HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.08 FinRpt 1-96 .. .. ~ .. ", , CITY CLERK File # n~..JS1IOl AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: (February 27, 1996) SUBJEC'f: Financial Report For the Month of J~ 1996 · . Report Prepared by: Paul S. RanJrinJ Assis~~ Ri~,~~er : ~ - Balance Sheet and Income Statements for the Period Ending January 31,1996 RECOMMENDATION: Q.NP' Accept and :file the reports. 1. ExmBITS ATTACHED: FINANCIAL STATEMENT: See reports for detail of monthly financial activity. . DESCRIPTION: This item provides the rcportofthe monthly financial statements . .:" for the month of January. This report reflects tho$e bu4get changes approved aspart,oftheMid- Year .. . . Financial Report, approved at the City Council meeting on February 13, 1996. ~withprior reports the focus will be on General Fund Revenues and Expenditures, which represlmtthe most significant portion of the City's operations. ANALYSIS OF JANUARY 1996 REVENUE AND EXPENOI1URE Rj3fOR,T Through themstseven months of the fiscal year the revenue collections and ~ have been trac1cing similar to the previous, fiscal year. During this periodtotahevenue in the General Fwd exceeded total General Fund expenditures by approximately $851,902. This is not uncommon , for this time of the ,Fiscal Year, since revenues and exptmditures do not always follow a consistent mo1'lth1y pattern. For example, in the revenue category, the City receives significant property tax revenue in P"ber. . The expenditures for major contracts such as Poli~ Services lag since the City is billed on a ~ybasis.. .Therefore, there is not an even distribution of revenues and expenditures on amonthlybasis., The following sections discuss in more detail significant trends among the major General Fund revenue ,auld eXpenditure categories. GENERAL FUl:ID REVENUES Total General Fund Revenues collected from July through January are only slightly more than what occurred in the same period of the previous Fiscal Year. The City had colleldedthroughJanuary 1995, 51.7% of the total Generalf'undRevenues coll~inFisca1 Year 1994/95. In January 1996, . approximmly 53.8 % of the Budgeted Geaeml FtmdRcvmue had bocIl coJIec\ed.. . COPIES TO: ITEMNO.~ As noted Property Taxes have remained relatively flat. This is largely due to the fact that there has not been a significant number of sales transactions, as well as the high number of protests of assessed valuations. As property owners request a decrease in the assessed value based upon current market conditions, the City does not recognize an increase in revenues. .'. , . Although Sales Tax is tracking at levels slightly ahead of the prior Fiscal Year, the outcome of the Christmas retail sales season will not be fully reported until the March financial report. Through January 1996 the City had recorded sales tax collections equal to approximately 55.9% of the Budget compared to approximately 52.90,4 for the same period of the previous Fiscal. Year. At this point in the Fiscal Year the sales of new and used automobiles have remained strong and contributed towards offsetting any declines in other retail sectors. The City will also need to evaluate the full impact of new regional retail centers and the loss of Paper Corporation of America on the existing base. Several of these impacts did not transpire until the second half of calendar year 1995. Due to the lag in sales tax reporting analysis of these impacts cannot occur until later in the Fiscal Year. Transient Occupancy Taxes continue to remain strong through the current period. The City has seen growth in this revenue since the operator changed to a Best Western affilation. Through the current period the City has already exceeded its 1995/96 budgeted revenue projection for this revenue. As discussed in the Mid-Year report the Licenses and Permits category is below the level achieved for the same period in Fiscal Year 1994/95. This category .typicallyfluctuates due to the nature of Building permits. It is anticipated that the City will receive less in Building Permit Revenue in the current Fiscal Yeat, however, it ~ also anticipated that the City will have decreased contract service expenditures due to a corresponding teduction in the need for inspection services. .... .... ....:~:.>\ It is important to note that the category for interest revenue ( Use of Money & Property) is typically not allocated to individual funds untilthe end of the fiscal year. All interest revenue collected to date is pooled in the General Ftmdand then alloCated at year end between the various funds. The allocation is based upon the proportionate share of the monthly cash balance in each fund, compared to the total pooled cash which is invested. GENERA~ FUND BXPRNDITIJRES Overall, Expenditures through the month of January in the General Fund totaled $ 7,395,670 and represented 49.3% of the total budgeted expenditures in the General Fund. Of this amount, a total of approximately $45,257 was related to Capital Improvement Projects and the remainder was related. to Operating Costs reported in the General Fund. Capital Project expenditures typically do not follow an even distribution due to differences in project timing. In looking at only General Fund Operating Expenditures, the activity through January 1996 was very close to the amount expended for the same period in the prior Fiscal Year. As of January 31,1996, the City had expended 49~O% of the General Fund Operating Budget. Operating Expenditures in July 1994 through January of 1995 accounted for approximately 52.3% of the tota11994/95 General Fund Operating Expenditures. .: .' .-: .. -. The following areas of significance should be noted: GENERAL GOVERNMENT: Expenditures to date are recorded at approximately 70.4% of the budget compared to 74.5% in the same period of the prior Fiscal Year. This is partially due to the fact that the City is required to budget the gross debt setvice payment, even though part of the payment is offset by funds held by the Trustee. As of the January report the City has recorded the full amount of the debt service payment to be made by the General Fund. TRANSPORTATION: The General Fund Transportation Program expenditures are less than the amount recorded in the last Fiscal Year for this period. This is primarily due to a change in the timing of the Street repair activity. In the current Fiscal Year the annual overlay and repair contract will not be undertaken until the Spring of 1996. In Fiscal Year 1994/95 this activity was undertaken early in the Fiscal Year. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Expenditures through January 1996 are at 50.3% of the General Fund Budget for this category. In the prior fiscal year the same time period only accounted for 44.7 % of expenditures. The difference is primarily related to two events. First, in 1994195 the Economic Development Manager position was vacant for a majority of this period.. The second factor is the increase in development related activities in Fiscal Year 1995/96 requiring Engineering Inspection services. This includes inspection of ~sidential tract improvements as well as the roadways being constructed by BART. The costs of these services are recovered in the form of fees from the project applicant. It is recommended that the City Council receive and file these reports as authorized by Section 41004 of theCalllonriaGov~emCo~. . . CITY OF DUBLIN'S FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY 1996 .', Prepared by The Finance Department February 20,1996 " .' , EXHIBIT 1 G~ 1C2 2/20/96 CITY OF DUSllN BALANCE SHEET FOR THE PERIOD 7/95 THROUGH 1/96 PAGE .1 14,10,21 GENERAL REVENUE FUNDS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUNDS TOTALS --- MEMORANDUM ONLY --- CURRENT JUNE 30, 1995 