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File # D[l][Z]fI5l-C3][Q]
Appointment of Student Member to Parks and Community Services
Commission. Report by: Diane Lowart, Parks & Community
Services Director
RECOMMENDATIO~: /l J ~Conf!rm appo~~ent of Anu Gill to the Parks and Community
YJl/ '{/ \F'; ServIces COmmISSIOn
DESCRIPTION: At the October 29, 1990 meeting of the Dublin City Council, the
Council adopted a resolution amending the Bylaws and Rules of Procedure for the Parks and Community
Services Commission to provide for the addition of a student member to the Commission. Per the bylaws,
the student member shall be appointed by the Mayor based on a recommendation from the Parks and
Community Services Commission.
The Parks and Community Services Commission, at their meeting of June 22, 1998, recommended that
. the City Council appoint Anu Gill as the student member to the Parks and Community Services
Commission. Therefore, it is the recommendation of Staff that the City Council take action on the
Commission's recommendation by appointing Anu Gill to the Parks and Community Services
COPIES TO: Parks & Community Services Commission
Anu GiII
G :\pcscomm \stndtrep \cc77tstrp.doc
'c: -~' -:.---CITYOFDUBUN -' ~-----
_ 100 Civic Plaza/P.O. Box 2340
Dublin, CA 94568
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~ . The- purpose_ortlle c;ommiSsi~I:1_~~_ to__c~itsldei'and make recofnmei1d~ions to the- city Council-and Staff:in all-
_ matters xrtaini~g 10 .rec~on. services. for the cifiiens of Dublin.... Th.e Parks' and_ Community Services
Commission :is made up of six members appointed by the Mayor and approved by the c;:ity Council. The term of
office for "the, Student 'CommIssioner .isfor one year, commencing ~uly= 1st and terminating the following
. June 30tti".. The .Commission meets the third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Commissioners receive $30.00
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Please 1ake a few minutes to -complete the following questions!' Your responses will be reviewed by a
subcommittee of "the Parks -and community Services Commission, followed by a personal interview to be
_ arrang!d_~~~ng:the weekvf June.!.,~!l98.. . . ','.._:~__~~~...,.-- m':.-;. :-::" ~ ... ..-
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2. What is the most important contribution you ,-can ,make to the., mmission? - ~
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:i. What 'knowledge do you have Df the
4. What "knowledge do you have of the programs offered .thro_ugh the Parks and Community Services
_ -...Depaf1l!lerrt7- Have you eyer .participated .in ,a. program or class offere.d by ~the .parks 'and Community
Services Department? . - - .- -
., - .
5. What school and/ore~ curricular activities are your involved in?
Name nnl \ h'll \
.Address II pI! h1r'T'i?nJi)V1) UllF
. ' J
APPLICATION DEADLINE.: May 27, 'rE98 (5:00 p.m.) Applications may be submitted in person at the Parks and Community
Services Department Office on the 2nd floor of the Dublin Civic Center or may be mailed to the Dublin Civic Center, 100
Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, 94568, Attention Diane Lowart, Parks and Community Services Director. For questions on
the appibation process, please call 633-6645.
Current Grade I i
Phone f)-~S'1~LP
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Name: ,.<\nu Gill Current Grade: 11
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. - .. L . Why are you interested in. :S~ing: o'n -the PJlrks and' Co~~ty _"5erVices_ Commission?
-.- ~ ---j am interested ~--~~g'on-the PaTkS-and-toiiun~ S~Ces cOmiTiissJori'because I
.. - ., - - feel thaI. I ~ou]abe a Conscientious, and reliable student ;represei1tative for the city of Dublin.
-- I feel that the City of Dublin needs to be a~e of the many outStanding programs that we offer
. through the Parks and Community Services and I am sure that I would be able to convey this
information correctly to them.
2. What is the most important contribution you can make to the Commission? The
most important contribution that I can make to the Commission is being a reliable liaison
between the teens of Dublin and the Commission. I have a approachable personality that other
teens are not afraid to converse with. They lmow I will listen to what they have to say, and
report back to the Commission with their feelings on an issue, andnot mine. I am not afraid to
voice my opinion to adu1~ oIl matters that need to be acknowledged. .
3. ~a~Jm~wJedg~do you 'have_ ofth~ parks and recreatiomiI facilities in Dublin1 1 have a
great deal of kno~ledge of the parks and re:creational :facilities o~red in Dublin, but I am sad
to say that most resident of Dublin are not. The Shannon Community Center is surrounded by
a park and is used for classes, available for rental, and has a Preschool. The Dublin Civic
Center cont:a.iiJs the offices- for the ~itY staff. The Mayor and <;:ity Councils have their offices
there" and public meetings are held at the Civic Center. The Dublin Senior Center is a large
multi-purpose room and provides programs and services for Dublin's Senior Citizens. The
Dublin Swim Center is open to the public from mid-April through Labor Day. The Swim
. Center pr~vides swim classes and recreatio~ swimming April through Labor Day. The
.. Dublin Sports Grounds have several fields available for rental, 2 softball fields, 5 baseball
diamonds, and various soccer fields. Alamo Creek Park is a large park vvith facilities including
barbecues" basketball courts" picnic tables, play equipm~ a turf area., and walkwaysltrails.
Dolan Park, Kolb Park, Shannon Park, and Stagecoach Park have much the same fucilities but
vary in size. . Mape Park. will have the same-once completed.
4. What knowledge do you have of the progr..ams offered through the Parks and Community
Senrices Department? Have you ever participated in a program or class offered by the
ParkS and Community Services Department? I am aware that Dublin offers a variety
of classes to their residents and residents from other cities (for an additional fee). These
classes range from day camp for pre-schoolers to lrish dancing ror adulls. Many hands-on
classes are offered as well 'such as sewing, creating a photo album. Fimess classes rangc from
aerobics" to_playing tennis, to horseback riding. lbelieve that these are variety of
eATIaordinary classes that appeal to citizens of Dublin of all ages.
5. What school and/or extra curricular activities are you involved in? I have been
involved in a number of activities during my years in high school but currently my resume
CSF - (California Scholarship Federation)
Student Body Vice President
Varsity Soccer
V arsity Track
YA.C. Member
Leadership at Dublin High.