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5.2 Planned Development Amador Lakes
CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE : October 24 , 1983 SUBJECT PA 83-035 Amador Lakes, Planned Development Rezoning for 555 unit residential condominium project, west of proposed extension of Stagecoach Road and north of Amador Valley Boulevard EXHIBITS ATTACHED Locational Map; Pre-Hearing Staff Analysis with Exhibits and Attachments RECOMMENDATION : 1 ) Hear Staff presentation 2 ) Open public hearing , —' 3 ) Hear applicant and public presentations 4 ) Close public hearing 5 ) Adopt Resolution regarding Mitigated Negative Declaration 6 ) Waive reading and introduce Ordinance regarding Planned Development Rezoning FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION I . BACKGROUND Mr . Mark Rafanelli and Mr . Ronald Nahas have applied for a Planned Development rezoning and Tentative Map to allow a 555 unit residential condominium project. The project would include 69 two story buildings , three one story buildings , with related parking, a recreational lake, and landscaped open space . The project would be located on a 39 acre site , west of the proposed extension of Stagecoach Road, and north of Amador Valley Boulevard. The proposed density is 14 . 2 dwelling units per acre . The project site was part of the 1486th Zoning Unit Planned Development, commonly referred to as the "KREMCO" project . The KREMCO Planned Development required that : a) at least 2/3 of the units on the site be attached and clustered b) densities may range from 6 to 14 units per acre c ) a new Planned Development rezoning be processed The KREMCO Planned Development also included a number of conditions of approval such as the extension of Stagecoach Road to Alcosta Boulevard. II . ISSUES 1 . Park Dedication - The project is required to dedicate land, or pay in lieu fees , or a combination of both, for park or recreational purposes . The KREMCO project was required to pay fees in lieu of park dedication. The applicant proposes a combination of dedicating and improving a 3/4 acre park site and paying some in lieu fees . Under the existing Subdivision Ordinance, the amount and location of land to be dedicated or fees to be paid must be jointly determined by the City and Dublin San Ramon Services District . The Planning Commission recommends a combination of park dedication and in lieu fees, with preference given to land dedication . The Planning Commission recommends that consideration be given to adding tennis courts and tot-lot improvements . The City Council should determine how the park dedication requirement should be met . 2 . Environmental Concerns - The environmental review of the project identified potentially significant impacts related to traffic , lake safety and maintenance ; and energy conservation . The applicant has signed a binding agreement to mitigate the impacts . The mitigation measures include : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPIES TO: ITEM NO. ' �L, 1 . Extending and landscaping Stagecoach Road to Alcosta Boulevard; paying 1/2 the signal cost at Stagecoach Road and Amador Valley Boulevard; and paying $83 , 000 toward improvements along Amador Valley Boulevard 2 . Designing, building, and maintaining the lake according to expert recommendations . 3 . Providing energy conservation features to meet State and PG&E energy standards . At the Planning Commission meeting, several residents of the Sunny Glen senior adult community requested consideration of a 6 ' high sound wall . The applicant indicated he would consider solid fencing. III . RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends that the City Council take the following actions : 1 . Give Staff direction on how the park dedication requirement should be met: a. Fees only on land only b . Fees and land without improvements C . Fees and land with improvements 2 . Give Staff direction in terms of who should provide the park and recreational services : a. DSRSD b. City of Dublin C . DSRSD and City of Dublin Should the City Council determine that the City of Dublin should provide the services under items b or c, the City Council should instruct Staff to amend the Subdivision Ordinance accordingly. 3 . Adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration. 4 . Approve the Planned Development rezoning subject to the conditions of approval as drafted. Item 5.2 Exhibit Missing Locational Map for Planned Development, Amador Lakes PRE-HEARING STAFF ANALYSIS Meeting Date : October 24 , 1983 TO: City Council FROM: Planning Staff SUBJECT: PA 83-035 Amador Lakes Planned Development Rezoning to allow the construction of 555 residential condominium units, related parking, recreation facilities, and a neighborhood retail/office building on 39 acres, south of the Alameda/Contra Costa County line and west of the extension of Stagecoach Rd. (APN 941-500-1-10 ; 941-500-1-11 ; 941-500-1-7 ; and 941- 500-1-8 ) GENERAL INFORMATION PROJECT: V. Mark Rafanelli and Ron Nahas have applied for a Planned Development Rezoning and Tentative Map to allow the construction of 555 residential condominium units, in 69 two- story buildings and three one-story buildings, with related parking, recreation (including a large lake) , and landscaped open space . The property is currently zoned for multifamily housing, allowing a density of between six and 14 units per acre. APPLICANT: V. Mark Rafanelli 1565 Madison St . Oakland CA 94612 REPRESENTATIVES: Mark Rafanelli Ron Nahas ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 941-500-1-10 ; 941-500-1-11; 941-500-1-8 ; and 941-500-1-8 ) LOCATION: South of the Alameda/Contra Costa County line, west of the extension of Stagecoach Rd. , east of the S .P . Railroad tracks , and north of Amador Valley Blvd. PARCEL SIZE : 39 acres PROPERTY OWNER: Larry Lee, etal American Investors Bldg. 1275 A Street Hayward CA 94541 EXSITING ZONING: Planned Development (PD) for between 240 and 558 multifamily residential living units ( 6-14 units/acre) -1- EXISTING LAND USE: Vacant SURROUNDING ZONING AND LAND USE : North - Multifamily housing (San Ramon) East - Vacant - Open space South - Vacant - PD for single family homes West - S .R. Railroad tracks SITE AND ZONING HISTORY: On September 3 , 1981, the Alameda County Board of Supervisors approved a rezoning of 180 acres of land, located northeast and west of- the extension of Stagecoach Road, up to the Alameda/Contra Costa County line . That approval ( Zoning Unit 1486 and its correlated Tentative Map TR 4719 ) permits the construction of 150 single-family homes, on 51 acres, and between 240 and 558 multifamily units, on 39 acres . The lot layout for the single family homes was approved at that time. The approvals require that the multifamily home portion process the development plans through a separate Planned Development rezone . Several conditions of approval were attached to the initial Planned Development rezone and Tentative Map approvals (see Attachments 1 and 2 ) . An Environmental Impact Report was prepared on the project when it was first submitted to the County. As a result of the EIR and County Staff review, the project was revised. The revised land use mix and design was approved by the County. Since the specifics of the multifamily portion was not known at that time, an environmental assessment of the current application was prepared by the Dublin Planning Staff . On July 18, 1983 , the applicants made a presentation to the Dublin Planning Commission . The presentation covered the basic features of the project . Because a formal application was not yet made, the Commission took no action at that time . On September 9 , 1983, the Dublin Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider rezoning of 39 acres to allow the construction of 555 residential condominium units and a neighborhood retail/office center . The Commission also reviewed a Tentative Map for the subject property. At the conclusion of the public hearing, the Commission unanimously recommended that the City Council approve the proposed Planned Development rezoning and its associated Negative Declaration. The Commission also unanimously approved the Tentative Map subject to its being modified, consistent with any changes that may be made by the City Council (a copy of the Commission minutes are attached) . APPLICABLE REGULATIONS : The following sections of the Zoning Ordinance relate specifically to this application: 8-31 . 0 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS : INTENT. Planned Development Districts, hereinafter designated as PD Districts, are established to encourage the arrangement of a compatible variety of uses on suitable lands in such a manner that the resulting development will : a) Be in accord with the Policies of the General Plan; b) Provide efficient use of the land that includes preservation of significant open areas and natural and topographic landscape features with minimum alteration of natural land forms ; -2- c ) Provide an environment that will encourage the use of common open areas for neighborhood or community activities and other amenities ; d) Be compatible with and enhance the development of the general area; e) Create an attractive, efficient and safe environment. 8-31 . 2 CHANGE IN ZONING DISTRICT REQUIRED. The provisions of this Article shall become applicable to any given development only upon change in Zoning District to a Planned Development District, in accordance with the provision of Article 8 (Procedures ) of this Chapter, with the following exceptions to the provisions of said Article 8 : a) The determination that the proposal will benefit the public necessity, convenience and general welfare be based, in part, on the conformance of the proposal with provisions of this Article . b) Any change in zoning district accomplished in accordance with this Article is subject to review by the Planning Commission at the expiration of two ( 2 ) years from the effective date of said change, if during the two ( 2 ) year period construction, in accordance with the approved plan is not commenced, or if the approved staging plan has not been followed. At the conclusion of the review by the Planning Commission, the Planning Commission may recommend to the City Council that the lands affected by the Planned Development District be rezoned from the Planned Development District . Said hearings by the Planning Commission and the City Council shall be in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter. c ) A Planned Development District shall be established by the adoption of an Ordinance by the City Council reclassifying the described property to a Planned Development District and adopting by reference, a Land Use and Development Plan, the provisions of which shall constitute the regulations for the use, improvement and maintenance of the property within the boundaries of the plan. 8-31 . 15 COMMON AREAS - PROVISION, OWNERSHIP AND MAINTENANCE. Maintenance of all lands included within the plan not utilized for building sites, State and County Roads, and public uses, shall be assured by recorded land agreements, covenants, proprietary control, or other stated devices which attain this objective . The proposed method of assuring the maintenance of such lands shall be included as part of the Land Use and Development Plan . 8-95 . 0 SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW. Site Development Review is intended to promote orderly, attractive, and harmonious development; recognize environmental limitations on development ; stabilize land values and investments ; and promote the general welfare by preventing establishment of uses, or erection of structures, having qualities which would not meet the specific intent clauses or performance standards of this Chapter, or which are not properly related to their sites, surroundings , traffic circulation, or their environmental setting. Where the use proposed, and the adjacent land uses , environmental significance or limitations, topography, or traffic circulation is found to so require, the Planning Director may establish more stringent regulations than those otherwise specified for the District. -3- 8-95-1 . SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW: PROCEDURE. The Planning Director or his designated representative shall receive and decide applications for Site Development Review. No public hearing is required, except in the case of a concurrent application for a Variance, or in the case of a Conditional Use . TITLE 8, Ch. 1, ALAMEDA COUNTY SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE, AS ADOPTED BY THE CITY OF DUBLIN: 8-1 . 2 INTENT: It is the intent of this Chapter to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare; to assure in the division of land consistent with the policies of the Dublin General Plan and with the intent and provisions of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance ; to coordinate lot design, street patterns, rights-of-way, utilties and public facilities with community and neighborhood plans ; to assure that areas dedicated for public purposes will be properly improved initially so as not to be a future burden upon the community; to preserve natural resources and prevent environmental damage; to maintain suitable standards to insure adequate, safe building sites ; and, to prevent hazard to life and property. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: A Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) was prepared on this project . A copy of the MND is attached to this report . NOTIFICATION: Public Hearing notices have been published in the Tri-Valley Herald, mailed to adjacent property owners and posted in public buildings . ANALYSIS : GENERAL COMMENTS This is an application for a Planned Development rezoning, to permit the construction of 555 multifamily residential units, and a small retail/office center. A Tentative Map application was processed, simultaneously, with the Planned Development application, and the Tentative Map was approved by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission has recommended that the City Council approve the Planned Development Rezoning subject to the Conditions of Approval as contained in Exhibit E. It is the intent of the applicant to build the project in three phases and to, initially, rent out the units as they are built . At some time in the future, the units will be sold as condominium units . A commercial site was requested in order to construct a 7/11-type convenience store and some administrative office space, however, the Planning Commission recommends that the commercial site not be permitted. the applicants have agreed to eliminate the commercial site . The residential units are to be built in buildings containing eight units each . Three different building types are proposed. The buildings are sited so that small clusters of buildings share a common access point, hence, giving separate identities to each cluster. The dominant feature of this project is a large, central, man-made lake, which is visual rather than recreational in nature . Extensive landscaping is proposed for the full length of Stagecoach Road and within the project . This project has been put together with considerable care so that the environment that it creates for its future residents , and for adjacent neighbors , will be a positive one . The final design details will be completed once the zoning for this project has been finalized. All preliminary information, however, clearly shows that the planning, engineering and design components of the project have been well thought out . Staff has recommendations that will remedy some concerns, however, these -4- recommendations, by-and-large, seek to assure that the project will be well maintained in the future, be safe, and that it will remain attractive as it ages and matures . Financial responsibilities for maintenance are recommended. Because part of the required improveTnents are to be constructed in Contra Costa County, some inter-agency coordination will need to take place . These concerns can be easily remedied. Their resolution will not impede the project ' s timely construction, and they will protect the public interest for local and future residents of the area, and the City in general . Planned Development Rezoning Considerations There are six primary considerations which must be addressed in determining the acceptability of the proposed Planned Development rezoning : l . ' Environmental Impact 2 . Land Use 3 . Design 4 . Parkland Dedication 5 . Condominium Conversion 6 . Public Lighting and Landscape Maintenance Each of these considerations , as applied to the Amador Lakes application, is briefly discussed below. 1 . ENVIRONMENTAL This project is part of a larger development previously referred to as the Kremco development. The Kremco development had an Environmental Impact Report prepared on it . The development was subsequently modified to minimize its environmental impact, and the project was then conditionally approved, to assure that no significant environmental impacts would occur as a result of the development. The Kremco approval included a 39-acre site that was set aside for multifamily development, with a density range of between six and 14 units per acre . No specific development proposal was reviewed. As a consequence, an environmental assessment of the Amador Lakes proposal is mandated by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) . The initial assessment indicated that the Amador Lakes proposal could have a significant environmental impact . Staff developed mitigation measures concerning traffic, lake safety and health, and energy conservation . The applicant has agreed, via a binding declaration, to comply with the recommended mitigation measures . Thus, a Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared (see Exhibit B) . In general, the applicants will extend the landscaping on Stagecoach Road all the way to Alcosta Blvd. , pay 1/2 the cost of signalizing Stagecoach Rd. and Amador Valley Blvd. , and pay $83 , 250 toward road and median work, along Amador Valley Blvd. Additionally, the lake will be designed, built, and maintained, according to City-approved recommendations of an expert in such matters . The project will also be designed to, at least, meet the latest State and P .G. & E . energy standards . 