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6.1 Chevron Use Permit
1 • CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 23, 1991 SUBJECT: Public Hearing: PA 90-066 Chevron Conditional Use Permit/Site Development Review at 5933 Dough rty Road /K b`44 REPORT PREPARED BY: Carol R. Cirelli, Associate Planner EXHIBITS ATTACHED: Exhibit A: Plans submitted by Applicant, dated September 9, 1991 Exhibit B: Draft Resolution approving Negative Declaration Exhibit C: Draft Resolution approving Conditional Use Permit Exhibit D: Draft Resolution approving Site Development Review Attachment 1 : Location/Zoning Map RECOMMENDATION: 1) Open public hearing and hear Staff presentation. 2 ) Take testimony from Applicant and the AV public. 3) Question Staff, Applicant and the public. 4 ) Close public hearing and deliberate. 5) Adopt Exhibits B, C and D, draft resolutions approving the Negative Declaration, Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review for PA 90-066 Chevron. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: Background On January 14, 1991, the City Council held a public hearing regarding the appeal of the Planning Commission' s action denying, without prejudice, the Applicant' s Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review request to construct and operate a new 24-hour service station, drive through car wash facility, and food mart. The City Council determined that the proposed service station use is in conformance with the General Plan land use designation for the project site, which is Business Park/Industrial : Outdoor Storage. The Council continued the Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review request to the March 11, 1991, City Council meeting in order for Staff to prepare the City Council Staff Report and the Draft Resolutions approving the Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review requests . At the March 11, 1991, City Council meeting, the Applicant requested a continuance of the Chevron public hearing item to the April 8, 1991, City Council meeting in order to resolve land use dedication issues . As a Condition of Approval for the project, the Applicant will be required to dedicate to the City right-of-way required for the ultimate improvements along Dougherty Road and Dublin Boulevard Extension on the project site. ITEM N0. COPIES-TO:--Applicant/Owner--- OPIES T0: Applicant/Owner Agenda File Project Planner 0P CLERK T FILE / D 3 D t On March 22, 15'91, the Applicant again requested a continuance. At the April 8, 1991, City Council meeting, the City Council concurred with Staff's recommendation to continue the item to a date uncertain to provide Staff and the Applicant sufficient time to complete the right-of-way dedication survey, present the survey results to the Property Owner and resolve any potential issues prior to the preparation of the Staff Report. The amount of land required to be dedicated for the construction of this project is 4,840 square feet. With this information, the Applicant has since revised the site plan depicting the project site and related improvements before and after construction of the Dougherty Road widening and Dublin Boulevard Extension right-of-ways. Analysis The Applicant is requesting Conditional Use Permit approval to allow the establishment and operation of a service station and drive through car wash, and Site Development Review approval for the construction of a 24-hour service station, including a food mart, car wash facility, wall signage and one combined service station display and price sign structure. The proposed project would result in the installation of 12 self-service gasoline fueling positions. The food mart facility, proposed to be 953 square feet in size, would accommodate the service station cashier and the sale of convenience items, such as coffee, soft drinks and "snack-type" foods. The approximate 1,224 square foot car wash facility would be a fully automated recycling type and would include restrooms. The combined service station display and price sign structure is 8 feet high with a sign area of 58.6 square feet double faced. Wall signage is proposed to identify the car wash, Chevron service station and food mart facilities. The proposed parking, landscaping and signage, as depicted in Exhibit A and as may be modified by conditions of approval specified in the attached draft resolution, are in conformance with the City's Zoning Ordinance. The proposed site plans depicting the project site before and after construction of the Dougherty Road and Dublin Boulevard right-of-ways are appropriate in terms of the location of buildings, circulation, and requirements for parking, and landscaping. The architectural design of the buildings and structures, including the scale, color, texture, lighting, height and architectural features of the building, are compatible with the existing surrounding uses, and are in conformance with the Zoning Ordinance and General Plan. Building and roof materials will be comprised of ceramic tile, stucco and metal. Predominant building colors will be grey, white and blue. The project has been reviewed by other City departments and government agencies and their comments have been incorporated into the Draft Resolutions (Exhibits C and D) as conditions of approval. TJKM Transportation Consultants (TJKM) completed a Traffic Impact Fee Study and circulation analysis for the project. As depicted in Exhibit A, the proposed site plans incorporate adequate on and off- site circulation patterns, sight distance from Scarlett Court and driveway access. TJKM concluded in the Traffic Impact Fee Study, that the project will generate additional vehicular traffic at the Dublin Boulevard and Dougherty Road intersection and payment of a traffic impact fee is warranted for the project. In lieu of requiring the Applicant to pay a traffic impact fee, conditions are included in the Draft Resolutions requiring the Applicant to mitigate traffic impacts associated with the project by : 1) dedicating to the City the right-of-way required for the ultimate improvements along Dougherty Road and proposed Dublin Boulevard Extension; 2) constructing ultimate frontage improvements along the Dougherty Road side of the project as shown on the Dougherty Road Plan Line; 3) designing the project site work to match the ultimate improvements for the Dublin Boulevard Extension project; 4) contributing funds for the ultimate construction of Dublin Boulevard Extension within the Applicant's property and any resulting modifications to the future Dublin Boulevard/Dougherty Road intersection; and 5) providing for the possibility of a joint access driveway between the project site and the adjacent eastern property once Dublin Boulevard Extension has been constructed. A Negative Declaration has, been prepared for the project pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines and the City Environmental Guidelines. The 21-day public review period began January 30, 1991 and ended February 20, 1991. No comments on the Negative Declaration were received from the public or other government agencies. Staff recommends approval of the Applicant's Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review request for the construction of a new service station, food mart and car wash facility, subject to the conditions specified in the Draft City Council Resolutions (Exhibits C and D) . F A B I C D E I F I G I H i I K i N\ o RE •�',. �,EA 7 TbD " ..Klw �•DEp�titi' Is,,�J. rq YC jI`gC 1 TANK rC N PATH I Mcl w ..� o o ® I ® p® I EA nnr u.lv ® I I I � I� 0 0 � 0 I I 0 0 I i O I t--- ' II " .. , "® I -_3 S IT PLAN :moo;;' �D tl I® ® I EF RE bUf3L/N 5 [�,a tltltl C3LVD. EXTE-NSIoN C PROPOSED SIGNAGE Kon 1p 0 =T ..[.. :..'-TcEIVe'WTE PLAN SCALE I' = 10' DOUGHERTY ROAD Chevmn SERVICE STR jam, R Chevron U.S.A.Inc.emon H` - - - - � AlmkelinOOpuel�s Sanfl , S / e���nut,nD �r!0•I° 9) A I z I C ( n I E I F I G I M I I K N NEVI / I \MUTUAL 1 ACCESS� 1 Q _ EASEMENT� _,�NEW TANK �o TRUCK\ I PATH a 0 � 1 d I S ITF—� PLAN o �D� Igo o u o u ®o 0 ® � I D �B L�7 s 0 0 � I ° - 1 SIGNAGE wT�,.@. 0� 6 I SSW V a,a,i 3 „,SR n 3::. 3°n O`[...moo.- .s, — iv.n. SITE PLAN R E C E SCALE = o' DOUGHERTY ROAD v¢ � wt[• p°vSI TC•PL nN .Cp® � rn RVI[C evm SC STnT1pNVRE SiRECI nLILNnCN, NCN-06. [v w, o xvii[v vu,LViw v��cvi� Chevron U.S.A.Inc. ODVGHTERY RpaD l S[nRLCTT CpuRi Iy� OVBLIN.Cf•. - WBItC11110uPVEmlt Snn PNDDD SS. s A H I..._..... C D E F I G H I J K LC ®tt« I-------- ----- ---- ---I _ a a� a _ 24hr, e LA A ELEVAT ION A `W ES T eLEV.� MARKETER KEY PLAM 2 PAO q O 3 1 'ELEVATIDNE a°MS1°°'ros,cw. ELEVATIONB bio"/t. Ga..) cELEV.)°> 4 _ o rLrVAT6I DNC CEhSTEr,E µ�"�-'zm . cwl 11-1 �c 6 : ,KM-RO» .. FccdMapl o NUI-1Ali:7.1.11 VR ELEVATIONF(SOUTN F�v) " �uL SwrAa. "'RE IV..u:) ELEVAT IOND lnK.°..`uc�mu (SOUTH CLCV.� CANNPY/ISLAND MARKETER ELEVATIONS I—.»—lA-IE•XHIQ�r�} oa WILni MC ELCVATI.S / _ Eh2 n SERVICE S1ni ON MEN-os. Chevron U.S.A.Inc. y IA.4mg DPetm—Snnfl- LEH A-2 A DI C ,( I D I E I F I G I H I J I K r----------------� - I 1 1 — ——————— —J _J —V——� CAR WASH KEY PLAN cfi 4S aLC.vL_t,RV r�i,[,wen, f1Lw w[�rH In ANOT PRICE'SIGN ELEVATION ©CarWash �I 3 kocncm,P p PLAN TE-1 iARM CLEVATI DNA(SOUTH EUE ). 4 5 WIMT FRONT ELEVATION ELEVATI ALES ELEY-)_ ELEVATION C(EAST E[ ..1._ - SIDE ELEVATION REAR ELEVATION(NORTH ELEY.)._ I TRASH ENCLOSURE 7 I CAR WASH ELEVATIONS SC -3/8' SCALE: 3/16' = 1'-0' o t[[,.�[.t,Lt,.-1 E�N 16 iT/-� Cp• ��f) BUILOI UG CLC NATIONS ' �lellr�l SERVI[C SiailpN NEV-C6. 3 Chevrh SC A Inc. OUGNCRTY ROAD L SCARLET COURT on U.J.A. 11 ONEIN.[A SHEET 2 O 2 Y Mertnin00JUelms San Remen n e IIll lrtl nl neN,.ne•.. 1 1 Ouaco ro�a.L[..m.c S —NEY-os. A—� j A �" j" B I I D i E I F I G I H I J I K ' N — / - - \( \V0o f 1 a n e o o� 5 w u GRADING LEGEND o�aJ ry rii 7 GRADING PLAN SCALE I• = I o• DOUGHERTY ROAD °�EXH 16tT A � Chevmn scev¢ ou o„<nKM, R'_a° Chevron U.S.A.Inc. --MUD.S«_Er,1aa, Nute:m7 Ope,euns Sen flemon m,uu.c ss. secn :o.-z K A� I $ I I n I E I F H I I K ' N X /•AU7UAL I ACC es ENr M EASfN MI s 2 3� 33� _ e sd' /y / S W �J TC. Z ul rl I/ X .z fT1 / s i ' r— --- — � --r-- ------- —� p /53,7-, 3 Nl 5 \3J� - �Q 330 °--� 330' a —329=� `'330=� K / � 32gJ LtEer E[1lT1UG ' ' TC£t£�ATnu 7 br-ALL UNUEgU� DELEVATIDNS GRADING PLAN AaE NE woar SCALE 1• = 1 o• DOUGHERTY ROAD �r 6 cars Chem n s�avic:inncs ucv-os. ..v... :O xrascv.vumr ms�si _ Chevron U.S.A.Inc. °°°°�rE�.n°no n scA.LCrr c°uas e lam A,,z 0x—L-Snn Nmon oueuu.r ss, een i°r z A ❑ I c I D I E I F I G I H I I K PLANTING NOTES 1 atiw � «,«.,... � o to R,5 T.T.ILO e Cl I I K . / � r I❑ I ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ oI 0 ❑ ❑ - ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑i ' i o.TSVK.sTT«0,0 .TTSo. TawvsTO.LLT«Ts 5 t7 tl ••59�T�A x.Rk.1«5, T.«.«.a ED LL-1 — —_— ———— '/ I I I f— R,n.l.inn. .u...s.L S ------0----0- LI to ,s�L,su-.:a xLZa elf _..PLANT LIST ceo.wuw�raa,� / r ewB..wu.L caLc a / c.lccr..aaLV S rm 6 ° RD.WXIfE Mn a rlr i /TIN,� �J� encnr.wwr us - •. s•••�• Y6• 7.6 Z EHGtT, . 7 ._ Fr- LANDSCAPE PLAN = l ALE I' = 10' DOUGHERTY ROAD FX141 /7-A � • y�9/ 0.Titatt.« i va .9.. chevron L.NnSCnPC FT.TIO.V CHCSV TIHb DGHTCRY RD.e L SC.RICC T. Chevron T s r[RD[Cr T U.S.A. . /.LICUHCU, Y OUBLIH.[.. SHCCI 1 Of 2_ .MdFCenQ Qxmemt 5011 PC11100 A I H I C �. I D I E I F I G I H I J I K N� . / N THIS AREA OILV,REMOVE � I _I � NOTE:REPLACE ALL DAMAGED (2-3)EXISTING SHIit/Ri AND GROLMO(AVEA- I ml PLANTS WfiH SAM1E SPECIES./ ADD DETES' / — / 1 1 �NUTUAL ACCESS 2 EASEMENT - / \\\ � \\ G \ 1 I T C \/\\ ® \\ / '.SEE LANDS GAPEPLAN-E?kl in\\STRE ALIGNMENT PLAN PLAN T G9N\THESE AdE�,\\FB. ) C 3 to Z I t� T'T 1 Ph —4 4 v ----- ----- ——————— r- /� o — � p p p B �l / I O li D B p D 0 B ;i 0 1 1 1I1 IN THIS AREA OILY, REMOVE EXISTING GROUf•IDCAVER 5 ✓/ I B p I I 0 -- D p l ADD BEDONG PLANTS I LB— B p I ------°--_—°----- ------- --1 --. _ BWE_N LKL[nLOe SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN-EXISTING STREET ALIGNMENT WN°gµnLHl�y� � FOR PLANTING IN THESE AREAS. //ie IFD,WHITE.WD 6WE " j d 14ZORY.PI.VJi L15f.(WIDXME MM E09TfYi SIR:Ff/LbNYItDlG� 6 d e. NOTE:SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN-EXISTING, -STREET ALIGNMENT FOR PLANT LEGEND — ,, - - -AND LIST. T N THIS AREA OILY,REIAOVE . EXISTNG GRO(mmvER-ADO DETES LANDSCAPE PLAN EXl+lalrf� �P g/�9� R E C k I Y E D SCALE—1-- 1 0 DUUGHERTY READ 61 _ .rvGSCAP C PL.......0 STRCCI.LIGNnCNi e SCRVICE S1nTld! NCV-06. i ®°. 4 �uR~LT U[Y C' lO grtso wnanc encvst SWRi Chevron U.S.A.Inc G°IIGHTERV R°.0 l SC.RLCTT CIXRtT �' oucLtu.cc. suEET 1 w t _ I _ xv�sco cw..art ,\ AlaiVeinOOWema Sen Daman ss. _ A D I C I D I E I F I G I H I I K I _ �e�:I. EXCAVATION L TOPSOIL DETAIL - 2 - 3/tv Nne H-o�K SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL 4 NOT TO 5CXLE . . - PLAN — LAWN AREA 5 NOT 10 SLkE ___.- o. . TREE WELL(a)SIDEWALK__- TREE STAKING DETAIL . - NOT TOO SME DETAILS:b'M41 J l/ N�ts��a •' /� 115M ll� _ oa vr_GO_u Q1QVE� SCRV�CE Si.110N MA-IEI (snl.K up �luLw[LL- ,i'®v(v�sn auaLVaw v�nnl Chevron U.S.A.Inc. OOOGMi ERT ROnO t S[nRLETT COORI S OUBL IN.C.. SMCT 2 W 2 vn[D tW rav�vv udVNTW Dpanims SEFIRCONO uuunno RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR PA 90-066 CHEVRON CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF A GASOLINE SERVICE STATION, FOOD MART AND CAR WASH FACILITY AT 5933 DOUGHERTY ROAD WHEREAS, William T. Scudder, Chevron U.S .A. Inc. , filed a Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review application requesting approval to construct and operate a service station with 12 self-service fueling positions, a food mart and car wash facility, and to permit one combined service station display and price sign structure and wall signage; and WHEREAS, the City Council did review and consider the Negative Declaration at a public hearing held on September 23, 1991; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given as required by law; and WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) , State CEQA Guidelines and the City Environmental Guidelines require that certain projects be reviewed for environmental impacts and that environmental documentation be prepared; and WHEREAS, an Initial Study was prepared finding that the project, as proposed, would not have a significant effect on the environment; and WHEREAS, a Negative Declaration has been prepared for this application. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council does hereby find that: 1 . The Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review for the project, PA 90-066, will not have a significant effect on the environment. 2 . The Negative Declaration has been prepared and processed in accordance with State and local environmental laws and guideline regulations . 3 . The Negative Declaration is complete and adequate. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of September, 1991 . AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk mass=* RESOLUTION NO. 91- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN --------------------------------------------------------------------- APPROVING PA 90-066 CHEVRON CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW THE OPERATION OF A SERVICE STATION, FOOD MART AND CAR WASH FACILITY AT 5933 DOUGHERTY ROAD WHEREAS, William T. Scudder, Chevron U.S.A. , Inc. , filed a Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review application requesting approval to construct and operate a service station and drive through car wash, with 12 self-service fueling positions, food mart and restroom facilities and to permit one combined service station display and price sign structure and wall signage at 5933 Dougherty Road; and WHEREAS, as required by law, the Planning Commission did hold a properly noticed public hearing on said application on November 5 and 19, 1990; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and consider all reports, recommendations and testimony, and denied the Conditional Use Permit/Site Development Review request; and WHEREAS, the Applicant appealed the Planning Commission action; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on January 14, 1991 to consider the appeal and determined that PA 90-066 Chevron Conditional Use Permit/Site Development Review is in conformance with the General Plan land use designation for the site, and directed Staff to prepare a City Council Staff Report and Draft Resolutions approving the Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review request; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hold public hearings on said application on March 11 , April 8 , and September 23 , 1991; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearings were given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, the application has been reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and a Negative Declaration has been adopted (City Council Resolution No. ) for this project as it will have no significant effect on the environment; and WHEREAS, the Staff Report was submitted recommending that the application be conditionally approved; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and consider all said reports, recommendations and testimony hereinabove set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin City Council does hereby find: A. The proposed service station facility will serve a public need by providing gasoline fueling services, the sales of convenient food items and car wash services at the intersection of