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6.3 2009-2010 Prelim Budget & Fin Plan
Or'DU~~r~ CITY CLERK ~~1 File # ^©~^'L~J~a~ 1-il~ sz C~ /// Y\ .S~ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 23, 2009 SUBJECT: Public Hearing: Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Preliminary Budget and Fin ancial Plan Report Prepared by: Joni Pattillo, City Manager ATTACHMENTS: 1. Draft Resolution Adopting the Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Preliminary Budget and Financial Plan 2. Preliminary Budget and Financial plan (provided under separate cover) RECOMMENDATION: 1. Open the Public Hearing 2. Receive Budget Overview from Staff 3. Review the Preliminary Budget by Major Program Area (General; Public Safety; Transportation; Health & Welfare; Culture & Leisure; Community Development) including Higher Service Levels; and ask any questions regarding the proposed budget activities. 4. Receive public comments. 5. Close the public hearing. 6. Determine which Higher Service Levels should be funded for Fiscal Year 2009-2010. 7. Determine if reductions in the Budget should be identified at this time to be enacted, if necessary, as a result of State Budget reductions. 8. Adopt Resolution adopting a Budget for the City of Dublin for Fiscal Year 2009-2010. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: O eratin Bud et $ 53,181,079 Ca ital Pro~ects 35,484,988 Internal Services Fund 978,428 Appropriations to Reserves • General Fund $ 80,000 • Restricted Funds 1,415,232 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TO RESERVES $ 1,495,232 TOTAL 2008-2009 APPROPRIATIONS $ 91,139,727 COPY TO: Page 1 of 3 H:\BudgetWgenda Statements\06_AGENDA STMT09-10 budget adopt.doc ITEM NO. `~ DESCRIPTION: 2009-2010 Annual Budget & Financial Plan The Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Preliminary Budget and Financial Plan recommends appropriations of $91,139,727. The Preliminary Budget is funded by $67,761,337 in current year projected revenues. The Budget also includes the use of $23,293,249 in restricted reserves. This includes an appropriation of $1,085,426 from the General Fund Reserve for Economic Uncertainty. In addition there are several project specific reserves that will be utilized for completion of capital projects. A total of $4,060,879 in General Fund reserves are being used for the following projects: $2,319,804 for the Historic Park Project; $925,173 for the Civic Center Expansion /Design; $750,625 for Maintenance Yard Improvements; and $65,277 for the Community Cable Television Studio Project. The studio project contribution is actually less than the current designated reserve and the funds were set-aside to meet obligations under the current franchise agreement. The Budget has been prepared in accordance with the direction provided by the City Council during this year's Budget Study Session. Community Group/Organizational Requests For the Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Budget Process at the Budget Study Session on March 31, 2009 the City Council received presentations from various organizations. The City Council requested that funding for these groups be shown as a Higher Service Level, with the exception of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funded requests, which were included in the Current Service Levels. A Summary of the Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Community Group Recommended Funding totaling $202,818 is shown on pages 20 and 21 of the Preliminary Budget document. Of the total requested for Fiscal Year 2009-2010, the budget amounts can be categorized as follows: SUMMARY OF COMMUNITY GROUP FUNDING (By Funding Source) Funding Source Amount Requested Amount Recommended General Fund $ 128,261 $ 110,475 Affordable Housing Fund 30,635 30,635 Measure D Recycling Fund 2,000 2,000 CDBG Fund 81,153 .59,708 TOTAL: $ 242,049 $ 202,818 Higher Service Level Budget Requests A total of 26 Higher Service Levels are identified on pages 18 and 19 of the Preliminary Budget. The Higher Service Levels reflect: a) the cost of implementing the City Council High Priority Objectives (identified in March, 2009); and b) contributions to community organizations. Due to the reductions made in the total staffing there are no Higher Service Levels presented which address additional costs necessary to expand services to keep pace with the growth of the City. Also with respect to the High Priority City Council goals not all goals are identified as a separate Higher Service Level. Some are addressed as capital projects and some were included as core budget items, as determined by the City Manager during the budget process. However, all budget activities where a High Priority City Council Goal is being addressed have been identified as part of the narrative discussion in the Budget document. As noted above, the Community Group funding was also presented in Higher Service Levels, (with the exception of nine programs funded from CDBG allocations). Page 2 of 3 Special Considerations As noted in the City Manager's Budget Message this has been a very difficult budget to prepare due to the declining revenues and general uncertainty in the economy. The City is also facing the potential that the State will once again balance its budget problems by taking funds from the cities and other governments. The Budget as presented is already relying on reserves in order to balance the funds available with proposed expenditures. This situation will need to be addressed in the near term as prudent fiscal policies dictate that long term failure will occur if spending routinely exceeds revenues. The City Council could determine at this time if there are specific reductions or actions that should be triggered if the State Budget has a significant negative impact on the City. However, given the lack of a precise action under consideration by the State, Staff believe that it would be premature to identify a specific response. Based on the final State Budget adoption Staff will analyze the impacts and will return to the City Council with options that may include further modifications to the City budget. Proposed Resolution The proposed Resolution adopting the Budget contains a few elements that are different than in the past. First, due to a pending water utility rate increase $75,000 has been included in the Budgeted Contingent Reserve (Department 10800 Non -Departmental). The Resolution will allow the City Manager to transfer this appropriation to general fund operating utility accounts in the event that additional funding is required. The level of rate increases being considered are significant and may require funding beyond what is budgeted in the Contingent Reserve. The Budget, as presented, is based upon a zero increase in salary ranges and the Resolution acknowledges that the adjustment factor for Fiscal Year 2009/2010 is established at zero. The final area of modification relates to the process used for carryover appropriations for capital projects. The resolution authorizes the automatic carryover for projects which are still underway after June 30, 2009. RECOMMENDATION: It is Staff s recommendation that the City Council take the following actions: 1. Open the Public Hearing 2. Receive Budget Overview from Staff 3. Review the Preliminary Budget by Major Program Area (General; Public Safety; Transportation; Health & Welfare; Culture & Leisure; Community Development) including Higher Service Levels; and ask any questions regarding the proposed budget activities. 4. Receive public comments. 5. Close the public hearing. 6. Determine which Higher Service Levels should be funded for Fiscal Year 2009-2010. 7. Determine if reductions in the Budget should be identified at this time to be enacted, if necessary, as a result of State Budget reductions. 8. Adopt Resolution adopting a Budget for the City of Dublin for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Page 3 of 3 ! `'~ f..~ RESOLUTION NO. - 09 ~'~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF DUBLIN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2009-2010 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dublin is desirous of establishing an annual Budget and Financial Plan for Fiscal Year 2009-2010; and WHEREAS, the Dublin City Council has reviewed and considered the Budget documents and has received input from the public; and WHEREAS, due to the economic environment the Budget includes efforts to bring City spending in line with projected revenues; WHEREAS, the proactive measures taken include actions such as: a reorganization plan which included staff reductions; operating budget reductions; reductions in some service levels; suspension of pay increases; and deferral of capital projects; and WHEREAS, despite these measures the General Fund Operating Budget will still need to draw over $1 million from an the Reserve For Economic Uncertainty; and WHEREAS, the City Council has the responsibility to adopt a budget before the Fiscal Year begins July 1, 2009, despite the uncertainty which remains regarding proposals by the State of California to take or borrow City funds, which will worsen the imbalance of City Revenues and Expenditures; and WHEREAS, the City may also face significant increases in water rates which will not be known until after the Budget is adopted; and WHEREAS, the Summary of Appropriations (Exhibit A) attached hereto and made a part of this Resolution, reflects the Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Program Budget for the City of Dublin; and WHEREAS, the City Council also desires to accommodate the carryover of unspent 2008-2009 Capital Project appropriations, for those projects where work and expenditures will continue in Fiscal Year 2009-2010. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby find, determine, declare and resolve as follows: 1. The Dublin City Council does hereby adopt the Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Budget for the City of Dublin, as outlined in Exhibit A. H:\Budget\Agenda Statements\07_Resolution -budget adoption09-IO.DOC to ~ ~ _ ~ t ~ ~ ATTACHMENT 1 2. The City Manager is hereby authorized to make expenditures and appropriations in accordance wit the Budget as adopted, with the exception of those expenditures which require prior Council approval, in accordance with the adopted City ordinances, rules and regulations. Such approval shall be procured as described, except as follows: 1) The City Manager is authorized without further approval to transfer funds from the Contingent Reserve (Activity 10800) to operating department salary, salary related, and health and welfare accounts, when required due to: (a) employee turnover or change in status; (b) City Council approved funding for increases in employee benefits; (c) City Council approved funding for increases in contractor labor rates; and for up to a cumulative amount of $75,000 in General Fund utility increases. 3. The City Manager shall be authorized to adjust the Fiscal Year 2009 -2010 appropriations to account for the carryover of unspent capital project appropriations from Fiscal Year 2008 - 2009. All such adjustments shall be clearly recorded in the City Financial records and shall only be for projects that remain incomplete as of June 30, 2009. 4. The City Council does hereby acknowledge and authorize the use of $1,085,426 in reserves from the General Fund Reserve for Economic Uncertainty. 5. The City Council allot a projected Appropriation to Reserves, in an amount of $80,000 shown as revenue, which will be placed in a restricted reserve to fund future storm drain maintenance in accordance with a Cal-Trans grant funded storm water project. 6. The total projected appropriations to reserves for all funds are shown on Exhibit A. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby suspend Employee Salary adjustments for Fiscal Year 2009 - 2010 and hereby confirms that Pay Increases, in accordance with Section 9.2 of the Personnel System Rules, shall be zero percent (0%) for Fiscal Year 2009 - 2010, which is consistent with the Recommended Budget and Appropriations presented in Exhibit A. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of June, 2009. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk H:\Budget\Agenda Statements\07_Resolution -budget adoption09-1 O.DOC EXHIBIT A -SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS RECOMMENDED* ADOPTED SERVICE LEVEL SERVICE LEVEL 2009-2010 2009-2010 Program/Activity GENERAL GOVERNMENT City Council $ 347,643 City ManagerlClerk 1,113,464 Central Services 442,645 Legal Services 609,867 Administrative Services 1,892,302 Building Management 750,103 Insurance 586,427 Elections 3,620 Non-Departmental 186,641 TOTAL-General Government $ 5,932,712 PUBLIC SAFETY Police Services $ 13,907,196 Crossing Guards 100,830 Animal Control 375,620 Traffic Signal & Street Lighting 715,859 Disaster Preparedness 126,389 Fire 10,746,801 TOTAL-Public Safety $ 25,972,695 TRANSPORTATION Public Works Administration $ 920,388 Street Maintenance 398,776 Street Sweeping 129,527 Street Tree Maintenance 146,521 Street Landscape Maintenance 1,116,308 TOTAL-Transportation $ 2,711,520 HEALTH & WELFARE Environmental Programs $ 261,945 Waste Management 1,841,966 Child Care 18,500 Social Services 99,133 Housing Programs 3,807,296 TOTAL-Health 8 Welfare $ 6,028,840 CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES Library Service $ 820,311 Heritage & Cultural Arts 486,405 Park Maintenance 1,939,552 Community Cable TV 81,645 Parks & Community Services 4,053,696 Parks & Facilities Management 255,725 TOTAL-Culture & Leisure Services $ 7,637,334 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Comm Dev (Planning & Bldg/Safety) $ 3,199,892 Engineering 1,347,586 Economic Development 350,500 TOTAL-Community Development $ 4,897,978 TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET $ 53,181,079 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET General $ 1,887,725 Community Improvements 214,228 Parks 12,743,393 Streets 20,639,642 TOTAL•Capitallmprovements $ 35,484,988 Total Internal Service Fund (Cash Basis) $ 978,428 TOTAL EXPENDITURES- ALL FUNDS $ 89,644,495 APPROPRIATIONS TO RESERVES Restricted Programs /Projects (General Fund-Restricted Grant Storm Drain Maint $ 80,000 (Special Revenue /Capital Project Funds) 1,415,232 Total Appropriations to Reserves $ 1,495,232 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 91,139,727 'Note: Includes $416,470 in recommended Higher Service Levels .~ ~~~ EXHIBIT A -SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS RECOMMENDED' ADOPTED SERVICE LEVEL SERVICE LEVEL 2009-2010 2009-2010 Program/Activity GENERAL GOVERNMENT City Council $ 347,643 City Manager/Clerk 1,113,464 Central Services 442,645 Legal Services 609,867 Administrative Services 1,892,302 Building Management 750,103 Insurance 586,427 Elections 3,620 Non-Departmental 186,641 TOTAL-General Government $ 5,932,712 PUBLIC SAFETY Police Services $ 13,907,196 Crossing Guards 100,830 Animal Control 375,620 Traffic Signal & Street Lighting 715,859 Disaster Preparedness 126,389 Fire 10,746,801 TOTAL-Public Safety $ 25,972,695 TRANSPORTATION Public Works Administration $ 920,388 Street Maintenance 398,776 Street Sweeping 129,527 Street Tree Maintenance 146,521 Street Landscape Maintenance 1,116,308 TOTAL-Transportation $ 2,711,520 HEALTH & WELFARE Environmental Programs $ 261,945 Waste Management 1,841,966 Child Care 18,500 Social Services 99,133 Housing Programs 3,807,296 TOTAL-Health 8 Welfare $ 6,028,840 CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES Library Service $ 820,311 Heritage & Cultural Arts 486,405 Park Maintenance 1,939,552 Community Cable TV 81,645 Parks & Community Services 4,053,696 Parks & Facilities Management 255,725 TOTAL-Culture & Leisure Services $ 7,637,334 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Comm Dev (Planning & Bldg/Safety) $ 3,199,892 Engineering 1,347,586 Economic Development 350,500 TOTAL-Community Development $ 4,897,978 TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET $ 53,181,079 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET General $ 1,887,725 Community Improvements 214,228 Parks 12,743,393 Streets 20,639,642 TOTAL-Capitallmprovements $ 35,484,988 Total Internal Service Fund (Cash Basis) $ 978,428 TOTAL EXPENDITURES- ALL FUNDS $ 89,644,495 APPROPRIATIONS TO RESERVES Restricted Programs /Projects (General Fund-Restricted Grant Storm Drain Maint $ 80,000 (Special Revenue /Capital Project Funds) 1,415,232 Total Appropriations to Reserves $ 1,495,232 ~.~ ~ ~ TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 91,139,727 *Note: Includes $416,470 in recommended Higher Service Levels o~ 19~ ~~~ ~~ __ ~~~~8~ ~~ !r Preliminary Budget and Financial Plan Fiscal Year 2009 - 2010 Section 1: Summary Schedules o~ 19~ ~~~ Preliminary Budget and Financial Plan Fiscal Year 2009 - 2010 Section 2: General Government o~ 1 G~ t 19~ C~=' \\~"~~~ ~ I -~~` 8'Z Preliminary Budget and Financial Plan Fiscal Year 2009 - 2010 Section 3: Public Safety ~0~ D, ~~~A~' ~'/,~ ``\7 ~/ `` ~ //, .-.. /~ ,~~ Preliminary Budget and Financial Plan Fiscal Year 2009 - 2010 Section 4: Transportation O~ 19~ ti' ~ J ~ ~G ~ 7(~~1 ~~,/ ''\V .~ I Preliminary Budget and Financial Plan Fiscal Year 2009 - 2010 Section 5: Health & Welfare ~// 19 ~1' {,r J ~L ~~`~//l/ Preliminary Budget and Financial Plan Fiscal Year 2009 - 2010 Section 6: Culture & Leisure Services i9~1 ti~~ ~~~ - ~h ~s~ ~1~ ~~ . !% Preliminary Budget and Financial Plan Fiscal Year 2009 - 2010 Section 7: Community Development o~ ~//// 191 O~ Is~~ Preliminary Budget and Financial Plan Fiscal Year 2009 - 2010 Section 8: Capital Projects ia~l -1~' Preliminary Budget and Financial Plan Fiscal Year 2009 - 2010 Section 9: Internal Service Funds rrr 19 F DvB~~ ~~~ \~ t. ina~' Budget prelim and Financial Plan Fiscal Year 209 - 2010 . Agen~Y Funds Se~t1On 10 O~ 19~ ~~~ ~~~ ~-~-~ `8~ ~i~ \~ Preliminary Budget and Financial Plan Fiscal Year 2009 - 2010 Section 11: Strategic Plan and Goals " ~DLJBi~I ,., \\ ~8Z1 CITY OF DUBLIN California Preliminary Budget and Financial Plan Fiscal Year 2009 - 2010 June 2009 Tim Sbranti, Mayor Kasie Hildenbrand, Vice Mayor Don Biddle, Councilmember Kevin Hart, Councilmember Kate Ann Scholz, Councilmember SUBMITTED BY Joni Pattillo City Manager CITY OF DUBLIN ~~~,~ (O/F~~,p~pe~~~ /9/ /eS\II~\ \$` Preliminary Budget and Financial Plan Fiscal Year 2009 - 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION Budget Message ................................................................................................... Budget Summary by Fund .................................................................................. Historical Comparison of Revenues by Source ................................................ Historical Comparison of Expenditures by Program ...................................... Summary 2009-2010 Higher Service Level Options ........................................ Summary 2009-2010 Community Group/Organizational Budget Request Position Allocation Plan ...................................................................................... Appropriations Limit ........................................................................................... City of Dublin Organizational Chart ................................................................. GENERAL GOVERNMENT Program Highlights .................................................................................... City Council ............................................................................................ City Manager/City Clerk ..................................................................... Central Services ...................................................................................... Legal Services ......................................................................................... Administrative Services ........................................................................ Building Management ........................................................................... Insurance ................................................................................................. Elections .................................................................................................. Non-Departmental ................................................................................ PUBLIC SAFETY .............................1 ............................. 7 ...........................16 ...........................18 ........................... 20 ........................... 22 ........................... 28 ........................... 30 ............................................. 31 ............................................. 32 ............................................. 41 ............................................. 44 ............................................. 47 ............................................. 51 ............................................. 56 ............................................. 58 ............................................. 60 ............................................. 62 Program Highlights .................................................................................................................................. 65 Police Services ...................................................................................................................................... 66 Crossing Guards ..................................................................................................................................70 Animal Control ....................................................................................................................................72 Table of Contents -Page 2 Traffic Signals & Street Lighting ....................................................................................................... 74 Disaster Preparedness ...................................:..................................................................................... 76 Fire Services .......................................................................................................................................... 79 TRANSPORTATION Program Highlights ..................................................................................................................................83 Public Works Administration ............................................................................................................ 84 Street Maintenance ..............................................................................................................................87 Street Sweeping ....................................................................................................................................89 Street Tree Maintenance .....................................................................................................................91 Street Landscape Maintenance ..........................................................................................................93 HEALTH & WELFARE Program Highlights .................................................................................................................................95 Environmental Programs ...................................................................................................................96 Waste Management .............................................................................................................................98 Child Care ...........................................................................................................................................104 Social Services ....................................................................................................................................107 Housing Programs .............................................................................................................................114 CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES Program Highlights ................................................................................................................................123 Library Services ..................................................................................................................................124 Heritage & Cultural Arts ..................................................................................................................126 Park Maintenance ...............................................................................................................:..............132 Community Cable Television ..........................................................................................................135 Parks & Community Services ..........................................................................................................137 Parks & Facilities Management .......................................................................................................143 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Program Highlights ................................................................................................................................147 Community Development ................................................................................................................148 Engineering .............................................. . ..........................................................................................155 Economic Development ....................................................................................................................158 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET Capital Projects Overview Fiscal Year 2009-2010 ..........................................................................167 General Improvement Projects .......................................................................................................168 Community Improvement Projects .................................................................................................169 Park Projects .......................................................................................................................................170 Street Projects .....................................................................................................................................171 Table of Contents -Page 3 INTERNAL SERVICES .............................................................................................................................173 AGENCY FUNDS IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Dublin Boulevard Extension Improvement District ................................................................... 175 GEOLOGIC HAZARD ABATEMENT DISTRICTS ...................................................................... 177 Fallon Village Geologic Hazard Abatement District .................................................................. 178 Schaefer Ranch Geologic Hazard Abatement District ................................................................ 180 GOALS & OBTECTIVES Adopted 2004 City of Dublin 10 Year Strategic Plan (2009-2010 Update) ................................183 2009-2010 Preliminary Adopted Goals & Objectives ...................................................................191 2008-2009 Goals & Objectives Final Report ...................................................................................197 CITY OF DUBLIN 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, California 94568 Website: www.ci.dublin.ca.us June 8, 2009 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council: It is my honor to submit the Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Preliminary Budget for your consideration. As you know, the current economic recession has resulted in a challenging time for the City of Dublin. Whether it is the meltdown of the housing market and slowdown in development activity, to the closures and loss of revenue from some of the City's biggest and most reliable retailers and auto dealers, Dublin has experienced every nuance the economic crisis has had to offer. As a prelude to this upcoming Fiscal Year, the unanticipated budget shortfalls of Fiscal Year 2008-2009 demonstrated that doing "business as usual" in the City of Dublin would not be sustainable over the long term. When the 2008-2009 budget deficits were realized, the City Council, left with few alternatives, took the necessary steps to augment the 2008-2009 Budget with funds from the Economic Uncertainty Reserve. In preparation for the proposed Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Preliminary Budget, a fundamental look at the City's core operations and structure was necessary in order to reposition the organization for financial sustainability and success in the years ahead. The forecasted deficit (in April) for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 was approximately $3 million. In order to bring forward a balanced budget, organizational and operational changes were needed. With the City Council's direction, Staff took the following proactive (and some difficult) measures in order to address the deficit: • A reorganization plan that included staffing cuts and the reassignment of personnel to take advantage of the highest and best use of our employees; • Operating budget cuts reducing funds available for services, supplies, travel, and conferences; • Reducing, in some cases, the frequency of maintenance services to lower costs (including reduced frequencies for street sweeping on commercial streets; landscape maintenance in medians; and reduced park mowing); • Elimination of Fiscal Year 2009 - 2010 cost of living and performance pay adjustments for City Staff. • Postponing desired capital improvement projects funded through the General Fund; • Investment and use of technology to more effectively deliver services; • Improving the City's tax base by attracting potential businesses seeking to relocate, by offering unique incentive programs such as "the sales tax reimbursement program" to offset improvement costs. The reorganization and cost-cutting measures outlined above were successful in closing the approximate $3 million forecasted budgetary gap. These cuts will have a real and tangible impact on the services the City provides to the community, particularly as it relates to maintaining streets and landscaping throughout the City. Yet, even with these cost-cutting measures, the continued revenue volatility has resulted in even greater deficits than the City anticipated in April 2009. Based on what the City has learned in just the past few months, Staff is recommending an additional $1,085,426 will be needed from the Economic Uncertainty Reserve to fund core city operations and activities. This recommendation is consistent with the direction received by the City Council at the budget workshop session in March 2009. Outside of the reserves used for economic uncertainty, the General Fund portion of the Budget relies on $4,060,879 in reserves which have been previously designated and set aside for Capital Projects, such as the expansion of the Historic Park; Civic Center Expansion Design; Maintenance Facility Improvements; and a Capital Contribution to Tri-Valley Community Television. Moving Forward -Dealing with Key Critical Issues These ongoing budget shortfalls mean that the status quo for cities no longer applies. Cities, like other organizations, must make difficult decisions about how money is spent and where to find new revenues. These challenges, however, provide for new opportunities. Dublin is no exception. In Dublin's case, the organization resulting from the Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Preliminary Budget will be leaner and a more efficient user of its resources. The decisions regarding the cost-cutting measures required tremendous courage on the part of the elected City Council, the public we serve and the City Staff. The ability to access reserves offers the City an opportunity to develop along-term plan to assure that services are funded within our means. This long-term plan must include a framework, with the City Council's direction, to deal with several key and critical issues that threaten the City's ability to provide services and facilities that are either financially feasible or meet citizen expectations. These key and critical issues include: • The escalation of the City's public safety (including Police and Fire) operating costs and its impact on the City's General Fund. In just the past seven years, the cost of public safety has increased 100 percent, whereas the City's ability to absorb that cost through the General Fund has only incrementally increased; • Addressing the increased operating costs associated with added parks and infrastructure (for example Fallon Sports Park is projected to add an additional $350,000 in annual operating costs); • Providing additional stability and diversity among revenue sources; • Addressing the impacts of maintenance costs for additional streets and other infrastructure; • Dealing with future increases in required contributions for retiree benefits due to reduced investment revenue; • Unfunded mandates and regulatory requirements, including managing and treating storm water; ii • Aging infrastructure which has no designated funding for replacement and repair (i.e. storm drains); • Financing future replacement costs for mechanical and other major systems associated with newer facilities (Library; Senior Center; Shannon Center; etc.); and • Balancing the desire for completion of major new facilities funded from Development Fees, which are forecasted to be collected at a much slower rate than in the past. By dealing with these issues in a proactive way, the City Council will set the course for how the City will be able to fund its programs, activities and services for tomorrow's Dublin. 2009-2010 BUDGET OVERVIEW Total recommended appropriations for all funds including Appropriations to Reserves for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 are $91,139,727. Total recommended expenditures for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 are $89,644,495, the net amount (after adjusting for Internal Service Fund expenditures and Appropriations to Reserves) are $87,170,835. The difference between total appropriations and net expenditures is attributable to the following: a) Internal Service Fund expenditures (cash basis) which are funded by charges to the City's operating departments and are already reflected in each respective Activity Budget in the amount of $974,428 and b) Recommended appropriations to Reserves for all funds in the amount of $1,495,232. Of the amount recommended to be allocated to Reserves, $1,415,232 is from Restricted Funds and $80,000 is from the General Fund. The General Fund component is restricted for storm drainage maintenance under an agreement with Cal-Trans, as a condition of performing future maintenance of drainage facilities adjacent to Village Parkway. General Fund Net Operating Transfers and estimated recovery of Fire Impact Fees advanced in a previous year total $256,369. Consistent with previous budgets included in the detail of this document is the updated adjusted Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Budgets by line item as well as estimated results. However, it is important to examine the Fiscal Year 2009-2010 recommended net expenditures in comparison to the Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Budget as adopted by the City Council in June 2008. The City Council made adjustments during the fiscal year to reduce estimated revenue and expenditures in several areas as a result of the deteriorating economy. When compared to the "original" budget the Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Financial Plan contains significant decreases in expenditures. Total expenditures are expected to be nearly $6 million or 6.3% less than the adopted Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Budget. If you examine solely General Fund expenditures, the total reductions exceed $6.8 million. The Table on the following page highlights these differences. iii COMPARISON OF ORIGINAL FISCAL YEAR 2008 - 2009 AND RECOMMENDED FISCAL YEAR Y 2009 - 2010 BUDGET Operating General Fund Other Funds Total Operating Capital General Fund Other Funds Total Capital Total OPERATING BUDGET Original Budget Recommended 2008-2009 2009-2010 Difference $47,722,094 $45,068,083 ($2,654,011) -5.6% 8,005,192 8,112,996 107,804 1.3% $55,727,286 $53,181,079 ($2,546,207) -4.6% $9,518,588 $5,313,375 ($4,205,213) -44.2% 29,307,430 30,171,613 864,183 2.9% $38,826,018 $35,484,988 ($3,341,030) -8.6% 94.553.304 88.666.067 (~ 5.887.2371 -6.2% The recommended Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 totals $53,181,079. Of this amount, $52,764,609 is required to maintain the Current Service Level for all City programs, and $416,470 is recommended to fund Higher Service Levels (see pages 18 and 19). The City Council has a long standing practice of considering additional funding requests separately to meet High Priority Goals and Objectives. The presentation as a "Higher Service Level" highlights the incremental cost impact and allows for the City Council to more fully consider pursuing the item in relation to the budgetary impact. Higher Service Levels are also used to highlight the City's discretionary support of Community Group funding. The recommended Fiscal Year 2009 - 2010 Operating Budget is less than the original adopted 2008-2009 Operating Expenditures by $2,546,207 or 4.6%. Each Program Area of the Recommended Budget (General Government; Public Safety; Transportation; Health & Welfare; Culture & Leisure Services; Community Development) is preceded by a "Program Highlights" page, where the major changes in each Program are discussed. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS For Fiscal Year 2009-2010 an Update has been prepared to the Five-Year Capital Improvement Program (C1P) for 2008-2013. The second year of the CIP (Fiscal Year 2009-2010) includes projects totaling $35,484,988. The financing of the projects proposed in Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Capital Budget is comprised of various funding sources as shown in the Table on the following page. iv FUNDING SOURCES OF PROPOSED FISCAL YEAR 2009-2010 CAPITAL PROJECTS General Fund -Operating Revenues $ 274,049 General Fund One-Time /Project Specific Revenue 978,447 General Fund Reserves 4,060,879 Intergovernmental Revenues 9,017,958 Development Impact Fees Revenue 7,542,602 Development Impact Fees Reserve 13,611,053 TOTAL $ 35,484,988 As is a common theme in the recommended Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Financial Plan, the availability of current General Fund Revenue for Capital Projects has deteriorated significantly. Only $274,049 in projects are to be funded from current revenue. The projects represent investments that will address critical safety items such as sidewalk and playground repair and technology investments to assure that systems are current and assist in improving the efficient delivery of services. Please refer to the Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Update to the 2008-2013 Five Year Capital Improvement Program for a more detailed description of the projects proposed for Fiscal Year 2009-2010. REVENUES Estimated Revenues for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 total $67,761,337, which includes $1,451,024 in replacement fund and retiree medical charges collected in the Internal Service Funds. This represents a decrease of $6,020,691 or -8.2% compared to the budgeted revenue in the original adopted Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Budget. General Fund Revenues for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 are estimated at $44,973,643. This represents a decrease from the original Fiscal Year 2008-2009 adopted Budget of $8,218,915 or -15.5%. Staff estimates that the Fiscal Year 2008-2009 General Fund Revenue will be $51,279,851. It is important to note that $3.2 million of the estimated Fiscal Year 2008 -2009 General Fund Revenue is one-time revenue (Community Benefit Payments and Reimbursements from Pleasanton for the I-580 / Fallon Road Interchange Project). After accounting for these one-time revenues the estimated General Fund Revenue in Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is estimated to be $48,048,207. Adjusting the Fiscal Year 2009- 2010, General Fund revenue for similar one-time revenue result in approximately $1.2 million less or $43,723,928. Some of the more significant changes in General Fund revenues include: 1. A decrease in the projected Property Tax Revenue (-$1.4 million) from the original Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Budget. This decrease is due to estimated adjustments by the Assessor's Office to reflect decreases in the market value, limited new housing and commercial development that would have resulted in new property tax revenue, and an estimated allowance for delinquencies. In Fiscal Year 2009-2010, the City's property tax estimate is net of certain adjustments that reduce the amount of local property tax revenue received by the City. This includes: a) an estimated payment of approximately $943,462 to Alameda County in accordance with the City/County Tax Exchange Agreement; b) an estimated $276,800 retained by Alameda County to offset County v costs with administering the Property Tax collection; and c) an estimated $1.8 million of local property tax revenue that was shifted as a result of previous State legislative acts to fund the State responsibility for local schools and education. The Property Tax estimate and this budget do not include any allowance if the State were to "borrow" local property tax revenue as a result of declaring a statewide fiscal emergency. This proposal is under discussion by State officials; however no action has been taken at the time the City Budget was being prepared. This State borrowing could have a significant impact on the City of Dublin, with initial estimates of an additional $2.3 million in General Fund revenue that is planned for critical local expenditures in the upcoming year. 2. A decrease in sales and use tax of $3.2 million (-$3,211,428) from the original adopted Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Budget. This reflects the full year impact of declining retail sales and the closures of major retailers during Fiscal Year 2008-2009, as well as the continued decline in automobile sales and very limited new retail outlets. 3. A decrease in License and Permit Revenues (-$679,464) due to a projected decrease in commercial and residential projects expected to obtain building permits. 4. An increase in Facility Rental revenue (+$102,810) primarily due to the reopening of Shannon Community Center and the expected payment by the School District for the school use of the Dublin Swim Center in accordance with joint use agreements. This payment was waived for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. 5. A decrease in General Fund interest revenue (-1,099,181) due to lower reserves available for investment and reduced interest rates. 6. A decrease in Charges for Services (-$1,037,185) which is primarily due to fewer planning, fire, and engineering development applications and plan check and inspection fees. 7. A decrease in Other Revenue (-$531,097). This category often includes one-time revenue and may have an offsetting expense such as capital projects which are funded from reimbursements such as contributions for the I-580/ Fallon Interchange. Revenues for Special Revenue, Capital Project, Assessment District and Internal Service Funds for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 are estimated at $22,787,694. This represents an increase of $2,198,224, or 11.5% compared to Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Budget as adopted. These are restricted funds, which can only be used for authorized expenditures. The most notable variances in City Special Revenue and Capital Project Funds are as follows: 1. A decrease in Development impact fees and housing in-lieu fee revenue (-4,355,020). This reflects the overall decline in new development projects moving forward. 2. Increased federal transportation grant funds (SAFETEA-LU) (+$1,389,579). More of these funds will be received for the Combined West and East Dublin BART Station Corridor Enhancement Capital Improvement Project, which begins construction in June 2009. vi 3. Increased Park Grant revenue (+$2,011,480). East Bay Regional Park District Measure WW Bond program funds will be received for artificial turf fields at Fallon Sports Park and design of a renovation project at Dublin Sports Grounds. 4. Increased Measure B (Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority) revenue of $2,399,769 as a result of performing the construction of the westbound I-580 Auxiliary Lanes between Fallon Road and Tassajara Road. APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT The Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $181,928,007. Those recommended appropriations which are funded by "Proceeds of Taxes" total only $34,724,365. Therefore, the appropriations subject to the limit are $147,203,642 below the City's limit. The proposed limit is included in the budget document (pages 28 and 29), as required by State Law. STAFFING LEVEL The proposed Position Allocation Plan (see pages 22 - 27) for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 includes a total of 204.27 positions to support the City Services. None of the proposed Higher Service Levels include additional Staffing. The net decrease consists of 9.5 Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) City Employees and 4.98 FTE contract employees. This represents a combined decrease in Staffing over the past two years of nearly 20 positions. In Fiscal Year 2008-2009 the 5.45 net decrease in positions were largely the result of vacant positions as well as contract positions where the level of service requested from the contractor was reduced. In Fiscal Year 2009-2010 the decrease also includes filled positions. A total of 11.4 FTE positions are being eliminated from development-related services, which is reflective of the slumping economy and slowdown in development activity. Despite the net decrease in Staffing, the City was able to establish the Environmental Programs Department. A total of 2.5 FTE will be assigned this unit, which will focus on various environmental programs and initiatives, many of which fall within High Priority Goals established by the City Council. The funding of this Staff comes from Measure D and Local Recycling funds, not the Cites General Fund. DEBT SERVICE There is no outstanding debt service related to City obligations and activities for Fiscal Year 2009-2010. AGENCY FUNDS The City facilitates the financing of improvements or maintenance activities for one Improvement Assessment District and two Geologic Hazard Abatement Districts. No City funds are at risk and the City merely acts as a conduit for monies collected on the property tax bills of properties benefiting from the Districts. These are activities are reported in the Agency Fund section of the budget document and are included for information only. The Dublin Boulevard Extension Assessment District involves the repayment of bonds issued in 1992. Funds are collected on the property tax bill and transferred to a trustee who makes payments to the vii bondholders. Therefore, all debt service associated with this Improvement District has been excluded from the Annual Budget. The outstanding bonds are scheduled to be repaid in 2012. The Geologic Hazard Abatement Districts cover the Fallon Village Development and Schaefer Ranch developments. These Districts are separate entities establish to address prevention, mitigation, and abatement of geologic hazards in open space areas surrounding the development. Funds are collected on the property tax bill and held by the City solely to address the authorized work within the District. FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 GENERAL FUND RECAP As presented to the City Council in conjunction with the Mid-Year Report on March 17, 2009, the City Council authorized appropriation from the Economic Uncertainty Reserve to balance projected General Fund revenues and one-time capital expenditures. The final results of the use of reserves will be determined once the books are closed for all revenue and expenditures associated with Fiscal Year 2008- 2009. The projection at the time of the mid-year report was that $2.3 million would potentially be required. When the Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) is presented, Staff will have a precise accounting of the amount of reserves utilized. At that time, it will also be appropriate to consider re-designation, as a potential replenishment of the Economic Uncertainty Reserve, the General Fund Reserves originally designated for Fallon Sports Park Artificial Turf (now funded from Measure W W Grant)... FISCAL YEAR 2009-2010 BUDGET ISSUES 1. Finalize funding of Community Service Groups. A total of 25 Community Group Requests (see pages 20 - 21) are recommended for funding in the amount of $202,818 in Fiscal Year 2009-2010. The General Fund would fund $110,475 of the total amount, while the balance of these requests would be funded by Special Revenue Funds. The Preliminary Budget provides funding for all those Community Group requests preliminarily approved by the City Council in March 2009. 2. Determine which Higher Service Level options ~seepa~es 18-19) should be funded. A total of 26 Higher Service Levels costing $416,470 are recommended for funding in the Preliminary Budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010. This includes all Community Group requests not funded by the Community Development Block Grant revenue. 3. Finalize the priorities for the Capital Projects proposed for Fiscal Year 2009-2010. A total of $5,313,375 in Capital Projects are funded from the General Fund. Of this amount, $4,060,879 will be funded from the Capital Project Reserves. The projects funded from reserves are carry-over projects that were started in a previous year. 4. Monitor action to be taken if City's Budget is impacted by the State. As indicated in the Budget Summary, the City Council has been presented with a budget that already relies on the use of locally derived reserves established as a "rainy-day" fund. These reserves were established under the guidance of previous City Councils in the event that the City were subjected to an extraordinary event. The current economic recession and credit crisis throughout the nation no doubt qualifies for unique measures. viii As a matter of policy, the City Council, on May 19, 2009, adopted a Resolution which established that the City Council strongly and unconditionally opposes any State government proposals to borrow or seize any additional local funds, including the property tax. The Resolution identified that a severe fiscal hardship would result. Elected officials throughout the State are concerned and have launched an innovative platform "www.saveyourcity.net". The website offers a human face to the very real concern that communities will be devastated if cities are again forced to bail the State out of its budget deficit. The Preliminary Budget does not include any budget impacts that may result from the State budget deliberations. To date, numerous potential items have been discussed by State officials which could impact the City of Dublin's budget including: the elimination of the COPS Grant ($100,000/year); borrowing $2.3 million of property taxes that are already programmed to fund essential local services; and potentially eliminating 70% of local gas tax (approximately $529,900). Given the dire financial condition of the State of California and its cash flow situation, it is impossible for local agencies to "guess" at what impact the State's final decisions will have on the City's operations. Any further loss of revenue due to a State raid will be difficult to absorb without reducing the City's service levels or depleting local reserves. When more definitive impacts to the City from the dire State financial condition are known, Staff will return with additional analysis and options. I want to extend my sincere appreciation to the City of Dublin Staff for their grace, patience and sacrifice during this uncertain time. I would also like to thank the City's Executive Team Staff for standing side- by-side with me through this budget process, making the difficult decisions to close the budgetary gap. It is a pleasure to work with such talented and resourceful public servants. Lastly, I look forward to working with the City Council to tackle these tough issues through hard work and with some creativity so that the City of Dublin thrives in the future. It is an honor and privilege to serve the Dublin community. Respectfully submitted, ni attillo Cit anager ix 2009-2010 SUMMARY BY FUND RECOMMENDED BUDGET Supp. Federal Criminal Vehicle Law COPS General Activity Abatemnt Enforce. Grant Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund TOTAL 001 200 201 202 203 CURRENT REVENUE Property Taxes Taxes Other Than Property Licenses & Permits Fines & Forfeitures Use of Money & Property Intergovernmental Revenues Charges for Service Impact Fees Other Revenues Special Assessments TOTAL CURRENT REVENUE Appropriations from Reserves Other Activities Economic Stability Reserve Community Television Studio Project Civic Center Expansion Design Maintenance Yard Improvements Historic Park Fallon Sports Park (Artificial Turf) Box Culvert Maintenance Pass through Grant Payments Repayment Impact Fee Advances Fund Transfers In Fund Transfers Out Other Sources of Cash TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE OPERATING EXPENDITURES WITH HIGHER SERVICE LEVELS General Government Public Safety Transportation Health and Welfare Culture & Leisure Services Community Development TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES CAPITAL PROJECTS General Community Improvement Parks Streets TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS INTERNAL SERVICE EXPENDITURES (cash basis) TOTAL ANTICIPATED EXPENDITURES Appropriations to Reserves Open Space /Downtown Affordable Housing Economic Uncertainty First Time Homebuyer Program Restricted Programs /Projects TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TO RESERVES TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 21 467 750 21 467 750 14 321 708 13 724 100 1 625 211 1 625 211 321 000 140 000 2 123 725 1 558 707 710 3 791 7 670 361 957 870 29 000 100 000 36 895 8 248 180 4 742 524 7 768 674 3 359 860 757 481 854 868 67,761,337 44,973,643 710 32,791 100,000 36,895 18,146,944 4,540 1,085,426 1,085,426 65,277 65,277 925,173 925,173 750,625 750,625 2,319,804 2,319,804 5,141 5,141 227,546 35,423 28,823 (35,423) 18,050 91,059,727 49,296,032 5,250 14,741 100,000 36,895 5 932 712 5 879 412 25 972 695 24 742 786 5 250 1 975 100 000 36 895 2 711 520 1 877 783 6 028 840 57 925 7 637 334 7 634 334 4 897 978 4 875 843 53,181,079 45,068,083 5,250 1,975 100,000 36,895 1 887 725 1 887 725 214 228 80 894 12 743 393 2 366 309 20 639 642 978 447 35,484,988 5,313,375 978,428 89,644,495 50,381,458 5,250 1,975 100.,000 36,895 1,495,232 80,000 12,766 1,495,232 80,000 12,766 91,139,727 50,461,458 5,250 14,741 100,000 36;895 -1- 2009-2010 SUMMARY BY FUND RECOMMENDED BUDGET State Measure Traffic Gas Meas. EBRPD D Safety Tax CDBG ISTEA B Parks Recycling Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund 205 206 209 210 217 218 224 CURRENT REVENUE Property Taxes Taxes Other Than Property Licenses & Permits Fines & Forfeitures Use of Money & Property Intergovernmental Revenues Charges for Service Impact Fees Other Revenues Special Assessments TOTAL CURRENT REVENUE Appropriations from Reserves Other Activities Economic Stability Reserve Community Television Studio Project Civic Center Expansion Design Maintenance Yard Improvements Historic Park Fallon Sports Park (Artificial Turf) Box Culvert Maintenance Pass through Grant Payments Repayment Impact Fee Advances Fund Transfers In Fund Transfers Out Other Sources of Cash TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE OPERATING EXPENDITURES WITH ffiGHER SERVICE LEVELS General Government Public Safety Transportation Health and Welfare Culture & Leisure Services Community Development TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES CAPITAL PROJECTS General Community Improvement Parks Streets TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS INTERNAL SERVICE EXPENDITURES (cash basis) TOTAL ANTICIPATED EXPENDITURES Appropriations to Reserves Open Space /Downtown Affordable Housing Economic Uncertainty First Time Homebuyer Program Restricted Programs /Projects TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TO RESERVES TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 339 633 181 000 485 31 663 5 331 44 757 300 66 308 2 763 243 2 145 118 214 687 2 396 287 3 000 181,485 788,963 66,308 2,763,243 2,741,251 2,145,118 217,731 108,317 589,493 15,986 41,044 6,600 289,802 1,378,456 59,708 2,763,243 2,757,237 2,145,118 258,775 289 802 44 652 382 956 59 708 258 775 6 000 289,802 433,608 59,708 258,775 944,848 2,763,243 2,757,237 1,955,419 289,802 1,378,456 59,708 2,763,243 2,757,237 1,955,419 258,775 189,699 189,699 289,802 1,378,456 59,708 2,763,243 2,757,237 2,145,118 258,775 .2. 