l
- - ~ --
Committed/12cstricted Funds ~i ~~
(specif~~ ~i~urc~) '~~ ~°
Non-C+~mmitted/Restricted Funds ~'~~
(specil~~ soLU:ce) !~
Further Comments/Explanations (i f necessary):
Please note the required information and all documents are available with the
Dublin Unified School District Application.
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Cityof Dublin
Fiscal Year 2009-2010
Applicatian f®~ ~'un~ls
b. General Agency Informaation
^ Past grant applicants may cheek this boy in lieu o!~ completing.item6,(a-d) if the
program/organizational description on Zile ~-vith the Cit~;~ is correct acid current.
a. List all years that Organization has preti~iously received City of Dublin fulzding (not
Community Development Block Grant - CDBG)
b. Describe the population(s) served by the Organisation.
e. Describe all the services the Organisation cu~-~-ent1~- provides to Dublin residents.
An additional page may be added. if needed.
As the lamest public middle school in Dublin, our staff of 75 dedicated employees strive
day- to provide the students under our care with tl~ie best academic education possible.
d. Has your agency ever previously received funds -from the City of Dublin? If yes,
please specify in what Fiscal Years and the amount received each year.
Wells Middle School has never applied for a grant from the City of Dublin and thus,
have never directly received funding . As a campus of the Dublin Unified School
District, we may have received our campus's share of any funds given to DUSD.
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Jan 30 2009 5:57PM HP LRSERJFT FAX
c5ty a# Dublin
Fiscal Year 2009-2010
Application for Funds _ y ~t .
I attest that the information contained in this FY 2409-2a1d,grarrt application is accurate and that
toe funds requested will not supplant any. other monies secured by the. organization.
Attached is a resolution, letter, or other document providing evidence that the Board of Directors
approved the application as submFtted. Successful,applicants are required to submit a summary
repart as soon as possible after submitting the reimbursemerrt request, but. not later than August
31, 2410. Failure to submit a report wifl result in ineligibility far future fitnding.