Dublin Boulevard and Dougherty Road. B. The use will be properly related to other land uses and transportation and service facilities in the vicinity, as the proposed use will be compatible with existing land uses (service station, boat/auto sales, automotive repair) , transportation (Dublin Boulevard, Dougherty Road, I-580 Freeway) and service facilities in the immediate vicinity. C. The use, under all circumstances and conditions of this particular case, will not materially adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity, or be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, as all applicable regulations will be met. D. The use will not be contrary to the specific intent clauses or performance standards established for the district in which it is to be located in that conditions have been applied to ensure conformance with the applicable zoning regulations, and the use is compatible with the adjacent general commercial and light industrial district uses. E. The approval of the Conditional Use Permit will be consistent with the Dublin General Plan. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin City Council does hereby conditionally approve PA 90-066 Chevron Conditional Use Permit as generally depicted by materials labeled Exhibit A, stamped approved and on file with the Dublin Planning Department, subject to the approval of the related Site Development Review and to the following conditions: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: Unless stated otherwise, all Conditions of Approval shall be complied with prior to the issuance of building permits or establishment of use, and shall be subject to Planning Department review and approval . The following codes represent those departments/agencies responsible for monitoring compliance of the conditions of approval . [PL) Planning, [B] Building, [PO1 Police, [PW1 Public Works , rADM1 Administration, [FIN] Finance, [F] Dougherty Regional Fire Authority, IDSR1 Dublin San Ramon Services District, fC01 Alameda County Department of Environmental Health. -2- 1. This Conditional Use Permit approval for PA 90-066 is to allow the operation of a new gasoline service station, food mart and drive through car wash facility at 5933 Dougherty Road. This approval shall generally conform to the plans labeled Exhibit A as modified by the following conditions of approval and those requirements of affected agencies, and associated Site - Development Review, consisting of site, landscape and grading plans depicting the project site before and after construction of the Dougherty Road widening and Dublin Boulevard Extension projects and building elevations (9 pages) prepared by Chevron U.S.A. Inc. , dated received by the Planning Department September 9, 1991. [PL] 2 . Prior to issuance of building permits, the Applicant must obtain approval for handling and storing hazardous material (gasoline products) from the Alameda County Department of Environmental Health, Hazardous Materials Division. The Applicant must provide written documentation to the Planning Department that said approval has been obtained. [CO, PL, B] 3 . No loudspeakers or amplified music shall be permitted outside the enclosed buildings. An intercom system is permitted provided that the sound is not discernible at the property line in compliance with Section 8-50.1 Performance Standards: M-P Districts of the Zoning Ordinance. [PL] 4 . The Applicant shall be responsible for clean-up and disposal of project related trash to maintain a clean and litter-free site. [PL] 5. All signs shall be subject to the requirements of the Sign Regulations within the Zoning Ordinance. [PL] 6. The Applicant shall comply with all applicable requirements of the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority. [F, PL] 7. The Applicant shall comply with the City of Dublin Non- Residential Security Requirements (attached) . [PO, PL, B] 8. On a continuous basis, all landscaping shall be properly maintained. [PL] 9. The service station facility shall provide and maintain at all times the following type and number of on-site parking spaces: [PL] 2 employee parking spaces 5 customer parking spaces 1 handicapped parking space 10. On an annual basis, this use shall be subject to Zoning Investigator review and determination as to the compliance with the Conditions of Approval. [PL] -3- 11 . This approval shall become null and void, in the event building permits are not secured within one year (or within 11 years if an extension is granted pursuant to Condition 68 of Resolution No. for the related Site Development Review approval) from the date of this approval, and in the event the approved use ceases to operate for a continuous one year period. [PL] 12 . This permit shall be revocable for cause in accordance with Section 8-90 . 3 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. Any violation of the terms or conditions of this permit shall be subject to citation. [PL] PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of September, 1991 . AYES: NOES : ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk 4 - RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN --------------------------------------------------------------------- APPROVING PA 90-066 CHEVRON SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT AND OPERATE A SERVICE STATION WITH 12 SELF-SERVICE FUELING POSITIONS, 953 SQUARE FOOT FOOD MART, APPROXIMATELY 1,224 SQUARE FOOT CAR WASH FACILITY AND WALL SIGNAGE AND TO PERMIT ONE COMBINED SERVICE STATION DISPLAY AND PRICE SIGN STRUCTURE AT 5933 DOUGHERTY ROAD WHEREAS, William T. Scudder, Chevron U.S.A. Inc. , filed a Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review application requesting approval to construct and operate a service station and drive through car wash, with 12 self-service fueling positions, food