HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.03 1997 Goals&ObjStatusRpt CITY CLERK File # D[l][QJ[Q]-(R](Q] . AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 2,1997 SUBJECT: 1997 Goals & Objectives Status Report Report Prepared by: Richard C. Ambrose, City Manager EXHIBITS ATTACHED: Report RECOMMENDATION: ~eceive Report. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: Staff has prepared a bi-monthly update of the City Council's 1997 Goals & Objectives Program for the period ending November 30, 1997. As of November 30, 1997, a total 57 of 130 objectives (44%) have been completed. With respect to high priority objectives, approximately 47 of 87 (54%) have been completed. . The shaded items on the Report highlight changes in the status of those objectives since the last bi- monthly report was presented. It is Staff s recommendation that the City Council receive the report. .------------------------------------------------------------------- COPIES TO: . . ITEMNO.~ G:\CC-MTGS\97-QTR4\DECEMBER\12-2-97\AG-G&O.DOC . ADOP.A 1997 GOALS & d'KCTIVES BI-MONTHL Y REPORT AS OF 11/30/97 PAGE 1 ... ,...._..._.~""................_...,.--"..........,.......~-"...... PROGRAM AREA/GOAL I;~ENERAL GOVERNMENT? ,.., A. ADMINISTRATION High Ambrose/Dept 6. 97 Heads High Silver/Keck 7. 97 COMPLETE High Rankin 8. 97 Annual Review COMPLETE. Monthly reports will follow on upgrade. High Rankin/Honse 9. 96 COMPLETE High Rankin/Honse 10. 96 COMPLETE High Ambrose 11. 97 Study underway. , . ".. ~""""""""'"~'''''''''1-'''~~'~'''';"_''''''''~''._'':' ""......"':...~_...... .....~.._,.._.~...,.. .-,.._"..~,. ADOPTED 1997 GOALS & OBJECTIVES BI-MONTHL Y REPORT AS OF 11/30/97 PAGE 2 PROGRAM AREA/GOAL COUNCIL PRIORITY PERSON RESPONSIBLE # YEAR STATUS Medium " li!~i_l~if~~~if@'!ii~i#~~i!ing. ....~f6Jf~~~~fW6~~~~~~18~iN~~....~~~...~.......... '~Ub~~E~~lo1~8g~~~~~f~~n~eJ~~~~~~wb:...git~ :::.EffEi'CUV~"'jj1 19E1,L'",(".:;:.>i .,;"""""" ,.."....'.... "';"".",..I,..,,, "',.,','.'.,,...(..','.".".(:(f?;'....,').,..,.,.. :;.""';""""""" .,..,." ". ,".,.' . ":"""";". ", ....,....,.",.... ", '",' ..,.......,.. ,. ". .'. ,......, . . ....."... ., .' .... . Undertake Americans Disability Act No action to date. (ADA) Self Evaluation of Facilities ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (ADMINISTRATION) Rankin 16. 97 Evaluate opportunities to provide for COMPLETE live transmission of City Council Mtgs. :.~i>>m~YG~>>h;~~~/i~~~R?MBQ~pn~!~ ....'......;~t~Wf:gam~f91~~,~~~~~i',,~!~b~r:~~?S~ ,to. 9JV B. FINANCE High Rankin/Dept 1. Heads 96 .. d [ .. . ,.,~~ab~~S';/(} Rankiriii .,,> Development of implementation Draft document completed. Need to create Final guidelines for Public Facility Fees and Draft, discuss with Developers, provide City Traffic Impact Fees Council Report. Identify Means to Recover the cost of Reviewed compilation of data to support fee implementation associated with the calculation. Need to finalize draft and circulate Eastern Dublin Specific Plan proposed report. :iffftif~iitiftill' ;~~I~l~t~c~~W~~I:{a~t~mlil~,~~~... High Rankin/Peabody 2. 