HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.01 Draft Minutes 09-17-1996
REGULAR MEETING - September 17 ~ 1996
A regular meeting of the Dublin City Council was held on Tuesday, September 17,
. 1996, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic Center. The meeting was called to
order at 7:01p.m., by Mayor Houston.
PRESENT: Councilmembers Burton, Howard, Moffatt and Mayor Houston.
ABSENT: Councilmember Barnes
Mayor Houston led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of allegiance to
the flag.
7:02 p.m. 3.1 (610-50)
Mayor Houston read a proclamation declaring the week of September 17-23, 1996
"Constitution Week" and urged all citizens to reflect on the many benefits of our
Federal Constitution and the privileges and responsibilities of American citizenship.
. Since.no one was p~esent to receive the Proclamation, Mayor Houston requested that
~. the CIty Clerk mall It to the requester.
Youth Programs (610-05)
7:03 p.m.
Mr. Anthony Del Conte, an 83 year old Dublin resident stated he is very disappointed
with where our Country is going. We didn't have the problems we have today during
depression time. It was a breeze. The problem is we are tying the hands of our
children until they are 18. We shouldn't call them kids; kids are goats. We should
pay attention to what childpen like to do when they are young. Retirement .age should
still be 55. With people retiring later and later, when will kids get a chance? Even
our communities could put our 16 year olds to work mowing the parks. They were
the ones who used to build the parks. Our wages have gone up so sky high you can't
do anything. Labor is too darn high.
Mayor Houston asked if he had ideas of what we can do in Dublin.
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PAGE 440
Mr. Del Conte responded yes, we should have some policeman go to the schools. He
remembers when Officer Bates went out to schools and helped form car clubs so they
could get in groups and not be tempted to join gangs. Right now, they go home and .
they can't go to work until they B:re 18, so what do they do? We have to get them ·
started on what they like. He has only a sixth grade education but did very well in his
profession. Our boys and girls would love to go out and work. Get them going; get
them working out in the fields. They get their learnings from school. There's no one
home so how do we expect them to learn. Mom has to get them up to go to school and
then she's tired from working like everyone else. How is she supposed to teach them
anything? .
Mayor Houston mentioned a later agenda item of adding a bicycle patrol officer and
suggested that this might address some of Mr. Del Conte's concerns.
..... ...............
7:10 p.m.
On motion of em. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Burton, and by unanimous vote (Cm.
Barnes absent), the Council took the following actions: _
Approved (4.1) Minutes of Regular Meeting of September 3, 1996;
Authorized (4.2 600-30) Staff to advertise Contract 96-07 Mape Memorial Park
Renovations for bids; .
Received (4.3 590-40) a report on the Village Parkway/Wineberry Way Intersection;
Adopted (4.4 720-40)
Accepted (4.5 150-70) a gift of $63.75 from the Valley Volunteer Center representing
the balance of pledges received by walkers in the Human Race to be used at the Dublin
Senior Center;
Authorized (4.6 810-60) of payment, not to exceed $1,000, to LDD to update the
labels on multi-family recycling bins and approved the Budget Change Form;
Authorized (4.8 660-40) the Mayor to send a letter in support of AB 2797 (Aquiar)
allowing local agencies to retain growth on Property Tax Education Revenue
Augmentation Funds beginning in 1997-98;
September 17, 1996
PAGE 441
Approved (4.9 330-50) Budget Changes for Fiscal Year 1995-96 and directed Staff to
record the items in the Final Financial Report;
. Approved (4.10 300-40) the Warrant Register in the amount of $199,946.05.
Cm. Moffatt pulled Item 4.7 from the Consent Calendar for discussion and stated a great
concern is that every year or so the Hansen Ranch people come back and want an
amendment to their plan. This time they want to start selling houses before there is any
creek work dqne or hiking trail or access road We have been working with these people
since about 1989 and it is now 1997 and they are still wanting changes made. He stated he
felt this was the last stra w;
Community Development Director Peabody explained compelling reasons why the creek and
trail improvements have not been done. Now that units are under constroction, Staff feels
they can complete these requirements by next year and then they can proceed ahead for
phase I and 21 units off Inspiration, but there won't be further approval until the
improvements are in. There have been some problems with delays to the creek with actual
alignment, etc., and City Council consideration for change.
