HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.2 Auditor's Report 1981-1982 f C, of AGENDA 'STATEMENT 3 lO Meeting Date: November 22 , 1982 SUBJECT City Auditor's Report - Fiscal Year 1981-82 EXHIBITS ATTACHED 1981-82 Financial Statement; Management Letter RECOMMENDATION 1 ) Receive report from Audit Committee 2) • Authorize Staff to proceed with .the selection of a part-time bookkeeper FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Estimated cost of part-time bookkeeper less than $10,000/year; Amount budgeted $10,000. DESCRIPTION Bray, Burke, Waterman, Cockrill & Carter, the City's Audit Firm has completed its review of the City's financial records for fiscal 1981-82. As indicated in the audit firm's financial report (see attached) , the City's actual reserves as of June 30, 1982 were $489,309. Staff has reviewed the recommendations of the Auditor in his management letter and has discussed them with the Auditor with respect to division of duties. . Staff is in agreement that greater internal control is needed. At present the City Manager's Secretary is responsible for the following duties: 1 . Receipting all cash and entering receipts into the cash receipts journal . 2. Preparation of all checks and entering checks into cash disbursements journal . 3. Acts as check custodian. 4. Responsible for petty cash drawer. All other bookkeeping and financial responsibilities are performed by the City Manager. The bookkeeping responsibilities alone, including distribution of receipts and disburse- ments to their appropriate accounts, posting to the General Ledger, bank reconciliation, and preparation of a monthly financial report presently require approximately 25 hours per month of the City Manager's time. This time requirement will increase as the number of transactions increase. Even if the Secretary to the City Manager had the available time to assume these responsibilities, it would not be proper to delegate them for the sake of internal control . It is Staff's recommendation that the City Council authorize Staff to secure the services of a part-time bookkeeper on a contractual basis to undertake those responsibilities listed above. This would provide for better internal division of duties and relieve the City Manager of the bookkeeping work which he is presently performing. The estimated cost of obtaining these services should be less than the $10,000 budgeted for fiscal year ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPIES TO: ITEM NO. "�" AGENDA STATEMENT: City Auditor's Report - Page 2 1982-83. With respect to the Auditor's recommendations on an internal control checklist, all procedures have been implemented. Staff has not prepared any written accounting procedures to date. The Audit Committee has met with the Auditor to discuss the audit .report and is prepared to comment to the City Council . BRAY,BURKENATERMAN,COCKRILL 6 CARTER -CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS - G, CITY OF DUBLIN FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE PERIOD FEBRUARY 1 , 1982 (INCORPORATION) THROUGH JUNE 30 , 1982 With Report of Certified Public Accountants BRAY,BURKEMATERMAN,COCKRILL 8 CARTER -CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS CITY OF DUBLIN FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE PERIOD FEBRUARY 1 , 1982 (INCORPORATION) THROUGH JUNE 30 , 1982 CONTENTS Page Report of Certified Public Accountants I FINANCIAL SECTION Combined Statements : Combined Balance Sheet - All Fund. Types and Account Groups 2 Combined Statement of Revenues , Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - All Governmental Fund Types 3 Notes to Financial Statements 4-7 Financial Statements of Individual Funds : General Fund Balance Sheet 8 Statement of Revenues , Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance 9 Special Revenue Funds Combining Balance Sheet 10 Combining Statement of Revenues , Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances 11 Genera]- Fixed Assets Account Group Schedule: of General' Fixed. Assets. .by. Sources 12 r . r BRAY, BURKE, WATERMAN, COCKRILL & CARTER CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS NORMA J.WATERMAN,CPA CITY CEN"rER BUILDING,SUITE 509 GERALD L.COCKRILL.CPA 22300 FOOTHILL BOULEVARD PERRY H.CARTER,CPA HAYWARD,CALIFORNIA 94541 OF COUNSEL: (41 5)886-6411&357-3200 CHARLES E.BRAY,CPA THOMAS F.BURKE,JR.,CPA REPORT OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Honorable Mayor , Members of the City Council and City Manager City' of Dublin Dublin, California We have examined the combined financial statements of the City of Dublin as of and for the period February 1, 1982 (Incorporation) through June 30 , 1982 , as listed in the table of contents. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted audit- ing standards and, accordingly , included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances . In our opinion , the combined financial statements referred to above present fairly the financial position of the City of Dublin at June 30 , 1982 , and the results . of its operations for the period February 1 , 1982 (Incorporation) through June 30 , 1982 , in con- formity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a consistent basis. Also , in our opinion, the combining and individual fund financial statements referred to above present fairly the financial position of the individual funds of the City of Dublin at June 30 , 1982 , and their results of operations for the period February 1 , 1982 (Incorporation) through June 30 , 1982 , in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a consistent basis . October .l , 1982 Page 2 CITY OF DUBLIN COMBINED BALANCE SHEET - ALL FUND TYPES AND ACCOUNT GROUPS NNE 30, 1982 Governmental Account Fund Types Grou Uene Special Fixed Total General Revenue Assets (Memorandum Only) ASSETS Cash and certificates of deposit $125,659 $ - $ - $125,659 Investments, at cost 79,322 56,678 136,,000 Accrued interest receivable 2,184 802 2,986 Due from other funds 1,029 1,029 Due from other governments 248,847 17,119 265,966 Prepaid expenses 6,345 6,345 Fixed assets Equipment 5,363 5,363 Total Assets $462.357 $75 628 $5__363 $543,348 LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY Liabilities: Accounts payable $ 41,460 $ - $ - $ 41,460 Accrued wages 6,187 6,187 Due to other funds 1,029 1,029 Total Liabilities 48,676 - - 48,676 Fund Equity: Investment in general fixed assets - - 5,363 5,363 Fund balance Reserved for street improvement 413,681 413,681 Reserved for authorized expenditures/ projects 75,628 75,628 Total Fund Equity 413,681 75,628 5,363 494,672 Total Liabilities and Fund Equity $462 357 $75 628 $51363 $543-348 The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. Page 3 CITY OF DUBLIN COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - ALL GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES FOR THE PERIOD FEBRUARY 1, 1982 (INCORPORATION) THROUGH JUNE 30, 1982 Special Total General Revenue (Memorandum Only) Revenue: Taxes $342,861 $ $342,861 Intergovernmental 159,982 71,889 231,871 Fines and forfeits Use of money and property 2,912 2,912 Interest . 2,306 Miscellaneous 5 827 3,133 5 Total Revenues . 505,154 75,628 580,782 Expenditures: General government 86,310 - 86,310 Capital projects Equipment 5,163 5,163 Total Expenditures 91,473 - 91,473 Excess of Revenues Over Expenditures 413,681 75,628 489,309 Fund balance at beginning of period -0- -0- Fund Balance at June 30, 1982 $413 681 $75 628 $489 309 The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. BRAY,BURKE,WATERMAN,COCKRILL.. _,RTER -CERTIFIEDPUBLICACCOUNTANTS P age 4 CITY OF DUBLIN NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30 , 1982 1 . Summary of Significant Accounting Policies The City of Dublin was incorporated February 1 , 1982 under the Municipal Organization Act of 1977. The City operates under a Council-Manager form of government and provides. services to residents primarily by contracting with other governmental agencies and private contractors . The accounting policies of the City of Dublin conform to gen- erally accepted accounting principles as applicable to govern- ments . The following is a summary of the more significant policies : a) Fund Accounting The accounts of the City are organized on the basis of . funds and account groups , each of which is considered a separate accounting entity.. The operations of each fund are accounted for with a separate set of self-balancing accounts that comprise its assets , liabilities , fund equity, revenues , and expenditures , or expenses , as appropriate. Government resources are allocated to and accounted for in-individual funds based upon the .pur- poses for which they are to be spent and the means by which spending activities are controlled. The funds required by the City of Dublin are grouped , in the financial statements in this report , into .two generic fund types and one account group as follows: Governmental Funds General Fund - The General Fund is the general operating fund of the City. It is used to account for all financial resources except those required to be accounted. for in another fund. Special Revenue Funds - Special Revenue Funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources (other than special assessments , expendable trusts , or major capital projects) that are legally restricted to expen- ditures for specified purposes . Account Group General fixed assets are recorded as expenditures in the General. Fund and Special. revenue Funds at the time of pur- BRAY,BURKE,WATERMAN,COCKRILL 8 CARTER -CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Page 5 chase . Such assets are accounted for in the General Fixed Assets account group. Depreciation is not provided for in the General Fixed Assets account group. All fixed assets are valued at historical cost . Donated assets are valued at their estimated fair market value at the date donated. The City has elected not to capitalize "improvements other than buildings" which would consist of non- enterprise expenditures relating to roads , bridges , curbs , gutters , streets , sidewalks , drainage systems , and lighting systems . The account group is not a fund. Consequently , it is concerned with the measurement of financial position only and not the results of operations . b) Basis of Accounting Basis of accounting refers to when revenues and expen- ditures or expenses are recognized in the accounts and reported in the financial statements. Basis of account- ing; relates to the timing of the measurements made , r_e- gardl.ess of the measurement focus applied. All governmental funds and Expendable Trust Funds are accounted for using the modified accrual basis of accounting. Their revenues are recognized when they become measurable and available as net current assets. Taxpayer assessed income , gross receipts , and sales taxes are considered "measurable" when in the hands of intermediary collecting governments and are recognized as revenue at that time. Anticipated refunds of such taxes are recorded as liabilities and reductions of revenue when they are measurable and their validity seems certain. Expenditures are generally recognized under the modified accrual basis of accounting when the related fund lia- bility is incurred. Exceptions to this general rule include : (1) accumulated unpaid vacation , sick pay, and other employee amounts which are not accrued ; and (2) principal and interest on general long-term .debt which is recognized when due. The City does not currently require the use of other than the General Fund and Special Revenue Funds . How- ever , at such time as may be required, proprietary and other funds will be used. All proprietary funds and Nonexpendable Trust and Pension Trust Funds are accounted for using the accrual basis of accounting. Their revenues are recognized when they are earned , and their expenses are recognized when they are BRAY,BURKENATERMAN,COCKRILL&CARTER'-CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Page 6 incurred. Unbilled Water and Sewer Fund utility service receivables are recorded at year end. c) Budgets and Budgetary Accounting The City of Dublin was incorporated on February 1 , 1982 , and did not adopt a. fo.rmally. integra.ted management budget for the period from incorporation through June 30 , 1982. , The City has established a policy with respect to future years whereby a budget will be adopted by means. .of .a formalized budget process . The budget so adopted will then be used as an integrated management control device for all City financial operations for the ensuing year. d) Investments Investments are stated at cost or amortized cost , which approximates market. e) Accumulated Unpaid Vacation, Sick Pay, and Other Employee Benefit Amounts . Accumulated unpaid vacation, sick pay, and other employee benefit amounts are accrued when incurred in proprietary funds (using the accrual basis of accounting) . Such amounts. are not accrued in governmental. .funds (us.ing the modified accrual basis of accounting) ,. f) Total Columns on Combined Statements Total columns on the Combined Statements are captioned Memorandum Only to indicate that they are presented only to facilitate financial analysis . Data in these columns do not present financial position, results of operations , or changes in financial position. in .conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Neither is such data com- parable to a consolidation. Interfund eliminations have not been made in the aggregation of this data. 2. Due From Other Governments Amounts due from other governments at June 30 , 1982 consist of the following: General Special Revenue Fund Fund Total Documentary taxpayer tax .* 3 ,501 $ - $ 3 ,501 Fines and forfeitures 638 638 Cigarette tax 3 ,232 3 ,232 State motor vehicle in-lieu tax 25 ,515 25 ,515 Gas tax 17 ,119 17 ,119 Sales and use 215 , 961 215 ,961 $248 ,847 $17 ,119 $265 , 966 BRAY,BURKE,WATERMAN,COCKRILL&-ARTER -CERTIFIED PU13LICACCOUNTANTS Page 7 3. Long-Term Debt The City had no long-term debt at June 30 , 1982. 