HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.01 Draft Minutes 06-28-1993
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Dublin was held on
Monday, June 28, 1993, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic
Center. The meeting was called to order at 7:33 p.m., by Vice Mayor
PRESENT: Councilmembers Burton, Houston, Howard, and Moffatt.
ABSENT: Mayor Snyder.
* * * *
The Vice Mayor led the Council, Staff and those present in the Pled1e of
allegiance to the flag.
* * * *
Tom McCormick, a member of E Vitas Clampers and Vice President of the
Dublin Historical Preservation Association, asked the Council to place a
request to delay escrow on the cemetery property on tonight's agenda.
He explained that for 17 years Chapter 13 of the E Vitas Clampers had
held a candlelight ceremony at the Old Murray School. With the transfer
of property to the City, the organization had been informed that an
alcohol beverage permit would not be able to be issued. Mr. McCormick
stated this event was a major fund raiser for the organization.
Clampers helped to keep the cemetery clean and to preserve history in
Cm. Moffatt asked what a candlelight ceremony was?
Mr. McCormick indicated it was a barbecue and initiation of new members.
em. Moffatt questioned whether the funds available for the Heritage
Center would be in jeopardy if escrow was delayed into the next fiscal
Recreation Director Lowart indicated that delaying the closing of escrow
would not effect the funding.
Cm. Moffatt indicated that the transfer of the cemetery property to the
City had some restrictions on the grant deed. Alcohol would"not be
allowed to be drunk in a large quantity. Once the property transferred
to the City, there would be no problem with holding a barbecue and
candlelight ceremony, but a lot of drinking would not be allowed. Cm.
Moffatt recognized and thanked the Clampers for all the fantastic things
they had done for the community.
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On motion by Cm. Houston, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote
(Mayor Snyder absent), the Council placed delay of escrow of the
cemetery property on the agenda.
* * * *
Frank Ruskey, a resident of Dublin, addressed the Council in regard to
the half cent sales tax implemented by Governor Wilson. He indicated he
had contacted Sacramento and learned that all the sales tax collected
within Dublin would remain in Dublin and would not go to the County.
The City would benefit 100%. He felt the City should inform the
residents of this fact and that programs that were cut during the Budget
process should be brought back and perhaps the police force could be
Cm. Moffatt indicated he wanted to see what the League of California
Cities had to say on the issue.
City Manager Ambrose explained that the State proposal was based on the
ABa formula and would involve only those cities that had received the
property tax bailout money in 1979. Since Dublin was not a city in
1979, the impact to Dublin would be zero. He explained that the sales
tax monies would only go to the cities that lost the property tax
monies. Counties were being the hardest hit by the State, but there
would probably be fallout to the cities from the counties.
Mr. Ruskey felt it was important to pursue for future budgets. The half
cent sales tax was still going to have to be passed by the voters. He
felt it was important to keep the people informed.
* * * *
At the request of Tom McCormick under Oral Communications, the Council
placed the request for a later escrow closing on the cemetery property
on the agenda.
Recreation Director Lowart indicated that a request for a one day liquor
license had been received several weeks ago. If the escrow closed as
scheduled on June 30th and the City became the property owners, no
liquor would be allowed at the barbecue and candlelight ceremony on July
11. This was due to grant deed restrictions and City regulations. If
escrow was delayed until July 12th, then the Cemetery Association and
the Dublin Historical Preservation Association would determine whether
alcohol could be used.
Vice Mayor Burton stated that the City had certain regulations and they
would need to be followed once the old Murray School and Cemetery became
part of City property. A Task Force was going to be formed. He felt
that it was important to keep the heritage alive in Dublin. He praised
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the work the Clampers had done in the community with helping clean up
the cemetery and the creating of plaques denoting historical sites in
On a motion by Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Houston, and by unanimous
vote (Mayor Snyder absent), the Council agreed to extend the closing of
escrow on the Cemetery Property until July 12, 1993.
* * * *
City Manager Ambrose presented the July Customer Service Award to Rose
Macias, Community Safety Assistant.
