HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.01 Draft Minutes 7-7-98 . . . REGULAR MEETING - July 7, 1998 A regular meeting of the Dublin City Council was held on Tuesday, July 7, 1998, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic Center. The meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m., by Mayor Houston. .' ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers Barnes, Burton, Howard, Lockhart and Mayor Houston. ABSENT: None. .. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Houston led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. .. INTRODUCTION 7:05 p.m. 3.1 (700-10) Police Chief Thuman introduced new Dublin Police Services Deputy Floyd Gill. He explained that Jeff Bromstead recently left Dublin and was promoted to Sergeant. We were fortunate to find a replacement such as Deputy Gill who has been a member of the Sheriff's Department for 12 years. For the last 10 years, he has been assigned to ETS and has been school resource officer to the Castro Valley School District. He will be a tremendous plus for us here. Deputy Gill stated he looked forward to his new duty station and to serving the citizens of Dublin. .. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REG U LAR MEETING JULY 7, 1998 PAGE 316 tf.l APPOINTMENT OF STUDENT MEMBER TO PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION . 7:07 p.m. 3.2 (110-30) The term for the student member on the Parks & Community Services Commission expired on June 30, 1998. The Commission has recommended that Anu Gill be appointed to fill the one-year term. Anu Gill stated she will be a senior next year at Dublin High. She will be student body president. She thanked everyone for giving her this opportunity. On motion of Mayor Houston, seconded by Cm. Burton, and by unanimous vote, the Council confirmed the appointment. .. Garbage/Street Sweepin~ Conflict (810-10) George Zika, 8046 Peppertree Road stated on Tuesday morning they get their garbage picked up and this is also when the street sweeper comes by. Because of this, the gutters aren't getting clean. Can we schedule a different day for street sweeping? . Mayor Houston stated he would ask Paul Rankin to look into this. +- CONSENT CALENDAR 7:10 p.m. 4.1 through 4.18 On motion of Cm. Burton seconded by Cm. Lockhart, and by unanimous vote, the Council took the following actions: Adopted (4.2 600-30) RESOLUTION NO. 99 - 98 APPROVING AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT WITH MCE CORPORATION FOR PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE SERVICES and authorized the Mayor to execute the amendment; CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING JULY 7, 1998 PAGE 317 . . . . Accepted (4.3 600-30) improvements constructed under Capital Improvement Project No. 9394 and authorized $6,475 payment to B. U. R. Services; Authorized (4.5 600-30) the Mayor to execute amendments to allow for one year extensions to the agreements for temporary displays of sculpture ("Steel Watercolor No. 99" and "Sirius")at the Dublin Civic Center with Dublin Fine Arts Foundation and KLMLP, LP; Adopted (4.7 360-50) RESOLUTION NO. 100 - 98 APPROVING PRELIMINARY ENGINEER'S REPORT, CONFIRMING DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENT FOR CITY OF DUBLIN STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 83a 1 and RESOLUTION NO.1 01 a 98 APPOINTING TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING PROTESTS IN RELATION TO PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS FOR CITY OF DUBLIN STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 83a1 Adopted (4.8 360-20) RESOLUTION NO. 102 - 98 APPROVING PRELIMINARY ENGINEER'S REPORT, CONFIRMING DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENT FOR LANDSCAPING & LIGHTING MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 83a2 (TRACT 4719) (em. Burton abstained) and RESOLUTION NO. 103 - 98 APPOINTING TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING PROTESTS IN RELATION TO PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS FOR CITY OF DUBLIN LANDSCAPING & LIGHTING MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 83a2 (Cm. Burton abstained) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING JULY 7, 1998 PAGE 318 Adopted (4.9 360-20) RESOLUTION NO.1 04 - 98 . APPROVING PRELIMINARY ENGINEER'S REPORT, CONFIRMING DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENT FOR LANDSCAPING ~ LIGHTING MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 86-1 (TRACT 5511) and RESOLUTION NO.1 05 - 98 APPOINTING TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING PROTESTS IN RELATION TO PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS FOR CITY OF DUBLIN LANDSCAPING & LIGHTING MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 86-1 Adopted (4.10 360-20) RESOLUTION NO. 106 - 98 and APPROVING PRELIMINARY ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR LANDSCAPING MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 97-1 (SANTA RITA AREA) RESOLUTION NO.1 07 - 98 . APPOINTING TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING PROTESTS IN RELATION TO PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS FOR LANDSCAPING MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 97-1 Adopted (4.12 600-30) RESOLUTION NO. 108 - 98 APPROVING AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES WITH ZUMWALT