2 . LAND USE The applicants propose to build 555 attached residental condominium units in 69 two-story, and three single-story buildings , along with related parking and landscaped open space . A summary of the project statistics follows : Site Area: 39 acres Unit Density: 14 . 2 units/acre Unit Number Type Size : 160 1-bedroom/1-bath 696 sq. ft . 136 2-bedroom/1-bath 880 sq. ft . 136 2-bedroom/2-bath 920 sq. ft . 120 2-bedroom/2/bath 943/983 sq. ft . 3 Manager units 50% of the site will be in common open space 50 of the site will be for private open .space 15% of the site will be covered by buildings 25% of the site will be covered by roads and parking 2% of the site is for the retail center 3% : other A 3/4-acre commercial site was sought, which would have permitted the construction of approximately 10 , 000 square feet of retail (7/11-type convenience store ) , and administrative office space . A. Residential - The 1486th Zoning Unit approval allows multifamily development on the subject site. The permitted density range is 6-14 units per acre . The Amador Lakes proposal is for 14 units per acre . In looking at the acceptability of this density, Staff has considered the environmental design, and visual and recreational aspects of the project. Of the multifamily developments in Dublin, 14 u/a (units per acre) will be at the "bottom of the list" . The Springs Apts , for example, are at 22 u/a. The proposal provides for 50% common open space, including a large lake and extensive landscaping. The visual character of the proposal is somewhat rustic, with small to medium-size clusters of buildings, creating sub-project identity. Considerable thought has gone into maximizing views of the central lake, and in creating both vehicular and pedestrian pathways that provide visual interest for the people who utilize them. B. Commercial - The applicants had asked for approval of a 3/4 acre retail and office site. The 1486th Zoning Unit did not include approval for such a use, therefore, its impacts have not been previously addressed. Staff had recommended that the commercial site be eliminated for several reasons , the Planning Commission concurred, and the applicants have agreed to eliminate the commercial site . All parties are in agreement that the 3/4-acre site should be integrated into the residential and evelopment and that an equal area be created for recreation and open space purposes . The site plan will be adjusted to provide for these changes . Condition #5, in Exhibit E, has been modified to assure that the modified plans properly incorporate the additional recreation/open space . C . Design (see Exhibit "A" ) - The site plan, preliminary architecture and preliminary landscaping have been designed to be compatible with one another . -6- Significant detail still needs to be reviewed, however that review will take place through the Site Development Review process . For the Planned Development rezoning process, the City Council needs to determine if the site plan is acceptable, and whether or not the preliminary architectural and landscape designs are acceptable . 1 ) Site plan: The site is almost flat . It will have residential development located to the north and south, the railroad to the west, and both residential and open space, across Stagecoach Rd. , to the east . The buildings are grouped around central parking areas . Each unit will have either a deck' or a private, enclosed, or semi-enclosed, patio. Pedestrian walkways will be provided to allow people to walk throughout the site . The Site plan so arranges units that there will be an excellent variety of views of buildings and open space . This will provide a positive appearance of the project from off-site and from on-site . 2 ) Architecture : Three different eight-plex buildings are proposed. The size and shape will be somewhat different for each type, although the materials of the buildings are the same for each: plywood siding, composition shingle roofing, wood decks and patios . The buildings are fairly well articulated, such that they will have a variety of consistent forms and, thus, visual interest . It is expected that a carefully worked out color and material pallet, that shows some variety in the buildings ' colors and exterior siding, will be submitted for approval at the time of Site Development Review. 3 ) Landscape Architecture : The preliminary landscape plan shows a carefully selected plant pallet, containing trees, shrubs, and ground cover, with some variation. Both deciduous and evergreen trees, and predominantly flowering shrubs are proposed. The vast majority of the ground cover appears to be decorative . It is difficult to determine how much lawn is proposed. It is anticipated that several lawn areas will be created, both small (adjacent to the building clusters ) , and larger areas, between the clusters, and adjacent to the lake . The larger areas should provide for both passive and active recreation activity. The amount, specific mix, and initial plant size, etc . , of the plants, will be reviewed during the Site Development Review process . In addition to landscaping of the residential area, the applicants have submitted plans for the landscaping of the entire length of Stagecoach Rd. , and for a new median that will separate the existing homes along Stagecoach Rd. from a newly aligned roadway. These plans show the street, tree planting, shrub plants, upslope ground cover, and fencing for the areas that will be within the public right-of-way, and on upslopes directly adjacent to it . The preliminary plans are currently under review by the City Staff, and it is anticipated that an attractive streetscape will result from this review. -7- D . PARKLAND DEDICATION This project is required to pay Parkland Dedication fees . The previous zoning approval required that all fees be paid to the Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) , rather than having some land dedicated and some fees paid. The applicant now proposes to dedicate and improve a 3/4-acre site, just north of the existing Stagecoach Rd. homes, pay some fees, and dedicate to the neighboring development, a 1/4-acre site, to the very north of the property, for lawn bowling ( see Attachment 6 ) . These fees are to be paid, and improvements to be constructed in a staged manner . Staff has talked with DSRSD about the desirability of accepting parkland and/or fees . There are many pro ' s and con ' s which, in the final analysis, depend upon the City ' s position . The options with a summary of the advantages/disadvantages are as follows : Options : 1 . Fees only 2 . Fees and land without improvements 3 . Fees and land with improvements 1 . Fees could be used for developing new or rehabilitating existing park or recreational facilities to serve the subdivision. 2 . Fees could be used as above, and the land could be banked for future use, when the need warrants . 3 . Fees, which would be less than in #1 and #2 (as described above) , and a finished park would be available for immediate use . The applicant is willing to agree to be directly responsible for maintenance of the proposed park, with the Homeowners ' Association(s ) paying directly, or through an assessment district, for maintenance in the future. The questions are: 1) is this a proper location for a park; 2 ) would only fees be best; and 3 ) if a park now, how .should maintenance be handled? The City Council should discuss the options and give direction to Staff as to what it would like to see DSRSD do. The Planning Commission, in discussing the parkland dedication issue, concluded that: 1 ) The dedication of lot #152 to sunny Glen Adult Community, Inc . , should not be credited as park dedication bnecause : a) the area will not be available to residents of the proposed subdivision; b) there will be no access for Dublin residents ; c) the area will not be for public use ; and d) there would be difficult police service access . 2 ) The Planning Commission prefers a combination of park dedication and in-lieu fees, with the dedication .of land being imperative, rather than in-lieu fees. -8- 3 ) Consideration shuld be given to the need for tennis courts and additional emphasis should be placed on tot-lot improvement. E. CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION This project is being set up as a condominium project, however, the applicants will start out renting the units , and then, when conditions are right for the property owners , they will sell the units as condominiums . The units comply with the City ' s basic condominium standards ; having private storage, private open space, being individually metered, and having adequate parking and open space . Since the project is to be phased, and will convert from a developer-controlled-, to a homeowner- controlled project, Staff has been careful to assure that maintenance responsibilities, and the like, will be continuously assigned to someone, and that there are adequate protections to assure that, at the end of each phase, a "complete" project exists ( i .e . streets providing a through access, lake access is protected, vacant land is maintained. ) F. PUBLIC LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE This proposal involves installing landscaping and lighting along the entire length of Stagecoach Road. The installation costs will, clearly, be borne by the developers of this, and the associated 150 homes . Responsibility for maintenance of these facilities, and potentially of the park, is yet to be determined. The developers , and then the Homeowners ' Association, could be responsible, but enforcement would be difficult. A lighting and landscape maintenance assessment district could be set up, which would be controlled by the City. This would provide assurance that the funds for maintenance are available and that quality maintenance will occur . The third option is for the City to assume responsibility for maintenance, and related costs . This would cost the entire community, while benefitting some, which is not advantages . Staff will work with the applicant to see if an assessment district can be put in place, otherwise the developers and homeowners will need to bear the direct responsibility for maintenance . TENTATIVE MAP This application contains a Tentative Map which shows how the site is to be graded and drained. It also shows how utilities will serve the site . Three lots are to be created, which correspond to the phases of the project. Several comments have been received by affected agencies , but by-and-large, these comments are standard. Some protective measures, to assure that the lake will not flood or create sub-grade problems, are sought . The City Engineer prepared recommendations for this project. These have been incorporated into the Resolution of approval for this project. The conditions of approval as approved by the Planning Commission are contained in Resolution 83-18, which is included as Attachment 7 of this report . -9- CONCLUSION: This is a well thought out project, that contains an appropriate density of residential condominium units . The project will be attractive, functional, efficient, and provide a comfortable living environment for future residents, while being a :'good neighbor" . The manner in which parkland dedication, and/or fees, should be handled should be discussed by the Planning Commission, with direction being given to DSRSD. The environmental impacts of the projects have been adequately mitigated, such that the project will not create any significant adverse impacts . The project is a good project, which warrants approval . Assurances that it will be built as planned, and that it will be maintained, have been incorporated into the City Council Ordinance for the approval of the Planned Devlopment and the Planning Commission ' s Resolution for the Tentative Map. CITY COUNCIL ACTION REQUIRED The City Council needs to take two actions related to the Amador Lakes rezoning: 1 . Take action on the Mitigated Negative Declaration. 2 . Take action on the Planned Development Rezoning request consistent with Section 8-31 . 0 of the Zoning Ordinance . PRE-HEARING RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council : 1) adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration; 2 ) approve the Planned Development Rezoning as attached and described in Exhibits A, B, and C, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibits D, and E, and make the findings contained therein. These conditions have been developed to assure the City that the project will be built as proposed, that the future property owners ' interests will be protected, that the City' s financial position will be protected, that environmental impacts will be insignificant, and that the project will be beneficial to the City as a whole . Many of the Conditions listed below will ultimately be incorporated into City Standard Conditions . At this time, and as the City establishes its standards, they need to be listed directly as Conditions of. Approval . ' Each condition has been recommended for a specific reason. At the City Council meeting, Staff will explain any Condition on which the Council wishes clarification. Exhibit A - Development Plans B - Mitigated Negative Declaration C - Tentative Map D. - Resolution Approving Mitigated Negative Declaration E - Ordinance, approving Planned Development Rezoning PA 83-035 -10- Attachments : 1 ) Zoning Unit 1486 Conditions of Approval 2 ) Tract 4719 Conditions of Approval 3 ) Environmental Impact Findings (previous EIR) 4 ) Letters from City/County 5 ) Environmental Assessment Form Sect . 3 6 ) Attachment #5 - Applicant Parkland Dedication Proposal 7 ) Planning Commission Resolution Approving Tentative Map 8 ) Minutes of Planning Commission Meeting of September 19 , 1983 9 ) Letter from Rafanelli & Associates dated October 18, 1983 -11- CITY OF DUBLIN P.O. Box 2340 Dublin, CA 94565 (415) 829-4600 MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR: Amador Lakes, Rezone (PA 83-035 ) 555-unit residential condominium project (Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section- 21000, et seq. ) LOCATION: 40 acres bounded by the Alameda/Contra Costa County line on the north, S .P . Railroad tracks on the west, and the proposed extension of Stagecoach Road on the east . APPLICANT: V. M. Rafanelli and R.C. Nahas OWNER: Larry Lee, etal ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 941-2765-1 ; 941-2765-2 ; 941-2765-3 ; and 941-2765-4 DESCRIPTION: Request to rezone 40 acres to permit the construction of a 555-unit residential/condominium project and a 1/2-acre retail/office along with related parking and recreation facilities . FINDINGS : The project will not have a significant effect on the environment. INITIAL STUDY: The Initial Study is attached with a brief discussion of the following environmental components : Each has been mitigated by revision to the initial project or through a binding committment by the applicant, as outlined in the section below entitled Mitigation Measures : a) Traffic b) Lake Safety and Health c ) Energy Conservation MITIGATION MEASURES: (see attached) PREPARATION: This Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared by the City of Dublin Planning Staff, (415 ) 829-4916 . SIGNATURE: DATE : September 9 , 1983 Laurence L . Tong, Pia n ng Director t9 7r+ Attachment - Mitigated Negative Declaration for Amador Lakes a) Traffic - This project will extend Stagecoach Road to Alcosta Blvd. , pay 1/2 the cost of signalizing Stagecoach Rd_ and Amador Valley Blvd. , and pay $150/unit to be used for road improvements on Amador Valley Blvd, between Stagecoach Rd_ and Village Parkway. b) Lake Safety and Health - The proposed lake will be designed by a person with established credentials, to ..have a reasonable safety factor. The lake will also be designed to be maintained so as to be clean and healthy, utilizing procedures established in a maintenance manual, prepared by an expert in such matters . The developer will also maintain the lake according to said manual . C ) Energy Conservation - The residential units are being designed to, at least, comply with State and P .G. & E. energy conservation requirements . Additionally, the landscaping is being designed to improve the energy conservation characteristics of residential units . '' ♦ ►b� �t�' lid T�l��J� - � •.fie � �_�■� �, Ell sit rim- 1�. r� �■ r � � ��■1®� �o� i�� r:' GENERAL NOTES: PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS TENTATIVE MAP 8• AMADOR LAKES LEGEND . . z . EXHIBIT D RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ----------------------------------------------------------------- ADOPTING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION CONCERNING PA 83-035 AMADOR LAKES WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) , as amended together with the State ' s administrative guidelines for implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act and City Environmental regulations, requires that certain projects be reviewed for environmental impact and that environmental documents be prepared; and, WHEREAS, a Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared by the Dublin Planning Department; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did review the Mitigated Negative Declaration and considered it at a public hearing on September 19 , 1983 ; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, on September 19 , 1983 , did resolve as follows : 1 ) the project, PA 83-035 Amador Lakes, has either been changed by the applicant or the applicant has agreed to provide mitigation measures that will result in a project that will not have any significant environmental impacts that were identified in the Initial Study; 2 ) the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Tentative Map has been prepared and processed in accordance with State and local environmental law and guideline regulations and that it is adequate and complete . WHEREAS, the City Council did review the Mitigated Negative Declaration and considered it at a public hearing on October 24 , 1983 ; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows : 1) the City Council finds that the project, PA 83-035 Amador Lakes, has either been changed by the applicant or the applicant has agreed to provide mitigation measures that will result in a project that will not have any significant environmental impacts that were identified in the Initial Study; 2 ) the City Council finds that the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Planned Development has been prepared and processed in accordance with State and local environmental law and guideline regulations and that it is adequate and complete . PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS DAY OF 1983 . AYES : NOES: ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk EXHIBIT E ORDINANCE NO. i. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE TO PERMIT THE REZONING OF REAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF DUBLIN The City Council of the City of Dublin does ordain as follows : SECTION 1 . Chapter 2 of Title 8 of the Dublin Ordinance Code is hereby amended in the following manner: Thirty nine acres located west of proposed extension of Stagecoach Road, north of Amador Valley Boulevard, south of the Alameda/Contra Costa County line, and east of the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way, designated Assessor Parcel Number I 941-500-1-7 ; 941-500-1-8; 941-500-1-10 ; and, 941-500-1-11, are j hereby rezoned to the PD (Planned Development) District and PA i 83-035 Amador Lakes Exhibit A(plans) , Exhibit B (Mitigated Negative Declaration) on file with the Dublin Planning Department are hereby adopted as the regulations for the use, improvement and maintenance of the property within this District. A map of the area is as follows h -- - 0 r4 ..CLUB:;: t p :.:.;:'�.:�: :::;::;..: A•,:.;::;:;:� ?40 ors N �I'V' .::':'•:::'::'.';:'::•:�'.::::,' \Y::::] qt cr- 0 ? '9rF • �� P�6 noK" 'Tiu �wwx rn"uxrr ':`:ii:�ir:':i>::::G:.:!i:•:i:iir})':ii r.,v crxw U r'"M. cr �`'•' ' PARKS RESERVE :�'::: KOU� �^ wrM y. �Fs 9 '�l•'t l.:p:'(a•:c':7[::[:.''.:.i':•:':t 1:3} .uu� @ a..na a. ^""od d ]}:•'r::i.:.:.iii:::?.•i:;i:F.:$i:'ri.:':.il aye`•� � R ?}•„MV n � ' II i � ~ +t/-s n, TRAININGAREA::;;:•;:: SECTION 2 . This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty ( 30 ) days from and after the date of its passage . Before ! the expiration of fifteen ( 15 ) days after its passage, it shall be published once with the names of the Council members voting for and against the same in the Tri-Valley Herald, a newspaper published in Alameda County and available in the City of Dublin. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Dublin on this day of 1983 by the following votes : AYES: NOES : ABSENT: I Mayor ATTEST: By City Clerk I I i EXHIBIT "E" FINDINGS AND GENERAL PROVISIONS FINDINGS APPROVING PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONING PA 83-035 AMADOR LAKES WHEREAS, V. Mark Rafanelli and Ron Nahas, with the property owners consent, propose to rezone 39 acres of land (APN 941-500-1-7 ; 941-500-1-8 ; 941-500-1-10 ; and 941-500-1-11) located immediately south of the Alameda/Contra Costa County line, west of the extension of Stagecoach Road, and east of the S.P . Railroad right-of-way; from Planned Development for 240 to 558 units, to Planned Development for a specific project with 555 condominium units and a 3/4 acre retail/commercial site; and, WHEREAS, the City Council, finds that the City of Dublin is in the process of preparing and adopting a general plan, and that there is reasonable probability that the proposed rezoning will be consistent with the future general plan; and WHEREAS, there is little or no probability that the rezoning will be a detriment to or interfere with the future general plan, should the new zoning ultimately be inconsistent with the future general plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council, finds that the rezoning will not have a significant environmental impact; and WHEREAS, the rezoning is appropriate for the subject property in terms of being compatible to existing land uses in the area, will be visually attractive, will not overburden public services, and will provide housing of a type and cost that is desired, yet not readily available in the City of Dublin; and WHEREAS, the rezoning will not have substantial adverse effects on health or safety, or be substantially detrimental to the publc welfare, or be injurious to property or public improvements ; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council approves a Planned Development (PD) rezoning request for a 555- unit residential condominium as shown on the Plans labelled Exhibit "A" , and subject to the following Conditions : GENERAL PROVISIONS 1 . Compliance with Conditions of Approval for the 1486th Zoning Unit and Tract Map 4719 (attached) except as amended by these Conditions . 2 . Compliance with the plans contained in Exhibit "A" and as amended by these Conditions . 3 . Site Development Review approval by Staff shall be acquired prior to issuance of any building permit . The Site Development Review shall implement these General Provisions concerning the physical development of the project. 4 . The maximum number of residential units shall not exceed 555 condominium units . 5 . The retail/commercial site is not approved. It shall be improved for recreation/open space use, and it shall be incorporated into the Amador Lakes residential development . The 3/4-acre area may be located at another place along the southern portion of the property so that its recreation/open space uses will relate well to .the project in general and neighboring units in particular . The precise location and design of the recreation/open space site and the realignment of affected residential units shall be reviewed and approved by Staff at the time of Site Development Review. 6 . All condominium units shall contain standard and currently available energy saving devices , and be insulated in accordance with Title 24 , State of California Administrative Code and evidence shall be provided to the Building Official from P .G. & E. that the units meet P .G. & E. ' s requirements of the "Energy Conservation Home Program" if it still exists at the time the units are to be constructed. 7 . Compliance with the City of Dublin Residential Condominium Development Guidelines (as amended 3/30/83 ) . 8 . Compliance with City of Dublin Site Development Review Standard Conditions . 9 . Compliance with City of Dublin Police Services Standard Residential Building Security Requirements . 10 . The and/or property owner is to be responsible for the maintenance of the entire project and related improvements and shall continue said responsibility until such time as the Homeowners ' Association assumes the responsibility. 11 . The and/or property owner is to provide to the City Planning Department a status report as to the occupancy characteristics of the development once each year for three years . 12 . There shall be compliance with DSRSD requirements, DSRSD Fire Department requirements , Flood Control District requirements , Public Works , and City Engineer requirements . Written statements from each agency approving the plans over which it has jurisdiction shall be submitted to the Planning Department prior to issuance of Building Permits or the installation of any. improvements related to this project. 13 . Unit address information and directories shall be provided to the satisfation of DSRSD Fire Department, Postal Service, and Dublin Planning Department. 14 . Parkland dedication shall be made, and/or fees shall be paid prior to approval of the Final Map, and as provided by local ordinance, to the satisfaction of the City of Dublin and DSRSD to comply with the Subdivision Ordinance. Should park land be dedicated and improvements be required, the improvements shall be acceptable to the City of Dublin and be installed as the City shall specify. 15 . The maintenance responsibility and a contractual obligtion for the maintenance of the landscaping, irrigation, lighting, fencing, and related improvements for Stagecoach Road, and related slope easements, shall be assigned and found acceptable to the City of Dublin, for the portion of the City of Dublin, and to the City of San Ramon, for that portion in the City of San Ramon, prior to approval of the Final Map, or building permits . The City will attempt to establish a Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District to serve that purpose . 16 . Should Amador Lakes be built in phases : a) the undeveloped portion of the site shall be fenced off, or the area around the lake shall be fenced off, prior to the filling of the lake; b) the undeveloped portion shall be maintained in a manner acceptable to DSRSD Fire Department, and it shall be kept free of trash and debris; c ) a complete road system shall be installed to assure that at least two major means of access are available at all times, or one major access and an emergency access shall be provided. d) each phase shall be landscaped and developed such that, should construction of subsequent phases be delayed, the constructed phase ( s ) will appear as a completed project . 17 . Should the lake become dormant, present an irreversable health problem, or be so neglected that it no longer is a positive visual amenity, it shall be removed and its area shall be landscaped so as to be compatible with the remainder of the project. 18 . The managers quarters for each phase (three total) shall become common facilities to be controlled by the Homeowners ' Association, when the Association is formed for that phase . However, . the developer shall have the option of providing other space to the Association, instead .of the manager quarters, upon a finding by Staff that such additional space provides equal utility for management, recreation, and social needs . The three managers ' quarters shall become common facilities to be controlled by the Homeowners ' Association when the Association is formed. 19 . Prior to the sale of any units as condominiums, the following reports shall be filed with, and be approved by, the City Enginer: a) a report by a licensed roofing contractor certifying that the roofs of all the structures are in good condition and not likely to be in need of replacement for at least 10 years . b) a report by a Professional Engineer attesting that the structure of all buildings, pavements , storm drainage facilities ; and the interior and exterior plumbing, electrical systems, and utility and mechanical equipment to be owned in common, or as part of individual condominiums, are in good and serviceable condition; c ) a report by a licensed painting contractor certifying that painting throughout the project is in good condition and that the building exteriors should not require repainting for at least five years . d) a report by a licensed termite and pest control specialist certifying that the structures are free of infestation and structural damage caused by pests . 20 . Special storage areas of at least 100 cu. ft. , each, shall be provided within, or adjacent to, each unit. At least one washer and one dryer shall be provided for every four dwellings . All appliances shall either be replaced with new units or be warranted to the values of new appliances . 21 . Improvements required for individual units under these Conditions may be deferred until the units are offered for sale provided that the installation of said improvements is guaranteed by a bond, cash deposit, or instrument of credit, at the time the final map is filed, or subsequent to that time, if acceptable to the City Engineer . 22 . The project shall be constructed as approved. Minor modifications in the design, but not the use, may be approved by Staff . Any other change will require Planning Commission approval . 23 . Carport columns sh all , be a minimum 16 ' from the center line of the adjacent driveway. 24 . Handicapped ramps and access to each ground floor unit shall be provided. Handicapped parking stalls, appropriately signed, shall be provided evenly throughout the project . 25 . Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (C.C. & R. ' s) shall be established for this development, and a separate C.C . & R shall be established for the related 150 single family home development . These C .C. & R. ' s shall be approved by the Planning Director prior to filing of the Final Map. These C.C . & R. ' s shall be reviewed and approved by the City to assure that: a. There is adequate provision for, at least, the maintenance. of all commonly owned facilities , property and landscaping, including open space, roads, parking, lighting, recreation facilities, landscape, and the exterior of all buildings ; b. Payment of dues and assessments shall be both a lien against the assessed land and a personal obligation of each property owner . An estimate of these costs shall be provided to each buyer prior to the time of purchase . C . The Association shall maintain all common areas in good repair, including drainage and erosion control improvements, fences , and landscaping; d. The Association shall keep the City Planning Department informed of the current name, address, and phone number of the Association ' s official representative; e . Payment of the water and street lighting (maintenance and energy) bills and maintenance and repair of storm drain lines are the obligations of the Homeowners ' Association, unless paid for through a Lighting and Landscape Maintenance Assessment Districe . Also except where storm drains serve public property (streets and/or public land) in addition to the subdivision, the controlling public agency shall then be responsible for maintenance; f . Each buyer is to sign an acknowledgement that he has read the Constitution and Bylaws of the Homeowners ' Association and the Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions applying to the development. g. The Homeowners Association shall contract with, or be advised by a professional management firm, as to how to handle maintenance operations and fee collection procedures . h. No recreational vehicle or boat may be stored within this development unless storage facilities exclusively designed for recreational vehicles and boats are approved by the Dublin Planning Department are provided in the project. i . The Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions shall provide that upon sufficient notice to homeowners, the serving utilities be authorized to enter any portions of the units whenever restoration of gas, electric, and telephone service is required; that the utilities shall have the right to install, move, remove, or run new lines in or on any portions of the common area, including the interior and exterior of the units (except where undergrounding' is required by the Subdivision Ordinance ) as is necessary to maintain telephone service within the subdivision, and that this provision may not . be amended or terminated without the consent of the utilities . j . Guest parking areas must be identified by signs and the C .C . & R. ' s shall prohibit the use of these areas by homeowner families . k . The Constitution and Bylaws of the Homeowners ' Association shall include the obligations of the Association to be responsible for public liability in case of injury in connection with public utility easements, and for maintenance of the private vehicle access ways and utility trenches in public utility easements . They shall further be void of any mention of future dedication of the access way to the City as a public street . 26 . After the project has been completed, and subject to observing any minimum and maximum dimensions specified in the approved plan : a. In the common areas, plant materials, arbors, fences, paving materials, and similar landscape features may be added or replaced, in kind. b . Any construction, repair or replacement which would occur in the normal course of maintenance of the common areas as the project matures may occur subject to the securing of any permits or paying fees required by other ordinances . 27 . All utilities to and within the project shall be undergrounded. 28 . Gas and electric service for each unit shall be individually metered. All meters shall be screened from view and enclosed by an enclosure that is compatible in design and materials to that of the building to which it is installed. 29 . Secure DSRSD agreement to maintain the on-site sanitary sewer collection system excluding individual laterals . The system shall be designed as acceptable to DSRSD. 30 . Landscaping, irrigation and maintenance of same for Stagecoach Rd. shall be approved by the Planning Department prior to the issuance of any building permits or the granting of street improvement approvals . 31 . Heating of the pools shall be by a solar heating system, the location and design of which will be reviewed as part of the Site Development Review. 32 . The at-grade patios shall be fenced and landscaped for privacy of the units . 33 . Developer shall furnish and install signs stating "Not a Publicly Maintained Street" and "Fire Access - Park in Designated Locations Only" in right-of-way of private streets . Parking spaces shall be designated by sign, paint or equal . 34 . Fire hydrants shall be installed and operable, to the satisfaction of the Dublin San Ramon Services District Fire Department, prior to combustible construction. 