HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.01 Draft Minutes 08-22-1995 REGULAR MEETING - August 22, 1995 A regular meeting of the Dublin City Council was held on Tuesday, August 22, 1995, in ..he Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic Center. The meeti:rtg was called to order at W1 :03 p.m., by Mayor Houston. 0........ .. m..m....'+.mm ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councihnembers Barnes, Burton, Howard, Moffatt and Mayor Houston. ABSENT: None ,. _ .".._~+~ mm"'" ....mmm... PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Houston led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. 'm' .....+"......'...". GIITS FROM DUBLIN'S SISTER CITY. BRAY. COUNTY WICnOW. IRELAND 3.1 (140-50) Pete Snyder, President of the Dublin Sister City Association, gave a report on a recent trip . '11ade by people from Dublin who visited Bray. They participated in a civic reception put An by the Bray Urban District Council. A piece of pottery was presented. The big and ~ttle sugarloaf were depicted on a large plate. Also a silver quill pen with 2 inkwells was also presented to the Dublin Sister City Association. It was manufactured by the . finestsilvetsmith in Dublin, Ireland. They asked that it be displayed by the City for all to see and enjoy. Fifteen people went on the trip. Cm. Howard said she would like to see the plate displayed on a stand. .... ......... .. .m..............,+~._........ CONSENT CALENDAR . 7:08 p.m. On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Barnes, and by unanimous vote, the Council took the following actions: Adopted (4.3 910-10) RESOLUTION NO. 101 .. 95 ADOPTING BYLAWS AND RULES OF PROCEDURE FOR *****************************************************************~*********************************** . CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING August 22, 1995 PAGE 435 Lf. / ~ THE HERITAGE CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE Adopted (4.5 810-10) RESOLUTION NO. 102 .. 95 SUPPORTING THE SUBMnTAL OF A GRANT APPUCATION FOR A GREEN WASTE PUBUC EDUCATION PROGRAM TO BE CONDUCTED IN THE CITY OF DUBLIN IN CONJUNCTION WITH NEW GREEN WASTE SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY UVERMORE'DUBLlN DISPOSAl, A DIVISION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT OF ALAMEDA COUNTY . Approved the Warrant Register (4.6 300-40) in the amount of $813,626.40; Authorized (4.7 600-30) Staff to advertise Contract 95-05 Dublin Sports Grounds Renovation, for bids and to determine at the time the bid is awarded what budget modifications are appropriate. Cm. Moffatt requested that the minutes (Item 4.1) be pulled from the Consent Calendar for discussion. On Page 429, second paragraph, he felt the people in Contra Costa County are using our money. It should be clarified that the money is coming from Alameda County. As he understood it, the amount was to have been divided by 7. Mayor Houston asked if he wanted to revise the wording, add something, or just delete the paragraph. em. Moffa.tt agreed to strike the whole paragraph. . On motion of Mayor Houston, seconded by Cm. Burton, and by unanimous vote, the Council approved' (with paragraph deleted), the Minutes (4.1) of Regular Meeting of August 8, 1995; em. Burton requested that Item 4.2 relatedto the contract for the Eastern Dublin Scenic Corridor Policies and Visual Survey, be pulled from the Consent Calendar for discussion. He stated he gets nervous about an EIR when a new development comes in and he cautioned the consultant to not f1y to crank in every single thing. 1-580 is not a. scenic corridor. He would just like alternatives of what isava.iJable in order to accomplish our policies and visual survey. He hoped we could be ambiguous enough to not get into a fight every time somebody puts up a flag pole and a.Jso we should have an appeal process. ' Mr. Ambrose stated the purpose of the study is to put the City Council in aposition where they can adopt the appropriate policies. Cm. Burton requested that they not make it too subjective. ***************************************************************************************************** em. Moffatt stated he hoped we don't leave the public out of this process. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING August 22, 1995 PAGE 436 . Mayor Houston stated this will ultimately have to come back to the City Council for adoption. ~ Tong stated Staff would pay particull1r attention to the appeal process. On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Barnes, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted (4.2 600-30) RESOLUTION NO. 103 .. 95 AWARDING A CONSULTING CONTRACT TO DAVID L. GATES AND ASSOCIATES FOR EASTERN DUBLIN SCENIC CORRIDOR POLICIES AND VISUAL SURVEY and authorized the City Manager to execute the agreement. Cm. Burton requested that Item 4.4 Financial Report be pulled from the Consent Calendar for discussion. He asked for some explanation on the Planning Professional Services account and if we wJ1l get these funds ($37,056) back. Mr. Ambrose stated our actual revenue should be highe~ but we have to get City Council authorization to go over the amount budgeted Cm. Burton commented he was impressed to see we were able to locate $175 for the Dublin .cemetery: Cm. Moffatt asked questions related to landscape maintenance assessment district for Dougherty Road On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote, the City Council received (4.4 330-50) the Preliminary Financial Report for period ending June 30, 1995, authorized the Mayor to execute the Budget Change Forms, and directed Staff to make the appropriate adjustments to the City's Financial Records; . ".."'.-......--. ""'........-+....u "".. PUBLIC HEARING - DUBLIN BOULEVARD PRECISE PLAN ESTABLISHING A RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE FOR DUBLIN BOULEVARD FROM THE EASTERN BART ACCESS DRIVE TO HACIENDA DRIVE 7: 19 p.m. 6.1 (820-90) Mayor Houston opened the public hearing. Senior Planner Carrington advised that this is the second reading of an ordinance which was introduced at the August 8, 1995 City Council meeting. The General Plan shows Dublin Boulevard as running due east from the BART Station to Hacienda Drive and .**************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING August 22, 1995 PAGE 437 continuing eastward along the existing Dublin Boulevard alignment. This project would establish a right-of-way for Dublin Boulevard from the eastern BART access drive to Hacienda Drive. . No testimony was entered by any member of the public relative to this issue. Mayor Houston closed the public hearing. On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote, the Council waived the reading and adopted ORDINANCE NO.8- 95 ESTABLISHING A RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE FOR DUBLIN BOULEVARD FROM THE EASTERN BART ACCESS ROAD TO HACIENDA DRIVE . ".~.,,-""'_.~.. ~ ..+... "-' ."".<> .". "."'. ENFORCEMENT POLICY REGARDING OUTDOOR SALES 7:21 p.m. 7.1 (450-60) Planning Director Tong presented the Staff Report and stated in adopting the new Outdoor Sales Ordinance, the City Council indicated a desire to actively enforce the Ordinance for violations by non-Dublin businesses. Mr. Tong explained that Resolution No. 63-88 established the existing enforcement . policy on Zoning Ordinance and other types of violations. The policy provides that enforcement is generally on a complaint basis. There are currently 4 exceptions to the complaint only policy: 1) The building work is actually observed under construction. 2) The inspector/investigator has a legitimate work-related reason to be on the property. 3) The situation involves public health and safety. 4) Situations that are similar to that being investigated are readily visible or are pointed out to the investigator. Mr. Tong stated in order to actively enforce the new Ordinance, the City Council could establish a 5th exception by adding: 5) "In addition, violations of the Zoning Ordinance relating to outdoor sales and activities by anon-Dublin business will be processed as though a complaint had been registered. A non-Dublin business refers to one that is not an on -site, established Dublin business with all necessary business licenses and permits." Mr. Tong stated Staff anticipates that gaining compliance with the new Ordinance may be particularly difficult during weekdays after 5:00 p.m., on weekends, and on holidays. In order to address violations of the Outdoor Sales Ordinance during these hours, the new part-time Zoning Investigator approved as part of the graffiti project will initially be assigned to work during these periods. ***************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING August 22, 1995 PAGE 438 . Cm. Moffatt asked if existing Dublin businesses can have merchandise for sale in front of their stores. eMr. Tong stated yes, in front of their own business. Cm. Burton clarified that the addition to the Resolution is only with regard to sidewalk sales. We are not changing inspection, etc. On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Barnes, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 104 . 95 ESTABLISHING A POLICY FOR ENFORCEMENT OF ZONING, BUILDING, HOUSING AND PROPERTY MAINTENANCE VIOLATIONS AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 63.88 ... ..-.. ..'