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3.1 Goals & Objectives 1990 Report
f00 -8d CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 27, 1991 SUBJECT: Report on 1990 Goals & Objectives and Development of 1991 Goals & Objectives (Prepared by: Richard C. Ambrose, City Manager) EXHIBITS ATTACHED: -1 . Memorandum from City Manager dated February 13, 1991 i2. 1990 Goals & Objectives Year End Report i3 . 1991 Goals & Objectives Preliminary Rating & Additional Goals Rating Form A. 1990-95 Capital Improvement Program Summary i5. Downtown Specific Plan Status Report --6. Memorandum from Planning Director dated January 17, 1991 regarding status of Management Audit Recommendations RECOMMENDATION: 1 . Review 1990 Goals & Objectives 2. Receive Staff Report on .1991 Preliminary Goals & Objectives 3 . Receive Public Input 4. Deliberate, prioritize, and adopt 1991 Goals & Objectives Plan FINANCIAL STATEMENT: See attached memorandum. DESCRIPTION: See attached memorandum * City Council: Please prioritize the 1991 Preliminary Goals and return your completed package of Goals & Objectives for 1991 with your prioritized list to the City Manager's Office no later than Thursday, February 21 , 1991 . If you are unable to return your package to the City Offices, please call and arrangements will be made by Staff to pick them up at your home. It is important that your rated 1991 Goals & Objectives are received prior to the Goals & Objectives meeting on February 27, © 1991 , so that the Council's individual rankings can be collectively compiled and returned to the City Council before February 27, 1991 for your review. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- COPIES TO: ITEM NO. 3 E1 , CITY OF DUBLIN MEMORANDUM TO: City Council FROMp-- �. - City Manager RE: 1990/1991 Goals & Objectives DATE: February 13, 1991 The City of Dublin' s Goals & Objectives Program is annually developed for the purpose of setting the direction for the City for the upcoming year. The development of the Goals & Objectives Plan, the implementation of the Plan, and the adoption of the City's Annual Budge determine where the City' s staffing and financial resources are to be allocated during the year. Historically, Staff has prepared a Preliminary Draft Goals & Objectives Plan each year, which is reviewed, modified, and adopted by the City Council . Once a majority of the City Council has identified Council priorities as embodied in the Goals & Objectives Program, Staff develops a Preliminary Annual Budget and Capital Improvement Program which reflect those priorities . 1990 GOALS & OBJECTIVES STATUS REPORT In March 1990, the City Council adopted the 1990 Goals & Objectives Plan. Staff has prepared a status report (see attached) regarding individual progress made on those goals included within the 1990 program. Included with the 1990 Goals and Objective Status Report is a review of the progress made on those Capital Improvement Projects authorized by the City Council in the 1990-91 Budget. The 1990 adopted Goals & Objectives Plan includes a total of 106 objectives . Of those objectives adopted, 76 objectives were assigned a high priority, 24 objectives were assigned a medium priority, and 6 objectives were assigned a low priority. In addition to those objectives included in the adopted Goals & Objectives Plan, 15 other significant assignments were given to Staff during the course of the year. Shown below in Table I is a summary of the progress made toward completing 1990 objectives. For comparison, Table II includes a summary of 1989 Objectives progress, which was presented to the City Council last year. • I TABLE I SUMMARY OF 1990 OBJECTIVES LEVEL OF ACHIEVEMENT Nearly No Priority Number Complete Complete Underway Ongoing Action High 76( 100%) 35(46%) 18(24%) 19(25%) 2(2. 5$) 2(2 . 5%) Medium 24( 100%) 12(50%) 3( 13%) 6(25%) 1 (4%) 2(8%) Low 6( 100%) 1 ( 17%) 2(33%) 3(50%) Subtotal 106( 100%) 48(450 21 (20%) 27(25%) 3(3%) 7 (7%) Added Assignments 15( 100%) 7(47%) 2( 13%) 6(400 TOTAL 121 (100%) 55(46$) 23(19%) 33(27$) 3(2%) 7(6%) TABLE II SUMMARY OF 1989 OBJECTIVES LEVEL OF ACHIEVEMENT Nearly ' Priority Number Complete Complete Underway Ongoing No Action High 65( 100%) 35(54%) 7( 11%) 19(29%) 4(6%) Medium 30( 100%) 10(33%) 3(10%) 12(40%) 2(7%) 3( 10%) Low 3( 100%) 1 (33%) 2(67%) Subtotal 98( 100%) 46(47%) 10( 10%) 31 (32%) 2(2%) 9(9%) Added Assignments 19( 1001;) 5( 26%) 3( 161;) 9(471';) 2(11 %) TOTAL 117(100$) 51 (44$) 13(11 $) 40(34%) 2(2%) 11 (9%) As indicated above, of the total adopted 1990 objectives, 69 (or 65%) have been completed or nearly completed during the last 11 months. This compares favorably to the 56 objectives which were completed or nearly completed during 1989, as shown in Table II . Of the 76 objectives in 1990 which were designated high priority objectives, 53 (or 70%) have been completed or nearly completed. This compares favorably to 1989 in which 42 (or 65%) high priority objectives were completed or nearly completed. There were a total of 2 high priority objectives in which no action was taken. An explanation regarding each of these objectives is given below. Obiective Reason (89) Develop a vandalism There was limited Staff time awareness program available to develop the program. Further, vandalism has not been a significant problem. (87 ) Resolve BART Park & Ride This project does not seem to be a Lot in Downtown Dublin project BART will be pursuing in the future. Staff would recommend that this objective be deleted for the upcoming year. • Since the adoption of ae 1990 Goals & Objective, rogram in March 1990, Staff has identified 15 significant assignments, which were added during the year. These tasks or responsibilities impacted Staff' s ability to accomplish those objectives approved by the Council in 1990. These additional assignments are identified below. Administration 1 . Provide Staff Liaison to the Dublin Fine Arts Foundation 2 . Conduct Clerical Classification Study Finance 3 . Implement the Business License Program 4. Update the City' s Inventory of Fixed Assets Planning 5 . Prepare a Density Bonus Ordinance 6. Prepare an Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance 7 . Prepare a Rental Availability Ordinance 8. J L Construction General Plan Amendment 9 . General Plan Update 10. Prepare a Development Agreement Ordinance 11 . Develop Miscellaneous Housing Strategies Recreation 12 . Expand Teen Center Activities 13 . Expand Senior Meal Program Transportation 14. Nielsen School Traffic Study 15 . Silvergate Speed Study As indicated in Table I above, of the 15 additional major assignment, 9 (or 60%) have been completed or nearly completed. CAPITAL PROJECTS In June 1990, the City Council adopted a Capital Improvement Program which included funding for 20 Capital Projects or Capital Equipment items. Since the beginning of the Fiscal Year, 2 additional projects were added by the City Council. Of the 22 projects approved by the City Council, 16 of these projects have been completed or are on schedule. Those projects which are behind schedule include. 1 . Data Processing System - Staff lacks the time and in-house expertise necessary to select a data processing package for the Community Development needs (Planning, Public Works, Building) . The software is of such highly technical nature and is changing so rapidly, that Staff believes that the City should consider hiring a f consultant to sist in the selection a installation of the software for these departments. 2 . Shannon Park Renovation - Slow progress by contractor. City has been assessing liquidated damages since August 1990 . 3 . Dublin High School Football Field Renovation - City has been awaiting approval from the State Office of the Architect for several months on the specifications for the remainder of this project. 4. Senior Center Kitchen Upgrade - City has been awaiting approval of County for City' s proposed method to undertake this project. 5 . Dublin Boulevard Improvements (Donlon Way to Village Parkway) - This project has been delayed by MTC due to the recent court ruling regarding the impact of certain highway projects on air quality. Staff is in the process of attempting to have this project released by MTC. 6. Dublin Boulevard Extension Dougherty Road East to Tract 5900 (Design/Row Acquisition) This project may fall slightly behind schedule (approximately 60 days) on right-of-way acquisition due to lengthy negotiations regarding financing this extension. Design is on schedule. 