35 . Prior to final inspection and occupancy of any given group or cluster of units, via a construction schedule, subject to approval of the City Planning Director and City Engineer : a. Storm drainage facilities shall have been installed as approved by the City Engineer . b . Fire protection devices shall have been installed, be operable, and conform to the specifications of and inspections by the Dublin San Ramon Services District Fire Department . C . A 4" high concrete curb (minimum) to separate all paved parking and passageway areas from landscaped areas shall have been installed. Curbs may be deleted where a sidewalk adjoins parking and passageway, provided the sidewalk is at least 4" higher than adjoining pavement. d. Cable TV hook-up shall be provided to each unit in the subdivision, in accordance with existing City regulations . e . As-built drawings showing the locations of all underground utilities (water, storm and sanitary sewer, gas, electric, telephone, and cable TV) shall be provided to the Homeowners ' Association. f . Street name signs , bearing such names as are approved by the Planning Director, shall have been installed. 36 . Prior to occupancy of any group or cluster of units in each phase of development, landscaping, irrigation, fencing, and landscape lighting in accordance with approved landscape and erosion control plans, shall have been installed, or a bond or letter of credit equal to the cost plus 100 of the landscaping, lighting, appurtenant structures, irrigation system shall be provided to the City. A statement from the Project Landscape Architect certifying that landscaping has been installed under his/her supervision and is in accordance with approved plans shall be submitted to the Building Official and Planning Director . 37 . Private Vehicle Accessways/Private Streets : a. Backfill of all utility trenches in private vehicle access way areas is to meet the recommendations of a licensed Civil Engineer specializing in the field of soils engineering. ( In the absence of such a recommendation, City public street standards for trench backfill shall be utilized. ) The soils engineer shall provide full-time inspector services when trenches are being backfilled in accordance with this recommendation. All work done within public utility easements is to be inspected by the responsible utility to a point six inches over the top of the pipe. All other work in the access way is to be inspected by the recommending soils engineer and/or the City Engineer. Trench backfill in private vehicle access ways shall be compacted to a minimum of ninety percent relative compaction as determined by California Test Method No. 216 . Trench backfill in other areas outside of the private vehicle access ways shall be inspected and specified as to material and compaction requirements by the respective util.ity agency. In the absence of such requirements, the City Engineer shall make the determination. b . The developer, and then the subsequent Homeowners ' Association is to covenant and be responsible for the maintenance of all facilities in the private vehicle access way which are not maintained by a public utility agency, except that all maintenance work resulting from backfill failure is to be the responsibility of the Homeowners ' Association (after the one-year warranty period commencing from the time the Association takes effect) . The developer is to be responsible for maintenance of all facilities during the one-year warranty period. . C . The connection between the private vehicle access way and the public street is to be by a standard driveway type of connection . Driveway throat width (at back of sidewalk) shall be the same as the vehicle' access way. d. Safety lighting is to be provided on private vehicle access way and on pedestrian-way facilities connecting thereto. Lights shall utilize "vandal resistant" enclosures, Increased lighting level at entrance shall be provided to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and Planning Director. e . A recorded contract, to run with the land, is to be established providing the City with authority to repair and/or maintain the private vehicle access way in the event the developer or the Homeowners ' Association fails to so maintain them in a manner such that adequate access by vehicular traffic is provided at all times, so that fire, police, health and sanitation vehicles and public utility vehicles can service the properties contiguous or adjacent thereto, and so that said vehicles will have adequate turning areas . Provision is to be made in the contract to enable the City to recover costs of work performed by the City in these access ways . The contract should recite that the developer or Homeowners ' Association grants the City the authority to enter and repair and maintain the private vehicle access way in consideration of the City allowing the use of private vehicle access ways , and that repair costs incurred by the City are to be shared, pro rata, by all units and collected as assessments along with County property taxes . 38 . Approval of this Planned Development is for two years as is specified in Section 8-31 . 2 (b) of the Zoning Ordinance . 39 . Traffic Improvements : a) Comply with the traffic signal improvements and Stagecoach Road extension requirements, as specified by the conditions of approval for the 1486th Zoning Unit and Tentative Map, TR 4719 . b) Pay $150 per unit, to the City, prior to issuance of any building permits, to be used by the City for road improvements on Amador Valley Blvd, between Stagecoach Rd. and Village Parkway. A bond in lieu of a cash payment may be accepted, if acceptable to the City Engineer. 40 . Lake Safety and Health: a) The lake shall be designed by someone experienced in lake design, with credentials to be approved by the City of Dublin Citv Engineer. The lake shall be designed to provide a reasonable safety factor, which may or may not contain fencing, and which can be substantiated and attested to by the lake ' s designer . b) The lake ' s water, vegetation, below and above water surface, and related physical improvement, shall be designed by someone experienced in lake maintenance techniques, with credentials to be approved by the City of Dublin City Engineer . The above referenced items shall be designed to assure that the lake, when maintained in accordance with the procedures contained in a maintenance manual prepared by the designer, will be kept in a clean and healthy condition. c ) The lake shall be maintained as called for in the maintenance manual specified in 41b) , above . 41 . Energy Conservation: a) Landscape shall be designed such that it adds to the energy conservation characteristics of the residential units . b) Comply with intent of the energy conservation requirements called for in the conditions of approval for the 1486th Zoning Unit . 42 . Prior to building construction: a. Grading must conform with the recommendations of the soils engineer to the satisfaction of the City Engineer . A declaration by the soils engineer that he has supervised grading and that such conformance has occurred shall be submitted. b. The following shall have been submitted to the City Engineer: 1) An as-built grading plan prepared by a registered Civil Engineer, including original ground surface elevations, as-graded ground surface elevations, lot drainage, and locations of all surface and subsurface drainage facilities . 2 ) A complete record, including location and elevation of all field density tests, and a summary of all field and laboratory tests . 3 ) A declaration by the Project Civil Engineer, and Project Geologist, that all work was done in accordance with the recommendations contained in the soil and geologic investigation reports and the approved plans and specifications . 4 ) Measures shall be taken to contain all trash, construction debris, and materials on site until disposal off-site can be arranged. The developer shall be responsible for corrective measures at no expense to the City. 43 . If, during construction, archaeological remains are encountered, construction in the vicinity shall be halted, an archaeologist consulted, and the Planning Department notified. If, in the opinion of the archaeologist, the remains are significant, measures, as may be required by the Planning Director, shall be taken to protect them. Approved its to Form RICHARD J. ki00RE, County Counsel MET Iri1�GE Ey_— P h' THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ALA_NIEDA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA On motion of Supervisor------_--------__-----------_----__—, &-condcd by Supervisor--_ sind zpproved by the following vote, --- Ayes: Supervisors--------------------- — --- — - ----- --- — - -- — --- Nocs: Supervisors----_------------------------------ -- Excused or Absent: Supervisors-----------_________ THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED: NUNfBER_ — . APPROVE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT WHEREAS the -Alameda County Board of Supervisors did receive the ` petition of KREMCO, INC. initiating consideration of an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of the County of Alameda, California, to reclassify from the R-1 (Single Family Residence, 5,000-6,500 square foot minimum building site area) District.to the PD ,(Planned .Development) District to .permit ,development;;of ;240=558 units `on_::39 ` A acres, ,aiid':,150 :detached,�'single;.family_unit s on f51 ;acres; on property"generally described as . 1486th ZONING UNIT - 180 acres located between Amador Valley Boulevard and the Contra Costa County Line, adjacent easterly to the Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way, Dublin, unincorporated Alameda County, bearing County Assessor's Designation: Map 941, Block 500, Parcels 1-7, 1-8, 1-10, 1-11, 1-12, 1-13, and 1-14, as shown on the map labelled "Exhibit A, 1486th Zoning Unit", on file with the Alameda County Planning Commission at 399 Elmhurst Street, Hayward, California; and WHEREAS this Board did hold a public hearing on the amendment on Thursday, September 3, 1981, at the Supervisors' chambers, 1221 Oak Street, Oakland, California; and WHEREAS notice of public hearing was given as required by law; and WHEREAS pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, an Environmental Impact Report, "Tract 4719, KRE.b1CO, INC.", is hereby adopted as the EIR for this project and this Board has reviewed and considered the information in said EIR: and WHEREAS said EIR indicates significant environmental impacts would result from the project, particularly with respect to geologic constraints, potential for erosion and sedimentation, energy consumption, traffic generation, fiscal impact, and visual impacts; and WHEREAS CEQA and State and County EIR Guidelines adopted pursuant thereto require this Board to make findings where the EIR identifies one or more significant effects which would or would likely result from approval of the project; and WHEREAS this Board does find that under the design and conditions contained in Exhibits B, C, and D, 1486th Zoning Unit and Exhibits B and C, Tract 4719, the above noted impacts will be substantially mitigated; and WHEREAS the statements of environmental effects, findings and facts relied upon by this Commission are set forth in the attached document, "Environmental Impact Findings, 1486th Zoning Unit, as required by CEQA and State and County EIR Guidelines, Alameda County Board of Supervisors, September 3, 1981", which is incorporated by reference in this resolution; and WHEREAS it is the finding of this Board that reclassification of the herein described property to the PD District would be in the public interest; NOW THEREFORE I31y IT RESOLVED that Ordinance No. 81-72 has been adopted as the Zoning Ordinance for this Planned Development District. - f- EXHIBIT C GENERAL PROVISIONS 1486th ZONING UNIT July 20, 1981 1. The Final Map of Tract 4719 shall be filed with the County Recorder of Alameda County prior to commencement of any improvement in the project, with the exception of grading 'and improvements related thereto and extension of " Stagecoach Road. .2. All conditions of approval for Tract 4719 are incorporated by reference as General ' Provisions of this reclassification. 3. Prior_: to--:any-"grading; a detailed construction grading plan and soil erosion and sedimentation, control plan prepared by a Civil Engineer in' accordance with maps and :provisios of this reclassification 'and the :project soils and geologic investigation report shall be approved by the Director of Public Works. Grading shall be completed in accordance with this plan to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. Grading transitions from natural slopes to graded slopes above Stagecoach Road shall be approved by the Planning Director and completed to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. - 4. Prior to filing the Final Map;-the following shall be done: a. A detailed landscape plan, prepared by a registered landscape architect, shall be approved by the Planning Director. All landscaping shall be maintained at the developer's expense until landscaping has been fully installed and-established and final improvements have been accepted by the Board of Supervisors. Transfer of maintenance responsibility to the homeowners association or individual homeowners shall not occur until requirements of this provision and the landscaping plan are met. b. A homeowners association encompassing all lots in this project shall be formed. CC&Rs for each lot shall be approved by the Planning Director. CC&Rs for said Association shall require that: 1) payment of dues and assessments shall be both a lien against the assessed land and a personal obligation of each property owner; 2) The.Association shall take fee title to Parcel 154. 3) The Association maintain all common areas in good repair, including drainage and erosion control improvements, fences, and landscaping. The Association shall maintain, through an appropriate easement, slope areas on individual lots. The Association shall maintain fire breaks to the standards of Dublin San Ramon Services District Fire Department. 4) the Association shall keep the County Planning Department informed of the current name, address, and phone number of the Association's official representative; and d. Developer shall deposit one-half the cost of signalization at Stagecoach Road and Amador Valley Boulevard to requirements of the Director of Public Works. r EXHIBIT C - GENERAL PROVISIONS 1486th Zoning Unit - July 20, 19SI Page 3 9. During the"'constructionstage of the project, changes in the provisions of the approved Land Use and Development Plan and beyond those required under provisions contained in Exhibit B, may be authorized through Zoning Approval to the following extent: a. Grade: Grades on the construction grading plan may be changed a maximum of 5 feet from those shown on the grading plan in Exhibit B. b. Plant Materials: One variety of plant materials may be substituted for another of similar size and characteristics. C. Landscape Features: Arbors, mounds, benches, fences, and other landscape features may be added or modified in design, location and materials. If the requirements of the approved plan are specified as minimum or maximum, said minimums or maximums shall not be exceeded. :Any other change may be permitted to'the extent and in the manner specified under Section 8-31.18 of the Alameda County Zoning Ordinance. All structures and roadways must be contained respectively within lot and right-of-way boundaries. 10. After-the project has been-`completed, and subject to observing any minimum and maximum dimensions specified in the approved plan: a. In the common areas, plant materials, arbors, fences, paving materials, and similar landscape features may be added, replaced or deleted. b. Any construction, repair or replacement which would occur in the normal course of maintenance of the common areas as the project matures may occur subject to the securing of any permits or paying fees required by other ordinance. Any other changes may be permitted to the extent and in the manner specified under Section 8-31.18 of the Alameda County Zoning Ordinance. 11. Lots designated ;.for . single family dwellings shall . be subject to any and all restrictions of..the Alameda County Zoning Ordinance .pertaining to the R-1-B-E (6,000 sq. -ft. minimum lot size) District, except that in case of conflict with these PD provisions, these provisions shall prevail. 12. Reclassification to a different PD (Planned Development) District shall be required at the time .any .Tentative Map is submitted for parcel 151.-_At least 2/3 of the units "to be proposed on Lot 151 .must be attached and clustered. Densities may range from 6 to 14 units per acre. 13. Developer ;shall ..,be-,responsible _for.:connection _of .-Stagecoach .Road to Alcosta Boulevard prior to.Building Inspection Department framing inspection of any unit, subject.-to requirements-of the County of Contra Costa. The road need not be constructed to its ultimate design configuration beyond the limits of any stage of development for which a Final Map is filed. However, it must be constructed to specifications of Dublin San Ramon Services District Fire Department. Notwithstanding the above, no more than 120 units shall be granted building permits prior to connection of Stagecoach Road with Alcosta Boulevard, unless approved by the Planning Director. 14. Homes adjacent to common areas shall have spark arrestors on chimneys. 15. Lot ; 152 shall be dedicated to the Sunny Glen Adult Community, Inc. 16. Subdivider shall pay fees in lieu of park dedication to Dublin San Ramon Services District based on value of the number of square feet of land in the tract required by the Subdivision Ordinance. EXHIBIT C - GENERAL PROVISIONS 1486th Zoning Unit - July 20, 1931 Page 4 17. Prior to July 1, 1983, and approximately every 2-1/2 years thereafter until completion of all construction, the Planning Director will review these General Provisions and report to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission may, for cause, initiate a public hearing for the purpose of recommending to the Board of Supervisors that the Board add Provisions, modify existing Provisions, or eliminate Provisions at that time. 18. Prior to filing 'a Final Map, the Director of Public Works shall report on the feasibility of providing access and a bike lane to the site from Amador Valley Boulevard further to the east so as to avoid adding to traffic on the protion of Stagecoach Road upon which houses now front. Approval of access as shown on Exhibit .B is'"given only..,insofar-as '.