HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.1 EDublinPlanPrepFee
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~prepared by: Paul S. Rankin, Assistant city Manager)
EXHIBITS ATTACHED: 1.~Letter Dated October 13,1994 to Specific Plan
Property owners Explaining the Proposed Fee
2.~section 65456(a) California Government Code
~ ~~. ~proposed Resolution Establishing Fees
RECOMMENDATION: (~" Conduct a Public Hearing, Deliberate, and Adopt the
FINANCIAL STATEMENT: As of June 30, 1994 the City had recognized an
unbilled receivable of $220,361.06. This represents monies advanced to
complete the Specific Plan. These costs will be recovered with interest as
affected property owners as development applications are filed.
In 1988, the city embarked on a process to develop a Specific Plan for
approximately 3,282.61 acres. The city was also required to complete a
General Plan amendment. State Law contains provisions for an agency to
recover the cost of preparing a Specific Plan. This report discusses the
implementation of a fee which will repay the City for specific Plan costs
advanced. This action is required by the Resolution approving the Eastern
Dublin Specific Plan.
Ini tially the effort to prepare the Specific Plan was anticipated to be
financed by Deposits made from sponsoring Property Owners. The City
entered into agreements with these Property owners to provide for repayment
of any monies advanced, which exceeded their pro-rata share of the costs.
As the project time frame and cost was extended beyond the original
schedule, the ci ty also became a participant in advancing monies to
complete the project.
Staff has calculated the distribution of all project costs between the
General Plan Amendment and the specific Plan. In addition calculations
were made to compare the original deposits recorded from Sponsoring
Property Owners, to the final amount owed for each property. None of the
Sponsoring Property Owners prepaid more than their pro-rata share of the
Specific Plan costs. Therefore, all fees collected under this proposal
will be retained to repay the city General Fund for monies advanced.
On May 10, 1993 the City Council adopted Resolution No. 53-93 which Adopted
the Eastern Dublin General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan.
Included in the Resolution was a requirement to establish a fee to recover
the preparation of the Specific Plan. The applicable section reads as
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Dublin City council does hereby direct
that all fees established pursuant to Government Code Section 65456,
to recover costs of preparation of the Specific Plan, shall include
the cost of preparation, adoption, and administration of the Specific
ITEM NO. 6.1
c 1041 c t E~ I
FILE 3- 0 t
Plan plus interest on such costs based upon the City of Dublin's
average monthly weighted investment yield calculated for each year or
fraction thereof that such costs are unpaid.
The adoption of the fee proposed in the Draft Resolution (Exhibit 3) will
fulfill this requirement.
The applicable section of state Law (Exhibit 2) requires that the fee
charged be prorated among the affected properties. The legislation
recognizes that the cost expended on the Specific Plan should result in a
savings to the property owner, by reducing the cost of documenting
environmental consequences and advocating changed land uses, which may be
authorized pursuant to the specific plan. Therefore, Staff has allocated
the cost on a per acre basis.
As shown in Exhibit 1, Staff allocated a total of $ 1,279,378.74 in
expenses between the General Plan related costs and the Specific Plan
Costs. Although the General Plan Costs cannot be recovered through a fee
the City received a total of $542,037.20 in contributions from Sponsoring
Property OWners to defray the cost of preparing the General Plan Amendment.
The total cost of preparing the Specific Plan was $747,044.85. This figure
is net of City Contributions previously authorized by the City Council.
These expenses are detailed in Exhibit 1 of the letter mailed to Specific
Plan Property OWners. The total acreage covered by the Specific. Plan has
been reduced by 26.01 acres to account for properties held by public
agencies, which would not be subject to the City'S Development regulations.
Based upon the total cost spread among all affected properties, the cost on
a per acre basis is calculated at $229.39.
Staff has recommended that the initial monthly interest rate be established
at .426% per month (5.112% per year). The Resolution provides that this
factor would be revised in future years. On an annual basis Staff will
calculate the average return, based upon the actual earnings recei ved by
the City on its pooled investments. The adjustment to the interest rate
would be an administrati ve act, and would not require addi tional City
Council action. The Resolution proposes to apply the interest component
effective July 1, 1994. Interest for the 1993/94 Fiscal Year has already
been included in the base fee.
As required under State Law the city Council must provide an opportunity
for public comment prior to establiShing any fee. Staff has published the
required public notices announcing the Public Hearing. In addition all
affected Property owners were mailed the information contained in Exhibit
1. Written comments were requested by November 2, 1994. At the time the
Staff report was prepared no written comments had been received. Members
of the public may wish to present oral or written testimony at the Public
Staff recommend that the ci ty Council conduct a public hearing on the
proposed fee, deliberate, and adopt the resolution establishing the fee.
This action will be consistent with prior resolutions adopted by the City
Council, which provided for the city to recover costs advanced in preparing
the Specific Plan.
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~ 65453
j"- "
(b) A specific plan may be repealed in the 'same manner as it is required to be amended. .., .
(Added by State.1984, c. 1009. t 18. Amended by Stata.19~. .c..1,199,. . ~ 6~L ',,: '. ,; . . .::....(<1..; ..;~:
Historical and Statutory Notes' .. ....:,.. ,'..... .".':~' . .,',.......
