HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.07 Financial Rpt '" e CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT e CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 12, 1993 SUBJECT: March 1993 Financial Report (Prepared by: Stan Stephens, Interim Finance Director) EXHIBITS ATTACHED: ~onthlY Financial Report for the Period Ending March 31, 1993 RECOMMENDATION {0~:ei ve Report. DESCRIPTION: The attached Financial Report includes the balance sheets and operating statements for all City funds; however, the General Fund Operating Statement (Revenues and Expenditures) is the most important one for Council consideration. The dollar amounts reflect the revenues and operating expenditures compared to the revised current Budget. Two tables are provided below which summarize revenue and appropriation amounts for the prior year (1991-92) actual and current year budget and actual year-to- date (both in dollars and percentage of budget). The budget figures have been revised by Council's action on December 14, 1992 to adjust revenue and appropriations for the State's property tax shift. Also, $260 thousand has been added to Revenues and Appropriations to cover the increased charges fur services (Planning) and profeSSional services (Planning and City Attorney) as authorized by the City Council on February 22, 1993. GENERAL FUND REVENUES (in thousands) Property_Taxes Sales Taxes. Real Property Transfers Transient Occupancy Franchise Taxes Licenses & Permits Fines & Forfeitures Uses of Money & Property Intergovernment - State Charges for Services Other Sources of Revenue Total 1991-92 Actual $ 3,807 5,294 62 94 443 246 26 1 ,039 864 940 259 $13,074 Property Taxes 1992-93 BudQet $ 3,651 5,400 66 96 451 225 22 1 ,009 915 1,151 299 $13,285 1992-93 S to Date $2,084 4,025 43 69 230 234 19 523 632 743 25 $8,627 preliminary 1992-93 Yearend Pro;ection $ 3,675 5,475 63 88 466 270 26 900 908 1,089 136 $13,096 The year-to-date figures for property tax revenue reflect the timing of various payments from the County of Alameda. The State's tax shift has reduced the City's budgeted current year's secured property taxes by $384,000. Sales Tax Current year actual amounts reflect advances received from the state Board of Equalization. The quarterly report covering the 1992 holiday season has been received and Staff is projecting a $75 thousand positive variance for the full fiscal year. Consideration has also been given to new competing retail businesses in neighboring cities. ITEM NO. 4..1 COPIES TO: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CITY CLERK FILE ~ ~ ..,...;".,1. e e Transient Occupancy Tax Based on three quarters of reported taxes, Staff anticipates a $8,000 budget shortfall. Quarterly reported taxes have been consistently under comparable amounts of the prior year~ Franchise Taxes Franchise Tax amounts have been reported by PG&E and both gas and electricity amounts are less than budget estimates (a combined shortfall of $5 thousand). Total Franchise Taxes are still estimated to exceed budget estimates by $15 thousand (Cable TV and Garbage are doing better than budget estimates). Based on an audit of P G & E records, P G & E has notified that the