1991 GOALS & OBJECTIVES The City Manager' s Office in conjunction with the City' s Operating Departments has developed a Preliminary List of Goals & Objectives for 1991 . For 1991 , a total of 98 Objectives are proposed. This includes 38 new objectives proposed for 1991 . The remaining objectives have been carried over from the previous year and/or have expanded or restructured in scope. Staff has listed these objectives in priority order as viewed by Staff. It should be pointed out that the Parks and Recreation Commission has reviewed the Recreation objectives and has recommended that the Afterschool Teen Program at Wells Middle School be given a high priority instead of a medium priority as recommended by Staff. The Commission has also recommended that the Recreation video presentation be given a medium priority instead of the low priority as recommended by Staff. Staff has also deleted the objective to investigate opportunities for trail development as a separate objective, since this objective is now being addressed as part of the Park and Recreation Facilities Master Plan. Also included in the 1991 Goals & Objectives Preliminary Program is a column indicating whether adequate resources are presently available to accomplish each of the objectives within the timeframe of the Goals & Objectives Plan, unless otherwise noted. It is recommended that the City Council review the 1991 Preliminary Goals & Objectives Plan and prioritize each objective within each program area i .e. Administration, Finance, etc. by giving it a ranking of high, medium, low, no priority (delete) . Staff has also provided additional space for the City Council to identify and prioritize any additional objectives, which individual City Councilmembers may sh to incorporate into he 1990-91 Goals & Objectives Plan. NEW CAPITAL PROJECTS Staff has provided additional space on the last page of the 1990-91 Preliminary Goals & Objectives Report for the City Council to identify any additional projects which should be given consideration in the Update to the 1990-95 Capital Improvement Program. Any projects which individual Councilmembers would like to see included in the 1990-95 Update should be included on this list and submitted with their 1990-91 Preliminary Goals & Objectives Ratings. It is recommended that each Councilmember complete their rating and including any new objectives by Thursday, February 21 , 1991 and submit them to the City Manager' s Office at that time. This will allow Staff sufficient time to compile the results and rankings of the Councilmembers collectively and distribute the results to the City Council prior to the February 27, 1991 Goals & Objectives meeting. If you have any questions or desire further clarification regarding the process or any of the materials included in this packet, please contact the City Manager. a:s211g&o.doc.rca#3 ADOPTED 1990 GOALS & OBJECTIVES YEAR END REPORT Page 1 COUNCIL PERSON PROGRAM AREA/GOAL PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL STATUS I . General Government A. Administration High Thompson (88) Prepare plan for maintenance & Complete operation of Civic Center High Keck (85 ) Complete development of Municipal Code Complete High Ambrose (89 ) Prepare report on benefits of Report partially completed; establishing a Redevelopment Agency Scheduled for completion 4/91 ; High Ambrose (85 ) Develop Business Registration Ordinance Complete High Ambrose/ (90) Develop & implement a "Customer Policy approved by Council; Texeira Service" Policy & Training Program Initial employee workshops completed; Training scheduled for 3/91 ; High Rankin (89) Prepare report on feasibility of Underway; Report to Council 3/9 developing a local Economic Development Program High Texeira (87) Develop Employee Recognition Pgm To be implemented as part of Customer Service Program. High Rankin (90) Report to Council on concept of Data collected. undertaking a Strategic Plan for City Medium Keck (88) Develop & Implement Records Management Records Program complete; Program for City Clerk Records Implementation underway; Medium Texeira (90 ) Undertake an Employee Training Needs Complete Assessment ADOPTED 1990 GOALS & OBJECTIVES YEAR END REPORT Page 2 COUNCIL PERSON PROGRAM AREA/GOAL PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL STATUS ADDITIONAL GOALS (Administration) Rankin (90) Provide Staff Liaison to Dublin Fine Completed agreements for loaned Arts Foundation art program; High School art project & Donor Recognition Plaque Project. Texeira (90 ) Conduct Clerical Classification Study Draft Report complete; Report to Council 3/91 . B. Finance High Molina/ (85 ) Review charges for services rendered by Review of charges for Public All Depts all departments . Works & Police to be complete 3/91 ; Data collected for charges from other Depts . ; Develop a long term financial plan for the City. High Molina (89 ) Report to Council on sales tax auditing Underway pending analysis of program business license information; High Ambrose/ (89 ) Develop a 3-5 year forecast for Long term staffing plan completed All Depts revenues & operating expenditures to be for police; expenditure & revenue used in conjunction with Five-Year CIP data to be generated during development of 91 /92 Budget; Scheduled for completion 12/91 ; Data Processing High Ambrose/ (90) Investigate & select Community Staff has made preliminary review Molina/ Development Data Processing System of available software & concluded Comm Dev Consultant assistance is Depts necessary; ADOPTED 1990 GOALS & OBJECTIVES YEAR END REPORT Page 3 COUNCIL PERSON PROGRAM AREA/GOAL PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL STATUS Medium Keck (88) Complete training on City Clerk & Complete Administrative software Medium Rose/ (88) Work with County to install Police Computer Aided Dispatch comple; Molina Computer Aided Dispatch and Police Police Records System to be Records System installed 4/91 ; Medium Texeira/ (90) Establish Data Processing users group Group established Molina to improve overall use & operation of Data Processing System Medium Molina (90) Update Purchasing Ordinance Report on Police Vehicle Purchase complete; Complete revision scheduled for 2/92; Low Molina (90 ) Apply for Governmental Finance Officers Complete Assn Certificate of Excellence for financial reporting ADDITIONAL GOALS (Finance) (90) Implement Business License Program Complete (90 ) Update Inventory of Fixed Assets Complete C. Intergovernmental Relations High All Depts Aggressively monitor activities of other On-going regional agencies Medium All Depts Meet jointly with representatives from On-going other agencies ADOPTED 1990 GOALS & OBJECTIVES YEAR END REPORT Page 4 COUNCIL PERSON PROGRAM AREA/GOAL PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL STATUS ADDITIONAL GOALS ( Intergovernmental Relations) D. Public Relations High Texeira (90 ) Prepare & distribute 1 City Newsletter Complete & 1 Calendar/Annual Report High Tong (86) Work with Chamber of Commerce in Council approved draft brochure; development of Community Profile To be printed 3/91 Brochure High Texeira (89 ) Develop Press Release Program Complete High Texeira (87 ) Work with School District to develop Assisted DHS in developing Civics Student Government Day or comparable Term Project; Participated in DHS program Career Day; Hosted Soviet Exchange Students; Draft Studer. Teacher Civics Guide Medium Texeira (87) Complete Community Gift Catalog Complete Medium Texeira (90) Regularly contribute articles to Ongoing; Contributed 4 articles Chamber of Commerce Newsletter during 1990 Low Tong (86) Prepare report on program for No action to date recognition of outstanding development ADOPTED 1990 GOALS & OBJECTIVES YEAR END REPORT Page 5 COUNCIL PERSON PROGRAM AREA/GOAL PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL STATUS ADDITIONAL GOALS (Public Relations) E. Contract Administration (90 ) Performance Contract Review High Rankin Animal Control Complete Rankin/ Building & Safety Complete Taugher Texeira Crossing Guards Complete Rankin/ Engineering Complete Thompson Rankin/ Library Services Complete Lowart Rankin/ Police Complete Rose Rankin/ Public Works Maintenance Complete Thompson Rankin/ Street Sweeping Complete Thompson Rankin/ Traffic Signal Maintenance Complete Thompson Texeira Vector Control Complete Thompson Traffic Engineering Complete ADOPTED 1990 GOALS & OBJECTIVES YEAR END REPORT Page 6 COUNCIL PERSON PROGRAM AREA/GOAL PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL STATUS ADDITIONAL GOALS (Contract Administration) II . Community Development A. Planning High Tong (87) East Dublin General Plan Amendment Three additional workshops held; Specific Plan Studies Preliminary land use map to be reviewed by Council & Planning Commission 2/91 ; Project scheduled for completion 2/92; High Tong (88) West Dublin General Plan Amendment Study report to be reviewed by Specific Plan Studies Planning Commission & Council 2/91 ; Project scheduled for completion 3/92; High Tong (87) Resolve Eastern Sphere of Influence Issue tabled by LAFCO pending dispute with Livermore completion of East Dublin & North Livermore Land Use Studies; High Tong (85) Downtown Improvement Plan See attached report from Planning Implementation Strategies Director; To be reviewed by recently formed Task Force; High Silver/ (89 ) Alameda County Open Space Litigation Complete Tong High Tong (89) Prepare State Mandated Housing Element Complete ADOPTED 1990 GOALS & OBJECTIVES YEAR END REPORT Page 7 COUNCIL PERSON PROGRAM AREA/GOAL PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL STATUS High Tong/ (89 ) Coordinate 1990 Census Complete; Second challenge Texeira submitted to the Bureau of the Census; High Tong (89 ) Hansen Ranch 10 Lot General Plan Complete Amendment Study (89 ) Implement Management Audit Recommendations High Tong Establish a planning & scheduling Nearly complete; completion system for current planning scheduled for 3/91 ; applications High Tong Schedule current planning applications Nearly complete; Completion for a public hearing at the time of scheduled for 4/91 ; complete submittal High Tong Modify role of "Planner of the Day" Nearly complete; Completion scheduled for 4/91 ; High Tong Convert records system to street Ninety (90%) of files converted, address based system completion scheduled for 5/91 ; High Tong Revise Zoning Ordinance in accordance Nearly complete; Completion with Management Audit recommendations scheduled for 4/91 ; High Tong Modify Site Development Review process Nearly complete; Completion & guidelines scheduled for 4/91 ; High Tong Streamline submittal requirements Complete High Tong Develop mid-range planning work program Complete Medium Ambrose/ Establish Development Review Committee Complete Tong ADOPTED 1990 GOALS & OBJECTIVES YEAR END REPORT Page 8 COUNCIL PERSON PROGRAM AREA/GOAL PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL STATUS Medium Tong Develop more effective handouts & Additional handouts prepared; brochures remaining handouts scheduled for completion 4/91 ; Medium Tong (85) Review Zoning Ordinance Underway; scheduled for completion 11 /91 ; Medium Tong (86) Report on historic element to General No action to date. Plan Low Tong (89 ) Antennae Study No action to date. ADDITIONAL GOALS (Planning) Tong (90) Prepare Density Bonus Ordinance Scheduled for completion 8/91 Tong (90 ) Prepare Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance Scheduled for completion 8/91 Tong (90 ) Prepare Rental Availability Ordinance Scheduled for completion 8/91 Tong (90 ) J L Construction General Plan Amendment Underway; scheduled for completion 8/91 ; Tong (90 ) General Plan Update No action to date; Scheduled for completion 12/91 ; Tong (90) Prepare Development Agreement Ordinance Underway; Tong (90) Miscellaneous Housing Strategies Nearly complete; Scheduled for completion 3/91 ; ADOPTED 1990 GOALS & OBJECTIVES YEAR END REPORT Page 9 COUNCIL PERSON PROGRAM AREA/GOAL PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL STATUS B. Building & Safety High Taugher (88) Continue follow-up of enforcement of As of 1 /1 /91 , 11 properties not non-conforming signs in compliance; 72 properties wi non-conforming signs granted extensions until 7/94; 14 of the 72 now in compliance ADDITIONAL GOALS (Building & Safety) C. Engineering High Thompson (89) Establish plan line for 2-lane access Complete road to facilitate opening of Hacienda Drive/I-580 Interchange Medium Thompson (89 ) Establish City standard detail Complete specifications for public improvements Medium Thompson (90 ) Update Traffic Ordinance Complete Medium Thompson (90) Update traffic signs & marking Complete inventory ADOPTED 1990 GOALS & OBJECTIVES YEAR END REPORT Page 10 COUNCIL PERSON PROGRAM AREA/GOAL PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL STATUS ADDITIONAL GOALS (Engineering) III . Culture & Leisure A. Recreation High Thompson/ (86) Renovate Shannon Park See Capital Projects Status Lowart Report High Lowart (89 ) Develop Park & Open Space Master Plan Underway; Report to Council 6/91 for East & West Dublin High Lowart/ (89 ) Develop Master Plan -for Dublin Sports Complete Thompson Grounds High Lowart (87 ) Develop adult/youth sports program Adult program complete; Youth program needs assessment, underway High Lowart (89 ) Renovate Dublin High School football See Capital Project Status Report field & track High Lowart (90 ) Complete facility development agreements with School District for: Dublin High School Baseball fields Complete Dublin High School Tennis Courts Deferred by Council to 1991 -92 Frederiksen Tot Lot Complete ADOPTED 1990 GOALS & OBJECTIVES YEAR END REPORT Page 11 COUNCIL PERSON PROGRAM AREA/GOAL PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL STATUS High Lowart (89) Complete Alamo Creek Park Phase II See Capital Project Status Report High Lowart (89) Develop a vandalism awareness program No action to date in cooperation with Public Works & Police High Lowart (90) Investigate addition of student Complete representative to Park & Recreation Commission Medium Lowart (89) Investigate opportunities for trail Delete ( included in Park & development Recreation Facility Master Plan above) Medium Lowart (89) Work with Pleasanton & Livermore to Complete pursue development of 5-year regional childcare master plan Medium Lowart (89) Report to Council on appropriate role No action to date for City RE: human services Medium Lowart (90) Expand aquatics program Complete Low Lowart (89 ) Investigate feasibility of skate board Awaiting response from School park District regarding availability of site Low Texeira (89) Participate on Citizens for Valley On-going, report to Council 2/91 Performing Arts Center Study Committee Low Lowart (88) Develop a slide presentation promoting No action to date City Recreation programs, parks, & facilities ADOPTED 1990 GOALS & OBJECTIVES YEAR END REPORT Page 12 COUNCIL PERSON PROGRAM AREA/GOAL PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL STATUS ADDITIONAL GOALS (Recreation) Lowart (90) Establish Summer Teen Center Activities Complete Lowart (90) Expand Senior Meal Program Complete IV. Public Safety A. Police High Rose (87) Provide alcohol/drug awareness program Complete with exception of to include all grades within public & private high school, scheduled Private schools completion 6/91 High Rose (89) Increase narcotic arrests by 50% Narcotics arrests increased by 78% High Rose (89 ) Implement Police Computer Aided Computer Aided Dispatch on-line; Dispatch & Records Management System Records Mgmt System not implemented High Rose (89 ) Implement comprehensive personal safety Complete program for adults High Rose (90 ) Develop a long-range organization & Complete staffing plan for Police Department High Rose (90 ) Develop & implement a program to reduce Underway; Scheduled for commerical false alarms by 20% completion 7/91 High Rose (90) Develop & implement a business watch Complete program ADOPTED 1990 GOALS & OBJECTIVES YEAR END REPORT Page 13 COUNCIL PERSON PROGRAM AREA/GOAL PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL STATUS Medium Thompson/ (89 ) Develop & implement a facility Maintenance Program complete; Rose operation & maintenance program for Operational Program approximately police facility 50% complete Medium Rose (90) Develop & implement a "Bank Watch" Complete Program ADDITIONAL GOALS (Police) B. Animal Control High Ambrose (86) Prepare report to Council on long term Conceptual staff agreement solution for animal shelter reached with other Valley Citie & County; County preparing agreement; Report to Council prior to Fiscal Year 1991 -92 . ADDITIONAL GOALS (Animal Control) C. Disaster Preparedness High Rankin/ (90) Hold Disaster Simulation Exercise Exercise conducted 2/90; Exercise Ritter scheduled for 3/91 ; ADOPTED 1990 GOALS & OBJECTIVES YEAR END REPORT Page 14 COUNCIL PERSON PROGRAM AREA/GOAL PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL STATUS High Taugher (90 ) Develop Earthquake Damage Assessment Nearly complete, 90% of non- Program residential building plans reviewed; scheduled for completion 7/91 ; ADDITIONAL GOALS (Disaster Preparedness) D. Waste Management High Rankin (90) Implement single family residential Complete recycling program High Rankin (90) Prepare recycling & source reduction Underway with County Consultant; element to County Waste Management Plan Scheduled for completion 7/91 High Rankin (90) Prepare report on expanded recycling Underway; Report to Council 4/1 program to potentially include waste oil & service to multi-family & commercial customers ADDITIONAL GOALS (Waste Management) ADOPTED 1990 GOALS & OBJECTIVES YEAR END REPORT Page 15 COUNCIL PERSON PROGRAM AREA/GOAL PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL STATUS V. Transportation A. Maintenance High Thompson (90 ) Implement 3 new community volunteer Completed volunteer projects projects High Thompson (88) Report to Council on cost/benefit of Complete computized irrigation system ADDITIONAL GOALS (Transportation) B. Transportation High Ambrose/ (88) Resolve issue of Downtown & East Dublin Issue still outstanding Tong/ BART Station Thompson High Thompson/ (88) Report to Council on Traffic Impact Fee Report to Council 2/91 Tong Study High Thompson (87 ) Coordinate I-580 Improvements with On-going Pleasanton & CalTrans High Ambrose/ (90) Develop financing plan for easterly Draft agreement prepared; Thompson extension of Dublin Blvd to SP R-O-W Negotiations underway and 2-land access road to facilitate opening of Hacienda Dr/I-580 Interchange ADOPTED 1990 GOALS & OBJECTIVES YEAR END REPORT Page 16 COUNCIL PERSON PROGRAM AREA/GOAL PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL STATUS High Tong/ (87) Resolve BART Park & Ride Lot Delete (no longer issue) Thompson installation in Downtown Dublin High Thompson (88) Work with Tri-Valley Council to develop Joint Powers Agreement approved Regional Transportation Plan Draft Consultant RFP complete Medium Thompson (87 ) Work with other agencies to implement I-580/I-680 Project Phase II Measure B projects complete; No further action on other Valley Projects Medium Thompson (87) Report on County Transportation Plan Report to Council 2/91 ADDITIONAL GOALS (Transportation) Thompson (90) Nielsen School Study Complete Thompson (90 ) Silvergate Speed Study Complete C. Capital Improvements Thompson Move "walk signal" buttons so they can See Capital Project Status Repc be reached from a wheelchair ADDITIONAL GOALS (Capital Improvements) Thompson Dublin Blvd/Silvergate Dr Modification See Capital Project Status Report c & a: sampg&o CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1991 ` Page 1 INDIVIDUAL PRELIMINARY COUNCIL COUNCIL STAFF ADDITIONAL PROGRAM AREA/GOAL RATING PRIORITY PRIORITY PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL RESOURCES REOUIRED B H J M S Ave I . General Government A. Administration 2 3 3 2 3 2.6 High High (89) Prepare report on benefits of establishing a Redevelopment Agency 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (90 ) Implement a "Customer Service" Program 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (89 ) Prepare report on feasibility of developing a local Economic Development Program 2 3 3 3 3 2.8 High High (87 ) Develop Employee Recognition_ Program 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (90) Report to Council on development of a Strategic- Plan for the City 2 2 3 2 3 2.4 Medium High (90 ) Complete Clerical Classification Study 2 i 3 3 2 2.2 Medium Medium (91 ) Develop program for use of Display Cases 2 2 2 2 2 2 Medium Medium (88) Implement Records Management Program With existing Staff, for City Clerk Records this project can be completed by 6/93 i 2 2 2 2 i.8 Medium Medium (91 ) Work with Dublin Fine Arts Foundation to implement 1991 projects 2 2 2 2 2 2 Medium Medium (91 ) Complete Employee Handbook CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1991 Page 2 INDIVIDUAL PRELIMINARY COUNCIL COUNCIL STAFF ADDITIONAL PROGRAM AREA/GOAL RATING PRIORITY PRIORITY PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL RESOURCES REOUIRED B H J M S Ave ADDITIONAL GOALS (Administration) B. Finance 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (85 ) Review charges for services rendered by all departments. (89) Develop a long term financial plan for the City which includes the following: 3 3 3 2 3 2.8 High High Report to Council on Sales Tax Auditing Program 3 3 3 2 3 2.8 High High Develop a 3-5 year forecast for revenues & operating expenditures to be used in conjunction with Five-Year CIP 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (91 ) Report to Council on Infrastructure Additional Consulting Financing Alternatives for General Plan Services required Study Areas CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1991 Page 3 INDIVIDUAL PRELIMINARY COUNCIL COUNCIL STAFF ADDITIONAL PROGRAM AREA/GOAL RATING PRIORITY PRIORITY PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL RESOURCES REOUIRED B H J M S Ave 2 3 3 2 3 2.6 High High (90 ) Select & Install Community Development Additional Consultir Data Processing System Services & Capital Funds required. 2 2 2 2 2 2 Medium Medium (91 ) Improve Productivity of Data Processing Additional Staff System & support to operating required departments 2 2 2 2 2 2 Medium Medium (90 ) Update Purchasing Ordinance ADDITIONAL GOALS (Finance) C. Intergovernmental Relations 2 3 3 3 3 2.8 High High (91 ) Aggressively monitor activities of other regional agencies 2 2 3 2 3 2.4 Medium Medium (91 ) Meet jointly with representatives from other agencies CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1991 Page 4 INDIVIDUAL PRELIMINARY COUNCIL COUNCIL STAFF ADDITIONAL PROGRAM AREA/GOAL RATING PRIORITY PRIORITY PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL RESOURCES REOUIRED B H J M S Ave ADDITIONAL GOALS (Intergovernmental Relations) 3 Actively monitor regionalism proposals D. Public Relations 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (91 ) Prepare & distribute 1 City Newsletter Funding will be & a 10 Year Calendar/Report required in the 1991 - 92 Budget 2 3 3 2 3 2.6 High High (90 ) Complete Student/Teacher Civic Education Guide 3 3 3 3 3 3 High Medium (91 ) Regularly contribute articles to Chamber of Commerce Newsletter 2 2 2 2 1 1.8 Medium Low (86) Prepare report on program for recognition of outstanding development ADDITIONAL GOALS (Public Relations) 2 Set-up Speakers Bureau 3 Plan 10 year Celebration of Cityhood 2 Develop source of funding for Chamber of Commerce to advertise & promote the City CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1991 Page 5 INDIVIDUAL PRELIMINARY COUNCIL COUNCIL STAFF ADDITIONAL PROGRAM AREA/GOAL RATING PRIORITY PRIORITY PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL RESOURCES REQUIRED 8 H J M S Ave E. Contract Administration (91 ) Performance Contract Review 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High Animal Control 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High Building & Safety 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High Crossing Guards 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High Engineering 2 3 3 3 3 2.8 High High Library Services 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High Police 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High Public Works Maintenance 2 3 3 3 3 2.8 High High Street Sweeping 2 3 3 3 3 2.8 High High Traffic Signal Maintenance 2 3 3 3 3 2.8 High High Vector Control 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High Traffic Engineering CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1991 Page 6 INDIVIDUAL PRELIMINARY COUNCIL COUNCIL STAFF ADDITIONAL PROGRAM AREA/GOAL RATING PRIORITY PRIORITY PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL RESOURCES REQUIRED B H J M S Ave ADDITIONAL GOALS (Contract Administration) II . Community Development A. Planning 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (87) East Dublin General Plan Amendment Specific Plan Studies 3 3 3 2 3 2.8 High High (88) West Dublin General Plan Amendment Specific Plan Studies 2 3 3 2 3 2.6 High High (87) Resolve Eastern Sphere of Influence dispute with Livermore 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (85 ) Downtown Improvement Plan See attached Downtown Implementation Strategies Plan Report (89) Implement Management Audit Recommendations 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High Establish a planning & scheduling system for current planning applications CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1991 Page 7 INDIVIDUAL PRELIMINARY COUNCIL COUNCIL STAFF ADDITIONAL PROGRAM AREA/GOAL RATING PRIORITY PRIORITY PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL RESOURCES REOUIRED B H J M S Ave 3 3 3 2 3 2.8 High High Schedule current planning applications for a public hearing at the time of complete submittal 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High Modify role of "Planner of the Day" 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High Convert records system to street address based system 3 3 3 2 3 2.8 High High Revise Zoning Ordinance in accordance with Management Audit recommendations 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High Modify Site Development Review process & guidelines 2 i i 2 2 1.6 Medium Medium Develop more effective handouts & brochures 2 3 3 3 3 2.8 High High (91 ) Conduct Land Use Study for Southern Additional consulting Portion of Camp Parks Property services required 3 2 2 2 2 2.2 Medium Medium (90 ) J L Construction General Plan Amendment 2 3 2 2 2 2.2 Medium Medium (90) General Plan Update Additional consulting services required 2 2 2 2 2 2 Medium Medium (85) Revise Zoning Ordinance 3 2 2 3 2 2.4 Medium Medium (90) Prepare Density Bonus Ordinance CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1991 Page 8 INDIVIDUAL PRELIMINARY COUNCIL COUNCIL STAFF ADDITIONAL PROGRAM AREA/GOAL RATING PRIORITY PRIORITY PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL RESOURCES REOUIRED B H J M S Ave 2 2 2 2 2 2 Medium Medium (90 ) Prepare Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance 2 2 1 i 2 i.6 Medium Medium (90 ) Prepare Rental Availability Ordinance 2 2 2 2 2 2 Medium Medium (90) Prepare Development Agreement Ordinance 2 2 2 2 2 2 Medium Medium (90 ) Implement Miscellaneous Housing Strategies 2 2 i 2 i i.6 Medium IoW (86) Report on historic element to General Plan i i 0 i i 0.8 Low IoW (89 ) Antennae Study ADDITIONAL GOALS (Planning) 3 Work with -San Ramon on Joint Infrastructure needs 3 Provide technical & financial aid to Dublin Cemetary & Historical Associations' properties 3 Review Sign Ordinance using local business people as a resource B. Building & Safety 2 2 3 2 3 2.4 Medium High (88) Continue follow-up of enforcement of non-conforming signs 2 3 3 3 3 2.6 High High (91 ) Review Building Permit Fee Schedule CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1991 Page 9 INDIVIDUAL PRELIMINARY COUNCIL COUNCIL STAFF ADDITIONAL PROGRAM AREA/GOAL RATING PRIORITY PRIORITY PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL RESOURCES REQUIRED B H J M S Ave 2 2 2 2 2 2 Medium Medium ( 91 ) Develop & implement a Homeowner Building Education Program 2 2 2 1 2 1.8 Medium Medium (91 ) Apply for Flood Plain Map Amendment ADDITIONAL GOALS (Building & Safety) C. Engineering Funding required in Fiscal Year 1991 -92 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (91 ) Work with Alameda County to apply for & obtain a Non Point Source Drainage Permit ADDITIONAL GOALS (Engineering) CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1991 Page 10 INDIVIDUAL PRELIMINARY COUNCIL COUNCIL STAFF ADDITIONAL PROGRAM AREA/GOAL RATING PRIORITY PRIORITY PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL RESOURCES REQUIRED 8 H J M S Ave III . Culture & Leisure A. Recreation 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (89 ) Complete Park & Recreation Facilities Master Plan 2 3 3 3 3 2.8 High High (91 ) Complete Renovation of Frederiksen Tot Lot 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (87 ) Develop a youth sports program Additional Staff costs 2 3 3 2 3 2.6 High High (89 ) Complete Dublin High School Football Field & Track Renovation 2 3 3 2 3 2.6 High High (91 ) Complete renovation of Dublin High School Athletic Fields 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (91 ) Complete facility development agreements with School District for those projects identified for funding in Fiscal Year 1991 -92 3 3 3 2 3 2.8 High High (91 ) Coordinate expanded St. Patrick' s Day Additional funding Celebration with Dublin Chamber of required in 1991 -92 Commerce i 2 i 2 3 1.8 Medium Medium (89) Develop a vandalism awareness program in cooperation with Public Works & Police CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1991 Page 11 INDIVIDUAL PRELIMINARY COUNCIL COUNCIL STAFF ADDITIONAL PROGRAM AREA/GOAL RATING PRIORITY PRIORITY PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL RESOURCES REQUIRED B H J M S Ave 3 3 2 2 2 2.4 Medium Medium (91 ) Coordinate installation of handicapped play area by Lions Club at Kolb Park 2 3 2 2 2 2.2 Medium Medium (91 ) Undertake revision to Use