* * * *
Cm. Houston requested that Item 4.4, proposed lease of Civic Center
space for State Assemblyman Richard K. Rainey be pulled from the Consent
On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Houston, and by unanimous vote
(Mayor Snyder was absent), the Council took the following actions:
Approved Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 14, 1993 (Cm. Moffatt
abs tained) ;
Approved appropriation of $121,351 for interest expense in Fund 715 -
Dublin Blvd. Extension Assessment Fund and authorized appropriation of
any revenues in excess of budgeted Expenditures as of June 30, 1993 to
reserves for projects or expenses which require more than one year to
complete; (330-50)
Accepted improvements constructed under Contract 93-01, Downtown Street
Lights, and authorized payment of retention in the amount of $2,6a9.03
to Steiny & Co.; (600-30)
Accepted improvements constructed under Contract 93-06, Street Slurry
Seal, and authorized payment of retention to American Asphalt in the
amount of $3,60a.14; (600-30)
Accepted improvements constructed under Contract 93-03, Annual Sidewalk
Safety Repair, and authorized final payment in the amount of $2,958.a2
to Ambo Engineering; (600-30)
RESOLUTION NO. 86 - 93 (600-30)
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and authorized Mayor Pro Tempore to execute agreement;
Authorized Mayor Pro Tempore to execute agreement with Pool Time for
Dublin Swim eenter Pool Maintenance on behalf of the eity; (600-30)
Approved the Warrant Register in the amount of $612,798.87. (300-40)
Cm. Houston questioned the purpose of a restricted time frame on
Assemblyman Rainey's lease.
Mr. Ambrose indicated that as there were no private offices available,
the Library had been identified as meeting Assemblyman Rainey's needs as
long as the number of hours used by Assemblyman Rainey were not
Cm. Houston felt an area should be provided that would allow Assemblyman
Rainey to be able to extend the hours of use in the future. He felt
space should be provided for Mary King if she so chose to have an office
in our valley. He did not feel this was a friendly deal with
Assemblyman Rainey.
Mr. Ambrose explained that the Mayor had spoken with Assemblyman Rainey
and that this particular set-up of having an Assembly Office on the
second and fourth Tuesday from 8am to 12 noon where Assemblyman Rainey'S
Staff could meet with constituents from this part of his District would
meet his needs. He did require a confidential office space where Staff
could meet with constituents and discuss confidential topics such as
Medi Cal problems.
Mr. Rankin indicated that the delay had been due to Assemblyman Rainey'S
Staff requesting that the Dublin Staff draw up the agreement. When the
agreement had been presented to Assemblyman Rainey's Staff, Dublin's
Staff was told that the Agreement looked fine but that a Standard
Assembly Rules Committee Lease would need to be used. Staff is waiting
to receive the Standard Assembly Rules Committee Lease.
On motion by Cm. Houston, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote
(Mayor Snyder absent), the Council authorized the execution of a lease
of Civic Center space for State Assemblyman Richard K. Rainey; (600-20)
* * * *
The City received a letter from the Dublin Chamber of Commerce
requesting that the City participate in co-sponsoring a Dublin-
Pleasanton Day at the Alameda County Fair on Thursday, July 1, 1993.
The City would share the cost of a floral bouquet to be ~resenteu to tne
winner of the community day horse race. The total cost to the City will
be $20.
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Vice Mayor Burton asked why the item had to come before the Council
since it only involved $207
Mr. Ambrose explained that the Council needed to authorize participation
in the event and designate who would represent the City.
Janet Lockhart, from the Dublin Chamber of Commerce, indicated that the
barbecue had been cancelled, but that the horse race was still planned.
Vice Mayor Burton indicated he would be the one to represent the City.
On motion by Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote
(Mayor Snyder absent), the Council approved the City's participation
wi th the Chamber of Commerce at Dublin-Pleasanton Day at the Alameda
County Fair.
* * * *
Recreation Director Lowart reported that the Dublin Senior Center
recently participated in the Human Race sponsored by the Valley
Volunteer Center. Through the efforts of 39 dedicated senior
volunteers, $3,154 in donations were received. The Dublin Senior Center
will receive a total of $2,365.50. The seniors would like to utilize
the funds to purchase a new commercial freezer for the Dublin Senior
Per Government Code Section 37354, all gifts and contributions should be
formally accepted by the City Council.
em. Moffatt felt the Seniors had done a fantastic job and provided an
innovative way to raise money.
On motion of Cm. Houston, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote
(Mayor Snyder absent), the Council accepted the gift, directed Staff to
prepare a formal acknowledgment to the donors, and authorized Staff to
make the appropriate budget adjustments to recognize the unanticipated
revenue and an appropriation for the expense.
* * * *
Recreation Director Lowart presented the Staff Report and indicated that
funds for the renovation of the Dublin Swim Center Bathhouse were
included in the 1992-97 Capital Improvement Program. The project will
be funded by a Community Development Block Grant ($86,350) and by the
Park Dedication Fund ($43,428).
