HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.2 Alameda Cty Library Commission g 40--2-0 CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT • Meeting Date: August 9, 1982 SUBJECT: Alameda County Library Advisory Commission EXHIBITS ATTACHED: Letter from County Librarian dated July 15, 1982; Memo from Supervisor Excell dated June 28, 1982; County ordinance. RECOMMENDATION: Consider appointment of representative to Commission FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: The Alameda County Board of Supervisors has authorized the inclusion of a representative from the City of Dublin to sit as a permanent member of the County Library Advisory Commission. The City Council should select a representative and an alternate from the Council to sit on the Commission. Ms. Ginnie Cooper, or her representative, will be present at the meeting to answer any questions about the Commission. • Copies To: Ginnie Cooper • / sa Eleanor Tandowsky ITEM NO. 1, • OFA< 0 rig • 0 V As- ALAMEDA COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM * * GINNIE COOPER 3121 DIABLO AVE. COUNTY LIBRARIAN HAYWARD.CALIFORNIA 94545 �q</FORw``Q. (415)881-6337 r. July 15, 1982 Mr. Richard Ambrose City Manager 6500 Dublin Blvd. Suite 100 Dublin, CA 94566 Dear Mr. Ambrose: I understand from Supervisor Excell that the Board of Supervisors has agreed to amend the Resolution authorizing the Alameda County Library Advisory Com- mission to include a permanent member to represent Dublin. The formal resolu- tion was passed on July 13 and rill have its second reading on July 20. Since I will be out of town most of July, I wanted to let you know that the City Council could go ahead and appoint a representative. When I return, I will be happy to attend the City Council Meeting to speak formally with the Council about the Commission. The Advisory Commission meets next on August 4. It would be great if the Dublin Representative could be appointed in time to attend that meeting. Thanks for your assistance. If you have any questions about this, you can contact Eleanor Tandowsky at the Dublin Library. Sincerely, 414010k1.4. COlp'r- Ginnie Cooper Alameda County Librarian GC:st Attachment cc: Eleanor Tandowsky, Branch Manager Dublin Library 7606 Amador Valley Boulevard Dublin, CA 94566 (415) 828-1315 MEMBER OF THE BAY AREA LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SYSTEM �. • BOARD OF SUPERVISORS • DON EXCELL SUPERVISOR FIRST DISTRICT June 23, 1932 • TO: Each Member, Board of Supervisors FROG: Don Excell SUBJECT: Library Advisory Commission In order to add a member from the new City.of Dublin to the Library Commission we need to do the folowing: 1. increase membership of the commission from 13 members to 14 2. delete designation of "Upper Amador Valley" 3. increase member(s) at large from_3 to 4 4. change from 5 to 6 members appointed by City Councils of Albany, Dublin, Fremont, Newark, Pleasanton and Union City. I will be bringing this up off-agenda, so please contact me if you have any questions. cc: Bill Mehrwein Ginny Cooper./ 1221 OAK STREET SUITE 536 OAK LAND,CALIFORNIA 94612 (41S) 874-7367 I'll) -� ;, (� :. - � to **SEE NOTE BELOW ` 1 ,, t • 1--, .1::-j.ORDINANCE NO `-- s .19 AN ORDINANCE AMENDINTOARTICLE. THE OF THE OF ALArIED!1 RELT_hC The Board of Supervisors of the County of Alameda, State of California, do ordain as follows: . SECTION I Sections 5-15.02 and 5-15.03 of the Administrative Code of the County of Alameda are hereby amended to read as follows: Section 5-15.02, NUMBER, SELECTION, TERM AND QUALIFICATION OF MEMBERS. (a) The City Councils of the Cities of Albany, Fremont, Newark, Pleasanton, and Union City shall each appoint one (1) Councilman from their respective Councils to serve as city members of the Commission, to serve at the pleasure of the respective appointing authorities, and each Council may appoint one (1) alternate member to serve on the Com- mission. An alternate member shall serve in the event the regular member • is absent or disqualifies himself. (b) The Board of Supervisors shall appoint five (5) members: one a resident and elector of San Lorenzo-Ashland-Cherryland, and Onea resident and elector of Castro