HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.1 Earl Anthony Bown Appeal Appeal 'of .PlanningCommi'ssion action to conditionally approve PA 84-024, Earl Anthony Bowl Site. Development Review Modi,f i,c:a ~~_?ri -~~~:;',:-" ';;~~W(t,,;~:jS~~gf f,',"!-. . " , . i.> '1. .... Plaimi~'<j'C~llUllission,Staff Report ,;;:/';':.j~,~,i1T!~,};;~~.~~~i:~IJ);~tta?hme~ts .,>!,./-,; .'~},Plaimi'ng !.coIiuni'ssion'Resolution. ..'.- -' - '-' .,,- -' ',,;<~ ,.. -' -," - . ',- Letter' of. Appeal dated June 6, 1984 ",-} ~--- ',. .Draft';Plari~ing:Commission Minutes ."'Draft',Resolution upholding 'jCommission,act'ion. '-'",<.,';'-''!;";e: . - .' ~<;/i~ :':~'/f-'--~-::. '; .;:.-.y; ....;, ::slgri~6rtiop'Of1976 Site " DeveloPll\~,nt'Re.view. ',.'.i~"4\':f;~~:,:'fi!~F" " Open public 'hearing and hear staff presentation .' 2. Take testimony from applicant and the .public. " 3. Question staf~,:applicant and the public. 4. Close public hearing and deliberate. 5. Adopt resolution regarding the Site Development Review.' FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None. ~~~- . - DESCRIPTION: , In~ Al~meda County appr~ved a Site Development Rev~ew for'th-~owl~ng Alley. The S~te Development Review specifically excluded any freestanding sign for the project. On~May 11, l~~he Planning Director conditionally approved a Sr~-evelopment Review modification to allow a freestanding low-profile sign at Earl Anthony's Bowl, 675~~ Regional Street. The action taken by the Planning D~ctor required that the proposed sign, a double faced, ~ freestanding sign, l~ teet h~~h and 80 sguare feet, be rev~sed .to reJlect a low~prof~~e sign. The basis for this action was that a low-profile 'signwould provide a more effective and attractive level of sign identification than the taller and larger freestanding sign. on~e 6,~the Planning Commission heard an appeal of the F-lallll.i.llgDirector' s conditional approval of the freestanding low-profile sign. After viewing slides of the ~ 2S' COPIES~:> ITEM NO. property and hearing testimony from staff and the applicant, the~~anninq Commmission made a unanimous decision to uphold ~he Planning Director's act~~n.J~ -- --- The Zoning Ordinance provides that a conventional freestanding sign located within twenty feet of the front property line must be located in the middle one-third of the street frontage. The only exception is that the Zoning Ordinance allows a low-profile freestanding sign be located on any part of the site subject to Site Deve~opment Review. Several major streets in the City lack sufficient landscaping and are cluttered with an ~xcessive level of ~signs. A more des~rable s~tuation would be where the streetscape is attractively landscaped and the ,signs are more effectively contLullea so that they ,become an ~nteqral a the streetscape and project design. Fortunately in this particu ar case, e s ong Regional Street west of Dublin Boulevard is fairly well landscaped and has a minimum amount of signage. The Planning Director and Planning Commission determined that if a freestanding sign was allowed along the Earl Anthony Bowl frontage the most appropriate sign'from an business identification and aesthetic standpoint would be a low-profile sign erected near one of the driveway location~ This determination was based on two principal' factors: 1 The heavy landscaping adjacent to the "ransamer~ca Buil ing 'and the street trees along Regional Street may screen the sign from view and;crD A low-profile sign would not only provide a higher level of business identification but it would be more attractive than a pole sign. - "" Staff recommends The attached Planning Commission Staff Report contains the background material associated with this request. ~~\~ J'tM,~; IV) ~ ,jtLrv 0. I ,sjtet-t-I-' ~'yJ--61.-/- jJc<-;"~ :0 ( ( 1) shall be located in a planter of appropriate dimension. 2) shall be located within the middle one-third (1/3) of the street frontage when within 20 feet of the street frontage. 