HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.1 Scotsman's Mobile Lease CUP C7
Meeting Date: August 9, 1982
SUBJECT: Appeal of Scotsman's Mobile Lease Co. , Inc. , Conditional Use Permit, DC-14
EXHIBITS ATTACHED: Memorandum from Planning Director dated August 4, 1982;
Locational Map; Letter from Bedford Properties; Zoning
Administrator Resolution No. Z-4719; Pre-Hearing Analysis,
May 19, 1982.
RECOMMENDATION: Deny the appeal and approve the Conditional Use Permit with
the fundings and conditions a§ indicated in the attached
DESCRIPTION: The Scotsman's Mobile Lease Company was granted 1 ) a Site
Development Review to place an office trailer on a permanent foundation and
2) a Conditional Use Permit to continue outdoor storage of mobile office units.
Bedford Properties is appealing the Conditional Use Permit. Bedford Properties
indicates that the Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions of the San Ramon Indus-
trial Park require masonry or concrete building walls.
Staff recommends denial of the appeal and approval of the Conditional Use Permit
for the following reasons:
1 . The type and design of the building walls are Site Development Review matters,
not Conditional Use Permit matters. The appeal period for the Site
Development Review has expired.
2. The Scotsman's Mobile Lease Company application meets the specific regulations
for a Conditional Use Permit.
3. The City is not in a position to enforce the conditions, covenants and
restrictions of a private development
Copies To:
ITEM NO. 0' f
P.O. Box 2340
Dublin.CA 94566 (415) 829-3543
TO: City Council
FROM: Planning Director
SUBJECT: Appeal of Scotsman's Mobile Lease Co. , Inc. , Conditional Use
Permit, DC-14
Appellant: Bedford Properties
Project: Conditional Use Permit to allow continued outdoor storage of mobile offices.
Location: 6803 Sierra Count, Dublin
Assessor Parcel Number: 941-205- 7
Applicant: Scotsman Manufacturing Company
Property Owner: Cliff Tucker
Existing Zoning: M-1 (Light Industrial ) District
Existing Land Use: Outdoor storage of mobile offices; office building
Surrounding Zoning and Land Use:
North - M-l ; vacant lot
South - M-1 ; vacant buildings
East - M-1 ; research facility
West - M-1 ; processing, assembling, and wholesale facilities
Site History:
January 11 , 1979: Conditional Use Permits C-3324 and C-3325 were granted
to a temporary office trailer for 1 year and the outdoor storage of mobile
office units for 3 years.
February 11 , 1981 : Conditional Use Permit C-3946 was granted to permit
a temporary office trailer and the outdoor storage of mobile office units
until February 11 , 1982.
March 31 , 1982: Site Development Review DSDR 82-1 was approved for re-
placement of the temporary office trailer with modular units on permanent
June 23, 1982: Conditional Use Permit DC-14 was granted to allow continued
outdoor storage of mobile office units.
Appeal of Scotsman's Mobile Lease Co. , Inc. , Conditional Use Permit, DC-14
Page 2
Applicable Regulations: Section 8-51 .3 of the Zoning Ordinance states that an
"outdoor storage yard for equipment and supplies, if conducted within an area
enclosed by a solid wall or fence" is a permitted Conditional Use in an M-1
District if approved by the Zoning Administrator. Section 8-94.0 of the Zoning
Ordinance states that Conditional Uses "require special review and appraisal in
each instance, in order to determine,
1 ) whether or not the use is required by the public need,
2) whether or not the use will be properly related to other land uses and
transportation and service facilities in the vicinity,
3) whether or not the use, if permitted will , under all the circumstances and
conditions of the particular case, materially affect adversely the health or
safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity, or be materially
detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or improvements
in the neighborhood, and
4) whether or not the use will be contrary to the specific intent clauses or
performance standards established for the District in which it is to be
located. "
Environmental Review: Categorically exempt, Class 5, Minor Alterations in
Land Use Limitations.
Bedford Properties, the appellant, is seeking denial of the conditional use
permit granted to Scotsman's Mobile Lease Co. The letter of appeal states
that Scotsman's Mobile Lease Co. is in violation of the Declaration of Restric-
tions for the San Ramon Industrial Park. These restrictions indicate that
all buildings shall be constructed in accordance with the following standards
unless an exception is approved in writing by the architectural control committee:
a) exterior walls shall be of masonry or concrete.
The Zoning Ordinance states that M-1 (Light Industrial ) Districts are established
"to provide for and encourage the development of light industrial , manufacturing
and processing uses in areas suitable for such use, and to promote a desirable
and attractive working environment with a minimum of detriment to surrounding
properties. " (Section 8-51 .0)
The applicant obtained a Site Development Review approval for the structure and
a Conditional Use Permit for outdoor storage of mobile offices.
Deny the appeal and approve the Scotsman's Mobile Lease Co. , Inc. , Conditional Use
Permit, DC-14 with the findings and conditions as stated in Zoning Administrator
Resolution No. Z-4719. The reasons for this action are:
1 . The appellant's stated concern with the exterior of the building is a Site
Development Review issue. The Conditional Use Permit deals with the continued
outdoor storage of mobile office units. The appropriate action would have been
for the appellant to appeal the Site Development Review.
2. The application meets the specific regulations for conditional uses.
3. The City is not in a position to enforce the conditions, covenants and
restrictions (CC & R's) of a private development. CC & R's which exceed zoning
requirements are private matters between the property owners in the private development.