The City has contracted with the architectural firm of LPT Architects to
prepare the design and construction documents for the project. The
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proposed renovation addresses modifications to the building which are
required under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This includes
renovation of the restrooms, showers, changing areas and entrances/exits
to the building. Floor resurfacing, construction of an additional
office and interior painting are also part of the renovation.
The preliminary cost estimate for those items required for compliance
with the ADA is $41,910. The preliminary cost estimate for the
additional work is $50,710. The total estimated cost for the project as
currently designed is $92,620 which is within the amount budgeted for
the improvements.
The next phase of work by the Architect will be the completion of the
detailed construction drawings and an updated cost estimate. Staff will
obtain authorization from the City Council to solicit competitive bids
once that phase is completed. The current project schedule proposes to
have the renovation work underway in September after the closing of the
pool for the season.
Vice Mayor Burton asked why a separate shower had been provided on the
female side, but not on the male side. He expressed concern for the
privacy of male handicapped individuals. He felt it could be
embarrassing when they were dressing.
Mr. Thommerup, from LPT Architects, indicated a larger dressing area
could be created with a five foot turning radius for wheelchairs.
Cm. Moffatt did not see a problem with the current design. If a person
was going to go swimming, that person would need to remove the
prosthesis any way.
On motion by Cm. Houston, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote
(Mayor Snyder absent), the Council approved the proposed floor plan and
authorized Consultant to proceed with preparation of construction
Mr. Ambrose indicated the latest property tax shift from the City to the
State was zero because the shift in property tax from cities was based
upon the ABa BailOut Formula. Since Dublin was not a City in 1979,
Dublin would not be impacted.
Cm. Moffatt asked if the shift in property tax would affect other
Mr. Rankin indicated it would not impact water or fire districts, but
the City should take a wait and see attitude.
Mr. Ambrose stated the County was proposing cutting half its District
Attorney Staff and only prosecute homicides and serious felonies. This
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would leave the cities with the prospect of prosecuting all other
Cm. Houston asked if the City could hire one District Attorney to
prosecute crimes committed within the City of Dublin.
Mr. Ambrose indicated that Alameda County's whole budget problem was not
just the fact that the state was shifting the local property tax monies.
Alameda County had not made cuts that should have been made in the past,
but had balanced past budgets with reserve monies.
* * * *
Vice Mayor Burton asked about the animal shelter. He would like to have
a picture of what the City of Dublin needed for its animals. How many
dogs and cats were in Dublin? He would like a perspective on who does
what in regard to Dublin animals.
Mr. Ambrose indicated the animal shelters were funded 97% by the cities.
If an animal shelter was closed, it would not be the Santa Rita Animal
* * * *
Cm. Moffatt asked if there were any developments in regard to the Tri-
Valley Transportation Council.
Vice Mayor Burton indicated that several other cities on the Tri-Valley
Transportation Council wanted to ensure that any new developments in the
Valley should be made to pay for all costs of new roads. They wanted to
have a transportation model made and restrict the number of units that
could be developed within the transportation model. Vice Mayor Burton
felt that the City may have to withdraw from this Council.
Vice Mayor Burton felt this was serious business and that the Tri-Valley
Transportation Council could not be in the land use. He felt certain
cities were trying to take over.
Mr. Ambrose indicated that the ABAG Regional Platform on Growth
Management was coming before the legislature and may provide the vehicle
to provide land use authority to a Tri-Valley group.
* * * *
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Cm. Moffatt was chosen to be the City of Dublin's representative at the
Mayors' Conference in July as Mayor Snyder and Vice Mayor Burton would
be unable to attend.
* * * *
Cm. Houston had received complaints about the stop signs at the entrance
to Almond Plaza. It was confusing and created the potential for
Mr. Thompson, Public Works Director, indicated that there were no stop
signs at the entrance, but that the stop signs were on the side street.
He would look into making the placement of the stop signs less
* * * *
Cm. Houston had received calls from two individuals who had interviewed
for the vacancies on the Planning Commission and the Park & Recreation
Commission. They had never received any word on whether someone had
been chosen for the positions. Cm. Houston asked if letters had been
sent to all individuals interviewed.
Staff will look into whether letters had been sent.
* * * *
Cm. Houston had received calls from residents in regard to the
Assessment Notices for the Citywide Street Lighting Maintenance
District. In the future he would like to see notices that indicated
more clearly what the cost was.
* * * *
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There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting
was adjourned at 8:49 p.m.
* * * *
Minutes prepared by Sandie Hart.
Deputy City Clerk
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