3) shall be a maximum 10 feet high and have a maximum area of 30 square feet, provided that for each one foot of setback, the height may increase by 1/2 foot and the area may increase five square feet. section 8-48.8.2 Low Profile Sign: C-l Districts of the Zoning Ordinance provides, in part, that one Low Profile sign, 24 sq. ft. maXlmum sign area, six feet high, may be constructed on a lot with no less than 100 lineal feet of lot frontage. Section 8-95.0 Site Development Review. Site Development Review is intended to promote orderly, attractive, and harmonious development; recognize environmental limitations on development; stabilize land values and investments; -and promote the general welfare by preventing establishment of uses or erection of structures having qualities which would not meet the specific intent clauses or performance standards of this Chapter or which are not properly related to their sites, surroundings, traffic circulation, or their environmental setting. Where the use proposed, the adjacent land uses, environmental significance or limitations, topography, or traffic circulation is found to so require, the Planning Director may establish more stringent regulations than those otherwise specified for the District. Section 8-95.8 Site Develo~ment Review: Plan Modifications. The Planning Director shall hear and decide applications to modify any Plan approved under the procedure for Site DeveloPQent Review, or to modify any condition set forth in the action of approval, subject to the same procedure and regulations as those applicable to the original application. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Categorically exempt NOTIFICATION: Public published in the property owners, Notice of the June 4,'1984, hearing was Tri-Valley Herald, mailed to adjacent and posted in public buildings ANALYSIS: Bruce King, representing Earl Anthony- Bowl, has applied for a modification to an approved Site Development Review to allow a double-faced, freestanding sign at 6750 Regional Street. The original Site Development Review in 1976 specifically excluded any freestanding signs. Prior to filing the application, Mr. King was advised on several occasions that staff would only support a modification to the approved Site Development Review if the sign reflected a low-profile, monument type sign. Applying only the sign regulations contained in Section 8- 48_8,1 to the subject site, the proposed sign could be allowed, if located in a landscaped planter area of appropriate dimension. However, Section 8-95.0, Site Development Review, specifically states that "Th:e Planning Director may establish more stringent regulations than those otherwise specified for the District." This section was written in this manner to allow the Planning Department a certain degree of flexibility to take into account design concerns and site-specific conditions. Taking into account design concerns and site-specific conditions, it appears that the most appropriate solution would be to locate a low-profile sign behind the sidewalk ( ( adjacent to one of the driveway locations. The Title Insurance Building to the north has a front yard setback of approximately 30' which is heavily landscaped with trees and shrubs. It is unlikely that the proposed sign would provide a desirable level of business identification since the trees would, for the most part, obstruct the view of the sign. The trees along the Bowling Alley frontage would also tend to screen the sign. It is likely that if the sign was approved, the owner would want to eliminate some of the trees or substantially reduce their size. Instead of locating the sign 25' behind the existing trees, it would appear to be more reasonable if the sign was l~cated below the trees and closer to the sidewalk. 'This low-profile sign will provide a higher level of business identification and yet avoid the freestanding pole signs which, individually and cumulatively, adversely affect the streetscape. RECO~I~IENDATION FORM1\T: 1 ) 2) 3 ) 4 ) 5 ) Hear Staff presentation Open public hearing Hear applicant and public presentations Close public hearing Adopt Resolution approving or denying request, or continue hearing ACTION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the attached Resolution which upholds the Planning Director's action in requiring that the proposed sign be revised to reflect a low-profile, monument sign subject to staff approval. - ATTACP.~!ENTS Exhibit A: 1 ) 2 ) 3 ) 4 ) 5) Draft Resolution Denying'the 'Apoeal Appealable Action Letter dated 5/11/84 Letter of Appeal dated 5/16/84 Proposed Sign Site Plan Site Photographs COPIES TO A??licant -.- ( ( EXHIBIT A '; RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ------------------------------------------------------------------ UPHOLDING THE PLANNING DIRECTOR'S APPROVAL OF A LOI'I-PROFILE, MONUMENT SIGN AS A MODIFICATION TO A SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW AT . 6750 REGIONAL STREET WHEREAS, Bruce King representing Earl Anthony Bowl, filed an application for a modification to an approved Site Development Review at 6750 Regional Street to allow a double-face, freestanding sign; and WHEREAS, the Planning Director did approve said application as a low-profile monument sign rather than a freestanding sign; and WHEREAS, Planning Director's Bruce King filed a timely appeal to the action; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on said application, on June 4, 1984; and WHEREAS, pro~er no~ice of said hearing was given in all respects required by law; and WHEREAS, accordance with the Qualitv Act and has this application has been reviewed in provisions of the California Environmental been found to be categorically exempt; and WHEREAS, a Staff Re?ort was submitted recommending that the application be denied; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and consider all said reports, reco~"endatiens and testimony as hereinabove set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning commission does hereby find that: 1) The proposed sign will be detrimental to the streetscape along Regional Street. 2) The proposed sign will not set a good example for ether pro~erty owners. 3 ) The proposed sign is contrary to efforts taken by staff and the Planning Ccmmission to achieve a more effective control of signs within the City of Dublin. l A low-profile, monument sign will allow for'attractive effective business identification along Regional Street. 4 ) and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Dublin Planning Commission does hereby uphold the Planning Director's action on PA 84-024. nn 01_"'" ( ( PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this , 1984. th day of AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Planning Commission Chairman ATTEST: Planning Director . , " ( CITY OF DUBLIN \ I P.O. 11-1\ ~J~n Dunl;n. c:\ l).15bX (.J I 51 :\ ~IJ.J('1 ~Il Date: Hay 11, 1984 RE: APPEALABLE ACTION LETTER CERTIFIED MAIL PA 84-024, EARL ANTHONY BOWL Applicant: Bruce King, 6]98 Dougherty Road, Dublin, c.; K all' ri-"I. (ute. It.!-----r Vi; 'I ~ 0 t-/ /5 !--r/, '-1 j '/ Project/Site Address: 6750 Regional Street Assessor Parcel Number(s): 941-1500-29-2 Progerty Owner: Johnson Clark Dear A[l[llicant: The above referenced project was acted upon on May 10, 1984 by the: . Zoning Acministrator XXX Planning Director Plar.ning Commission and T,.Jas: il.?,?:coved ,., ., xxx A[lproved subject to concition(s) listed below Deniec 1) The p!."'o~osec sign shall be re1/:.sec to r-eflect 2. 10w-le1/el, rnonu~ent sisn subjec~ to t~e review 2.n~ approval of the Planni~s De?2.rt:ne!1t:.. , . ~!1 c..csorc.a:'.ce at 5:00 p.~. on May 20, 198, u-'~ss \ wi t:: the Zoning Ordina"ce. H:_ . This ac~ion beCOQ2S fi~al 2.aoealec before that ti~e anc effec~ive If you have any suestions regarding this natter, please contact this office. Sincerely., f4~f04~ Laurence L. TO~ Planning Directoy LLT/cf cc: Zoning Investigato~ fl; t.... ,~ !, f1 r. i) .;,J!il _ ~ ,. ;0_ 1.; ~'f./ i~ for::\ 83-03 1/33 1984 city of Dublin : P. O':'Box 2340 . '. . P,. '., "i:>u~liri;)c:.a1ifor~ia .... .. ~ -; /:/>~, ;<:_l;'{.,/~P;;P.:~~:"<'.:'\:_-~ ";~f,~~~.:i-.:,:. .