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MEETING DATE January 13, 1992
C1ty Treasurer's Investment Report as of
December 31, 1991
EXHIBITS ATTACHED C1ty Treasurer's Investment Report prepared by
PhIllIP S Mol1na
Accept the Treasurer's Investment Report
Attached 1S the Investment detaI7 l1st as of December 31, 1991 The report
shows that the C1ty'S 1nvestment portfol1o totals $16,417,000 ThIS 1S an
1ncrease of $1,440,000 1n amounts 1nvested when compared to the C1tylS
Investments of last month, caused pr1mar1ly from the property tax payments
receIved 1n December
Note that the rate of 1nterest on 7nvestments 1n the Local Agency Investment
Fund (LAIF) 1S calculated on a monthly rollIng average The rate Ident7fIed for
that Investment was effectIve for the mov1ng quarter average end1ng December 26,
1991 The Fund pays Interest once a quarter It 1S managed by the State
Treasurer's Off1ce The advantage 1n uS1ng th1s 1nvestment mechanIsm 1S that
there 1S no m7nImum 1nvestment perIod, and the 1nterest earned IS determIned by
the length of tIme the depos1t rema1ns 1n the fund dur1ng any g1ven quarter
pe n od
The matur1ty schedule of the C1ty'S 1nvestments w1ll perm1t the C1ty to meet 1tS
expend1ture requ1rement for the follow1ng month
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Clty of Dublln
Clty Treasurer's Investment Report
November 30, 1991
Instltutlon Type of Amount rate of maturlty
Investment lnvested lnvestment date
state Treasurer LAIF $14,130,000 00 * 6 560 0 0 0 1
Guardlan S&L c-d $99,000 00 7 750 1 29 92 2
Plaza S&LA c-d $99,000 00 6 500 2 18 92 3
Countrywlde T&L fdlC c-d $100,000 00 7 300 2 28 92 4
Flrst Fed Bank c-d $99,000 00 6 850 3 19 92 5
Sequola Natlon Bank c-d $100,000 00 * 6 600 6 26 92 6
Bank of Callf FNMAY(4) $500,000 00 8 000 4 10 96 7
Bank of Callf FNMAY Debent ( 4 ) $500,000 00 8 000 4 10 96 8
Clty Natn'l BK FNMAY Debent ( 4 ) $300,000 00 8 000 4 10 96 9
Bank of Ca(FHLB Debentures) $490,000 00 7 700 8 26 96 10
welghted average Yleld next
$16,417,000 00
$14.977.000 00
$1,440,000 00
6 721%
1 and 3 Unlted States Treasury Securltles are fully guaranteed
by the U S Government
2 The Federal Home Loan bank consolldated bonds are lawful
lnvestments for all flduclary, trust, and publlC funds
lncludlng those under the control of the U S Government
4 FNMAY stands for the Federal Natlonal Mortgage Assoclatlon Obllgatlons
lssued by FNMAY debentures are "lawful lnvestments and may be accepted
as securltles for flduclarles, trusts, and publlC funds"
5 * = current transactlons, but does not show termlnated accounts