95 . . I:, ,. ,'.' . . . . ADOP. 1997 GOALS & OBJECTIVES BI-MONTHL Y REPORT AS OF 11/30/97 PAGE 3 . PROGRAM AREA/GOAL COUNCIL PRIORITY High PERSON RESPONSIBLE Rankin # Medium Low Rankin Rankin 8. 9. YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR STATUS ACCOMPLISHING GOALS 97 Develop plan to report on status of Underway; preliminary calculations have been reserves in Equipment Replacement prepared. Fund and provide means to incorporate Fire Apparatus and Major Building Components ::~i:iil(t\'.1111 it!i\1lIif~!II~rl'j'~tim~~1l Implement AS 2823 requiring COMPLETE verification of State Contractors License prior to issuance of Business License 97 Evaluate opportunities to obtain State Consultant agreement presented to City Council reimbursement for State Mandated and data gathering has commenced. First Costs payment has been received 94 Revise Accounting Procedures No action to date. 96 Report on cost effective alternatives Finance Manager has attended State of Calif. for processing of small purchases seminar and obtained information on the State program. 4. Medium Rankin 7. ~A~~lllt~~~J,1i~~~~'~~~.~~i~tii. C. INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS High All Depts. 1. 97 Aggressively monitor activities of other regional local agencies which directly impact Dublin Meet jointly with representatives from other agencies On-going. High All Depts. 2. 97 Council Liaison meetings have been held with Pleasanton, DSRSD, DUSD & Zone 7. ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS) . . ADOPTED 1997 GOALS & OBJECTIVES BI-MONTHL Y REPORT AS OF 11/30/97 PAGE 4 PROGRAM AREA/GOAL COUNCIL PERSON # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR STATUS PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE ACCOMPLISHING GOALS D. PUBLIC RELATIONS High Texeira 1. 97 Coordinate the production of one COMPLETE video newsletter High Keck 2. 97 Work with newspapers on ad space COMPLETE. Report to City Council on 3/4/97. for noticing Council Agendas similar Council determined too costly and directed notice to space given to Chamber to be placed in City Newsletter (plus going on , Luncheons Internet soon). High Texeira 3. 97 Publish one City newsletter COMPLETE ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (PUBLIC RELATIONS) E. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION High 97 Perform contractor evaluation on the following service contracts: Thompson 1. General Engineering 1. COMPLETE Thompson 2. Traffic Engineering 2. COMPLETE Thompson 3. Street Sweeping 3. COMPLETE Rankin 4. Animal Control 4. COMPLETE Texeira 5. Crossing Guards 5. COMPLETE Peabody 6. Building & Safety 6. COMPLETE High Ambrose 7. 96 Report to Council on Countywide Underway. Meetings held with County and other review of Library Services cities. Further action awaits outcome of Pleasanton decision to withdraw from County Library System Low Ambrose 8. 