Valley, one a resident and elector of Upper Amador one a resident and elector of Eden Township, and one a resident j and elector of Pleaaaatam cr Murray Township. (c) There may be three (3) additional members, residents and. electors; of the area served by the Library to serve at large and selected (ia one ; (1) by the City members, (ii) one (1) by the Board of Supervisors, and (iii) one (1) by the City and County members. :, (d) The. County and the at-large members shall serve terms of two (2) years, commencing on the data ofappointment and until a successor is srA, • appointed and qualified. "` i • :-,,....t... i (e) All members shall serve without compensation. 4•- : , Section 5-15.03 ORGANIZATION: QUORUM. Che members shall the Commission n as sshall annually select one of their members Chairman for one (1) year and who shall preside at all meetings of the Commis- sion. If the Chairman is absent or unable to act, the members present shall select one of their members to act as^temporary chairman. The Commission may appoint a secretary., who need not be a member of the Commission, to serve : - without compensation, A majority of the members of the Commission shall con- stitute a quorum and no act of the Commission shall be valid or binding unless a majority of all the members' concur therein. SECTION II This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage and before the expiration of fifteen (155 days after its passage it shall be published once with the names of the members voting for and against the same in The Inter-City Express, a newspaper published in the said County **NOTE: We do not yet have the amended resolution. This is a copy of the original resolution which gives the membership and the role of the Commission. ti • 0f t of Alameda. ADOPTED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Alameda, State of California on February 3, 1976, by the following called vote: AYES: Supervisors Bates, Bort, '_furphy, Santana and Chairman Cooper — 5 l NOES: Supervisors None • EXCUSED: Supervisors None . Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Alameda, State of California ATTEST: JACK K. POOL , Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Alameda, State of . California.. • . . By: • 1 • . I - - . . . .: 1 I • . E I x 4 s 4• i - � • (•- 1 , - •yi , • 4 s a 1 C J• 1 I S • . • 'OW 0,-i-Th.„,,, ., • . :1:i. .. . -' -• (. . r. 17>-� xa� ' -_ - ........�.... .. . a r . _ :.,'+ • Article 5-15 „yy LIBRARY ADVISORY CC:2!ISSIO N -...,..'7--..,;.'', .:t x. • Section 5-15.01. County OGNITION. There is in the County a Library Advis ory 'Y C omission, hereafter referred to as the Commission. ' T�,.• F wr • Section 5-15.02. �, SELECTION, TEMA AND QUALT.r'ICATION OF ? E RS f rti ; ' The City Councils of the Cities of Albany, Fremont, Newark, Pleasanton, an3 =r,;;` .Union o:i City shall each appoint one (1) Councilman from their respective Councils to serve as city members of the Commission, to serve at the pleasure of the.,.:•';`_ ;? respective appointing.authorities, and each Council may appoint.ore (1) alterriate& =ember to serve on the Commission. An alternate member shall serve in the event•• •: the regular member is :absent or disqualifies himself. The Board of Supervisors;: shall apnoint five (5) members: one a resident and elector bf San Lorenzo- •-::: ::.. .. ,::._..' �.sbl a.d-Cherryland, and one a resident and elector of Castro Valley, one a ':.1 resident and elector of Upper Amador Valley, one a resident and elector of Den r ,'_: Tc,rnship, and one a resident and elector of Pleasanton or Murray Township. •:'. ," . ' City and the County members shall elect one (1) additional member who shal3.:,bA; a resident and elector of the area served by the Library to serve at Large. r County and the at-large member shall serve terms of two (2) years, commencine.47A . the date of appointment and until a successor is appointed and qualified. 