HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.1 Approve 02-14-1983 Minutes REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 14, 1983 A regular meeting of the City council of the City of Dublin was held on Monday, February 14 , 1983 in the meeting room, Dublin Library. The meeting was called to order at 7 : 40 p .m. by Mayor Peter Snyder. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers Burton, Hegarty, Jeffery, Moffatt and Mayor Snyder. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Mayor led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. CONSENT CALENDAR On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote, the following were approved: Minutes of regular meeting of January 24 , 1983 ; Warrant Register in the amount of $93 , 743 . 14 ; RESOLUTION NO. 3 - 83 PROCLAIMING THE MONTH OF MAY, 1983 AS DEAF AWARENESS MONTH RESOLUTION NO. 4 - 83 DECLARING THE WEEK OF MARCH 7-13 , 1983 AS . FAMILY COMMUNICATION WEEK ORAL COMMUNICATIONS DAN SUMMERS/BEDFORD PROPERTIES Dan Summers , Project Manager in charge of the site formerly occupied by Liberty House addressed the Council . Bedford Properties purchased the property in December, and at the present time is in the process of breaking up the building into 20 , 000 - 30 , 000 sq ft uses . Ross Department Stores will be opening a new store in March. He was present to ask the current status re getting a curb cut/left turn lane on Dublin Boulevard, westbound. Cm. Burton questioned whether warehouse was included. Mr. Summers indicated it did; they purchased the entire 30 acre parcel . The warehouse is CM-2-16 ITEM Nc, " � ! February 14 , 1983 presently being leased back to Liberty House. Long range plans have not yet been formulated. Cm. Burton suggested a possible convention center might -be worth considering, provided a hotel went with it. Mayor Snyder asked whether there had been any discussion by Bedford. related to a pedestrian crossing. Mr . Summers indicated they forsee about 4 users in the 20 , 000 - 30 , 000 sq ft range and since they are contiguous to several very good retail establishments , he felt that a pedestrian crossing would increase the draw of consumers to the area. They would certainly be affirmative in this regard. Mr. Summers simply wanted to state that his firm was willing to work with other merchants and the City to resolve the awkward entrance situation at this location in order to benefit everyone. RECREATION PROGRAMMING The City Manager indicated that he and Cm. Moffatt had had recent discussions re the dialogue taking place between Cm. Moffatt, Cm. Hegarty and some of the sports groups and other agencies over the past several months with respect to recreation. Cm. Moffatt felt that it would be• particularly advantageous for the City to begin looking at the possibility of becoming involved in the recreational programming in the community. Some concepts had been identified for City Council consideration. This would involve the formalization of a parks & recreation advisory committee, that would have some specific assignments involving a) the identification of those recreational needs that are not being met, b) identifying some alternatives for accomplishing those means, and c) development of suggested timelines for a recommended alternative. On motion by Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by majority vote, the Council agreed to establish an advisory committee responsible for a, b, & c above . Voting against the motion was Cm. Jeffery. Staff time would be utilized on an as-needed basis . On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Burton, and by majority vote, the Council will each appoint 2 members to this committee. Voting against the motion was Mayor Snyder, who felt the Council should collectively make the appointments . Consensus of Council was that committee members should be Dublin residents . Mr. Ambrose will prepare a list of guidelines for the committee, and present for Council approval at the next meeting. VALLEY WIDE TRANSIT STUDY At its meeting of November 8 , 1982 , the City Council adopted a resolution requesting planning funds for a local transit feasibility study from the CM-2-17 Regular Meeting February 14 , 1983 Metropolitan Transportation Commission. That resolution also designated the City of Pleasanton as the lead agency in applying for such funds . The study consists of three phases : 1 . Project Planning, Needs Assessment, Transportation Objective Setting and Identification of Preliminary Transit Alternatives . 2 . Analysis and Evaluation of Transit Alternatives . 3 . Preparation of Transit Plan, Implementation Plan, Plan Adoption and Implementation.. Taking into consideration the possible benefits which would accrue to the City from having such ' a comprehensive study undertaken at minimal cost to the City, on motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote; the 'Council 1) authorized the City' s participation in the Valley Wide Transit Study, 2 ) authorized expenditure of $2 , 400 as City' s local match, and 3 ) authorized budget transfer from Paratransit Account to a . Public Transportation Account. Cm. Burton felt that Contra Costa County, specifically San Ramon should be included as part of this study. CITY SEAL On motion of Cm. Burton,' seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted the artist ' s conceptual drawing as the official seal to be used on stationery items , official documents, properties, etc. , of the City of Dublin. Staff was directed to notify Mr. Frank Uhlig, and request camera ready artwork, per original agreement. CITY STREET LIGHTING PROGRAM This item was discussed last year, prior to the mid-year financial forecast. The Council deferred the item until they had an opportunity to have updated financial information with respect to the City ' s financial condition. The City Engineer identified what the costs would be for fiscal year 1983-84 for the existing street lighting system, and also for lights that are going to be added as part of new residential construction, presently underway, and also for a number of possible additions that had been proposed by the County Engineering Lighting people and also PG&E. The City Manager felt the Council needed to address items such as : 1) Should the City assume the cost of street lighting? 