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Appointments by Mayor to Heritage Center Advisory Committee
. Copy of Display Ad which ran on February 19 & 22, 1995, & Valley
Times article
. Application Forms submitted by: /
Mary Beth Acuff, 8048 Via Zapata
Mary Jane Hyde, 7426 Mancini Court /
Ellen S. Johnson, 8165 Peppertree Court /
Gloria J. Kasdan, 11418 Winding Trail Lane /
Janet Lockhart, 8136 Creekside Drive /
Vyann N. Stager, 7646 Arbor Creek Circle /
~ontirm appointments or provide appropriate direction to Staff.
DESCRIPTION: In April of 1994, the City Council received a report from the Heritage
Task Force, and among the recommendations which were unanimously approved was the formation of a
Heritage Center Advisory Committee. As approved by the City Council, the Heritage Center Advisory
Committee will have the following general responsibilities: "Tlte Committee shall consider and make
recommendations as it deems necessary to tlte City Council, Parks & Community Services Commission and
to City Staff in all matters pertaining to the restoration, maintenance and operation of historical resources
owned by the City. "
Following advertisements in local papers, a total of 6 people completed applications to apply for one of 5
openings on the Heritage Center Advisory Committee. Mayor Houston recommends that the following 5
people be appointed:
1) Mary Beth Acuff 2) Mary Jane Hyde 3) Ellen Johnson 4) Janet Lockhart 5) Vyann Stager
Staff recommends that the City Council either confirm the Mayor's recommended appointments or
provide appropriate direction to Staff.
COPIES TO: All Applicants
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~ ~
: em OF DUBLIN :
~ ~
~ ~
~ The City of Dublin is accepting applications 'JI
~ for the following: ~
~ ~
~ ~
~ This new advisolY group will review and make ~
~ reconunendations to the City COW1cll on issues ~
~ involving the historic Dublin Heritage Center. ~
~ ~
~ ~
~ This task force will study, report and make ~
~ rec0111mendations to the City Cow1cil and the ~
. Dublin Unified School District Board ~
~ on conunwuty facility needs in Dublin. '"
~ ~
~ Dublin residents interested in serving on one of the, "
,~ above comlnittees may request an application fonn, ~
~ by contacting Kay Keck, City Clerk, at 833-6650. ,: .. ~
~ Applications should be returned to the City Clerk's ' ~
. ~ Office at the Dublin Civic Center, by 4:00 p.m. on '"
. Frida~ March 3, 1995. ~
Dublin seeks
applicants for
, ~ ,_ 5
Times staN 1 \ '1, .,).. ~ 1
DUBUN - Applicants are being
sought for the Heritage Cer:~~r Ad-
visory Committee and the Commu-
.~;ty Facilities Task Force.
The heritage center panel will ad-
vise the City Council on issues in-
volving the old Murray School, old
St. Ravmond's Church and the
Dublin 'Cemetery.
The facilities group will make
recommendations to the council and
Dublin Unified School District
trustees on needs in Dublin, in-
cluding the desire for parks, teen
centers, community buildings and
Application forms are available
from City Clerk Kay Keck at 833-
6650. Applications must be received
by 4 p.m. March 3 at the Civic Cen-
ter, at Dublin Boulevard and Civic
e e
NAME !1f//217Berl/ fh..u# DATE J/:l;/f~
ADDRESS ;YO 1 r (Jr a..-- ;: 0-0ai.zo ~' - .
I MAr{ IG 1995
Vulo 11M , C 14 7Ft; &r' ..
TELEPHONE # (HOME) ~ J- / - () y:~ 2. (WORK)
1. Why are you interested in serving on the Heritage Center Advisory Committee?
.L fto..irL heen IHU~!Ue.a 1;[ neu=jJthorltood oIeuelCftni!rit r/ f"{TtJ/2Ji.!..- /:JYc3SeVU~
I 11 .AJ~vJ M~IX'~ 0 Lp(c!.[)[OUS ve(/c{eYl&.c) CvVt-d wM c1. Llee rJ-.o if ~ Qn 6C1H~ 'T
& 'rkIS LY1+~Vg;,+ ';L i)(.,Lh;'~ ~ IJvn Wl~vnbe'r 0{ ).}J{. M S/OelC.. } Au7
2. What knowledge do you have of the Dublin Heritage Center (Murray Schoolhouse,
Old St. Raymond's Church and Dublin Cemetery?
