HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.1 Oakmont Memorial Park Appeal x450- 5D AGENDA STATEMENT MEETING DATE: September 26, 1983 SUBJECT: Appeal of Planning Commission decision on Planning Application PA 83-029 =- Oakmont (Memorial Park EXHIBITS ATTACHED: 1. Pre-Hearing Staff Analysis 2. Appeal Letter 3. Resolution of Planning Commission approving application 4 . Minutes of Planning Commission meeting 5. Letter, dated September 22, 1983, from Dublin Chamber of Commerce RECOMMENDATION: 1. Hear Staff Presentation 2. Open public hearing 3. Hear applicant and public presentations 4 . Close public hearing 5. Adopt Resolution adopting Negative Declaration 6. Adopt Resolution denying application ,IN-2NCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: I- BACKGROUND Oakmont Memorial Park, the applicant, is applying for Conditional Use Permit to allow a mortuary at 7400 San Ramon Rd- The site is in an area designated for Retail Commercial/Shopper Goods use by the San Ramon Road Specific Plan. The mortuary would serve 100 families and conduct 60 funeral services during the first year of operation. All funeral processions would travel south on San Ramon Road to Highway 580, and then go to the appropriate cemetery. On September 6, 1983, tine Planning Commission: revie;.Iied the application- A member of the public spoke in favor of the application. The Planning Commission, by a 4 to 1 vote, approved the application with the following adjustments to the draft conditions of approval: - Condition 1-a- : Parking to be provided for 20 cars rather than 50 cars. - Condition 2 .a- : Allow for a performance bond or letter of credit. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ITE:: ii0. �� COPIES TO: Applicant Property Owner Funeral services may require on-site parking for up to 60 cars . The proposed parking layout would need to be redesigned, and even then, might not be large enough to accommodate the number of cars reasonably expected to attend the funeral services . When the funeral procession exits the site, traffic problems would probably occur as cars attempt to enter traffic lanes and travel down San Ramon Road. The street is one of the busiest in the City and is expected to carry more traffic in the future . 3 . Effective Time Period: If the application is approved, the permit should be on a limited time basis rather than a long-term basis _ A two year time period would provide the City an opportunity to consider and respond to any changes in conditions that might affect the permit _ III _ RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council uphold the appeal and deny the application, because the proposed use does not conform to .the San. Ramon .Road Specific Plan, and because of potential traffic and parking problems . Should the City Council concur with the Planning Commission that the application is a retail commercial/shooper goods use, Staff would recommend denying the appeal and approving the application subject to conditions of approval . The Conditions are designed to assure that the project conforms as much as possible to the requirements for retail uses and future retail developments as required by the Specific Plan . CITY OF DUBLIN MEMORANDUM PRE-HEARING STAFF ANALYSIS Meeting Date : September .6 , 1983 TO: City Council FROM: Planning Staff SUBJECT: PA 83-029 Oakmont Memorial Park Conditional Use Permit to operate 'a mortuary on property designated for Retail Use in the San Ramon Road Specific Plan Area GENERAL INFORMATION PROJECT: This is a request fora Conditional Use Permit to allow the operation of a mortuary on property . formerly used, by Valley Christian Church, as a' church. The site is governed by the San Ramon Road Specific Plan, which indicates that the property should be used for retail uses . APPLICANT: Oakmont Memorial Park PO Box 417 Lafayette CA 94549 ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 941-40-2-14 PROPERTY OWNER: Valley Christian Center of Dublin, Inc . 7400 San Ramon Rd. Dublin CA 94568 EXISTING ZONING : San Ramon Road Specific Plan - Retail Commercial (Shopper Goods ) The Zoning Ordinance is superceded by San Ramon Road Specific Plan EXISTING LAND USE: Church (vacant) Day Care Center (permit expires 3/87 ) Vacant . SURROUNDING ZONING LAND USE_ North - Retail Commercial Residential East San Ramon Rd. *. . Roadway- South - Retail Commercial ' Commercial West - Multi-family .Residential Vacant and Office Uses SITE/ZONING HISTORY: . DC-3 permits the operation of a private school, in conjunction with a church, for 110 students . This permit continued the approval of the school, which was previously permitted by C-3643 , until March, 1987 . In June, 1983 , the City Council approved the San Ramon Road Specific Plan, which shows the subject property within an area designated for Retail Commercial use, with a permitted use being "shopper goods" such as family apparel and household furnishings , and eating and drinking establishments . APPLICABLE REGULATIONS : Refer to the San Ramon Road Specific Plan: Pages 6-7 : Indicates the permitted, conditional, and prohibited uses that apply to the subject property . These allow retail . shopper oriented uses , and eating and drinking establishments . Conditional Use Permits are required for community, religious , charitable, and public facilities and use . It prohibits convenience retail uses such as grocery stores and drive-ins , as well as residential office and industrial uses . Page 9 : Requires the use of 1 ) the extension of Amador Valley Boulevard to provide access to parcels fronting along San Ramon Road; and 2 ) a limited number of direct access. points from properties adjacent to San Ramon Road- -,10 #2-Compatibility of uses :' States that "Special attention shall be placed on insuring compatibility of uses proposed in any new development with existing. or . other commercial development now located within or adjacent to the Specific Plan Area. " Page 10 , 43-Circulation Improvements : Requires that vehicular ingress , egress and internal circulation be provided - according to the provisions of the circulation element of the Specific Plan . Page 10 , #l-Zoning: Requires that new development proposals go through a Planned Development Rezoning process . Because this application involves the use of an existing structure, the application process started prior to adoption of the Specific Plan, and _it ' s purpose is to establish a use on a limited time basis , Staff has determined that it is , in this case, acceptable to process this application for a Conditional Use Permit, consistent with the previous Zoning Ordinance procedures . Zoning Ordinance, Section 8-94 . 0 states that conditional uses must be analyzed to determine : 1 ) whether or not the use is required by the public need; 2 ), whether or not the use will be properly related to other land uses , transportation and service facilities in the vicinity; 3 ) whether or not the use will materially affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity; and 4 ) whether or not the use will be contrary to the specific intent clauses or performance standards established for the district in which it is located. Section 8-94 . 