HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.3 Approve 01-23-1984 Minutes REGULAR MEETING - JANUARY 23, 1984
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Dublin was held on
Monday, January 23 , 1984 in the multi-purpose room of Frederiksen School .
The meeting was called to order at 7 : 32 p.m. by Mayor Peter Snyder .
PRESENT: Councilmembers Drena, Hegarty, Jeffery, Moffatt and Mayor Snyder.
The Mayor led the Council , Staff and those present in the pledge of alleg-
iance to the flag .
On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Jeffery, and by unanimous vote, the
Council approved the following: Minutes of Regular Meeting of January 9 ,
1984 and Regular Meeting of October 24 , 1983 ; Financial Report for Period
Ending December 31, 1983 ; adopted
authorized execution and substitution of performance bond in the amount of
$128 , 500 in connection with the guarantee of work performed in Tract 4736 .
On motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote, the
Council approved the Warrant Register in the corrected amount. of $247 , 045.10 .
George DeLaCruz , Sutton Lane, addressed the Council with a status report
related to the continuous noise that comes from the corner of Village Parkway
and Amador Valley Boulevard as a result of tires peeling out of the 24 hour
service station and mini-mart .
J •� ; CM-3-11
January 23 , 1984
Mr . DeLaCruz reported that there was a definite difference as a result of the
90 day trial period with a guard on duty. However , the trial period had
recently ended, and in speaking with the owner , Mr . DeLaCruz was advised that
the station would no longer pay the cost for a guard, and from this point
forward, if the City wanted a guard, they would have to bear the cost .
Mr . DeLaCruz suggested an ordinance of some sort be adopted whereby an
individual doing business in Dublin would need to bear this cost as a part of
the cost of doing business . He further suggested that the cost could be
shared between AM/PM Mini-Mart and the Jack-in-the-Box Restaurant next door .
City Staff was directed to contact the owner of the AM/PM Mini-Mart and
request . a status report and determine if the owner intends to use a security
guard in the future .
On January 9 , 1984 , the Dublin City Council enacted Ordinance No. 01-84 as an
urgency measure. The Ordinance was substantially identical to the Livermore
Ordinances . The Dublin Ordinance differs from Livermore ' s in the amount that
can be contributed to a campaign ( $100 instead of $50 ) and the amount that
must be reported ( $15 . 01 instead of $10 . 01 ) .
The remaining substantial difference between the Ordinances was the language
added during the Council meeting to permit a candidate to contribute more
than $100 in order to pay for a filing fee and/or a campaign statement . The
addition of this language created an implication that the word "person" , as
used in Section 3 (b) , included candidates .
In response to an inquire at the meeting, the City Attorney stated that in
his opinion, the word "person" did include candidates. Thus, under the
Ordinance, candidates were limited to contributing no more than $100 to their
own campaign.
Since January 9th, there have been come questions raised regarding the
constitutionality of a restriction on the amount that a candidate may
contribute to his or her own campaign . After further study, the City,
Attorney concluded that Ordinance No. 01-84 may be unconstitutional as
applied to candidates.
The City Attorney recommended that the Council amend Ordinance No. 01-84 to
remove the constitutional infirmity.
An amended ordinance, deleting the problem language was presented, correcting
a misnumbered Government Code Section, and also, containing a severability
clause which provides that, if one part of the Ordinance is held to be
unconstitutional, the vali.dity of the remaining portions would be unaffected.
The City Attorney explained that , like the original Ordinance, this amended
Ordinance relates to an election and is, therefore, an urgency Ordinance
effective upon adoption.
Regular Meeting January 23, 1984
Loans from candidates to their own campaigns was discussed.
David Burton reiterated his position and urged the Council to rescind the
Cm. Hegarty felt that campaigns cost money and if a person believes in a
candidate they should be able to support that candidate . He stated they
still have to disclose under the state regulation.
Cm. Jeffery felt the ordinance .evens out the advantage an incumbent has over
an unknown candidate . She further stated she didn ' t feel this ordinance
created undue bookkeeping, as records must be kept anyway.
Mayor Snyder opened the public hearing .
Mike Greenspan, a Berkeley resident spoke against the ordinance stating that
the $100 limit severely limits those opposing incumbents .
Harry Day, a Dublin resident who indicated he had considered running for
office in the past, spoke against the ordinance .