/L \J'~I fed "~'tV'l1 C', C<M.d... ~ y~ JJr4{ !"lfWft;a..O Q c~ &~ DuJ/J";_
-;/ ~ f-v{k-we). ()l'}1,v,ks; 1 pYe~eYV~ St{.fPDvkKS ,~ ) ~ rat'e~
3. Are you familiar with the other historical organizations operating within the City
(Dublin Historical Preservation Association and E Clampus Vitus)? If so, how do
you envision these groups working with the City for the betterment of the Heritage
~ ~ tYjOefl;fU!.i w ~~ J. } ; errr~ fofes e V r) a.:/-e;'1. rJ...I:.-:h vt h eo &4:t
y.,e1 rnudt.1UJ I' ~rl;" I!J< I~A !;;It<. h / I ~ f) c.. ~ 1 (l.e eel b 0. VI ~ is It; V'I e.aJ2. ~W.4 ~h L J..
rod I ~ <.fkV'jlt Ct vt--c ) C-~u l-c.. J oLe-~Yr1€wr re) ~ot~~ uvvt>>tL(;~~-M~) -
~. (91-'o~ ha" 5~mh wW -e.aAv1oQ. c.oM4~.
4. What uses do you envision for Old St. Raymond's Church and Murray Schoolhouse
once renovation of the structures is completed?
J S~ '1t..e.u. ax, cv ~ e.,., Qri-,,/ ~ q r;;otJ O-7~
do ~Git, C--er1u~ p~(,f1M. A1K() l;~ V'QAAor)~ Qr~
c4wrt-:'+- ~ 'i/ ~ ~rJ.ais;
5. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community, but
unpopular with neighbors or organizations?
Nt! d(.e.,~,~ ~ I)~~. ~JI}~ da 4J ~a.., ~
"'-0 ~ iMJ ~ ~~ eM., ~v~ 'tf.uJ; r WJ pr"s~-,/g~ ./
~ r ~. ~!.V rrY ~ U;h~ L-....Jv h
~ '!-o .o~~! lM'V1.f~-'!--V1u:r e..&m'~ a-dv~
~ l~ @-:nJt-<f<S .
6. What is the most important contribution you feel you can make as a member of the
Heritage Center Advisory Committee?
-p~ ~ ~f5~ -1-0 ~ Cf:m~.
In order to be considered by the Mayor for appointment to the Heritage Center Advisory
Committee, please return this completed form to the attention of Kay Keck, City Clerk, 100 Civic
Plaza, P. O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 by 4:00 p.m., Friday, March 3,1995.
. I,,~ I~ f 1 I. t
DEe 191994
" ... r"". H'''I~ ~. .
NAME /J'Jdnf J at1{; iJie
ADDRESS 11;;' ~ /!1ai1(!//1[ 0 i '
[) (,l h L'V)
TELEPHONE # (HOME) g ;J--8' ..- 03 / g
f /
(WORK) -
Why are you interested in serving on the Heritage Center Advisory
j; /~ ~ fi ~ ~ U:-IM./ /f.J.d€ tUV ~U- i:k
t~'~.ij~~.&r11/r#~ ~F"~,UtLJ-dL d4/, /
PA1~' dlk.-J.,d.-i.a/-L b .vk/akd ~~.d
L~;IE FJ ~ tVd&tLViLoAMLLJe:W~~~
2. What knowledge do you have of the Dublin Heritage Center ~~ -
schoolhouse, old st. Raymond's Church and Dublin Cemetery)?
'-~~ OJ -I~ d4/ JJ /dM-""~ /~. dp-- A,'-:u A~ j}/,du'd ~.
;/.; .//' l
,-;? ~ . ---lttl4-U/, d . ba/~' ~tLv0f / /
Ut4 . '/iUl .
"Jku /~ :'
the other historical organizations
Historical preservation
what uses 0 you envision for Old st. Raymond's Church and
Murray Schoolhouse once renovation of the structures is
completed? ~
!iuJJt/~':Z;'~~uJV~~ ~/
~ .-IA~V ~dAL/tt/h~
~(1P~-t:~)'"(!UfLi/'/ IfdJ.Nti ~ -
~--7,~~-tlu:c,~, .
5. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of
the community but unpopular with neighbors or organizations?
b~ ~/JZd;-IIu-c~~ tL (!hf-,~~ '-'~~ h-v~ tUmr /
/I. · / '. -I-- ~~.J /J f' I-Y7 l.f: -/; J! /; ) j ...i-
'_' ~ '}- ~ --I""'$,."'./1tl0____ . t'-W/LI~ !.v /p,./l_____- / ~
r!Pa~ ~f~eJhJ_;/~,
6. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member
of the Heritage Center Advisory committee?
J-udJ L~LeJt ~J)~/~) .J~
'7:1:::7; If~:tiu- ~~ :'jJP 'l'~~~~
1kd1 ~ d4!a<db.u ~ ~.u:4U;~ .dv
, n~J.r-~ cL~ ML"~,
"';::z;;L: ~~,..?r~~/.44-
In order to be considered by the Mayor fot apPolntment to the Herlt~ge~LJ~~
Center Advisory Committee, please return this completed form to the .~
attention of Kay Keck, city Clerk, 100 Civic Plaza, P.o. Box 2340,
Dublin, CA 94568 by 5:00 p.m., Thursday, December 22, 1994.
-~j e e
NAME E1l211 S. Jon.'15on
DATE March 1, :995 r t: C :: j V ~ D
8165 Peppertree Court
f~lAR:3 1995
Dublin, California
"':lr~{ i--""': ~!H'II'~:'
(WORK) 510- 606-4812 Ext. 60
I. Why are you interested in serving on the Heritage Center Advisory Committee?
As a lifelong lover of the arts and longtime teacher in the Humanities, I would very
much like to be a part of making choices and decisions about the community where
I J j Vp T vi pw t'hp Hpri t.ngp rpnt.er as a place all Dubliners should know about and want.~
to li~it for J. -;J.ticty of cJCpcricnccc wo could offer
2. What knowledge do you have of the Dublin Heritage Center (Murray Schoolhouse,
Old St. Raymond's Church and Dublin Cemetery?
I have visited the schoolhouse, church and cemetery many times and have read what
the news media have reported about them for the last thirty years.
3. Are you familiar with the other historical organizations operating within the City
(Dublin Historical Preservation Association and E Clampus Vitus)? If so, how do
you envision these groups working with the City for the bettennent of the Heritage
T recently met several members of the Dublin Historiaal Preservation Association:;
and found them to be an energetic group eager to work fer improvements to Dublin. It
seems very natural for such groups to cooperate on even larger projects that provide
direction and contribute to our awareness of Dublin's rich history.
-, e e
4. What uses do you envision for Old St. Raymond's Church and Murray Schoolhouse
once renovation of the structures is completed?
Churches are always wonderful settings for musical offerings and may, along with th4e old
schoolhouse, be areat sDOts for dramatic events such as rleadinqs or more elaborate
theatrical productions. As a musician, I am always pleased to discover a new setting
for a wide variety of artistic presentations. I would work toward interesting, arresting
presentations of the area's history with speakers and perhaps small festivals to inform.
S. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community, but
unpopular with neighbors or organizations?
Perhaps those groups who find a particular antipathy toward a proiect could be participants
in d~ci~ion"-ma]dng to l!:'EI'Oil all 5ide~ and feel be tter that th~y ha~TC> ::lr 1 C>::l<:<t a 9n;::ln>
in the decision process.
6. What is the most important contribution you feel you can make as a member of the
Heritage Center Advisory Committee?
My energy, enthusiasm, background in the arts and teaehing groups about the evaluation
process are attributes that best characterize my talents as a committee member. I have
carvad on mlmGlrOU8 commi tt99~ to :iel\3ict prof'ii'55iorJ.91 pe>r<:<onnel. OE'''c>J 0P rllrri rll111m ;::lnd
plan a variety of proiects. The challenqe of workinq with an interesting and varied
group of loca,i~,:~ tizenj/"Ys an~ e~1. ting one.
SIGNATURE [' {' (t.:-/, ., "'\.-- /t..-......-?"'---OCCUPATION Teacher/Professor
In order to be considered by the Mayor for appointment to the Heritage Center Advisory
Committee, please return this completed form to the attention of Kay Keck, City Clerk, 100 Civic
Plaza, P. O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 by 4:00 p.m., Friday, March 3, 1995.