City's Franchise Fees will increase by more than $15,000 over last year. The amount of the increase will not be known until next month. Licenses & Permits During December 1992, over $66,000 was received in a single building permit transaction which put the City well ahead of last year at the same time. Revenues projected for the balance of the year should result in a positive variance of $45 thousand over the City's budget estimate. Use of Money & Property Comparison of the City's recorded investment earnings, the bulk of the revenue in this category, is awkward on a year-to-date basis. Most of the Ci ty' s investments this year have been in Federal agencies wpich pay interest semi-annually, or the State Treasury (LAIF) which pays interest quarterly. Staff's projection for the current year estimates a shortfall of $109,400. The projection is based on full accrual of revenue through March 31, 1993 and projected earnings for the remaining three months assuming cash balances and interest rates remain stable at their current levels. Staff will attempt to improve the interest rate factor by investing prudent amounts in five-year U.s. Treasuries, Federal agencies, or certificates of deposit as authorized in the City's Investment Policy. (Note that the City's yield as of March 31, 1993 was 4.95% compared to a 5.45% yiebi used in the City's original budget estimate.) InterQovernmental from state Total subventions from the State of California are projected to show a $7,000 shortfall for the Fiscal Year. Nine thousand dollars is due to reduced Homeowners' Property Tax Relief Allocations which we receive through the County Auditor - Controller's Office. This is offset by a late cigarette tax payment of $5,000 for Fiscal Year 1991-92. Motor Vehicle In- Lieu Taxes are now projected to approximate the City's budget estimate. CharQes for Services Staff protects a revenue shortfall of approximately $62,000, primarily due to lower than anticipated zoning and subdivision fees. Other Sources of Revenue Last year the City had received two large, nonrecurring amounts: $109 thousand from a land sale and $75 thousand from a settlement. $261 thousand was budgeted in the current fiscal year for proceeds from resale of excess land from the Dublin Boulevard Extension. It is anticipated that a portion of this land will be sold in Fiscal Year 1992-93 and the remaining portion in 1993-94. -2- e e APPROPRIATIONS 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1992-93 (in thousands) Actual BudQet $ to Date % to Date General Government $ 3,788 $ 3,319 $ 1,066 32.1% Public Safety 5,578 5,856 3,564 60.9 Transportation 949 664 368 55.3 Health & Welfare 62 3 7 274.5 Culture & Leisure Services 1,784 1,786 1,124 62.9 Community Development 1,864 1,521 934 61.4 capital Projects 586 348 106 30.4 Total $14,611 $13,497 $7,169 53.1% The General Fund's revised appropriations have been reduced 9. 