George DeLaCruz spoke against the ordinance, stating that everyone
presupposes that outside interest would be detrimental to the good of the
people of Dublin. He felt this issue was coming up too early in Dublin ' s
Ed Rasmussen, Kolb Place supported the ordinance.
Pat Henderson, Emerald Court, spoke in favor of the ordinance .
Eileen Henderson, Emerald Court, felt that now was the time to deal with this
issue and to settle it before it has a chance to become a problem.
Ron Noble, Elba Way felt that the perception by the public was that all
elected officials are less than saintly and supported debugging the ordinance
by adopting the amendments and applauded the Council for adopting the
ordinance in the first place.
Bruce Patchen, Newcastle Lane, spoke in favor of the ordinance .
John Rogila, Betlen Drive, spoke in favor of the amendments to the ordinance.
Steve Taylor , Beverly Lane opposed the ordinance.
Tom McCormick , Emerald Avenue, felt the existing newly adopted ordinance
should be repealed. He quoted from a recent newspaper editorial and agreed
that "a hasty law is often a bad law" .
Harry Demmel, Los Ranchitos Court felt that Dublin doesn ' t need this kind of
an ordinance and stated his motto was " if it ain ' t broke, don ' t fix it . " He
felt the ordinance should be repealed and that the state law is adequate .
Regular Meeting January 23 , 1984
David Burton, Dillon Way, felt that more public input and participation
should be encouraged and suggested that the issue should be put to a vote of
the people .
Kathy Braytron cited the big dollars that came into Dublin by the fireworks
companies during the fireworks advisory ballot measure in 1982 . She spoke in
favor of the ordinance.
Gary Lochren, a Pleasanton resident felt the ordinance should be repealed, or
put to a vote of the people .
Norm Pitchford, Bonniewood Court, spoke in favor of the ordinance and urged
the City Council to take time to come up with the right law.
Mayor Snyder closed the public hearing .
Cm. Moffatt made a motion to repeal the ordinance and to come up with a
better idea . The motion was seconded by Cm. Hegarty. The motion was
defeated due to NO votes cast by Mayor Snyder , Cm. Drena and Cm. Jeffery.
The City Attorney read the amendments .
On ;notion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Drena, and by majority vote, the
amended Ordinance was adopted as an urgency ordinance . Voting NO on the
motion were Cm. Hegarty and Cm. Moffatt .
A short recess was called . All Councilmembers were present when the meeting
At the City Council meeting of December 12 , 1983 the City Council introduced
a Noise Ordinance which had been prepared by the City Attorney. The City
Council established January 23 , 1984 as a public hearing date for the second
reading of the noise ordinance .
This ordinance would restrict all types of noise and would be enforced
utilizing a "reasonable person" standard. This ordinance would enable a
, police officer to act as a witness and apply a standard of reasonableness of
noise based on the criteria established in the ordinance .
Regular Meeting January 23, 1984
Mayor Snyder opened the public hearing.
Nidel Day spoke in favor of having a noise ordinance adopted.
Lou Holveck, representing PG&E, stated he spoke not for or against
ordinance, but rather, wanted exemptions given to PG&E, as stated in his
written request.
The City Attorney indicated concern in that if the City exempts any public
utility company, they are essentially exempting themselves and felt the City
should, instead rely on the reasonable man standard.
Lt. Tom Shores indicated his department receives informal complaints from
time to time, but there have been no major problems since the Bonniewood
On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Drena, and by unanimous vote, the
Council waived the reading and adopted
Staff has conducted a mail survey at Council direction to ascertain from the
residents who back onto Village Parkway as to their feeling regarding
replacing the fence along Village Parkway with a precast decorative concrete
wall . To replace the fence with a wall in the same location will require an
easement from the property owners as the existing fence is on their
The results of the survey, as of this writing, are as follows :
Mailed out 71
Would like fence replaced . 52
Would not like fence replaced 4
No response 15
The purpose of this hearing is to obtain verbal input from the affected
property owners and determine the course of further action on this matter.
If the Council does not wish to replace the fence of those people opposed to
a new wall, a concrete wall could be constructed with a vertical board
finish and painted a dark brown so that there would not be much of a visual
contrast between the new wall and the old fence. However, this alternative
is not recommended by Staff . Also, the actual decision of the finish of the
wall can be postponed until it can be determined whether all the property
owners will dedicate the easement for the new wall .