mart and restroom facilities and to permit one combined service station display and price sign structure and wall signage; and WHEREAS, as required by law, the Planning Commission did hold a properly noticed public hearing on said application on November 5 and 19 , 1990; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and consider all reports, recommendations and testimony, and denied the Conditional Use Permit/Site Development Review request; and WHEREAS, the Applicant appealed the Planning Commission action; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on January 14, 1991 to consider the appeal and determined that PA 90-066 Chevron Conditional Use Permit/Site Development Review is in conformance with the General Plan land use designation for the site, and directed Staff to prepare a City Council Staff Report and Draft Resolutions approving the Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review request; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hold public hearings on said application on March 11, April 8, and September 23, 1991; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearings were given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, the application has been reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and a Negative Declaration has been adopted (City Council Resolution No. ) for this project as it will have no significant effect on the environment; and WHEREAS, the Staff Report was submitted recommending that the application be conditionally approved; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and consider all said reports, recommendations and testimony herein above set forth. tANIBIT D ..____ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin City Council does hereby conditionally approve PA 90-066 Chevron Site Development Review as generally depicted on Exhibit A, stamped approved and on file with the Dublin Planning Department, subject to approval of the related Conditional Use Permit and to the following conditions : CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: Unless stated otherwise, all Conditions of Approval shall be complied with prior to the issuance of building permits or establishment of use, and shall be subject to Planning Department review and approval . The following codes represent those departments/agencies responsible for monitoring compliance of the conditions of approval . [PLI Planning, [Bl Building_, POl Police, [PWI Public Works, [ADM] Administration, [FINI Finance, [FI Dougherty Regional Fire Authority, [DSRI Dublin San Ramon Services District, [COJ Alameda County Department of Environmental Health. 1 . This Site Development Review approval for PA 90-066 is for the construction of a new service station facility containing 12 self-service fueling positions, a 953 square foot food mart, an approximate 1,224 square foot car wash facility, 8 parking spaces, primary and secondary building wall signage and a combined service station display and price sign structure 8 feet in height with a sign area of 58 . 6 square feet (double-faced) located at the southwest corner of the project site, at 5933 Dougherty Road. This approval shall generally conform to the plans labeled Exhibit A as modified by the following conditions of approval and those requirements of affected agencies, and associated Conditional Use Permit consisting of site, landscape and grading plans depicting the project site before and after construction of the Dougherty Road widening and Dublin Boulevard Extension projects and building elevations ( 9 pages) prepared by Chevron U. S .A. , Inc . dated received by the Planning Department, September 9 , 1991 . [PL, B, PW] 2 . The project shall comply with all applicable City of Dublin Site Development Review Standard Conditions (attached) . [PL] Signs 3 . This Site Development Review approval is for the following signs : [PL] Dimensions a. One combined service Maximum Height: 8 feet station display and Maximum Length: 10 .5 feet price sign structure Maximum Sign Area: 58 . 6 square feet, double faced ( 3 . 55 feet high by 8 . 26 feet long) Minimum Setback: 10 feet from the future property line 2 - b. Canopy Maximum Letter Height: 2 feet Secondary Frontage Maximum Length: 8 . 5 feet Wall Signs (West & East Maximum Sign Area: 17 square Elevations) "Chevron" - feet internally illuminated _. individual letters 4 . The Applicant may request a Site Development Review waiver for increasing the sign area of the combined service station display and price sign structure to a maximum sign area of 64 square feet as allowed per Section 8-87 . 35 ( I) of the Sign Ordinance, subject to the review and approval of the Planning Director. 5 . The following wall signs are consistent with the Sign Ordinance. Future modifications to these signs may occur subject to Planning Department approval and compliance with provisions of the Sign Ordinance: Dimensions a. Food Mart Building Maximum Letter Height: 1 . 5 feet Primary Frontage Wall Maximum Length: 9 . 5 feet Sign (South Elevation) Maximum Sign Area: 14 .25 sq. ft. "Food Mart" - individual decal letters b. Food Mart Building Maximum Letter Height: 1 . 5 feet Secondary Frontage Maximum Length: 9 .5 feet Wall Sign (North Maximum Sign Area: 14 . 25 sq. ft. Elevation) "Food Mart" individual decal letters C . Food Mart Building Maximum Letter Height: 1 . 5 feet Secondary Frontage Maximum Length: 5 .5 feet Wall Sign (West Elevation) Maximum Sign Area: 8 . 25 sq. ft. "24 Hours" - individual decal letters d. Car Wash Building Maximum Letter Height: 1 .5 feet Primary Frontage Wall Maximum Length: 9 . 5 feet Sign (South Elevation) Maximum Sign Area: 14 . 