'A13 zk members shall serve without compensation. R„, (Amended Ord. 69-11 and 69-61) r }0- N>� Section 5-15.03. ORGANIZATION:: QUORUM. The members of the Comm±ssjot 4 .4Ty : shall annually select one of their members as Chairman who shall serve as 1:.:-�a N. Chairman for one (1) year and who shell preside at all meetings of the Commts8;it If the Chairman is absent or unable to act, the members present shall selecti:'oa$ =_; of their members to act as temporary chairman. The Coazsission may appoint.a -; = secretary, who need not be a member of the Commission, to serve without compen4. • sation. Five (5) members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum and rKt =,:,. -' act of the Commission shall be valid or binding unless a majority of all the ' i c members concur therein. ...4,-;;;;•:::-.-....--- -; .1e: Section 5-15.04. GENERAL POWERS AND DUTIES. The Commission shall gerfOrm the following advisory functions in all matters relating to the County Library; ,' . r a. investigate, study, report and recommend to the County 9' y-`;. ; Librarian and to the Board of Supervisors, from time to s. '' -.4,N1 time, on matters relating to the provisions of library x., ,z service; s ..j> • i` b. advise the Librarian and the Board of Supervisors on Vie ; -_ = ,, development of the operating policies and goals of the ' 'ry ., s_ County Library; , , w� . c. assist in the development of a book selection policy to . ``'''"'�`' ' ,+j.0:j:,. guide, but not limit, the Librarian in selecting and ' . ----:-........ .:%V,.� aa.:a�. purchasing books; W d. review the budget request of the County Librarian in teems . ' !' of the service program it is designed to support; : n :f'cY , •-. ---............aufffillallillifilfiroalmomorilifilier _ . . . • , e . . . . . . , - . . , ,. : • . • • • • ,- .. 0-11.)—.,::_i--, ,:-I....;::;., 4 ,-.— • . • • • . , • . • • • -., • * . , : 1 •- , .4 • fw'ff":1'•w-f-.:VI•r"°.7.414tr. , , ..:,-•..,•:4.,,.,:,..i•ffe.7,..4.1 ., . f.:•-f :'...,,,1",•./.1,4).,5'.. 4 il,.e,k.: . 1...:.•.• .-•,,,.•..:c?....--.. :..4.,, 1!.• i -;--".,•* ., • '• ..,::: ..•.".4.- :774...ir• • . . . • "'•-f•• 176 f4.v•••• . .•/ .•,,t; • . . .. ••-r..i•stf .:'.....1.•17`"•::' • . . ..-., ..• .7,:......'t"...,,••,'P••:, „ - • st•:',,,,,,,..?-/-.• . ,..,... -.A)r.„ ..:•'•,fr Section 5-15-04. (Continued) • ...“ •;..,........,?1,-...3., - -'•• r-,.=•-•';':-..ii.-••••••k:.:;. , . :!•-•,-...1:4: -.i.-•••••:- . e. advise the Librarian and the Beard of .3uservisors on ...-%,,,,,,...4,..,:. . . • the development and, execution of a capital building . . -• •,-.:,;.-.±•-•,-1, program for branch and headquarters library buildings; ,.f•f:'•• --z. 4•;-1-,;,...17:, • .. .'...:4 Sii i'll.:.<..,-1•4--- . • •.. .-..., •......'!,::.'-`.•,- ,.,:ii• "--.....f.• ,•*,...,44'..;-..'-:,:r.-„‘-‘, f. confer with interested persons and groups evaluating -:..."-:,fc:••••:".;•?,A4.1--....,r!,.::-•:, ....: ,..v,:. • , the Library's service program and make recommendations: ' •'.2.2.2): :!fik-54:,;1:.;-4., :.:.:!; . ,-...,..n. ,t,,t.m.4•,..r.-•••:- .4:*,..• •:' • to the Librarian and the Board of Supervisors as to any - . - .-.:f.--,,,...r..4.,...k.i,--.=,. ... : " change required therein. - .• • : • •. :.,' •• •,, • • ! • -• • .';'....-.-.1-,,•,-*• T17.!,Ar-A -•• • • - -.,--,:-.V..a...V-t,%•-v: . -- • •. • • •••• •-•••:.1.7.1-.1-;.:w.:::::-.0::,..t.,t. ...- • - -.V .6,-../.--...,.",-•-:•,. oti■A Section 5-15.05. LOCAL LIBRARY BOARDS PERXITTED. Nothing in this 4 , ". 4.1.:11t*-4.-":1'fife.'1, 4:I':•••:••":1-.-%••••:•f-4;•:•.:', Articie shall prohibit the County nor any city named in this Article from • •-.;:-,,=-1'44::.,,%,..:v: -.1. •-••••:..:‘,-,;.,:•4.,, es..Ablishing a commission, board, group, or other body to advise or esatzt in ,..77.:I,. ...-4/...;:*:, e I.1"--': ;',.N.eiY1'.1 the development of library service in any specific locality within the CountV- ----r-:' .,,-- • ).-i•-•••••...---.1,,,=•-.z•-•,-;:: '•V -!-,4!•-■•■4•144 but any such commission, board, group, or body shall be considered aa advi - sOry arrilk!..d;•,"4.,',' . . , ' t .;..;.•,.....-..4•..,. only. . • .., =' ;:".-.1W:Ate,,..%,.-:.:Tv7.-: • . • ---:-..,.:••.,,,, E.4::4,•••••-;4.-4.-t, .. • • • • • • • .• • ••• . c....,,,:_:„...-.,--7•/••-•-•:44..k:s.,• . . . • .. . •. .-. .. •• •• •.•-•-••. :- -.745:-.....-'4.••• . • . . .. • . ... . . . • • ....-•"-T‘i. -•i•K”--, Yd . .• • . . i .. . , -.•••••••,....•%„•;:,::... . . . . 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