HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.01 Draft Minutes 12-12-1994
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REGULAR MEETING - December 12. 1994
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Dublin was held on Monday, December 12, 1994, in
the Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic Center. The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m., by
Mayor Snyder.
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PRESENT: Councilmembers Burton, Houston, Howard, Moffatt and Mayor Snyder.
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Mayor Snyder led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of allegiance to the flag.
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Planning Director Tong introduced Gaylene Burkett, the Planning Department's new Administrative
Secretary .
Gaylene was formerly with the City of Hayward.
The Council welcomed her aboard.
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City Clerk Kay Keck advised that out of 12,179 registered Dublin voters, a total of7,323 ballots were
cast in the City of Dublin (60.1 %). This compared to a 77.0% turnout in the November, 1992 election.
Guy Houston was elected Mayor. Dave Burton and Valerie Barnes were elected to the Council for terms
of 4 years. Paul Moffatt was elected to the Council for a term of 2 years.
On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Burton, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted
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City Clerk Kay Keck administered the Oath of Office to newly elected Mayor Houston and
Councilmembers Burton and Moffatt. Valerie Barnes will take the oath as soon as she returns from her
trip, so she will be seated at the next City Council meeting.
Mayor Snyder passed the gavel to Mayor Houston.
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eM - VOL 13 - 356
December 12, 1994
Regular Meeting
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Comments by New Council (610-05)
Cm. Burton stated everyone who serves on the City Council does it as a means of serving the community.
He stated he appreciated the fact that he had been selected to serve another 4 years and thanked all his
supporters. The 2 members who will not continue to serve on the Council have done much for the
Cm. Moffatt thanked everybody who supported him, particularly those that helped him get re-elected to
this great job. He hoped in the next 2 years to be able to change the minds of those who had doubts
about him. He looked forward to a lot of progress and a few changes.
Mayor Houston stated it had been a long road since July 18th when he announced his candidacy. A lot of
people have helped him in the last 5 months to reach this goal. The issues that he ran on were public
safety, economic development and our business community, youth and youth programs and a government
responsive to its citizens, and finally, the issue of taxes. He will attempt to pursue an agenda that
addresses these issues. Henry Ford once said, "You can't build a reputation on what you are going to
do." He will need the help of everyone because we have to accomplish something. The time for talking
is over and we have to accomplish something. We must remain committed to the public safety area, and
put forth resources to fight what he perceives as a slight raise in the crime rate in our community. He
looks forward to working with the City's new Economic Development Manager to improve the City's tax
base. We must also improve the appearance of the business community in Dublin and he has some ideas
that he will be pursuing to accomplish this goal. With regard to the youth of the community, we've built
a Civic Center, are going through the process of renovating our Heritage Center, and now we need to
invest more in the youth in our community. One of his goals is to look into the possibility of working
with School District representatives to build a new gym or a new multi-purpose building in Dublin. This
is something that is very much needed. We need to work with our neighbors and stated he was pleased
that Pleasanton representatives were present. We need to work with the School District, DSRSD, Camp
Parks, etc. His philosophy on taxes all along has been if the City has the money, the citizens shouldn't
have to pay. He doesn't go along with the idea that it's only $3 per month or $25 per year. He is
confident that the City Manager will come up with some creative ideas to accomplish this goal. He looks
forward to working with the City Manager in the next 2 years to accomplish many goals within the
community. The City Manager does a fine job. He recognized several of his campaign people,
introduced family members and thanked everyone for their help and support. They will be having a
reception at the Hayward Fishery after the City Council meeting.
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Staff advised that Government Code Sections 34905 and 36801 require the City Council to meet after a
General Municipal Election and choose one of its members as Vice Mayor/Mayor Pro Tempore. In the
absence of the Mayor, the Mayor Pro Tempore would assume the temporary responsibilities of the
Staff pointed out that the Council may wish to continue this item to the next meeting, when
Councilmember-elect Barnes will be in attendance.
Mayor Houston stated he would like to continue this item to the December 27th meeting.