1 % ($1.3 million) for the current year compared to the prior year's budget. Non- departmental (FAU buy-out funds) and capital improvement projects accounted for $562 thousand of the total reduction. Several on-going functions were also greatly reduced or transferred to other funds. Additionally, Council reduced appropriations by $355 thousand consistent with reduced property tax revenues due to the State's tax shift. Otherwise, year-to-date expenditures for on-going operating budgets are in the line with the previous year. As mentioned under Revenue-Charges for Services, Planning-Professional Services includes a $140.5 thousand payment covering consulting work related to the Eastern Dublin planning projects. Ci ty Council increased the budgeted appropriations by $224 thousand on February 22, 1993. The final quarterly payment for FY 1991-92 Vector Control ($7,123) was paid in October 1992 and necessary funds must be reappropriated to cover the expenditure in Health and Welfare. Additionally, Animal Control- Contractural Services (public Safety) is being billed and paid more currently and for increased contractual amounts by the Sheriff's Office. General Government appropriations include the City's annual lease payment on Civic Center facilities ($1,575 thousand) which will be transferred to the COP enterprise before year end. Capital Projects appropriations will be committed over the next few months as projects are awarded. ~~- "Summary As of March 31, 1993, General Fund Revenues for Fiscal Year 1992-93 are projected to be approximately $189,000 less than budgeted. However, this amount should be adjusted for the sale of property associated with the Dublin Blvd Extension project which will straddle the fiscal year. Once this adjustment is made, Staff anticipates that projected year end revenues will be approximately $13,000 less than budget. This combined with 1992-93 Expenditures projected to be less than budgeted, will enable the Council to proceed with those Capital Projects which were delayed at mid year pending this report. a: 322$rpt.agenda#12 -3- e ~-~ CITY OF DUBLIN'S FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH 1993 Prepared by The Finance Department e e e BGLI02 CITY OF DUBLnl P.~GE 1 4/05/93 Bt.LANCE SHEET 9.13.04 FOR THE PERIOD 7/92 TIIROCGH 3/93 GEIIERAL SPECIAL SPECUL CAPITAL REVEIIUE REVEIIUE ).5SESSMENT IMPROVEMENT FUllDS FUNDS nmDS FIDIDS ASSETS GSH 910595.79 1112489.99 687137.32 1048392.86- C;.SH wITH FISCAL AGENT 117500.00 nl.~ORTIZED BOUD DISCOUNT 937.50 IlIVESTHENTS AT COST 16152516.89 150356.44 1087126.67 RECEIVABLES: TAXES ACCOUNTS (UET) 79459.00 INTEREST ASSESSMEIITS RElITS UOTES DeE FROM OTHERS 355100.71 I1rlElITDRY AT COST PREPAID ITEMS 812.49 FIXED ;.SSETS Dlomrrs TO BE PROVIDED 2232500.00 TDT).L ASSETS 17499422.33 1112439.99 3187493.76 38733.81 LEB I HID BAL I RETIID E.~RUnIGS DEPOSITS FOR PRIV.~.TE DEVELPMllT 116504.19 DEPOSITS FOR AB1600 FEES 103539.04- DEPOSITS OTHERS+-~_ 153286.40- 3125.00- P1YtBLES:ACCOUIITS 317.32 24.00- 172658.00- IlITEREST PAYROLL 20345.67- DeE TD OTHERS 22301.26- 353600.71- 1500.00- DEBT IlISTRUMElITS PAYABLE 2845000.00- TOTAL LI1BILTIES 79111. 32- 353600.71- 2849649.00- 281197.04- flllD BALtllCES 17420311. 06- 758889.28- 337844.76- 242463.23 TOTAL FUIID EQUITY 17420311.06- 753389.28- 337844.76- 242463.23 TOTll LI~B/FND Bt~1 RETD EARNS 17499422.33- 1112489.99- 3187493.76- 38733.81- e e BGbl02 CITY OF DUBLHI P.