HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.3 City Song Contest ,. .. . . . ., CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 22, 1993 SUBJECT: ~.~ .. ~. EXHIBITS RECOMMENDATION~: Recei ve presentations/performances 2) Individually judge songs on a 1 to 10 rating ~ 3) Have Staff member tally and display ratings 4) Declare song which receives the highest rating as winner 5) Announce that winning song will be "unveiled" to the community during festivities to be held at the Shamrock village Shopping Center immediately following the st. Patrick's Day parade on Saturday, March 13, 1993 FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: On January 11, 1993, Steven King Stewart appeared before the City Council and expressed a desire to write an official City song for the City of Dublin. The City Council found the idea intriguing and decided, with no objection from Mr. Stewart, to open the City song up to a contest. A press release was issued and newspaper articles appeared advising interested parties to notify the City Clerk of their interest in participating by January 25, 1993. Eight people expressed interest in and a desire to compete by composing a totally original song for the city. The majority of the contestants either live or work in Dublin. Staff will randomly select the order in which the contestants will perform their songs. Following the performances,the Council's individual tally sheets should be given to a member of City staff who will enter the numbers on an easel displayed in the Council Chambers. The winner will then be declared, and will have the next 3 weeks in which to put the "finishing touches" on their song in order to perform it before the community at the annual st. Patrick's Day festivities being held on Saturday, March 13, 1993. Immediately following the st. Patrick's Day parade, various entertainment and activities will be held at the Shamrock Village Shopping Center located on Amador Valley Boulevard @ San Ramon Road. ------------~--------------~-----------~------------------------~---~- ITEM NO. J. 7 COPIES TO: Recreation Department Contestants C IT YC L E R K FILE I ., ll~'o~ol , . . . . . CITY OF DUBLIN CITY SONG CONTESTANTS steve stewart 1230 Central Avenue Livermore, CA 94550 Pam A. Hanna P. o. Box 10895 Pleasanton, CA 94588 Joe Mason 6940 Amador Valley Boulevard Dublin, CA 94568 Curt Ingram 9447 Alcosta Boulevard San Ramon, CA 94583 Claudia McCormick 7170 Emerald Avenue Dublin, CA 94568 Heidi June Brown 1664 Pas eo Laguna Seco #80 Livermore, CA 94550 Chuck Morrish 6932 Tyne Court Dublin, CA 94568 Tim Sandoli c/o Shamrock Ford 7499 Dublin Boulevard Dublin, CA 94568 , " . . . . L January 26, 1993 congratulations! You are an official entrant in the contest to write Dublin's city song. As of the unofficial deadline at the close of business yesterday, a total of 8 people responded to the city's publicity and expressed a desire to compete in writing a song/anthem. The City council will hear and judge all the entries at the beginning of their Council meeting on Monday, February 22, 1993. The meeting begins at 7:30 p.m., and is held in the Council Chambers of the Dublin civic Center, 100 civic Plaza, Dublin. By establishing this date for judging, the winner will then be able to put the final touches on their song in order to have it "unveiled" to the community during the st. Patrick's Day celebration which will be held in Dublin on Saturday, March 13, 1993. On February 22nd, you should be prepared to either perform your song, have someone else perform it, or have a cassette tape which can be played. The order in which the performances will be heard will be selected at random and the Council has expressed a desire to individually judge each song with a 1 to 10 ranking. The winner, therefore, will be the song which receives the highest number out of a potential 50 points. I would appreciate it if you would call me on either Friday or Monday, February 19/22 (833-6656) to confirm your attendance at the Council meeting. Also, please let me know if you need any special equipment. Anyone who has not attended a Council meeting in the past and who would like to see the layout of the Council Chambers prior to the meeting date, just let me know and I'll arrange to give you a tour. We're very proud of our civic Center and love to see people's faces when they tour it for the first time. In the meantime, I wish each of you the very best, and happy songwriting! Sincerely, Kay Keck City Clerk .' ., ;~ .x),.:~;~;:;.t':.:;;; · lIt;~~~~i ~~tl~o;,I;,:gli.~~tl!~i;"~~!U~HiUHH~;. l~ ~~. ~. 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SONG NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 l ] COUNCILMEMBER HOUSTON VICE MAYOR BURTON MAYOR SNYDER COUNCILMEMBER MOFFATT COUNCILMEMBER HOWARD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOTES: