HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.11 Winter Qtr Recreation Program Report CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE : May 27 , 1986 SUBJECT Report from Recreation Director Winter Quarter Recreation Program EXHIBITS ATTACHED A. Registration Analysis B . Quarterly Activity Report RECOMMENDATION . Receive Report FINANCIAL STATEMENT None DESCRIPTION The City ' s Recreation Department offers new classes and programs on a quarterly basis . The Winter quarter encompassed the months of January through March . During that time , the Department offered a total of "62 " classes . Four (4 ) trips , one ( 1 ) public service program and one ( 1 ) special event . There were 11590 " persons enrolled in Winter classes and programs . The Departments Winter offerings are summarized below. ADULT SPORTS The adult sports program at the Camp Parks gymnasium came to an untimely end this Winter . Midway into the season , we were forced to relocate the basketball and volleyball leagues to local high schools , as the lease for the Camp Parks gymnasium expired and the Army exercised their option not to renew. Fortunately, we were able to finish out the leagues without too much confusion or inconvenience to the participants . The Department will be investigating alternative locations for future programs until the time that the Camp Parks gymnasium is once again available . AFTERSCHOOL PLAYGROUNDS Playground programs were held at two sites during the Winter quarter , Shannon Center and Murray School . The Murray School program continued to have a daily attendance of " 50" or more children . The program at Shannon Center had a average daily attendance of only six ( 6 ) children . This was attributed to the fact that the program was relocated from Nielsen School and transportation was a problem from school to Shannon . The program will be moved back to Nielsen School for the Spring quarter and we hope to see an increase in attendance once again . FACILITY UTILIZATION Utilization of Shannon Center was up over previous quarters being utilized 25% of the hours available . The Center was rented for private functions on " 21 " separate occasions . Although overall utilization of the Center was up, private rentals were down from previous quarters . The months of January and February are typically " slow" months for weddings which comprise the majority of our private rentals . ----------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM NO . AGENDA STATEMENT - Winter Quarter Recreation Program May 27 , 1986 Page Two LEISURE ENRICHMENT CLASSES Leisure Enrichment classes are offered for all ages , pre-school through senior citizens . Classes are planned in accordance with the following categories : Cultural and Creative Arts , Dance, Health and Fitness and Special Interests . This Winter , 54% of the classes offered were actually conducted as compared with 51% the same quarter last year . Of the "26" classes offered for children , " 15 " were conducted . Twenty-two ( 22 ) out of the "43" teen/adult, classes offered were conducted . -PRESCHOOL CLASSES The Department sponsors a parent participation pre-school at Shannon Center . Two classes were offered for children 2 years 9 months through 5 years . During the Winter quarter, there were a total of "39 " children enrolled which was up substantially over the Fall quarter enrollment . P_UBL.IC SERVICE PROGRAMS Public Service Programs are offered as a community service and are free of charge . This Winter one public service program was offered . Basic Financial Planning , a four week class designed to assist students in developing a