HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.1 Approve 11-8-82 Minutes DUBLIN HOUSING & CO UNITY BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM j Mr. Tong reported ,chat th technical advisory committee of the Alameda County Housing Program reserved $50,000 for the Du in area program for this fiscal year. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come b o the City Council, the meeting was adjourned at 11:05 p.m. i Mayor City lerk REGULAR MEETING - NOVEMBER 8, 1982 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Dublin was held on Monday, Novem- ber 8, 1982, in the meeting room, Dublin Library. The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor Peter Snyder. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Cm. Burton, Hegarty, Jeffery, Moffatt and Mayor Snyder. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Mayor called the meeting to order and led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. CONSENT CALENDAR The minutes of the regular meeting of October 25, 1982, the Warrant Register in the amount of $109,149.75, and the revised June 30, 1982 Financial Report, on motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote were approved. PROCLAMATION A proclamation was issued by Mayor Snyder declaring the week of November 7 through Novem- ber 14, 1982 as Dublin Hospice Week in conjunction with "National Hospice Week" and "California Hospice Week". Cm. Burton relayed two recent instances that he knew of personally where families had greatly benefited from the service provided by the local hospice volunteer group. He stated he was very much in favor of this proclamation. Cm. Moffatt stated a chapter is available locally in Pleasanton, and he also felt the service CM-1-152 � I to be very worthwhile. On motion by Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cn. Burton, and by unanimcus vote, the prrclamE.tirI was approved. • •k •k •k •k i ORAL COMMUNICATIONS COLONEL MARKS, DEPT. OF THE ARMY, RESERVE TRAINING AREA Colonel Marks extended an i nvi tats i on to the C i ty CUUViC i I to the opening of artillery sub- caliber range at Camp Parks Air Force Training Area on November 15,1 952 at 9:00 a.m. , Building 790. In •the past, the firing of artillery has been brought up both by the media and other interested parties in the valley. He felt a demonstration would provide valuable insights in that they are not firing artillery, but a rather simplified device which uses a small projectile held by a shotgun shell . This allows the artillery perscnnei to :effect: the same training as though they were firing live artillery. The-cost is fractional ; approximately $1 .00 per round as opposed to $SCO-•?400 per round for live artillery. The noise is something less than a firecracker. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT CITIZEN'S ADVISORY COMMITTEE NOMINATIONS At its meeting 'of October 11 , 1982, the City Council requested that Staff advertise the need for persons to fill the at-large position and Arroyo Vista position on the Citizen's Advisory Commi tteE for the CG;nmuni ty Development 81 ock Grant Program. To date, *two individuals have expressed an interest in the at-large position. - Those individuals are Beth HowarG, 11782 Dublin Green Drive, and Harry W. Deirimel , 11074 Los Kanchitos Court. A motion was made by Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Hegarty -to nominate both candidates. Cm. Jeffery felt the City Council should only submit one name.- The decision, therefore,, would be the choice of the Council rather than giving the choice to the Board of Super- visors who act as the selection body. The motion to nominate both candidates was withdrawn by Cm. Burton, and second was withdrawn by Cm. Hegarty. i On motion by Cm. Purtcn, second, i y •Cif. Ne:party, and L;'�1 ma jor.i t�/. vot?, tile? nomination of Harry W. Demmel will be submitted to .the Board or Siaper�riso;�sy . Vo�iilg against the i:�otic)ir was Cm. Jeffery. Staff has prepared and di st;i bu{,ad a fl i er to the Pleasanton Housing Au thori ty so 1,i c •t?-19 interested persons from the Arroyo Vista development to serve on the Citizen's A&I i sory Committee. It is anticipated that once .zn i ntprested. i nJ vi dual steps -fort.) froth this development, the consideration of a nomination by the City Council will be agendized at a fut-uro meeting. REQUEST FOR STOP SIGNS BRIGHTON DRIVE/LANGMUIR LANE At its meeting of October 25, 1982, the City Council received a request from residents in the vicinity of Brighton Drive and Langinuir Ldne for stop signs on Brighton Drive/Lang- muir Lane. The County Traffic Engineer has reviewed the need for stop signs at this location and determined that a stop sign at this location does not meet warrants. The Police Chief, however, has recommended that a stop sign be installed to control excessive speeding. Although this intersection may not meet traffic warrants, because of the CM-•1-153 intersection's proximity to Dublin High School , and the use of Brighton Drive as a connector street between Amador Valley Boulevard and Village Parkway, special consider- ation of stop signs may be appropriate at this location. After discussion, on motion by Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote, an emergency ordinance was introduced and adopted establishing traffic regulations by means of stop signs at intersection of Brighton Drive/Langmuir Lane. ORDINANCE NO. 21 ESTABLISHING TRAFFIC REGULATIONS BRIGHTON