95 Consider providing Library Services No action to date with a neighboring City ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION) . . . . . . . ADO~ 1997 GOALS ~ _ECTIVES BI-MONTHL Y REPORT AS OF 11/30/97 PAGE 5 PROGRAM AREA/GOAL COUNCIL PRIORITY '.lli) ..GOMMUN ITY D~VELOPMENT(i.......... ............ A. PLANNING High Peabody High Peabody High Peabody/ Thompson Peabody High High Peabody High Peabody 1. 95 Assure School Mitigation Plan is completed for the area of eastern Dublin within the Livermore School District 4. 96 COMPLETE 5. 96 COMPLETE 6. 97 COMPLETE 9. 96 Underw?y. 10. 97 No action to date. Projected start of Study Fall, 1997. . . .....,,,."# ':I""'""'~' ',--,. -"",.. ",~, ,. .~,..' " ADOPTED 1997 GOALS & OBJECTIVES BI-MONTHL Y REPORT AS OF 11/30/97 PAGE 6 PROGRAM AREA/GOAL COUNCIL PRIORITY Medium PERSON RESPONSIBLE Peabody # 11. YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOALS 97 Update & conduct 5 year review of Dublin General Plan Housing Element Update STATUS No action to date. B. BUILDING & SAFETY COMPLETE C. ENGINEERING High Thompson 1. 97 Construct beautification project on 1- COMPLETE 580/San Ramon Road entrance to Dublin Medium Thompson 2. 96 Update & expand Standard Street Underway. Improvement Details (street lights, decorative paving, medians, landscaping) . . . . ADO~ 1997 GOALS &~ECTIVES BI-MONTHL Y REPORT AS OF 11/30/97 PAGE 7 .. PROGRAM AREA/GOAL COUNCIL PRIORITY PERSON RESPONSIBLE PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOALS STATUS ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (ENGINEERING) D. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT High Reuel High Reuel 7. 97 COMPLETE High Ambrose/Reuel 8. 97 COMPLETE. City has committed requested funding. Medium Reuel 9. 95 Site analysis \l!1derway. Medium 12. 97 Purchase new banners .Shop Dublin Tax Dollars at work" Establish permanent Business Study Underway Development Committee (Business Commission) (see Planning #7) ADOPTED 1997 GOALS & OBJECTIVES BI-MONTHL Y REPORT AS OF 11/30/97 PAGE 8 PROGRAM AREA/GOAL COUNCIL PRIORITY Medium PERSON RESPONSIBLE Reuel # 13. YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR STATUS ACCOMPLISHING GOALS 97 Update Eastern Dublin Development Gathering information for updated printing. Brochure ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT) .1I1i.CULTURE&U:ISURE>, .'.'.'...',.',.:..:,::.... . .'::,.:'../,'" ,......." ,:,: '...,.....' "".., ", .' "."..,.", ,.....,. ,.. ........ A. PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES High Lowart 1. 94 High Lowart 2. 97 High Lowart 3. 97 ".... ><i):Hi!;l~NY.., ,......... ~o~af't,."" ,.." '. ... '. ,... 4:> .:...' '.. ..../\ . t .,'.'., . ,., . ....", . ..". .,,'. 'i L < ..).. ."..:......".. ,......../> ..i .,.,. ..'..,., :.,'.'.,:.... ) ..'.', ."..... ,.."...'," .>i ,..'..',..,..... ,.:. ,',..'.., , ,..,': '. ". ,','.'.., ..'.','..,..:. .:".:..,.: .',..'...'