personal financial portfolio , was taught by a volunteer from E . F. Hutton . SPECIAL EVENTS The 3rd Annual St . Patrick ' s Day Celebration was the only special event during the Winter quarter . The celebration , co-sponsored with the Dublin-San Ramon Lions Club , was held on Saturday, March 17 . The day began with a parade through downtown Dublin and was followed by a community celebration at Shannon Center . The celebration featured local entertainers and food and game booths staffed by community groups . This years event attracted over "500" people . TRIPS AND TOURS Trips to the California Culinary Academy, the Monterey Bay Aquarium and two trips for teens , a ski trip and a Fashion Outlet Extravaganza were offered this Winter . The trip to the California Culinary Academy in San Francisco featured a gourmet lunch prepared by students at the academy. Nineteen participants enjoyed this epicurian delight . The Teen Shopping Outlet Extravaganza was co-sponsored with the Livermore Area Recreation and Park District and featured stops at the fashion outlets in San Francisco . The Monterey Bay Aquarium trip and the Teen Ski Trip were cancelled due to low enrollment . EXHIBIT A CITY CC OUBLI`! REGISTP.ATIO\`! A�fA7 VSIS RZCREATION DEPART:!-NT QUARTL•IR W.INIFI2 186 � II TOTAL NU\`!.ER M 0. I CLASS TITLE Y/A II MIS! � MAX N"R'c5 R=S . REGIS . ISi 108. ISing-Along Time PS �I 6 + 12 + 5 , 9 14 1 109 I Time. For Two's PS ,I 6 112 4 + 8 12 3 110 ITap & Ballet PS �I 8 118 • q 5 . 9 9 I! 111 Tumbling PS f 8 115 4 11 115 lCreative Dance I PS !I 7 112 1 11 2- �I 116 I Creative Dance/Drama PS II 7 112 3 19 12 117 ( Adventures in Movement PS �I 7 112 0 • 1 1 199 kmas Cookie Workshop I PS (I 8 112 0 + 0 0 ;� 200 Keyboard Discovery Y �I 3 16 3 13 6 3 ` I 201 I I _ Y 8 ' 22 6 I . 0 6 ;# I 202 Lego II ; Y I� 8 22 4 i 0 4 I 203 ( Salt Dough Workshop Y II 8 112 1 ' 0 1 ! 204 I Tap & Ballet I� y I1 8 118 7 I 3 10 205 . j & Ballet I) Y (+ 8 ! 18 q 3 1 4 u N 207 ITumbling II Y II 8 115 7 8 15 (� 208 ! Tumbling II y I� 8 15 . 7 I 7 15 I! II 211 I Baton, Dance & Pompon Il Y II 5 1 12 1 3 4 Il 212 I .Baton, Dance & Pcnr-on li Y 11 5 12 1 1 2 I I 213 lKarate , Y II 9 115 10 ( 9 19 2 I I q II ! 214 l Karate (Advance) ?i Y I 9 115 H 4 I 5 9 215 I Valentine Y ;� 6 112 I1 4 l 0 4 I j 216 Junior Chef I y - ;I 8 I 12 l ( 0 1 '1 219 I Ice Skating - ;� y ;j 6 120 0 ' ,0 0 .� I PAGE M CITY OF DUBLI`( RSGISTRaTIO�`! A?t,�r v RECREATION DE?aC\T6''E-NT -SIS QUARTER WINTER 186 u NOM TOT.;L V U��:�ER NO. I CLASS TITLE Fly/� 11 h(IM( I ��(.a:C H'R'c5 I RES .I RcGIS . I WATT LIST 220. 11ce Skating d y 11 6 120 0 J 0 p 0 1 125 Preschool - MAVF PS 1I -12 120 8 ' 11 19 126 • I - T/Th °. PS 11 12 120: .10 , 10 20 300 (Teen Ski Trip T 13 127 0 0 0 i 301 (Personal Image/Teens T 11 12 115 p- 1 0 0 !I 311 (Teen Fashion Outlet T II 10 125 2 1 0 2 411 I Fresh Flower Arranging A 11 6 112 - 1 - 4 1 412 J Victorian Wreath A 11 6 115 3 J 4 7 II i 417 1- 10 6 Draw/Right Side of Brain A �I 10 I20 1 16 I 418 IDraw/Right Side of Brain A �� 10 I20 3 1 9 12 424 (Watercolor ;I A iI 12 I20 l 0 12 2 I 475 (Stained Glass A 11 8 I20 p 11 1 I 479 lNeedlepoint 11 A 11 8 112 1 1 2 3 I 480 (Grapevine Wreath II A 1J 6 115 2 J 0 2 I 1 I 427 1COuntry Western Dance 1I A 11 12 140 5 115 20 I ! J 428 (Country Western Dance II A II 12 140 7 1 15 22 ' 29 Western Dance A _ J 1 I) II 12 140 1 - 1 15 li 1 ':30 ICOuntry Western Dance 11 A I1 12 140. - 1 - 15 ,1 J 436 (Folk Dance 11 A 11 10 130 0 1 0 0 � I t 437 I Folk Dance I A �I 10 130 2 1 4 6 .I 138A I Square Dance �I A �I 8 148 40 I ':38B Square Dance I ' 1 I I ,1 A ' 8 148 35 :j '• 138C (Square Dance I A J 8 148 - I - 38 PAGE TJ-IREE CITY OF DUBLIN RCCP,EATION DEP ARTI%IENT ' R .1% STRATIOi`� A:�IAr YS IS �UARTER WINTER '86 1 ` NON-' TOTAL ��;-, ��0. I CLASS TITLE ' Y/1 )I MIN I :�AX �'RcS � 'RES. NUS.-i:, REGIS . ' c;AIT LIST 433 Yoga A II 10 + 20. 9 6 15 ) 436A I Karate A II r-9 120 2 J 1: - 3 I 439 I Tai Chi .Chih A II 11 16 . p I p p 440 . Tai Chi Chih A II 11 ` 16 � p I p. p 441 Tai Chi Chin I A II 11 , 16 -3 12 442 Tai Chi Chin A II 11 16 1 I 0 � 1 444 I Tumbling A 1� 8 15 p p 0 1 425 � Green Wreath � A 6 10 - I - 0 iI 401 I Color Analysis ' �I A " 8 12 9 1 4 13 402 Analysis ) IColor .I A 8 ' 12 3 + p ' 3 403 I Color Analysis �.. A �{ 8 12 I p I I I+I 1 p p 406 Computer Literacy A 8 . 22 2 3 407 I Dog Obedience A 10 20 7 2 408 ` Dog Obedience A 10 20 0 410 I Health Assessment A 15 20 0 p 0 I)I I I! 413 INO. California Fishing A I 6 I f 1I 1I 20 4 1 7 414 I I IAcrylic Nail Workshop 1I A 11 8 I15 3 j 4 7 II 477 IRight/teft Brain I) A 11 10 + 20 1 I 1 2 'I I 178 II A I1 6 112 I �Accupressure 3 1 5 8 I X00 ILegal g ) A 6 125 2 Secretary Training 17 I 19 ) ':09 Ica. Culinary Academy �I A 25 I50 8 111 19 I I 15 Montere Aq uarium uarium I - ;I A .1 25 150 8 111 19 'I 1 (Financial Planning :1 A ;� 12 140 ( _ 23 °I i WINTER 1986 SPECIAL CLASS YOUTH ADULT TOTAL REGISTRATION SAME SAME SAME COh]PARISONS QUARTER QUARTER QUARTER THIS LAST LAST THIS LAST LAST THIS LAST LAST QUARTER QUARTER YEAR QUARTER QUARTER YEAR QUARTER QUARTER YEAR 0. CLASSES OFFERED 26 23 20 43 48 31 69 71 51 0. CLASSES CANCELLED 11 6 5 21 9 21 32 15 26 D. CLASSES ADDED 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 2 D. CLASSES CONDUCTED 15 17 17 22 40 10 37 57 27 D. WAITING LISTS 9 4 0 1 59 0 10 63 0 AXIMUM OPENINGS 391 384 354 1,009 1,131 671 1,400 1,515 1,025 J. ENROLLED 200 198 215 390 682 165 590 880 380 CLASSES CONDUCTED 58% 74% 77% 51% 82% 32% 54% . 80% 51% CLASSES FILLED (OF THOSE CONDUCTED) 84% 68% 75% 57% 71% 52% 64% 70% 64% EXHIBIT B DUBLIN RECREATION DEPARTMENT QUARTERLY ACTIVITY REPORT WINTER 1986 I . PARTICIPATION: PROGRAM PARTICIPANT PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS HOURS HOURS PRESCHOOL: Sing-Along Time 14 3 .75 52 .5 Time-For-Two ' s 12 10 120 Tap & Ballet 9 16 144 Tumbling 11 8 88 Creative Dance/Drama 12 12 144 Preschool (T/TH) 20 60 1, 200 Preschool (M/W/F) 19 87 1, 653 SUBTOTAL 3, 401 .5 YOUTH: Keyboard Discovery 6 3 .75 22 . 5 Logo I & II 10 8 80 Tap & Ballet 13 16 208 Tumbling 30 8 240 Baton, Dance & Pompon 6 6 36 Karate 28 9 252 SUBTOTAL 838.5 TEEN/ADULT : Teen Fashion Outlet 2 9 .5 19 Victorian Wreath 7 2 .5 17. 5 Draw Rt . Side of Brain 28 25 700 Country Western Dance 72 7 .5 540 Folk Dance 6 10 60 Square Dance 113 8 904 Yoga 15 8 120 Color Analysis 16 2 .5 40 Dog Obedience 9 8 72 No. Calif. Fishing 11 2 22 Acrylic Nail Wkshp 7 3 .5 24 .5 Accupressure 8 16 128 Legal Secty Trng 19 30 570 Calif . Culinary Academy 8 5 40 Financial Planning 23 6 138 SUBTOTAL 3, 395 GRAND TOTAL 7, 635 Quarterly Activity Report Winter 1986 Page Two II . COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION: Sponsored the following activities : Special Events - 3rd Annual St. Patrick ' s Day Celebration Public Service Programs - Basic Investment Planning III . SHANNON COMMUNITY CENTER: Facility Utilization *AVAILABLE HOURS PERCENTAGE ROOM HOURS UTILIZED OCCUPIED Social Hall 1, 103 563 51% East Room 1, 103 190 17% West Room 1, 103 134 12% A&B Room 1, 103 169 15% Preschool Room 1, 103 324 29% TOTAL 5, 515 1, 380 25% *Based on Sunday through Thursday from 9 : OOa.m. to 10 : 00p.m. ; Friday and Saturday from 10 : 00a.m.-12 : 00 midnight. NOTE : Center was closed February 17 , 1986.