On motion of Mayor Houston, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote, the Council continued
discussion of this item to the next meeting.
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'eM - VOL 13 - 357
Regular Meeting
December 12, 1994
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Appointment to Vacant Council Seat (610-20)
Frank Ruskey congratulated the new Council and urged them to remember one thing; there are a lot of
changes taking place and people are becoming more and more involved with what's going on in the City.
The Council is getting ready to appoint another Council seat and he hoped the Council would appoint
rather than have another election. Over 2,000 people voted for Beth Howard and he strongly urged the
Council to consider these votes. The Council has already heard from the citizens. Anyone else would
not be the will of the people. There was only a 2% difference in votes from the top to the bottom. Put
the money toward some of Mayor Houston's goals rather than spending $20,000 for an election. As a
resident of the east side of town, he supports Beth Howard.
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Request for New Gymnasium in Dublin (950-10)
Betsy Chapman, 11579 Circle Way, stated she would like to see a new gym built in Dublin. She has a
petition going around and stated she will be back to the Council on where she stands on this project.
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CTV 30 Programming (1050-50)
Daria Stevens, Executive Director of CTV 30 stated CTV had produced video newsletters featuring
Pleasanton, Livermore and San Ramon during the last fiscal year. If Dublin is interested, they would be
happy to produce one for Dublin. She stated she wanted to make the City Council aware of the status of
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Comments to New Council (610-05)
Tom Pico, 795 Neal Place, Pleasanton Councilmember offered his heartfelt congratulations to the winners
of the election and pledged his support to improve the relationship between the cities. We need to work
toward cooperating and communicating better to better serve the citizens and to improve the quality of
life. He appreciated the olive branch extended at the last Pleasanton City Council meeting by Mayor
Houston and Councilmember Moffatt. They need to communicate and cooperate instead of litigate.
Sharrell Michelotti, 7873 Olive Court, Pleasanton Councilmember extended her congratulations and
stated she believes that action is very important, not just words. She is a person of action and she will do
anything to help the two cities work out their differences. A strong sub-regional plan is needed for this
Ben Tarver, 1144 Rack Court, Pleasanton Mayor stated a spirit of cooperation needs to be built between
the two cities. There are a number of issues and Pleasanton does indeed want to sit down and work out
the differences. The two cities have more in common than they have differences.
Jeff Hansen, 8278 Creekside Drive, a DSRSD Board Member stated his Board is looking forward to
making everything happen. He was recently honored to be appointed the City of Dublin liaison
committee person for the District.
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eM - VOL 13 - 358
Regular Meeting
December 12, 1994
On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote, the Council took the
following actions:
Approved Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 28, 1994;
Received the Financial Report for Period Ending November 30, 1994 (330-50);
Authorized Staff to send comments to LA VTA regarding their Short-Range Transit Plan for Fiscal Year
1994-95 to Fiscal Year 2003-04 (1060-20);
Approved Warrant Register in the amount of$158,812.62 (300-40);
Approved a 2.5% 1995 dues increase proposed by the League of California Cities and directed the City
of Dublin's representative to the East Bay Division to communicate the decision.
Cm. Moffatt requested that the Investment Report be pulledfrom the Consent Calendar for discussion.
Since we have an ad hoc Audit Committee, he suggested that we also put the burden on this committee
to review the investment criteria for the investments that we have.
Mr. Ambrose stated the Audit Committee can look at this as part of the audit. They will be meeting on
Wednesday afternoon.
On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Burton, and by unanimous vote, the Council received the
City Treasurer's Investment Report as of November 30, 1994, which shows that the City's investment
portfolio totals $18,676,322.74 with funds invested at an annual average yield of5.665% (320-30).
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Mayor Houston opened the public hearing.