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNOS SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUNDS TRUST 1 AGENCY FUND ASSETS CASH 2207301,67- 1870086.99 375029,82 254475.76- 123848.57 92812.05- 234085.86 CASH UITH FISCAL AGENT 122991.30 122991,30 121210.04 UNAMORTIZED BOND DISCOUNT INVESTMENTS AT COST 23047647.50 23047647.50 19405322,74 RECEIVABLES:TAXES ACCOUNTS CNET) 173713.09 263764,58 4374Tl.67 449149,98 INTEREST ASSESSMENTS RENTS NOTES DUE FROM OTHERS 5967,43 5967,43 .09- INVENTORY AT COST PREPAID ITEMS 7166.39 7166.39 5555.94 FIXED ASSETS AMOUNTS TO BE PROVIDED 2158500,00 2158500.00 2232500_00 TOTAL ASSETS 21021225.31 1876054.42 375029.82 9288.82 2405339.87 25686938.24 22447824,47 LIAB, FNO BAL, RETND EARNINGS DEPOSITS FOR PRIVATE OEVELPMNT 175583.41- 175583.41- 10194.00 DEPOSITS FOR AB1600 FEES 231112.48- 231112.48- 237370.00- DEPOSITS OTHERS 381419.62- 410917.15- 263764.58- 1056101.35- 498378.95- PAYABLES:ACCOUNTS 149745.78- 74238.10- 479.30- 8162.68- 232625 .86- 577.26- INTEREST PAYROLL 4507.73 4507.73 15517.75 DUE TO OTHERS 265.00- 265.00- DEBT INSTRUMENTS PAYABLE 2276000.00- 2276000.00- 2350000.00- TOTAL LIABILTIES 702506.08- 485155.25- 479.30- 503039.74- 2276000.00- 3967180.37- 3060614.46- FUHD BALANCES 20318719_23- 1390899.17- 374550.52- 493750.92 129339.87- 21719757.87- 1938n10.01- TOTAL FUND EQUITY 20318719.23- 1390899.17- 374550.52- 493750.92 129339.87- 21719757.87- 1938n10.01- TOTAL LIAB,FNO BAL, RETO EARNS 21021225.31- 1876054.42- 375029.82- 9288.82- 2405339.87- 25686938_24~ 22447824.47- '.. , , :.':." , .. .. .";: . ..... . ....... . '.." .,. .... . +..' ::.: :':: .,:. . '-. +. .'~ " ",:,- ...... "'.,.". :::-~'::_~ . , -'0 . '... . . .... ....- ,-, .':: :- '. ...... ." ." ..... ," '-." ..... . ',- .'.:.:. .-..'.- ' .. , , , . ... ' , , , ."' . GL 102 tliY OF DUBLI~ PAGE 1 2/20/96 BALANCE SHEE1 14,12,18 FOR 1HE PERIOD 7/95 1 HRO'JGH 1/96 eu IN1ERNAL ENH:RPRISE FIXED ASSnS GENERAL lONG 1 0 T A L S SERVICE FUNDS GROOP OF 1ERM DEn MEMORANDUM ONLY u_ FUND ACCOON1S ACCOONT GROOP CURREN1 JUNE 3D. 1995 ASSETS CASH 318709,44 8965.39- 309744,05 279740.16 CASH ~11H FISCAL AGENT 1703966,09 1703966.09 1743428,27 UNAMORTI2ED BOND DISCOONT INVESTMENTS AT COST RECEIVABlES:TAXES ACCOONTS (NET) INTEREST ASSESSMENTS RENTS NOTES DUE FROM OTHERS INVENTORY AT COST PREPA I 0 ITEMS 151.00 FIXED ASSETS 254838,58 20597199.70 492625.30 21344663.58 21743799.35 AHOONTS TO BE PROVIDEO 2855403.88 2855403.88 2713930.44 TOTAL ASSETS 573548.02 22292200,40 492625.30 2855403.88 26213777.60 26481049.22 liAS. FND BAL, RETND EARNINGS DEPOSITS FOR PRIVATE DEVELPMNT DEPOSITS OTHERS PAYABLES:ACCOUNTS INTEREST .' PAYROLL .. ;.~ DUE TO OTHERS DEBT INSTRUMENTS PAYABLE 1697'0000.00- 2855403.88- 19825403.88- 20328930.44- TOTAL LIABILITIES 16970000.00- 2855403.88- 19825403.88- 20328930.44- FUND BALANCE 352346.70- 212310.40- 564657.10- 469554.96- COIITRIBUTIOHS 237722.75- 5109890.00- 5347612.75- 5287228.56- INVESTMENTS IN FIXED ASSETS 16521.43 492625.30- 476103.87- 479805.26- RETAINED EARNINGS TOTAL FUND EQUITY 573548.02- 5322200.40- 492625.30- 6388373. n- 6152118.78- TOTAL lIAB.FND BAL. RETD EARNS 573548.02- 22292200.40- 492625.30- 2855403.88- 26213777.60- 26481049.22- e., U':.. '04: THE CITY OF DUBLI~ STATEMENT SHa~I~G PAGE 1 Z!20/:;>6 REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURE 11,47,25 FOR THE PERIOD 7/:;>5 THRD'JGH 1/96 GENERAL REVENUE fUND ,. CURRENT PERIOD PREVIOUS YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1995 BUDGET ACTUAL PERCENT VARIANCE ACTUAL ACTUAL PERCENT VARIANCE FISCAL YR Y-T-D .. .. ......**REVENUES..*.... ..1..:. PROPERTY TAXES 3968100,00- 2150485,68- 54,2 1817614,32- 3944284.28- 21499n,12- 54,5 1794312,16- SALES TAX 6400000.00- 3577737,20- 55.9 2822262.80- 6470287,3:;>- 3423097,07- 52.9 3047190.32' REAL PROPERTY TRANSFERS 78000.00- 40207,37- 51.5 37792,63- 58070,83- 35636,25- 61.4 22434,58- TRANSIE~T OCCUPANCY TAX 112000,00' 128422,00- 114,7 16422,00 112580,00- 83459,00- 74.1 29121.00- fRANCHISE TAXES 615500,00- 209639,74- 34,1 405860.26' 481155,78- 201125,72- 41.8 280030,06- lICENSES & PERMITS 565650,00- 223083,27- 39.4 342566.73- 337550,69- 222983.72- 66,1 114566,97- .., fINES & FORFEITURES 35000,00- 22594,92- 64.6 12405,08- 35668,12- 21096.75. 59.1 " 14571,37' USES OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 1124850,00- 531927,17- 47,3 592922.83- 1140713,87- 424211.87- 37.2 716502,00' INTERGOVERNMENTAL FROM STATE 1031450.00- 577502,49- 56.0 453947.51 . 1044001,82- 542177,95- 51.9 501823.87- ' , CHARGES FOR SERVICES 1272630,00- 698n9.86- 54.9 573900.14- 1053715,45- 476051,67- 45.2 577663.78- OTHER SOURCES OF REVENUE 127923.00- 87242,14- 68,2 40680.86- 163462.88- 98953,69- 60.5 64509,19- TOT AL REVENUE 15331103.00- 8247371.84- 53.8 7083531,16- 14841491. 11- 7678765,81- 51.7 7162725,30. *****.*EXPENDI TURES******* GENERAL GOVERNMENT A:TIVITIES: .>. NON-DEPARTMENTAL 95880,00 .00 95880,00 137210,00 ,00 137210.00 CITY CroNC I L 1010 136445,00 71977,14 52,8 64467.86 106703,42 54380,15 '-," 51.0 52323.27 CITY MANAGER 1020 281336.00 148815.53 52,9 132520,47 255861.89 138384_74 54.1 117477.15 .. CITY ATTORNEY 1030 152388.00 61927,62 40,6 90460.38 188007.10 104m.08 55.7 B323o.02 ....... . .' - . ~ . ADMIN SERVICES 1040 547130.00 250822.15 45.8 296307.85 445264.08 235511,51 52.9 209752.57 BUILDING MANAGEMENT 1050 332950.00 175107,49 52.6 157842.51 317163,30 154967,32 48.9 162195.98 " , ' fACILITY RENTAL 1050.719 1604480.00 1499417,58 93.5 105062.42 1461448,88 1461344.88 100.0 104.00 .... ..... INSURANCE COST CENTER 1060 119800.00 94850.60 79.2 24949,40 124851.39 111440.86 89.3 13410.53 ELECTIONS COST CENTER 1070 660.00 563.52 85.4 96.48 6078.72 6063.62 99.8 15.10 .-..... ACTIVITY TOTAL 3271069.00 2303481.63 70,4 961587.37 3042588.78 2266870,16 74.5 775718.62 - . ... " PUBLIC SAFETY: ' " " POll CE 2010 3580781.00 905241 .86 25.3 2675539.14 3119865.40 815292.62 26,1 2304572.78 ' O' CROSSING GUARDS COST 2020 47749.00 18074.07 37.9 29674.93 36333,77 13863,95 38.2 22469.82 ,,' O' .. ANIMAL CONTROL 2030 182440.00 .00 182440.00 70885.70 16144.00 22.8 54741.70 ...... ,. , DISASTER PREAPREDNESS 2050 43460.00 2833.58 6.5 40626.42 14798.56 1798.40 12.2 13000.16 , , fIRE SERVICES JPA 2060 3062737.00 1960152.00 64.0 1102585.00 2801337,13 1764096.00 63.0 1037241.13 ,. ACTIVITY TOTAL 6917167,00 2886301.51 41.7 4030865.49 6043220.56 2611194.97 43.2 3432025.59 " TRANSPORTATION: .. PUBLI C WRKS 3010 312060.00 160845.73 51.5 151214.27 297240.13 157955.23 53.1 139284.90 STREET MAINTENANCE 3020 159460.00 23.01 159436.99 31902.53 31652.82 99.2 249.71 " STREET TREE MAINTENANCE 3040 48615.00 13163.68 27.1 35451.32 41872.72 20376.11 48.7 21496.61 " STREET lANDSCAPE MA 1 NT. 3050 180m.00 103543.60 57.3 77233.40 168920.81 88938,58 52.7 79982. Z3 ' , ' ACTIVITY TOTAL 700912.00 277576.02 39.6 423335.9B 539936.19 298922.74 55,4 241013.45 -',; " iEAlTH I. Ir:lFAAE: ~ASTE MANAGEMENT 5020 .00 .00 .00 17411.78 2956.26 17.0 14455,52 A[;T!VITY TOTAL .00 .00 .00 17411.78 2956.26 17.0 14455,52 :LllTURE & lEISURE SERVICES: lIBRARY SERVICES 8010 194188.00 97094.00 50.0 97094.00 177536.00 44384.00 25,0 133152.00 CULTURAL ACTIVITIES 8011 20000.00 10000.00 50.0 10000.00 10000.00 10000.00 100.0 .00 HERITAGE CENTER 8012 40561.00 20867.85 51.4 19693.15 6737.62- 1807.35 26.8 4930.27 DUBLUI CEMETERY 8013 22100.00 9855.41 44.6 12244 . 59 16854.77 6610.84 39.2 10243.93 PARK MAINTENANCE 8020 600037.00 303408.34 50.6 296628.66 584045.96 299050.34 51.2 284995.62 .... O' ' O' '. , .., , . ',.. ...... . >;:..... GL 1o.:C THE CITY OF DUBLIN SiATEMENT SHOWING PAGE Z 2/20/96 REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURE 11.47.25 FOR THE PERIOO 7/95 THROUGH 1/96 GENERAL REVENUE FUND .' 