DRIVE AT THE INTERSECTION OF LANGMUIR LANE TRAFFIC STUDY : DUBLIN BOULEVARD/SILVERGATE -DRIVE The Alameda County Road Department has identified four alternatives for redesigning the intersection of Dublin Boulevard and Silvergate Drive. Mr. Tat M. Cheung made a presen- tation of the four alternatives to the Council . Following presentation and discussion, the Council directed Staff to request additional information from the County in order to adequately make a decision related to which alternative would be most appropriate. The additional information requested would include a detailed cost summary of alternative #2, including a stop sign at the northwest .corner. The cost summary should include all related engineering,' ,inspection and force account costs. ..Staff was also directed to find out the amount 'of money the County would contribute toward the completion of this alterna- tive. Staff was also directed to have the County prepare a low-cost alternative which includes stop signs for 'all three directions of travel and any appropriate striping modifications. " ' Discussion was' 'held related to relocation of bike lanes on Dublin' Bou le vard to another location in order to modify the center line on. Dublin Boulevard. PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM In August, 1982, the City Council authorized Staff to initiate retirement coverage for employees under the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) . Since that time, PERS has conducted an actuarial valuation which developed the employer contribution rate to the retirement system and projects the annual costs to the City. The employer rate for the City of Dublin will be 7.138%. This is the projected actuarial rate to the year 2007; however, the employer's rate is subject to change with future amendments and/or experience and other factors. .; The estimated annual cost to -the City 'of Dublin utilizing the most current payroll figures 'available Js $7,887. The employee contribution rate will be 7% of employee earnings, exclusive of overtime. On motion by Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote the City Council agreed to adopt the resolution of intention and introduced the ordinance, waiving reading. RESOLUTION NO. 58-82 RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO APPROVE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION OF THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN CM-1-154 ORDINANCE NO. Introduce: AUTHORIZING THE ADOPTION AND EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF DUBLIN AND THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION OF THE CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM A brief recess was called, and all Councilmembers were present when the meeting reconvened. ' TRAFFIC INVESTIGATION REQUEST FROM SCHOOL DISTRICT Mr. Ambrose requested that this item be withdrawn from the agenda. The School District has requested additional time to respond with their information. LIVERMORE-PLEASANTON BART EXTENSION STUDY The Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) is presently requesting proposals for an updated study of the 1976 Livermore-Pleasanton BART Extension Study. On November 3, 1982, Staff attended a meeting held by BART staff for the purpose of receiving comments from all interested parties on the content of the Request for Proposal and route alignment. S­% After discussion, -Staff was requested to 'relay City Council comments to BART: make certain that adequate parking is available adjacent to the BART station locations. Ex- . plore the possibility of utilizing the southern portion of Camp Parks for parking just east of Hopyard Road.' Consider a station which is located -in the center median of. Highway 580 which would either include parking on both sides of the station, or an elevated parking structure above the station. When investigating station . locations, look at the accessibility- o; the proposed station sites with 'respect to individuals using Dublin commercial and employment centers and also individuals from the San Ramon and Danville areas where substantial residential development is being proposed. Advise the City of Dublin with respect to� future opportunities for the City's .input. .' Staff was also requested to relay City Council 's concern' regar'ding the short time in which to respond. - VALLEY WIDE TRANSIT STUDY On November 2, 1982, Staff met with representatives from the Metropolitan .Transportation Commission, BART, Livermore,''Pleasanton, Alameda County and Supervisor Excels regarding the provision of public transit services in the Livermore Amador Valley. The Cities 'of Dublin and Pleasanton are presently served by BART express buses (under contract to AC Transit) , while the City of Livermore operates its own bus system. It is well recognized that greater local public transportation is needed in Dublin and Pleasanton. The MTC has indicated that there are funds available to provide such local transportation from Article 4 -of the Transportation Development Act. It was recommended that the City Council adopt a resolution requesting Metropolitan Transportation Commission; to fund a local transit study which would include the areas of Dublin, Pleasanton, and adjacent unincorporated area, and further, designate the City of Pleasanton as the lead agency in such a planning endeavor. On motion by Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Jeffery, and by unanimous vote, the resolution