Mr. Peabody stated no work can be done between October IS and April 15 without
permission of Fish & Game and if there are extenuating circumstances, they could lose the
whole season for getting in and getting the work done. He assured the Council that this
would not lessen the requirements.
Cm. Moffatt stated they could build the first phase and sell them and then we have people
there and then they will complain about the work not done on the creek and the trail and
road This will cause a big hassle.
Mr. Peabody stated we will require them to fence off the open space and creek areas but they
sign it regarding future improvements and notify all homeowners that next spring there will
be future constroction xcurring no later than October of 1997. It's important that they
notice future homeowners with regard to what is planned
. .
, .
Cm. Burton stated he felt these people have taken their share of setbacks over the last few
years and we haven't had any good buildings going up in town for quite sometime.
Cm. Howard asked if any of the first phase of houses would be impacted by the upgrades.
Mr. Peabody stated yes they will, but the creek will be fenced off and they will be able to
view what's going to happen in the sales office.
On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by majority vote (Cm. Barnes
absent and Cm. Moffatt opposed) the Council adopted (4.7 600-60)
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PAGE 442
7:19 p.m. 5.1 (200-20)
Parks & Community Services Director Lowart presented the Staff Report and advised
that the League of Women Voters of Livermore-Amador Valley and the Women's Club
of Dublin have requested that the fees be waived for the use of the Dublin Civic Center
Council Cha:t:nbers. They wish to hold candidate forums for the November elections
for the office of Mayor and Councilmembers (October 3), the Dublin School District
Board of Directors (October 9) and the DSRSD Board of Directors (October 17).
Ms. Lowart discussed the fee structure and stated if the City were to charge, the
revenue generated would range from $180 to $270. In addition to the fees charged, a
$200 refundable Security Deposit is required and groups must provide evidence of,
liability insurance covering bodily injury and property damage at a minimum limit of
$500,000 per occurrence.
Ms. Lowart advised that City facilities were used for candidate forums in 1992 and .
fees were assessed for each of the three forums held.
Cm. Howard stated she would abstain as she is an officer of the Women's Club.
Cm. Burton stated he felt the League of Women Voters has always been there to get
some audience and some press and he felt this is a great way to recognize their
contribution to the community.
On motion of Cm. Burton,seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote (Cm.
Barnes absent and Cm. Howard abstain), the Council agreed to waive the fee for the
use of the Council Chambers for the 3 candidate forums, and required the Security
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7:22 p.m. 5.2 (1010-10)
Administrative Assistant Honse presented the Staff Report. DUSD has expressed its
intention to construct a fiber optics network to create high speed interactive
communication links between its facilities. Dublin resident Bob Fasulkey has
requested that the City Council direct Staff to investigate the possibility of City
participation in the project.
Mr. Honse discussed the cost and potential benefits. In conclusion, it was felt that at
the present time, any benefit that could be derived by constructing a citywide fiber
optics network would be marginal. At this time, these marginal benefits would not
justify the expenditure of $90,000 to $100,000 and the ongoing maintenance
responsibilities that would be required to participate in the DUSD project.
Mr. Honse pointed out that the City may have rights to access the future TCI fiber
optics network, scheduled for completion in December of 1997, per the existing
franchise agreement. It is possible that those rights could be expanded, if necessary,
when the current franchise agreement expires in 2001.
Cm. Burton clarified that maybe we will have the option later on to lease from TCI.
Mr. Honse stated they indicated to him that they would be pleased to lease it to us if we
have a need in the future.
On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote, (Cm.
Barnes absent), the Council accepted the report.
7:28 p.m. 6.1 (360-20)
Mayor Houston opened the public hearing.
Public Works Director Thompson presented the Staff Report and advised that this
assessment district would fund the maintenance of public landscape improvements in
the County's Santa Rita Development Area. At this time, the Surplus Property
Authority is the only property owner within the proposed area of assessment. As
various properties are sold and developed, the new property owners would be assessed
according to the formula set forth in the Engineer's Report.
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PAGE 444
Mr. Thompson stated the estimated assessment for the 1997 -98 fiscal year is $39,411,
or $460.40 per acre, based on 85.6 acres anticipated to be developed at that time. The
ultimate assessment at buildout is estimated to be $317,756, or $710 per acre, based .
on 447.6 acres, and based on 1996-97 unit costs.
Mr. Thompson explained that the Engineer's Report further specifies that the
maximum developed acre assessment will be increased annually by the percentage of
increase of the Consumer Price Index (San Francisco Bay Area Urban Wage Earners),
insofar as non-utility costs are concerned. Any actual increase in utility costs will also
be passed on to the properties directly as part of the assessment. The Engineer's Report
proposed a formula for calculating the assessment at buildout of the Santa Rita
property. As such, once the initial assessment is levied, it will merely be necessary for
the Council to annually determine the amount of the assessment by applying the
Mr. Thompson advised that ,this is the first of two required public hearings.
Cm. Burton stated two items were on the agenda which are related, and asked how
this is going to be any different than the resolution coming from the election.
Ms. Silver stated Proposition 218 would add a new article to the State Constitution for
requirements to levy annual assessments. Right now we must comply with the 1972
Act and we also have to comply with procedural requirements of the Brown Act
related to public hearings and public meetings before we can take action on a
proposed assessment district. Proposition 218 would add a third layer of requirements
for certain types of assessments. The Surplus Property Owners have submitted a
petition to th~ City requesting the formation and levying of assessments. If Proposition
218 passes, the City Council will not have to follow this third level each year when it
levies the assessments. The second item later on the agenda relates to an agreement for
deed assessments.
Cm. Burton stated he recently got a check from EBMUD.
Ms. Silver stated this was a tax imposed by EBMUD. She discussed the requirements of
the Santa Clara case last fall. What she surmised from the check she received was that
EBMUD voluntarily refunded this amount because it was not approved by a majority
of the voters.
Cm. Burton stated they will be putting it in the water rates.
Mr. Ambrose stated unlike the maintenance assessment districts requested by certain
property owners in the past, this assessment district is structured such that any cost
escalation is automatically built in. The formula is there and all the City Council has
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to do is levy it. This is a different approach from what we do now. This one is
structured in by formula. The actual cost increases in water rates will be passed on as
well as CPI for the other maintenance costs.
Cm. Moffatt stated there is a cap of $700 per acre and he asked if this includes any
water rate increases, or the CPI.
Mr. Thompson stated it is based on what we feel the total buildout of the area will be.
Each year, the assessment would go up by the CPI plus direct pass through on water
em. Moffatt asked if the $710 figure is a cap.
Mr. Thompson stated this would be this year's cap. Each year it could go up based on
the CPI.
No testimony was given by any member of the public relative to this issue.
Mayor Houston closed the public hearing.
On motion of Cm. Howard, seconded by Cm. Burton, and by unanimous vote (Cm.
Barnes absent), the Council continued the public hearing to October 1, 1996.
"""" "".."..,.,..+...,....,,'"
7:39 p.m. 6.2 (580-40)
Mayor Houston opened the public hearing.
Police Chief Rose presented the Staff Report and advised that under the COPS Program,
the City of Dublin will receive a funding allocation of approximately $61,136 for
Fiscal Year 1996-97 to supplement front line municipal police services.
Chief Rose explained that implementing a new deputy position as Crime Prevention
Officer would provide services: 1) additional bike patrol; 2) expand Neighborhood
Watch; and 3) ability to present more Crime Prevention programs. The Alameda
County Sheriff's Department, which provides police services under contract, has
indicated an officer will be available on November 1, 1996. Should funding be
discontinued in the 1997-98 Fiscal Year, the position could be assimilated into patrol
for East Dublin.
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PAGE 446
Cm. Moffatt asked if part of the program would get into gang prevention and some of
the things Mr. Del Conte spoke of earlier.
Chief Rose discussed a few of the things the position could be involved with. They will
be able to work more closely with citizens or wherever we need this program.
Mr. Ambrose clarified the figure $61,817 is different because the County will be
taking $319 off the top. He stated Staff will certainly talk to the County about the
appropriateness of this. Staff will work out the actual details of getting our funds.
This is actually a State Grant rather than what is indicated in the Staff Report saying
Federal. If the State Legislature doesn't come through with the funds, we will utilize
the individual in Eastern Dublin.
Cm. Moffatt stated he thought we were going to put another officer in place next year
at Budget time.
Mr. Ambrose stated the City Council approved it pending development in the
annexation area of East Dublin, and if development doesn't occur, the 2 officers would
be delayed.
Mayor Houston clarified that this is up and above what has been looked at for this
fiscal year. '
Mr. Del Conte stated this was music to his ears.
Mayor Houston closed the public hearing.
Mayor Houston asked when the Staff Report will be done on the Federal Grant.
Mr. Ambrose stated it will be presented on October 1. The proposals need to get to the
County by the end of the month. They were contacted and said they could accept our
report on October 1.
Cm. Burton stated he thought there were 2 different recommendations in the Staff
Mr. Ambrose explained that there will be a review process for this program and
reviews of the expenditures of each agency's funds to make sure they comply with the
On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote (em.
Barnes absent), the Council approved Staff's recommendation to fund an additional
September 17, 1996
PAGE 447
patrol officer position for 8 months to provide additional bike patrol and crime
nnn'__........'. n
7:50 p.m. 8.1 (600-40)
City Attorney Silver presented the Staff Report and stated the Surplus Property
Authority intends to record a Declaration of Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions
(CC&Rs) against its Santa Rita property to assure that the property owners pay for the
costs of landscape and creek maintenance if such costs are not funded through a
Landscape Maintenance Assessment District. This agreement would provide for
collection of such deed assessments by the County along with property taxes.
Ms. Silver stated Staff had developed an agreement setting forth the terms for such
collection and establishing the amount of the fee to be paid to the County (1. 7%).
Cm. Moffatt stated he felt this was a great idea. He asked if the amounts can change
each year. He wants to protect the City so that we won't have to use General Funds to
subsidize this.
Ms. Silver explained that there is always a risk, but explained that it will go up each
year by the actual increase to water and electricity plus the increase in the CPI. If the
City's actual costs increase by more than the CPI, there could be additional costs to the
Mr. Thompson discussed the fact that in the early years, we expect this to be a lesser
amount. The County will pick up balance overages spread over their undeveloped
Cm. Burton asked if this is a new concept to provide for assessments. Is the
contractual arrangement with the buyer of property as CC&R? He congratulated Staff
for this concept.
Ms. Silver stated it is contractual. Many people buy property subject to restrictions.
This is a covenant that the Surplus Property Association is imposing on the property. It
is called an equitable servitude.
Mr. Ambrose stated the costs can't be a burden on existing residents in our
community. If the initiative passes, there could be litigation related to various items
and we wanted to make certain we had a fallback position.
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Mr. Del Conte stated this a good opportunity for our children with this landscaping
coming up. His son went to work when he was 13 years old and ran the whole
landscaping yard with delivery and everything. His son told him he was going into
business when he was 16 years old. Today he does $8 million in annual business and
has 60 or 70 guys working for him. He would like to see the kids out there running
the lawnmowers.
Mr. Del Conte stated he also wanted to say we are going to have to do something with
our murderers. It is costing us a lot each year.
Mayor Houston reminded that comments should be related to the topic being
On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote (Cm.
Barnes absent), the Council adopted
8:06 p.m. 8.2 (1060-40)
Public Works Director Thompson advised that the City of San Ramon has indicated
that it may not revise vested tentative maps for several developments within San
Ramon to include a Regional Traffic Impact Fee, even if they have the opportunity to
impose the fee through land use changes. If these San Ramon developments are not
included in the Regional TIF, development in other jurisdictions may be required to
subsidize the City of San Ramon's Regional TIF.
Mr. Thompson stated Staff proposed to send a letter to the Tri-Valley Transportation
Council indicating Dublin's concerns regarding this issue.