Policies for City Facilities 3 3 3 3 3 3 High Medium (91 ) Establish Afterschool Teen Program at Additional Staff costs Wells Middle School 2 2 i 2 3 2 Medium Medium (89 ) Report to Council on appropriate role for City regarding human services 1 2 i i i 1.2 Low Loa (89 ) Participate on Citizens for Valley Performing Arts Center Study Committee i i o i i .8 Low Low (89 ) Investigate feasibility of skate board park i i o i i .8 Low Low (88) Develop a video presentation promoting Funds required in City Recreation programs, parks, & 1991-92 Budget facilities ADDITIONAL GOALS (Recreation) 3 Work with DHA to finish Arroyo Vista Playground 3 Work with & fund YMCA Program for youth at Arroyo Vista CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1991 Page 12 INDIVIDUAL PRELIMINARY COUNCIL COUNCIL STAFF ADDITIONAL PROGRAM AREA/GOAL RATING PRIORITY PRIORITY PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL RESOURCES REQUIRED B H J M S Ave 3 Complete Dougherty Hills Park Plan only i .e. trails, signs, benches, etc. so Rotary Club can adopt some of the projects IV. Public Safety A. Police 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (87) Complete alcohol/drug awareness program at Private High School 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (89) Implement Police Records Management System 3 3 3 2 3 2.8 High High (90) Develop & implement a program to reduce commercial false alarms by 20% 2 2 2 2 2 2 Medium Medium (89) Develop & implement a facility operation program for police facility 2 3 2 2 3 2.4 Medium Medium (91 ) Report to Council on effectiveness of existing Traffic Enforcement Program 2 2 i 2 2 1.8 Medium Medium (91 ) Develop & implement an applicant fingerprint program CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1991 Page 13 INDIVIDUAL PRELIMINARY COUNCIL COUNCIL STAFF ADDITIONAL PROGRAM AREA/GOAL RATING PRIORITY PRIORITY PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL RESOURCES REQUIRED B H J M S Ave ADDITIONAL GOALS (Police) B. Animal Control 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (86) Prepare report to Council on long term solution for animal shelter ADDITIONAL GOALS (Animal Control) 3 Develop strategies to increase dog licensing (i .e. make easier to do, advertise program, etc. ) C. Disaster Preparedness 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (91 ) Hold Disaster Simulation Exercise 3 3 3 2 3 2.8 High High (90 ) Develop Earthquake Damage Assessment Program 2 2 2 3 2 2.2 Medium Medium (91 ) Develop a Public Works Tri-Valley Mutual Aid Agreement CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1991 Page 14 INDIVIDUAL PRELIMINARY COUNCIL COUNCIL STAFF ADDITIONAL PROGRAM AREA/GOAL RATING PRIORITY PRIORITY PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL RESOURCES REQUIRED B H J M S Ave ADDITIONAL GOALS (Disaster Preparedness) 3 Set-up a Diaster Council that would meet & make decisions at the time of a disaster 3 Publish, promote, who, where, what, when, & how people can react to a disaster ( i .e. assembly points , shelters, etc. ) 2 Meet with Camp Parks regarding Disaster Relief operations D. Waste Management 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (90) Prepare recycling & source reduction element to County Waste Management Plan 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (90) Prepare report on expanded recycling program to potentially include waste oil & service to multi-family & commercial customers CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1991 Page 15 INDIVIDUAL PRELIMINARY COUNCIL COUNCIL STAFF ADDITIONAL PROGRAM AREA/GOAL RATING PRIORITY PRIORITY PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL RESOURCES REQUIRED 8 H J M S Ave ADDITIONAL GOALS (Waste Management) 2 3 Work with appropriate agencies to develop a means to communicate to residents on how to dispose of Household Hazardous Materials V. Transportation A. Maintenance 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (91 ) Implement 3 new community volunteer projects 3 3 3 2 3 2.8 High Medium (91 ) Develop a Landscape Water Use Policy ADDITIONAL GOALS (Maintenance) x Develop a Recycled Water Policy B. Transportation 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (88) Resolve issue of Downtown & East Dublin BART Stations 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (88) Report to Council on Traffic Impact Fee Study CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1991 Page 16 INDIVIDUAL PRELIMINARY COUNCIL COUNCIL STAFF ADDITIONAL PROGRAM AREA/GOAL RATING PRIORITY PRIORITY PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL RESOURCES REQUIRED B H J M S Ave 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (87) Coordinate I-580 Improvements with Pleasanton & CalTrans 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (90) Develop financing plan for easterly extension of Dublin Blvd to SP R-O-W and 2-lane access road to facilitate opening of Hacienda Dr/I-580 Interchange 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (88) Work with Tri-Valley Council to develop Additional funding Regional Transportation Plan will be required in 1990-91 & 1991 -92 . 2 3 3 3 3 2.8 High High (91 ) Work with Alameda County & Cities in Funding will come from Alameda County to develop a Congestion Prop. 111 Management- Plan. 2 2 2 3 3 2.4 Medium Medium (87) Work with other agencies to implement Measure B projects 2 2 2 3 2 2.2 Medium Medium (87) Report on County Transportation Plan ADDITIONAL GOALS (Transportation) CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1991 Page 17 INDIVIDUAL PRELIMINARY COUNCIL COUNCIL STAFF ADDITIONAL PROGRAM AREA/GOAL RATING PRIORITY PRIORITY PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL RESOURCES REQUIRED B H J M S Ave VI . Capital Improvements In addition to those Capital Improvements identified in the 1990-95 Capital Improvement Program, it is recommended that the City Council identify projects which should receive consideration in the update to the Five Year Capital Improvement Program. If an additional project is identified, please indicate whether it should receive a High, Medium, or Low priority below. Proiect 3 1 . Civic Center Holiday Decorations 3 2 . Add another season to the Banners (Fall? ) x 3 . Because of future funding considerations, discuss projects on CIP list at this time c & a: sg&o91 3 SUMMARY 1990-95 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRA14 GENERAL TOTAL PRIOR 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 PROJECT COST YEARS 1990-91 1) Data Processing System $ 391,135 $ 176,135 $ 155,000 $ 60,000 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Total Cost $ 391,135 $ 1761135 $ 1551000 $ 60,000 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 FINANCING General Fund $ 391,135 $ 176,135 $ 155,000 $ 60,000 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Total $ 391,135 $ 176,135 $ 155,000 $ 60,000 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Less Capital Improvements (391,135) (176,135) (155,000) (60,000) Surplus (Deficit) $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 f E * yond fiscal Year 1990-91. Does not include the use of Reserves be i { SUMMARY 1990-95 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMUNITY IMPROVEME14TS TOTAL PRIOR 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 E PROJECT COST YEARS 1990-91 1991-92 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ Annual $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 1) Sidewalk Safety Repair $ 250,000 51,911 2) City Entrance Signs 64,311 12,400 3) Catch Basin Grate 143,745 71,491 72,254 Replacement 4) Pedestrian Signal Handicap 16,000 16,000 Modifications 5) Downtown Identity Theme 150,000 Program 150,000 6) Widen Village Parkway 130,000 130,000 Sidewalk 7) Street Name Identification 4,000 78,000 Sign Replacement Program 82,000 222,500 8) Downtown Restaurant Row 222,500 Improvements 445,000 150,000 9) Downtown Street Furniture 150,000 Program Total Cost $ 1,431,056 $ 190,165 $ 334,000 $ 350,500 $ 272,500 $ 200,00 FINANCING 12,400 $ 108,911 $ 334,000 $ 350,500 $ 50,000 $ 200,00 General Fund $ 1,055,811 $ 0 0 Transportation Development 0 0 143,745 71,491 72,254 Act (Article 3) Grant 0 Capital Projects Fund (Reim- 9,000 0 0 222,500 ** 231,500 0 bursements) 200,000 $ 1,431,056 $ 83,891 $ 190,165 $ 334,000 $ 350,500 $ 272,500 $ 200,000) Total 190,165) (334,000) (350,500) (272,500) Less Capital Improvements (1,431,056) (83,891) ( $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Surplus (Deficit) $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 * Does not include the use of General Fund Reserves beyond Fiscal Year 1990-91. ** Of the total $231,500 in Reimbursements identified, the City has received or has obligated to re Genera. If the City is unable to collect the remaining Reimbursements identified, those affected projects would require General Fund support, if available, or would have to be SUMMARY 1990-95 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRA14 _ PARES ,ro'rm, PRIOR PROJECT COST YEARS 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 - !)Park & Pool Signs $ 35,525 $ 5,050 $ 30,475 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 2)Shannon Park Renovation 1,077,979 877,228 200,751 3)Alamo Creek Park, 364,897 346,497 18,400 i 4)Dublin High School Football Field Renovation 914,231 271,583 642,648 5)Frederik.sen Kindergarten Tot Lot 39,305 4,400 34,905 6)Senior Center Vitchen t Upgrade 19,800 19,800 7)Park. & Recreation Facilities Masterplan 75,000 75,000 _ 8)Dublin High School Baseball Field Renovation 332,060 27,025 305,035 9)Dublin high School Girls Athletic Field Renovation 217,440 217,440 10)Dublin High School Tennis