.-. . . ., .." ... .-.~'"
Derivation: Former U 65500 to 65503. 65605. 65507.
added by Stats.l965, c. 1880, pp. 4343. ~. t 6. .. . ,.
Former ~ 65504. added by Stat.s.I965, Co'I880. p. '.i:w4.
_ i .5. 8Dlend~ by Stats.1982. c. 923, p. 3373, i 2.
1984 LeablaUon
Former t 6M63 wu repealed by Stata.19M. c. 1009,
See. now. U 66456.6&167.
Legislative intent relating to Stata.l984. c. 1009, iee
note under Educ. C. I 39002.
Notes or Decisions
.",-.t"it..;:" 'of/'I, I)t;i .:,:':-;:1'.. ~
L In aeneral . .., '. aand and gravel to safety and seismic safety elementa oC
Adoption ot specific land UBe plan by city council \VlI& county ~nera1 plan. permit could not be invalidated.
legislative act Bubject. to reCerendum. Yoat v. Thornaa regardless of Inconaistency ot BUch elementa of the plan
(1984) 206 Cal.Rptr. SOl. 686 P.2d .1152. 86 C.3d 661. with mandAtory Btatutory criteria. Neighborhood htion
H property ownen could not tie conditional uae pennlt Group Cor Fil\h Dlat. v.Calaveras County (Teichert Const.
lor ProceuJng hydrauUc mine talUnp Cor production oC . Co.) <App. S DisU984) 203 Ca1.Rptr. 401. 166 C.A..3d 1176.
tlll',';:'-, :.:.' ". ~ .....11.._'; .... :.. .:';.;~'H..:.;tfl:..,::...!:...II;":~J.:.I!":"
'I.,'" t ......' ", . .
'1-' : ;,'j'-l,
. :':~fi ,.: t':~.'d.~"1' /I~ ,',,:jl',- ;jf 1:' ..~ "'....r..'7~ ';J,.',''''':''!
.' j '.' \,: I fj: -:.(l'i
.'~ ~,,' :'~'> ~t.'-P: "'t,; ::.I:tlr.: i:.,.I,,'.:: ~., .....' ~'.\.JJ'! l":
No specific plan may be adopted or amended unless the proposed plan or amendment is consistent with
the _...._I plan. ", I "I, ,!" :.... p..f :;.' - "," I" ...,' , ."';;'T ",j .,.. """) "l" ...~..l;.. ....'~ ':'.
5""....... .' .' - .' .' -'. . . .... ...... .'
(Added by Stats.1984. c. 1009, f 18.) "'; i~r. '"","j . . ". .,;.'.'"' ;'.'1"11..' ; . ., I.;...:'!'i;:. ...... .~.!..'.,"!'\;.\.. ..i,
j"I:..))..,.,I.-:'" .,;1,; ..11'......;. .::. .'" ":I:'.......:.,..IlI'.:"n:;' .I.....~..:'i.\ ',.1
). IIlltoflcal ~d.Statu~f'1 Nota . .,r .. ~:..,"'.'.(: . :::,::0;.11 'l:,'c: ....:-.:":
:.1984 Leal.laHan. '.' ., l' . Former t, 6Wil, added by Stata.1971. c..1446, P. 2857,
LqiaIaUve Intent relating to Slata.l984, c. 1009. see t 10. . .. -- ,.,'. ' . ... . .~. ....1
Dota under Educ. C. t 39002. . ':: I
_ DeriuUon: Former t 6&150. added by Slats.l965. e. ~.. ':' :.." ,.:...:,. ....~.~. ~ .!i~~l~ .:l Y:'!I !i:~~. ,;,P)'YI'I:-:
1880. p. ~, t 6. . .
-.11',,", .-,t:tl"::::"-:' ~';...: i.~:11'HiI~:'~11
165455: . ProJect consistency '. I'" ,...:.." , .....1';";,.,;:.:.:
.1., ,. I ,. i . ~~4.". . .. '. . .',. . . ...: :/. ~ . I j ,;.. I', t .' ,'1 . .. ~. : .' ... i
" No local public wor~ project may be approved. no tentative map'or' parcel map for which a tentative
map was not required may be approved. and no zoning ordinance may be adopted or amended within an'
area covered by s specific plan unless It is consistent with the adopted specific plan,' "'. . . .~:. ....
(Added by Stats.1984. c. 1009, I 18.)
-1rt.,i..!~~-..l; 'tt.~ '1'..ju.'~
.r,'. (.
Historical and Statutory Notes i.., ',l~~ u: .1
, ,... ...... .
~ '-F~rmer t 65553. added by. Stat.s.1970. e: 1590. p~ 3314. .
t 14. .;,~ . ,'. .;,~~;. _ ':':--- ~:'. ..:; :'~'1. 'J: . . ,.:' : .';'. J',., :. ,Jl.:::;~.",
.... .k. ..... .....1. 1...1. I..j .1 ,') ;;'". I~:) (,.r.: \.;";1.