ENGINEERING GROUP Determined (4.13 600-60) that the developer of California Creekside has complied in good faith with the terms and provisions of the Development Agreement; CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING JULY 7, 1998 PAGE 319 . . Adopted (4.15 600-40) RESOLUTION NO.1 09 - 98 AUTHORIZING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO EXECUTE A CERTIFICATION AND MUTUAL INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT WITH ALAMEDA COUNTY TO PROVIDE FOR THE COLLECTION OF CERTAIN TAXES, ASSESSMENTS, AND FEES ON THE 1998-99 PROPERTY TAX ROll Approved (4.17 600-30) an agreement for Consultant Services with David L. Gates & Associates, Inc., for Emerald Glen Park, Phase I, and authorized the Mayor to execute the agreement; Approved (4.18 300-40) the Warrant Register in the amount of $680,353.82. Cm. Burton requested that Item 4.4 (Alameda County Library Agreement) be pulled from the Consent Calendar for discussion. Cm. Burton pointed out we are talking about 14 hours of additional service and felt it was appropriate that we consider having the library open on Sunday. We have the money and it is one of the things citizens have called for. We could pass the agreement tonight and he would like to see this on a future agenda. . Mr. Ambrose asked if there are any other times the Council would prefer because the costs vary depending on which day we choose. We could ask County Staff at the same time to evaluate other days. The costs could change substantially. You canYjust divide the $2247247 figure by 14 which is the number of hours we pay for. Cm. Burton felt the Library Task Force might also want to touch on this. Mr. Ambrose stated the report will come to the Council at their first meeting in August. em. Burton slated he would like to see 4 to 6 open hours on Sunday. On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by em. Barnes, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted (4.4 600-40) RESOLUTION NO. 110 - 98 APPROVING A CONTRACT WITH THE COUNTY OF ALAMEDA. FOR ADDITIONt\lllBRARY SERVICES DURING FISCAL YEAR 1998-99 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING JULY 7, 1998 PAGE 320 . Cm. Barnes requested that Item 4.6 related to radar enforcement by the CHP be pulled from the Consent Calendar for discussion. This particular item is a request . to support Alameda County on this. She would like people to know we are doing this and definitely in favor of using radar. On motion of Cm. Barnes, seconded by Cm. Burton, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted (4.6 590-30) RESOLUTION NO. 111 - 98 SUPPORTING THE CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL'S USE OF RADAR FOR COMMERCIAL ENFORCEMENT ON 1..580 Cm. Lockhart pulled Item 4.11 (Declaration of Surplus Property) from the Consent Calendar and asked exactly where this was. M!: Thompson explained the location. This was part of the original state highway 21 and on'ginally 680 was going to go in this corrido!: We have been selling off little pieces. It will be used in the back of 2 lot#) to extend their lots up to San Ramon Road On motion of Mayor Houston, seconded by em. Lockhart, and by unanimous . vote, the Council adopted (4.11 670-80) RESOLUTION NO. 112 - 98 ESTABLISHING SURPLUS PROPERTY (VACANT LOT BETWEEN STARWARD DRIVE AND SAN RAMON ROAD) AND DIRECTING STAFF TO NOTIFY APPROPRIATE AGENCIES Cm. Barnes requested that Item 4.14 AB 939 Diversion Goals be pulled from the Consent Calendar. She is the City's representative on the solid waste committee. We"'ve gotten some new figures and the City"'s diversion for 1997 is 42.442%. She has some ideas where we can recycle a lot more that she will be looking at in the future. On motion of Cm. Barnes, seconded by Cm. Burton, and by unanimous vote, the Council received (4.14 810-60) an Update Report related to the City's Progress in meeting AB 939 diversion goals for solid waste; CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING JULY 7, 1998 PAGE 321 . . . . Cm. Lockhart requested that Item 4.16 (Accepting Alamo Creek Park Fence Painting and work perfonned under Capital Improvement Project #9464, Dougherty Assessment District Fence Painting and Alamo Creek Park Fence Painting by Quality Painting & Construction Company) be pulled frOln the Consent Calendar. She stated she walks this area everyday. She was disappointed when they got to the end of the process. She assumes someone looked at it to examine the work they did There are a couple of areas on FaIl Creek Road where the bottom posts didn't get painted Also, a section along Alamo Creek Park in the cement area behind the back got missed 11iis is on the south end of the park. Also, there's a big paint spill on FaIl Creek Road One morning she noticed the painters cleaning their paint brushes in the center island She later noticed there is green paint all along the stonn drains on Willow Creek Road closest to the stop sign. Mr. Ambrose suggested and the Council concurred that this item be deferred (4.16 350-20) until the next meeting. Cm. Lockhart corrected Page 283 of the June 16 minutes, which shows that a motion was both made and seconded by her. The minutes should reflect that the motion was seconded by Cm. Howard On motion of Mayor Houston, seconded by Cm. Lockhart, and by unanimous vote, the Council approved (4.1) the minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 