Courts 196,000 196,000 11)Dublin High School Outdoor Lighting 21,600 21,600 12)Dublin Sports Grounds Renovation 681,090 302,040 378,250 13)1.1urray School Field Renovation 347,310 27,105 320,205 14)Mape Park Renovation 370,855 370,855 15)llielsen School Athletic Field & Play Area Renovatn 346,115 27,325 318,790 16)Dublin Swim Center Bath- house Renovation 50,000 50,000 17)Wells-Cronin Athletic Field Renovation 324,700 324,700 l 18)Frederiksen School Athletic Field Renovation 76,600 76,600 i 19)Dublin School Athletic Field & Play Area Renovation 853,095 053,095 i Total Cost: $ 6,343,602 $ 1,504,750 $ 1,266,444 $ 052,500 $ 1,1.16,635 $ 720,090 $ 853,095 FINANCING General Fund $ 3,446,236 $ 219,763 $ 757,94$ $ 48,705 $ 846,635 $ 720,090 . $ 853,095 Community Development Block Grant Fund 19,800 0 19,000 0 0 0 0 State Par): Bond Act Fund 72,017 64,815 7,202 0 0 0 0 Park. Dedication In-Lieu Fund 1,740,657 501,053 293,558 _ 803,875 142,171 0 0 t4easure AA Fund 631,316 473,487 0 0 157,829 0 0 SAFCO Grant Fund 100,000 90,000 10,000 0 0 0 0 Capital Project Funds (Reim- bursements) ** 333,576 155,640 177,936 0 0 0 0 Total $ 6,343,602 $ 1,504,753 $ 1,266,444 $ 852,500 $ 1,146,635 $ 720,090 $ 853,095 Less Capital Improvements (6,343,602) (1,504,758) (1,266,444) (852,580) (1,146,635) (720,090) (853,095) Surplus (Deficit) $ o $ 0 $ 0 $ ° $ ° $ ° $ ° * Does not include the use Of General Fund Reserves beyond Fiscal Year 1990-91. ** Of the $333,576 in Reimbur.-::enuents, the City has received or has obligated to it, the entire amount. - 1 V _ } .: - 1 •• � � ti ';,J �� i..� �sa � ..:� iii « liar-i i�� ito.�t�'ia � i�n�i ii nit i{�i�f�lf �- - SUMt1ARY 1990-95 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM STREETS TOTAL PRIOR PROJECT COST YEARS 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 !)Annual Street Overlay Program $ 1,000,000 $ Annual $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 2)Dougherty Road Bike Path 147,254 72,254 75,000 3)San Ramon Road Phase IV 2,557,000 1BO,413 2,376,587 4)I-580/I-680 Ramp Widening 121,668 55,834 65,834 5)Dublin Blvd Improvements- Donlon Way to Village Parkway 1,410,500 90,371 372,629 947,500 G)Dublin Blvd Extension- Dougherty Rd East to Tract 5900 2,726,000 2,218,000 508,000 7)Dougherty Rd Improvements South of SPRR 1,063,000 22,000 433,000 628,000 B)Dublin Blvd Bridge over Alamo Creel: Repair 223,000 38,500 184,500 9)Street Subdrains 260,000 260,000 10)Landscape Silvergate Drive Medians 145,000 145,000 11)'I'raffic Signals-Village Parkway p Brighton Drive 6 Q Tamarack Drive 280,400 10,000 270,400 12)Downtown Street Light Additions 235,000 53,000 182,000 13)14ew Street Parallel to and South of Dublin Blvd 3,516,000 2,241,000 1,275,000 14)I-580 Offramp Improvements P San Ramon Road 725,000 65,000 660,000 15)Road Parallel to SPRR - i Dougherty Rd to Dublin Blvd t Extension 1,738,000 1,738,000 Total Cost 51G,167,1i22 $ 358,61B $ 5,305,304 $ 2,515,000 $ 1,525,400 $ 2,690,500 5 3,873,000 �- Filt A11CT11f, * t General Fund $ 4,45B,263 $ 303,618 $ 1,671,216 $ 1,248,429 $ 684,000 $ 2G8,900 $ 82,100 Federal Aid Urban Fund 1,060,25 0 721,325 359,000 0 0 0 Transportation Development Act (Article B) Grant Fund 147,254 0 72,254 75,000 0 0 0 Measure B Fund 583,100 0 125,000 111,200 113,400 115,600 117,900 Capital Project Fund (Reim- bursements) ** 7,107,000 55,000 231,629 213,371 628,000 2,306,000 3,673,000 SB 140 Fund 65,B80 0 65,880 0 0 0' 0 Dublin Blvd Extension Fund 2,726,000 0 2,219,000 508,000 0 0 0 Total 1116,167,G22 $ 358,618 $ 5,305,304 $ 2,515,000 $ 1,425,400 $ 2,690,500 $ 3,873,000 Less Capital Improvements (16, 167,822) (358,618) (5,305,304) (2,515,000) (1,425,400) (2,690,500) (3,673,000) Surplus (Deficit) $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 * Does not include the use of Retierves beyond I•'iscal Year 1990-91. •* Of the $7,107,000 in Reimbursements the City has received or has obligated to it $214,193. It is important to note that BART is required by the Dublin BART Extent-.ion F.IR to contribute $1,000,000 toward certain roadway improvemente., if the West Dublin BART ::t:at:ion ir. built. if t.l,r. City it: unable Co collect the remaining reiminn'cementc identified, those affected projects would require Generi,l Fund support, if av:,ilable, or would have to be deferred. V - �� Uec Go PROJECT: DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN TASKS , Reference Target Plan: Page(s) in DTSP Priority Date Remarks CIRCULATION a ✓ 1. An annual report shall be prepared for page 10 the City Council on downtown traffic conditions at least annually to determine whether any future development limits or controls are necessary. (��� / 2. Establish a Traffic Monitoring Program page 12,60 1 to periodically conduct traffic counts at key locations within and leading to the downtown area to identify conditions which ngestion. may result in excessive future co 3. Take appropriate measures to revise page 12 the downtown or other area plans to maintain traffic congestion at acceptable levels. �� q. Request traffic analyses for the page 61 proposed BART transit station and Park-and- Ride lots. , \O -�� Develop a monitoring program in page 61 conjunction with BART to determine actual conditions and traffic patterns. ^r - ✓ 6. Coordinate plans and improvements page 13,6II within Downtown Dublin in conjunction with VA S. BART and the Livermore Valley Transit Authority. (See Urban Design-Street Furniture Tasks. ) .1/7. Plan for the future accommodation of page 28 a regional transit station within Downtown Dublin. 8. Continue to monitor CALTRANS plans page 61 tasksht -1- C for the Interstate 580 and 680 interchange and adjacent ramp revisions. 9,? Coordinate with the transit district page 61 0 ��_ to secure funding for local street �c, transportation improvements and other mitigation measures. e 'o 10. Establish development standards to page 28 � encourage greater intensity near Amodor Valley Boulevard to reduce congestion at the Dublin Boulevard/San Ramon Road intersection. tasksht -2- PROJECT: DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN TASKS Plan: Reference Page(s) in Target DTSP Priority Date Remarks PARKING 1.1 Parking requirements for the downtown page 22 area will be modified to reflect a more JG realistic relationship between uses and demands. For those uses most likely to be applicable to the downtown area, the parking ratios in Table B on page 24 of the Downtown Specific Plan will be applied. 2. 1 The City will revise their current page 62 parking standards to bring them more in line J �p with other communities within the region and to recognize more realistic standards of utilization based upon observation, recent industry studies, and the fact that certain areas of downtown lend themselves to parking reductions based upon the joint utilization of parking spaces. Changes will occur largely in the areas where a reduction based upon a compatible mix of uses can be demonstrated. j3: Identify areas where excess parking page 22 l spaces currently exist and encourage property owners in these areas to increase the amount of parking lot landscaping. ✓ 4 . Review and approve applications (on .a page 22,2II,63 �� case by case basis) for increased development without requiring additional parking in areas where parking ratios are relatively excessive to actual need, so long as the quality and appearance of the development are enhanced through building and landscape improvements. (See General Plan Modification Tasks. ) tasksht -3- ,.! Consider reduction in combined parking page 22 requirements in areas of mixed uses with �G��' Cl different peak parking periods when an applicant submits a report describing and (�N� justifying joint usage. 6. Establish a minimum standard of twenty page 63 percent of the total parking area be reserved for landscape developments. N O �4-u J-� 7.' Set up standards establishing page 63 5 _ P _ pd -{�✓ r q landscaped setbacks adjacent to public G� 1 I right-of-ways and acceptable planting materials. 8. Require adequate landscape plans for page 63 C project approvals. tasksht PROJECT: DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN TASKS Reference Plan: Page(s) in Target DTSP Priority Date Remarks LAND USE General Plan Modifications G /1. In recognition of the goals Of this page G t specific plan, the General Plan and Specific Plan will be reconciled as shown on Diagram 12 on page 35 of the Downtown Specific Plan and as follows: a) Retail/Office and automotive use page 34 categories west of Interstate 6£30 have been changed to a retail/office classification in the Specific Plan. Existing automotive uses will be encouraged to remain and accommodated through interim use standards. b) The use classification for the page 34 retail business at village Parkway and Dublin Boulevard has been changed from Business Park/Industrial to Retail/Office in the Specific Plan. Zoning ordinance Modifications i2 - Designate all properties within Page 64 downtown Dublin as Planned Downtown CI (ems � 1 Development District as described in the "Development Plan" section. f 1� a e 3 6 3. ' Amend the Zoning Ordinance to allow p q properties within Downtown Dublin to be designated as part of a Downtown Overlay Zoning District to supplement the current zoning designations. Land uses, development standards and interim uses will be as outlined in the Development Standards for tasksht -5- each Downtown Development Zone and the supporting diagrams outlining special requirements. The Zoning Ordinance and map will be changed to implement the purposes of the Downtown Specific Plan. To the extent that such changes are adopted as part of the Specific Plan, they will be reviewed and approved as part