City Attorney Silver presented the Staff Report and advised that this is the second reading of an enabling
ordinance which was introduced on November 28, 1994. The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan was adopted
in 1993, and as part of the implementation process, the City must pass an ordinance which establishes a
mechanism for imposing public facilities impact fees related to new development. Ms. Silver explained
that these impact fees would eventually pay for park improvements, community facilities and new
infrastructure. This ordinance is only a mechanism for charging fees and does not actually establish the
amount of the fees or how they will be paid.
Ms. Silver advised that paragraph A under Section 7.78.020 was revised to delete some redundant
wording restated in paragraph B. Previously, it read, "A Public Facilities Fee ("Fee") is hereby
established to be paid at the time of the issuance of building permits for development in the City of Dublin
to pay for municipally owned public facilities." The revised wording is, "A Public Facilities Fee ("Fee") is
hereby established to pay for municipally owned public facilities."
Cm. Burton asked if this change would require another hearing.
Ms. Silver responded no, the change is minor.
'eM - VOL 13 - 359
Regular Meeting
December 12, 1994
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Cm. Burton clarified that this ordinance would only facilitate the establishment offuture fees.
Ms. Silver stated it will allow the Council to consider a fee at a future date.
No testimony was given by any member of the public relative to this issue.
Mayor Houston closed the public hearing.
On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote, the Council waived the
reading and adopted
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Mayor Houston opened the public hearing.
Building Official Taugher presented the Staff Report and advised that CrossWinds Church, 6444 Sierra
Court, is requesting that a variance to Section 7.28.430C of the Dublin Municipal Code be approved to
waive the provisions for imposing a double fee for work done without a permit. A permit was issued in
October of 1992 for remodeling of an industrial building into a church and related uses. In October of
1993, an extension was requested and granted until April 11, 1994. The work in question relates to
electrical work and the installation of bleachers at the rear of the sanctuary.
Mayor Houston asked Mr. Taugher for his opinion.
Mr. Taugher stated as Enforcement Officer he would recommend that the fee not be waived.
Cm. Moffatt asked about the bleachers and if they would put the occupancy too high. Since the
occupancy is based on parking, he asked if there is sufficient parking at this point for these additional
Mr. Taugher stated there is parking on a joint parcel. With one minor modification, the building can
accommodate additional seating from the standpoint of exits and life safety.
Cm. Burton asked on what basis the 6 month extension was granted.
Mr. Taugher advised that the Code provides him the ability to grant extensions. Six months was asked
for and 6 months was granted by him.
Cm. Burton asked ifhe would have given them 8 or 10 months if they had asked for it.
Mr. Taugher stated yes.
'eM - VOL 13 - 360
Regular Meeting
December 12, 1994
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Cm. Burton asked if they are just storing bleachers if this requires a permit.
Mr. Taugher stated they have been installed; you just have to pull them out from the wall. CrossWinds is
asking that planning approval be given for additional parking on the adjacent lots.
Cm. Burton asked if the permit allowed for the electrical work in the original plans.
Mr. Taugher explained that is it not unusual for things not to be done at the time of a final inspection. He
was certain it will meet Code.
No testimony was given by any member of the public relative to this issue.
Mayor Houston closed the public hearing.
Cm. Burton stated when you are working with volunteers, things seem to get delayed and he thought
they probably just didn't keep up with the paperwork.
Cm. Burton made a motion which was seconded by Cm. Howard to grant the request.
Cm. Moffatt made a substitute motion. Since this is a public building, it should be inspected as the
electrical could get very dangerous. He felt they should be penalized $370 for not getting the electrical
permit, but waive the bleachers fine of $600. There was no second to this substitute motion.
Cm. Burton stated they did take out a permit, but they asked for a final inspection before they completed
the electrical work.
Cm. Moffatt stated he felt a contractor should know these things.
On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by majority vote, the Council adopted
Cm. Moffatt voted against this motion.
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(ANNEXATIONfDETACHMENT NO. 10 PA 94-030 (620-20)
Senior Planner Cirelli advised that as a result of a request for reconsideration filed by David Nesmith of
the Sierra Club, LAFCO has requested that the City Council take no action at this time. At their January
12, 1995 meeting, LAFCO will consider this request for reconsideration of Dublin's application for
On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Burton, and by unanimous vote, the Council agreed to
continue this item to the January 23, 1995 City Council meeting.
