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" . ... . -. . .. . ... . . .. ... .. .. ..... .. . ....., ..CITY CLERK DURING BUSINESS HOURS. .. . ..... . ,., ..... ..........'.. ....>'1' . ........... ....... . ....~. . CITY OF VBLIN Preliminary Budget and Financial Plan / Fiscal Year 1994 - 1995 ( () 1\ ,'i,l "', ,lJ' (/ '~'I{l{ (? vi"" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C I T Y o F DUB L I N PRELIMINARY BUDGET JUNE 1994 Peter w. snyder, Mayor David Burton, vice Mayor Guy Houston, councilmember Lisbeth Howard, Council.ember Paul c. Moffatt, councitmember AND FINANCIAL PLAN 1994-95 SUBMITTED BY Richard c. Ambrose city Manager Budget Message Budget Summary by Fund............................. Historical Comparison of Revenues by Source........ Historical Comparison of Expenditures by Program... Summary 1994-95 Higher Service Level options. position Allocation Plan............ Appropriations Limit................ I I TABLE OF CONTENTS I INTRODUCTION I I I GENERAL GOVERNMENT I City Counc i 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . City Manager/Clerk................. Legal Services.................... Administrative Services........... Building Management............... Insurance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. .. . . . . ,. Elections. . . . .. . ,. ,. . ,. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ,. Non-Departmental..................... I PAGE .i .ii . . . x . . . .. . . . xii .....xiv . . xvii . . .1 . .3 . .6 ................ ......... 8 .17 . .19 I PUBLIC SAFETY I ..... .....21 ....23 . . .25 . . .33 Police Services..................................... Crossing Guards........................ Animal Control.................... Traffic Signals & Street Lighting. Disaster Preparedness.............. Fire Services...................... .............. I I TRANSPORTATION I Public works Administration.......... Street Maintenance................... Street Sweeping.................... Street Tree Maintenance......... Street Landscape Maintenance..... Paratransit Service.............. I I HEALTH & WELFARE I Vector control.... Waste Management.. CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES I Library Service................. Cultural Activities............. Heritage Center................. Dublin Cemetery.. Park Maintenance.. community Television........... Recreation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . .35 .37 . . . . . . .. . . . .39 ...........41 ............ . .44 . .46 .48 . .50 . .52 . .54 .57 .59 . .62 . .66 . .67 ...72 .74 .76 .78 ............ I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) PAGE I COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I Planning.. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . .. . . . . Building & safety................. Eng ineer ing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Economic Development............... .. . . .. . . . . .. . .85 ...........91 . . .. . . . . . . .94 99 I CAPITAL IMPR<?VEMENT BUDGET Parks........... ................ ........ .103 .104 ....105 ...106 I General Improvements........... community Improvement Projects. I Street projects. ................ ........ ENTERPRISE FUND I Dublin Information Inc.................................107 I INTERNAL SERVICES........................................... .109 I IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS.............................111 I DEPARTMENTAL SERVICE SUMMARIES............. city of Dublin organizational Chart.. Administrative Services.............. Building & Safety.............. City Council................... City Manager's Office....~..... . . . . 114 . . .115 .....116 I Legal Services.. Planning........ Police.......... ............. .118 ....119 . .120 . .122 . . .123 lit . . .. .. . . . 124 I Fire. . . . . .. . . . . . . ............ I Public Works..... Recreation....... ..................... . . .126 ....127 . . . .130 . . . .. . . . .... . . . . . . .. . . . . . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '. - ...-.~,/ }1l~1~'\\\\ C D !1"'\~1~,!~2} ITY OF UBLIN --.-.u.\w. ~ //1---. "~' , ... - /Il ' ,,>.__ ,,' ."-. " po. Box 2340, Dublin, California 94568 . i,l .. ~ . \ "'...."\ __~__-.i-~~~~~__~_~~~_~_~~_,_,.~ ..~~-~. . City Offices. 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin. California 94568 Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers: presented herewith is the 1994-95 Preliminary Budget and Financial Plan for your review and consideration. This budget was prepared wi thin the guidelines provided by the City Council to the Staff at the City Council's March 2nd Budget Study Session. These guidelines as understood by Staff were as follows: 1) The 1994-95 Current Service Level should correspond with the level of service provided during Fiscal Year 1993-94 as adopted and modified by the City Council. 2) Higher Service Level costs associated with funding the following items should be analyzed: a. Two additional Police personnel b. One Economic Development Director c. Additional Library hours d. An upgrade of the City's Data processing System e. Additional Staff to handle increased development activity 3) of 3% and funds for requested rates should be included in the order that the City Council could Employee merit pay increases increases in Contractor labor Budgeted Contingent Reserve, in easily modify the amount. 4) The 1993-94 Operating Surplus should be set aside to address economic uncertainty that may result from the State's budget deliberations on issues which may impact the 1994-95 Budget. 5) Funding for community groups should be identified separately unless there is already a separate budget activity identified for the particular activity. 6) High Priority Objectives for 1994 should be identified separately with respect to cost if they cannot be accommodated by the Current Service Level. 1994-95 RECOMMENDED BUDGET The total recommended appropriations for all funds for Fiscal Year 1994-95 are $20,612,701. Total recommended net expenditures for Fiscal Year 1994-95 are $17,896,223. The difference between Fiscal Year 1994-95 total appropriations and net expenditures are due to the following factors: 1) the budgeting of both the City's Civic Center loan payment to Dublin Information Inc. and the Dublin Information Inc. Debt Service payment; 2) Internal Service Fund Expenditures which are Administration (510) 833-6650. City Council (510) 833-6605. Finance (510) 883-6640. Building Inspection (510) 833-6620 Code Enforcement (510) 833-6620 . Engineering (510) 833-6630 . Planning (510) 833-6610 Police (510) 833-6670 . Public Works (510) 833-6630 . Recreation (510) 833-6645 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I June 2, 1994 Page 2 funded by the City's Operating Department through charges for service; and 3) anticipated appropriation to Reserves of $932,501. The recommended net expenditures (all funds) for Fiscal Year 1994-95 are approximately $3,426,110, or 19.1% more than estimated Fiscal Year 1993-94 net expenditures. Comoarison Net Exoenditures 1993-94 1994-95 Difference Operating* $ 11,808,964 $ 12,705,800 $ 896,836 + 7.6% Capital 1,128,333 3,636,679 2,508,346 + 222.3% Debt Service 1.532.816 1.553.744 20.928 + 1.4% $ 14,470,113 $ 17,896,223 $ 3,426,110 23.7% * Excludes Civic Center Lease Payment The Fiscal Year 1994-95 Budget is funded by approximately $18,724,710 in net revenues and $104,014 in Reserves from Restricted Funds (not including those needed to replace equipment in the Internal Service Fund) . The 1994-95 Budget as recommended would enable the City to appropriate an additional $932,501 to Reserves. Of this amount, $699,809 could be appropriated to the General Fund Reserves for economic uncertainties and the balance of $232,692 would be appropriated to the restricted fund of origin. In keeping with the City Council's policy to utilize existing General Fund Reserves to accomplish an early defeasance of the Civic Center Debt in 1999, no General Fund Reserves are orooosed to finance the Fiscal Year 1994-95 Budqet. OPERATING BUDGET For Fiscal Year 1994-95 Staff has prepared a budget based upon the Current Service Level as well as a Recommended Budget which includes some Higher Service Levels for various activities. As reflected in the Historical Comparison of Expenditures, pages x through xi, if the City adopted a budget based upon the Current Service Level, the total net operating expenditures for Fiscal Year 1994-95 would be $11,808,964. The recommended Higher Service Level net operating expenditures for Fiscal Year 1994-95 are $12,705,800. The net operating expenditure figures for both the Current Service Level and the Recommended Higher Service Level differ from the numbers shown on page xi because they include an adjustment for the Civic Center Lease Payment, which must be shown both in the Building Management Activity and Debt Service Activity. The 1994-95 recommended net operating expenditures represent an increase of $896,836 or 7.6% over estimated net operating expenditures for Fiscal Year 1993-94. Those factors contributing to this increase are identified by major budget program below. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I June 2, 1994 Page 3 GENERAL GOVERNMENT The total recommended net expenditures for General Government are $1,512,614 for Fiscal Year 1994-95. This represents a $32,555 or 2.2% increase over estimated net expenditures for Fiscal Year 1993-94. When considering that the 1994-95 recommended budget includes a $80,040 Budgeted Contingent Reserve, this program's costs are actually less than 1993-94. Significant changes in General Government for 1994-95 include the following: 1. Reduced Legal Service Costs due to the resolution of pending lawsuits. 2. A Higher Service Level recommended for Administrative Services in order to enable Finance to keep up with its workload and to more adequately cover the public counter. 3. Reduced Insurance Costs due to the City's excellent liability experience. 4. Inclusion of a Budgeted Contingent Reserve which includes funding for employee merit pay, increases in labor rates for MCE and Taugher and Associates, a small reserve for unanticipated expenses and the City's contribution to the Dublin Substance Abuse Council. PUBLIC SAFETY The total recommended net expenditures for Public Safety are $6,462,264 for Fiscal Year 1994-95. This represents an increase of $384,695 or 6.3% over estimated net expenditures for Fiscal Year 1993-94. Significant changes in Public Safety for 1994-95 include the following: 1. Increased cost in Police Dispatch Services due to a change in the Sheriff's Department's cost allocation methodology. 2. Increased funds for anticipated Police Overtime. 3. Increased costs associated with the CAL I. D. fingerprint program. 4. A recommended Higher Service Level to fund a Sheriff's Technician to relieve Patrol Officers of non-sworn tasks and to provide full coverage in the Police Department's Evidence Room. S. A recommended Higher Service Level to fund an additional Patrol Officer to increase the City's patrol presence and to address specific crime trends through the implementation of a part-time bicycle unit. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I June 2, 1994 Page 4 6. Increased costs for Fire Services ~rovided by the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority due to increased Personnel costs and the acquisition of 2 new major pieces of fire apparatus. It is important to note that the City could experience increased costs durina Fiscal Year 1994-95 for both police and Fire. since neaotiations with all affected baraainina units have not been concluded. TRANSPORTATION The total recommended net expenditures for Transportation are $976,682 for Fiscal Year 1994-95. This amount represents the Current Service Level; however, the recommended amount for 1994-95 exceeds estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 1993-94 by $126,301 or 14.9%. The primary reason for this difference is significant portion of the Street Maintenance the Village Parkway Reconstruction/Overlay Budget in 1993-94. due to the fact that a Budget was transferred to project in the Capital The increase in the street Sweeping Contractor's labor rate in accordance with his existing contract is also a contributing factor. HEALTH & WELFARE The total recommended net expenditures for Health and Welfare are $667,237 for Fiscal Year 1994-95. This represents an increase of $123,098 or 22.6% over estimated net expenditures for Fiscal Year 1993- 94. Significant changes in Health & Welfare for 1994-95 include the following: 1. A Measure D subsidy of charges to single family homes and multifamily projects for curbside recycling. 2. Subsidy of the Christmas Tree Recycling Project. 3. Consultant Services to assist the City in renegotiating its Garbage Franchise Agreement. CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES The total recommended net expenditures for Culture & Leisure Services are $1,834,815. This represents an increase of $87,969 or 5% over estimated net expenditures for Fiscal Year 1993-94. Significant changes in Culture & Leisure Services include the following: 1 . An increase in Library Contract Service costs due to the phased imposition of Library overhead charges on the Library contract. 2. A recommended Higher Service Level to fund a part-time director for the Heritage Center in accordance with the Heritage' Task Force recommendations adopted by the City Council in 1993-94. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I June 2, 1994 Page 5 J 3. The full year costs of operating and maintaining the Dublin Cemetery. 4. A recommended Higher Service Level to provide an Afterschool Recreation Program at Frederiksen Elementary School. 5. An anticipated increase in costs associated with Adult Sports due to increased participation. 6. Increased gas and electric costs to operate the Dublin Swim Center. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT The total recommended net expenditures for Community Development are $1,252,188 for Fiscal Year 1994-95. This represents an increase of $142,218 or 12.8% over estimated net expenditures for Fiscal Year 1993- 94. Significant changes in Community Development include the following: 1. Full year funding of an Associate Planner, Office Assistant II and Planning Intern positions which were vacant for a portion of 1993-94. 2. A" recommended Higher Service Level in Planning to fund an additional Associate Planner and some environmental consultant services in anticipation of the City processing annexations and possibly a General Plan Amendment. The actual hiring of this position would not occur until this additional work was certain. This Higher Service Level would also include a revision in a Senior Planner's responsibility to include those of Zoning Administrator in order to improve the City's permit streamlining process. 3. Increased Building and Safety costs associated with a minor increase in anticipated building activity. 4. A recommended Higher Service Level in Engineering to fund the reclassification of an existing vacant Engineering Technician position to Assistant Civil Engineer. 5. A recommended Higher Service Level in Economic Development to fund an Economic Development Manager in the City Manager's Office to implement the recommendations of the Business Task Force and work on the development of a strategic Plan for the City. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I June 2, 1994 Page 6 DEBT SERVICE This year, the only debt service which is actually included as part of the Ci ty Budget is the Debt Service on the Civic Center, which is described on pages 107 through 108 under the Enterprise Fund portion of the Budget. The total Debt Service for the Civic Center for Fiscal Year 1994-95 is $1,553,744. The City is also legally required to budget the full lease payment to Dublin Information Inc. in order that Dublin Information Inc. can make the required Debt Service payment. It is anticipated that this upcoming year' s Debt Service payment will be offset by $91,703 in interest earnings from the Civic Center Reserve Fund. In accordance with the advice of the City's Independent Auditor, all debt service associated with Improvement Districts has been excluded from the Annual Budget. A section on Improvement District Activities has been included for information only. (See pages 111-113) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS For Fiscal Year 1994-95 a new Five Year Capital Improvement Program has been prepared for City Council consideration. The recommended Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 1994-95 totals $3,636,679. This represents an increase of $2,508,346 or 222.3% when compared to Fiscal Year 1993-94 estimated expenditures. As described in the 1994-99 Five Year Capital Improvement (see separate document) , there are a number of projects that contribute to this increase. However, the two projects which contribute most to this increase are: 1) Dublin Boulevard Improvements - Donlon Way to village Parkway ($2,459,500) and 2) the Street Light Acquisition program ($400,000). REVENUES Estimated net revenues for Fiscal Year 1994-95 are $18,629,728 if the City Council adopts the Current Service Level Budget and $18,724,710 if the City Council adopts the recommended Higher Service Level Budget. This represents an increase of $1,878,616 or 11.2% over estimated. revenues for Fiscal Year 1994-95. This increase in revenues is attributable to the following significant factors. 1. A small increase in Property Tax revenue associated with a projected 2.8% growth in assessed valuation. 2. Increased Sales Tax revenue attributable to a rebound from the recession and the addition of new high volume retailers to offset some retail leakage to other communities. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I June 2, 1994 Page 7 3. Increased Building Permit fees associated with a small increase in development activity. 4. Increased interest income due to rising interest rates and the increased size of the City's investment portfolio. 5. Increased Motor Vehicle In-Lieu tax due to implementation of the new Property Tax Exchange Agreement with Alameda County. 6. Increased zoning and subdivision fees associated with anticipated requests for annexation and development of the Santa Rita Property. 7. Increased Recreation fees due to participation and the addition of Afterschool Recreation Program. an anticipated increase in an elementary school to the 8. Increased ISTEA Grant Funds for street Projects. 9. Receipt of Measure AA Grant Funds associated with the renovation of the Heritage Center. 10. Sale of property associated with the Dublin Extension Project. 11. Increased Storm Water Utility Fees (4.8%) due to the exhaustion of the available NPDES fund balance which was used to partially fund the 1993-94 program. 12. Full year receipt of the City's Measure D share from Alameda County. 13. Traffic Mitigation Fees associated with construction of those street Projects recommended for 1994-95. These increased revenues are partially offset by decreases in the following revenues: 1 . Lower Franchise fee revenues due to a reduction in Garbage and Cable TV rates. 2. Lower Public Works Plan Check and Inspection Fees. 3. Lower Fire Service charges due to a reduction in the anticipated number of calls to the Alameda County property. 4. Lower Other Revenues because the City received a one time payment for the Dublin Cemetery Endowment Fund in Fiscal Year 1993-94. 5. Lower reimbursements because the City did not accept delegation for enforcement of the BAAQMD Trip Reduction Requirements. 6. Reduced Assets Seizure Funds due to changes in the law. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I June 2, 1994 Page 8 7. Reduced Community Development Block Grants due to the City's receipt of advances in prior years. ' 8. Reduced SB 300 Grant Funds due to the completion of the Dublin Boulevard Extension Project. 9. Lower Garbage Fees due to the City's utilization of Measure D Funds to subsidize residential recycling costs. It is important to note that no fee increases or increases in assessments are proposed in the 1994-95 Recommended Budget with the exception of the Stormwater utility Fee as noted above. It is also important to note that a greater actual decrease in fees is proposed for Residential Recycling, also noted above. APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT The Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 1994-95 is $20,855,341. Those . recommended appropriations which are funded by Proceeds of Taxes are approximately $9,249,416 less than the limit. STAFFING Summarized in the Fiscal Year 1994-95 Position Allocation Plan (see pages xiv through xvi) is a comparison of .Current Service Level Staffing and Higher Recommended Service Level Staffing for 1994-95 as compared to 1993-94. As indicated in that Exhibit, the 1994-95 Staffing required to support the Current Service Level is 77.12 positions, which is (0.86) less than 1993-94. This decrease is attributable to replacement of assigned personnel with subcontractors for certain maintenance activities. The Recommended Budget for 1994-95 proposes a total of 5.5 additional positions which would increase the total City and Contract personnel to 82.62. These additions are described in detail in the Higher Service Level budgets for each affected activity. It is important to recognize that even with these recommended addi tions, the total number of positions are still less than Fiscal Year 1993-94 (86.13 positions). DEPARTMENTAL SERVICE SUMMARIES This year, in order to give the Council a better understanding of the budget and service responsibilities of each Department, a separate budget section has been included in the 1994-95 Budget entitled Departmental Service Summaries. These summaries show the services each Department provides, the Budget Activities for which each Department is responSible, the personnel each Department has to perform those services and the source of revenues from which each Department's activities are funded. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I June 2, 1994 Page 9 BUDGET ISSUES To assist the City Council in focusing on the issues to be addressed during this year's annual budget hearing process, the following issues are identified for Council consideration: 1. Which Higher Service Levels should be funded? 2. Which Community Group/Organization funding requests should be funded? 3. Review and prioritization of those Capital projects proposed for Fiscal Year 1994-95. 4. The amount of 1994-95 Revenues and 1993-94 surplus which should be set aside for economic uncertainties, including but not limited to the State's Budget deliberations. 5. The amount of dollars to include for employee merit pay for Fiscal Year 1994-95. 6. The amount of dollars to include for contract labor rate increases for MCE and Taugher and Associates. CONCLUSION During 1993-94 the City implemented a number of service reductions and cost saving measures to prepare for the anticipated State Property Tax Shift. As you know, the City was one of the few fortunate cities which was not impacted by the State Property Tax Shift because the Property Tax Shift was based upon the AB 8 bailout formula. However, the City did not receive the Proposition 172 sales tax reimbursement that other Cities are presently receiving. For Fiscal Year 1994-95, the City may face revenue reductions from Sacramento pending the outcome of the State Budget deliberations. Therefore, it is 'prudent to be cautious in making any major changes to the City's revenues or expenditures. However, I do believe that as a result of the City's aggressive Budget actions in 1993-94, the Council is in a position to consider adding high priority services in 1994-95. No budget message would be complete without thanking all the Staff members who assisted in the production of this budget document. Respectfully submitted, rl ~....(, N Richard C. Ambrose City Manager I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I 1994.95 SUMMARY BY FUND Dub"~/' ';; ~ . Street Ugh! Landscape San Ramon Landscape Measure Dublin Blvd. Measure 0 Garbage Caplal Information Assessmem Assessmem Rd Spec Plan Assessmem Imernal AA Bond SB 300 Extension NPOES Rtc)dng SeMce Projects Inc. District District Assessmem Oiatrlct Service Fund 1218 Fund 1IZ20 Fund # 221 1222 Fund 1224 Fund 1225 Fund 1300 Fund 1601 Fund #710 Fund #711 Fund #712 Fund #713 Fund #830 9,200 1,658,112 7,700 1,000 6,300 11 ,600 116,608 13,D46 150,000 172,956 524,400 124,608 280,000 14,000 431,509 5,725 182,615 53,050 52,600 116,608 13,046 280,000 186,956 159,200 524,400 431,509 1,658,112 196,040 54,050 58,900 136,208 16.983 4,386 562 4,610 8,889 94,025 25,703 400,000 (280,000) (91,703) 116,608 13,046 186,956 159,200 541,383 431,509 1,592,112 600,426 54,612 4,610 67,789 230,233 13,910 1,150 194,415 4,610 79,506 3,391 53,907 66,994 98,754 541,383 10,643 107,450 2,620 705 795 186,956 98,754 541,383 25,703 200,426 54,612 4,610 67,789 1,553,744 116,608 13,D46 431,509 400,000 116,608 13,046 431,509 400,000 230,233 116,608 13,046 186,956 98,754 541,383 431,509 1,579,447 600,426 54,612 4,610 67,789 230,233 60,446 12,665 116,608 13,046 186,956 159,200 541,383 431,509 - 1,592,112 600,426 54,612 4,610 67,789 230,233 I HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF REVENUES BY SOURCE RECOMMENDED CURRENT HlGHER I SERVICE LEVEL SERVICE LEVEL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROJECTED PROJECTED 1992-93 1993-94 1993.94 1994-95 1994-95 I GENERAL FUND #001 PROPERTY TAXES Current Year Secured $ 3,093,979 $ 3,262,000 $ 3,210,000 $ 3,300,000 $ 3,300,000 I Current Year Unsecured 292,012 306,000 305,000 305,000 305,000 Prior Year Secured 117,595 115,000 120,000 115,000 115,000 Prior Year Unsecured 16,594 10,500 15,000 12,500 12,500 I Supplemental Property Tax 91,602 100,000 73,500 75,000 75,000 Pilot Tax 47,801 45,540 44,096 42,000 42,000 Sub-Total $ 3,659,583 $ 3,839,040 $ 3,767,596 $ 3,849,500 $ 3,849,500 I TAXES OTHER THAN PROPERTY Sales & Use Tax $ 5,484,502 $ 5,560,000 $ 5,785,000 $ 5,892,000 $ 5,892,000 Real Property Transfer Tax 56,172 73,000 63,000 68,500 68,500 I Hotel Transient Occupancy Tax 90,051 86,000 88,318 90,000 90,000 Franchise Tax-Electric 260,236 195,000 186,334 186,000 186,000 Franchise Tax-Gas 67,827 44,400 37,145 38,000 38,000 I Franchise Tax-Garbage 109,991 112,500 107,500 112,800 112,BOO Franchise Tax-Cable TV 147,346 154,000 150,623 143,000 143,000 Sub-Total $ 6,216,125 $ 6,224,900 $ 6,417,920 $ 6,530,300 $ 6,530,300 I LICENSES & PERMITS Building Permits $ 198,738 $ 282,000 $ 265,000 $ 273,000 $ 273,000 Animal Licenses 4,796 4,500 4,700 4,700 4,700 I Encroachment Permits 9,632 17,500 19,800 16,100 16,100 Recycling Transporter Permits 0 100 50 50 50 Business License 68,755 71,500 65,000 67,500 67,500 I Sub-Total $ 281,921 $ 375,600 $ 354,550 $ 361,350 $ 361,350 FINES & FORFEITURES I Parking Penalties $ 0" $ 6,000 $ 23,500 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 Other Court Fines 23,803 25,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 Other Fines & Penalties 611 1,000 800 500 500 I Sub.Total $ 24,414 $ 32,000 $ 36,300 $ 37,500 $ 37,500 .. Inc. w / Other Court Fines prior to 7-93 I REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 805,693 $ 797,000 $ 834,900 $ 916,600 $ 916,600 Rents & Concession Field 12,220 16,000 11,200 18,500 18,500 I Building 51,341 62,100 44,000 45,000 45,000 Pool 9,715 6,000 5,870 6,000 6,000 Sub-Total $ 878,969 $ 881,100 $ 895,970 $ 986,100 $ 986,100 I INfER-GOVERNMENT AL REVENUES - STATE Motor Vehicle In-Lieu Tax $ 832,457 $ 882,000 $ 873,000 $ 888,600 $ 888,600 I Trailer Coach In-Lieu Tax 4,033 0 0 0 Cigarette Tax 3,827 0 0 0 Off Highway Vehicle In-Lieu Fee 383 425 393 425 425 I Homeowner's Property Tax Relief 79,202 82,000 81,300 81,300 81,300 Sub-Total $ 919,902 $ 964,425 $ 954,693 $ 970,325 $ 970,325 I - ii - I HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF REVENUES BY SOURCE RECOMMENDED I CURRENT HIGHER SERVICE LEVEL SERVICE LEVEL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROJECTED PROJECTED 1992-93 1993~94 1993-94 1994-95 1994-95 I CHARGES FOR SERVICE Zoning & Subdivision Fees $ 390,175 $ 50,000 $ 110,000 $ 84,000 $...., .1~?,7p.9 I Plan Check & Inspection Fees 143,159 30,000 52,000 32,000 32,000 Sale of Maps & Documents 7,100 6,500 10,000 8,000 8,000 Special Police Services 5,720 15,275 10,200 11,600 11,600 I Fire Service Charges 103,542 71,000 75,021 62,600 62,600 Park & Recreation Fees Playgrounds 45,500 .... ,...,',.'.'.,' "'$60" 26,108 61,690 52,400 ., ................. . , . . .',.,,(13.:\:.:, I Preschool 34,058 39,057 36,500 39,000 39,000 Teen 2,535 9,270 2,100 4,000 4,000 Adult Sports 94,213 115,820 83,500 94,400 94,400 Special Events 9,591 11,540 10,800 12,800 12,800 I Senior Center 16,454 57,576 20,500 24,500 24,500 Recreation Instruction 64,338 76,952 58,500 61,400 61,400 Aquatics 79,127 89,995 82,000 83,000 83,000 I Youth Sports -14,797 20,558 23,500 27,100 27,100 Building Use Insurance 3,045 3,800 2,400 2,500 2,500 Zone 7 Drainage Fees 97 0 300 200 200 I DUI Program 3,248 3,600 4,800 4,500 4,500 Booking Fees Recovery 4,114 5,000 4,100 4,400 4,400 Solid Waste Fee 19,211 46,900 45,000 47,000 47,000 I Interment Fees 0 0 2,770 7,870 7,870 Sub-Total $ 1,020,632 $ 714,533 $ 679,491 $ 663,270 $ 758,180 I OTHER REVENUES Sale of Real & Personal Property $ 5,462 $ 0 $ 2,348 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 Contributions 8,742 600 5,850 2,100 2,100 Miscellaneous 66,530 3,000 112,200 97,500 97,500 I Reimbursement 18,293 18,900 29,301 7,650 7,650 Reimbursement-Public Damage 4,838 5,600 12,900 9,000 9,000 Sub-Total $ 103,865 $ 28,100 $ 162,599 $ 118,250 $ 118,250 I * $60,000 restricted for cemetery use TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ ::. .i::::. .~[[!fii!i~!iiiiii!%j;~1;1\; ,:. I CRIMINAL AcrIVITY FUND #200 REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 1,142 $ 600 $ 1,050 $ 0 $ 0 Sub-Total $ U42 $ 600 $ 1,050 $ 0 $ 0 I OTHER REVENUES Miscellaneous $ 4,483 $ 5,000 $ 12,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 I Sub-Total $ 4,483 $ 5,000 $ 12,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 I I - iii - I I HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF REVENUES BY SOURCE RECOMMENDED I CURRENT HIGHER SERVICE LEVEL SERVICE LEVEL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROJECTED PROJECTED I 1992.93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 1994.95 VEHICLE ABATEMENT FUND #201 I REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 0 $ 510 $ 190 $ 1,200 $ 1,200 Sub.Total $ 0 $ 510 $ 190 $ 1,200 $ 1,200 I INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE - STATE Vehicle Abatement Subvention $ 0 $ 17,700 $ 15,150 $ 18,400 $ 18,400 Sub-Total $ 0 $ 17,700 $ 15,150 $ 18,400 $ 18,400 I TOTAL - VEHICLE ABATE. FUND $ 15,340 $ , " 19~600 I TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND #205 FINES & FORFEITURES Vehicle Code Fines $ 26,366 $ 26,500 $ 34,500 $ 31,900 $ 31,900 I Sub-Total $ 26,366 $ 26,500 $ 34,500 $ 31,900 $ 31,900 $ 26,500 $ I .::. :: :!;: .~~ ~:;:!::.:.: ::;;i:;::i;ii;i:;;:~1i~j!1:;:i~!~il;~::i~ I ::~:iil!ii:;:~: :::::::: .. STATE GAS TAX FUND (#206) REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY I Interest $ 11,841 $ 13,360 $ 9,550 $ 23,200 $ 23,200 Sub.Total $ 11,841 $ 13,360 $ 9,550 $ 23,200 $ 23,200 I INTER.cOVERNMENT AL REVENUE. STATE State Gas Tax (2105) $ 117,982 $ 136,900 $ 140,000 $ 145,500 $ 145,500 State Gas Tax (2106) 106,675 108,900 113,000 111,100 111,100 I State Gas Tax (2107) 199,377 205,000 207,000 201,200 201,200 State Gas Tax (2107.5) 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 Sub-Total $ 430,034 $ . 456,800 $ 466,000 $ 463,800 $ 463,800 I OTHER REVENUES Miscellaneous $ 1,545 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Sub-Total $ 1,545 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 I TOTAL. GAS TAX FUND $ 475,550 $ 487,000 $ I COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) FUND (#209) INTER.GOVERNMENTAL REVENUE. FEDERAL I Community Development Block Grant $ 30,149 $ 86,582 $ 86,582 $ 64,137 $ 64,137 Sub-Total $ 30,149 $ 86,582 $ 86,582 $ 64,137 $ 64,137 $ 86,582 $ 64,137 I .. . ::::::.::':. :...