HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.01 Draft Minutes 02-14-1994 . . REGULAR MEETING - Februarv 14. 1994 A regular meeting of the city Council of the city of Dublin was held on Monday, February 14, 1994, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin civic Center. The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m., by Mayor Snyder. * * * * ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers Burton, Houston, Howard, Moffatt and Mayor Snyder. ABSENT: None. * * * * PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Snyder led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. * * * * PROCLAMATION (610-50) Mayor Snyder read and presented a proclamation declaring February 27, 1994 as "Literacy Day" and congratulated the Alameda County Library's Adult Literacy Program on the occasion of their 10th Anniversary. Mayor Snyder stated Staff would get the prOClamation to Pat Zahn after a needed adjustment was made. * * * * RECYCLING REWARDS WINNERS FOR MONTH OF JANUARY (810-60) Mayor Snyder announced the winners drawn by the City Clerk in the~-- recycling contest for the month of January. Savings bonds will be presented to: William Saltzman, Janice Sargenti, Flora Moy, Paul Ferriea, and David Gossett. * * * * Purchase of Bleachers (260-30/350-20) Margie Wong-Gilmore stated if the item on the Consent Calendar related to awarding a purchase order for bleachers at the Sports Grounds goes through, she wanted to thank the Council. * * * * CONSENT CALENDAR On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Houston, and by unanimous vote, the Council took the fOllowing actions: Approved Minutes of Regular Meeting of January 24, 1994; *8*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@ CM - VOL 13 - 30 Reqular Keeting February 14, 1994 ---------------------------------------------------------------.------- COPIES TO: e e Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 10 - 94 DIRECTING PREPARATION OF ANNUAL REPORT FOR CITYWIDE STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 83-1 (360-50) Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 11 - 94 DIRECTING PREPARATION OF ANNUAL REPORT FOR LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 83-2 (TRACT 4719 360-20) (Cm. Burton abstained.) Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 12 - 94 DIRECTING PREPARATION OF ANNUAL REPORT FOR LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 86-1 (TRACT 5511 360-20) Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 13 - 94 APPROVING FINAL MAP FOR TRACT 6644 BJ DUBLIN COMMERCIAL (410-50) (EAST SIDE OF DOUGHERTY ROAD @ SIERRA LANE) and authorized 'the Mayor to execute the Tract Development Agreement (600-60); (Cm. Houston abstained.) Received the City Treasurer's Investment Report as of January 31, 1994 (320-30); Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 14 - 94 AMENDING THE PERSONNEL RULES TO INCLUDE FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE PROVISIONS (720-10) and RESOLUTION NO. 15 - 94 AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 142-90 ESTABLISHING MANAGEMENT POSITIONS EXEMPT FROM COMPETITIVE SERVICE AND PRESCRIBING LEAVE BENEFITS FOR THE POSITIONS Received Financial Report for the Month of December, 1993 (330-50); *@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@ eM - VOL 13 - 31 February 14, 1994 Regular Meeting e e Authorized staff to solicit bids for Contract 94-01, village Parkway Reconstruction (600-30); Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 16 - 94 AWARDING POReBASE ORDER FOR 10 BLEAeHERS AT DUBLIN SPORTS GROUNDS TO DAVID O'KEEFE eOMPANY $16,389.20 (260-30 , 350-20) Awarded bid for a Konica 5003 copier system to AAA Office Systems ($9,715.44) for Police Services, authorized an additional appropriation for equipment replacements from the Internal service Fund, and authorized staff to issue purchase order (350-20); Approved Warrant Register in the amount of $2,537,740.86 (300-40). Cm. Moffatt requested that the Audit Report be pulled from the consent Calendar for discussion. He expressed concern related to the use of the signature stamp and asked if it would be a viable situation to have those people on the Audit Committee be the second signature. Mr. Ambrose stated we currently have a facsimile stamp, plus one other actual signature. The Auditor was concerned that the same person who prepares the checks also stamps the facsimile signature. Use of the facsimile signature was not the issue. Cm. Moffatt felt this might be a learning curve for the Audit Committee. Mr. Ambrose stated when we used to use 2 signatures, staff often had to chase people down and when we need a signature, we often times need it right away. Using a facsimile stamp gives staff more flexibility. Cm. Houston commented