of the regula procedures for amendment of the Zoning Ordinance. � 'd QS�L, CV 4 .) Set up development standards to boost page 2II SG� ' b ^ n greater intensity near Amador Valley Boulevard to reduce congestion at the ��� Dublin Boulevard/San Ramon Road intersection. Interim Use Zones A. Develop interim use standards for page 31,32 each of the four interim zone areas of {� � d Gjt Downtown Dublin to allow current uses to G continue and to encourage property changes where appropriate to mitigate negative visual impacts on adjacent properties. (See Diagram 11 on page 32 - "Interim Use Zones and Standards. ) 6. Interim Zone - Auto Dealerships A. Strongly encourage auto dealerships page 33 ,34,61 5 G q in interim Zones C and D to remain in ` � Downtown Dublin by adopting interim use standards to accommodate their needs and encouraging suitable relocation site within Dublin should they decide to move out of the downtown area. B. Periodically contact property page 64 owners to remain appraised of their future plans. tasksht -6- 7 : Development standards in Zone C will be page 33 ori formulated to enhance a pedestrian ecialte11ted � environment with restaurants, sp Y retail shops, small offices and entertainment uses. tasksht -7- PROJECT: DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN TASKS Reference Target Plan: Page(s) in Remarks CENTRAL BLOCK IMPROVEMENT PROGRA14 DTSP Priority Date 1,. A plan shown on page 39 and described pages 39-44 on pages 40-44 of the Downtown Specific PjJM Ou. Plan has been prepared that addresses ` h circulation, parking, improved project a entries, development intensification and ( implementation. This plan should be implemented as described. 2. The City will work closely with the page 13 p .� Chamber of commerce, downtown property O�, owners, merchants and other business people ��J� U SG(�s91" - � ^ „ in planning and implementing improvements ` w l C am`",,,,�be and programs for the downtown area. ? n5 0--j- 3 . In addition to those strategies used _ ( CbyA wz,-tR-- for the Downtown Promotion Plan, (see pages 21 & 22) the following strategies will be pursued to work with private property owners for improving conditions on the Central Block: A. Central Block Owner & Tenant page 66 Contacts 1) The City will prepare a packet page 66 �'�� S d� of information synopsizing the suggested C 6t- of Cb approach to and benefits of the central "�^' block improvements and mail it to each property owner and tenant. 2) Follow up telephone page 66 conversations will be made by the City to determine interest and to discuss the best method of. bringing property owners and tenants together. tasksht -f3- o s specific y pr..ific ke ert page 66 3) For p p y owners and tenants, the City will hold special meetings to determine interest and define critical planning and design parameters. 4) Special attention will be page 66 given to meetings with Montgomery ti-lard's and Dublin Associates where the greatest potential exists for some agreement to achieve a plaza or structure suitable for _ l ' - joint public and private use. B. Preliminary Agreements and os CU5C"�5 (�� Schematic Plans �� CjkV s"'— 1) Should sufficient interest be page 66 � `�" ,u^ _y 5 expressed to proceed with some central r block improvements, the City may consider assisting in the establishment of agreements among the parties including the City which has control over changes in existing parking requirements and future development approaches. 2) If necessary to encourage page 66 cooperation, the City may consider providing funds for a schematic improvements plan for owners/tenants review and approval. � (eQ / C. Conduct special downtown events/ page F13 activities and maintenance activities such as replacement of theme banners. f page 8,12,66 D.) 1) Consider creating a plaza sGuS2CY' " S `^space for joint public and private use. [� ��"- ��� (, /. 6r, r 1 l��tL1n� 2) Consider securing a special page 66 contractual arrangements with property owners for the plaza space element. tasksht -9- E. Contractual Agreements S 1) If mutually acceptable plans page 66 ^ can be developed, the City may consider t S� assisting property owners in establishing contractual agreements and, if necessary? , may enter into direct contractual agreements with the property owners to accomplish the improvements. 2) Should the possibility of a page 66 space for at least part-time public use become a reality, the City will consider a special contractual arrangement for that element and evaluate the alternate methods available to share in its funding. tasksht -10- PROJECT: DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN TASKS Reference Plan: Page(s) in Target URBAN DESIGN I14PROVEMENTS - DTSP Priority Date Remarks DOWNTOWN ENTRIES PROGRAM Detailed studies will be conducted for the page 67 design and location of suitable entry statements at each of the intersections of Dublin Boulevard and Village Parkway, and Amador Valley Boulevard and San Ramon Road. Designs will be compatible with and supportive of the Center Median `Theme Program. Most improvements will need to be placed in center medians or within the surface of the street itself. Components which will be strongly considered page 67 for these entry points are shown on Diagram 21 (page 52) and include flags, entry pylons and street medallions. Flags would be highly visible from the freeway and should be relatively large in size. They could be lighted at night to provide a strong visual statement at all times of the day and night. As with banners used for the Center Median Theme Program, flags would need to be replaced periodically as they become frayed by the wind. tasksht -11- PROJECT: DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN TASKS Plan: Reference Page(s) in Target URBAN DESIGN IMPROVEMENTS- DTSP Priority Date Remarks PROJECT ENTRIES PROGRAM 1. ' Discuss with major retail project page 53 ,67,68 owners and tenants the possibility of ( �,,, ;ct.-t developing a high quality prototype pylon �y design that will carry a logo, signify the entries to retail projects and identify they project as part of Downtown Dublin. 2.i Retain approval of locations of pylon page 68 signs, giving initial priority to coordinating with Central Block owners in identifying the major entries to that shopping complex. (See Central Block Tasks) tasksht -12- PROJECT: DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN TASKS Plan: Reference Page(s) in Target URBAN DESIGN IMPROVEMENTS - DTSP Priority Date Remarks CENTER MEDIAN THEME PROGRAM / and install theme page 47-50,67 1, Prepare final designs C � banners to each of the existing street lights along Dublin Boulevard, San Ramon Road, Amador Valley Boulevard and Village Parkway. Special designs will be developed to express an image of Downtown Dublin. / 2. Consider replacing banners page 50 periodically as they are subject to weather damage. �O L. -_ +D 3.: Consider the painting of the page 67 supporting street light poles a single complimentary color as part of the l� implementation program. tasksht -13- PROJECT: DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN TASKS Reference Plan: Page(s) in Target URBAN DESIGN IMPROVEMENTS - DTSP Priority Date Remarks STREET FURNITURE �N! , O '0_&+t';''0_&+t';' ',Lv � . 1. Select a common family of street page 57,6II 1 ' p un�✓ furniture elements to be utilized throughout �"``�t� ctx' _. the downtown area. Elements include benches, planters, waste receptacles, newspaper racks, pedestrian-scale lights v and bollards. (See Item E of Appendix for L. _ +0 standards and examples of appropriate elements. ) V 2. 1 Consistently utilize the above page 57,6£3 UUUU furniture elements within any public rights-of-way or areas controlled by the `� = 15 '. City. N [cam 3. Strongly encourage individual. property page 57,6II owners to utilize the same elements within their projects to add to a greater sense of design unity to downtown. 4. Select or design special bus stop page 13,68 shelters, and work with the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority for their installation and, if necessary, to share their cost. tasksht -14- PR03ECT: DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN TASKS Reference Plan: Page(s) in Target URBAN DESIGN I14PROVE14ENTS - DTSP Priority Date Remarks PUBLIC SIGNING PROGRAM .Lo 1. Inventory all public signing within page GF3 Downtown Dublin including method of display, information conveyed, and general appearance. Y1D +101 X&R- 2. Remove unnecessary or redundant page 68 signing. 5�t, 3. Consideration will be given to the page 68 design and installation of a more unique and attractive family of signs to give (__ I rI• r� Downtown Dublin a stronger sense of place and design continuity. tasksht -15- PROJECT: DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN TASKS Plan: Reference Page(s) in Target SAN RAMON ROAD FRONTAGE ENHANCEMENT PROGRAI4 DTSP Priority Date Remarks The City will strongly landscape the eastern page 68,69 CtT�''`;l l v portion of the San Ramon Road public right- V of-way and encourage adjacent property owners to remove fencing, increase landscaping and generally improve their properties orientation to San Ramon Road tasksht -16- PROJECT: DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN TASKS Reference Target Plan: Page(s) in DTSP Priority Date Remarks RESTAURANT ROW N° aGtLZ,^ �' 1. Contact all affected property owners page 69 to explain concept- and general diagrams C��� &f outlining the potential of the area. l• 2.