Regular Meeting January 23, 1984
Staff recommended either a slumpstone/skip trowel or a vertical board/skip
trowel finish on the wall and that Council select the finish that it prefers
to have face the street .
Mayor Snyder opened the public hearing .
George Zika, Peppertree, questioned the legal process of how the City would
deal with those who don ' t want the fence .
Gary Lonigan, Beverly Lane, questioned who would bear the cost and any
possible assessment . It was explained that the City intended to pay for the
fence and that there would be no assessment to the property owners . The City
Attorney explained that the City would need a temporary construction
easement . Mr . Lonigan questioned whether or not this project would go out
for competitive bid. The City Engineer explained that it would.
Bill Chew, Diana Lane indicated he was originally concerned about trees that
are up against his fence . He questioned the length of time between when the
old fence was torn down and the new one erected. It was explained that the
timing would be approximately 1 - 2 weeks . Mr . Chew questioned the chain
link fence on the other side of Village Parkway. Mayor Snyder explained that
Zone 7 owns and maintains that particular fence.
David Burton, Dillon Way, questioned why the City didn ' t consider building
the fence on the sidewalk rather than having to obtain the easements . The
City Manager explained that the City needs this space to provide adequate
passage and for bus shelters . Mr . Burton questioned the priority of this
project and suggested putting the money into parks and recreation services
instead .
Steve Taylor , Beverly Lane, was in favor of the new fencing and asked if the
fence would also provide sound barrier benefits . He stated he would like to
see the time that the fence is down minimized. He questioned how side fences
will tie in .
Jenny Murray, Beverly Lane, spoke in favor of the new fences .
David Weinberg, Tamarack Drive, questioned the height of the fence and the
corner treatment . The corner treatment was explained and he was advised that
the fence will be 6 ft high .
Norm Pitchford, Bonniewood Court questioned if -the City Council might be
setting a precedent for future areas with regard to replacing fencing.
A Canterbury Lane resident was very much in favor of the project and asked if
there would be any tax benefit to those donating the easement .
Leonard Jenkin, Brighton Drive, questioned if residents would have choice of
which fence they want .
Mayor Snyder closed the public hearing.
Cm. Drena expressed concern regarding the 15 people who didn' t respond .
Regular Meeting January 23, 1984
On motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Moffatt , and by unanimous vote,
the Council authorized Staff to proceed to obtain easements from the
property owners .
On motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Drena, and by unanimous vote, the
Council authorized Staff to contract for appraisals as needed.
On motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote,
the Council determined that slumpstone fencing be used similar to that used
on the other side of Village Parkway and that color choices be brought back
at a future time .
On motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote,
the Council authorized Staff to proceed with plans and specifications for :
Project #1 - Sound wall along the west side of Village Parkway between
Amador Valley Boulevard and Kimball Avenue; and Project #2 - Landscape and
sidewalk improvements for the same limits; and made an additional
appropriation of $200 , 000 for the wall, and an additional appropriation of
$120 , 000 for landscaping .
Barratt San Jose originally applied for a Planned Development and Tentative
Map to develop a 112-unit mini-condominium project . The application was
considered by the Planning Commission and City Council .
The City Council continued the public hearing on the application in order to
prepare the San Ramon Road Specific Plan and to allow the applicant to
address the concerns of local residents .
Barratt San Jose has now submitted a revised Planned Development and
Tentative Map to develop an 88-unit project, with 48 townhouses and 40 mini-
condos . The application involves a revision to the Zoning Ordinance that was
not previously reviewed by the Planning Commission. State .zoning law
requires that the application be referred to the Planning Commission for
report and reco;nmendation.
Staff has met with applicant and there are four items which still need to be
mayor Snyder opened the public hearing .
Nathan Meeks addressed the Council, stating he would answer any questions the
Council may have, but felt perhaps questions at this point would be
premature, as most issues would be resolved at the Planning Commission level
prior to being heard by the Council .
Regular Meeting January 23, 1984
Residents who had questions related to the frontage treatment and sidewalKS,
size of units, etc . , were encouraged to attend the Planning Commission
hearing and provide their input at that time.
Dennis Ramsdell , Calle Verde Drive, spoke in opposition to the project .
Dick Hopkins spoke against the project .
Jim Hjerpe questioned where the people who were opposing this project had
been for the last year during which time all the public hearings had been
taking place . Mr . Hjerpe explained that many people had volunteered many
many hours toward the resolution of concerns related to this project . He
felt Barratt had made great strides toward working with neighboring home-
owners' related to various concerns and further , that Barratt had made many
concessions .