-.:,~:; ,;,,:t.t:e?.t)c?)l';;.,.. Pl,anI'lingDepartment ~<€~t1~~2~i.~~fl~1@~~f,tJJf~!?~f~"'::G~?"~~i;'~~:?:,':- ;:-~:~ ',- 'v' :. ~ ~~.:t' '-'-",-;'_:~'~;1.i~~;.~~:.::~'~-::~~5-. '~'- :' ~ - -~:~.: ~-} Reference ::'.~:,Earli?J.1!:hony, Dubhn ,B?,:,1,,:i;Jj~'i.,l..1,.,8 4-02 4;..;:.:) .., :1';67 S9 ;iReg ionalStreet, <<;."'.<":']..ssessor:Parcel:':" , . '" "':P:':;'''~:l~~<t::.'.'~,:~:';')'<:''>''''I<:T''';:t..9.4".,.?-....~,~,l,500_::.29-2 ..~... ;){rJj:~i y":,:X~ci-i,.i :' ." . . -- ,~eI)~;' ~":t'':;':: ~.-.., 'i..;.;J~:~'(' >~-..~t.:~' .,_' -.'.. ,_"...c,.:.'.-.,';":..,,.,:.f,,:,'.,'.;~.:~~:.~:.',;~,'~_~~.':.'.'."...~;~,'~..:',.~i:,:.:~,::.'}~.\:~/." A~f~fj::J'z~~~ij~~~~~::~;1~~J/~5l.j~ .c. .c:.';':C _' .J..,' - _h . ,- C'- . Regarciing:the"'.decision of the' Com.'!l~_~~ion on Earl. . h ;Ailthony)Dublin 'Bm~l ,,-Ie wish to appeal: this decision. ~!.,:,."",:,.,.~,t.:",t. 11~!1!~'~!!~:1{i;:{~n'~' .;;ii.{[:O"i"': .. '. .. ~:.::t';i~.:!~~},:,.:'.~,._:~.'~.~..:.:i~~,.;,>,.,~.':.:.,,:.~,:.f~;t~~~~~ii:~~1~1~~f~~;~~~~~. ~~ . .~., ' . I -"7 - _ l<:'::-:'~~: ., - .~ '" ~. . :-,' . " , --:-, ..!;:;<'>t;~~i"Thanl<:You <'" ...;:{,~~.~i;.c:;','.:.:',.,,'....,;,~._,...'...,..,';'.,..BlJJ!1;r...u..,',..c' .'e'~:.,>.:'.:,-~E.i~:.:.,,:.,.,<< ~.n.g/'.:.',._,..'..".,~,.,.... /c\~:>~~~:~_;;~:l', : T~_?: .,_, - -'.I. - . - .:\{~J~~'.c2~<.;D!;.;aAcT~vE~SIGN . SERVICE ; " " , . L ,~ . r-l':.. .:,."t. ~'--' -.", l~r.~~>~ ~. -'"., l},;~;~"'" !!1f~:'~r, l,k~;;;~t~ h~i:'i~: f?-~~~'-:' :"_:~~ !. '~" . .; .:," '.' ..-,0 '.'" - ~ -"~ . '; ",'~-'. " .. "-' ~ . ',:>c ,. .~.~: ,,__,'~ _ ~~..~~.${fj~f5~~Y: r' ~,-, . ! i . J $ccJi-h C.Lr,Ve....:V'(t'j ;n/-o Bccvl,n'(J AIi€-t- G""'cA.... I cecA-,cr, -Pvr /OLJ- prc.f,/<- :5; cj"J be h.., ~t. +1""- s .A,,,-....J" I K . NOr"f-h cLr;l/ew';lj ih-f-v Bow/,n}: Alle'1' O_no-f-her pass,bl'€- loc.ch""r, .for IC.J-,p,....,,~,/e.. -s'1N. propo~eA- /oc..-c.'-hQ,J crf Si'J'V Wil-/'-';,,- +J..L BQl,.;/.n'{- fllle1 po-rt</I1'} 10+ RESOLUTION NO. 84-27 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ------------------------------------------------------------------ UPHOLDING THE PLANNING DIRECTOR'S APPROVAL OF A LOW-PROFILE, MONUMENT SIGN AS A MODIFICATION TO A SITE DEVELOP~IENT REVIEW AT 6750 REGIONAL STREET WHEREAS, Bruce King representing Earl Anthonv Bowl, filed an application for a modification to an appro~ed Site Development Review at 6750 Regional Street to allow a double-face, freestanding sign; and WHEREAS, the Planning Director did approve said application as a low-profile monument sign rather than a freestanding sign; and WHEREAS, Bruce King filed a timely appeal to the Planning Director's action; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on said application, on June 4, 1984; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said hearing was given in all respects required by law; and WHEREAS, accordance with the Quality Act and has this application has been reviewed in provisions of the California Environmental been found to be categorically exempt; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted recommending that the application be denied; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and consider all said reports, recommendations and testimony as hereinabove set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission does hereby find that: 1) The proposed sign is contrary to efforts taken by staff and the Planning Commission to achieve a more effective control of signs within the City of Dublin. 2) A low-profile, monument sign will allow for attractive and effective business identification along Regional Street. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Dublin Planning Co~~ission does hereby uphold the Planning Director's action on PA 84-024. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 4th day of June, 1984. AYES: Commissioners Alexander, Barnes, Mack, Petty and Raley NOES: None ABSENT: None DP 83-20 I v I' ~ -11,,~ h'le.