HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.2 E Dublin Preliminary Land Use Map AGENDA STATEMENT
FEBRUARY 14 , 1991
SUBJECT: East Dublin Preliminary Land Use Map
REPORT PREPARED BY: ( Brenda A. Gillarde , Project Coordinator
ATTACHMENTS : - ' 1 . Preliminary Land Use Map
2 . Buildout Figures
3 . Land Use Summary by Planning
RECOMMENDATION: 4y... 1 . Hear Staff presentation
/ 2 . Commission/Council ask .questions of
6)-1A1 Staff
Open Open meeting to public ; receive
public comment
4 . Close public comment period;
Commission discusses staff report
and preliminary land use map and
through non-binding consensus makes
recommendations for changes/
additions .
5 . Council discusses staff report and
preliminary land use map and
through non-binding consensus makes
recommendations for changes/
additions .
6 . Council considers directing
Consultant to begin preparation of
the general plan amendment/specific
plan with the understanding that
the preliminary land use map will
be subject to further study and
environmental analysis .
FINANCIAL STATEMENT: This work is covered under the current
agreement with Wallace , Roberts & Todd,
the project consultants .
For the past three months two public workshops and one public
study session have been held jointly with the Planning Commission
and City Council on the general plan land use concept for East
Dublin. The meetings were designed as a forum for discussing
COPIES TO: Agenda File
Project Planner
PA File
how East Dublin should develop. Input was received from the
Planning Commission, City Council and the public.
The first workshop posed several questions which dealt with how
people felt about the present City of Dublin - what were the
City' s positive attributes and what would they like to see added
or changed. Positive attributes included :
- shopping and other business needs located close in
- good mix of housing
- uncluttered hills
- city close/country quiet
Changes or additions included :
• - more diversity in housing types/styles
- more public transit and pedestrian orientation
- a central , pedestrian oriented commercial area
- additional recreational facilities
Two other questions were discussed at the first workshop which
dealt with residential and retail development in East Dublin.
Among the comments expressed were :
- there should be a great diversity of housing
- there should be a sufficient number of "starter" homes
- neighborhoods should contain a mix of dwelling types
- retail development should be located close to residential
- _. retail areas should be centralized and pedestrian accessible
- the City should capitalize on Dublin ' s established market
niche and should provide new retail opportunities not
currently met in the Valley
The second workshop dealt with office and business park
development , the transportation system and park and recreation
facilities . The upshot of these discussions was :
- commercial designations should be flexible enough to respond
to changing market conditions
- intersections/interchanges should be utilized for high
visibility uses
- uses that keep office areas "alive after five" should be
- the transportation system should be multimodal to
accommodate autos as well as public transit and pedestrians
- arterials should be designed to minimize impacts to
- a community park with a unique feature should be developed
- a comprehensive trail system should be designed
A joint Commission/Council public study session was held
following the second workshop to discuss areas of convergence and
divergence about a particular kind of development in East Dublin.
The result of this discussion is the map attached to this staff
report , which is discussed in greater detail in the following
The ideas brought forth in the previous workshops and study
session are reflected in the land use map attached to this staff
report . The following paragraphs describe the kind of community
that would result if the map were "developed. "
Land Use Concept
The underlying concept guiding the refinement of the proposed
land use concept was that East Dublin should be a distinctive
mixed-use community which is integrated with existing Dublin yet
has a unique image and identity. The emphasis on a mixed-use
community came from the concern for creating a vital urban
environment where people can live , work, play and interact in a
way that fosters a sense of community.
A major feature of the plan is the creation of mixed-use centers
around which predominately residential uses are located. These
centers will provide a focal point for each neighborhood where
residents can gather and interact . The main center is located
along Tassajara Road and is intended to serve the entire East
Dublin area as well as existing Dublin and residents from
adjacent cities .
Three additional "village" centers are designated : one at the
north end. of Tassajara Road; one located at the Fallon
Road/transit spine intersection ; and one along Doolan Canyon
Road. The intent of the village centers is to serve the daily
shopping needs of nearby and surrounding residents . This
configuration responds to the desire expressed at the workshops
for close-in shopping.