+......d... LANDSCAPING IN FRONT OF TRUE VALUE HARDWARE, SAN RAMON ROAD 7:24 p.m. 7.2 (530-20) Public Works Director Thompson stated the City Council requested that Staff investigate and report back as to the extent of street right-of-way on San Ramon Road fronting the True Value Hardware property and the cost to landscape the street right-of-way area. -Mr. Thompson stated the City's right-of-way extends back approximately 40' from the curbline, and the frontage is approximately 100' long. The City's 10' wide bicycle path runs through this area. The cost to landscape the City's right-of-way which would include turf, 4 trees and irrigation would be about $20,000 and the estimated maintenance and utility cost would be approximately $1,000 per year. Mr. Thompson reviewed the Staff Report with regard to the 8 properties fronting on San Ramon Road. These included: 1) Public Storage parcel; 2) the Hayward Fishery; 3) the Sleep Shop; 4) True Value Hardware; 5) Stroud's Plaza; 6) Iceland Skating Rink; 7) Springs Apartments; and 7) Petco. Mr. Thompson summarized that if the City Council wishes to pursue installation of landscaping in this area during FY 1995-96, this project would need to be added to the Capital Improvement Program and a budget transfer would be necessary for both the construction and maintenance costs. em. Moffatt commented that for the past few years, a fireworks booth has been placed on public property and he wondered if this would no longer be allowed. ***************************************************************************************************** - CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING August 22, 1995 PAGE 439 Mayor Houston stated technically, he felt they had never been on the City's property. Cm. Howard asked where trees would be placed. . Mr. Thompson stated they would be back behind the bike path. The trees would probably be flowering pear. Cm. Burton stated we have spent millions of dollars to fix up San Ramon Road and we should recognize our responsibility. We should put in $20,000 to fix up the area. Cm. Moffatt commented that this store had been there prior to the City's incorporation. The other stores were asked to install and maintain the landscaping. Cm. Howard commented that the City installed landscaping in front of the Iceland and the Springs. Mr. Ambrose suggested that they transfer funds from the San Ramon Road Assessment District reserves. We have a certain amount of latitude in spending money in this area. Cm. Howard asked if we could also replace some of the missing trees in the street near that location in the median. Mr. Ambrose stated we could; it is just a matter of scheduling the work. . On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote, the Council agreed to spend $20,000 to fix up the area, and directed Staff to prepare a budget transfer. .. ..""~."'.+...- TIME OF OPERATION FOR CITY FOUNTAINS 7:30 p.m. 7.3 (200-20) Public Works Director Thompson presented the Staff Report. During the budget hearing for FY 1995-96, the City Council approved a higher service level relating to maintenance and operating costs for the City's fountains at the Civic Center and Shannon Community Center. Mr. Thompson discussed PG&E's time of use rate schedule and the "on-peak", "part peak" and "off-peak" times. Hours of operation suggested by Staff were: Shannon Entry Fountain Saturday - 12:00 noon to 5:00 p.m. (5 hours) Monday through Friday 11 :00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (3 hours/day) (Added times for special events would reduce weekday hours) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING August 22, 1995 PAGE 440 . ***************************************************************************************************** . Courtyard Fountain (Gaia) Civic Center Fountains Monday through Friday - 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. (Added times for special events would reduce weekday hours) Plaza Fountain Saturday - 12:00 noon to 5:00 p.m. (5 hours) Monday through Friday - 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Mr. Thompson stated the "on-peak" rate does not apply during the winter months of November through April; so it would be possible to operate the fountain between noon and 6:00 p.m. during those months without incurring a big demand charge. Cm. Barnes thanked Steve from PG&E for sending her tons of paper. She felt these were the only times they could go along with. If they can't be on all the time, this compromise will be good. Hopefully, next year we can add Sundays. Cm. Moffatt thought the concept of the plaza fountain was to be 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. .m. Barnes asked if they could be started at 6:30 p.m. Mr. Ambrose stated they could run 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Cm. Moffatt asked if it would be too expensive to put it on its own meter. Cm. Barnes said she specifically asked about this and it would be a big cost. She reported that she and Cm. Howard were over at Shannon last Friday and it was a pleasure seeing so many kids enjoying the waterfall. On motion of Cm. Barnes, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote, the Council directed that the fountains be run in accordance with the time schedules identified by Staff, except that the plaza fountain evening hours be changed so that the fountain runs from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. OW" ,.,.w.m.