~GE 1 4/05/93 BAL.WCE SHEET 9.18.24 FOR THE PERIOD 7/92 THROCGH 3/93 INTERlIH ElrrERPRISE FIXED ASSETS GENERAL LONG SERVICE FffiIDS GROUP OF TERM DEBT FUlID ACCOUlITS ACCOUlIT GROUP }.ssETS CASH 273059.09 1588682.11- O.5H wITH FISCAL AGENT 1720985.93 lllAMORTIZED BOND DISCOUNT IlfvESTHmlTS AT COST RECEIV~~LES:TAXES ACCOUNTS (lIET) INTEREST 64500.15 ASSESSHEN'rS RElITS NOTES DH FROM OTHERS INVElITORY AT COST PREPl:.ID ITEMS 114. 26 1724.03 fIXED ~.5SETS 110433.69 214 20859.73 459232.53 HlOllITS TO BE PROVIDED 2285000.00 TOT}.L ASSETS 333662.04 21619387.73 459282.53 2235000.00 LI~, FlID BAL, RETlID EARN lUGS DEPOSITS FOR PRIVATE DEVELPMUT DEPOSITS OTHERS P_~'n-~LES: ACCOUlITS 457.68- IUTERESr-- PAYROLL DCE TO OTHERS DEBT I1ISTRUHElITS P1D~LE 16556062.08- 2235000.00- TDTAL LIABILITIES 457.63- 16556062.03- 2285000.00- mID B.;UJICE 236841. 89- 39797.35 COIfTRIBLl'IOllS 115998.18- 5103123.00- IIriESTHEIITS IN FIXED ASSETS 459282.53- RETHlIED EARUIlIGS IOTAL FHIlO EQUITY 333204.36- 5063325.65- 459282.53- TDEL LD~, FIm BAL 1 RETD EARllS 383662.04- 21619337.73- 459232.53- 2285000.00- . BGL104 4/05/93 ********REVENUES******* PROPERTY TAXES SALES TAX REAL PROPERTY TR)~SFERS TR}~SIENT OCCUP~~CY TAX FRAIICHISE TAXES LICENSES & PERMITS FIIITS & FORFEITURES USES OF MONEY AND PROPERTY INTERNC{)VERNMENTAL FROM STATE CH)~GES FOR SERVICES OTHER SOURCES OF REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE *******EXPENDITURES******* GENERAL C~VERNHENT ACTIVITIES: 1I011-DEPf.RTMENTAL CITY COUNCIL 1010 CITY MfllAGER 1020 CITY ATTORNEY 1030 fIlVJICE DEPARTMEnT 1040 DATA PROCESSING (FIN) 1045 BUILDING ~~AGEMENT 1050 FACILITY RENTAL 1050-719 IlISUlU\JJCE COST.CEnTER 1060 ELECTIONS COST C~ER 1070 ACTIVITY TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY: POLICE 2010 CROSSING GUARDS COST 2020 ~JII~l.1 COllTROL 2030 r~\FFIC SIGNALS 2040 DISASTER PREAPREDnESS 2050 FIRE SERVICES JPA 2060 ACTIVITY TOTH T~ljISPORT A TIOU : PLBLIC WORKS 3010 STREET Hf.INTENAlKE 3020 STREET SWEEPING 3030 STREET TREE MAINTENANCE 3040 STREET IJJIDSCAPE MAIlIT. 3050 P~Jl\TR)l{SIT SERVICES 3060 ACTIVITY TOTAL HEALTH & WELFARE: VECTOR COlITROL 5010 W~STE ~ljIAGEMEBT 5020 ACTIVITY TOTAL CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES: LIB~l.RY SERVICES 8010 e THE CITY OF DUBLIII snTEHEIIT SIIOIiIlIG REVEllUES VERSUS EXPEIIDITURE FOR THE PERIOD 7/92 THROUGH 3/93 GEUERAL REVRllUE FUIID CURRENT PERIOD BUDGET ACTU!~ PERCENT VARIAl~E 3651323.00- 5400000.00- 66000.00- 96000.00- 451250.00- 225200.00- 22000.00- 1008450.00- 918205.00- 1151045.00- 298531. 04- 13233004.04- 36365.00 106409.15 472886.62 189575.34 226898.67 14850.00 334912.00 1713970.00 148532.00 19500.00 3318898.78 2956305.55 35346.00 86535.00 63116.00 41811.55 2672950.00 5856064.10 279822.91 205700.00 .00 52630.00 124774.00 1500.00 664426.91 .00 2620.00 2620.00 164870.00 2084292.58- 4024855.13- 42974.36- 68768.00- 230480.58- 234177.35- 19305.80- 522936.91- 632060.54- 742371.28- 24448.55- 8627171.08- .00 79200.82 331284.57 135242.89 151886.60 466.40 205176.89 .00 149693.80 12682.59 1065634.56 1521921.13 14337.40 35426.89 23752.69 21720.38 1942290.00 3564448.49 184052.78 41601.55 .00 23000.26 118973.94 .00 367628.53 7123.00 99.72 7222.72 82435.00 57.1 74.5 65.1 71.6 51.1 104.0 87.8 51.9 68.8 64.5 8.2 64.9 100.8 65.0 32.1 3.8 275.7 1567030.42- 1375144.87- 23025.64- 27232.00- 220769.42- 8977.35 2694.20- 485513.09- 286144.46- 408173.72- 274082.49- 4660832.96- 1 74.4 70.1 71.3 66.9 3.1 61.3 86365.00 27208.33 141602.05 54332.45 75012.07 14383.60 129735.11 1718970.00 1161.80- 6817.41 2253264.22 51.5 40.6 40.9 45.6 51. 