Employment generating and service commercial uses are primarily
located along the freeway frontage to take advantage of freeway
access and visibility. Regional commercial uses have been
designated along both sides of the Fallon Road interchange .
These sites present good opportunities for uses such as an auto
mall , promotional center or discount center. This responds to
the comments expressed at the workshops for commercial uses that
enhance Dublin ' s existing market niche and provide for shopping
opportunities not presently found in the Valley.
The community commercial area along Tassajara is envisioned for
such key uses as multi-story office buildings with ground floor
retail , a shopping center and other community-serving commercial
uses . The office/hotel area shown at the Tassajara interchange
is intended for high-end development that would help establish an
upscale image for the area. The site would be a prime location
for a hotel , given its high visibility, proximity to job centers
and East Dublin ' s commercial core . This location was selected in
response to the desire for high visibility uses near the freeway
interchanges as well as a location for a future hotel .
Business park uses have been concentrated on the County of
Alameda property, west of Tassajara. This location is consistent
with the current annexation agreement between the City of Dublin
and the County. The County is presently conducting a study to
examine the most appropriate land uses for their site. However ,
until the County completes its studies and approaches the City of
Dublin with a proposal to amend the annexation agreement , the
plan for East Dublin will continue to show business park for
their property.
The main commercial area located along Tassajara and the transit
spine is intended to serve the needs of local as well as area
residents . The commercial area along Tassajara will be geared
toward auto-oriented retail and office uses . Retail uses located
along the east/west "transit spine" will be more
pedestrian/public transit oriented. This area responds to the
desire expressed at the workshops to provide opportunities for
small businesses and local shop owners . '
The civic area (C on the map) has been moved eastward, away from -
the intersection of Tassajara and the transit spine per the
responses received at the workshops . Potential uses include a
post office , library, theater and/or community center . The civic
center will provide a locus for community activity and help keep
the area "alive after five . "
Population, Units and Employment
As presently shown the plan would generate the following* :
Units : 18 , 291
Population : 53 , 186
Jobs : 37 , 171
* Note : See Attachments 2 and 3 for additional buildout figures
All of these figures are based on gross , not net acreages ; that
is , land has not been deleted for roads , easements , setbacks and
other requirements . Approximately 42% of the dwelling units are
"multi-family" (14-25+ du/ac) , slightly higher than currently
exists in Dublin. However , this will provide a greater range of
housing opportunities including starter and affordable homes , a
key concern expressed during the workshops .
The total number of units (18 , 291 ) is slightly higher than in the
previous Concept #4 (17 , 937) . However , the number of jobs is
9 , 045 more than in Concept #4 (28 , 710 ) . This is largely due to
the amount of business park shown in the current plan. The
greatest concentration of business park is on the Alameda County
property. As mentioned previously, the County property must be
designated for business park per the annexation agreement between
the City and the County. The minimum FARs permitted by the
annexation agreement were used to calculate buildout on the
County property in an effort to reduce , to the greatest degree
possible , the jobs/housing imbalance.
However , even with this reduction , the plan generates a total of
8 ,490 jobs in excess of available housing, or a housing deficit
of about 5 , 306 units . Some of this imbalance would be offset by
the West Dublin project , which if approved, could potentially
produce about 3 , 000 units . The jobs/housing issue will have to
be further studied in the specific plan.
Based on the projected population (53 , 186 ), 7. 9 elementary
schools , 2 .5 middle schools and 1 .8 high schools will be
required. The plan provides 8 elementary schools , 2 middle
schools and l high school . If the number of housing units is
moderately increased, it is likely a second high school and
another middle school would be required to serve the East Dublin
Transportation System
While ensuring that vehicular circulation is convenient and
efficient , the plan puts a strong emphasis on providing area
residents with a high degree of choice in transportation modes .
This responds to the concern that the transportation system for
East Dublin be multi-modal . The more densely developed areas of
the site can be accessed by walking, cycling , bus , car pool and
BART. This will make a major contribution toward reducing
traffic congestion and air pollution.