Mayor Houston stated the whole premise is if a substantial change is made, basically it
is a whole new project. After there have been changes, it is very reasonable to review
the fees and most members concur.
Cm. Moffatt stated this has been argued for 6 or 7 years. He suggested that if San
Ramon doesn't want to go along with this concept, their share of the mitigation might
be increased by some percentage. They would have to pick up a bigger share.
September 17, 1996
PAGE 449
Mayor Houston stated they don't want to get into a situation of different fees, but
rather have a standardized fee for everyone. The highest priority projects would be
reviewed. If the map changes, then they should be obligated to the fee.
Cm. Burton stated apparently San Ramon is holding off so they can get a few projects
in before this is effective. We should be careful in signing up for something that we
will be taking the burden when someone is not participating.
Mayor Houston stated they will have to move quickly to get a project in place before
this becomes effective. They're close to a vote; probably 30 to 45 days away from
consummating this.
On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote (Cm.
Barnes absent) , the Council authorized the Mayor to sign the letter to the Tri-Valley
Transportation Council.
uuuuu.. ..
8:13 p.m.
Library Commission Alternate (110-30)
Cm. Howard stated last week she had a potential problem attending a Library
Commission meeting. As it turned out, she was able to go, but there was no alternate
. Councilmember appointed to go in case she can't go.
Mayor Houston stated we have a citizen alternate on that Commission.
Cm. Howard suggested having an alternate on the City Council.
Cm. Moffatt suggested and the Council concurred that this be discussed with all the
other committee assignments after the election.
..........,..................u. .
East Bay Division Meeting LOCC (140-20)
Cm. Moffatt announced that the East Bay Division of the League will have a meeting
Thursday night, September 19 and at that time they will take up the subject of urban
growth boundaries which negatively impact the quality of life. Executive Director
Susan Day of the California Alliance of Jobs will be the speaker. This should be a good
meeting. It's in EI Cerrito.
em. Moffatt stated when he attended the Planning Policy Meeting at the League of CA
Cities recentlY, literature was distributed. There was a conference held in Yellowstone
September 17, 1996
PAGE 450
Park and it was a compromise between the environmental people and the developers.
He stated he would make the information available to the rest of the Council.
Traffic Signal Timing (590-40)
Cm. Burton reported that on San Ramon Road and Dublin Boulevard, when you are
going west, the signal turns off in 2 seconds. This would be going west in the straight
through lane. The green light lasts only a very short period of time.
Mr. Thompson stated he will take a look at this.
Mayor Houston stated he noticed this same situation going east. He spoke with
Mehran Sepehri about it and he indicated we were working on it.
Cm. Burton asked if the third left turn lane could also be a straight through lane.
Mr. Thompson stated this would not allow both left turns to go at the same time.
8:20 p.m. 10.1 (640-30)
The City Council recessed to a closed session to conference with Legal Counsel -
Anticipated Litigation - Initiation of litigation pursuant to subdivision (c) of
Government Code Section 54956.9 - One Potential Case.
No action was taken in closed session.
There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was
adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
City Clerk
September 17, 1996
PAGE 451
An adjourned regular meeting of the Dublin City Council was held on Monday,
September 23, 1996, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic Center. The
meeting was called to order at 5:55 p.m., by Mayor Houston.
PRESENT: Council members Barnes, Burton, Moffatt and Mayor Houston.
ABSENT: Councilmember Howard
Mayor Houston led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of allegiance to
the flag.
uuu__,..........uuu_~ .,........,
Mayor Houston explained the purpose of this meeting. He stated it was a study session
for two fire proposals and a chance for the City Council to hear the proposals and ask
Mr. Ambrose explained two of the fire service contract proposers have been invited to
give a presentation. He stated it would be an educational opportunity for the City
Council to get more information first hand from each of the proposers. He introduced
the City's consultant, Mr. Mike Harwood, retired Fire Chief of Milpitas, who has been
assisting staff in evaluating the options.