2009-2010 SUMMARY BY FUND RECOMMENDED BUDGET Waste Traffic Traffic Garbage Management Sales Tax CMA EMS Congestion Impact Service Service Measure B TIP Tax Relief Fee Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund 225 226 227 228 230 240 300 CURRENT REVENUE Property Taxes Taxes Other Than Property Licenses & Permits Fines & Forfeitures Use of Money & Property Intergovernmental Revenues Charges for Service Impact Fees Other Revenues Special Assessments TOTAL CURRENT REVENUE Appropriations from Reserves Other Activities Economic Stability Reserve Community Television Studio Project Civic Center Expansion Design Maintenance Yard Improvements Historic Park Fallon Sports Park (Artificial Turf) Box Culvert Maintenance Pass through Grant Payments Repayment Impact Fee Advances Fund Transfers In Fund Transfers Out Other Sources of Cash TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE OPERATING EXPENDITURES WITH HIGHER SERVICE LEVELS General Government Public Safety Transportation Health and Welfare Culture & Leisure Services Community Development TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES CAPITAL PROJECTS General Community Improvement Parks Streets TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS INTERNAL SERVICE EXPENDITURES (cash basis) TOTAL ANTICIPATED EXPENDITURES Appropriations to Reserves Open Space /Downtown Affordable Housing Economic Uncertainty First Time Homebuyer Program Restricted Programs /Projects TOTAL APPROPRLATIONS TO RESERVES TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 119 825 138 150 12 071 9 412 392 9 469 5 322 156 000 443 940 1 688 500 1 229 477 171 572 1,688,500 12,071 129,237 156,000 310,114 453,409 1,234,799 7,$78 136,987 74,223 11,365,907 1,696,078 149,058 129,237 156,000 384,337 453,409 12,600,706 2 050 384 337 13 568 1 696 078 149 OS8 1,696,078 149,058 13,568 384,337 2,050 36,786 156,000 404,425 12,598,656 1,696,078 149,058 50,354 156,000 384,337 404,425 12,600,706 78,883 48,984 78,883 48,984 1,696,078 149,058 129,237 156,000 384,337 453,409 12,600,706 -3- 2009-2010 SUMMARY BY FUND CURRENT REVENUE Property Taxes Taxes Other Than Property , Licenses & Permits Fines & Forfeitures Use of Money & Property Intergovernmental Revenues Charges for Service Impact Fees Other Revenues Special Assessments TOTAL CURRENT REVENUE Appropriations from Reserves Other Activities Economic Stability Reserve Community Television Studio Project Civic Center Expansion Design Maintenance Yard Improvements Historic Park Fallon Sports Park (Artificial Turf) Box Culvert Maintenance Pass through Grant Payments Repayment Impact Fee Advances Fund Transfers In Fund Transfers Out Other Sources of Cash TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE OPERATING EXPENDITURES WITH HIGHER SERVICE LEVELS General Government Public Safety Transportation Health and Welfare Culture & Leisure Services Community Development TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES CAPITAL PROJECTS General Community Improvement Parks Streets TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS INTERNAL SERVICE EXPENDITURES (cash basis) TOTAL ANTICIPATED EXPENDITURES Appropriations to Reserves Open Space /Downtown Affordable Housing Economic Uncertainty First Time Homebuyer Program Restricted Programs /Projects TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TO RESERVES TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS RECOMMENDED BUDGET Facility Fire Housing Impact Public Impact Noise Fee Art Fee Mitigation Fund Fund Fund Fund 310 311 320 380 Assessment District Funds Fund Fund Fund 710 711 713 49 093 6 782 237 397 2 602 451 1 115 40 125 6 127 426 227 546 184 225 2 500 262 810 68 228 99 877 6,176,519 6,782 227,546 461,747 267,912 68,679 100,992 2,245,146 129,552 3,390,199 10,427 1,494 5,502 227,546) 6,600 (3,423) 885 1,299 8,421,665 136,334 .3,858,546 274,916 69,288 105,195 51 250 270 646 66 583 102 490 3 807 296 3 000 4 270 2 705 2 705 3,000 3,858,546 274,916 69,288 105,195 8,421,665 133,334 8,421,665 136,334 3,858,546 274,916 69,288 105,195 8,421,665 136,334 3,858,546 274,916 69,288 105,195 -4- CURRENT REVENUE Properly Taxes Taxes Other Than Property Licenses & Permits Fines & Forfeitures Use of Money & Property Intergovernmental Revenues Charges for Service Impact Fees Other Revenues Special Assessments TOTAL CURRENT REVENUE Appropriations from Reserves Other Activities Economic Stability Reserve Community Television Studio Project Civic Center Expansion Design Maintenance Yazd Improvements Historic Park Fallon Sports Park (Artificial Turf) Box Culvert Maintenance Pass through Grant Payments Repayment Impact Fee Advances Fund Transfers In Fund Transfers Out Other Sources of Cash TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE OPERATING EXPENDITURES WITH ffiGHER SERVICE LEVELS 2009-2010 SUMMARY BY FUND RECOMMENDED BUDGET Assessment Internal District Service Fund Fund Funds 716 717 830-832 20,549 2,937) (2,229 270,845 175,555 1,451,024 General Government Public Safety 96 352 Transportation 268 140 Health and Welfare Culture & Leisure Services Community Development 2 705 3 750 TOTAL OPERATINGEXPENDITURES 270,845 100,102 CAPITAL PROJECTS General Community Improvement Parks Streets TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS INTERNAL SERVICE EXPENDITURES (cash basis) 978,428 TOTAL ANTICIPATED EXPENDITURES Appropriations to Reserves Open Space /Downtown Affordable Housing Economic Uncertainty First Time Homebuyer Program Restricted Programs /Projects TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TO RESERVES TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 270,845 100,102 978,428 75,453 472,596 75,453 472,596 270,845 175, 555 1,451,024 -5- 253,233 177,784 1,451,024 This page intentionally left blank. -6- HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF REVENUES BY SOURCE CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROJECTED RECOMMENDED 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 2009-2010 GENERAL FUND #001 PROPERTY TAXES Current Year Secured $ 16,114,834 $ 17,000,000 $ 16,640,000 $ 15,840,000 $ 15,840,000 In Lieu Property Tax 3,352,904 3,550,000 3,524,237 3,360,000 3,360,000 Current Year Unsecured 1,026,800 973,550 1,050,000 950,000 950,000 Prior Year Secured 395,245 370,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 Prior Year Unsecured 17,236 10,000 30,000 14,550 14,550 Supplemental Property Tax 958,453 534,187 534,187 505,000 505,000 Pilot Tax 42,304 6,500 25,000 3,200 3,200 Property Tax Penalties 190,654 135,000 195,000 195,000 195,000 Sub-Total $ 22,098,430 $ 22,579,237 $ 22,598,424 $ 21,467,750 $ 21,467,750 TAXES OTHER THAN PROPERTY Sales & Use Tax $ 10,599,119 $ 8,256,600 $ 8,634,600 $ 7,959,600 $ 7,959,600 In Lieu Sales Tax 3,626,541 2,752,200 2,917,500 2,692,500 2,692,500 Real Property Transfer Tax 493,175 275,000 275,000 282,000 282,000 Hotel Transient Occupancy Tax 789,397 590,000 590,000 575,000 575,000 Franchise Taxes 2,221,929 2,206,295 2,229,007 2,215,000 2,215,000 Sub-Total $ 17,730,161 $ 14,080,095 $ 14,646,107 $ 13,724,100 $ 13,724,100 LICENSES & PERMITS Building Permits $ 1,505,985 $ 1,626,920 $ 1,480,834 $ 1,319,448 $ 1,319,448 Animal Licenses 4,356 5,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 • Encroachment Permits 48,098 20,377 38,280 36,770 36,770 Construction and Demolition Permits 41,424 41,626 37,106 59,828 59,828 Business License 145,146 146,000 142,000 139,000 139,000 Fire Permits 39,635 63,952 69,062 66,165 66,165 Sub-Total $ 1,784,644 $ 1,903,875 $ 1,771,282 $ 1,625,211 $ 1,625,211 FINES & FORFEITURES Other Court Fines $ 50,331 $ 50,000 $ 50,500 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 Other Fines & Penalties 16,296 4,400 5,800 5,000 5,000 Parking Fines 89,893 84,500 87,500 85,000 85,000 Sub-Total $ 156,520 $ 138,900 $ 143,800 $ 140,000 $ 140,000 REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 2,604,415 $ 1,906,521 $ 2,064,046 $ 1,225,895 $ 1,225,895 Interest -Box Culvert 0 12,254 9,575 7,412 7,412 Interest -Storm Water Units 0 0 2,950 2,284 2,284 Interest-Cemetery 2,497 2,362 1,764 1,365 1,365 Sports Facilities 103,430 77,800 87,249 90,745 90,745 Buildings 26,491 28,996 38,926 93,508 93,508 Pool 19,957 2,420 2,930 24,125 24,125 Heritage Center 4,448 2,100 4,337 3,100 3,100 Community Gym 29,443 21,285 21,800 26,860 26,860 Senior Center 40,771 44,340 46,880 41,413 41,413 Dublin Square 110,611 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 Sub-Total $ 2,942,063 $ 2,140,078 $ 2,322,457 $ 1,558,707 $ 1,558,707 INTER-GOVERNMENTAL REVENUES-STATE Motor Vehicle In-Lieu Tax $ 197,245 $ 122,200 $ 116,500 $ 110,000 $ 110,000 Intergovernmental from State 0 0 10,955 0 0 Homeowner's Property Tax Relief 183,596 185,000 185,000 187,000 187,000 Workforce Housing Grant 409,609 0 0 0 0 Stormwater Project Grant 249,060 605,700 0 645,200 645,200 Enforcement Grant 0 42,273 42,273 15,670 15,670 Sub-Total $ 1,039,510 $ 955,173 $ 354,728 $ 957,870 $ 957,870 -~- HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF REVENUES BY SOURCE CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROJECTED RECOMMENDED 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 2009-2010 INTER-GOVERNMENTAL REVENUE-FEDERAL .Endowment for Humanity $ 0 $ 1,000 $ 1 000 $ 0 $ Intergovernmental from Federal 0 $ , 0 0 $ 200,000 $ 0 $ 0 Sub-Total $ 0 $ 1,000 $ 201,000 $ 0 $ 0 CHARGES FOR SERVICE Zoning & Subdivision Fees $ 1,871,929 $ 1,688,909 $ 1,664,740 $ 875,273 $ 875 273 Plan Check & Inspection Fees 1,921,670 1,409,304 1,526,238 1,046,492 , 1 046 492 Sale of Maps & Documents 14,560 11,500 •27,900 5,000 , , 5 000 Special Police Services 74,142 78,000 68,000 68,000 , 68 000 Fire Service Charges 731,569 710,000 715,254 800,000 , 800 000 Recreation Instruction 145,185 157,320 138,835 142,305 , 142 305 Preschool 146,374 148,950 162,240 288,920 , 288 920 Special Events 166,917 160,670 133,432 103,770 103 770 Playgrounds 268,263 305,850 274,300 360,080 , 360 080 Teens 71,906 78,110 68,790 10,510 , 10 510 Building Use Insurance 5,019 4,560 3,975 4,094 , 4 094 Zone 7 Drainage Fees 16,052 988 602 2,016 , 2 016 Adult Sports 51,482 45,110 45,910 48,740 , 48 740 Aquatics 198,601 208,090 197,880 204,894 , 204 894 Seniors 86,052 87,323 93,345 98,530 , 98 530 DUI Program 0 4,300 0 0 , Youth Sports 224,867 191,030 243,075 257,010 0 257 Oi0 Booking Fees Recovery 5,178 0 5,000 2,500 , 500 2 Solid Waste Fee 142,864 152,500 148,000 148,000 , 148 000 Interment Fees 230 4,695 4,695 4,695 , 4 695 Heritage Center 4,892 11,200 5,770 6,270 , 6 270 Annexation Charges 9,143 0 2 407 0 , Fire Plan Chk & Insp Fees 125,772 98,600 , 9A,417 61,725 0 61 725 Cable Support Fee 71,193 71,700 74,000 74,000 , 74 000 Green Building Fee 0 0 , Cultural Arts 205 600 600 Sub-Total 125,801 123,000 129,099 129,100 129,100 $ 6,479,661 $ 5,751,709 $ 5,828,109 $ 4,742,524 $ 4,742,524 OTHER REVENUES Contributions $ 124,826 $ 90,050 $ 85,041 $ 74,850 $ 74 850 Miscellaneous 66,274 29,330 44,337 28,930 , 28 930 Reimbursement Reimbursement-Public Damage 420,481 1,892,802 2,056,042 447,640 , 447,640 Reimbursement-Sorrento @ DR 16,597 11,163 14,524 15,561 15,561 Community Benefit Payments 31,659 190,804 0 200 670 0 214 000 0 0 Community Benefit Payments-Wallis 0 , , 190,500 190,500 1,000,000 1,000,000 0 0 Sub-Total $ 850,441 $ 3,224,015 $ 3,413,944 $ 757,481 $ 757,481 TOTAL - GENERAL FUND $ 53,081,430 $ 50,774,082 $ 51,279,851 $ 44,973,643 S 44,973,643 CRIMINAL ACTIVITY FUND #200 REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 1,604 $ 1,074 $ 1,188 $ 710 $ 710 Sub-Total $ 1,604 $ 1,074 $ 1,188 $ 710 $ 710 OTHER REVENUES Miscellaneous 12,758 2,000 4 900 0 Sub-Total $ Y2,758 $ 2,000 $ , 4 900 $ 0 0 , $ 0 TOTAL - CRIMINAL ACTIVITY FUND $ 14,382 $ 3 074 $ 6 088 $ 7 , , 10 S 710 -$- HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF REVENUES BY SOURCE CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROJECTED RECOMMENDED 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 2009-2010 VEHICLE ABATEMENT FUND #201 REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 6,188 $ 5,914 $ 4,627 $ 3,791 $ 3,791 Sub-Total $ 6,188 $ 5,914 $ 4,627 $ 3,791 $ 3,791 INTERGOVERNMENTALREVENUE-STATE Vehicle Abatement Subvention $ 31,695 $ 30,000 $ 28,300 $ 29,000 $ 29,000 Sub-Total $ 31,695 $ 30,000 $ 28,300 $ 29,000 $ 29,000 TOTAL - VEHICLE ABATEMENT FUND $ 37,883 $ 35.914 $ 32,927 $ 32,791 $ 32,791 SUPPLEMENTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT FUND (#202) REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 354 $ 8 $ 183 $ 0 Sub-Total $ 354 $ 8 $ 183 $ 0 $ 0 INTER-GOVERNMENTAL REVENUE-STATE State Police COPS grant $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 Sub-Total $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 TOTAL - SUP. LAW ENFORCEMENT FUND S 100.354 $ 100.008 $ 100.183 S 100.000 $ 100.000 FEDERAL POLICE GRANT FUND (#203) INTER-GOVERNMENTAL REVENUE-FEDERAL Federal Police COPS grant $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 36,895 $ 36,895 Sub-Total $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 36,895 $ 36,895 TOTAL - FEDERAL COPS GRANT FUND __ $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 36,895 $ 36,895 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND #205 FINES & FORFEITURES Vehicle Code Fines $ 203,976 $ 197,000 $ 181,000 $ 181,000 $ 181,000 Sub-Total $ 203,976 $ 197,000 $ 181,000 $ 181,000 $ 181,000 REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 7,186 $ 3,578 $ 4,331 $ 485 $ 485 Sub-Total $ 7,186 $ 3,578 $ 4,331 $ 485 $ 485 TOTAL - TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND $ 211,162 $ 200,578 $ 185,331 $ 181,485 $ 181,485 STATE GAS TAX FUND (#206) REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 86,881 $ 63,974 $ 57,730 $ 31,663 $ 31,663 Sub-Total $ 86,881 $ 63,974 $ 57,730 $ 31,663 $ 31,663 INTER-GOVERNMENTAL REVENUE-STATE State Gas Tax (2105) $ 259,170 $ 274,000 $ 251,500 $ 251,500 $ 251,500 State Gas Tax (2106) 167,049 172,900 165,300 165,300 165,300 State Gas Tax (2107) 347,364 360,000 334,500 334,500 334,500 State Gas Tax (2107.5) 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 Sub-Total $ 779,583 $ 812,900 $ 757,300 $ 757,300 $ 757,300 TOTAL - GAS TAX FUND $ 866,464 $ 876,874 $ 815,030 $ 788,963 $ 788,963 -g- HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF REVENUES BY SOURCE ACTUAL 2007-2008 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) FUND (#209) INTER-GOVERNMENTAL REVENUE-FEDERAL CDBG Grant $ 70,471 $ Sub-Total $ 70,471 $ TOTAL - CDBG FUND $ 70,471 $ SAFE, ACCOUNTABLE, FLEXIBLE, EFFICIENT TRANSPORTATION EQUITY ACT: A LEGACY FOR USERS (SAFETEA-LU) FUND (#210) INTER-GOVERNMENTAL REVENUE-FEDERAL BUDGET ESTIMATED 2008-2009 2008-2009 66,308 $ 66,308 $ 66,308 $ 66,308 $ CURRENT SERVICE 66,308 $ 66,308 66,308 $ 66,308 66.308 $ 66,308 SAFETEA-LU Funds $ 283,068 $ 1,384,592 $ 163,663 $ 2,763,243 $ 2,763,243 Sub-Total $ 283,068 $ 1,384,592 $ 163,663 $ 2,763,243 $ 2,763,243 TOTAL - ISTEA FUND $ 283.068 $ 1,384,592 $ 163,663 $ 2,783,243 $ 2,763,243 MEASURE B FUND (#217) TAXES OTHER THAN PROPERTY Sales & Use Tax $ 342,894 $ 329,727 $ 339,633 $ 339,633 $ 339,633 Sub-Total $ 342,894 $ 329,727 $ 339,633 $ 339,633 $ 339,633 REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest ' $ 15,151 $ 11,765 $ 15,008 $ 5,331 $ 5,331 Sub-Total $ 15,151 $ 11,765 $ 15,008 $ 5,331 $ 5,331 OTHER REVENUES Reimbursement $ 0 $ 0 $ 53,713 $ 2,396,287 $ 2,396,287 Sub-Total $ 0 $ 0 $ 53,713 $ 2,396,287 $ 2,396,287 TOTAL - MEASURE B FUND $ 358,045 $ 341,492 $ 408,354 $ 2,741,251 $ 2,741.251 EBRPD MEAS. WIN BOND GRANT FUND INTER-GOVERNMENTAL REVENUE-LOCAL EBRPD Measure WW Bond Grant $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 2,145,118 $ 2,145,118 Sub-Total $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 2,145,118 $ 2,145,118 TOTAL - EBRPD MEAS. WW BOND GRANT FUND 3 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 2,145,118 $ 2,145,118 MEASURE D RECYCLING FUND (#224) USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 14,155 $ 254 $ 9,676 $ 44 $ 44 Sub-Total $ 14,155 $ 254 $ 9,676 $ 44 $ 44 INTERGOVERNMENTAL State Grants $ 26,267 $ 13,946 $ 17,076 $ 14,687 $ 14,687 Recycling Fees -County 197,660 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 Sub-Total $ 223,927 $ 213,946 $ 217,076 $ 214,687 $ 214,687 OTHER REVENUE Miscellaneous 21,741 4,500 20,057 3,000 3,000 Sub-Total $ 21,741 $ 4,500 $ 20,057 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 TOTAL - MEASURE D FUND $ 259,823 $ 218,700 $ 246,809 $ 217,731 $ 217,731 -10- HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF REVENUES BY SOURCE CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROJECTED RECOMMENDED 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 2009-2010 GARBAGE SERVICE FUND (#225) USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 6,821 $ 0 $ 2,575 $ 0 $ 0 Sub-Total $ 6,821 $ 0 $ 2,575 $ 0 $ 0 CHARGES FOR SERVICE Garbage Recycling Fees $ 1,479,406 $ 1,610,000 $ 1,580,000 $ 1,675,000 $ 1,675,000 Penalties 17,831 5,400 13,500 13,500 13,500 Sub-Total $ 1,497,237 $ 1,615,400 $ 1,593,500 $ 1,688,500 $ 1,688,500 TOTAL - GARBAGE SERVICE FUND $ 1,504,058 $ 1.615.400 $ 1,596.075 $ 1,688.500 $ 1.688.500 WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICE FUND (#226) USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 19,931 $ 15,796 $ 12,071 $ 12,071 Miscellaneous $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Sub-Total $ 0 $ 19,931 $ 15,796 $ 12,071 $ 12,071 TOTAL - WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICE FUND $ 0 $ 19,931 $ 15,796 $ 12,071 $ 12,071 SALES TAX MEASURE B (FUND 227) TAXES OTHER THAN PROPERTY Sales Tax Measure B -Bicycle and Pedestrian $ 115,535 $ 109,507 $ 119,825 $ 119,825 $ 119,825 Sub-Total $ 115,535 $ 109,507 $ 119,825 $ 119,825 $ 119,825 REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 13,275 $ 15,559 $ 11,843 $ 9,412 $ 9,412 Sub-Total $ 13,275 $ 15,559 $ 11,843 $ 9,412 $ 9,412 TOTAL - SALES TAX MEASURE 8 $ 128,810 $ 125,066 $ 131,668 $ 129,237 $ 129.237 CMA TIP FUNDS (FUND 228) INTERGOVERNMENTALREVENUE-STATE CMA Tip Funds $ 0 $ 133,000 $ 133,000 $ 156,000 $ 156,000 TOTAL - CMA TIP FUND $ 0 $ 133,000 $ 133,000 $ 156,000 $ 156,000 EMS FUND (FUND 230) TAXES OTHER THAN PROPERTY EMS Excise Tax $ 127,029 $ 131,500 $ 134,000 $ 134,000 $ 134,000 EMS Excise Tax Prior Year 2,340 1,900 3,100 3,100 3,100 Penalties 1,240 625 1,050 1,050 1,050 Sub-Total $ 130,609 $ 134,025 $ 138,150 $ 138,150 $ 138,150 REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 6,157 $ 3,346 $ 3,713 $ 392 $ 392 Sub-Total $ 6,157 $ 3,346 $ 3,713 $ 392 $ 392 OTHER REVENUES EMS District Reimbursement $ 161,723 $ 166,575 $ 166,576 $ 171,572 $ 171,572 Sub-Total $ 161,723 $ 166,575 $ 166,576 $ 171,572 $ 171,572 TOTAL - EMS FUND $ 298,489 $ 303,946 $ 308,439 $ 310,114 $ 310,114 _11_ HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF REVENUES BY SOURCE CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROJECTED RECOMMENDED 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 2009-2010 TRAFFIC CONGESTION RELIEF PROGRAM (#240) REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY_& PROPERTY Interest $ 12,766 $ 8,892 $ 5,353 $ 9,469 $ 9,469 Sub-Total $ 12,766 $ 8,892 $ 5,353 $ 9,469 $ 9,469 INTER-GOVERNMENTAL REVENUE-STATE State Grant $ 0 $ 420,008 $ 404,425 $ 443,940 $ 443,940 Sub-Total $ 0 $ 420,008 $ 404,425 $ 443,940 $ 443,940 TOTAL - TRAFFIC CONGESTION RELIEF FUND $ 12,766 $ 428,900 $ 409,778 $ 453,409 $ 453.409 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE FUND (#300) REVENUE FROM USE_OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 838,574 $ 770,678 $ 597,376 $ 5,322 $ 5,322 Sub-Total $ 838,574 $ 770,678 $ 597,376 $ 5,322 $ 5,322 OTHER REVENUES Reimbursements $ 14,139,023 $ 952,759 $ 327,220 $ 1,229,477 $ 1,229,477 Sub-Total $ 14,139,023 $ 952,759 $ 327,220 $ 1,229,477 $ 1,229,477 TOTAL - TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE FUND $ 14,977.597 $ 1,723,437 S 924.596 $ 1,234,799 $ 1.234,799 PUBLIC FACILITY FEE FUND (#310) REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 393,720 $ 249,213 $ 178,298 $ 49,093 $ 49,093 Sub-Total $ 393,720 $ 249,213 $ 178,298 $ 49,093 $ 49,093 OTHER REVENUES Reimbursements $ 2,501,494 $ 7,478,998 $ 1,090,306 $ 6,127,426 $ 6,127,426 Sub-Total $ 2,501,494 $ 7,478,998 $ 1,090,306 $ 6,127,426 $ 6,127,426 TOTAL - PUBLIC FACILITY FEE FUND $ 2,895,214 $ 7.728,211 $ 1,268,604 $ 6,178,519 $ 6,176,519 PUBLIC ART FUND (#311) REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 10,767 $ 9,414 $ 10,998 $ 6,782 $ 6,782 Sub-Total $ 10,767 $ 9,414 $ 10,998 $ 6,782 $ 6,782 TOTAL - PUBLIC ART FUND $ 135,767 $ 9,414 $ 10,998 $ 6.782 $ 6,782 FIRE IMPACT FEE FUND (#320) OTHER REVENUES Reimbursements $ Sub-Total $ TOTAL - FIRE IMPACT FEE FUND S 28,309 $ 64,296 $ 28,309 $ 64,296 $ 28,309 $ 64,296 $ 64,296 $ 227,546 $ 227,546 64,296 $ 227,546 $ 227,546 _12_ HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF REVENUES BY SOURCE CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROJECTED RECOMMENDED 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 2009-2010 HOUSING !NOISE MIT. FUND (#380) REVENUE FROM USE_OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 506,514 $ 397,769 $ 386,317 $ 237,397 $ 237,397 Sub-Total $ 506,514 $ 397,769 $ 386,317 $ 237,397 $ 237,397 CHARGES FOR SERVICE Housing Services $ 74,142 $ 74,070 $ 39,264 $ 40,125 $ 40,125 Sub-Total $ 74,142 $ 74,070 $ 39,264 $ 40,125 $ 40,125 OTHER REVENUES Noise Mitigation 1,623 4,391 450 393 393 Affordable Housing Fee 1,430,592 268,236 0 183,832 183,832 Non-Residential Housing in Lieu Fee 0 0 0 0 0 Sub-Total $ 1,485,859 $ 272,627 $ 450 $ 184,225 $ 184,225 TOTAL - HOUSING /NOISE MIT. FUND $ 2,066,515 $ 744,466 $ 426,031 S 461,747 $ 461,747 STREET LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FUND (#710) REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 5,499 $ 5,596 $ 3,729 $ 2,602 $ 2,602 Sub-Total $ 5,499 $ 5,596 $ 3,729 $ 2,602 $ 2,602 OTHER REVENUES Reimbursement-Public Damage $ 0 $ 5,000 $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ 2,500 Sub-Total $ 0 $ 5,000 $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ 2,500 SPECIAL BENEFIT ASSESSMENTS Special Assessments -Current $ 249,378 $ 256,848 $ 259,155 $ 259,477 $ 259,477 Special Assessments -Prior Years 2,922 1,991 1,991 2,370 2,370 Penalties 1,868 1,075 539 963 963 Sub-Total $ 254,168 $ 259,914 $ 261,685 $ 262,810 $ 262,810 TOTAL - STREET LIGHTING ASSESSMENT $ 259,667 $ 270,510 $ 267,914 $ 267,912 $ 267,912 DISTRICT FUND (#710) LANDSCAPE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT (#711) REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 2,182 $ 1,483 $ 1,057 $ 451 $ 451 Sub-Total $ 2,182 $ 1,483 $ 1,057 $ 451 $ 451 SPECIAL BENEFIT ASSESSMENT Special Assessments -Current $ 65,231 $ 67,707 $ 67,702 $ 67,906 $ 67,906 Special Assessments -Prior Years 0 247 411 206 206 Penalties 243 119 47 116 116 Sub-Total $ 65,474 $ 68,073 $ 68,160 $ 68,228 $ 68,228 TOTAL - LANDSCAPE ASSESSMENT $ 67,656 $ 69,556 $ 69,217 $ 68,679 $ 68,679 DISTRICT FUND LANDSCAPE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT (#713) REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 3,678 $ 2,614 $ 1,796 $ 1,115 $ 1,115 Sub-Total $ 3,678 $ 2,614 $ 1,796 $ 1,115 $ 1,115 SPECIAL BENEFIT ASSESSMENTS Special Assessments -Current $ 95,120 $ 99,009 $ 99,009 $ 99,301 $ 99,301 Special Assessments -Prior Years 619 373 373 376 376 Penalties 406 200 100 200 200 Sub-Total $ 96,145 $ 99,582 $ 99,482 $ 99,877 $ 99,877 TOTAL - LANDSCAPE ASSESSMENT $ 99,823 $ 102,196 $ 101,278 $ 100,992 $ 100,992 DISTRICT FUND -13- HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF REVENUES BY SOURCE CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROJECTED RECOMMENDED SANTA RITA ASSESSMENT DISTRICT (#716) REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 8,804 $ 5,218 $ 4,175 $ 2,046 $ 2,046 Sub-Total $ 8,804 $ 5,218 $ 4,175 $ 2,046 $ 2,046 SPECIAL BENEFIT ASSESSMENTS Special Assessments -Current $ 228,198 $ 245,341 $ 221,068 $ 250,376 $ 250,376 Special Assessments -Prior Years 220 378 196 399 399 Penalties 1,298 554 100 412 412 Sub-Total $ 229,716 $ 246,273 $ 221,364 $ 251,187 $ 251,187 TOTAL - SANTA RITA ASSESSMENT $ 238,520 $ 251,491 $ 225,539 $ 253,233 $ 253,233 DISTRICT FUND EASTERN DUBLIN STREET LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT (#717) REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 6,577 $ 8,020 $ 5,998 $ 5,018 $ 5,018 Sub-Total $ 6,577 $ 8,020 $ 5,998 $ 5,018 $ 5,018 SPECIAL BENEFIT ASSESSMENTS Special Assessments -Current $ 147,428 $ 156,384 $ 154,817 $ 170,158 $ 170,158 Special Assessments-PriorYears $ 3,137 $ 1,264 $ 1,400 $ 1,888 $ 1,888 Penalties 1,451 497 497 720 720 Sub-Total $ 152,016 $ 158,145 $ 156,714 $ 172,766 $ 172,766 OTHER REVENUES Reimbursement-Public Damage $ 0 $ 0 $ 865 $ 0 $ 0 Sub-Total $ 0 $ 0 $ 865 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL - EASTERN DUBLIN STREET LIGHTING $ 158,593 $ 166,165 $ 163,577 $ 177,784 $ 177,784 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FUND INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS (#830 - #832) REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 212,284 $ 260,403 $ 212,284 $ 161,021 $ 161,021 Sub-Total $ 212,284 $ 260,403 $ 212,284 $ 161,021 $ 161,021 CHARGES FOR SERVICE Equipment Usages $ 1,146,183 $ 1,125,184 $ 1,130,702 $ 1,260,983 $ 1,260,983 Sub-Total $ 1,146,183 $ 1,125,184 $ 1,130,702 $ 1,260,983 $ 1,260,983 OTHER REVENUES Sale of Real & Personal Property $ 8,932 $ 26,000 $ 9,295 $ 26,020 $ 26,020 Reimbursement- Public Damage 32,939 10,000 3,054 3,000 3,000 Sub-Total $ 41,871 $ 36,000 $ 12,349 $ 29,020 $ 29,020 TOTAL - INTERNAL SERVICE FUND $ 1,400,338 $ 1,421,587 $ 1,355,335 $ 1,451,024 $ 1,451,024 -14- HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF REVENUES BY SOURCE CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROJECTED RECOMMENDED 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 2009-2010 RETIREE HEALTH BENEFITS (#840) REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 6,947 $ 0 $ 6,968 $ 20,803 $ 20,803 Sub-Total $ 6,947 $ 0 $ 6,968 $ 20,803 $ 20,803 CHARGES FOR SERVICE Retiree Health Charges $ 516,666 $ 0 $ 532,685 $ 516,048 $ 516,048 Sub-Total $ 516,666 $ 0 $ 532,685 $ 516,048 $ 516,048 TOTAL - RETIREE HEALTH BENEFITS $ 523,613 $ 0 $ 539,653 $ 536,851 $ 536,851 TOTAL REVENUE -ALL FUNDS $ 80,781,653 $ 69,179,259 $ 61,316,504 $ 67,761,337 $ 67,761,337 LESS EQUIPMENT USAGE ISF $ (1,146,183) $ (1,125,184) $ (1,130,702) $ (1,260,983) $ (1,260,983) LESS RETIREE HEALTH CHARGES (516,666) (532,685) (516,048) (536,851) TOTAL AVAILABLE REVENUE' $ 79,118,804 § 68,054,075 $ 59,653,117 $ 65,984,306 $ 65,963,503 ` Does not include Interfund Transfers, or use of Reserves -15- HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM GENERAL GOVERNMENT City Council City Manager/Clerk Central Services Legal Services Administrative Services Building Management Insurance Elections Non-Departmental TOTAL-General Government PUBLIC SAFETY Police Services Crossing Guards Animal Control Traffic Signal & Street Lighting Disaster Preparedness Fire TOTAL-Public Safety TRANSPORTATION Public Works Administration Street Maintenance Street Sweeping Street Tree Maintenance Street Landscape Maintenance TOTAL-Transportation HEALTH & WELFARE Environmental Programs Waste Management Child Care Social Services Housing Programs TOTAL-Health & Welfare CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES Library Service Heritage & Cultural Arts Park Maintenance Community Cable TV Parks & Community Services Parks & Facilities Management TOTAL-Culture & Leisure Services COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Comm Dev (Planning & Bldg/Safety) Engineering Economic Development TOTAL-Community Development TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET CURRENT HIGHER SERVICE LEVEL SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET LEVELS RECOMMENDED 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 2009-2010 2009-2010 $ 262,987 $ 292,096 $ 241,262 $ 250,093 $ 97,550 $ 347,643 1,052,589 1,196,303 1,175,264 1,113,464 1,113,464 495,826 566,646 543,100 442,645 442,645 890,014 929,879 895,050 572,517 37,350 609,867 1,600,978 1,852,827 1,848,506 1,847,302 45,000 1,892,302 699,949 827,909 809,928 750,103 750,103 386,652 527,781 497,562 586,427 586,427 1,123 36,120 34,789 3,620 3,620 19,755 111,120 111,551 186,641 186,641 $ 5,409,873 $ 6,340,681 $ 6,157,012 $ 5,752,812 $ 179,900 $ 5,932,712 $12,822,995 $ 13,587,960 $13,527,706 $ 13,907,196 $ 0 $ 13,907,196 97,663 100,622 98,776 100,830 100,830 311,992 400,670 394,120 375,620 375,620 587,007 683,475 659,765 715,859 ~ 715,859 92,050 137,701 130,586 116,389 10,000 126,389 9,718,245 10,137,376 10,056,717 10,746,801 10,746,801 $ 23,629,952 $ 25,047,804 $24,867,670 $ 25,962,695 $ 10,000 $ 25,972,695 $ 986,199 $ 1,144,148 $ 1,138,687 $ 920,388 $ 0 $ 920,388 271,870 428,337 388,517 398,776 398,776 134,374 145,605 144,255 129,527 129,527 151,036 165,277 157,002 146,521 146,521 1,176,052 1,260,289 1,226,491 1,116,308 1,116,308 $ 2,719,531 $ 3,143,656 $ 3,054,952 $ 2,711,520 $ 0 $ 2,711,520 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 261,945 $ 0 $ 261,945 1,610,059 1,826,701 1,774,608 1,803,966 38,000 1,841,966 18,500 18,500 18,500 0 18,500 18,500 78,358 106,633 106,633 59,708 39,425 99,133 1,007,527 3,942,094 1,277,501 3,776,661 30,635 3,807,296 $ 2,714,444 $ 5,893,928 $ 3,177,242 $ 5,902,280 $ 126,560 $ 6,028,840 $ 802,695 $ 868,401 $ 864,098 $ 820,311 $ 0 $ 820,311 488,212 541,744 530,962 478,895 7,510 486,405 1,943,588 2,052,027 2,037,663 1,939,552 1,939,552 117,348 78,445 77,462 81,645 81,645 3,541,475 3,979,955 3,963,324 4,053,696 $ 0 4,053,696 311,975 221,263 255,123 255,725 255,725 $ 7,205,293 $ 7,741,835 $ 7,728,632 $ 7,629,824 $ 7,510 $ 7,637,334 $ 4,995,234 $ 4,591,260 $ 4,540,482 $ 3,199,892 $ 0 $ 3,199,892 2,076,515 1,838,572 1,826,135 1,347,586 1,347,586 255,830 251,509 234,871 258,000 92,500 350,500 $ 7,327,579 $ 6,681,341 $ 6,601,488 $ 4,805,478 $ 92,500 $ 4,897,978 $49,006,672 $ 54,849,245 $51,586,996 $ 52,764,609 $ 416,470 $ 53,181,079 -~ 6- HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM CURRENT HIGHER SERVICE LEVEL SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET LEVELS RECOMMENDED 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 2009-2010 2009-2010 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET General $ 424,825 $ 5,920,953 $ 5,094,904 $ 1,887,725 $ 0 $ 1,887,725 Community Improvements 218,058 367,110 93,348 214,228 214,228 Parks 8,820,582 15,121,684 10,039,756 12,743,393 12,743,393 Streets 14,031,891 25,208,860 16,218,585 20,639,642 20,639,642 TOTAL-Capitallmprovements $23,495,356 $ 46,618,607 $31,446,593 $ 35,484,988 $ 0 $ 35,484,988 INTERNAL SERVICE FUND BUDGET Total Internal Service Fund $ 1,125,192 $ 1,394,827 $ 1,265,975 $ 978,428 $ 0 $ 978,428 TOTAL EXPENDITURES- ALL FUNDS $ 73,627,220 $ 102,862,679 $84,299,564 $ 89,228,025 $ 416,470 $ 89,644,495 Less Internal Service Fund Expenses (1,125,192) (1,394,827) (1,265,975) (978,428) (978,428) NET TOTAL EXPENDITURES ALL FUNDS $72,502,028 $ 101,467,852 $83,033,589 $ 88,249,597 $ 416,470 $ 88,666,067 -17- SUMMARY OF HIGHER SERVICE LEVELS Amount Associated Net Fund Cost Recommended Revenue Cost General Government City Council 1. Dry Grad Night 001 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 $ 0 $ 4,000 2. Red Ribbon Week 001 3,550 3,550 0 3,550 3. State and Federal Lobbyist Services 001 25,000 25,000 0 25,000 ' 4. Elected Officials Summit 001 0 0 0 5. Community Opinion Research 001 65,000 65,000 65,000 6. Apply for National Civic League Award 001 0 0 0 Total City Council $ 97,550 $ 97,550 $ 0 $ 97,550 Legal Services 1. Labor Guidelines Study 001 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 0 $ 25,000 2. Sustainable Features Review 001 12,350 12,350 0 12,350 Total Legal Services $ 37,350 $ 37,350 $ 0 $ 37,350 Administrative Services 1. Update of City Fee Study 001 $ 45,000 $ 45,000 $ 0 $ 45,000 Total Administrative Services $ 45,000 $ 45,000 $ 0 $ 45,000 Subtotal -General Government $ 179,900 $ 179,900 $ 0 $ 179,900 Public Safety Disaster Preparedness 1. CARD Funding 001 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 0 $ 10,000 Subtotal -Public Safety $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 0 $ 10,000 Health & Welfare Waste Management 1. MFD Enclosure Signage 224 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 0 $ 10,000 2. Food Scrap Incentive Program 224 21,000 21,000 0 21,000 3. New Tenant Notification Program 224 5,000 5,000 0 5,000 4. Green Business Program Funding 224 2,000 2,000 0 2,000 Total Waste Management $ 38,000 $ 38,000 $ 0 $ 38,000 Child Care 1. Child Care Links 001 $ 18,500 $ 18,500 $ 0 $ 18,500 Total Child Care $ 18,500 $ 18,500 $ 0 $ 18,500 Social Services 1. Axis -Health Care 001 $ 7,500 $ 7,500 $ 0 $ 7,500 2. Axis -Renovation 001 10,000 10,000 0 10,000 3. Community Resources For Independent Living 001 11,925 11,925 11,925 4. Eden Information & Referral 001 10,000 10,000 10,000 Total Social Services $ 39,425 $ 39,425 $ 0 $ 39,425 Housing Programs 1. Tri Valley Housing Opportunity Center 380 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 0 $ 25,000 2. Eden Council for Hope and Opportunity 380 5,635 5,635 0 5,635 Total Housing Programs $ 30,635 $ 30,635 $ 0 $ 30,635 Subtotal -Health & Welfare $ 126,560 $ 126,560 $ 0 $ 126,560 _1 g_ SUMMARY OF HIGHER SERVICE LEVELS Amount Associated Net Fund Cost Recommended Revenue Cost Culture & Leisure Services Heritage & Cultural Arts 1. Oral History Project 001 $ 7,510 $ 7,510 $ 0 $ 7,510 Total Heritage & Cultural Arts $ 7,510 $ 7,510 $ 0 $ 7,510 Subtotal -Culture & Leisure Services $ 7,510 $ 7,510 $ 0 $ 7,510 Community Development Economic Development 1. Dublin Partners in Education 001 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 0 $ 15,000 2. Tri-Valley One Stop Career Center 001 15,000 15,000 0 15,000 3. Tri-Valley Business Council 001 5,000 5,000 0 5,000 4. Communications Plan 001 57,500 57,500 0 57,500 Total Economic Development $ 92,500 $ 92,500 $ 0 $ 92,500 Subtotal -Community Development $ 92,500 $ 92,500 $ 0 $ 92,500 TOTAL COSTS FOR HIGHER SERVICE LEVELS $ 416,470 $ 416,470 $ 0 $ 416,470 -19- 2009-2010 COMMUNITY GROUP /ORGANIZATION BUDGET REQUEST SUMMARY All requests in the General Fund, Affordable Housing Fund and Measure D Recycling Fund are shown as a Higher Service Level GENERAL FUND AMOUNT AMOUNT BUDGET GROUP REQUEST REQUESTED RECOMMENDED LOCATION Axis Community Health Access to Heath Care for Uninsured and $7,500 $7,500 Social Services Budget Low Income Dublin Residents 50400 (HSL#1) Axis Community Health Renovation of Behavioral Health Services $10,000 $10,000 Social Services Budget Building 50400 (HSL#2) Chabot-Las Positas Operational Contribution: Economic Development Community College (Tri-Valley One-Stop Career Center) $15,000 $15,000 Budget 90400 (HSL #2) District Child Care Links Program Funding - $18,500 and Spanish Child Care Budget Translation Services for existing workshops - $23,500 $18,500 50300 (HSL #1) $5,000 Collaborating Agencies Disaster Preparedness Responding to Disasters $10,000 $10,000 Budget 20500 (HSL#1) (CARD) Community Resources for Operational support for services to residents $12,283 $11,925 Social Services Budget Independent Living (CRIL) with disabilities of all ages 50400 (HSL#3) Dublin High School (Drug Dry Grad Night Contribution - $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 City Council Budget Substance Abuse Council) 10101 (HSL #1) Dublin Partners In Operational Contribution $25,000 $15,000 Economic Development Education Budget 90400 (HSL #1) Dublin Unified School Red Ribbon Week $5,978 $3,550 City Council Budget District 10101 (HSL #2) Eden Information & Operational Contribution -Telephone $10,000 $10,000 Social Services Budget Refen-al resource referral service 50400 (HSL#4) Tri-Valley Business Operational Contribution $5,000 $5,000 Economic Development Council Budget 90400 (HSL #3) Sub Total General Fund $128,261 $110,475 AFFORDABLE HOUSING FUND Eden Council for Hope Support for Rental Assistance Program and Opportunity Tri-Valley Housing Support for Housing Opportunities Program Opportunity Center Sub Total Affordable Housing Fund COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) FUND $5,635 $25,000 $5,635 Housing Program Budget 50500 (HSL #3) $25,000 Housing Program Budget 50500 (HSL #2) $30,635 $30,635 All CDBG Community Group funding is shown in the current service level of the Social Services Budget 50400 Axis Community Health Operational support for a Women's Health $5,000 $3,488 Social Services Budget Clinic 50400 Bay Area Community Social, educational and pre-vocational Social Services Budget Services (BAGS) -Valley training and group activities for low-income $5,000 $4,757 50400 Creative Living Center and residents with psychiatric disabilities Community Resources for Operational support for services to residents $4,011 $3,488 Social Services Budget Independent Living with disabilities of all ages 50400 _20_ 2009-2010 COMMUNITY GROUP /ORGANIZATION BUDGET REQUEST SUMMARY Open Heart Kitchen Distribution of week-end box lunches to residents of Dublin Housing Authority Arroyo Vista complex Social Services Budget $15,000 $9,514 50400 Kidango Inc. Spectrum Community Senior Citizen Meals on Wheels Program Services Senior Support Program of Case management including home the Tri-Valley counseling, information, and referral Tri-Valley Haven Domestic violence shelter and homeless services Tri-Valley Haven Contribution towards rehabilitation of Sojourner House homeless shelter Sub Total CDBG Fund MEASURE D RECYCLING FUND Alameda County Green Support to provide environmental Business Program performance certification for Dublin Green Businesses Sub Total Measure D Recycling Fund GRAND TOTAL $10,000 $4,968 Social Services Budget 50400 $6,715 $5,307 Social Services Budget 50400 $15,000 $g 488 Social Services Budget 50400 $15,000 $14,271 Social Services Budget 50400 $5,427 $5,427 Social Services Budget 50400 $81,153 $59,708 Waste Manangement $2,000 $2,000 Budget 50200 (HSL #4) $2,000 $2,000 $242,049 $202,818 -21- FISCAL YEAR 2009-2010 POSITION ALLOCATION PLAN 2008-2009 2008-2009 Total 2009-2010 2009-2010 Total Difference Compared to Total Allocated Allocated 2008-2009 Allocated Allocated 2009-2010 2008-2009 2008-2009 Difference City Contract Allocated City Contract Allocated City Contract Compared To DEPARTMENT CLASSIFICATION Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions 2008-2009 City Manager City Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Assistant City Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 City Clerk 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Secretary to the CM/Deputy City Clerk 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Senior Office Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Secretary 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Office Assistant I (Temp) 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.50 Sub-Total 6.50 6.50 6.00 6.00 (0.50) (0.50) Central Services Human Resources Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Administrative Analyst I/II 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.00 0.00 Administrative Technician 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.50 (0.501 Sub-Total 2.34 2.34 1.84 1.84 (0.50) (0.50) I Administrative Administrative Services Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 N Services Finance Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 N I Information Systems Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 GIS Coordinator 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Senior Administrative Analyst 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Analyst I/II 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 . 0.00 0.00 Senior Finance Technician 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Finance Technician I/II 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 (1.00) (1.00) Finance Technician (*Y-Rated see below.) 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 Senior Office Assistant 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Office Assistant 1/II 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 (2.00) (2.00) Information Systems Technician I/II 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Network Systems Coordinator 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Sub-Total 12.00 12.00 11.50 11.50 (0.50) (0.50) Bldg Mgmt Landscape Foreman 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.00 0.00 (MCE) Landscape Laborer I 0.59 0.59 0.75 0.75 0.16 0.16 Landscape Laborer II 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub-Total 1.18 1.18 1.34 1.34 0.16 0.16 * As part of the reorganization of Staff in FY 2009-2010 an existing Administrative Technician (0.5 FTE) was reclassified to a vacant Finance Technician I/II and "Y-Rated" at current pay. For salary purposes "Y-Rated" freezes the salary unless the incumbent salary falls within the range of the position he/she was reclassified to. 2008-2009 2008-2009 Total 2009-2010 2009-2010 Total Difference Compared to Total Allocated Allocated 2008-2009 Allocated Allocated 2009-2010 2008-2009 2008-2009 Difference City Contract Allocated City Contract Allocated City Contract Compared To DEPARTMENT CLASSIFICATION Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions 2008-2009 Police Services Commander 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Lieutenant 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 Sergeant -Training 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Sergeant -Patrol 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 Sergeant -Traffic 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Sergeant -Detective 3.00 3.00 - 3.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 Officer- Patrol 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 0.00 0.00 Officer -Detective 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 Officer -Traffic 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 Officer -School 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 Secretary 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Sheriffs Technician 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 Senior Administrative Analyst 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00) (1.00) Administrative Analyst I/II 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Aide 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Office Assistant I/II 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 Community Safety Assistant 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 Sub-Total 7.00 54.00 61.00 7.00 54.00 61.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Disaster Administrative Analyst I/II 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.00 0.00 Preparedness Emergency Prep & Community Outreach Mgr 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.00 0.00 Sub-Total 0.33 0.17 0.50 0.33 0.17 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 Fire Services Landscape Foreman (MCE) 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.00 0.00 Landscape Laborer I (MCE) 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.00 0.00 Landscape Laborer II (MCE) 0.07 0.07 0.05 0.05 (0.02) (0.02) Landscape Laborer III (MCE) 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.01 0.01 Firefighter/Paramedic .12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 0.00 0.00 Fire Engineer 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 0.00 0.00 Fire Captain 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 0.00 0.00 Fire Marshal 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.00 0.00 Deputy Fire Marshal 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Plans Checker 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.00 0.00 Code Compliance Officer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Fire Inspector 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00) (1.00) Senior Office Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Sub-Total 1.00 39.78 40.78 1.00 38.77 39.77 0.00 (1.01) (1.01) I N W I 2008-2009 2008-2009 Total 2009-2010 2009-2010 Total Difference Compared to Total Allocated Allocated 2008-2009 Allocated Allocated 2009-2010 2008-2009 2008-2009 Difference City Contract Allocated City Contract Allocated City Contract Compared To DEPARTMENT CLASSIFICATION Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions 2008-2009 Public Works Public Works Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Administration Public Works Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Administrative Analyst I/II 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00) (1.00) Administrative Technician 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Secretary 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Office Assistant II 1.00 1.00 0.45 0.45 (0.55) (0.55) Office Assistant I 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.00 (0.50) (0.50) Maintenance Superintendent 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Maintenance Supervisor 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub-Total 6.50 2.00 8.50 4.45 2.00 6.45 (2.05) 0.00 (2.05) Street Maint Landscape Foreman 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.00 0.00 (MCE) Landscape Laborer I 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.00 0.00 Landscape Laborer II 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.00 0.00 Landscape Laborer III 1.18 1.18 1.11 1.11 (0.071 0.07 Sub-Total 1.79 1.79 1.72 1.72 (0.07) (0.07) I Street Tree Landscape Foreman 0.07 p.07 0.07 0.07 0.00 0.00 rv Maintenance Landscape Laborer I 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.00 0.00 '~' (MCE) I Landscape Laborer II 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.00 0.00 Landscape Laborer III 0.31 0.31 0.32 0.32 0.01 0.01 Sub-Total 0.69 0.69 0.70 0.70 0.01 0.01 Street Landscape Landscape Foreman 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.00 0.00 Maintenance Landscape Laborer I 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 0.00 0.00 (MCE) Landscape Laborer II 2.06 2.06 2.06 2.06 0.00 0.00 Landscape Laborer III 2.35 2.35 1.66 1.66 0.69 0.69 Sub-Total 7.45 7.45 6.76 6.76 (0.69) (0.69) Environmental Environmental Specialist 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Programs Environmental Technician 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Office Assistant I/II 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 Sub-Total 0.00 0.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 Waste Mgmt Administrative Analyst I/II 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.00 0.00 Technician (Temp) 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00) (1.00) Sub-Total 1.33 ' i 1.33 0.33 0.33 (1.00) (1.00) DEPARTMENT CLASSIFICATION Housing Programs Housing Specialist Administrative Aide Community Development Director Secretary Office Assistant I/II Sub-Total Library Services Landscape Foreman Landscape Laborerl Landscape Laborer II Sub-Total Heritage & Heritage & Cultural Arts Manager Cultural Arts Heritage Center Director Landscape Foreman Landscape Laborerl Landscape Laborer II I Landscape Laborer III rv Sub-Total cn I Park Maintenance Landscape Foreman (MCE) Landscape Laborer I Landscape Laborer II Landscape Laborer III Sub-Total Parks & Parks & Community Svcs Director Community Asst Parks & Community Services Director Services Recreation Supervisor Recreation Coordinator Preschool Instructor Administrative Technician Senior Office Assistant Office Assistant II Office Assistant I Recreation Technician Sub-Total Parks & Facilities Parks & Facilities Dev. Manager Management Parks & Facilities Dev. Coordinator Sub-Total 2008-2009 2008-2009 Total 2009-2010 2009-2010 Total Difference Compared to Total Allocated Allocated 2008-2009 Allocated Allocated 2009-2010 2008-2009 2008-2009 Difference City Contract Allocated City Contract Allocated City Contract Compared To Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions 2008-2009 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 2.90 2.90 3.20 3.20 0.30 0.30 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.15 0.13 0.13 (0.02) (0.02) 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.43 0.43 0.39 0.39 (0.04) (0.04) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0,03 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.12 0.11 0.11 (0.01) (0.01) 0.21 0.21 0.20 0.20 0.01 0.01 2.00 0.49 2.49 2.00 0.47 2.47 0.00 (0.02) (0.02) 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.00 0.00 3.83 3.83 3.83 3.83 0.00 0.00 2.34 2.34 2.34 2.34 0.00 0.00 2.81 2.81 2.54 2.54 (0.27) 0.27 9.92 9.92 9.65 9.65 (0.27) (0.27) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 2.10 2.10 0.10 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 16.00 16.00 16.60 16.60 0.60 0.60 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 2008-2009 2008-2009 Total 2009-2010 2009-2010 Total Difference Compared to Total Allocated Allocated 2008-2009 Allocated Allocated 2009-2010 2008-2009 2008-2009 Difference City Contract Allocated City Contract Allocated City Contract Compared To DEPARTMENT CLASSIFICATION Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions 2008-2009 Community Community Development Director 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.00 0.00 Development Planning Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Senior/Associate Planner 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 (2.00) (2.00) Assistant Planner 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 (1.00) (1.00) Senior Code Enforcement Officer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Code Enforcement Officer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Administrative Aide 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00) (1.00) Secretary 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 0.00 0.00 Office Assistant I/II 2.00 2.00 2.15 2.15 0.15 0.15 Office Assistant I (Temporary) 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.00 (0.50) (0.50) Building Official 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Plan Checker 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.00 Building Inspector 6.00 6.00 4.30 4.30 (1.70) (1.70) Senior Building Inspector 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Senior Plan Checker 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00) (1.00) Permit Technician 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 I Administrative Technician 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 N Senior Office Assistant 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00) 1.00 ~ Sub-Total 20.60 6.50 27.10 14.25 4.80 19.05 (6.35) (1.70) (8.05) Engineering City Engineer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Senior Civil Engineer 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 Assistant Civil Engineer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Public Works Technician I/II 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Engineer Part-time 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00) (1.00) Engineer (Contract) 1.35 1.35 1.00 1.00 (0.35) (0.35) Public Works Inspector 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 (1.00) (1.00) Public Works Inspector (Contract) 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1.001 1.00 Sub-Total 10.00 2.35 12.35 8.00 1.00 9.00 (2.00) (1.35) (3.35) Economic Dev Assistant to the City Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Office Assistant I/II 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 Office Assistant I (Temp) 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.50 Sub-Total 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 0.00 0.00 I N J I DEPARTMENT CLASSIFICATION POSITION ALLOCATION SUMMARY BY PROGRAM General Government Public Safety -Police Public Safety -Disaster Preparedness Public Safety -Fire Transportation Health & Welfare Culture & Leisure Community Development GRAND TOTAL ALL PERSONNEL SUMMARY (CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL) City Employees Contract Employees TOTAL RECOMMENDED HIGHER SERVICE LEVEL PERSONNEL CHANGES No Higher Service Level Personnel Changes Are Recommended TOTAL 2008-2009 2009-2010 DIFFERENCE 92.00 82.50 (9.50) 126.75 121.77 4.98 218.75 204.27 (14.48) NOTE: All of the designated personnel perform duties directly from City facilities. This listing does not account for the temporary part-time Parks & Community Services Department Staff which varies between 50-100 additional employees. It also does not include all contract personnel who perform work under contract to the City of Dublin at offsite locations including Contract Engineering, MCE Corporation (Public Works); Alameda County employees performing Police, Fire, and traffic signal maintenance services; or legal services provided by Meyers Nave Riback Silver & Wilson. 2008-2009 2008-2009 Total 2009-2010 2009-2010 Total Difference Compared to Total Allocated Allocated 2008-2009 Allocated Allocated 2009-2010 2008-2009 2008-2009 Difference City Contract Allocated City Contract Allocated City Contract Compared To Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions 2008-2009 20.84 1.18 22.02 19.34 1.34 20.68 (1.50) 0.16 (1.34) 7.00 54.00 61.00 7.00 54.00 61.