0"> CURRENT PER I 00 PREVIOUS YEAR ENDING JUNE 3D, 1995 BUDGET ACTUAL PERCENT VARIANCE ACTUAL ACTUAL PERCENT VARIANCE FISCAL YR Y-T-O COMMUNITY CABLE TV 8030 33836,00 21236.00 62.8 12600,00 22779,27 21143.00 92.8 1636.27 RECREATION ADMIN, 8040 191356.00 98157.51 51.3 93198,49 178485,58 97602.79 54.7 80882.79 PLAYGROUNDS 8045 101916.00 55164.23 54.1 46751, n 95612.89 52552,92 55.0 43059.97 SHANNON CENTER 8050 123348.00 65977.40 53.5 57370,60 107202.90 55357.75 51.6 51845.15 PRESCHOOL 8055 48258.00 21972.26 45.5 26285.74 37414.34 19548.67 52.2 17865.67 TEENS PROGRAM 8060 36982.00 15195.07 41.1 21786.93 27525.50 12774.25 46.4 14751.25 ADULT SPORTS 8065 81399.00 31589.39 38,8 49809.61 66278,32 39642.29 59.8 26636.03 YOUTH SPORTS 8066 35792.00 18437.44 51.5 17354.56 31761.14 16849.24 53.0 14911.90 SPECIAL EVENTS 8070 33210.00 11441.51 3/,,5 21768.49 30612.01 11955.76 39.1 18656.25 SEN I OR CENTER 8080 108061.00 56377.87 52.2 51683.13 108674.38 56402.88 51.9 52271.50 RECREATION INSTRUCTION 8090 82691.00 40752.78 49.3 41938.22 75381.16 37817.52 50.2 37563.64 AQUATICS 8100 206762.00 101060.93 48.9 105701.07 189089.80 106563.86 56,4 82525 .94 ACTIVITY TOTAL 1960497.00 978587.99 49.9 981909.01 1765991.64 890063,46 50.4 875928.18 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: PLANNING 9010 850903,00 391137.01 46,0 459765.99 648241.27 303646.67 46,8 3<<594.60 BUILlllNG SAFETY 9020 304219.00 128020.70 42.1 176198.30 261521.53 134953.89 51.6 126567.64 ENGINEERING 9030 540530.00 323814.04 59,9 216715.96 276569.24 114691.43 41.5 161877 .81 ECONOMI C DEVELOPMENT 9040 103508.00 61493.80 59.4 42014.20 63749.94 5560,15 8.7 58189.79 ACTIVITY TOTAL 1799160.00 904465,55 ' 50.3 894694.45 1250081.98 558852'.14 44.7 691229.84 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS: GENERAL CIP PROJECTS 93NN 94741.00 4249.49 4.5 90491.51 49443.40 47588,46 96.2 1854.94 COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS 94NN 89340.00 40731. 04 45.6 48608.96 89836.41 3564,39 4.0 86272.02 PARKS 95NN 43600.00 276.48 .6 43323.52 1939,49 4987.60 62.8 2951.89 STREET CONSTRC/IMPROVHT 96NN 110039.00 .00 110039.00 32500.00 32500,00 100.0 .00 ACTIVITY TOTAL 33mO.OO 45257.01 13.4 292462.99 179719.30 88640.45 49.3 91078.85 e} TOT A l EXPENDITURES 14986525.00 7395669.71 49.3 7590855.29 12838950.23 6711500.18 52.3 6121450.05 EXCESS [REVENUE>EXPENDITURES 344578.00- 851902.13- 247.2 507324.13 2002540.88- 961265.63- 48.0 1041275.25- TRANSFERS IN FROM OTHER FUNDS .00 1015.00- 1015.00 46410.04- .00 46410.04- TRANSFERS OUT TO OTHER FUNDS .00 .00 .00 294854.69 .00 294854_69 EXCESS [REVENUE> EXPENDITURE 344578.00- 852917 .13- 247.5 508339.13 1754096.23- 961265,63- 54.8 192830.60- .' GL 1 O~: THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SHO~JNG PAGE 1 2/20/96 REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURE 12,05,54 FOR THE PER 100 7/95 THROUGH 1/96 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS . CURRENT PERIOD PREVIOUS YEAR ENDING JUNE 3D, 1995 BUDGET ACTUAL PERCENT VARIANCE ACTUAL ACTUAL PERCENT VARIANCE ' , FISCAL YR Y-T-D . " " , , .***....REVENUES****.** .. , SALES TAX 126000.00- 77739.86- 61,7 48260,14- 120823,92- 6n45.61' 56.1 53078,31- ' , FINES & FORFEITURES 26000.00' 11922.67' 45,9 14077 .33' 24556,82- 13424,08- 54.7 11132,74. SPECIAL BENEFITS ASSESSMENTS .00 .00 ,00 ,DO 1173,38- 1173,38 , , USES OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 61735,00- .00 61735.00' 49056,30' ,00 49056.30- .' INTERNGOVERNMENTAL FROM STATE 629748.00- 302688.59' 48.1 327059.41- 656834.32. 294681,88- 44,9 362152,44' " INTERGOVERNMENTAL FROM COUNTY 102000.00- 65680.00' 64.4 36320,00' 151127.00- 76637,00- 50.7 74490,00. INTERGOVERNMENTAL FROM FEDERAL 2558171.00- 704337.34- 27.5 1853833,66' 523412.91- ,00 523412.91- CHARGES FOR SERVICES 819070.00- 417178,19' 50,9 401891.81- 744626,00' 366539,47. 