.' '....... . .:'." ..... ..'.. . c. "".. ,.." "". ,.,..... ..", ..'," ,,: .. ":.',' ....'.......', '.' ",..',.,..,\...'. .. ',' . .'.... ,.' . . '. ..' High Lowart 5. ..,.:. "I.....:.,.'.,...,:." ""V, "..".....,:, :'.". ',""".'" ii ,..'.'.., 97 97 High Lowart 6. .......:..:..:..::,.'.'.."" ..,.. ,. ' :.......". .."".,'..'.' '.. ..'.. ,..:.:., . .".,,"...,.::.. . ". ,.',..,.." .:'.".:.'., ..':: ..:" '. ...,.",.. ".. ,:..::':'".::. ,',.:.... :... ':. " ','. '. ". ,."...'.'.:. ,...,.., : ..,.:.'...'......... .... :it . \' I-linh..,. ':' .,....' 7..,"'... ,07.,.". '., (,:y L'...""':'...,..., .,......:..,.'..:.....' ,~.!:...:,',." \". ,..",' '''...ii. /.." .' >r . ..', "'.'. <> . '. i.'...'... .".."...,',..".,.. ,'.:., .i" . .,.. :.' .N' ..:.., ,....,. ..,."., ',.:....... ,.':"',..,".: .,..,'.' .'...." .:.'....' .,' ,.....'. '. ',' .... ..,..,....: '..' ,',.',' ." . '.' 'L Jwart . ...... .)..\ 8 .,. ..,"" "..,'., ".,/'.....':",. ,. ,...'r..'i' ....,.., '.' ", ....' , ..'.... .. "'." Update the Agreement between the City & the School District regarding use of school facilities Plan a park dedication for Mape Memorial Park Expand the Afterschool Recreation Program to Dublin Elementary School for the Fall of 1997 '[i~~f~lt~~~i;l~~r~~; Work with U.S. Army to secure a lease for recreational field space at Camp Parks Pursue development of additional athletic fields at Dublin Elementary School, provided funding is available 8~~!i!~&~liiif!~!fi~ .1~ri1r'::ffi8 . .Mu,~.ic~.t,t!;1eG..iyic,G.(;!r)tet:SHmrri(;!ti F;irst concert complete; Second concert for teens ~~~c~~~~~i~~~J~~fy~~~~:re~'t'!!; :~~h~j~~~~~~~~i~~y?~~~~9V.I~?~9~mmittee for ", ...... ...'" ......,.,.".,. ",',' ,.'.:.,."':,..", ..:..:.::,.',::;'./...'.'..,',.,'."......./:, c,: ..... ,. .:.... No action to date. COMPLETE COMPLETE II date 6/98. ; ..,...,.Y"..,..,.,,'..,..,. ,/i : ..,..'< ii:" .',. Underway. Request for long-term lease sent to Army; additional 6 month review necessary due to change in Army command structure. No action to date; funding not available in 1997- 98 budget. . . . :" . . . ADO~ 1997 GOALS ~1IrECTIVES BI-MONTHL Y REPORT AS OF 11/30/97 PAGE 9 . PROGRAM AREA/GOAL COUNCIL PRIORITY High PERSON RESPONSIBLE Lowart # YEAR STATUS 9. 95 Nearly complete. Medium Lowart 12. 97 Submitted project for Measure B reauthorization funding. It has tentatively dropped out of the Measure B priority list. Medium Lowart 15. 97 No action to date. Medium Lowart 16. 95 No additional progress by Dublin Little League. Medium Lowart 17. 94 No action to date. ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES) ADOPTED 1997 GOALS & OBJECTIVES BI-MONTHL Y REPORT AS OF 11/30/97 PAGE 10 # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR STATUS ACCOMPLISHING GOALS 19. 97 Develop new Valley High Gymnasium COMPLETE Agreement. )7,......, . ..,~.Tii ,..A~~~~W~V6~~Wt:~~.i~Yf~m:H~~gbi~~~~t~:~~fJido~~6ti1 ~J~~~;' ..",~;L .'ic~~~i?