4 states the approval of a Conditional Use Permit may be valid only for a specified term, and may be made contingent upon the acceptance and observance of specified conditions , including but not limited to the following matters : a) substantial conformity to approved plans and drawings ; b) limitations on time of day for the conduct of specified activities ; c ) time period within which the approval shall be exercised and the proposed use brought into existence, failing which, the approval shall lapse and be void; d) guarantees as to compliance with the terms of the approval, including the posting of bond; e ) compliance with requirements of other departments of the City/County Government . ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: A Negative Declaration was prepared on August 3 , 1983 . A copy of the Negative Declaration is attached to this report . NOTIFICATION: Public Notice of the' September 26, ' 1983 , hearing was published in the Tri-Valley Herald, mailed to adjacent property owners, and posted in public buildings _ ANALYSIS : General Site Conditions : -- This is a Conditional Use Permit application to establish and operate a mortuary on a 1 . 49 acre site, located on the west side of San Ramon Rd. , just north of Amador Valley Blvd. . The proposed mortuary building was formerly used as a church. . . The remainder. of_the site contains a daycare, center, that can have up -to, 110,:children,; and vacant -.land The property to the south contains a paint store, and a dog-`.grooming shop.` The property to the north is _in residential use ' The proposed mortuary is -expected to serve 100 families and conduct 60 . on-site .funeral services during.: the . first year of its .operation. Funeral processions will proceed-'south, on .San Ramon Rd- , ' to Highways 580/680 . The processions will then use the Highway system to proceed to the selected cemetary. The application indicates that the daycare center will, likely, be vacated by December. Their conditional use permit, however, -is good until March, 1987. The site is slightly sloping, with its northwest corner adjacent to Martin Canyon Creek. Access to the site is from a . 28-foot access easement that lies between the subject site and the property to the south . Parking currently takes place on a poorly maintained asphalt pad. Access to the site is now limited to right turn in, and right turn out, from San Ramon Road. People do turn left into the site, however, and to do so they illegally cross . a painted median . Legal access for northbound San Ramon Rd. traffic requires that these cars make a: U-turn at Silvergate . There are several issues/concerns that should be considered in determining if the mortuary should be granted a Conditional : Use ..Permit . . These include : a. relationship of use to adopted City plans ; _. b::.:. appropriateness of the use; . . C .. traffic circulation, -.access, and.;parking; . d. site plan .and site conditions ;._ e . other . Each of the above issues/concerns will be briefly discussed below. a. Relationship of the proposed use to adopted City Plans . The San Ramon Road Specific Plan clearly states that the subject site should be developed for retail commercial use with the emphasis being on providing for the sale of shopper goods , such as clothing stores and furniture stores that "offer comparison goods based on price and quality" . A mortuary is not considered as providing retail shopper goods services . It is a personal service use which is prohibited on the subject site according to the Specific Plan . ' b . Appropriateness of the use on the subject site_ A mortuary use is not thought of as being conducive to encouraging retail uses to locate in proximity to it_ Since the subject site is large enough to have new buildings built on it, and the property to the north can have additional- development . on it, it is important that any use permitted in this area be looked at as to whether or not it will encourage new development supporting the -City ' s plan for the area. The proposed use is not considered as supporting the City ' s plans . C . Traffic circulation, access and parking . The subject site has limited and restricted access, since only right turns into and out of the property are permitted. The adopted San Ramon Road alignment -and design will require that a raised median be installed down .San Ramon .Road, . east of the site :.This. will. require northbound traffic .to proceed to _Silvergate Drive, and make . a U-turn at that point :';. Alternatively, :access could be gained through .. the properties at Amador Valley Blvd and San Ramon Road, and then proceeding across those properties to the site. A Right-of-Access agreement from these properties would be required. The existing parking aisle layout for these properties is not now conducive to cross-property traffic . The mortuary will have funeral processions that will require on-site parking for 40 to 60 cars . There are several problems associated with parking and moving the procession on and off the site . The current parking area will have to be enlarged to hold the likely number of cars that may form a procession . The applicant proposes to add a temporary gravel parking lot . With large processions , the traffic and parking will impact adjacent property. Additionally, when a procession exits the site, it will enter San Ramon Rd_ , which is and will be one of the most heavily travelled streets in the City. Traffic problems are expected as the processions attempt to enter and travel down San Ramon Road. Clearly, access , circulation, and parking will create problems for this . site and adjacent property. d: Site plan and site. conditions The e xisting site is not designed to accommodate the ,.anticipated parking .demands of '-the, mortuary iise or any - ' additional development-'.of -the site . _.to.-.40 additional parking.. stalls .are :needed for "the.-.mortuary _alone Several other -stalls are needed f.or. :the.;daycare center, and for.,any.,additional uses .that,- could be added to .the site i.n-:: the future : These additional . parking areas .:should-,be .",_ designed to permit' effective on .°arid off-site circulation,.` permit north/south .access .across , t he pr-operty, . as required . . by .the San 'Ramon Road Specific- Plan; and recognize that- retail uses are going to surround this property, with joint use parking and access being sought_ SUMMARY= The proposed use does not conform with the use limitations of the San Ramon Road Specific Plan _ The mortuary is not considered to be conducive to encouraging the development of retail uses in proximity to the mortuary site . There are significant traffic circulation and access problems which will occur approximately one day a week . The site, should the mortuary be permitted to be established, will need to have considerable site work done to create parking and - circulation pathways that are adequate for the use, relate to present and future retail development in the area. This use, while it is a relatively nuisance-free use, is not compatible or conducive to the future development of retail , shopper-goods use in the proposed location. The use might not be consistent with the San Ramon Road Specific Plan . Traffic circulation and access problems further speak against approval of the mortuary use . CITY COUNCIL ACTION REQUIRED - The City Council should hold the pubic hearing on this request, make a decision on the application, and then make findings to support the City Council ' s action. If the City Council approves, or _ disapproves , the Conditional Use Permit, a resolution should _ be passed to support that decision ( see the two attached draft resolutions : one which includes the required findings for approval, ' and. the other for denial) _ Per Section. 