19M Leglalatlon "
, . LeglalaUve Intent relating to Stata.1984. c. 1009. see
. note under Educ. C. t 39002.
l)l!rlvatlon: Former I 65562. added by Stata.I965, c.
1880, p. 4S44, t 6.
~Jt:';'n.:.': ;.":/:;,'I'} .~::i(.i, 1
'~ ..,' ,,'. I ", " .;..... ,". 'J:il :; .li..'" ;..I'p: :;:. :~...;) ',,'... ,;~'!':;,ill; "hr' .: .::: .;;l;~: ~.,j ..',iT
165456. Fees andchllrges '1';' ""..1'1'1 .... "" .."...../,,'.....r..': ""1:'" ., 'w" ""~':"':",'
, .... ." ..,,,, . ,.... .'. .,.....v ........ '.
(s) The legislative body. after adopting a specific plan. may impose a specific plan fee ~pon' persons
seeking governmental approvals which are required to be consistent with the specific pIan. "The fees shall
be established so that. in the aggregate, they defray but as. estimated do 'not exceed. the cost of
preparation. adoption. and administration of the specific plan. including costs incurred pursuant to
Division 13 (commencing with Section '21000)' or the Public Reso~ces Code. As nearly ail' can 'be
estimated, the fee charged shall be a prorated amount in accordance with'the applicant'nelative'benefit.
derived from the specific plan. It is the intent of the Legislature in providing for BUell .fees to charge
pel'BOn8 who benefit from specific plans ror the costs of developing those specifk'plans which result in.
savings to them by reducing the cost of documenting environmental consequences and advocating
changed land uses which may be authorized pursuant to the specific plan. . " " ,."....
. . .', .1. ~ "I' '11.4 I .... t.. I' .
(b) Nolwithstandlng Section 66016, a city or county may requir~ a person who requests adoption;
amendment. or repeal of a specific plan' W deposit with the planning' agency an amoimt equal to the
ellUmntctl cost ot pro\llUillg UIO plnn, amendment, or repeUl prlor'to its preparation by the. planning'
I' ,,, ." .1' I.. '
agency. _ .. l' ' . .' .
'.1 ','.f t. .~ 9,_ ,~ ,"I' .......... .... ...,'. ',- ~.~.,.It...\;'
.. ........,~__ ... ..h......"". InrilcAted bv underline; deletions by asterisks * * ·
WHEREAS, the city council has adopted Resolution 53-93, which
adopted the Eastern Dublin Specific plan; and
WHEREAS, included in the Resolution was a determination that fees
would be established pursuant to Government Code section 65456, to
recover the costs of preparing and adopting the Specific Plan, together
with interest thereon; and
WHEREAS, a fee has been developed which covers the cost incurred
in preparing the Specific Plan; and
WHEREAS, the fee has been developed in a manner which prorates the
cost among all properties included in the Specific Plan: and
WHEREAS, the fee shall be collected from all persons seeking
governmental approvals, which are considered to be consistent with the
Specific Plan; and
WHEREAS, the city council Resolution No. 53-93 also contemplated
that there would be a fee collected for interest costs associated with
the preparation of the Specific Plan; and
WHEREAS, several property owners affected by the fee elected to
voluntarily deposit monies towards their respective share prior to the
adoption of the plan; and
WHEREAS, staff will institute internal procedures to credit fees
prepaid by affected property owners or their representatives; and
WHEREAS, staff will institute internal procedures to annually
adjust the rate of interest in accordance with Resolution 53-93.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the city of
Dublin does hereby adopt EXHIBIT 8 - DEVELOPMENT FEES, as attached
hereto and by reference made a part hereof, which shall be incorporated
with Resolution No. 96-84 as amended.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 14th day of November, 1994.
city Clerk
t'1(1;'i'~ ~l;l'.R\I""'"
i:J ,}' t~;1oI"1l:~ 'n-
" J'lA~ dt1~ U 3
. ,
1. Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Preparation Fee
Applicable To: All property within the Eastern Dublin Specific
Plan Area (As adopted by the Dublin City
council 5/10/93 - Resolution No. 53-93).
Amount of Fee: The calculation of the fee will be comprised of
three components as follows:
BASE FEE: $ 229.39 times the number of
acres, or portion thereof, as the parcel
is described by the Alameda County
Assessor records.
INTEREST: Beginning July 1, 1994, the
initial interest rate shall be calculated
and accrue on a monthly basis at 0.426%,
for each month or portion thereof.
On an annual basis Staff shall calculate a
new monthly interest rate. The revised
interest rate shall be based upon the
average weighted investment yield earned
by the City, on its pooled investment
funds in the previous fiscal year. The
interest rate shall accrue on a monthly
basis as described above.
CREDIT: Property Owners who contributed
monies prior to the adoption of the
Specific Plan shall receive a credit based
upon the amount of Specific Plan Costs
which were prepaid.
Payment Due:
Both the accrued interest and per acre
charges are due at the time of application for
approval of a land use and Development Plan
pursuant to section 8-31.13 of the City's
Zoning Ordinance.
Property Owners may elect to prepay the amount
owed at any time.