-alternative.. access .is -environmentally and/or economically infeasible., DRAFT EXHIBIT C CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TENTATIVE MAP, TRACT 4719 Alameda County Planning Commission July 20, 1981 1. The design and improvements of Tract 4719 shall be in conformance with the design and improvements indicated graphically or by statement on the face of the map labelled Exhibit B, Tract 4719 including street-locations, grades, alignments, and widths, the design and storm drainage facilities inside and outside the Tract, grading of lots, the boundaries of the Tract, and County standards for roadways shown in typical sections. .2. . The street'surfacing:,shall_be.I.asphalt.:concrete paving. The Director of Public Works shall specify types of base materials to "be"used and shall specify the structural design. The subdivider may, at his sole expense, make tests of the soil over which the surfacing and base is to be constructed and furnish the test reports to the Director of Public Works for use in determining a preliminary structural design of the road bed. After rough grading has been completed, the Director of Public Works shall have tests performed to determine the final design of the road bed. After rough grading has been completed, the Director of Public Works shall have tests performed to determine the final design of the road bed. 3. The minimum uniform gradient shall be 0.5 percent. No cut or fill slopes shall exceed 2:1. 4. Prior to final preparation of the subgrade and placement of base materials, all underground utility mains shall be installed and service connections stubbed out beyond curb lines. Public utilities and sanitary sewers shall be installed in a manner which will not disturb the street pavement, curb, and gutter when future service connections or extensions are made. 5. Prior . to filing .the Final Map, precise plans and specifications for street improvements, grading, drainage (including size, type and location of drainage facilities both on- and off-site) and erosion and sedimentation control shall be subject to the approval of the Director of Public Works. ✓ 6. Where soil or geologic conditions encountered in grading operations are different from that 'anticipated.in the soil and geologic investigation report, or where such conditions warrant changes to. the recommendations contained in the original soil investigation, a revised soil or geologic report shall be submitted for approval and shall be accompanied by an engineering and geological opinion as to the safety of the site from hazards of land slippage, erosion, settlement and seismic activity. 7. Any water well, cathodic protection well, or exploratory boring that is shown on the map, is known to exist, is proposed, or is located during the course of field operations must be properly destroyed, backfilled, or maintained in accordance with applicable groundwater protection ordinances. Zone 7 should be contacted at 443-9300 for additional information. 8. The subdivider shall furnish and install street name signs, bearing such names as. area approved by the Planning Director, and traffic safety signs in accordance with the standards of Alameda County. ✓ 9. Roof drains shall empty onto paved areas, concrete swales, or other approved dissipating devices. EXHIBIT C - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TENTATIVE MAP, TRACT 4719 Page 2 10. A minimum of 12" pipe shall be used for all storm drains to ease maintenance and reduce potential blockage. 11. The Final Map may be filed in stages, provided that the first stage include completion of Stagecoach Road; each stage contains at least 20 units, and stages are c6ntiguous to previously approved stages. 12. Prior _to the filing of the Final Map, subdivider shall furnish the Director of Public Works. with a letter from Dublin San Ramon Services District stating that the District has agreed to furnish water and sewer service to each of the dwelling units included on the Final Map of the subdivision. 13. Dust.`control `-measures, as approved by the Director of Public Works, shall be followed at all times during grading and construction operations. 14. Construction and grading operations shall be-limited to weekdays (Monday through Friday) and the hours from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., except as approved in writing by the Director of Public Works. 15. Developer.shall keep adjoining public streets free -and clean'of project dirt, mud, materials and debris during the construction period, as determined necessary by the Director of Public Works. 16. Prior to release by the Board of Supervisors of the performance guarantee required by the contract under Condition 21: (a) All landscaping required under the General Provisions of the PD District, 1486th Zoning Unit, shall be installed and established. (b) An as-built landscaping plan prepared by the project Landscape Architect and a declaration by the Project Landscape Architect that all work was done under"his supervision and in accordance with the recommendations contained in the landscape and soil erosion and sedimentation control plans shall be submitted to the Director of Public Works. (c) Grading of the tract must conform with the recommendations of the soils engineer to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works: A declaration by the soils engineer that he has supervised grading and that such conformance has occurred shall be submitted. (d) The following shall have been submitted to the Director of Public Works: 1) An as-built grading plan prepared by a registered Civil Engineer, including original ground surface elevations, as-graded ground surface elevations, lot drainage, and locations of all surface and subsurface drainage facilities. 2) A complete record, including location and elevation of all field density tests, and a summary of all field and laboratory tests. 3) A declaration by the Project Civil Engineer and Project Geologist that all work was done in accordance with the recommendations contained in the soil and geologic investigation reports and the approved plans and specifications. V 17. Prior to any grading of the site, and in any case prior to filing a Final Map, a detailed construction grading plan (including phasing), a drainage, water quality, erosion and sedirnentatiocn control plan for construction and post-construction period prepared by the Project Civil Engineer and/or Engineering Geologist, shall EXHIBIT C - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TENTATIVE MAP, TRACT 4719 Page 3 be approved by the Director of Public Works. Said plan shall include detailed design, location, periods when required, and maintenance criteria of all erosion and sediment control measures. The plan shall attempt to insure that no increase in sediment or pollutants from the site will occur. The plan shall provide for long- term maintenance of all, permanent erosion and sediment control measures such as slope vegetation. All erosion and sediment control measures shall be maintained by the developer until responsibility is turned over to the project homeowners association at the time the Board of Supervisors accepts final improvements and releases the performance guarantee required under Condition 21. �18. Grading shall be.completed in compliance.with the construction grading plans and recommendations of the Project Soils Engineer and/or Engineering Geologist, and the approved erosion and sedimentation control plan, and shall be done under the supervision of the Project Soils Engineer and/or Engineering Geologist, who shall, upon its completion, submit a declaration to the Director of Public Works that all work was done in accordance with the recommendations contained in the soil and geologic investigation reports and the approved plans and specifications. Inspections that will satisfy final subdivision map requirements shall be arranged with the Director of Public Works, if grading is undertaken prior to filing the Final Map. 19. If grading is commenced prior to filing the Final Map, a surety or guarantee, as determined suitable by the Director of Public Works, shall be filed with the County of Alameda to insure restoration of the site to a stable and erosion resistant state if the project is terminated prematurely. 20. Maintenance of common areas including ornamental landscaping, graded slopes, erosion control plantings and drainage, erosion and sediment control,improvements, shall be the responsibility of the developer during construction stages and until final improvements are accepted by the Board of Supervisors and the performance guarantee required under. Condition 21 is released; thereafter maintenance shall be the responsibility of a homes association which automatically collects maintenance assessments from each owner and makes the assessments a personal obligation of each owner and a lien against the assessed property. 21. The subdivider shall grade the tract, install landscaping, soil erosion, sedimentation and drainage control measures, and improve all streets and easements, as shown or indicated on Exhibit B and these conditions, and shall contract with the County of Alameda to accomplish all said improvements. 22. Measures shall be taken to contain all trash, construction debris, and materials on site until disposal off-site can be arranged. Subdivider shall be responsible for corrective measures at no expense to Alameda County. 23. Gas, electric and telephone service shall be provided to each lot in the subdivision. 24. Cable TV service shall be provided to each lot in the subdivision, in accordance with existing County ordinances and policies. 25. Install fire hydrants at the locations approved by the Dublin San Ramon Services District in accordance with present standards. ./ 26. If, during'construction, archaeological remains are encountered, construction in the vicinity shall be halted, an archaeologist consulted, and the County Planning Department notified. If, in the opinion of the archaeologist, the remains are significant, measures, as may be required by the Planning Director, shall be taken to protect them. "EXHIBIT C - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TENTATIVE MAP, TRACT 4719 Page 4 . 27. A park site of approximately 1.8 acres for Tract 4719 shall be reserved for Lot 151 to be added to park acreage calculated pursuant to the Alameda County Subdivision Ordinance at the time of filing a Tentative Map for Lot 151 and offered to Dublin San Ramon Services District (or its successor public park agency). If DSRSD refuses to accept the offer of dedication, then the homeowners association shall take title to the property as common open space, to be treated the same as other common open space in the project. At least once a year, the homeowners association shall offer to dedicate the site to DSRSD or its successor to be developed as a park. If, after 10 years, no public agency has agreed to accept the site for park development, then the homeowners association may utilize the land as it pleases subject to zoning and other legal restrictions in force at that time. 28. Street.'."gra'des " .shall ;.be no more :ihan,:;.12%;:maximum, with 5% grades at intersections, unless otherwise approved by the Director of Public Works. Street names shall be approved by the Planning Director. No approval is given by this resolution to the names shown on the Tentative Map submitted. 30. Prior to filing the Final Map, the tract area must be reclassifed to the PD (Planned Development) District, establishing provisions with which the use and design indicated hereon substantially conform. Any modifications to the project design approved by this reclassification action shall supersede design on the tentative map and shall be considered as an approved modification on the tentative map. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FINDINGS 1486th Zoning Unit AS REQUIRED BY CEQA AND STATE AND COUNTY EIR GUIDELINES ALAMEDA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS September 3, 1981 _ This document is part of Alameda County Board of Supervisors Resolution No. rezoning to a PD (Planned Development) District a 180 acre site north of Amador Valley Boulevard and east of Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way, Dublin. Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act and State and County implementing guidelines, this document presents findings for each significant environmental effect of the actions, as identified in the EIR, accompanied by a statement of facts supporting each finding. 1. Significant Effect: A potential fault exists on the site, affecting lots shown on ts ,the ,Tentative Map. Finding: Alterations have been required in the project which avoid the impact. Statement of Facts: Subsequent geologic investigation has revealed that the feature in question is not an active fault, and is not a potential geologic hazard. Reference: Letter from David W. Carpenter, Engineering Geologist to Victor Taugher, Building Official, dated April 24, 1981. 2. Significant Effect: High erosion potential from the hilly portion of the site could cause downstream deposition of sediment. Finding: Alterations have been required in the project which mitigate the impact. Statement of Facts: Conditions of project approval require that a strong erosion and sediment control plan be approved by Flood Control prior to any grading. (Tract Conditions #5, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21) 3. Significant Effect: Increase in energy consumption. Findin : Changes have been required in the project which mitigate the impact. Statement of Facts: Conditions of approval require that residences be energy conserving and that solar assisted power be provided or provided for. (PD Provisions.115, 6, 8a, 8b) 4. Significant Effect: Increase in traffic in the retirement community of Sunny Glen. Finding: Changes have been made in the project which avoid the impact. Statement of Facts: The project has deleted the_.development area adjacent to Sunny Glen and thus no street connection will be.made until a new development plan, with additional environmental review,'is submitted. 5. Significant Effect: Increase in demand for recreational facilities. Finding: Specific economic and social considerations make infeasible the mitigation measures identified in the Final EIR. Statement of Facts- The local park agency cannot pay to maintain new parks. Fees generated by the project will be used to improve local parks. A newly .acquired park site across the County Line is 1600' from the project boundary and will be available to project residents (Reference: Letter from Dublin San Ramon Services District dated August 25, 19S1). 6. Significant Effect: Adverse aesthetic impact on the Dougherty Hills. Finding: Changes have been made and required in the project which mitigate the impact. Environmental Impact Findings 1486th Zoning Unit - September 3, 1981 Page 2 Statement of Facts- The originally proposed line of houses along Stagecoach Road, which would have blocked a view of the hills, has been eliminated in favor of tiers of lots extending into swales, with careful grading to "feather in" the cuts to existing natural slopes and extensive landscaping to soften the effect.,, Natural open areas will extend to Stagecoach Road in places. Extensive _ landscaping will be required (PD Provisions 3, 4a; Tract Conditions 16a, 16b). 7. Significant Effect: Questionable conformance with General Plan policies which promote a variety of housing. Finding: Changes have been made in the project which avoid the impact. Statement of Facts: The project has been redesigned to provide 39 acres of higher density housing. PD Provision 1113 requires that a mix of housing types be submitted. .8. . Significant Effect: Contribution to cumulative increase in demand for Sheriff's Department services. Flndin : Specific economic and social considerations make infeasible the mitigation measures identified in the final EIR. Statement of Facts: Property tax revenues from the project will support Sheriff's services at least as much as existing development supports the service. New homes will be taxed based on selling price valuation. It would be inequitable to charge this project's residents more for the same service others get without a special fee. • � .. , it Gb VIA me y��s vin a cI e rt c)f Te h��t e Trac t g-�7 �t a 5 0 Pre v o�S II GPP,y +O �h� sv.to►ti.�'�'Ca� �� T�v\�a���� Tf Gc� :' 80 JU Fro,n, ANGELO ISQUIERDO, CHIEF, INTER-AGENCY COORDINATION SECTION '7�20(g 3 41` 3��,17 T � � 47ig A-3 T -Reference is made to the orrespon ce, dated May 12, 1981 f —Getnty Planning submittl tative Map for ract 719 located a easterly quadrant of Amador Valley -Fo-Tttrt d S cific Railroad tracks. The subdivision consists of a ro in 510 residential units. This matter w s y reviewed as ract 19. There are no e s contemplated for this tra Upon construction, this tract will intercept drainage from most of the undivided remainder. Our records indicate that this site is not located within any "Special Flood Hazard Area" as defined by the Federal Insurance Administration. The existing storm drainage facilities pertinent to Tract 4719 consist of South v San Ramon Creek, an open earth channel located along the westerly side of the z Southern Pacific Railroad tracks (District's Line J, Zone No. 7 Project) w --t � �auelo�-. ..Rncee The 100-year design water surface elevation is 343.2 feet above mean sea level near the Contra Costa County line. The proposed curb elev - D P W tions should be not less than 1 .25 feet above the hydraulic grade line and at n point should the curb grade be below the energy grade line. E M It is not possible to adequately review the on-site drainage with the AE M information available at this time. It will be reviewed when a detailed draina plan with hydraulic calculations is submitted. E M G It is suggested that the following items concerning storm drainage be JWR P considered: 0 x04- b�CWJc A-t%c- yl"V\v_t �rCm aC_0_Y\ -" proPte►"+ �—r --�0 +� Ae ens-}-; _SrJe�rcep+eJ .erectrnus-4 e uccomoda��d i� 1 ons� e rm d sfem , fno,,s r ckair\0cA e Plan will be- necessary :+-o Stze- sys+cm ;r- deue� me►1�" or�,U,I��(ea�a. 3. Any water well , cathodic protection well , or exploratory boring F I S that is shown on this mpp, is known to exist, is proposed, or is located during 0 F S the course of field operations must be properly destroyed, .backfilled, or main- tained in accordance with applicable groundwater protection ordinances. The FILE owner or other responsible party should call Zone 7, 443-9300 for additional in - formation. amt H. war 981 o 4. It should be noted on the plans that: An encroachment permit shall be obtained from the Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District prior to the commencement of any work within District right of way and for the construction, modification, or connection to District-maintained facilities. All workmanship, equipment, and _ materials sha11 conform to District standards and specifications. 