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.17 0.50 0.33 0.17 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 39.78 40.78 1.00 38.77 39.77 0.00 (1.01) (1.01) 6.50 11.93 18.43 4.45 11.18 15.63 (2.05) (0.75) (2.80) 4.23 .0.00 4.23 6.03 0.00 6.03 1.80 0.00 1.80 20.00 10.84 30.84 20.60 10.51 31.11 0.60 (0.33) 0.27 32.10 8.85 40.95 23.75 5.80 29.55 8.35 3.05 11.40 92.00 126.75 218.75 82.50 121.77 204.27 (9.50) (4.98) (14.48) It should also be noted that the 2008-2009 Approved Positions shown above includes those positions approved as part of the Final Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Budget and subsequent position allocations changes approved throughout the Fiscal Year. 2009-2010 -CITY OF DUBLIN APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT (Based on Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Limit) In accordance with Chapter 1025 of the statutes of 1987, as amended, each government entity is required to include the Appropriations Limit in the annual budget. This limit may also be referred to as the Gann Limit or the Proposition 4 Limit. The City of Dublin has calculated a Fiscal Year 2009-2010 limit in accordance with Article XIII B of the California Constitution and the recognized methodology for calculating adjustments. The details of this calculation are shown on the following page. The Appropriations Limit does not apply to all funds appropriated by the City Council. The law only limits the appropriations that are funded by "proceeds of taxes." State law narrowly defines "proceeds of taxes." Interpretations from judicial rulings have also influenced the methodology used to calculate the application of the Appropriation Limit. State law establishes a formula to be used to calculate annual adjustments to the limit. The formula includes optional factors to be selected by the City when the adjustment calculation is completed. The first option is based on changes in population. The City may either select the change in the City of Dublin population or the change in the County Population. For Fiscal Year 2009-2010 the City population growth of 3.15% was larger than the Alameda County population growth of 1.26%. The second option allows the City to use either the increase in the State Per Capita Personal Income or the change in local assessed valuation due to "non-residential construction." The approved formula for calculating the change in the assessed valuation compares the total change in assessed valuation to the amount related strictly to non-residential improvements. In May 2009, the County Assessor provided preliminary data related to Fiscal Year 2009-2010 changes in assessed valuation attributable to non-residential construction. Based upon the preliminary information available, the assessed valuation factor is greater than the growth in the State per capita income (3.36% versus 0.62% respectively). In the event that the final data from the Assessor suggests a material difference from the preliminary figures, Staff will propose the adoption of an adjustment once the information is available. The two factors for growth are combined to arrive at a growth rate for appropriations. This growth rate is factored with the Appropriations Limit for 2008-2009 to arrive at a new limit for Fiscal Year 2009-2010. The Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Appropriations Limit is $181,928,007 as shown on the following page. The recommended Preliminary Budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010, including recommended higher service levels, contains appropriations of $34,724,365 that would be categorized as funded by proceeds of taxes. Therefore, the appropriations subject to the Appropriations Limit and contained in the recommended Preliminary Budget are $147,203,642 below the allowed amount calculated for Fiscal Year 2009-2010. _28_ CALCULATION OF FISCAL YEAR 2009-2010 APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT (Based on Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Limit) A. SELECTION OF OPTIONAL FACTORS 1. Population -City vs. County a. Change in Population, City of Dublin OR 01 /01 /2008 01 /01 /2009 % I ncrease 44,267 45,661 3.15% b. Change in Population, Alameda County 1,534,959 1,554,220 1.26% _> Selected Factor #1 =City of Dublin Population Growth 3.15% 2. State Income vs. City Non-Residential Building a. Change in State Per Capita Income: 0.62% OR b. Change in Non-Residential Assessed Valuation: 3.36%** * (Based on preliminary tax roll information available from the Alameda County Assessor May 2009. The final tax roll figure may be different. ) _> Selected Factor #2 =Change in Non-Residential Building 3.36% B. CALCULATION OF GROWTH LIMIT ADJUSTMENT The formula for calculating the adjustment is as follows: Selected Factor 1 + 100 = X Selected Factor 2 + 100 = Y (X) * (Y) =Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Appropriations Limit Adjustment Factor 3.15+100 = 1.0315 ~- 3.36+100 = 1.0336 ~- Adjustment Factor FY 2009-2010:1.0315 x 1.0336 = 1.0662 C. CALCULATION OF APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Appropriations Limit Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Adjustment Factor Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Appropriations Limit $170,632,158 x 1.0662 $181,928,007 _29_ CITY OF DUBLIN ORGANIZATIONAL CHART Residents of Dublin City Council Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission 1 w 0 i Parks & Community Services Commission City Manager City Clerk Elections Economic Development Environmental Proarams Planning Commission Assistant City Manager Youth Advisory Committee Senior Center Advisory Committee Police Services Police Animal Control Crossing Guards Community Development Building & Safety Planning Housing Parks & Community Services Recreation Library Services Cultural Activities Heritage Center Dublin Cemetery Parks & Facilities Mgmnt Child Care Central Services / Human Resources Insurance Disaster Preparedness Waste Management Community Cable TV City Attorney Administrative Public Works Fire Services Services Building Management Finance Traffic Signals Fire Information Street Lighting Prevention Systems/ Street Maintenance Fire Technology Street Sweeping Operations Street Tree Maintenance Street Landscaping Maint Park Maintenance 6/2009 °f °`' CITY OF DUBLIN '~'~'~~~ FISCAL YEAR 2009 - 2010 PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS ~\ ~ ~/l GENERAL GOVERNMENT The total recommended expenditures for General Government are $5,930,372 for Fiscal Year 2009- 2010. This represents a decrease of $226,640 or -3.7% less than estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. The number of authorized positions are reflected as Full-Time Equivalents (FTE). Significant changes in General Government for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 include the following: 1. Decreased City and contract employee salary and benefit costs associated with a total net employee reduction of 1.34 FTE in General Government. This is comprised of changes in the following Departments: -0.5 FTE - (Budget No. 10200 City Manager /City Clerk Department); -0.5 FTE - (Budget No. 10210 Central Services Department) and -0.5 FTE - (Budget Nos. 10400-10410 Administrative Services /Finance Department). There is a +0.16 FTE increase of Contract Services Personnel hours - (Budget No. 10500 General Building) 2. Funding for five Higher Service Levels to provide for: 1) Dublin High School Dry Grad Night; 2) Red Ribbon Week activities at both public and private schools in Dublin; 3) To explore the acquisition of federal and State lobbyist services; 4) Studying the creation of an Elected Officials Summit for Elected Officials that serve the City of Dublin; and 5) Conducting voter opinion research to evaluate current services and plan program priorities, including the viability of funding measures that are of priority to the Dublin community. (Budget No. 10100 -City Council) 3. A decrease in the need for legal services due to a decline of housing market activities and the associated legal services required of new development projects, as well as, anticipated reductions in litigation. (Budget No. 10300 -Legal Services) 4. Funding for two Higher Service Levels to provide for: 1) Studying the inclusion of Labor Guidelines for public and private projects that occur within the City of Dublin; and 2) Studying the feasibility of requiring the inclusion of sustainable features on new residential and non-residential projects, and studying the possibility of providing incentives as a part of such a program. (Budget No. 10300 -Legal Services) 5. Funding of a Higher Service Level to provide for an update to the City fee study. (Budget Nos. 10400-10410 Administrative Services /Finance Department) 6. Reduced rental costs as a result of the new Corporation Yard; reduced costs for improvements; and completion of one-time projects in Fiscal Year 2008-2009. (Budget No. 10500 -Building Management Department) 7. A decrease in costs that would result from election activities as elections are held biannually with the most recent occumng in November 2008. (Budget No. 10700- Elections) 8. Funding of a contingent reserve of $175,000, which includes $75,000 for utility rate increases that have not been finalized by the service provider. (Budget No. 10800 Non -Departmental) -31- CITY COUNCIL The City Council consists of the Mayor and four City Councilmembers elected at large by the voters of Dublin. The City Council is responsible for enacting legislation, establishing policies, and providing guidance and direction for actions that affect the quality of life in the City. Local elected officials also represent the City at a variety of forums at the County, Regional, State and National levels, in order to make certain the interests of the City of Dublin, and cities in general, are promoted. The total estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 are $241,262. This is $50,834 or 17.4% less than budgeted. Expenditures in Community Promotions were less than anticipated and some of the costs were able to be shifted to other funding sources. The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for.City Council activities for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $250,093, an increase of $8,831 or 3.7% more than Fiscal Year 2008-2009 estimated expenditures. This increase includes an Internal Service Charge of $18,349 that was not budgeted for in Fiscal Year 2008-2009. When included in the total budget calculation for the City Council's budget, it accounts for a net decrease of $14,518 or 6.0% from Fiscal Year 2008-2009 estimated expenditures. Funds have been included for increased cost of memberships. The proposed budget includes memberships and dues for the following organizations: Alameda County Mayors' Conference National League of Cities League of California Cities (including costs associated with Grassroots Network) East Bay Division -League of California Cities Association of Bay Area Governments U. S. Conference of Mayors Dublin Sister City Association Sister City International 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENT 1. Improved visibility of visual presentations in City Council Chambers for the City Council and members of the public. In addition to the Current Service Level, six (6) Higher Service Levels (HSLs) have been included for Fiscal Year 2009-2010. The first two proposed HSLs are included as part of the City Council's Community Based Organization Grant Program; the remaining four HSLs are in response to High Priority City Council Goals. HSL # 1 provides funding for the Dublin High School Dry Grad Night for a total of $4,000. HSL # 2 provides for funding of Red Ribbon Week activities in both public and private schools in the City of Dublin for a total of $3,550. HSL # 3 provides funding to work with the Cities of Livermore, Pleasanton, San Ramon and the Town of Danville to explore the acquisition of federal and State lobbyist services for a total of $25,000. In regard to HSL # 4, additional funding is not required to explore the feasibility of creating an annual Elected Officials Summit. HSL # 5 provides funding to undertake voter opinion research to determine community support for a revenue measure targeting resident valued enhancements for a total of $65,000. In regard to HSL # 6, funds are not required to apply for the National Civic League's All-America City Award. If the application is subsequently accepted, the City would move forward only if private funding is available. The total recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010, including the Higher Service Levels, is $347,643. -32- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL GENERAL CITY COUNCIL -10100 CURRENT GOVERNMENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION STAFFING LEVEL General Fund (001) $ 250,093 Councilmembers 5.00 TOTAL $ 250,093 TOTAL. 5'.00 ` This budget includes Mayor and Councilmembers salaries and fringe benefits; the City's independent financial audit; Councilmember attendance at various meetings and conferences on behalf of the City; the Mayor's attendance at the U.S. Conference of Mayors Winter (Washington, DC) and Spring/Summer (Oklahoma City, OK) meetings; attendance by one Councilmember at each of two National League of Cities meetings (San Antonio and Washington, DC); and necessary supplies, postage, printing/binding, books, publications, legal notices, and office equipment for the Council to effectively perform its responsibilities. In addition, the Fiscal Year 2009-2010 budget includes funding for a number of community promotion activities, including: - Dublin Pride Week - Float for the St. Patrick's Day Parade - Volunteer Recognition Event for Citizen/Organization of the Year and City Volunteers - City of Dublin 101 (formerly Leadership Academy) for the Community -33- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-20'10 PRELIMINARY BUDGET -,CITY COUNCIL CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-201n PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries P.T. $ Retirement Group Insurance Retiree Health Workers Compensation F.I.C.A. PARS Total Personnel Services $ SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ Postage Communications Advertising Printing & Binding Book & Publications Memberships & Dues Travel and Conferences Legal Notices Community Promotion Internal Service Charge Total Services/Supplies $ CONTRACT SERVICES Professional Services $ Total Contract Services $ CAPITAL OUTLAY Machinery & Equipment Total Capital Outlay $ TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 46,863 $ 6,913 35,019 2,080 93 679 274 91,921 $ 579 $ 673 1,124 587 185 195 28,745 21,432 166 66,689 18,651 139,026 $ 32,040 $ 32,040 $ 0 49,302 $ 7,138 40,232 0 89 715 289 49,388 $ 7,102 31,156 2,074 88 718 460 97,765 $ 1,100 $ 1,000 1,200 1,500 1,200 125 32,131 23,000 200 70,425 0 131,881 $ 50,450 $ 87,826 $ 114,683 50,450 $ 51,450 50,450 $ 50,450 $ 12, 000 90,986 $ 2,100 $ 727 410 0 800 196 31,511 15,000 2,000 35,082 0 83,960 1,000 1,000 0 800 1,200 200 33,934 23,000 1,500 33,700 18,349 0 $ 262,987 $ 12,000 $ 292,096 $ 51,450 12, 000 0 12,000 $ 0 241,262 $ 250,093 51,345 7,327 22, 584 1,552 109 743 300 -34- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL GENERAL CITY COUNCIL -10100 HIGHER 1 GOVERNMENT Dry Grad Night (RECOMMENDED) COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General Fund (001) $ 4,000 $ 254,093 Councilmembers 5.00 TOTAL $ 4,000 $ 254,093 ..TOTAL 0.00 5.00 This event is held the evening of the Dublin High School graduation and is organized by the parents of Dublin High School students. This event offers graduated seniors a safe, alcohol- and drug-free atmosphere in which to celebrate their graduation. The funds would be used to defray a portion of the cost associated with this event. DESCRIPTION PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries P.T. Retirement Group Insurance Retiree Health Workers Compensation F.I.C.A. PARS Total Personnel Services SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies Postage Advertising Printing & Binding Book & Publications Memberships & Dues Travel, Conferences & Meetings Legal Notices Community Promotion Internal Service Charge Total Services/Supplies CONTRACT SERVICES Professional Services Total Contract Services Total Capital Outlay TOTAL. ACTIVITY COST HIGHER SERVICE LEVEL 1 2009-2010 CUMULATIVE TOTAL 2009-2010 $ 0 $ 51,345 0 7,327 0 22,584 0 1,552 0 109 0 743 0 300 $ 0 $ 83,960 $ 0 $ 1,000 0 1,000 0 800 0 1,200 0 200 0 ~ 33,934 0 23,000 0 1,500 4,000 37,700 0 18,349 $ 4,000 $ 118,683 $ 0 $ 51,450 $ 0 $ 51,450 $ 0 $ 0 $ 4,000 $ 254,093 -35- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL GENERAL CITY COUNCIL -10100 HIGHER 2 GOVERNMENT Red Ribbon Week (RECOMMENDED) COST BY FUND oruc+r.u^.r. e...^.....-.~. FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General Fund (001) $ 3,550 $ 257,643 Councilmembers 5.00 TOTAL $ 3,550 $ 257,543 TOTAL 0.00 5.00:.. This Higher Service Level would be used to fund activities and events in all the schools located in Dublin (both public and private) to promote drug prevention and awareness in the schools. DESCRIPTION HIGHER SERVICE LEVEL 2 2009-2010 CUMULATIVE TOTAL 2009-2010 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries P.T. Retirement Group Insurance Retiree Health Workers Compensation F.I.C.A. PARS Total Personnel Services SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies Postage Advertising Printing & Binding Book & Publications Memberships & Dues Travel, Conferences & Meetings Legal Notices Community Promotion Internal Service Charge Total Services/Supplies CONTRACT SERVICES Professional Services Total Contract Services Total Capital Outlay TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,550 0 $ 3,550 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 3,55Q $ 51,345 7,327 22,584 1,552 109 743 300 $ 83,960 $ 1,000 1,000 800 1,200 200 33, 934 23,000 1,500 41,250 18,349 $ 122,233 $ 51,450 $ 51,450 $ 0 $ 257,643 -36- 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL GENERAL CITY COUNCIL -10100 HIGHER 3 GOVERNMENT State And Federal Lobbyist Services (RECOMMENDED) C[~ST RY FIINI~ PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General Fund (001) $ 25,000 $ 282,643 Councilmembers 5.00 ':TOTAL $ 25,000 $ 282,.643 TOTAL O.QO 5.00 This Higher Service Level would provide funding to explore the acquisition of federal and State lobbyist services in coordination with the Cities of Livermore, Pleasanton, San Ramon and the Town of Danville. Acquiring such services may allow for greater promotion of the issues and needs of local and regional significance at the Federal and State level. This Higher Service Level would accomplish the following High Priority City Council Goal: 2009-2010 GOAL 1. Work with the Cities of Livermore, Pleasanton, San Ramon and the Town of Danville to explore the acquisition of federal and State lobbyist services. DESCRIPTION HIGHER SERVICE LEVEL 3 2009-2010 CUMULATIVE TOTAL 2009-2010 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries P.T. Retirement Group Insurance Retiree Health Workers Compensation F.I.C.A. F.I.C.A. OASDI Total Personnel Services SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies Postage Advertising Printing & Binding Book & Publications Memberships & Dues Travel, Conferences & Meetings Legal Notices Comm. Promo Internal Service Charge Total Services/Supplies CONTRACT SERVICES Professional Services Total Contract Services Total Capital Outlay TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 0 $ 51,345 0 7,327 0 22,584 0 1,552 0 109 0 .743 0 300 $ 0 $ 83,960 $ 0 $ 1,000 0 1,000 0 800 0 1,200 0 200 0 33,934 0 23,000 0 1, 500 25,000 66,250 0 18,349 $ 25,000 $ 147,233 $ 0 $ 51,450 $ 0 $ 51,450 $ 0 $ 0 $ _25,OQ0 $ 282,643 -37- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL GENERAL CITY COUNCIL -10100 HIGHER 4 GOVERNMENT Elected Officials Summit (RECOMMENDED) COST BY FUND PERS ONNEL SUMMARY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General Fund (001) $ 0 $ 282,643 Councilmembers 5.00 TOTAL $ . 0' $ .282,643 TOTAL 0.00 -5..00 This Higher Service Level (HSL) would provide for an Elected Officials Summit for those that serve the City of Dublin. An Elected Officials Summit would allow for greater coordination of efforts among the leadership of the City's various agencies, as well as provide an opportunity to discuss relevant issues and gain insight and understanding about the impact of decisions made from different perspectives. This Higher Service Level would accomplish the following High Priority City Council Goal: 2009-2010 GOAL 1. Explore the feasibility of creating an annual Elected Officials Summit. DESCRIPTION PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries P.T. Retirement Group Insurance Retiree Health Workers Compensation F.I.C.A. F.I.C.A. OASDI Total Personnel Services SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies Postage Advertising Printing & Binding Book & Publications Memberships & Dues Travel, Conferences & Meetings Legal Notices Comm. Promo Internal Service Charge Total Services/Supplies CONTRACT SERVICES Professional Services Total Contract Services Total Capital Outlay TOTAL ACTIVITY COST HIGHER SERVICE LEVEL 4 2009-2010 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 CUMULATIVE TOTAL 2009-2010 $ 51,345 7,327 22,584 1,552 109 743 300 $ 83,960 $ 1,000 1,000 800 1,200 200 33,934 23,000 1,500 66,250 18,349 $ 147,233 $ 51,450 $ 51,450 0 $ 0 0; $ 282,643 -38- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL GENERAL CITY COUNCIL -10100 HIGHER 5 GOVERNMENT Community Opinion Research (RECOMMENDED) COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General Fund (001) $ 65,000 $ 347,643 Councilmembers 5.00 TOTAL $ `65,000 ` $ `347,643 TOTAL 0.00 5.04 This Higher Service level would provide funding to conduct voter opinion research, which is helpful in measuring current services and planning program priorities. This Higher Service Level would accomplish the following High Priority City Council Goal: 2009-2010 GOAL 1. Undertake voter opinion research to determine community support for a revenue measure targeting resident valued enhancements. HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 5 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2009-2010 2009-2010 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries P.T. 0 51,345 Retirement 0 7,327 Group Insurance 0 22,584 Retiree Health 0 1,552 Workers Compensation 0 109 F.I.C.A. 0 743 F.I.C.A. OASDI 0 300 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 83,960 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 0 $ 1,000 Postage 0 1,000 Advertising 0 800 Printing & Binding 0 1,200 Book & Publications 0 200 Memberships & Dues 0 33,934 Travel, Conferences & Meetings 0 23,000 Legal Notices 0 1,500 Comm. Promo 0 66,250 Internal Service Charge 0 18,349 Total Services/Supplies $ 0 $ 147,233 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 65,000 $ 65,000 Professional Services 0 51,450 Total Contract Services $ 65,000 $ 116,450 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 65,000'- $ 347,.643 -39- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL GENERAL CITY COUNCIL -10100 HIGHER 6 GOVERNMENT Apply For National Civic League Award (RECOMMENDED) COST BY FUND ~¢ocnR~~~r~ ~~ ~..... "., FUND INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL General Fund (001) $ 0 $ 347,643 Councilmembers 5.00 TOTAL $ 0 $ 347,643 ,:TOTAL 0:40 5.00 rungs are not required to apply for the National Civic League's All-America City Award. If the application is subsequently accepted, the City would move forward only if private funding is available. This Higher Service Level would accomplish the following High Priority City Council Goal: 2009-2010 GOAL 1. Apply for the National Civic League's All-America City Award. HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE DESCRIPTION LEVEL6 TOTAL 2009-2010 2009-2010 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries P.T. 0 Retirement 0 51,345 Group Insurance 0 7,327 Retiree Health 0 22,584 Workers Compensation 0 1,552 F.I.C.A. 0 109 F.I.C.A. OASDI 0 743 300 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 83,960 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 0 $ 1 000 Postage 0 , Advertising 0 1,000 Printing & Binding 0 800 Book & Publications 0 1,200 Memberships & Dues 0 200 Travel, Conferences & Meetings 0 33,934 Legal Notices 0 23,000 Comm. Promo 0 1,500 Internal Service Charge 0 66,250 18,349 Total Services/Supplies $ 0 $ 147,233 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 0 $ 65 000 Professional Services 0 , 51,450 Total Contract Services $ 0 $ 11 6,450 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY .COST $ 0 $ 347,643 -40- CITY MANAGER/CITY CLERK The City Manager is appointed by the City Council as the City's Chief Executive Officer. This includes the responsibility for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the City's Operating Departments and implementing all policies adopted by the City Council. This office provides support to all areas of City operations including: the enforcement of City Ordinances; supervision and evaluation of employees; evaluation of all contract services; recommendations to the City Council on ordinances and policies that address the effective operation of the City; provision of advisory recommendations for the City Council; preparation and administration of the City's Budget and Five Year Capital Improvement Program, as approved by the City Council; and representation on behalf of the City before intergovernmental bodies and organizations. In addition to the responsibilities described above, the City Manager's Office will continue to provide support services to the City Council and Economic Development and will directly supervise the Central Services function. The City Manager activity also includes the City Clerk function. This position has the responsibility for: administering municipal elections; maintaining conflict of interest and financial disclosure records submitted by public officials; preparing and maintaining minutes of City Council meetings; coordinating City Commission/Committee appointments; and maintaining the official records of the City. The total estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 are $1,175,264, which is $21,039 less than budgeted due to salary savings on position vacancies during the fiscal year (this figure does not include mid-year budget adjustments that decreased this department's budget by $35,000, making total estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 $56,039 less than budgeted). The budget required to continue the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $1,113,464. This is a decrease of $61,800 or 5.3% less than estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. This decrease is primarily attributable to salary savings and eliminating out-of-state travel. The total recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $1,113,464. -41- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL GENERAL CITY MANAGER/CITY CLERK -10200 CURRENT GOVERNMENT iRFr_nnniu~~in~rn --, PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND STAFFING FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION LEVEL Genera! Fund (001) $ 1,113,464 City Manager 1.00 Assistant City Manager 1.00 City Clerk 1.00 Secretary to City Manager/ 1.00 Deputy City Clerk Senior Office Assistant 1.00 _ Secretary 1.00 TOTAL $ 1,1'(3,464 `TOTAL 6.00 This budget provides the funding to maintain the current level of services of those programs included in the City Manager/City Clerk Office. This is accomplished by funding the positions identified above; services and supplies necessary to support the City Manager's Office; maintenance of the City's Law Library; the City Manager, Assistant City Manager, and City Clerk's participation in their respective professional associations; training and conferences for the City Manager, Assistant City Manager, and City Clerk and Office support Staff; and contract services associated with codification services and management support functions. Funding of the Current Service Level would accomplish the following High Priority City Council Goals: 2009-2010 GOALS 1. Work with the Dublin Unified School District and Dublin Partners in Education to develop a Local Government Career Day. 2. Explore establishment of election ethics program. 3. Investigate opportunities for paperless City Council meetings and implement solutions as directed by City Council. -42- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET -CITY MANAGER/CITY CLERK DESCRIPTION PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. Salaries P.T. Salaries O.T. Retirement Group Insurance Retiree Health Workers Compensation F.I.C.A. PARS Total Personnel Services SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies Postage Operating Supplies Communications Printing & Binding Repairs & Maintenance Book & Publications Memberships & Dues Mileage & Auto Allowance Travel and Conferences Training Internal Service Charge Total Services/Supplies CONTRACT SERVICES General Total Contract Services CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements Furniture & Fixtures Machinery & Equipment Total Capital Outlay TOTAL ACTIVITY COST ACTUAL 2007-2008 BUDGET ESTIMATED 2008-2009 2008-2009 CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 2009-2010 609,522 $ 767,998 $ 738,108 $ 84,777 20,306 43,678 2,673 1,211 1,906 147,698 156,159 149,416 79,615 98,657 97,420 45,303 47,899 47,017 1,445 1,126 1,112 6,664 7,681 9,576 1,272 305 504 978,969 $ 1,101,342 $ 1,088,737 $ 3,906 $ 1,219 429 127 2,509 235 2,719 3,920 9,570 8,259 6,959 20,859 4,000 $ 1, 700 1,000 960 3, 500 235 2,894 4,635 10,184 10,110 5,385 22,298 60,711 $ 11,941 $ 11,941 $ 10,060 $ 10,060 $ 61,258 $ 8,500 $ 8,500 $ 1,035,345 4,000 1,700 600 0 2,500 235 3,039 4,310 11,248 7,610 3,485 29,332 68,059 10,060 10,060 $ 0 $ 2,000 $ 1,077 $ p $ 0 $ 16,000 $ 15,692 $ 0 968 0 0 0 $ 968 $ 18,000 $ 16,769 $ p $ 1,052,589 $ 1,196,303 $ 1,175,264 $ 1,113,464... 4,000 $ 1,260 400 36 2, 500 140 2,894 3,235 10,000 9,284 5,211 22,298 66,901 $ 705,298 0 1,636 158,970 107,569 50,115 1,506 10,251 0 -43- CENTRAL SERVICES The Central Services Division oversees such City programs as human resources (recruitment, selection, salary and fringe benefits administration}, risk management (general liability, claims management, property insurance, workers' compensation, and safety training), employee training and recognition programs, and special projects. In addition, Staff exercises functional supervision of Disaster Preparedness (20500), Waste Management (50200) and Community Cable Television (80300). The adopted budget for Central Services activities for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $566,646. The estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 are $543,100, which is $23,546 less than budgeted. The variance is attributable to less than anticipated expenses associated with City recruitments, fewer training programs implemented and savings surrounding the production of a video newsletter. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Produced a Citywide Newsletter. 2. Produced an online Citywide Calendar. 3. Provided oversight of TV-30 operations for the Tri-Valley. 4. Amended the City's Smoking Ordinance. 5. Informed School District Administrators and Principals of City news. 6. Considered an annual video newsletter on TV30 for community. The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for Central Services activities for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $442,645, and represents a decrease of $100,455 or 18.5% over the Fiscal Year 2008- 2009 estimated expenditures. This decrease is attributable to reduction of .5 clerical support function and reduced employee program costs. The total recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $442,645. -44- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL GENERAL CENTRAL SERVICES -10210 CURRENT GOVERNMENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION STAFFING LEVEL General Fund (001) $ 442,645 Human Resource Director Administrative Analyst I/II 1.00 0.84 TOTAL $ 442;645 TOTAL 1.84 This budget includes salaries and fringe benefits for the Human Resources Director, 34% of the Administrative Analyst position, and apart-time Administrative Analyst (.5) supporting Personnel. This budget also includes necessary services and supplies to support the City's human resource function, a central training account to support citywide professional development programs, employee recognition costs, and employee safety/statutory training. Contract services included in this budget are for performing required fingerprinting and medical testing services, and contract labor relation services. Funding of the Current Service Level would accomplish the following High Priority City Council Goal: 2009-2010 GOAL 1. Produce a Citywide Newsletter. -45- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET -CENTRAL SERVICES DESCRIPTION PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ Salaries P.T. Salaries Seasonal Retirement Group Insurance Retiree Health Workers Compensation F.I.C.A. PARS Total Personnel Services $ SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ Postage Operating Supplies Advertising Printing & Binding Book & Publications Memberships & Dues Mileage & Auto Allowance Travel and Conferences Training Filing Fees Internal Service Charge Total Services/Supplies $ CONTRACT SERVICES General $ Total Contract Services $ CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture & Fixtures $ Machinery & Equipment Total Capital Outlay $ TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ ACTUAL BUDGET 2007-2008 2008-2009 143,386 $ 59,124 16,789 49,001 36,295 14,873 481 3,181 252 323,382 $ 2,552 $ 2,743 35,261 6,488 5,583 36 815 1,169 6,106 32,835 2,671 4,590 ESTIMATED 2008-2009 CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 2009-2010 153,824 $ 77,272 35,200 52,360 52,422 16,554 479 3,861 528 392,500 $ 5,000 $ 2,200 36,200 4,000 10,100 50 1,405 1,550 6,000 31,100 1,800 4,241 165,057 $ 74,513 21,450 54,230 52,407 17,146 473 3,784 322 165,140 37,752 0 46,038 40,065 14,508 432 2,941 0 389,382 $ 1,114 $ 1,380 35,789 1,195 6,262 0 820 2,026 4,856 26,952 1,665 4,241 100,849 $ 103,646 $ 86,300 $ 101,644 61,175 $ 61,175 $ 60,000 $ 59,010 $ 6,005 $ 6,000 $ 4,415 4,500 10,420 $ 10,500 $ 495,826 $ 566,646 $ 60,000 $ 59,010 $ 306,876 3,000 1,500 24,015 4,000 7,000 0 1,560 2,880 7,000 36,700 1,800 12,189 28,125 28,125 5,214 $ 6,000 3,194 0 8,408 $ 6,000 543,100 $ 442,645 -46- LEGAL SERVICES The City contracts with an outside firm for legal services. In addition to having partners specifically designated as City Attorney and Assistant City Attorney for legal services, the firm has a number of practicing attorneys specializing in various areas of municipal law who are utilized by the City on an as needed basis. The City Attorney provides the City Council and Staff with: legal opinions related to City business; drafts and reviews proposed ordinances, resolutions, and contracts; represents the City in certain litigation; and provides legal counsel on development review issues. The total estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 are $895,050. This is $34,829 or 3.7% less than budgeted. The decrease was primarily due to less than anticipated legal services that were required for various development projects, the Arroyo Vista Housing Redevelopment project, decreased litigation costs and costs associated with issues related to the City's Affordable Homeownership program. The cost of Legal Services associated with processing various development applications are reimbursed by the project applicant. Fiscal Year 2008-2009 legal services costs are estimated to be offset by approximately $608,261 in Zoning and Subdivision Fees and $23,810 in charges for services from the Housing Authority related to the Arroyo Vista Redevelopment Project. This results in an estimated net legal services cost for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 of $262,979. The budget required to fund the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 totals $572,517, which is a decrease of $322,533 or 36.0%. The decrease is primarily due to a slow down in development activities and the associated legal services required of new development applications in Fiscal Year 2009-2010 and reduced litigation costs. Included in the budget is $9,880 for City Attorney services associated with legal support associated with the High Priority City Council goal to create a green initiatives taskforce. The total Legal Services Budget in Fiscal Year 2009-2010 will be offset by approximately $170,215 in Zoning and Subdivision Fees and $20,500 in charges for services from the Housing Authority, for a total net legal services cost of $381,802 in Fiscal Year 2009-2010. In addition to the Current Service Level, it is recommended that the City Council fund two Higher Service Levels (HSL). HSL #1 would provide legal services to support the study of labor guidelines for City and private development projects. The cost of this HSL is $25,000. HSL #2 would provide legal review for a feasibility study to require sustainable features for new residential and nonresidential development projects and a review of any possible incentives that may be included within such as program. The cost of this HSL is $12,350. The total recommended budget, including the Higher Service Levels, for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $609,867, with a total net budget of $419,152. -47- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL GENERAL GOVERNMENT LEGAL SERVICES -10300 CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND STAFFING FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION LEVEL General Fund (001) $ 519,217 No City Personnel are included in this activity. Traffic Impact Fee Fund (300) 2,050 Affordable Housing (380) 51,250 TOTAL.. $ 572,517. Funding of the Current Service Level would accomplish the following High Priority City Council Goal: 2009-2010 GOAL 1. Create a green initiatives taskforce. CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 PERSONNEL SERVICES Retirement $ 10,420 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Group Insurance 8,735 0 0 0 Retiree Health 3,135 0 0 0 Total Personnel Services $ 22,290 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 0 $ 250 $ 250 $ 0 Total Services/Supplies $ 0 $ 250 $ 250 $ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 486,153 $ 452,475 $ 482,378 $ 427,785 Litigation 107,488 71,136 27,685 0 Development Services 208,043 312,948 353,596 113,162 Housing 66,040 92,250 30,300 30,750 DRFA 0 820 841 820 Total Contract Services $ 867,724 $ 929,629 $ 894,800 $ 572,517 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 890,014:.. $ 929,879 $ 895,050 $ 572,517. -48- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL GENERAL GOVERNMENT LEGAL SERVICES -10300 HIGHER 1 Labor Guidelines Study (RECOMMENDED) COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General Fund (001) $ 25,000 $ 544,217 No City Personnel are included in this activity. Traffic Impact Fee Fund (300) 2,050 Affordable Housing (380) 51,250 TOTAL $ 25,000 $ 597,5:17 This Higher Service Level would support studying the inclusion of Labor Guidelines for public and private projects that occur within the City of Dublin. This Higher Service Level would accomplish the following High Priority City Council Goal: 2009-2010 GOAL 1. Conduct study of Labor Guidelines on both City projects and private development (i.e., pre- qualification, project labor, apprentice programs, etc.). DESCRIPTION Total Personnel Services HIGHER SERVICE LEVEL 1 2009-2010 CUMULATIVE TOTAL 2009-2010 Total Services/Supplies CONTRACT SERVICES General Development Services Housing D RFA Total Contract Services Total Capital Outlay TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 25,000 $ 452,785 0 113,162 0 30,750 0 820 $ 25,000 $ 597,517 $ 0 $ 0 $ 25,000. $ 597,517 -49- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL GENERAL GOVERNMENT LEGAL SERVICES -10300 HIGHER 2 Sustainable Features Review (RECOMMENDED) COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General Fund (001) $ 12,350 $ 556,567 Traffic Impact Fee Fund (300) 2,050 Affordable Housing (380) 51,250 70TAL $ 12,350 $ 609,867- ' TOTAL .0.00 OA0 This Higher Service Level would support studying the feasibility of requiring the inclusion of sustainable features on new residential and non-residential projects and studying the possibility of providing incentives as apart of such a program. This Higher Service Level would accomplish the following High Priority City Council Goal: 2009-2010 GOAL 1. Explore the feasibility of a mandatory requirement for the installation of sustainable features, like solar power building infrastructure for future installation, for new residential and non-residential development projects and look at possible incentives. HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL2 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2009-2010 2009-2010 Total Personnel Services Total Services/Supplies CONTRACT SERVICES General Development Services Housing DRFA Total Contract Services Total Capital Outlay TOTAL`ACTIVITY COST $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 12,350 $ 465,135 0 113,162 0 30,750 0 820 $ 12,350 $ 609,867 $ 0 $ 0 $ 12,350' $ 649,867 -50- ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES The Administrative Services Department consists of two operating divisions: the Finance Division and the Information Systems Division. The Finance Division performs all Finance related functions which include Purchasing, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Payroll, Treasury, Audit, and Budget. The division is also responsible for managing the collection of development related fees and maintaining other related City financial records. As part of the City's reorganization objectives to meet current and future business needs, changes in staffing are being accommodated through a combination of transferring the administration of the Business License function to Community Development and changes in business process due to a new Finance system. The overall impact is the reduction of 1 Full-Time Equivalent clerical position and the reduction of Finance Technician positions from 2 Full-Time Equivalents to 1.5 Full-Time Equivalents. Another change in the Staffing involves the internal transfer of a Senior Administrative Analyst position from the Police Services, who will assume budget, special studies, and revenue related responsibilities. In total, the Finance Division will be comprised of the following positions: .65 Administrative Services Director, 1 Finance Manager, 1 Senior Administrative Analyst, 1 Administrative Analyst I/II, 1 Senior Finance Technician, 1.5 Finance Technician I/II, and 1 Senior Office Assistant. The Information System Division oversees the operation and maintenance of the City's individual computer systems and its computer and telephone network, and it provides computer support and Geographic Information Systems support to all City Staff. The Information System Staffing is comprised of the following positions:.35 Administrative Services Director, 1 Information System Manager, 1 Geographic Information Services Coordinator, 1 Network System Coordinator, and 1 Information System Technician 1/II. The estimated expenditures in Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $1,848,506, which is $4,321 or 0.2% less than budgeted. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Replaced financial accounting system -Completed. The Eden System by Tyler Technologies was selected for replacement following an extensive request for proposal and product review. 2. Implemented new Financial Accounting System -Underway. The implementation of systems began in December 2008 and in accordance with the phasing of the project schedule, is expected to be complete by June 2010 3. Completed 2008-2013 Financial Forecast -Underway. Work has begun on the creation of a computer model which will contain historical data that can be used as a tool to project financial future impacts. The budget necessary to fund the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 totals $1,847,302, which is a decrease of $1,204 or 0.1% over the estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. This budget includes $1,080,849 for the Finance Division and $766,453 for the Information System Division. In addition to the Current Service Level, one Higher Service Level (HSL) is recommended, which will fund the preparation of a Fee Study and Cost Allocation Plan. The cost of this work is estimated at $45,000. The total recommended budget Fiscal Year 2009-2010, including the Higher Service Level is $1,892,302. -51- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL GENERAL GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES -10400-10410 CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMAR Y FUND STAFFING FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION LEVEL General Fund (001) $ 1,847,302 Administrative Services Director 1.00 Finance Manager 1.00 Information Systems Manager 1.00 Senior Administrative Analyst 1.00 Administrative Analyst I/II 1.00 GIS Coordinator 1.00 Senior Finance Technician 1.00 Finance Technician I/ II 1.50 Senior Office Assistant 1.00 Information Systems Technician I/II 1.00 Network Systems Coordinator 1.00 TOTAL $ '1,847,302 TOTAL 11.50 Funding of the Current Service Level would accomplish the following High Priority City Council Goals: 2009-2010 GOALS 1. Implement combined finance /permit /licensing software. 2. Evaluate service improvements to Business License processing. 3. Undertake a review and modification of Financial Reports (Budget, monthly Reports, etc.) to enhance the sharing of key pieces of information. 4. Proceed with a Request for Proposal for Audit Services. Current Service Level (All Funds) - By Division INFORMATION FINANCE TECHNOLOGY TOTAL Personnel Services $ 952,364 $ 647,961 $ 1,600,325 Services & Supplies 54,775 32,772 87,547 Contract Services 73,210 85,720 158,930 Capital 500 - 500 TOTAL $ 1,080,849 $ 766,453 $ 1,847,302 -52- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET- ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DESCRIPTION PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. Salaries P.T. Salaries O.T. Retirement Group Insurance Retiree Health Workers Compensation F.I.C.A. Total Personnel Services SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies Postage Operating Supplies Communications Printing & Binding Book & Publications Memberships & Dues Mileage & Auto Allowance Travel and Conferences Training Internal Service Charge Total Services/Supplies CONTRACT SERVICES General Total Contract Services CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture & Fixtures Machinery & Equipment Total Capital Outlay TOTAL AGTNITY COST ACTUAL 2007-2008 BUDGET ESTIMATED 2008-2009 2008-2009 $ 932,024 $ 1,047,158 $ 1,042,989 $ 0 0 0 33 3,150 347 223,714 240,946 237,855 161,258 200,978 200,771 68,773 76,210 75,232 1,810 1,923 1,898 13,476 15,447 15,074 $ 1,401,088 $ 1,585,812 $ 1,574,166 $ CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 2009-2010 1,018,799 34,848 4,004 239,563 210,028 75,493 2,253 15,337 1,600,325 $ 6,649 $ 6,130 $ 6,300 $ 6,130 4,851 6,880 6,550 6,580 987 1,600 1,100 1,100 12,515 12,460 11,500 11,475 8,302 10,800 9,320 9,800 296 600 250 300 1,530 2,135 1,585 2,640 2,870 2,980 2,850 2,850 3,561 5,510 3,550 6,080 2,476 8,350 6,700 12,170 25,901 16,085 16,085 28,422 $ 69,938 $ 73,530 $ 65,790 $ 87,547 $ 125,456 $ 182,760 $ 196,150 $ $ 125,456 $ 182,760 $ 196,150 $ $ 748 $ 2,650 $ 2,650 $ 3,748 8,075 9,750 $ 4,496 $ 10,725 $ 12,400 $ $ 1,60:0,978 $ 1,852,827 $ 1,848,50:6 $ -53- 158,930 158,930 0 500 500 1,847,302. CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES -10400-10410 HIGHER 1 GOVERNMENT Update of City Fee Study (RECOMMENDED) COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General Fund (001) $ 45,000 $ 1,892,302 Administrative Services 1.00 Director Finance Manager 1.00 Information Systems 1.00 Manager Senior Administrative 1.00 Analyst Administrative Analyst I/II 1.00 GIS Coordinator 1.00 Senior Finance Technician 1.00 Finance Technician I/ II 1.50 Senior Office Assistant 1.00 Information Systems 1.00 Technician I/II Network Systems 1.00 Coordinator TOTAL" $ 45,000 $ 1,892,342 TOTAL 0.00. -11.50 The establishment of City Fees and Charges are based upon direct costs as well as allocated costs. The current Cost Allocation Plan uses financial data from the Fiscal Year 2004/2005 Budget. It is prudent to update this plan based on more recent data and to make any necessary adjustments to the assumptions used. In conjunction with the Allocation Plan revision, there would also be an update to the General Fees and Charges and establishment of a Master Schedule. This Higher Service Level will provide funding for a Consultant to assist in the development of these updates in order to assure that fees, charges, and allocated costs meet current requirements. This Higher Service would accomplish the following High Priority City Council Goal: 2009-2010 GOAL 1. Select a consultant to assist with a Fee Update to be implemented in Fiscal Year 2010-2011. -54- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET- ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Higher Service Level 1 -Update of City Fee Study HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL1 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2009-2010 2009-2010 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. Salaries P.T. Salaries O.T. Retirement Group Insurance Retiree Health Workers Compensation F.I.C.A. Total Personnel Services SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies Postage Operating Supplies Communications Printing & Binding Book & Pub{ications Memberships & Dues Mileage & Auto Allowance Travel, Conferences & Meetings Training Internal Service Charge Total ServiceslSupplies CONTRACT SERVICES General Total Contract Services CAPITAL OUTLAY Machinery & Equipment Total Capital Outlay TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 0 $ 1,018,799 0 34,848 0 4,004 p 239,563 p 210,028 0 75,493 0 2,253 0 15,337 $ p $ 1,600,325 $ 0 $ 6,130 0 6,580 0 1,100 p 11,475 p 9,800 0 300 0 2,640 0 2,850 0 6,080 0 12,170 0 28,422 $ 0 $ 87,547 $ 45,000 $ 203,930 $ 45,000 $ 203,930 0 500 $ 0 $ 500 $ 45,000 $ 1,892,302 -55- BUILDING MANAGEMENT This budget funds the maintenance and operation of the Dublin Civic Center and its outlying buildings: the portable buildings for inspection staff, which are located both at the Civic Center site and at Fallon Sports Park, and the City's Public Works Corporation Yard. Components of this budget include supplies, utilities, telephone costs for most of the City system, contract services, minor improvements, and repairs associated with these buildings. The maintenance cost for other City facilities, such as the Library and Senior Center, is included in the respective budgets for each of these facilities. Estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 are $809,928, or approximately $17,981 or 2.2% less than budgeted. Decreases occurred primarily in the area of general building contract services. The budget necessary to fund the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $750,103, which is a decrease of $59,825 or 7.4% less than the estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. This decrease is primarily due to the completion of a one-time higher service level included in Fiscal Year 2008-2009. No higher service levels are expected for Fiscal Year 2009-2010. Inflationary increases are expected to occur in utility costs (Gas/Electric, Water/Sewer and Telephone). DSRSD (Water/Sewer) increased rates by 13% effective January 1, 2009, with the anticipation of another possible increase effective January 1, 2010. Gas/Electric and Telephone companies have not provided a specific rate increase, but rate increases over the next Fiscal Year are anticipated. However, the significant decrease in the Fiscal Year 2009-2010 budget is attributed to the reduction in building improvements and a goal to reduce contract service budgets by 10%. The total recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $750,103. -56- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL GENERAL BUILDING MANAGEMENT -10500 CURRENT rC~VFRNMFNT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND STAFFING FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION LEVEL General Fund (001) $ 750,103 CONTRACT Landscape Foreman 0.59 Landscape Laborer I 0.75 TOTAL. $ 750,103 TOTAL 1.34 This budget funds services related to building maintenance activities in the Civic Center and Corporation Yard, including supplies, utilities, contract building maintenance and improvements. No City personnel are included in this activity. DESCRIPTION Total Personnel Services SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies Operating Supplies Repairs & Maintenance Rentals & Leases Gas/Electric Water/Sewer Telephone Filing Fees Internal Svc Chg -Buildings Total Services/Supplies CONTRACT SERVICES General Contract Services/Heritage Square Total Contract Services CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements Furniture & Fixtures Total Capital Outlay TOTAL AGTIVITY COST CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 8,678 $ 8,950 $ 9,379 $ 9,208 13,266 17,282 12,995 12,995 4,216 5,000 5,000 5,000 0 30,000 35,610 0 186,152 199,438 182,242 200,466 15,450 14,227 17,324 20,171 43,615 43,128 43,989 44,954 1,830 1,850 2,376 2,026 127,219 126;539 126,539 126,534 $ 400,426 $ 446,414 $ 435,454 $ 421,354 $ 253,374 $ 287,073 $ 279,941 $ 274,749 33,945 0 336 0 $ 287,319 $ 287,073 $ 280,277 $ 274,749 $ 12,204 $ 61,422 $ 61,197 $ 54,000 0 33,000 33,000 0 $ 12,204 $ 94,422 $ 94,197 $ 54,000 $ 699,943 $ 827,309 $ `809,928 $ 750,103 -57- INSURANCE The City's insurance budget includes several components. The City obtains General Liability Insurance through a pooled risk sharing arrangement offered by ABAG PLAN Corporation. This group currently includes 31 cities in the Greater Bay Area, and offers coverage up to $25 million per occurrence. In addition to General Liability coverage, the policy also includes Property as well as Errors and Omissions Coverage for the City. This budget also provides for insurance charges for County contract services. Also the City offers tenant insurance coverage to users of City facilities and the expenditures are recorded in this Budget. The Insurance budget for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 was $527,781. The total estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 are $497,562. This is $30,219 or 5.7% less than budgeted. The variance is attributable to lower than anticipated paid claims during the Fiscal Year and lower than anticipated liability insurance premiums. The budget necessary to provide the current level of coverage for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $586,427. This represents an increase of $88,865 or 17.9% over estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. The increase is attributable to additional property insurance needs as a result of new insurable City properties and an increase in the County allocation for contract Police Services. The proposed insurance budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is comprised of the following components: General Liability Insurance -The total premium estimated for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $165,000. Claims Expense -The City has a $50,000 deductible for general liability claims. Included in this deductible, as a claims cost, is any expense related to legal counsel. Based on outstanding claims, loss reserves, and loss history, Staff recommends a budget of $55,000 for Fiscal Year 2009-2010. Property and Other Insurance -This coverage covers all City owned facilities, including the Civic Center, City Parks, Corporation Yard, Swim Center, Shannon Community Center, the Heritage Center, the Dublin Fire Stations, Dublin Public Library, Dublin Senior Center and related equipment and vehicles. The City has a $5,000 deductible on property claims and $10,000 deductible on vehicle claims. It is important to note that earthquake coverage is not included in the City's coverage. The estimated cost for Fiscal Year 2009- 2010 is $35,000. The City's Public Official Blanket Bond coverage premium for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $800. County Contract Services -The City pays separate surcharges on Police and Fire Services only for liability insurance. The estimated surcharges for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 are $262,364 (Police) and $64,291 (Fire). The surcharges are attributable to the cost allocation of the County's insurance premium and the amount of paid liability losses on a countywide basis. Insurance premiums associated with Animal Control and Traffic Signal Maintenance services are included in overhead charges for each respective service. Tenant Insurance -This insurance is offered as a service to individuals or groups who utilize City facilities. The user pays the City for the cost of the premium, and the City absorbs the taxes and all administrative costs. It is projected that in Fiscal Year 2009-2010 $3,972 in expenses associated with this program will be offset by revenue generated from user fees. -58- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL GENERAL GOVERNMENT INSURANCE -10600 CURRENT (RECOMMENDEDI PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION STAFFING LEVEL General Fund (001) $ 586,427 No personnel are included in this activity. TOTAL $ 586,427 CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Insurance $ 353,198 $ 472,781 $ 440,594 $ 531,427 Insurance/Claims 33,454 55,000 56,968 55,000 Total Services/Supplies $ 386,652 $ 527,781 $ 497,562 $ 586,427 Total Contract Services $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 386,652 $ 527,781 $ 497,562 $ 586,427 -59- ELECTIONS This budget finances the administration of municipal elections. The cost of personnel associated with this activity is identified in the City Manager/City Clerk (Department #10200) budget. During Fiscal Year 2008-2009, a General Municipal Election was held. Training costs were included for the City Clerk's and Deputy City Clerk's attendance at the annual Election/New Law Seminar. Estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 are $34,789, which is $1,331 or 3.7% less than budgeted due to lower than estimated registered voter costs for the Election. The Fiscal Year 2009-2010 budget includes funding of printing costs for candidate binders for the November 2010 Election and related documents; and the City Clerk and Deputy City Clerk's attendance at the annual Election/New Law Seminar. The total recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $3,620. -60- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL GENERAL ELECTIONS -10700 CURRENT GOVERNMENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION STAFFING LEVEL General Fund (001) $ 3,620 Personnel associated with this activity are funded in City Manager/City Clerk. TOTAL $ 3,620 DESCRIPTION _ Total Personnel Services $ SERVICES & SUPPLIES Printing & Binding $ Mileage & Auto Allowance Training Legal Notices Total Services/Supplies $ CONTRACT SERVICES General $ Total Contract Services $ Total Capital Outlay $ TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 0 $ 3,000 $ 1,895 $ 500 0 120 0 120 977 3,000 2,174 2,500 25 0 720 500 1,002 $ 6,120 $ 4,789 $ 3,620 121 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 $ 0 121 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 $ 0 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 1,123 $ 36,120 $ 345789 $ 3,620 -61- NON-DEPARTMENTAL. The Non-Departmental Budget has historically funded items that are not allocated to another Budget Activity, and it also typically includes an appropriation for contingencies that may occur during the year. In Fiscal Year 2008-2009, the projected expenditures are approximately $111,551, which includes costs associated with: credit card processing fees; administrative fees associated with part-time employees retirement system charges (PARS); and the commute alternative incentive program for employees. The Contingent Reserve line item does not typically include direct expenditures. As approved uses of the Contingent Reserve funds occur, a budget transfer is made to the activity where the expenditure will be recorded; adjustments are anticipated by year end and have been shown in this account for information purposes only. For Fiscal Year 2009-2010, this budget includes a Contingent Reserve of $175,000 to cover unanticipated expenses which may occur during Fiscal Year 2009-2010. The amount of the reserve was increased by $75,000 to specifically address potential utility rate cost increases that have not been finalized by the service provider. It also includes $1,391 in funding for the fourth year of the Commute Alternative Program. Staff has budgeted $6,050 for Merchant Transaction Fees that are applied to credit card transactions conducted in various City departments. Additionally, Public Agency Retirement System (PARS) administrative/trustee fees, estimated at $4,200, are included. This program has covered part-time positions in-lieu of OASDI (Social Security) since September 2004. The Current Service Level for the Non-Departmental Activity for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $186,641. The total recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $186,641. -62- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL GENERAL GOVERNMENT NON-DEPARTMENTAL -10800 CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION STAFFING LEVEL General Fund (001) $ 186,641 No personnel are included in this activity. .TOTAL $ 186,641 CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 PERSONNEL SERVICES Commute Alternative Program $ 1,211 $ 1,500 $ 1,391 $ 1,391 Total Personnel Services $ 1,211 $ 1,500 $ 1,391 $ 1,391 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Operating Supplies $ 5,653 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Filing Fees $ 0 $ 20 $ 0 $ 0 Interest Payments 1,360 0 0 0 Total Services/Supplies $ 7,013 $ 20 $ 0 $ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 8,883 $ 9,600 $ 10,160 $ 10,250 Total Contract Services $ 8,883 $ 9,600 $ 10,160 $ 10,250 Machinery & Equipment 2,500 0 0 0 Total Capital Outlay $ 2,500 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 MISCELLANEOUS Contingent Reserve / Misc 148 100,000 100,000 175,000 Total Miscellaneous $ 148 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 175,000 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 19,755' $ 111,120 $ 111.,551 $ 186,641 -63- This page intentionally left blank. -64- .