~~iii~t'~"it' L~:i;~~;;;~:~ PROGRAM AREA/GOAL COUNCIL PRIORITY PERSON RESPONSIBLE Lowart ~""'. . c.:7T~.c;::". , .,'.:,......,.... Lowart.,.." ..,', ,.:,'" ...':'.,..'... .',.. ,... ..., " ...' ..,' ,..'.", ..'..'::' ..,.... ,< ..,',... ..... ". ., ..':' '... ..'..' ..... ,'.. .'.. ..' I'.,..',...., ".. ',. . .,'..' . '< ..,...... ..,.,.......'....... > . .. ,.".,.....". . ,....."....,..'"',..,, .... ,...........')i . ,.',. .. i..,.'.. .,.. '.'>iC ..... ! :~;;...~.://. ....' ',..... ".'. ...... ,',,' ",..,..;"". :.i.,..,...,.., ...,: 1'.";--.":,....,..,... "',"': ..."" .'.. ,..'..,./,'... .'...,.. :,.. :."" : II> ..'.... Ii.. .,.'...".,.....,...'......., ......:.,.,/. ".,', Ivr:F'UE3L:lq.SAFET'C<i<< ,. ,if A. POLICE .",:,,'.. .,.,.,..:.:,.t': .,'. :'... '.,' ...........', High Thuman High Thuman High Thuman High Thuman .,...,. ".':,::' ..."..........:.'.,.,.... .......',......, .. ,,' . .,.,......,..',..,.'...'....... -liQh< i. ".. ....,......,.. "...'.'\{ '.\ '.... ...,,,.....,. ",' ,', ...'.'.. I"'" 1,\' ..,. ...,..."..' ',":" ,,:.., :.,"..,.. ','.:'" ''', :/.."" .' '. \\.....:, >:, ':",'.,:: "'''.''''.', .,.,.',."',....'.. ."....,:: ,':.... .N..:.."...",. ,.'. /,.:""....".':.......,:.. ..:'/."..,.' ,....,'...., ::"'.' """.',":' ,'... ""...".:.'.."..,. High '.,'f. :...' .,.. ':'" i.':'. Thuman ....., ',:....'. .',..,. .,..:,...,. 7. ,.. .',...,.. I".,...', I,'..,. ,..,.....': "...,....,.':,..'......'.:...,."..'.. .,..,'.. "":'," ',' .... .. ...' , Hinh.:..'......'.:..< '.,..','."",.,., A.':":. .,; ';"';:.., ..........,. .'..... ',:' :,..,' .,...../."",."..".. ..",V, .....,.........,:.....: .,.'..',.....,,'...,.,..':'.' !/\.r,:..,...:/.. I.:.... ,.....'..,...,. I.',.......'....>,...., .. :..'F. ......' ,.'.. ...,,' ",' ....."..".. ...',..' . " " :., .', '. ':. ,.,. .,:.., i..'.. ,,:., .... "':':".:.,' .... ""'..' ":;. ,""., " .. ,,':':. . ". ..,,:'...,':. .,. .. ':.'..... ,'. .".:. '."."..:"....""..,',<,. 1. 2. 3. 4. .":'"."", ,. ',..'.: '... ..........'....' ......'> ..' .,........'...'. Prepare Five Year Plan for Police Services to accommodate growth Develop and implement a .Community to Cop Connection" program Expansion of the Youth Summer Job COMPLETE Program in the City of Dublin by 80% Implement a Community Crime Prevention Telephone Hot Line ~~:~g~;~~~llb~t~i;~H1r~(~~fJ~'~~j~ ~i~irl~~i~~fJliv;ij~ ; Development of a "Senior Safety" program Establish Public Safety Officer at .. ..:~tl,ldy..9Ly~rnet.l?qhooIQistrict pubHcsafety '. :...,~D."..~I..s.~trri~lncJ~t.....~&.",",re,'bifi,..y:.'S'.~ltn..iS,.e..{,rsCs...~c.~o:~m~m~,rtu.~n~I.~tayt,o,....:.........,.....,:.~.~& (~~tr~~~~t~~js7~~~~~~~J~~:~i:i~:~:~:i'~g . i'\ahdreportt6 CounCiL>' '..,,'..' . ',... . .' . .,., 96 97 97 96 ....:' ,."> 97 ,..."...:"..! ~ ',.., ............".:...'>..:......,.:.:..,....'.'. ....., .. ' Underway. Underway. COMPLETE :..'.:,.,."..:... .,'. .., '.... .i ....'.. . .'""..'