5. The review of the on-site storm drains was based on the sizes noted on the plans. This office recommends that all storm drains be no less than 12" in diameter. 6. All paved slopes should be at a minimum of 0.5p. 7. Roof drains should discharge onto paved areas where possible. 1-1d 6e . e 10. The standard Lateral Pipe Entry to Earth Channel Type I (SF 604) should be constructed at the outfalls. 11. This office will provide additional and more detailed comments when preliminary improvement plans are submitted for review. f2. t10 gra_81nc shcL�� 6e. Permifte I�e UnTi I ct �r inq P�Ci'r� and a"(-_rosion and con-�rol plan has 6--e-r\ reL)ie-WC(� Covh+y �ACI=CL l�,)CD� nn� Cl grQdinq permit IS tssuecA lJ U 11 i rt occo rc cLnce. w a COQ4V �rd� n4v,ce N0 . 82-17, 13� . Tlne �:�ke rnus�- ro�C- receive. .C�('aihq � -�rom -r�e. surrou`nc�i (1� urea un\e ncA "ded 4s Par+ S�orrn 8Mina%e_ Sy<�erh Qncl Supporr-�1 nq hyClray.�is CACU' C-`►onS . DUBLIN SAS! RAMON SERVICES DISTRICT FIRE DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS STATION 9399 Fircrest Lane 7051 Dublin Boulevard Telephone: San Ramon, California Dublin, California 94566 829-2333 July 19, 1983 Mr. Laurence L. Tong, Planning Director City of Dublin P. 0. Box 2340 Dublin, CA 94568 Dear Mr. Tong: In reference to Tentative Map Subdivision(No_51 0,./ San Ramon Services District Fire Department has no objection to this application, providing the following is complied with: 1) On-site fire hydrants shall be placed every three hundred feet (300') , with curb painted red in front of each hydrant. 2) Smoke detectors shall be installed in all units, including any recreation buildings. 3) Numbering of each unit shall be highly visible from the street, with a lighted directory system installed at each entrance. 4) Security gating must comply with Fire Department access re- quirements with an approved locking system. 5) Fire extinguishers must be installed every seventy-five feet (75') of travel in flush-type cabinets to prevent vandalism. 6) All access driveways must be marked "FIRE LVNE - NO PARKING". 7) Final approval of this project will be predicated on the extension of Stagecoach Road to Alcosta Boulevard. IVery truly yours, James 39. Morton Captain Fire Prevention Jl11:cb ECFIVED cc: E. Kattan JUL 211983 DU61.1 a PLANNING �� �� �� � B �� � � �� �� � �� 8 �^��" g ��'� Q-� K'� ��� ��U ��� ���~�8�� �=� {�� �"� � �� U �=� General Offices: 7051 Dublin Boulevard Dublin, California 94568 " (415) 828'0515 June lO , 1983 Mr . Larry Tong , Planning Director City Of Dublin P . O. Box 2340 Dublin , CA 94568 RE : Fu2nishing ate Sewer and Fire Protection Services to Subdivision_ 47I9,/- 40 Acre Parcel , 555 Apartment Units Dear Mr , Tong : You are hereby advised that the subdivision/parcel referred to above lies within the boundaries of Dublin San Ramon Services District , Alameda County portion , and is entitled to water , sewer and fire protection services in 8CCOrd8nCe with the applicable rules and regulations set forth in the District COde , Water Service The District is Capable of providing an adequate and Continuing supply Of water for domestic , commercial , industrial , institu- tional and fire protection uses to said Subdivision/parcel known as Subdivision 4719 . Water facilities must be connected to the District system and must be installed at the expense Of the developer in accordance with District specifications . All materials and workmanship for water mains and appurtenances thereto must COOfOzm with all of the requirements of the officially adopted Water Code Of the District and will be subject to field inspection by the District . Fire Protection The District is Capable Of providing adequate fire protection to all structures in said development at this time . All materials and workmanship for fire hydrants , gated connec- tions , and appurtenances thereto necessary to provide water supply . for fire protection must be installed by the developer and conform to all requirements of the applicable provisions of the Standard Specifications of Dublin San Ramon Services District , the Insur- ance Services Office , and the 8ppliCable provi3ions Of the Alameda County Ordinance Code . All such work wily be subject to the joint field inspection of the County Public Works Department and Dublin 58n Ramon Services Distriot , R E C E \ y E [l \UN 13 1983 APOLITICAL suuum/�;mwo,THE o^rEo/c^Umz*x.^ , =o'.cEa,u*/nPALr,,r��v�ssrour�r PLA0N|NG ^�_-.sc^AND coyr�^c-_SrAcouwo,z Mr . Larry Tong , Dublin Planning Director June 10 , 1983 Page Two Sanitary Sewer Service The District will make sewerage service available in accordance with the provisions of the Sewerage Ordinance , No . 157 , adopted August 5 , 1980 . Sanitary sewers necessary to provide service must be installed at the expense of the developer in accordance with District specifications . All material and workmanship for sanitary sewers and appurtenances thereto must conform with all the requirements of the officially adopted Sewerage Code of the District and will be subject to field inspection by the District . Water and sanitary sewer service should be made available to each lot in such a manner as to eliminate the necessity for disturbing the street pavement , curb and gutter , and sidewalks , when service connections are made . Any necessary relocation of existing public utilities shall be accomplished at no expense to Dublin San Ramon Services District . Very Truly yours , DUBLIN SAN RAMON SERVICES DISTRICT Miles A . Ferris Director of Public Works MAF : smj V il D I 'T R?� E'! U1 General Offices: 7051 Dublin Boulevard Dublin, California 945368 p (415) 828-0515 July 15 , 1983 Mr. Larry Tong, Planning Director City of Dublin P. 0. Box 2340 Dublin, CA 94568 Subject: :' Tentative Map, Subdivision No. 5180 Amador takes._._ Dear Larry: We have reviewed this map and have contacted the engineers for the project, Bissell and Karn, Inc . for further infor- mation. We have the following comments : 1) This map should conform to the requirements of Tract Map 4719 , since this map is a subdivision of Lot 151 of Tract Map 4719 . Matters of real concern to us is that water mains be constructed for adequate fire protection and pressure , speci- fically a water line to the future reservoir at this site, a water line crossing the railroad track to our existing water main at Village Park- way and a water line tied to the existing main at Stagecoach Road. Also, a sewer tie-in to the existing system at Stagecoach Road must be constructed to alleviate problems we are having with a temporary lift station at one of the manholes . 2) Fire hydrant locations are required for our approval subject to our Fire Department ' s review. 3) Details of pipe alignment, valving, water services , and sewer laterals need to be worked out with the engineers . Very truly yours , Emil Kattan J L 1983 Assistant Civ.11 Engineer j)UBLIN pLANNING EK/er A POUT ICAL SUDDIVISION OF TI 1---STATE OF CA_..CRN!A PROVIDES MUNICIPAL-! E SERVICES TO C;TIZ_NS OF AMA rOR-LiVERmCRE;.O SAN R A'AGN ;ALLE'!S A LAMEDA AND CON7;;A CCST A(3u-NTIES CITY OF VU5LA PA No. 83-035 I ASS,--.�.. -9m2--aNT t�ORPIA TIEf'lM (Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21000 et se--:.) Based on the project information submitted in Section 1 General Data, the Planning Staff will use Section 3, Initial Study', to determine whether a Negative Declaration or an Environmental Impact Report is required. SECTION 3. INITIAL STUDY - - - to be completed by the PLANNING STAFF Name of Project or Applicant: Amador Lakes A... ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING - Description of project site before the project, including information on: topography; soil stability; plants and animals; historical, cultural, and scenic aspects; existing structures; and use of structures The site is mostly flat with little vegetation . No structures are on the site . Description of surrounding properties, including information on: plants and animals; historical, cultural, and scenic aspects; type and intensity of land use; and scale or development. The surrounding property is zoned for 150 single family homes , which will be cut into the existing hills to the east , or located on slightly slooina land to the south . B, ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS - Factual explanations of all answers except "no" are re- _ quired on attached sheets. CCLPNENT ?CIS SCALE OF It ro CT \O WALIF= YES UIZI1CxNN NO 1wI . Io � IHI � I � . a I to I o 1 I.0'NA TER { { { 1.1 Hydrologic Balance Will construction of the project alter the hydro- X { { { logic balance? 1.2 Ground Water will the project affect the quality or quantity of X { { { ground water supplies? 1.3 Depth to Water Tablo Will the rate of water withdrawal change the depth X { { { or gradient of th= water table? 1.4 Drainage and Channel Form Will construction impede the natural drainage pattern { 1 1 or could alteration of stream channel form? X { 1.5 Sedimentation Will construction in an area result in major sediment X { // influx into odjacent warcr bodies? i_ 1.5 Flooding Will there be rk1k of loss of life or property due to floodin ? X A-5 SCALE OF IMPACT NO QUALIFIED YES UIIrCNGtr+� NO ,. o ° IIOio j•7 Water Quality Does drinking water supply Fail to meet state and X • federal standards? Will v_ogo be i•a th�atcly occonmc�otcd and I I treated? X Will receiving waters foil to meet 10Z-11, st-'c and X I 1 Federal standards? Will ground water sufFer eontominotion by s:rEu.e 1 I I seep3g--, intrusion of salt or polluted voter from adjacent water bodies or From another r:nn:..r.inotcd ( ( I x 2.0 AIR X 2.1 Air Pollution Will there be generation and dispersiar of p-)llutants I I I by project relote-d activities or in PS O air.itr tr.tae I I 1 project which svil! crrecd state n:r_:i no a'r I ( 1 quality stardards? 2.2 Wind Alteration Will structure and terra En impede p esrilirc winl flow causing channaling along cerrcir.torrid sZ nr X obstruction of wind movements? 3.0 EARTH X - I i I 3.1 Slope Stability Are there potential dangers related :n s!:�pe fcilures? 3.2 Foundation Support Will there be riik to Nie or propert-'r of I I I excessive delor, ction of materials? X 3.3 Consolide:ic, Will there be risk y H.'c or proper.'ssecais;e CF excessive consolidction of Foundcti-sr rntr•ials? t 3.4 Subsidence Is there risk of-s- jor ground su�bsid::n.:r-nstoc iated X with the project? 3.5 S!ismic Activity Is there risk of dccsage or loss reyd�ine f:r.m earth- Y I 1 quo�c activity? t ! 3.6 Liquefaeticn Y/ill the proicc:C os^.o:be elxaosed to liqua.roct:on Y I 1 of soils in slcpes cr undr-r foundc:i-ns? ` l 3.7 Erodibiliry Will there be r s r.tial loss of v);;c'^ to Cr..— X I 1 1 strucCon practices? ' 3.8 Permeability Will the permccbility of sods ossoc:ct�r!wd!% the 1 I project present adverse conditions Melati-+e tc dr- 1 I 1 velopment of wells? I t4 3.9 llsigve Features Will any vnigue geological Fectu:es bn damaged x or destroyed by project nctivities? 3.10 Mineral Resources Are there eeologic deposits of p�renti•il r7n-erciol value close to e project? I f 4.0 PLANTS AND ANIMALS X. 4.1 Plant and Animal Species Are there rare or ersdanecred species prnsent? Arc there species pre�znt whicr,are por:calarly 1 ( 1 susceptiolc to im.Pce from human activi y? Is there v ::etctio•'s pre!.^.nt,. the !as;CA will X I 1 deny food or hobitot to important wiidii,re 1pccie;7 Arc there nuiscnce :petits of pier..-or cnimz!s For X which conditions will be improved by tFe project? 4.2 Vegetative Community Types Are there any uou3val populations of pinnts thnr may X be of scientific interest? Are there vegctctive comnunity ty"t s-rhich are ( 1 1 particularly suscep:iblc to impcU L-r_zs hu.ro❑ce:ivity.Are tha:c major trees or major vcgctntion that will I I I he cdre. l)•nffr;r-tr-t by thr:proi^ct? X •. A-- then vc3_:�:i.r rnmmuni7y tys^.:r•^•r-•. tEr. Ins I I 1 of which v:ill deny .rrs{Or hcSita tr, i ^n'or.; v:i:dli"n X I i specks, of too :ui:ftstiol numb--o.`r!:i` 4.3 Diversity Is there tubstas:inl diversity in rn:---1 r r.. •^::'! 1 I I as reflected in the n,—brsr and rynr n-' species present or the three-dimcn:inr,r.l c.rr.^arr..^n: 1 of plant species present? I I I I I I • I I 1 I I I A-6 C0�1k�l�IEi1T J�L°ACTj SCALE OF XMPAC-r NO QUALIFIED YES UZT�a,;Lq NO • I�-� 1 I o i t 0 IW 101 5.0 FACILITIES AND SERVICES 1 f 5.1 Educational Facilities Will projected enrollments adversely affect the ex- i 1 isting or p-eposed facilities in terms of spacing for X 1 1 f all activities, Including classrooms, recreational oreos, end staffing needs? Will the project impact tha pupiVleocher ratio so as to impede the learning process? X 1 1 1 Is the school located such that it presents a hardship 1 I 1 for a portion of the enrollment in terms of travel time, X distance, or safety hazards? 5.2 Commercial Facilities Will there be an inadequate supply of and access to X 1 1 commercial facilities for the project? 1 1 5.3 Liquid Waste Disposal Are provisions for sewage capacity inadequate for I 1 I the needs of the project wifhavt exceeding quality X standards? Will the project be exposed to nuisances and odors 1 I 1 assoc;oted with wastewater treatment plants? X 5.4 Solid Waste Disposal Is there inadequate provision for disposal of solid ( 1 wostes generated by the project? X 5.5 Water Supply Is there inadequate quantity or quality of water supply to meet the needs of the project? X I 1 5.6 Storm Water Drainage `Hill storm woler droincge be inadequate to prevent ( I downstream Flooding and to meet Federal State end X local storsdards? 5.7 Police Will the project's additional population, facilities, or other features generate on increase in police service X I I I or create a police hazard? 5.8 Fire Will the project's additional population, facilities, ( i or other features generate on increase in fire services X I I I or create a fire hazard? I I 1 5.9 Recreation Will the 'project have inadequate facilities to meet X the recreational needs of the residents? 5.10 Cultural Facilities Will cultural facilities be unavailable to the project X 1 residents? - 6.0 TRAN55ORTATION 1 { 1 6.1 Transportation Facilities Are the traffic demands on adjacent roads currently ( I 1 at or above capacity? If not, will the traffic gen- X 1 t I crated by the project cause the adjacent roads to reach or exceed capacity? Are the othef transportation facilities which serve the project inedeguate to occommodete the project's X I I 1 travel demands? 6.2'Circulation Conflicts \'/ill design of tha project or conditions in the svrroursd- I 1 1 ing or" increase accidents due to circulation conflicts? I I X 6.3 Rood Safety and Design Will project residents and users be exposed to increased accident risks duo, to roadway and street design or lack I 1 I X OF traffic.controls? 7.0 HEALTH I 1 I 7.1 Odors Will the project be exposed to or generate any intense X 1 t I odors? 7.2 Crowding and Density Will the residents and users be exposed to crowding or X 1 high density in their physical living environment? 7.3 Nuisances Will the project be exposed to or generate factors that X 1 She (An OtdtlO S may be considered as nuisances? 7.4 Structural Softly Will design and proposed can techniques fail X to meet state and local building codes? 1 ( I I 1 I 8.0 NOISE 8-1 Noise Levels Will the project be exposed to rr generate adverse X I ( S e i An Otdt10 S noise levrls? 8-2 Vibrations Will the project bo exposed to 46rations nnnoying to 1 1 humans? X 1 I I I 1 I LLhI �E 1�IT Ii�11CI5 SCALE OF D-1PACr NIO QUALIFIED YES U17r1aga11NL NO ICI IH 0 � Q1010 9.0 CO.NIMUNITY Ct{NRACTER 9.1 Community Orgonizotion Will the project disrupt on existing set of X I I organizotions or groups within Ibe community? IT 9.2 Homogeneity and Diversity Will the project change the character of the I t community in terms of distribution or concentration X of income, ethnic, housing, or age group? 9.3 Community Stability and Will the project be r.xpos_d to or generate on Physicol Conditions area of poor stability onJ phybicol conditions? X I I 10.0 VISUAL QUALITY 10.1 Views Will residents of the surrounding area be adversely X I I affected by view;of or from the project? I Will the project residents be adversely oFfected by I ' views of or from the surrounding nrca? - X 10.2 Shodows Will the project be exposed to or generate excessive sssodo sus? X . 11.0 HISTORIC ANDCULTLEtAI X RESOURCES 11.1 Historic and Cultural Will the project involve the destruction or alter- 1 I I I 1 I Resources otion of o historic resource? Will the project result in isolotion of a historic ( t I resource from its surrounding environment? X Will the project intro-2-ice physical, visual, audible or atmospheric elements thnt are not in character with X I a historic resos ce or its setting? I ' 11.2 Archoeo!ogicol Sites Will the project involve the destruction or oltcrotiors ..