4. Changes in General Fixed Assets A summary of changes in general fixed assets follows : Balance Balance February 1 , 1982 Additions Deletions June 30 , 1982 Land $ - $ - $ - $ - Buildings Equipment 5 ,363 5 , 363 Construction-in- progress $ $5 ,363 $ - $5 ,363 5. Other Required Individual Fund Disclosures Generally accepted accounting principles require disclosure , as part of the Combined Statements , of certain information concerning individual funds including: a) Summary disclosures of debt. service requirements .to matur ity for all types of outstanding debt. . This requirement is met by Note 3. b) Summary disclosures of changes in general fixed assets by major asset class. This requirement is met by Note 4. c) Individual fund interfund receivable and payable balances. Interfund balances at June 30 , 1982 consist of the following: Interfund Interfund Receivable Payable General Fund . $ - $1 ,029 Special Revenue Fund Traffic Safety Fund 1 ,029 $1-,-029 $1--,029 6. Retirement Commitments At June 30 , 1982 the City had not yet provided for retirement benefits. 7. Commitments The City was not obligated under any long-term lease agreements for facilities or equipment at June 30 , 1982 8 . Litigation The City was not a defendant in any litigation. at June 30 , 1.98 2. BRAY,BURKEMATERMAN,COCKRILL, .ATER -CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS - COMBINING AND INDIVIDUAL FUND STATEMENTS AND GENERAL FIXED ASSETS BRAY,BURKEMATERMAN,COCKRILL a .rER •CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ' GENERAL FUND To account for resources traditionally associated with City Govern- ment , which are not required to be accounted for in another fund. NOTE : This section would normally contain additional financial statements , such as comparative balance sheets , a statement of revenues , expenditures and changes in fund balance compared to budget , and an expanded statement of expenditures. However , due to the fact that the period being reported , February 1 , 1982 (Incorporation) through June 30 , 1982 , represents the first period of operations for the City, comparative information was not available. I BRAY,BURKE,WATERMAN,COCKRILL 8 fER -CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Page 8 CITY OF DUBLIN GENERA1 FUND BALANCE SHEET JUNE 30 , 1982 ASSETS Cash and certificates of deposit $125 , 659 Investments , at cost 79 ,322 Accrued interest receivable 2 ,184 Due from other governments 248 ,847 Prepaid expenses 6 ,345 Total Assets $462,357 LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY Liabilities: Accounts payable $ 41 ,460 Accrued wages 6 ,187 Due to other funds 1 ,029 Total Liabilities -. 48 ,676 Fund Equity: Fund balance Reserved for street improvement 413 ,681 Total Fund Equity 413 ,681 Total Liabilities and Fund Equity $462 ,357 The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements . BRAY, BURKE. WATERMAN & COI. .iLL CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Page 9 CITY OF DUBLIN GENERAL FUND STATETENT OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE FOR THE PERIOD FEBRUARY 1 , 1982 (INCORPORATION) THROUGH JUNE 30 , 1982 Revenue : Taxes Sales and use tax $328 ,630 Documentary transfer tax 14 ,231 $342 ,861 Intergovernmental Motor vehicle in-lieu tax 145 ,710 Cigarette tax 14 , 272 159 ,982. Use of money and property Interest 2 ,306 Miscellaneous 5 Total Revenue 505 ,154 Expenditures : General government Personal services 11 ,227 Services and supplies 75 ,083 86 ,310 Capital outlay Equipment 5 ,163 Total Expenditures 91,473 Excess of Revenues over Expenditures 413 ,681 Fund balance at beginning of period -0 Fund Balance at June 30 , 1982 $413 ,681 The accompanying rotes are an integral part of the financial statements. BRAY,BURKEMATERMAN,COCKRILL d _—ATER -CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Traffic Safety Fund - Resources of this fund are required to be used exclusively for official traffic control devices , main- tenance thereof, equipment and supplies for traffic law enforce- ment and maintenance , improvement , or construction of public streets , bridges and .culverts within the City. State Gasoline Tax Fund - Resources of this fund are required to be used primarily for the research, planning, construction , improvement , maintenance and operation of public streets and highways , and for certain other transportation related activities . BRAY,BURKE,WATERMAN,COCKRILL&CARTER -CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Page 10 CITY OF DUBLIN SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET JUNE 30 , 1.982 Traffic State Safety Gasoline Fund Tax Total ASSETS Investments , at cost $.1 ,$83 $54 , 795 $56 ,678 Accrued interest receivable 802 802 Due from other funds 1 ,029 1 ,029 Due from other governments _ 17 ,119 17 ,119 Total Assets $2 ,912 $72 ,716 $75 ,028 LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY Liabilities $ Fund Equity : Fund balance Reserved for authorized expenditures/projects 2 , 912 72 ,716 75 ,628 Total Liabilities and Fund Equity $?_ ,912 $72 , 716 $75 ,628 The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements . BRAY,BURKE,WATERMAN,COCKRILL a .TER -CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Page 1-1- CITY OF DUBLIN SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS COr�,BINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES , EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES FOR THE PERIOD FEBRUARY 1, 1982 (INCORPORATION) THROUGH JUNE 30 , 1982 Traffic State Safety Gasoline Fund Tax Total Revenues : Intergovernmental Gasoline tax $ - $71 ,889 $71 ,889 Fines and forfeits Vehicle code .fines 2 , 912 2 , 912 Use of money and property Interest 827 827 2 , 912 72 , 716 75 ,628 Expenditures - - - Excess of Revenues over Expenditures 2 ,912 72 ,716 75 ,628 Fund balance at beginning of period -0-_ -0- -0- Fund Balance at June 30 , 1982 $2 , 912 $72 , 716 $75 ,628 The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements . BRAY,BURKEMATERMAN,COCKRILL&L;ARTER -CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS GENERAL FIXED ASSETS To account for fixed assets not used in proprietary fund . operations or accounted for in Trust Funds . t BRAY. BURKE. WATERMAN & COCKRILL - CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Page 12 CITY OF DUBLIN SCHEDULE OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS BY . SOURCES JUNE 30 , 1982 General Fixed Assets : Equipment $5 ,363 Investment in General Fixed Assets From: . General fund purchases $5 ,163 Gifts 200 $5 ,363 BRAY,BURKEMATERMAN,COCKRILL d CARTER -CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS C . CITY OF DUBLIN MANAGEMENT LETTER JUNE 30 , 1982 C C_ L L L BRAY, BURKE, WATERMAN, COCKRILL & CARTER CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS NORMA J.WATERMAN,CPA CITY CENTER BUILDING,SUITE 509 GERALD L.COCKRILL,CPA 22300 FOOTHILL BOULEVARD PERRY H.CARTER,CPA HAYWARD,CALIFORNIA 94541 OF COUNSEL: (415)886-6471 6 357.3200 CHARLES E.BRAY,CPA THOMAS F:BURKE,JR.,CPA Honorable Mayor , Members of the 'City Council, and City Manager City of Dublin, California We have examined the ' financial statements of the City of Dublin for the period February 1, 1982 (incorporation) through June 30, C" 1982 and have issued our report thereon dated October 1, 1982. As part of our examination, we made a study and evaluation of the City's system of internal accounting control to the extent we considered necessary to evaluate the system as required by generally accepted auditing standards. under these standards, the purposes of such an evaluation are to establish a basis for reliance on the system of internal accounting control in determining the nature, timing, and extent of other auditing procedures that are necessary for expressing an opinion on the financial statements and to assist the auditor in planning and performing his examination of the financial statements. The objective of internal accounting control is to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance as to the safeguarding of assets against loss from unauthorized use or disposition, and the reliability of financial. records for preparing financial t'• statements and maintaining accountability for assets. The concept of reasonable assurance recognizes that the cost of a system of internal accounting control should not exceed the benefits derived and also recognizes that the evaluation of these factors necessarily requires estimates and judgments by management. There are inherent limitations that should be recognized in con- sidering the potential effectiveness of any system of internal accounting .control. in the performance of . most control procedures, errors can result from , misunderstanding of instructions, mistakes of judgment, carelessness, . or other personal factors. Control procedures whose effectiveness depend upon segregation of duties can be circumvented by collusion. Similarly, control procedures can be circumvented intentionally by management either with respect to the execution and recording of transactions or with respect to the judgments required in the preparation of financial statements. Further projection of any evaluation of internal accounting control to future periods is subject to the risk that the procedures may become inadequate because of changes in conditions �J BRAY,BURKE,WATERMAN,COCKRILL 8 CARTER -CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Honorable Mayor, Members of the City Council, and City Manager Page 2 and that the degree of compliance with the 'procedures may deteriorate. .Our examination of the financial statements was made in accordance. with generally accepted auditing standards, including �- the study and evaluation of the system of internal accounting control for the period ended June .30, 1982. The examination, which was made for the .purposes set forth above, - would not necessarily disclose all weaknesses in the system because it was based on 'selective tests of accounting records and related data. However, such evaluation disclosed the following conditions that we believe to be weaknesses, excluding those which were corrected before they came to our attention. In addition, we have included our recommendations for improving the accounting system. These conditions were considered in determining the nature, timing, and extent of audit tests to be applied in our � . examination of the financial statements, and this report of such conditions does not modify our report dated October 1, 1982, on such financial statements. I Sate nalAcc�ounting Controls l A basic requirement of good internal control is adequate division of duties. The degree to which this type of control can be implemented is, of course, restricted to the number of personnel available. D1ith respect to the City of Dublin, the number of individuals is limited, however, certain key duties can and should be divided. Our recommendations for internal accounting controls are divided into two sections; 1) division of duties and 2) an internal control checklist. 1. Division of Duties Cash receipts - This function should be assigned to the city manager's. secretary. All funds received by the . City would be receipted by the secretary and entered into the cash receipts journal. Cash disbursements - The cash disbursements journal should be prepared by the city manager 's secretary. All disbursements of the City should be made by check. Exceptions would be petty cash disbursements. The secretary would prepare the checks for signature and enter all disbursement information into the cash disbursements journal. l r BRAY,BURKE,WATERMAN,COCKRILL d CARTER -CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Honorable rlayor , Members of the City Council, and City Manager Page 3 Check custodian - The city manager's secretary should be made custodian of the City's checks. Specifically, this would entail accounting for all checks, both issued and unissued. Secured storage should be provided for this purpose. Bank reconciliation- All checking accounts should be reconciled on a monthly basis . If the bank reconciliation is prepared by the city manager 's secretary then it should be reviewed by the city manager. If the bank reconciliations are prepared by the city manager then they should be reviewed by a member of the City Council. In any event a person other than the one _ reconciling the accounts should review and approve the reconciliation. 2. Internal Control Checklist The following procedures represent minimum steps that should be taken to provide for internal control. Additional controls should be considered as resources are made available, or as conditions change. Cash Receipts - o All funds should be receipted through the system and pre-numbered receipts should be used. o Deposits should be made by the secretary on a daily basis. o Direct deposits should be receipted through the system. o Remittance advices should be retained when submitted. J1. o If cash is received at the city offices then a change fund should be established. Cash, Disbursements - o The bank should be instructed not to pay any . checks made out to the City. o Petty cash reimbursement checks should be made out to the custodian of the fund by name. o All cash disbursements should be authorized. BRAY,BURKE,WATERMAN,COCKRILL&CARTER -CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Honorable Mayor , Members of the City Council, and City Manager Page 4 o Prenumbered checks should be used and all checks accounted for. Unused checks on hand should be inventoried on a .routine basis. o A current list of authorized check signatories should be maintained. o Except for petty cash disbursements, all disbursements of the City funds should be made by check. o All bank accounts should be reconciled on a monthly basis. o All . bank accounts, investment accounts or other deposit accounts should be authorized. II Written Accountinc2rQcedures To the extent practical the City should have written proce- dures for the accounting function. It is not necessary to implement "a formal operating manual in order to benefit from this type of control. A list of procedures followed for each function in step by step format - would be adequate. The primary objective is to protect the City from disruption of business due to .employee vacation, illness, termination, etc. Also, writtten procedures establish responsibility for various ., functions, and add to the general efficiency of the operation. We wish to thank the City 'Manager and his staff for their cooperation during the course of the audit. Should you .wish to discuss any of the comments we have made, we will be happy to meet with you at your convenience. Sincerely yours, BRAY, BURKE, WATERMAN, COCKRILL . & CARTER C November 9, 1982