was adopted. CM-1-155 RESOLUTION NO. 59-82 REQUESTING PLANNING FUNDS FOR A LOCAL TRANSIT FEASIBILITY STUDY FROM THE METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION REOPEN APPEAL PROCESS NAUGLES, INC. A request has been received from the Menlo Company, Robert Jacob, to have the Naugles appeal again come .before the City Council as they state they did not receive the notice of hearing. After discussion, it was decided that in the future, notices should be sent via registered mail . ' .. . On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Burton; and by unanimous vote, the Council agreed to reconsider and vacate their previous motion to deny the appeal and approve the project subject to .conditions', and to reopen the appeal process at the next meeting. PARADES Mr. Ambrose stated the City has recently received 2 requests for Santa Arrival Parades .requiring a $60 application fee as established by the County. One applicant requested that the fee be waived. Cm. Burton felt the application fee should be 'charged on .a 'graduated fee scale, based on size of parade:, . Cm. Jeffery 'indicated she felt'the .fee appropriate .to: help defray.costs. of personnel of police service;to control traffic .at-,parades. ...: On motion by Cm.` Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote, the Council directed that $60 application fee' be charged to both applicants, and that further, the City look .into possibility of establishing a graduated fee schedule. VILLAGE PARKWAY DRAINS & FENCES The City Manager reported that most median and parkway areas have been cleaned up, through arrangements that were made with the County. . ,No answer yet to the Village Parkway drain situation.`The inspector will becoming out sometime in the near future to survey the entire situation. Fences along Village• Parkway were discussed. Mr. Ambrose asked Mr. Burnham to look into the subdivision regulation and-CC&R's to see if there is a clause contained which would require maintenance of these fences. .There definitely is a problem, but Mr. Ambrose stated he wasn't sure exactly what the solution is. As the fences start coming down, and .the resident replaces , there's nothing that prohibits one person from putting up chainlink, another putting up wood, another concrete, etc. A possible solution would be for the City to acquire some type of easement and make it the City's responsibility to maintain the fences in that particular area. The brick posts are individual private property. GARBAGE AT BUS STOP LOCATIONS Cm. Burton brought concern before Council of overflowing garbage situation at bus stop CM-1 -156 located just next to Grand Auto. He felt the City should invest in some permanent type of litter containers. Mr. Ambrose has discussed the location with the County and the property owner. The County empties the trash when they are in that vicinity, but this is not done on any kind of a regular basis. Miles Ferris , a representative from DSRSD was present at the meeting and indicated he would obtain price information for the City related to pick up of garbage at this location. TREE TRIMMING Cm. Burton relayed some information he read in the League of CA Cities bulletin related to ideas on saving money on tree trimming as a cooperative effort between the City and the people. He felt it was well worth pursuing and investigating. Perhaps PG&E would be willing to help. STREET SWEEPING SCHEDULE Mr. Ambrose indicated that Richard Figueroa, Marc Sweeping Service has established a schedule which will be published in the near future. A map will be put together, and people will be encouraged to not park their cars on the street on those days that pertain to their neighborhood. Cm. Jeffery asked if the City had been contacted by an individual who had been involved in an accident with the street sweeper. Mr. Ambrose indicated that he had, and if a claim is to be filed, .the incident will be handled by the insurance carried by street sweeping contractor. SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Mayor Snyder attended the meeting on the Solid Waste. Management Authority. Twenty or so people were in attendance, and several good things came out of the meeting. Some of the things discussed were: Should the Authority be concerned about the acquisition of lands, which the Authority itself would administer for solid waste disposal? Thoughts about a permanent staff in the future if solid waste becomes a greater problem. Hazards waste becoming a more prevalent problem. This Authority has little to do with hazardous waste, other than in an advisory situation. Mr. Ambrose will request a copy of the Solid Waste Manual from Bill Fraley. CITY HOLIDAYS In light of the fact. that a Personnel Ordinance has not yet been adopted, the City Manager wished to discuss the upcoming Veteran's Day and Thanksgiving Day holidays with the City Council to determine what their wishes are related to these two holidays. Om motion by Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Jeffery, and by unanimous vote, the City offices will be closed in observance of Veteran's Day on Thursday, November 11th and closed in observance of Thanksgiving on Thursday, November 25th. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council , the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 p.m CM-1-157 l Mayor City Clerk ,_(:i �l •. !. i�•.. �•<:f.. .. ..iIJ ilk.:..iJ i. .-�, ��:.. ,., ..� � .. ..., 1vr..t�. ... ._t. ... .� CM-1-158