2 ) Should the City form an assessment district to fund street lighting? 3 ) Under either street lighting funding alternative, should the City upgrade the City ' s existing street lighting system? If so, to what extent? 4 ) Should the City request to be permitted to remain in the County Service Area until the present litigation is resolved? After discussion, on motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by majority vote the Council 1) authorized commencement of assessment district CM-2-18 Regular Meeting February 14 , 1983 formation, and 2 ) authorized Staff to retain legal counsel for district formation. Voting against the motion was Mayor Snyder, who felt Council should also determine if street lighting system should be upgraded. On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote, the Council agreed that street lighting system should be upgraded. John Alexander addressed the Council to ask whether possibility existed of creating a separate assessment district for commercial lights for the capital outlay. The City Manager indicated that this indeed was a possibility for consideration. RECESS A short recess was called. , The meeting reconvened at 9 :35 p.m. with all Councilmembers present. ABAG GENERAL ASSEMBLY On Friday, March 18 , 1983 , ABAG will hold its General Assembly in San Francisco. ABAG has invited the City to send a delegate and alternate. t On motion of .Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote, the Council agreed that Cm. Burton will be the delegate, with Cm. Jeffery serving as the .alternate . Both will attend the General Assembly. Staff was directed to make reservations . MURRAY SCHOOL DISTRICT JOINT MEETING The Murray School District has suggested holding a joint meeting sometime in March. The Board asked the City Council to indicate a date. On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Jeffery, and by unanimous vote, the Council selected the date of March 8th, 7 : 30 p.m. , for the joint meeting. Staff will work with MSD to develop agenda and will advise City Council with regard to meeting place . ANNUAL STREET MAINTENANCE SLURRY SEAL RESURFACING PROJECT Alameda County has established a resurfacing program for streets under its jurisdiction and has offered this program to cities within the County. This program includes the placement of a slurry seal surfacing every seven years . The County, by combining several areas and cities together in the program, can obtain construction prices at favorable rates due to economies of scale and a wide range of competition. This years ' program will begin with the bidding process in February, and construction in July. CM-2-19 Regular Meeting February 14 , 1983 On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote the following resolution was approved: RESOLUTION NO. 6 - 83 AUTHORIZING ALAMEDA COUNTY TO PERFORM ENGINEERING FUNCTIONS AND SERVICES RELATED TO THE 1983 SLURRY SEAL RESURFACING PROGRAM MORTGAGE REVENUE BOND PROGRAM At ' ,its 'meeting of August 23 , 1982 , -the Dublin City Council expressed an interest - 'in participating in a. single family mortgage revenue bond program sponsored by the County of Alameda..._. . Since that time, . the County has had indications of"interest from developers' i'n the 'following jurisdictions : Alameda, Dublin, Fremont, Hayward, Livermore, Pleasanton, and the unincorporated area. The County applied for $39 million based on their survey of developers, and anticipates receiving from $31-$35 million. The County has received pledges for $18 million from those developers which were surveyed. -In the City of Dublin, the following groups have indicated an interest in participating in the mortgage revenue bond program: 'Estate Homes of Northern California, 16 units, $1 . 5 million; Diablo Ventures West, 79 units, .$? million. Once the County.' s allocation is finalized by the State, the County anticipates issuing the bonds in March or April of 1983 . Once the bonds are issued, the County anticipates that firm commitments from the development community will exceed the available, allocation. Therefore, the County .has developed a set of criteria to determine which developers will receive allocations . Criteria to be considered by the County will include cost per square foot of proposed units, price range of home, and which developer first gave firm commitments . On motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Burton, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted resolution, and authorized Mayor to execute agreement. RESOLUTION NO. 5 - 83 ADOPTING A HOME MORTGATE FINANCE PROGRAM IN COOPERATION WITH THE COUNTY OF ALAMEDA AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN A COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF ALAMEDA AND THE CITY OF DUBLIN OTHER BUSINESS ACTEB/ACAP Cm. Moffatt indicated that ACTEB/ACAP is funding the summer youth employment program with $170, 000 . One of the organizations which will receive funds is CM-2-20 Regular Meeting February 14, 1983 the Amador High School system, to receive approximately $50 , 000-$60 , 000 . Walk Signal Timing Cm. Moffatt asked if Staff could check the timing of the "WALK" signal at the interesection of Amador Valley Boulevard at Donahue Drive and also Amador Valley Boulevard at San Ramon Road. The timing seemed extremely short, and did not allow sufficient time for seniors to cross the street. The City Engineer