Mayor Houston thanked everyone for attending the meeting.
william McCammon, Fire Chief, Alameda County, gave' a presentation. He first
introduced his senior staff members. Chief McCammon showed a five minute video
presentation. He then gave a more detailed description of the type of service that
Alameda County would provide. He stated their mission statement is "We will provide
the highest level of service to our communities by valuing our members, promoting
positive leadership, and dedicating ourselves to excellence". He gave an overview of
how the Alameda County Fire Department was formed. He went into detail in several
areas, which included governance/funding; service area; services provided, which
include Fire, Terms, HazMat, Fire Prevention and Community Services; ISO rating;
Departmental Organization; Strategic Management; Identified Priorities for Dublin;
Incident Responses; and some additional services. Chief McCammon also gave
information on Budget! Cost Allocation, which included costs for personnel,
'\'OLUME 15
September 23, 1996
PAGE 452
maintenance and support. He answered the question, Why Alameda County Fire? He
stated they demonstrate the ability to provide service to multiple jurisdictions;
enhancement to the existing strong ties between Alameda County and the City of .
Dublin. Other key issues were that Dublin retains "local control" of fire protection.
Also, a Commitment to Regional Cooperation; commitment to the community; and they
would offer technical support to Dublin as the dissolution of DRFA moves forward.
Chief McCammon concluded his presentation.
Mayor Houston asked the Council to first direct their questions to the consultant, Mr.
Cm. Moffatt asked what was the definition of N.E.T.?
Mr. Harwood answered it was earthquake type training for disaster preparedness.
Cm. Burton stated he had a concern with either proposal that Dublin would be
considered the low end community. He expressed concern that we would be on a
contract basis and all of our policies would be in place, including Fireworks, and he
wanted assurance that there would be no changes or attempts to change that policy.
Mr. Harwood stated the City Council regulates the local regulations on that issue and
that would continue.
Cm. Burton asked which staff person would be here and available to do what the .
present Chief does? will we have one Fire Chief who will be responsive to us? Will
we still have the same type of service?
Mr. Harwood stated the Fire Chief of Alameda County would be the staff liaison who
would attend the Council meetings and City staff meetings. There would be a day-to-
day supervision at the stations by the Battalion Chief, who would also be assigned a
number of responsibilities for incident command service.
Cm. Burton stated we now have a personal identity with one Fire Chief and he was
concerned about losing that personal identity and the identity of Dublin. He asked
about building heights limits in this agreement.
Mr. Harwood stated it would be controlled by the City Council through the Fire Code
and Uniform Building Code.
Cm. Burton asked if Dublin would be getting the ladder truck from DFRA?
Mr. Harwood stated yes.
September 23, 1996 PAGE 453
Mr. Ambrose clarified that the dissolution arrangements for facilities and equipment
still needed to be worked out. He understood that San Ramon was not interested in
that piece of equipment.
Cm. Burton asked about a mass casualty situation. What if there was a major spill or
earthquake along 1-580, who would be responsible and how would they get over
Mr. Harwood stated Alameda County would have a plan in place to handle that. They
would have a Battalion Chief on scene, and staff to handle a large scale incident.
There would be a local disaster program. The City Manager would be in charge of the
EOC and a chief officer of Alameda County would be a liaison to the City, similar to
the one now from DRF A, and we would work out a program.
Cm. Burton stated he has a concern on the remoteness of the headquarters and staff.
He asked how customer service would be handled in Dublin.
Mr. Harwood stated customer contact on a day-to-day basis would be the emergency
contact with the engine companies. The plan checking would occur at City Hall
through the fire inspectors. Complaints would be handled by the daily staff in the
Cm. Burton said he was concerned about the image of Dublin.
Mr. Harwood stated San Leandro put their own logo on the fire engines and Dublin
could do the same thing.
Cm. Burton asked if Alameda County would also take care of Camp Parks.
Mr. Ambrose stated we currently do not have a contract with Camp Parks. He stated
taking over Camp Parks was not part of this proposal.
Cm. Burton asked how this contract would be different from the contract with Police.
Mr. Ambrose stated all the details of the mechanics of the contract have not been
worked out. This was just a request for proposal.
Cm. Burton asked if Alameda County was under assessment for taxes?