25 sq. ft. "Car Wash" - individual decal letters e. Canopy Maximum Letter Height: 2 feet Primary Frontage Maximum Length: 1 .5 feet Wall Sign (South Elevation) Maximum Sign Area: 3 sq. ft. Logo - internally illuminated Sign Can 6 . All signs displayed for direction of vehicular traffic shall comply with Section 8-87 . 50 (E) Permitted Signs of the Dublin Sign Ordinance and shall be subject to Planning Department review and approval . [PL] 3 - 7 . The Applicant is entitled to one primary and two secondary wall signs on the service station canopy subject to the review and approval of the Planning Director. [PL] 8 . The Applicant shall install the address of the project .site on the base of the combined service station display and price sign structure. [PL] 9 . "Right Turn Only" signs shall be installed exiting each of the three driveways on Dougherty Road subject to Planning Department and Public Works Department review and approval . [PW, PL] Parking 10 . Prior to striping, the Applicant shall submit a parking striping plan subject to the review and approval of the Planning Director. All parking spaces shall be double-striped (4 inch wide stripes set approximately 2 feet apart, see Attachment) . Handicapped, customer, employee and compact parking spaces shall be appropriately identified on the parking plan. [PL] 11 . Handicapped ramps and parking stalls shall be either maintained or provided as required by the State of California Title 24 . [PL, B] Architectural 12 . The Applicant shall submit exterior colors and materials for the project structures subject to final review and approval by the Planning Director. [PL] 13 . All ducts, meters, air conditioning equipment and other mechanical equipment on the structure shall be effectively screened from view with materials architecturally compatible with the main structure subject to review and approval of the Planning Director. [PL] Lighting 14 . Exterior lighting shall be provided and shall be of a design and placement so as not to cause glare onto adjoining properties or onto Dougherty Road or Scarlett Court. Lighting used after daylight hours shall be adequate to provide for security needs ( 1-1/2 foot candles) . Wall lighting around the entire perimeter of the buildings shall be supplied to provide "wash" security lighting. The Applicant shall provide photometrics and cut sheets subject to the review and approval of the Planning Director. [PL, B, PO] Police Security 15 . As required by the Dublin Police Department, all security hardware for the new structures, in particular, the food mart facility, must comply with the City of Dublin Non-Residential Security Requirements (City Ordinance No. 21-89 ; attached) . 4 - Security hardware must be provided for doors, windows, roof vents, skylights and roof ladders . [B, PO] 16 . The Applicant shall work with the Dublin Police Department prior to submittal of building plans and on an ongoing basis .to establish an effective theft prevention and security program. [PO] 17 . The eastern door on the south elevation of the food mart facility shall be secured with an alarm system consistent with the City of Dublin Non-Residential Security Requirements . [B, PO] 18 . Written documentation that all Police Department requirements have been complied with shall be submitted to the Planning Director prior to issuance of building permits . [PL] Debris/Dust/Construction Activity 19 . Measures shall be taken to contain all trash, construction debris, and materials on-site until disposal off-site can be arranged. The Developer shall keep adjoining public streets free and clean of project dirt, mud, and materials during the construction period. The Developer shall be responsible for corrective measures at no expense to the City of Dublin. Provision of temporary construction fencing shall be made subject to review and approval of the City Engineer and the Building Official . [PW, B] Fire Protection 20 . A Fire Impact Fee in the amount of $1,200 . 00 shall be paid to the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority prior to issuance of a building permit. [F, PL, B] 21 . The installation of all underground tanks and piping shall comply with Article 79 of the 1988 Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority. [F, B] 22 . The Applicant shall install two 3 . 5 feet tall guard posts with reflective tape at the end of each gasoline dispersion island as depicted in Exhibit A. [F, PL, B] 23 . Emergency pump shut-off switch shall be made available to patrons and clearly identified. [F] 24 . Prior to issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall provide written documentation to the Planning Director that all requirements of the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority have been met. [PL] Hazardous Materials Regarding Public Health and Safety 25 . Prior to issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall obtain approval for handling and storing hazardous material (gasoline products) from the Alameda County Department of Environmental - 5 - Health - Hazardous Materials Division. The Applicant shall provide written documentation to the Planning Department that said approval has been obtained. [CO3 PL, B] Water and Sewer Services 26 . The Applicant shall submit plans to the Dublin San Ramon Services District for review and approval of water and sewer facilities and determination of related fees . [DSR, PL] 27 . The drive-through automatic car wash shall be a recycling type. [DSR] 28 . Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall provide written documentation to the Planning Department which states that all the requirements of the Dublin San Ramon Services District have been met. [DSR, PL, B] Landscaping and Irrigation Plans 29 . A final detailed Landscape and Irrigation Plan depicting the project site before and after the construction of Dougherty Road widening and Dublin Boulevard Extension (at 1 inch = 20 feet or larger) , along with a cost estimate of the work and materials proposed, shall be submitted for review and approval by the Planning Director. Landscape and Irrigation Plans shall be signed by a licensed landscape architect. Final landscape plans shall indicate common and botanical names and container size and growth rate of each plant. [PL, B] 30 . The final landscape plan shall be generally consistent with preliminary landscape plans prepared by Chevron U.S.A. , Inc . dated received by the Planning Department, September 9, 1991 . [PL, B] 31 . Landscaping shall not obstruct the site distance of motorists, pedestrians or bicyclists . Except for trees, landscaping at drive aisle intersections shall not be higher than 30" above the curb. [PL] 32 . The landscaped area, including the combined service station display and price sign structure located at the southwest corner of the project site, shall be graded, planted and installed in a manner that allows for adequate sight distance between vehicles turning right from Scarlett Court and project traffic entering and exiting the southernmost Dougherty Road driveway. [PL] 33 . The Applicant shall complete and submit to the Dublin Planning Department the Standard Plant Material, Irrigation and Maintenance Agreement (attached) . [PL] Encroachment and Grading Permits 34 . An encroachment permit shall be secured from the City Engineer for any work done within the public right-of-way. Encroachment 6 - permit applications are available from the Public Works Department. [PW] 35 . A grading permit shall be secured from the City Engineer prior to any grading operations . Grading permit applications are available from the Public Works Department. [PW] 36 . Prior to issuance of the encroachment permit, a cash bond or surety bond shall be provided and approved by the Public Works Director/City Engineer to guarantee the proper installation of public improvements . [PW] 37 . Prior to release of the bond posted on the encroachment permit, all improvements shall be installed as per the approved plans and all required landscaping shall be installed and established. [PW] Grading and Drainage 38 . The area outside the building shall drain outward at a 2% minimum slope for unpaved areas and a 1% minimum slope in paved areas (with a maximum gradient of 5%) . [PW, B] 39 . Where storm water flows against a curb, a curb with gutter shall be used. The flow line of all asphalt paved areas carrying water shall be slurry sealed at least three feet on either side of the center of the swale. A concrete valley gutter is recommended for all swales . [PW] 40 . Roof drains shall empty into approved dissipating devices . Roof water, or other concentrated drainage, shall not be directed onto adjacent properties, sidewalks or driveways . No drainage shall flow across property lines . Downspouts shall drain through the curb of the concrete walks around the building. [PW, B] 41 . Any grading on adjacent properties will require written approval of those property owners affected. [PW] 42 . All catch basins not against curb and gutter shall have a 3 ' concrete apron around all sides of the inlet. [PW] 43 . All on-site existing pavement sections shall be repaired or replaced as directed by the City Engineer. [PW] 44 . All construction shall be limited to take place between the hours of 7 : 30 a.m. and 5 : 30 p.m. , Monday through Friday, except as may be approved in advance in writing by the Public Works Director. [PW, B, PL] Improvement Plans 45 . A Grading, Drainage, and Improvement Plan shall be submitted to the City Engineer for review and approval . [PW] 7 - t 46 . The Applicant shall obtain copies of and comply with conditions as noted on "City of Dublin General Notes on Improvement Plans" and "City of Dublin Improvement Plan Review Check List" . The Improvement Plan Check List shall be stamped and submitted to the City Engineer with the Grading, Drainage and Improvement Plans . [PW] 47 . Along with the Improvement Plans, the Applicant shall submit a stamped Engineer' s estimate for the cost of the public improvements to the City Engineer for review and approval . [PW] 48 . The Applicant shall conform to the "Typical Public Works Conditions of Approval for Commercial/Industrial Site Development Review, " in particular, Conditions #4 , #5, #19 , #24, #41 and #44 (attached) . [PW] 49 . Parcels #1 and #2 shall be merged into one parcel prior to issuance of building permit. [PW, PL, B] 50 . The Applicant shall provide for the possibility of a joint access driveway on the adjacent property to the east once the Dublin Boulevard Extension has been constructed. At the direction of the Public Works Director for construction of the joint access, the Applicant shall close the existing driveway on Scarlett Court, modify the landscape median as depicted in Exhibit A, provide a legal description of the cross access easement, construct all improvements within the cross access easement and enter into an easement maintenance agreement with the City and/ or adjacent property owners prior to establishment of easement. If the Applicant does not comply with said Public Works requirements for the cross access easement, the Scarlett Court driveway access shall be closed off . [PW, PL] Off-Site Improvements 51 . All improvements within the public right-of-way, including curb, gutter, sidewalks, driveways, paving and utilities, must be constructed in accordance with approved standards and/or plans . [PW] 52 . The Developer shall be responsible for correcting deficiencies in the existing frontage improvements to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. [PW] 53 . All driveways shall have 5 foot flat flares per City Standard CD- 304 . [PW] 54 . The northerly side of the most northerly driveway on Dougherty Road shall be flared five feet for better egress onto Dougherty Road subject to