HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.01 Draft Minutes 03-16-1998 - .=-~...' ., ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING - March 16. 1998 An adjourned regular meeting of the Dublin City Council was held on Monday, March 18, 1998, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic Center. The meeting was called to order at6:05 p.m., by Mayor Houston. . ......,~ _.......... ... + ._ .....m...... ..... .. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers Barnes, Burton, Howard, Lockhart, and Mayor Houston. ABSENT: None ......'...........-.--.--=+.-......--..... ....._..~ PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Houston led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. ................m~+....... STATUS REPORT ON 1997 GOALS & OBJECTIVES AND DEVELOPMENT OF 1997 GOALS & OBJECTIVES 6:J7 p.m. 8.1 (l00-80) . 1997 Goals & Ob1ectives The adopted Goals & Objectives Program for 1997 included a total of 121 objectives. Of those objectives, 87 objectives were assigned a high priority, 28 objectives were assigned a medium priority, and 6 objectives were assigned a low priority. . Since the Council's adoption of the Goals & Objectives Plan, a total of 16 additional objectives were either initiated by the City Council, or were required due to changes in the law, or necessitated by the City's Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, or were necessary due to contractual obligations. TABLE! SUMMARY OF 1997 OBJECTIVES LEVELOFACCO~L~HMENT ..... RlORl't"V..... :":':'::o::P "~i/:::::::i': TOTAL GQM}lP:eTEL .-:.:.:.:.:.:..'......,.....:.:.:.:.;......'...'.'.... :' ,. ........."....... .. . . , " ::::::::::::::: :;:.::::;::::::::::::::::: :~;:;;, :::::::::: NEARLY COMPLETE # % 4 4.6 1 3.6 1 16.7 6 5.0 1 6.2 7 51 ,:.UNDBRWAY .....'...','........ .. .'..............". -...........;.:.:.:':.:.:.:.....;.;..... . . ...... ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....- ........................., ... ....."..... . :\High<7,1.9 % Med 23.;1 /: LOw:>S;O " ,Sub' 400;0.. Addedfu13;2{ "TotaL # 87 28 6 121 16 137 % ... 21"'0" ::::::::::'::: :~o,;:: ...,. .... '" (ZSiO ..... .... ..... :\333: ......... ,..... ::::::::23;1:::: ('..1:8;:8) L(22;(i) "19", "".""':':""-::1:" 100 .,.,.:{60 r(69iQ.:' ~~~\}:7L':.~ 1 00...:.:.6g/n:S6~Z 100/68;8 100 :,::':19 ...51a::. .........20'.. :j:;{:}~{.. :0): ..,...... ....., PENDING lr ON~~~):: # % 1 1.2:2.2 3 10.7 ',:0:0 o 0.0 ~.:\Q;O? 4 3.3 I)::::{:AA:'~ ' o O.O:))(tQ) 4 2.9 '....:1.5 NO ACTIO # % 1 1 10 35 2 33 13 10 1 6 14 10 ***************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 16, 1998 PAGE 102 -'-~--~-- - --. ITEM NO. 4.1 ~ The City's level of accomplishment improved in 1997 as compared to 1996. Of the total 137 objectives undertaken, 79 (57.7%) were completed in 1997 as compared to 77 . (52.7%) in 1996. Of the 87 objectives which were designated "high" priority, 60 (69.0%) were completed in 1997 as compared to 50 (59.5%) in 1996. One 1 "high" priority in 1997 was not undertaken. This objective was the development of additional athletic fields at Dublin Elementary School. This project was not undertaken because the City Council did not provide funding in the Fiscal year 1997-98 Budget. ..................."'.....................-+........................................ 1998 Goals & Obiectives Mayor Houston requested anyone present to address specific items related to the Goals & Objectives meeting would be allowed to address them at this time. Mayor Houston read a Speaker's Request from Karen Dyer, 6829 Sage Ct, Dublin who did not wish to speak, but requested the following be entered into the public record: aThank you for your continued financial support of the Dublin Branch of the Ala. Co. Library: I know that the Council; as well as the residents; consider Library Services a High Priority item both now in the existing building and what may be built in the future. ;; Rhonda Goldstone, 7471 Larkdale Avenue, Dublin, spoke about the Dublin In Partners Education. She felt DPIE enhanced the image of Dublin, promoted Dublin businesses, provided better identification of the City, and helped students, businesses, and the community at large. If DPIE could get more support, it would be highly appreciated. . Mary Beth Acuff, 8048 Via Zapata, Dublin, wanted to address three issues. First, the brochure that would highlight the cultural aspects of the City would be a mail-out brochure that would fit in a #10 envelope. It would be mailed to prospective clients, placed in hotels, and would be useful in promoting activities within the City. Second, she felt the Farmers' Market would be an enormous attraction. She envisioned it being held Thursday evenings along Donlon Way and the Heritage Center could also be open at that time for the community. Third, the cultural activity development person could handle the St. Patrick's Day Festival, the Fall Heritage Festival, musical events, plays, and enhance the Downtown area. She felt there was a need for a part-time person to coordinate these activities. The City Manager in conjunction with the City's Operating Departments prepared a preliminary list of Goals & Objectives for 1998. A total of 98 objectives in 17 different program areas have been identified for the upcoming year. Of this total, Staff has ***************************************************************************************************** . CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 16, 1998 PAGE 103 . . . '> included 50 new objectives and has recommended the deletion of 4 for 1998. The remaining objectives have been carried over from the previous year. Mr. Ambrose stated that the Parks & Community Services Commission met with the Senior Center Advisory Committee, the Heritage Center Advisory Committee, and the Youth Advisory Committee to discuss the goals & objectives proposed for their respective areas of interest on February 9, 1998. The Commission's priorities differed from the Staff's priority for #12) Pursue development of additional athletic fields at Dublin Elementary School (high) - The Commission feels funds should be allocated to this project so additional fields are available to take the pressure off the Dublin sports Grounds. #13) Update the agreement between the City and the Dublin Unified School District regarding use of school facilities (high) - The Commission feels quite strongly that the City needs to update the agreement and the Dublin Unified School District needs to strictly abide by the terms of the agreement. #14) Expand special events programmed to provide additional summer concerts at the Civic Centez; additional resources for the Heritage Fall Festival, and to investigate new community special events (high) - The Commission would like to expand the summer concert program. #17) Increase open hours at the Murray Schoolhouse Museum (high) - The Commission agrees with Staff's medium ranking but the Heritage Center Advisory Committee felt this objective should have a higher priority. #18) Investigate the feasibility of contracting for concessions at the Dublin Swim Center Snack Bar (low) - The Commission believed the Swim Team Parents' Club should run the snack bar since they requested the City to allow them to construct the facility on the Swim Center property. # 4 Public Relations) Update cultural/leisure service << facility promotional brochures (high) - The Commission ranked this objective high based on input from the Heritage Center Advisory Committee and Senior Center Advisory Committee. Mayor Houston asked for an update on the Iron Horse Trail project. Lee Thompson, Public Works Director, responded that Staff would be going out to bid next month with construction being in Mayor June. Mayor Houston asked about the Mape Park Bridge and where the funds were coming from. !v1r. Thompson replied TDA funds. MTC needs to approve the funding in July. Mr. Ambrose explained that the City had traded grant funds that the City of Dublin was unable to use with the City of Oakland. Mayor Houston asked about construction time. .............................................................................*.***..**...*..**..*..** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 16, 1998 PAGE 104 -, " Mr. Thompson replied two to three months. Mr. Thompson indicated that the Shannon Park Path has been graded with no cost to the. City for the earth work. The paving should be done in May. Mayor Houston complimented the Staff and all its hard work. It has been an exciting year and much has been accomplished. Mayor Houston indicated the Council would address those items on the Preliminary Goals & Objectives where the Council priority and Staff Priority differed, as well as items that had been added by different Councihnembers. Under Administrative Objective #6 "install Automated Permit Tracking System", Cm Burton felt it sounded good, but it kept getting nlore expensive and he wondered if it is worth doing. Under Administrative Objective #7 "identify and select the most appropriate records retention technology," Mayor Houston explained that he was not against the project, but he gave it a Medium ranking because of all the other projects and every thing was important. Under Administrative Objective #10 "develop an Information Systems . Disaster Recovery Program," Cm. Barnes believed it was crucial, but they can't all be high. Under Finance Objective # 8 "update the Purchasing Ordinance (incorporates policy related to the purchase of recycled products", the Council and Staff priority was lOW. Cm. Burton asked if the City was going to follow through. Cm. Barnes thought the City already was purchasing recycled products like the benches at Mape Park. Mr. Ambrose clarified that the City does it on a project by project basis, but there was not a uniform policy in place. Cm. Barnes changed her ranking to a medium ranking which changed the collective City Council ranking to a MEDIUM. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 16, 1998 PAGE 105 . ***************************************************************************************************** ., FINANCE ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVE # 10: Mayor Houston requested "eliminate Storm Water Fee." . Mayor Houston e>"'Plained that the Storm Water Program was a federally mandated program. Mr. Ambrose indicated that the Storm Water Fee paid for street sweeping and catch basin cleaning. The Fee has been reduced by 50-60% this year. Mayor Houston wanted to have the assessment taken off the tax bills and paid for by the General Fund. He felt everyone should participate in the good times. He explained that he has had his eye on eliminating this fee since 1992. Cm. Barnes asked what it would cost? Mr. Ambrose replied it costs $90,000 for street sweeping and catch basin cleaning in the existing City. Mayor Houston felt the citizens should vote on whether it should be part of their tax assessment. . Cm. Howard asked what the average amount was on the tax bill. Mr. Thompson replied $7.30 per year. Cm. Howard felt $7.30 was not enough to take off each tax bill and lose $90,000 from the General Fund. Mayor Houston stated it was not our money, but it was the tax payers money. em. Barnes requested more information. Cm. Burton asked if it would come back to the Council. Mayor Houston wanted to establish this as a high priority and have it come back during the budget process. He explained that no decisions would be made tonight. Cm. Lockhart felt the basic principle was larger than the dollar amount. Mr. Ambrose stated that due to Prop 218, notices had been mailed to the residents regarding the assessment. . ***************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 16, 1998 PAGE 106 ~ Mr. Rankin indicated that less than half a dozen people responded to the notice. Cm's Barnes; Burton; Howarc4 and Lockhart gave it a high ranking. . Following discussion, the collective City Council ranking was HIGH. PUBLIC RELATIONS OBJECTIVE # 4: "Update Cultural/Leisure Service and Facility Promotional Brochures" Mr. Ambrose indicated that the Parks & Community Service Commission along with the Heritage Committee ranked this objective high. George Zika indicated that the Chamber may have stuff to share with the City. Cm's Burton; Howard; and Mayor Houston changed their ranking to high. Following the discussion, the collective City Council ranking was HIGH. PUBLIC RELATIONS OBJECTIVES #5: "Enhance Holiday Light display at the Civic Center" Cm. Barnes stated that the lights at the Civic Center looked nice and she felt it was important. PLANNING OBJECTIVE #7: "Nielsen Ranch General Plan Study" the . Council priority was LOW and Staff priority was MEDIUM. Mayor Houston stated if there was an application, the City would process it, but so far the City has not received an application. Mr. Peabody, Community Development Director, stated the deadline would be April. The City has not heard from the applicant. Mayor Houston felt this objective may go away due to lack of activity. Following discussion, the City Council ranking remained LOW. PLANNING ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVE # 9: Councilmember Barnes requested "provide additional Staff to keep pace with additional growth." Mr. Ambrose stated staffing will be evaluated as part of the budget process. Growth doesn't just impact the planners, it impacts all departments. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 16, 1998 PAGE 107 . ***************************************************************************************************** Cm. Barnes did not want to overwork the Staff, but wanted to make certain the City was adequately staffed and able to give good service. . Cm. Burton explained that Dublin has always been a contract City. He felt development going on now was not going to last. He wanted to look at using contract employees to get through this time. Mr. Ambrose indicated that the Contract employees work here at the City and there is a need to provide space for them. Also, right now it is difficult to find contract engineers. Cm's Burton) Howard, Lockhart, and Mayor Houston gave it a high ranking. Following discussion, the collective City Council ranking was HIGH. PLANNING ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVE # 10: Council member Lockhart requested "study feasibility of developing a recreational vehicle storage facility in Dublin." Cm. Barnes stated she agreed with Cm. Lockhart and wanted to see what could be provided as an alternative. . Cm. Lockhart indicated some RV owners have to park as far as the San Mateo Bridge. She wanted to keep this need in mind as the City is developing in the east to see if there would be any opportunities for such facilities. . Mayor Houston stated he had seen recreational vehicles stored under power lines in San Leandro, but he felt this was up to private business. I\1r. Reuel indicated conditions could be put on developing land, but the real problem was the cost of land. Mayor Houston stated he agreed with the concept but felt it should be left up to private people; the Council can not have a significant impact. Cm. Burton would like to see an RV Park being an RVer since there is none in the area. Cm. Lockhart indicated that this objective was for storage of RV's, not an RV Park. Cm's Barnes and Burton gave it a medium ranking while Cm. Howard and Mayor Houston gave it a low ranking. . Following the discussion, the collective City Council ranking was MEDIUM. ***************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 16, 1998 PAGE 108 PLANNING ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVE # 11: Councilmember Barnes requested "review Sign Ordinance with respect to vehicle advertisements . & balloons." Cm. Barnes stated the City has had problems with vehicle advertisements and she did not want to carry the problems into Eastern Dublin. Mayor Houston wanted to clarify that this objective was not an enforcement issue. Cm. Barnes wanted to revisit the policy. em. Lockhart agreed that it was important to look at it again. Citizens have expressed irritation to her about the gorilla and snow cone balloons. Mayor Houston wondered how such advertisement increased sales. He had noticed "auto row" by Orchard Supply. He thought there was a rule against that. Mr. Peabody confirmed we do. Mr. Reuel indicated that some of the businesses have spent a lot of money on balloons because it has been allowed. Cm's Howard and Lockhart and Mayor Houston gave it a high ranking while Cm. Burton gave it a medium ranking. . Following disc1l.ssion,_the collective City Council ranking was HIGH. BUILDING & SAFETY ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVE # 3: Councilmember Lockhart requested "provide on-going Customer Service Seminars as needed." Cm's Burton;? Howar~ and Mayor Houston gave it a medium ranking while Cm. Barnes gave it a high ranking. Following discussion, the collective City Council ranking was MEDIUM. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVE # 3: "Make 400 business retention contacts for the City" Mayor Houston wanted to compliment the Economic Development Manager for all the retention contacts and the outreach to the businesses that he has done. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 16, 1998 PAGE 109 . ***************************************************************************************************** ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVE # 5: "Undertake a Downtown Farmers' Market Feasibility Study" George Zika stated he supported the Farmers Market Feasibility Study. . ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVE # 6: "undertake a Redevelopment Feasibility Study" Staff ranked this MEDIUM while the City Council ranked it HIGH. Cm. Burton indicated he did not see redevelopment working in Dublin because we are a young City. He felt it would not be effective. Cm. Lockhart reported that she had attended some redevelopment seminars and felt it could help establish our Downtown area. There were lots of communities using it wisely. Cm. Burton stated that in Santa Cruz the homes were taken from the people and the land sat for ten years until the City took it over and built a courthouse. Mayor Houston felt it might be good to have as a tool. Cm. Burton indicated that redevelopment was taking over the property, tearing down . the buildings to make the land available to redevelop. Following discussion, the collective City Council ranking remained HIGH. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVE # 5: "Undertake a Downtown Farmers' Market Feasibility Study" George Zika stated he supported the Farmers Market Feasibility Study. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVE # 10: Council member Lockhart requested "work with the Chamber on Discover Dublin Program." Cm. Barnes felt # 7 and # 1 0 should be together. Mayor Houston liked "Discover Dublin" better than "Shop Dublin" or "Tax Dollars at Work". Cm. Lockhart wanted to get a coalition together with the City and the Chamber to advertise Dublin. . ***************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 16, 1998 PAGE 110 em -s Bames; Burton; Howarc4 and Mayor Houston gave it a high ranking. Following discussion, the collective City Council ranking was HIGH. . It was decided to eliminate Economic Development Objective #7 "purchase new banners, "Shop Dublin" and "Tax Dollars at Work". PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES OBJECTIVE # 12: "pursue development of additional athletic fields at Dublin Elementary School, provided funding is available" Staff ranked this MEDIUM while the City Council ranked it HIGH. Cm. Burton felt the City goes overboard on sports programs. He also stated it hasn't always worked out working with the schools. The City has put millions of dollars into school facilities and he wanted to be cautious because it was very expensive. Mayor Houston wanted to add open -ended agreements. Sometimes it has worked on a project by project basis. Dublin EI is a large site. Some of the other school sites are not as big. He felt this site created more opportunity for community use at a cost of approximately $300,000. em. Lockhart indicated there were not a lot of parks in that part of town. It could serve . lots of uses for the community. Cm. Burton realized there was a need, but he was uncomfortable about the fact they put a fence around it. Following discussion, the collective City Council ranking remained HIGH em. Barnes wanted to say thanks for adding two days a week to the Senior Lunch Program. PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES OBJECTIVE #13: "update the Agreement between City & School District regarding use of school facilities" Staff ranked this MEDIUM and the City Council ranked it MEDIUM. Cm. Lockhart felt communication was needed to make the agreement work. Roxanne Mohondro stated she lives near Dublin Elementary and the park is wonderful. She and lots of parents in the neighborhood are eager to help. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 16, 1998 PAGE 111 . ***************************************************************************************************** Cm. Lockhart stated the neighborhood and school have come to life. . em. Howard changed her ranking to a high ranking. Following discussion, the collective City Council ranking was HIGH. PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES OBJECTIVE #14: "expand Special Events Program to provide additional summer concerts at the Civic Center, additional resources for Heritage Fall Festival and to investigate new community special events" Staff ranked this MEDIUM while the City Council ranked it HIGH. Mayor Houston stated he would like to see four concerts this year. He understands that the students want to plan one of them. Mary Beth Acuff would like to see the special events coordinated with the Downtown Task Force and the Farmers' Market. She felt if it takes another Staff person, it would be worth looking into. Mayor Houston indicated this last weekend at the St. Patrick's Festival was an outstanding success. It had been a contract situation. The Farmers' Market is also a contract situation where professionals spearhead the event with Staff support. . Cm. Lockhart agreed she liked having the professionals plan it. They have the contacts. em. Lockhart changed her ranking to a high ranking. .- - - - Following discussion, the collective City Council ranking was HIGH. PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVE #21: Mayor Houston requested "pursue renovation of Dublin High Theater in cooperation with School District, shared costs." Mayor Houston would like to pursue a partnership. Cm. Burton felt it was very small seating for the amount of money the City puts in, they would not get much back. He feels it is a poor investment. Rick Robinson, Jr. stated he was the owner of the Dublin Theater Company. He uses both the school district and City facilities. There is a need; there is not adequate facilities. It would cost $30,000 to $40,000 for 200 to 300 seats, paint, and new curtains. It had merit. He felt it could work. . ***************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 16, 1998 PAGE 112 Rhonda Goldstone spoke as a citizen and wanted to know who decides who was the contractor? . Mayor Houston indicated with the Community Gym, Dublin Unified School District went out to bid though it was a mutual relationship since the School District and the City shared the cost. Ms. Goldstone stated she would like to have the City's Building Department oversee the renovation. Mr. Ambrose indicated that there always has to be a contract and there are special rules in regard to school district buildings. The City can't control buildings on school district property. George Zika wanted to see the Little Theater renovated. But he was upset that the City has an agreement with the School District about using the facilities and then the tennis courts at the Dublin High School have been locked up so that residents can't use them. Cm. Barnes stated it is not your money and my money, it is all our money. She felt if lots of people went to the School Board meeting to indicate their displeasure at having the tennis courts locked, the situation could be changed. Mr. Robinson felt if the time and energy was spent to renovate the Little Theater that there should also be someone there as a caretaker, either a Parks & Community Services staff or an attendant. Someone who knew how to use the equipment. . Cm'. Lockhart cautioned that the City needed to see if the School District was interested in having the Little Theater renovated. Ms. Mohondro asked about having the seats donated to keep the price down and urge looking at other alternatives to keep the price down. Cm~ Bames? Howarc4 and Lockhart gave it a high ranking while em. Burton gave it a medium ranldng. Following discussion, the collective City Council ranking was HIGH. PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVE #22: Councilmember Lockhart requested "establish Arts Commission to work with Parks & Community Services, handle funding & work with Dublin Fine Arts Foundation." ***************************************************************************************************** . CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 16, 1998 PAGE 113 . '. . Cm. Lockhart wanted to establish an Art Commission to watch our tax dollar to see where the money is going. The Dublin Fine Arts Foundation as a private foundation is not the same as a commission. She still wanted to support DFA, but she felt the City was growing up and needed to handle the funding responsibility for art in our community. Cm. Burton wanted to keep DFA as our art facilitator. Mayor Houston felt the establishment of an art commission made a more profound commitment to art for our City. By establishing an art commission, the City would be in charge rather than making a donation to DFA as it does now. Cm. Lockhart indicated the Downtown Task Force was talking about having art in the Downtown area. By establishing an art commission, allowed the City to plan for the future. She didn't believe this was a financial issue, but rather a philosophical issue. The commission would be made up of Dublin residents who would tell the Council want they wanted in the way of art for our community. Cm. Burton cautioned that the Council not step in like Castro Valley. Cm:SO Barnes; Howard, and Mayor Houston gave it a high ranking while Cm. Burton gave it a medium ranking. Following discussion, the collective City Council ranking was HIGH. PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVE #23: Council member Lockhart requested "extend services of Heritage Center operations to weekends. Following