Mayor Snyder closed the public hearing .
On motion of Mayor Snyder , seconded by Cm. Jeffery, and by unanimous vote,
the Council referred Barratt ' s application to the Planning Commission for
review and recommendation at a public hearing .
The City Council has held a public hearing regarding the expenditure of
Community Development Block Grant and Jobs Bill funds allocated to the City
of Dublin for Fiscal Year 1983-84 . As a result of these .hearings , the City
Council approved the expenditure of $55 , 100 for a street improvement project
on Dougherty Road. This project consists of the installation of curb,
gutter and sidewalk improvements from the railroad pathway on the south to
as far north as possible . At this time the City Engineer estimates that
improvements can be installed to North Mariposa Drive, which is just north
of the Arroyo Vista Community Building . It is anticipated that the
remainder of the improvement would be constructed as additional Community
Development Block Grant funds become available to the City.
On motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote,
the Council authorized Staff to advertise Contract 84-1 for bids .
At its meeting of November 28 , 1983 , the . City Council adopted a sidewalk
repair policy for fiscal year 1983-84 and appropriated $100 ,000 for
undertaking sidewalk repairs throughout the City.
In accordance with City Council direction, the City Engineer prepared plans
and specifications and a list of defective sidewalk locations.
Cm. Hegarty questioned if every street had been surveyed. The sidewalk in
front of 7475 Starward Drive was added to the list .
Regular Meeting January 23, 1984
On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Jeffery, and by unanimous vote,
the Council authorized Staff to advertise Contract 84-2 for bids .
In October , the Amador-Livermore Valley Historical Society (ALVHS) contacted
the City Council indicating an interest in meeting with the Park & Recrea-
tion Commission to investigate the possibility of mutually providing for the
restoration of old St . Raymond ' s Church. Representatives of ALVHS were in
attendance at the Park & Recreation Commission meeting on December 13 , 1983 .
The representatives indicated to the Commission members that they would like
to consider a lease arrangement with the City. ALVHS President, Alan
Campbell, indicated that they were considering a twenty year lease at one
dollar per year , which would include renewal options .
The Park & Recreation Commission had concerns about providing funding for
capital improvements on a building which the City did not own. Therefore,
the Commission requested additional information and a legal opinion from the
City Attorney.
The. City Attorney has indicated that if a mutually acceptable agreement
cannot be negotiated then the City Council would have the option to acquire
the property for public use through emminent domain proceedings . This
process would require the City to pay fair market value for the property
based on an independent appraisal of the property.
At the Park & Recreation Commission meeting on January 17 , 1984 , the
Commission requested additional information on the potential cost of
acquiring the old St . Raymond ' s Church . The Commission is desirous of
analyzing all costs and options available. In order to proceed with this
process , the Commission has requested that the. City Council authorize Staff
to acquire an independent appraisal . Included in the motion was the request
to have the City acquire an estimate of the cost of repairs necessary to
bring the building up to code .
At the Park & Recreation Commission meeting, the Commissioners were under
the impression that an appraisal would cost approximately $150 . 00 The
assumption of a small expenditure for a qualified appraisal encouraged them
to request authorization.
However , subsequent to the Commission meeting, Staff has consulted with the
City Attorney on the cost of this item. The Attorney has estimated the cost
between $3 , 000 and $5 , 000 . An appraisal which is used in emminent domain
proceedings is required to be prepared by an independent appraiser and would
serve as a legal document .
Given the additional information on the cost of appraisal and the receipt of
correspondence frora ALVHS, Staff requested the City Council consider options
available and provide direction accordingly.
Regular Meeting January 23, 1984
Liz Schmitt , P&R Commissioner , stated she would like to see Staff directed to
telephone and get approximate appraisal costs . She stressed the critical
time factor because of the current disrepair of the facility.
Cin. Jeffery felt the historical society had provided a service to the
community and further , that the Council should write them a letter thanking
them very much for their generous offer and politely ask them to make good on
their commitment to restore the church . Council should also ask them to
define "weather permitting" , and ask if Council could check back at some
future date .
Tom McCormick , P&R Commissioner , stated the Livermore-Amador Valley
Historical Society is now having a major fundraising event directed toward
other activities, and they simply don ' t have time to devote to old St .