.. ' COMPLETE . , . . . . ~ ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (POLICE) B. ANIMAL CONTROL ADOP-A 1997 GOALS & cZCTIVES BI-MONTHL Y REPORT AS OF 11/30/97 PAGE 11 . COUNCIL PERSON fl YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR STATUS _1:RESP_illiiiNGGO_ Medium Thuman 10. 97 Develop a Police Officer Trading Underway. Card Program Develop a Secret Witness Reward Program ." ,.,' Low Thuman COMPLETE; program modified for inclusion in the Community Crime Prevention Telephone Hot Line. (See #4 above.) 11. 95 ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (ANIMAL CONTROL) I C. FIRE SERVICES High Ambrose 1. 96 Negotiate Fire Service Contract with COMPLETE Alameda County High Ambrose 2. 96 Secure City use of Santa Rita Fire COMPLETE Station High Ambrose/Silver 3. 96 Adopt Uniform Fire Code COMPLETE '. High Ambrose 4. 96 Adopt Fire Capital Impact Fee COMPLETE High Ambrose 5. 96 Adopt City Fire Permit Fees COMPLETE High AmbroselTexeira 6. 96 Work with San Ramon to analyze COMPLETE impact of dissolution on both Cities High AmbroselT exeira 7. 96 Negotiate distribution of DRFA COMPLETE Personnel, assets & liabilities with City of San Ramon . . ADOPTED 1997 GOALS & OBJECTIVES BI-MONTHL Y REPORT AS OF 11/30/97 PAGE 12 PROGRAM AREA/GOAL COUNCIL PRIORITY PERSON RESPONSIBLE # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOALS STATUS ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (FIRE SERVICES) .,...".., ',..,....',,,...,, .:....:.',..".: I......'.,'..,....'.',......,...'.".., ".....:,;c"::..:,.' ,.....,. .'. " ........,'.. '...',..,.'. ....,.. ..,., Ii ...',< .. ...'.'..'..., .......'.. 'i> ' .,..,.. "...,.....' Ii "......,.... .'....>: ,.....'." ...,... '. .... ".' ...' ,..... ....'.. . .., ...,', . ..,.., .,.. ..,.... .'..... Coordinate wIth ACFD the purchase ....P~rt::ha~.eG()"tra9.tcompl~te;"YiUneEld to '. ..'...'.....'.'.......H )x ,...,....' ...... ->r\b(~..~e'pj~c~~~ilt Fir~ Erigln~})>'... ',~()qidiril:lte.con~tactarid' purcti~seot em~rgency .........','.. '.' ,....",. ..... ,.... ..,< ....,ii .....,',............'.... ,........,.....,8qulptnent followihg delivery> ',' ... .' , D. DISASTER PREPAREDNESS :.......,.0:...<. . . "" .:'..,'.' . '':'' ,,'...:...,..<'.:,:. ,'..."...:..:. :.. """',"""" '............. T '.. .........,. . .,.. ....'........... . MEldium" >.....,i> .<.: .,...'... ..,...' .' .... '."". Medium '~el a "i>><< '.:,:.. .......',.". .... ......'..... " ..:,:...,., ,.,.....,.,.....".'....,; ...........>,.; .i..'...'. Thompson 3. .......,.. g,.,.",... .... .,,"',... ." y.n~~n;~~t:~~~I!~.~~!,~~~~;~~~~rgi~;...... ...~~arUi~r{9~a~~;i;;m~!~H~~IY.' pla,~ned. for "[)eVel()Ps.Jbrm~IDis~~terS!'!r:yice . . ",Ynp~.fW!iY~9yrrE:!otly q()IlElctirtgJnformation on WorkefProgrStlri ". ," .,..'. "dlsa$tefs~r'viceworker programs. ,". . Complete Public Works Tri-Valley No action to date. Mutual Aid Agreement '. 91 ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (DISASTER PREPAREDNESS) T I T I E. WASTE MANAGEMENT High Rankin 1. 97 Coordinate with the garbage service provider the implementation of new rates as required under Proposition 218 ,iC;?ndu9tas~ryElY.