discussion, the collective City Council ranking was to delete this objective as Objective # 17 covered this objective. Objectives #24 & #25 were discussed together. PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVE #24: Council member Lockhart requested "investigate feasibility of Community Event Planner position." em s Barnes; Burton; Howard, and Mayor Houston gave it a low ranking and Cm. Lockhart changed her ranking to low. ***************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 16, 1998 PAGE 114 Following discussion, the collective City Council ranking was LOW. PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVE #25: . Council member Barnes requested "establish new position City Volunteer Coordinator. " Cm. Barnes stated that volunteers are our greatest asset. It would be easier to have one contact person for volunteer groups to be able to contact. She didn't believe it needed to be a full-time position. Mayor Houston indicated that Staff can't do it all and it was important to not overload the staff. If the Council kept all the high priorities they have chosen, there is not enough money to do it all. He would prefer to pursue the arts at this time instead of the volunteer position. Cm. Barnes felt one person could do the City Volunteer Coordinator and the Community Event Planner position. Mayor Houston indicated that each of these positions required a person with special and distinct skills. He did not believe the City could pay for a volunteer position, city events planner, and the arts program at this time. Cm. Barnes stated she was an active community volunteer but there was not any way to . coordinate the volunteers so they were fragmented. Mayor Houston asked if she preferred the volunteer coordinator over the art commISSIOn. Cm. Barnes replied yes. Cm. Lockhart suggested that there might be people on the staff that can already do the job. Mayor Houston replied that although these were all outstanding ideas, our staff is maxed out. Cm. Barnes encouraged the use of volunteers because she felt they were a valuable resource. Mayor Houston felt the use of volunteers many times created a mix bag of results. CITY COUNCIL l\fiNUTES VOLUME 17 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 16, 1998 PAGE 115 . ***************************************************************************************************** Ms. Mohondro stated she had volunteered to be a docent at the museum, but her phone number has been lost by Staff. . Mr. Robinson indicated he had called to volunteer and was told there was not a need. Ms. Acuff explained there was no need because the museum was not open on weekends. Mr. Atnbrose stated that if the Goals & Objectives Additional Resources Required section said "additional staff" then additional staff was really needed. The problem with using volunteering was that staff would need to be provided in a supervisory capacity. Cm s Burton, Howard, Lockhart, and Mayor Houston gave it a medium ranking. Following discussion, the collective City Council ranking was MEDIUM. PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVE #26: Councilmember Barnes requested "establish Friday Night at the park night _ use one park each month (June-Sept) to bring together neighbors with Council, Staff & Commissions." . Cm. Barnes explained that she wanted to have a gathering of residents with the Council cooking hot dogs and the different Commissions attend so the residents could get to know them. She felt it would be good P.R. em. Lockhart compared the idea to the National Nite Out held by our Police Department each year. Not a lot of people have attended. She felt if it was done right, it could be labor intensive. Mayor Houston felt holding the concerts at City Hall would get what you wanted to accomplish done. Last year one concert was held. His goal this year is to hold four concerts. Cm s Burton, Howard, Lockhart, and Mayor Houston gave it a Jaw ranking. Following discussion, the collective City Council ranking was LOW. PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVE #27: Councilmembers Barnes, Burton, & Howard requested "undertake Feasibility Study of using DHPA property across creek from Heritage Center for a cemetery. Study should include DHPA participation (income) & whether City or business should operate it." . ***************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 16, 1998 PAGE 116 Cm. Burton understood that this was private property, but he felt it would be a beautiful. setting for a cemetery. DHP A could get the money from the sale of plots and there was a definite need for more cemetery space in Dublin. Mayor Houston indicated that the property is privately owned and the owner (DHP A) would have to initiate the idea and bring it to the City. The City can't take it over like redevelopment. Cm. Lockhart felt it was a great idea for land use but she thought it was premature. Because it was someone else's property. Cm. Burton pointed out that they would need to use the Heritage Center parking lot. Cm. Lockhart expressed concern about putting money in the budget when the owners have not come to the City about this idea. Mayor Houston recommended establishing a Liaison Committee appointing Cm. Burton and Barnes to represent the City to meet with DHP A regarding DHP A's parcel. The objective was changed to "establish a Liaison Committee to work with DHP A regarding DHPA's parcel. . Cm Lockhart and Mayor Houston gave it a high ranking and Cm. Howard changed her ranking to a high ranking. Following discussion, the collective City Council raJ:1king was HIGH. POLICE OBJECTIVE # 4: "explore the feasibility of a Police Youth Academy. " Cm. Burton stated the program sounded good to him but it may not be worth the money. Cm. Burton changed his ranking to a medium so that the collective City Council ranking remained MEDTIJM.. POLICE OBJECTIVE #5: "develop a Police Officer Trading Card Program." Cm. Burton indicated he had spoken with the Police in regard to whether the kids really collected the cards. He was told the kids really enjoyed the trading card program. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 16, 1998 PAGE 117 . ***************************************************************************************************** Cm. Burton changed his ranking to a medium so that the collective City Council ranking remained MEDIUM. . Mayor Houston asked who the Chairperson for the Tri-Valley Shelter Advisory Committee was. Mr. Ambrose replied Paul Rankin, Assistant City Manager. Mayor Houston stated that the fire services transition had been outstanding. DISASTER PREPAREDNESS OBJECTIVE # 1: "undertake Table-top Disaster Training Exercise." Cm. Burton changed his ranking to a high so that the collective City Council ranking remained HIGH. WASTE MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVE # 3: "conduct a survey related to participation in the curbside/multifamily recycling programs" Staff ranked this MEDIUM while the City Council ranked it HIGH. . Cm. Barnes stated this would be a case of pay now or pay later. She felt the City was not proactive in regard to recycling. An example was at our local post office. Lots of junk mail is delivered to the post office boxes which residents just dump in the garbage with everything else. She mentioned trying to recycle the junk mail and the postal employees just shrugged. Following discussion, the collective City Council ranking remained high. WASTE MANAGEMENT ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVE # 4: Councilmember Barnes requested "develop calendar with School District promoting recycling." Cm. Barnes described a calendar distributed by Ora Lorna District which used the arts from the students. They provided the funding for the calendar. Cm. Lockhart indicated that Chevron gave school districts donations for printing costs so the School District could sell the calendars as a fund raiser. Cm. Barnes suggested the City's Liaison Committee work with the School District on this idea. . ***************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 16, 1998 PAGE 118 Following discussion, the collective City Council ranking was to remove the objective. WASTE MANAGEMENT ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVE #5: Councilmember Lockhart requested "involve Youth Commission in recycling efforts." . Following discussion, the collective City Council ranking was to remove the objective. WASTE MANAGEMENT ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVE #6: Councilmember Barnes requested "work with School District on recycling program." Mr. Ambrose indicated that Staff was not sure what this objective meant. Cm. Barnes felt this was an untapped area. Mr. Rankin stated commercial waste was the biggest area not yet addressed. Commercial Waste required a specialized type of service because some businesses had cardboard to be recycled while construction had bricks and wood. How to fund was difficult. Many people think they should be able to recycle for free. Mr. Ambrose stated residential recycling had been about 25% of the City's waste stream. Mr. Rankin explained that recycling plastic bottles was not as effective as dealing with . bricks and wood. SB939 refers to reducing tonnage. Cm. Burton indicated one report stated 1/4 of garbage was disposable diapers. He felt women should go back to cloth diapers. Mayor Houston responded there was the issue of using the water to clean the diapers. Mr. Rankin stated that there was no data available for 1997 in regard to landfill tonnage as yet. The City was assessed for the leftover construction materials to build BART and for the demolition of some buildings that went to the landfill. The Green Waste Program has reduced of tonnage by 8%, but the City does not have a dedicated solid waste staff. Cm. Barnes indicated our garbage bill was nice and low and she wanted to keep it that way. Mr. Ambrose responded that as residents, we pay for our recycling. But commercial is more diverse and not as simple to institute. em s Burton; Howar~ Lockh~ and Mayor Houston gave it a high ranking. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 16, 1998 PAGE 119 . ***************************************************************************************************** . Following discussion, the collective City Council ranking was HIGH and the objective was changed to "work with the Liaison Committee to reduce the waste stream". . FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Councilmember Lockhart requested the addition of #1)" new bus stop/street furniture (Le. benches, trash receptacles, etc.) in the Downtown area." Cm. Lockhart indicated this was a suggestion from the Downtown Task Force. People need a place to rest. They want to change the image of central Dublin. Bernice Bywater, a member of the Downtown Task Force, wanted to encourage the Council to put the Farmers' Market on the front burner. Cm ~ Barnes; Burton; Howard; and Mayor Houston gave it a medium ranking. Following discussion, the collective City Council ranking was MEDIUM. Councilmember Lockhart requested the addition of #2) "widen Village Parkway Sidewalk & re-Iandscape." Cm. Lockhart stated that Village Parkway was a real focus of the Downtown Task Force. They wanted to make it more walker friendly. It was difficult to get a stroller on that sidewalk. The businesses were very interested so the City would have cooperation. Cm. Burton suggested diagonal parking. Cm. Lockhart realized this belonged in the 5 Year Capital Improvement Program and could not be done immediately. Cm;s Bames; Burton; Howard; and Mayor Houston gave it a medium ranking. Following discussion, the collective City Council ranking was MEDIUM. Councilmember Lockhart requested the addition of 3) "more Public Art Downtown." Cm;s Barnes; Burton; Howard; and Mayor Houston gave it a medium ranking. Following discussion, the collective City Council ranking was MEDIUM. On census of the Council, the adopted Goals & Objectives for 1998 are as follows. . ***************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 16, 1998 PAGE 120 CITY OF DUBLIN ADOPTED GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1998 GENERAL GOVERNMENT - ADMINISTRATION COUNCIL PRIORITY tJ. YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE High 1. 98 Implement Civic Center Modifications to accommodate growth in City High 2. 98 Renegotiate Cable Television Franchise Agreement High 3. 98 Report on all systems utilizing data processors to determine that the systems are Year 2000 compliant and that systems will function. (Alarm systems, data processing hardware/software; door access systems; phone systems; etc.) High 4. 98 Evaluate adequacy of phone system and voice mail for all City facilities High 5. 98 Develop an Internet Use Policy High 6. 95 Update Performance Evaluation Process. High 7. 97 Install Automated Permit Tracking System High 8. 9B Identify and select the most appropriate records retention technology Medium 9. 9B Develop an Information Systems Disaster Recovery Program Medium 10. 95 Revisions to Parking Citation Program to Comply With Current Law (Revisions effective 1/1/96) Medium 11. 98 Develop a Geographic Information System (GIS) including the integration of existing City information systems Medium 12. 93 Undertake Americans Disability Act (ADA) Self-Evaluation of Facilities FINANCE COUNCIL . PRIORITY tJ. :tEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE High 1. 