Raymond ' s . There is no committee directed to this project .
Cm. Moffatt questioned if the City could repair the facility and give the
bill to the historical society. The City Attorney responded negative .
Cm. Drena felt the City should ask the society what their restoration plans
are for this property. He felt it looked as if they had shown no interest in
this particular site and that they have had enough time to do something if
they were going to do it .
The City Attorney explained the process for obtaining an appraisal and
because of the unique and peculiar nature of the location, this could
actually cause a .high appraisal . The appraisal must be figured at the
highest commercial use potential for the property.
Tom McCormick stated he would be very happy to conduct a tour of the facility
for the City Attorney.
Mr . Taugher and Mr . White, Dublin Building Officials have both checked the
building and found it to be up to code.
On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Moffatt and by majority vote, the
Council directed the Park & Recreation Commission to continue in their
efforts toward restoration and to keep an open dialogue and discussion going
with the LAVHS, and come up with some kind of proposal to report back to the
Council in 2 months . Further , if the Commission could come up with a
pro-bono appraisal, they should obtain it . Voting against this motion were
Cm. Jeffery and Mayor Snyder .
The Council directed Staff to study these two intersections at the request
of a citizen of Dublin for the possibility of replacing the four-way stop
intersection control with traffic signals .
TJKM completed the study and their report was given to the City Council.
Regular Meeting January 23 , 1984
These intersections do meet signal warrants with the Brighton Drive
intersection indicating a higher priority. It is felt that even though
these intersections do meet the warrants, other locations in the City do
have a greater need .
On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote, the
Council directed Staff to include signal installations at Village Parkway at
Brighton Drive and Tamarack Drive for future consideration in the Five-Year
Capital Improvement budget to be updated in June, 1984 . Cm. Jeffery felt
that if there were greater needs elsewhere, this should be put in a lower
priority position.
At the regular City Council meeting on January 9 , 1984 , Councilmember Drena
requested that H . R. 4103 be examined, to determine the need for Council
action .
Staff has contacted Congressman Stark ' s office to determine when the
legislation may be heard by the full committee. The staff members of the
House Energy and Commerce Committee informed Representative Stark ' s office
that they do not have a hearing date set at this time. Their best
estimation was that the hearing would be held in mid - February.
The legislation in its current form has been opposed by the National League
of Citites and the California League of Cities .
Difficulties the legislation would cause cities was discussed.
On motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote,
the Council determined that based upon the findings, a letter of opposition
be sent to legislative leaders in the House of Representatives .
The City has received the .1984 Insurance Renewal Quotation from the City' s
Insurance Broker .
The total 1984 premium cost to the City is $ 9 ,080 which is $ 1,080 more
than 1983 . This is primarily attributable to the following :
1 . Increased coverage required for the City ' s fixed assets . Last year those
City fixed assets covered totalled approximately $42 ,000 . This year ,
more than twice the coverage is required. The Public Employee ' s Bond was
also increased from $100 , 000 to $200 ,000 . Premium difference, $541 .
Regular Meeting January 23 , 1984
2 . Last year the City ' s Umbrella Policy premium was a minimum premium. This
year the company has increased its minimum premium by approximately $600 .
Approximately 10% of this increase, or $60 will be reimbursed by Alameda
It is also important to note that there has been an increase in the auto
coverage due to the addition of a detective car which was approved in the
1983-84 budget . However , this additional premium will be paid by Alameda
County in accordance with its agreement with the City.
The City budgeted a total of $8 , 100 in the 1983-84 budget for insurance
coverage . Since a portion of each years insurance is prepaid for the
subsequent fiscal year , a total of $8 , 300 is needed for fiscal year 1983-84 .
On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote,
the Council 1) Authorized the City' s insurance broker to bind the proposed
coverage ; and 2 ) Authorized a budget transfer in the amount of $200 from the
Contingent Reserve to the Insurance Budget .
As part of the review and approval of Larry Lee ' s 150 unit , single family
development and Amador Lake ' s development , certain landscaping and park
maintenance was made a condition of approval . This maintenance assessment
district will assure that these maintenance responsibilites are undertaken.
The first years assessment is to be $27 , 000 ; to be shared by Amador Lakes
( 60% ) and Larry Lee ' s 150 unit subdivision ( 40% ) .
The County Assessor will collect the money and turn it over to Dublin. The
City will then be responsible for the maintenance of the park and land-
scaping .
