HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.01 Draft Minutes 07-15-1997 .&.. - . . "~. -,- .. .-'" - -.: ... . ... . -.- REGULAR MEETING - luly 15, 1997 A regular meeting of the Dublin City Council was held on Tuesday, July 15, 1997, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic Center. The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Mayor Houston. + ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers Barnes, Howard, Lockhart and Mayor Houston. ABSENT: Councilmember Burton + PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Houston led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. + CONSENT CALENDAR 7:11 p.m. On motion of Cm. Barnes, seconded by Cm. Lockhart, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Burton absent), the Council took the following actions: Adopted (4.3 600-40) RESOLUDON NO. 92 .. 97 APPROVING A CONTRACT WITH mE COUNTY Of AlAMmA FOR ADOmONAL UBRARY SERVICES DURING FISCAL YEAR 1997..98 (AVERAGE 14 ADOmONAL HOURS PER WEEK $216,997) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 16 REGULAR MEETING July 15" 1997 PAGE 297 4.J ITEl\! NO. OW... ,.. , _ . :__0- . ... . ....... ....-... Wo. -. . .- Received (4.4 320-30) the City Treasurer's Investment Report for the 4th Quarter of . IT 1996-97, indicating the City's investment portfolio totals $28,968,842.86 (market value) with funds invested at an average annual yield of 5.691%; Adopted (4.5 600-30) RESOLUOON NO. 93 .. 97 AWARDING CONtRACT 97..08, STRIPING" MARKING PROJECT TO CHRISP COMPANY ($33,435) Received (4.6 420-50) Report on the City's comments on the Contra Costa County's Tassajara Valley Property Owners Association General Plan Amendment and related projects Draft Environmental Impact Report; Authorized (4.7 600-30) the .Mayor to sign contracts with the Dublin Housing Authority, the Arroyo Vista Resident Council and the Valley Community Health Center for administering CDBG fund expenditures for Fiscal Year 1997-98; Accepted (4.8 600-30) improvements under Contract 97-02 Sidewalk Repair (Remove & Replace); authorized $3,389.40 payment to Sposeto Engineering, Inc., for ." their final invoice and release of $4,105.03 retention after 35 days if there are no subcontractor claims; Authorized (4.9 600-40) the City Manager to enter into 3 mutual aid agreements on behalf of the City of Dublin with: 1) Alameda County Fire Mutual Aid Plan; 2) Twin Valley Fire Mutual Aid Plan; and 3) Twin Valley Hazardous Materials Plan; Approved (4.10 300-40) the Warrant Register in the amount of $1,532,185.09. . AMADOR VALLEY BOULEVARD/SURROUNDING Se~OOL ZONE TRAme STUDY 7:11 p.m.. . 7.1 (590-40) Public Works Director Thompson presented the Staff Report and advised that this study was performed as a result of requests from the City Council, School District Staff, and Parent-Faculty -Club representatives. The study encompassed Amador Valley Boulevard from Village Parkway to Brighton Drive, as well as the streets leading to Frederiksen and Wells Schools. Mr. Thompson explained that stop signs were being recommended at the intersections of Amador Valley Boulevard & York Drive, and at Tamarack Drive & Emerald Avenue, .". as well as some no parking zones on Penn Drive south of Lancaster Road CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 16 REGULAR MEETING July 15, 1997 . . . " "' -" . .". . " Mr. Thompson reported that the City received a letter today from Dublin Unified School District asking us to do some more monitoring once school is back in session and asking for a couple more stop signs. A reIX'rt would come back in the future. Chris Kinzel presented the report prepared by his firm. There were originally 7 stop sign requests. They did a thorough analysis of each location. Warrants were met at 2 of the locations. As recommended by the School District, they are also recommending the removal of some on street parking. Robert Secera stated 7391 Tamarack Drive is where his Fiancee's mother lives. Speaking on her behalf, he did not feel there is a warranted need to put a stop sign on this corner where Emerald comes in. She is mostly concerned with backing out of her driveway and safety. Perhaps it could be moved to the corner of Tamarack and Frederiksen Lane where there is already a stop sign. This would be more logical. Mr. Kinzel commented on this location. Warrants are met due to sight distance of vehicles on Tamarack wanting to see traffic on Emerald. There is currently a one-way stop and visibility