+. .. .***************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING August 22, 1995 PAGE 441 SANTA RITA COMMERCIAL CENTER SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PA 95-026 11:40 AM 7:37 p.m. 8 1 (410-30) . Associate Planner Ram presented the Staff Report and advised that Applicants Homart Development Company and Alameda County have submitted an application for approval by the City Council of the design of an 800,000:t square foot shopping center, in accordance with requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The City Council reviewed the fiscal analysis as part of the PD Rezone and Development Agreement applications in January 1995. The Staff Report included an analysis of the project's consistency with the General Plan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and Zoning Ordinance and consistency with regional transportation and growth management plans, as well as an environmental review. The Applicant's design team includes the Architectural Firm of Musil Perkowitz Ruth, Inc., and Landscape Architects, David Gates & Associates. Ms. Ram displayed overheads and discussed the Site Plan. The major orientation of the Center is south, facing 1-580. The Center is located in the Hacienda Gateway area of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. Guideline goals for the Gateway area, in general, are "to encourage the creation of a gateway effect with buildings at major intersections; to minimize impact of large parking areas on views from streets; to maintain an attractive . image for the community from the freeway; and to develop both internal connection and linkages to the Town Center for autos, bikes and pedestrians". Ms. Ram discussed how these goals have been implemented. The Center's style is routed in traditional classical elements. Major elements that are repeated throughout the Center to provide a unifying theme are the traditional elements of "base", "column" and "arch". The Center could actually be viewed as several Centers in one. The small shop areas have been scattered throughout the Center and these areas are typified by smaller store frontages and pedestrian amenities such as outdoor sitting areas, decorative walkway paving, and enhanced landscaping. The rear walls of some of the Center buildings will be visible from Dublin Boulevard and the 1-580 westbound off ramp. The Architect and Landscape Architect have softened the rear walls by varying the wall planes and heights, using different colors and shapes that incorporate some of the design elements seen on the front elevations. Ms. Ram pointed out that Staff recommended that the rear frontages along these areas be further enhanced with concentration on creating an attractive streetscape more in scale with people traveling along the street and with the future residents across Dublin Boulevard. ***************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING August 22,1995 PAGE 442 . Ms. Ram stated the PD defined the minimum standards for landscaping the Center. These standards require a minimum of 5% landscaping in the parking area and 10% for .the total site. The landscape plans for the Center indicate that a portion of the landscaping would be hydroseeded along the PG&E easement adjacent to 1-580. Staff recommended that as a Condition of Approval, this area be planted with low shrubs, trees and ground cover. With regard to signage, the Applicant will be submitting a Master Sign Program for the Center which will be reviewed by the Zoning Administrator. This is the first Center of this size in Dublin located adjacent to 1-580. The decision on the height and number of signs is a policy issue that should be determined by the City Council. Should the City Council desire to modify the number or height of signs permitted for the Center, they can do so by changing Condition No. 10, which sets forth the permitted number and height of freestanding signs for the Center. Ms. Ram advised that the original proposal for the Center as part of the PD Rezone was for a two phase project. The Applicant has requested a change in their SDR Application and has indicated that they are now proposing a multi-phase development. At present they are proposing two phases; phase one would consist of 250,000 sq. ft. and phase two 200,000 sq. ft. It has not been determined if there would be more than three phases. Additionally, the Applicant has asked Staff to build flexibility into the approval that would allow them to modify their site plan. In the future, the tenant mix may require .hem to make changes. Staff is sensitive to the Applicant's concerns and realizes that the size of the Center requires special consideration. However, it is also important to ensure design integrity and consistency with the City Council approval. Staff therefore prepared a Condition of Approval that would allow Staff to approve modifications to the location and size of buildings on the site plan. Additionally, Staff could make modifications that increase the quality of materials used in the Center. However, modifications to design concepts or reduction in quality of materials would be brought back for approval to the City Council. This would allow Staff to approve modifications to design elements that do not change the overall design concepts and theme of the Center. Two revised conditions were distributed. No. 14 and 14A were reworded. We would allow 2 years to begin the project. Cm. Moffatt commented that his understanding was that the basic footprint would stay the same. .