The major arterials have been designed to carry the bulk of
traffic, thus protecting neighborhoods from severe traffic
impacts , another concern expressed at the workshops . Two
north/south and two east/west arterials are planned. Tassajara
Road and Fallon Road will accommodate the north/south traffic ;
both are planned as four lane roads , increasing to six lanes as
they near I-580 .
The major east/west circulation system is provided by two major
arterials . Dublin Boulevard, a six Jane road, will extend from
existing Dublin to North Canyons Parkway, parallel to I-580 .
This is a separate road from the recently approved two lane
extension of existing Dublin Boulevard. This two lane extension
will function as a local street in East Dublin.
The other major east/west arterial is a half mile north of Dublin
Boulevard ( indicated on the map as the Seventh Street Extension) .
It is planned as a four lane road and could eventually -be
connected to 7th Street .
A third east/west arterial is shown on- the map as the "transit
spine. " This route would function as the "Main Street" for the
main commercial center , connecting the center with the future
East Dublin BART station and existing Dublin. The spine ,
extending from the western edge of the study area to Doolan
Canyon, would accommodate two lanes of vehicular traffic and
public transit .
Commercial , office and higher density residential have been
located near the spine to facilitate transit use by local
residents , employees and shoppers . In addition, the community
park, several schools and a substantial amount of residential
uses are located along or within a quarter mile of the spine .
Open Space/Recreation Facilities
From the beginning, the study area ' s natural features have been
an important factor in determining- the overall character and
organization of the plan. In keeping with the City ' s current
general plan policies , the following areas were protected from
development :
- slopes 30% or over
sensitive habitat areas
natural drainage ways
- ridgelands
- visually sensitive ridges
This will create a sense of openness and country quiet , which was
one of the desireable traits mentioned during the workshops .
The community park that was formerly located along Tassajara has
been relocated eastward, abutting Fallon Parkway. The active
park acreage provided in the preliminary plan equates to 4.8
acres per 1 , 000 population. This is slightly below the City' s
standard (5 acres per 1 , 000 population) .
It should be noted that the City is conducting a park master plan
study that will evaluate existing and future park needs in the
Dublin community. Thus the park acreages and locations shown in
the preliminary general plan land use map for East Dublin may
change , based on the outcome of the park master plan study.
Staff recommends that Council follow the procedure outlined on
Page 1 of this staff report . The Council should then consider
directing the Consultant to move forward with the preliminary
land use concept for East Dublin with any additions or changes
the Council deems appropriate at this time . The preliminary
concept will be further studied in the specific plan and
environmental impact report . Additional changes and
modifications will occur during this process through subsequent
public meetings and public hearings . There will be ample
opportunity for the public to comment at all of these meetings
and hearings .
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Build Out Figures
Preliminary Land Use Summary -- Total Planning Area (6,918.9 Total Acres*) February 4, 1991
Square Feet/ Employment/Population
Land Use Acres Density/FAR Yield Employee Generated
Non-Residential Uses •
Retail Commercial (CC, NC, & VC) 85.8 0.25 0.934 million sq. ft. 510 1,832
Regional Commercial 168.8 0.20 1.471 million sq. ft. 1,000 1,471
Office 42.4 0.75 1.847 million sq. ft. 260 7,104
Business Park 664.6 .35 & .25 9.213 million sq. ft. 425 21,679 ,
Industrial Park 125.2 0.28 1.492 million sq. ft. 510 2,925
Government/Institutional 84.3 0.25 0.918 million sq. ft. 425 2,160
Non-Residential Subtotals: 1171.1 acres 15.875 million sq. ft. 37,171 employees
Residential Uses
Multi-Family Units
High 98.0 25-45 du/ac. 2,450-4,410 units 2.5 persons/du. 6,125-11,025
Medium High 215.5 14-25 du/ac. 3,017-5,388 2.5 persons/du. 7,543-13,470
Multi-Family Subtotals: 313.5 acres 5,467-9,798 units 13,668-24,495 residents
(average yield: 7,633 du) , (average yield: 19,082)
Single Family Units
Medium 750.5 6-14 du/ac. 4,503-10,507 units 3.2 persons/du. 14,410-33,622
Single 909.6 0.9-6 du/ac. 819-5,458 3.2 persons/du. 2,620-17,464
Rural Residential 2904.2 1 du/100 ac. 0-29 3.2 persons/du. 0-93
Single Family Subtotals: 4564.3 acres 5,322-15,994 units 17,030-51,179 residents
(average yield: 10,658 du) (average yield: 34,105)
Residential Subtotal: 4,877.8 acres 10,789-25,792 units 30,698-75,674 residents
(average yield: 18,291 du)
* Area total does not include the Triad property which is inside (average yield: 53,186)
the incorporated limits of the City of Livermore. ,
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Student's/ Total Students/ No. Schools No. Schools
Type Students/MF du MF Total SF du SF Total Students School Required Provided Acres
Elementary 0.10 763 0.3 3,197 3,960 500 7.92 8 87.2
Jr. High 0.05 382 0.15 1,599 1,981 800 2.48 2 42.7
ISr. High 0.07 534 0.2 2,132 2,666 1,500 1.78 1 55.5
1,679 6,928 8,607 11 185.4 ac.