that he thought the Audit was a clean report. On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Burton, and by unanimous vote, the Council received the Final Financial Report and Annual Audit Report for Fiscal Year 1992-93, directed that the Management Letter be filed, and authorized year-end supplemental appropriations (330-50 & 310-30). * * * * REOUEST FROM DUBLIN FINE ARTS FOUNDATION (DFA) (900-50) Mayor snyder announced that he would abstain from discussion and/or vote on this item due to a conflict of interest. Recreation Director Lowart advised that DFA is requesting permission to place a temporary work of art in the civic center Plaza as part of their "Art in the Environment" program. *@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@ eM - VOL 13 - 32 Regular Meeting February 14, 1994 e e Ms. Lowart advised that Staff recommended conditions that all installations, including location, be approved by the public Works Department and that the Artist sign a waiver. Lynne Baer thanked the Council for their support and reported that the proposed artwork would be created by Jo Hansen and is titled "500 Reasons to Preserve the Earth". The work would include a ceremonial gate and arcade that would be constructed completely with recyclable materials collected in Dublin. students from Dublin elementary schools would be involved in creating the artwork which would be installed the week of April 11th, to coincide with Dublin pride Week. The installation would remain until June 30, 1994. Their intention to achieve participation by the school children would be in a way that is positive and promotes recycling. Cm. Moffatt stated he felt this was a great idea. The city has benefitted greatly from the works of art in the community. "Nature Remains" was absolutely fabulous. Mayor Pro Tempore Burton asked how the structure would be fastened so that it doesn't get pushed over. Ms. Baer stated it will be 9' tall in the front and will have 6" x 6" beams with 4' in between, so it will be like a box with beams across the top. It should be solid. As with any project, however, it could be damaged should someone choose to do this. On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by em. Howard, and by unanimous vote (Mayor Snyder abstained), the council approved the request subject to the recommended conditions. Ms. Baer stated a second part of the upcoming program will be for people who work at the Civic center to design and decorate canvas bags which will later be sold. * * * * REQUEST FROM THE DUBLIN FINE ARTS FOUNDATION (DFA) (200-10) Mayor Snyder announced that he would abstain from discussion and/or vote on this item due to a conflict of interest. Recreation Director Lowart advised that DFA has requested that the city allow them free use of the Regional Meeting Room when they host the Chamber of Commerce mixer on Thursday, February 24th. staff estimated the lost revenue would equal approximately $80, plus a $200 refundable security Deposit. Groups must also provide evidence of liability insurance covering bodily injury and property damage at a minimum limit of $500,000 per occurrence. Ms. Lowart advised since adoption of the current Facility Use Policy and Fee Schedule in January of 1993, the council has waived use fees for the Valley Volunteer Center and the Dublin sister city Association. The Dublin sister City Association has since opted to *@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@ eM - VOL 13 - 33 Reqular Meeting February 14, 1994 e e hold their function elsewhere, but they thanked the council for its consideration. Ms. Lowart stated DFA also plans on having the second installation of the tile wall unveiled at this event. Cm. Moffatt stated DFA has been very active in the city and they have done a considerable amount of fundraising and this amount is a mere pittance. Mayor Pro Tempore Burton asked if the liability insurance is covered. Ms. Lowart stated Staff will verify that this is in place. On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by em. Howard, and by unanimous vote (Mayor Snyder abstained), the Council agreed to waive the use fees for the Regional Meeting Room for the Dublin Fine Arts Foundation to host the Chamber mixer. * * * * PUBLIe HEARING - ORDINANeE ADOPTING REGULATIONS IN eOMPLIANCE WITH THE CABLE TELEVISION AND CONSUMER PROTEeTION AeT OF 1992 (1050-20) Mayor snyder opened the public hearing. Assistant city Manager Rankin presented the Staff Report and advised that the Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act of 1992 allows cable systems not subject to effective competition to be regulated by franchising authorities such as cities. cities may regulate basic cable service rates, charges for related equipment and may establish customer service