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'eM - VOL 13 - 361
Regular Meeting
December 12, 1994
Mayor Houston opened the public hearing.
City Attorney Silver advised that the Council introduced a Transportation Impact Fee ordinance at.its
November 28, 1994 meeting. Since that time, Staff has revised the ordinance to be an urgency ordinance
which would become effective immediately pursuant to Government Code Section 36937(b). Section
7.82.020A has also been revised to delete reference to the time for payment of the fees inasmuch as
7.82.020B provides that the resolution shall set forth the time for payment. The adoption of this
ordinance would provide a mechanism for charging fees and does not actually establish the amount of the
fees or how they will be paid.
Ms. Silver advised that the adoption of the ordinance as an urgency measure requires a 4/5 vote.
Cm. Moffatt asked if this was the second reading of this Ordinance.
Ms. Silver responded that it was and it will become effective immediately upon its adoption.
Cm. Moffatt asked if the request for reconsideration filed with LAFCO would impact this.
Ms. Silver stated this is an implementing ordinance. It can only apply to properties within the City limits.
The Homart property is currently within the City limits.
Mr. Ambrose advised that once those territories are annexed, they will be included under this ordinance.
Cm. Burton stated the future projects in Eastern Dublin will come under this, but asked if we are setting
the fees.
Ms. Silver advised that a later agenda item deals with setting a public hearing for the purpose of
establishing a Traffic Impact Fee for Eastern Dublin. It will apply to all development in the area.
No testimony was given by any member of the public relative to this issue.
Mayor Houston closed the public hearing.
On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote, the Council waived the
reading and on an urgency basis, adopted
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eM - VOL 13 - 362
Regular Meeting.
December 12, 1994
Mayor Houston opened the public hearing.
Staff advised that as part of the approval of the Eastern Dublin General Plan and Specific Plan approvals
and environmental documents, a number of major transportation improvements were identified as being
needed and which would be the responsibility of the Eastern Dublin developers. This proposed Traffic
Impact Fee would become the vehicle for paying for these transportation improvements.
On October 24, 1994, the City Council authorized Staff to have Consultants Barton-Aschman prepare a
Traffic Impact Fee Study for the Eastern Dublin General Plan area. The Study is now complete and
ready for review by the City Council and the public.
The three categories covered in the Study related to transportation improvements were discussed. The
cost of the Category 1 improvements was calculated by Santina & Thompson to be $69,688,000. The
total cost of the Category 2 improvements for Eastern Dublin was calculated by Santina & Thompson to
be $19,118,740. Barton-Aschman calculated the total cost of the Category 3 improvements for Eastern
Dublin to be $10,414,000. The total of these three categories is $99,220,740.
The improvements in Categories 1, 3 and 3 are either required for the development of the Eastern Dublin
Specific Plan and General Plan areas, assumed in the ErR., or serve as mitigation measures of the EIR.
Barton-Aschman has determined that the total cost of the improvements be apportioned to new
development on the basis of trips generated by different types of development. The proposed fees for
these three categories of improvements attributable to residential and non-residential development are:
Single-family residential $3, 160/unit (one to 14 units per acre)
Multi-family residential $2,200/unit (more than 14 units per acre)
Development other than residential $286 per trip
As an example of the fee calculation, the Homart project proposes 800,000 square feet of commercial
development and they would pay slightly less than $5,040,000 as a Traffic Impact Fee. This translates to
$6.30 per square foot of building area.
Although not required, the December 12th meeting has been noticed as a public hearing so that interested
persons who cannot attend the December 27th meeting may make comments which will be included as
part of the public record. The property owners in Eastern Dublin have been notified of the two public
hearings and have been given a copy of the report, as well as the backup cost estimates.