- _._~ .. .... ~~;l:;r:.>~.i::+~: ,:..: u. .. - ..,:~:.~--. ;..-'-~ a Active SIGN SERVICE (415) 829-8888 ~\".~ "......-....' , -, ,'" 6398 Dougherty Rd.#17. Dublin,Ca. 94568 JlA~e- 10 ,ICie4 0rr~ or-PL\f?U~ fa. 'f;o'x' 'Z ~40 17L\f7L,ltJ I U\: Q41100 R:ECEIYEO 'JUN 61984 CITY OF DUBLIN Mr~~ : urr{ CtU~L-lL ~~: ~Mr-ttaJYTh17vI~futJL ~fk M~al 6100 ~lcJp<L. <01', ~'Y~ ~41'lPf::O-Z'1-Z- ~E;J: 1?c~~~~1/2?G{~al if-rr+e.-1ihJ~!JG {o\,jM~oJ o~ ~ kJrr+m\f 1)vl?7LAJ 12-A'JWL, WC-\^.Ii-''7T-\--io f'<?PE:'kL 'It-,W7 VCLJ7toJ. We \ZeGUe7ilo -f;e?~ oJ -11-t-e ~c:;'7T ?a7?if.7U::::;: (,liY CoUJC..IL KbieJc;r,,--: ~~~>'IOLL I ,) ,QL' b/U0C-Q'/--',T 2 ~uLG- E: I(IJ~ kt<aIVe-.c;IG~ ~Z.JIU:::- scheduled for the Planning Commission meeting on May 21, 1934. The item was continued at the applicant's request to the Planning Commission meeting on June 4, 1984. Mr. Tong further explained that the problem is fairly basic in that the applicant converted a patio into an enclosed room addition in a required yard area without obtaining any permits or approvals. Further, if a variance was granted, it would allow Mr. McCartney a property right not enjoyed by others similiarly situated. Mr. Tong presented slides of the violation in question. also noted that the perimeter fence is over height~ also no curb cut for the driveway access. It was there is After the close of the Public Hearing, Cm. Mack made a motion to recommend adopting the Resolution, with Cm. Raley's second. The motion passed unanimously. * * * * RESOLUTION NO. 84-26 DENYING PA 83-060 WILLIAM MCCARTNEY VARIANCE REQUEST TO ALLOW A ROOM ADDITION IN A REQUIRED YARD AREA * * * * t)\t~f1 PA 84-024, Earl Anthony's Bowl Sign Mr. DeLuca presented the item which is an appeal by Bruce King, representing Earl Anthony Bowl, of a Planning Director's Conditional approval of a sign at 6750 Regional Street. Mr. DeLuca explained the zoning history fot ~his site which is as follO'.,s: A Site Development Review was approved September 27, 1976. A condition of approval stated that "no freestanding signs will be allowed." Mr. King applied for a modification to the approved Site Development Review on April 27, 1984 to allow a double-faced, freestanding sign (15' high, 80 sq. ft.) The Planning Director required that the proposed sign be revised to reflect a low-profile, monument sign subject to review and approval by the Planning Department on May 11, 1984. On May 16, 1984, Mr. King appealed this action to the Planning Commission. Mr. Bruce King, applied for a modification to an approved Site Development Review to allow a double-faced, freestanding sign at 6750 Regional Street. The original Site Development Review in 1976 specifically excluded any freestanding signs. Prior to filing the application, Mr. King was advised on several occasions that staff would only support a modification to the approved Site Development Review if the sign reflected a low- profile, monument type sign. Section 8-95.0, Site Development Review, specifically states that "The Planning Director may establish more stringent regulations than those otherwise specified for the District." , Taking into account design concerns and site-specific conditions, it appears that the most appropriate solution would be to locate a low-profied sign behind the sidewalk adjacent to one of the driveway locations. Mr. DeLuca stated it is staff's recommendation that the Planning Commission adopt the attached Resolution which upholds the Planning Director's action in requiring that the proposed sign be revised to reflect a low-profile, monument sign subject to staff approval. Mr. DeLuca then presented slides of the site in question showing the recommended location for the sign. The applicant, the audience. been presented Bruce King of He noted that by staff. 