standards that are consistent with FCC regulations. Rates for premium channels and pay-per-view channels are not regulated, but rates for all other cable programming (i.e. Satellite Value package) are subject to regulation by the FCC. Mr. Rankin stated the ordinance proposed for introduction would amend Title 3, Chapter 20 of the Dublin Municipal Code, Cable Television and Communication system, and adopt the detailed FCC regulations, including customer service standards by reference. Cm. Burton clarified that all this really does is to have cities work together on the same regulations. Mr. Ambrose pointed out that these become the City'S regulations. It was his understanding that the city of San Ramon might be doing something different from the other cities. Cm. Burton asked if this involved anything like the "must carry" stations as there is a lot of talk coming down as a result of national legislative acts. *@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@ eM - VOL 13 - 34 February 14, 1994 Regular Meeting e e staff advised that local regulations consistent with the FCC regulations must be adopted within 120 days of certification, which would mean that we must adopt the regulations by March 10, 1994. Mayor snyder closed the public hearing. On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by em. Houston, and by unanimous vote, the council waived the reading and INTRODUCED the Ordinance, and directed staff to notify Viacom. * * * * RULES OF CONDUeT OF eITY COONeIL MEETINGS (610-20) city Clerk Kay Keck stated in December, councilmember Houston requested that the City council consider at a future meeting, changing the starting time for regular city council meetings held on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month to an earlier time. Ms. Keck advised that if an earlier time were selected, consideration would have to be given to the impact on the meetings of the Dublin Housing Authority, which is scheduled to hold regular meetings on the 4th Monday of each month beginning at 6:30 p.m. These meetings typically last from 15 to 25 minutes. Another consideration would be the annual meeting of Dublin Information, Inc., which the Bylaws call to begin at 7:30 p.m. DII meetings are typically held at the beginning of and just prior to city council meetings, so a change in the Bylaws would need to be prepared if the Council changes the starting time. Ms. Keck advised that a draft Resolution had been prepared in the event the Council desires to change the starting time, and explained that it would be appropriate to provide direction on when the change would become effective. Cm. Houston stated his 3 reasons for making this request. 1) There are some members of the city Staff that don't live in Dublin that must come back at a later hour. 2) Every once in a while, meetings run late and if we started earlier, they might end earlier. 3) If the meetings started earlier, we could get more people coming to the meetings. He suggested that we at least move the meetings up to 6:30 p.m. em. Houston made a motion, which was seconded by Cm. Burton, to start city Council meetings at 6:30 p.m. He proposed that the Dublin Housing Authority meetings be held earlier, or just prior to the Council meetings. em. Burton asked if staff had a sense of when other council meetings in the area begin. staff responded that it was aware that at least one city Council in the Valley starts their meetings at 7:00 p.m. *@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@ CM - VOL 13 - 35 Regular Meeting February 14, 1994 e e em. Moffatt stated he saw the logic, but he took a survey and all 3 employees indicated they would rather see the time remain at 7:30 p.m. Some of the regional meetings such as the congestion Management Agency start at 5:00 p.m., in Oakland, so there is no way to get back to Dublin by 6:30 p.m. An earlier time would impact regional meetings held on Mondays. He suggested as a compromise to ask people's opinion through our quarterly newsletter. Staff pointed out that the City no longer sends out a newsletter, as this was one of the things cut from the Budget. Cm. Houston stated he felt a majority of Staff would appreciate a time change. It has never been tried and he realized change is hard to come by around here. em. Howard felt that most people don't want the meetings any earlier than 7:00 p.m. It is difficult for some people out of the area to get here by then because of traffic. Al Hunter stated he comes in from Alameda. A lot of people come in from allover the Bay Area. While 7:00 p.m., wouldn't be too bad, he didn't feel low attendance at City Council meetings was necessarily due to the starting time. He is barely able to get here by 7:30 p.m. em. Houston felt that if it is an important issue, people