Mr. Ambrose stated there were two sources of revenue, however, the primary source is
dedicated property tax and the other source is EMS revenue which was a different
September 23,1996
PAGE 454
Chief McCammon stated the EMS supplemental assessment revenue is the only
revenue that could be impacted by that. All primary revenue to run the
unincorporated area is through property tax. It was not an assessment district.
Mayor Houston asked the significance of the ISO rating.
Mr. Harwood stated this was the rating for insurance purposes to set the amount that
can be charged on a premium. This primarily affects the commercial and industrial
buildings. One is the best and 10 would be at the bottom of the rating system. We
currently have a very high rating of 2. We would be maintaining the rating, and it is
based on how good your water system is and how good your fire defense system is.
Mayor Houston asked if the County vote on the Utility User Tax could affect the
County Fire Department's operation.
Chief McCammon stated that was a discretionary tax, they do not receive any now, so
they can't be hurt by it, but everyone in the County will vote on it.
Mayor Houston asked if funds were just to be used for police services.
Chief McCammon stated that libraries, police services, trial courts and animal control
services receive part if it, fire has zero funds.
Mayor Houston asked for more information on the wage scale.
Chief McCammon stated salaries are determined by a wage formula based on 11
jurisdictions, its an average of the 11 and re-evaluated every year.
Mayor Houston asked about 800 MHz, was. that the industry standard and will we all
be at the same stage as everyone else?
Mr. Harwood stated the 800 MHz was the standard that people work towards because
you can get the computer system over it as opposed to just using voice.
Mayor Houston asked if Dublin police services were on that scale.
Mr. Ambrose stated yes.
Mr. Harwood stated they all don't talk to each other because that would crowd up the
system; however, all systems were on the 150 system, which is for State mutual aid.
Mayor Houston asked what the significance was with the PERS system being in place.
Mr. Ambrose explained how the PERS system would work.
\'OLUII.E 15
September 23, 1996
PAGE 455
455 .
Cm. Barnes asked who would be on the Fire Council Advisory Committee, along with
one Councilmember.
Chief McCammon stated there would be 9 members, with 2 representatives from the
City of San Leandro. It was not a policy making body, just an advisory body.
Cm. Burton asked how many personnel were in the Alameda County Fire Department?
Chief McCammon stated 225 were in the organization.
Cm. Burton congratulated Alameda County on their outstanding job on putting
together this proposal.
Mayor Houston declared a five minute break.
The study session was reconvened at 7:05, and all four Councilmembers were present.
Deborah Acosta, City Manager of the City of Pleasanton, stated the Twin Valley Fire
Proposal would be for contract services, however, they were interested in having
Dublin as a full partner in their ]PA. She introduced several staff members and stated
the Union Representatives were here to show their support of this proposal.
Stewart Gary, Livermore Fire Chief, gave a visual presentation on the Twin Valley Fire
Service Proposal. He stated the San Ramon decision caused the Twin Valley Fire
Department to quickened the pace of consolidating the Tri-Valley talks. He talked
about who the proposers were; Livermore and Pleasanton; he went over the proposers
commitments; the proposers union commitments; incident responses, fire suppression
options, he narrowed down the preferred service option as defined by the preferences
of Dublin staff; maximum response times; he explained what each partner City would
receive; he showed a sample response time matrix; community education, how fire
prevention would be handled; administration; facilities and equipment, assumption of
personnel, he stated that of the 32 positions that DRFA had, they could absorb 30 now,
and in the next year, there would be several retirements that would occur which could
absorb the extra 2 people; he covered insurance, training and term of agreement. On
each subject he had a variety of points that were expanded upon.
em. Moffatt asked what was the quint concept?
Mr. Harwood stated it was a ladder truck that pumps water.
em. Moffatt asked what all-risk capacity meant?
Mr. Harwood stated the reference was to handle all types of catastrophes.
"OLUME 1 5
September 23, 1996
PAGE 456
Cm. Moffatt asked about the reference to second response in 8 minutes, 90% of the
time. What was it 90% of!
Mr. Harwood stated 90% was in reference to the calls.
Cm. Moffatt asked if DRFA staff would be integrated or be a special unit.
Mr. Harwood stated they would be one unit, and may move around within the
Department over time.