review and approval of the Public Works Director. [PW] 8 - 55 . The Applicant shall dedicate to the City of Dublin for the construction of this project, 4, 840 square feet of the right-of- way required for the ultimate improvements along Dougherty Road and proposed Dublin Boulevard Extension subject to review and approval of the Public Works Director. [PW] 56 . The Applicant shall provide adequate working easements on the project site, outside the ultimate right-of-way, for future construction of Dougherty Road and Dublin Boulevard subject to review and approval of the Public Works Director. [PW] 57 . Prior to establishment of use, the Applicant shall construct frontage improvements on the Dougherty Road side of the project as shown on the Dougherty Road Plan Line on file with the Public Works Department, to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director. [PW] 58 . The Applicant shall design the project site work to match the ultimate improvements for the Dublin Boulevard Extension. This design shall conform with the improvements currently being designed. [PW] 59 . Prior to establishment of use, the Applicant shall submit to the Public Works Director for review and approval, a cost estimate for the ultimate construction of Dublin Boulevard Extension, and any resulting modifications to the future Dublin/Dougherty Road intersection. The cost of said improvements shall be paid to the City Public Works Department prior to establishment of use. [PW] 60 . "No Parking" signing and/or red curb painting shall be installed along both street frontages of a type and location as approved by the City Public Works Department. [PW] 61 . The required improvements to the Dougherty Road frontage shall include pavement striping as approved by the City Engineer. [PW] Public Easements 62 . A five (5) foot Public Utility Easement (PUE) shall be dedicated along the back of the future sidewalk on Dougherty Road and Dublin Boulevard Extension. [PW] 63 . The Applicant and Public Works Director shall work together in determining the appropriate location for the City entrance sign on the project site . [PW] 64 . If a satisfactory location for the City entrance sign can be arrived at on the project site by the City and the Applicant, the developer shall dedicate an easement to the City for maintenance of this sign. [PW] 65 . Right-of-way shall be dedicated for the traffic signal controller at the corner of Dougherty Road and Scarlett Court. [PW] _ 9 - J v . i. Miscellaneous 66 . Transformers, irrigation control boxes, utility meters, valves and the like shall be enclosed in vaults, screened by fencing or be painted out and landscaped subject to the Planning Director' s review and approval . [PL, B] 67 . The Applicant shall submit a detailed design and location of the trash enclosure area subject to the Planning Director' s review and approval as part of the project ' s Landscape and Irrigation Plans . The materials and colors of the trash enclosure shall be compatible with the colors and materials of the main structure, subject to the review and approval of the Planning Director. The design of the trash enclosures shall reflect dimensional criteria deemed acceptable by the Livermore Dublin Disposal Service and shall incorporate use of a 10 ' x 10 ' concrete apron in front of the enclosure to facilitate the Disposal Services ' mechanical pick-up service. If wooden doors are utilized, the doors shall be trimmed with a heavy metal lip. Raised concrete curbing shall be provided inside the trash enclosure area to serve as wheel stops for metal trash bins to protect the interior walls of the enclosures . [PL] 68 . Pursuant to the City' s Zoning Ordinance, all structures on the project site as measured perpendicular from the future face of curb (once Dublin Boulevard Extension and Dougherty Road Widening projects are constructed) shall be set back 40 feet from said property lines . A 2 foot overhang of the service station canopy is permitted in the required setback area. [PL, B, PW] 69 . Building permits for the proposed improvements shall be secured and construction begun within twelve ( 12 ) months after the effective date of this approval or said approval shall be void. This twelve ( 12) month period may be extended an additional six (6 ) months (Applicant must submit a written request for the extension prior to the twelve ( 12 ) month expiration date of the permit) by the Planning Director and the Building Official upon the determination that the Conditions of Approval remain adequate to assure that the above stated Findings of Approval will continue to be met. [B, PL] 70 . The permit shall be revocable for cause in accordance with Section 8-90 . 3 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. Any violation of the terms or conditions of this permit shall be subject to citation. [PL] 71 . To apply for building permits, the Applicant shall submit six ( 6) sets of construction plans to the Building Department for plan check. Each set of plans shall have attached an annotated copy of this resolution of approval, as well as the applicable - 10 - U Conditional Use Permit resolution. The notations shall clearly indicate how all conditions of approval will be complied with. Construction plans will not be accepted without the annotated resolutions attached to each set of plans . The Applicant will be responsible for obtaining the approvals of all participating non- City agencies prior to the issuance of building permits . [B, PL] PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of September, 1991 . AYES: NOES : ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk - 11 - 1 _ :10 AID 3111 kOSdk0H1 W �'1V 0. O� d - •..�tit1NtS ao..til� ... v�- - fl to o C. 1 i DA Qo 0�6 I / �•; �� l < •� i rte_```. ,,. .1 '-'_'' _- -'-- - �i - \ :.,i L0CA71 NJ12o11N G MAP