6398 Doughe~ty Road, was present in he was in agreement with what had Mr. King did however discuss the advantages of having a freestanding sign over a low-profile sign as far as potential vandalism is concerned. George Lane, Action Signs, Hayward, California was present and expressed his concern as far as time liwit Was concerned in getting this sign approved for installation. Cm. Mack made a motion to close the Public Hearing with a second from Cm. Petty. The motion passed unanimously. In response to a question by Cm. Alexander, Mr. King stated he would not consider any height or size reduction or any change in location of the proposed sign. Cm. Petty made a motion to recommend upholding Planning Director's approval with the deletion of findings one and two. Cm. Mack seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. DRAFT RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ------------------------------------------------------------------ UPHOLDING THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S APPROVAL OF A LOW-PROFILE, MONUMENT SIGN AS A MODIFICATION TO A SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW AT 6750 REGIONAL STREET WHEREAS, Bruce King representing Earl Anthony Bowl, filed an application for a modification to an approved Site Development Review at 6750 Regional Street to allow a double-face, freestanding sign; and WHEREAS, the Planning Director did approve said application as a low-profile monument sign rather than a freestanding sign; and WHEREAS, Bruce King filed a timely appeal to the Planning Director's action; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on said application, on June 4, 1984; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said hearing was given in all respects required by law; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission made a unanimous decision to uphold the Planning Director's action; and WHEREAS, Bruce King filed a timely appeal to the Planning Commission's action; and WHEREAS, The City Council did hold a public hearing on said appeal on June 25, 1984; and WHEREAS, accordance with the Quality Act and has this application has been reviewed in provisions of the California Environmental been found to be categorically exempt; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted recommending that the application be denied; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and consider all said reports, recommendations and testimony as hereinabove set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin City Council does hereby find that: 1) The proposed sign is contrary to efforts taken by staff and the Planning Commission to achieve a more effective control of signs within the City of Dublin. 2) A low-profile, monument sign will allow for attractive and effective business identification along Regional Street. DP 83-20 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Dublin City Council does hereby uphold the Planning Commission's action on PA 84-024. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this , 1984. th day of AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk DP 83-20 :. Y. ~I . ,u ~r::i f "P-----~ ,/ / '// 1/ ,/' .~ ,/~jJpRC~\/ED BY THE o' " "'/~'~ A~' r.'\,ni' '('" Din I!:CTon . ..;;~/ ~~.;tt~i-"",^f'\j~~:r.~\j'~;i '~k~L ~ F~ "./ ~ .,;../ ......~,1. /. ,:,':i.L' _ .;D Iq76> / ' - I(_~)~ ~ ~. c '~~li'U ll\f"~~'l ",J !\\LEY 7 ..\i !;..,~ T....,l ). ....r-- / .^1=-,_:.-~r-:-. Cr.r::"1~Y - ':'\"r"\;:-;n n!r0;':~r "'~ . 0 . \\ < .0 ~ ( V, ",0, .. .. / ,,/ / /. - , (r- --_._.;:~~~~. '13\. ,,'!.. c~ f hs' l #:,1." G ~ ~_~ /1\:.. L!Y cts: ----- i- -I ~: i _.~.~'. " Ho.......orJ Jo~,,~Ol"l'" Mo.~or LoJ,. ..- , , 11 . I _..__.~ :-' ~J~'Q.. Ii ," . :!J' I. ~'" :,'-~-'.. '- .'~ ,_.1_ rf\,', UY ~ 1 ; . , El"'~"'"(.. 3lc."'R..c..P. _m' _____. m______=__.J\ 1C' -. ---'---'-------:-- ~ . .j. ' . / ,.... '~ \ ~ l-s~c":"~:"I~ ,1\1"'''\1 tg boo, I.. co"fo.........ce ..Ith th.. Dubll" ~":;o..al' ---I ~ <,..lrr 0.,,1... ",.llcyl..d the "I....d. Co...." lo..l..gOrdl...".:.. .~, _' ___II ......, No fnul."dl.."19,,,wlll bo.llo_d. "llb..lldlng"""""t,, ,19'" '..bJ...:t to ".....ln9 IUre.:ror .pproy.1 prior to obt.lnl"9 I' . b..lldl..,""....Il. , 50.0. ""h -l - -------' ~-S;fe G..,