**************************************:;I:;;*~~~~*~;~*~~;;~;;;;************************************** VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING August 22, 1995 PAGE 443 Ms. Ram clarified that the illustrated lines were more of an index. The buildings within each quadrant could move within the area. Cm. Moffatt stated what he essentially meant was that there will be buildings located . there.. The groups of buildings will be in the locations illustrated. Cm. Burton pointed out a correction in the Staff Report on page 9, middle paragraph. Reference to Condition 10 should actually be Condition 11. One of his concerns is with the wind situation and he asked if this had been cranked into the decision. They talk about outdoor sitting and casual pedestrian orientation, but the developers should be aware of the amount of wind. He noted they are out of Long Beach and they may not be aware. Ms. Ram stated their landscape architect is local, David Gates. They discussed whether their configuration would work. There are some points of time when the wind exceeds the comfort level, but it could be mitigated by a large portion with landscaping. Cm. Burton stated he just wanted to bring this point up so they are aware. He asked if they could come back and use different building locations. He asked if we are locking them into the configurations shown? Ms. Ram stated we would allow them to make modifications to location and size of buildings. Anything the Planning Director feels is a reasonable change could be approved at Staff level. . Cm. Moffatt asked if there was any consideration to put in some large art type projects to break up the backs of the buildings. He hoped we would have something other than graffiti. Ms. Ram stated they discussed this and looked at the intersection of Dublin Boulevard and Hacienda Drive and if they wanted to make some kind of art statement. They are planning to do some interesting things with landscaping and pavement designs. Glen Anderson, Applicant commented it was good to be back and present the project. A significant amount of time and effort has gone into this project. A slide presentation was made which showed some of the other projects that Homart has completed around the country. He thanked Staff and the City Council for their input. They will make sure they look at the wind issue and mitigate it. They will work with Staff to come up with streetscapes along Dublin Boulevard which everyone can be very proud of. ***************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING August 22, 1995 PAGE 444 . Cm'. Burton asked if they could tie in towers and review Dublin's heritage. He noted that the towers in some of their projects reminded him of old St. Raymond's Church which is nearing restoration. eMr. Anderson commented that this was the type of input they like to hear. They try to take a lot of time to work with communities and they are very excited about this project. Don Casper stated they are really proud of the projects they have completed to date. They bring quality and design consistency to their projects. They have also brought projects in many cases 100% leased and are able to maintain 97% lease. Brian Wolfe gave an overview of the architecture. He pointed out that what was displayed was the general framework. Tenants sometimes seem to be a moving target as leasing progresses. He discussed the site orientation and what they hope to achieve. They like to do as much as they can with landscape and streetscape. Screening will help hide the lower portions of the buildings. Signage is a very important element of the project. They studied the report done for the Civic Center with regard to wind. Cm. Burton felt we have a unique thing in Dublin in taking over the Heritage Center. This is probably the only unique thing we have. He requested that they go to the Chamber of Commerce and get brochures and information. We were originally a stagecoach crossing and by calling their center Crossings, they can tie into this heritage. He felt it was obvious they didn't want a second story. L. Wolfe stated the building masses were essentially 2 story, but other than interior mezzanines with some tenants, they were on one floor. Homart will be looking to develop a graphic logo. Cm. Burton commented he was