( and Structures of ors archocologiccl res.wrce? (See I X Will the project result in isolation of on archaeological j t t resource? An o Gt o s ) X Wil; the project introd•jce physical, visual, audible I I I or atmospheric elements that are not in character with I I ( X on archaeological resource or its setting? I I I t i I 1 12.0 ENERGY X I I I . I I I 12.1 Energy Requirements Arc there eotentiol problems with the supply of energy required for tine project? Will the energy rhuirements exceed the capacity I of the strvice utility ccmpeny? X Will there be o net increase in energy used for the project compored to the no project olternotive? X S$e lAn OLdtio S ) 12.2 Conservation MA osures Does the project planning and dcsigri Fail to include I I I asailab!c energy conservation measure.;? X I l I s 13.0 LAND USE I ( I 13.1 Site Hazards Do conditions of the site, proposed site development, X [(Se' 'Annotations ) or surrounding area emote potentially hazardous situ- I 1 ations? 13.2 Physical Threat. Wil! the project or the surrounding area create a feeling( . of insecurity and physical threat among the residents X I ood users? I 1 1 13.3 Sanitary Landfill Wil! :hc project be ...posed to stru�tum!d—ge, I ( I noise, air, or vsrfoce oral ground water pollution X I I er other nuisrrn=r.s ossncieteJ with a ;nnitary landfill? 13.4 Wcterwoys Will the project ofFect an existing vr-tcrV y through I I filling, dredging, draining, eulverting, v.-),.1c dis- charges, loss of visual quality or otl,,r land use I I -'-".—""-- practice;? X 1 I f 1 • l l t l I ( I I • I I 1 A-8 A CO{�IPCh 'I' 2f-IPACIS SCE OF IMPACT h'0 QUALIFIED YES UI IhT v1i I NO I to IH of l01 � IQ1� 15 I I I Other Environmental Coaponenlr .. .. C. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE Q(PILI= i NO i'0 YFS INtC�i t7+v?1 (�) Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce X the habitat of a fish cr wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self- sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important exa-mples of the major periods or California history or prehistory? (2) Does the project have the potential to achieve short- ' term, to the disadvantage of .long-term, environmental goals? X (3) Does the project have impacts which are individually limited but cumulateively considerable? (A project may impact on two or more separate resources where X the impact on each resource is relatively small, but where the effect of the total of those impacts on the environment is significant.) (4) Does the project. have environmental effects which will cause substantial advers? effects on human X beings, either directly or indirectly? A-9 D. MITIGATION MEASURES - Discussion of the ways to mitiga`e :`'-ie significant effects I identified, if any: Installation of traffic improvements, adherence to lake design and maintenance standards , design of Jandscaping and units to achieve energy efficiency with, at least, compliance to State and P .G . & E . standards . E. DETERMINATION - On the basis of this initial evaluation: The City of DLlblih (finds that there will not be any•significant effect. The par- ticular characteristics of this project and the. mitigation measures incorporated into .the design of the project provid.; .`hen `actual basis for the finding. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION cS ?._QUIRED. . F The City of �t�blin ;finds that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment. AN ENVIRONMENTAL WPACT RE°OR T IS REQUIRED** Signature and date: September 9 , 1983 Name and title: Laurence L . Tona **NOTE: Where a project is revised in response to an Initial Study so tha7 adverse effects are mitigated to a point where no significont environmental effects would occur, a revised Initial Study will be prepared and a N'egotive Declaration will be requ,red iis'eod of an EIR. Annotations to Environmental Assessment - Initial Study 9/9/83 6 . 2 Traffic - this project, along with the adjacent future 150- unit single family homes , will be providing for the extension of Stagecoach Road to Alcosta Blvd. It will pay 1/2 the cost of signal improvements at Stagecoach Rd. and Amador Valley Blvd. , and contribute monies for road improvements along Amador Valley Blvd. These improvements will miticate the expected traffic problems associated with this project . 7 . 3 and 8 . 1 Noise - Amador Lakes is located adjacent to the S .P . Railroad tracks . The expected noise will occur over short time intervals, should the old Kodac site, which the tracks serve, be used by a similar user in the future. The noise level is likely to be between 76-80 dB(A) according to a Wyle Lab study, prepared for S .P . and other railroads, in 1973 . This level is not considered excessive, due to the project ' s distance from the tracks and the limited time exposure . 11 . 2 Archaeology - No known archaeological sites exist on the subject property. Should anv be uncovered during development, they will be assessed as to the best method of protection, if deemed necessary . 12 . 0 Energy - This project , while it will use more energy than the existing vacant use, has been designed to comply with State and P .G . & E . Energy conservation recuirements . Landscaping, unit design, and building orientation will also assure that this will be an energy efficient project . 13 . 1 Safety--Lake - A large lake is proposed for the project, which may create "an attractive nuisance" . The lake is being designed to be as safe as is reasonably possible, while still being designed for ease of cleaning, and freedom of algae and the like . Specific design review of the health and safety aspects of the lake will take place during the project ' s site development review phase . Also, a maintenance manual is being prepared by the applicant, which will be reviewed by the City. Adherence to the manual ' s recommendations will be required. ATTACHMENT j PAT I,` )UIRE_HE'NTS FOR 552 UNITS - 40k" =S Per Countv of Alameda Ordinance I. Calculation of Square Footage Requirements A. Lot Density: Less than 5, 000 sq. ft. of lot area per unit. No. of Units: . 555 Area of Land Required Per Dwelling Unit: 375 sq. ft. B. Total Area of Land Required for Park and Recreation Pur-joses: 555 units X 375 so. ft./unit = 208,125 sc. ft. Credit for private park & recreational facility: 2 acres (87,120 se. ft.) Credit for dedication of Lot 1152 to Sunny Glen Adult Cc=. unity, Inc. _ (12,000 sq, ft. ) Credit for dedication of land (32,000 sq. ft_) plus 2 tennis courts, tot lot and accompanying narking - estimated cost $75,000, Which is equivalent to 30,000 so_. ft. of land @ $2. 50 per sq. ft. _ .(62,000 sc. ft.) Balance of Land Rem iced for Park & Recreaticn Purposes 47,005 so. ft. -quivalent value @ $2.50 Per Sc. Ft. 117,512 I7. PrCDOSeC T?m_^.G -0r Sat15 'nC Pa--71 & ReCr2 t;0II R°^�_reme-ts for 55 nits (3 = !aSes) 2 U. A. U``zon Recordation of Final Suidlv_sion Dedication of Lc-- 152 & dedication i0r 552 units and C0=c:1C=.enz of of 32,000 so. =t. of lane nor tw0 Phase I tennis cc-?_s _. Prior to Co=enc ement of II Installation of tWO tennis Court-, tot lot Inc par'-ing plus 50% of =ees (C-51! '000.00) C. Prior to Cc=encement of Phase III Balance of -ees RESOLUTION NO. 83-18 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ----------------------------------------------------------------- APPROVING TENTATIVE MAP 5180 CONCERNING PA 83-035 AMADOR LAKES WHEREAS, the State of California Subdivision Map Act and the adopted City of Dublin Subdivision Regulations require that no real property may be divided into two or more parcels for the purpose of sale, lease or financing unless a tentative map is acted upon and a final map is approved consistent with the Subdivision Map Act and City of Dublin subdivision regulations , and; . WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did review the proposed Amador Lakes Tentative Map #5180 at .a public hearing on September 19 ', 1983 , and; WHEREAS, pursuant to State and City environmental regulations , a Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared for the proposed associated rezoning and tentative map and the City Council has reviewed and considered the information in the Mitigated Negative Declaration; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Planning Commission finds _ 1 . Tentative Map 45180 is consistent with the intent of applicable subdivision regulations and City Zoning and related ordinances . 2 . The City of Dublin is in the process of preparing and adopting a general plan . 3 . There is a reasonable probability that the proposed Tentative Map will be consistent with the future general plan . 4 . There is little or no probability that the Tentative Map will be a detriment to, or interfere with the future general plan, should the related Planned Development rezoning ultimately be inconsistent with the future general plan . 5 . The Tentative Map will not have a significant environmental impact . 6 . The Tentative Map will not have substantial adverse effects on health or safety or be substantially detrimental to the public welfare, or be injurious to property or public improvements . 7 . The site is physicaly suitable for the proposed development in that the site is indicated to be geologically satisfactory for the type of development proposed in locations as shown, provided geological consultants ' recommendations are followed; and the site is in a good location regarding public services and facilities . 8 . The site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development in that the design and improvements are consistent with those of similar existing residential developments which have proven to be satisfactory . 9 . This project will not cause serious public health problems in that all necessary utilities are or will be required to be available and Zoning, Building, and Plumbing Ordinances control the type of development and the operation of the uses to prevent health problems after development . NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Planning Commission approves Tentative Map #5180 subject to the conditions listed below: Conditions of Approval for Tentative Map #5180 as recommended by the City Engineer : 1 . Prior to filing the Final Map, the subject property must be reclassified to (PD) Planned Development as shown in Exhibit "A" . 2 . Any modification of the project design approved by the PD reclassification action shall supercede design on Tentative Map #5180 and shall be considered as an approved modification on the Tentative Map . 3 . The end of Cravdon Circle, which stubs to the site on the north, be finished to the standards and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer . 4 . The main loop street, and center connector street, be constructed to public street standards , and five-foot sidewalks be provided along one side of these streets and along the Stagecoach frontage (exact alignment to be determined through improvement plan processing . ) 5 . Work off-site, on private property ( Southern Pacific Railroad) , shall be done only with the written permission of the off-site owner, and this permission shall be submitted to the City prior to approval of improvement and grading plans , and Final Map approval . 6 . Perpendicular parking be removed from the two entrances to the loop road, and perpendicular parking be changed to parallel on this street, where practicable . The exact locations and configuration of loop street parking to be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer prior to grading and improvement plan approval . 7 . The private loop street and central connector street be served from Stagecoach Road by driveway entrances, and these streets be posted as private streets . 8 . The island in the middle of the central connector street be redesigned to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 9 . The lake system be designed with overflow structures draining into the storm drain system to preclude storm waters , or a faulty lake water supply, from breaching the lake banks . The bottom of the lake be lined with an impervious soil , or other liner material , to keep lake waters from seeping under the building foundations . The developer employ a specialist in man-made lakes to design, supervise construction, and establish a lake maintenance program. The developer provide a report on his proposed safety measures to be taken through design, maintenance and supervision of the lake , to minimize the chances of drownings . 10 . The loop street, at its southern-most entrance to Stagecoach Road, be not steeper than 6% , for a distance of 20 ft . from the edge of Stagecoach Road . 11 . The developer ' s engineer shall develop the expected truck length and turning radius criteria to use the private streets (delivery, garbage , moving trucks , etc . ) and design the curb radii accordingly and submit this data and design criteria with the improvement plans . 12 . Wheel stops within the project shall be the curb at the end of the parking stalls , wherever possible . Where freestanding wheel stops are necessary, concrete stops shall be used. 13 . Parking areas shall be constructed to private vehicle accessway standards as acceptable to the City Engineer and include lighting . 14 . Prior to final preparation of the subgrade and placement of base materials , all underground utility mains shall be installed and service connections stubbed out beyond curb lines . Public utilities and sanitary sewers shall be installed in a manner which will not disturb the street pavement, curb, and gutter when future service connections or extensions are made . 15 . Prior to filing the Final Map, precise plans and specifications for street improvements, grading, drainage ( including size, type and location of drainage facilities both on- and off-site ) and erosion and sedimentation control shall be subject to the approval of the Citv Engineer. 16 . Where soil or geologic conditions encountered in grading operations are different from that anticipated in the soil and geologic investigation report, or .,here such -conditions warrant changes to the recommendations contained in the original soil investigation, a revised soil or geologic report shall be submitted for approval and shall be accompanied by an engineering and geological opinion as to the safety of the site from hazards of erosion, settlement and seismic activity. 17 . The subdivider shall furnish and install street name signs, bearing such names as are approved by the Planning Director, and traffic safety signs in accordance with the standards of the City of Dublin. 18 . Dust control measures , as approved by the City Engineer, shall be followed at all times during grading and construction operations . 19 . Construction and grading operations shall be limited to weekdays (Monday through Friday) and the hours from 7 : 30 a .m. to 5 : 30 p .m. , except as approved in meriting by the City Engineer . 20 . Developer shall keep adjoining public streets and driveways free and clean of project dirt, mud, materials and debris and clean up shall be made during the construction period, as determined by the City Engineer . 21 . Prior to any grading of the site, and in any case prior to filing a Final Map, a detailed construction grading plan ( including phasing) , drainage, water quality, erosion and sedimentation control plans for construction and the post- construction period shall be prepared by the Project Civil Engineer and/or Engineering Geologist, and shall be approved by the City Engineer . Performance guarantees related to these plans shall be provided to the City as required by the City Engineer . Said plans shall include detailed design, location, and maintenance criteria of all erosion and sediment control measures . The plans shall attempt to insure that no increase in sediment or pollutants from the site will occur . The plan shall provide for long-term maintenance of all permanent erosion and sediment control measures such as creek sloce vegetation . All erosion and sediment control measures shall be maintained by the developer until responsibility is turned ove-- to the project Homeowners ' Association at the time the City accepts final improvements and releases the performance guarantee as required by the City Engineer . 22 . Grading shall be completed in compliance with the construction grading plans and recommendations of the Project Soils Engineer and/or Engineering Geologist, and the approved erosion and sedimentation control plan, and shall be done under the supervision of the Project Soils Engineer and/or Engineering Geologist . Inspections.. that will satisfy final subdivision map requirements shall be arranged witL the City Engineer if grading is undertaken prior. to filing the . Final flap . 23 . If grading is commenced prior to filing the Final Map, a surety or guarantee , as determined suitable by the City Engineer shall be filed with the City of Dublin to insure restoration of the site to a stable and erosion resistant state if the project is terminated prematurely . 24 . Maintenance of common areas including ornamental landscaping, graded slopes, erosion control plantings and drainage, erosion and sediment control improvements , shall be the responsibility of the developer during construction stages and until final improvements are accepted by the City and the performance guarantee required under Condition 21 is released; thereafter, maintenance shall be the reponsibility of a Homeowners ' Association which automatically collects maintenance assessments from each owner and makes the assessments a personal obligation of each owner and a lien against the assessed property. 25 . The subdivider shall grade the tract, install landscaping, soil erosion, sedimentation and drainage control measures, and improve all streets and easements , as shown or indicated on Exhibit A and these conditions . Performance bonds shall be provided to the satisfaction of the City Engineer that are of sufficient value to assure complete installation of said improvements . . 26 . Measures shall be taken to contain all trash, construction debris , and materials on site until disposal off-site can be arranged. Subdivider shall be responsible for corrective measures at no expense to the City. 27 . A current title report and copies of the recorded deeds of all parties having any record title interst in the property to be divided, and, if necessary, copies of deeds for adjoining properties and easements , thereto, shall be submitted at the time of filing of the Final Parcel Map with the City Engineer . 