will be here. On a SUBSTITUTE motion by em. Moffatt, seconded by em. Howard, and by majority vote, the council directed Staff to survey residents on their opinion about this in the next Recreation Brochure. em's Burton and Houston voted against this motion. * * * * DUBLIN POLIeE SERVIeES 1993 CALENDAR YEAR REPORT (580-60) police Chief Rose advised that Dublin police Services annually prepares a report which documents activities of the Police Department. The report contains figures documenting police response to crimes reported or detected within the City, police response relative to traffic offenses and/or accidents, all programs regulated and/or instituted by the police and compares the 1993 statistics with the previous year. Dublin Police Services is made up of 28 sworn personnel and 3.5 civilian positions. Part I crimes, which include murder, rape, robbery, assault, burglary, larceny, stolen vehicles and arson, increased by 7%. All other offenses, including theft/larceny and other misdemeanor crimes decreased by 23%. Overall crime statistics in the city of Dublin for 1993 showed an 11% decrease,. *@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@ eM - VOL 13 - 36 February 14, 1994 Reqular Meeting e e Chief Rose explained that statistics are important in measuring the workload, but they are only one means of doing so. In reviewing the past 5 years, it becomes obvious that Officers of today are faced with a more hostile and violent type of crime and criminals are more transient. Cm. Burton stated he noted that commercial burglaries were up somewhat and asked if this was a cause and effect situation. Is there something we are not doing that we could be doing? Chief Rose responded that we have had a rash of window smashes. This is a quick operation; they're in and out very rapidly. There appears to be no specific trend; unfortunately, it is allover the board. Mayor Snyder asked if we could specifically identify some cause and effect relationship with the program that Rose Macias does out in the community. Do we know if this is effective? Chief Rose stated a couple of situations came to mind. We had a situation where people in an apartment complex notified them about people breaking into cars. Residents banned together once they became aware. He reminded the Council though that Rose Macias is bringing this program back up to speed to get to where we were a year ago. em. Moffatt asked what the explosive sales permits were. Chief Rose stated he did not know the exact nature of the materials. Cm. Moffatt asked if we were to increase the number of police staff where we would put them. Chief Rose felt it would be premature to say where we would use them. He has a couple of suggestions that he is working on with the city Manager. He is looking at the possibility of making a civilian position from a badge person. In addition, he will be aSking for 1 additional sworn position to analyze crime trends such as if we were to have a rash of residential burglaries. He would also utilize them in our bicycle patrol and expand this program. Cm. Houston stated he has talked to some of the merchants who feel this is a great program and they've indicated they like it. Chief Rose stated right now we are only utilizing them at a minimal time. We would hopefully expand to summer months. Cm. Houston referenced an article in the valley Times about Proposition 172 funds allowing Livermore to increase the number of cops by 3. He asked if we had looked at this program and if there were any estimates on our amount of funds. Mr. Ambrose advised that we don't get any proposition 172 funds. We are not eligible because we didn't lose any property tax money. Chief Rose stated he believed they have unfilled positions. *@*@*~*~*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@ eM - VOL 13 - 37 Reqular Meeting February 14, 1994 e e Cm. Burton asked if the definition of robbery and assault was changed from 1989 to 1993. Chief Rose stated the actual definition of Part I crimes and offenses are defined by the Uniform Crime Reporting Code. The definition has not been changed. Part II crime is simple assaults. Mayor Snyder commented that this was a good report containing good information. Tony Del Conte, a Dublin resident stated in Hayward in 1952 there was an Officer Bates who went into the schools and talked to the kids and this did a lot of good. He had a kid who was 13 who was a little rough. Officer Bates talked to the kids who were about to get their driver's license. We should do something similar if we get any additional officers in Dublin. stop the crime before it is created. He had no complaints about the officers in Dublin and felt they are doing a good jOb. Chief Rose thanked him for his comments and advised that he