9 72.7 60.9 1434384.42 21008.60 51108.11 34363.31 20091.17 730660.00 2291615.61 65.8 20.2 95770.13 164093.45 .00 29629.74 5800.06 1500.00 296798.38 43.7 95.4 55.3 7123.00- 2520.28 4602.72- 50.0 82435.00 e P.~, 3.46.36 0~t e e GL10~ THE CITY OF DlJBLID STATEMENT SHOWING P.~GE 2 4/05/93 REVENUES 1ERSUS EXPENDITURE 3.46.36 FOR THE PERIOD 7/92 THROUGH 3/93 GENERAL REVEllUE FUND CURREllT PERIOD BUDGET ).CTUU PERCENT VARIANCE CULTU~~ ACTIVITIES 8011 8000.00 8000.00 100.0 .00 HERITAGE CENTER 8012 12080.00 .00 12080.00 P.rn:: MAINTENANCE 8020 571910.00 358132.68 62.6 213777 . 32 COJ.OOJNITY CABLE TV 8030 49000.00 49000.00 100.0 .00 RECREATION ADMIN. 8040 168879.36 116688.67 69.1 52190.69 PLAYGROUNDS 8045 82442.71 46074.62 55.9 36368.09 sm.JmON CENTER 8050 112160.86 74421.90 66.4 37738.96 PRESCHOOL 8055 36224.24 23800.01 65.7 12424.23 TEEnS PROGRA}I 8060 28381.71 19951.53 70.3 8430.18 FIELD SCHEDULING 8065 112417.23 60368.78 53.7 52048.45 YOUTH SPORTS 8066 24879.00 15750.39 63.3 9128.61 SPECUL EVENTS 8070 29680.22 17134.83 57.7 12545.39 SIllIOR CnITER 8080 104283.52 65372.79 62.7 38910.73 RECRt\TION INSTRUCTION 8090 86427.61 55578.47 64.3 30849.14 AQUATICS 8100 194219.42 130899.65 67.4 63319.77 ),CTIVITY TOT).L 1785855.88 1123609.32 62.9 662246.56 COHHl~ITY DEVELOPMENT: PUIUlIlIG 9010 954281.01 623684.90 65.4 330596.11 BUILDIIIG SAFETY 9020 254027.46 162086.09 63.8 91941.37 EIlGll/EERING 9030 282947.90 143257.97 50.6 139689.93 ECOl/OHIC DEVELOPMENT 9040 29300.00 5336.81 18.2 23963.19 ACTIVITY rraT!L 1520556.37 934365.77 61. 4 586190.60 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS: GEIlER.~L eIP PROJECTS 93lnl .00 .00 .00 COHHUlIITY IMPROVEHEIITS 9um 67000.00 2519.99 3.8 64480.01 P.l.RKS 95ml 20717.00 12821.79 61. 9 7895.21 STREET CONSTRC/IItPRoVHT 96NlI 260755.00 90748.30 34.8 170006.70 ~.CTIVITY TOTAL 348472.00 106090.08 30.4 242381.92 TOT A L EXPENDITURES 13496894.04 7168999.47 53.1 6327894. 57 EXCESS <REVEllUE>EXPEITDITURES 208890.00 1458171. 61- 698.1- 1667061.61 TR11ISFERS III FROM OTHER F{;lIDS .00 368722.00- 368722.00 EXCESS <REVENUE> EXPENDITURE 208890.00 1826893.61- 874.6- 2035783.61 e e BGI:lO~ THE CITY OF DUBLIlI STATEMElf'f SHOWIlIG P.l.GE 1 4/05/93 REVElruES VERSUS EXPflfDITURE 8.49.34 FOR THE PERIOD 7/92 THROCGH 3/93 SPECHL REVnWE FUlIDS CURREIIT PERIOD BUDGET ACTOn PERCEnT VlRmlCE ********REVENUES******* SHES TAX 108000.00- 85271.10- 79.0 22728.90- FINES & FORFEITURES 34730.00- 20925.03- 60.3 13804.97- ~SES OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 12530.00- .00 12530.00- I1ITERHC.()VERNMEIITAL FROM STATE 1551406.00- 1078877.51- 69.5 472528.49- IUTERc~vErornENTAL FROM FEDERAL 224890.00- .00 224890.00- ClLlJRGES FOR SERVICES 144900.00- 79315.81- 54.7 65584.19- OTHER SOURCES OF REVENUE 84300.00- 3632.79- 4.3 80667.21- TOT~_L REVENUE 2160756.00- 1268022.24- 58.7 892733.76- *******EXPENDITURES******* G8fER}.L C.()VERNHENT ACTIVITIES: !lOll-DEPARTMENTAL 23781.00 .00 23 781. 