,- . " .- ""l
e e - : :: ~. t .,
NAME abfO'/a.. -X- /GsJa",-, DATE ~j".qS; /9'1"-
ADDRESS /!/f/f~. U0t4/I1J /,.a;/ La.I1~./
:DttJ//H ~ CA 9~n y
If;" ,
TELEPHONE # (HOME) (jO - a1 q ,91, 7/ (WORK) - J ('tetJ".e ~
I. Why are you interested in serving on the Heritage Center Advisory Committee?
S/If&t.. rc.t'l'il/S -Pttu, +4!A4tj~.J I h4UL tlDJu...1~t!:r~J 4J 4.. JDCeJ!t-
cd- j,;.,Js':J Wild"'Ie.. Mu.Jt "111 i/1 kwUhdt ertdr. / Ilna as 4.: vis/f,,/' /Mi'" +ltL
Sen;cV' Sypolt ~H1tr in P/i'd.Jan7DKJ.r Th,'",/( it; 1;. -fir m~ 1-" F mDre
invD/ued /VifJt s~,..v/ce. to '"I' O~11 comnft.tni-lrJ :;1Ju~t~ " OblJiou.s{y) a.s c:L
-fi,~meY' /e4.cheT'./ ~ -+J,;n~ h/sb"d ;.$ Vcr)/ impbr'fanl,
2. What knowledge do you have of the Dublin Heritage Center (Murray Schoolhouse,
Old St. Raymond's Church and Dublin Cemetery?
WAi/!" "J;;AIt C"oru'l'L W4S ,'1\ my '3f'J tjr4Jc. c.lt1.sS a.:f ~}orn4""!.s.l he +a.(~tJ. 46cu::f
how A."'~ a.I1.C~s"fo,. oP h/s -lell -flftOWl +IJ, 6"'feeple. o-r old .sf, ?"fa. mond:s.
Chl4.f'ch. 7lia..r- f,AJj I!:T j appe I e "/I II. DIL m"rel ~,ep r
De..,ioJ,'c.. A."'-;-I'c/es in loc41 nf!.l4Jspa.;oei^S; if ..seem.! 'l-h-ef'l' :05 'YM't ~
!o"f. Dr ,'" -F;,,, m a:h '0 "-' m... aI fL '" e... ,f ;* Q /J'" ;/ "--fIe . 'f" -I-It e p <<. J /, ~ .
I ),_p~ ~n4.+- +nL Je () e }opTheYlT ""J,~ ,/~'I'/~ e Cc: TI h t?
u;,' ~ I . {,~ a... oS DU." ce D -r: hI, " sJ"",'c it. / i /1 fi"... 41>........ -r;.. n ,,1". "?~ -Hr e-
el +, ~enS tf"P.;:D u6t4- 14f!,~ -!he... .su.,.rDUA4e(/I,.:J cD""""u."d-le 4.JSd.
3. Are you familiar with the other historical organizations operating within the City
(Dublin Historical Preservation Association and E Clampus Vitus)? If so, how do
you envision these groups working with the City for the betterment of the Heritage
-Z- ),."I! "1'1' 1'~,..so"4/!1 J~41+ ...;t), th<... A.~D"-e...-
O~4.n/;c""'''on..s ,. hl.(/..--f 4.1J!1 4.wa.",e IJf -tlte)H,.L ~eJ/e"e it
I ; mpo~"'4.....:t- ..(H 1-hA.+ hatJC
IS ve"l'j ~rD""'KJS t\.. e.D~ '"o~
; n"e~e.st- +0 Com WI u.n i e..4 'te -P,..er"r,+/J J 4....J +0 {!DOp'" ..:J-e.-
tt.>>1,Jl A-S S ; s.,.- e4ch I> 1-.J,~"r
e e
4. What uses do you envision for Old St. Raymond's Church and Murray Schoolhouse
once renovation of the structures is completed?
St. 'RA.d_."d$: -p~V1 -FoO' ,,;~:.".s, -to'U"SI m~c"'("O.s J
6" _II c h 0..... Vi ..st,," ... e..T....1 CDJ1ce r't-.s ..........~.
.~ ~ : )
doc.eY\t-' to""oS" ~,.. 'ocAl ("f- .sL4V'''O"",~dl"''~ o.1'ed;) dc.hool chi 1cl.Y'e,V\.J)
ttJcc.t;~.s .
5. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community, but
unpopular with neighbors or organizations?
clec.;..s/on.s -that rnAJ b~ unpopu..IClr "";+111 .some....
does 110+ ..seem +.,. bQ 4. f)l'D lJ~~ -P-- me..