just bringing up the idea as he felt it was worth looking at with regard to some of the parapets. Mr. Casper stated they will be working very closely with Planning and getting the research done. They can incorporate historic remnants that will remind people of their heritage. David Gates discussed the landscape portions of the project. They will treat the ground plane with a first impression memory. They can't afford to block the visibility, but it will be a frame, or like a comb with a few teeth missing. There will be a lot of landscape, but it will be controlled. There will be a very strong landscape statement. Cm. Barnes stated something that annoys her are cars abutting together. She would like to see some space in between; perhaps similar to Orchard Supply, and Michael's area. e**************************************:;;;;*~~~;;~;~*~~~;;;************************************** VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING August 22, 1995 PAGE 445 David Gates stated it is this way also at the Civic Center. To get the plants to do well, they need to be in large planters. They hope to have hedges get up to 3 or 4'. They don't . want cars to be the tail that wags the dog. Cm. Moffatt asked about phasing. Don Casper said from a phasing standpoint the area along the freeway and Hacienda to be the most attractive area. They will work with Planning on this. Cm. Moffatt asked about the timing. Mr. Casper said it will be about 2 years after beginning and they would like to see buildout within a 5 year period. Cm. Moffatt asked how many employees they anticipate. Mr. Anderson stated it will depend on tenants, but he would guess about 2,000 to 3,000 with full buildout of all the stores. Cm. Moffatt asked if the developers maintain control or sell the buildings. What will happen to the rest of the land? Mr. Anderson stated typically they build according to the tenant's specifications. In some cases, the larger retailers would like to ground lease or own the property and in . that case they would own their own building. Cm. Moffatt asked if they would offer any amenities such as childcare or transportation options for their employees. Mr. Anderson stated the plan addresses a bus stop along Dublin Boulevard. Mr. Casper stated they will work with Planning on implementing some things and the tenants will address specific issues. They will bring them up to date with regard to the City Council's comments. Cm. Burton asked if 2 years is enough on the changed condition. Mr. Anderson responded yes. Cm. Burton asked if they will be the developers. ***************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING August 22, 1995 PAGE 446 . Mr. Anderson stated they will be there the whole way through. The development team that has been working with Staff will remain in place and commence and complete the project. . Cm. Barnes asked that they be extremely sensitive to the corner that's the first view of Dublin. She was worried about not having enough green and trees in the parking lot. She also liked the idea of incorporating some type of a steeple into the architecture. Cm. Howard asked questions about the pedestrian walkways shown on the drawing. She liked the idea of sidewalk areas in the parking lots for safety reasons. Stoneridge Mall is not a good situation with their parking layout, particularly for those with little children. Mayor Houston stated it is a 4-sided project and it is important that care is given to the entrances of all areas. If they can dress up the rooflines, this would be good. From the back, it will be several years before the landscaping starts to gel. He commented he was happy to hear that the management team will remain intact with no changes. He felt Staff would make wise decisions and if there are some changes it could come back to the City Council. He felt good about this. Cm. Burton stated everyone wants them to succeed. They are glad to see the same team is on board. .m. Barnes stated she was very comfortable with the sign program as proposed, because we've got to advertise what's there. On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted with revised Conditions 14 and 14A RESOLUTION NO. 105 - 95 APPROVING PA 95-026, SANTA RITA COMMERCIAL CENTER SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW FOR AN 800,000:t SQUARE FOOT SHOPPING CENTER .... ....... .....-.....'+............-....-....-.........." ARLEN NESS GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT STUDY REQUEST 8:42 p.m. 8.2 (420-30) Senior Planner Carrington presented the Staff Report and advised that the Applicant, Arlen Ness, is requesting that the City Council authorize a General Plan Amendment Study to change the designation of his business from "Business Park/Industrial: Outdoor Storage" to "Retail Office and Automotive" to allow a 44,016 square foot retail .