Achieved Number Total
Type Standard Of Parks Acerage
Active Park Space 5.11 ac./1,000 pop. 25 272.0
Neighborhood/Urban Plaza 2.50 ac./1,000 23 133.2
Community 2.61 ac./1,000 pop. 2 138.8
Passive Open Space and
Riparian Corridors N/A 412.6
Total Acreage: 6,918.9 acres**
Total Dwelling Units: 10,789-25,792 du (average yield: 18,291 du)
Total Population: 30,698-75,674 people (average yield 53,186 people)
Total Employment: 37,171 jobs
Potential for Employed Residents
(at 1.6 employed residents/du): 29,266 employees
Job/Housing Balance: 7,905 jobs surplus or 4,940 d.u. Deficit
** Totals of acreage figures vary due to normal errors in planimetering.
By Planning Sub-Area '
Preliminary Land Use Map -- February 4, 1991 DUBLIN PLANNING
G.P. outside
Land Use S.P. Area County Land S.P. w/o County S.P. area G.P. Area
f'' Non-Residential Uses
Yield in Acres 1,110.7 acres 696.5 acres 414.2 acres 60.4 acres 1,171.1 acres
Yield in s.f. 15.129 msf 9.7 msf 5.429 msf 1.113 msf 16.242 msf
Yield in Jobs 34,551 jobs 22,039 jobs 12,512 jobs 2,620 jobs 37,171 jobs
Residential Uses
Yield in Acres (w/o RR) 948.9 acres 0.0 acres 948.9 acres 1024.7 acres 1,973.6 acres
Yield in Units 12,636 units 0.0 units 12,636 units 5,639 units 18,275 units
SF/MF Ratio X 42/58 --- 42/58 98/2 58/42
Yield in Population 35,284 residents 0.0 residents 35,284 residents 17,855 resid 53,139 residents
Employed Residents 20,218 residents 0.0 residents 20,218 residents 9,022 resid 29,240 residents
Neighborhood (#/ac.) 8/65.4 acres 0.0 acres 8/65.4 acres 7/52.1 acres 15/117.5 acres
Community (#/ac.) 2/138.8 acres 0.0 acres 2/138.8 acres 0/0 acres 2/138.8 acres
Urban Plaza 7/13.2 acres 0.0 acres. 7/13.2 acres 1/2.5 acres 8/15.7 acres
Elementary (#/ac.) 6.5/68.9 acres 0.0 acres 6.5/68.9 acres 1.5/18.3 acres 87.2 acres
Jr. High (#/ac.) 2/42.7 acres 0.0 acres 2/42.7 acres 0/0 acres 42.7 acres
Sr. High (#/ac.) 1/55.5 acres 0.0 acres 1/55.5 acres 0/0 acres 1/55.5 acres
Open Space
Stream Corridor/Visual 252.5 acres 53.4 acres 199.1 acres 160.1 acres 412.6 acres
RR/Open Space 638.8 acres 0.0 acres 638.8 acres 2,265.4 acres 2,904.2 acres
Jobs/Housing Balance
Surplus/Deficit in D.U.s -9498 d.u. -14,264 d.u. +4,766 d.u. +4,001 d.u. -5,497 d.u.
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