knew Officer Bates quite well. * * * * PROPOSED CHANGE IN PROVIDERS OF INSURANCE BENEFITS LIFE, ACCIDENTAL DEATH & DISMEMBERMENT (AD&D) AND LONG TERM DISABILITY (LTD) (720-10) Assistant to the city Manager Texeira advised that the City's independent insurance broker recently conducted a market survey of comparable Life/AD&D and LTD carriers and identified another insurance carrier who can provide comparable insurance coverage for city employees at a lower cost. The proposed provider will guarantee the rates for 3 years. Based on 1993-94 payroll estimates, the city would annually save approximately $1,428. Cm. Houston asked who the City'S broker is and where they are located. Ms. Texeira responded that it is Alexander & Alexander in San Francisco. Cm. Moffatt stated he thought this was a good way to save money. On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Burton, and by unanimous vote, the council authorized the City Manager to execute the necessary documents to change Life/AD&D and LTD insurance carriers. * * * * *@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@ eM - VOL 13 - 38 Reqular Xeeting February 14, 1994 e e REVISIONS TO PERSONNEL SYSTEM (700-20) Assistant to the city Manager Texeira advised that in accordance with the city's Personnel Rules, each year salary ranges are reviewed based on market conditions determined by a comprehensive survey of comparable positions in similar agencies. Recommended salary range adjustments for this year range from a decrease of .57% to an increase of 5.41% and are based on the average of the agencies surveyed. Ms. Texeira indicated that there was apparently some misunderstanding, particularly on the part of one of the local newspapers, about how the city's pay for performance system works. Inaccurate information was published. She explained that under this system, all movement within the salary range is based on an employee'S performance. The proposed modifications to the Salary Plan do not automatically increase actual salaries. em. Burton stated he felt it is not appropriate at this time to talk about raises. He felt the city is already providing pretty well for staff and this is not the time to increase salaries. em. Moffatt stated the council lifted the salary freeze and this falls within the current percentage with the cost of living increases. On motion of em. Moffatt, seconded by em. Howard, and by majority vote, the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 17 - 94 ESTABLISHING A SALARY PLAN FOR FULL-TIME PERSONNEL IN AeCORDANeE WITH THE PERSONNEL RULES Cm.'s Burton and Houston voted against this motion. * * * * SIDEWALK REPAIR POLIey AND PROCEDURES (820-40) Public Works Director Thompson presented the Staff Report and indicated that in the past, the city has repaired hazardous sidewalks at city cost. Last Fiscal Year, the city council directed Staff to prepare a draft policy that would require the property owners to pay for the cost of these repairs in FY 1993-94. Staff was now requesting direction from the council to either reaffirm its most recent direction, or to restore the prior policy, or some combination of the two policies. Mr. Thompson advised that if the council directs that the city again assume these costs, the estimated annual cost would be $50,000. If the council reaffirms the policy to have property owners be responsible for these costs, additional Staff time would be involved in order to administer the program. *@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@ CM - VOL 13 - 39 February 14, 1994 Regular Meeting e . Cm. Houston felt we should reinstate city paid repairs at least for this year. If we can't afford it next year, we can review it again. This year, we have the money. em. Burton said in going over the different ways the cities address this problem, most of them have a process where property owners pay, but he felt a 50/50 split is a good idea. He liked the option that property owners 62 years old can have it added as a lien and paid off at the time the property changes ownership. He felt that inspection time should be part of the program and not added to the bill. Cm. Howard questioned the legal responsibility and asked who is liable, a property owner or the city if we don't repair a sidewalk. Mr. Ambrose advised that the city is paying for the trip and fall claims now, even with our program. Mr. Rankin stated attorneys look for who can pay. Cm. Houston felt no matter what we do, this will continue. Cm. Moffatt stated he liked the idea of having people buy into the program. They will take more interest. Cm. Houston felt the problem with a 50/50 split is do we want to create another program for Staff. Are we really saving any money? Mr. Rankin pointed out that trying to bill and collect from individual