~,~~F 'el. CITY OF DUBLIN i~' ~-'~~~ ~` ~ l ~LIfOU~~ FISCAL YEAR 2009 - 2010 PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS PUBLIC SAFETY The total recommended expenditures for Public Safety are $25,972,695 for Fiscal Year 2009-2010. This represents an increase of $1,105,025, or 4.4% over estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008- 2009. The number of authorized positions are reflected as Full-Time Equivalents (FTE). Significant changes in Public Safety for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 include the following: 1. Increased contract costs associated with Sheriff's Office personnel, increased indirect costs associated with Police Services contract, and increased service and supply costs associated with support of Police Department operations. (Budget No. 20100 -Police Services) 2. The Recommended Budget provides that the City will fund the entire cost of School Resource Officers, and for the second consecutive year no contribution would be provided by Dublin Unified School District. (Budget No. 20100 -Police Services) 3. A decrease in Dublin's proportionate share of Animal Shelter operating costs and in Animal Control Field Service use (Budget No. 20300 -Animal Control) 4. Increased costs due to the addition of street lights and traffic signals. It is further anticipated that the City will incur inflationary increases in the cost of energy and contract maintenance for traffic signals and street lights. (Budget No. 20400 - Traff c Signals and Street Lighting) 5. Replacement of energy efficient green lamps within traffic signals at 15 intersections. (Budget No. 20400 -Traffic Signals and Street Lighting) 6. Funding of a Higher Service Level to provide funding to Collaborating Agencies Responding to Disasters (CARD) to provide disaster preparedness outreach to the City's vulnerable populations. (Budget No. 20500 -Disaster Preparedness) 7. Increased contract costs associated with Alameda County Fire Department personnel, increased operating expenses due to the implementation of Mobile Data Computers (MDCs) for all apparatus. The increased costs were partially offset by eliminating a contract vacant Fire Inspector position (1.0 FTE). Also a reduction of .O1 FTE contract Facility Maintenance Hours. (Budget No. 20600 -Fire) -65- POLICE SERVICES Police Services for the City of Dublin are performed under a contract with the Alameda County Sheriffs Office. The County Sheriff, under consultation with the City, designates the Commanding Officer who functions and is empowered to act as the City's Police Chief. Patrol, criminal investigation, crime prevention and business office functions are performed from the Dublin Civic Center location. Dispatch and some data processing functions are handled at the Alameda County Sheriffs Office located at the Eden Township Substation (San Leandro). In addition to Sheriffs Office Personnel, seven civilian City employees are assigned to Police Services. Two employees assist with Crime Prevention Programs; the Records Unit consists of three Office Assistants and one Administrative Aide; and the other employee serves as an Administrative Analyst I performing administrative responsibilities for the Department. The estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 are $13,527,706, which is $60,254 or 0.4% less than budgeted. This is primarily attributed to: 1) Less than anticipated salary increases for County Contract Personnel, pursuant to the County's collective bargaining agreements; 2) Reduced worker compensation costs; and 3) Savings associated with equipment purchases. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Worked with property managers to develop crime prevention programs for multi-family properties. 2. Conducted bi-monthly crime prevention community forums with topics e.g. ID Theft, Teen Driving Safety, Gang Awareness, etc. 3. Provided "Critical Incident Response Training" for Officers and DUSD personnel. 4. Coordinated two Child Safety Seat Events and participated in Click it or Ticket Enforcement Program. 5. Implemented Social Host Ordinance. The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $13,907,196. This represents an increase of $379,490 or 2.8% over the estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008- 2009. This increase is primarily attributable to the following: 1) Increased salary and benefit costs for contract Sheriff's Office Personnel, pursuant to the County's collective bargaining agreements; 2) Increased contract indirect costs; and 3) Minor increases in costs associated with services and supplies. The funding for this Budget includes a $100,000 expected State of California contribution under the Citizens Option for Public Safety (COPS) grant program. These funds are used to directly offset the cost of police staffing. Given the dire State Budget situation, the continued funding of this grant in Fiscal Year 2009 - 2010 may be in jeopardy. In the event that the State withdraws this funding the City Council will need to consider options to fund the services from the General Fund or reduce services. This Budget also includes funding of specialized training and equipment with a Federal law enforcement grant of $36,895. The grant is being coordinated by the Alameda County Sheriffs Department on behalf of agencies throughout the County. The expenditures will not be incurred prior to the City receiving notification that the grant funds have been secured. The total recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2009-1010 is $13,907,196. -66- The following comparison identifies workload indicators from Calendar Years 2007 and 2008: WORKLOAD INDICATORS INDICATOR ACTUAL 2007 ACTUAL 2008 Calls for Service 40,847 41,467 Reports Written 4,316 4,164 Citations Issued 11,714 11,433 Abandoned Vehicles Abated 47 36 Felon Arrests 335 448 Misdemeanor Arrests 1,459 1,426 School Presentations 134 165 Group Talks & Service Organizations 25 29 Neighborhood Watch Groups 184 182 Merchant Alert Members 529 512 Narcotics / S ecial Enforcement Unit Arrests 349 306 Accidents Investigated 278 297 Drunk Driving Arrests 258 290 Cases Assigned to Investigations 769 634 Investigation/Complaints Filed 1,275 1,166 Total Major Part I Crimes 827 936 -67- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE SERVICES - 20100 CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND STAFFING FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION LEVEL General Fund (001) $ 13,763,076 CITY Community Safety Assistant 2.00 Administrative Analyst I 1.00 Adminstrative Aide 1.00 Special Criminal Activity (200) 5,250 Office Assistant II 3.00 Subtotal 7.00 Vehicle Abatement (201) 1,975 CONTRACT Supplemental Law Enforcement Fund (202) 100,000 Commander 1.00 Lieutenant 2.00 Federal Law Enforcement Grant Fund (203) 36,895 Sergeant-Training 1.00 Sergeant-Patrol 4.00 Sergeant-Traffic 1.00 Sergeant-Detective 3.00 Officer-Patrol 28.00 Officer-Detective 6.00 Officer-Traffic 3.00 Officer-School 2.00 Secretary 1.00 Sheriffs Technician 2.00 Subtotal 54.00 TOTAL $ 13,907,196 TOTAL 61.00 This budget finances the Current Service Level. In addition to the personnel costs identified above, the City also pays its prorated share of personnel costs associated with Sheriffs Office personnel assigned to Dublin Police Services, and Administration as follows: 0.08 FTE -Assistant Sheriff, and a prorated share of the Dispatch Center. This budget increment also finances the following: 1) The cost of operating eighteen patrol vehicles with Mobile Data Systems, nine unmarked undercover vehicles, three motorcycles, one crime prevention van, and one technician vehicle; 2) Necessary services and supplies to support the operations of Police Services; 3) Additional equipment to improve the overall operation and efficiency of Police programs; and 4) County contract overhead charges. Funding of the current staffing level would accomplish the following High Priority City Council Goals: 2009-2010 GOALS 1. Prepare and conduct an Open House /Static Display event at Dublin Police Services to be held in conjunction with the "National Night Out" campaign in cooperation with the Fire Department. 2. Explore the feasibility of acquiring or producing a crime prevention video for distribution to targeted audiences within the community and determine the best means of delivery. Primary focus would be on minimizing risk of being a victim of property crimes. 3. Work with local Police Departments to explore a collaborative effort in creating a crime prevention community service broadcast. 4. Police Services Contract Evaluation. -68- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET -POLICE SERVICES CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ 423,152 $ 485,324 $ 455,565 $ 439,525 Salaries O.T. 340 577 574 574 Retirement 102,422 110,974 104,143 101,096 Group Insurance 76,003 116,342 115,418 122,252 Retiree Health 31,457 35,087 32,924, 31,841 Workers Compensation 917 875 864 937 S.U.I. 1,675 0 0 0 F.I.C.A. 6,141 7,046 6,615 6,381 Total Personnel Services $ 642,107 $ 756,225 $ 716,103 $ 702,606 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 6,429 $ 7,010 $ 8,800 $ 9,280 Postage 3,439 3,850 2,100 2,200 Operating Supplies 38,192 51,875 49,280 48,125 Uniforms 2,236 3,455 2,740 6,175 Communications 7,814 9,612 9,645 10,200 Printing & Binding 7,266 25,760 23,260 15,095 Repairs & Maintenance 3,913 9,600 8,420 7,410 Rentals & Leases 12,200 18,100 17,715 14,000 Book & Publications 3,803 7,025 6,970 4,735 Memberships & Dues 1,125 2,070 1,970 2,100 Mileage & Auto Allowance 409 300 1,100 1,100 Travel and Conferences 4,684 8,415 5,665 7,280 Training 3,660 23,725 14,175 34,395 Telephone 1,627 2,430 2,125 1,020 Filing Fees 3,699 3,200 2,460 2,500 Internal Service Charge 69,604 59,816 59,816 58,904 Internal Svc Chg -Vehicles 416,990 437,089 448,103 500,894 Total Services/Supplies $ 587,090 $ 673,332 $ 664,344 $ 725,413 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 164,440 $ 169,220 $ 253,450 $ 225,795 Personnel 9,460,158 9,786,793 9,741,486 10,230,342 Vehicles 8,485 7,275 7,275 10,005 Indirect 817,373 869,775 862,318 935,600 Dispatch 947,538 1,123,970 1,123,970 938,900 Administration 47,131 38,740 35,365 39,000 Services & Supplies 50,312 70,945 70,945 73,100 Booking Fees 6,373 0 10,630 11,165 Abatement Tows 50 100 100 250 Total Contract Services $ 11,501,860 $ 12,066,818 $ 12,105,539 $ 12,464,157 CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements $ 1,910 $ 2,930 $ 930 $ 0 Furniture & Fixtures 7,453 4,250 4,250 0 Machinery & Equipment 82,575 84,405 36,540 15,020 Total Capital Outlay $ 91,938 $ 91,585 $ 41,720 $ 15,020 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 12,822,995 $ 13,587,960 $ 13,527,706 $ 13,907,196 -69- CROSSING GUARDS The City of Dublin provides adult Crossing Guards to assist elementary students in crossing heavily traveled streets on their way to and from school. In Fiscal Year 2008-2009, there were nine crossing locations approved to be staffed with Crossing Guards. Originally, the nine crossing locations included intersections in and around Nielsen Elementary School, Dublin Elementary School, Frederiksen Elementary School, Murray Elementary School, Dougherty Elementary School, and John Green Elementary. Additionally, the City of Dublin provides Crossing Guard services for the summer school program. Prior to the 2008-2009 school year, the decision was made by the Dublin Unified School District to close Nielsen Elementary. The District shifted most of the students attending Nielson to Dublin Elementary. This closure initially negated the need for the Crossing Guard serving Nielson Elementary at the intersection of Amarillo Road and Alegre Drive. Following a traffic survey, it was determined that the displaced Crossing Guard should be relocated to the intersection of Oak Bluff Lane and Newfields Lane. Crossing Guard services are provided through a contract with All City Management Services, Inc. The agency provides the recruitment, training, supervision, and substitute personnel associated with this program. For Fiscal Year 2009-2010, All City Management Services has requested a 3% increase in their billing rate for Crossing Guard Services, which has been unchanged since Fiscal Year 2007-2008. This would increase the current billing rate of $14.94 per hour to $15.38 per hour. The budget for Crossing Guard activities for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 was $100,622. Estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 are $98,776. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Conducted Crossing Guards Contract Evaluation. 2. Performed Traffic Survey and subsequent reassignment of displaced Crossing Guard following closure of Nielsen Elementary. The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $100,830. This amount represents an increase of $2,054 over the estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. This increase is attributable to the 3% increase in All City Management's billing rate for Crossing Guard services. The Fiscal Year 2009-2010 budget provides for a total of 6,735 hours of adult Crossing Guard services, serving nine locations throughout the City and coverage for the summer school program, as provided by the Dublin Unified School District. This estimate is based on providing services 4 hours per day, in accordance with the Dublin Unified School District schedule for School Year 2009-2010, throughout the 180 days of regular instruction, as well as 3 hours of service per day during the summer session. -70- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL PUBLIC SAFETY CROSSING GUARDS - 20200 CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION STAFFING LEVEL General Fund (001) $ 100,830 No City personnel are included in this activity. TOTAL $ 100,830 CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Total Services/Supplies $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 97,663 $ 100,622 $ 98,776 $ 100,830 Total Contract Services $ 97,663 $ 100,622 $ 98,776 $ 100,830 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 97,663 $ 100,622 $ 98,776 $ 100,830 -71- ANIMAL CONTROL The City contracts with the Alameda County Sheriff's Office for Animal Control Services provided within the boundaries of the City. This includes: patrol, enforcement of domestic animal related laws and ordinances, investigation of dog bites and attacks, collection of stray and dead animals, and East County Animal Shelter services. City Staff assigned to Police Services are responsible for the oversight and evaluation of services rendered, and have direct responsibility for conducting Vicious Dog Hearings and serving as liaison with Sheriff's Office personnel on animal control related matters. City Staff also participate on an Advisory Committee, with the Cities of Livermore and Pleasanton and County of Alameda, overseeing Animal Shelter operations. The total estimated expenditures for Animal Control for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 are $394,120, which is $6,550 or 1.6% less than budgeted. This decrease is attributable to savings associated with a reduction in Field Service hour usage. The total Animal Control budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $375,620, which represents a decrease of $18,500 or 4.7% less than Fiscal Year 2008-2009 estimated expenditures. This decrease is primarily attributable to a reduction in Dublin's proportionate share of the East County Animal Shelter's live animal count as described below. The overall decrease in the Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Budget has been offset by an increase in the cost of Field Service provision. Although there has been a decrease in Field Service hours as shown below, the cost of each service hour has outstretched the savings gained from fewer hours. In Fiscal Year 2008-2009, Dublin represented 21.14% of East County Animal Shelter's total live animal count, and in Fiscal Year 2009-2010 the City's proportionate share will decrease to 19.48%. Each year, the cost of debt service, as well as the Animal Shelter operational cost, will fluctuate based on the percentage of live animals handled from each of the four participating jurisdictions. Historically, the City of Dublin's share of the Shelter's operating cost has fluctuated as shown below: SHARE OF SHELTER OPERATING COSTS 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 18.73% 21.14% 19.48% Animal Control costs are partially offset by revenues generated from City of Dublin animal licenses: Revenue Actual 2007-2008 Estimated 2008-2009 Projected 2009-2010 $4,356 $5,900 $5,500 The following workload indicators identify statistics calculated on a calendar year basis: ANIMAL CONTROL WORKLOAD INDICATORS Actua12007 Actual 2008 Impounded Animals 597 599 Adopted Animals 191 149 Dog Licenses Sold 629 638 Bites 23 27 Complaints 19 17 Citation Violations Issued 7 9 Total Dead Pick Up 119 103 Vet Dead Pick Up 110 93 Vicious Dog Hearings 12 9 Field Service Hours Used 956 622 _72_ CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL PUBLIC SAFETY ANIMAL CONTROL - 20300 CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION STAFFING LEVEL General Fund (001) $ 375,620 No City personnel are included in this activity. `TOTAL $ 375fi20 Funding of the Current Service Level would accomplish the following High Priority City Council Goal: 2009-2010 GOAL 1. Animal Services Contract Evaluation. DESCRIPTION Total Personnel Services $ Total Services/Supplies $ CONTRACT SERVICES CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 2009-2010 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Shelter Services $ 179,413 $ 222,300 $ 222,300 $ 202,100 Field Services 73,133 111,340 104,790 111,700 Total Contract Services $ 252,546 $ 333,640 $ 327,090 $ 313,800 CAPITAL OUTLAY Building $ 59,446 $ 67,030 $ 67,030 $ 61,820 Total Capital Outlay $ 59,446 $ 67,030 $ 67,030 $ 61,820 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 311,992 $ 400,670 $ 394,120 $ 375,620 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 -73- TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND STREET LIGHTING This budget finances the maintenance, repair, and energy costs associated with the operation of traffic signals and commercial and residential street lighting throughout the City. Traffic signal and street light maintenance services are provided to the City by a public contractor. The total estimated expenditures for Traffic Signals and Street Lighting for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 are $659,765, which is $23,710 or 3.5% less than budgeted. The total budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $715,859, which represents an increase of $56,094 or 8.5% over Fiscal Year 2008-2009 estimated expenditures. Details regarding the individual signal and street lighting budgets are indicated below. Street Lighting Expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 are estimated to be $12,181 less than budgeted. The variance is primarily due to lower than anticipated utility rates. The street lighting costs proposed for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 for the Current Service Level total $366,998, which is approximately 4.6% higher than Fiscal Year 2008-2009 estimated expenditures. The increased cost is due primarily to the addition of lights in new developments, including Dublin Ranch Areas F, Silvera Ranch, and Schaefer Ranch. It is further anticipated that the City will incur inflationary increases in the cost of energy and contract maintenance. Street Lighting costs will be funded by the Dublin Street Light Maintenance Assessment District No. 83-1 and the Dublin Ranch Street Light Maintenance Assessment District No. 99-1. Traffic signal maintenance and energy costs for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 are estimated to be $11,529 less than budgeted, due to new traffic signals not being accepted as early as forecasted. Traffic signal maintenance and energy costs proposed for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 total $348,861, which represents an increase of 12.9% over the amount estimated for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. The increase in cost is due to the acceptance of new facilities and anticipated inflationary increases in the cost of energy and contract maintenance. The increase is also attributed to a Green LED relamp at 15 intersections which will cost approximately $40,000 for material and labor. The cost of traffic signal maintenance is paid from the Traffic Safety and Gas Tax Funds. The cost of both traffic signal and street lighting maintenance and energy costs are partially offset by reimbursements for accident damage repairs. The cost of maintenance and energy for the artwork lighting is paid by the General Fund. WORKLOAD/PERFORMANCE MEASURES INDICATOR ACTUAL 2007-2008 BUDGET 2008-2009 ESTIMATED 2008-2009 BUDGET 2009-2010 Traffic Signals 75 82 81 84 Street Lights, Citywide District 2,794 2,797 2,902 2,902 Street Lights, Dublin Ranch District 1178 1,349 1,577 1,624 Total Street Lights 3,972 4,146 4,479 4,526 -74- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL PUBLlC SAFETY TRAFFIC S{GNALS 8~ STREET LIGHTING - 20400 CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND STAFFING FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION LEVEL General Fund (001) $ 14,407 No City personnel are included in this activity Traffic Safety (205) 289,802 State Gas Tax (206) 44,652 Assessment Dist (710) 270,646 Assessment Dist (717) 96,352 TOTAL` - $ 715,859 This budget funds the energy and maintenance costs for the City's traffic signal and street lighting system. The cost of traffic signal maintenance is paid by the Traffic Safety Fund and by State Gas Tax funds. The cost of street lighting maintenance is paid by two separate Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment Districts. The cost of the underpass mural lighting is paid by the General Fund. All work is performed by contract personnel. DESCRIPTION Total Personnel Services CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ SERVICES & SUPPLIES Operating Supplies $ 2,903 Memberships & Dues 1,200 Gas/Electric 323,045 Telephone 721 Internal Service Charge 25,000 Total Services/Supplies $ 352,869 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 197,257 Total Contract Services $ 197,257 CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements $ 36,881 Total Capital Outlay $ 36,881 TOTAL ACTIVITY CO$T $ 587,007 $ 22,350 $ 22,350 $ 30,038 1,260 1,200 1,260 364,845 331,590 340,202 820 792 0 25,000 25,000 25,000 $ 414,275 $ 380,932 $ 396,500 $ 224,200 $ 233,833 $ 264,707 $ 224,200 $ 233,833 $ 264,707 $ 45,000 $ 45,000 $ 54,652 $ 45,000 $ 45,000 $ 54,652 $ 683,475 $ 659,765 $ 715,859 -75- DISASTER PREPAREDNESS This budget identifies funding for a variety of activities related to disaster preparedness and emergency response. Major activities include public information, neighborhood preparedness, Staff training, and attendance at specialized State trainings. An Administrative Analyst position is assigned the role of Emergency Services Coordinator to support the City Manager and Operating Departments in fulfilling the City's disaster preparedness responsibilities. The Administrative Analyst position is full-time, with equal shares of the position assigned to Disaster Preparedness, Central Services and Waste Management. The budget also funds the City's share of the Alameda County Fire Department Emergency Preparedness/Community Outreach Manager. The budget for Disaster Preparedness activities for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 was $137,701. Estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 are $130,586 or 5.2% less than budgeted because Staff was unable to attend State training seminars according to the dates set by the State this Fiscal Year. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Conducted six (6) Personal Emergency Preparedness (PEP) training sessions for Dublin residents. 2. Updated the City's Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan, including a pet evacuation protocol. 3. Identified and provided all Dublin Homeowners' Associations (HOA) and Neighborhood Watch groups with disaster preparedness informational bulletins, and provide at least two (2) opportunities for Dublin residents to attend Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training. 4. Developed a template for preparation of emergency plans for facilities with vulnerable populations. The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $116,389. This represents a decrease of $14,197 or 10.9% from the estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. This decrease is due primarily to the placement of funding for Collaborating Agencies Responding to Disasters (CARD) as a Higher Service Level. In addition to the Current Service Level, one Higher Service Level (HSL) is proposed. The HSL would provide funding to CARD to continue its disaster preparedness outreach and trainings focused upon the City's special needs population. The total cost of the HSL is $10,000. The total recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 including the Higher Service Level is $126,389. -76- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL PUBLIC SAFETY DISASTER PREPAREDNESS - 20500 CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND STAFFING FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION LEVEL General Fund (001) $ 116,389 Administrative Analyst Il 0.33 CONTRACT Emergency Preparedness & 0.17 Community Outreach Manager TOTAL $ 1:1.6;389 TOTAL 0:50 Funding of the Current Service Level would accomplish the following High Priority City Council Goals: 2009-2010 GOALS 1. Conduct Citywide disaster exercise. 2. Provide City Staff with Emergency Operations Center training. 3. Work toward integrating the Dublin Emergency Operations Center with other Community Service Facilities. 4. Participate in two (2) large facility emergency preparedness drills. ACTUAL BUDGET DESCRIPTION 2007-2008 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES ESTIMATED 2008-2009 Salaries F.T. $ 23,296 $ 25,480 $ 24,802 Retirement 5,394 5,782 5,628 Group Insurance 5,011 5,216 5,201 Workers Compensation 47 46 45 F.I.C.A. 338 370 360 Retiree Health 1,709 1,829 1,780 Tota{ Personnel Services $ 35,795 $ 38,723 $ 37,816 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies Operating Supplies Printing & Binding Memberships & Dues Mileage & Auto Allowance Travel and Conferences Training Internal Service Charge Total Services/Supplies CONTRACT SERVICES General Contract -Personnel Contract -Services and Suppi Total Contract Services Total Capital Outlay TOTALACTIVITY COST CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 2009-2010 $ 24,848 5,660 5,504 53 360 1,783 $ 38,208 $ 26 $ 150 $ 150 $ 125 22$ 800 800 700 0 500 500 450 100 100 100 100 79 150 100 100 0 130 130 130 0 6,111 2,020 5,156 7,718 6,482 6,482 6,245 $ 8,151 $ 14,423 $ 10,282 $ 13,006 $ 19,775 $ 57,775 $ 55,775 $ 37,775 28,329 25,029 25,029 25,682 0 1,751 1,684 1,718 $ 48,104 $ 84,555 $ 82,488 $ 65,175 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 92,050 $ 137,701 $ 130,586 $ 116,389 _~~_ CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL PUBLIC SAFETY DISASTER PREPAREDNESS - 20500 HIGHER 1 Card Fundin RECOMMENDED COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIV TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General Fund (001) $ 10,000 $ 126,389 CITY Administrative Analyst II 0.33 CONTRACT Emergency Preparedness & 0.17 Community Outreach Manager TOTAL $ 10,000 $ 126,389 TOTAL Q:00 0,50 This Higher Service Level funds support of Collaborating Agencies Responding to Disaster (CARD) as part of the City Council's Community Grant Program. CARD provides disaster preparedness training and outreach with a specific focus on providing these services to underserved and vulnerable populations. HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 1 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2009-2010 2009-2010 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ 0 $ 24,848 Retirement 0 5,660 Group Insurance 0 5,504 Retiree Health 0 - 1,783 Workers Compensation 0 53 F.I.C.A. 0 360 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 38,208 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 0 $ 125 Operating Supplies 0 700 Printing & Binding 0 450 Memberships & Dues 0 100 Mileage & Auto Allowance 0 100 Travel, Conferences & Meetings 0 130 Training 0 5,156 Internal Service Charge 0 6,245 Total Services/Supplies $ 0 $ 13,006 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 10,000 $ 47,775 Contract -Personnel 0 25,682 Contract -Services and Suppilies County Fire 0 1,718 Total Contract Services $ 10,000 $ 75,175 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL. ACTIVITY CAST $ _` °'! 0,000 $ 126,389 _78_ FIRE SERVICES The City's Fire Services budget is made up of three components: 1) Contract Fire Services and Fire Prevention Bureau activities with Alameda County Fire Department (ACED); 2) Maintenance and operation expenses for Fire Stations at 7494 Donohue Drive (Station 16), 6200 Madigan Avenue (Station 17) and 4800 Fallon Road (Station 18); and 3) Outstanding liabilities associated with the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority (DRFA). ALAMEDA COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE SERVICE CONTRACT The Alameda County Fire Department provides Dublin with 36 line personnel who are assigned to the City on three engine companies and one truck company. One engine company is located at Dublin Station No. 16, one engine and one truck company are located at Dublin Station No. 17 and one engine company is located at Dublin Station No. 18. The ACED also provides first responder/paramedic services on the three engine companies. In addition to the 36 line personnel, another 2.36 positions are assigned to the Fire Prevention Bureau and include 1 Deputy Fire Marshal, 1 Code Compliance Officer, 0.18 Plan Checker, and 0.18 Fire Marshal. One (1) Fire Inspector position will be unfilled for Fiscal Year 2009-2010. The Fire Prevention Bureau maintains office space at the Civic Center. One (1) City employee (a full-time Senior Office Assistant) is assigned to the Fire Department and is not part of the ACED annual service contract. The City of Dublin is directly responsible for maintenance and operation of all Dublin fire stations and for all apparatus costs. These costs also are not part of the ACED annual service contract. The total estimated cost of contract Fire Services (excluding insurance premiums, see Budget Activity 10600) with ACED for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $9,483,726. The contract for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 excluding insurance, is $10,159,126. This is approximately $675,400 or 7.1% more than the estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. The net increase is primarily attributable to increased fire personnel costs and launch of Mobile Data Computers (MDCs}for all apparatus. Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is the third year of the five-year lease financing for heart monitors/defibrillators. STATION MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS , The budget necessary for fire station maintenance and operations for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $181,577 which is $10,711 or 6.0% more than Fiscal Year 2008-2009 estimated expenditures. DOUGHERTY REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY Since July 1, 1997, the City of Dublin has contracted with the Alameda County Fire Department (ACED) for the provision of fire and emergency response services. Prior to July 1997, the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority provided services to the Cities of Dublin and San Ramon. The Dougherty Regional Fire Authority (DRFA) continues to exist as a joint powers authority only for the purposes of distributing the outstanding liabilities and assets to the Cities of Dublin and San Ramon. The City of Dublin's estimated share of the DRFA liabilities for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $59,000, which paid retiree medical and workers compensation payments. The total estimated expenditures for Fire Services for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 are $10,056,717 which is $80,659 or 0.8% less than budgeted. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Multiple Community Emergency Response Training (CERT) classes were conducted. 2. Automated Defibrillators were conditioned to be provided as part of large future developments. 3. Tri-Valley training with Livermore-Pleasanton Fire Department was established and will continue on an on-going basis. _~g_ The amount necessary to fund the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $10,746,801. The cost for Dublin Fire Services will be offset by $1,197,152 in fire related revenues including: Fire Permits, Fire Plan Check and Inspection Fees, related Emergency Medical Service Tax and reimbursable expenses, including a service agreement for the Sheriff's Department Santa Rita Property. The total net cost to fund the Current Service Level is $9,549,649. The total recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $10,746,801. The following comparison identifies workload indicators on a fiscal year basis for Fire Response and Fire Prevention Activities. WORKLOAD INDICATORS ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET INDICATORS 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 Fire Response Activities: Structure/Other Fires 87 90 63 60 Medical/Accident/Rescue 1,286 1,300 1,193 1,250 Hazardous Conditions 62 60 63 60 Service Call 168 185 190 200 Good Intent~'~ 327 150 270 300 False Calls~2~ 300 280 234 250 Fire Response Total: 2,230 2,065 2,013 2,120 Fire Prevention Activities: Inspections Fire Clearance Fire Protection S~rstems~3~ Site Inspections Business License Weed Abatement Inspections Annual Fire Code Permits Total Development Review Contractor Consultations Plans Review Total Fire Prevention Total 149 144 180 72 539 500 271 200 101 50 72 48 253 300 428 387 342 380 350 350 308 1,100 486 414 1,692 2,474 1,787 1,471 24 52 9 48 60 260 30 24 719 652 501 550 803 964 540 622 2,495 3,438 2,327 2,093 Note: ~'~ A "Good Intent" call is defined as cancelled in route, wrong location, barbeque smoke and the like cz~ A "False" call is defined as an alarm system malfunction, a mischievous false call, false alarm, citizen Complaint c3> "Fire Protection Systems" figures have been revised to reflect the change in methodology to be consistent with Building and Safety Division. In the past, inspection number reported is based on the number of individual units, not by number of permits issued per building/occupancy. c4> "Site Inspections" figures have been refined and are being reported more specifically in Business License and Weed Abatement Inspection. -80- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE SERVICES - 20600 CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND STAFFING FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION LEVEL General Fund (001) $ 10,362,464 CITY Fire Inspector 0.00 EMS Special Revenue Fund (230) 384,337 Senior Office Assistant 1.00 Subtotal -City 1.00 CONTRACT Fire Captain 12.00 Fire Engineer 12.00 Firefighter/Paramedic 12.00 Fire Marshal 0.18 Deputy Fire Marshal 1.00 Plans Checker 0.18 Fire Inspector 0.00 Code Compliance Officer 1.00 Subtotal -Fire 38.36 Landscape Foreman 0.04 Landscape Laborer I 0.19 Landscape Laborer II 0.05 Landscape Laborer III 0.13 Subtotal -Maintenance 0.41 TOTAL $ 10,746,801 TOTAL 39.77 Funding of the Current Service Level will accomplish the following High Priority City Council Goals: 2009-2010 GOALS 1. Provide at least three (3) opportunities for the Community to attend an event at Dublin Fire Stations. Event shall provide the community with an opportunity to learn more about the Fire Department, Fire Safety or provide other community benefits. 2. Establish a pilot program for providing "Over the Counter" fire plan check and permits. 3. Develop three (3) pre-fire plans for apartment buildings and target hazards in Dublin. 4. Study the feasibility of the City establishing a process that would require business participation in the Alameda County PAD (Public Access Defibrillation) program. -81- C{TY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET -FIRE SERVICES CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. Retirement Group Insurance Retiree Health Workers Compensation F.I.C.A. Total Personnel Services SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies Postage Operating Supplies Printing & Binding Repairs & Maintenance Training Gas/Electric Water/Sewer Telephone Filing Fees Internal Service Charge Int Svc Chg -Building/Apparatus Total ServiceslSupplies CONTRACT SERVICES General Personnel Vehicles/Equipment Indirect Dispatch/Communications Services/Supplies EMS Building Maintenance Grounds Maintenance DRFA Obligations Total Contract Services . CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements Furniture & Fixtures Machinery & Equipment $ 59,352 $ 62,515 $ 62,161 $ 60,147 14,401 14,332 14,249 13,836 15,883 16,545 16,519 17,441 4,411 4,530 4,504 4,357 120 113 112 128 861 906 901 872 95,028 $ 98,941 $ 98,446 $ 96,781 Total Capital Outlay TOTAL ACTIVITY COST 1,216 $ 593 170 371 1,386 0 43,563 9,161 5,075 0 4,880 227,785 1,300 $ 750 0 100 2,500 300 41,063 10,730 5,680 1,800 3,793 218,585 1,200 $ 600 0 100 2,500 300 43,363 13,403 4,862 1,800 3,793 218,585 294,200 $ 23,062 $ 8,379,721 144,407 198,212 114,637 206,771 67,721 63,454 19,410 106,474 286,601 $ 31,345 $ 8,731,881 172,524 194,677 98,831 288,096 50,159 60,391 19,642 75,288 290,506 $ 30,939 $ 8,666,335 186,333 195,439 98,557 283,279 53,783 57,259 20,595 59,000 $ 9,323,869 $ 9,722,834 $ 9,651,519 $ 10,330,080 $ 2,593 $ 29,000 $ 16,246 $ 14,000 1,352 0 0 0 1,203 0 0 0 $ 5,148 $ 29,000 $ 16,246 $ 14,000 9,718,245 $ 10,137,376 $ ` 10,056;717 $ 1.0;746,801 0 0 712 0 2,500 0 47,700 15,113 5,105 1,800 3,793 229,217 305,940 31,101 9,288,015 257,182 191,187 165,592 205,924 51,226 54,267 18,886 66,700 _82_ ~~F D(~j~ CITY OF DUBLIN ~/~~~~~ FISCAL YEAR 2009 - 2010 PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS `~ ~ //l ~~LIFOR~~~ TRANSPORTATION The total recommended expenditures for Transportation are $2,690,085 for Fiscal Year 2009-2010. This represents a decrease of $364,867 or -11.9% less than estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. The number of authorized positions are reflected as Full-Time Equivalents (FTE). Significant changes in Transportation for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 include the following: 1. Decreased City and contract employee salary and benefit costs associated with a total net employee reduction of 2.80 FTE in Transportation. This is comprised of changes in the following Departments: - 2.05 FTE City Staff positions - (Budget No. 30100 -Public Works Administration); -0.07 FTE Contract Staffing Hours - (Budget No. 30200 - Street Maintenance); +0.01 FTE Contract Staffing Hours - (Budget Nos. 30400 -Street Tree Maintenance); -0.69 Contract Staffing Hours - (Budget No. 30500 -Street Landscape Maintenance). 2. A reduction in conferences and meetings to be attended by Staff. (Budget No. 30100 -Public Works Administration) 3. Inflationary increases in Street Maintenance activities. In addition, the Budget provides drainage maintenance costs for an average storm season as well as the cost of maintaining the G-3 box culvert. (Budget 3020 -Street Maintenance) 4. A reduction in commercial street sweeping to twice a month from February through June in Fiscal Year 2009-2010. (Budget No. 30300- Street Sweeping) 5. Increased costs due to additional maintenance contract work and inflationary increases for utilities. (Budget No. 30500 -Street Landscape Maintenance) 6. Decreased street landscape improvements throughout the City. (Budget No. 30500 -Street Landscape Maintenance) -83- PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION This budget provides for afull-time Public Works Director who is responsible for the administration of Engineering, Public Works Inspection, General and Traffic Engineering Services, Capital Project Design and Implementation, Street Sweeping, Traffic Signal and Street Lighting Maintenance, Public Works Maintenance Services and Building Management. The budget also provides the full-time services of a contract Maintenance Superintendent and Maintenance Supervisor who supervise Street Maintenance, Landscape Maintenance, Street Tree Maintenance, Park Maintenance and Building Maintenance performed by MCE Corporation and various subcontractors. Support services of 1 Public Works Manager, 1 Administrative Technician, 1 Secretary, and .45 of an Office Assistant II, are also a part of this budget. The total estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 are $1,138,687, which is $5,461 or 0.5% less than budgeted. A contributing factor to this decrease was fewer expenditures being made in the area of Services and Supplies. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Implemented five (5) new community volunteer projects. 2. Identified and purchased site for Maintenance Facility. 3. Completed the Building Management Study. 4. Completed the first year assessment of the storm drain system. The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $920,388. This represents a decrease of $218,299 or 19.2% under estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. This decrease is primarily attributable to a reduction in City Staff, which was part of the overall reorganization plan developed by the City Manager, based on department workloads and organizational needs. The change in City Staff assigned to this department is -2.05 Full Time Equivalents (FTE) than were included in the previous year. The recommended cost of Personnel Services in Fiscal Year 2009 - 2010 is $193,953 (-23%) less than the estimated Personnel Services expenditures for Fiscal -Year 2008 - 2009. In addition, reductions are included in the Services and Supplies expenses including travel and conferences. Contract Supervision costs are associated with the contract Maintenance Superintendent and Maintenance Supervisor positions. In the recommended budget these expenses are $34,155 less than the estimated Fiscal Year 2008 - 2009 costs. This reflects a change in the contract billing methodology, which will allocate a portion of these costs to other functional areas supervised such as, Street Maintenance, Park Maintenance, etc. The total recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $920,388. -84- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL TRANSPORTATION PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION - 30100 CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND STAFFING FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION LEVEL General Fund (001) $ 906,820 CITY Measure BBike/Ped (227) $ 13,568 Public Works Director 1.00 Public Works Manager 1.00 Administrative Technician 1.00 Secretary 1.00 Office Assistant II 0.45 Subtotal 4.45 CONTRACT Maintenance Superintendent 1.00 Maintenance Supervisor 1.00 TOTAL $ 920388 TOTAL ' 6.45 Funding of the Current Service Level would accomplish the following High Priority City Council Goals: 2009-2010 GOALS 1. Implement five (5) new community volunteer projects 2. Conduct assessment of the storm drain system and develop an appropriate replacement schedule. (Not funded in Fiscal Year 2009-2010). -85- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET -PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION DESCRIPTION PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ Salaries P.T. Salaries O.T. Retirement Group Insurance Retiree Health Workers Compensation S.U.I. F.I.C.A. Total Personnel Services $ SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ Postage Operating Supplies Printing & Binding Book & Publications Memberships & Dues Mileage & Auto Allowance Travel and Conferences Training Internal Service Charge Total Services/Supplies $ CONTRACT SERVICES General $ Supervision $ Total Contract Services $ CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture & Fixtures $ Machinery & Equipment Total Capital Outlay $ TOTAL'ACTIVITY COST $ CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 473,704 $ 529,127 $ 529,127 $ 430,567 22,130 21,163 21,819 0 3,994 341 1,257 1,257 116,151 125,137 125,232 97,987 77,483 115,020 114,819 79,015 35,981 39,573 39,604 30,883 1,054 991 978 920 1,062 0 0 0 6,316 7,983 8,008 6,262 737,875 $ 839,335 $ 840,844 $ 646,891 3,500 $ 3,540 $ 3,540 $ 3,361 4,972 7,590 5,221 5,475 389 395 395 3,185 419 620 432 455 0 500 250 225 622 735 622 730 3,425 3,600 2,962 3,240 2,829 6,095 3,903 580 1,500 2,925 2,333 2,400 13,758 11,914 11,914 21,562 31,414 $ 37,914 $ 31,572 $ 41,213 0 $ 0 214,272 $ 264,339 214,272 $ 264,339 1,514 $ 800 1,124 1,760 2,638 $ 2,560 986,'(99 $ 1,144,148 $ $ 0 264,339 $ $ 1,500 230,184 $ 264,339 $ 231,684 $ 815 $ 0 1,117 600 $ 1,932 $ 600 $ 1,138,687 $ 920;388 -86- STREET MAINTENANCE Street Maintenance services include: street repair; drainage maintenance; storm patrol and clean-up; emergency and temporary curb, gutter and sidewalk repair; traffic, street and Neighborhood Watch sign repair and installation; striping and marking; guardrail repair; weed control; and bike path maintenance. This budget also includes the maintenance of the 199-space Park-and-Ride lot at the Koll Corporate Center, which includes a 5% contingency increase for the regular maintenance costs associated with the Park-and-Ride lot. Street Maintenance services are provided under private contract. In Fiscal Year 2005-2006, the City entered into an agreement with East Bay Regional Park District for certain maintenance activities related to the Tassajara Creek Trail. The cost of a portion of that maintenance is paid from the Street Maintenance Budget and a portion from the Street Landscape Budget. The estimated expenditures for Street Maintenance in Fiscal Year 2008-2009 are $388,517. This represents a decrease of $39,820 or 9.3% less than the adopted budget in Fiscal Year 2008-2009. The General Fund expenditures for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 totals $398,776. This represents an increase of $10,259 or 2.6% more than Fiscal Year 2008-2009 estimated expenditures. WORKLOAD/PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INDICATOR 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 Emergency pothole patching 106 hrs 90 hrs 90 hrs Catch basins inspected 1909 ea 1874 ea 1975 ea Catch basins cleaned 176 ea 375 ea 375 ea Storm patrol & cleanup 496 hrs 542 hrs 564 hrs Install new signs 99 ea 291 ea 291 ea Signs repaired 396 ea 74 ea 74 ea Bike path maintenance 670 hrs 775 hrs 710 hrs Curb painting 2303 If 2395 If 2395 If Roadside spraying 32 ac 46 ac 46 ac Remove & replace asphalt 0 sf 20,000 sf 18011 sf Spill cleanup 158 hrs 175 hrs 175 hrs Drainage ditch cleaning 20039 If 6,000 If 6000 If Bike path miles 9.87 mi 9.87 mi 10 mi Street miles 93.2 mi 103 mi 105 mi NPDES Activities: The total estimated cost for NPDES related activities in the Street Maintenance Budget for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $57,608. The full cost of the NPDES program is allocated across multiple departments. This cost includes drainage maintenance (catch basin inspections and cleaning, and drainage ditch cleaning), and spill cleanup. Currently, the City is vactoring only treatment devices, such as storm-water-treatment units. Not all storm drains are vactored, but are manually cleaned by MCE staff. This may change with the new Municipal Regional Permit, which may require municipalities to take a more invasive approach to cleaning storm drain systems. Currently, call outs for spill cleanup are 100 hours less than budgeted. The total amount of hours budgeted is based on the probability that the City will experience illicit discharges and spills throughout the year. There is no guarantee that the City will experience the same specific number of callouts for spill cleanup each year. The need for spill cleanup varies year to year. _g~_ CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL TRANSPORTATION STREET MAINTENANCE - 30200 CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND STAFFING FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION LEVEL General Fund (001) $ 15,820 CONTRACT State Gas Tax (206) 382,956 Landscape Foreman 0.12 Landscape Laborer I 0.31 Landscape Laborer II 0.18 Landscape Laborer III 1.11 TOTAL...... $ 398,776 TOTAL ' 1.72..... This activity funds ongoing street maintenance work. Asphalt concrete paving overlay, street slurry seal, and major sidewalk repairs are budgeted in the Capital Improvement Program. DESCRIPTION Total Personnel Services Total Services/Supplies CONTRACT SERVICES Park and Ride Lot Street Repair Drainage Maintenance Storm Patrol Curbs/Gutters Sign Repair Striping/Marking Guardrail Repair Weed Control Bike Path Maintenance Spill Cleanup Total Contract Services Total Capital Outlay TOTAL ACTIVITY COST CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 0 32,743 19,307 16,674 13,092 52,989 12,738 0 53,347 60,434 10,546 $ 271,870 $ $ 0 $ $ 271,870 $ 17,630 72,456 43,822 26,531 9,766 60,193 65,495 227 62,288 56,143 13,786 428,337 0 428,337 17,870 70,271 17,522 18,941 9,005 59,837 60,395 227 60,759 55,756 17,934 9,975 65,200 26,822 26,530 8,800 71,056 65,495 227 61,082 49,802 13,787 $ 388,517 $ 398,776 $ 0 $ 0 $ 388,517 $ 398,776 _$$_ STREET SWEEPING Street Sweeping services are provided to the City under private contract. This is the third year of a five- year contract that began in July of 2007. Street Sweeping services are currently provided to commercial streets once a week and to residential streets twice a month. During the heavy leaf fall months, additional street sweeping is performed as needed. The National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit application work currently requires monthly reports from the sweeper in terms of quantity of debris picked up and obstacles to the sweeping effort, such as parked cars. The Urban Runoff Committee's Best Management Practices (BMP) publication recommends specific street cleaning frequencies and methods. Dublin's current level of service is consistent with the NPDES recommendations, both current and proposed. The estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 are $144,255. This represents a decrease of $1,350 or 0.9% less than budgeted. This decrease is attributed to a delay in the acceptance of new streets, a decrease in the number of callout hours used, and to a billing error by the contractor, despite the total mileage of streets accepted during the fiscal year exceeding the budget estimate. The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $129,527. This represents a decrease. of $14,728 or 10.2% less than the estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008- 2009. The decrease can be attributed to the reduction of commercial street sweeping to twice a month from February through June in Fiscal Year 2009-2010. WORKLOAD/PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INDICATOR 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 CURB MILES: Commercial 2,326 2,557 1,626 Residential 3,666 3,784 3,957 TOTAL CURB MILES: 5,992 6,341 5,583 Intersections 754 832 832 callout Hours 175 150 140 _gg_ CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL TRANSPORTATION STREET SWEEPING - 30300 CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION STAFFING LEVEL General Fund (001) $ 129,527 No City personnel are included in this activity. :TOTAL $ 129,527' This activity provides street sweeping services on public streets. DESCRIPTION Total Personnel Services Total Services/Supplies CONTRACT SERVICES General Total Contract Services Total Capital Outlay TOTAL ACTIVITY COST ACTUAL BUDGET 2007-2008 2008-2009 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 134,374 $ 145,605 $ 144,255 $ 129,527 $ 134,374 $ 145,605 $ 144,255 $ 129,527 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 134,374: $ 145,605 $ 144,255 $ 129,527 ESTIMATED 2008-2009 CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 2009-2010 -90- STREET TREE MAINTENANCE This budget funds Street Tree Maintenance Services, which are provided to the City under contract with private companies. Services provided include: comprehensive maintenance of City trees planted in the public right-of-way; trimming of residential street trees which impede both street repair and street sweeping activities; trimming of trees obstructing traffic signs and sidewalks; and limited tree spraying and removal. The estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 