is often restricted. He assumed that traffic volumes are fairly light in the area, so backing out of driveways wouldn't be hampered. In general traffic will be going slower, so this would be facilitated. Cm. Lockhart asked if we were addressing the crosswalk. If a stop sign is put in, people will tend to cross the street there. Mr. Kinzel stated no painted crosswalk is proIX'sed at this location. People would probably cross at Burton. Cm. Lockhart asked about a sign at Burnham and people having to stop twice, just 3 houses down. Mr. Ambrose commented that page 4 of the traffic study shows 487 cars using Emerald as a shortcut. Cm. Lockhart stated she just wanted to make sure we aren't solving one problem and creating another one 3 houses down. Mayor Houston asked about homeowners trying to get out of their driveway. The sign needs to be at one side or another of someone's house. As much ingress and egress from the property should be considered in the design. CITY COUNCll. MINUTES VOLUME 16 REGULAR MEETING July 1~, 1997 PAGE 299 Cm. Lockhart asked if comments had been received regarding no parking in front of . the daycare facility. Mr. Thompson stated Staff received nothing and verified that they were notified. On motion of Cm. Barnes, seconded by em. Howard, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Burton absent), the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 94 - 97 APPROVING INSTAllATION OF STOP SIGNS ON AMADOR VALLEY BOULEVARD AT mE INTERSECTION OF YORK DRIVE AND ON TAMARACK DRIVE AT mE INTERSEcnON OF EMERAlD AVENUE and RESOLUTION NO. 95 .. 97 ESTABUSHING A NO PARKING ZONE ON AMADOR VAUE\' BOULEVARD AT mONTAGE OF #7197 AND #7185 and . RESOLUTION NO. 96 .. 97 ESTABUSHING A NO PARKING ZONE ON PENN DRIVE GENERAU.Y SOurHERLY OF LANCASTER ROAD . LIBRARY PLANNING TASK FORCE 7:27 p.m. 8.1 (110-30) Recreation Supervisor Leonard presented the Staff Report and explained that in order to detennine the long term library building needs for the City of Dublin and to identify a SPecific site for a new library, Staff is recommending the formation of a Library Planning Task Force. The LPIT would also be chB18ed with enumerating in detail the fiscal implications to the City and County of building and operating a new library. Ms. Leonard explained that the LPIT would: 1) Review the data contained in the 1993 Task Force Repdrt to determine if the assumptions are still valid; 2) Determine whether the recommendations contained in the 1993 Report are still valid; 3) Review and evaluate the costs associated with library construction and operation; 4) Identify funding sources for library construction and operation; 5) Determine the financial . CITY COUNCil. MINUTES VOLUME 16 REGULAR MEETING July 15, ,1997 ,; . impacts to the City and the County; 6) Prepare recommendations regarding the disposition of the current library (if recommended. for replacement); 7) Prepare specific site recommendations for an additional library or replacement library; and 8) Prepare a site plan for a new library facility. Ms. Leonard discussed the recommended makeup of the LPTF and stated Staff will seek balanced. representation from all facets of the community. In addition to a display ad in the newspaper, notices will be sent to: 1) Dublin Unified School District; 2) Dublin San Ramon Services District; 3) Dublin Chamber of Commerce; 4) Friends of the Dublin Library; 5) Dublin Library Corporation; 6) Members of the original Library Planning Task Force; 7) Service Clubs; and 8) Local Non-Profit Groups. Staff recommended. that a member of the Parks & Community Services Commission also serve on the Task Force. The anticipated. completion date of the LPTF would be in March of 1998. Ms. Leonard stated. she would provide primary Staff support to the Task Force with assistance from the City Manager when requested. The Task Force will work closely with staff from the Dublin Library and the County Library. . Ms. Leonard advised that additional funding is required for consultant services; however, the amount is undetermined at this time. The appropriate Budget Change Form will be brought before the Council at a later date. Cm. Barnes asked what we are looking at in terms of numbers and commented she felt more is better. Mayor Houston stated he did not want to put a limit on numbers. He feels people will start splitting into sub groups and looking at the various aspects. Cm. Barnes stated she would hope that everybody interested