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July 2 , 1982 cr
Clerk c�
Board of Supervisors
1221 Oak Street
Room 536
Oakland, CA 94612
Pursuant to the Alameda County zoning ordinance, we hereby
appeal the granting of Dublin Conditional Use Permit DC-14,
to Scotmans Mobile Lease Co. , 6803 Sierra Court , Dublin ,
CA 94566 on the following grounds:
Scotmans Mobile Lease Co. is in violation of Article
3 , Section 3. 10A of the Declaration of Restrictions
encumbering the San Ramon Industrial Park. Article
3, Section 3.10 reads as follows:
Building Regulations: all buildings shall be con-
structed in accordance with the following standards
unless an exception is approved in writing by the
architectural control committee: a) exterior walls
shall be of masonry or concrete
We , Bedford Properties , as adjacent land owners in the San
Ramon Industrial Park and encumbered by the same Declaration
of Restrictions , appeal for the denial of this permit .
Peter Bosworth
Project Manager
Bedford Properties,Inc. Mailing Address 3470 Mt.Diablo Blvd. Telephone
A Diversified P.O.Box 1267 Suite 200 415
Real Estate Company Lafayette,California Lafayette,California 283 8262
94549 94549
. . 0 _ a
WHEREAS Scotman's Mobile Lease, Co. , Inc. , has filed an application
for a CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, DC-14, to allow continued storage of mobile offices
in an "M-1" (Light Industrial) District, located at 6803 Sierra Court, east side,
1850' north_of the intersection with Dublin Boulevard, Dublin, Assessor's No. _
941-205-27; and
WHEREAS the Zoning Administrator did hold a public hearing on said
application at the hour of 1:30 p.m. on the 19th day of May, 1982, and on the
23d day of June, 1982, in the Alameda County Public Works Building, 399 Elmhurst
Street, Hayward, California; and
WHEREAS it satisfactorily appears from affidavits on file that proper
notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and
WHEREAS this application has been reviewed in accordance with the
provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act and has been found to be
categorically exempt; class 5, example d; and
WHEREAS a Pre-Hearing Analysis was submitted recommending the application
be conditionally approved; and
WHEREAS applicant's representatives appeared at said meetings and
presented testimony in support of the application and .a representative of a
neighboring property owner appeared at said meetings and presented testimony in
opposition to the application; and
WHEREAS the Zoning Administrator did hear and consider all said
reports, recommendations and testimony as hereinabove set froth; Now Therefore
t BE IT RESOLVED that the Zoning Administrator finds that:
t (a) The use is required by the public need as evidenced by past
successful operation and the need for temporary facilities
d by young businesses;
(b) The use will be properly related to other land uses and trans-
portation and service facilities in the vicinity as the use is
a bonofide industrial use in support of other young industrial
uses in the area and access and all services are available in
the urban area;
(c) The use, if permitted, under all the circumstances and conditions
of this particular case, will not materially affect adversely
the health or safety of persons residing or working in the
vicinity, or be materially detrimental to the public welfare
or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood
as it is a temporary use;
(d) The use will be contrary to the specific intent clauses or
performance standards established for the District in which it
is to be located as it is properly landscaped and screened and
the use is consistent with the intent of the District as a temporary
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Zoning Administrator does hereby
conditionally approve said application as shown by materials labelled Exhibit "A"
on file with the Alameda County Planning Department.
Said Conditional Use Permit shall expire June 23, 1983, and shall remain revocable
for cause in accordance with Section 8-90.3 of the Alameda County Zoning
. 0
Application for a CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT to allow continued storage of mobile
offices in an "M-1" (Light Industrial) District, located at 6803 Sierra Court, east side,
1850' north of the intersection with Dublin Blvd., Dublin, Assessor's No. 941-205-27.
History: January 11, 1979, Conditional Use Permit C-3324 and C-3325 initially authorized
outdoor storage and maintenance of mobile offices and use of a temporary office trailer
subject to approval of a landscaping plan, expiration of the temporary office trailer
in one year and expiration of the outdoor storage use in three years..
. February 11, 1981, Conditional Use Permit C-3946 permitted continued storage and
maintenance of mobile offices and a temporary use of a mobile office, expiration
in one year.
Size of Parcel: Approximately 1.1 acres.
Physical Features: Level rectangular property.' The front 40' of depth is landscaped. •
The remainder of the property fenced with chain link fence with redwood slats. Behind
a gate entering the center of the property is a paved parking area providing five parking
spaces in front of the existing mobile office on a permanent foundation. The remainder
of the property contains stock of mobile offices.
Adjacent Area: Bank of America corporate headquarters adjacent southerly. Generally
in the area, good quality light industrial development.
Environmental Impact: Categorically exempt, class 5d.
• Inspection of the property showed that landscaping and fencing materials have
been adequately maintained. Since the prior application, the formerly temporary
mobile office has been placed on a permanent foundation, removing the requirement
for the conditional use permit.
• A finding of public need was made on the original application, based upon a
list of clients and the need for temporary offices to support young businesses.
The outdoor storage use continues to be somewhat out of character with the area
and should be limited as a temporary use.
'' 1. Is the use required by the public need?
Yes. The use is required by the public need as evidenced by past successful operation •
and the need for temporary facilities by young businesses.
2. Will the use be properly related to other land uses and transportation and service
facilities in the vicinity?
Yes. The use is a bonafide industrial use in support of other young industrial uses
in the area and access and all services are available in the urban area.
3. Will the use, if permitted, under all the circumstances and conditions of this particular
case, materially affect adversely the health or safety of persons residing or working
in the vicinity, or be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to .
property or improvements in the neighborhood?
No, not detrimental as a temporary use.
1 �.
4. Will the use be contrary to the specific intent clauses or performance standards
established for the District in which it is to be located?
Properly landscaped and screened as it is, the use is consistent with the intent
of the District as a temporary use.
Approval subject to the requirement of solid fencing surrounding the outdoor storage and
expiration in three years.
J _