49,5 376086.53- OTHER SOURCES OF REVENUE 621500,00- 258938,44- 41.7 362561.56- 286592.73' 3251,42- 1.1 263341.31- TOTAL REVENUE 4944224.00- 1838485 ' 09- 37.2 3105738.91 - 2557030,00- 825452,84- 32,3 1731577.16- .......EXPENDITURES....... GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES: ACTIVITY TOTAL .00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 ,00 ,PUBLIC SAFETY: '", , POll CE 6000.00 764 .88 12.7 5235,12 9360,94 3589,42 38.3 5771 .52 ' .' TRAFFIC SIGNALS 102277.00 27875 . 99 27.3 74401.01 80108.52 32597,80 40.7 47310,72 ., ".' . ACTIVITY TOTAL 108277.00 28640.87 26.5 79636,13 89469.46 36187,22 40,4 53282,24 " TRANSPORTATION: PUBLIC UORKS 298.00 1.45 ,5 296.55 .00 .00 .00 ' , ,. STREET MAINTENANCE 164740.00 47664.26 28.9 117075.74 214599.03 167451.13 76.0 47147.90 STREET SIIEEPING 73655.00 34997.90 47,5 38657.10 70518,94 33355.51 47.3 37163.43 ,.,., AcTIVITY TOTAL 238693.00 82663.61 34.6 156029.39 285117.97 200806.64 70.4 84311.33 HEALTH & IlELFARE: UASTE MANAGEMENT 1223345.00 347941.44 28.4 875403.56 679404.95 297688.12 43.8 381716.83 . . ~ -'.' . . CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: . . ":: ." . ENGINEERING 107992.00 17888.83 16.6 90103.17 101497.21 27427.83 27.0 74069.38 ACTIVITY TOTAL 107992.00 17888.83 16.6 90103.17 101497.21 27427.83 27.0 74069.38 ,.', :.-.: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS: - "..' . ".." GENERAL CIP PROJECTS .00 .00 .00 17266.00 17266,00 100.0 .00 =.'-". COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS 74319.00 46517.16 62.6 27601.64 181692.50 26398.45 14.5 155294.05 PARKS 237416.00 135767.40 57.2 101626.60 2280.00 .00 2280.00 ' " STREET CONSTRUCTION/IMPROVHT 2701592.00 797435.52 29.5 1904156.48 697231.63 117561.13 16.9 579670.50 ACTIVITY TOTAL 3013327.00 979740.08 32.5 2033586.92 696470,13 161225,58 737244.55 .... 17.9 ' ., TOT A L EXPENDITURES 4691634.00 1456874.83 31.1 3234759.17 2053959.72 723335.39 35,2 1330624.33 ,', EXCESS [REVENUE>EXPENDITURE 252590.00- 381610.26- 151.1 129020.26 503070.28- 102117.45. 20.3 400952.83- TRANSFERS IN FROM OTHER FUNDS .00 14897.00- 14897.00 ,00 .00 .00 TRANSFERS OUT TO OTHER FUNDS .00 15912.00 15912.00- 3600,00 .00 3600.00 EXCESS [REVENUE> EXPENDITURE 252590,00- 360595.26- 150.7 128005.26 499470.28- 102117.45- 20.4 397352.83- ,'. ,.." . GL10~C THE CITY OF OUBll~ STATEME~T SH~I~G PAGE 1 2/20/96 REVENUES VERSUS EXPE~DITURE 12,18,49 FOR THE PERIOD 7/95 THROOGH 1/96 .- SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FU~D S CURREIIT PERlOO PREVIOUS YEAR EIIOI~G JUNE 3D, 1995 BUDGET ACTUAL PERCENT VARIANCE ACTUAL ACTUAL PERCENT VARIANCE FISCAL YR Y-T-O ........REVENUES**.**.. SPECIAL BENEFITS ASSESSMENTS 296105,00- 150936,34' 51.0 145168,66- 363469.78' 192247.87- 52.9 171221.91- USES OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 17130,00. ,00 17130,00- 21115,14- .00 21115.14- OTHER SOURCES OF REVENUE 4000.00' .00 4000,00' 3944.45- 3944.45' 100,0 ,00 TOTAL REVENUE 317235,00' 150936,34- 47,6 166298,66- 388529,37- 196192,32- 50.5 192337.05' *******EXPENOITURES******* GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES: ACTIVITY TOTAL ,00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 PUBll C SAFETY: TRFC SIGS/STREET lIGHTING 196374.00 81937,79 41.7 114436.21 192530.11 92032.11 47.8 100498.00 ACTIVITY TOTAL 196374.00 81937,79 41.7 114436.21 192530.11 92032,11 47.8 100498.00 TRANSPORTATION: PUBll C LIORKS 5054.00 1501.64 29.7 3552.36 3507,43 1134.86 32,4 '2372.57 STREET TREE HAIIITENANCE 9107,00 2960.79 32.5 6146.21 5350.84 2343.50 43.8 3007.34 STREET LANDSCAPE HAINTEIIANCE 113010,00 55219.44 48.9 57790.56 110650.86 61608.12 55.7 49042.74 ACTIVITY TOTAL 127171.00 59681.67 46.9 67489.13 119509.13 65086.46 54.5 54422.65 HEALTH & WELFARE: CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: ENGINEERING 3570,00 3027.96 84.6 542.04 3216.97 3203,40 99.6 13.57 ACTIVITY TOTAL 3570.00 3027.96 84.6 542.04 3216.97 3203.40 99.6 13.57 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS: COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS 25135.00 19226.03 