~:.. .., I - iv - I I HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF REVENUES BY SOURCE RECOMMENDED CURRENT HIGHER I SERVICE LEVEL SERVICE LEVEL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROJECTED PROJECTED 1992~93 1993~94 1993~94 1994.95 1994-95 I FEDERAL AID URBAN FUND (#210) INTER.GOVERNMENT AL REVENUE - FEDERAL I ISTEA Funds $ 114,482 $ 2,068,000 $ 0 $ 2,265,291 $ 2,265,291 Sub~Total $ 114,482 $ 2,068,000 $ 0 $ 2,265,291 $ 2,265,291 I 0 $ TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT (TDA) FUND (#211) I INTER-GOVERNMENT AL REVENUE - STATE Article 3 Grant (Bicycle/Pedestrian) $ 147,058 $ 75,000 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Sub-. Total $ 147,058 $ 75,000 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 I TOTAL - TDA FUNDS $ 147,058 $ 0 I PARK DEDICATION (#215) REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY &: PROPERTY I Interest $ 4,475 $ 1,530 $ 3,680 $ 2,200 $ 2,200 Sub-. Total $ 4,475 $ 1,530 $ 3,680 $ 2,200 $ 2,200 OTHER REVENUE I Park Dedication In-Lieu Fees $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Sub~Total $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 I TOTAL ~ PARK DEDICATION FUND I MEASURE B FUND (#217) T~SOTIffiRTHANPRO~RTY Sales &: Use Tax $ 110,838 $ 114,000 $ 114,000 $ 116,000 $ 116,000 I Sub.Total $ 11 0,838 $ 114,000 $ 114,000 $ 116,000 $ 116,000 REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 4,511 $ 170 $ 3,280 $ 0 $ 0 I Sub-Total $ 4,511 $ 170 $ 3,280 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL - MEASURE B FUND $ I MEASURE AA BOND FUND ('218) . I INTERGOVERNMENT Af,. REVENUE. EBRPD Measure AA Grant $ 22,344 $ 136,338 $ 21,730 $ 116,608 $ 116,608 Sub~Total $ 22,344 $ 136,338 $ 21,730 $ 116,608 $ 116,608 I TOT AL~MEASURE AA BOND FUND $ I - V - I I HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF REVENUES BY SOURCE RECOMMENDED I CURRENT HIGHER SERVICE LEVEL SERVICE LEVEL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROJECTED PROJECTED I 1992693 1993.94 1993.94 1994.95 1994-95 5B 300 GRANT FUND (#220) I REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 0 $ 0 $ 10,920 $ 0 $ 0 Sub.Total $ 0 $ 0 $ 10,920 $ 0 $ 0 I INTER-GOVERNMENT AL REVENUE - STATE SB 300 Grant $ 1,135,832 $ 96,040 $ 107,379 $ 13,046 $ 13,046 Sub-Total $ 1,135,832 $ 96,040 $ 107,379 $ 13,046 $ 13,046 I TOTAL. SB 300 FUNDS I DUBLIN BOULEVARD EXTENSION FUND (1221) REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY I Interest $ 15,058 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Sub-Total $ 15,058 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 OTHER REVENUES I Sale of Real & Personal Property $ 0 $ 358,445 $ 19,312 $ 280,000 $ 280,000 Sub-Total $ 0 $ 358,445 $ 19,312 $ 280,000 $ 280,000 I I NATIONAL POLLUTION DISCHARGE & ELIMINATION SYSTEM (#222) USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 1,048 $ 0 $ 230 $ 0 $ 0 I Sub-Total $ 1,048 $ 0 $ 230 $ 0 $ 0 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE. COUNTY NPDES Grant $ 635 $ 38,265 $ 38,265 $ 0 $ 0 I Sub-Total $ 635 $ 38,265 $ 38,265 $ 0 $ 0 CHARGES FOR SERVICE I Storm Water Utility Fee $ 150,933 $ 164,971 $ 164,971 $ 172,956 $ 172,956 Sub-Total $ 150,933 $ 164,971 $ 164,971 $ 172,956 $ 172,956 I OTHER REVENUE Contribution $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 14,000 $ 14,000 Sub-Total $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 14,000 $ 14,000 I I I - vi - I I HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF REVENUES BY SOURCE RECOMMENDED I CURRENT HIGHER SERVICE LEVEL SERVICE LEVEL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROJECTED PROJECTED I 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 1994-95 STREET LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FUND (#710) I SPECIAL BENEm ASSESSMENTS Special Assessments $ 175,525 $ 182,615 $ 182,615 $ 182,615 $ 182,615 Sub-Total $ 175,525 $ 182,615 $ 182,615 $ 182,615 $ 182,615 I REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 7,038 $ 6,980 $ 7,200 $ 7,700 $ 7,700 Sub-Total $ 7,038 $ 6,980 $ 7,200 $ 7,700 $ 7,700 I OTHER REVENUES Reimbursement-Public Damage $ 40 $ 7,500 $ 12,255 $ 5,725 $ 5,725 I Sub-Total $ 40 $ 7,500 $ 12,255 $ 5,725 $ 5,725 TOTAL-STREET LIGHTING I ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FUND LANDSCAPE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT (#711) I SPECIAL BENEm ASSESSMENT Special Assessments $ 62,825 $ 53,048 $ 54,400 $ 53,050 $ 53,050 Sub-Total $ 62,825 $ 53,048 $ 54,400 $ 53,050 $ 53,050 I REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 882 $ 430 $ 680 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 I Sup.Total $ 882 $ 430 $ 680 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 TOTAL-LANDSCAPE ASSESSMENT I DISTRICT FUND I LANDSCAPE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT (#713) REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 6,359 $ 5,360 $ 6,390 $ 6,300 $ 6,300 Sup-Total $ 6,359 $ 5,360 $ 6,390 $ 6,300 $ 6,300 I SPECIAL BENEm ASSESSMENTS Special Assessments $ 53,870 $ 52,600 $ 53,300 $ 52,600 $ 52,600 I Sub-Total $ 53,870 $ 52,600 $ 53,300 $ 52,600 $ 52,600 OTHER REVENUE I Reimbursement $ 2,682 $ 2,900 $ 4,200 $ 0 $ 0 Sub-Total $ 2,682 $ 2,900 $ 4,200 $ 0 $ 0 I TOTAL-LANDSCAPE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT # 713 58,900 I - viii - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF REVENUES BY SOURCE RECOMMENDED CURRENT '. "'."J;ilGHER SERVICE LEVEL SERVICE LEVEL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROJECTED PROJECTED 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 1994-95 INTERNAL SERVICE FUND (#830) REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY &. PROPERTY Interest $ 13,286 $ 9,360 $ 14,700 $ 11,600 $ 11,600 Sub-Total $ 13,286 $ 9,360 $ 14,700 $ 11,600 $ 11,600 CHARGES FOR SERVICE Equipment Usages $ 131,110 $ 137,229 $ 129,129 $ 124,608 $ 124,608 Sub-Total $ 131,110 $ 137,229 $ 129,129 $ 124,608 $ 124,608 OTHER REVENUES Sale of Real &. Personal Property $ 13,024 $ 6,711 $ 7,115 $ 0 $ 0 Reimbursement. Public Damage 419 0 0 0 0 Sub-Total $ 13,443 $ 6,711 $ 7,115 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL REVENUE - ALL FUNDS $ 17,681,548 $ 19,918,605 $ 17,142,538 $ 20,319,752 $ 20,414,662 LESS LEASE INCOME TO OIl (1,575,445) (1,532,816) (145,500) (1,553,744) (1,553,744) LESS INTERNAL sERVICE (157,839) (153,300) (150,944) (136,280) (136,208) TOTAL AVAILABLE REVENUE>> $ 15,948,264 $ 18,232,489 $ 16,846,094 $ 18,629,728 $ 18,724,710 Does not indude Interfund Transfers, or use of Reserves - ix - HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF EXPENDITURES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I il I I I I GENERAL GOVERNMENT City Council $ City Manager /Clerk Legal Services Finance Administrative Services Data Processing Support Svcs Building Management Insurance Elections Non.Departmental TOTAL-General Government $ PUBLIC SAFETY Police Services $ Crossing Guards Animal Control Traffic Signal &: Street Lighting Disaster Preparedness Fire TOTAL-Public Safety $ TRANSPORTA nON Public Works Administration $ Street Maintenance Street Sweeping Street Tree Maintenance Street Landscape Maintenance Para transit Services TOTAL.Transportation $ HEALTH cSt WELFARE Vector Control $ Waste Management TOTAL.Health &: Welfare $ CULTURE &: LEISURE SERVICES Library Service $ Cultural Activities Heritage Center Dublin Cemetery Park Maintenance Community Cable TV Recreation TOTAL-Culture &: Leisure Services $ ACTUAL 1992.93 110,901 $ 488,004 179,468 214,490 o 1,036 1,893,983 167,021 24,338 177 3,079,418 $ 2,929,164 $ 29,622 119,395 273,949 32,958 2,630,947 6,016,035 $ 270,561 $ 313,014 64,300 50,161 299,308 1,500 998,844 $ 7,123 $ 69,606 76,729 $ 164,870 $ 8,000 o o 576,092 49,000 947,608 1,745,570 $ BUDGET 1993.94 114,888 $ 258,909 306,170 o 422,503 o 1,867,683 169,656 12,910 45,685 3,198,404 $ 3,127,182 $ o 103,100 295,800 38,207 2,733,103 6,297,392 $ 290,416 $ 177,890 67,200 60,310 270,345 o 866,161 $ o $ 572,336 572,336 $ 165,000 $ 8,000 10,850 o 591,955 20,279 1,064,831 1,860,915 $ - X - ESTIMATED 1993-94 102,185 $ 255,156 241,944 o 396,961 o 1,779,456 152,000 10,820 37 2,938,559 $ 3,002,810 $ o 100,000 285,697 27,339 2,661,723 6,077,569 $ 286,045 $ 164,261 71,570 58,250 270,255 o 850,381 $ o $ 544,139 544,139 $ 165,000 $ 8,000 1,987 9,082 583,245 22,279 957,253 1,746,846 $ CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL BUDGET 1994-95 115,514 $ 258,826 127,170 o 411,712 o 1,878,414 134,000 12,475 80,040 3,018,151 $ 3,155,603 o 103,750 289,815 32,283 2,756,398 6,337,849 $ 292,563 $ 280,259 73,360 59,070 271,430 o 976,682 $ o $ 667,237 667,237 $ 177,536 $ 8,000 3,475 16,490 586,325 19,683 987,078 1,798,587 $ RECOMMENDED ffiGt$R SERVICE LEVEL BUDGET 1994.95 115,514 258,826 127,170 o ','..','..',.,.. '..".."'..4..'5' ',',' ',.,..,,',' ........... . ". ,.... . ... . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . , . . ,'.',..}}".>,...,...:... ':'....: ", . ~,5119-} o 1,878,414 134,000 12,475 80,040 3,066,358 $ '.' . .~/Z8Q;Q1~ o 103,750 289,815 32,283 2,756,398 6,462,264 292,563 280,259 73,360 59,070 271,430 o 976,682 o 667,237 667,237 177,536 ",. ..... .'."""'" .,8,(0). .'.:,..,:' ...,:\::2~,54~? ... ..... ... 16,490 586,325 19,683 . . ... ... '" " ,'.,,', ".,.,., , 000" '!l ,',' ", ."'...:..,: I; . ;2.,,8 1,834,815 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF EXPENDITURES ACTUAL 1992-93 BUDGET 1993-94 ESTIMATED 1993-94 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Planning $ 839,826 $ 560,879 $ 519,697 $ Building & Safety 246,069 256,241 251,282 Engineering 348,711 298,017 332,564 Economic Development 5,386 9,610 6,427 TOTAL-Community Development $ 1,439,992 $ 1,124,747 $ 1,109,970 $ TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET $ 13,356,588 $ 13,919,955 $ 13,267,464 $ CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL BUDGET 1994-95 494,524 $ 258,001 308,565 12,220 1,073,310 $ 13,871,816 $ RECOMMENDED ,',',', '.,..".. ....'.Hf.II(;$~ SERVICE LEVEL BUDGET 1994-95 . ,602;t~89. 258,001 .....::.:....:.::.l...l..........l.....:.....:.$i~~i~.i.. 1,252,188 14,259,544 DEBT SERVICE Civic Center $ ;~~[$~~~r~,~:;~~~:i,~..~~;r-,~%!~i::,:;',.'~ii:iii~il:;;~;:::'!:,:ii;i!'lii: 1,300,479 $ 1,300,479 $ "(.. ::::::!::::::.:::.:::::.:.::." ,'I,",:!r, ~ij~1:~:~~f!:~:~~:!!:!:j~~j::!~:::~.:~: 1,532,816 $ 1,532,816 $ 1,532,816 $ 1,532,816 $ 1,553,744 $ 1,553,744 "",.,'",.","";""",'.,;"";,.,1,,,,;..,',,:,;,5";.;.,;.;5",;,;,3,:",;,.:';.""7;,"";,;1(1,,,,,,""'!'II,I",I,.,"""""'"I"'",I"",,,,,,"",:",:"";"";""1",,$,,,1,,,;,,, . H' '1'1 l,55~f? ~I'I'" I :jl:!:i~ljl i Ii! i i ill\;!; 1!!: i::: i . i1 11 i il jjii!j! !j1 :1;] :;:; ~!:! i i:: i! Ii ll~i i! 74,284 $ 83,393 174,027 3,304,975 74,284 83,393 174,027 3,304,975 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET General Improvements $ Community Improve. Projects Parks Street Projects TOTAL-Capital 32,999 $ 47,503 96,741 3,625,632 I ~ ~i; ii;~llillj ;;~~l!~i!j :j~:\~~ ~;::!::!:: i ~;:; iii ~ !i:! Iii i::! HH~~h~i/<i , ..::. .: ':::::::: ~ ~ i i i::]]:;1 i;j i! ~: i!!! il:! i i1 i::: ; ::::;:::::::; INTERNAL SERVICE FUND BUDGET $ 275,076 $ o $ 88,266 298,522 3,429,769 o $ 92,766 176,385 859,182 201,514 $ 194,877 $ 230,233 $ 230,233 :'i::""':':'i:i:::':i'::::::i::'}::'"." TOTAL EXPENDITURES- ALL FUNDS $ 18,735,018 $ 19,470,842 $ 16,123,490 $ Less Civic Center Rent Payment $ (1,575,445) $ (1,532,816) $ (1,458,500) $ Less Internal Service Fnnd $ (275,076) $ (201,514) $ (194,877) $ NET TOTAL EXPENDITURES ALL FUNDS $ 16,884,497 $ 17,736,512 $ 14,470,113 $ - xi - 19,292,472 $ (1,553,744) $ (230,233) $ 17,508,495 $ 19,680,200 (1,553,744) (230,233) 17,896,223 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 110. I I I 1 . " SOKMARY 1994-95 HIGHER SERVICE LEVEL OPTIONS 1. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES (1) Office Assistant II 2. POLICE SERVICES (1) Sheriff's Technician (1) Deputy Sheriff 3. PARATRANSIT SERVICE Subsidy to LAVTA 4. LIBRARY SERVICE 4 Additional hours (Sundays) 4 Additional hours (2 hours on Mondays) (2 hours on Saturdays) 5. CULTURAL ACTIVITIES contribution to Dublin Fine Arts in excess of 1993-94 contribution 6. HERITAGE CENTER (1) Part-time Recreation Coordinator 7. RECREATION Afterschool Playground Program at Frederiksen Elementary School 8. PLANNING (1) Associate Planner for Advanced Planning, Additional Consultant services for anticipated annexations, and transfer of Zoning Administrator responsibility to Senior Planner - Current Planning 9. ENGINEERING Reclassification of recently vacated Engineering Technician to Assistant Civil Engineer ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (1) Economic Development Manager TOTAL COST ALL HIGHER SERVICE LEVELS TOTAL COST ~COMMENDED HIGHER SERVICE LEVELS INCLUDED IN BUDGET - xii - Amount Recommended $ 48,207 Yes 47,490 Yes 76,925 Yes 1,500 No 54,750 No 54,417 No 2,000 No 23,068 Yes 13,160 Yes 108,165 Yes 8,311 Yes 62.402 Yes $ 500,3~5 $ 387,728 I I I I I I I I I I I SOMKARY 1994-95 COMMUNITY GROUP/ORGANIZATIONAL BUDGET REQUEST GROUP REQUEST AMOUNT REQUESTED AMOUNT RECOMMENDED BUDGET LOCATION Livermore Amador valley paratransit Subsidy $ 1,500 $ 0 paratransit Transit Authority Services Dublin Fine Arts contribution 10,000 8,000 Cultural Foundation Activities Community Cable operational Contribution 17,683 17,683 Cable TV Television corporation 'Dublin Substance. Abuse Dry Grad Nite 4,500 4,500 Contingent Council Red Ribbon Week Reserve TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED $ 33,683 I I I I I I I I - xiii - $ 30,183 I FISCAL YEAR 1994-95 POSITION ALLOCATION PLAN Total I 1994-95 1994~95 1994.95 Allocated Allocated I Allocation Difference City Contract Current Compared I DEP ARTMENT CLASSIFICATION Positions Positions Service Level To 1993.94 City Manager City Manager 1.00 1.00 I City Oerk 1.00 1.00 Secretary 1.00 1.00 Sub.Total 3.00 3.00 0.00 I Administrative AsstCityMgr/ 1.00 1.00 Services Admin Ser Dir Asst to the 1.00 1.00 I City Manager Mgmt Asst 1.00 1.00 Fin Tech II 2.00 2.00 I Off Asst II 0.50 0.50 (part~time) Sub. Total 5.50 5.50 0.00 I Police Services Captain 1.00 1.00 Lieutenant 1.00 1.00 I Patrol Sergeant 5.00 5.00 Detective Sergeant 4.00 4.00 Patrol Officer 15.00 15.00 I Traffic Officer 2.00 2.00 Specialist Clerk 2.00 2.00 Secretary 1.00 1.00 I Comm Safety Asst 0.50 0.50 Sub.Total 0.50 31.00 31.50 0.00 I Disaster Comm Safety Asst MQ 0.50 Preparedness Sub.Total 0.50 0.50 0.00 I Public Works Public Works Dir/ 1.00 1.00 Administration City Engineer Administrative Aide 1.00 1.00 I Office Asst II 1.00 1.00 Maintenance Super (MCE) 1.00 1.00 Sub~Total 3.00 1.00 4.00 0.00 I Street Maint landscape laborer II 0.20 0.20 (MCE) Landscape Laborer III 0.90 0.90 (0.10) Sub.Total 1.10 1.10 (0.10) I Bldg Maint Building Leadman 1.00 1.00 (MCE) Landscape Laborer II 0.25 0.25 0.02 I Landscape Laborer III 0.26 ~ iQJ21 Sub.Total 1.51 1.51 (0.14) I Street Tree Landscape Laborer II 0.60 0.60 (0.05) Maintenance Landscape laborer III 0.18 ill 0.03 (MCE) Sub.Total 0.78 0.78 (0.02) I - xiv - I Total 1994w95 1994w95 1994w95 Allocated Allocated Allocation Difference I City Contrad Current Compared DEPARTMENT CLASSIFICA nON Positions Positions ' Service Level To 1993w94 I Street Landscape Landscape Foreman I 1.00 1.00 Maintenance Landscape Laborer I 1.00 1.00 (MCE) Landscape Laborer II 0.55 0.55 (0.35) Landscape Laborer III 0.07 0.07 0.04 I Subw Total 2.62 2.62 (0.31) Heritage Center Landscape Laborer II 0.01 0.01 illJill I (MCE) Sub~Total 0.01 0.01 (0.01) Park Maintenance Landscape Foreman 0.97 0.97 (0.03) I (MCE) Landscape Laborer I 0.98 0.98 (0.02) Landscape Laborer II 1.30 1.30 0.05 Landscape Laborer III 1.16 1.16 (0.41) I SubwTotal 4.41 4.41 (0.41) Dublin Cemetery Landscape Foreman 0.03 0.03 0.03 I (MCE) Landscape Laborer I 0.02 0.02 0.02 Landscape Laborer II 0.09 0.09 0.03 Landscape Laborer III 0.05 0.05 0.05 I Sub~Total 0.19 0.19 0.13 Recrea tion Recreation Director 1.00 1.00 I Recreation Supervisor 1.00 1.00 Recreation Coordinator I 1.00 1.00 Senior Programs I Recreation Coordinator I 1.00 1.00 Sports Programs I Aquatics Recreation Coordinator / 1.00 1.00 I Special Programs/Classes Admin Secretary 1.00 1.00 Office Asst IT 1.00 LQQ I SubwTotal 7.00 7.00 0.00 Planning Planning Director 1.00 1.00 I Senior Planner 2.00 2.00 Associate Planner 1.00 1.00 Assistant Planner I 1.00 1.00 I Zoning Investigator Admin Secretary 1.00 1.00 Office Asst IT 1.00 1.00 Intern (Part-Time) 0.50 0.50 I Clerk- Typist (part~ Time) 0.50 0.50 Sub-Total 8.00 8.00 0.00 I Building & Safety Chief Building Official 1.00 1.00 (Taugher & Building Inspector 1.00 1.00 Associates) Admin Secretary 1.00 LQQ I Sub-Total 1.00 2.00 3.00 0.00 -xv- I I Total 1994-95 1994-95 1994-95 Allocated Allocated Allocation Difference City Contract Current Compared DEPARTMENT CLASSIFICA TION Positions Positions ' Service Level To 1993-94 Engineering Sr Civil Engineer 1.00 1.00 Public Works Inspector 2.00 2.00 EngTech 1.00 L.QQ Sub-Total 4.00 4.00 0.00 TOTAL 32.50 44.62 77.12 (0.86) I I I I SUMMARY (CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL) I City Employees Contract Employees TOTAL 1993-94 1994-95 Difference 32.50 32.50 0.00 ~ 44.62 ~ 77.98 77.12 (0.86) I RECOMMENDED HIGHER SERVICE LEVEL PERSONNEL CHANGES I I Office Assistant II (Admin Services) Patrol Officer (Police Services) Sheriff's Technician (Police Services) Heritage Center Director (Heritage Center) Associate Planner (Planning) Engineering Technician (Engineering) Assistant Civil Engineer (Engineering) Economic Development Mgr (Economic Development) Total Changes 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 1.00 (1.00) HIO 1.00 5.50 I I SUMMARY (HIGHER SERVICE LEVEL) I I 1994.95 1994-95 1993-94 (Current) Difference (Higher) Difference City Employees 32.5 32.50 0 36.00 3.50 Contract Employees 45.48 44.62 (,86) ~ 2.00 TOTAL 77.98 77.U (.86) 82.62 5.50 I I NOTE: All of the designated personnel perfonn duties directly from City facilities. This listing does not account for the temporary part-time Recreation staff which varies between 30-35 additional employees. It also does not include all Contract Employees who perform work under contract to the City of Dublin at off-site location including: Contract Engineering; MCE Corporation (public Works); Alameda County employees performing Police Services and traffic signal maintenance services; or legal services provided by Meyers Nave Rieback Silver Wilson. I The City of Dublin also provides personnel/labor relations, workers' compensation, and administrative support for the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority. The Authority has 53 employees which are not included above, since the Authority represents a separate entity. I I It should also be noted that the 1993.94 Approved Positions shown above include those positions approved in June of 1993 and those Positions approved by the City Council as part of the mid-year budget adjustments. - xvi - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1994 - 1995 CITY OF DUBLIN APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT In accordance with Chapter 1025 of the statutes of 1987, as amended, each government entity is required to include the Appropriations Limit in the annual budget. This limit may also be referred to as the Gann Limit or Proposition. 