96 Develop Implementation Guidelines for Public Facility Fees and Traffic Impact Fees High 2. 97 Select and install a new Financial Accounting System High 3. 9B Report to Council on Civic Center Certificate of Participation Defeasance .. High -'4. 98 .. Update Process for Property Related Fees pursuant to legislative revisions to Proposition 218 High 5. 98 Evaluate the feasibility and desirability of establishing an infrastructure financing district in eastern Dublin High 6. 98 Eliminate Storm Water Fee High 7. 97 Develop plan which will report on the status of reserves in the Equipment Replacement Fund and provide a means to incorporate Fire Apparatus and Major Building Components Medium 8. 96 Report on cost effective alternatives for processing small purchases. (Cal Card Program- Sponsored by the State of California) Medium 9. 91 Update the Purchasing Ordinance (incorporates policy related to the purchase of recycled products) INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COUNCIL PRIORITY High High '/J. 1. YEAB 98 2. 98 PROPOSED OBJECTIVE Aggressively monitor activities of other regional local agencies which directly impact Dublin Meet jointly with representatives from other agencies CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 ADOPTED GOALS & OBJECTIVES March 16, 1998 PAGE 121 . High 2. 98 ~NCIL ~RITY High High High High Low t! YEAR 1. 98 2. 98 3. 98 4. 98 5. 98 COUNCIL PRIORITY High t! ~ 1. 98 2. 98 3. 98 4. 98 5. 96 High COUNCIL .RITY High t! :fEAR 1. 98 2. 98 3. 97 4. 96 5. 98 6. 98 7. 95 8. 96 9. 98 10. 96 11. 97 High High High Medium Medium Medium Low Low COUNCIL PRIORITY High High Medium t! 1. 2. 3. YEAR 98 98 98 COUNCIL PRIORITY Medium t! 1. YEAR 96 . Meet jointly with representatives from other agencies PUBLIC RELATIONS PROPOSED OBJECTIVE Update Cultural/Leisure Service and Facility Promotional Brochures Identify technology and training improvements to upgrade Council meeting presentations Publish one City Newsletter Coordinate the production of one video newsletter Enhance Holiday Light display at the Civic Center CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION PROPOSED OBJECTIVE Perform contractor evaluations on the following service contracts: Alameda County Maintenance (street lights and traffic signals) Animal Shelter Services Crossing Guards Building & Safety Report to Council on Countywide review of Library Services COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - PLANNING PROPOSED OBJECTIVE Process $500 million in major project land use entitlements Develop and implement a Camp Parks Affordable Housing Project Study establishment of Urban Opportunity Zone! Elevation Cap for private development in eastern Dublin Develop City Telecommunication Policy Provide additional Staff to keep pace with additional growth. Review Sign Ordinance with respect to vehicle advertisements & balloons . Complete miscellaneous eastern Dublin Implementation Measures & monitor Water & Sewer Plan Housing Element Update Study feasibility of developing a recreational vehicle storage facility in Dublin Nielsen Ranch General Plan Study Update & conduct 5 year review of Dublin General Plan BUILDING & SAFETY PROPOSED OBJECTIVE Adopt 1997 UBC. UPC, UMC, and 1995 NEC Ordinances Provide three building code seminars for the counter staff and inspectors Provide on-going Customer Service Seminars as needed ENGINEERING PROPOSED OBJECTIVE Update & expand Standard Street Improvement Details (street lights, decorative paving, medians, landscaping) CITY COUNCIL MINUTeS VOLUME 17 ADOPTED GOALS & OBJECTIVES March 16. 1998 PAGE 122 Medium 2. 98 Report to Council on Underground Utility Project priorities ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL . PRIORITY ! YE6B PROPOSED OBJECTIVE High 1. 98 Work with Downtown Task Force to develop an action plan to enhance the economic vitality of the existing Downtown area and assess the need for a business commission High 2. 98 Prepare and distribute quarterly business inventory reports High 3. 98 Make 400 business retention contacts for the city High 4. 98 Target 200 mailings to attract business to Dublin High 5. 98 Undertake a Downtown Farmers Market Feasibility Study High 6. 98 Work with the Chamber on Discover Dublin Program High 7. 98 Undertake a Redevelopment Feasibility Study Medium 8. 97 Update Eastern Dublin Development Brochure Medium 9. 95 Locate & procure site for uWelcome to Dublin~ sign CULTURE & LEISURE - PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES COUNCIL PRIORITY ! Y.EAB High 1. 97 High 2. 97 High 3. 97 High 4. 95 High 5. 97 High 6. 97 High 7. 97 High 8. 98 High 9. 98 High 10. 92 High 11. 98 High 12. 98 High 13. 98 High 14. 98 . High 15. 98 High 16. 97 High 17. 94 PROPOSED OBJECTIVE Develop a Master Plan and Phasing Plan for the City Park on the Santa Rita property and determine size and access to Sports Complex Work with U.S. Army to secure conveyance/lease for a 20 acre sports park at Camp Parks Prepare an update to the Library Task Force Report including site identification for new Library/Community Activity Center . Develop a Parks Implementation Plan for eastern Dublin . Update Public Facilities Fee Study to incorporate development not included in original study; and to update community park and neighborhood park land fees Develop a Facility Use Policy and Fee Schedule for the Community Gymnasium at Valley High School Evaluate Dublin Library for use as a Senior Center Implement recommendations of Youth Advisory Committee for expanded teen programming for middle school and high school youth Improve quality and scope of Quarterly Activity Guide Work with EBRPD and Alameda County to complete development of unbuilt portion of Iron Horse Trail Establish a Liaison Committee to work with DHPA regarding parcel Add two days per week to senior lunch program and investigate feasibility of additional open hours on evenings and weekends Expand Special Events Program to provide additional summer concerts at the Civic Center, additional resources for Heritage Fall Festival and to investigate new community special events Pursue renovation of Dublin High Theater in cooperation with School District, shared costs Establish Arts Commission to work with Parks & Community Services, handle funding & work with Dublin Fine Arts Foundation Pursue development of additional athletic fields at Dublin Elementary School, provided funding is available Update the Agreement between City & School District regarding use of school CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 ADOPTED GOALS & OBJECTIVES March 16, 1998 PAGE 123 . facilities Medium 18. 98 Increase open hours at Murray Schoolhouse Museum Medium 19. Establish new position City Volunteer Coordinator eium 20. 98 Expand spring programming at Dublin Swim Center to include swim lessons, certification classes and competitive stroke classes Medium 21. 98 Work with Dublin Fine Arts Foundation on 1998 Projects, provided funding is available Medium 22. 98 Investigate the feasibility of contracting for concessions at the Dublin Swim Center Snack Bar Low 23. 98 Establish Friday Night at the park night -use one park each month (June-Sept) to bring together neighbors with Council, Staff & Commissions Low 24. 98 Investigate feasibility of Community Event Planner position PUBLIC SAFETY - POLICE COUNCIL PRIORITY t! YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE High 1. 97 Develop and implement a "Community to Cop Connection Program High 2. 98 Explore feasibility/desirability of developing a juvenile offenders diversion program High 3. 98 Explore feasibility/desirability of a citizens volunteer program for Dublin Police Services Medium 4. 98 Explore the feasibility of a Police Youth Academy Medium 5. 97 Develop a Police Officer Trading Card Program ANIMAL CONTROL COUNCIL PRIORITY t! YEAS. PROPOSED OBJECTIVE High 1. 98 Assume Chairperson responsibilities for the Tri-Valley Shelter Advisory Committee . FIRE SERVICES COUNCIL PRIORITY 'It YEAS. PROPOSED OBJECTIVE High 1. 98 Finalize future fire station locations in eastern Dublin DISASTER PREPAREDNESS COUNCIL PRIORITY t! YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE High 1. 98 Undertake Table-top Disaster Training Exercise Low 2. 97 Develop a formal Disaster Service Worker Program WASTE MANAGEMENT COUNCIL PRIORITY 'it :tfAB. High 1. 98 High 2. 97 High 3. 98 High 4. 93 PROPOSED OBJECTIVE Complete Annual review of AB 939 diversion rates and current programs and assess recommendations required to meet year 2000 diversion requirements Review and design improvements to the Commercial Recycling Program to address poor participation in existing pilot program and to address expenditure of unanticipated Alameda County Waste Mgt Authority grant Work with School District through the Liaison Committee to reduce waste stream Conduct a survey related to participation in the curbside/multifamily recycling programs . TRANSPORTATION - MAINTENANCE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 ADOPTED GOALS & OBJECTIVES March 16, 1998 PAGE 124 COUNCIL PRIORITY it Y.EAB PROPOSED OBJECTIVE High 1. '98 Implement five (5) new community volunteer projects Medium 2: 96 Study options for replacing the Civic Center Fountain pumps in order to provide. more hours at a lower cost Low 3. 92 Undertake Corporation Yard Facility Study TRANSPORTATION COUNCIL PRIORITY it YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE High 1. 97 Monitor Caltrans and ACTA on the right-ot-way acquisition and construction ot the 1~580/J-680 interchange improvements and downtown hook ramps High 2. 97 Undertake update to Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee High 3. 95 Work with Tri-Valley Transportation Council to develop and adopt a Regional Traffic Impact Fee High 4. 97 Work with BART to develop additional parking High 5. 96 Work with Contra Costa County to establish a tee in Contra Costa County to pay for needed roadway improvements in Dublin High 6. 95 Complete alignment studies for eastern Dublin major arterials (Tassajara Road & Fallon Road) High 7. 88 Report to City Council on Downtown Traffic Impact Fee CAPITAL PROJECTS COUNCIL PRIORITY it YEAB PROPOSED OBJECTIVE Medium 1. 98 New Bus Stop/Street Furniture (Le. benches, trash receptacles, etc.) in downtown area . Medium 2. 98 Widen Village Parkway Sidewalk & Re-Iandscape Medium 3. 98 More Public Art Downtown CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 ADOPTED GOALS & OBJECTIVES March 16, 1998 PAGE 125 . . RECESS At 8:47p.m., Mayor Houston called for a short recess. All Councilmembers were present when the meeting reconvened. 1998-99 BUDGET STUDY SESSION 8:58 p.m. 8.2 (330-20) City Manager Ambrose indicated that the City's Annual Budget Study Session provided the City Council with an opportunity to identify those programs, services, and projects the Council would like Staff to analyze as part of the development of the City's Annual Operating Budget and Five Year Capital Improvement Program for the upcoming year. The Budget Study Session also serves as a means of providing the Council with early information regarding those items that may have a significant impact (positive or negative) on the City's expenditures and revenues in 1998-99. Sales Tax Revenues which represented nearly 38% of the City's General Budgeted Revenue in Fiscal Year 1997-98 has an opportunity for some growth in 1998-99, but the relocation of the Alameda County Auto Auction to Livermore in 1998-99 will also impact the City's sales tax revenue. . Regarding Property Tax Revenue, in Fiscal Year 1996-98 the City experienced an increase of approximately 4.6% in the total taxable assessed value. Approximately 38% of the total net increase was attributable to the addition of new projects (K&B California Highlands in western Dublin & K&B Creekside Project in Eastern Dublin). A mininlum of $135,000 is expected from both the Prop. 13 adjustment of 2% and land sales on the Alameda County property. There is a potential for growth in the Transient Occupancy Tax estimated at $70,000 to $100,000 due to two hotel projects which have land use approvals and have submitted plans for Building Permit plan checking. . The City has already imposed an Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Implementation Fee to recover the cost of developing and implementing the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The amount collected is unlmown depending on the number and type of applications received in the upcoming year. SB ZOO 1 proposed to repeal the State's Vehicle License Fee immediately which could mean the City would lose significant General Fund revenues estimated at $1.1 million. . ..............................................................................................