00 ClPi COUNCIL 2600.00 2410.00 92.7 190.00 cIn HAlIAGER 24459.00 12271. 80 50.2 12187.20 CITY ATTORNEY .00 112.50 112.50- ACTIVITY TOTAL 50840.00 14794.30 29.1 36045.70 Pl13tIC SAFETY: POll CE 13942.00 4565.69 32.7 9376.31 TR.WFIC SIGnALS 25084.00 . 21859.25 87.1 3224.75 ACTIVITY TOTH 39026.00 26424.94 67.7 12601.06 TR.1JISPORT ATION: STREET Hf.INTENANCE li3500.00 2H27.76 14.3 148772.24 STREET SWEEP lUG 67500.00 43741.38 64.8 23758.62 SIREET L.!JIDSC~.PJ: MAIlITEJUJICE 78106.00 .00 78106.00 AcT1'\lITY TOT.~L 319106.00 68469.14 21.5 250636.86 HEALTH & WELFARE: Vi .1.51E HfllAGEHEllr 88170.00 49402.04 56.0 38767.96 CCLICRE & LEISURE SERVICES: CC+!KClIITY DEVELOPMENT: EIIGIIIEERIlIG 129285.00 86035.70 66.5 43249.30 ACTIVITY TOTAL 129285.00 86035.70 66.5 43249.30 C.~IT.~ IMPROVEHI1IT PROJECTS: GEIIERAL CIP PROJECTS 9700.00 8101.77 83.5 1598.23 COMMUNITY IMPROVEHEIITS 164160.00 635.00 .~ 163525.00 PARKS 125150.00 .00 125150.00 STREET COUSTRUCTIOII/ IHPROVHT 1263139.00 239004.67 18.8 1029134.33 ACTIVITY TOTAL 1567149.00 247741.44 15.8 1319407.56 TOT A L EXPENDITURES 2217357.00 492867.56 22.2 1724489.44 EXCESS <REVElIUE>EXPENDITURE 32820.00 775154.68- 2361.8- 807974.68 EXCESS <REVENUE> EXPEIIDITURE 32320.00 77515~.68- 2361.8- 807974.68 e e BGlll04 THE CITY OF DUBLIlI STATEME11T SHOVlIlIG PAGE 1 4/05/93 REVEUUES VERSUS EXPEIlDITURE 3.54.16 FOR THE PERIOD 7/92 THROUGH 3/93 SPECIH ~.sSESSHElrr FOlIOS CURRElIT PERIOD BUDGET ACTUAL PERCENT VJo.RIAl/CE ********REVENUES******* SPECIAL BENEFITS ASSESSMENTS 331629.00- 221436.52- 66.3 110192.48- USES OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 14580.00- .00 14580.00- OTHER SOURCES OF REVENUE 4900.00- 2667.33- 54.4 2232.62- TOTAL REVENUE 351109.00- 224103.90- 63.3 127005.10- *******EXPENDITURES******* GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES: liON-DEPARTMENTAL 97413.00 220419.54 226.3 123006.54- FIUJoJ{CE DEPARTMENT 4500.00 1005.31 22.3 3494.69 ACTIVITY TOTAL 101913.00 221424.85 217.3 119511.85- PUBLIC SAFETY: TRFC SIGS/STREET LIGHTING 179190.00 118018.96 65.9 61171.04 ACTIVITY TOTAL 179190.00 118018.96 65.9 61171.04 TR.!JfSPORTATION: PCBLIC WORKS .00 220.80 220.80- STREET TREE HAINTENAlICE 10070.00 2523.84 25.1 7546.16 STREET lJJIDSCAPE MAIlITEUJ.JlCE 124440.00 68586.59 55.1 55853.41 ACTIVITY TOTAL 134510.00 71331.23 53.0 63178.77 HEALTH & WELFARE: C[LItRE & LEISURE SERVICES: ODHMlllITY DEVELOPMENT: ElIGIllEERDIG 10964.00 2652.37 24.2 8311. 63 KTIVITY TDTAL 10964.00 2652.37 24.2 8311.63 C.~IT~~ IHPROVEHU1T PROJECTS: CC~UNITY IHPROV~lITS 7051.00 .00 7051.00 STREET CONSTRUCTION/IHPROVMT .00 6240.00 6240.00- ACTIVITY TOTAL 7051. 00 6240.00 88.5 811.00 T 0 I A L EXPENDITURES 433628.00 419667.41 96.8 13960.59 EXCESS<REVElIUE> EXPENDITURE 82519.00 195563.51 237.0 113044.51- TR.~ISFERS OUT TO OTHER FDllDS .00 342722.00 342722.00- EXCESS <REVElIUE> EXPENDITURE 82519.00 538235.51 652.3 455766.51- 8:': &U04 4/05/93 ********REVENUES******* USES OF HOllEY J.11D PROPERTY . OTHER SOURCES OF REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE *******EXPENDITURES******* GDIERAL C-oVERlIMElIT ACTIVITIES: ACTIVITY TOTAL PGlILIC Sil.FETY: TR~ISPORTHION : HEALTH & WELFARE: C[LTL~E & LEISURE SERVICES: COHHClfITY DEVELOPHElIT: IlIGIlIEERIlIG ACTIVITY TOTAL C;~IT1L IHPROVEMEIIT PROJECTS: P.