4 Limit. The City of Dublin has calculated the limit in accordance with Article XIII B of the California Constitution. The details of the calculation are shown on the following page. In conjunction with the adoption of the Budget the City Council will be requested to adopt documents which revise the previous year's Limit, which is a base used for calculating the 1994/95 Appropriations Limit. As noted on the calculation detail the 1994/95 adjustment has been applied to an "Adjusted" 1993/94 Appropriations Limit. The adjustment was necessary to conform the calculation to data available from the Alameda County Assessor. The "adjusted" 1993/94 limit is approximately $506,608 less than the limit adopted in June of 1993, with the 1993/94 Budget. The new 1994/95 Appropriations Limit is $ 20,855,341. This represents very little increase compared to previous years. At the time that the calculation was completed the Alameda County Assessor did not have complete information on the increase in Non Residential Assessed Valuation for the City of Dublin. In the event that this factor would increase the limit by more than the change in per capita State Income, a further revision may be recommended. If this becomes necessary it will be presented at a future City Council meeting, in accordance with the requirements for Public Notice. The Appropriations Limit does not apply to all funds appropriated by the Ci ty Council. The law applies only to those appropriations that are funded by "proceeds of Taxes". Proceeds of Taxes are narrowiy defined by State Law. Interpretations resulting from judicial rulings have also influenced the methodology used to calculate the impact of the Limit. The recommended 1994-95 Preliminary Budget (including the recommended Higher Service Levels), includes appropriations of $ 11,605,925 which would be categorized as funded by Proceeds of Taxes. The appropriations subject to the Appropriations Limit are $9,249,416 below the allowed amount calculated for Fiscal Year 1994-1995. - xvii - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CALCULATION OF FISCAL YEAR 1994-95 APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT A. SELECTION OF OPTIONAL FACTORS I. Population - Citv vs. Countv % Decrease 1/1/93 1/1/94 % Increase city of Dublin 24,658 24,947 1.17% OR Alameda County 1,321,342 1,334,127 .97% Selected Factor ; City Population Growth + 1. 17% II. State Income vs. Citv Non-Residential Buildina Change in State Per Capita Income ; 0.71% OR -- change in Non-Residential Assessed Valuation ; * *(Complete information not available from Alameda County) Selected Factor - State Per Capita Income = 0.71% B. CALCULATION OF GROWTH LIMIT ADJUSTMENT The formula for calculating the adjustment is as follows: Selected Factor I + 100 100 = x Selected Factor II + 100 100 = Y (X) x (Y) = Fiscal Year 1994-95 Appropriations Limit Adjustment Factor 1.17 + 100 100 ; 1.01170 0.71 + 100 100 ; 1. 00710 1.01170 x 1.00710 - 1.01888 = Fiscal Year 1994-95 Adjustment Factor C. CALCULATION OF APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT Fiscal Year 1993-94 Adjusted Appropriations Limit - $ 20,468,888 Fiscal Year 1994-95 Adjustment Factor x 1.01888 Fiscal Year 1994-95 Limit $ 20,855,341 -xviii - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY COUNCIL , The City Council consists of five members elected at large by the voters of Dublin. The City Council is responsible for enacting legislation, establishing policies, and providing guidance and direction for actions which affect the quality of life in the City. Local elected officials also represent the City at a variety of forums at the County, Regional, state and National levels, in order to make certain that the interests of the City of Dublin and cities in general are promoted. The budget for City Council activities for Fiscal Year 1993-94 was $114,888. It is estimated that the City Council will spend approximately $102,185 in Fiscal Year 1993-94. The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for City Council activities for Fiscal Year 1994-95 is $115,514. This budget includes Councilmember salaries and fringe benefits; the City's independent financial audit; Councilmember attendance at various meetings and conferences on behalf of the City; a Council team building workshop; necessary supplies, postage, printing/binding, books and publications, legal notices, and office equipment for the Council to effectively perform its responsibilities. In addition, the Fiscal Year 1994-95 budget includes funding for a number of community promotion activities including a Dublin Sister City reception, Dublin Pride Week and the Alameda County Fair. The proposed Fiscal Year 1994-95 budget does not include funding for requests which have been made by a nwnber of groups identified in the City Manager's Budget Message. The proposed budget includes memberships and dues for the following organizations: . Alameda County Mayor'S Conference . League of California Cities . East Bay Division - League of California Cities . Association of Bay Area Governments . Dublin Sister City Association The Current Service Level budget for City Council activities for Fiscal Year 1994-95 represents a 13.04\ increase compared to 1993-94 expenditures. This increase is attributable to the following factors: . Costs associated with potential City Council turnover following the 1994 election (i.e. new Councilmember training and business supplies) . Other inflationary increases for services and supplies . Increased Financial Audit costs - 1 - I CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET I PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY COUNCIL - 10fO CURRENT COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY I INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE FUND TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL I General $ 115,514 $ 115,514 Councilmembers 5 5 ( 001) I Total $ 115,514 $ 115,514 Total 5, 5 I CURRENT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL DESCRIPTION 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 I PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries, Part-Time $ 24,577 $ 25,320 $ 25,320 $ 25,320 Retirement 2,912 3,493 3,493 3,493 I Group Insurance 30,931 33,655 33,949 34,027 Workers' Compensation 219 247 280 189 S.U.I. 888 0 0 0 I F. I.C.A. 181 210 210 210 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 59,708 $ 62,925 $ 63,252 $ 63,239 I SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 166 $ 240 $ 105 $ 350 postage 86 110 350 125 I Copier Supplies 0 0 0 0 Operating 146 0 0 0 printing & Binding 738 250 650 850 I Books & Publications 0 50 0 50 Memberships & Dues 8,591 9,047 9,128 9,585 Travel, Conferences & Mtgs 4,443 8,650 4,500 9,565 I Training 8,709 5,000 0 5,000 Legal Notices 374 500 0 250 Professional Services 19,329 23,231 19,200 21,500 Community Promotion 8,576 4,885 5,000 5,000 I TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 51,158 $ 51,963 $ 38,933 $ 52,275 I TOTAL CONTRACTS $ 35 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 I TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $110,901 $114 , 888 $102,185 $115,514 I I - 2 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY MANAGER/CITY CLERK The City Manager is appointed by the City Council as the Chief Executive Officer. This includes the responsibility for overseeing the day-to-day operations and implementing all policies adopted by the City Council. This office provides support to all areas of City operations including: assuring the enforcement of City Ordinances; supervision and evaluation of employees; evaluation of all contract services; recommendation to the City Council of ordinances and policies which address the effective operation of the City; provision of advisory recommendations for the City Council; preparation and administration of the City's Budget and Five Year Capital Improvement program as approved by the City Council; and representation of the City before intergovernmental bodies and organizations. AS a result of the formation of the Administrative Services Department in 1993-94, the City Manager's Office reorganized resulting in the transfer of Personnel to the Administrative Services Department who performed personnel administration for the City and the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority, public information, waste management, disaster preparedness, cable television, animal control and risk management. In addition to those responsibilities described above, the City Manager's Office will continue to provide support services in the areas of contract administration and Economic Development. The City Manager activity also includes the City Clerk function. This position has the responsibility for: administering municipal elections; maintaining conflict of interest and financial disclosure records submitted by publiC officials; preparing and maintaining minutes of City Council meetings; coordinating City Commission appointments; and maintaining the official records of the City. The budget required for the provision of the current service level for Fiscal Year 1994-95 is $258,826. This is approximately $3,670 or 1.4% more than estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 1993-94. This increase is primarily attributable to additional contract services related to the codification of the City'S zoning and Sign Ordinance. - 3 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM GENERAL GOVERNMENT COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL FUND General (001) $258,826 Total $258,826 $258,826 ACTIVITY CITY MANAGER/CLERK - 1020 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 $258,826 City Manager City Clerk Secretary Total This budget provides funding to maintain the current level of service of those programs remaining in the City Manager/City Clerk Department including the day-to-day operations ,of the City, supervision and evaluation of City employees, City Council support, administration of the City's Budget and Five Year Capital Improvement Program, representation of the City before intergovernmental bodies and organizations, contract administration, some Economic Development support, and City Clerk functions. This is accomplished by funding the City Manager, City Clerk, and Secretary positions, services and supplies necessary to support the City Manager's Office, maintenance of the City'S Law Library, the City Manager and City Clerk's participation in their respective professional associations including the City Manager's attendance at the International City Management Conference in Chicago, Illinois and the City Clerk's attendance at State Association meetings, and contract services associated with codification services and management support functions. In addition to providing administrative and City Council support services, this budget will allow completion or substantial progress on the following goals: City Council Priori tv High High High High High 1994 GOALS 1. 2. Implement some of the recommendations of the Business Task Force. Pursue the development of a major commercial center in Eastern Dublin. Update the Five Year capital Improvement Program. Continue to provide Staff support and monitor agencies and proposals. Coordinate implementation of Eastern Dublin Implementation Programs. 3. 4. 5. - 4 - I CURRENT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL I INDICATOR 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries, Full-Time $348,557 $184,627 $185,241 $187,134 I Salaries, Part-Time 13,944 0 0 0 Salaries, Overtime 1, 189 1,500 1,500 1,750 Retirement 40,530 24,061 24,394 24,644 I Group Insurance 40,404 18,979 16,051 15,088 workers' Compensation 6,769 7,340 6,119 4,000 F. I.C.A. 1.995 497 499 515 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES $453,388 $237,004 $233,804 $233,131 I SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 2,117 $ 1,250 $ 1,250 $ 1,380 I Postage 2,328 1,300 1,420 1,500 Copier Supplies 1,786 1, 600 1,000 1,050 Operating Supplies 1,186 0 0 0 I Advertising 204 0 0 0 printing & Binding 3,764 200 285 250 Repairs & Maintenance 300 300 330 350 Books & Publications 910 1,050 1,000 1,025 I Memberships & Dues 1,841 1,050 1,000 1,020 Mileage/Auto Allowance 7,654 5,316 5,340 5,450 Travel, Conferences & Mtgs 265 2,400 2,160 2,590 I Training 4,013 500 500 500 Internal Service Fund 4.646 2.939 2.939 2.580 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 31,014 $ 17 ,90S $ 17,224 $ 17,695 I CONTRACT SERVICES $ 3,145 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 $ 8,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY I Furniture/Fixtures $ 457 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Machinery & Equipment 0 0 128 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 457 $ 0 $ 128 $ 0 I TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $488,004 $258,909 $255,156 $256,626 I I I I I I I - 5 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LEGAL SERVICES The City contracts. with the law firm of Meyers, Nave, Riback, Silver & Wilson. In addition to having individual partners who are specifically designated as City Attorney and Assistant City Attorney, the firm has several practicing attorneys who specialize in specific areas of municipal law. The City Attorney provides the City Council and Staff with legal opinions related to City business. Also, their firm drafts and reviews proposed ordinances, resolutions, and contracts. The City Attorney's Office also represents the City in litigation. The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 1994-95 totals $127,170. This represents a 47% decrease compared to estimated total expenditures for Fiscal Year 1993-94. This decrease is primarily attributable to reduced legal work associated with the Eastern Dublin Litigation. It is anticipated in Fiscal Year 1994-95 Legal Costs will be offset by approximately $41,450 in zoning and Subdivision Fees resulting in a net cost of $85,720 for Legal Services. - 6 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM GENERAL GOVERNMENT COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL FUND CUMULATIVE TOTAL ACTIVITY LEGAL SERVICES - 1030 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY $127,170 JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General (001 ) Total $127,170 DESCRIPTION PERSONNEL SERVICES Retirement Group Insurance TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES General Litigation Fire Authority (DRFA) NPDES TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $127,170 $127,170 No City Personnel are included in this activity. CURRENT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 $ 2,826 $ 3,170 $ 3,144 $ 3,170 0 0 0 0 $ 2,826 $ 3,170 $ 3,144 $ 3,170 $129,416 $121,000 $ 71,000 $110,000 46,875 181,500 167,800 10,000 238 500 0 4,000 113 0 0 0 $176,642 $303,000 $238,800 $124,000 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $179,468 $306,170 $241,944 $127,170 - 7 - I I I I I I I I I ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES The Administrative Services Department was created in Fiscal Year 1993-94 as a result of a reorganization of the city Manager's Off ice and the Finance Department. The Department includes the following three operating divisions: 1) Finance Division - Performs all finance related functions including; accounts ,payable, accounts receivable, payroll, business license administration, parking citation administration, and maintenance of other related City financial records; 2) Central Services Division - Provides support for the following program areas and activities; Personnel Administration and Labor Relations (for City organization as well as Dougherty Regional Fire Authority), Waste Management, Data Processing, Public Information, Risk Management/Insurance, Legislative Analysis, Cable Television, Supervision of Disaster preparedness Programs, and special projects; and 3) Administration Division - Provides oversight of all activities covered by the Department and also provides support to the city Manager on Administrative projects such as contract reviews and negotiations, supervtsion of Animal Control Contract, etc. The current service level staffing in the Administrative Services Department includes: 1 Assistant City Manager/Administrative Services Director (Supervises entire Department plus day to day operating responsibility for supervision of the Finance Division); 1 Assistant to the City Manager (Supervises the functions and activities of the Central Services Division); 2 Finance Technician II positions; 1 Management Assistant position; .5 Office Assistant II position, and .5 Community safety Assistant position. The Community Safety Assistant position is shown in the Disaster preparedness Budget. I I The budget necessary to provide the current service level for Fiscal Year 1994-95 for the Administrative Services Department is $411,712. A breakdown by division is shown on the following page. This Budget is partially offset by $114,500 in estimated revenue for Fiscal Year 1994-95. This includes $67,500 of City Business License revenue and $47,000 of Garbage Administration Fees. This results in a current service level net cost of $297,212. I I I Two Higher Service Levels are presented for City council consideration. It is recommended that both increments be included in the adopted budget. Higher Service Level I covers the cost of printing and distributing one community newsletter. The total cost of this increment is $5,020. Higher service Level II includes the addition of one full time Office Assistant II. This position will free up time Technical and Administrative Staff now spent on general or clerical functions and allow for completion of assigned goals. The position will enable Staff to fill gaps in coverage at the Recreation/Finance Public Counter. The total cost of Higher Service Level II is $43,187. I The total recommended Fiscal Year 1994/95 Budget including Higher Service Level I and Higher Service Level II is $459,919. The net cost of funding the Higher Service Level is $345,419. I I I I - 8 - . . - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WORKLOAD INOICATORS Finance Accounts Receivables Processed # statements # Invoices Accounts Payable # Checks Processed # Invoices Processed payroll # Checks Processed Business License Activity # New Applications processed/year # Renewal Applications Processed/year Personnel City Activities # Recruitment # Employment Applications Processed # Workers compensation Claims Processed DRFA Activities # Recruitments # Workers Compensation Claims Processed Animal Control # Vicious Dog Hearings Insurance # Liability Claims Processed Contract Administration # Contract Reviews completed Public Information # Citywide Newsletters - 9 - ESTIMATED 1993-94 PROJECTED 1994-95 2,400 2,400 450 450 2,750 2,750 4,600 4,600 2,050 2,050 480 500 1,100 1,100 5 378 8 6 700 8 3 16 2 17 10 8 12 12 2 6 o 1 CURRENT I SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 I PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries, Full-Time $ 0 $231,188 $223,602 $224,285 Salaries, Full-Time (JPA) 0 13 , 883 19,447 22,325 I Salaries, Part-Time 0 13,830 14,298 14,345 Salaries, Overtime 0 620 393 393 Retirement 0 31,708 31,448 31,547 I Retirement (JPA) 0 1,790 2,568 2,948 Group Insurance 0 36,700 36,285 35,839 Group Insurance (JPA) 0 1,824 2,643 3,016 I Workers' compensation 0 2,568 2,448 1,761 Workers' compensation (JPA) 0 132 153 165 F.I.C.A. 0 2,341 2,308 2,287 F.I.C.A. (JPA) 0 196 281 322 I TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $336,780 $335,874 $339,233 SERVICES & SUPPLIES I Office Supplies $ 0 $ 2,700 $ 2,600 $ 2,450 Office Supplies (JPA) 0 100 50 50 postage 0 3,625 2,605 2,775 I Postage (JPA) 0 150 90 105 Postage (DII) 0 0 0 0 Copier Supplies 0 1,160 470 820 Copier Supplies (JPA) 0 100 25 50 I Operating Supplies 0 1,610 1,135 1,200 Advertising 0 500 700 1,000 Advertising (JPA) 0 0 137 0 I Printing & Binding 0 5,500 4,100 5,010 printing & Binding (DII) 0 0 0 0 Repairs & Maintenance 0 300 201 305 Books & Publications 0 625 370 580 I Books & Publications (JPA) 0 550 1,034 750 Memberships & Dues 0 355 365 375 Memberships & Dues (JPA) 0 215 0 220 I Mileage/Auto Allowance 0 2,796 3,205 3,225 Mileage/Auto Allowance (JPA) 0 100 120 150 Travel, Conferences & Mtgs 0 2,640 2,145 2,020 I Travel, Conferences & Mtgs (JPA) 0 100 65 100 Training 0 7,250 3,255 7,750 Training (JPA) 0 100 45 100 Small Tools 0 100 95 100 I Internal Service Fund 0 4,232 4,232 3.444 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 0 $ 34,808 $ 27,044 $ 32,579 I CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 0 $ 42,050 $ 31,200 $ 29,500 COP Trustee (011) 0 8,250 2,100 8,850 I TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $ 0 $ 50,300 $ 33,300 $ 38,350 CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture/Fixtures $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 650 I Machinery & Equipment 0 615 743 900 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 615 $ 743 $ 1,550 I TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 0* $422,503 $396,961 $411,712 * In Fiscal Year 1993-94 a reorganization consolidated a number of functions into the I newly created Administration Services Department. - 10 - I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM GENERAL GOVERNMENT COST SY FUND ACTIVITY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES - 1040-1043 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB FUND TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION General $372,261 $372,261 Asst. City Manager/ (001) Admin Serv Dir Dublin 8,850 8,850 Asst to the City Mgr Info, Inc. Management Assistant (601) Finance Tech II Fire JPA 30,601 30,601 Office Asst II (General) (part-Time) Total $411,712 $411,712 Total 5.5 5.5 This budget provides funding to maintain the current level of support to the Administrative Services Department. The total cost of funding this level of service is $411,712. This is a total of $14,751 more than the estimated 1993-94 expenses or a 3.7% increase. The factors affecting the increased cost include: 1) Full year impact of performance pay adjustments made in Fiscal Year 1993-94; 2) Increased printing costs for financial documents which were not printed in Fiscal Year 1993-94; 3) Increased banking costs associated with servicing the Civic Center debt due to the fact that a majority of the 1993-94 fees were pre-paid in Fiscal Year 1992-93 as part of the COP refinancing; and 4) Purchase of a check signing machine to improve control as requested by the City's Auditors. INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 .5 1.0 1.0 2.0 .5 In addition to providing Financial, Central Services, and Administrative support to the City and the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority, this budget will allow for completion or substantial progress on the following goals: 1994 GOALS Ci ty Council priori tv High 1 . High 2. High 3. High 4 . High 5. Medium 6. Medium 7. Medium 8. Medium 9. Medium 10. Complete Brown Bag Training Program for Development Services Staff Complete Contract Reviews for Contracts with Termination Dates in Fiscal Year 1995-96 Represent Tri-Valley cities in joint development of a new Animal Shelter Evaluate and report on options for the operation of the Animal Shelter Report on options and process to negotiate a new garbage franchise Undertake American Disabilities Act Self Evaluation Present and implement a plan to address Data processing needs Citywide Implement new Federal CATV Regulations Evaluate Self-insured Dental Program Participate in Countywide Studies related to Solid Waste programs It is important to note that several unknown factors may impact the progress made towards the goals identified above. These include: the amount of time required of the Assistant to the City Manager associated with Dougherty Regional Fire Authority; and the funding of the Higher Service Levels. - 11 - I CURRENT SERVICE I ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 PERSONAL SERVICES I Salaries, Full-Time $ 0 $231,188 $223,602 $224,285 Salaries, Full-Time (JPA) 0 13,883 19,447 22,325 Salaries, Part-Time 0 13,830 14,298 14,345 I Salaries, Overtime 0 620 393 393 Retirement 0 31,708 31,448 31,547 Retirement (JPA) 0 1,790 2,568 2,948 I Group Insurance 0 36,700 36,285 35,839 Group Insurance (JPA) 0 1 ,824 2,643 3,016 Workers' Compensation 0 2,568 2,448 1,761 Workers' Compensation (JPA) 0 132 153 165 I F. I.C.A. 0 2,341 2,308 2,287 F.I.C.A. (JPA) 0 196 281 322 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES $ 0 $336,780 $335,874 $339,233 I SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 0 $ 2,700 $ 2,600 $ 2,450 I Office Supplies (JPA) 0 100 50 50 Postage 0 3,625 2,605 2,775 Postage (JPA) 0 150 90 105 Postage (OIl) 0 0 0 0 I Copier Supplies 0 1 , 1 60 470 820 Copier Supplies (JPA) 0 100 25 50 Operating Supplies 0 1,610 1 , 135 1 ,200 I Advertising 0 500 700 1 ,000 Advertising (JPA) 0 0 137 0 Printing & Binding 0 5,500 4,100 5,010 Printing & Binding (OIl) 0 0 0 0 I Repairs & Maintenance 0 300 201 305 Books & Publications 0 625 370 580 Books & Publications (JPA) 0 550 1 ,034 750 I Memberships & Dues 0 355 365 375 Memberships & Dues (JPA) 0 215 0 220 Mileage/Auto Allowance 0 2,796 3,205 3,225 I Mileage/Auto Allowance (JPA) 0 100 120 150 Travel, Conferences & Mtgs 0 2,640 2,145 2,020 Travel, Conferences & Mtgs (JPA) 0 100 65 100 Training 0 7,250 3,255 7,750 I Training (JPA) 0 100 45 100 Small Tools 0 100 95 100 Internal Service Fund 0 4.232 4.232 3.444 I TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 0 $ 34,808 $ 27,044 $ 32,579 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 0 $ 42,050 $ 31,200 $ 29,500 I COP Trustee (OIl) 0 8.250 2. 1 00 8.850 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $ 0 $ 50,300 $ 33,300 $ 38,350 I CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture/Fixtures $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 650 Machinery & Equipment 0 615 743 900 I TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 615 $ 743 $ 1 ,550 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 0* $422,503 $396,961 $411,712 I * In Fiscal Year 1993-94 a reorganization consolidated a number of functions into the newly created Administration Services Department. - 12 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM GENERAL GOVERNMENT COST BY FUND ACTIVITY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES - 1040-1043 SERVICE LEVEL HIGHER 1 PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE FUND TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL General $ 0 $372,261 Asst. City Manager/ 1.0 (001) Admin Serv Dir Dublin 5,020 13,870 Asst to the City Mgr 1.0 Info, Inc. Management Assistant 1.0 (601) Finance Tech II 2.0 Fire JPA 0 30,601 Office Asst II .5 (General) (Part-Time) Total $ 5,020 $416,732 Total 5.5 This service level provides for the publication of one Citywide Newsletter to be distributed to the Community through Dublin Information Inc. The personnel time required to produce the text and develop a camera ready publication has not been addressed in this service level. The addition of this item will impact the ability of the Administrative Services Department to complete other medium and low priority City Council goals. The following goal will be accomplished by funding this Higher Service Level: 1994 GOALS Ci ty Council Priority Medium Restore City Newsletter (1 publication) - 13 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DESCRIPTION PERSONNEL SERVICES salaries, Full-Time salaries, Full-Time (JPA) Salaries, Part-Time salaries, Overtime Retirement Retirement (JPA) Group Insurance Group Insurance (JPA) Workers' Compensation Workers' Compensation (JPA) F.I.C.A. F. I.C.A. (JPA) TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies Office Supplies (JPA) postage Postage (JPA) Postage (DII) Copier Supplies Copier Supplies (JPA) Operating Supplies Advertising Advertising (JPA) printing & Binding printing & Binding (DII) Repairs & Maintenance Books & Publications Books & Publications (JPA) Memberships & Dues Memberships & Dues (JPA) Mileage/Auto Allowance Mileage/Auto Allowance (JPA) Travel, Conferences & Mtgs Travel, Conferences & Mtgs (JPA) Training Training (JPA) Small Tools Internal Service Fund TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES General COP Trustee (DII) TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture/Fixtures Machinery & Equipment TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ACTIVITY COST - 14 - HIGHER SERVICE LEVEL 1 1994-95 CUMULATIVE TOTAL 1994-95 $ 0 o o o o o o o o o o o $ 0 $224,285 22,325 14,345 393 31,547 2,948 35,839 3,016 1,761 165 2,287 322 $339,233 $ 0 o o o 1,200 o o o o o o 3,820 o o o o o o o o o o o o o $ 5,020 $ 2,450 50 2,775 105 1,200 820 50 1,200 1,000 o 5,010 3,820 305 580 750 375 220 3,225 150 2,020 100 7,750 100 100 3.444 $ 37,599 $ 0 o $ 0 $ 29,500 8.850 $ 38,350 $ 0 o $ 0 $ 650 900 $ 1,550 $ 5,020 $416,732 CITY OF DUBLIN 1994~95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PROGRAM GENERAL GOVERNMENT COST BY FUND ACTIVITY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES - 1040-1043 SDVICE LEVEL HIGHER 2 PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE FUND TOTAL TOTAL General $43,187 $415,448 (001 ) Dublin 0 13,870 Info, Inc. (601) Fire JPA 0 30,601 (General) JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL $459,919 Total $43,187 Asst. City Manager/ Admin Serv Dir Asst to the City Mgr Management Assistant Finance Tech II Office Asst II (part-Time) Office Asst II (Full Time) 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 .5 1 Total 1 6.5 This service level will add an additional Full Time Office Assistant II within the Administrative Services Department. The position would be located near the Finance/Recreation public counter area. This will provide full time support to respond to general inquiries related to business licenses and other functions on a full time basis. The position will also be cross trained to respond to general questions related to neighboring Departments. This will provide the remaining three professional and technical Finance Staff with more time to address Department needs. The following City Council goals will be accomplished by funding this Higher Service Level: City Council Priori tv 1994 GOALS High Improve the follow-up on Accounts Receivable Medium Revise Accounting Procedures to reflect revisions to organizational structure Medium Update purchasing Ordinance - 15 - I I DESCRIPTION PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries, Full-Time Salaries, Full-Time (JPA) salaries, Part-Time salaries, Overtime Retirement Retirement (JPA) Group Insurance Group Insurance (JPA) Workers' Compensation workers' Compensation (JPA) F.I.C.A. F.!. C.A. (JPA) TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES I I I I I SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies Office Supplies (JPA) postage postage (JPA) postage (OIl) Copier Supplies copier Supplies (JPA) Operating supplies Advertising Advertising (JPA) Printing & Binding printing & B~nding (DII) Repairs & Maintenance Books & Publications Books & Publications (JPA) Memberships & Dues Memberships & Dues (JPA) Mileage/Auto Allowance Mileage/Auto Allowance (JPA) Travel, Conferences & Mtgs Travel, Conferences & Mtgs (JPA) Training Training (JPA) Small Tools Internal Service Fund TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES I I I I I I I I I I I I CONTRACT SERVICES General COP Trustee (DII) TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture/Fixtures Machinery & Equipment TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ACTIVITY COST - 16 - HIGHER SERVICE LEVEL 2 1994-95 CUMULATIVE TOTAL 1994-95 $28,160 o o o 3,733 o 7,462 o 208 o 407 o $39,970 $252,445 22,325 14,345 393 35,280 2,948 43,301 3,016 1,969 165 2,694 322 $379,203 $ 400 o o o o o o o o o 50 o o o o o o o o o o 250 o o 1, 517 $ 2,217 $ 2,850 50 2,775 105 1,200 820 50 1,200 1,000 o 5,060 3,820 305 580 750 375 220 3,225 150 2,020 100 8,000 100 100 4,961 $ 39,816 $ 0 o $ 0 $ 29,500 8.850 $ 38,350 $ 500 500 $ 1,000 $ 1,150 1.400 $ 2,550 $43,187 $459,919 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BUILDING MANAGEMENT This budget funds the maintenance and operation of the Dublin Civic Center and the City's Public Works Corporation Yard, including supply, utility, telephone, contract service and repair costs associated with both buildings. This budget also funds the lease payment to Dublin Information, Inc. for rental of the civic Center as well as contract service costs from MCE Corporation for all five of the City's buildings. The current budget for Fiscal Year 1993-94 is $1,867,683. Estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 1993-94 are $88,227 less than the adopted budget. This can be attributed to decreased telephone costs due to changes in the long distance and local service area carriers, reductions in contract services in the area of janitorial services and plant maintenance and the difference in the actual lease payment and the budgeted lease payment for the Civic Center. The proposed budget for Fiscal Year 1994-95 based on the current level of service is $1,878,414. This budget represents an approximate 5.5% increase over the previous fiscal year. This increase is primarily attributable to the following factors: 1. The City is legally required to budget the entire amount of the lease payment, which is $1,553,744, although a portion of the payment will be offset by interest on the 1988 Certificate of participation Reserve Fund. The actual payment for Fiscal Year 1994-95 is estimated to be $1,462,042, which is approximately $3,542 over the estimated payment for Fiscal Year 1993-94. 2. Increased utility costs due to the full year impact of previous rate adjustments, as well as anticipated rate adjustments during Fiscal Year 1994-95. - 17 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY BUILDING MANAGEMENT - 1050 PROGRAM GENERAL GOVERNMENT COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL FUND JOB CLASSIFICATION SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General (001) $1,878,414 contract Building Leadman 1 1 Landscape Laborer II .25 .25 Landscape Laborer III .26 .26 Total 1.51 1.51 $1,878,414 $1,878,414 Total $1,878,414 This budget increment finances one full time Contract Building Leadman who is responsible for the maintenance, security, minor improvement, and contract supervision related to the Civic Center, Corporation Yard, Shannon Center, Senior Center, and Dublin Swim Center. In addition, this increment provides for a part-time assistant for the Leadman and also for supplies, utilities, and contract services associated with the operation and maintenance of the Civic Center and Corporation Yard. INDICATOR ACTUAL 1992-93 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies Operating Supplies Advertising Printing & Binding Repairs and Maintenance Rental/Leases Gas & Electric Water & Sewer Telephone Filing Fees TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 527 5,950 o o 667 1,575,538 114,812 6,770 33,770 777 $1,738,811 CONTRACT SERVICES MCE Janitorial Other TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements Furniture & Fixtures Machinery & Equipment TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ACTIVITY COST BUDGET 1993-94 o $ $ 630 6,650 o o 1 , 600 1,532,816 122,000 7,000 37,500 460 $1,708,656 CURRENT ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL 1993-94 1994-95 o $ $ 80,681 $ 91,350 $ 94,740 51,632 42,512 35,280 19.827 24.265 23.690 $ 152,140 $ 158,127 $ 153,710 $ 2,849 $ 400 $ 400 183 500 0 0 0 0 $ 3,032 $ 900 $ 400 $1,893,983 $1,867,683 $1,779,456 - 18 - $ 400 6,286 o o 1 ,200 1,458,500 123,000 7,020 28,500 440 $1,625,346 o $ o $ 450 6,385 o o 1 ,200 1,553,744 127,000 7,240 30,500 485 $1,727,004 $ 88,160 35,280 22.430 $ 145,870 $ 5,540 0 0 $ 5,540 $1,878,414 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INSURANCE The City of Dublin obtains General Liability Insurance through a pooled risk sharing arrangement offered by ABAG PLAN Corporation. This group includes 29 cities in the Greater Bay Area and offers coverage to the limit of $5 million per occurrence. In addition to General Liability coverage, the policy also includes Errors and Omissions Coverage for the City. The budget neces,sary to provide the Current Level of coverage for Fiscal Year 1994-95 totals $134,000. This represents approximately a 13% decrease from estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 1993-94. The decrease is due to a reduction in liability insurance premiums. The proposed insurance budget for Fiscal Year 1994-95 is comprised of the following components: County Contract Services - The City pays a separate surcharge on all County contract services for liability insurance. This surcharge covers services provided by Alameda County including Police, Crossing Guards, Animal Control, and Traffic Signal Maintenance Services. The estimated cost for Fiscal Year 1994-95 is $21,309. Property Insurance - This coverage covers all City owned facilities, including the Civic Center, Parks, Corporation Yard, Swim Center, and Shannon Community Center. The estimated cost is $12,500. Tenant Insurance - This insurance is offered as a service to individuals or groups who utilize City facilities. The user pays the City for the cost of the premium and the City absorbs the taxes and all administrative costs. It is projected that $2,500 in expenses associated with this program will be offset by revenue generated from user fees. General Liability Insurance - The City's General Liability Insurance coverage as noted above is provided through a risk sharing pool. The total premium estimated for 1994-95 is $72,074. In addition, ABAG PLAN will return an equity dividend based on the performance of the pool and the City of Dublin's loss history. In Fiscal Year 1992-93, the City received an equity dividend of $60,059. In Fiscal Year 1993-94, the City will receive a dividend of $57,548. In Fiscal Year 1994-95 the City will receive a dividend of $93,484. Claims Expense - The City has a $50,000 deductible for general liability claims. Included in this deductible as a claims cost is any expense related to legal counsel. Based on outstanding claims, loss reserves, and loss history, Staff recommends a budget of $25,000 for 1994-95. -19 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM GENERAL GOVERNMENT COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL FUND CUMULATIVE TOTAL ACTIVITY INSURANCE - 1060 JOB CLASSIFICATION SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL $ 134,000 General (001) Total $ 134,000 DESCRIPTION SERVICES & SUPPLIES Insurance Premiums Insurance Claims Expense TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 134,000 $ 134,000 No personnel are included in this activity. ACTUAL 1992-93 BUDGET 1993-94 $128,324 38.697 $167,021 $138,156 31.500 $169,656 $167,021 $169,656 - 20 - ESTIMATED 1993-94 $129,500 22.500 $152,000 $152,000 CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL . . " 1994-95 $109,000 25.000 $134,000 $134,000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ELECTIONS This budget finances the administration of municipal elections. The cost of personnel associated with this task is identified in the City Manager/City Clerk Budget (Department '1020). During Fiscal Year 1993-94, the City held a special referendum election which was consolidated and placed on the November 1993 ballot. The City of Dublin was able to share election expenses with other agencies who bad elections at that time. During Fiscal Year 1994-95, the City will hold a General Municipal Election to elect the Mayor for a 2-year term and a 3 City Councilmembers. Two Councilmembers will receive 4- year terms, and the third person elected who receives the least number of votes will receive a 2-year term. The total Fiscal Year 1994-95 recommended budget is $12,475. - 21 - I CITY OF DUBLIN 1993-94 PRELIMINARY BUDGET I PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL GENERAL GOVERNMENT ELECTIONS - 1070 CURRENT I COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE FUND TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL I General $ 12,475 $ 12,475 Personnel associated (001) with this are funded I in City Manager/City Total $ 12,475 $ 12,475 Clerk-l020. I ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED RECOMMENDED DESCRIPTION 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 ,,0 1993-94 I PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 $ O. $ 0 I SERVICES & SUPPLIES postage $ 2,028 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 I Operating Supplies 1 ,804 0 0 40 Printing/Binding 6,517 2,000 1,937 2,000 Mileage/Auto Allow 40 60 68 125 Training 449 350 435 550 I TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 10,838 $ 2,410 $ 2,440 $ 2,715 I CONTRACT SERVICES County Registrar of Voters S 13,500 S 10,500 S 8,380 S 9,760 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $ 13,500 $ 10,500 $ 8,380 $ 9,760 I CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 I CONTINGENT RESERVE $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 I TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 24,338 $ 12,910 $10,820 $ 12,475 I I I I I - 22 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NON-DEPARTMENTAL The Non-Departmental Budget has historically funded items which are not allocated to another Budget Activity. For Fiscal Year 1994-95 this Budget includes: property tax payments for Zone 7 Bonded Indebtedness on Civic Center property; filing fees associated with Dublin Information Inc.; a Contingent Reserve to cover unanticipated expenses which may occur during Fiscal Year 1994-95; and merit increases for City and Contract employees. Pursuant to Council direction during the Council Budget study Session, funding has been included in this budget to provide up to a 3% merit raise for City Employees, as well as an amount to cover requests in labor rate increases for the City'S Public Works Maintenance and Building and Safety Contractors and $4,500 which represents the City's historical contribution to the Dublin Substance Abuse Council for Dry Grad Ni te and Red Ribbon Week. The recommended budget for the Non-Departmental Activity for Fiscal Year 1994-95 totals $80,040. - 23 - I CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET I PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL GENERAL GOVERNMENT NON-DEPARTMENTAL - 1080 CURRENT I COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE FUND TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL I General $80,000 $80,000 No personnel are I (001) included in this Dublin activity. Info lnc 40 40 (601) I Total $80,040 $80,040 I ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED RECOMMENDED DESCRIPTION 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 I PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 I SERVICES & SUPPLIES Filing Fees $ 5 $ 5 $ 5 $ 5 Miscellaneous 121 0 0 0 I TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 126 $ 5 $ 5 $ 5 I PROPERTY TAX $ 51 $ 55 $' 32 $ 35 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 I CONTINGENT RESERVE $ 0 $ 46,625 $ 0 $ 80,000 I TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 177 $ 45,685 $ 37 $ 80,040 I I I I I - 24 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I POLICE SERVICES Police Services for the City of Dublin are performed under a contract with the Alameda County Sheriff's Department. 'The County Sheriff, under consultation with the City, designates the Commanding Officer who functions and is empowered to act as the City's Police Chief. patrol, criminal investigation, crime prevention and business office functions are performed from the Civic Center location. Dispatch and some data processing functions are handled at the Alameda County Sheriff's Department located at the Eden Township Substation (San Leandro). In addition to Sheriff's Department Personnel, a part- time civilian City employee assists with Crime Prevention Programs. The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 1994-95 is $3,155,603. This represents a 5.1% increase or $152,793 over estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 1993-94. This increase is primarily attributable to the following: 1) Full year funding for the part-time Community Safety Assistant, which was vacant for the final quarter of Fiscal Year 1993-94; 2) Increased printing costs due to the discontinuation of a State program which provided pamphlets to cities at no cost; 3) Increased Internal Service Fund Charges to develop a replacement fund for the copier purchased in Fiscal Year 1993-94; 4) Significant increases in contract charges by Alameda County for leased vehicles and Dispatch services; and 5) Increased anticipated overtime. In Fiscal Year 1993-94, it is projected that overtime will be below average, when compared to historical trends. The major portion of this Budget is related to contract services provided by the Alameda County Sheriff's Department. The basis for increased costs is primarily due to changes by the County in the methodology used to allocate certain costs among all users. The County Sheriff has informed the City that due to these phanges, the cost of Dispatch Services is expected to increase by 20% per year over the next five years. The Fiscal Year 1994-95 budget request does not reflect any increased costs as a result of current labor negotiations. Two Higher Service Level (HSL) increments are also recommended for inclusion in the 1994- 95 Budget. Higher Service Level I increases total County contract personnel staffing by one non-sworn Sheriff's Technician. The cost associated with this increment is $47,490. The position will initially be involved with cataloging accumulated evidence. This position will also be available to take counter reports and perform other public assistance functions, which do not require sworn personnel. Equipment required for this position to perform his/her responsibilities is included in the Capital Budget - General. Higher Service Level II adds an additional Patrol Officer. This position will be utilized to address special enforcement tasks and increase periodic utilization of a bicycle patrol unit. The cost associated with this increment is $76,925. The recommended total 1994-95 Police Services Budget, including both higher service levels is $3,280,018. - 25 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The following comparison identifies workload indicators from calendar years 1992 and 1993. ACTUAL 1992 ACTUAL ....w.3. Calls for Service Reports written Citations Issued Total Arrests Citizen Inquiry/Person Citizen Inquiry/Telephone School Presentations Group Talks and Service Organizations Neighborhood Watch Groups Merchant Alert Members Narcotic Arrests Narcotic Seizures Accident Investigations Cases Assigned to Investigations Investigation/Complaints Filed Total Major Part I Crimes 37,427 3,144 6,290 1,076 4,575 25,069 283 59 80 105 58 $159,656 328 1 , 134 818 693 37,499 3,143 7,767 1 ,066 5,286 26,497 247 54 88 111 48 $62,442 332 1,346 868 742 - 26 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE SERVICE - 2010 CURRENT COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE FUND TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL General $3,143,253 $3,143,253 ~ (001) Community Safety Asst .5 .5 Contract Crim Act 6,300 6,300 Captain 1 1 (200) Lieutenant 1 1 Patrol Sergeant 5 5 vehicle 6,050 6,050 Detective Sergeant 4 4 Abatement Patrol Officer 15 15 (201) Secretary 1 1 Traffic Officer 2 2 Specialist Clerk ....L-- ....L-- Total $3,155,603 $3,155,603 Total 31.5 31.5 This Budget finances the current staffing level. In addition to the personnel costs identified above, the City also pays its prorated share of personnel costs of the Alameda County Eden Township Substation and Headquarters as shown below: .08 - FTE - Undersheriff Prorated Share Dispatch Center This Budget Increment also finances: 1) the cost of operating eight (8) patrol vehicles, eight (8) unmarked and undercover vehicles; 2) necessary services and supplies to support the operations of the Police Department; 3) additional equipment to improve the overall operation of Police programs and the Police facility; and 4) County contract overhead charges. with the current staffing level, the Police Department can accomplish the following goals. 