are $157,002, which is less than the adopted budget by approximately 5%. The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $146,521, which is 6.7% lower than the projected expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. Approximately 31.0% ($44,711) of the total activity in this budget is funded by the City's three landscape assessment districts. WORKLOAD/PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INDICATOR 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 City Owned Street Trees 6,084 ea 6,499 ea 6,499 ea Tree/Brush Cutting 142 hrs 183 hrs 194 hrs Tree Staking 135 ea 264 ea 239 ea Tree Pruning 167 ea 1917 ea 1702 ea Tree Planting 48 ea 67 ea 35 ea Tree Fertilizing 0 ea 1550 ea 1550 ea Tree Watering 555 ea 665 ea 559 ea Tree Removal 56 ea 86 ea 56 ea Tree Trimming (Subcontract) 0 ea 151 ea 126 ea _g~_ CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL TRANSPORTATION STREET TREE MAINTENANCE - 30400 CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND STAFFING FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION LEVEL General Fund (001) $ 101,810 CONTRACT Assessment Dist (711) 3,628 Landscape Foreman 0.07 Assessment Dist (713) 14,903 Landscape Laborer I 0.20 Assessment Dist (716) 26,180 Landscape Laborer II 0.11 Landscape Laborer III 0.32 TOTAL'.. $ 146,521 TOTAL 0.70 This budget provides for the maintenance of City-owned street trees. Approximately 38% of the cost is paid through landscape maintenance assessment districts. Street trees are maintained through the City's contracts with private companies, and there are no City personnel involved in this activity. DESCRIPTION Total Personnel Services Total Services/Supplies CONTRACT SERVICES General Total Contract Services Total Capital Outlay TOTAL ACTIVITY COST CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 151,036 $ 165,277 $ 157,002 $ 146,521 $ 151,036 $ 165,277 $ 157,002 $ 146,521 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 151,036 $ 165,277 $ 157,QQ2 $ 146,521 _92_ STREET LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE This budget funds maintenance and irrigation of City parkways and street medians (exclusive of street trees). Street Landscape Maintenance is provided to the City under contract with private companies. Services provided include landscape maintenance, turf care, irrigation maintenance, weed control, litter pick-up and illegal sign removal. Collection of solid waste from City street-side receptacles is provided at no charge under the City's solid waste collection franchise agreement. The estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 are $1,226,491. This represents a decrease of $33,798 or 2.7% less than budgeted. The decrease is primarily attributable to lower than expected water usage. The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $1,116,308. Approximately 35.2% ($392,502) of the total activity is funded by special assessments to property owners in the vicinity of Stagecoach Road, Dougherty Road, and the Emerald Park area. These Assessment Districts were formed to fund maintenance activities normally performed by homeowners associations at the request of the developers of those areas. The Fiscal Year 2009-2010 budget is approximately $110,183 or 9.0% lower than the projected expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. This decrease is primarily attributed to the goal to reduce contract services budgets utilizing the General Fund by 10%. The impact to service levels will be longer maintenance cycles to complete such work as shrub pruning and turf mowing. WORKLOAD/PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INDICATOR 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 Landscaped areas 45.31 ac 45.31 ac 46.74 ac Irrigation Stations 1,496 ea 1541 ea 1549 ea Irrigation Heads 32,092 ea 33,061 ea 33,061 ea Shrubs 59,112 ea 60,897 ea 60,897 ea Litter Pickup 1373 hrs 1522 hrs 1375 hrs Leaf Cleanup 1013 hrs 740 hrs 717 hrs Prune Bedding Plants 1750 hrs 1807 hrs 1596 hrs Prune Shrubs 25211 ea 23873 ea 21481 ea Mow Median Turf 251 ac 280 ac 256 ac Edge Median Turf 614 mlf 761 mlf 682 mlf Irrigation Insp. & Programming 26549 sta 41440 sta 42466 sta Irrigation Head Repair 1076 ea 1325 ea 1931 ea Other Irrig. Sys. Repairs 405 hrs 429 hrs 471 hrs Illegal Signs/Hazards 189 hrs 283 hrs 283 hrs Banners Installed 773 ea 682 ea 682 ea LEVEL OF SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTIVITY 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 (times per year) Litter Pick-up 12 12 12 Manual Weed Removal 12 12 12 Mowing Turf 45 39 38 -93- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL TRANSPORTATION STREET LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE - 30500 CURRENT IRECOMMENDEDI PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND STAFFING FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION LEVEL General Fund (001) $ 723,806 CONTRACT Assessment Dist (711) 62,955 Landscape Foreman 0.79 Assessment Dist (713) 87,587 Landscape Laborer I 2.25 Assessment Dist (716) 241,960 Landscape Laborer I I 2.06 Landscape Laborer III 1.66 TOTAL $ 1`,116,308 TOTAL; 6.76 This budget funds the maintenance of median and street side landscaping in public rights-of-way and within three Landscape Maintenance Assessment Districts. The budget includes utilities and contract labor; no City personnel are involved in this activity. CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Gas/Electric $ 6,230 $ 6,406 $ 6,574 $ 7,231 Water/Sewer 181,538 192,335 193,519 222,546 Comm. Promo 126,825 135,573 132,874 121,722 Total Services/Supplies $ 314,593 $ 334,314 $ 332,967 $ 351,499 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 770,508 $ 823,764 $ 801,697 $ 733,525 Total Contract Services $ 770,508 $ 823,764 $ 801,697 $ 733,525 CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements $ 90,951 $ 102,211 $ 91,827 $ 31,284 Total Capital Outlay $ 90,951 $ 102,211 $ 91,827 $ 31,284 TOTAL'ACTIVITY`COST $ 1,176,052 $ 1,26U,289 $ 1,226,491 $ 1,116,308 -94- ~•~~~~y CITY OF DUBLIN >;` ~-'~~~ FISCAL YEAR 2009 - 2010 PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS i/ ~'~LIFp12aS HEALTH & WELFARE The total recommended expenditures for Health & Welfare are $6,028,840 for Fiscal Year 2009-2010. This represents an increase of $2,851,598 or 89.8% over estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008- 2009. The number of authorized positions are reflected as Full-Time Equivalents (FTE). Significant changes in Health & Welfare for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 include the following: 1. Realignment of organizational staffing in the Recommended Budget includes the creation of an Environmental Programs Department that included staffing and is shown as a component of the Health & Welfare Program. City employee salary and benefit costs for 2.5 FTE are shown as part of this new Department. (Budget No. 50100 -Environmental Programs) This is partially offset by a decrease in Temporary City Staffing of -1.0 FTE (Budget No. 50200 -Waste Management) The Realignment also included an increase of +0.30 FTE in the Housing budget. (Budget No. SOS00 Housing Programs) 2. Creation of a new Environmental Programs unit. (Budget No. 50100 -Environmental Programs) 3. The annual rate adjustment for garbage collection services. (Budget No. 50200 -Waste Management) 4. Funding has been included for four Higher Service Levels which provide for: 1) An update or installation of new program signage within the City's multifamily dwelling garbage enclosures; 2) An awareness program designed to promote the City's residential food scrap recycling program; 3) A welcome recycling kit for apartment dwellers at high turnover locations; and 4) Funding to support the Alameda County Green Business Program. (Budget No. 50200 -Waste Management) 5. Funding for a Higher Service Level to provide support to the Child Care Links program. (Budget 50300 -Child Care) 6. Funding has been included for four Higher Service Levels which provide for: 1) A grant to Axis Community Health to support healthcare for low-income residents; Z) A grant to Axis Community Health to renovate its Behavioral Health Services building; 3) A grant to Community Resources for Independent Living (CRIL) to provides services to residents with disabilities; and 4) Funding to Eden I&R an information and referral service for residents seeking social service information. (Budget No. 50400 -Social Services) 7. Funding of $2,949,629 in loans associated with the redevelopment of the Arroyo Vista Housing Project. (Budget No. 50500 Housing Programs) 8. Funding has been included for two Higher Service Levels which provide for: 1) Funding for the Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center to provide homebuyer education and follow-up services; and 2) Funding for a contribution to a rental assistance program administered by Eden Council for Hope and Opportunity. (Budget No. SOS00 Housing Programs) -95- ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMS This budget provides for the establishment of a new Environmental Programs Department within the City Manager's Office. The Environmental Programs Department will be responsible for the management and development of environmental programs related to energy, source reduction and recycling, sustainable development, and both municipal as well as communitywide sustainable policies and practices. Specific program areas include climate change, energy efficiency, environmentally-preferable purchasing, clean water, green building, solid-waste reduction, and recycling program promotion and improvement. The Environmental Services Department is assigned afull-time Environmental Specialist, afull-time Environmental Technician, and a .5 Office Assistant II. The Environmental Specialist coordinates environmental compliance in land-use, planning, and development and will develop sustainable programs and practices for the City and the Dublin community. The Environmental Technician will coordinate the City's Clean Water Program, climate-change activities, and the promotion and enhancement of the City's source reduction and recycling programs. The total recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $261,945. -96- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL HEALTH ~ WELFARE ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMS - 50100 CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND STAFFING FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION LEVEL Measure D (224) $ 112,887 Environmental Specialist 1.0 Garbage Service Fund (225) Environmental Technician 1.0 $ 149,058 Office Assistant II 0.5 TOTAL $ 261,945 2.5 DESCRIPTION PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ Retirement Group Insurance Workers Compensation F.I.C.A. F.I.C.A. OASDI Total Personnel Services $ SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ Postage Operating Supplies Advertising Memberships & Dues Mileage & Auto Allowance Trave- and Conferences Training Total Services/Supplies $ Total Contract Services $ Total Capital Outlay $ TOTAL` ACTIVITY COST $ CURRENT SERVICE ESTIMATED LEVEL 2008-2009 2009-2010 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 161,524 0 0 0 37,150 0 .0 0 43,700 0 0 0 344 0 0 0 2,326 0 0 0 11,701 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 256,745 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 250 0 100 0 500 0 500 0 850 0 500 0 500 0 2,000 ACTUAL BUDGET 2007-2008 2008-2009 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 5,200 0 $ 0 0 $ 0 0 $ 261,945 _g~_ WASTE MANAGEMENT This budget reflects costs associated with basic garbage service, including the first can of residential garbage service, curbside recycling, organic waste collection, on-call bulky waste clean-ups and other related services. The City, through various recycling grant funds, also provides support to commercial recycling programs, curbside used oil collection, an annual household hazardous waste collection event, a residential food-scrap recycling program, and a subsidy for commercial organics recycling. Further, this budget funds costs associated with supporting and monitoring waste management activities and implementing new waste diversion programs, as identified in the City's adopted Source Reduction and Recycling Element (SRRE). The budget also provides funding for a variety of waste reduction campaigns sponsored by the Bay Area Recycling Outreach Coalition ($2,500). An Administrative Analyst position is assigned the coordination of recycling activities to address the City's solid waste and recycling issues. The Administrative Analyst position is full-time, with equal shares of the position assigned to Disaster Preparedness, Central Services and Waste Management. The estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 are $1,774,608, which is approximately $52,093 less than budgeted for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. A significant portion of this decrease comes from fewer homes than expected being added to the annual garbage service assessment and from the completion of a planned Higher Service Level with existing resources. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Worked with the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) to perform a Greenhouse Gas Inventory for the City of Dublin. 2. Adopted and implemented a waste management/recycling plan for the City's large public venues and events, which consists of events that serve more than 2,000 individuals per day. 3. Engaged and analyzed Dublin's jurisdictional partners' (DUSD, Camp Parks, Santa Rita Jail, etc.) diversion efforts and recommended improvements. 4. Increased commercial organics recycling participation by 10 businesses. 5. Created an Ad-hoc Committee of two Councilmembers and worked with Amador Valley Industries (AVI) and Staff on developing a Waste Diversion Plan. The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for Waste Management activities in Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $1,803,966. This represents an increase of $29,358 or 1.7% from estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. This increase is primarily due to an increase in the annual rate adjustment for garbage collection services. The annual rate adjustment resulted in a 5.07% increase in the monthly service rates, based upon a formula established in the Collection Services Agreement. The Fiscal Year 2009-2010 budget does account for an increase in the actual number of residential units to be billed by the City from 9,980 units in Fiscal Year 2008-2009 to 10,071 units in Fiscal Year 2009-2010. In addition to the Current Service Level, four Higher Service Levels (HSL) have been included. HSL #1 would provide $10,000 to update or install new program signage within the City's multifamily dwelling garbage enclosures, pictorially displaying what items can be placed in specific collection containers. The ultimate goal of updating the signage is to increase awareness and decrease recycling contamination. HSL #2 would provide $21,000 for an awareness program designed to promote the City's residential food scrap recycling program. The proposed program would provide a cash award to randomly selected participants to create excitement and greater interest in the program. HSL #3 would provide a welcome recycling kit for apartment dwellers at high turnover locations, increasing program awareness and educating residents on how to participate in the City's diversion programs. HSL #4 provides $2,000 of funding support to the Alameda County Green Business Program, which is included as part of the City Council Community Grant Funding Program. It is proposed that all HSLs be funded using available recycling funds. The total recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 including the Higher Service Levels is $1,841,966. _gg_ CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL HEALTH & WELFARE WASTE MANAGEMENT - 50200 CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION STAFFING LEVEL Measure D (224) Garbage Service Fund (225) $ 107,888 1,696,078 Administrative Analyst II 0.33 TOTAL $ 1,803,966 TOTAL 0.33 This budget provides for the management of the City's solid waste program, diversion efforts, and source reduction activities. Services provided within this budget include the collection of residential and commercial solid waste, recyclables, and compostable materials. DESCRIPTION PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ Salaries P.T. Retirement Group Insurance Retiree Health Workers Compensation F.I.C.A. Total Personnel Services $ SERVICES & SUPPLIES Postage $ Book & Publications Memberships & Dues Mileage & Auto Allowance Travel and Conferences Legal Notices Total Services/Supplies $ CONTRACT SERVICES General $ Buy Recycled Paper Media Campaign Total Contract Services $ Total Capital Outlay $ TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 2009-2010 23,295 $ 55,480 $ 24,802 $ 24,848 0 0 24,480 0 5,394 5,782 11,289 5,659 5,013 5,216 5,201 5,505 1,709 1,828 1,780 1,783 47 46 45 53 338 369 715 361 35,796 $ 68,721 $ 68,312 $ 38,209 64 $ 100 $ 100 $ 100 64 64 64 64 1,000 200 800 200 207 523 523 615 1,025 1,300 0 1,200 0 0 120 150 2,360 $ 2,187 $ 1,607 $ 2,329 1,569,903 $ 1,753,793 $ 1,702,689 $ 1,760,928 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,500 1,571,903 $ 1,755,793 $ 1,704,689 $ 1,763,428 0 $ .0 $ 0 $ 0 1,610,059. $ 1,826,701 $ 1,774,608 $ 1,803,966 _gg_ CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL HEALTH & WELFARE WASTE MANAGEMENT - 50200 HIGHER 1 Mfd Enclosure Signage (RECOMMENDED) COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL Measure D (224) 10,000 117,888 Administrative Analyst II 0.33 Garbage Service Fund (225) 1,696,078 TOTAL $ 1 p,000; $ ' 1,813,96ii TOTAL 0.33 This Higher Service Level would update or post new signage within the garbage and recycling container enclosures of multifamily homes that have commercial bin service. This would assist the City's diversion programs by drawing attention to items that can be place in recycling bins, as well as help prevent recycling contamination from improper disposal of waste in recycling bins. This Higher Service Level would accomplish the following High Priority City Council Goal: 2009-2010 GOAL 1. Work with property managers of multifamily dwellings (MFD) to update enclosure signage to indicate which items can be placed in recycling containers. DESCRIPTION PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. Retirement Group Insurance Retiree Health Workers Compensation F.I.C.A. Total Personnel Services SERVICES & SUPPLIES Postage Book & Publications Memberships & Dues Mileage & Auto Allowance Travel, Conferences & Meetings Legal Notices Total Services/Supplies CONTRACT SERVICES General Buy Recycled Paper Media Campaign Total Contract Services Total Capital Outlay TOTAL ACTIVITY COST HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL1 TOTAL 2009-2010 2009-2010 $ 0 $ 24,848 0 5,659 0 5,505 0 1,783 0 53 0 361 $ 0 $ 38,209 $ 0 $ 100 $ 0 $ 64 0 200 0 615 0 1,200 0 150 $ 0 $ 2,329 $ 10,000 $ 1,770,928 0 2,500 $ 10,000 $ 1,773,428 $ 0 $ 0 $ 1.0,000 $ 1,813,966.. -~~~- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL HEALTH 8~ WELFARE WASTE MANAGEMENT - 50200 HIGHER 2 Food Scrap Incentive Program (RECOMMENDED) COST BY FUND PERSONN EL SUMMARY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL Measure D (224) Garbage Service Fund (225) $ 21,000 $ 138,888 1,696,078 Administrative Analyst II 0.33 TOTAL $ 21,000 5 1,834,966 TOTAL 0.33 This Higher Service Level would provide funding for a food scrap composting awareness program, aimed at drawing attention to the City's residential-curbside-composting-collection program. City Staff would perform monthly audits of participation and randomly select five monthly winners from among those that are found participating to receive an award of $100. A bimonthly drawing would be held to award one winner from participating households with an award equivalent to one year of free garbage service. It is anticipated that this program will increase awareness and participation about this diversion activity. This Higher Service Level would accomplish the following High Priority City Council Goal: 2009-2010 GOAL 1. Implement afood-scrap, cash-incentive program for single family residential customers. HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 2 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2009-2010 2009-2010 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ 0 $ 24,848 Retirement 0 5,659 Group Insurance 0 5,505 Retiree Health 0 1,783 Workers Compensation 0 53 F.I.C.A. 0 361 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 38,209 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Postage $ 5,500 $ 5,600 Advertising 2,500 2,500 Book & Publications $ 0 $ 64 Memberships & Dues 0 200 Mileage & Auto Allowance 0 615 Travel, Conferences & Meetings 0 1,200 Legal Notices _ 0 150 Comm. Promo 9,000 9,000 Total Services/Supplies $ 17,000 $ 19,329 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 4,000 $ 1,774,928 Buy Recycled Paper Media Campaign 0 2,500 Total Contract Services $ 4,000 $ 1,777,428 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 21,000. $ ..1,834,.966 -101- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL HEALTH & WELFARE WASTE MANAGEMENT - 50200 HIGHER 3 New Tenant Notification Program (RECOMMENDED) vvv ~ n ~ ruwu PERSON NEL SUMMA RY FUND INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL Measure D (224) 5,000 $ 143,888 Administrative Analyst II 0.33 Garbage Service Fund (225) 1,696,078 TOTAL. $ 5,000; $ 1,839,966 TOTAL I nis ti~gher Service Level would provide funding to create a notification program for new tenants of multifamily apartment dwellings (MFD). Traditionally, high turnover at MFD has been an obstacle to higher participation in the City's diversion programs at these locations. This program would provide new tenants with an overview of the diversion programs available to them and instructions on how to appropriately participate. This Higher Service Level would accomplish the following High Priority City Council Goal: 2009-2010 GOAL 1. Develop a recycling and garbage service notification program for new Dublin multifamily dwelling residents. DESCRIPTION PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. Retirement Group Insurance Retiree Health Workers Compensation F.I.C.A. Total Personnel Services SERVICES & SUPPLIES Postage Advertising Book & Publications Memberships & Dues Mileage & Auto Allowance Travel, Conferences & Meetings Legal Notices Comm. Promo Total Services/Supplies CONTRACT SERVICES General Buy Recycled Paper Media Campaign Total Contract Services Total Capital Outlay >TOTAL ACTIVITY COST HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL3 TOTAL 2009-2010 2009-2010 $ 0 $ 24,848 0 5,659 0 5,505 0 1,783 0 53 0 361 $ 0 $ 38,209 $ 0 $ 5,600 0 2,500 0 64 0 200 0 615 0 1,200 0 150 0 9, 000 $ 0 $ 19,329 $ 5,000 $ 1,779,928 0 2,500 $ 5,000 $ 1,782,428 $ 0 $ 0 $ 5,000 $ 1,839,966. -102- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL HEALTH 8~ WELFARE WASTE MANAGEMENT - 50200 HIGHER 4 Green Business Program Funding (RECOMMENDED) COST BY FUND PERSONN EL SUMMAR Y FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL Measure D (224) Garbage Service Fund (225) 2,000 $ 145,888 1,696,078 Administrative Analyst II 0.33 TOTAL $ 2,000 $ 1.,841,966 :TOTAL 0.33 This Higher Service Level would fund the support of the Alameda County Green Business Program as part of the City Council's Community Grant Program. The Green Business Program provides environmental performance certification for medium to small businesses within Alameda County. DESCRIPTION PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. Retirement Group Insurance Retiree Health Workers Compensation F.I.C.A. Total Personnel Services SERVICES & SUPPLIES Postage Advertising Book & Publications Memberships & Dues Mileage & Auto Allowance Travel, Conferences & Meetings Legal Notices Comm. Promo Total Services/Supplies CONTRACT SERVICES General Buy Recycled Paper Media Campaign Total Contract Services Total Capital Outlay TOTAL' ACTIVITY COST HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 4 TOTAL 2009-2010 2009-2010 $ 0 $ 24,848 0 5,659 0 5,505 0 1,783 0 53 0 361 $ 0 $ 38,209 $ 0 $ 5,600 0 2,500 0 64 0 200 0 615 0 1,200 0 150 0 9,000 $ 0 $ 19,329 $ 2,000 $ 1,781,928 0 2,500 $ 2,000 $ 1,784,428 $ 0 $ 0 $ 2,000 $ 1,8419fifi -103- CHILD CARE This budget funds the City's contribution to Child Care Links. During Fiscal Year 2008-2009, the City provided funding in the amount of $18,500 to cover salary, benefits and operational costs in order to accomplish the following goals: 1. Maintain an ongoing supply of quality child care services 2. Provide statistical information to help the community plan for child care needs 3. Promote quality child care as an employer concern During Fiscal Year 2009-2010, Child Care Links estimates it will provide child care information and referrals to over 420 Dublin households. The organization's Inclusion Project, which increases the capacity in local child care centers for children with exceptional needs, will serve 8 families in Dublin. Over 70 Dublin residents are expected to participate in orientations, trainings and pre-licensing home visits for prospective and new child care providers. The Health and Nutrition. Workshops sponsored by Child Care Links will serve over 20 Dublin households. Child Care Links held several events in Dublin during Fiscal Year 2008-2009 including the Tri-Valley Preschool Fair, Stress Retreat for providers, and a Discipline Workshop for Parents. Other events held in the Tri-Valley included the Early Childhood Education Conference and an Inclusion Summit. The events were well attended with over 90 Dublin residents participating. For Fiscal Year 2009-2010, Child Care Links is requesting a contribution of $23,500 as part of the City Council's Community Grant Program. Per the City Council's direction at the annual Budget Study Session, an $18,500 Higher Service Level has been prepared for the City Council's consideration. The total recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $18,500. -104- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL HEALTH 8~ WELFARE CHILD CARE - 50300 CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION STAFFING LEVEL General Fund (001) $ 0 Personnel support for this activity is included in the Parks & Community Services Department. TOTAL $ 0 CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Total Services/Supplies $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 18,500 $ 18,500 $ 18,500 $ 0 Total Contract Services $ 18,500 $ 18,500 $ 18,500 $ 0 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 18,500 $ 18,500. $ 18,500 $ 0 -105- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL HEALTH 8~ CHILD CARE - 50300 HIGHER 1 WELFARE Child Care Links (RECOMMENDED) COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL General Fund (001) $ 18,500 $ 18,500 Personnel support for this activity is included in the Parks & Community Services Department. TOTAL $ 18,500 $ 18,500 DESCRIPTION Total Personnel Services HIGHER SERVICE LEVEL 1 2009-2010 CUMULATIVE TOTAL 2009-2010 Total Services/Supplies CONTRACT SERVICES General Total Contract Services Total Capital Outlay TOTAL~ACTIVITY COST $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 18,500 $ 18,500 $ 18,500 $ 18,500 $ 0 $ 0 '$ 18,500 $ 18,500 -106- SOCIAL SERVICES This Fiscal Year 2009-2010 budget funds nine social service programs which are described in detail below. Funding for each program in the Current Service Level comes from the City's allocation of Community Development Block Grant Funds (CDBG). Axis Communitv Health The City Council approved $3,488 in CDBG Funds for Axis Community Health for direct medical services for income qualified Dublin residents at the Women's Health Clinic. Axis provides prenatal services for local residents who are indigent and uninsured. Bay Area Communitv Services -Valley Creative Living Center The City Council approved $4,757 in CDBG funds for Bay Area Community Services to provide social service programs for low-income Dublin adult residents with psychiatric disabilities. The program provides social, educational and prevocational training and group activities. Communitv Resources for Independent Living (CRIL) -Housing Services The City Council approved $3,488 in CDBG Funds for Community Resources for Independent Living (CRIL) to provide peer counseling, health information, benefits counseling and personal safety, resulting in a significantly increased ability to be self-sufficient in their home and community to income qualified persons with disabilities and seniors with functional limitations. Kidango, Inc -Neilson Child Development Center The City Council approved $4,968 in CDBG Funds for Kindango to purchase and install a new outdoor climbing structure to benefit the preschool children enrolled at the center and to meet Community Care Licensing requirements. Open Heart Kitchen -Weekend Box Lunch The City Council approved $9,514 in CDBG funds for Open Heart Kitchen to continue distributing 4,000 box lunches and 8,000 hot meals to 100 to 350 Dublin residents through their Monday hot meal program at Crosswinds Church to income qualified Dublin residents. Spectrum Community Services -Meals on Wheels Program The City Council approved $5,307 in CDBG funds for Spectrum Community Services, Inc. for the Meals on Wheels Program. This program will provide an average of 18 hot meals delivered daily to income qualified, frail, homebound, elderly Dublin residents. Senior Support Program of the Tri-Vallev -Senior Support Services The City Council approved $8,488 in CDBG .funds for the independent Senior Support Program of the Tri-Valley. The Senior Support Program expects to provide in-home case management including in- home counseling, information and referral services. These services will be provided to a minimum of 32 new low-income seniors. The objective of this Program is to prevent or postpone the institutionalization of local seniors through the provision of services which enable seniors to live independently and safely in their own homes. Tri-Vallev Haven -Domestic Violence Shelter/Homeless Services The City Council approved $14,271 in CDBG funds to assist Tri-Valley Haven with its regional domestic violence shelter. In Fiscal Year 2009-2010, this amount will provide domestic violence services to at least 25 Dublin residents at the domestic violence shelter, case management for homeless services, including a food pantry, to at least 165 Dublin residents, and at least 16 community education and preventative presentations to various service organizations reaching 600 Dublin residents. -107- Tri-Valley Haven - Sojourner House Homeless Shelter The City of Dublin has agreed to contribute CDBG funds toward financing the rehabilitation of the only Homeless Shelter in the Tri-Valley to offer accommodations to entire families. The City of Dublin contribution for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $5,427. This is the eighth year of a 10-year commitment that Dublin will be contributing the City's share of this regional shelter. The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for Social Services in Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $59,708. In addition to the Current Service Level, it is recommended that the City Council fund four Higher Service Levels (HSL). HSL #1 is a grant to Axis Community Health to provide health care for uninsured low-income Dublin Residents ($7,500). HSL#2 is a grant to Axis Community Health to support the renovation of their Behavioral Health Services Building ($10,000). HSL#3 is to grant additional funding to Community Resources for Independent Living to provide a variety of services to Dublin residents with disabilities ($11,925). HSL#4 is the continued funding of Eden I & R`s 2-1-1 phone service to provide a link between Alameda County households and the full range of community resources available to them ($10,000). The cost of the recommended Higher Service Levels is $39,425. The total recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 including the Higher Service Levels is $99,133. -108- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL HEALTH 8~ WELFARE SOCIAL SERVICES - 50400 CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND I TOTAL I JOB CLASSIFICATION I S LEVEL G CDBG (209) $ 59,708 I Personnel support for this activity is included in the Housing Programs Budget. The Current Service Level provides funding for programs and activities included in the Social Services budget. Activities in the Current Service Level budget include: Women's health services as provided by Axis Community Health Services Women's Health Center; Child development services as provided by Kidango, Inc; Housing Services provided by CRIL (Community Resources for Independent Living); Senior Support Services as provided by the Valley Community Health Center; Meals on Wheels Services as provided by Spectrum Community Service; Domestic Violence Shelter and Family Crisis Center services as provided by Tri-Valley Haven; Hot Meals Program and Weekend Box Lunch Program as provided by Open Heart Kitchen; and Social Service Programs for adult Dublin residents with psychiatric disabilities as provided by Bay Area Community Services. In addition, the City contributes Community Development Block Grant funds towards financing the rehabilitation of the Sojourner Housing Homeless Shelter located in Livermore. DESCRIPTION Total Personnel Services Total Services/Supplies CONTRACT SERVICES Contract Services Bay Area Community Services CRIL Eden I & R Open Heart Kitchen Spectrum Comm Services Senior Support Services Tri-Valley Haven Sojourner Homeless Shelter Axis Community Health Kidango Inc. Total Contract Services Total Capital Outlay CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 10, 000 4,967 15,413 0 9,934 5,541 12,176 14,900 5,427 0 0 $ 78,358 $ 4,757 15,413 10, 000 9,514 5,307 9,968 14,271 5,427 3,488 28,488 $ 106,633 $ 4,757 15,413 10,000 9,514 5,307 9,968 14,271 5,427 3,488 28,488 $ 106,633 $ 4,757 3,488 0 9,514 5,307 8,488 14,271 5,427 3,488 4,968 $ 59,708 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Tf?TAL::~tCTEViT'if.CO~T_:.:.:::; :::.:::::::::.: .:.:>::::;:.:::::::7g 358:...:::::..:.::::::_:'1111('x l"x3 ............... ........................ _ _ ;>$<:::>'.>:>:......................... -109- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES - 50400 HIGHER 1 WELFARE Axis -Health Care (RECOMMENDED) COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL General Fund (001) $ 7,500 $ 7,500 Personnel support forthis activity is included in the CDBG (209) 59,708 Community Development Department. Axis Community Health will provide health care to low income Dublin households who do not have access to medical services. Axis' goal is to decrease the number of low income Dublin residents who do not have access to medical services. This will result in access to health care, which in turn decreases complications of chronic diseases and prevents a wide variety of acute and chronic illnesses among Dublin residents. HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE ,. LEVEL 1 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2009-2010 2009-2010 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 0 Total Services/Supplies $ 0 $ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES Bay Area Community Services 0 4,757 CRIL 0 3,488 Open Heart Kitchen 0 9,514 Spectrum Comm Services 0 5,307 Senior Support Services 0 8,488 Tri-Valley Haven 0 14,271 Sojourner Homeless Shelter 0 5,427 Axis Community Health 7,500 10,988 Kidango Inc. 0 4,968 Total Contract Services $ 7,500 $ 67,208 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 ~'f?1"A[ A~ CITY G~S'I' ... ;>:::;;<:...,, »;>::>:::::>::::>:::::::;>::::;<::::::.: ~ ..:7,5Q(?::...>;:.;>;:::::.: ,:.:~G'7,~1;?>~.>:: -110- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL HEALTH 8~ SOCIAL SERVICES - 50400 HIGHER 2 WELFARE Axis -Renovation (RECOMMENDED) COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General Fund (001) $ 10,000 $ 17,500 CDBG (209) 59,708 TOTAL $ 10,000 $ 77,208 TOTAL 0.00 0.00 Funding supports Axis Community Health renovation of their Behavioral Health Service building located on Railroad Avenue in Pleasanton. The renovation will increase Axis' capacity to provide affordable substance treatment services for Dublin residents. . HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL2 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2009-2010 2009-2010 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 0 Total Services/Supplies $ 0 $ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES Bay Area Community Services 0 4,757 CRIL 0 3,488 Open Heart Kitchen 0 9,514 Spectrum Comm Services 0 5,307 Senior Support Services 0 8,488 Tri-Valley Haven 0 14,271 Sojourner Homeless Shelter 0 5,427 Axis Community Health 10,000 20,988 Kidango Inc. 0 4,968 Total Contract Services $ 10,000 $ 77,208 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY. COST $ 10,OOQ $ 77,208 -111- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL HEALTH 8~ SOCIAL SERVICES - 50400 HIGHER 3 WELFARE Community Resources For Independent Living (RECOMMENDED) COST BY FUND PERS ONNEL SUMMAhtlf FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General Fund (001) CDBG (209) $ 11,925 $ 29,425 59,708 TOTAL. $ 11,925 $ 89,133 TOTAL. 0.00 0.00 Community Resources for Independent Living (CRIL) will provide services to seniors with functional limitations and residents with disabilities of ali ages, thereby, increasing their ability to more independently and fully participate in their families, work, and community. CRIL will assist residents by providing individual services including housing referral and placement assistance, personal assistance service referrals and matching assistance, benefits counseling, peer counseling, basic living skills training in such areas as money and health management, individual advocacy training, and assisted technology referral and procurement services. DESCRIPTION HIGHER SERVICE LEVEL 3 2009-2010 CUMULATIVE TOTAL 2009-2010 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 0 Total Services/Supplies $ 0 $ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES Bay Area Community Services 0 4,757 CRIL 11,925 15,413 Open Heart Kitchen 0 9,514 307 5 Spectrum Comm Services 0 , 488 8 Senior Support Services 0 , 271 14 Tri-Valley Haven 0 0 , 5,427 Sojourner Homeless Shelter 988 20 Axis Community Health 0 , 968 4 Kidango Inc. 0 , Total Contract Services $ 11,925 $ 89,133 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 11,925 $ 89,133 -112- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL HEALTH ~ SOCIAL SERVICES - 50400 HIGHER 4 WELFARE Eden Information 8~ Referral (RECOMMENDED) COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL General Fund (001) $ 10,000 $ 39,425 CDBG (209) 59,708 TOTAL $ 10,000 $ 99,133 TOTAL 0:00 0.00 Eden I & R will continue its goal of serving as a link between Alameda County households and the full range of community resources available to them. Eden I & R is a source of information and referral to low- cost housing, emergency shelter, and other social service agencies of Alameda County residents. Eden I & R provides this information via a 2-1-1 telephone service. Specifically, the 2-1-1 service is available for 24 hours a day and 7 days a week to access health and human services needs. DESCRIPTION HIGHER SERVICE LEVEL 4 2009-2010 CUMULATIVE TOTAL 2009-2010 Total Personnel Services Total Services/Supplies CONTRACT SERVICES Bay Area Community Services CRIL Eden I & R Open Heart Kitchen Spectrum Comm Services Senior Support Services Tri-Valley Haven Sojourner Homeless Shelter Axis Community Health Kidango Inc. $ 0 $ 0 0 0 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 $ 0 4,757 15,413 10,000 9,514 5,307 8,488 14,271 5,427 20,988 4,968 Total Contract Services $ 10,000 $ 99,133 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 10,000 $ 99,133 -113- HOUSING PROGRAMS The Housing Division, in the Community Development Department, funds .40 of a Community Development Director, 1 Housing Specialist, 1 Administrative Aide, .50 of a Secretary, and .30 Office Assistant II. The Housing Division is responsible for the implementation of the Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance and other housing programs as they are developed. The City participates in the Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center programs, which offer Homebuyer Orientations and Homebuyer Education classes to potential Dublin homebuyers, and assists existing below market rate homeowners with the re-sale of their units. Other programs supported by the Housing Division include working with developers during construction of affordable homeownership and rental projects, and the annual monitoring of residency once the units are occupied. The Housing Division communicates and coordinates with current and future residential developers to complete necessary documents such as Affordable Housing Agreements, marketing and management plans for Inclusionary Units, and qualifying applicants for the ownership of Inclusionary Units. The Housing Program's budget for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 was $3,942,094. Estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 are $1,277,501, which is $2,664,593 or 67.6% less than budgeted. This is primarily due to the delay in the Arroyo Vista Redevelopment Project. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Processed fifteen (15) First Time Homebuyer Loans. 2. Placed eight (8) households into affordable ownership homes throughout Dublin. 3. Participated in the Arroyo Vista Redevelopment Project. 4. Reviewed the effectiveness of the City's current Inclusionary Zoning Regulations. 5. Assisted with the update the Housing Element of the General Plan. 6. Held two (2) Affordable Housing Opportunities seminars with Dublin's Large Employers. 7. Developed a Hardship Policy for the Rental of Below Market Rate For-Sale Units. 8. Developed a Temporary Rental Policy for foreclosure prevention for Below Market Rate Ownership Unit Homeowners having difficulties selling their homes. 9. Developed criteria fdr funding Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) applications. 10. Worked with ABAG to complete the Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA} process. The cost of the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $3,776,661. In addition to the Current Service Level, it is recommended that the City Council fund two Higher Service Levels (HSL). HSL#1 would provide funding for the Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center to provide homebuyer education as well as post-purchase and foreclosure prevention counseling ($25,000). HSL#2 would provide funding for Eden Council for Hope and Opportunity to provide a Rental Assistance Program ($5,635). The total recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010, including the Higher Service Levels, is estimated to be $3,807,296. This represents an increase of $2,529,795 over Fiscal Year 2008-2009 estimated expenditures. A majority of the increased funding is a carry over due to delay in funding of the Arroyo Vista Redevelopment Project. This budget is partially offset by $40,125 in estimated revenues for Housing Services during Fiscal Year 2009-2010, resulting in a net cost of $3,767,171 for Housing Services. -114- WORKLOAD/PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET INDICATOR 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 Ownership Units Monitored Yearly 96 132 135 140 Rental Units Monitored Yearly 694 724 724 724 Affordable Housing Agreements 1 2 1 0 Processed "Inclusionary Unit Applications Processed 92 37 39 10 Closed Sales on Inclusionary Units 44 23 15 8 First Time Homebuyer Loans 14 15 15 15 *Applications for Inclusionary Units have decreased due to the general slow down in the amount of new construction. -115- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL HEALTH & WELFARE HOUSING PROGRAMS - 50500 CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND STAFFING FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION LEVEL Affordable Housing (380) $ 3,776,661 Community Development Director 0.40 Housing Specialist 1.00 Administrative Aide 1.00 Secretary 0.50 Office Assistant I I 0.30 The Current Service Level funds City Staff to administer Housing Programs and consulting services. These Housing Programs include administration of the City's Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance, the Arroyo Vista Redevelopment Project, the First Time Homebuyer Loan Program, and the City's participation in the Mortgage Credit Certificate Program. Funding of the Current Service Level would accomplish the following High Prioirity City Council Goals: 2009-2010 GOALS 1. Complete evaluation of the potential renovation/redevelopment of the Arroyo Vista Housing site. 2. Process 15 First Time Homebuyer Loans. 3. Develop a Program to assist large employers interested in locating within Dublin with Housing for their employees in tandem with the Economic Incentive Program under development. 4. Develop a procedure to combine the Community Grant Process and the Community Development Block Grant Process. -116- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET- HOUSING PROGRAMS CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2007.2008 2008-2009 2008.2009 2009.2010 PERSONNEL SERVICES T Salaries F $ 105,695 $ 275,493 $ 274,660 $ 283,054 . . Salaries P.T. 63,123 0 0 142 0 142 Salaries O.T. 0 082 40 268 62,783 62,767 64,618 Retirement , 856 22 48,846 47,920 56,235 Group insurance , 275 12 18,700 19,857 20,362 Retiree Health , 334 306 302 603 Workers Compensation 401 2 3,998 3,984 4,107 F.I.C.A. , Total Personnel Services $ 246,766 $ 410,394 $ 409,632 $ 429,121 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 1,088 $ 1,000 $ 997 $ 800 225 Postage 728 681 500 450 1 291 1,231 900 Operating Supplies , 500 150 175 Advertising 0 656 750 736 600 Printing & Binding 72 100 100 100 Book & Publications 362 450 447 250 Memberships & Dues 321 700 1,596 1,512 Mileage & Auto Allowance 424 2 1,700 1,700 2,300 Travel and Conferences , 514 3 4,475 3,459 1,650 Training Internal Service Charge , 3,694 3,051 3,051 4,865 Total Services/Supplies $ 13,540 $ 14,676 $ 13,758 $ 13,377 CONTRACT SERVICES Other Housing Programs 76,299 66,595 0 66,645 000 80 3,046 000 472 1 Arroyo Vista Housing Project 60,000 1,580,00 , , , 0 Professional Services 52,852 5 20,000 000 500 12,087 000 500 500,000 1st Time Homebuyer Loans 6 469,4 683 141 , 369,629 1 , 194,629 1,358,317 Arroyo Vista Housing Loan , , Total Contract Services $ 801,040 $ 3,537,024 $ 854,111 $ 3,334,163 CAPITAL OUTLAY ment ui & E hi M 164 0 0 0 q p nery ac Total Capital Outlay $ 164 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 ::::...::::>:::::>::>::>:>::>::::» :;<:>::;:::::::>::: ~>::>::> .................. ::>::>::; > ext. 5~.0::: ..... :::::::~.::.: :.::::~ ~~2, .::::.::::: ::::::::..:::.:: :::::::: }.:::........:. -117- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL HEALTH & WELFARE HOUSING PROGRAMS - 50500 HIGHER 1 Tri Valley Housing Opportunity Center (RECOMMENDED) COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL Affordable Housing (380) $ 25,000 $ 3,801,661 Community Development Director 0.40 Housing Specialist 1.00 Administrative Aide 1.00 Secretary 0.50 Office Assistant I I 0.30 The Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center (TVHOC) Early Delinquency and Foreclosure Counseling Program will assist households experiencing difficulties in making their mortgage payments, due to loss of employment, medical hardships, or in a challenging loan situation. The TVHOC will provide individualized counseling to work with the troubled homeowner and the lender -118- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET -HOUSING PROGRAMS Higher Service Level 1 -Tri Valley Housing Opportunity Center DESCRIPTION PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. Salaries O.T. Retirement Group Insurance Retiree Health Workers Compensation F.I.C.A. Total Personnel Services SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies Postage Operating Supplies Advertising Printing & Binding Book & Publications Memberships & Dues Mileage & Auto Allowance Travel, Conferences & Meetings Training Internal Service Charge Total Services/Supplies CONTRACT SERVICES HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL1 TOTAL 2009-2010 2009.2010 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 283,054 142 64,618 56,235 20, 362 603 4,107 $ 0 $ 429,121 $ 0 $ 800 0 225 0 900 0 175 0 600 0 100 0 250 0 1,512 0 2,300 0 1,650 0 4, 865 $ 0 $ 13,377 MCC Program $ 0 $ 800 Other Housing Programs 0 3,046 Arroyo Vista Housing Project 0 1,472,000 Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center 25,000 25,000 1st Time Homebuyer Loans 0 500,000 Arroyo Vista Housing Loan 0 1,358,317 Total Contract Services $ 25,000 $ 3,359,163 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL: ACT11t1T1~ :!r~`~T .::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::: ..................................................................................................................... ::.::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~:::::::::.:. .......................................... ::::.:::::::: ~5 ...:.....:. _................. ................................. .................... ........ ::.::........................... -119- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL HEALTH 8~ WELFARE HOUSING PROGRAMS - 50500 HIGHER 2 Eden Council for Hone and Opportunity (RECOMMENDED) COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL Affordable Housing (380) $ 5,635 $ 3,807,296 Community Development Director 0.40 Housing Specialist 1.00 Administrative Aide 1.00 Secretary 0.50 Office Assistant II 0.30 Eden Council for Hope and Opportunity (ECHO) offers a Rental Assistance Program (RAP) to Dublin residents. RAP is a rent/deposit guarantee program, which provides assistance to low- to moderate-income tenants to pay security deposits or to pay delinquent rents. RAP requires the completion and management of a personal budget, and if the client has residual income at the end of a month, the RAP Counselor negotiates small, monthly payments until programmed amounts are paid back. A contract is signed by the tenant and landlord, and ECHO acts as guarantor in event the tenant defaults. -120- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET -HOUSING PROGRAMS Higher Service Level 2 -Eden Council for Hope and Opportunity DESCRIPTION PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. Salaries O.T. Retirement Group Insurance Retiree Health Workers Compensation F.I.C.A. Total Personnel Services HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 2 TOTAL 2009-2010 2009-2010 $ 283,054 142 64, 618 56,235 20,362 603 4,107 $ 429,121 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies Postage Operating Supplies Advertising Printing & Binding Book & Publications Memberships & Dues Mileage & Auto Allowance Travel, Conferences & Meetings Training Internal Service Charge Total Services/Supplies CONTRACT SERVICES MCC Program Other Housing Programs Arroyo Vista Housing Project Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center ECHO -Rental Assistance Program 1st Time Homebuyer Loans Arroyo Vista Housing Loan Total Contract Services Total Capital Outlay $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 $ 0 0 0 0 5,635 0 0 $ 5,635 $ 0 $ 800 225 900 175 600 100 250 1,512 2,300 1,650 4,865 $ 13,377 $ 800 3,046 1,472,000 25, 000 5,635 500,000 1,358,317 $ 3,364,798 $ 0 ,.:: >?» '$~ . 9 Tf~TAL:€ i~i~IT ~0... T ............................................................................................................................................................................ ~............... ~~.... 7~~.:::.::: -121- This page intentionally left blank. -122- .~~~' `'e. CITY OF DUBLIN >;'~'~~ `l ~11FOR~s FISCAL YEAR 2009 - 2010 PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES The total recommended expenditures for Culture & Leisure Services are $7,637,334 for Fiscal Year 2009-2010. This represents a decrease of $91,298, or -1.2% less than estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. The number of authorized positions are reflected as Full-Time Equivalents (FTE). Significant changes in Culture & Leisure Services for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 include the following: 1. Realignment of organizational staffing in the Recommended Budget includes a net increase of City Staff of .60 FTE (Budget Nos. 80400-81000 -Parks & Community Services) The Culture and Leisure Program also includes a decrease in Contract Service Hours comprised of: -0.04 FTE - (Budget No. 80100 Library -Maintenance); -0.02 FTE - (Budget Nos. 8011 D-80130 Heritage and Cultural Arts); and -0.27 FTE - (Budget No. 80200 Parks Maintenance) 2. Reduction in the purchase of Library materials. (Budget No. 80100 -Library) 3. Decreased Community Grant funding for arts groups, no out-of--state travel and no improvement projects planned. (Budget Nos. 80110-80130 -Heritage & Cultural Arts) 4. Funding has been included for a Higher Service Level to provide funding to offer a new Oral History program. (Budget Nos. 80110-80130 -Heritage & Cultural Arts) 5. Decreased labor rate adjustments for park maintenance contract services; cost increases for utilities; a full year of maintenance and utilities for Devany Square and Shannon Park and one-half year of maintenance for the Dublin Historic Park; and an improvement project at various parks to replace drinking fountains. (Budget No. 80200 -Parks Maintenance) 6. Increased utility costs for recreational facilities; a full year of operation of the new Shannon Community Center; and the removal of a one-year contribution to the Dublin Unified School District for a Groundskeeper. (Budget Nos. 80400-81000 -Parks & Community Services) 7. Staff costs estimated at $70,294 associated with Parks & Facilities Management will be assigned to the capital project, which reduces the impact on the General Fund which has historically absorbed 100% of this cost. (Budget No. 82000 -Parks & Facilities Management) -123- LIBRARY SERVICES This budget funds the contract agreement with the Alameda County Library System for additional hours of library service at the Dublin Library. This budget also funds the operational costs associated with the Dublin Public Library building. Grounds maintenance is shown in the Park Maintenance budget (80200). For Fiscal Year 2008-2009, the Library was open to the public for 59 hours per week. Of the total hours, the City funded an average of 31 hours per week. The total estimated cost to the City to fund the additional hours for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 was $681,715; the estimated cost for library materials was $35,000. The estimated cost for maintenance and utilities as well as equipment and improvements was $147,383. The Alameda County Library reimburses the City for apro-rated share of the janitorial costs of the common areas and interior of the library building. The estimated reimbursement for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $24,839; thus, the net cost to the City for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $839,259. The proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $820,311. Of this amount, $672,264 is the proposed contract amount with the Alameda County Library System for 31 hours per week of library service. At the request of the Alameda County Library, no funding is included for the purchase of library materials. The cost associated with maintenance and utilities for the library building is estimated to be $133,047. In addition, $15,000 has been allocated for improvements to the building. The estimated reimbursement from the Alameda County Library for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $24,570; thus, the net cost to the City for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $795,741. The library is open seven days per week based on the current schedule shown below: Current 2009/10 Hours Monda 10 am - 8 m Tuesda 10 am - 8 m Wednesda 10 am - 8 m Thursda 10 am - 8 m Frida 10 am - 6 m Saturda 10 am - 5 m Sunda 1 m - 5 m The total recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $820,311. WORKLOAD/PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED BUDGET INDICATOR 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 Circulation 508,848 549,370 593,320 640,786 Reference 29,655 32,350 39,780 48,929 Program Attendance 7,669 13,176 21,345 34,579 Hours Open 59 59 59 59 -124- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL CULTURE & LEISURE LIBRARY SERVICES - 80100 CURRENT SERVICES (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND STAFFING FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION LEVEL General Fund (001) $ 820,311 CONTRACT Landscape Foreman 0.26 Landscape Laborer I 0.13 TOTAL $ 820,311 TOTAL 0.39 This budget increment funds the current level of service and provides funding for 31 additional hours of library service per week at the Dublin Library. Additionally, this budget funds the operational and maintenance costs for the library building and building improvement projects including heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) and stretch wall repairs. CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Operating Supplies $ 5,270 $ 6,255 $ 5,210 $ 5,237 Repairs & Maintenance 0 2,500 5,400 2,500 Book & Publications 35,000 35,000 35,000 0 Gas/Electric 6,660 6,660 6,660 6,660 Water/Sewer 205 215 215 242 Total Services/Supplies $ 47,135 $ 50,630 $ 52,485 $ 14,639 CONTRACT SERVICES Alameda County Library $ 647,414 $ 681,715 $ 681,715 $ 672,264 Building Maintenance 106,672 114,376 118,118 118,408 Total Contract Services $ 754,086 $ 796,091 $ 799,833 $ 790,672 CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements $ 1,474 $ 18,680 $ 10,407 $ 15,000 Machinery & Equipment 0 3,000 1,373 0 Total Capital Outlay $ 1,474 $ 21,680 $ 11,780 $ 15,000 TOTAL ACTIYITY,COST $ 802,695 $ 868,401 $ 864,098 $ 820,3.1.1 -125- HERITAGE AND CULTURAL ARTS The Heritage and Cultural Arts budget includes Cultural Activities, the Heritage Center and the Dublin Cemetery. Cultural Activities include cultural arts classes, special events such as the summer and winter concert series, and administration of public art projects. The Heritage Center includes the operation and maintenance of the Murray Schoolhouse, Old St. Raymond's Church, Kolb Buildings, museum operations, heritage programs and exhibits, and church rentals. The Dublin Cemetery includes grounds maintenance for the Heritage Center and Cemetery, and burials. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Developed new Cultural Arts Enrichment Classes in dance, music and visual arts for the community 2. Worked with three artist teams to design and install public art for the new Shannon Community Center 3. Produced successful summer and winter concert series including a special Veteran's Day Event in collaboration with the Senior Center 4. Worked with an Art Selection Committee and consultant on the beginning phases of the Dublin Transit Center Public Art Project 5. Worked with Tralee Development on the selection of public art as a condition of project approval 6. Collaborated with the Dublin Sister City Association on a new Lucky Limerick Contest 7. Assisted the new Poet Laureate with various programs, projects and appearances 8. Assisted with a Black History Month Celebration at the Heritage Center 9. Created a Virtual Tour of Public Art around town and a new Public Art Map 10. Coordinated an Irish "Tea Room" in the Dublin Library Community room for the St. Patrick's Festival 11. Coordinated the first Heritage Center Holiday Tea during December holidays in the Murray Schoolhouse 12. Developed a dedicated website for the Dublin Heritage Center to provide up to date information on events, news, tours, music programs and press kit 13. Hosted a Launch Party for Dublin's participation in the California Digital Library in partnership with the Dublin Library with the support of the DHPA 14. Conducted an inventory of the contents of the Kolb estate and developed a furnishing plan and safe storage of the artifacts 15. Coordinated ten first Saturday Workshops with an expanded focus on diversity 16. Hosted the NEH exhibit "Farm Life; A Century of Change for the Farm Families and Their Neighbors" 17. Produced an exhibit on Dublin early settler, John Green; the information gathered enhances historical knowledge and Dublin's archives 18. Received a Museum Assessment Program (MAP) Grant to study the Public Dimension of the Heritage to help improve public access and marketing 19. Assisted the new Dublin Historian with various programs, projects and appearances The.. estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 are $530,962 or 2.0% less than budgeted. It is anticipated that $145,466 in revenue will be generated, for a net cost to the City for Fiscal Year 2008- 2009 of $385,496. The proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 based on the Current Service Level is $478,895. The primary reasons for the decrease over Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is that there is no Community Grant funding for arts groups, no out-of-state travel and no improvement projects for Fiscal Year 2009-2010. It is anticipated that $144,730 in revenue will be generated through program fees, church rentals and burial fees; thus, the net cost for the Current Service Level for Heritage and Cultural Arts is $334,165. -126- In addition to the Current Service Level, one Higher Service Level (HSL) has been proposed. HSL #1 would provide funding to offer a new Oral History program. The estimated cost associated with HSL #1 is $7,510 and no revenue is anticipated. The total recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 including the Higher Service Level is $486,405. WORKLOAD/PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET INDICATOR 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 Museum Visitors (tours, open 2,225 2,225 2,040 2,200 hours) Church Rentals 10 10 12 16 Volunteer Hours 525 575 1,800 2,000 Special Events (participants for 1,435 1,915 2,775 2,450 workshops, film series, exhibits, volunteer tea, St. Patrick's Tea, etc. ) Evening Programs (participants 1,250 1,500 2,080 2,080 for music jams, etc.) MURRAY SCHOOLHOUSE MUSEUM HOURS Tuesday 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Wednesday 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. Thursday 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. Friday 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. Saturday 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. Sunday 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. -127- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL CULTURE & LEISURE HERITAGE & CULTURAL ARTS - 80110 - 80130 CURRENT SERVICES ~ (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND STAFFING FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION LEVEL General Fund (001) $ 478,895 CITY Heritage & Cultural Arts Supervisor 1.00 Heritage Center Director 1.00 Subtotal 2.00 CONTRACT Landscape Foreman 0.03 Landscape Laborer I 0.13 Landscape Laborer II 0.11 Landscape Laborer III 0.20 Subtotal 0.47 TOTAL $ 478,895 TOTAL 2.47 Part-Tlme Hours 1121 This budget funds the Current Service Level for the combined operations of Cultural Arts, the Heritage Center and the Dublin Cemetery. This budget includes an estimated one-half year of funding for costs associated with the operations of the new Kolb Buildings including the Main House, Sunday School Barn and Restrooms. Funding for this Current Service Level would accomplish the following High Priority City Council Goals: 2009-2010 GOALS 1) Upon re-location of the Kolb properties to the Dublin Historic Park, complete furnishing of buildings and catalogue/accessioning of the collections of the Kolb family. 2) Establish facility operations, policies and fees for public use of the Kolb properties at the Dublin Historic Park. 3) Work with the developer to locate significant works of art in two key places of the Dublin Transit Center, the Campbell Green and the "Iron Horse" Plaza. 4) Expand core class offerings in the arts and strategically schedule classes to best meet the needs of the community. 5) Implement a self study and peer review for the Phase II Museum Assessment Program (MAP) -Public Dimension Assessment for the Dublin Heritage Center. 6) Facilitate the selection of public art as a condition of approval for two (2) Private Development projects. 7) Expand the current volunteer/docent program for the Dublin Heritage Center by 30%. 8) Develop and publish a book about the history of the Kolb family for sale to the public. 9) Conduct spark/facility dedication event for the Dublin Historic Park, Phase 1. 10) Work with Camp Parks to preserve its history during the redevelopment of the facility. ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 2009-2010 Cultural Arts $ 217,297 $ 243,281 Heritage Center 234,222 251,713 Cemetery 36,693 46,750 TOTALS $ 488,212 $ 541,744 $ 239,105 $ 221,930 245, 793 211,520 46,064 45,445 $ 530,962 $ 478,895 -128- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET -HERITAGE 8~ CULTURAL ARTS DESCRIPTION PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. Salaries P.T. Seasonal Retirement Group Insurance Retiree Health Workers Compensation F.I.C.A. PARS Total Personnel Services SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies Postage Operating Supplies Advertising Printing & Binding Rentals & Leases Book & Publications Memberships & Dues Mileage & Auto Allowance Travel and Conferences Gas/Electric Water/Sewer Telephone Legal Notices Filing Fees Internal Service Charge Total Services/Supplies CONTRACT SERVICES General Total Contract Services CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements Furniture & Fixtures Machinery & Equipment Total Capital Outlay TOTAR ACTIVITY COST ACTUAL 2007 2008 BUDGET 2008-2009 ESTIMATED 2008-2009 CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 2009-2010 164,543 $ 8,437 39,721 30,948 12,155 2,522 2,720 181 261,227 $ 504 $ 212 6,712 1,081 2,525 4,283 1,176 425 651 3,928 5,536 2,064 1,789 220 32 4,692 $ 35,830 $ $ 165,292 $ $ 165,292 $ 282,618 $ 530 $ 350 10,065 2,100 3,550 4,700 530 425 840 3,370 5,465 2,033 2, 544 0 0 3,808 40,310 $ 37,106 $ 32,867 195,472 $ 188,624 $ 195,472 $ 164,843 188,624 $ 164,843 $ 11,611 $ 22,344 $ 17,450 $ 6,082 1,000 1,088 8,170 0 0 $ 25,863 $ 23,344 $ 18,538 $ $ `488,212 $ 541,744 $ 530,962 ............. $ 173,385 $ 18, 788 39,530 33,498 12, 503 1,845 2,786 283 177, 946 $ 17,102 40,446 33,500 12,793 1,821 2,829 257 286,694 $ 594 $ 279 7,720 2,337 2,864 4,746 514 275 738 2,929 5,813 2,016 2,473 0 0 3,808 173, 921 16,175 39,646 35,343 12,494 608 2,756 242 281,185 530 240 5,195 800 3,070 4, 700 390 0 830 200 6,395 2,369 3,780 0 0 4,368 0 0 0 0 478,895 -129- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL CULTURE 8~ HERITAGE & CULTURAL ARTS - 80110 - 80130 HIGHER 1 LEISURE Oral History Project (RECOMMENDED) COS T BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL General Fund (001) $ 7,510 $ 486,405 CITY Heritage & Cultural Arts Supervisor 1.00 Heritage Center Director 1.00 Subtotal 2.00 CONTRACT Landscape Foreman 0.03 Landscape Laborer I 0.13 Landscape Laborer II 0.11 Landscape Laborer III 0.20 Subtotal 0.47 TOTAL $ 7,510 $ 486,405 TOTAL.: 0.00 2.47 Part-Time Hours 980 This Higher Service Level includes funding for consultant services, technical services and printing costs to offer a new Oral History program in FY 2009-2010. This addition will enhance the collections of historical information which can be shared with the community. This Higher Service Level would accomplish the following High Priority City Council Goal: 2009-2010 GOAL 1. Obtain and preserve the oral histories of Dublin seniors and long-time residents. -130- 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET -HERITAGE & CULTURAL ARTS Higher Service Level 1 -Oral History Project HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 1 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2009-2010 2009-2010 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ 0 $ 173,921 Salaries P.T. Seasonal 0 _16,175 Retirement 0 39,646 Group Insurance 0 35,343 Retiree Health 0 12,494 Workers Compensation 0 608 F.I.C.A. 0 2,756 PARS 0 242 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 281,185 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 0 $ 530 Postage 0 240 Operating Supplies 0 5,195 Advertising 0 800 Printing & Binding 150 3,220 Rentals & Leases 0 4,700 Book & Publications 0 390 Mileage & Auto Allowance 0 830 Travel and Conferences 0 200 Gas/Electric 0 6,395 Water/Sewer 0 2,369 Telephone 0 3,780 Internal Service Charge 0 4,368 Total Services/Supplies $ 150 $ 33,017 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 7,360 $ 172,203 Total Contract Services $ 7,360 $ 172,203 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTNITY COST $ 7,510 $ 486,405 -131- PARK MAINTENANCE This budget funds Park Maintenance Services for the following parks and recreational facilities: Alamo Creek Park Bray Commons Civic Center Grounds Devany Square Dolan Park Dougherty Hills Dog Park Dougherty Hills Open Space Dublin Historic Park Dublin Sports Grounds Emerald Glen Park Fallon Sports Park Kolb Park Library Grounds Mape Memorial Park Martin Canyon Creek Trail Piazza Sorrento Senior Center Grounds Shannon Park Stagecoach Park Swim Center Grounds Ted Fairfield Park Park Maintenance Services are provided to the City under private contract. Services are provided either directly by private contractor or through a subcontract administered by the main private contractor and include: turf care, irrigation and drainage maintenance, weed control, tree and shrub maintenance, litter pick-up, park equipment maintenance and facility maintenance. Parking lot sweeping is performed by a separate private contractor. The adopted budget for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 was $2,052,027. Estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 are $2,037,663, which is approximately $14,364 or 0.7% less than budgeted. This slight decrease can be attributed to the delay in accepting Devany Square and Shannon Park for maintenance. The budget required to fund the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $1,939,552. This represents a decrease of $98,111 or 4.8% over the previous fiscal year's estimated expenditures. The main factors contributing to the decrease are minor reductions in contract park maintenance and fewer park improvement projects than in previous years. This budget provides for a full year of maintenance for Devany Square and Shannon Park and one-half year of maintenance for the Dublin Historic Park. The total recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $1,939,552. -132- LEVEL OF SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTIVITY/FREQUENCY 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 Mowing Times/Year Dublin Sports Grounds 65 68 54 Emerald Glen Park 51 48 45 All Other Parks 42 45 38 Edging Times/Year 20 24 20 Fertilize Times/Year Emerald Glen Park 6.5 6 5 Alamo Creek Park 6 6 3 Shannon Park 6 6 3 Civic Center 5 6 3 Dublin Sports Grounds 4 4 5 All Other Parks 3 3 3 Manual Weed Beds 12 12 12 WORKLOAD/PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INDICATOR 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 Turf (Acres) 73.12 75.41 75.41 Bedding (Acres) 10.06 10.92 0.92 Shrubs 15,227 16,606 6,606 Trees 4,357 4,659 659 Irrigation Stations 1,017 1,079 1,079 Irrigation Heads 14,781 15,413 15,413 Developed Parks (Acres) 122.28 126.48 130.68 Unimproved Park Land (Ac res) 74.17 74.17 74.17 Total Park (Acres) 196.45 200.65 204.85 Public Open Space 124.45 124.76 124.76 (Acres) Litter Pickup 2,070 hrs Tree Pruning 803 ea Shrub Pruning 4,715 ea Mow Turf 3,759 ac Edge Turf 1,508 mlf Irrigation Inspection/ 31,042 sta Programming Irrigation Head Repair 2,281 ea Other Irrigation System 1,229 hrs Repairs Restroom Maintenance 2,921 hrs Playcourt Maintenance 268 hrs Playground Maintenance 954 hrs Fountain Maintenance In House Labor 88 hrs Subcontracted Labor 743 hrs Ballfield Preparation 53 hrs Games Ballfield Maintenance 1,232 hrs Storm Patrol /Cleanup 128 hrs 2,669 hrs 2,326 hrs 891 ea 836 ea 4,174 ea 3,543 ea 3,878 ac 3,332 ac 1,806 mlf 1,499 mlf 28,063 sta 28,063 sta 2,159 ea 2,175 ea 750 hrs 769 hrs 3,126 hrs 234 hrs 979 hrs 101 hrs 675 hrs 131 hrs 890 hrs 168 hrs 2,895 hrs 237 hrs 1,004 hrs 92 hrs 691 hrs 131 hrs 890 hrs 150 hrs -133- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL CULTURE & LEISURE PARK MAINTENANCE - 80200 CURRENT SERVICES (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND STAFFING FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION LEVEL General Fund (001) $ 1,936,552 CONTRACT Landscape Foreman 0.94 Public Arts Fund (311) $ 3,000 Landscape Laborer I 3.83 Landscape Laborer II 2.34 Landscape Laborer III 2.54 TOTAL $ 1,939,552 'TOTAL 9.65 This budget increment funds the Current Service Level of park maintenance at City parks and recreational facilities, including grounds maintenance for the Civic Center Library and the Senior Center. CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Operating Supplies $ 4,278 $ 3,466 $ 4,560 $ 4,674 Repairs & Maintenance 0 0 0 3,000 Gas/Electric 71,592 77,338 78,167 87,054 Water/Sewer 298,345 337,498 341,275 393,862 Internal Service Charge 3,244 3,244 3,244 3,244 Total Services/Supplies $ 377,459 $ 421,546 $ 427,246 $ 491,834 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 1,511,283 $ 1,575,964 $ 1,554,019 $ 1,434,618 Total Contract Services $ 1,511,283 $ 1,575,964 $ 1,554,019 $ 1,434,618 CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements $ 54,846 $ 51,517 $ 53,398 $ 13,100 Machinery & Equipment 0 3,000 3,000 0 Total Capital Outlay $ 54,846 $ 54,517 $ 56,398 $ 13,100 TOTAL`ACTIVITY'COST $ 1,943,588 $ 2,052,Q27 $ 2,037,663 $ 1,939,552 -134- COMMUNITY CABLE TELEVISION The Tri-Valley Community Television Corporation (TV30) is anon-profit corporation which provides education and government cable television access. The TV30 Board of Directors is comprised of the Mayors from the Cities of Dublin, Livermore, Pleasanton and San Ramon. The cities rotate the responsibility of providing support to the TV30 Board. This budget includes funding for the City of Dublin's share of costs associated with the TV30 organization and televising City Council meetings. Additionally, City Staff assumed the Board of Directors' Liaison position for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 and Fiscal Year 2008-2009. This function will transition to the City of San Ramon in Fiscal Year 2009-2010. The additional cost for supporting this responsibility has been removed from the budget, which included increases for mailings, operating supplies, and other Staff support activities. The budget for TV30 activities for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 was $78,445. Estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 are $77,462, which is $983 or 1.3% less than budgeted. The decrease is mainly attributable to savings associated with conducting many of the liaison duties electronically with savings in postage, printing, etc. The largest component of the City's Community Television Budget is the TV30 subsidy. For the past many years, the entire TV30 subsidy request has been split among the Cities of Dublin, San Ramon, Pleasanton, and Livermore according to a formula based on the number of subscribers in each city. Dublin's Fiscal Year 2009-2010 subsidy is $74,000, which is an increase of $2,740 or 3.7% more than Fiscal Year 2008-2009. Comcast and AT&T collect a $0.50 per month community television fee from all subscribers in the four Tri-Valley cities, which is used to fund the operational subsidy. Thus, the increase subsidy in Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is a result of an increase in the number of subscribers to Comcast's and AT&T's cable television services. The budget required to fund the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 2009=2010 is $81,645, an increase of $4,183 or 5.4% more than the Fiscal Year 2008-2009 estimated actual expenditures. Part of the increase is due to an update in the City Council filming charges assessed to the City. The total recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $81,645. -135- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL CULTURE & LEISURE COMMUNITY CABLE TV - 80300 CURRENT SERVICES (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION STAFFING LEVEL General Fund (001) $ 81,645 No City personnel are included in this activity. TOTAL $ 81,645 CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Postage $ 166 $ 200 $ 0 $ 0 Operating Supplies 0 200 0 0 Printing & Binding 0 200 0 0 Memberships & Dues $ 75 $ 75 $ 75 $ 75 Mileage & Auto Allowance 28 70 127 70 Total Services/Supplies $ 269 $ 745 $ 202 $ 145 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 112,419 $ 71,700 $ 71,260 $ 74,000 Televising Council Meetings 3,560 6,000 6,000 7,500 Rate Review 1,100 0 0 0 Total Contract Services $ 117,079 $ 77,700 $ 77,260 $ 81,500 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 117,348 $ 78,445 `$ 77,462 $- 81,645.... -136- PARKS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES The Parks and Community Services budget provides for the planning and administration of a comprehensive program of recreational opportunities for all ages in the following budget areas: • Recreation Administration • Community Facility Operations • Family Services • Preschool • Teens • Sports • Community Gymnasium Operations • Special Events & Festivals • Senior Center Operations and Programs • Leisure Enrichment Classes • Swim Center Operations and Programs The Parks and Community Services budget also provides for the management and operation of the Dublin Senior Center, Dublin Swim Center, Stager Community Gymnasium, Emerald Glen Activity Center, and the new Shannon Community Center. The budget also provides funding to coordinate use of the Dublin Public Library Community Room, Dublin Civic Center Regional Meeting Room and Council Chambers, Old St. Raymond's Church, City sports fields, the Emerald Glen Group Picnic area, and Dublin Unified School District athletic fields and facilities. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Completed an in-depth community needs assessment and opinion survey of Department programs and services, and developed a Strategic Plan for Department programs and services. 2. Prepared for the opening of the Shannon Community Center and developed a Facility Use Policy for community use of the building. 3. Conducted a grand opening event for the new Shannon Community Center. 4. Conducted a park dedication event for Piazza Sorrento and Devany Square. 5. Evaluated options for continuing the operation of the Emerald Glen Activity Center. 6. Planned for a new Summer Nature Day Camp program. 7. Investigated feasibility of expanding Senior Center food service programs and hours. 8. Expanded use of the city website to promote Senior Center events, programs and services. 9. Investigated a volunteer carpool program to provide transportation to and from the Senior Center. 10. Established a Youth Fee Assistance Program. 11. Entered into a Master Contract with the East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD) for Local Grant Funds under the Measure WW Park Bond Extension and submitted an application for grant funding. 12. Received awards from the California Parks and Recreation Society for Devany Square, as well as the annual St. Patrick's Day Festival. Department programs are partially offset by revenue collected from participants. The following is a comparison of the net costs (Expenditures less Revenue) for the two years: Estimated FY 2008/2009 Budget FY 2009/2010 Variance Ex enditures $ 3,963,324 $ 4,053,696 $ 90,372 Revenue $ 1,627,569 $ 1,863,260 $ 235,691 Net Costs $ 2,335,755 $ 2,190,436 $145,319 The total estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 are $16,631 (0.4%) under budget. This is primarily due to a shorter operational period than anticipated for the Shannon Community Center in Fiscal Year 2008-2009. The Fiscal Year 2008 -2009 revenue, is under the budget by $9,825 (0.6%). This decrease is primarily attributable to a decrease in registration for leisure classes. The proposed Current Service Level budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $4,053,696. As shown above, the net cost projected for Fiscal Year 2009 - 2010 is less than the previous year by $145,319. Although expenditures are estimated to increase by $90,372, revenue is also projected to increase, which will result in a lower net cost for Fiscal Year 2009 - 2010. -137- Expenditure increases in Fiscal Year 2009 - 2010 are primarily attributable to a full year of operation of the new Shannon Community Center and increased utility costs at all facilities. These increases are partially offset by budget reductions that will not affect the level of service provided by the Parks and Community Services Department. This includes the elimination of the Dublin Unified School District one- year request for funding a Groundskeeper, which the City Council funded in Fiscal Year 2008 - 2009 budget as a Higher Service Level. Revenues are expected to increase by $235,691 (14.5%) in Fiscal Year 2009-2010. This is a result of increased revenue for private rentals at the new Shannon Community Center, expansion of the preschool programs, and fee increases for certain programs and facility rentals. In addition, the revenues include reimbursement from the Dublin Unified School District for use of the Dublin Swim Center, which was waived at the request of the School District for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. No higher services levels are recommended for Fiscal Year 2009-2010. The total recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $4,053,696. -138- WORKLOAD/PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET INDICATOR 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS Playgrounds After School Recreation 180/day 180/day 167/day 170/day Camp Emerald Glen 23/day 25/day 22/day 25/day Fun in the Sun 193/day 200/day 185/day 190/day Spring Break Camp 20/day 20/day 20/day 20/day Winter Break Camp 14/day 18/day 0/day 0/day Preschool Classes 285 300 402 690 Day Camp 120 125 418 700 Teens Student Union After School Program 76/day 80/day 93/day 95/day Total Recreation Live Camp 25/day 25/day 14/day 15/day Adult Sports Basketball Teams 47 50 49 55 Bocce Ball Teams 24 25 17 20 Open Gym ~ 18/day 20/day 15/day 18/day Softball Teams 18 20 21 25 Tournament Teams 97 110 43 45 Youth Sports Basketball Clinics 121 125 178 180 Basketball Leagues 570 590 591 600 City Sports Camps 229 230 315 320 Contracted Sports Programs 732 750 1,170 1,200 T-Ball League 80 90 60 80 Special Events Breakfast With Santa 402 500 408 425 Community Golf Tournament 130 130 130 130 Day on the Glen 22,000 25,000 22,000 25,000 Eggstravaganza 379 450 450 450 Family Campout 159 165 175 180 Family Sports Fest 207 225 240 250 Fathers Day Picnic 175 180 180 180 Fun Run 1,240 1,300 1,267 1,300 Letters From Santa 93 100 95 100 Outdoor Movie Nights 2,600 2,800 3,000 3,000 St. Patrick's Day Celebration 70,000 80,000 70,000 70,000 Tree Lighting 400 400 400 400 Senior Center Average Daily Attendance 185/day 190/day 190/day 200/day Classes, Etc. 29,265 30,000 30,956 31,500 Meals (Lunch) 7,400 7,500 8,110 8,200 Special Events/Dances/Bingo 2,910 3,000 3,618 3,700 Trips/Trail Trekkers 2,230 2,300 2,332 2,400 Leisure Enrichment Classes Number Conducted 217 225 203 225 Participants 1,940 2,000 1,651 2,000 Aquatics Recreational Swim 14,090 15,000 16,098 16,500 Lessons 2,286 2,300 2,389 2,400 -139- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES - 80400-81000 CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION STAFFING LEVEL General Fund (001) $ 4,053,696 Parks & Community Services Director 1.00 Asst. Parks & Comm. Svcs. Director 1.00 Recreation Supervisor 2.00 Recreation Coordinator 5.00 Administrative Technician 1.00 Senior Office Assistant 1.00 Office Assistant II 2.10 Office Assistant I 0.50 Preschool Instructor 1.00 Recreation Technician 2.00 TOTAL $ 4,053,696 TOTAL 16.60 Part-Time Hours: :59,318 Funding of the Current Service Level will accomplish the following High Priority City Council Goals: 2009-2010 GOALS 1. Develop Program Pricing and Cost Recovery Policy. 2. Expand preschool program to offer classes at both Shannon Community Center and Emerald Glen Activity Center for the 2009-2010 school year. 3. Expand use of the Senior Center on Saturday mornings for programs and classes. 4. Expand fitness and wellness classes (aerobics, yoga, pilates, cardio, outdoor recreation, etc.) and create flexible participation options. 5. Expand cooking and nutrition classes. 6. Offer babysitting programs during key hours to encourage participation in classes and programs by adults with children. 7. Study the feasibility of developing a Lacrosse team, classes, training for youths, etc. In addition, the Current Service Level budget supports the following strategies from the Parks and Community Services Strategic Plan: 1. Promote and support environmental stewardship and protect environmental resources. 2. Implement programs that are popular with the core customer market segments and are responsive to community needs and industry trends. 3. Position programs and service delivery to be unique, competitive and responsive. 4. Reduce barriers to participation in Department programs and services. PROGRAM Recreation Administration Playgrounds Community Facility Operations Preschool Teens Program Adult Sports Youth Sports Community Gym Special Events Senior Center Leisure Enrichment Classes Aquatics CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL ESTIMATED 2009-2010 REVENUE $ 764,053 361,807 462,838 253,104 104,351 181,320 274,610 41,829 359,597 555,437 201,849 492,901 $ 0 360,080 93,508 288,920 10,510 139,485 260,010 26,860 167,770 144,793 142,305 229,019 TOTALS $ 4,053,696 $ 1,863,260 -140- NET PROGRAM COST/(REVENUE) $764,053 1,727 369,330 (35,816) 93,841 41,835 14,600 14,969 191,827 410,644 59,544 263,882 $ 2,190,436 CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET -PARKS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ 1,040,875 $ 1,234,058 $ 1,222,154 $ 1,219,043 Salaries P.T. Regular 72,944 0 0 21,460 Salaries P.T. Seasonal 619,514 662,593 677,408 770,462 Salaries O.T. 17,366 16,543 13,969 13,282 Retirement 268,185 281,423 279,068 283,836 Group Insurance 187,023 266,849 266,202 298,193 Retiree Health 82,209 88,993 88,249 89,417 Workers Compensation 24,500 14,616 14,428 6,476 S.U.I. 619 0 0 0 F.I.C.A. 23,064 27,761 27,088 29,343 F.I.C.A. OASDI / PARS 9,293 9,971 9,197 11,552 Total Personnel Services $ 2,345,592 $ 2,602,807 $ 2,597,763 $ 2,743,064 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 7,801 $ 8,875 $ 8,875 $ 7,660 Postage 25,794 29,595 25,884 22,715 Operating Supplies 164,880 184,809 186,698 174,674 Communications 3,063 2,500 2,446 3,323 Advertising 28,076 30,985 26,543 26,825 Printing & Binding 41,482 51,800 48,485 31,565 Insurance/Claims 0 0 0 5,000 Repairs & Maintenance 22,470 28,825 35,820 18,340 Rentals & Leases 119,535 121,382 126,648 98,880 Book & Publications 0 0 0 330 Memberships & Dues 2,003 3,130 2,830 2,895 Mileage & Auto Allowance 3,816 3,880 6,236 6,615 Travel and Conferences 10,095 11,240 11,240 9,245 Training 13,349 8,880 8,596 43,345 Gas/Electric 83,491 124,710 115,755 119,205 Water/Sewer 20,768 24,685 34,770 42,310 Telephone 12,890 12,600 10,061 7,720 Legal Notices 19 110 95 100 Filing Fees 368 750 630 630 Comm. Promo 12,973 12,950 12,370 11,360 Internal Service Charge 49,710 43,064 43,359 55,317 Internal Svc Chg -Vehicles/Bldg 10,253 11,025 10,649 10,081 Total Services/Supplies $ 632,836 $ 715,795 $ 717,990 $ 698,135 -141- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET -PARKS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES DESCRIPTION CONTRACT SERVICES Recreation Administration Playgrounds Community Facility Operations Preschool Teens Program Adult Sports Youth Sports Community Gym Special Events Senior Center Recreational Instruction Aquatics Total Contract Services CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements Furniture & Fixtures Machinery & Equipment Total Capital Outlay TOTAL,ACTIWTY COST CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 $ 55,171 $ 58,425 $ 58,010 $ 37,905 19,218 72,230 70,530 26,820 12,792 53,324 35,185 108,290 1,620 4,500 4,730 6,930 9,002 12,990 10,350 5,840 19,003 18,210 15,850 18,020 75,155 73,930 95,350 101,690 24,486 25,960 19,195 19,970 58,043 70,880 68,250 47,310 90,295 88,969 88,699 82,634 84,508 79,390 86,772 88,941 49,780 55,735 49,580 54,692 $ 499,073 $ 614,543 $ 602,501 $ 599,042 $ 35,592 $ 16,800 $ 16,800 $ 13,455 2,565 8,780 7,948 0 25,817 21,230 20,322 0 $ 63,974 $ 46,810 $ 45,070 $ $ 3,541,475 $ 3,.979,955 $ 3,963,324 $ 13,455 4,053',696 -142- PARKS 8~ FACILITIES MANAGEMENT This budget provides for afull-time Parks & Facilities Development Manager and full-time Parks & Facilities Development Coordinator who are responsible for managing the design, development and construction of recreation, park and other municipal facilities. Project management costs for recreation, park and other municipal facilities are accounted for in two ways: for projects funded from Public Facility Fees, the Staff project management costs are shown as part of the project expense. This assures that projects which are not funded by the General Fund reflect the full cost including staff management. For those projects that are funded from the General Fund, the project management costs are shown in the Parks & Facilities Management Operating Budget. The estimated cost to the City for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $336,140. This amount is $114,877 or 51.9% more than budgeted. This is primarily due to the delay in the start of two projects; the Emerald Glen Recreation and Aquatic Center and Passatempo Park. Both projects are funded by Public Facility Fee Funds. If these projects had proceeded Staff costs in the General Fund would have been less. Even without these two projects Staff were fully utilized on complex projects funded by the General Fund, including: Dublin Historic Park; Park Play Area Renovations; Civic Center Expansion; and the new Maintenance Yard Facility. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Initiated Civic Center Expansion Project 2. Completed construction of Shannon Community Center 3. Successfully bid two major park construction projects with both projects coming in under budget by +/-20% 4. Initiated construction of Dublin Historic Park Phase I 5. Successfully relocated the Kolb Ranch Structures to the Dublin Historic Park 6. Initiated construction of Fallon Sports Park Phase I 7. Completed replacement of Park Furniture at Kolb Park 8. Completed replacement of Play Equipment at Stagecoach Park 9. Completed Devany Square 10. Initiated Maintenance Yard Facility Improvement Project 11. Submitted and received pre-approval of a grant under the Golden Trees for Golden State Program 12. Submitted two applications for funding under the East Bay Regional Park District Measure WW Local Grant Program The budget necessary to fund the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $255,725, exclusive of capital project work. The estimated costs assigned to capital projects are $70,294. As noted in the Budget Detail, the portion of Parks & Facilities Management costs associated with CIP projects is shown for information purposes only on these pages. The actual costs are included in the Capital Budget for each project. The total recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $255,725. -143- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL CULTURE & LEISURE PARKS 8~ FACILITIES MANAGEMENT - 82000 CURRENT SERVICES (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION STAFFING LEVEL General Fund (001) $ 255,725 Parks & Facilities Development Manager Parks & Facilities Development Coordinator 1.00 1.00 TOTAL° $ 255,725- TOTAL 2.00 This budget finances the Current Service Level, which includes afull-time Parks & Facilities Development Manager and Parks & Facilities Development Coordinator. Funding of the Current Services Level would accomplish the following High Priority City Council Goal: 2009-2010 GOAL 1. Implement recommendations from the Civic Center Workspace Programming Study. In addition, the Current Service Level will support project management for the following projects: 1. Dublin Historic Park, Phase I Construction 2. Fallon Sports Park, Phase I Construction 3. Dublin Sports Grounds, Area 2 Renovation 4. Maintenance Yard Facility Improvements 5. Park Play Area Renovation -Emerald Glen Park Tot Lot -144- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET - PARKS ~ FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ACTUAL DESCRIPTION 2007-2008 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ Retirement Group Insurance Retiree Health Workers Compensation F. L C.A. Total Personnel Services $ SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ Postage Communications Printing & Binding Book & Publications Memberships & Dues Mileage & Auto Allowance Travel and Conferences Training Internal Service Charge Total Services/Supplies $ Total Contract Services $ Total Capital Outlay $ TOTAL`ACTIVtTY COST $ The following costs are shown for information only: (1) Current Service Level 2009-2010 BUDGET 2008-2009 ESTIMATED 2008-2009 URRENT SERVICE LEVEL 2009-2010 211,059 $ 107,810 $ 223,531 $ 214,856 51,006 51,000. 50,997 48,755 21,099 33,911 33,852 35,694 15,622 16,136 16,135 15,368 3,023 1,194 1,179 688 3,061 3,268 3,241 3,116 304,870 $ 213,319 $ 328,935 $ 318,477 327 $ 300 $ 80 $ 60 0 0 40 0 0 100 0 0 53 60 30 30 184 300 200 100 780 935 790 800 564 525 700 684 289 800 230 100 217 1,100 1,311 1,400 4,691 3,824 3,824 4,368 7,105 $ 7,944 $ 7,205 $ 7,542 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 311,975 $ 221,263 $ 336,140>~ $ 326,019 ~'- Actual Parks & Facilites Management Plus Applicable Total Operating Costs CIP Projects Reported Costs $ 255,725 $ 70,294 $ 326,019 -145- This page intentionally left blank. -146- ~.~ °F °`~y CITY OF DUBLIN ~' ~-'~'~ FISCAL YEAR 2009 - 2010 PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS ~\ ~, ~% ~'~11t'o rv COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT The total recommended expenditures for Community Development are $4,897,978 for Fiscal Year 2009-2010. This represents a decrease of $1,703,510, or -25.8% les than estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. The number of authorized positions are reflected as Full-Time Equivalents (FTE). Significant changes in Community Development for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 include the following: 1. Decreased City and contract employee salary and benefit costs associated with a total net City Staff employee reduction of 8.35 FTE in Community Development. These reductions included vacant positions, upcoming vacancies as a result of retirement, and organizational realignment changes. This is comprised of changes in the following Departments: -6.35 FTE - (Budget Nos. 90100-90200 - Community Development -Building and Safety /Planning); and -2.0 FTE - (Budget No. 90300 - Engineering). In addition, Contract personnel staffing is being reduced : -1.70 FTE - (Budget Nos. 90100-90200 -Community Development -Building and Safety); and -1.35 FTE - (Budget No. 90300 - Engineering) 2. Decreased contract service costs associated with reviews of new development projects as a result of the slowdown in new construction. (Budget Nos. 90100-90200- Community Development -Building and Safety /Planning 3. The allocation of Engineering Staff costs allocated to the General Fund are projected to decrease due to increased staff time is allocated to Capital Improvement Projects in Fiscal Year 2009-2010 as compared to estimates for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. This will be partially offset by a reduction in Engineering Staff time allocated to new development. (Budget No. 90300 -Engineering) 4. Funding of four Higher Service Levels to provide: 1) Support Dublin Partners in Education (DPIE); 2) A contribution towards Employment and Training Services offered to Dublin residents and businesses by the Tri-Valley One Stop Career Center; 3) A contribution to the Tri-Valley Business Council; and 4) fund activities relating to the execution of the City's Communications Plan. (Budget No. 90400 Economic Development) -147- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT The Community Development Department includes the Planning, Building and Safety, and Housing Divisions. The budget for Housing is included in a separate budget (50500). The Department provides supervision and enforcement of the development process within the community. The Community Development Department is supervised by the Community Development Director. The costs associated with this position have been allocated to the Planning Division (.30), Building and Safety Division (.30) and Housing Division (.40) of the Department for Fiscal Year 2009-2010. The Planning Division staffing is comprised of the following positions: .30 Community Development Director; 1 Planning Manager; 2 Senior/Associate Planners; 1 Assistant Planner; 1 Sr. Code Enforcement Officer, 1 Code Enforcement Officer; 1.5 Secretaries, and 1.15 Office Assistant II. The Planning Division is directly responsible for providing staff support for the following activities: preparation of updates and amendments to the General Plan; development of ordinances for consideration by the Planning Commission and the City Council; administration of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); processing of development applications; and administration and enforcement of the City's Zoning and Property Maintenance Ordinances. The Building and Safety Division is comprised of the following positions:.30 Community Development Director; 1 Building Official; 1 Administrative Technician; 1 Senior Building Inspector; 1 Permit Technician; and 1 Office Assistant II. In addition, the budget for the Building and Safety Division includes .5 contract Plan Checker (for structural and specialty reviews) and 4.3 contract Building Inspectors, on average, for Fiscal Year 2009-2010. The Building and Safety Division is directly responsible for building inspection, construction plan checking and building code enforcement activities. The total estimated expenditures for the Community Development Department for Fiscal Year 2008- 2009 are $4,540,482, or $50,778 (1.1 %) less than budgeted. This decrease is primarily attributable to staff vacancies this Fiscal Year. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Completed a Building and Safety Contract Evaluation. 2. Prepared Community Design Element of the General Plan. 3. Briefed the Planning Commission on proposed significant redevelopment, including site and land uses within the Downtown Planning Area. 4. Completed a residential green building self-certification program. 5. Developed a Homeowner evening inspection program. 6. Created new Medium Density Designations for specific properties in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The budget necessary for the Department to provide the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 2009- 2010 is $3,199,892. This represents a decrease of $1,340,590 or 29.5% over Fiscal Year 2008-2009 estimated expenditures. Planning Division costs will decrease by $1,099,758 or 41.2%; while Building and Safety Division costs will decrease by $240,832 or 12.9%. The decrease in expenditures for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 in the Planning Division is related to reorganization of City Staff and a reduction in Contract Services due to the reduction in planning activity. The decrease in expenditures for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 in the Building and Safety Division is attributed to the reorganization of City Staff and a reduction in Contract Services due to the slowing of construction activities. Major residential construction projects for 2009-2010 include: Toll Brother's Terraces (Area G, H-2), Sorrento Villages 1-5, Braddock and Logan's' Fallon Village Positano, Discovery Home's Schaefer Ranch and Windstar Condominiums. Commercial construction projects include: School of Imagination and Springfield Montessori School. -148- The Planning Division cost for the Current Service Level is estimated to be $1,567,904 for Fiscal Year 2009-2010. This cost is estimated to be offset in the amount of $692,403 in Zoning and Subdivision Fees. The net cost to fund the Planning activity in Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $875,501. The Building & Safety Division cost for the Current Service Level is estimated to be $1,631,988 for Fiscal Year 2009-2010. This cost is estimated to be offset in the amount of $1,319,448 by Building Permit Fees, $59,828 in Construction and Demolition Permit Fees, $2,016 in Zone 7 Administration Fees and $600 in State Green Building Administration Fees. The timing of the receipt of the fees may differ from when the services are performed; therefore, it is difficult to project a net cost on an annual basis. The total recommended budget Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $3,199,892. PLANNING DIVISION WORKLOAD/PERFORMANCE MEASURES INDICATOR ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 Planning Applications 45 50 60 50 Development Agreements Completed 3 5 7 3 Zoning Clearances/Temporary Use Permits 178 250 313 300 Business Licenses Reviewed 309 320 200 200 Zoning/Property Maintenance Cases Closed 645 770 750 750 Planning Compliance Cases Closed 10 18 18 18 BUILDING & SAFETY DIVISION WORKLOAD/PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET INDICATOR 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 Building Valuation $79,215,762 $206,581,321 $85,794,838 $143,630,133 Permits Issued 1,333 1,322 1,154 1,029 Inspections 25,602 18,116 13,672 10,264 Dwelling Units Issued 135 549 158 442 Dwelling Units Finaled 798 478 388 287 Building Code Enforcement Cases Open 205 100 130 125 Cases Closed 178 80 136 130 -149- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL COMMUNITY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - 90100-90200 CURRENT DEVELOPMENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMAR Y FUND STAFFING FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION LEVEL General Fund (001) $ 3,199,892 CITY Community Development Director 0.60 Building Official 1.00 Planning Manager 1.00 Senior Building Inspector 1.00 Senior/Associate Planner 2.00 Assistant Planner 1.00 Senior Code Enforcement Officer 1.00 Code Enforcement Officer 1.00 Permit Technician 1.00 Administrative Technician 1.00 Secretary 1.50 Office Assistant I I 2.15 Subtotal 14.25 CONTRACT Plan Checker 0.50 Building Inspector 4.30 Subtotal 4.80 This budget provides funding to maintain the current level of service for the Community Development Department, which includes the Planning and Building & Safety Divisions. This includes supervision and enforcement of the development process within the community. This is accomplished by funding the personnel in the Department, along with the associated services and supplies. A historical comparison of costs by Division is shown below: CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 PLANNING BUILDING & SAFETY TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT $ 2,479,867 2,515,367 $ 4,995,234 $ 2,592,757 1,998,503 $ 4,591,260 -150- $ 2,667,662 1,872,820 $ 4,540,482 $ 1,567,904 1,631,988 $ 3,199,892 CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET -COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Funding of the Current Service Level would accomplish or make substantial progress on the following High Priority City Council Goals: 2009-2010 GOALS 1. Implement residential planned development and investigate opportunities to create a new village in Eastern Dublin Transit Center. 2. Complete Parks Reserve Forces Training Area (Camp Parks) General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments. Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Element: Complete Draft Specific Plan. 3. Update Downtown, West Dublin BART and San Ramon Specific Plans into one comprehensive Plan that addresses the entire Downtown Area. 4. Complete Scarlett Court Specific Plan. 5. Participate in 2010 Census. 6. Examine Zoning Ordinance to identify changes to streamline entitlements for businesses seeking to locate in Dublin. 7. Complete Grafton Plaza General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan Amendment. 8. Implement real-time electronic field inspection system. 9. Develop and implement program for on-line inspection scheduling. 10. Develop and implement program to begin accepting on-line building permit applications for over the counter permits. -151- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET -COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 PERSONNEL SERVICES Planning Salaries F.T. Salaries P.T. Salaries O.T. Retirement Group Insurance Workers Compensation F.I.C.A. F.I.C.A. OASDI / PARS Retiree Health Total Planning Buildin Salaries F.T. Retirement Group Insurance Workers Compensation F.I.C.A. Retiree Health Total Building Total Personnel Services SERVICES & SUPPLIES Planning Office Supplies Postage Operating Supplies Communications Printing & Binding Repairs & Maintenance Rentals & Leases Book & Publications Memberships & Dues Mileage & Auto Allowance Travel and Conferences Training Legal Notices Filing Fees Internal Service Charge Internal Svc Chg -Vehicles Total Planning $ 996,426 22,229 1,750 240,668 161,861 2,235 14,901 333 73,496 $ 1,513,899 $ 910,614 24,581 1,354 212,056 209,591 2,076 15,466 369 74,973 $ 1,451,080 $ 910,427 $ 725,535 23,922 6,000 3,069 3,069 208,090 165,899 193,614 157,736 2,049 1,797 13,593 10,651 359 90 65,807 52,274 $ 1,420,930 $ 1,123,051 $ 497,128 $ 568,595 $ 567,304 $ 448,363 119,167 128,443 128,617 102,263 94,952 126,976 114,130 93,589 1,234 978 965 955 7,252 9,332 8,227 6,502 36,651 46,316 40,677 32,227 $ 756,384 $ 880,640 $ 859,920 $ 683,899 $ 2,270,283 $ 2,331,720 $ 2,280,850 $ 1,806,950 $ 7,013 $ 6,930 $ 6,030 $ 6,332 12,223 11, 875 11,364 7,453 5,136 6,070 5,433 2 , 900 671 2,903 2,848 3,372 10,400 8,200 13,136 4,056 635 250 163 250 2,100 2,750 2,750 250 1,855 1,685 1,773 1,646 3,591 4,000 3,929 3,390 5,052 4,476 3,552 3,964 9,380 21,850 20,060 17,087 10,143 10,776 10,460 6,577 2,336 3,850 5,531 3,850 1,977 2,760 2,868 0 37,132 31,757 31,757 42,003 283 5,687 5,687 6,263 $ 109,927 $ 125,819 $ 127,341 $ 109,393 -152- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009.2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET -COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 SERVICES & SUPPLIES (Continued) Buildin Office Supplies Postage Operating Supplies Communications Printing & Binding Repairs & Maintenance Rentals & Leases Book & Publications Memberships & Dues Mileage & Auto Allowance Travel and Conferences Training Legal Notices Internal Service Charge Total Building Total ServiceslSuppiies CONTRACT SERVICES Plannin General Professional Services Reimb Total Planning Buildin Genera{ Total Building Total Contract Services $ 3,770 $ 3,450 $ 2,990 $ 3,000 418 600 523 550 833 850 597 1,100 1,617 3,280 1,353 5,640 3,295 3,400 2,604 2,265 0 250 250 250 2,100 2,250 2,250 2,000 19,448 2,500 1,263 1,000 1,165 1,240 1,035 4,270 4,556 4,760 4,138 3,760 2,139 4,740 3,602 2,390 5,847 .7,447 6,596 3,440 48 100 100 100 16,863 13,306 13,306 24,148 $ 62,099 $ 48,173 $ 40,607 $ 53,913 $ 172,026 $ 173,992 $ 167,948 $ 163,306 $ 188,970 641,279 $ 830,249 $ 448,008 561,900 $ 1,009,908 $ 544,481 568,946 $ 1,113,427 $ 47,710 287,500 $ 335,210 $ 894,176 $ 894,176 $ 1,229,386 $ 1,696,341 $ 1,065,990 $ 970,417 $ 1,696,341 $ 1,065,990 $ 970,417 $ 2,526,590 $ 2,075,898 $ 2,083,844 Planning Furniture & Fixtures $ 0 $ 4,200 $ 4,200 $ 0 250 792 25 750 1 1,764 Machinery & Equipment , , 964 5 $ 250 Total Planning $ 25,792 $ 5,950 $ , Buildin Furniture & Fixtures $ 0 $ 2,900 $ 1,200 $ 0 t 543 800 676 Machinery & Equipmen 876 1 $ 0 Total Building $ 543 $ 3,700 $ , Total Capital Outlay $ 26,335 $ 9,650 $ 7,840 $ 250 ~~_. s3 .. -153- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET -COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TOTAL CURRENT SERVICE BUILDING & LEVEL DESCRIPTION PLANNING SAFETY 2009-2010 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ 725,535 $ 448,363 $ 1,173,898 Salaries P.T. 6,000 0 6,000 Salaries O.T. 3,069 0 3,069 Retirement 165,899 102,263 268,162 Group Insurance 157,736 93,589 251,325 Workers Compensation 1,797 955 2,752 F.I.C.A. 10,651 6,502 17,153 F.I.C.A. OASDI / PARS 90 0 90 Retiree Health 52,274 32,227 84,501 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 1,123,051 $ 683,899 $ 1,806,950 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 6,332 $ 3,000 $ 9,332 Postage 7,453 550 8,003 Operating Supplies 2,900 1,100 4,000 Communications 3,372 5,640 9,012 Printing & Binding 4,056 2,265 6,321 Repairs & Maintenance 250 250 500 Rentals & Leases 250 2,000 2,250 Book & Publications 1,646 1,000 2,646 Memberships & Dues 3,390 4,270 7,660 Mileage & Auto Allowance 3,964 3,760 7,724 Travel, Conferences & Meetings 17,087 2,390 19,477 Training 6,577 3,440 10,017 Legal Notices 3,850 100 3,950 Internal Service Charge 42,003 24,148 66,151 Internal Service Charge 6,263 6,263 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 109,393 $ 53,913 $ 163,306 CONTRACT SERVICES Planning & Building Professional Services -General $ 47,710 $ 894,176 $ 941,886 Professional Services -Reimbursable 287,500 0 287,500 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $ 335,210 $ 894,176 $ 1,229,386 CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture & Fixtures $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Machinery & Equipment 250 0 250 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 250 $ 0 $ 250 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 1,567,904 $ 1,631,988-- $ 3,199,892 -154- ENGINEERING This activity provides funding for activities related to: traffic engineering and related programs; Storm Water Pollution Control activities; design and inspection of Capital Projects; inspection of private development facilities which will be dedicated to the City (i.e. development of new streets and sidewalks); review of plans for subdivisions and private development; preparation of maps identifying parcels within the community; and technical engineering support for Assessment Districts. These services are provided using a combination of City employees and contract services. Estimated expenses, excluding Capital Improvement Projects (CIPs), for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 are $1,826,135 or 0.7% less than budgeted. This difference is primarily attributable to the slow-down in private development projects moving forward. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Developed and implemented an Action Plan and Budget for the new Municipal Stormwater Permit (NPDES). 2. Examined signal timings throughout the City to improve intersection efficiency by coordinating signalized intersections along major arterials and optimizing pedestrian safety. 3. Updated Tri-Valley Transportation Fee Nexus Study, together with the other six (6) member agencies in the Tri-Valley Transportation Council. 