28 . Where the developer does not have easements , he shall obtain rights-of-entry from the adjacent property owners for improvements of drainage ways outside of the project . Original copies of rights-of-entry shall be in written form and be furnished to the City Engineer . 29 . Any relocation of improvements or public facilities shall be accomplished at no expense to the City . 30 . The minimum uniform gradient shall be 0 . 5% . 31 . Improvements for postal delivery service shall be provided in accordance with postal department standards . 32 . Install street light standards and luminaries of the design, spacing, and locations approved by the City Engineer . 33 . The design of that portion of Stagecoach Road that lies within the jurisdiction of San Ramon shall be approved by San Ramon and the construction shall be coordinated with San Ramon . 34 . Lot 152 of TR 4719 shall be restricted to use for recreation purposes only, and it shall be combined with the parcel to the north of it . 35 . Install fire hydrants at the locations approved by the Dublin San Ramon Services District in accordance with present standards . Provide raised blue reflectorized pavement markers in private vehicle accessways at each fire hydrant . 36 . Parkland dedication and/or fees shall be paid as determined by the City of Dublin and DSRSD in accordance with City Subdivision. regulations . 37 . Sidewalks shall be installed to assure that pedestrians can walk within the project without having to walk through parking bays to gain access to the main pedestrian walkways, as acceptable to the City Engineer. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 19th DAY OF September, 1983 . AYES : 4 NOES : 0 ABSENT: 1 Tanning Commission Chairman ATTEST: l Planning Director RLOJ"*R Aft F Regular Meeting - September 19 , 1983 A regular meeting of the City of Dublin Planning Commission was held on Monday, September 19 , 1983 , in the Meeting Room, Dublin Library . The meeting was called or order at 7 : 35 p .m. by Cm. Tenery, Chairman . ROLL CALL PRESENT: Commissioners Alexander, Vonheeder, Petty, Tenery, and Laurence L . Tong, Planning Director . ABSENT: Commissioner Mack. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Cm. Tenery led the Commission, Staff, and those present in the pledge of allegiance to the flag . ;F x MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the regular meeting of August 15 , 1983 , were approved, as corrected: Two Dublin residents ( not several ) were present at the meeting, one of which was correctly identified as Darleen Green. ORAL COMMUNICATION None WRITTEN COMMUNICATION I)RAFI- None PUBLIC HEARING PA 83-035 AMADOR LAKES PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONE Staff presented a description of the project plans for the Amador Lakes Planned Development rezoning and Tentative Map for a 555= unit residential condominium project, west of the proposed extension of Stagecoach Road and north of Amador Valley Road. It was noted that Staff did not recommend approval of the commercial land use designation for the 3/4-acre portion of the site, proposed by the applicant . Staff recommended that the Planning Commission adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration and approve the Planned Development rezoning and Tentative Map, except as noted above (regarding the commercial site) , and subject to conditions . Mr . Ron Nahas and Mr . Mark Rafanelli, project developers, were on hand to present a slide presentation and description of the currently proposed project, as well as a number of projects which they developed in the past. While generally in agreement with the majority of the general provisions imposed by Staff, there were several points for which they asked clarification or modification . Most noteably, concern was expressed over payment of fees in lieu of improvements , the number of managers ' units to be maintained, phasing of construction, fencing the lake, and redesign of the central "island" at the main entry to the development . Mr . Arnie Hollander, Dublin Planning Consultant, spoke briefly, addressing several points noted by the applicant . He spoke of the land use plan of the original Planned Development ( 1486th Zoning Unit) , noting concern over location of the proposed commercial site because of its close proximity to single family residences . In addition, he reiterated Staff ' s desire to maintain three managers units for future Homeowners ' Association use, and agreed that Staff would support a clear statement NOT requiring a fence around the lake . Mr . Howard Martin, President of the Sunny Glen residents ' association, raised the issue that two-story units contained in the Amador Lakes proposal may create a privacy problem for the Sunny Glen residents adjacent to the project . Also, the residents requested that a six-foot sound wall be built, bordering between the two properties and around the dedicated bowling green. Mr . Cliff Fuller , former board member of Sunny Glen, posed several questions of a general nature regarding the project and the 1486th Zoning Unit , and Mr . Dwight Obard, board member, requested clarification regarding dedication of the bowling green, while emphasizing the request for the sound wall . Mr . Dale Schuett , 7408 Stagecoach Road, discussed his opposition to several aspects of the Amador Lakes proposal, agreeing that the commercial zone might impose a negative impact, and questioning the quality of landscape maintenance which might occur along Stagecoach Road. After the close of the public hearing, Cm. Alexander questioned the status of TR 4719 . Mr . Tong responded that TR 4719 is proceeding through Final Map, and that Amador Lakes is only one parcel of the entire Tract Map . Cm. Alexander also questioned contribution of other developers to the signalization of Stagecoach Road and Amador Valley Blvd. , and expressed emphatic concern over the street width, northbound on Stagecoach Road. Additionally, he suggested that Item 21 of the general provisions (regarding a rent survey) be struck. Cm. Petty made the motion to adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration, and Cm. Vonheeder ventured a second to the motion . After discussion, Cm. Petty withdrew his motion, in favor of further discussion regarding the entire project. Of major concern was the desirability of the commercial (ceni.enience store ) site at the entrance to the development . It L generally agreed that a convenience store would alleviate some of the traffic problems associated with. development of the area, but it was apparant that the proposed site of the commercial area was not desirable . Several .modifications to the General Provisions concerning rezoning of the Planned Development were agreed upon by the Commissioners , specifically: 1 . Items 10 and 11 : substitute "property owner" for the word developer" . 2 . Item 14 : change to read: . . satisfaction of the Citv of Dublin and DSRSD to comply with Subdivision Ordinance . . . . " 3 . Item 20 : correct to read: 100 cu . ft . 4 . Strike Item 21 . S . Item 36 : change to read: "Prior to final inspection and occupancy of any group or cluster of units , via a construction schedule subject to approval of the City Planning Director and City Engineer : . " 6 . Item 37 : change to read: "Prior to occupancy of any group or cluster of units . . . installed, or a bond or letter of credit equal to the cost . " 7 . Item 41 : change to read: . . reasonable safety factor, which may or may not include fencing . " The Planning Commission discussed the park dedication aspects of the application . The Planning Commission provided the following direction on the matter : a) The dedication of lot 1#152 to Sunny Glen Adult Community, Inc . , should not be credited as park dedication because : 1) the area will not be available to residents of the proposed subdivision ; 2 ) there will be no access for Dublin .residents ; 3 ) the area will not be for public use; and 4 ) there would -be difficult police service access . b) The Planning Commission prefers a combination of park dedication and in-lieu fees , with the dedication of land being imperative , rather than in-lieu fees . c ) Consideration should be given to the need for tennis courts and additional emphasis should be placed on tot-lot improvement . At this time, Cm. Petty made a motion, with Cm. Alexander ' s second, to approve the Resolution Adopting the Mitigated Negative Declaration . The motion was passed by unanimous vote of the Commissioners present . RESOLUTION 83-16 ADOPTING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION CONCERNING PA 83-035 AMADOR LAKES Cm. Alexander made the motion to adopt the Resolution Recommending Approval of Planned Development Rezoning, with modifications . Cm. Vonheeder seconded the motion and it was passed by unanimous vote of the Commission . RESOLUTION 83-17 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONING CONCERNING PA 83-035 AMADOR LAKES Cm. Alexander moved for the approval of Tentative Map 5180 , with the following changes : a) Item 3 : Change to read: The end of Craydon Circle, which stubs to the site on the north, to be finished to standards to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. b ) Item 8 : Change to read: The island in the middle of the central connector street to be redesigned to the satisfaction of the City Engineer . Cm. Alexander ' s motion was seconded by Cm. Vonheeder and passed by unanimous vote of the Commissioners present . RESOLUTION 83-18 APPROVING TENTATIVE MAP 5180 CONCERNING PA 83-035 AMADOR LAKES After a short break, the Commission reconvened at 11 : 05 p .m. with all Commissioners present, except Cm. Mack . UNFINISHED BUSINESS SIGN REGULATION COMMITTEE REPORT Rodger Coupe, Chairman of the Sign Regulation Committee , introduced members of the committee which were present at the meeting, and presented a report detailing the progress of the Sign Regulation Committee since its inception to its final recommendations . He also presented a brief slide program which illustrated some of the desirable and undesirable signs found in the City of Dublin . He noted that he would be on hand to present the same program to the Chamber of Commerce, at their next general meeting . The recommendations forwarded to the Planning Commission were : 1 ) Rewrite the Sign Regulation . 2 ) Add graphics , for clarification. 3 ) Simplify the format used ( i .e . group like district requirements together for uniformity and clarity . ) Cm. Tenery thanked the Committee for their report and continued the discussion regarding information received from the sign committee until the next regular meeting (October 3 , 1983 ) . .:".'V. M. .RAFANE LLI ASSOCIATES, INC. 1563 MADISON STREET. OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA 04612 (415) 895-1988 October 18, 1983 rLr. Laurence L. Tong Planning Director City of Dublin P. O. Box 2340 Dublin, California 94568 Dear Larry: Pursuant to our telephone conversation, Ron Nahas and I have decided to eli--ninate the proposed commercial property site from our Amador Lakes application. we respect both your concerns and the constructive coop- eration you and Arnie Hollander have brought to the processing of our application, and we therefore will use the commercial site for open space and recreational facilities. we would appreciate a condition of approval by the City Council which would allow the flexibility to alter the existing site plan, subject to staff approval, in order to accommodate this change. There would be no change in the number or mix of units, but we want to study several possibilities, including the shifting of a cluster of units and accompanying parking in order to locate two tennis courts closer to one of our recreational centers. If there are any questions, please call me. Sincerely, V. Mark Rafanel VMR:rp CC: Ron Nahas Arnie Hollander D . t . 0�T 20.1583 D U H AMADOR LAKES PROJECT SUMMARY Amador Lakes is a proposed 555-unit condominium/rental project to be constructed on a 40-acre parcel located along the extension of Stage- coach Road between Amador Valley Boulevard and Al Costa Boulevard. We have attempted to design the highest quality multi-family project in the area, and we have assembled a very professional team of consultants. The purpose of this project summary is to provide a brief list of refer- ence information and drawings to accompany our formal and more detailed presentation. DEVELOPMENT TEAM Developers: Partnership of Ronald Nahas, President of Glen- brook Properties,. and Mark Rafanelli, President of V. M. Rafanelli & Associates, Inc. Architect: Bob Arrigoni of Backen Arrigoni & Ross, Inc. , San Francisco, California. Landscape Architect: David Gates of David Gates & Associates, Danville, California. Civil Engineering: Cliff Cline of Bissell & Karn, Inc. , San Leandro, California. Soils Engineering: Tom Makdissy of Terrasearch, Inc. , San Jose, California. EXHIBITS 1. A general area map. 2. Area plan showing the relationship of Amador Lakes to the balance of the approved Tract Map #4719. 3. Project site plan with the schematic landscape plan. 4. Grading 'Plan. 5. Site Plan. 6. Floor plans (unit type A, B, C & D) , 7. Elevations for each building type. It f V C S`P 15 1983 I UBUN PLI-INNING O�'9 �URTY gpCy LAMO �4p EXTENSION OF STAGECOACH ROAD gEFM ALCOSTA e� SITE /'EXISTING STAGECOACH ROAD y r,• SPAA. o ILLAG A m ui Off•V, �O 0 FRFEw U 4' Rpq p VICINITY MAP t 1 _^'1 Gam^ �_� ____ --. i �✓ �.� _ \\� .%��/i�'j�-\'� �""'��\ �\-'`.1 I � _..--+-.:-���: \ '���; `1__-- � � - �_ ..,. .\�1�-�-� •.\\�-/ </ I ���;� _`v`:��`�.�� 1, '"_"-'_`� / .• �� •��• ^k _tom f �� r� i' `` � J \-� ~ e1. ,� ;,• - �.'-°V !� rd- a2 � - _,.:vim ITZ l Inn ESES ES c v� i AMADOH LAKES SITE BOUNDARY MAP , scut IN FE FT k r'a _-q VIII ' °.•d�, C �� p� 9d' oe 'o-.a _ A . - r m;Q: i ' :n awP •y f v U" r 6 s�i°nfi oa or aO. o -N {' - tea �! A '�•�,� °� 1 �' �lF. � ��� ' ''�Yom' �C....E - uo.o9�a`"F� ._g w V �; / 4"PiPO -r a T•+.� IL► W �i� [p �i �..-.. d"1r W ; 3 p :� u,8 ! r�'"-•�.:e'�C 0., �p2 A --� -lv��, l`e�"e ff' ?l�4 �6 �•-y- i � oo _��I sa+t��g / �sY ¢� 1t v� v� 09 eyes 7 —= Q i- 'd'f in ?/ rj on '.QY4 Qq. ■ _, a4 .:. 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(( d at'aet Tree ';.open Space � �•~i ✓f'-�^}ir' �. � �� h�2 Masaaq Tree Wafer Edge T aL:' uMa Y PlentNp v — _. 9 _Lake v b� .� '3 Y Ir b Water Level r �- Soler Control Trees ` y 1L�y '1' T"t .} Y^:-;�^'..t'n""�'>—",} ..-�y..n...�-.�._...-..e...,,w..;r•.•Tr elk 6:1 Sloping Lawn Pukka Jynkq on Carport Road Berm Street Light Rb Rap EtlOe WMre Reµkad rt Lake Maximum B Fl.Dept W j TYPICAL LANDSCAPE SECTION section a-a' ¢ a ' a a W .. hl. ,. J cc to V i Scrsa Tree Sidewalk Q D INA Solar Control Tree. Shrub Mssa TYPICAL LANDSCAPE SECTION section b-b' L. je—W ..t--- P r t o an space \ti r Tr �f:, y.z aee Control Trees -S. t.I t I.tasakw ee \L ,\ i 1 t - '1 1l1 � 1"' •�Y, ��� _u I.: rI!V l �,r \ waw r..w. ..._.iw•...-...,'..n: 'r-_. Pbnl AMIOriaal rm .: .. ,.... W / W f•:rT y _ _rxst.t:.. b W.I.Edge , « Nunn.-. i WrW LIpM Open space Use Area Wak Lake section b-0' ZECTIONS- .. re � -----v I CF :P }•�-t''t. �fV� `_ �- j. ---R_.Q� _ :eo t o� u Jt AGE�DAC ...7f aka! 6 ....ry - �]'!✓:-='�`\ Z i ry I;I c •° p » © I ---' SOUTHERN PACIFIC RA1�-OAD_ 4 PRELIMINARY c GRADING PLAN . i I I'•to' [��7 � t11oroN Y trIUT .e. VPC@frr MAP N • ---- Clio I ; o � d ffT"—i1s7. II° � � •.°..ur,,..,n o.s� � < z I Y. I !° UIC_JIIU Ii. Z MW cc r Lake a }—I'f Lake i, � cn ° LLI �_—� •-.w. / MEG rn .w� .t ...... j o p� 1 0 9 G m V3 6 Lake �[[�� Q 0 g I Jill II • 11 16Eta I I I I I I�I I ,� °poi„1 PROJECT STATISTICS - SITE PLAN .+.cos,. b SITE /[asi.a s.oECOnu oo.° ioiu o.u. o.u..•c •o• o ,ao ��• am a �1 ' 3• Tol•t•••aw0•[•C[• w�a.w VICINITY MAP 1 \ 1 ' H Z o W a U a. Q a Q t•i::r, „r�I�i Q +� !II:-P,BEDROOM I I O Ir 0 ' IWm O g --_- SiOHA(F j �i ID,. . o ml III�1 . i O�� I ELI I O JUNE 17.1981 A - CORNER UNIT PLAN (113R/1 BA) 24.-0. -. . =AL.IN FEET 696 SF o 4 a U EH LMH SHOWN.LOWED LM SIMLM to I- Z 0_ W v - Q Q Q c n6..:.ii,f7` elate n -- _ $ Y r;dl/I 0 ,.. Q Z (Dv,tM.IO Q O tl-0'X ltl-0 E) Sri 40-0' JUNE 1),1087 enly B - CORNER UNIT PLAN (2BR/1-1/3BA) SCALE M FEET 880 SF o 4 s f LfP WT SHOWN.LOWER Mel SMIAR 1 '1 • y S Z _° W U cc LLIa a a C - ILJL;-����..► lr d l7 I° d J ' loo ra x r-,v v Ulm Fbm N O 1� STOFNGE 40'-0' JUNE,1,,0!] vu,v C — CORNER UNIT PLAN (2BR/2BA) 920 SF 0 4 8 26'-0' 0 f T SLORAGE a lMlO LLJ J rrzua .ivcz if-wg - Q a is i� �•i.ad:il./I'ul� OI ` , N I-;ca xsc' — O cc — e -- .:�!/ 1753 f7 I WWOOW Al END UN'ONLY LDWER LR(L F1frRY fENLE l p — THRU UNIT PLAN (2BR/2BA) JUNE 11,1983 943 SF-interior unit KALE IN ISE1 earn • 983 SF-end unit 0 o A 8 e 1 UPPER UNrr SHOWN.LOWER UNO S—AR 5 I� I W J LV _ Q END ELEVATION-TYPICAL CORNER UNIT BUILDING d .l UNIT C B"NO SHOWN.A A S SNitl ) ,�^ __ ..Composlilon shingles— /j \ 4 Q y 0 , _ _j YV O Z C J G m I � I poles ll I i grooved plywood patio tenceJ^ klilfXl➢windows JBHE 1),108] Bo lv L grooved plywood sid'ng/ FRONT ELEVATION-TYPICAL CORNER UNIT BUILDING I UNIT C BULONG SHOWN,A!B S.—) SCALE IN FEET O A a 16 6 - I 20' ;! I typical Carport T1I L MDObhuMD rhh d111D r001) j�i III ' I � Z "" J . poles Q END.ELEVATION-TYPICAL THRU UNIT BUILDING Q Q N W - composition shingles—\ _ Q maw NNAW J 1 i Q 0 j 'i (I Il.i� I I I Ij �� j �j;iji t!jlj lil I j Ilii ! .II ! I (I ! .) I r: ij� j I I j✓ j� � I �.�- r� j Ili � II ��� , poles] ieAmirxLm windows 8 sliding glass doors—+ JUME 17,1EE0 Evfv 1—grooved plywood patio fence �gooved plywood siding REAR: ELEVATION-TYPICAL THRU UNIT BUILDING s.."DI FEET .a • grooved plywood siding - I II I .composition shingles j I �� li II I) IIII l,c✓:.� I� III ':,d�"iv�.:;' � _._. Cl) a 04 x H Z grooved plywood patio fence Z p LL C U 1—poles Q ALTERNATE END ELEVATION-TYPICAL CORNER UNIT BUILDING d Q - (A W composition shingles _ Y Q I J cc O � m II II -.11 1 I 1 / / 11YPCwl uryorl h IorproW n01 NWwn la cYnIY of DNp.�NV�IiOn] typical carport wt entry.fence'r JUNE ir,+oea —poles l aluminum windows grooved plywood sidry FRONT ELEVATION-TYPICAL THRU UNIT BUILDING SCALE IN FEET o a s rs 8