* Meet with all existing restaurant page 69 owners/managers along Amador Plaza Road to further discuss the ideas. L1 .3. Suggest cooperative promotions and page 69 urge the establishment of a °Dublin Restaurant Row Association" to include owners of properties along Amador Plaza 11 Road. i 4 : Encourage the immediate promotion of page 69 the area as Dublin's "Restaurant Row" . �1 15.) The City will prepare schematic level page 69,70 plans, cost estimates and phasing alternatives for public improvements along Amador Plaza Road to create a high quality pedestrian environment, based upon the participation and interest of property owners. (6. ) Meet with representatives of owners page 69 of properties along Amador Plaza Rond where parking requirements are substantially in excess of demonstrated need and explore the potentials for the development of new restaurant fronting without additional parking requirements. Negotiate agreements as appropriate. tasksht -17- , ,�, ( � s ( 7. Encourage and limit where page 3170 it changes, "" u � appropriate, to restaurant, support retail D and entertainment uses along Amador �{, 5 ' .n-� r� r��•ll�S Plaza Road. : 8'. Public improvements will be phased as page 70 appropriate based on the interest and participation of property owners. 9. The City will exercise special design page 70 11 review care for all uses along Amador Plaza Road to insure that the scale, character, building design and landscaping quality of projects are supportive of a pedestrian environment. 10: The scale and character of the street page 55 must be improved. Narrow Amador Plaza Road and increase landscaping to areas adjacent to current curbs within the public right-of-way. 1 � 111 Construct distinctive pedestrian Page 55 crosswalks at several locations along the length of the street and at its major intersections. ll (12". Add new lighting fixtures which will be page 55 compatible in scale with a pedestrian area. 1 ! 13,. Develop additional street furnishings page 55,56,57 such as wooden benches, trash containers, planters and street lights compatible in scale with a high quality pedestrian area. i 14 .j Wooden benches, trash receptacles, and page 57 other elements of street furniture will be added to enhance the level of pedestrian amenities along the street. tasksht -18- 15. Discourage Last food restaurants page 11,28 along Amador Plaza Road and encourage Lull service dinner house type restaurants, supported by specialty retail and �I f �y�4•f entertainment usage. +� �•{1' taslcsht -19- PROJECT: DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN TASKS Reference Plan: Target SPECIAL PROGRAM - BUSINESS LICENSE PROGRAM Page(s) in Priority Date Remarks D't'S P ➢,,,�p ' 1. Consider establishing a city-wide page 12,70 6'\— Business License Fee program to monitor land use changes- 2. hearings and page 12,70 2. Consider holding p g adopting a Business License Ordinance with fees kept at the lowest possible level to cover the cost of administer.ing the program. tasksht -20- PROJECT: DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN TASKS Reference Target Plan: Remarks SPECIAL PROGRAM - DOWNTOWN PROidOTION PROGRAM D'PSp(s) in Priority Date 1- a dz � - 1', The establishment of a Downtown Dublin page 13 Business Association will be encouraged. Q�t.� �r ' � a e 7 2 Y�a� 2, Meet with the Dublin Chamber of p g (/ Commerce and key property 11 merchants to: (a) Discuss joint sponsorship of an page 72 AB 1693 program. (b) Discuss salary funding, office space page 72 and support service to cover an interim period of about six months to implement an educational program concerning benefits and responsibilities under the program. (c) A Steering Committee will be formulated page 72 and a temporary coordinator designated or hired to contact affected parties and explain the program. � 3.: A preliminary budget for promotion and page 72 %other activities will be developed by the steering committee for discussion purposes with downtown owners and merchants. In addition, a fair and equitable assessment formula will be developed. it a tq! Ilold public meetings as necessary to page 72 explain and discuss plan. 5,, When the steering committee feels that page 72 tt sufficient interest and support exists for the program they will request the City Council to hold hearings and adopt a tasksht -21- "Resolution of Intent" to establish an AB 1693 ordinance. ISO a Jj � will establish a Downtown Page 72,73 Iv ` `S"54Li�5 D The City n�j��,�,.r� ( /_.,wt jya Dublin Association to administer the \ r �a C r �_, '�l,�yti`i program. �D^''O�` a) The Association will be responsible page 72,73 U for establishing annual budgets, organizing specific activities, hiring and supervising a coordinator, hiring outside special consultants (e.g. , advertising and graphics) if necessary, and maintaining a close liaison with downtown owners and merchants. b) The Association will be responsible page 72,73 to the City for the performance of the program and the City will maintain approval rights over the budgets for program funds allocated to the Association for program activities. tasksht -22- PROJECT: DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN TASKS Reference Plan: Page(s) in Target PARKING LOTS LANDSCAPING PROGRAM Priority Date Remarks 1: The City will consider the page 73 implementation of a limited length program to encourage and financially participate in (p � the improvement of inadequately landscaped parking areas. Elements of the program could be as follows: A. The City will conduct a survey to determine those areas which are substandard with respect to their parking lot landscaping. B. The City will determine the extent of their financial commitment to the progra and establish a program time limit. Progran options include the 'provision of plant materials by the City in return for the owners funding of construction expenses, a matching grant program up to specified limits, a low-cost loan program or other activities deemed suitable by the City. C. The City will inform all downtown property owners of the program and will directly contact property owners with significant parking lot landscaping deficiencies to discuss the owners' interests in participating in a mutual improvement program. Where interest exists, agreements may be signed and improvements implemented. tasksht -23- PROJECT: DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN TASKS Plan: 12eference Page(s) in Target SIGNING AND GRAPHIC IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM UTSP Priority Date Remarks l.: The City will retain a competent page 74 graphic design consultant with demonstrated skills in commercial signing. At the discretion of the City, the consultant will: (a) Provide signing guidelines for the downtown area. (b) Evaluate existing signing and identify properties where significant improvements could be made. (c) Provide limited signing and graphic design assistance to business owners who need such assistance. �• 2.j The City will inform all business page 74 owners of the program, and directly contact all business owners with specifically identified signing and graphic design problems to offer limited assistance through the consultant and .3;) The City will insure that all existing page 74 `signs conform to the City's current Sign Ordinance. 4 ., The City shall consider requiring the page 74 �l consultant to provide signing guidelines for the downtown area. tasksht -24- PROJECT: DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN TASKS Reference Plan: Page(s) in Target Priority Date Remarks DOWNTOWN BEAUTIFICATION AWARDS PROGRAM DTSP a l; The City will investigate the P e 74 g establishment of an annual awards program to single out improvements which are meritorious and supportive of enhancing Downtown Dublin's character and visual quality. s 22: The City will work closely with page 74 community groups with special interests in the beautification efforts to evaluate and develop this program. tasksht -25- CITY OF DUBLIN MEMORANDUM DATE: January 17 , 1991 TO: Richard Ambrose, City Manager FROM: Laurence Tong, Planning Director SUBJECT: Status of Management Audit Summary of Recommendations Summary of Recommendations Status 1 . Establish a Planning and Partially complete. Scheduled Scheduling System for current for completion March 1991 . planning applications . 2 . Schedule current planning Partially complete. Scheduled applications at the time of for completion April 1991 . complete submittal . 3 . Modify role of "Planner of Partially complete. Scheduled the Day" for completion April 1991 . 4 . Convert records system to street Complete. address based system. 5 . Revise Zoning Ordinance in No action to date . Scheduled accordance with Management Audit for completion April 1991 . recommendations . 6 . Modify Site Development Review Partially complete. Scheduled process and guidelines . for completion April 1991 . 7 . Streamline submittal Partially complete. Scheduled requirements . for completion February 1991 . 8 . Development mid-range planning Complete . work program. 9 . Establish Development Review Complete . Committee . 10 . Develop more effective handouts Partially complete. Scheduled and brochures . for completion April 1991 . 11 . Simplify staff reports . Complete . 12 . Modify CUP process regarding expiration. Complete. _j 13 . Reduce interdepartmental review Complete. of Sign/SDR. 14 . Public relations ; initiate a See Administration; Customer service policy development and Service program. training program City wide. 15 . Review fee schedules . See Finance; Review Charges for Services . 16 . Establish current and long Complete. range planning divisions . 17 . Hire additional staff . Complete. 18 . Streamline secretarial work. Complete. 19 . Develop and implement an See Finance; Community automated permit system. Development Data Processing System. LLT:ga