5 of Ordinance No. 11 , if there is no majority vote by the City Council, .the Planning Commission action approving -the ` pro jects will- remain in effect - (for example, if there is a ;' ., •. 2-2 vote :of `the City Council) . PRE-HEARING RECOMMENDATION . It is recommended that the Oakmont Memorial Mortuary Conditional Use Permit be denied, and that the City Council find that it is not consistent with the San Ramon Road Specific Plan, and that the findings required to approve .a Conditional Use Permit cannot be made . Should the City Council choose to approve the Permit, Staff recommends that the approval be conditioned to assure that the development and improvement of the subject site be done consistent with City requirements for retail uses and be done to relate well to adjacent property, as is required by the San Ramon Road Specific Plan . A resolution with such conditions is attached. Attachments : 1 _ Site Plan 2 _ Draft Resolution adopting Negative Declaration 3 . Draft Resolution denying. Conditional :.Use . Permit.. ;.- 4 -Draft Resolution. approving -Conditional , Use Permit 5 _ Memorandum from; City Engineer--dtd 8/19/8.3 6 = Letter . from DSRSD dtd.,.7/18/83..' 7 . Letter from Fire .`Department dtd - 7/1.9/83 _.; 8 - .:',Negative Declaration 9 . . .. Area Site Plan 10 . Description of .Project 11 _ Memo from Frank R. . Haswell 12 . Aerial photo of mortuary site 13 . Photos of site ( 4PN ,V/• 40 4-1;?9/ C m cr ari � o''iYkX �.Y-GfYrACL�i(AY Y�'1�) {� � I •`t'{• �.I I �4+1� i Ah .1 W� 'I � / �.�j`F+Z•- _ :41'�.. ---_f -L-y���-:^�.;� ' �-�--,"Fs-•:c-�'^'_'"-.V-+-%,�-r I t , •c .�• �p� i. J I ( 7 b/Yi vG al e4P1 LYE?J �I .. —.—.,—I •''•' ;•l' •.I '.r.�:.E-�::'N:..,,M M ti �� �' ,~..p. j�' �I- I' I I i � �•� �=� �� .'� ::I:• :::� t• � � fy;, (Va��I: t'�(; I .11 ''I I I I IO D {H+'PY4P �fL.r/Uf Jy �.' J' Y• •'�•/'.1 .. I III . -j aiVee�Kr.wre COG✓ a/ �tit, �� - ,d � T � � �r 1 dY•(bu•bC.'ras 'E.osE sVT,fit .v79 Q�'E - -—— — 1 ��-.Za10 GUT,YiT.ES ld.fiiGL.{SCl,4YYfL f. - 'r t,1 y ,{4 'r .� ✓ jv iA" : �' n t[` -1• • ,�± I y �l._i r•( �y r .f f+�Id. Ij4m:i�f _ Ktiyti• �Fx.-,� �w.T 1:jy..e _1� 3 i lY`t �— �. �ti t ' �� ��.�!�Y. `,' �-, fi\ a� a�+.,y') +L �7 ,�+k'� ,1 �_�. 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PA :83-029 Oakmont Memorial park On September 6 , 1983 , the Planning Commission reviewed Planning Application PA 83-029 Oakmont Memorial Park, ;a Conditional Use Permit to .allow a mortuary in an area designated for Retail Commercial/Shopper Goods use, at 7400 San Ramon Rd.. . The Planning Commission approved the application subject to conditions . I appeal the Planning Commission ' s action on the application so that the City Council will have an opportunity to review the application and make a determination . t - Couci member, Linda.�J&,ffe�r_y cc : Planning Director i RECEIVED :SEP ° i983 CITY Cc D?_!3L'N1 RESOLUTION NO. 83-013 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF .'DUBLIN ------------------------------------------------------------- APPROVING PA 83-029 OAKMONT MEMORIAL PARK CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW THE OPERATION OF A MORTUARY IN AN AREA DESIGNATED FOR RETAIL COMMERCIAL USES WHEREAS, Oakmont Memorial Park has filed an application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the operation of a mortuary in an area designated for Retail Commercial uses located at 7400 San Ramon Rd. , Dublin, California (APN 941-40-2-14 ) ; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on said application on August 6, ' 1983 ; and, WHEREAS, the proper :notice -or.'said public hearing was ,given in all respects.. as required by -law; .and, WHEREAS; `the application. ha's -been *reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act ' and a Negative , Declaration was prepared; and, . WHEREAS, a Pre-Hearing Staff Analysis was submitted recommending the application be conditionally approved; and, WHEREAS; the Planning Commission did hear and consider all said reports, recommendations , and testimony as herinabove set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Dublin Planning Commission does hereby find that : a . The use is required to serve a public need. b . The use will be properly related to other land uses and transportation and service facilities in the vicinity; c . The use, if permitted, under the circumstances and conditions of this particular case, will not materially affect adversely the health or safety of persons residing or working the vicinity, or be materially deterimental to. the public welfare ".` or injurious to property or improvements in -the neighborhood,. . as .all applicable regulations will be met .':.' ' d. The use will not be contrary to the specific intent clauses _ or performance standards established for the area in which it is . to be located. _ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission does hereby conditionally approve said application as shown by materials labelled "Exhibit A" , on file with the Dublin Planning Department, subject to the following conditions : 1 . A revised site plan and landscape plan shall be submitted to, and be approved by, the Dublin Planning Department prior to issuance of any building permit that shows : a . parking for 20 cars within parking lots. that are designed to City zoning and engineering standards ; b . parking lots containing landscaping and lighting (e-g- 15-gallon trees :' one per each four parking stalls ; ) C . a north/south vehicular travel aisle , providing a connection between the subject site and the properties to the north and south ; d. provision of pedestrian walkways , connecting parking areas to the mortuary; e . a substantial trash enclosure . 2 . Construction of San Ramon Road street improvements, as recommended by the City Engineer, which are : a . street improvements shall be installed along the San Ramon Rd. frontage , based on the newly adopted street plan for San Ramon Rd- , for the area west of the existing paved street; or a performance bond, or letter _ of intent shall be poSted; b . the site plan be cor.,patible with the proposed extension of Amador Valley Blvc_ , to the south of the subject property, as far as allowing for a circulation connection . to the extension of Amador Valley Blvd. ; : c . the existing :access _(prior :to the adjacent property to 'the -south providing-access ) shall be right turn . in, and right turn:.out; d..:: the parking areas shall be :paved and shall be properly graded and drained_ e . only one driveway s;-?all serve this, and the property to the south. 3 : ,. Compliance with DSRSD cone=lions (see attached letter) . a . Compliance with DSRSD Fire Department requirements regarding installation of a fire Yhyd-ant cn-site (see attached letter) 5 _ All changes to the buildin , landscaping, signing, lighting, and site plan shall be approved by the Dublin Planning Department prior to issuace of the related permits .. 6 . This permit shall termir_ate five years from the effective date of this resolution (on September 16, 1988 ) . During the effective time period, t-? 7permit shall be subject to revocation for cause in accordance with Section 8-90 . 3 of the Dublin . Zoning Ordinance - 7 - . All improvements to the site shall be .undertaken with the 'intent ,.of making the proper=y' compatible to future retail : development. on adjacent p=czerties and on the vacant portions of. .this property_ PASSED;' APPROVED 'AD ADOPTED this 6th .day of September, N 1983 ; . AYES : .4 NOES : 1 ABSENT. 