1994 GOALS Ci ty Council Priority High 1. Implement procedure to collect State mandated fees for release of repossessed vehicles per GC Section 41612. High 2. Implement policy & procedure to increase capacity for police storage of criminal records. - 27 - I CURRENT I ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL DESCRIPTION 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 I PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries, Full Time $ 20,072 $ 20,784 $ 16,210 $ 20,799 Retirement 2,302 2,671 2,033 2,751 I Group Insurance 1 ,283 1 ,587 1,111 1 ,645 Worker's Compensation 897 1,167 898 707 S.U.I 0 0 0 0 F.I.C.A. 292 292 235 301 I TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 24,846 $ 26,501 $ 20,487 $ 26,203 SERVICES & SUPPLIES I Office Supplies $ 2,128 $ 2,300 $ 2,750 $ 3,250 postage 1 ,043 1 ,600 1 , 150 1 ,250 Copier Supplies 1 ,937 2,700 1 ,830 2,000 I Operating Supplies 7,948 8,900 7,150 9,075 Communications 3,319 3,600 3,605 4,500 Advertising 198 300 300 100 Printing & Binding 1,532 2,320 1 ,800 3,270 I Repairs & Maintenance 1 ,551 1 ,800 1,800 1 ,800 Rental & Leases 12,675 14,040 13,200 12,970 Books & Publications 1 , 180 3,470 2,700 2,910 I Memberships & Dues 1,750 335 90 310 Mileage/Auto Allowance 206 300 94 200 Travel, Conferences & Mtgs 1 , 128 2,430 1 , 1 00 2,700 Training 222 500 220 500 I Telephone 3,163 3,400 3,190 3,300 Legal Notices 25 0 0 0 Internal Svc Chg - Office 5,044 6,468 6,468 8,208 I Internal Svc Chg - Vehicles 96.916 101,200 93.100 92.400 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 141,965 $ 155,663 $ 140,547 $ 148,743 I CONTRACT SERVICES Personnel $2,318,417 $2,447,168 $2,378,727 $2,474,497 Vehicles 13,933 15,247 12,974 16,065 Indirect Costs 146,372 154,549 153,313 145,624 I Dispatch 171,499 180,070 172,998 220,354 Admin - Financial Svcs 18,375 14,769 13,505 14,769 Services & Supplies 32,256 39,935 30,044 36,094 I General 6,318 8,930 8,600 11,154 Booking Fees 51,897 80,100 67,365 55,800 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $2,759,067 $2,940,768 $2,837,526 $2,974,357 I CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture/Fixtures $ 1 ,625 $ 3,950 $ 3,950 $ 600 I Machinery & Equipment 1 ,661 300 300 5,700 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 3,286 $ 4,250 $ 4,250 $ 6,300 I TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $2,929,164 $3,127,182 $3,002,810 $3,155,603 I - 28 - I CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ACTIVITY POLICE SERVICE - 2010 SERVICE LEVEL HIGHER (1) PERSONNEL SUMMARY PROGRAM PUBLIC SAFETY COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL $3,190,743 FUND $47,490 General (001 ) Crim Act (200) Vehicle Abatement (201) 6,300 6,050 Total $47,490 $3;203,093 JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL city Community Safety Asst Contract Captain Lieutenant Patrol Sergeant Detective Sergeant Patrol Officer Secretary Traffic Officer Specialist Clerk Sheriff's Technician Total .5 1 1 1 1 5 4 15 1 2 2 -L- 32.5 This budget increment finances one (1) full-time Sheriff's Technician. This position is needed to accomplish mandated support functions, and to assure that performance of support duties are completed in a cost effective manner. A Sheriff's Technician is an unarmed, non-sworn employee who is utilized to perform functions related to law enforcement that do not require the assignment of a police officer, but whose primary duties are more than clerical. This employee will relieye the Community safety Assistant of the 270 hours required to be available for fingerprinting citizens; and the patrol officers of numerous hours of being recalled to the station to take minor reports from citizens. The addition of one (1) Sheriff's Technician will also provide full coverage in the evidence room, including logging, storing and ongoing purging of all evidence. This will allow sworn officers now performing these tasks to devote more time to. their primary functions. with the addition of this Dosition, the averaqe number of Datrol cars on the street durinq the day shift will be increased. In Fiscal Year 1994-95, a new Capital Improvement Project has been identified, which will provide a computer workstation and specialized software to automate the evidence recordkeeping tasks, to be undertaken by this position. City Council Priority 1994 GOALS High Transfer responsibility of processing recovered evidence including logging, storing & purging from sworn personnel to non-sworn personnel. Will perform other functions such as counter reports & fingerprinting. 1. - 29 - I HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 1 TOTAL I DESCRIPTION 1994-95 1994-95 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries, Full Time $ 0 $ 20,799 Retirement 0 2,751 I Group Insurance 0 1,645 Workers' Compensation 0 707 S.U.I. 0 0 I F. I.C.A. 0 301 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 26,203 I SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 700 $ 3,950 postage 0 1,250 Copier Services 0 2,000 I Operating Supplies 0 9,075 Communications 0 4,500 Advertising 0 100 I Printing & Binding 0 3,270 Repairs & Maintenance 0 1,800 Rentals/Leases 0 12,970 I Books & Publications 0 2,910 Memberships & Dues 0 310 Mileage & Auto Allowance 0 200 Travel, Conferences & Meetings 0 2,700 I Training 0 500 Telephone 0 3,300 Legal Notices 0 0 I Internal Svc Chg - Office 0 8,208 Internal Svc Chg - Vehicles 0 92.400 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 700 $ 149,443 I CONTRACT SERVICES Personnel $44,252 $2,518,749 Vehicles 0 16,065 I Indirect Costs 2,538 148,162 Dispatch 0 220,354 Admin-Financial Services 0 14,769 I Services & Supplies 0 36,094 General 0 11,154 Booking Fees 0 55.800 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $46,790 $3,021,147 1- CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture/Fixtures $ 0 $ 600 I Machinery & Equipment 0 5.700 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 6,300 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $47,490 $3,203,093 I I I I - 30 - CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ACTIVITY POLICE SERVICE - 2010 SERVICE LEVEL HIGHER (2) PERSONNEL SUMMARY PROGRAM PUBLIC SAFETY COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL $3,267,668 FUND $76,925 General (001) Crim Act (200) Vehicle Abatement (201) 6,300 6,050 $3,280,018 Total $76,925 JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL ~ Community Safety Asst Contract Captain Lieutenant Patrol Sergeant Detective Sergeant Patrol Officer Secretary Traffic Officer Specialist Clerk Sheriff's Technician Total .5 1 1 5 4 16 1 2 2 -1-- 33.5 This budget increment finances one (1) full-time Patrol Officer, who will be assigned to Special Investigations Officer. This officer will support the patrol section by utilizing special enforcement techniques to target specific crime trends and needs. presently, any patrol related special enforcement action requires that officers be removed from their normal duties and assigned to a special unit, or incur overtime costs. This position will provide the core of a patrol related special enforcement unit, including the part-time bicycle unit. This unit has been proven effective in reducing property crimes, increasing public confidence and improving public relations. When not working the bicycle unit, this position will be performing uniformed or plain clothes foot/vehicle patrols of the commercial or residential areas, as required by current needs. The addition of this position will minimize the negative impact of special investigations on patrol activities. The averaoe number of patrol officers on the street will be increased with this additional position. Ci ty Council Priori tv 1994 GOALS 1. Increase patrol to address specific crime trends through the implementation of a part-time bicycle unit. High - 31 - I HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 2 TOTAL I DESCRIPTION 1994-95 1994-95 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries, Full Time $ 0 $ 20,799 I Retirement 0 2,751 Group Insurance 0 1 , 645 Workers' Compensation 0 707 I S.U.I. 0 0 F.I.C.A. 0 301 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 26,203 I SERVICES & SUPPLIES. Office Supplies $ 700 $ 4,650 postage 0 1 ,250 I Copier Services 0 2,000 Operating Supplies 0 9,075 Communications 0 4,500 Advertising 0 100 I Printing & Binding 0 3,270 Repairs & Maintenance 0 1,800 Rentals/Leases 0 12,970 I Books & Publications 0 2,910 Memberships & Dues 0 310 Mileage & Auto Allowance 0 200 I Travel, Conferences & Meetings 0 2,700 Training 0 500 Telephone 0 3,300 Legal Notices 0 0 I Internal Svc Chg - Office 0 8,208 Internal Svc Chg - Vehicles 0 92.400 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 700 $ 150,143 I CONTRACT SERVICES Personnel $72,093 $2,590,842 Vehicles 0 16,065 I Indirect Costs 4,132 152,294 Dispatch 0 220,354 Admin-Financial Services 0 14,769 I Services & Supplies 0 36,094 General 0 11,154 Booking Fees 0 55.800 I TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $76,225 $3,097,372 CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture/Fixtures $ 0 $ 600 I Machinery & Equipment 0 5.700 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 6,300 I TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $76,925 $3,280,018 I I I - 32 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CROSSING GUARDS Since Dublin's incorporation in 1982, the City has contracted with Alameda County for the provision of adult crossing guard services. The City has paid for these services using General Fund and Traffic Safety Funds. During the Fiscal Year 1993-94 budget deliberations, the City of Dublin was faced with a serious budget deficit. Consequently, the City Council adopted a number of reduced service levels. One of the services eliminated from the FY 1993-94 Budget was adult crossing guards. Consequently, the total budget for FY 1993-94 was zero. Since the beginning of the 1993-94 school year, the Dublin School District has funded the same four adult crossing guard locations previously funded by the City of Dublin. Adult crossing guards are no longer funded by the City of Dublin. The recommended budget for Fiscal Year 1994-95 is zero. - 33 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM PUBLIC SAFETY COST BY FUND INCREMENT FUND TOTAL ACTIVITY CROSSING GUARDS - 2020 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY o CUMULATIVE JOB TOTAL CLASSIFICATION $ 0 Contract Crossing Guards $ 0 $ 0 Total INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General (001) Traffic Safety (205) Total $ o o o $ $ o o o CURRENT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL DESCRIPTION 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES County Public Works $ 29.622 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $ 29,622 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 29,622 $ o $ o $ o - 34 - I I I The City contracts with the Alameda County Sheriff's Department for Animal Control Services provided within the boundaries of the City. This includes: patrol, enforcement of animal related laws and ordinances, investigation of dog bites and attacks, collection of stray animals, and Shelter services. The Administrative Services Department is I responsible for the oversight and evaluation of services rendered. In addition, personnel from this office have direct responsibility for conducting Vicious Dog Hearings and serving as a liaison with Sheriff's Department Personnel. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ANIMAL CONTROL The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 1994-95 is $103,750. This represents an increase of 3.75% over 1993-94 estimated service costs. The proposed level of service is consistent with the previous fiscal year. The increase is primarily attributable to higher overhead costs associated with the Alameda County contract. Shelter Services are provided by the County from a site adjacent to the former Santa Rita Jail. All of the public agencies which utilize this facility share in the cost of operation based upon the number of live animals housed from a particular jurisdiction. Historically, the City of Dublin's share has fluctuated as shown below: SHARE OF SHELTER OPERATING COSTS 1990-91 11.7% 1991-92 15.5% 1992-93 16.5% 1993-94 16.5% EST 1994-95 15.5% The Cities of Dublin, Livermore and Pleasanton, in conjunction with Alameda County, have been working on the design and development of a new Valley Animal Shelter. The County' began construction in the spring of 1994 and anticipate operation by the summer of 1995. The County has proposed to forego billing for the shelter construction costs until Fiscal Year 1995-96. Based upon the current distribution of shelter usage, it is anticipated that Dublin's share of the debt service will be approximately $61,000 per year commencing in 1995-96. This figure is preliminary and more precise information will be developed in the upcoming year. The Animal Control costs are partially offset by revenues generated from animal licenses. The following table identifies revenues generated: ACTUAL 1991-92 $4,834 ACTUAL 1992-93 $4,796 EST. 1993-94 $4,700 PROJ. 1994-95 $4,700 The following workload indicators identify statistics calculated on a fiscal year basis: ANIMAL CONTROL WORKLOAD INDICATORS ACTUAL 1991-92 ACTUAL 1992-93 EST. 1993-94 Impounded Bites Complaints Citations Injured Total Dead Pick Up Vet Dead pick Up Vicious Dog Hearings 551 28 96 115 10 850 (668) 6 556 35 69 93 22 948 (633) 5 505 43 69 92 3 935 (516) 10 - 35 - I I I I General (001) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM PUBLIC SAFETY ACTIVITY ANIMAL CONTROL - 2030 COST BY FUND SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL $103,750 $103,750 $103,750 $103,750 Total INDICATOR PERSONNEL SERVICES SERVICES & SUPPLIES postage Printing/Binding TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES Shelter Service Field Service TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ACTIVITY COST No City personnel are included in this activity. This activity is administered by the City Manager's Office. ACTUAL 1992-93 $ o $ $ o 40 40 $ 63,350 56.005 $119,355 $ o $119,395 BUDGET 1993-94 $ o $ $ 100 o 100 $ 54,000 49.000 $103,000 $ o $103,100 - 36 - CURRENT ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL 1993-94 1994-95 $ o $ $ o o o $ 48,500 51.500 $100,000 $ o $100,000 $ o $ $ 100 650 750 $ 49,000 54.000 $103,000 $ o $103,750 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TRAFFIC SIGNALS & STREET LIGHTING This budget finances the maintenance, repair and energy costs associated with the operation of traffic signals for commercial and residential street lighting throughout the City. Traffic signal maintenance services are provided to the City by Alameda County. The street lighting costs proposed for Fiscal Year 1994-95 total $194,415. These costs will be funded by the Dublin Street Light Assessment District 83-1. Those lighting costs funded by the District and shown in this budget represent the major cost associated with the District. The proposed street lighting budget for Fiscal Year 1994-95 exceeds estimated expenditures for 1993-94 by approximately .3%. This increase is attributable to a small increased cost to repair certain street lights. Traffic signal maintenance and energy costs proposed for Fiscal Year 1994-95 total $90,790. Signal costs are approximately 3% higher than estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 1993-94 because of inflation adjustment. The cost of traffic signal maintenance is partially offset by reimbursements for accident damage repairs. One quarter of the cost for maintenance of the Dublin Boulevard/San Ramon Road intersection signal is reimbursed to the City by CalTrans. WORKLOAD & PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET INDICATOR 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 Traffic Signals 20 21 20 21 street Lights (PG&E owned) 1 ,362 1,352 1,362 1,362 Street Lights (City owned) 407 410 407 417 Street Lights (CalTrans owned) --2 3 ----1 --2 Total Street Lights 1 ,772 1,765 1 ,772 1 ,782 - 37 - I CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET I PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL PUBLIC SAFETY TRAFFIC SIGNALS & STREET LIGHTING-2040 CURRENT COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY I INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE FUND TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL I Traffie $ 47,840 $ 47,840 No City personnel are Safety included in this I (205) aetivity. Gas Tax 42,950 42,950 (206) Assess Dist I (710) 194,415 194,415 San Ramon Rd (712) 4,610 4,610 I Total $289,815 $289,815 I CURRENT I ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL DESCRIPTION 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 I SERVICES & SUPPLIES I Operating Supplies (Fund 710) $ 307 $ 350 $ 300 $ 480 Memberships (Fund 710) 750 750 750 750 Conferenees/Mtgs (Fund 710) 0 0 95 95 Gas/Eleetrie-Signals (Fund 205) 46,352 50,300 45,770 47,840 I Gas/Eleetric-Signals (Fund 712) 0 0 2,430 2,460 Gas/Electric-Street Lighting (Fund 710)) 172.023 178.500 175.010 177 . 