6. What is the most important contribution you feel you can make as a member of the
Heritage Center Advisory Committee?
r -f.1:eJ ....~ "".... J i>l e.d k e...t " 0..... ~ .. J -:J-""" UVl i-
dD.C -e... t a..r. t-i u i:J Wo ..I J be. ..... AS oS cf- i,", bd..; ".j~ .u:t-
...~ ";~.s, .",cl in CDO,.J;naf-~"'j T"rc.;~ikd--foll" c:loc~;t- t1~u..p~
..should tha.-t ~~ one D~ fit! -P""u~e uses 07 "'h~ old.. ~~
School house II
SIGNATURE-fl;.,.;fl '5f;:;~.,.lcCUPATIONj.#~.,L) -",./.q~~
In order to be considered by the Mayor for appointment to the Heritage Center Advisory
Committee, please return this completed form to the attention of Kay Keck, City Clerk, 100 Civic
Plaza, P. O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94968 by 4:00 p.m., Friday, March 3,1995.
,. ,. -
\ . . . RECl"lIVED
NAME :::JOL f\ 'f':} ho C'Kf1 1'1 Rf DATE
ADDRESS ~ (310 CJ(b 6 Ks J JJ6 :[),R
~d~I~0 I CA ql{S'6~
TELEPHONE # (HOME) ~~q- ~~.7 (WORK)
q ;;Lq ~ ?d-13
1. Why are you interested in serving on the Heritage Center Advisory Conunittee?
~ 1-<-}~;Y'd ,~~~) It; V~~~ Z,--u:rd; rZ-~4'~ffy-v
.. //Y!~~J ~ ~A~ (//no( ;~VY;";(j ,;do
ai ~ _h.
2. What knowledge do you have of the Dublin Heritage Center (Murray Schoolhouse,
Old 81. Raymond's Church and Dublin Cemetery?
J ~/-9--t< a. 'f!d 1-t&nal cd ~ (~ 6k.L0
dt2Lr /~ ~ dM.d ';/au.{~ cZ[~7<<2<~4J
~~f~:;bIuu~lcf"~c /vp4--;h7md ~7Lu
~_ (jhd ~ ./~ ~ audMJffi.-lxtl-1.vJ)nLJ:;.l-~-4C~
J1h.wt T~ cO( ,Jt/cv ,~t5&'.;h.~
3.r Are you familiar with the other hi rical organizations operating within the City :::...;
(Dublin Historical Preservation Association and E Clampus Vitus)? If so, how do
you envision these groups working with the City for the betterment of the Heritage
d2J ~ Ci- ~
What uses do you e!sion for Old St. Raymond's churf and Murray Schoolhouse
once renovation of the structures is completed?
tiJ~ Ln~i:6 J1/L.r# f~L~ cu/f /~~~
fUNd ~ f~('mraiI (JJ-d!Lif_DN dL<L(~-
~~ ~ Yd!1J-'-U s;.~./ ~~"d .D tiL6 ~ k fl/
~r~ah. CU-t9-dd bAUfJ(, ~rl-
5. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community, but
tmpopular with neighbors or organizations?
~ rl fJ UJ/ ~~ /Lef!4du ~ ~y) f!~
('/I1~{"I-6 i>L iOML! ht/u., ()-1J-fA~tI jtWd 1ti.v(~ -
j)t d ~~ -6p ddh-AXJ _l-1C.<<.2'<!.t(tI.{~ tku 1Lii-1.__
6. What is the most important contribution YOll feel you call make as a member of the
Heritage Center Advisory Committee?
,J) 1:We- ~ ~ tJUt.- /$)eIAM.b~ ./'?Y/LJU- -olav ;}.()~IUJ,
~ Jr u
i~ {L , . . '" ~, -,
J1;;1C,~ ?/1.f'J tiL.{0~L~
f / ' . ~ d ~-
l1J"A:r it;~~au,LCfMd'~Atld-~~ u:du~
~~~ ~~~ hbkv{2L,~~
~~NATURE $C~dcStJdo~CCUPATIO~Lblj ~ rY)rr'
In order to be considered by the Mayor for appointment to the Heritage Center Advisory
Committee, please return this completed form to the attention of Kay Keck, City Clerk, 100 Civic
Plaza, P. O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 by 4:00 p.m.,~;rI",}/ MalA!. 8, 198$.
. fJ0'/YP_
e e
I) " ^ I Lh, -,~,
NAME \ j Lt ,,1'\ jftl. IV _ _) 1/,1 ,{.-:-r
ADDRESS 1(~,tf0 (2rho--r C~~{) k..