16, 1998. .. PUBLIC HEARING - ENFORCEMENT OF VEHICLE CODE WITHIN TRACT 5766. HANSEN HILL DEVELOPMENT (PHASE I STREETS) 7:24 p.m. 6.1 (590-30) Mayor Houston opened the public hearing. Public Works Director Thompson presented the Staff Report and explained that this action would allow enforcement of traffic regulations on the streets within the Hansen Hill Development, Phase I, even though the streets have not yet been accepted by the City. The affected streets would be Inspiration Drive, Inspiration Circle, Bay Laurel Street, Bay Laurel Court, Buckeye Court and Meadow Court. This will allow Police Services to issue citations as appropriate for enforcement of CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REG U LAR MEETING JULY 7, 1998 PAGE 322 traffic regulations, including but not limited to the speed limit, obedience to signs, . and turning regulations. Mr. Thompson advised that due to the punch list work remaining in the Tract, final acceptance of improvements is not expected to take place for a few more months. Mayor Houston asked with regard to the development provisions before we accept the improvements, if Martin Canyon Creek is the last item. Mr. Thompson stated they have a number of items left on their punch list. Mayor Houston asked about the timing for getting the improvements done. Mr. Thompson stated they want to get this finished by October 1 st. They have their Department of Fish & Game and Regional Water Quality Control permits. They also deal with the Corps of Engineers. The improvements should start sometime in August. Sue Rainey, Bay Laurel resident stated she was happy and pleased to see that something is finally going to be done. She asked why now, all of a sudden, something is happening. Since last year, she has been to everybody trying to get . this done. When you talk to people in a City entity, she thought they probably talked to others. She is disappointed at the timing. Their traffic problem is generated from the school and stated guess what, there's no school right now. She has no problem with construction traffic. The reason they wanted enforcement was because of the school traffic. It is horrendous with the kids driving up there at night. She hopes the enforcement will be more in the times needed, mainly in the evenings. She lives straight down from the school. They put up with a lot every night. They do appreciate the City's efforts. Somebody is going to get hurt. Drivers think 35 to 40 mph is normal, but it's not. Mayor Houston stated if she ever has problems, she should feel free to call the Mayor or any of the Councilmembers and they will be happy to take care of the problem. Mr. Ambrose stated the limit is 25 mph. This will be posted and enforced. Maureen Gatterman, 11556 Bay Laurel, thanked the Council for sending the police. It has helped. They have been living with this problem for many months CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REG U LAR MEETING JULY 7, 1998 PAGE 323 . . . . now. They would like to know what happened to get the Council and the Mayor so involved with their issues. Mayor Houston stated he simply was called and notified of the problem. It was the pastor up at the church who called and also their association president. Ms. Gatterman stated they were told previously they did not have enough of a problem to warrant any intervention. Mayor Houston stated whenever anyone is unsatisfied with responses they have the option to contact the Mayor or Council. He explained that whenever you have a development, you have a punch list of items that have to be done before the City accepts the improvements. We have divided this and made an exception for them. Ms. Gatterman stated there is a root cause and ~~ymptomoJogy' depending upon where on the street you live. There are a lot of blind curves, the issue of speeding, issue of joy riders coming in from Castro Valley using their streets in the evenings and using their driveways to turn around and then speed back up the hill. There are issues that just having a police car there cannot and will not address. They've talked about stop signs, speed bumps, and even lowering the speed limit. This is a good first step, but it goes much deeper and farther than what we are doing. What more can be done? No one could have known the problems they would have. What more can they do since the City's traffic department disagrees. Mayor Houston stated they could ask for stop signs or speed bumps as an association they could come forward with a plan and it could be considered. He asked her what she would like to do. Ms. Gatterman stated she did not know; this is not her profession. This is why we have the Traffic Department. When school comes back in September, the increase of accidents will be around them again. She asked what the Mayor can you do as head of the City to propel action. There needs to be a game plan. Mr. Ambrose suggested having traffic engineering staff provide a report on issues and analysis and viewpoints on some of the issues. One of the areas where there is a basic misunderstanding or disagreement on was to close Inspiration Drive. This cannot be done. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING JULY 7, 1998 PAGE 324 Ms. Gatterman indicated that Bay Laurel is a little unique in its topography when . compared to other streets in Dublin. Some of the rules may not apply. Keep this in mind. She is sure 68 families up there have a real problem. Andrew Walker, 7562 Meadow Court, President of the Hansen Hill Association stated he has chaired a traffic committee to meet with the City. There are 68 homes currently occupied up there; 38 lie on Bay Laurel. There are 22 other homes on additional streets that feed onto Bay Laurel. VCC has an enrollment of over 1,000 students. People up there are entitled to the same quality of life issues as others in Dublin. Most have contributed to the tax base here in the City for over a year. There are many traffic safety issues up there. They should not be held hostage to a time line on the part of any developer. Mayor Houston closed the public hearing. Cm. Burton stated Valley Christian Center Pastor Ken Mayton and his staff could not be here tonight, but they are very much for this. He asked him to convey this. Cm. Lockhart applauded the people for coming out tonight so they can hear first hand. All 5 members of the Council are elected to represent them. If they have dealings and they are not happy, they can pick up the phone. She stated she had not received any calls. She appreciates all they went through in trying to work . with the City and apologized for the gap and the stress this has caused. There are other streets in town that have similar situations. West V omac was mentioned. A whole neighborhood came and talked to the Council and they now have stop signs. By the time school starts and with police patrolling it on a regular basis, this will help alleviate their situation. Mayor Houston asked Chief Thuman if we had had any calls or. complaints patrolling up at the church. Chief Thuman stated he was not aware of any specific calls, but he urged residents to call when they see vehicles that are not part of the neighborhood and they will respond. Officers routinely make patrol checks. They can notify the Police Department and they will have someone respond. Ms. Rainey stated she has done this, but unless they are there in 30 seconds, this does no good. One time she gave a license plate number. Chief Thuman stated providing a good description does help. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING JULY 71 1998 PAGE 325 . . Mayor Houston requested that the Police Department provide a report on what issues they have dealt with up there. Mr. Ambrose suggested they appoint a Neighborhood Watch Group. We have a representative that can work with them. On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Mayor Houston, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 113 - 98 FINDING AND DECLARING INSPIRATION DRIVE, INSPIRATION CIRCLE, BAY LAUREL STREET, BUCKEYE COURT, BAY LAUREL COURT AND MEADOW COURT TO BE PRIVATE ROADS OPEN FOR PUBLIC USE UNDER CALIFORNIA VEHICLE CODE SECTION 21107.5 .. PUBLIC HEARING DEVELOPMENT ELEVATION CAP - GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT PA 98-029 7:51 p.m. 6.2 (420-30) . Mayor Houston opened the public hearing. Senior Planner Cirelli presented the Staff Report and advised that on May 19, 1998, the City Council held a public hearing on the Urban Opportunity Area - GPA. Due to a number of concerns voiced at the meeting regarding the UOA policies within the Western Dublin Extended Planning Area, the City Council agreed to modify the GPA policies using the wording "elevation cap", separating the process from the Western Extended Planning Area, and moving forward with policies just for the Eastern Dublin Extended Planning Area. The Planning Commission heard the issue at its meeting of June 9, 1998, and although a couple of individuals expressed some concerns regarding the new Implementing Policy "D" of the draft GP A, the Planning Commission adopted a Resolution recommending City Council adoption of the Development Elevation Cap - GPA for the Eastern Extended Planning Area. Ms. Cirelli advised that one additional implementing policy was added which addresses a particular portion of property that is outside the Development Elevation Cap, but within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan with a land use CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING JULY 7, 1998 PAGE 326 . designation of "Low Density Residential". Any future development of this . property may be found consistent with the Development Elevation Cap policies so long as all other applicable General Plan, Specific Plan and other development policies are complied with. The two individuals who addressed the Planning Commission were concerned that the City was making an exception to one property owner allowing him to develop beyond the Development Elevation Cap and that there was nothing preventing the City from making similar exceptions to other property owners within the EDSP area. Staff explained that there is only one area within the EDSP where this occurs, and that this policy would not apply to any other property owners within the EDSP; and that although Implementing Policy uD" allows development to occur in this area, the affected property owner would still need to apply for appropriate planning permits and comply with other applicable GP, SP and development policies of the City. No public testimony was entered by any member of the public relative to this Issue. Mayor Houston closed the public hearing. On motion of em. Burton, seconded by Cm. Howard, and by unanimous vote, the . Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 114 - 98 APPROVING PA 98-029 DEVELOPMENT ELEVATION CAP - GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT +. PUBLIC HEARING BUSINESS REGISTRATION ORDINANCE 7:56 p.m. 6.3 (390-40) Mayor Houston opened the public hearing. Mr. Ambrose advised that this is the second reading of an Ordinance which would amend the Business Registration Ordinance to allow the operator of a festival or fair to obtain a umaster" business license on behalf of himself and all individuals who he anticipates will sell food and/or goods at the festival during the duration of the event. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING JULY 7, 1998 PAGE 327 . . . . No public testimony was entered by any member of the public relative to this Issue. Mayor Houston closed the public hearing. On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Lockhart, and by unanimous vote, the Council waived the reading and adopted - ORDINANCE NO. 10 - 98 AMENDING CHAPTER 4.04 OF THE DUBLIN MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO BUSINESS REGISTRATION FOR FESTIVALS .. INITIATION OF GENERAL PLAN STUDY FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 7197 VILLAGE PARKWAY (APN 941-0210-013) 7:57 p.m. 8.1 (420-30) Community Development Director Peabody presented the Staff report and advised that the property located at 7197 Village Parkway (the vacant BP Gas Station) is designated as retail! office by the General Plan. It is currently zoned as C- 2 which also allows office, retail and commercial uses. There have been several suggestions for potential reuse of the property and the City Council will consider whether to evaluate possible different GP uses as they pertain to the property. Mr. Peabody stated the C-2 district is pretty all inclusive. Options 1 and 2 were discussed. Cm. Burton felt when you place a moratorium when it is up for sale, he is concerned that it not be too long and we establish a time limit. He would also like to have the Downtown Task Force give their opinion and ideas on what they would like to do on Village Parkway. It will cost a lot of money to correct the tanks on this property. He agrees with a moratorium until they complete a study, but not too long. How long do you visualize it would be necessary to have a moratorium. Mr. Peabody stated it should not be difficult to return with a potential list within 45 days and an interim ordinance can be extended by a 4/5 vote of the Council. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING JULY 7, 1998 PAGE 328 Cm. Burton asked if Staff could get their comments and then it could go to the . Downtown Task Force. Mr. Peabody stated they could bring this up as an informational item at tomorrow morning's Downtown Task Force meeting, and he felt they could return within 45 days with some information. He understands Tosco is selling the property with a deed restriction preventing another service station. Mayor Houston felt we have this opportunity and along with the Downtown Task Force and City Council feels Village Parkway someday will have a transformation. As the property gets more valuable, we will see some changes when the flyover and hook ramp comes in. He envisions a restaurant row and some small boutique type things. He sees a big turnover in the next 10 years. We should also be thinking of all the C-2 properties down Village Parkway. We should have a plan so that 10 or 15 years from now it will be what we want. He is happy to get the moratorium and get the one piece looked at, but down the road we need some policies. em. Lockhart asked with regard to that corner, if they are dismantling the whole station and tanks and all. Is this in the process now? Mr. Peabody stated their intention is to dismantle and remove all the tanks . pending sale for some other use. We don't have a demolition permit yet. They have to deal with a variety of issues when dismantling a gas station. They are addressing the issues now. Cm. Lockhart stated anything we can do to speed up the process, we should do. She agreed with the concept of studying the whole area and the Task Force has some good creative ideas of what they would like to see on Village Parkway in the future. She would agree to the 45 days and then extend it if we need to. Cm. Burton stated just the fact that the City is looking at this could trigger potential users. George Zika asked why we don't include the property across the street. Mr. Peabody stated we have an application pending. Mr. Zika stated the BP property will be there for quite some time. It takes forever to go through the necessary processes. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING JULY 7, 1998 PAGE 329 . . . . Cm. Barnes stated this particular station has already gone through a change of the tanks and it took forever. The 45 days is a normal time and then they could go from there. Mr. Zika stated Cm. Burton could come down to the Task Force meeting and give his comments. Mayor Houston discussed the area across the street on Amador Valley Boulevard where there used to be a station where Dutch Pride Dairy was located. We have opportunities and he felt that in the future, things will happen. We need to have an idea and a plan. Greg Reuel stated in talking to Tasca his understanding is they want to get rid of the canopy and the pumps, but they want to leave the building. Mayor Houston stated he did not want to slow down this one area, but he would like to see the whole C- 2 area looked at in the future. Mr. Peabody suggested they initiate a GP study and maybe there is a way to make it retail with some zoning changes. Staff could come back with an interim ordinance. Cm. Burton stated when you take out 50% for parking, there isn't much floor space left unless you go up. He would like to look at the practical uses. On motion of Mayor Houston, seconded by Cm. Lockhart, and by unanimous vote, the Council determined that a General Plan Study should be initiated and directed Staff to proceed and come back with an interim ordinance on just the corner site at the next meeting. They will discuss the entire C- 2 area at that time. Cm. Burton pointed out that in 1989 we had a professional do a downtown study. They should look at this. ..... OTHER BU SINESS 8:17 p.m. Election Nomination Period Openin~ Tuly 13, 1998 (630-20) Mr. Ambrose advised that next Monday is opening day of the filing period to run for City Council. People wishing to take out papers should contact the City Clerk. ...... CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING JULY 7, 1998 PAGE 330 Groundbreaking (610-85) . Mr. Ambrose reminded everyone of the groundbreaking ceremony for the 1-580/1-680 flyover project on July 16 at 12:30 p.m. It will be held south of the new Good Guys store being constructed right now on Amador Plaza Road. Mayor Houston stated he has Jury duty, but he will try to sneak out. +. Senior Center Anniversary (595-50) Mr. Ambrose reminded everyone of the Senior Center's 10th anniversary event being held on July 10. .. National Ni~ht Out! Adiust Meetin~ Start Time (580-40/610-20) Mr. Ambrose advised that National Night Out is coming up on August 4th, from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Last year the City Council meeting starting time was moved back to 8:00 p.m., in order to allow Council and Staff to participate in this event. . The Council determined that the August 4, 1998 City Council meeting should be noticed to start at 8:00 p.m. again this year. .. Council Meeting Cancellation (610-20) Mr. Ambrose asked if the City Council would like to cancel their second meeting in August. em. Barnes asked about canceling the first meeting instead. She will be gone then as her granddaughter is in a dance exhibition. Mr. Ambrose advised that several items of business are already scheduled for the first August meeting. Mayor Houston stated he is in favor of this as were em. Lockhart and Cm. Burton. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING JULY 7, 1998 PAGE 331 . . . . The Council asked about the Housing Authority and if this meeting would also be canceled. Mr. Ambrose stated Staff will contact them to see if this is a problem. +- Fire Trainin~ Exercise (540-70) Cm. Lockhart asked about the Alameda County Fire Association training exercise tomorrow. She stated she will go. .. Dou~herty Road Improvements (600-30) Cm. Barnes asked for an update report on the Dougherty Road construction. Mr. Thompson stated they started excavating yesterday and they got quite a ways. It is going pretty fast. The signals have been moved back and the underground- ing done. They will next move over to the east side of the street and then the whole thing will have an overlay. .. Property Maintenance. San Ramon Road (c.V, A VB (530-20) Cm. Barnes reminded everyone that today is the first anniversary of the infamous fire at the Workbench on San Ramon Road and asked why the fence is still standing around the property. .. Nei~hborhood 4th of Julv Celebrations (610-85) Cm. Barnes stated she felt the 4th of July celebrations in town were very nice. She talked to a lot of people at church on Sunday and a lot of neighbors had parties. She stated she enjoyed working in the booths this year. +- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING JULY 7, 1998 PAGE 332 Mutual Aid @ Special Events (950-40) . Cm. Burton brought up the situation of the shooting and riot at the Fair Grounds on the 4th of July. He asked Staff to respond since we will be having some major gatherings and he wanted to know how we will respond to the potential that with BART we may attract other types of people that will come in and make trouble. How are we planning to deal with this? Mr. Ambrose reported that these issues are addressed on an event-by-event basis. We work closely with the people organizing the events and then plan our police based on these needs. When situations get out of hand we have mutual aid agreements with other agencies. He discussed the situation at the Fair Grounds. A number of different agencies responded when the calls went out. Cm. Burton stated he felt that because we have a policy prohibiting drinking in the streets, this should help. Mr. Ambrose stated our ordinance prohibits drinking in public places and this is a pretty common ordinance in most jurisdictions. Cm. Burton felt the public should be assured that we have a plan in place. Mayor Houston stated on an event-by- event basis we have our plans and there is . back up if need be from other jurisdictions. +- ADJOURNMENT 11.1 There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:26 p.m. Mayor A nEST: City Clerk ~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 17 REGULAR MEETING JULY 7, 1998 PAGE 333 .