0 � "Planning Commission Chairman �( ATTr.ST: Planning Directo all , • n this building . Mr . Coupe asked whether that gilding would required to be sprinkled (referring to the Fire DepartmenC etter dated August 26, 1983 ) , and Mr-"'Tong indicated that the app l ' ant would need to get togeth �with the Fire Chief = _ in order to clar • v that requirement . = on motion of Cm. Alexan r, second by Cm_ Petty, and by unanimous vote of the Comm l io rs ; the following Resolution was approved .(with the correctio reference .to Highway I-580 , ' . .:-rather .than '•I-680 ) = . RESOLUTION NO- : 83- APPROVING 83-041, - SCOTSMAN MANUFACTURING RORATION, A - CONDITION USE PERMIT APPLICATION TO ALLOW THE. STO E OF MOBILE OFFICFd AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF ADMINISTATIVE OFFICES T AN M-1 / (LIGHT INDUSTRIAL) DISTRICT , PA 83-029 OAKMONT MEMORIAL PARK CONDITIONAL USE PE.RMI^1 Mr . Tong explained the application, distributing new site plans , and noting the proposed uses for the San Ramon Road area, as established by the San Ramon Road Specific Plan . He also noted traffic patterns wi-iich were of considerable concern, and recommended denial of the application . Mr . Frank Haswell, Executive Vice President of the Oakmont Memorial Park, provided background for the project . Dr. Ward Tanneberg, Pastor of the Valley Chris Church, owner of the property in question, pointed out that the EIR, prepared for the :Negative Declaration for the project-, indicated no significant impact 'v:ith mitigation Of traffic . He also indicated .that there is a frontage road from -Amador _Valley Blvd. , ' across. San Ramon Road, which has served patrons of the commercial : properties , as well as the Valley Christian - Center . .. Additionally, he requested that the application be extended, from .. two. year ' s duration to five years . Mr Tong clarified Staff ' s position, responding that a mortuary is not a religious activity, but .ra..her a personal service, and, . _. typically, is not considered conducive to retail/commercial shopper goods uses, as designated in the San Ramon Road Specific Plan . Additionally, the traffic and parking characteristics are considerably different from religious activities carried on in a. church . PC- µ(NuTEs • S�- h � S�S3 Elizabeth Schmitt, 8358 Cypress Court, interjected that, although she does not, personally, believe in funerals , she hoped that the Commission would consider those Dublin residents who do rely on _ this type of service , and she encouraged approval of the _= Conditional Use Permit . Cm. Alexander asked Pastor Tanneberg if the .church had an easement across the property where the "frontage road" appeared to be located_ Pastor Tanneberg responded that, to -his . knowledge,`- the­area has been -,public access , -across the front of those properties for .several years • Mr - -Tong indicated .that, according :to .records 'in. the. Planning Department, .. the area ,in front of the 'Nichandros"property" was : not actually .acquired by the County,'-.,and that. access to the ' properties no1rth 'oz . the proposed. extension" of .Amador Valley Blvd. has been gained through private property access agreements . . .The easement in question was never consummated by Mr- Nichandros for the County . Cm. Alexander then asked what would. occur should Mr. Nichandros decide to erect a fence sometime in the future . He suggested, in light of the lack of easements , that the property owners enter into an agreement for joint access . He added that he did not reel comfortable deciding on this matter until after an agreement of legal access is reached between the property owners . Cm. Petty spoke in defense of Staff ' s concern over conformance with Retail Uses , as defined in the San Ramon Road Specific Plan. On motion of Cm. Alexander, and second by Cm. .Vonheeder, the Commission unanimously adopted the following Resolution : . RESOLUTION 83-012 ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION CONCERNING PA 83-029 OAKMONT MEMORIAL PARK With regard to the Conditions of 'Approval- sL-ipulated.,for the Conditional Use Permit, ' Pastor.. Tanneberg -specifically.:,disagreed . with Item la - indicated a need for only 20 parking spaces ; lb - the requirement called for too many trees ; le - requested clarification of "substantial trash enclosure" ; 2a - felt street improvements too extensive prior to San Ramon Road improvement; 4 - requested clarification of requirement for fire hydrants for buildings already in existance; 6 - requested extension to 5 years . The 'Commissioners agreed that Conditions of Approval should be revised as follows : Item la 20 parking stalls required; 2a add: "A performance.bond :or 'letter 'of .intent . May be submitted for approval by the City Engineer 6 : extend the approval period is 5 years, until September 16; . Cm. Mack made the motion, with Cm_ Vonheeder ' s second, to adopt the ,Resolution Approving PA 83-039 , subject to revised Conditions of Approval . The . motion passed 4-1, with Cm_ Petty, opposed: RESOLUTION 83-013 . APPROVING PA 83-029 OAKMONT MEMORIAL PARK CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW THE OPERATION OF A MORTUARY IN AN AREA DESIGNATED FOR RETAIL COMMERCIAL USES SIN GR L REZ LING Mr . g introduced item, _ which is an application for Tanned Develop nt rezoning to allow a 269-unit apartment pplex on a 13 . 4 acre ite .( 20 dwelling units per acre . ) He oted . several _. technical re sions to the General Provisions zovided in the draft Resoluti n. labelled "Exhibit D" , ,as f lows : Item 2 : shou read " _ _ 50 u is 10 : the prop ty ow (not developer) should provide status repo 11 : should ad " wall or heavy timbered fence . 17b : e property owner (not veloper) shall maintain facilities ; 21 and 24 : add: "This condition will subject to modification by the City Engineer, as ecessary _ " 27 . add: "The possibility for a common water me may be discussed with DSRSD. " old in heritage - new in ideas bf , 1 t R, ECEIYEp Ch b� of Commerce September 22, .1983 SEP 2 2 198 CITY OF DUBLJJ�j Dublin City Council ? City of.DubIin 6500 Dublin Boulevard, Suite 100 Dublin., California 94568 Dear.Mayor Snyder & Council Members: This is to inform you that the Dublin Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors fully support the Valley Christian Center at 7400 San Ramon Road becoming a funeral home. While we recognize your desire to have "shopper goods" stores in the area, the building does exist and the funeral home will improve the area by better landscaping and the removal of the portable classrooms in the rear of the property. It is our understanding the portables will be removed by July- August, 1984. Your approval of the Planning Commission's decision is respectfully requested.: Fp//rely � . A L WHITE, First Vice' President Board of Directors AW: `nf 6500-E Dublin Boulevard Dublin, California 94566 (415) 828-6200 RESOLUTION N0: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN --- --------------------------------------------------------- DENYING 'THE APPEAL AND APPROVING PA 83-029 OAKMONT MEMORIAL PARK CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW THE OPERATION OF A , MORTUARY .IN AN AREA DESIGNATED FOR.: RETAIL COMMERCIAL USES WHEREAS, Oakmont Memorial .