7)?LL'7 if / ;1-
TELEPHONE # (HOME) 7;~:;Lt} -: ~'-1{' i)!1/-:
. ....... k . *
. --~
!~ ~'
DA TE 1\/ if {'L~ Ie
. ~
(!,{~fY~, ie
'":irt ,...r. DlJ!\' 'M
::?/ ClC/-'
,:.; , /'11"7
f;:) g' -- I ;;~::T7
Why are you interested in serving 011 the Heritage Center Advisory Committee?
7 '- , ,""'
I ;(' ,
- , /"
, l' ,/ / l~ ' .li.1 1 /.'
; t ;( ,[(j:~/ /11 /;-'1 /;t ,/ (, r / v (, (_[,-/-- /;( / tLl<--b// ;
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_ C yjt;~, (I/JL/?I.- J< ~ -,,/r;) --;tj: {~
L ~
/i't./ftJ ./ t:C, J ;;<..--/
2. What knowledge do YOll have of the Dublin Heritage Center (MUlTay Schoolhouse,
01ri St RavmonrF~ Chl'rf'h al1'~ DIl'hI;n r",.-.,,,te"'''')
.. - '- ";'1 --,,' 1._. - uL~....-, .... ,.,nul '-'vu,..." 'J:
Ii i,.,,_ ; ~
/J 1/ ,1 I t' '--r (J ,
Yd ~(~i~ "Lit ' ~>~ /~ ~
--fXL7 '. 1 v 1 ' i;f;
, ,7 I /k" /'11 A.. /! ,) 1 [, /I 1/ " / /1 '/r7
. i '/ /Il, "/c/!,, - ,I ~ /..!.-~V~ ,.....LL.-" (/~
LL/i /L dL&11 I / "-I "': 'Ui dU'1 ,,) f /i rjf;~ 't' /'
r: '< '-.. '[I' I! / /~ ( , / ~/\ ' / .. / ' I J /' /
~'" IJ,--J Vr../}G' //' /.~ " ,/'-.:.' L" V/l.i7' ' . ~, 1 It' "--d--'
rd.&; ..f!.ta~ (i;:'A'jr..iuf/ ~L. /1. {;:pj;;M g;,1. ?,// ~dri, .C
d/>/'f\JJJtVJ~ #" P1J ~el./~ ,U./-Lttlt ~U.,J:/'kljv.. C:;'1../)J:fL~t
3. Aftj you faliriliat"with the other historical orgal1izations operating within the City - ;:;Y~~'~t...
(Dublin Historical Preservation Association and E Clalnpus Vitus)? If so, how do ;/
you envision these groups working with the City for the betterment of the Heritage
. . /i - /~ /) 'I
,-j_..;{;;(,~ -(/~K .:yW-t'0~J<L, (/ C[G'LZ.;(, /
,1 r J LV-~ tl
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~~. (J,)-t) .// r
APR 4 1995
CiTY'"'''' n'l'" l"'~
What uses do you e!sion for Old St. Raymond's churf and Murray Schoolhouse
once renovation of the structures is completed?
11./1 't..r ~~- ~~~~4.c/~~U'~
..l),./2.~ /(; /&ft /.- .'~~"t-L-{{ /L/d .~. ' ,;/~-u//~~~. /
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.1 ~U /.. f;;~~U~~L ,h1/l-
;te. l!1X ku/~ -;;[-{!' UJ-{d~
l--v~rYI/}?1A>C1C "----r1~0-IJ:./ ( {P...A /' /
5. How do you feel a~t making a decisioryfor t e overall good of the community, but
lmpopular with neighbors or organizations?
. .........
6. What is the most important contribution you feel you can make as a member of the
Heritage Center Advisory Committee?
% J!)'tl-tl!~/ '~7 i4'c-~L-(
I /
, '5 Ii L Cj1juIPtxl/ lJ/fG>L A1&/ ~
~- ,~ ~' ;t., - g
,. (.J . -r-:-'
/) ~L. vU---1L~.
~U4~/v ,
/? /l rLjj
-::J :/,-1f'~ 0fi[;~ltfl{~
In order to be considered by the Mayor for appointment to the Heritage Center Advisory
Committee, please return this completed form to the attention of Kay Keck, City Clerk, 100 Civic
Plaza, P. O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 by 4:00 p.m"f H id..~, r,1Ui13r;1t, 1996.
~S I-\r