()n tb~pa~i<::ipa.ti9r;ii '.' i"n. 'r"o.~gUrr,abm~.ids......~,:,.......I.,..."..",m:...,...,..'.:.u...,'.....,.I.,y....~"...f.., ~mil~r~sypliDQit; . t-?I ;';";:"::';":::,';:::;':'::'::::'Y: ;:.::::::t;::},.;..:.:;" COMPLETE ,."...'..>.,"..::.,:., ....'..." .'."...' ,':'...",.... ..,...".....:...,...,.. ' .,.,.,'..'.i:'I'''.U.'..'\II.1,... ...,',:".:....:,.. ,'.. I......",.,",., ..':..." " ....,. . ,..'". ',.. ,. ........ ,,: .,...., " ". ,...... .......':. ...:..... ..... ',.... ......'..:.......1:;:' ....\. ....".U'. ,..'. '.; :......, .,.... .',...,,: . ...........,..,., . ',..,.',...,.. ..,.:' "",'", ." :'''' :..,'..,:.. "":. ',' ,.: ,..:,.'...' ........'.....:.:.... ..".":'... ':: " ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (WASTE MANAGEMENT) ... '... '....'..,... ....,.... ..,..i .,'.,.....( I' " ':, c...:..' "..,..,.... ,........ ........,....,..,.....,,:.. ..'..'.' .........,'. ..'.'.:."..'.' .."",...' ....\..... .,' .."..'...."."'..:..., :.:......,.'.....,..."':.. ,.,....:'.."",. ...."."ry. .. ,.,,:.,.., ..,..,;..:.:',"..,, ,........,'......," .,',..',....'...,....,'..,' < ..'. '.. ......". ,'.".. ,..,..'..',. ," ,.....,..... ,...,...' .... ,'.. ;....:....:../ P4e!o.phanges in staffing ,;at the, Garbage ~~m~~B~1i;~~~~.y~i"8~,.~~t~;t;~Ig~~re .March. , .'.....:" .,.....'. ,,'" ,;' :~i1',filii!!~lti~t~IJ~~~i~t~~:~j~I~!~~~~n I...,..:........,:.,... I.....'.,...,. I.'." Ii....> I'....... ..'.:.. .I..>i .,.. '... .: .::,.. ......", '. . . . . ADOP. 1997 GOALS & OBJECTIVES BI-MONTHL Y REPORT AS OF 11/30/97 PAGE 13 . PROGRAM AREA/GOAL COUNCIL dRSON # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR STATUS PRIORITY RESPONSIB. ACCOMPLISHING GOALS ~MAINTENA~CE High Thompson 1. 97 Implement five (5) new community COMPLETE. volunteer projects 1) Pews refurbished at Old St. Raymond's Church at Heritage Center by Eagle Scout(Fasulkey) in March 1997 2) Church frontage cleaned up and flowers planted by Target Employees (coordinated by PCS) in June 1997 3) Cemetery cleaned up by LDS (Pleasanton - 3rd Ward) May 1997 4) Reinforcement of Church pews at Heritage Center by members of MCE (on their own time - coordinated by PCS) in June 1997 5) Cemetery plot cleaned up by Girl Scouts in February 1997. Medium Thompson 2. 96 Study ways of replacing the Civic No action to date. Center fountain pumps in order to provide more hours at a lower cost Low Thompson 3. 92 Undertake Corporation Yard Facilities No action to date. Study ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (MAINTENANCE) B. TRANSPORTATION High Thompson 1. 97 High Thompson 2. 97 Work with property owners to develop COMPLETE alignment plan prior to consultant expenditure. Work with BART on additional parking Underway. Met with BART and representatives of Pleasanton, Alameda Co. and NPID. Short- term possibility for use of lot near Pleasanton helicopter pad. ADOPTED 1997 GOALS & OBJECTIVES BI-MONTHL Y REPORT AS OF 11/30/97 PAGE 14 PERSON # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR RESPONSIBLE ACCOMPLISHING GOALS .' ... Thbmpsonl'.....,..... ". .'