•Park has filed. an application. :. for `a Conditional Use Permit .to .allow the operation of . a mortuary in an area designated for Retail Commercial uses located at .7400 San Ramon Rd. , Dublin, California • (•APN . 941-40-2-14 ) ; and, ._.. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing and approve said application on September 6 , 1983 ; and, WHEREAS, a Councilmember filed an 'appeal of the Planning Commission decision; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hold a public hearing on said application on September 26, 1983 ; and WHEREAS, the proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and, WHEREAS, the application has been reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act and a Negative Declaration was prepared; and, WHEREAS, a Pre-Hearing Staff Analysis was submitted recommending the application be denied; and, ­ .- WHEREAS, the City Council . did hear .and consider all said .reports, . recommendations, ,, and testimony as hereinabove set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the, Dublin City Council does hereby find .that : .,. a_ The use is required to - serve- a public need_ "_ b . The use will be properly related to other land uses and transportation and service facilities in the vicinity; c . The use , if permitted, under the circumstances and conditions of this particular case, will not materially affect adversely the health or safety of persons residing or working the vicinity, or be materially deterimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, as all applicable regulations will be meta d_ The use is considered a retail commercial shopper goods will not be contrary to .the specific intent clauses or performance . standards established for the area in which it is to be _ located, as prescribed by the San Ramon Road Specific Plan. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council does hereby conditionally approve said application as shown by materials labelled "Exhibit A" , on file with the Dublin Planning Department, subject to the following conditions : . 1 A 'Sit Development Review,' including a revised site plan . and landscape plan shall be submitted to, ' .and be approved by, the Dublin .Planning' Department. prior to issuance of. any building permit '.that shows : a. parking for - 50 cars within parking . lots `that are designed to City zoning and engineering standards ; b . parking lots containing landscaping and lighting (e -g- 15-gallon trees : one per each four parking stalls ; ) C . a north/south vehicular travel aisle, providing a connection between the subject site and the properties to the north and south; d. provision of pedestrian walkways, connecting parking areas to the mortuary; e . a substantial trash enclosure. 2 . Construction of San Ramon Road street improvements, as recommended by the City Engineer, which are : a. street improvements shall be installed along the San Ramon Rd. . frontage, based .on the newly adopted street plan for . San Ramon Rd. , . for the area west of ..the existing paved street, or a performance -bond or letter of credit shall be posted; . b . the site plan be compatible 'with..the proposed extension of Amador.. ValleyBlvd. , to the south of. the subject . .'property, as far as 'allowing fora :circulation connection to the extension of Amador•Valley Blvd. C . the existing access (prior to the adjacent property to the south providing access ) shall be right turn in, and right turn out; d. . the parking areas shall be paved and shall be properly graded and drained. e . only one driveway shall serve this , and the property to the south. 3 . Compliance with DSRSD conditions ( see attached letter) . 4 . Compliance with DSRSD Fire Department requirements regarding installation of a fire hydrant on-site (see attached letter) . 5 . All changes to the building, landscaping, signing, lighting, and site plan shall be approved by the Dublin Planning Department prior to issuance of the related permits . ., . 6 . This permit shall;. terminate on .two" years from the effective date of _this . resolution (on September 26; -1985) . .:, During the . effective-,time -period, -, the permit°'.shall be subject to revocation for--cause in accordance -with Section' 8-90 .3 of the Dublin Zoning .Ordinance . 7 . All improvements to the site shall -be undertaken with the intent of making the property compatible to future retail development on adjacent properties and on the vacant portions of this property. . PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this th day of 1983 AYES : NOES : ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST:. . City Clerk CITY OF DUBLIN P.O. Box 2340 Dublin. CA 94568 (415) 529-4600 M E M O R A N D U M August 19 , 1983 TO Planning Director FROM: City * Engineer RE:- Vallev, Christian Center/Mortuary If approved, we recommend the following conditions : 1 . Street improvements be . installed along the San Ramon Rd. frontage based on the newly adopted schematic street plan for San Ramon Road for that area west of the existing paved street ,- 2 . The site plan be compatible with the proposed extension of Amador Valley Blvd. , to the south of the subject property, as far as allowing for connection -o the extension circulation of Amador Valley Blvd; 3 . Provision be .made for circulation elements through this site for the property to the north to be able to access the extension of Amador Valley Blvd; 4 : ' The��exist�ing - access (prior to the adjacent property; .to the _ south, providing access ) .;shall be right .turn in,- and right, turn out; . 5 All parking areas shall be properly graded:'and drained; 6 ., There may be some parking conflicts while the daycare building is ..being used, and if some other. use is made' of the daycare buildings ; 7 . Only one driveway shall serve this , and the property -to the south . -10- J �'�:� wr)r-a A �R I". 'rN u `�✓ H v �aa k.� R: V �?,,.i'�v S �..�' S � :7 ,a 0 I vr� General Offices: 7051 Dublin Boulevard Dublin, California 94568 (415) 828-0515 July 18 , 1983 Mr. Larry Tong W. Dublin 'Planning .Director City of Dublin P 0_ Box 2340 Dublin,' CA ' :94568 File No. PA 83-029 "Oakmont Memorial Chapel: : Conditional Use- Permit . Dear Mr.' Tong: Thank you . Lor the opportunity to review the Oakmont Memorial Park Proposed Mortuary.' The Dublin San Ramon Services District Public Works Department has reviewed the site plan and has the -following comments: 1 . The water connection will require a reduced pressure back flow prevention device on the water supply . 2 _ This facility may fall under the Industrial Waste Code oL the District and may require an inspection manhole. Without. improvement - plans , final . inspection of sewer needs and. fees is - not possible. : 3 . Future fees that may be required can only be °determined by.. improvement plans . == 4 . The . history of :this .site has .been' that the - access road has been ;poorly. maintained; thus , exposing District facilities (such,,.as manholes) . to traffic damage:-` Be assured that we' will work wi th.you-and the .developer *in -every- way possible to make this a successful project: ' Very .truly .yours, CE ED 7-_24,L­2-/JUL 19 1983 Miles A. Ferris Director of Public:��n)tsi�1G MAF: cp CC : Chief Phillips Emil Kattan Jt.iRC;..:i!:i:Oi:hS,;••,CF ff!E''.;TA 7"c':�F!:AL:=Oarlic --...`HOES reVNIC:P- ".re_SERVICES iO CITIZE^ISOFAMADCR-U-w r--=-h:=Ea ..'' ' :•I'.`-E .; DUBLIN SAN RA ON SERVICES DISTRICT FIRE DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS STATION 9399 Fircrest Lane 7051 Dublin Boulevard Teleonone: San Ramon, California Dublin, California 94566 829-2333 July 19, 1983 Mr.- Laurence L.' Tong Planning Director City of Dublin P. 0. Box 2340 Dublin, CA 94S63 Dear Mr. Tong In reference to Fire_No. PA 83-029) Oakmont Memorial Chapel Conditional Use Permit,_the Dublin San Ramon Services District Fire Department has reviewed the site plan and has the following comment : The Day Care Center buildings must beremoved before final approval by the Fire Department. If these buildings are not removed,- an on-site fire hydrant will be required. . V e7y ruly yours, . Jam es M. Morton. Captain Fire .Prevention JNN:cb . P. ECEIV. ED cc: E. Kattan JUL 21 1983 . DUBLIN PLAN;KING CI'X'Y OF DUBLIN P.O. Box 2340 Dublin, CA 94568 (415) 829-4600 NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR: PA83-029 Oakmont Memorial Park (Pursuant to Public Resources Code 'Section 21000, et seq: ) LOCATION A_NLD West side , of San Ramon .Rd just north of Amador. .Valley Blvd_ The proposed use would :occupy .-he existing church building PROPONENT: Oakmont` Memorial Parke,- ' Frank Haswell DESCRIPTION: This is a proposal to convert an existing church into a . mortuary _ 100 families a. year will be served_ FINDINGS : The project will no t have a 51gn1_T1Cant e.-cCt on ' he env iron-ment_ INITIAL STUDY: The Initial Studv .is attach°_d with a brief. discussion of ,the folio�eis-ig_ .environmental components: :. Seismic , traffic f ITIGaTION M_E.ASURES Seismic-New construction snail .comply � 2-'C h 'Alameda-,.County Building Department requirements Traffic-Off-site traffic circulation will be limited .to restrict north bound traffic on .San Ramon Rd. & adequate on-site parking will be PREPARATION : This Negative Declaration was prepared by the City required_ of Dublin Planning Staff , (415) 829-4916 SIGNATURE : 1 DATE: Laurence L. Tong, Plann Director DP 83-11 CITY OF DU51_lt� �; PA No (Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21000 et sec.) _ Based on the project information submitted in Section 1 General Data, the Planning Staff w'I l use 'Section 3, Initial Study, to determine whether c Negative Declaration or an Environmental Impact Report is required. SECTION 3. 1NITIAL` STUDY:- - .to be completed by the' ,PLANNING .STAFF. Name of Project or A r pl icant_ -A.. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING - Description of projecs site before the.'projecfi, including information-on: topography; soil sfic6ility; plants and animals; �istor, a(, cultural, a scenic aspects;. existing structures; and use of structures t'{?j -� �R - r A,6 Description of surrounding properties, including information ion en: plants a,td enimols; historical, .cultural, and scenic cspects; type and Inienslry of land use;`aa ale Or development_ ` ? 1€�9�-t f x� �Z� t.^i -P 3A i� 7t 6, ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Factucl explanations of all answers except ".no".cre re - B. red 0., G, sheets T_ Ii" F ET-P C1' " NO (EJ1�'L ES - L G� rte : z _ 1 � t _ OIo1010 1.0 WATER 1 } t 1.1 Hydrologic 8olanco Will comtrucrion of the project altar the hydro— I I I logic bolonce? 1 t 1.2 Ground Woter Will the project affect the quality or quenr4y of V I ground vote, supplies? 1.T Dcprh to Water Tebla Will the rare of water vrithdra�-al chonge the depth or gradient of th_ vntcr table? { { { 1.4 Drainage and channel form Will construction impel^ the natural drainage pattern I {or cause niter t;on of strcam channel Form? 1-S Sedimentation Will construction in an area result in major sediment { { fnflu> into adjacent carer bodies? { 1.S Flooding Will there be risk of loss of life or property due { { { to 11001iina? A-5 Ca 1 RENT �Il'ACTS SCALE OF INTACT No QJALIFIID YES M\GI 3-,`N I\;0 l.7 Y later Gwl ry Doc,drinking --at" supply foil to-cat state and - federal standards? - - Will - -age 6. incle-Ivatcly aceommcdotCd and I treated? - .'. Will receiving waters foil to a:cr.t local, stc'c pad '• " fcderol sto,sdords? . ( ( I 1 Will ground water suffer co ntom,natioo by vnfa_e seepa?1, intrusion of salt or polluted v.atcr (rr-.m adjacent water bodies or from another,:onti-inrsted 2.0 AM ] ( I 2,1 A r Pollution Will there be ganeration and dispeniar-of p-)llutants" / by projeC related activities or in pro.:r.sir tr-t.':e ✓ ] ( _ 1 .. .. project which mill ercecd mete n:re.:i-na c•r . .. gvolity stordards? .s . 2.2 Wind Al,tcrotion Will ,trvcturc and terra in'impedc p:c tilirc.,ink I - ( ] flow causing channeling along certair.eorri:sz 7r obstruction of wind movementz? 3}.0 EARTH 3.1 Slaps Stability Are there potential dang-, rclo tad to c:app failures? - -- 3.2 Foundation Supaor; Wiil there 6e risk to life or propen:v'r_-au.e of excessive defamation of 3.3 Can olida.'ion Vllll :here be risk to Iifc or proocr/!'ccc cf s/ I ucessi•re consolidation of foundati-sn r..n to-iois? t 3.4 Subsidence Is tharc:isk of major crounc r�6sid�:n,-.r.anacoarcd t t t t=c project? ( ( ] { f 3.5 Seismic Activity Is there risk of damasc or loss resnitina f:na acr:h- t t t If f c�•o�-e ac:i•r ity? I ( i I - 3.5 liquefaction Ylill :Sa project ec•na or be exposed Nn IiGv=:ectSon 1 of soils in slcoes or unCrr founda!i:ns? 3.7 Erodioility - Will :hcrc be s-.:bstcntial loss of snit r`.-:, s:ruc:ions proc!ices? 3.8 Pe meability Will the permeability of saiis auociat-r! . - project prnent adver-a conditions relat2ve " velooment of wells? 3.9 Unigvv Features Will eny ursigoe geologiccl.(eetu:es br_da mo]ed ] destroyed by project octw,hcs? 3.10 Mineral Resources - Are there geologic depot-ts of potential r; ercinl value close to the prniccr? t - 4.0 PLANTS AND ANIMALS r : 4.1 Plant and Animal Species Are there rare or endanecrcd species p-rcnt� Arc tEscrc species pre._nt which arc pa-t:cola ly • .; ' " susccptiolc to impact from human octivityo s i - - Is there vc_tJOrionprasont,. the !ate.of deny fo d or habitat to important wild:i.re spcc.•'s?-. Arc there nuisance species of plar..or onim�:s for • which conditions will i,e improved by kFe project? - Are there on unusual populations of pinnrs ISO!may 4.2 Vegetative Com-.s..,ty Types Y r be of scientific iotcrect? ( - - Are there ve Sctati— Community tyres";Ch a-C - per:icaiorly su-ccp.'iblc to impact fhr:m t:vmon activity Are th_re mojor trees or major vcgr.tn how that -;,I - hc cd:c-s^1�•nffr:ctr.-i by the proi.act? - . •. .. f.rr: :I C.0 v_3=:c:ivc rnmmunity tynas r--.rr-:.,ti-r. Los of wi,ich v:ill dcov Enna ar hobito• tr. i-.•?'?-'-c: .-:itali species, or to a ;utia•.ntial nvm.L^-ar r^ ( ( I 4_J Diversity is there svbsta�:inl diversity in th-: rv.,—rni '�r..�,ni:y I ( I o,reflected in the -.-S"and type species p•escot or the. thre--dim.:nsinnr.l of p!ont species prcicor? - • I i ( I I CavlNE`lT ElCIS SCA= OF Ii%TA.CF No c�IFzrD YES a. NO IPI � o IM I (:_� o I Io I 5.0 FACILITIES AND SERVICES I I t 5.1 Educotionol Facilities :. Will projectrd enrollments adversely effect the ex- ( I t icing or p:op.scd Focilitics in terms of sooting for _ I all activities, Including elessrooms, recreational areas, and scoffing needs? I I 1 • Will the project impoc! the pvp;11t .Cher ratio so ✓ 1 I I I I . as to impede the learning process? Is the school located such that it presents a hardship.' - for a portion of the enrollment in ter-ss of travel tsme, distance, or safety hazards? l 1 I i 5.2.Com erc;al Focilit;o, Will there be an inedegvote supply of and access to f 1 I 1 commercial facilities for the projec.? ' • 5.3 Liquid Waste Di�osal Arc provisions for se+wgo ccpacity irsadtgwte for - - the needs of the project without exec-cling gcolity atondards? ' Will the project be exposed to nufsenccs and odors associated with va0e titer treatmcn!plants? I f I I 5_4 Solid Wosla Disposal Is there inadequate provision for diTrosol of solid I 1 wostes generared by dse project? .. I 5.5 Water Supply Is there inodegvatc gwntity or gwlity of water ( I I ! supply to mac! the needs of ;!