accounts adds substantially to the Finance Department's work load. Ms. Silver advised that it would be necessary also, to go through a public hearing process to put a lien on a property. She stated the city is typically sued if there are trips and falls. em. Houston stated he felt Staff has bigger fish to fry and lOOking at everybody's sidewalk for $30 or $60 wasn't appropriate. Mayor Snyder gave an historical perspective and advised that when we incorporated, we had resources that we never had before. The community looks and functions a lot differently than when we were under the County. He looked at this as a gift that we've been able to give to the community all these years. He was personally now in favor of property owners now assuming this responsibility. We have brought it up to a good level and the law says it is basically their responsibility. Cm. Burton stated the amount of fees and permits are equivalent to 50%. with the encroachment fee and inspection fee, an individual would be better off having the city do the work and just pay the one half. We should eliminate the permit process and allow residents to pay for their share. This will take some staff time, but in the long run it could work. The city doesn't have to do anything, but because we have funded it in the past, this should receive some consideration. *@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@ eM - VOL 13 - 40 February 14, 1994 Regular Keeting e e Cm. Houston made a motion, which was seconded by Cm. Howard for the city to fund the sidewalk repair program this fiscal year. This motion was defeated due to NO votes cast by Cm.'s Burton and Moffatt and Mayor Snyder. Tony Del conte, Rhoda Avenue addressed the council and using offensive and totally inappropriate language for a public meeting, expressed his concern about where people will get the money. He stated he pays about $2,000 for taxes already. Everybody uses the sidewalks, so the homeowner should not have to pay for the sidewalk. He is 80 years old and stated he was very upset. Not many kids today are able to buy a house. We should put the welfare people to work instead of allowing them to just sit on their butts. He wanted to know where this will end. He stated at one time he was in the top ten in the masonry business and has done a lot of contracting around this area. Mayor Snyder suggested he appear before the Board of supervisors tomorrow morning and express his concerns about the welfare system. The law of 1911 says property owners are responsible for the sidewalk. Through the kindness of the city Council, the city agreed to pay for this and has for all these years. It is now time for property owners to assume this responsibility. Cm. Burton made a motion, which was seconded by Cm. Moffatt for the city to participate with the property owners. The property owners may complete the repairs themselves or have the city do the repairs and pay half. There would be a $1,000 cap, and property owners 62+ years of age can have the costs and interest added as a lien. Inspector's time should be part of the program and not added to the bill. Following discussion, Cm. Burton and Cm. Moffatt agreed to add to the motion that rentals and businesses are 100% responsible for repair costs. This motion was defeated due to NO votes cast by Cm.'s Houston and Howard and Mayor snyder. Mr. Rankin advised that Staff would need to verify with the Alameda county Tax Collector on the lien that they have a way of doing this. Ms. Silver clarified that while this would not change our Ordinance, it will change the policy and staff would need to check into the 62+ stipulation to see if this is workable in this County. On motion of Cm. Houston, seconded by Cm. Burton, and by majority vote, the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 18 - 94 ESTABLISHING A POLIey FOR THE REPAIR OF PUBLIe IMPROVEMENTS DEEMED TO BE PEDESTRIAN HAZARDS (CITY-FUNDED REPAIR PROGRAM FOR FISCAL YEAR 1993-94) Cm. Moffatt and Mayor Snyder voted against this motion. * * * * *@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@ eM - VOL 13 - 41 Reqular Meeting February 14, 1994 e . REGIONAL FIRE SERVIeES STUDY/TWIN VALLEY FIRE SERVIeE PROJECT (540-70) city Manager Ambrose advised that in September of 1993, the Alameda county Fire Chiefs' Association concluded that the present system of fire service delivery in the County should be examined for the purpose of achieving much greater regional coordination among the now separate fire departments. A committee comprised of city managers and city and county fire chiefs has developed a work plan for an Alameda county Regional Fire Service Delivery study. Mr. Ambrose advised that if there is sufficient support for the study among the cities, the County Administrator has