4. Developed a phased plan to expand the Traffic Management System to include all arterials. The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $1,347,586. This represents a decrease of $478,549 or 26.2% compared to Fiscal Year 2008-2009. This is because Staff costs allocated to Capital Projects in Fiscal Year 2009-2010 exceeds the amount allocated in Fiscal Year 2008-2009, and engineering services required for new development in Fiscal Year 2009-2010 will be lower. As noted in the Budget Detail, the portion of Engineering costs associated with CIP projects is shown for information purposes only on these pages. The actual engineering costs are included in the Capital Budget for each project. The Engineering Activity costs are partially offset through fees and charges. The following table shows the impact of these revenues on the net cost of providing Engineering Services. NET COST OF ENGINEERING ACTIVITY CURRENT SERVICE BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 Total Engineering General Fund $1,816,437 $1,804,039 $1,796,123 (Expense not allocated to a CIP or Assessment District) Projected General Fund Revenues Encroachment Permits $20,377 $38,280 $36,770 Plan Check/Inspection Fees $1,409,304 $1,526,238 $1,046,492 Net General Fund Cost $386,756 $239,521 $242,189 The total recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $1,796,123. -155- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL COMMUNITY ENGINEERING - 90300 CURRENT DEVELOPMENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND STAFFING FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION .LEVEL General Fund (001) $ 1,325,451 CITY State Gas Tax (206) 6,000 City Engineer 1.00 Assessment Dist 4,270 Senior Civil Engineer 3.00 Assessment Dist 2,705 Assistant Civil Engineer 1.00 Assessment Dist 2,705 Associate Civil Engineer 0.00 Assessment Dist 2,705 Public Works Inspector 2.00 Assessment Dist 3,750 Public Works Technician I/II 1.00 Subtotal 8.00 CONTRACT Engineer 1.00 Part-Time Public Works Inspector 0.00 Subtotal 1.00 .TOTAL $ 1,347,586 .:TOTAL 9.00 This budget funds Staff and contract services for private development review, traffic engineering, capital project design, and project administration. The budget will continue to fund necessary Staff time to comply with the requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. Funding of the Current Service Level would accomplish the following High Priority City Council Goals: 2009-2010 GOALS 1. Prepare an alignment for Central Parkway from Fallon Rd to Croak Rd/Dublin Blvd. 2. Update Tri-Valley Transportation Development Fee Strategic Expenditure Plan together with the other six (6) agencies in the TVTC. 3. Examine parking requirements to streamline development review and encourage businesses to locate within the City of Dublin. Note: The following legend provides descriptive information on the special funds: Assessment District #710 Citywide Street Lighting District Assessment District #711 Landscaping Assessment District -Stagecoach Road Assessment District #713 Landscaping Assessment District -Dougherty Road Assessment District #716 Landscaping Assessment District -Santa Rita Area Assessment District #717 Dublin Ranch Street Lighting District -156- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELlMlNARY BUDGET -ENGINEERING CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2007-2008 _ 2008-2009 2008-2009 2on9.2n~n PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ Salaries P.T. Salaries O.T. Retirement Group Insurance Retiree Health Workers Compensation F.I.C.A. PARS Total Personnel Services $ SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ Postage Operating Supplies Communications Printing & Binding Rentals & Leases Book & Publications Memberships & Dues Mileage & Auto Allowance Travel and Conferences Training Legal Notices Filing Fees Comm. Promo Internal Service Charge Internal Svc Chg -Vehicles Total Services/Supplies $ CONTRACT SERVICES General $ General Engineering Traffic Engineering Service Private Dev Reimbursable Assess District Engineering Total Contract Services $ CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture & Fixtures $ Machinery & Equipment Total Capital Outlay $ TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ The following costs are shown for information only: (1) Actual 2007-2008 (2) Budget 2008-2009 (3) Estimated 2008-2009 (4) Current Service Level 2009 -2010 1,074,819 108,880 58,614 217,399 122,071 66,470 2,613 14,185 171 1,665,222 6,671 1,025 5,011 4,942 3, 784 4,200 268 1,435 9,103 7,196 2,477 1,340 0 0 19,204 30,170 96,826 $ 957,922 $ 908,431 $ 829,174 121,680 155,454 0 99,118 46,901 32,335 226,721 227,048 189,093 152,176 151,413 142,546 71,720 65,570 59,604 2,047 2,021 1,837 16,963 16,107 12,491 1,123 1,046 0 $ 1,649,470 $ 1,573,991 $ 1,267,080 $ 6,825 $ 6,825 $ 6,145 1,440 1,192 1,265 6,500 6,500 11,225 5,425 4,754 4,755 4,870 2,465 2,465 6,660 4,440 0 700 700 325 745 740 2,105 9,220 9,118 9,295 4,570 4,233 320 6,675 4,619 1,995 1,200 831 870 0 50 0 2,500 2,500 2,500 14,849 14,849 18;087 38,100 33,063 40,836 $ 110,279 $ 96,879 $ 102,188 60,099 $ 104,490 $ 99,737 $ 69,409 16,052 19,615 11,520 9,220 53,069 78,000 78,000 70,800 441,051 351,796 280,973 256,811 14,667 15,635 15,635 15,635 584,938 $ 569,536 $ 485,865 $ 421,875 1,454 $ 1,600 1,111 13,970 2,565 $ 15,570 2,349,551 ~'~ $ 2,344,855 t~1 Actual Engineering Operating Costs $2,076,515 $1,838,572 $1,826,135 $1,347,586 -157- $ 1,630 $ 4,980 13,948 0 $ 15,578 $ 4,980 $ 2,.1.72,313 ~3~ ~ 1:,796,'1.23 l4) Plus Applicable Total CIP Projects Reported Costs $273,036 $2,349,551 $506,283 $2,344,855 $346,178 $2,172,313 $448,537 $1,796,123 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC INFORMATION The City reorganized the Economic Development Departmental function in Fiscal Year 2008-2009, due to the promotion of the Economic Development Director to the City's Assistant City Manager. The City Council modified the existing Assistant to the City Manager classification to focus on economic development and public information. There are two main goals: 1) to enhance and maintain the City's economic base through programs and activities that focus on business attraction, expansion and retention; and 2) to create a consistent and ongoing communication with Dublin residents and businesses through a variety of outreach efforts. The budget for Economic Development activities for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 was $251,509. Estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 are $234,871, or $16,638 less than budgeted. The decrease in expenditures is due mainly to the reduction in expenditures for the Tri-Valley Business Council and Tri- ValleyJobs.com. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Developed an Economic Incentive Program. 2. Worked with the owners of the Chevron Property on new development opportunities. 3. Explored options for a listserv system to inform the community of City meetings, news and events. 4. Worked with property owners to tenant vacant buildings on Village Parkway. 5. Enhanced the presence of automobile dealers in the Scarlett Court Specific Plan area. The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $258,000, which is an increase of $23,129 or 9.8% more than Fiscal Year 2008-2009 estimated actual expenditures. Economic Development and Public Information activities contained in the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 include: preparing and distributing City real estate vacancy reports three times during the year; economic development reports and various business marketing materials; attendance at economic development and public information conferences; execution of the Business Recognition Program; continued participation in the East Bay Economic Development Alliance (EDAB), East Bay Small Business Development Center, as well as the Tri-Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau (TVCVB), and memberships in the California Association of Local Economic Developers (CALED) and California Association of Public Information Officials (CAPIO). The Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 also includes funding for the continued support of TriValleyJobs.com ($1,000, in addition to a carryover of $4,000 from Fiscal Year 2008-2009). , In addition to the Current Service Level, it is recommended that the City Council fund four Higher Service Levels (HSLs): HSL#1 provides funding to Dublin Partners in Education for vocational programs, arts promotion and. career days ($15,000); HSL# 2 provides funding to the Tri-Valley One- Stop Career Center ($15,000); HSL#3 funds the Tri-Valley Business Council for the Innovation Network website ($5,000); and HSL#4 would fund the creation of the City's Communication Work Plan ($57,500). The total recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 including the Higher Service Levels is $350,500. -158- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - 90400 CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION STAFFING LEVEL General Fund (001) $ 258,000 Assistant to the City Manager Office Assistant II 1.00 0.5 TOTAL $ 258,000 TOTAL 1.50 This budget continues to maintain the current level of service for those programs and activities provided by Economic Development. The budget also includes funding to assist in activities relating to the Public Information Officer function, now included in Economic Development. The Current Service Level provides funding for the Assistant to the City Manager; services and supplies necessary to support the economic development and public information functions; participation in the East Bay Economic Development Alliance (East Bay EDA), Tri-Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau, the California Association of Public Information Officials, and the California Association for Local Economic Development (CALED), to name a few. The Current Service Level also includes funding for the City's participation in the Business Recognition Program ($2,500) and TriValleyJobs.com ($1,000). Funding of the Current Service Level will accomplish the following High Priority City Council Goals: 2009-2010 GOALS 1. Work with the owners of National Food Lab on new development opportunities. 2. Work with the owners of the Chevron property on new development opportunities. 3. Work with Dublin Place Shopping Center to facilitate new improvements to the Center. 4. Work with property owners in West Dublin BART Specific Plan area to identify development opportunities. 5. Work with property owners in Santa Rita area to identify new office uses /users. 6. Work with property owners to tenant vacant buildings on Village Pkwy. 7. Work with property owners at the Promenade to identify development opportunities. 8. Examine appropriate locations to permit automotive repair businesses within the City. 9. Develop Economic Incentive Program. 10.Develop Business Visitation Program. 11.Work with Chabot /Las Positas to find a location for District Office /Learning Center. 12.Develop a Farmer's Market. (Staff Proposed Change: Explore the feasibility of a Farmer's Market.) 13.Enhance presence of automobile dealers in the Scarlett Court Specific Plan Area. -159- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET -ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. Salaries P.T. Retirement Group Insurance Retiree Health Workers Compensation F.I.C.A. Total Personnel Services SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies Postage Operating Supplies Advertising Printing & Binding Book & Publications Memberships & Dues Mileage & Auto Allowance Travel and Conferences Training Comm. Promo Internal Service Charge Total Services/Supplies CONTRACT SERVICES General Tri-Valley Jobs.Com Tri Valley ConventionNisitor Bureau Dublin Partners In Education Tri-Valley One Stop Career Center Tri-valley Business Council Total Contract Services CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture & Fixtures Total Capital Outlay TOTAL ACTIVITY COST. $ 123,617 0 29,561 16,391 9,053 248 1,826 $ 94,460 0 24,223 17,171 9,247 233 1,877 $ 180,696 $ 147,211 128 $ (52) 1,298 450 553 84 9,739 2,289 2,841 30 0 3,575 180 500 3,000 2,200 13,000 175 9,980 2,480 3,950 1,000 4,500 2,833 $ 20,935 $ $ 25,842 $ 169 0 12,500 15,000 0 $ 53,511 $ 43,798 $ 81,901 $ 143,808 10,102 0 21,033 32,965 15,128 26,645 5,913 10,286 248 301 1,333 2,086 $ 135,658 $ 216,091 $ 165 $ 165 300 500 3,000 3,000 1,000 1,000 13,000 2,500 175 175 10,250 12,870 1,840 0 3,650 3,250 1,000 1,000 3,500 6,000 2,833 7,449 $ 40,713 $ 37,909 4,000 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 5,000 5,000 1,000 2,500 2,500 0 15,000 15,000 0 15,000 15,000 0 19,000 18,000 0 60,500 $ 58,500 $ 4,000 $ 688 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 688 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 255,830.: $ 251,509 $ 234,871 $ 258,000. -160- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2090 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - 90400 HIGHER 1 nFVF~OPMENT Dublin Partners In Education (RECOMMENDED) COST BY FUND PERSON NEL SUMMAR Y INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE FUND TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL General Fund (001) $ 15,000 $ 273,000 Assistant to the City 1.00 Manager Office Assistant II 0.5 TOTAL. $ 15,000 $ 273,000 TOTAL O.Of1 1..50 This Higher Service Level would support Dublin Partners in Education's (DPIE) three programs -Promotion of the Arts Program, Vocational Mentoring and Career Days. The Promotion of the Arts Program links artists in the community with classrooms. The Mentoring Program allows focal businesses and community volunteers to share career knowledge and professional experiences with Dublin students. During Career Days, Dublin students are afforded the opportunity to spend a full day with local businesses and community volunteers. In Fiscal Year 2008- 2009, this organization received $15,000 in funding from the City of Dublin. HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL1 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2009-2010 2009-2010 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ 0 $ 143,808 Retirement 0 32,965 Group Insurance 0 26,645 Workers Compensation 0 301 A LC F 0 2,086 . . . Retiree Health 0 10,286 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 216,091 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 0 $ 165 Postage 0 0 500 3,000 Operating Supplies 0 1,000 Advertising 0 2,500 Printing & Binding 175 Book & Publications 0 0 12,870 Memberships & Dues 250 3 Travel, Conferences & Meetings 0 , 000 1 Training 0 0 , 6,000 Comm. Promo 0 7,449 Internal Service Charge Total Services/Supplies $ 0 $ 37,909 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 0 $ 3,000 Tri-Valley Jobs.Com 0 1,000 Dublin Partners In Education 15,000 15,000 Total Contract Services $ 15,000 $ 19,000 Tota{ Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY. COST $ 15,000 $ 273,000 -161- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - 90400 HIGHER 2 DEVELOPMENT Tri-Valley One Stop Career Center (RECOMMENDED) COS T BY FUND PERSON NEL SUMMARY FUND INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL General Fund (001) $ 15,000 $ 288,000 Assistant to the City 1.00 Manager Office Assistant II 0.5 TOTAL $ 15000'x' $ 288,000, TOTAL 0.00 1.50 This Higher Service Level would fund the City's contribution for the operation of the Tri-Valley One Stop Career Center. The One Stop Career Center anticipates assisting 1,250 Dublin residents seeking employment with workforce development services as part of its funding agreement with the City of Dublin. In Fiscal Year 2008- 2009, this organization received $15,000 in funding from the City of Dublin. HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL2 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2009-2010 2009-2010 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ 0 $ 143,808 Retirement 0 32,965 Group Insurance 0 26,645 Workers Compensation 0 301 F.I.C.A. 0 2,086 Retiree Health 0 10,286 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 216,091 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 0 $ 165 Postage 0 500 Operating Supplies 0 3,000 Advertising 0 1,000 Printing & Binding 0 2,500 Book & Publications 0 175 Memberships & Dues 0 12,870 Travel, Conferences & Meetings 0 3,250 Training 0 1,000 Comm. Promo 0 6,000 Internal Service Charge 0 7,449 Total Services/Supplies $ 0 $ 37,909 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 0 $ 3,000 Tri-Valley Jobs.Com 0 1,000 Dublin Partners In Education 0 15,000 Tri-Valley One Stop Career Center 15,000 15,000 Total Contract Services $ 15,000 $ 34,000 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 15,000 $ 288,000 -162- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - 90400 HIGHER 3 DEVELOPMENT Tri-Valley Business Council (RECOMMENDED) COS T BY FUND PERSO NNEL SUMMA RY FUND INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL General Fund (001) $ 5,000 $ 293,000 Assistant to the City 1.00 Manager Office Assistant II 0.5 .TOTAL $ 5,000- $ 293,013.© TOTAL O.bO 1.:50 This Higher Service Level would fund the City's contribution to the Tri-Valley Economic Development Study. This study would examine the growth of innovation companies within the Tri-Valley to determine their ongoing needs and evaluate the effectiveness of the programs in place to assist such companies. The amount requested for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $13,000 less than the Fiscal Year 2008-2009 funding of $18,000. HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 3 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2009-2010 2009-2010 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ 0 $ 143,808 Retirement 0 32,965 Group Insurance 0 26,645 Workers Compensation 0 301 F.I.C.A. 0 2,086 Retiree Health 0 10,286 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 216,091 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 0 $ 165 Postage 0 500 Operating Supplies 0 3,000 Advertising 0 1,000 Printing & Binding 0 2,500 Book & Publications 0 175 Memberships & Dues 0 12,870 Travel, Conferences & Meetings 0 3,250 Training 0 1,000 Comm. Promo 0 6,000 Internal Service Charge 0 7,449 Total Services/Supplies $ 0 $ 37,909 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 0 $ 3,000 Tri-Valley Jobs.Com 0 1,000 Dublin Partners In Education 0 15,000 Tri-Valley One Stop Career Center 0 15,000 Tri-valley Business Council 5,000 5,000 Total Contract Services $ 5,000 $ 39,000 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 TDTAL°ACTNITY COST $ 5,000 $ 293,Q00 -163- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - 90400 HIGHER 4 DEVELOPMENT Communications Plan (RECOMMENDED) COS T BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMA RY FUND INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL General Fund (001) $ 57,500 $ 350,500 Assistant to the City 1.00 Manager Office Assistant II 0.5 TOTAL $ 5T,500 $ 350,500 TOTAL 0.00 1.50 This Higher Service Level would fund activities related to the execution of the City's Communications Plan, which is proposed in response to the City Council's new Strategic Plan Strategy (#6) to better communicate with the public. This Higher Service Level would accomplish the following High Priority City Council Goals: 2009-2010 Goals 1. Update the City's website and include an element of community involvement in the process. 2. Explore options for a listsenr system to inform the community of City meetings, news, and events. 3. Develop a Communications Plan that includes evaluating the City Website and other avenues to communicate with residents and businesses. (PROPOSED) -164- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET -ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Higher Service Level 4 -Communications Plan HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE .LEVEL 4 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2009-2010 2009-2010 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ 0 $ 143,808 Retirement 0 32,965 Group Insurance 0 26,645 Workers Compensation 0 301 F.I.C.A. 0 2,086 Retiree Health 0 10,286 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 216,091 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 0 $ 165 Postage 0 500 Operating Supplies 0 3,000 Communications 57,500 57,500 Advertising 0 1,000 Printing & Binding 0 2,500 Book & Publications 0 175 Memberships & Dues 0 12,870 Travel, Conferences & Meetings 0 3,250 Training 0 1,000 Comm. Promo 0 6,000 Internal Service Charge 0 7,449 Total Services/Supplies $ 57,500 $ 95,409 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 0 $ 3,000 Tri-Valley Jobs.Com 0 1,000 Dublin Partners In Education 0 15,000 Tri-Valley One Stop Career Center 0 15,000 Tri-valley Business Council 0 5,000 Total Contract Services $ 0 $ 39,000 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 57,500 $ 350,500 -165- This page intentionally left blank. -166- CITY OF DUBLIN CAPITAL PROJECTS OVERVIEW FISCAL YEAR 2009-2010 (In Millions of Dollars) APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL $35.4 MILLION $12.7 Streets ~v Parks General Community $20.6 REVENUE SOURCES TOTAL $35.4 MILLION 35. Private Development General Fund Grants G as Tax / Other 58.2% -167- o. - - - - 2009-2010 CAPITAL BUDGET GENERAL PROJECT NUMBER AND NAME 93135 TV30 Studio Remodel 93150 Network System Upgrade 93191 Combined Finance /Permit System 93192 Geographic Information System 93402 Maintenance Facility Study 93462 Inspector Trailers 93522 Fire Station 16 Kitchen Remodel 93523 Fire Station 18 Roof Repair Maintenance Yard Facility/Emergency 93570 Operations Center 93571 Maintenance Yard Facility Improvements 93900 Building Management Study 93910 Civic Center Modification Design Services & Construction 93917 ADA Transition Plan City Facility Energy Efficient Window 93924 Treatment 93931 Civic Center Roof Maintenance Automated Document Storage & Retrieval 93970 System 93999 Civic Center Fire Damage 94500 Public Facility Fee Study Update TOTAL COST FINANCING General Fund (001) CDBG Fund (209) Public Facilities Fund (310) TOTAL FINANCING ACTUAL 2007-2008 BUDGET 2008-2009 ESTIMATED 2008-2009 RECOMMENDED 2009-2010 $ 10,000 $ 65,277 40,585 $ 86,500 $ 70,500 97,000 46,222 590,325 590,300 14,505 15,100 15,100 30,000 3,237 182,553 9,895 7,960 59,300 49,435 41,200 9,350 3,897,000 3,895,000 94,000 94,000 750,625 7,154 26,673 945,374 181,000 925,173 30,926 30,000 30,000 19,650 100,000 100,000 24,620 2,016 32,000 32,000 33,729 2,605 20,259 20,259 $ 424,825 $ 5,920,953 $ 5,094,904 $ 1,887,725 $ 384,621 $ 5,770,057 $ 5,074,645 $ 1,887,725 10,926 29,278 150,896 20,259 $ 424,825 $ 5,920,953 $ 5,094,904 $ 1,887,725 -168- 2009-2010 CAPITAL BUDGET COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED RECOMMENDED PROJECT NUMBER AND NAME 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 94052 Iron Horse Trail -Wildflower Planting $ 23,874 94250 Sidewalk Safety Repair Program 78,032 $ 81,860 $ 80,882 $ 80,894 94252 Bus Shelters 800 35,250 800 94253 Transit Center Art 250,000 11,666 133,334 94601 San Ramon Road Concrete Sound Wall 56,152 Maintenance 94602 San Ramon Road Wooden Sound Wall 29,872 Maintenance 94616 Village Parkway Soundwall Painting 29,328 TOTAL COST $ 218,058 $ 367,110 $ 93,348 $ 214,228 FINANCING General Fund (001) $ 218,058 $ 117,110 $ 81,682 $ 80,894 Public Arts Fund (311) 250,000 11,666 133,334 TOTAL FINANCING $ 218,058 $ 367,110 $ 93,348 $ 214,228 -169- 2009-2010 CAPITAL BUDGET PARKS PROJECT NUMBER AND NAME 95010 Parks & Community Services Needs Assessment 95210 Stagecoach Park Assessment District Water Meter 95465 Shannon Community Center Reconstruction 95556 Dublin Historic Park Acquisition 95557 Dublin Historic Park Development 95602 Emerald Glen Park Recreation and Aquatic Complex 95625 Dougherty Hills Park -Dog Park 95631 Park Furniture Replacement 95635 Park Play Area Renovations 95640 Dublin Ranch Neighborhood Parks 95641 Pasatempo Park 95830 Dublin Sports Grounds Renovation 95851 Fallon Sports Park TOTAL COST FINANCING General Fund (001) EBRPD Measure WW Bond Fund (218) Measure D (224) Public Facility Impact Fee (310) TOTAL FINANCING ACTUAL 2007-2008 BUDGET 2008-2009 ESTIMATED RECOMMENDED 2008-2009 2009-2010 $ 40,040 $ 18,485 $ 13,725 9,802 4,839,312 4,642,562 4,602,143 866,574 310,464 3,684,012 2,002,687 2,319,804 836,784 45,697 37,776 20,191 179,591 129,196 86,172 119,500 95,997 47,255 1,653,797 47,778 48,990 27,673 72,087 7,351 224 p78,725 93,635 $ 831,809 928,557 5,442,160 3,000,335 9,544,525 $ 8,820,582 $ 15,121,684 $ 10,039,756 $ 12,743,393 $ 4,249,298 $ 7,080,791 $ 4,275,884 $ 2,366,309 1,955,419 61,729 229,591 179,196 4,509,555 7,811,302 5,584,676 8,421,665 $ 8,820,582 $ 15,121,684 $ 10,039,756 $ 12,743,393 -170- 2009-2010 CAPITAL BUDGET STREETS PROJECT NUMBER AND NAME 96001 Tri-Valley Transportation Development Fee Regional Transportation Projects 96010 Dublin Boulevard Improvements - Silvergate Drive to Hansen Drive 96011 East & West Dublin BART Station Corridor Enhancement -Dublin Boulevard from Hansen Drive to Tassaiara Road 96013 Dublin Boulevard/Amador Plaza Road Intersection 96022 Dublin Boulevard Bridge Resurfacing at Alamo 96030 Citywide Street Storm Drain Condition Assessment 96400 Eastern Dublin Arterial Street and Freeway Improvements 96406 Central Parkway Safety Improvements 96430 I-580 & Fallon Road Freeway Interchange Improvements -Phase I 96431 I-580 Westbound Auxiliary Lane Improvements 96454 Citywide Signal Communications Upgrade 96480 Downtown Dublin Roadway Improvements 96580 Annual Street Overlay Program 96585 Annual Slurry Seal Program 96773 Alamo Canal Trail Under I-580 96777 San Ramon Road Trail Improvements 96778 Bike Lane -Amador Valley Boulevard Corridor 96840 Scarlett Drive Iron Horse Trail Extension 96852 Dougherty Road Improvements -Houston Place to I-580 96853 Storm Water Treatment Units 96854 Village Parkway-AVB Stormwater Treatment 96855 Dougherty Road Improvements -Amador Valley Boulevard North to City Limits 96870 Saint Patrick Way -Regional Street to Golden Gate Drive ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED RECOMMENDED 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 $ 3,067,079 $ 307,857 1,489,743 $ 346,318 459 99,990 1,013 731 67,286 123, 830 122,443 3,813,985 2,010,100 3,918,387 19,600 14,533 761,179 12,494,815 8,166,293 53,713 8,639 264 936 936 317,125 1,055,370 876,439 699,790 717,252 618,140 2,018 54,520 52,570 5,343 113,000 111,102 110,204 102,523 7,494 7,876,248 1,847,429 127,402 8,918 525,700 22,419 36,071 1,447,955 TOTAL COST FINANCING General Fund (001) State Gas Tax (206) ISTEA (210) Measure B Sales Tax (217) Measure B -Bike/Pedestrian (227) CMA TIP funds (228) Traffic Congestion Relief Fund (240) Highway Safety Traffic Reduction Bond (241) Traffic Impact Fee Fund (300} TOTAL FINANCING 1,591,092 8,918 22,419 211,746 564,432 300,010 $ 14,031,891 $ 25,208,860 $16,218,585 $ 20,639,642 $ 271,117 $ 2,604,860 $ 2,103,281 $ 690,269 1,006,449 718,609 283,068 1,381,749 296,860 12,701 705,370 714,927 2,018 154,965 132,647 133,000 133,000 304,424 705,731 11,762,563 19,222,467 12,119,261 978,447 944,848 2,763,243 2,757,237 36,786 156,000 404,425 12,598,656 $ 14,031,897 $ 25,208,860 $16,218,585 $ 20,639,642 $ 1,250,000 3,067,079 3,083,771 99,000 4,128,537 4,151,563 2,396,287 16,482 921,375 654,320 6,786 -~7~- This page intentionally left blank. -172- INTERNAL SERVICES The Internal Service Fund provides funding to support the following areas: 1) Replacement of office equipments, vehicles and computers; 2) Replacement of capital equipment owned by the City of Dublin and used by the contract police and fire services providers; and 3) Replacement of major building system components such as heating and air conditioning systems, pumps, boilers, etc. at City owned facilities. Each City Operating Department includes within its budget charges for equipment usage based upon a predetermined rate that considers the expected life of the item. The Internal Service Fund charges in each City Department represent an income to the Internal Services Fund. The charges to the Departments are established at a level to accumulate funds over time for the replacement of the equipment. The Fund is also used to capture ongoing maintenance and operation cost of vehicles serviced by the Fund, such as gasoline, tires replacements, periodic maintenance/repair, and other operating costs for equipments such as copiers, printer, and computers supplies. The estimated expenditures in Fiscal Year 2008-2009 are $1,265,975 (excluding the amount shown as a depreciation expense), which is $128,852 or 9.2% less than the budgeted amount without depreciation. The primary reasons for the difference include: 1) lower than expected costs for computer and equipments replacements; 2) the carryover for the replacement of a forensic computer system, an evidence tracking software, and a patrol vehicle; and 3) the unspent budgeted contingency for City facilities and Fire station improvements. The proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 is $978,428 (excluding the amount shown as a depreciation expense). The Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Internal Service Fund budget includes funding for operating supplies and equipment repairs of $407,239 . In Fiscal Year 2009-2010 the following Capital expenditures will be funded from this budget activity: 1) Replace five police patrol cars and one undercover police car ($178,700); 2) Replace fourteen police vehicles radios ($77,000); 3) Replace a forensic computer system and evidence tracking software ($23,700) carryover from FY08/09; 5) Replace 37 computers ($45,200); 6) Replace Printers ($9,000); 7) Maintain Microsoft Office and virus protection licensing ($17,000); 8) Replace copier equipments ($46,800); 8) Servers, and other miscellaneous information services replacements ($40,700); 9) Civic Center Digital Door Access System ($82,856); 10) Contingent reserves for building component replacement at City facilities and fire station ($30,000); and 11) An allowance for the replacement of carpet in a portion of the Civic Center ($20,000); This budget activity is shown for informational purposes only. -173- CITY OF DUBLIN 2009-2010 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL INTERNAL SERVICES INTERNAL SERVICES CURRENT COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND STAFFING FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION LEVEL Internal Service Fund - Vehicles/Equipment $ 1,373,357 No City personnel are included in this activity. (830) , Internal Service Fund - Fire (831) 215,001 Internal Service Fund - Building (832) 1,865,252 TOTAL -- Accrual-Basis $ 3,453,610 DESCRIPTION PERSONNEL SERVICES Group Insurance (See Note) Total Personnel Services SERVICES & SUPPLIES Operating Supplies Repairs & Maintenance Total Services/Supplies CONTRACT SERVICES One Time Retiree Health Contribution Total Contract Services CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements Machinery & Equipment Total Capital Outlay DEPRECIATION Equipment Fire Equipment Buildings Total Depreciation TOTAL ACTIVITY COST TOTAL ACTIVITY COST -CASH BAS15 CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 $ 205,753 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 205,753 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 192,188 $ 205,411 $ 239,304 $ 246,326 145,824 160,1.57 121,619 160,913 $ 338,012 $ 365,568 $ 360,923 $ 407,239 $ 516,666 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 516,666 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 5,083 $ 416,328 $ 374,841 $ 132,856 59,678 612,931 530,211 438,333 $ 64,761 $ 1,029,259 $ 905,052 $ 571,189 $ 197,166 $ 486,988 $ 486,988 $ 527,785 184,662 218,585 218,585 205,001 1,742,396 1,739,154 1,739,154 1,742,396 $ 2,124,224 $ 2,444,727 $ 2,444,727 $ 2,475,182 $ 3,249,416 $ 3,839,554 $ 3,710,702 $ 3,453,610 $ 1'.,125,192 $ 1,394,827 $ 1,265,975 $ 97$,428 NOTE: As of July 1, 2007 the City had established a Retiree Health Trust Account with the CaIPERS Benefits Trust. Therefore beginning July 1, 2007 all expenses for retiree insurance premiums are now paid from the Trust. -174- IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT The City Auditors, in the preparation of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, identify the financial data related to servicing debt on Assessment District obligations as part of an Agency Fund. An Agency Fund is used by the City to account for assets held by the City in a fiduciary capacity. These funds carry out the specifications required by trust indentures, ordinances, or other regulations. Revenues are collected and expenses made in accordance with these legal documents. This section of the Budget has been presented for informational purposes. In the case of the Assessment District, the City has an obligation only to advance Reserve Funds funded by the original issue, and to initiate foreclosure in cases where payment of the assessment is delinquent. The Auditors have suggested that the accounting of these funds be presented only for informational purposes and not for the purpose of adopting a budget. An Assessment District is unique in the fact that City funds are not at risk, and the City merely acts as a conduit to process the monies collected. Payments derived from Property Tax Assessments are forwarded to a Trustee, which then makes the required payments to the individual bondholders. DUBLIN BOULEVARD EXTENSION ASSESSMENT DISTRICT This is a debt service fund which makes payments on bonds issued to construct a portion of the Dublin Boulevard Extension improvements. A total of $2,350,000 in bonds was originally issued on June 2, 1992. As of the end of Fiscal Year 2008-2009 a total principal amount of $748,000 remains outstanding. The current debt service schedule provides for the full retirement of these bonds in the year 2012. Each year the City requests that the County Tax Collector place on the property tax bill an amount necessary to pay the principal and interest. The Assessments are only levied on properties within the Assessment District which receive a benefit from the improvements. The Assessment District is comprised of 15 parcels adjacent to Dublin Boulevard and east of Dougherty Road. The Trustee also holds a reserve fund which can be used in the event of a default by a property owner. This Assessment District has never been required to utilize reserve funds for debt service payments. If this never occurs, the amount in the reserve fund will be applied to the final debt service payment. At the present time, the City is not aware of any parcels which are delinquent, and all assessments levied have been paid. The reserve fund is invested and earns interest each year under the terms of the Assessment District. The interest earnings must continue to accrue in the reserve fund until the balance available reaches $164,500. Thereafter, any excess reserve fund earnings must be used to reduce the amount of assessments collected and/or to call outstanding bonds. As shown on the summary which follows, the balance in the Reserve Fund during Fiscal Year 2008-2009 was approximately $9,174 above the maximum limit and this amount was contributed to the funds available for debt service payments. A separate column has been included in the schedule on the following page, providing an estimate of financial activity for the reserve monies held by the Trustee. Bond payment funds collected and held by the City are summarized in the middle column of the schedule, with combined information shown in the third column. Information is provided for both Fiscal Year 2008-2009 and Fiscal Year 2009-2010. In Fiscal Year 2009-2010 the debt service schedule provides for interest payments totaling $51,189. The debt service schedule also provides for the redemption of $175,000 Bonds. This is a portion of the "Term Bonds" dated September 2, 2012, which are called without premium beginning September 2, 2009. As previously noted, this information is presented for informational purposes, since these activities are not a direct obligation of the City of Dublin. Staff anticipates that sufficient monies will be available to carry out the transactions required under the bond documents and applicable laws. -175- FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY DUBLIN BOULEVARD EXTENSION ASSESSMENT DISTRICT SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED FINANCIAL ACTIVITY Investments/ Reserve Cash Held by Fund Held by City for Bond Trustee Pa ments Total BEGINNING BALANCE FOR FY 2008-2009 171,889 219,887 391,776 ESTIMATED 2008-2009 REVENUES Estimated 2008-2009 Assessments - 235,998 235,998 Estimated Assessment Penalties - Estimated Interest 1,785 17 1,802 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 1,785 236,015 237,800 OTHER SOURCES /USES Transfer From Reserves To Redemption Account (9,174) 9,174 - ESTIMATED 2008-2009 EXPENDITURES Estimated Interest Expense - 70,099 70,099 Estimated Principal Payment - 162,000 162,000 Other Expenses - 3,384 3,384 TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES - 235,483 235,483 ESTIMATED ENDING FUND BALANCE FOR FY 2008-2009 164,500 229,593 394,093 ESTIMATED 2009-2010 REVENUES Estimated 2009-2010 Assessments Interest TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES ESTIMATED 2009-2010 EXPENDITURES Interest Payments Estimated Principal Payment Other Expenses TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES - 230,947 230,947 1,645 2,191 3,836 1,645 233,138 234,783 51,189 51,189 - 175, 000 175, 000 - 3,540 3,540 - 229,729 229,729 USE OF SURPLUS RESERVE FD -MAX BAL $164,500 (1,645) 1,645 - ESTIMATED ENDING FUND BALANCE 2009-2010 164,500 234,647 399,147 -176- GEOLOGIC HAZARD ABATEMENT DISTRICTS A Geologic Hazard Abatement District (GRAD) is a special entity which is established separate from the City of Dublin and applies to a specific defined area within the City. Formed under provisions in the California Public Resources Code which establishes in section 25670 that a District is a political subdivision of the State and is not an agency or instrumentality of a local agency. The City's role is limited to providing support to the GRAD, coordinating activities undertaken for the District, administering the funds collected on the property tax bills and coordinating the payment of expenses associated with the District. Funds collected for the CHAD are derived from Property Tax Assessments and Developer contributions towards the establishment of the District. The District can perform maintenance on defined areas and can also accumulate reserves to address potential major extraordinary work required if a landslide were to occur. The Public Resources Code defines a "Geologic hazard" as an actual or threatened landslide, land subsidence, soil erosion, earthquake, fault movement, or any other natural or unnatural movement of land or earth (Public Resources Code 26507). The purpose of establishing a GRAD is intended as a means to address both prevention and any corrections resulting from a geologic hazard. State law identifies the purpose of a District as addressing: (a) Prevention, mitigation, abatement, or control of a geologic hazard; and (b) Mitigation or abatement of structural hazards that are partly or wholly caused by geologic hazards. (Public Resources Code 26525) The City of Dublin has established two separate Districts: Fallon Village GRAD and Schaefer Ranch GRAD. These districts are managed by a Board of Directors, which is currently comprised of the City of Dublin Council Members. Assessments are levied in accordance with an Engineer's Report prepared for the District and adopted at a public meeting. -177- FALCON VILLAGE GEOLOGIC HAZARD ABATEMENT DISTRICT This assessment district was established in 2007, in accordance with a condition of approval for the Fallon Village development project. The District was formed to provide a mechanism for ongoing maintenance of open space areas within the development. The boundary of this assessment district encompasses approximately 175 acres of land, located generally east of Fallon Road. On February 5, 2008 the Board of Directors adopted Resolution # 01-08, which established the amount to be levied on each parcel, in accordance with the Engineer's Report. The first assessments were collected in Fiscal Year 2008-2009. In Fisca( Year 2008-2009 the Assessment District was comprised of 28 taxable units. The Resolution establishing assessments provides for an annual increase in the amount levied based upon the June change in the Consumer Price Index. In Fiscal Year 2009-2010, the City anticipates the number of parcels in the District to increase to 53. Expenditures are expected to be related primarily to administrative costs in an amount similar to the costs incurred in Fiscal Year 2008 - 2009. All funds collected in excess of the annual expenses are maintained in a reserve to address potential large events. The Engineer's Report was developed to accommodate collection of adequate funds to address a larger (approximately $1 million) geologic event at a 10 year interval. Therefore, initial GHAD expenses described in the Report are being deferred to assure that adequate reserves are established. The reserve fund is invested and earns interest and is maintained solely for expenses authorized by the District. As previously noted, this information is presented for informational purposes, since these activities are not a direct obligation of the City of Dublin. -178- FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY FALCON VILLAGE GEOLOGIC HAZARD ABATEMENT DISTRICT SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED FINANCIAL ACTIVITY BEGINNING BALANCE FOR FY 2008-2009 ESTIMATED 2008-2009 REVENUES Estimated 2008-2009 Assessments 16,495 Estimated Interest 15 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 16,510 ESTIMATED 2008-2009 EXPENDITURES Contract Services 2,500 TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 2,500 ESTIMATED ENDING FUND BALANCE FOR FY 2008-2009 14,010 ESTIMATED 2009-2010 REVENUES Estimated 2009-2010 Assessments 29,813 Interest 280 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 30,093 ESTIMATED 2009-2010 EXPENDITURES Contract Services 2,500 Other Expenses 182 TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 2,682 ESTIMATED ENDING FUND BALANCE 2009-2010 41,421 -179- SCHAEFER RANCH GEOLOGIC HAZARD ABATEMENT DISTRICT This assessment district was established in 2006 in accordance with a condition of approval for the Schaefer Ranch development project. The District was formed to provide a mechanism for ongoing maintenance of open space areas within the development. The boundary of the District encompasses 500 acres of land located at the westerly boundary of the City limits north of Interstate 580, and south of the unincorporated area of Alameda County. On February 5, 2008 the Board of Directors adopted Resolution # 01-08, which established the amount to be levied on each parcel, in accordance with the Engineer's Report. The first assessments were collected in Fiscal Year 2008-2009. In Fiscal Year 2008-2009 the Assessment District was comprised of 24 parcels that were assessed. The Resolution establishing assessments provides for an annual increase in the amount levied based upon the December change in the Consumer Price Index, plus 0.5 percent. In Fiscal Year 2009-2010, the City anticipates the number of parcels in the District to increase to 57. Expenditures are expected to be related primarily to administrative costs in an amount similar to the costs incurred in Fiscal Year 2008 - 2009. All funds collected in excess of the annual expenses are maintained in a reserve to address potential large events. The Engineer's Report was developed to accommodate collection of adequate funds to address a larger (approximately $1 million) geologic event at a 13 year interval. Therefore, initial GHAD expenses described in the Report are being deferred to assure that adequate reserves are established. The reserve fund is invested and earns interest and is maintained solely for expenses authorized by the District. As previously noted, this information is presented for informational purposes, since these activities are not a direct obligation of the City of Dublin. -180- FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY SCHAEFER RANCH GEOLOGIC HAZARD ABATEMENT DISTRICT SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED FINANCIAL ACTIVITY BEGINNING BALANCE FOR FY 2008-2009 ESTIMATED 2008-2009 REVENUES Estimated 2008-2009 Assessments 14,553 Estimated Interest 1,803 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 16,356 ESTIMATED 2008-2009 EXPENDITURES Contract Services 2,500 TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 2,500 ESTIMATED ENDING FUND BALANCE FOR FY 2008-2009 13,856 ESTIMATED 2009-2010 REVENUES Estimated 2009-2010 Assessments 90,061 Interest 277 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 90,338 ESTIMATED 2009-2010 EXPENDITURES Contract Services 2,500 Other Expenses 158 TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 2,658 ESTIMATED ENDING FUND BALANCE 2009-2010 101,536 -181- This page intentionally left blank. -182- Off' ~, ~. i9~ ~~~~r~ ~sz` ~~I;~ ~`~~~ ~`~LIFOR~~ CITY OF DUBLIN 10 YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN PRELIMINARY ADOPTED 2009-2010 UPDATE Mission The City of Dublin promotes and supports a high quality of life which ensures a safe and secure environment that fosters new opportunities. Vision Dublin is a vibrant city committed to its citizens, natural resources and cultural heritage. As Dublin grows, it will balance history with progress, to sustain an enlightened, economically balanced and diverse community. Dublin is unified in its belief that an engaged and educated community encourages innovation in all aspects of City life, including programs to strengthen our economic vitality, and support environmental stewardship and sustainability through the preservation of our natural surroundings. Dublin is dedicated to promoting an active and healthy lifestyle through the creation of first-class recreational opportunities, facilities and programs. -183- CITY OF DUBLIN TEN YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN PRELIMINARY ADOPTED 2009-2010 UPDATE Values Our Values in Building Community • Promote locations and events that bring people of all ages together. • Provide more venues for family-based activities. • Foster heritage and cultural development. Our Values in Ensuring a Safe Community • Provide high quality police and fire services to insure the safety of the citizens living in the community. • Provide education and training to residents and businesses that would promote public safety. Our Values in Guiding Development • Assure that development contributes positively to the City's fiscal health. • Support pedestrian-friendly development, transit-oriented development, green building and environmental responsiveness. • Promote high quality design and architectural standards in development. Our Values in Governing • Commit to openness and responsiveness to the public and community. • Operate at all times with honesty and integrity. • Exercise fairness in consideration of issues. • Provide a high level of customer service and responsiveness from City staff to citizens. • Embrace technology to improve effectiveness and efficiency. • Strive to build an informed community through communication. Our Values in Relating to Other Communities and Entities • Encourage collaboration and communication with other communities on issues of mutual concern. -184- ~~' ~~ ~~~ CITY OF DUBLIN ~i~~ ~~ ~~ TEN YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN Preliminary 2009-2010 Update STRATEGIES STRATEGY #1: Continue to strengthen the identity and aesthetic appeal of the Downtown. I STRATE_G[C GOr~L #lA: Facihtate;and encourage continued in~~e~tmenC in Dot mown Dublin. _ # G&O Ref # PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL 1. 2005-2006 Complete Senior Housing Project. (COMPLETE) 2. 2005-2006 Complete construction of new Senior Center and prepare for operation of new facility. (COMPLETE) 3. 2005-2006 Work with Dolan Lumber owners to facilitate develo ment o ortunities. COMPLETE) 4. 2005-2006 Negotiate Lease Agreement and resolve funding for the West Dublin BART project. (COMPLETE) 5. 2005-2006 Install lighting at approaches to the I-680 Freeway Underpass Art Projects. (COMPLETE) 6. 2005-2006 Develop and implement program to keep trucks out of shopping centers and overnight parking. (COMPLETE) 7. 2006-2007 Develop Historic District Master Plan for Dublin Blvd/Donlon property and implement S ecific Plan, if required. (COMPLETE) 8. 2006-2007 Work with property owner of Ralph's Grocery store to identify replacement alternatives. (COMPLETE) 9. 2007-2008 Work with Dublin Honda on development options for Amador Plaza site. 11. 2008-2009 Facilitate the selection of public art for three (3) Private Development projects. (COMPLETE) 12. 2008-2009 Pre are Community Desi Element for General Plan. (COMPLETE) 13. II-A-3 Update Downtown West Dublin BART and San Ramon Specific Plans into one com rehensive Plan that addresses the entire Downtown Area. 14. II-E-3 Work with Dublin Place Shopping Center to facilitate new im rovements to the center. 15. II-E-4 Work with property owners in West Dublin BART Specific Plan area to identify develo ment opportunities. 16. II-E-9 Develo Economic Incentive Pro am. 17. III-B-11 Im lement Phase II of the Downtown Public Art/Bus Shelter Project. 18. III-B-12 Work with BART to incorporate high quality artwork as part of the West Dublin BART Station Project. STRATEGIC GOAL X18: Coirtinue to v~ork with ric°ate ro efty owners to renovate or update retailareas. I # G&O Ref # PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL 1. 2004-2005 Investi ate tions for Shamrock Villa e. COMPLETE 2. 2004-2005 Work with Shamrock Village to facilitate im rovement to the Center. (COMPLETE) 3. 2005-2006 Work with Dolan Lumber owners to facilitate develo ment o ortunities. (COMPLETE) 4. 2005-2006 Negotiate Lease Agreement and resolve funding for the West Dublin BART project. COMPLETE) 5. 2006-2007 Work with property owner of Ralph's Grocery store to identify replacement alternatives. (COMPLETE) 6. 2007-2008 Work with Dublin Honda on development options for Amador Plaza site. (COMPLETE) 7. 2008-2009 Pre are Community Desi Element for General Plan. COMPLETE) -185- 8. II-A-3 Update Downtown West Dublin BART and San Ramon Specific Plans into one com rehensive Plan that addresses the entire Downtown Area. 9. II-D-1 (New) Examine parking requirements to streamline development review and encourage businesses to locate within the City of Dublin. 10. II-E-3 Work with Dublin Place Sho ing Center to facilitate new im rovements to the center. 11. II-E-4 Work with property owners in West Dublin BART Specific Plan area to identify develo ment o ortunities. 12. II-E-6 Work with pro erty owners to tenant vacant buildings on Village Pkwy. 13. II-E-9 Develo Economic Incentive Pro am. STRATEGY #2: Develop a transportation system that facilitates ease of movement throughout the City STRATEGIC GOAL #ZA: E'arlner with nei~~hboring c~mnlunities to de~~elop strate~~ies to mitigate impacts of I re Tonal traffic on local streets. _ _ __ _ # G&O Ref # PROPOSEll OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL 1. 2004-2005 Work with Contra Costa Transportation Authority to develop a regional traffic model and seek concurrence from the TVTC for the adoption of the model for use in regional traffic Tanning. (COMPLETE) 2. 2004-2005 Examine the feasibility of coordinating central communications for traffic signals in downtown Dublin. (COMPLETE) 3. 2006-2007 Participate in Tri-Valley Triangle Analysis to prioritize I-580, I-680 and route 84 transportation im rovements. (COMPLETE) 4. 200b-2007 Utilize new CCTA traffic model to work with Livermore, Pleasanton, Alameda County and the Tri-Valley Transportation Council to examine configurations of streets parallel to I-580 (i.e. Dublin Blvd./North Canyons Parkway, Stoneridge Drive/Jack London Blvd.) and make recommendations/advocacy. COMPLETE) 5. 2008-2009 Work with the Congestion Management Agency on the Development of the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) to insure the City of Dublin's recommendations for needed regional infrastructure are addressed in the RTP. (UNDERWAY; TBD) 6. 2008-2009 Using the Tri-Valley Triangle Study, work with the Tri-Valley Cities to develop a strategy to pursue project funding in the region. (UNDERWAY; Jun 2009) 7. 2008-2009 Work with Pleasanton and Livermore to develop a cost sharing agreement for the ultimate im rovement of the I-580/Fallon Road Interchange. (UNDERWAY; TBD) 8. V-B-1 (New) Update Tri-Valley Transportation Development Fee Strategic Expenditure Plan together with the other six (6) agencies in the TVTC. STRATEG[C GOAL ~2$~~~Etrsure awide ~ar~<~e oftrans ~omition o tioi~s for the conimunit~~. # G&O Ref # PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL 1. 2005-2006 Negotiate Lease Agreement and resolve funding for the West Dublin BART project. (COMPLETE) 2. 2006-2007 Work with EBRPD and the City of Pleasanton to conduct a preliminary engineering study and identify funding sources to facilitate the connection of Alamo Canal Trail under I-580 to Pleasanton trails. (COMPLETE) 3. 2006-2007 Work with ACTIA for the implementation of the Measure B transportation project along the Scarlett Drive corridor between Dublin Blvd. and Dougherty Road. (COMPLETE} 4. 2006-2007 Work with LAVTA and BART to improve connectivity between the City Park-and-Ride Lot and the BART Station. (COMPLETE) 5. 2006-2007 Pre are local trans ortation Tan for City (multi-modal). (COMPLETE) 6. 2007-2008 Develop aCity-wide Bicycle Master Plan including bicycle access to parks and open space areas. (COMPLETE) -186- STRATEGIC GOAL #ZC: P(an and implement a street network that connects the City's major transportation corridors. # G&O Ref # PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL 1. 2004-2005 Ado t a s ecific ali ment of Fallon Road from I-580 to Bent Tree Drive. COMPLETE) 2. 2005-2006 Complete General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments for Eastern Dublin Property Owners Annexation Area. (COMPLETE) 3. 2006-2007 Work with ACTIA for the implementation of the Measure B transportation project along the Scarlett Drive corridor between Dublin Blvd. and Dou a Road. COMPLETE) 4. 2008-2009 Work with the region's transportation partners to develop projects for the I-580 Corridor that will minimize impacts to the Civic Center Complex and businesses. (UNDERWAY; Mar 2009) 5. 2008-2009 Develop a phased plan to expand the Traffic Management System to include all arterials. (COMPLETE 6. 2008-2009 Examine signal timings throughout the City to improve intersection efficiency by coordinating signalized intersections along major arterials and optimizing pedestrian safety. (UNDERWAY; Jun 2009) 7. 2008-2009 As part of the GPA for Parks RFTA, evaluate alternatives for a Central Parkway extension to Dougherty Road and interface options to the planned Scarlett Drive Extension. (NO PROGRESS; TBD 8. II-A-2 Complete Parks Reserve Forces Training Area (Camp Parks) General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments. 9. II-A-4 Complete Scarlett Court Specific Plan. 10. II-D-2 Prepare an alignment for Central Parkway from Fallon Rd to Croak Rd/Dublin Blvd. STRATEGY #3: Create a community that supports environmental sustainability and provides an open space network that ensures environmental protection and provides public access where appropriate. STRATEGICGQAL#3A: Estaali~hOp~n Space Area in Western hills. ~~ # G&O Ref # PROPOSED OBJECTNE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL 1. III-A-11 Work With EBRPD to complete negotiations for land acquisition or obtain conservation easement to rovide ublic access in the western hills for an en S ace Area. 2. III-A-12 Identify and secure sources of funding for land acquisition in the western hills for an Open S ace Area. 3. III-A-13 Upon completion of land acquisition in the western hills, prepare an Open Space Master Plan and a ro riate CE A documents. - - -~ STRATEGIC GOAL #~B: Create open space: connections and trails where a ~ ro ~riate. # G&O Ref # PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL 1. 2005-2006 Complete General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments for Eastern Dublin Property Owners Annexation Area. (COMPLETE) 2. 2005-2006 Complete Review of Mission Peak Annexation and General Plan & Specific Plan Amendments. (COMPLETE) 3. 2006-2007 Work with EBRPD and the City of Pleasanton to conduct a preliminary engineering study and identify funding sources to facilitate the connection of Alamo Canal Trail under I-580 to Pleasanton trails. (COMPLETE) 4. 2006-2007 Complete review of Moller annexation and General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments. COMPLETE). 5. 2007-2008 Com lete GPA Study on the Trans ortation Corridor Right-of--way. (COMPLETE) 6. II-A-2 Complete Parks Reserve Forces Training Area (Camp Parks) General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments. -187- STRATEGTC GOAL #3C:Im lemeot o ens ace olicies of the Eastern Dublin GPA/S ecific Plan. # G&O Ref # PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL 1. 2005-2006 Complete General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments for Eastern Dublin Property Owners Annexation Area. COMPLETE) 2. 2005-2006 Complete Review of Mission Peak Annexation and General Plan & Specific Plan Amendments. COMPLETE) 3. 2006-2007 Complete review of Moller annexation and General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments. COMPLETE) STRATEGY #4: Continue to develop a community that provides a balance of jobs, housing, and services in a fiscally sound manner. ~~~ STRATEGIC GOAL #4A: Develop a~Master~Plan for Camp Parks: # G&O Ref # PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL 1. 