76.5 590ll.97 .00 .00 .00 PARKS .00 55.59 55,59- .00 .00 .00 ." STREET CONSTRUCTION/IMPROVMT 431000.00 636.53 .1 430363.47 5470.89 1959.59 35.8 3511.30 ,. ACTIVITY TOTAL 456135.00 19916.15 4.4 436216,85 5470.69 1959.59 35.6 3511.30 TOT A L EXPENDITURES 783250.00 164565.77 21.0 618684.23 320727.10 162281.56 50.6 158445.52 EXCESS [REVENUE>EXPENDITURE 466015.00 13629,43 2.9 452385,57 67802.27- 33910.74- 50.0 33891.53- TRANSFERS OUT TO OTHER FUNDS .00 .00 .00 42810.04 .00 42810.04 EXCESS [REVENUE> EXPENDITURE 466015.00 13629.43 2.9 452385.57 24992.23' 33910.74- 135.7 8918.51 .,: GL 104C 2120/96 *......*REVENUES......* OTHER SOURCES OF REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE ***....EXPENOI TURES*."... GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES: ACTIVITY TOTAL PUBLI C SAFETY: TltAHSPORTATION: HEALTH & IIELFARE: :ULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES: OOHHUNITY DEVELOPMENT: :APITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS: GENERAL CIP PROJECTS COMMUNIT~ IMPROVEMENTS STREET CONSTRUCTION!IMPROVMT ACTIVITY TOTAL TOT A L EXPENDITURES ~CESS[REVENUE>EXPENDITURE TRANSFERS IN FROM OTHER FUNDS ~CESS [REVENUE> EXPENDITURE THE CITY OF OU8LIN STATEMENT SH~ING REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURE FOR THE PERIOD 7/95 THROUGN 1/96 PAGE 1 12,59,35 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND CURRENT PERIOD PREVIOUS YEAR ENDING JUNE 3D, 1995 8UDGET ACTUAL PERCENT VARIANCE ACTUAL ACTUAL PERCENT VARIANCE FISCAL YR Y-T-D 686621.00- .00 686621.00- 134271 .44- .00 134271.44- 686621.00- .00 686621.00- 134271.44- .00 134271.44- .00 .00 .00 ,DO .00 .00 25000.00 .00 25000.00 .00 .00 .00 7875.00 4218.00 53.6 3657.00 7119.43 .00 7119.43 909847.00 220386,34 24,2 689460.66 280120.88 84434.63 30.1 195686.25 942722.00 224604.34 23.8 718117.66 287240.31 84434.63 29.4 202805.68 942722.00 224604.34 23.8 718117.66 287240.31 84434.63 29.4 202805.68 256101.00 224604.34 87.7 31496.66 152968.87 84434.63 55.2 68534.24 .00 .00 .00 276446.78- .00 276446.78- 256101.00 224604.34 87.7 31496.66 123417.91 - 84434.63 68.4- 207912.54- ,,'. ' , .-,..... -..... , .'~ .. ..'. .. ":": ~:':.~ ".: ~ ::". 0' ", :..... ..':.:', . .,'.- " ' 'w' . . ..... .. .~. . ,,' ." ',' -, ..... .;-..'. :.:::.::..... &.::.:.::: '.:.:.:;. ;::.' .... ." . .,- . .. -"., ::';::"~. ......... :: :::: .~:. ,": ':'.::' :".-:":'" '. .... -:.:(::: "0" .' .:: 'J,:':: ~ ::.: '.:.:. .-..;. . : : .:- :. ~ . o. '." . ""w .....'-;. ........ .... w' ....-... .... , , . ." . ". >"-. - : &.::.' -~-'. .:_. .w: :: :':':>:.':" -.... - ..... .-' .' Gll04C 2/20/96 THE CITY Of DUBLIN STATEMENT SH~ING REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURE FOR THE PERIOD 7/95 THROUGH 1/96 .-' BUDGET TRUST/AGENCY FUND CURRENT PERIOD ACTUAL PERCENT VARIANCE ACTUAL FISCAL YR PAGE 1 14,00,14 PREVIOUS YEAR ENDING JUNE 3D, 1995 ACTUAL PERCENT VARIANCE Y.T-O ********REVENUES******* SPECIAL BENEFITS ASSESSMENTS 234630.00- 117314.75- 50.0 117315,25- 222337,10- 117419.83- 52,8 104917.27- USES OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 14000.00- 87.61- ,6 13912.39- 7111,65- .00 7111.65- TOTAL REVENUE 248630.00- 117402,36- 47,2 131227.64- 229448.75. 117419,83- 51.2 112028.92- *******EXPENOI TURES******* GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES NON-DEPARTMENTAL 229585.00 151269.75 65.9 78315.25 242864.50 159594.75 65.7 83269.75 ACTIVITY TOTAL 229585.00 151269.75 65.9 78315.25 242864,50 159594.75 65.7 83269.75 PUBLIC SAFETY: TRANSPORTATION: HEALTH & UELFARE: CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS: TOTAL EXPENDITURES 229585.00 151269.75 65.9 78315.25 242864.50 159594 .75 65.7 83269.75 EXCESS(REVENUE)EXPENDITURE 19045.00- 33867.39 1n.8- 52912,39' 13415.75 42174.92 314.4 28759.17- EXCESS (REVENUE) EXPENDITURE 19045.00- 33867.39 In.8- 52912.39- 13415.75 42174.92 314.4 28759.17- ''''''''''''.o\~~JtK~.''