-P prpjcc�'? - 1 I ! 5.6 Storm Water Drainage srYill storm w ter drainaec_ be incdcgvale ra prevent donstream flooding and to meet Federal Store and s•r local stcrdcrds? I ( I 5-7 Police Will the project's additional populeric, , facilities, or other features ecnero!c an in ccu in police scrv;ce I I or create a police hazard? I I 1 Will the project's cdditioncl pcpulerien, fcciiilies, 5.8 Fire ( f i or other feotvres gzne-rate on increase_ to lire services or create o fire haxcrd? 9 Rcc project option Will the have incdegwte fccilities to meet 1 tf : I ( ( the recreational needs of the residents? I t 5_10 Cultvrol Facilities Will cultural Facilities 6e unawi!ablz to the project residents? - � t I It i I 6.0 TRANSPOSTATION I I t 6.1 Transportation Facilities Are the traffic demands on adjacent roods cu really at or above copocity? If not, will tie trcffic Gen crated by the proje-L ccuse the acunt roads to { I I _ reach or exceed capacity?. Are the other transport r cn Facilities which serve the - � �. •'I I I I _ - - project inadequate to accemnoc a ti•.c project's - travel demonds7 6.2 Circulation Conflicts. ., Will design of the project or conditions in the surround- ina area increase accidents due to.cireslation conflic'z. 6 J f Rood Safety and Design ;';ill project resident:oral users be exposed to incensed - 1 accident risks dun to rao2w y and street des;gn,or lack 1 I I " of trcffic controls? 7.0 HEALTH I I 7.1 Odors Will the project be exposed to or Generate any intense . odors? I 1 Will the residents and users be cxpaxd to crowding a Gow / 7.2 dm ns g and De ty - Fl high den;i:y to their piyucol living cnv�ronm cat? I ( I 7.3 Nuizanecs Will the project be exposed to or gcr.crote fac:ors that may be considered Os nuiscnccs? - i 7.4 Structural Safety Will design and propoud eomtruc:ipn tcciniquas fail to meel,tta to and local building cedes? 1 1 1 8.0 NOISE Will the project be expos�rl to rr 5cncratc advcrn v I I I 8.1 Noise Lcvols I I I noise Icvrls7 8.2 �orotion, Will the pr.ajcct be expo!d to v nrctirns annoying to I I t . haman,� 1 l 1 I 1 I I I I cc � ^ . IMP sc E or xrlP�cr :o CkTALIFIED Yi.s rna�v N.0 II � 0 • I I N ' 0 i 10 { o 9.0 COMMUNITY C'rv'•',ACTED 9.1 Community Orgooization Will the projcc:d;vvpt on existing s-t of - - oreani_nt;ons or groups within th. corrmun;ty? 9.2 Homogeneity and D;vers;ty N{;;I the project change the choracter of the { I I ' commun;ty in terms of dislr;bvtion or concenlrotion I " I I of income, ethnic, housing, or age group? Z. 9_3 Cam u Ity StaSil;ry and Will the project be expos=d w or gtnccatc an I I I Physscol Conditions arcs of poor stob;lity and physical con-i7llons� r 10.0 VISU4L Q Ulk L ITY Y{;i1 rcsidcnts of the surrounding ores be odverscly t 10_1 Views I i I affected by vie—of or from the project? i 1 • V,;;i :he projcc: residents be edverrscly afFzc:ed by _ v;e..-s of or from the surrounding area? 10.2 Shadows - the project be exposed to or generate cr.cess;ve 11.0 HISTORIC AND CULTU Al -- �ESOI.r�s - . .: - - . - - i I I • .. 11_1 Historic and Cultural Will tho project involve the des!ructinn or after- - ot;.^n of c historic re»urcc? ' ' f;•_sources � _ Will +.e project rewlt in isolataon of e historic rc5.^vrc_ irom its surroundino cnviro"ent? \Y;II the project intrcdvcc phvsicol, v;sucl, audible f I or c'^o:�herie elements thn: are not in charec:cr withj' 0 6h:o:is re»�-cc or is sr_It;ng? I I i 1 I I 11.2 Archoeo!oglecl Sites Wi;l :he Project involve th drstruc:;on or al:crohon • and Structures of cn cchor_ological rc:nurce? _ I ( I I . 1 Will ;hc project result in isolation of co orchacalogical l - . rc s�ssrcc? • Will the project ;nlrod-scc physical, v;-.ual, audible or ct.m•ospher;c elements thot are not ;n charaCer with I I cr:ares:aeological resource or its attting. t I t 12.0 ENE=GY 1 I I 412_I Energy tquircmants Aec there potent;ol problems with the supply of If { I I Wert;rcavircd for Rse project? Will :hc cncrgy requirements exceed the capacity - "' - or the s^rv;cc utility canpany? :here be a net increase in energy used for the project compered to the no project aiternct;ve? 1 - I 1 { 12.2 Conserro tson Measures Does:be project planning and�!^sign fn;. to include It=b!c cr,er Jy con:cr.in:ion m 13.0 LAND USE • 13.1 S;:e 1'==arils Do ccrsditians of the sate, proposed site develop-^nt, (' ( I - or xrrounding area vaote patcotiolly hazardous s;tu- 13.2 Physical Threat- v{;I! the proicet or the surcound;n-i onto create a feeling of insecurity and physicol threat among the residents I I I ' and uscn7 I 13.3 Son;tcry landfall :Sc project bA exposc:f to arvttvrn! no;ac, air, or rfcct nail r:oun,i water pollution Y ( 1 r•r q:htr nu;u,ncr,;asaxin:cJ with a san;tocy londf;II i 13.4 \':otcrwoys '.4';:: too projer.t o(fcct on exis h ting..r_:cr-•ay throug I ( { fiP.;no, dredging, draining, cul'Qrr,nJ, "lc dis- chargcs, lou of visual quality or wk r land u:c { ( { I I 1 I l 1 I I . l I I CallaD hNENT ?�IPACTS SCALE OF TiIP CT 'No QUALIFIED YES umalcG.N NO I t . I0 of IO10 I t t t other Environm1enlal [a�ponentrp_� C_ MANDATORY FINDINGS Op SIGNIFICANCE Qut�= ti0 t0 . I (j ) Does the project have the potential to degrade the . _ f quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below selF- sus-,a ining levels; threaten to eliminate a plant 'or animal communiry,: reduce the number or restrict t.. the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or. eliminate important exa:-nples of t'n.e"major periods or California history or prehistory Does the ro'ect have the otent ial to cchieve.short (2) o P I P term;' to the disadvantage of-long-term, environmentcl goals? (3) Does the project have impacts which are individually limited but cumu.lateively considercble? (A project may impact on two or more separate resources where the impact on each resource is relatively small, but where the effect o` the total of those impacts on the environment is significant.) (4) Does the project, have environmental effects which VII will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? D. MITIGATION MEASURES - Discussion of the ways to mitigo'e e significant effects I identified, if any: I \ E. DETERMINATION — On the basis of this initial evaluation: The City''of_Dublih :finds that there will not:be`any significant effect_ The par- - ticu]or characteristics of this project and the" mitigation measures incorporated into ` the 'desian of the project provid,, `h�: `actual basis for the- finding_ A NEGATIVE.. - DECLARATIO\ IS ?=QUIRED_ [� The City of ptablin ;finds that the preocsed project MAY have a sianificant effect . on the en_ vironment_ AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT IS REQUIRED** Signature and date: �� Name and title: �[` C�c _TLA-fs-0(N GS (fz111tr2:_171_1(L _ 4e . 1 .. t� w�l t TLe 'NOTE: Where a project Is rcvlsed 1n response to on Initial Study so tht7` adverse effects are mitigated to a point where no signifia:nt environmentol effects would occur, a C revised Initial S,u.jy •,vill be prepared and a NeSative eclaration will be reauire:? i ns`ecd of 1, is :�- _ ;t -OAKMONT MEMORIAL !PARK OUBLIN . PROPERTY n=RTPTTON OF PRO= ...The current church facility le.nds . itsa1. to .conversion to a mortuary facility with only minor cosmetic changes . The mortuary will be contained within the existing facility and will not ' require use ofthe portable buildings . It is currently anticiapated that the portable buildings, will become vacant at the end of 1983 , and will no longer be used For classroom instruction . The anticipated changes will be in the access and egress to the Facility , the paving . oF the parking area and the drainage of the property . . The interior of the church will be remodeled to upgrade the Facility and provide for oFFice space , casket display rooms , -visitation rooms , and the preparation area . The chapel area wi11 remain basically the same with minor improvements to meet the requirements of many faiths , rather than one denomination . sLTFTCr" TTQ ��T N FC1P P°OJEST The Dublin- market area is not currently being served by . any . local mortuary . .To the north Dub1in. residents 'must .:trave1 o.v.er 15 miles to the nearest - mortuary Facility :and to .the . south"over 7. miles The. cur,rent:popuIation oF .• the. south county area coupled with the anticipated growth.°in the near :future points out : the need .For a local. mortuary- Facility Vital statistyics ..,shcw that ther.e were 123 deaths •lass year:.:oF residents. .in the Oublin/San Ramo ,n city limits "Nand these Fami1ies .'and : their F,rien d s, were F,ored to go .many miles . .for .mort�uary services that should, te • ;- 'Provided * within their local - area . This service .to the community can— be provided on a local basis with the trans Formation of the Valley Christian Center into a locally owned and professionally managed mortuary . Oakmont Memorial Park has been serving - the residents of the entire Diablo Valley area since 1956 . Our years of service coupled with our mortuary experience make us uniquely qualiFied to provide these services to the community of Oublin . TO: CITY OF DUBLIN! FROM: OAnMONT M-EMORIAL PARK FR_P'VK R. HAS4TELL RE:. PA ,.83-029 •• ITE21 ,r3 . (DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF •ACTIVITIES) Market dzmographics indicate that a mortuary in the Dublin area will service 100 families in its first. year of operation_'. Families served are not an indication of the number of funerals provided by the facility_ Breakdown of the 100 ser-vices would be as follows: , 100. Total Families served 30 .. Families — no service 10 Families - full service not at mortuary site 60 Families - full service at mortuary site _ The averaGe funeral size at c= cemetery location has been 57 Dersons, With t e average num_^er O_ persons _Der c= at 2.3 Persons_ Par{i ng for funeral services t'vDlcaliv is not Gone by stalls but is done by DrocesSlcn_ runeral services 2re typ1Ca11:T SC_^2.c::leQ•between 10:00 a.-. ana 3:00. a.i1_ . w-th atten-c i°°S arr v-ing aocroXlmate-'v 30 minutes prior t0 *he Ser71Ce and l eav i nC in-procession to the Ce3'.ete?"'V of the family's .choice Item -3 -er of 'Emalovees) .` The funeral nome/moruuarl will. he staffed _aith one .full. time funeral -dl rector a d a receotionist. :. Su1:)Cc_t workers SLCh. as aCC011ntlT2C� ^ma30r' ' •clerical. needs and other :categories .wi11'be. done in 0='--Lalayette'ozz?ce ' and.will not,,reau, re anv -on-site D2rSOIInel vj -3 (T_ e. ana Amount'o� Service :De_�veries) Ca5'.{eL. deliveries are to be made on a weekly basis and will only involve a' small delivery truck Laundry services will be bi-weekly and are provided by commercial vans. Page 2 Item n4 (Funeral Processions) , As discussed earlier,..approximately 60 -services will be proviaed from the mortuary during its 'first year of operations- .,These services would ideally "enterrfrom the paved access road on San Ramon Blvd_ and exit on the one way' only 'exit. road onto San Ramon I Blvd_ . Funeral processions will proceed south. on San Ramon Blvd_ and enter.the :580/680 freeway system to proceed to any cemetery selected_ Travel 'in a northerly direction. will proceed with the pattern and will then head north on 680. , .Item '5 (Day Care) The Dav Care Center buildings are a=_y.icipated to be vacated by December with the church moving those services to another location_ 1 e Zor'-uary has. no need -or those buildings -at. t.=rs tine and will atte_mct to sell sa_-ne. Item '6 (D:-ansi on) The ap)r•CxlTate 41800 su ice. ilL'11d____ will handle the c:'___ _ �_ term grot,`n rates antic'_Oated by i..___=-eme_n T_^_ere:ore, ai we are not anticipati ng any e.-aans_c Item -7 (rte-hinder of Property) •None. as o= this date- . Item '8 (Lancscaping) The .bu lei c will�ibe cleaned, pa' t re roofed as recess�ry The SllrrOLLr'.C11ng Gardens will be t_rimr.ed edged,.and additional plant J ng •,;i 11 t .Cn be provided to upgrade the appearance O- he faC�llty. Oa�i � C2 2t?ry has skilled, trained, and licensee _ersonnel who have over 100 years o: landscaoing and lawn care service -his skill 'will be uti Lied to upgrade the outward appearance of the facility- Item 9 (_licht Lighting) See enclosed brochure. Item '10 Mortuary facilities do not recuire anv special handling or care of "refuse" . The standard disposal contractor will handle removal of trash just as it is handled for other ret=ail outlets. RESOLUTION NO. - 83 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN - -------------------------------------- ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION CONCERNING PA 83-029 OAKMONT MEMORIAL PARK WHEREAS, 'theCalifornia Environmental 'Quality Act (CEQA) , as . amended together with `the State ' s administrative guidelines for :implementation .of the .*California Environmental Quality Act and City -Environmental • regulations,' requires that."certain projects be reviewed for environmental impact and that environmental : documents be prepared; .and WHEREAS, a Negative Declaration has been prepared by the Dublin Planning Department; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did review and adopt the Negative Declaration at a public hearing on September 6, 1983 ; and . WHEREAS, a Councilmember filed an appeal of the Planning Comission decision; and WHEREAS, the City Council did review the Negative Declaration and considered it at a public hearing on September 26 , 1983 . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council finds that the Negative Declaration has been prepared and processed in accordance with State and local environmental law and guideline regulations and that it is adequate and complete . PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this th day of September, 1983 _ AYES : NOES : ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk C . The use, under the circumstances and conditions of this particular case, will negatively affect safety of persons residing or working the vicinity, ; d. The use will not encourage future retail shopper-good development in the area; e . The use will create parking and traffic circulation problems, which will materially affect adjacent present, and future, development and traffic . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Dublin City Council does hereby deny PA 83-029 Oakmont Memorial Park Conditional Use Permit . PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this th day of ::1983 AYES NOES ABSENT: _ Mayor ATTEST. City Clerk