Staff recommended that the City Council receive public comments and direct Staff to respond to the
public comments and return back on December 27th to the City Council. At the December 27th City
Council meeting, Staffwill be recommending that the City Council adopt the Traffic Impact Fee by
Gary Black with Barton-Aschman explained how the fees are to be split. The fees have been calculated
to represent Dublin's share of the improvements.
Cm. Burton expressed his nervousness over the extrapolations and asked if this was today's dollars.
Mr. Thompson stated the figures are based on today's dollars, but are to be reviewed.
'eM - VOL 13 - 363
Regular Meeting
December 12, 1994
Cm. Burton stated this is only one fee; we are just starting. He congratulated those involved for having a
clear cut way of establishing these fees. He hoped the Homart project could be handled as a separate
thing. This is kind of overwhelming as it is only the beginning. He is concerned where you set fees on
projects. The Tri- Valley Transportation Council is working on this and they have some fees that are just
as big as these.
Cm. Moffatt stated the amounts of money indicated were for regional uses over the next 20 to 30 year
period and are figured for the area as a whole. This will bring us up to the year 2020.
Mayor Houston asked how often and how this will be monitored down the line.
Mr. Thompson responded as each development comes in we will get an idea of their costs for frontage
Carolyn Morgan, 5184 Doolan Road asked a question on the Fallon Road interchange. Three cities will
meet at this interchange. With regard to housing, she questioned why Livermore's share is
proportionately so much higher.
Mr. Black explained that trips are calculated based on where the trips start. This represents a future year
when there will be more development in Livermore. Dublin will be a great employment center in the
future. If a person who lives in Livermore goes to work in Dublin, the trip will be counted against
Livermore because this is where the trip started. '
Cm. Moffatt pointed out that Dublin Boulevard will be further extended east past the Airport also as part
of the 20 to 30 year plan.
Will Rack, an Inclined Place resident stated Dublin does not have a K-Mart or a WalMart, so why do we
have to take Dublin Boulevard and make it into a 6-1ane highway.
Mr. Thompson stated the Eastern Dublin projects do have a lot of employment, retail and the Homart
project is an 800,000 square foot shopping center. It will draw a lot of people. As the freeway starts to
fill up, Dublin Boulevard will take some of this traffic off the freeway.
Cm. Burton stated he wanted to hear some of the developers comment on this.
Adolph Martinelli with Alameda County complimented Staff for both their technical expertise and their
ability to move this in a very fast pace to get it before the City Council for consideration. They generally
agree with the study and the fees that have been put forward. Roads are very expensive. They are
expensive and it is necessary to split the costs throughout the.development.. Dublin is embarking on a
major undertaking in Eastern Dublin. Alameda County is committed to upholding their end of the
bargain to make sure that the system works in the future. The program can be reviewed and updated as
more information becomes available. Cost information will be updated and revised and there will be
Cm. Burton asked how we stack up with this trip unit application figure. It is not arbitrary. How does
this attract the development industry, retail, etc.?
eM - VOL 13 - 364
Regular Meeting
December 12, 1994
Mr. Martinelli stated he felt the fees that are projected are competitive with what's occurring in other
jurisdictions in the area. No one will have development unless there is access. Dublin Boulevard will be
the bypass parallel access from the freeway. There will be major demands on Eastern Dublin for this
Mr. Martinelli introduced Don Casper with Homart.
Mr. Casper added his congratulations to the Council. He is Director of Design Construction, based in
Chicago with their Western Regional Office in Denver. He supports the Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact
Fee. They have worked with Staff and commend them for diligence in getting this into a reasonable
fashion. It is very straight forward. A program has been put together that addresses the Specific Plan.
Most of the negative comments are because people are having a little bit of difficulty looking at this area
and seeing what's envisioned in the future with what you see out there today. They can see very clearly
what the thing is to them. They see this fee as a very equitable fee. It will be a changing and evolving
thing as it progresses.
Cm. Burton commented that this was reassuring to hear.
Mr. Ambrose stated a comparison was provided in the packet. Regional transportation fees should be
added to the comparison figures.