-'t.'t'~~:t''~'i><''''''''''''''.- . . Gl 1 04C THE CITY Of DUBLIN STATEMENT SH~ING PAGE l' 2120/96 REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURE 12,37,06 FOR THE PER!OO 7/95 THROUGIl 1/96 INTERNAL SERVICE fUND CURRENT PERIOO PREVIOUS YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1995 BUDGET ACTUAL PERCENT VARIANCE ACTUAL ACTUAL PERCENT VARIANCE fISCAL YR Y-T-O ......rwREVENUES....... USES OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 1B375.00- .00 18375.00- 1B553.23- .00 1B553.23- CHARGES FOR SERVICES 183656.00- 108673.65- 59.2 749B2.35- 12B050.00- 73690.72- 57.5 54359.28- OTHER SOURCES OF REVENUE 15200.00- 29505,92- 194,1 14305.92 2128.54- 1038.54- 48.8 1090.00- TOTAL REVENUE 217231.00- 138179.57- 63,6 79051.43- 148731.77- 74729.26- 50.2 74002.51 - ."....EXPENDI TURES....... GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES: NON-DEPARTMENTAL 275604.00 116676.23 42.3 158927.77 121037.02 37645.72 31.1 83391.30 ACTIVITY TOTAL 275604.00 116676.23 42,3 15B927.77 121037.02 37645.72 31.1 83391.30 PUBLl C SAFETY: TRANSPORTATION: HEALTH & ~LFARE: CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: CAPITAL IHPROVEMENT PROJECTS: GENERAL CIP PROJECTS .00 .00 .00 9832.11 84470.00 859.1 74637.89- ACTIVITY TOTAL .00 .00 .00 9832.11 84470.00 859.1 74637.89- TO T".A L.,~~~JI~~~_~I',,'rI.."- 275604.00 1 16676.23 42.3 158927.77 130869.13 1ZZ1 15.72 93.3 8753.41 EXCESS [REVEMUE>EXPENO ITURE 58373.00 21503.34- 36.8- 79876_34 17862.64- 47386.46 265.3- 65249.10- EXCESS [REVENUE> EXPENOITURE 58373.00 21503.34- 36.8- 79876.34 1786Z.64- 47386.46 265.3- 65249.10- :'.' ".:;', .'.:," ....: .; , - ,- " , .... , " ,', . ':'.. ::.';: . " , ..... ", ..,...:.... ........ ':':'::~"+.~. ',' ", ...... -~'.. .. ::. . .',' y ':'. ~ ' ::+.':.:.:, ;:'::'.':':<"-'; ,;~; , ':, :.: :'::.: ~,- ......... ....... :"/: -,": ....... .:. '~'" '.~:', ........ ..:...... ". ':.' ::: : .:~ ..:". '". .. :..~:..::.. ........ ~ . . .:.... :~.::.::.:: .:: ,', .. ....-.. " ' ,- , " .-.... " , , -, .:..... ~~~/::;\.:: . . '..: ~ ."~ ......- ....::.. . ",:,:.'-""" '.'." . .".. ~ - - Gl ; 04: THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SH~~ING PAGE 1 21'20/96 REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURE 12,50,31 FOR THE PERIOD 7/95 THROUGH 1/96 .' ENTERPRISE FUNDS CURRENT PERIOD PREVIOUS YEAR ENDING JUNE 3D, 1995 BUDGET ACTUAL PERCENT VARIANCE ACTUAL ACTUAL PERCENT VARIANCE FISCAL YR Y-T-D .~.*.*-REVENUES*.*..** USES OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 1709280,00- 1504477,66- 86,0 204802,34- 1565843,45- 1517969,53- 96,9 47873,92- TOT Al REVENUE 1709280.00- 1504477,66- 88,0 204802.34- 1565843,45- 1517969,53- 96,9 47873.92- ***.***EXPENDJTURES......* GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES: NON-DEPARTMENTAL 1604505.00 1222327,25 76,2 382177.75 1412754,98 1175118,81 83,2 237636,17 ADMIN SERVICES 4845,00 2819.23 58.2 2025.77 7346.35 3811.10 51.9 3535.25 ACTIVITY TOTAL 1609350.00 1225146.48 76.1 384203.52 1420101,33 1178929.91 83,0 241171,42 PUBLIC SAFETY: DISASTER PREAPREDNESS 1225.00 .00 1225.00 ,00 ,00 _00 ACllvITY TOTAL 1225_00 _00 1225,00 .00 ,00 ,00 TRANSPORTATION: HEALTH & YELFARE: CULTURE & lEISURE SERVICES: RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 11240,00 5820,26 51.8 5419_74 11036.94 5388,22 4B.B 564B.n sEN I OIl CENTER 462.00 .00 462.00 420.00 420,00 100,0 .00 ,ACllVITY TOTAL '1702.00 5820.26 49.7 5881. 74 11456.94 5808.22 50.7 _ 5648.n CDHHUNITY DEVELOPMENT: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS: TOT A l EXPENDITURES 1622277.00 1231119,65 75,9 391'57.35 1431558.27 1184738.13 82,8 246820,14 EXCESS [REVENUE>EXPENDITURES 87003,00- 273358.01- 314.2 186355.01 134285.18- 333231,40- 248,2 198946.22 TRANsFERS"'1 N~FROH'OTHEI!~ FUNDS~-.---"'- ,00 .00 ,00 18407.91 - ,DO 18407.91- EXCESS [REVENUE> EXPENDITURE 87003.00- 273358,01- 314,2 186355.01 152693.09- 333231.40- 218,2 180538.31 . .