*...... CITY COUNCn.. MINUTES VOLUME 17 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 16, 1998 PAGE 126 OPERATING EXPENDITURES Mr. Rankin reviewed several operating expenditures. Preliminary data used by ABAG . PLAN Corporation indicates that the City will receive a premium decrease for Liability Insurance Coverage of $7,000 due to continued positive claims history and stabilization of the premium component associated with agency payroll. Police Dispatch Costs will increase $76,000 due to the revised methodology for distributing dispatch costs among users of the system. The City is now responsible for the purchase and replacement of major elements of Fire Department Equipment and major Building components. A range of costs could be possible depending upon the items included in the replacement fund and how contributions are financed. ($112,000 to $415,000) Although the City will be adopting a new Five Year Capital Improvement Program, there were several needed projects which were identified as unfunded in the adopted 1996- 2001 CIP. Amounts without identified funding were $95,000 in Community Improvements; $685,865 in Parks and $23,410,097 in Streets for a total of $24,190,962. C1V Representatives have indicated the need for capital funds to complete equipment replacement which would be approximately $20,000 if each City shared equally. The first contribution towards the Valley Community Gymnasium will be made in IT 1998-99 in the amount of approximately $264,809. As a result of the February 1998 storms, slide repair work will need to be performed on San Ramon Road at a cost of approximately $220,000. Council gave Staff the following direction regarding Operating Expenditures, Capital . Expenditures, and Contract Services. Operating Expenditures lA.-- Should'the 1997':'98 level of service adopted by the City Council as part of the 1997 -98 Adopted Budget for each program be used as the base level of service in developing the Fiscal Year 1998-99 Budget? Yes - bya consensus. 1 B. To the extent that the City Council's 1998 high and medium priority objectives require additional resources not available in the current budget, should the cost of funding only high priority objectives be identified as an additional budget increment? Yes - by a consensus. 1 C. If there is an additional service/program which was not identified in the 1998 Goals & Objectives Study Session, which would you like evaluated during the development of the 1998-99 Budget, please identify. No additional services/programs identified. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 16, 1998 PAGE 127 . ***************************************************************************************************** . ID. During Fiscal Year 1997-98, the City Council funded a number of community groups. For each community group identified below, please identify whether the community groups level of funding should be the same level as Fiscal Year 1997-98 and included in the base level or in an additional level of service in Fiscal Year 1998-99. The Council detennined that Community Television was the only community group from last year that would be included in the base level All other community groups would have to make a new request for funding for the Fiscal Year 1998-99. CAPffAL EXPENDITURES 2A. Are there additional Capital Projects which are not included in the adopted Five Year Capital Improvement Program which you would like to see Staff evaluate, please identify. Mayor Houston requested that Dublin Elementary Field and Dublin Little Theater be identified in the current Five Year Capital Improvement Program to be funded in Fiscal Year 1998-99. If funding is necessary for operating expenditures in 1998-99, four alternatives (l) defer 1998-99 Capital Projects to 1999-2000; (2) utilize Unallocated Reserves; (3) partially defease Civic Center; and (4) utilize Debt Financing were given to the Council as options for funding Capital Projects in 1998-99. . The Council chose defer 1998-99 Capital Projects to 1999-2000 and utilize UnalIocated Reserves as a means of funding Capital Projects in 1998-99. CONTRACT SERVICES Cm. Lockhart stated she has seen crossing guards without any kids to cross because they have already crossed the street before they get to the crossing guard. Mayor Houston wondered if another place might be better for the crossing guard. Mr. Ambrose stated that it cost $9,000 a piece for each crossing guard. The City might split the cost for another crossing guard at Dublin Elementary with the School District. The Council indicated this issue should be brought up with the School District Liaison Committee. . ***************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 16, 1998 PAGE 128 BUDGET CALENDAR Cm. Barnes requested that the Council wait until the Council meeting of March 17th to detennine the date for the Annual Budget and Five- Year CIP public hearings so she could check her calendar at home. Mayor Houston stated the meeting would be at 6:00 p.m. and the date would be detennined on March 17th. H ..........m...+.mm' "'W ADJOURNMENT 11.1 There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 9:29 p.m. ._..,. ....... .__m.._........~+..mm m..__ '......... "''''_ Minutes prepared by Sandie Hart, Secretary. Mayor A TrEST: City Clerk . .... m..mm....mm....+... ....mm_ ***************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCn.. MINUTES VOLUME 17 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 16, 1998 PAGE 129 . . . . . . St. Patrick's Celebration (950-40) 9,( Mayor Houston congratulated all Staff on a very successful St. Patrick's Day event. He would like to have a debriefing sometime within the next 30 days while it is still fresh on everyone's mind. Thank yous to the celebration sponsors will be coming soon. Also, this is "Dublin Pride Week". ... Dublin Pride Week (150-80) 7. ? '.. '-I ~ em. Lockhart reported that this is official Dublin Pride Week and on your regular garbage pick up day people can put out extra garbage. Businesses were thanked who have displayed posters. Mr. Rankin explained that the special pickup does span an additional week. If people have questions, they can call Livermore Dublin Disposal at 447-1300. .. ADJOURNMENT 11.1 There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 10:04 p.m. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk t- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING ~ St. Patrick's Day, March 17, 1998 .;. PAGE 154 , . . . . . . . REGULAR MEETING - March 17, 1998 A regular meeting of the Dublin City Council was held on St. Patrick's Day, Tuesday, March 17, 1998, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic Center. The meeting was called to order at 7:06 p.m., by Mayor Houston. .... ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councihnembers Barnes, Burton, Howard, Lockhart and Mayor Houston. ABSENT: None. .. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Houston led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. ..... POEM: "DUBLIN IS OUR cITY" 7:07 p.m. 3.1 (l20-60) StUdents from Ms. Kate Gorvad's 1st Grade Class at Nielsen Elementary School recited an original poem, "Dublin Is Our City". Dublin is our ci~ Wbere we work and play and rest. Dublin is our ci~ It simply is the bestl!! aD" is for dynamic; delightful and dandy. Dublin is better than sugar candy "U" is for unequaled uniqueness of this place. Dublin puts a happy smile on each face. "'B" is for businesses, buses and ball games. Dublin surrounds us with green hills of great fame. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING -To St. Patrick's Day, March 17, 1998 -To PAGE 130 .~ . . "L" is for leanling in distinguished schools. Dublin is like a rare and precious jeweL ~1" is for interestin& with so much to do. Dublin is individuals, like me and like you. "N" is for nice neighbors and knowing each name. No other city is quite the same. Do you think were happy to live in this town? 111ere's no doubt about it. . . it's the best one around!!! Dublin is our city, lVhere we work and play and rest Dublin is our city . . . It simply is the best..'!! Mayor Houston presented Ms. Gorvad with a "Dublin Town" City song tape and key pins to the City for all the children in her class. ... St. Patrick's Celebration (950-40) '3,).-- 7:11 p.m. . Mayor Houston reported that a great week of celebration started Friday night at the Green & White Gala which was well attended. It was an outstanding start to an outstanding weekend. At the Fire Station pancake breakfast, over 1,000 were served. The Parade was the biggest and the best we've ever had irltl1e City. It. gives us' something to shoot for next year He thanked the Dublin Lions Club. The estimates were that we had over 25,000 people at our celebration this year. A good time was had by all. Mother Nature and God gave us 2 great days of weather. Saturday night we had Gaelic football and it was very entertaining. Our Irish guests told us what the rules were. Next year we may have a tournament. Today we had our Chamber of Commerce and Dublin Rotary Club luncheon. Mayor Houston gave recognition to friends from Bray. The first recognition went to Town Clerk, Thomas Murphy. A plaque was presented to Mr. Murphy containing a picture of he and Dublin's City Clerk Kay Keck which was taken at the reception today prior to the Chamber luncheon. They always bring beautiful crystal and glassware which we proudly display in our cases out in the lobby. Our recognition this year was to show some of the people in our City. A CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REG U LAR MEETING .;. . St. Patrick's Day, March 17, 1998 .;. PAGE 131 . . . . . . partnering with Dublin's City Clerk was pictured on the plaque and a theme, celebrating similarities. Mayor Houston also presented a Dublin City song tape and key pins to Thomas and his wife Joyce. John Byrne, Chairman of the Bray Urban District Council who is equivalent to our Mayor was presented with a plaque picturing he and Mayor Houston. City song tapes were also given to John Byrne and Hillary Fitzpatrick. Chairman Byrne stated it was a great honor for him to lead the Irish delegation here these last few days. It has been great ftm. He looks forward to people in Dublin coming to visit their town. They look forward to building on the relationships that were established in 1987. Ireland is growing and changing and prospering. He thanked President Bill Foster of DSCA and their host families, the Fosters and the Snyders. They really spoiled them. They look forward to the Mayor, the Council and the people of Dublin coming to visit them soon. .... CONSENT CALENDAR 7:20 p.m. On motion of Cm. Lockhart, Cm. Howard, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote, the Council took the following actions: Approved (4.1) Minutes of Regular Meeting of March 3, 1998; Adopted (4.3 350-20) RESOLUTION NO.. 23 - 98 DECLARING 1989 BUICK lESABRE AS SURPLUS PROPERTY AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO DISPOSE OF IT 4T AUCTION and RESOLUTION NO.. 24 - 98 WAIVING THE COl\tPETITIVE BID PROCESS AND AUTHORIZING STAFF TO NEGOTIATE THE PURCHASE OF ONE UNMARKED POLICE PATROL VEHICLE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME t 7 REGULAR MEETING .. . St. Patrick's Day, March 17, 1998 · PAGE 132 and approved the specifications to be used to secure one unmarked police vehicle and approved the Budget Change Form; . Adopted (4.4 350-20) RESOLUTION NO. 25 - 98 AUTHORIZING THE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO PURCHASE FOUR (4) POLICE PATROL VEHICLES and RESOLUTION NO. 26 - 98 WAIVING THE COMPETITIVE BID PROCESS AND AUTHORIZING STAFF TO NEGOTIATE THE PURCHASE OF FOUR (4) POLICE PATROL VEHICLES Adopted (4.5 600-30) RESOLUTION NO. 27 - 98 APPROVING A.MENDMENT TO A.GREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES WITH ZUMWALT ENGINEERING GROUP . and approve~ Budget Change Form; Approved (4.6 300-40) the Warrant Register in the amount of $1,524,121.00. Iteln 4.2 was removed frOln the Consent Calendar for discussion. Nita Wix"son" Cronin Circle" and a neighbor; Cora who also lives in Kildara stated s11e was very enthusiastic about the renovation of Mape Park but she was surpnsed to see that the bridge is moving forward Essentially" the issue for homeowners in Kildara is they are in full support of the bridge but they are concerned about liability and safety issues. They experienced a burglary at the unit on the comer. They feel unfriendly foot traffic coming off San Ramon Road will be a problem. They would like the City GouncJ1 to consider delaying approval. They suggested another option where they would have the ability to speak to others in the community regarding shared concerns and ideas. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING .;. St. Patrick's Day, March 17, 1998 .; PAGE 133 . . Mayor Houston stated he had been involved in this for quite some time. There was quite an extensive time when a citizens committee looked at this. The Police Department was one of the more enthusiastic supporters of the bridge. They feel this is a definite plus with regard to law enforcement. 'Problems in the complex coming from San Ramon Road is much closer to them that this bridge. He felt things would be enhanced by having this bridge. 