indicated the push button had recently been relocated, and thought the timing had .also been. lengthened, but would double check. Underground Wiring" Cm. Jeffery questioned status of undergrounding wiring. The City Engineer indicated he will be meeting next week with the underground committee set up to discuss priorities . Cm. Jeffery suggested an ordinance could be looked into, stating that' if street is going to be dug up for any reason, at that time we could put down the underground wiring. In this way, at least our commercial streets would not have to be dug up several times . SB 142 (Signs) Consensus of Council was to write letter in opposition of this . SB, which preempts local ability to remove non-conforming, on-premise advertising signs . It would eliminate the City ' s ability to amortize large, garish, on-site advertising structures which do not conform with current standards . Dublin ' s Birthday Celebration Cm. .Jeffery thanked the Staff for the preparation that went. into the City reception, held earlier in the evening, prior to the City Council meeting. Mayor Snyder added that they all appreciated the efforts on behalf of Staff. Library Commission Meeting Cm. Hegarty advised that the April meeting of the Library Commission would be held in Dublin, and that he would see to it that all Councilmembers were noticed re the meeting. CM-2-21 Regular Meeting February 14 , 1983 H U D Cm. Hegarty advised that he had attended the ground-breaking ceremony ,in Emeryville for a HUD project . Most people have a misconception regarding HUD, what the units look like, etc. He was very impressed. They don' t have to be shoddy, they can be quite nice & modern. The program is a good one, and it fills a need. Washington' s Birthday Holiday On motion ,of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Jeffery, and by unanimous vote, the , Council directed Staff to close the City offices on February .21 , 1983 in observance of Washington' s Birthday. The City Manager '-indicated a complete personnel ordinance will be presented to the City Council in the near future. Holidays are just a small portion of this ordinance; it is a very involved document. Storm Damage Response Cm. Burton acknowledged a letter received by the City thanking Lee Thompson, City Engineer, for the City' s fast response to the needs of citizens suffering storm damage as a result of recent floods . The City Manager mentioned that Mr. Thompson had also attended a seminar held by the Federal Government in San Francisco, which basically outlines some alternatives that some of the property owners that experienced flood damage might have, possibly some financial assistance. Staff will contact those property owners known, and has already contacted the press to publicize . Unfortunately, some of those areas that experienced flooding, the City has absolutely no control over : creeks and drainage channels that are owned privately, and are the responsibility of the private property owner to maintain. The problem arises due to the fact that one creek may have numerous property owners and if one individual does not maintain his particular portion of the creek, it impacts other people downstream. Cable TV Advisory Committee Cm. Burton questioned when the applications will be agendized. The City Manager stated the City is still receiving applications, but the matter will be agendized, probably in March. CM-2-22 Regular Meeting February 14 , 1983 Senior Citizen Request Mayor Snyder acknowledged a request made by local senior citizens that the City provide the corned beef for a St. Patrick ' s Day event they were planning. Consensus of the Council was that it would not be in the best interest of the community to contribute food to community organizations . The Council did not feel it would be appropriate to do this. Councilmembers stated, however, they would be happy to '.use individual influence to discuss and "talk up". the event with. various service groups and individuals who may . have the ability to donate.. . Solid Waste . Management Authority Mayor Snyder, in discussions with the City Manager, feels it is now appropriate for the City to have the City Attorney draft a resolution which would indicate our interest in joining the Joint Powers Agreement. We are still unaware of what the $ will be, but felt it would be a minimal amount. On motion by Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. . Jeffery, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted a resolution indicating the City' s . interest in joining the JPA. RESOLUTION NO. 10 - 83 AUTHORIZING THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN IN THE ALAMEDA COUNTY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY; CONSENTING TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS AGREEMENT FOR SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT AS AMENDED; AND CONSENTING TO PAY A PRO-RATA SHARE OF THE AUTHORITY' S BUDGET On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Jeffery, and by unanimous vote, Mayor Snyder was appointed to represent Dublin on this board, with Cm. . Burton serving as alternate East Bay Division - League of CA Cities Cm. Burton indicated that the East Bay Division of the League of CA Cities has requested an alternate be appointed. On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote, Cm. Moffatt was appointed as alternate. This group meets the second Wednesday of the month, starting at 5 : 00 p.m. The meetings are usually over around 6 : 30 p.m. CM-2-23 Regular Meeting February 14 , 1983 League of CA Cities - City Manager' s Meeting Mr. Ambrose indicated that he will be attending the annual conference on Wednesday through Friday of this week. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at .10 : 30 .p.m. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk CM-2-24 Regular Meeting February 14 , 1983