indicated that the County will consider funding the cost of the effort. The results would not be binding on either the County or cities, but rather, would provide a common framework for discussing options to the current organization of our county's fire service system. The study would be conducted in 3 phases. Phase I would be a comprehensive survey of existing fire service programs in Alameda County (i.e. stations, equipment, personnel, wage and benefit structure, costs, existing intergovernmental arrangements, etc.). Phase II would be identification, description and analysis of other "regional service delivery models". Phase III would be an analysis of the specific application of one or more regional models to Alameda county. Phase III will only be undertaken after reporting back to the cities and the County on the results of phases I and II. For some time, the City Managers of Dublin, Livermore, Pleasanton and San Ramon have been working with the Pleasanton, Livermore and Dougherty Regional Fire Authority Fire Chiefs to identify and evaluate alternatives to maintain and/or improve the delivery of fire service to our respective communities by jointly providing some or all fire services. The County Administrator and County Fire Chief have recently been included in these discussions, since the county provides fire service to the unincorporated areas adjacent to our communities. This group believes it is necessary to have an independent consultant experienced in fire studies assist the agencies in identifying and evaluating joint service options and to determine the operational practicality and fiscal implications of these options. This project would be more specific to the Valley than the Regional Study and would provide more specific information regarding potential cost savings to Valley agencies. Mr. Ambrose advised that recently the Davis company was requested to present a proposal to the Cities and the County. Their proposed cost for this project is $26,500 which would be split 4 ways ($6,625 per agency) between Alameda County, pleasanton, Livermore and DRFA. Dublin's estimated share of the DRFA cost would be about $3,975. Mr. Ambrose advised that participation in this project will be presented to the DRFA Board of Directors on February 15, 1994. *@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@ eM - VOL 13 - 42 February 14, 1994 Regular xeetinq e e Cm. Burton asked if we smell consolidation here. Mr. Ambrose stated this is certainly one of the issues that would be identified. The main focus, however, is how can we save money and provide at least the same or better level of service. Fire Chief Karl Diekman addressed the council and stated the objective is not to consolidate, but they are concerned about their ability to continue to serve in the best way possible and keep up with technology and to have borderless responses. He recognized the need for local control and the issues connected to this. Mr. Ambrose stated the study could show that there might be some functional areas where we can consolidate. Cm. Burton expressed concern that we are at the lower end of the pecking order. Cm. Houston asked if one of the issues to be looked at is the idea that everybody doesn't necessarily need every piece of equipment. Chief Diekman stated big pieces of equipment cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, plus they cost a lot of money to operate. They feel there is some potential for great savings. He discussed the use in the USA of national level of threads on fire hoses and that there are a lot of other little differences even here in the Valley. They have gone about as far as they can go as Fire Chiefs and this study will help identify options. Cm. Burton felt it is a good idea to find out what we can do. Cm. Moffatt questioned why there had to be 2 sets of consultants. Chief Diekman stated the same consultants would be used for both studies. The firm we will be using is well recognized as leaders in fire service areas. We would use the same consultant, but it would be different projects. Mayor Snyder stated all the hard work Chief Diekman had done since coming here was certainly appreciated. On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Houston, and by unanimous vote, the council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 19 - 94 ENDORSING A CITY , COUNTY REGIONAL FIRE SERVIeE DELIVERY STUDY * * * * FORMATION OF "WHEELS AeeESSIBLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE (1060-20) *@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@ eM - VOL 13 - 43 Reqular Meeting February 14, 1994 e e Assistant city Manager Rankin advised that the Livermore-Amador Valley Transit Authority (LAVTA) is seeking comments related to proposed revisions to the Bylaws of the