1Jzis has gone through a long process and stated he is in favor of it at this time. A1s. Wixson stated there was a large majority of the neighborhood on the other side of the park opposed to this. She questioned the definition of the need. It sounds like a great expense. She was swprised that grammar school age children would be going to school by themselves on foot. This seemed to be a strong basis for this proposal. She requested background infonnation on this. She questioned why the bridge was proposed as such an important part of this project. Mayor Houston responded this was what the neighbors wanted Several of her neighbors supported Ii bridge. Access and use of the park was more important than children walking to schooL The Police Department feels it will be enhanced from an enforcement standpoint. . Ms. Wixson stated she felt this would be less of an issue for homes set further back. 111ere are people choosing to use this isolated area for graffiti and not family oriented activities. She just received the agenda on Saturday, and she did not realize tonight would be the final decision on this item. Alayor Houston stated the decision was made over a year ago. This provides grant funding. -- em. Bames stated she thought the bridge would have lighting to better illuminate the area so we wouldn't have so many problems. She reminded everyone that Mr. Woy:s class from Wells School came and asked for the bridge also. Mr. Thompson stated he thought 3 lights had been put in. Mayor Houston stated he felt having the bridge will enhance the area rather than lnaJdng it worse. Police Chief Thuman stated from a patrol standpoint it will improve their ability to patrol the area. VVhen areas are isolated they tend to attract people who want to be secluded. This will give more access points and with more routine foot traffic, will be a less desirable area for unwanted activities. . Ms. Wixson stated she had never seen a bicycle patrol come through the path. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING .;. St. Patrick's Day, March 17, 1998 .;. PAGE 134 Chief Thuman stated in the springtime and early fall is when they do most of . their patrol on bicycles. On motion of Cm. Barnes, seconded by Cm. Lockhart, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted (4.2 1060-90) RESOLUTION NO. 28 - 98 APPROVING BICYCLE/PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AND DIRECTING STAFF TO APPLY TO THE METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION (MTC) FOR TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT (TDA) ARTICLE 3 FUNDING .... GOVERNMENT COST SAVINGS AND TAXPAYERS PROTECTION AMENDMENT (PECG INITIATIVE) 7:32 p.m. 5.1 (660-40) Public Works Director Thompson advised that the City has received a communication from the Consulting Engineers and Land Surveyors of California . requesting opposition to this initiative, which would require agencies such as the City to utilize State Engineers for Capital Project design. Mayor Houston stated our city is traditionally a contract city and this allows us flexibility to get things done. Taking this away would be a disservice. Delays could be 2 or 3 years waiting for them to even be able to do the project. It takes away our ability to expedite a project. Delays can cost literally millions of dollars. Cm. Burton felt people should understand that there is a misstatement in the title. They are trying to monopolize and keep all the business in the state. People need to talk to their friends about this. On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Barnes, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 29 - 98 OPPOSING THE "GOVERNMENT COST SAVINGS AND TAXPAYERS PROTECTION AMENDMENT" (PECG INITIATIVE) .. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING .;. . St. Patrick's Day, March 17, 1998 .;. PAGE 135 . . DUBLIN SENIOR CENTER FOUNDATION 7:35 p.m. 5.2 (595-60) Parks & Community Services Director Lowart presented the Staff Report and advised that the City had received a letter from C. R. Cocilova, President of the Dublin Senior Center Foundation requesting that the City consider reimbursing the Foundation for expenses incurred to establish the Foundation. The expenses totaled $767.05 and documentation has been provided to Staff. The Board of Directors of the Foundation are also requesting support from the City for: 1) Use of City facilities at no charge for monthly meetings of the Foundation Board of Directors and for Fund-raisers of the Foundation. 2) Use of Dublin Senior Center address as the corporate address for the Foundation and space at the Senior Center for storage of one file cabinet and to post announcements of the Foundation. 3) Use of the Dublin Senior Center telephone number where messages can be left for members of the Board of Directors. . 4) Use of copy machine at Dublin Senior Center with supplies furnished by the Foundation. 5) Investigate whether the Foundation could be covered under the City's msurance coverage. 6) Grant an exception to Chapter 5.24 of the Dublin Municipal Code related to Fireworks by adopting a Resolution. Mayor Houston asked if the Senior Center had voicemail. Ms. Lowart stated they do have an answering machine but no voicemail. Mayor Houston asked about using the address and if they would foresee the limited access as a problem, rather than using a post office box, where they would have 24 hour access. George Zika stated he understood there is a waiting list for Post Office boxes. In addition, some documents have to come to an address rather than a post office box anyway. . CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING .;. St. Patrick's Day, March 17, 1998 or. PAGE 136 Mayor Houston confinned that no one will get keys and have access all the time . to the facility. Mr. Zika stated this is not a problem. They don't move that fast. Cm. Burton stated he was inclined to go against the fireworks request because it will open up allowing others. He is proud of the way they have gotten started, but this would allow someone to get a group together in the spring and come down and apply for a permit. Mr. Zika stated they may be able to get around this requirement, based on which date they use. Their first meeting was back in February of 1997, but they didn't get their tax exempt number until October. He understands the concerns. Most of the Board members have been in the community for over 30 years and all the money will go back into the senior center and their programs. Cm. Burton stated 2 groups can go together and they could go with someone else who got a permit in the lottery. He stated he would leave it to the City Attorney to make an interpretation of the code section. Mayor Houston stated he felt until you have articles of incorporation and a tax . identification number, you are not an organization. He felt all the other requests were valid and he would like to go forward. He did not feel that one half of a fireworks booth would change anything. Ms. Silver read Section 5.24.060 of the Dublin Municipal Code. 'Permits- Prerequisites for issiiance. -A. No pennit to sell safe and sane fireworks'shaIJ be" issued to any person except nonprofit organizations or corporations which have obtained tax exempt status from the State Franchise Tax Board under Section 23701 (b), (d), (I), (g), or (1) of the Revenue and Taxation Code. B. Each such organization must have its principal and permanent meeting place in the city limits and must maintain a bona fide membership of at least twenty (20) members, and must have been organized and established within the city for a minimum of one year continually preceding the filing of the application for the permit" Ms. Silver stated it is ultimately up to the Council to interpret, but she felt they need to be established for one year. em. Lockhart stated she interpreted it differently. As long as they have a tax exempt status and have been an organization for a year, they meet the CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REG U LAR MEETING .;. St. Patrick's Day, March 17, 1998 .;- PAGE 137 . . requirements. She did not feel they are creating problems down the road. The code wants them to have a years worth of history and to know they have cleared all the state hoops. They are only getting their names in the lottery; they aren't guaranteed of getting a booth. Mayor Houston felt as long as the "people to save the midget whales" or some such group can't come in, this would be okay. He felt it would be wiser to clarify the ordinance. Ms. Silver felt if their interpretation is this foundation has met the requirements of the code they don't need an exception and they could just make a motion to state this organization has met the requirements and comes within the definitions set forth. On motion of Mayor Houston, seconded by Cm. Lockhart, and by majority vote, the Council approved inclusion of the Dublin Senior Center Foundation in the fireworks lottery (Request No.6) because they have met the requirements under the DMC at this time. Mayor Houston voted in opposition to the motion. . On motion of Mayor Houston, seconded by Cm. Barnes, and by unanimous vote, the Council approved the requests (1 through 4), and the Budget Change Form. Request No.5 was denied as the City is a member of a JP A which provides insurance coverage only for the City. .. PUBLIC HEARING - ]EFFERSON AT DUBLIN MULTI-FAMILY PROTECT. pLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONE PA 97-018 7:56 p.m. 6.1 (450-30) Mayor Houston opened the public hearing. Community Development Director Peabody presented the Staff Report and advised that this public hearing is for a proposed Ordinance approving the Planned Development Rezone application for the Jefferson at Dublin Multi-Family Project submitted by]pI Westcoast, L.P.. The proposed project includes 368 multi-family units to be located on approximately 16 acres at the northeast corner of Hacienda Drive and Central Parkway. The Ordinance was introduced at the City Council meeting of March 3, 1998. . CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING . St. Patrick's Day, March 17, 1998 · PAGE 138 Mr. Peabody explained that this is the first PD project to fall under the provisions . of the new Zoning Ordinance. The Development Plan will in essence become the zoning for the site. Where the Development Plan is silent, the development of the site will rely upon the Zoning Ordinance that is currently in effect at the time of the development or any future modification to the site. No public testimony was entered by any member of the public relative to this Issue. Mayor Houston closed the public hearing. On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Lockhart, and by unanimous vote, the Council waived the reading and adopted ORDINANCE NO.4 - 98 AMENDING THE ZONING MAP TO REZONE PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF CENTRAL PARKWAY AND HACIENDA DRIVE (APN 986-001-001-10) TO A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONING DISTRICT AND ADOPTING A DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR JEFFERSON AT DUBLIN PROJECT (PA 97-028) ... . PUBLIC HEARING CREEKSIDE OmCE PARK PLANNED DEVELOPMENf REZONE PA 97-031 7:58 p.m. 6.2 (450-30) Mayor Houston opened the public hearing. Staff advised that adoption of this Ordinance would approve the Planned Development Rezone application for the Creekside Office Park Project, located on 31.2:t acres at the northwest corner of Hacienda Drive and Central Parkway. The Ordinance was introduced at the March 3, 1998 City Council meeting. Adoption of the Resolution would establish the findings and general provisions for the PD Rezoning. No public testimony was entered by any member of the public relative to this. Issue. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING .. St. Patrick's Day, March 17, 1998 .;. PAGE 139 . . Mayor Houston closed the public hearing. . . On motion of em. Burton, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote, the Council waived the reading and adopted ORDINANCE NO.5.. 98 AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO PERMIT THE REZONING OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF CENTRAL PARKWAY AND HACIENDA DRIVE IN THE EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PlANNING AREA (APN 946-15-1-4 (por) and adopted RESOLUTION NO. 30 - 98 APPROVING AND ESTABLISHING FINDINGS, GENERAL PROVISIONS, DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (PO) REZONING CONCERNING PA 97-031 CREEKSIDE OFFICE PARK PROJECT ... FARMERS' MARKET INTERIM REPORT 8:00 p.m. 7.1 (470-50) - - - - -. Economic Development Manager Reuel presented the Staff Report and advised that Pacific Coast Farmers' Market Association (PCFM), which operates 14 markets, and Urban Village (UVFM), which operates 4 markets in the Bay Area, were approached regarding starting a farmers' market in Dublin. Mr. Reuel discussed the analysis made by Staff related to starting a farmers' market. Start-up costs associated with the establishment of a farmers' market would range from $10,000 to $20,000 in the first year and $5,000 to $10,000/year in the second and third years. After the third year, the market should be self-sustaining. If the Council wants to go forward with this, an additional appropriation from reserves would be required as there are currently no funds budgeted for this activity. Sponsorship costs could be made by the City from the General Fund as part of Community Promotion. Mr. Reuel discussed the 9 potential locations identified in the Staff Report. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING . St. Patrick's Day, March 17, 1998 · PAGE 140 Vendors recommend a weekly farmers' market starting in May and lasting until . October. A sUz..c?;estion has been made to have Dublin's on a Sunday because of the fact that the two closest markets (in Danville and Pleasanton) are both held on SatUrdays. Weekday afternoons or evenings are another possibility. Mr. Reuel advised that John Silveria of PCFM was present to address any issues. Cm. Barnes reported that Livermore has one set for Thursday evenings from 4:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. .Mr. Reuel advised that most of them need at least a 4 hour time block. References checked reveal this requires very little staff time. They are very professional. They typically advertise in local papers and maybe do a mass mailing to get it going. There is it need for set up costs. Both operators felt very strongly that we need to do it right or don't do it at all. There is time, but not a lot of time to get one started this year. Cm. Burton asked for an explanation of putting money in to subsidize an organization. They are making money or they wouldn't bother with it. The farmers also make money. He questioned the need for the City to put in money. Mr. Reuel stated both are non-profits as operators. Both charge farmers to come . in with a booth fee. The majority of the costs are for advertising ranging between $10,000 and $16,000 in the first. year to get this going. Cm. Burton felt something is missing when we have to subsidize a busin~ss with , this amount of money. Is it that the orgarnzation and farmers don't make enough money? Mr. Reuel stated because it is a first year operation there is no money in it. The majority of cities he contacted stated they all needed this initial injection. Mayor Houston felt the operative thing is community promotion. The Downtown Task Force also feel as he does that we are promoting our City. It would be for half a year. .Mr. Reuel stated Pleasanton's market grew to become a year round event. Cm. Lockhart explained that as a member of the Task Force, the reason this came from the Task Force is because they were looking for a way to promote the downtown area. They see it as a responsibility of the City to help promote the CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING .;. St. Patrick's Day, March 17, 1998 .;. PAGE 141 . . . . downtown area as they definitely need it right now. This is where it came from. This is a promotional activity. Neither of the grocery stores that serve Dublin have representation on the Task Force. Nobody said, "don't put it in front of my place". Cm. Burton stated he supports the Task Force, but felt it deserved questioning. It is an important issue that we have the support of businesses and that they want it. Mr. Reuel requested that the Council consider a day and location and then the last issue would be the need to get the RFPs out quickly. A lot of small issues need to be resolved to make it work. Tom Benigno, a resident of Dublin for about 12 years, stated he was born in Oakland in the 1930's. He stated he would not be cantankerous, but felt if this is the best proposal Mr. Reuel can give Dublin, he would like to try out for his job. He knows Mr. Silveria. Night before last he got a message that he bought 3 cartons of grapes that came in from Chile. Local 870 sent in a letter to our office and 6,000 employees in this union are against all farmers' markets in the United States. After making many phone calls, he spoke with the enforcement officer in Sacramento who works with a budget of only $40,000 a year to find illegitimate things going on in this industry. These operators sell both certifiable and non- certifiable products. He explained what is certifiable and what isn't. The certification comes from the State of California. He felt the City Council has already made an agenda that they want to pass this thing. This is not the way to help fanners. Mr. Silveria is not a non-profit organization. He brings in stuff from Chile, Mexico, and other areas outside of the Country. - - Mayor Houston told him he felt he was getting into areas that are personal and outside the purview of what is being discussed. He may want to pursue avenues with the State o~Federal governments. Dublin is concerned with the safety of items sold. We do not have an agricultural department here. This is a federal issue. Issues he brought up are not of local concern. Mr. Benigno stated he is ready for a fight. He has fought bigger and more powerful people than this town. He wants to see a fair shake for the farmers. This is justification for the small guys. He will file a declaration in the courts tomorrow against these organizations. He will not go after the City. This town has lost 7 markets in the last 15 years. This should tell us something. We should turn it over to our legal department to investigate. Why should the city donate $20,000 to start up a business? The operators only have 2 locations where they have to tell where they spend the money. The other 15 locations they don't have CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING .;. St. Patrick's Day, March 17, 1998 .;. PAGE 142 to say. He put in about $160,000 to open his store, Veronica's Market here in . Dublin, and he lost it. You should do the right thing and don't disgrace new development by putting in a farmers' market. Mr. Reuel thanked the 2 organizations he spoke with for the information they freely gave. Mr. Ambrose clarified that we don't have an applicant. Tonight is to decide if the City Council wants to pursue getting proposals. JaM Silveria stated he is Operations Director at PCFM and owns property in Brentwood. He has never owned property in Fresno.' PCFM is a non-profit corporation and he is an employee there. They have a very responsible Board of Directors. He manages the farmers' market in Pleasanton and they will be opening one in Livermore on Thursdays from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The Livermore Main Street project is the sponsor. He stated he felt it is important for the City to establish a goal of what they hope to accomplish He advised that he is president of the Pleasanton Downtown Association. They will abide with all laws of the State of California and they are a very reputable company. Mayor Houston asked for thoughts about Dublin being a viable market and how best to get this going. . Mr. Silveria suggested it is most important to establish a goal. Do we want to create foot traffic or just raise the quality of life for Dublin residents? Foot traffic , would pe~~fit businesses and as far as day of the week, he suggested we survey the community. We have to give customers what they want when they want it. They would ask the City if they wanted to do a mailing to residents. em. Barnes asked about hours and days of operation for some of the other cities. Mr. Silveria stated he would have no objection to accounting for the money the City put in. Theirs is an open book organization and a hand shake goes a long way. He stated budgeting is not his expertise; he is more familiar with operations. Mr. Ambrose stated this could be addressed as part of the RFP process. Mr. Silveria stated as a consumer the best arrangement would probably be an open parking lot area. He felt Shamrock Village or Montgomery Wards/Target CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING .;. . St. Patrick's Day, March 17, 1998 .;. PAGE 143 . . both provide good access. Shamrock Village is a smaller area and it would probably have more of a negative impact. George Zika reported that the Chamber of Commerce voted and they favor the Target area or part of Regional Street, depending upon what day we have it. Sunday morning was real slow this past weekend at the Festival, but things picked up later in the day. A member of the audience who did not identify herself stated she felt feedback is needed from the community and asked about how Pleasanton initially surveyed their community. .Mr. Silveria responded that he did not remember but the latest survey was probably in Temescal. Pleasanton averages about 1,500 visits on a Saturday with about 38 to 45 vendors. Pleasanton made an initial donation of $24,000. . Mayor Houston discussed his top 2 locations. The best location for parking and accessibility is Site #2; the Target/Montgomery Wards parking lot. He was not very interested in Site #s 6, 7, or 9. The other good location would be over at the Heritage Center, Site # 1. Parking would not be as good. as at the Target area, but there is a substantial amount which would work out well. The BART Site #3 may offer the best of all worlds because of freeway exposure, but in its present state it is unacceptable. Maybe in the long run by working with BART or ACTA it may be a great place. With regard to day of week, he stated he did not have his heart set on any time. em. Lockhart stated she approached if from day' of week first. She liked the idea of an evening because we will get business people who will still be in town. By adding the extra things, people will look forward to getting there and walking around on a Friday evening. Businesses are looking for foot traffic and having people in the area. Friday evening would be good for this. There are a lot of things that would attract people. Her first choice would be between Target and Montgomery Wards. Something will be happening at some future point there, but she did not feel it would be in the next 6 months. We could start in a central location and then if necessary it could be moved. Her second choice would be by the side of Toys R Us along Dublin Boulevard. Mayor Houston stated his concern of having it on a Friday night in the downtown area is that Dublin is bustling at that time. We're not a sleepy little town like some places are. Donlon Way might be better if we have it Saturday morning. . CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING or. . St. Patrick's Day, March 17, 1998 or. PAGE 144 Cm. Barnes reported that in her survey a lot of people are asking for a night time event. . Friday night was selected as the preferred time by a consensus and the first choice for location was determined to be Site #2, Target/Montgomery Wards. A second choice would be Site #5, Dublin Boulevard beside Toys R Us. Cm. Barnes stated she had not heard from a single person who said don't do it. On motion of Cm. Lockhart, seconded by Cm. Barnes, and by unanimous vote, the Council agreed that the City should provide financial support to a farmers' market promotion, determined the top two preferred locations (#2 then #5) determined preferred day of operation (Friday evening) and authorized Staff to solicit proposals and to negotiate an agreement to be considered by the Council at a future meeting. Mr. Reuel stated the funding issue will come back with the RFP and be presented to the City Council in about a month. .. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT WITH LINHART PETERSEN POWERS ASSOCIATES (Lp2A) FOR BUILDING SERVICES 9:03 p.m. 8.1 (600-30) . Community Development Director Peabody presented the Staff Report and advised that due to the increase of building permit activity, Lp2A proposes to increase the hours the City Building Official is available in Dublin from 4 to 6 hours daily and decrease the hourly rate for the Building Official. A net decrease of $ 1 5/hour would be made in the hourly rate for Building Official and an increase of 182 hours for the balance of this fiscal year would occur. This change would result in an increase for building inspection service costs of $8,710 in FY 1997-98 which would be offset by additional revenues. Mr. Peabody explained that Lp2A proposes to modify the existing contract and designate Mr. Stephan Kiefer as the City's Building Official. Mr. Ken Petersen would become Project Manager and would continue to monitor and supervise Lp2A services to the City up to four hours weekly. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING . St. Patrick's Day, March 17, 1998 . PAGE 145 . . . . . Ken Petersen stated it had been just 3 short years since he was introduced to Dublin. He really enjoys being here. This year he stated he drew the short straw and became President of his company. Dublin really needs a person who can be here more hours. Stephan Kiefer is an individual who is perfect for the City of Dublin. He is Assistant Building Official with the City of San Leandro. They just received an award as the best run building department in California. Stephan Kiefer was introduced. Mr. Kiefer thanked the Council and Mr. Ambrose in particular for having the confidence in him to assume this position. He is proud to be part of the City of Dublin during this time of growth. Mayor Houston commented he had an occasion to be in San Leandro and was impressed with the customer service he received from the Building Department. He conveyed his comments to the Mayor of San leandro. em. Lockhart stated she had a call from a resident who was concerned and quite upset with the Planning Department and the inspection process and she called Mr. Petersen. He took the time to go out and meet with the resident and explained exactly whathe needed to know. This made it so easy for her. The resident was very pleased with the response. She thanked Mr. Petersen. This was really a good service. On motion of Cm. Lockhart, seconded by Cm. Burton, and by unanimous vote, the Council approved the amended Lp2A contract, authorized the .Mayor to execute on behalf of the City, and approv~~ the B~g~t~h~l!ge FOrm' - -- -, ."