Martin Inderbitzen, 62 West Neal Street, Pleasanton, representing the Jennifer Lin Family stated he hopes
this can move forward. It will be interesting to see if the Sierra Club can put their words into action and
support where they said the best development would be. He commented on regional fees and said they
have a consultant firm looking at the futures. He is comforted with the updating section; this is
something that is needed. We need a system that works.
Cm. Burton asked what he thought of the trip unit application for determining fees.
Mr. Inderbitzen stated it seems to be a reasonable approach.
Ms. Silver stated she echoed Mr. Martinelli's comments. All of the improvements included in Sections 1,
2 or 3 of the fee are called for in the Specific Plan or are mitigation measures in the EIR or were assumed
in the EIR.
Cm. Burton advised that he has been involved in development and knows that this is only the beginning.
He asked what if we find out later on that it is not necessary and we have more than enough money,
would we go back and level the playing field for those who paid more than their fair share?
Mr. Thompson stated it would be based on whatever the fee is when one develops. He would expect this
fee to go up over the years.
On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote, the Council continued the
public hearing to December 27, 1994.
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eM - VOL 13 - 365
Regular Meeting
December 12, 1994
, ,.
City Manager Ambrose advised that the DRFA Board of Directors meets regularly to discuss issues
relating to fire service. The Authority is currently involved in a number of significant issues which will
require Board action at its regular meeting of December 19, 1994. as a result of the November election,
only Cm. Moffatt remains as a DRF A Board member.
Mr. Ambrose requested that three members of the City Council be appointed to the DRFA Board of
Directors and that the remaining two members be appointed as alternates.
On motion of Mayor Houston, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote, the Council appointed
Mayor Houston, Cm. Burton and Cm. Moffatt to the DRF A Board and appointed Cm. Barnes as
Mayor Houston clarified that this is temporary for one meeting only because with a fifth Councilmember
this may change.
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Opening on City Council (610-20)
Mr. Ambrose reported that a number of people have expressed interest in applying for the Council
position. He suggested that Staff notice the evening of December 28th in addition to the regular meeting
on December 27th in the event that more time is needed to complete the interviews.
Mayor Houston suggested starting the December 27th meeting at 6:30 p.m., and agreed that Staff
should notice December 28th also.
Cm. Moffatt suggested that perhaps the Council should have a separate meeting just to interview
Staff advised that the December 27th meeting has already been prenoticed for 7:30 p.m., for public
hearings, but the Council could go ahead and start the interviews at 6:30 p.m.
The Council discussed the process for the interviews.
em. Burton suggested that the names just be drawn out of a hat.
Mayor Houston made a motion, which was seconded by Cm. Moffatt, that once the number of applicants
is known, they should draw numbers to determine when they will be interviewed. There was no vote on
this motion.
By a consensus, the Council directed Staff to come up with an appropriate process.
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eM - VOL 13 - 366
Regular Meeting
December 12, 1994
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New Employee (700-10)
Mr. Ambrose reported that the City's new Economic Development Manager, Gregory Reuel will begin
his employment with the City of Dublin on January 3, 1995.
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Eastern Dublin Annexation (620-20)
Cm. Burton asked what would be involved in taking the property owner with the one-acre parcel in
Eastern Dublin that doesn't want to be a part of the City out of our annexation plan. He asked if there is
an option.
Mr. Ambrose advised that that property owner did not come to the LAFCO hearing.
Mr. Tong stated he believed this parcel would need to be included in the annexation.
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Police Statistics (580-60)
Mayor Houston thanked the Chief of Police for putting together the report on crime statistics. He is
impressed with the cooperation with other police departments and commended Dublin Police Services.
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CTV 30 Live Call-In Program (1050-50)
City Clerk Kay Keck advised that crv 30 would like to produce another live call in show with the
Dublin City Council on January 24, 1995 from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
The Council noted the date and stated they would discuss this further after the first of the year.
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There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
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City Clerk
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eM - VOL 13 - 367
Regular Meeting
December 12, 1994