This District ' s boundaries includes all of subdivision #4719 and maintains
all Stagecoach Drive landscaping ( including that portion within the City of
San Ramon) and the mini park in this subdivision. Staff has met with the
City Manager of San Ramon regarding various methods of handling the
maintenance within San Ramon . At present, Staff is proceeding with a draft
joint powers agreement for Dublin to contract to maintain all the
landscaping with the funds collected from the District . This agreement will
be brought to the City Council for its consideration at a later date .
On motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote,
the Council adopted
Regular Meeting January 23, 1984
The City ' s Planning Commission has indicated its desire to host joint local
dinner meetings with the Planning Commissions from Alameda County,
Livermore, Pleasanton and San Ramon . The Planning Commission has also
expressed an interest in hosting a dinner for the City of San Ramon Planning
Commission and Staff at the upcoming League of CA Cities Planning
Commissioners Institute in San Diego. The cost of hosting the local dinner
meetings would be approximately $500 per meeting . The cost of hosting the
San Ramon Planning Commission would be approximately $200 . At present, the
Travel , Conference & Meeting Account in the Planning budget does not have
funds budgeted for such meetings . If the Planning Commission were to host
one local meeting and a dinner at the League meeting between now and the end
of the fiscal year , a budget transfer in the amount of $700 .would be
Since the City Council has not typically hosted such meetings for other
bodies in the past at City expense, and since the City Council has also
appointed a ParK & Recreation Commission which might request similar
authorization in the future, Staff recommended that the City Council adopt a
policy with respect to the City incurring the expense for such meetings .
Cm. Hegarty felt there should be an attitude of give and take, and that we
should not always be on the taking end.
Mayor Snyder felt that since the City Council attends meetings and seminars
at their own budgeted expense, and since other cities budget for these same
expenses, it is not appropriate for Dublin to spend money on other cities .
Cm. Drena felt an expenditure of perhaps $50 to secure a meeting facility
and to provide light refreshments would be appropriate.
Council concensus was that light refreshments could be served and an
appropriate meeting place secured.
Cm. Hegarty asked to be excused and left the meeting at 12 ; 05 a.]ri.
Regular Meeting January 23, 1984
On January 18 , 1984 Mayor Snyder from the City of Dublin, Cm. Mercer from
the City of Pleasanton and Cm. Weiskamp from the City of Livermore heard
public testimony and discussed the potential for all 3 Cities agreeing on
the extension of a BART line to the Valley area . All representatives at the
meeting agreed that it was important for the Valley to present a unified
position to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission Executive Committee
at its hearing on January 26 , 1984 .
Each of the representatives agreed to bring the following concepts back to
their respective City Council ' s for consideration by the full Council of
each City:
1 ) The Valley should have 2 stations built in the first phase in addition to
the Bay Fair Station. The first station would be located on I-580 between
Dublin and Stoneridge. The second station would be located in the vicinity
of the Hacienda Interchange .
2 ) That the Cities of Dublin and Pleasanton would support the City of
Livermore ' s position with respect to the routing of a BART line provided
that the BART line would follow route I-580 .to at least the eastern City
limits of the City of Pleasanton.
On motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote,
( Cm. Hegarty absent) , the Council adopted .
and approved a drafted letter be sent to the Metropolitan Transportation
Goals & Objectives Meeting
The City Manager indicated that it was necessary for him to request a change
of the previously agreed upon meeting date for the special meeting to discuss
the City' s Goals & Objectives, due to a prior commitment .
Regular Meeting January 23, 1984
The date for the meeting was changed to Thursday, February 16 , 1984 at
7 : 30 p.m. The meeting location will be arranged by Staff .
League Revenue & Taxation Committee Meeting
Cm. Jeffery reported that she had recently attended a committee meeting and
had copies of information available if the Council were interested .
Cm. Jeffery indicated she had also recently attended a study session put on
by UC Davis on autonomy of local government. Cm. Jeffery felt there was an
interesting exchange of information and a written report will be available
soon .
Village Parkway - Landscaping on East Fence Line
Liz Schmitt , Cypress Court, asked about the possibility of landscaping
between the sidewalk and fence along the east side of Village Parkway. Staff
was directed to determine if this area is in the City right-of-way.
There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was
adjourned at 12 : 19 a .m.
City Clerk
Regular Meeting January 23 , 1984