***************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING August 22, 1995 PAGE 447 and mail order motorcycle parts distribution facility located at 6050 Dublin Boulevard. The 2.12 acre site is located on the east side of Scarlett Drive, on the south side of Dublin Boulevard, and on the west side of the Southern Pacific Right-of-Way. Mr. Carrington stated a GP A would be required if this project were to be used for retail purposes and developed at the proposed FAR (Floor to Area Ratio). The City is allowed to make 4 amendments to the Land Use Element of the General Plan in anyone year. The City Council recently approved the Hansen Ranch GP A and additionally, GP A Studies have been authorized for Trumark Homes and Schaefer Ranch. . Mr. Carrington reviewed the City Council Priorities/Staffing projects list and stated Staff estimates that should the City Council authorize this Study, there would be no impacts to, or delays of other projects. The GP A review would involve little Staff time or resources beyond that necessary to process the CUP due to the compatibility of the proposed use with surrounding uses and the lack of impacts. Cm. Burton asked if Mr. Carrington was proposing the study and not the CUP. Mr. Carrington stated Staff was requesting that the City Council approve the process of a GPA study. Ms. Silver stated the only way the General Plan can be amended is for the City Council to authorize the study. . Mr. Ambrose stated typically CUP's don't come before the City Council unless they request that they do. The Planning Commission or Planning Director usually handle them. There are a number of studies going right now. The CUP will not come back to the City Council unless on appeal. Cm. Burton stated he is very interested in the whole area and we have a new use with the Dublin Boulevard extension. There is a potential for mixed use with commercial and residential. They are right next to the BART station. There are 70' signs, so why not have 70' buildings? The whole area is improperly used and the highest and best use might be different. We should look at the bigger picture concept for this area. This would tip off some of the landowners and might give them some stimulus to think in other terms; infilling with higher density combinations. Mr. Tong stated they would have to get some cost estimates and bring this back to the City Council. Cm. Burton asked if we could give it a PD designation. ***************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING August 22, 1995 PAGE 448 . Mayor Houston requested that Staff give the City Council some type of indication on what types of things would have to be done to study this area. They could then review it . and probably look at it next year. Mr. Ambrose asked about the limits of the area. Cm. Burton stated Scarlett Court south of Dublin Boulevard up to the Southern Pacific line and include the County owned property that they received from the Army. It would be a waste to turn this area into manufacturing. It could be a higher and better use. He realized this would be long range. Mr. Ambrose clarified that they were talking about just this one piece of property tonight. Paul DiDonato with ATI Engineering Services stated this is a very important project for them. They are about ready to submit the SDR package. He displayed an elevation board. A two-story frontage will face Dublin Boulevard. They are anxious to move to the City and would like the City Council's approval. Cm. Burton asked about the timing of the remediation of the gasoline storage tanks. Mr. DiDonato stated the EIR consultant has recommended turning the soils several more times in the next 8 weeks. They have been working with Staff for about 6 months now. They hope to start construction in November or December. They anticipate a sales .olume in the neighborhood of $10 to 12 million. A big part of their business is mail order. They are internationally recognized as a premiere company and Dublin should be proud to have them here. em. Moffatt asked how many employees they anticipate and was told that about 35 people will be working out of this location. Mayor Houston asked about monitoring the well. Mr. DiDonato stated the County has required them to monitor it on a quarterly basis. The mitigation has been extensive on this site. It's clean. On motion of em. Burton, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote, the Council approved the Arlen Ness request for a GPA Study. ~ ""I.......' , ......... ~ .