HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.07 PartialRelSecurityTrk6644 CITY CLERK File # D~[1]lQ]-[5J[Q] --~ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 17,1998 SUBJECT: Partial Release of Security for Tract 6644 Improvements (John Moore Property) Report Prepared by: Lee S. Thompson, Public Works Director EXHIBITS ATTACHED: 1) Work Sheet for Revised Cost Estimate 2) Resolution Approving Reconveyance ofInterest in Deed of Trust and Return of Promissory Note 3) Map of the Area if Adopt Resolution RECOMl\ffiNDA nON: F1NANCIAL STATEMENT: These securities guarantee construction of improvements related to Tract 6644 and Parcel Map 7109 (John Moore Property). There is no direct financial impact to the City. DESCRIPTION: On August 5, 1997, the City Council accepted a promissory note and deed of trust valued at $156,500 for Parcel #4 of Parcel Map 7109, as well as a cashier's check in the amount of$102,500, as security for construction of improvements related to Tract 6644 and Parcel Map 7109. The subject property is located near the intersection of Dublin Boulevard and Dougherty Road and includes the Alphagraphics, Meineke Muffier, Kragen, Dublin Autoworks, Galucci Auto, Holiday Inn Express and IHOP projects. At this time, J. Patrick Land Company, the developer of the property, is requesting that the City reconvey its interest in the deed of trust, as certain improvements have been completed, and sale of the parcel, which is encumbered with the deed of trust, is pending. As indicated on the revised Engineer's Estimate, Exhibit 1, the estimate for the remaining improvements is $108,625. 1. Patrick Land is proposing that the City retain the $102,500 cash security presently held by the City and has submitted an additional cash security in the amount of $1 03,114 as a maintenance bond for the accepted improvements and construction of the remaining improvements. Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the resolution approving the reconveyance of interest in the parcel. ------------------------------------------------------------------- COPIES TO: Bruce Adams, 1. Patrick Land ITEM NO. JJ g: \agenmisc\6644quit . .. ., . . . I"- 0> - ..- ..- - N a.; - Cll o 01- Wz I-:J ~O 0...::2: :2<i o U o W I- WI- ....JZ 0...:J :EO 0::2: U<i I- o Z W U a:: 0... t: z :J ..- I- Ei s: X W W I- <( :2 t= W W I- W o U o W W....J....J ><(W W-U c:::UO:: C:::<i c:::Wo... O:EO u..::Ez 1-0<( WU<o;t WZ<o;t I_tO W....JtO ~OJI- c::::::>U OO~ S:~I- 0> o ..- I"- 0... <( ::2: 00 00 oa) 00 to co aim ..- 0000 0000 oa)oo (")......00 1,t)0>1,t)0 "":mN"": ~~' ~~~~ o o I,t) N (") <o;t o ...... 00 00 00 00 co I,t) "":N ~ ~~ 000000 000000 ttiooooo 001,t)00 1,t)0..-1,t) 0 N"": NN ~~~~~~~~~~ 0000 001,t)0 oa)Ncri NN t: z :J u..u..u..u..u..<i<i<iWW ....J....JW....J....JWUJW....J....J l: t= z <( :J a otO~l,t)(") co(")I"-I,t)I,t)........-~..-..- o>..-..-NtO ' v...... 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RESOLUTION NO. - 98 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ********* APPROVING RECONVEYANCE OF INTEREST IN DEED OF TRUST, PARCEL #4 OF PARCEL MAP 7109 AND RELEASE OF PROMISSORY NOTE WHEREAS, on August 5, 1997, the City Council accepted a Promissory Note and Deed of Trust valued at $156,500 against Parcel #4 of Parcel Map 7109 as security for the construction of certain improvements in Tract 6644 and Parcel Map 7109; and WHEREAS, improvements in Tract 6644 and Parcel Map 7109 covered by said Promissory Note and Deed of Trust have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and other securities have been retained for the remaining improvements; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin approves reconveyance of the City's interest in the Deed of Trust and release of the Promissory Note. BE IT FURTHER RESOL VED that the City Manager is authorized to execute the reconveyance documents. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of February, 1998, AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk g:\agenmisc\resoquit ~.~~." ,lit ~ l"',~ r- ~:~~, ~'.~~~;: tJ;~,~L:-~ ~~, ~ ~ 2. ,-- . '. .. . . . . , .:...... -.-....,.... . .;.'. .",' ~ ' .-.....-.-.:..:-.: . ..~~::.~.:.;: ~.._. .":'-:' ".,;::.:: . -' :'" :.;" ~'. --..-:..:-:::.:-:~,-; . . ,- ... . ,'.~ ::<~:~ ~--.t:..: ~" ;. ':"w --:-;.... : ~: ~ : @~flj :.: ~:{~~. ~:'~':' -; !;J.5 jf~~~f~~S~ IIII ."~ ~-~ ~)..{.\-.~.::._: .~-:.~:-::.:.-:-:.:..";...: :~~~j(~{l :}if!g:ri;~~ _:. ..-.......- '-'-~~:'~~:'::-~~':~~:", ~ :: ~ ;~: ~~: ~;:~ /;.:~.~: :. :~.~.:-: -: ...--.-:: E}\;'\~ :::\r~:';:::) . . ._~'._-- .: ~~~HC/S .-..~~~~.:;.~< ~\.: .....-:..-.::.......- \fJf~~ :,;,#~~~~~;; . ~ ~ -. .', -, -. .-~-..'." ~:.' _.:.:~.~..::~~_:-_.;~ ' m~i:~ir} "."-. ..... 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