Paratransit Advisory Committee which stem from requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The paratransit Advisory committee is currently composed of 7 members; 4 from Livermore and 3 from Dublin. The new Bylaws would change the committee to include 2 members each from Livermore, Pleasanton and DUblin, and 1 member from Alameda county. Each city and the County would have 1 alternate. Mr. Rankin indicated that this change in the Bylaws would not change the level of service provided to Dublin residents. Mayor Snyder stated the biggest thing is that paratransit is changing rapidly under the Americans with Disabilities Act. unfortunately, the ADA doesn't come with any money. Both he and Cm. Moffatt are very cognizant about the attempt to erode the fixed route system. We need to be alert and need good representation in this regard. We don't want to deny anyone any level of service. There is a strong desire to go beyond what is required and to provide a level of service that might not be appropriate. Cm. Moffatt stated they will need representation from the handicapped and senior citizens community. Pleasanton is coming in basically to the paratransit group so we have to make room for them and modify the advisory committee accordingly. Mayor Snyder advised that appointments would be people out in the community who utilize the service. Regional service will be coming in the future. You won't be able to tell when you are in one territory or another and you won't be able to tell a difference in the service level. On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by em. Houston, and by unanimous vote, the Council approved the adoption of the amended Bylaws. * * * * OTHER BUSINESS uocominq Meetinq Reminder (610-05) Mr. Ambrose reported that the Livermore Valley Leadership Group will be meeting on February 16th from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m., at the Pleasanton Fairgrounds in the Board of Director's room. The meeting is "come one come all". Ms. silver stated if 3 of the councilmembers plan to attend, staff should notice the meeting as a special meeting. * * * * Liaison Committee Meetinq with School District (610-05) *@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@ eM - VOL 13 - 44 February 14, 1994 Reqular Meeting . e Mr. Ambrose stated a letter had been received from the Dublin Unified School District Board President regarding their interest in having the liaison committee meet again. Mr. Anaclerio indicated that crossing guards is not at the top of the list, but there are a number of issues they want to discuss. They prefer to meet late in the afternoon. Cm.'s Houston and Howard indicated they would be available on any afternoon, March 8th, 9th, 10th or 11th. * * * * Restructurinq Government (610-05) Cm. Moffatt passed around a paper from the East Bay Division League of California cities on how to streamline government. like to get copies to everyone and have comments back before meeting. They are looking for input from cities. Mayor Snyder stated ABAG is doing a program on reorganization of government at their next General Assembly. This should help us to start looking at all these things. of the He would the next * * * * Fireworks (650-60) Cm. Burton stated he had recently had a discussion with Col. Nelson, Camp Parks, who said if the city wanted to put on its own fireworks display, we could use their property. Cm. Burton felt if we had a program to let people set off their fireworks out there, this would take the pressure off Dublin and Pleasanton and provide an outlet and would be fun. It could be part of their community service. Mr. Ambrose stated he also spoke to Col. Nelson who said he was excited about the celebration, but concerned about people shooting off fireworks. If the city did it, that's another thing. Cm. Burton felt we could put in as part of the fee for selling fireworks to include the clean up for a community event. Mayor Snyder stated he was upset that after every 4th of July he gets lots of calls from Pleasanton people saying they can buy them here in Dublin, so why can't they use them here. * * * * CLOSED SESSION , *@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@ eM - VOL 13 - 45 Reqular Keeting February 14, 1994 , i e e At 9:40 p.m., the council recessed to a closed session to discuss Pending Litigation (640-30) in accordance with Government Code Section 54956.9(a): 1) Dublin vs. Pleasanton, Case No. VL-007073-9; and 2) Butler vs. city of DUblin, San Mateo County Case No. 385533. * * * * ADJOURNKENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. * * * * Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk * * * * , *@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@ CM - VOL 13 - 46 Regular Meeting February 14, 1994