2008-2009 Prepare Community Design Element of General Plan. (COMPLETE) 2. II-A-2 Complete Parks Reserve Forces Training Area (Camp Parks) General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments. STRATEGICGOAL #4B: Continue Im lesientationofEastern Dublin S ecific Plait. # G&O Ref # PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL 1. 2004-2005 Develop a master plan & phasing plan for Sports Park on Gleason Drive & Fallon Road including evaluation of BMX Track. (COMPLETE) 2. 2005-2006 Complete General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments for Eastern Dublin Property Owners Annexation Area. (COMPLETE 3. 2005-2006 Complete Review of Mission Peak Annexation and General Plan & Specific Plan Amendments. COMPLETE) 4. 2006-2007 Complete review of Moller annexation and General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments. (COMPLETE) 5. 2008-2009 Complete General Plan Amendment on Nielsen property. (UNDERWAY; Jun 2009) 6. 2008-2009 Create new Medium Density Designations for specific properties in the EDSP. (COMPLETE) 7. II-A-1 Implement residential planned development and investigate opportunities to create a new village in Eastern Dublin Transit Center. 8. II-A-9 Com lete Grafton Plaza General Plan Amendment and S ecific Plan Amendment. 9. II-E-S Work with property owners in Santa Rita area to identify new office uses/users. 10. II-E-7 Work with property owners at the Promenade to identify develo ment o ortunities. - - STRATEGIC GOAL #4C lm lenient HouSir~~~ Element.. # G&O Ref # --- PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL 1. 2004-2005 Undertake Housing Needs Assessment. (COMPLETE) 2. 2005-2006 Com lete Senior Housin roject. COMPLETE) 3. 2006-2007 Work with cities in the Tri-Valley Area to develop and maintain affordable housing 0 ortunities, and ublicize and coordinate the re ~on's housin needs. COMPLETE) 4. 2006-2007 Im lenient First Time Homeowner Program. (COMPLETE) 5. 2006-2007 Process five (5) First Time Homebuyer Loans and make progress report to City Council. (COMPLETE) 6. 2006-2007 Revise Density Bonus Ordinance. (COMPLETE) 7. 2007-2008 Process five (5) first time homebuyer loans. (COMPLETE) 8. 2007-2008 Hold two (2) community meetings to educate the community on the City's affordable housing program. (COMPLETE) 9. 2007-2008 Educate the City's large employers on the City's affordable housing program to assist with employee attraction and retention. (COMPLETE) 10. 2007-2008 Prepare Universal Design Ordinances for adoption as an amendment to Building Code requirements. (COMPLETE) -188- 11. 2008-2009 Work with ABAG to ensure that the Regional Housing Needs Allocation process addresses Ci of Dublin housin needs in an a uitable manner. (COMPLETE) 12. 2008-2009 Process 15 first time homebuyer loans. (iNDERWAY; Jun 2009) 13. 2008-2009 Review effectiveness of the City's current Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance. (COMPLETE) 14. 2008-2009 U date Housin Element of the General Plan. COMPLETE) 15. II-B-1 Complete evaluation of the potential renovation/redevelopment of the Arroyo Vista Housin site. 16. II-B-2 (New) Process 15 First Time Homebuyer Loans. STRATEGIC GOAL #4D: N~~ork with property owners to optimize underutilized prope~rlies outside of the doti~~ntown. # G&O Ref # PROPOSED OBJECTNE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL 1. 2008-2009 Pre are Community Desi Element of General Plan. COMPLETE) 2. II-A-4 Complete Scarlett Court Specific Plan. 3. II-B-1 Complete evaluation of the potential renovation/redevelopment of the Arroyo Vista Housing site. 4. II-E-1 Work with the owners of National Food Lab on new develo ment opportunities. 5. II-E-2 Work with the owners of the Chevron ro erty on new develo ment o ortunities. 6. II-E-8 Examine appropriate locations to permit automotive repair businesses within the City. 7. II-E-13 Enhance resence of automobile dealers in the Scarlett Court S ecific Plan area. STRATEGIC GOAL #4E DeveloE~ 1~1an~ tai a~urc that the pravisioi~ crt'Cit~ ~crvices kccps pace with ~crt ice demands and available`revenucs. # G&O Ref # PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL 1. 2008-2009 Complete 2008-2013 Multi-year Financial Forecast. (UNDERWAY; Dec 2009) 2. 2008-2009 Evaluate options for continuing the operation of the Emerald Glen Activity Center following the opening of the new Shannon Community Center. (COMPLETE) 3. I-A-2 Implement recommendations from the Civic Center Works ace Pro ammin Study. 4. I-A-3 (New) Undertake voter opinion research to determine community support for a revenue measure targeting resident valued enhancements. STRATEGY #5: Develop dynamic community recreational and cultural opportunities in the Region. STRATEGIC' GOAL #5A Etpand and enhance Dublin listoric Park. ~ # G&O Ref # PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL 1. 2005-2006 Refurbish exhibit space within the Murray Schoolhouse to provide a fresh setting that will optimally highlight Dublin's history. (COMPLETE) 2. 2006-2007 Develop Historic District Master Plan for Dublin Blvd.lDonlon property and implement S ecific Plan, if required. (COMPLETE) 3. 2006-2007 Prepare an u date to the Parks & Recreation Master Plan. (COMPLETE} 4. 2006-2007 Undertake a site master plan, programming and financial feasibility study for the Dublin Historic Park including DHPA land/cemetery feasibility study. (COMPLETE) 5. 2006-2007 Research and submit new application for Murray Schoolhouse to be placed on the National Register of Historic Places. (COMPLETE) 6. 2006-2007 Submit application for California Cultural Historic Endowment grant for Dublin Historic Park roject. COMPLETE) 7. 2007-2008 Establish a Visitor Center at St. Raymond's Church. (COMPLETE) 8. 2007-2008 Assess the condition of the Kolb Family properties (house, barn, and workshop) and develop a plan for relocation of the ro erties as appropriate. (COMPLETE) 9. 2008-2009 Upon acquisition of the Dublin Square Shopping Center, undertake development of design and construction documents for Phase I of the Dublin Historic Park. (COMPLETE) 10. III-B-1 (New) Upon re-location of the Kolb properties to the Dublin Historic Park, complete furnishing of buildings and catalogue/accessioning of the collections of the Kolb family. -189- 11. III-B-2 (New) Establish facility operations, policies and fees for public use of the Kolb properties at the Dublin Historic Park. 12. III-B-S Implement a self study and peer review for the Phase II Museum Assessment Program MAP -Public Dimension Assessment for the Dublin Herita e Center. 13. III-B-9 (New) Conduct apark/facility dedication event for the Dublin Historic Pazk, Phase I. STRATEGIC GOAL #5S. Develo a state-of-the-art recreation/a uatic cosh lex. # G&O Ref # PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL 1. 2007-2008 Re-evaluate the Facilities Feasibility Study and update the conceptual Master Plan for the Emerald Glen Recreation/Aquatic Center. (COMPLETE) 2. III-A-1 Undertake development of design and construction documents for Emerald Glen Recreation and Aquatic Complex. STRATEGIC=GOAL"#SC: ldenti ~ o ortunities €or develo ment Q€ a uni ue assive ark/reereation facility. # G&O Ref # _ PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL 1. 2005-2006 Complete General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments for Eastern Dublin Property Owners Annexation Area. (COMPLETE) 2. 2005-2006 Conduct research on various unique passive park/recreation facilities and identify preferred com onents and site re uirements. COMPLETE) 3. 2006-2007 Closely monitor development projects Citywide to identify potential sites for a unique assive ark/recreation facility. (COMPLETE) 4. 2007-2008 Complete GPA Study on the Transportation Corridor Right-of--way. (COMPLETE) 5. II-A-2 Complete Parks Reserve Forces Training Area (Camp Parks) General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments. STRATEGY #6: Develop aCity-wide communication program that provides two-way communication with our residents and businesses across several media platforms. STRATEGIC GOAL #6A: # G&O Ref # PROPOSED OBJECTTVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL A Strategic Goal will be developed and proposed after completion of the Staffing realignments planned for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 and work plans can then be developed. -190- 2009-2010 PRELIlVliI`TARY ADOPTED GOALS & OBJECTIVES On March 31, 2009, the City Council preliminarily adopted the following Goals and Objectives for Fiscal Year 2009-2010. Those goals listed as a high priority are included in the Fiscal Year 2009-2010 budget. I. GENERAL GOVERNMENT A. ADMINISTRATION: To ensure the smooth S efficient funetionin~ of those services provided to the communit . COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE High 1. 2007 Work with the Dublin Unified School District and Dublin Partners in Education to develo a Local Government Career Day. High 2. 2007 Implement recommendations from the Civic Center Workspace Programming Study. High 3. 2009 Undertake voter opinion research to determine community support for a revenue measure targeting resident valued enhancements. High 4. 2009 Ex lore establishment of election ethics ro am. High 5. 2008 Investigate opportunities and im lement solutions for paperless Council Meetings. High 6. 2007 Conduct study of Labor Guidelines on both City projects and private development (i.e., pre-qualification, project labor, apprentice programs, etc.). High 7. 2009 A ly for the National Civic Lea e'sA1l-America City Award. High 8. 2009 Explore the feasibility of creating an annual Elected Officials Summit. High 9. 2009 Work with the Cites of Livermore, Pleasanton, San Ramon and the Town of Danville to explore the acquisition of federal and State lobbyist services. I3. FINANCE: To effectively manatie the Cit}''s financial resourees, maximize revenues, control expenditures and devetoFan ade sate inEormatiQnFre orti^ svste~n_ T COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE Hi h 1. 2006 Im lement combined finance / ermit /licensing software. High 2. 2009 Evaluate service improvements to Business License rocessing. High 3. 2009 Undertake a review and modification of Financial Reports (Budget, monthly Reports, etc.) to enhance the sharing of key feces of information. High 4. 2009 Proceed with a Re nest for Pro osal for Audit Services. High 5. 2009 Select a consultant to assist with a Fee Update to be implemented in Fiscal Year 2010/11. Medium 6. 2009 Evaluate opportunities and costs associated with the use of third party investment managers fora ortion of the City's ortfolio. C. IIVTERCOVERNIIENTAL RELAT[ONS: To work with utheragencies on problems of area-tivide concern; keep abreast oft tsiationwhich im act the eity. COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE High 1. 2009 Explore funding opportunities through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. -191- D. PUBLIC RELATIONS: To effectively communicate to and solicit input from the community regarding City services and. activities. COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE Hi h 1. 2009 Produce a Citywide Newsletter. High 2. 2009 Update the City's website and include an element of community involvement in the rocess. High 3. 2008 Explore options for a listserv system to inform the community of City meetings, news, and events. - -- - -- - - E. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION: To evaluate the performance and cost effectiveness of the City's contract service roviders. - - - - --- COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE High 1. 2009 Police Services Contract Evaluation. High 2. 2008 Animal Services Contract Evaluation. II. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT A. PLANNING: Tadevetop plans for future growth and development, administer hezoning, subdivision andsi~n j ordinance,: analyze environmental reports; and provide assistance to developers, merchants, and residents with planrtin issues. _ -- - -- COUNCIL -- --- PRIORITY # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE High 1. 2004 Implement residential planned development and investigate opportunities to create anew village in Eastern Dublin Transit Center. High 2. 2001 Complete Parks Reserve Forces Training Area (Camp Parks) General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments. High 3. 2006 Update Downtown, West Dublin BART and San Ramon Specific Plans into one com rehensive Plan that addresses the entire Downtown Area. Hi h 4. 2002 Com lete Scarlett Court S ecific Plan. High 5. 2008 Participate in 2010 Census. High 6. 2009 Examine Zoning Ordinance to identify changes to streamline entitlements for businesses seeking to locate in Dublin. Hi h 7. 2009 Create a een initiatives taskforce. High 8. 2009 Explore the feasibility of a mandatory requirement for the installation of sustainable features, like solar power building infrastructure for future installation, for new residential and non-residential development projects and look at possible incentives. Hi h 9. 2007 Com lete Grafton Plaza General Plan Amendment and S ecific Plan Amendment. Medium 10. 2007 Develop policy requiring play areas in walking distance of new homes in new subdivisions. Medium 11. 2009 Amend the Streetscape Master Plan to include enhanced entry-feature designs at Gateways. Medium 12. 2009 Hold Planning Commission Study Session to review parking standards and reevaluate the Parking Ordinance. Low 13. 1996 U date City's General Plan. -192- B. HOUSINC:~ To work toward providt~~ipusin~ opportunities for all income IeveLsof the community. ,COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE High 1. 2004 Complete evaluation of the potential renovation/redevelopment of the Arroyo Vista Housin site. Hi h 2. 2009 Process 15 First Time Homebuyer Loans. High 3. 2009 Develop a Program to assist large employers interested in locating within Dublin with Housing for their employees in tandem with the Economic Incentive Program under develo ment. High 4. 2009 Develop a procedure to combine the Community Grant Process and the Community Development Block Grant Process. Low 5. 2009 Develo anew Homebuyer Incentive Pro am. C. I3UILD[NC ~ SAFET'Y: .administer and enforce the City's Building, Plumbing, Illectrical, ;Mechanical, Housing and 7.onin Codes to ensure thesafe construction andmainteQaRCe o€buildin sand structures. COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE High 1. 2006 Implement real-time electronic field inspection system. Hi h 2. 2009 Develop and im lement ro am for on-line ins ection scheduling. High 3. 2009 Develop and implement program to begin accepting on-line building permit a lications for over the counter ermits. D ~NGIV['F,RING: To prop ide local review of subdivision ~~ parcel maps; perform transgortatiottplanning and ~_ _ recommend solutions totraffic safety problems anddesi~n and ius~eet C~italProjects. COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE High 1. 2009 Examine parking requirements to streamline development review and encourage businesses to locate within the City of Dublin. High 2. 2007 Prepare an alignment for Central Parkway from Fallon Rd to Croak Rd/Dublin Blvd. E. ECONOMIC DGV'ELOPti'IENT: To ascertain and fulfill the economic needs of the City b~ attracting desired eQntmercial, industrial andresidentialttevelo ment whiteo~ferin~Citr support to existing businesses. COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE Hi h 1. 2008 Work with the owners of National Food Lab on new develo ment o ortunities. High 2. 2008 Work with the owners of the Chevron property on new develo ment o ortunities. High 3. 2003 Work with Dublin Place Shopping Center to facilitate new improvements to the Center. High 4. 2007 Work with property owners in West Dublin BART Specific Plan area to identify develo ment o ortunities. High 5. 2007 Work with roperty owners in Santa Rita area to identify new office uses/users. Hi h 6. 2008 Work with ro erty owners to tenant vacant buildin son Villa e P High 7. 2008 Work with property owners at the Promenade to identify development 0 ortunities. High 8. 2008 Examine appropriate locations to permit automotive repair businesses within the City. Hi h 9. 2008 Develo Economic Incentive Program. Hi h 10. 2009 Develo Business Visitation Program. -193- High 11. 2009 Work with Chabot /Las Positas to find location for District Office/Learning Center. High 12. 2009 Develop a Farmers' Market (Staff Proposed Change: Explore the feasibility of a Farmers' Market. High 13. 2008 Enhance presence of automobile dealers in the Scarlett Court Specific Plan area. III. CULTURE & LEISURE A. PARKS & CO~'Titi[i?N1T~" SERVICES: To enhance the quality of lif~forall residents by providing recreational and other special interest programs; improve the utilization of existing recreation facilities; and plan and develop ~xew recreation :facilities and a ortunities. _ COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE High 1. 2008 Undertake development of design and construction documents for Emerald Glen Recreation and A uatic Com lex. High 2. 2009 Develop Program Pricing and Cost Recovery Policy. High 3. 2009 Expand preschool program to offer classes at both Shannon Community Center and Emerald Glen Activity Center for the 2009-2010 school year. High 4. 2009 Expand use of the Senior Center on Saturday mornings for programs and classes. High 5. 2009 Expand fitness and wellness classes (aerobics, yoga, pilates, cardio, outdoor recreation, etc.) and create flexible participation o tions. Hi h 6. 2009 Ex and cooking and nutrition classes. High 7. 2009 Offer babysitting programs during key hours to encourage participation in classes and ro ams by adults with children. High 8. 2008 Continue to look for locations in City public facilities that will allow teens to ather in a welcomin environment. High 9. 2009 Study the feasibility of developing a Lacrosse team, classes, training for youths, etc. Medium 10. 2004 Assess potential for joint projecbfacility improvements at Dublin High School and other Dublin Schools as ap ropriate. Medium 11. 2004 Work with EBRPD to complete negotiations for land acquisition or obtain conservation easement to provide public access in the western hills for an Open S ace Area. Medium 12. 2004 Identify and secure sources of funding for land acquisition in the western hills for an O en S ace Area. Medium 13. 2004 Upon completion of land acquisition in the western hills, complete an Open Space Master Plan and a ro riate CE A documents. B:,, HIJRIT~GE & CULTUE~aL A.RTS:To preserve the cultural hentage of the community; enhance thec~ualit}~ of life for all residents b~~ pruviding cultural and historical programs; enrich the community through the placement of uhhc art. COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE High 1. 2009 Upon re-location of the Kolb properties to the Dublin Historic Park, complete furnishing of buildings and catalogue/accessioning of the collections of the Kolb family. High 2. 2009 Establish facility operations, policies and fees for public use of the Kolb properties at the Dublin Historic Park. High 3. 2004 Work with the developer to locate significant works of art in two key places of the Dublin Transit Center, the Campbell Green and the "Iron Horse" Plaza. High 4. 2009 Expand core class offerings in the arts and strategically schedule classes to best meet the needs of the community. -194- High 5. 2007 Implement a self study and peer review for the Phase II Museum Assessment Pro am AP -Public Dimension Assessment for the Dublin Herita e Center. High 6. 2008 Facilitate the selection of public art as a condition of approval for two (2) Private Develo ment ro~ects. High 7. 2009 Expand the current volunteer/docent program for the Dublin Heritage Center by 30%. High 8. 2009 Develop and publish a booklet about the history of the Kolb family for sale to the public. High 9. 2009 Conduct spark/facility dedication event for the Dublin Historic Park, Phase I. High 2009 Work with Camp Parks to preserve its history during the redevelopment of the facility. Hi h 10. 2009 Obtain and reserve the oral histories of Dublin seniors and long-time residents. Medium 11. 2004 Implement Phase II of the Downtown Public Art/Bus Shelter Project including; desi ,fabrication and installation of student art murals. Medium 12. 2004 Work with BART to incorporate high quality artwork as part of the West Dublin BART Station Project rovided funding is available. IV. PUBLIC SAFETY A'. POLICE: To detercrlme,respond to calls, apprehend criminal, e~rf~rce traffic regulations andeducate tf-e public to enhance commnnit safet and securit . COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE High 1. 2009 Prepare and conduct an Open House/Static Display event at Dublin Police Services to be held in conjunction with the "National Night Out" campaign in coo eration with the Fire De artment. High 2. 2009 Explore the feasibility of acquiring or producing a crime prevention video for distribution to targeted audiences within the community and determine the best means of delivery. Primary focus would be on minimizing risk of being a victim of property crimes. High 3. 2009 Work with local Police Departments to explore a collaborative effort in creating a crime prevention community service broadcast. !3. r1NIMAL CONTROL: To ensure public health and safety by providing animal licensing, enforcement and shelter seruices and vector control PRIO CTY ( # (YEAR I PROPOSED OBJECTIVE I I I I NO NEW OBJECTNES PROPOSED FOR FISCAL YEAR 2009-2010 I C. FIRE$EItVICES: To reduce fhe loss of life apd~prQperty due to emergency incidents by providing effective fire protectionand eme~ency medical responses. COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE High 1. 2009 Provide at least three (3) opportunities for the Community to attend an event at Dublin Fire Stations. Event shall provide the community with an opportunity to learn more about the Fire Department, Fire Safety or provide other community benefits. High 2. 2009 Establish a pilot program for providing "Over the Counter" fire plan check and ermits. High 3. 2009 Develop three (3) pre-fire plans for apartment buildings and target hazards in Dublin. -195- High 4. 2009 Study the feasibility of the City establishing a process that would require business artici ation in the Alameda County PAD (Public Access Defibrillation) ro am. D. DISASTER°PREPAREDNESS: To plan, prepare, & train emergency personnel & the community to handle disasters in an effective & er editious manner in order to protect persons and:~roperty. COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE Hi h 1. 2009 Conduct Ci ide disaster exercise. Hi h 2. 2009 Provide City Staff with Emer ency erations Center trainin . High 3. 2009 Work toward integrating the Dublin Emergency Operations Center with other Community Service Facilities. High 4. 2009 Participate in two (2) large facility emergency preparedness drills. C+.. ~Vf~STE VL~NAGEMENT: To coordinate the provi~ioa of garbagecoltection and recycling activities incIudiog" ~ he im tetn~er~tation of new rd ramsto meet the stafdtor re ^irementsf'orwaste reduction. COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE High 1. 2009 Work with property managers of multifamily dwellings (MFD) to update enclosure signage to indicate which items can be placed in recycling containers. High 2. 2009 Implement afood-scrap, cash-incentive program for single family residential customers. High 3. 2009 Develop a recycling and garbage service notification program for new Dublin multifamily dwelling residents. V. TRANSPORTATION _ _ ___ __ A. MAINTENANCE: To maintain and imprU~~e the overaEFquality, condition and appearance of public facilities~~nd property. COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE High 1. 2009 Implement five (5) new community volunteer protects. High 2. I 2007 I Conduct assessment of the storm drain system and develop an appropriate replacement schedule. B. TRANSPORTA'FIO[V: To plan for the City's future traffic circulation and'pub[ic transTortation needs. COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE High 1. 2009 Update Tri-Valley Transportation Development Fee Strategic Expenditure Plan together with the other six (6) agencies in the TVTC. -196- 2008-2009 GOALS & OBJECTIVES FINAL REPORT The following table summarizes the City Council's 2008-2009 Goals & Objectives Program, including the status as of May 31, 2009. Only those goals listed as a high priority were funded in Fiscal Year 2008-2009. As of May 31, 2009, a total of 69 out of 123 goals (56.1%) have been completed or are nearly complete. With respect to high priority goals, a total of 63 out of 103 (61.2%) have been completed or are nearly complete. There have been an additional seven (7) major assignments since July 1, 2008. Four (4) of the 7 (57.1%) have been completed or are nearly complete. I. GENERAL GOVERNMENT A. ADMINISTRATION: To ensure the smooth & efficient functionin of those services rovided to the cgmmunit . # COUNCIL YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING START/ GOAL COMPLETION 1. High 2006 Conduct comprehensive Aug 2006 UNDERWAY; Thirty-five (35) update to City's Municipal Jun 2010 Ordinances complete to date. Code. 2. High 2006 Develop comprehensive Ju12006 UNDERWAY; (See G&O HI.A.I). community-wide diversity TBD lan. 3. High 2007 Work with the Dublin Unified Sep 2007 UNDERWAY; School district School District and Dublin TBD selecting appropriate staff to work with Partners in Education to the City. develop a Local Government Career Day. 4. High 2007 Implement recommendations Dec 2007 UNDERWAY; RDC Architects from the Civic Center TBD contracted in Dec 2007; Conceptual Workspace Programming Design to begin in Fiscal Year 2008- Study. 2009. Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Element: Complete reconciliation of Civic Center hasing lan. 5. High 2007 Modify the City's Smoking COMPLETE Ordinance. 6. High 2007 Work with the International COMPLETE Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) to perform a Greenhouse Gas Inventory for the City of Dublin. 7. High 2008 Improve visibility of visual COMPLETE presentations in City Council Chambers for the City Council and members of the public. 8. Medium 2008 Investigate opportunities and TBD NO PROGRESS implement solutions for TBD paperless Council Meetings. 9. Medium 2007 Conduct study of Labor TBD NO PROGRESS Guidelines on both City TBD projects and private development (i.e., pre- qualification, project labor, apprentice programs, etc.). -197- 2008-2009 GOALS & OBJECTIVES FINAL REPORT B. FINANCE: To effectively manage the City's financial resources, maximize revenues, control expenditures and develop an ade uate information re ortin s stem. # COUNCIL YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING START/ GOAL COMPLETION 1. High 2007 Replace financial accounting COMPLETE system. 2. High 2008 Implement new financial Dec 2008 UNDERWAY; All software delivered; accounting system. Jun 2010 Set-up, data conversion, and training being conducted; Project will be Fiscal Year 2008-2009 phased in by individual module; Element: Business Licensing and Parcel Implement Business Licensing Manager are now live, completing the and Parcel Manager modules. Fiscal Year 2008-2009 element. 3. High 2007 Complete 2008-2013 financial Oct 2007 UNDERWAY; Modifications forecast. Dec 2009 underway with Fiscal Year 2008-2009 and proposed Fiscal Year 2009-2010 budget data to be included in the model C.` INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS: To work with`other agencies on problems of area-wide concern; keep abreast'of le islation which im act the Cit ~. # COUNCIL YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING START/ GOAL COMPLETION 1. High 2003 Participate in the Tri-Valley COMPLETE Vision Project. 2. High 2007 Evaluate benefits of Tri- COMPLETE Valley Transportation Council , partici ation. 3. High 2008 Provide oversight of TV30 Ju12008 NEARLY COMPLETE; Transition of operations for the Tri-Valley. Jun 2009 oversight function to the City of San Ramon will occur with the beginning of Fiscal Year 2009-2010. D. PUBLIC RELATIONS: To effectively communicate to and solicit input fromthe community regarding City services and activities. # COUNCIL YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING START/ GOAL COMPLETION 1. High 2008 Produce a Citywide COMPLETE Newsletter. 2. High 2008 Consider an annual video COMPLETE newsletter on TV30 for community. ' 3. High 2008 Produce an online Citywide COMPLETE Calendar. 4. High 2007 Keep School District COMPLETE Administrators and Principals informed of City news (i.e., Annual Newsletter, Housing Newsletter, etc.). -198- 2008-2009 GOALS & OBJECTIVES FINAL REPORT ADD ITIONAL OBJECTIVES (PUBLIC RELATIONS) 5. High 2008 Explore options fora Jan 2009 UNDERWAY; Staff has prepared a listserv system to inform the TBD draft communications work plan community of City meetings, pending funding through Higher news, and events. Service Level budget process; Staff has developed a news and information button on the City's website and continues to explore outreach options not subject to budget constraints, includin social. networkin . E. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION: To evaluate the performance and cost effectiveness of the City's contract service roviders. # COUNCIL YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING START/ GOAL COMPLETION 1. High 2008 Building and Safety Contract COMPLETE; City Council meeting of Evaluation. 5/ 19/09. 2. High 2008 Crossing Guards Contract Jan 2009 NEARLY COMPLETE; Report to Evaluation. Jun 2009 City Council Jun 2009. 3. High 2008 Animal Services Contract Jan 2010 NO PROGRESS; Contract to be Evaluation. Jun 2010 evaluated in Fiscal Year 2009-2010. II. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT A. PLANNING : To develop plans for future growth and development; administer the zoning, subdivision and sign ordinances; analyze environmental reports; and provide assistance to developers, merchants, and residents with planning issues. # COUNCIL YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING START/ GOAL COMPLETION 1. High 2004 Implement residential planned Dec 2002 UNDERWAY; Camellia Place and development and investigate TBD Village Green Complete; Elan and opportunities to create a new Avalon Bay under construction; village in Eastern Dublin Metropolitan in redesign; Site C, Transit Center. Avalon Bay, Study Session held with the Plannin Commission Dec 2008. 2. High 2001 Complete Parks Reserve Jan 2008 UNDERWAY; Industry Day was held; Forces Training Area (Camp TBD Army has announced master Parks) General Plan and developer, Sun Cal; Preliminary Specific Plan Amendments. meetings underway with Sun Cal; Proposals received for preparation of Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Specific Plan; Developer has asked for Element: pause in project work while they work Hire consultant to produce on agreements with the Army. S ecific Plan. 3. High 2006 Prepare Community Design COMPLETE Element of General Plan. -199- 2008-2009 GOALS & OBJECTIVES FINAL REPORT 4. High 2006 Update Downtown, West Dec 2006 UNDERWAY; Opportunities and Dublin BART and San Ramon TBD Constraints Report complete, City Specific Plans into one Council and Planning Commission to comprehensive Plan that review Jun 2009 at joint meeting; addresses the entire Received grant to prepare Downtown Area. environmental document ;Working on funding agreement; Received Fiscal Year 2008-2009 proposals for preparation of Element: environmental. document. Complete background studies, opportunities and constraints; hire Environmental Consultant. 5. High 2002 Complete Scarlett Court Sep 2006 COMPLETE (Phase I); Phase II will Specific Plan. TBD not be initiated until Camp Parks GPA is com fete. 6. High 2008 Create Multi-Modal General Aug 2008 NEARLY COMPLETE; Draft map Plan Circulation Map. Jun 2009 recommended for approval by the Planning Commission; To City Council Jun 2009. 7. High 2008 Participate in 2010 Census. Jul 2008 UNDERWAY; Presentation made to TBD City Council on 2/17/09; City Fiscal Year 2008-2009 "Census" webpage launched; Fiscal Element: Year 2008-2009 element complete. Prepare City web page and rolling link and participate in complete count. 8. High 2008 Complete General Plan Nov 2007 UNDERWAY; Applicant reevaluating Amendment on Nielsen TBD options; Draft EIR out for public property. review. 9. High 2007 Complete Grafton Plaza Oct 2007 UNDERWAY; Project redesigned by General Plan Amendment and Dec 2009 Applicant, draft environmental review S ecific Plan Amendment. on new design almost com lete. 10. High 2008 Briefings to the Planning COMPLETE Commission regarding proposed significant redevelopment, which would include site and/or land uses, within the Downtown Planning Area. 11. Low 1996 Update City's General Plan. TBD NO PROGRESS; Not funded. TBD 12. Low 2007 Develop policy requiring play TBD NO PROGRESS areas in walking distance of TBD new homes in new subdivisions. -200- 2008-2009 GOALS & OBJECTIVES FINAL REPORT B. 1. 2 HOUSING: To work toward rovidin housin o ortunit COUNCIL YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL High 2004 Complete evaluation of the potential renovation/redevelopment of the Arroyo Vista Housing site. High 3. High 4. High 5. High 6. High Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Element: Complete environmental documents and land-use entitlements. 2006 Work with ABAG to ensure that the Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) process addresses City of Dublin housing needs in an equitable manner. 2008 (Process 15 First Time Homebuyer Loans. 2007 Update Housing Element of the General Plan. 2008 Review effectiveness of the City's current Inclusionary Zonin Ordinance. 2007 Create new Medium Density Designations for specific properties in the EDSP. for all income levels of the communit . ESTIMATED STATUS START/ COMPLETION Ju12004 UNDERWAY; Housing and Urban TBD Development (HUD) Disposition Application approved; Project environmental work underway; Study Session held with Planning Commissi on development proposal; Planning Commission public hearing held with recommendation for City Council approval. COMPLETE Ju12008 Jun 2009 NEARLY COMPLETE; Thirteen (13) applications reviewed, seven (7) loans funded, two (2) denied; three (3) withdrawn; and one (1) pending. Aug 2007 NEARLY COMPLETE; One (1) j oint Jun 2009 Planning Commission/Housing Committee meeting held; Two (2) public workshops held; Draft Housing Element complete, Planning Commission reviewed May 2009, City Council to review Jun 2009. COMPLETE COMPLETE ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES HOUSING) 7. 2008 Develop criteria for funding COMPLETE Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) -201- 2008-2009 GOALS & OBJECTIVES FINAL REPORT C. BUILDING & SAFETY: Administer and enforce the City's Building, Plumbing, Electrical, Mechanical, Housing and Zonin Codes to ensure the safe construction and maintenance of buildin sand structures. # COUNCIL YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING START/ GOAL COMPLETION 1. High 2006 Implement real-time electronic Dec 2008 UNDERWAY; All software delivered; field inspection system. Jun 2010 Set-up, data conversion, and training being conducted; Project will be Fiscal Year 2008-2009 phased in by individual module; Element: Business Licensing and Parcel Implement Business Licensing Manager are now live, completing the and Parcel Manager modules. Fiscal Year 2008-2009 element. 2. High 2008 Enhance residential green COMPLETE; City Council adopted building requirements to create Ordinance on April 21, 2009. a mandatory self-certification program as part of the permitting process. 3. Medium 2008 Examine need for homeowner COMPLETE; City Council adopted after hours inspection Ordinance on Apri121, 2009. ro am. D. ENGINEERING: To provide local review of subdivision & parcel maps; perform transportation planning and recommend solutions to traffic safet roblems and desi nand ins ect Ca ital Pro'ects. # COUNCIL YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING START/ GOAL COMPLETION 1. High 2008 Develop and implement a Jan 2009 UNDERWAY; Hearing was held on storm water action plan and Sep 2009 May 13, 2009 at the Regional Board budget for the new Municipal Offices; Regional Board to issue final Regional Permit (MRP). MRP by Se 2009. 2. High 2007 Prepare an alignment for TBD NO PROGRESS; Progress dependent Central Parkway from Fallon TBD upon development community. Rd to Croak Rd/Dublin Blvd. E. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: To ascertain and fulfill the economic needs of the City by attracting desired commercial, industrial and residential develo ment while offerin Ci su ort to esistin businesses. # COUNCIL YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING START/ GOAL COMPLETION 1. High 2008 Work with the owners of Jul 2008 UNDERWAY; Staff met with National National Food Lab on new TBD Food Lab ownership in March to development opportunities. discuss options for the property in terms of future uses; Staff continues to engage the property owner's broker on options for the site. -202- 2008-2009 GOALS & OBJECTIVES FINAL REPORT 2. High 2008 Work with the owners of the Ju12008 UNDERWAY; Three tenants are Chevron property on new TBD proceeding with appropriate permitting development opportunities. to occupy the space, including Alameda County Fire, a go-cart Fiscal Year 2008-2009 racetrack, and an indoor soccer field. Element: Work with property owners/tenant representatives to complete zoning requirements. 3. High 2003 Work with Dublin Place Ju12003 UNDERWAY: Staff is talking with Shopping Center to facilitate TBD Home Depot Expo's real estate new improvements to the representatives, as well as with the Center. leasing agent for Mervyns regarding tenantin of the s aces. 4. High 2007 Work with property owners in Ju12007 UNDERWAY; Staff continues to refer West Dublin BART Specific TBD interested parties to West Dublin Plan area to identify BART property owners; Staff has also development opportunities. submitted several improvement projects in this area for consideration for federal stimulus dollars as well as for the next federal transportation appropriation process. 5. High 2008 Work with property owners in Ju12008 UNDERWAY; Staff is marketing the Santa Rita area to identify TBD Council-adopted Sales Tax new office uses/users. Reimbursement Program as an incentive for office users with brokers re resentin ro erties in the area. 6. High 2008 Enhance presence of Jan 2009 UNDERWAY; Staff is working with automobile dealers in the TBD area dealerships on a new directional Scarlett Court Specific Plan sign program. area. 7. High 2008 Work with property owners to Ju12008 UNDERWAY; Staff has been in tenant vacant buildings on TBD discussions with the property owners Village Pkwy. regarding the tenancy of Village Parkway properties; Several new tenants are either in or proposed to be in those ro erties. 8. High 2008 Work with property owners at Ju12008 UNDERWAY; Staff continues to the Promenade to identify TBD discuss retail and tenant options with develo ment op ortunities. the Promenade property owner. 9. Medium 2008 Examine appropriate locations TBD NO PROGRESS to permit automotive repair TBD businesses within the Ci -203- 2008-2009 GOALS & OBJECTIVES FINAL REPORT ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT) 10. High 2008 Develop Economic Incentive Dec 2008 UNDERWAY; Sales Tax Program. TBD Reimbursement Program adopted on January 6, 2009; Completed one Fiscal Year 2008-2009 agreement in Apr 2009; Staff is Element: working on additional incentives to Complete sales tax incentive spur commercial development program and economic activities. development work plan outlining initiatives to strengthen the local economy. III. CULTURE & LEISURE A. PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES: To enhance the quality of life for all residents by providing recreational an'd other special interest programs; improve the utilization of existing recreation facilities; and plan and develop new recreation facilities and o ortunities. # COUNCIL YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING START/ GOAL COMPLETION 1. High 2006 Conduct in-depth community COMPLETE needs assessment and opinion survey of Department programs and services, and develop a Strategic Plan for Department programs and services. 2. High 2007 Undertake development of COMPLETE design and construction documents for Fallon Sports Park, Phase I. 3. High 2008 Prepare for the opening of the COMPLETE Shannon Community Center and develop Facility Use Policy for community use of the building. 4. High 2008 Conduct grand opening event COMPLETE for the new Shannon Community Center. 5. High 2008 Conduct park dedication event COMPLETE for Piazza Sorrento and Devany Square. 6. High 2008 Undertake development of Ju12008 NO PROGRESS; Project deferred by design and construction May 2010 City Council for one year due to lack documents for Emerald Glen of funding. Recreation and Aquatic Complex. Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Element: Complete conceptual design. -204- 2008-2009 GOALS & OBJECTIVES FINAL REPORT 7. High 2008 Evaluate options for COMPLETE continuing the operation of the Emerald Glen Activity Center following the opening of the new Shannon Community Center. 8. High 2008 Plan for new Summer Nature Nov 2008 NEARLY COMPLETE; Preliminary Day Camp program at the new Jun 2009 program plan developed and presented Shannon Community Center to City Council Jan 2009; Planning, Interpretive area (beginning promotions and hiring in progress. summer 2009). 9. High 2008 Investigate options for Mar 2009 NEARLY COMPLETE; Report expanding Senior Center food Jun 2009 presented to Senior Center Advisory service programs and hours. Committee and Parks & Community Services Commission in May; Final re ort to City Council Jun 2009. 10. High 2008 Expand use of the City website Jan 2009 NEARLY COMPLETE; Conceptual to promote Senior Center Jun 2009 webpage layout approved by City events, programs, and services. Council Apr 2009; Content changes to be com leted by Jun 2009. 11. High 2008 Implement a volunteer carpool Aug 2008 NEARLY COMPLETE; Input program to provide Jun 2009 received from Senior Center Advisory transportation to and from the Committee Mar 2009; Final program Senior Center. plan to City Council Jun 2009. 12. Medium 2004 Assess potential for joint Ongoing UNDERWAY; Analysis of joint project/facility improvements TBD project at Dublin Swim Center . at Dublin High School. complete; No other projects identified at this time. 13. Medium 2004 Work With EBRPD to Dec 2002 UNDERWAY; EBRPD has annual complete negotiations for land TBD contact with property owners; acquisition in the western hills However, there is not a willing seller at for an en S ace Area. this time. 14. Medium 2004 Identify and secure sources of Ju12004 UNDERWAY; Altamont Open Space funding for land acquisition in TBD funding is available. the western hills for an Open S ace Area. 15. Medium 2004 Upon completion of land TBD NO PROGRESS acquisition in the western hills, TBD complete an Open Space Master Plan and appropriate CEQA documents. 16. Medium 2006 In cooperation with the Oct 2006 UNDERWAY; Recommended DUSD, update the existing Ju12009 modifications to the agreement agreement regarding use of provided to DUSD for consideration. facilities between the City and DUSD. 17. Medium 2008 Continue to look for locations Ongoing UNDERWAY; Requesting input from in City public facilities that TBD Youth Advisory Committee on how will allow teens to gather in a Shannon Community Center can be welcoming environment. used by teens; Will be assessing how this can be accomplished during the design of the Emerald Glen Recreation and A uatic Com lex. -205- 2008-2009 GOALS & OBJECTIVES FINAL REPORT ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES 18. 2008 Establish a Youth Fee Oct 2008 NEARLY COMPLETE; Program plan Assistance Program. Jun 2009 presented to the City Council in Jan 2009; Planning for fundraising campaign to occur in spring for summer 2009 program implementation. 19. 2009 Enter into a Master Contract COMPLETE; Contract approved and with the East Bay Regional applications for grant funding Park District (EBRPD) for approved. Local Grant Funds under Measure WW Park Bond Extension and submit an application(s) for Grant fundin . B. HERITAGE & CULTURAL ARTS: To preserve the cultural heritage of the community; enhance the quality of life for~all residents b rovidin cultural and historical ro rams; enrich the communit throw h the lacement of ublcart. # COUNCIL YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING START/ GOAL COMPLETION 1. High 2008 Facilitate the selection of Jan 2008 UNDERWAY; Public Art Compliance public art as a condition of TBD reports received for Positano and The approval for two (2) Private Green at Park Place. Develo ment rojects. 2. High 2007 Facilitate the selection of COMPLETE public art for three (3) Private Development projects. 3. High 2006 Facilitate inclusion of artworks COMPLETE in the Shannon Community Center Reconstruction roject. 4. High 2007 Upon acquisition of the Dublin COMPLETE Square Shopping Center, undertake development of design and construction documents for Phase I of the Dublin Historic Park. 5. High 2007 Implement a self study and Feb 2007 UNDERWAY; Self-Assessment peer review for the Phase II Ju12010 Process Workbook to be completed by Museum Assessment Program Aug 2009. (MAP) -Public Dimension Assessment for the Dublin Herita e Center.. 6. High 2008 Create a dedicated "website" COMPLETE for the Dublin Heritage Center. 7. High 2004 Implement Phase II of the Ju12006 NO PROGRESS; Project deferred Downtown Public Art/Bus TBD until FY 2011-2012 due to Shelter Project including; implementation of the LAVTA RAPID design, fabrication and Bus Shelter project. installation of student -art murals. -206- 2008-2009 GOALS & OBJECTIVES FINAL REPORT 8. High 2004 Work with the developer to Ju12004 UNDERWAY; Fiscal Year 2008-2009 locate significant works of art Aug 2010 element Complete; Artists selection in two key places of the and interviews scheduled in May & Dublin Transit Center, the Jun 2009. Village Green and the "Iron Horse" Plaza. Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Element: Select Art Consultant and Art Selection Committee. 9. High 2008 Plan and coordinate a Holiday COMPLETE Tea at the Heritage Center in December 2008. 10. High 2008 Create a "Virtual Tour" of TBD NEARLY COMPLETE; Filming Dublin's public art and the Jun 2009 underway with completion by Jun Heritage Center museum that 2009. can be viewed on the City website. 11. High 2008 Offer a "Vintage Film Series" COMPLETE event 4 times per year at the Dublin Herita e Center. 12. Medium 2004 Work with BART to Ju12004 NO PROGRESS; Although design will incorporate high quality TBD include area for Public Art, Developer artwork as part of the West has no funding available to include Dublin BART Station Project Public Art in project. rovided fundin is available. 13. Medium 2008 Provide public space for the COMPLETE community to celebrate socio- cultural events. ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES HERITAGE & CULTURAL AR TS) 14. 2009 Prepare a proposed Ordinance COMPLETE; Ordinance adopted by temporarily suspending public City Council on 4/21/09; Effective art requirement for residential 5/21/09. projects as an economic stimulus measure. IV. PUBLIC SAFETY A. POLICE: To deter crime, respond to calls, apprehend criminals, enforcetrafficregulations and educate the public to errhanee communit safe and securit . # COUNCIL YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING START/ GOAL COMPLETION 1. High 2008 Work with property managers COMPLETE; Program has been to develop crime prevention developed and implemented; Two programs for multifamily separate training courses have been roperties. held; Additional scheduled. 2. High 2008 Conduct bi-monthly crime COMPLETE; Forums discussing these prevention community forums issues have been held; Done by DPS with topics e.g. ID Theft, Teen Crime Prevention. Driving Safety, Gang Awareness, etc. -207- 2008-2009 GOALS & OBJECTIVES FINAL REPORT 3. High 2008 Provide "Critical Incident Ju12008 UNDERWAY; DPS has identified Response Training" for Jun 2010 grant funding to conduct this training Officers and DUSD ersonnel. in Fiscal Year 2009-2010. 4. High 2008 Conduct two Child Safety Seat COMPLETE; Several Child Safety Events and participate in Click Seat Events have been held, additional it or Ticket Enforcement are scheduled; Several seat belt Program. enforcement events have been held, as recently as May 25, 2009.OTS Grant fundin will be exhausted in Jun 2009. 5. High 2008 Develop "Parent Project" COMPLETE; Several sessions have program in order to enhance been conducted with several more parenting skills to decrease scheduled through the end of the involvement of youth with the school year; The 13 week cumculum juvenile justice system; lower began Jan 2009. juvenile crime and recidivism; and improve police community relations. 6. High 2008 Implement a Social Host COMPLETE; Ordinance enacted by Ordinance. City Council on OS-19-09. 7. High 2007 Implement program targeting COMPLETE; Current alcohol and underage drinking and drug education lesson plan has been illegal/pharmaceutical drug updated and now includes use. pharmaceutical drug use; Program currently being taught by Crime Prevention Officer. B. ANIMAL CONTROL: To ensure public health and safety by providing animal licensing, en force-nentand shelter services and vector control # COUNCIL YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING START/ GOAL COMPLETION No Objectives for FY 2008- 2009. C. FIRE SERVICES: To reduce the loss of life and property due to emergency incidents by providing effective fire protection and emer enc medical res onses. # COUNCIL YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING START/ GOAL COMPLETION 1. High 2008 Conduct four (4) open houses Aug 2008 NEARLY COMPLETE; Two informal at Dublin's fire stations with Jun 2009 events held to date; Joint event is emphasis on fire safety. planned with Police as well as three Fire on events by Jun 2009. 2. High 2008 Work with Livermore- COMPLETE Pleasanton Fire Department to enhance trainin o ortunities. 3. High 2008 Develop an Automated COMPLETE External Defibrillators (AEDs) program that encourages the business community to install AEDs throughout the community in locations where large numbers of people gather. -208- 2008-2009 GOALS & OBJECTIVES FINAL REPORT D, DISASTER PREPAREDNESS: To plan; prepare, & train emergency personnel & the community to handle disasters in an effective. & ex editious manner in order to rotect ersons and ro ert . # COUNCIL YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING START/ GOAL COMPLETION 1. High 2008 Conduct Citywide disaster Jun 2009 NO PROGRESS; Project was exercise. Ju12009 scheduled to be completed in Apr 2009, but was postponed due to a family emergency that arose for the City's consultant. 2. High 2008 Conduct six (6) Personal COMPLETE Emergency Preparedness (PEP) training sessions for Dublin residents. 3. High 2008 Update the City's Dec 2008 NEARLY COMPLETE; Project to Comprehensive Emergency Jun 2009 City Council Jun 2009. Management Plan, including a pet evacuation protocol. 4. High 2007 Identify and provide all Dublin COMPLETE; One (1) CERT Class Homeowners' Associations completed from 9/16/08 to 10/21/08; (HOA) and Neighborhood Second class completed from 4/6/09 to Watch groups with disaster 5/11/09. preparedness informational bulletins, and provide at least two (2) opportunities for Dublin residents to attend Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training. 5. High 2008 Develop a template for Dec 2008 NEARLY COMPLETE; Working with preparation of emergency Jun 2009 Collaborating Agencies Responding to plans for facilities with Disasters (CARD) to develop template; vulnerable populations. Template Plan to City Council Jun 2009. E. WASTE MANAGEMENT: To coordinate the provision of garbage collection and recycling activities including the im lementation of new ro rams to meet the statutor re uirements far waste reduction. # COUNCIL YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING START/ GOAL COMPLETION 1. High 2008 Adopt and implement a waste Oct 2008 NEARLY COMPLETE; Staff has management/recyclingp1an for Jun 2009 identified potential venues affected; the City's large public venues Plan and reporting protocols nearly and events, which consists of complete. events that serve more than 2,000 individuals er day. 2. High 2008 Engage and analyze Dublin's Nov 2008 NEARLY COMPLETE; Final report jurisdictional partners' Jun 2009 to City Council Jun 2009. (DUSD, Camp Parks, Santa Rita Jail, etc.) diversion efforts and recommend im rovements. -209- 2008-2009 GOALS & OBJECTIVES FINAL REPORT 3. High 2007 Increase commercial organics COMPLETE recycling participation by 10 businesses. 4. High 2008 Create an Ad-hoc Committee COMPLETE of two Councilmembers and work with Amador Valley Industries (AVI) and Staff on developing a Waste Diversion Plan. V. TRANSPORTATION A. MAINTENANCE:.To maintai^ and improve tfie overall quality, condition and appearance of public facilities and ro ert . # COUNCIL YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING START/ GOAL COMPLETION 1. High 2008 Implement five (5) new COMPLETE community volunteer projects. 2. High 2007 Identify site for Maintenance COMPLETE Facility/Emergency O erations Center (EOC). 3. High 2006 Complete Building Ju12006 NEARLY COMPLETE Mana ement Study. Jun 2009 4. High 2007 Conduct assessment of the Sep 2007 UNDERWAY; This is a five year storm drain system and Jun 2012 project; The 2008 assessment has been develop an appropriate completed; Bids received for 2009 replacement schedule. assessment; City Council to award bid Apr 2009. Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Element: Award bid for 2009 portion of the assessment and complete the 2009 assessment. B. ~ -TRANSPORTATION: To Ian for the Cit 's future traffic circulation and ^blic trans ortation needs. # COUNCIL YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING START/ GOAL COMPLETION 1. High 2008 Examine signal timings Mar 2009 NEARLY COMPLETE; Working with throughout the City to improve Jun 2009 consultant to determine where intersection efficiency by infrastructure requires repair to coordinating signalized complete implementation along Dublin intersections along major Boulevard. arterials and optimizing pedestrian safety. 2. High 2008 Work with the Congestion Jul 2007 UNDERWAY Management Agency on the TBD Development of the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) to insure the City of Dublin's recommendations for needed regional infrastructure are addressed in the RTP. -11U- 2008-2009 GOALS & OBJECTIVES FINAL REPORT 3. High 2004 As part of the GPA for Parks TBD NO PROGRESS; (See G&O II.A.2). Reserve Forces Training Area TBD (BETA), evaluate alternatives for a Central Parkway extension through Dougherty Road and interface options to the planned Scarlett Drive Extension. 4. High 2005 Update Tri-Valley COMPLETE Transportation Development Fee Nexus Study together with the other six (6) agencies in the TVTC. 5. High 2008 Study need for signalizing Jun 2009 UNDERWAY; Study was delayed due Brighton and Amador Valley Aug 2009 to the Traffic Engineer being on leave; Blvd. Study is expected to be completed within 3 months. 6. High 2007 Using the Tri-Valley Triangle Aug 2007 UNDERWAY Study, work with the Tri- TBD Valley Cities to develop a strategy to pursue project funding in the region. 7. High 2007 Work with the region's Ju12007 UNDERWAY; Review of Congestion transportation partners to Jul 2009 Management Agency's Project Study develop projects for the I-580 Report (PSR) will be distributed Jul Corridor that will minimize 2009. impacts to the Civic Center Complex and businesses. 8. High 2007 Develop a phased plan to COMPLETE expand the Traffic Management System to include all arterials. 9. High 2002 Work with Pleasanton and Sep 2005 UNDERWAY; Draft agreement Livermore to develop a cost TBD approved by Livermore; Agreement sharing agreement for the pending Pleasanton's approval. ultimate improvement of the I- 580/Fallon Road Interchange. ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (TRANSPORTATION) 10. 2009 Conduct a study that examines May 2009 UNDERWAY; Consultant working on potential traffic calming Aug 2009 draft document. measures. -211-