~.RKS STREET CONSTRUCTION/IMPROVMT ACTIVITY TOTAL rOT A L EXPEIlDITURES ECESS<REVElIUE>EXPWDITIJRE EXCESS <REVEnUE> EXPEllDITURE ~--- e THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SHOWING REVEnUES VERSUS EXPElIDITVRE FOR THE PERIOD 7/92 THROCGH 3/93 CAPITAL IHPROVEHElIT FUND CURREIIT PERIOD BUDGET KTUt,L PERCEllT VARIAlKE 10290.00- 121298.00- 131588.00- .00 .00 .00 .00 1000555.00 1000555.00 1000555.00 868967.00 868967.00 14307.75- 139.0 28585.00- 23.6 42892.75- 32.6 .00 .00 .00 .00 1173743.13 117.3 1173743.13 117.3 1173743.13 117.3 1130850.38 130.1 1130850.38 130.1 4017.75 92713 .00- 88695.25- .00 .00 .00 .00 173183.13- 173188.13- 173188.13- 261883.38- 261883.38- e nGE 1 9.13.25 / e e BGb104 THE CITY OF DUBLIII STATEMENT SOOWIlIG PAGE 1 4/05/93 REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURE 9.03.21 FOR THE PERIOD 7/92 THROCGH 3/93 IllTERHAL SERVICE FUND eURREIIT PERIOD BUDGET .~CTUp.L PERCENT VARIANCE ********REVEHUES******* USES OF MONEY AND PROPERT! 14250.00- .00 14250.00- ai~~GES FOR SERVICES 143994.00- 99021.15- 68.8 44972.85- OTHER SOURCES OF REVENUE 3000.00- 11654.00- 388.5 8654.00 TOTAL REVENUE 161244.00- 110675.15- 68.6 50568.85- *******EXPEIIDITURES******* GENE~~L C~VERNMENT ACTIVITIES: lION-DEPARTMENTAL 272041.00 145944.95 53.6 126096.05 ACTIVITY TOTAL 272041.00 145944.95 53.6 126096.05 PUBLIC SHETY: roLlCE .00 .00 .00 ACTIVITY TOTp.L .00 .00 .00 TR.ljISPORTATION: B[~~TH & WELF.~E: eClTCRE & LEISURE SERVICES: eOHHlJlITY DEVELOPMENT: C)2ITAL IHPROVEHElff PROJECTS: GElIE~!.1 eIP PROJECTS 22000.00 19635.71 89.3 2364.29 ACTIVITY TOV.L 22000.00 19635.71 89.3 2364.29 TOT A L EXPEIlDITURES 294041. 00 165580.66 56.3 128460.34 ExeESS<REVENUE>EXP5IDITURE 132797.00 54905.51 41.3 77891. 49 rR.~jISfERS OUT TO OTHER FUNDS .00 26000.00 26000 . 00- EXCESS <R[vENUE> 'E~fDITURE 132797.00 S0905.51 60.9 51S91. 49 e e BGL!04 THE CITY OF OCBLIlI STATEMEIIT SHOWnlG PAGE 1 4/05/93 REV~{uES VERSUS EXPBIDITURE 9.09.34 FOR THE PERIOD 7/92 THROCGH 3/93 EIITERPRISE FUlIDS CURRENT PERIOD BUDGET ).CTU}.L PERCENT VARV1JCE ********REVEHUES******* USES OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 1859697.00- .00 1859697.00- TOT).L REVEllUE 1859697.00- .00 1859697.00- *******EXPENDITURES******* GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES: NON-DEPARTMENTAL 1719025.00 1575501.20 91.7 143523.80 CITY MANAGER 3625.00 .00 3625.00 FIlIANCE DEPARTMENT 8440.00 2981. 65 35.3 5458.35 ACTIVITY TOTAL 1731090.00 1578482.85 91.2 152607.15 PUBLIC SAFETY: DIS)5TER PREAPREDlrnSS 1700. 00 .00 1700.00 ACTIVITY TOTAL 1700.00 .00 1700.00 TR.lJISPORTATION: HE~~TH & WELF.~E: CCLTURE & LEISURE SERVICES: RECREATIon ADMINISTRATION 11360.00 8391. 07 73.9 2968.93 SEl/IOR CElflER 500.00 299.09 59.8 200.91 ).CTIVITY TOT.U 11860.00 8690.16 73.3 3169.84 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: C~~IT1L IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS: TOT A L EXPENDITURES 1744650.00 1587218.01 91.0 157431. 99 EXCESS<REVENUE>EXPEIIDITURES 115047.00- 1587218.01 1379.6- 1702265.01- EXCESS <REVEllUE>.EXPENDITURE 115047.00- 1587218.01 1379.6- 1702265.01- ~.