., I, .:J.N ..,.07.. ".... .... MOhitorg<::lltr~n~and ~qT A()n.Jh~. . BuilcjJp9 h~sb~l9l1purchasecJorlVillage Parkway ". . ...i ..T ........... .R.ellal........... '.., ..'....,., "'Iii ............\> right6fWayl'i~ClUjsitiqria~~i for northboUnd on-ramp "Offer to Shamrock Ford .. I,',. ,....,'.....',.... >. .....,..,.' ..i ...> I'....'.'.' .,....H< ." ,. ..COh$tr~CtiO~.6rthel~$~O/I~E3M)i~r9P~rtykw~eQlci6Iudes:~b~dghti9P~rk~nder ' ,.... ...., .'.. ': "...,..... 1\" .,.,.. ...,...... Interch~u1ge Improvements ~n<:l,} .'...'.. :thet~i:rjpafter c6rnpletior).of c9nstnlctlon;,i Offers' ..... '.' ..' ,......... ."............, .' .,..............\.. ...... . '.... . .. ...,. . ,... . · ". ..... ,.. ... I '...'. ' , '... ..,.. ,....1..... .',: ......" . '..... downtown. h()(Jk.(~n'H?s>/ :~~k~ge~hip~detdq~q~ri tbevr91et property y i1cef>'f1, ..' ... .. . ..' c..' ..... , . .....i1 I ~i >..>e 21ti;(~~~~~cli~~~~I~. Mi:~{~tt;;if~~~~?~~t~~:~;~;u~;. ' i\< ....,...> >' '> ..,....,. \~h..? ... :~omp~~n.. ... ..... ....,...'I..t n~ .,..'..........,~o~J~~im~~y~lJ~,..,.~.",......T,..~...;...,;......,..,~,.....:,r,.,p,.'..p,r.....~.a,.,....,rt.'........,a.T,.".,.t...r."i,...;....,...ffi.n...,..,.....,~.......,......,..".., ..,."."TVT'~"......r.~,.,:,~aCe~,e.,.f1$,:..nJe~e...",t.euhn;I'nt9&,.d~e~te,..a'..~llntS.~..,d,...,...p.!.f.?~r~~~~~~1~~9~ad~. .....'. ,... ."......,.........: ...' .... i ,........ ...'....'.. .., .. ." ,.,.......'....,I>i>>, ..lmpacffe~J '.'....' ........".ii}..U High ,..,...,.....'. Thompson .,...'.",h< l(iiUl}d~tl$,ke.up'dat~J9.g~st13mP~blin} 910-,f0~ u<'ll/> ..'....>> ..., . ::;:;5,'c.;::cci'i~'{ ..i;: . .... .c.. ....... ........c... ... ....... .. . n.n'e. J .; .ie ~t:~n~~T~I~%~~~~~1.,,~~Yil c. i,JJ' High Thompson 6. 97 Develop a 5-year Capital COMPLETE (In 5-Year CIP) Improvement Program for Eastern Dublin roadways PROGRAM AREA/GOAL COUNCIL PRIORITY ,...,' .....' ",' :". ,..,,'.....,..:... .... ..,.... .'.'."...'., ..'.... ,..':"..., '..:'.'.. .', ..........>.. High Thompson 7. High Thompson 8. High Thompson 9. ..,. "W,c".i" '.. ...,...... . ...M~9iLltl:1 ,i<.... .,,'... .'.. .'...... '..i .,.,....N.., ., ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (TRANSPORTATION) I T Tp?!l1PMQ .'..'..'.....u ~!:e~{( .....,':,.,. ,..... ..'..:.: ;'.'..........:'.,.... :':;'.:::;.:::..'..... I I I T .IG&OIBI-MONL YlASOF1 0-2,DOC STATUS 96 Work with Contra Costa County to Nearly Complete. establish a fee in Contra Costa County to pay for needed roadway improvements in Dublin Update Circulation Element of the COMPLETE General Plan Prepare Alignment Study for Eastern Tassajara Alignment Study complete; Fallon Dublin major arterials (Tassajara Alignment Study is nearly complete. Road and Fallon Road) ~:~~i~~~~~~~7i,lpn P?~9~8~n<~~~~:.;R-WR!;t;i~;\g~t~City ~~uncil December 96 95 I I I I . . . . .