HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.04 Diablo Vly Foundation on Aging Proposal r
SUBJECT Diablo Valley Foundation for the Aging
EXHIBITS ATTACHED Coordinator of Senior Recreation Job
RECOMMENDATION Support Diablo Valley Foundation - for the
Aging Proposal as a One-Year Pilot
DESCRIPTION The San Ramon ' Valley Chapter of the
Diablo Valley Foundation for the Aging has raised approximately
$27, 000 to fund two 1-year positions for professional senior
services personnel in the San Ramon Valley. One position will
provide social case management for the frail elderly, the other
will provide recreation coordination services for the active
elderly. The project has the support of senior groups and
organizations throughout the Valley.
The social case management position will be supervised and
administered by the Support Services Director of the Diablo
Valley Foundation for the Aging . The San Ramon Valley Senior
Council has agreed to undertake the on-going direction and
guidance of the recreation coordinator. position. The San Ramon
Valley Senior Council is comprised of a representative from each
of the following groups :
The Dublin San Ramon Seniors
The Senior Californians-Dublin and San Ramon
The Sunny Glen Seniors
The White House Senior Drop-In Center
San Ramon Valley Women' s Club
Alamo - Danville Seniors
Community Presbyterian Church Senior Center
However, the Council is not prepared to provide professional
recreation consultation to the coordinator, nor to manage payroll
or provide duplicating services for a periodic senior
Therefore, the San Ramon Valley Chapter of the Diablo Valley
Foundation for the Aging and the San Ramon Valley Senior Council
are requesting that:
1 . The cities of San Ramon, Dublin and Danville provide
periodic professional consultation for the half-time
Recreation Coordinator of senior activities . The major
responsibility for day-to-day supervision will be assumed by
the City of San Ramon Parks and Recreation Department .
2 . The use of the City of San Ramon ' s copy machine for
newsletters, address labels, agendas, minutes and similar
working documents . The estimated paper needs are : four (4 )
reams, six ( 6 ) times per year. Paper product costs can be
jointly shared by the three' participating cities .
3 . A desk and telephone be provided to the Recreation
Coordinator, by the Seniors, at the Danville Veteran ' s Hall
and White House Drop-In Center at least one day per week.
..,.-.. .1702'77
AGENDA STATEMENT - Diablo Valley Foundation for the Aging
March 24 , 1986
Page. Two
4 . The Town of Danville handle payroll , administration for the
It is anticipated that Dublin' s involvement will be limited to
periodic attendance at meetings and perhaps providing paper
products to be utilized for a senior newsletter.
In discussing the proposal with the staff of both Danville and
San Ramon, it was the consensus that there is a need for
coordination and broadening of recreation programs and community
services ; recruitment, training and supervision of volunteers ;
development of a valley-wide periodic newsletter/calendar of
services and activities ; and interpreting and publicizing the
available services for seniors , including county . and local
information and referral services, transportation and case
management services of the DVFA' s Support Services for elders in
cooperation with their half-time case manager in the San Ramon
The City Councils of Danville and San Ramon have approved the
proposal as a one-year pilot project . The Park and Recreation
Commission discussed the proposal at their March 11, 1986 meeting
and unanimously agreed to support the program.
It is staffs recommendation that the City Council support the
Diablo Valley Foundation for the Aging Proposal as a one-year
pilot project . It should be noted that by supporting the
proposal, this in no way precludes the efforts currently being
made to initiate senior programs and services for Dublin
residents . Instead, it is anticipated that a valley-wide program
will supplement the program planned for Dublin .
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Job Description
Half Time Coordinator .of Senior Recreation
for the
San Ramon Valley and Dublin Area
DMINISTRATION: The newly organized San Ramon Valley Senior Council with
onsultation from designated staff of the cities of Danville, Dublin, and
an Ramon; has agreed to undertake administration and operation of a
ecreation program for the senior population of- the San Ramon Valley.
UNCTION: .Under .the :direction and -guidance of the Valley Senior Council,
ith .periodic consultation with the Recreation Director(s ) of the Cities
f San Ramon and Dublin, '-."ass ists'.the several 'senior recreation groups -in
he San Ramon Valleyin 'the 'planning and coordination evaluation of senior
ecreation activities excursions and special events ; `develops a periodic
ewsletter on senior resources ; developes'and maintains a senior mailing
.ist and distribution plan for newsletters ; assists in the recruitment , train-
ng and coordination of volunteers ; does related work especially in inter-
reting the available services for seniors including, county and local
nformation and referral services and case management services of DVFA's
upport Services for Edlers in cooperation with their half-time case manager
n the San Ramon Valley.
HARACTERISTICS : The position is characterized by face to face contact
i.th program participants , a variety of tasks requiring planning, organizing,
mplementation and supervision and evaluation of volunteer staff, where
UTIES : Assists senior groups in planning, coordination and provision
nri ax-nanc i nn of recreation programs r i ;:4c c=�Z ovr,`rc i nnc ,,A
dvises on training and supervising of volunteer staff where needed; prepares
ews releases , program publicity, designs flyers , posters and other materials ;
s needed; develops periodic Senior Resources Newsletter; compiles and
eports program data; maintains mailing lists ; coordinates registration snd
oney collection plans as necessary; may work varied schedule.
ELATIONSHIPS : Employee is in regular contact with program participants ,
eneral public , and volunteers ; works closely with the San Ramon Valley Senior
ouncil,- the Contra Costa County Office on Aging, Information and Referral
ervice and that of San Ramon Valley Community Center; DVFA/SSE case manager,
esignated City Recreation officials and other community groups , as necessary.
CCOUNTABILITY: The employee is accountable to the Valley Senior Council also
ccountable at periodic conferences with the designated Park Recreation
taff; and accountable monthly to..,the designated officer of the Town of
anville for submitting time sheets on hours worked daily, for assisting
n the efficient and timely execution of program planning that is relevant
o the needs of the senior population within the community; for maintaining
ooperative efforts with volunteer staff ; and maintaining positive program
elated communication link with the public_
2 -
DUCATION: Any combination equivalent to college level training in
ecreational programs, and experience in organized recreational work with
eniors . Bachelors degree desirable .
NOWLEDGE- Knowledge of and ability to work with senior populations ;
nowledge of and ability to help design and implement appropriate programs
o meet their recreational needs , and to implement publicity and reports ;
esign and edit periodic .newsletters ; ability .to 'work harmoniously and
ooperatively ,with volunteers , other employees and -the public; possession of
r ability to obtain a valid California driver's
he 'information:.contained herein . does .not. constitute either an expressed
r implied contract and these -provisions- are subject to change