- ..... PROPOSED NAMES FOR CITY PARK 9:13 p.m. 8.2 (610-20) Parks & Community Services Director Lowart presented the Staff Report and advised that the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan includes a 56 :t community park on the Santa Rita Property which is commonly referred to as City Park. Concurrent with the development of the master plan for the park, it is necessary to determine a name for the park. Names suggested by the City Park Task Force and the Parks & Community Services Commission include: Emerald Park, Emerald Glen, Dublin Glen, James Witt Dougherty Park, and Dublin Green Park. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING .;. . St. Patrick's Day, March 17, 1998 .;. PAGE 146 Cm. Burton asked if Dublin Glen had park at the end. . Ms. Lowart responded no, they just selected the name Dublin Glen. Mayor Houston stated his preference of Emerald Park. Alameda County will refer to their entire area as Emerald Park. The park will be in the center of the area and everyone will know where it is located. This will really emphasize the location. Cm. Burton felt Emerald Park is already taken so he questioned how we would identify this. Mayor Houston felt this would be sifted out easily. Cm. Lockhart stated her concern was that it not be confused with Emerald Street or Dublin Green Street which we already have. She stated none of the suggestions really hit her. Cm. Barnes stated she really likes Emerald Glen, even Emerald Glen Park. On motion of Cm. Bames, seconded by Cm. Burton, and by unanimous vote, the Council selected the name "Emerald Glen Park" for the new park in the eastem . part of Dublin.. .... ACCEPTANCE OF GIFT TO CITY 9:21 p.m. 8.3 (l50-70) Parks & Comnlunity Services Director Lowart presented the Staff Report and advised that Robert Enea has been in contact with City Staff to ascertain whether the City would be interested in having the Z l' gazebo currently located at Enea Plaza. Staff believes that the gazebo would be a positive addition to Shannon Park. A budget change of $4,800 would be required to pay to disassemble and move the gazebo. em. Burton stated they had discussed in the past having something like this at the Heritage Center to provide a nice place for brides to be photographed. Ms. Lowart stated they discussed this, but it was determined that it was a little too rural for that setting. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING .;. . St. Patrick's Day, March 17, 1998 .;. PAGE 147 . ~ . On motion of Cm. Lockhart, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote, the Council accepted the gift; directed Staff to prepare a formal acknowledgment to the donor; and approved the Budget Change Form. .. CIVIC CENTER SPACE NEEDS REPORT 9:23 p.m. 8.4 (200-30) . Economic Development Manager Reuel started his presentation with a comment made by Winston Churchill and then presented the Staff Report and advised that the original design of the 53,000 sq. ft. Civic Center took into account the expected growth of the City and was designed and built to support a City with a population of 40,000. Almost every day, someone comments on the beauty of the building and they're usually amazed to learn that the building is almost 9 years old. When completed in 1989, approximately 4,500 sq. ft. of the building was left vacant and unimproved in anticipation for future growth The building was designed in such a way that a future building expansion could be added to the Police Wing to accommodate the City's build-out population beyond 40,000. Mr. Reuel explained that finding the best way to use the unimproved Civic Center space for current staffing needs, along with looking at the space needs for staff large enough to service a City of 56,000 at build-out in the year 2017, became a priority issue for City management and staff in order to keep pace with demands- for services from a growing community. In developing the recommended space plan, George Miers & Associates was asked to: 1) maximize the utilization of existing space in the Civic Center before considering any expansion of the building; 2) accommodate the needs of the City's Operating Departments in order to maintain or improve service to the public; 3) move or replace interior walls and other building features only when necessary; 4) give office space a higher priority over storage space with the existing building to meet year 2002 needs; 5) prepare an area site plan to show expansion of parking for the Civic Center and proposed design for a new storage/ maintenance building. . CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REG U LAR MEETING .;. St. Patrick's Day, March 17, 1998 .; PAGE 148 .., In summary, Mr. Reue! stated there is a critical need in many of the City's . Operating Departments for additional space to accommodate new employees. The City currently has 46 full and part time employees with an additional 82 contract employees. All existing office space with the exception of the' expansion space at the Civic Center is being used, with new employees needed for future operations. The cost estimate for Phase I is $1.2 million and Phase II, which would include a 5,000 sq. ft. addition would be $1.15 million. The costs associated with building this that have nothing to do with development were about $240,000. The timing for phasing was discussed. When asked approximately how long it would take, George Miers responded that he felt maybe 2 1/2 to 3 months. Mr. Reue! summarized that because of the growth phase we are in, we need to go to bid as soon as possible. Mr. Ambrose stated Staff had thought a lot about this and looked at a lot of different options. Functionally and operationally, we can't just put trailers in. . We hope to be in a position of readiness so when the Council looks at capital project discussions they will be in a better position to make decisions. George Miers has been able to look at and make the space as efficient as possible. Mayor Houston stated he felt the Council appreciates the need. On motion of Cm. Lockhart, seconded by Cm. Barnes, and by unanimous vote, the Council: 1) approved the Schematic Interior Layout for desizn of the Civic Center to accommodate growth through the years 2002 and 2017 as prepared by George Miers & Associates; 2) approved Site Area Plans by George Miers dated December 27, 1997 that will allow for additional police parking and the constnwtion of a new 400 sq. ft. evidence garage and a new 1,500 sq. ft. storage maintenance building; and 3) directed Staff to proceed with negotiating a contract with George Miers & Associates for working drawings and bid specifications to accommodate City space requirements through the year 2002. .... CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING . St. Patrick}'s Day}' March 17, 1998 .;. PAGE 149 . . . . .. . BUDGET ADJUSTMENT FOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT TO REPAIR LANDSLIDE ALONG SAN RAMON ROAD & AGREEMENT WITII EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS FOR GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES 9:39 p.m. 8.5 (600-30) Public Works Director Thompson advised that during the February storms, which were declared State and Federal emergencies, an earth slide developed along the slope above San Ramon Road and a smaller slide developed along Dublin Boulevard west of Silvergate Drive. Action requested on this item would employ a geoteclmical engineer to establish criteria for the slope repair Mr. Thompson stated the estimated cost of a Capital Improvement Project to repair the landslide on the slope above San Ramon Road, as well as the smaller slide along Dublin Boulevard west of Silvergate Drive is as follows: City Staff Administration Geotechnical Investigation, Testing and Constrnction Observation Topo and Design (estimate) Constrnction (estimate) TOTAL $ 5,000 $ 24,400 $ 20,000 $170,600 $220,000 Mr. Thompson explained that a proposed agreement with Earth System would be in the amount of "not to exceed" $24,400 for geotechnical investigation prior to design and for testing services during construction. This project is not funded in the current budget; therefore, a Budget Change from UnaIlocated Reserves will be required. . d .' Mr. Thompson advised that there is a possibility that the City may be reimbursed through FEMA and mw A for some of the costs associated with this storm damage. Mr. Thompson showed slides of several areas where slides occurred. Cm. Burton stated he would not like to see riprap on San Ramon Road. Mayor Houston asked about the likelihood of being reimbursed. Mr. Thompson felt it was pretty good through mw A. On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote, the Council approved the Budget Change Form and adopted CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING .;. St. Patrick's Day, March 17, 1998 .;. PAGE 150 .. .... RESOLUTION NO. 31 - 98 . APPROVING AGREEMENT WITH EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS FOR GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES SAN RAMON ROAD LANDSLIDE REPAIR .. AUTHORIZATION TO SOLICIT PROPOSALS FOR FINANCIAL ADVISORY AND BOND COUNSEL SERVICES TO EVALUATE OPTIONS FOR FINANCING INFRASTRUCTURE IN EASTERN DUBLIN 9:46 p.m. 8.6 (360-10) City Manager Ambrose advised that a number of issues need to be addressed before the City proceeds with the fonnation of a Community Facilities District for the purpose of financing infrastructure such as roads, freeway interchange improvements, utilities and other public improvements. Costs for a study would be paid by Dublin Ranch. If a District is formed in the future, it may be possible to reimburse the developer from the proceeds of the District. Mr. Ambrose stated DSRSD management will probably be asked to help us choose someone. We will most likely be the lead agency. Dublin Ranch will front the money. . Cm. Burton stated he had not heard the tenninology, Community Facilities District and asked if this is like a Mello- Roos District? Mr. Ambrose stated this is the name as provided under the law. It is a Mello- Roes. We want to get an independent analysis of financing options. Cm. Burton felt we need to be careful how we present this to future residents. There have been a lot of problems in the past in some areas, particularly with financing for schools. Mayor Houston stated there have been good and bad experiences when you deal with assessments. When schools are financed this way, this is mainly the bad experiences. There have been problems where people can't payoff Mello- Roos amounts when they want to. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING .;.5t. Patrick's Day, March 17, 1998 .;. PAGE 151 . . . . ... On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Lockhali, and by unanimous vote, the Council authorized the City Manager to solicit proposals for financial advisory and legal services. ..... OTIIER BUSINESS 9:55 p.m. ((" ( CTV 30 Live Call-In Show (1050-50) Mr. Ambrose advised that ClV 30 would like to schedule the next City Council live call~in show. The suggested dates are April 6 or April 20. Following discussion, the Council determined that April 20 could be scheduled for the live call-in show. .... Library Task Force (940~60) q :J--. I I Mr. Ambrose reported a need to reschedule the Library Planning Task Force meeting from March 24. Staff will meet with consultants this week on when they can complete their report. He advised that he will let them know the new date. ..... Bud~et Hearin~ Date (330-10) ,,-, /i) C// ./ : , N1r. Ambrose advised that at the Goals & Objectives meeting last night the Council deferred selecting a date for the Budget hearing until they could check their calendars. He asked if they had selected a date. The Council determined that the Budget hearing meeting should be held on Monday, June 29 beginning at 6:00 p.m. .... CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING .;. St. Patrick's Day, March 17, 1998 .;. PAGE 152 ~ , .. '/ r St. Patrick's Celebration (950-40) . Cm. Lockhart congratulated GoodTimes Promotions on a really successful St. Patrick's event this weekend. .... Lea~e of California Cities (140- 20) Ii s-- Cm. Lockhart reported that she and Cm. Barnes will be attending the League of California Cities East Bay Division upcoming conference on Thursday in Hayward. She is on the League's Transportation Communications and Public Works Policy Committee On Thursday evening they will be discussing, among other things, high speed rail, outdoor advertising, telecommunications task force and developing policy legislative updates on a myriad of bills that could hurt and help us. President of the League, Ron Bates will be speaking. .. Le!l;islation (660-40) ?L Cm. Barnes stated she will also attend the Community Service Workshop. She referenced Legislative Bulletin # 1 0 and discussed two bills. SB 2001, Vehide License Fees could hit Dublin for about $1,090,000. It is unlikely any backfill will occur. Also we should watch AB 1691, the Sales Tax Exemption. These will take money away. Cities seem to sit back and let these things happen. Our basic services are threatened. On HR 1534 a letter was sent about local control. This is still looming over us. . .... 1-580/1-680 FIvover Proiect (800-30) .:/',1 , ' Mayor Houston reported that he finally got a paper about the phasing of the flyover project. The City Manager is reviewing it and will get a report back to the City Council. We need to be able to answer questions from constituents and business people with regard to what is happening and have a conceptual idea of what's happening. ... CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REG U LAR MEETING . St. Patrick's Day, March 17, 1998 . PAGE 153 .