could apply and could be on the Task Force. Cm. Lockhart asked which comes first, the consultant or the task force. . Mr. Ambrose stated if we are going to look at developing a site plan we will need an architect. Staff plans to come back to the Council in August to look at a consultant. Pleasanton has done a thorough analysis of the impacts of withdrawing from the County system. A consultant would also work on some of the financing numbers. Their information would be fed to the Task Force as time goes on. An analysis would be required to see what type of property tax would be available to operate a larger library facility. Shortfall numbers would have to be reviewed. OTY COUNCn.. MINUTES VOLUME 16 REGULAR MEETING July 15, 1997 PAGE .301 Mayor Houston felt if we look at the Civic Center site, they will also need to look at . what types of other things could go along. A lot of this will be going on in tandem. This is definitely something we need to plan for and he felt a lot of people in the community will be enthused. Cm. Lockhart commented she realized Councilmembers will not be members of the Task Forces but she hoped at some point there would be an opportunity for the City Council to address the group in order for them to hear their ideas near the beginning so that they could be considered along with everything else. Mr. Ambrose stated the Council could appoint someone to represent them. A practical issue is sometimes when you have Councilmembers sitting on the task force, others may not put forth their ideas. The Council could identify some of their concerns before the task force convenes and this information could be conveyed. Mayor Houston stated perhaps the Council could be provided with minutes so they could keep up with what's going on. They wouldn't be precluded from attending, but they could follow along in this way. Cm. Lockhart felt it would resolve issues down the road if there is opportunity for input. . Mayor Houston requested minutes and updates and should there be a time midway through the process, they could comment. Mayor Houston felt they may poison the process by talking about everything. The task force ideas could come forward. The Council can always revisit the issue in the future and agendize it for Council discussion. Cm. Barnes stated she is very comfortable with the whole process and using a lot of people and involving them in the process. On motion of Cm. Barnes, seconded by Cm. Lockhart, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Burton absent), the Council approved the formation of the Library Planning Task Force and directed Staff to advertise the openings. + . CITY COUNCIL MlNUfES VOLUME 16 REGULAR MEETING July 15, .1997 . . . CITY PARK TASK FORCE 7:43 p.m. 8.2 (110-30) Parks & Community Services Director Lowart advised that in order to assist with the development of the City Park Master Plan, Staff is proposing the formation of the City Park Task Force. 'The purpose of the CPIT would be to provide input and direction on the development of a comprehensive master plan for the 56 :t acre community park located on the Santa Rita property. The CPTr will also be charged with the following tasks: 1) To identify the recreational needs of the residents who reside in the immediate vicinity of the park; 2) To identify the recreational needs of the overall Dublin community who will be served by the park; 3) To identify the recreational and sports facilities that should be included in the park; 4) To identify logical phases for development of the park and determine the park and recreational amenities that should be included in each phase; 5) To insure that the park is designed in accordance with the standards contained in the Park and Recreation Master Plan. Ms. Lowart discussed the recommended makeup of the ePIT and stated Staff will seek balanced representation from all facets of the community. In addition to a display ad in the newspaper, notices will be sent to: 1) Dublin Unified School District; 2) Dublin San Ramon Services District; 3) Dublin Chamber of Commerce; 4) Eastern Dublin property owners and new homeowners; 5) Youth and Adult Sports Groups; 6) Service Clubs; 7) and Local Non-Profit Groups. Staff also recommended that a member of the Parks & Community Services Commission serve on the Task Force. The Parks & Community Services Director will provide Staff support to the Task Force and their completion date is estimated to be in March of 1998. They will be starting with a consultant right away who will work with the task force. Cm. Lockhart asked if this Task Force will also be open to all? Ms. Lowart responded yes. Cm. Lockhart commented on a skate park and asked if this group would be looking at this. She stated she had information she would provide for Staff. Ms. Lowart stated she definitely sees a skate park as being a component at one of our parks. Mr. Ambrose discussed uses in the park master plan for other sites. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 16 REGULAR MEETING July 15" 1997 PAGE 303 Ms. Lowart stated a report will come back to the City Council midway through the . process. Mayor Houston asked if there will be opportunities for members to visit other parks in the greater Bay Area. Ms. Lowart stated definitely. Some cities are doing some very innovative things and we'll want to take a look. Mr. Ambrose stated we are also recommending a member of the Senior Center be on this because of the implications on the existing Senior Center. On motion of Cm. Lockhart, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Burton absent), the Council approved the formation of the City Park Task Force and directed Staff to advertise for openings. + CITY PARK l'viASTER PLAN CONSULTANT SERVICES 7:52 p.m. 8.3 (920-30) . Parks & Community Services Director Lowart presented the Staff Report and advised that in order to proceed with development of the Master Plan for the 56 + acre City Park located on the Santa Rita property in Eastern Dublin, Staff has prepared a Request for Proposals seeking the services of a consultant to work with Staff and the City Park Task Force to develop the ultimate uses for this park. Ms. Lowart stated $80,000 is included in the IT 1997-98 Budget for this purpose. On motion of Cm. Lockhart, seconded by Cm. Barnes, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Burton absent), the Council approved the RFP for the City Park Master Plan and authorized Staff to advertise for consultants. . ornER BUSINESS 7:53 p.m. S1. Patrick's Day Celebration (950-40) Mr. Ambrose stated in answer to a question he received regarding the St. Patrick's Day Committee meeting on August 7th at 8:30 a.m. at Civic Center, letters will go out to the service clubs. . . CITY COUNcn.. MINUTES VOLUME 16 REGULAR MEETING July 15, 1997 . . . Groundbreaking (610-85) Mr. Ambrose reported that there will be a groundbreaking ceremony on July 23 at noon for the Humphrey Instruments project. + Water Carnival (950-40) The Council discussed participation in the dunk tanks at the City's 7th Annual Water Carnival on July 26th, and laughingly concluded that they would not be able to participate as "dunkees". Cm. Barnes stated she will be coordinating a wedding that day. Cm. Lockhart stated she will be out of town + Street Improvements on Serra Court (820-20) Cm. Barnes asked about the letter from Serra Court residents related to the street repaIr. Mr. Thompson explained that basically we got the water out from under the street on an emergency basis and then temporarily repaired it. It will be overlayed and residents will have a real nice street when it's finished. + TCI Cable (1050-10) Mayor Houston requested that Staff talk to Tel about the possibility of getting cabling to the Civic Center so we could broadcast live. He would like this investigated so we wouldn't be in conflict with other cities. He would like to get a response from TCI on this. + CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 16 REGULAR MEETING July 15, 1997 PAGE 305 Tri-Valley Transportation Fee 0060-90) . Mayor Houston asked if the Tri-Valley Transportation fee issue would be on the next agenda. Mr. Thompson asked if the new resolution had come out and stated he would look into this. Mayor Houston advised that there is a revised report with all their comments. It's important that all the cities get back to them with their concerns. + Council Meetin~ Start Time Rescheduled (580-40) Mayor Houston stated the next scheduled Council meeting on August 5, is the same night as the National Night Out party function over at the Heritage Center. He asked if the City Council meeting could be moved to start at 8 p.m. Mr. Ambrose stated this could be done. + . ADJOURNMENT . 11.1 There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 7:58 p.m. + .Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk . CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 16, REGULAR MEETING July 15, 1997 PAGE' 306