Cm. Burton stated that we have just established a self-inspection program that is
popular with small companies. Would that continue?
Chief Gary indicated from his seat - yes.
Cm. Burton asked what else we needed, what is the next thing on the priority list in
the way of equipment or facilities?
Mr. Harwood stated Dublin would need to bring from DFRA sufficient equipment and
open a new facility at Santa Rita. Possibly in the future, relocate the station at Santa
Rita as development occurs. Also, the question arises of how do we staff that station.
Cm. Burton asked if City Council will be involved in the decision or just given a .
Mr. Harwood stated the City Council set the pace and makes the decisions, it would be
a local issue. There may be advisors, but the City Council would make the decision.
Cm. Burton asked how the Santa Rita fire station would be handled.
Mr. Harwood stated DFRA had an agreement with the County and that Dublin would
have to have an agreement to use that station.
Mr. Ambrose stated Dublin would have to sit down and work with the County to use
that facility.
Cm. Burton asked about the two fire stations now, would they be in the Dublin City
Mr. Harwood stated yes. In theory, there would be four stations, two in Dublin and
two in Pleasanton that overlap into Dublin, that would be responding to calls.
September 23. 1996
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457 .
Cm. Burton stated in Livermore they require sprinklers in everything. Will we have to
put up with that.
Mr. Gary stated absolutely not. They would advise City Council, and if that makes
sense to design an Ordinance along those lines, they have the expertise to help the City
do that. If City Council wants nothing to do with it, that would be a City Council
policy decision.
Cm. Burton asked if the Twin Valley proposal had a set formula as to what percentage
Dublin would be?
Mr. Ambrose stated the Twin Valley proposal was approximately 3.2 million without
equipment replacement.
Cm. Burton asked if we buy our own equipment and then they maintain it.
Mr. Ambrose stated yes, that was correct under both proposals.
Cm. Burton stated what he was hearing was that there would be possibly no lay-offs, is
that true?
Mr. Ambrose stated in both proposals, there may be some lay-offs. That would be for
the entire DRFA staff, not just the suppression staff. The County has indicated that
they have adequate vacancies to accommodate all 32 positions, and Twin Valley stated
they could guarantee 30 now, and possibly 32 in the near future. The administrative
officers are not included in the cost of these proposals.
Cm. Burton stated it was a very nice presentation.
Mayor Houston asked about the 6.5 percent of over head, how is that number derived?
Mr. Ambrose stated it was a representation of the way they view the administrative
cost or demand for administrative service to be from the line personnel we will be
contracting for, and very close with what our contract overhead rate is with the
Sheriff's Department.
Mayor Houston asked what has to happen in order for Dublin to accomplish the time
Mr. Ambrose stated Twin Valley needed to form a joint powers agency between the
two Cities, and meet with the two locals in order to have one bargaining unit, one
salary and benefit schedule, and one set of policies. They would have to be at an
agency level, as well as labor level.
September 23, 1996
PAGE 458
Mayor Houston asked regardless of what we do, what was status as of now.
Chief Gary stated that when they chose as partners to answer the RFP in July, .
everything went to full throttle. They have committed in writing to the City Manger to
have all agreements in place and accepted by the Council and bargaining units no
later than February 1, 1997. Both labor units have started the labor process and have
a draft MOV, and they are very far along, and if given the green light, would
accelerate the process.
Cm. Burton asked if the final decision would be made October I?
Mr. Ambrose stated it would depend on the City Council. Staff would prepare a report
identifying the options and the analysis of the options prior to the October 1 Council
meeting, and if they are ready, they would have the information necessary to make a
Cm. Burton asked if that would include the option of going it alone.
Mr. Ambrose stated yes.
Cm. Moffatt asked if 3 member joint power agency vs. contract made a difference.
Mr. Ambrose stated they would discuss that at the October 1 meeting.
Mayor Houston thanked the chiefs and those involved, and for the professional
proposals that were shown this evening. He continued the meeting to October 1. He
announced the meeting of October 1, 1996 will start at 6:00 p.m. instead of 7:00 p.m.
There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was
adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
City Clerk
September 23, 1996
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459 .