**************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING August 22, 1995 PAGE 449 DUBLIN HERITAGE CENTER GRAND REOPENING 9:05 p.m. 8.3 (295-10) . Parks & Community Services Director Lowart advised that renovations to the Heritage Center are nearing completion and the Heritage Center should be ready to reopen in mid-October. A subcommittee of the Heritage Center Advisory Committee has developed plans for the Grand Reopening to be held on Saturday, October 14, 1995 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Plans would include a welcome by the Mayor and various activities including tours, performances, games and horse drawn carriage rides. Refreshments would be served. The activities would be family oriented. Cm. Burton stated he had never seen a cardboard cow. Ms. Lowart stated the school district has this and there are retired teachers on the committee, so this was how they came up with the cardboard milking cow demonstration. Cm. Barnes stated it sounded good and she would give anything if it could be moved one week up or back, but would not ask them to reschedule it. She was happy to see it come this far. Cm. Moffatt stated he would not be here at that time either. Cm. Burton asked if there will be anything regarding promotion and publicity. . Ms. Lowart stated they will be doing invitations, flyers, etc. On motion of Cm. Barnes, seconded by Cm. Burton, and by unanimous vote, the Council approved the planned activities and the date of October 14, 1995 for the grand reopening of the Heritage Center. .""....... ."'.,,~+."'''''''''''..''''.''''''''''''..'''' ornER BUSINESS 9:09 p.m. Camp Parks Update 030-80) Mr. Ambrose commented that a report had been given to the City Council on the plans for Camp Parks and the press did an article. "."'''''''''''''..'''''..+.....''''...'''' ***************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING August 22, 1995 PAGE 450 . Recycling Brochures (810-60) Mr. Ambrose reported that recycling brochure went out yesterday. . .uu....mmmmmm.mm,+..u ,....uumu..., Landscaping on Corner Amador Valley Boulevard & San Ramon Road (530-20) Cm. Burton brought up the landscape across the street from the True Value Hardware store as part of the old right-of-way where the Chamber of Commerce sign is located. He asked if we could fix this up. Mr. Thompson stated the sign is actually on private property owned by the shopping center. The old stone fence belongs to the shopping center also. Cm. Burton asked if we could investigate what is involved in dressing up that site. It's worth looking at. Mayor Houston asked if Staff could find out who owns the property. ... .m"'.'+....m . Stop Sign on Corner of Village Parkway & Brighton Drive (590-40) Cm. Moffatt reported that on Village Parkway and Brighton Drive right next to DHS and the Zone 7 canal, the stop sign is in the bushes. He requested that Staff take a look and perhaps we could get this trimmed. Mayor Houston commented that he jogs on Village Parkway and has noted that the bushes are almost grown out over the sidewalk. u.........+....... . Joint Use Gym & Parkin~ (280-10) Mayor Houston stated he attended the Dublin Unified School District meeting last Wednesday and they talked about the joint use gym and most of the comments related to parking. A couple of neighbors in the area stated people often block their driveways. These types of issues will still come up. Another issue was complaints about young people out late a night doing bad things and he commented that we can certainly let our police know. Lastly, because the neighbors had a parking issue, John Ledahl asked if we ***************************************************************************************************** . CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING August 22, 1995 PAGE 451 could post a sign saying residential parking only. We don't want to get into a situation of giving people passes to park. Maybe signs would chase away a few people. Ms. Lowart stated they will be having a special meeting on August 29 to look at some of . these issues. Mayor Houston felt we need to look at the best way to address this. Cm. Barnes asked when a final decision would be made. Mayor Houston thought the final documents would be coming around mid-September. Mayor Houston stated they talked about another joint meeting. Cm. Barnes stated she did not feel the City Council should be first to sign the agreement. Also, she felt the City Council should go to the School Board next time if there is a joint meeting. ..~.."..~'"__~~~"+_. '''''_''''''''m'' """..."...~ Tri-Valley Water Recycling Task Force 0000-80) Cm. Barnes commented on the request to reconstitute the Tri-Valley Water Recycling Task Force, and asked about noticing the meeting and who would be appointed to this . group. Following discussion, the consensus of the City Council was that they could all go to the meeting on September 7 as citizens just to get information. The meeting will be in Livermore, starting at 7:00 p.m. A light deli dinner is planned for 6:30 p.m. Mayor Houston clarified that no one would be appointed at this point. .."~,.._"-"''''-'''"--,,.~-''''+ ~,""'~""''''''''''' ADJOURNMENT 11.1 There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m. ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk ***************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING August 22,1995 PAGE 452 .