400 I TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $219,432 $229,900 $224,355 $229,025 I CONTRACT SERVICES Street Lighting (Fund 710) $ 3,582 $ 15,800 $ 14,830 $ 14,850 Traffie Signals (Fund 206) 47,791 43,200 42,000 42,950 Traffie Signals (Fund 712) 0 4.800 1.760 2.150 I TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $ 51,373 $ 63,800 $ 58,590 $ 59,950 I CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements (Fund 710) $ 3.144 $ 2.100 $ 2.752 $ 840 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 3,144 $ 2,100 $ 2,752 $ 840 I TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $273,949 $295,800 $285,697 $289,815 I I - 38 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DISASTER PREPAREDNESS This budget identifies funding for a variety of activities related to disaster preparedness and emergency response. Major activities include: a part-time Community Safety Assistant position to address preparedness issues, public information and neighborhood preparedness, and specialized training. The estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 1993-94 are $27,339. The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 1994-95 is $32,283. This represents an increase over the estimated 1993-94 expenditures of $4,944 or 18.08%. The primary reason for the proposed increase includes funding of the Community Safety Assistant for the full year. Due to Staff turnover, the Community Safety Assistant position was vacant for 3 months during FY 93-94. It should be noted that the recommended funding also includes deletion of the hazardous spills clean-up contingency. Funding for this activity has been moved to Street Maintenance. During Fiscal Year 1994-95, Staff anticipates that the following goals and objectives will be accomplished: 1994 GOALS Ci ty Council Priori tv High 1. Present a revised multi-functional Hazard plan for City Council approval pursuant to SB 1841. High 2. Complete Basic Emergency Preparedness Training Program for all departments. High 3. Complete Operational plan for use of amateur radio equipment. High 4. Undertake table top disaster simulation exercise. Medium 5. Prepare a report on the effectiveness of the Neighborhood Preparedness Program and identify altex;native means to provide information. In all preparedness activities, City Staff will continue to work cooperatively with other agencies, including the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority, to provide disaster preparedness information. - 39 - I CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET I PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL PUBLIC SAFETY DISASTER PREPAREDNESS - 2050 CURRENT I COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE FUND TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL I General $31,133 $31,133 community safety (001) Asst (Part-Time) .S .5 I DubUn Info 1,150 1,150 Inc (601) Total $32,283 $32,283 Total .5 .5 I CURRENT I ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL DESCRIPTION 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 I PERSONNEL SERVICES salaries, Full Time $ 20,073 $ 20,784 $16,210 $20,799 Retirement 2,482 2,671 2,033 2,751 I Group Insurance 1,283 1,587 1,111 1,645 Worker's Compensation 897 1,167 898 707 FICA 292 292 235 301 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 25,027 $ 26,501 $20,487 $26,203 I SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies. $ 13 $ 75 $ 25 $ 250 I Postage 5 110 0 100 postage (DIl) 640 640 0 650 operating Supplies 18 675 75 200 Communications 0 0 0 0 I Printing & Binding 11 760 15 760 Printing & Binding (DII) 406 500 0 500 Books & Publications 41 50 0 50 I Memberships and Dues 15 20 15 20 Mileage & Auto Allowance 205 250 94 250 Travel Conferences & Meetings 40 100 0 100 I Training 583 1.476 778 1.500 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 1,977 $ 4,656 $ 1,002 $ 4,380 CONTRACT SERVICES $ 4,452 $ 6,550 $ 5,850 $ 0 I CAPITAL OUTLAY I Furniture & Fixtures $ 0 $ 500 $ 0 $ 800 Machinery & Equipment 1.502 0 0 900 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 1,502 $ 500 $ 0 $ 1,700 I TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 32,958 $ 38,207 $27,339 $32,283 I I - 40 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FIRE SERVICES Fire Services are provided to the City of Dublin by the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority (DRFA). DRFA is a joint powers authority jointly operated by the Cities of Dublin and San Ramon. The DRFA Board of Directors is comprised of 3 City Councilmembers from each City. Administrative oversight of the Authority is accomplished through a Management Committee consisting of the City Managers of both Cities. The City of Dublin provides in-kind personnel and labor relations services to the Authority. The City of San Ramon provides in-kind financial administration and risk management services to the Authority. All other services are provided by Authority employees. In May 1994, the DRFA Board of Directors adopted the Authority's preliminary Budget for Fiscal Year 1994-95. This Preliminary Budget requires the approval by the Cities of Dublin and San Ramon before the Authority can adopt the Final Budget. The total proposed Authority Budget for Fiscal Year 1994-95 is $5,618,882. A comparison of the 1994-95 preliminary Authority Budget to previous years is shown below. ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ESTIMATED BUDGET 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 Operating $4,656,159 $4,587,440 $4,511,554 $4,721,692 Capital Replacement 6,514 271,400 135,010 258,790 New Capital 25,886 505,000 204,080 602,200 Capital Improvement Projects 1.689.761 21.000 312.762 36.200 Total $6,378,320 $5,384,840 $5,163,406 $5,618,882 As indicated above, the preliminary Budget for Fiscal Year 1994-95 is estimated to be $5,618,882 or 8.8% more than the estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 1993-94. This increase is primarily attributable to increased Personnel costs and increased. costs for services and supplies, the acquisi tion of a new ladder truck and replacement of an existing fire engine. The proposed funding for the 1994-95 Preliminary Budget is as follows: Member Agency Contributions Program Revenues Fire Impact Fees EMS Revenues Interest Revenue Total Revenue $4,762,013 95,365 166,350 32,900 10.000 $5,066,628 Fire Authority Reserves Total Funding 552.254 $5,618,882 - 41 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Pursuant to the Joint Powers Agreement, each City contributes annually to the DRFA budget based upon their respective share of the assessed value served by the Authority. Shown below is a comparison of each agency's assessed valuation and resulting contribution. Adjustment 1994-95 1993-94 1994-95 1994-95 1993-94 1994-95 Preliminary Support EMS Adjusted Assessed Value % Contribution Service Reimbursement Contribution Dublin $1,546,129,000 57.93 $2,777,915 $11,383 $(32,900) $2,756,398 San Ramon 1.122.616.000 42.07 2.016.998 ( 11 .383) 0 $2.005.615 TOTAL $2,668,745,000 100.00 $4,794,913 $ 0 $(32,900) $4,762,013 The total anticipated increase in the City of Dublin's share of 1994-95 Fire costs is $94,675 or 3.6% This budget includes salary and fringe benefit increases for Fire Department personnel through December 31, 1994 only, and therefore could be further impacted by the results of the Authority's labor negotiations with Fire employees beyond December 31, 1994. - 42 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM PUBLIC SAFETY COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL ACTIVITY FIRE SERVICES - 2060 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL Total $2,756,398 $2,756,398 Although no City personnel are funded in this activity, in kind Administrative, Personnel, and Legal support Services are provided to the Fire Authority by Personnel within the City Manager, Administrative Services, and City Attorney Activities. General (001) $2,756,398 $2,756,398 PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL 1992-93 o BUDGET 1993-94 ESTIMATED 1993-94 o CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1994-95 DESCRIPTION $ $ o $ $ o SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ o $ o $ o $ ,0 CONTRACT SERVICES Dougherty Regional Fire Authority $ 2,630,947 $ 2,733.103 $2.661,723 $2,756,398 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $ 2,630,947 $ 2,733,103 $2,661,723 $2,756,398 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 S 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST S 2,630,947 S 2,733,103 $2,661,723 $2,756,398 - 43 - I I PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION I This Budget provides for a full-time Public Works Director/City Engineer who is responsible for the administration of Engineering, Public Works Inspection, General and Traffic Engineering services, capital Project Design and Implementation, street sweeping, Traffic Signal Maintenance, Public Works Maintenance Services, and Building Management. The Budget also provides the full-time services of a contract Maintenance Supervisor who directly supervises Street Maintenance, Landscape Maintenance, Street Tree Maintenance, Park Maintenance, and Building Maintenance performed by MCE corporation and various subcontractors. support services of an Administrative Aide and an Office Assistant II are also a part of this budget. I I I The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 1994-95 is $292,563. This represents an increase of $6,518 or 2.2\ over estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 1993-94. This increase is due to the full year impact of 1993-94 merit increases, MCE labor rate increases, and increased hours for the contract Maintenance Superintendent. I The personnel in this budget would have the responsibility for the following 1994 City goals: I 1994 GOALS I City Council Priority I High 1. Inspect 75% of industrial sites as required under the NPDES by June 30, 1994 I High 2. Implement four new community volunteer projects. High 3. Report on Traffic Impact Fee. .. 'I High 4. Work with CalTrans & Alameda County Transportation Authority on design of 1-580/1-680 Interchange Improvement & Downtown Hook Ramps. I High 5. Work with the Tri-Valley Transportation Council to develop a subregional Transportation Plan. I High 6. Monitor the BART extension. Medium 7. Update the City'S subdivision Ordinance. I Medium 8. Complete Public Works Tri-valley Mutual Aid Agreement I Medium 9. Report to city council on County Transportation Plan I I I - 44 - CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ACTIVITY PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION - 3010 PROGRAM TRANSPORTATION COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL FUND JOB CLASSIFICATION SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY $286,405 $286,405 INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General (001) NPDES (222) Assess Oist (710) (711) (713) Total 526 3,391 1,267 974 $292,563 3,391 1,267 974 $292,563 ~ Public Works Director Administrative Aide Office Asst II Contract Maintenance Supt 526 Total 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 This Budget increment finances the current level of service and includes the Public Works Director, Contract public Works Maintenance Superintendent, Administrative Aide, and one Office Assistant II. It also includes the necessary services and supplies, training, and equipment to support this activity. DESCRIPTION PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries, Full-Time Salaries, Overtime Retirement Group Insurance Workers' Compensation F. LC.A. TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies postage Copier Supplies Operating Supplies Communications printing/Binding Books & publications Memberships & Dues Mileage/Auto Allowance Travel, Conferences & Mtgs Training Legal Notices Internal Service Fund TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES Maintenance Supervision TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture & Fixtures Machinery & Equipment TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ACTIVITY COST ACTUAL 1992-93 $143,852 1,518 16,208 16,590 4,163 1.583 $183,914 $ 568 1 ,281 508 80 o 898 o 70 2,499 98 5 623 1 .237 $ 7,867 $ 78,780 $ 0 o $ 0 $270,561 - 45 - BUDGET 1993-94 $150,881 1,817 19,482 17,262 5,482 1.557 $196,481 $ 650 1,520 650 100 o 600 50 70 2,600 700 500 100 1.520 $ 9,060 $ 84,875 $ 0 o $ 0 $290,416 CURRENT ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL 1993-94 1994-95 $150,831 700 19,897 17,800 5,053 1.596 $195,877 $152,099 1 ,392 20,064 17,830 3,333 1.600 $196,318 $ 950 1 ,620 550 100 o 400 50 240 2,500 750 o o 1.520 $ 8,680 $ 950 1,700 600 100 o 600 50 85 2,630 760 630 60 1.320 $ 9,485 $ 81,360 $ 86,010 $ 0 128 $ 128 $ 750 o $ 750 $286,045 $292,563 I STREET MAINTENANCE I I Street Maintenance Services include street repair; drainage maintenance; storm patrol and clean-up; emergency and temporary curb, gutter and sidewalk repair; traffic, street and Neighborhood Watch sign repair and installation; striping and marking; guardrail repair; weed control; bike path maintenance; and the City's annual slurry seal program. I The Street Maintenance Services are provided by a variety of Contractors. MCE corporation provides a number of the services identified above, with the exception of 1) major annual street patching project and associated striping; 2) slurry seal project; and 3) thermoplastic striping project. The 1993-94 original budget was $342,890. The funds in this budget that were appropriated for the village parkway overlay project were transferred to the capital Improvement project budget. The revised budget for 1993-94 is therefore $177,890. I I I The recommended budget for Fiscal Year 1994-95 totals $280,259. This actually represents a lower level of service than what the City normally provides in the area of overlay related street repair due to the fact that costs for the Village parkway project were greater than anticipated in 1993-94 necessitating a loan from 1994-95 available street repair and overlay funds. I I I WORKLOAD/PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ESTIMATED INDICATOR 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 Emergency pothole Patching 244 hrs 96 hrs 180 hrs 150 hrs Catch Basins Cleaned 346 ea 454 ea 266 ea 299 ea Storm Patrol & Clean Up 586 hrs 353 hrs 166 hrs 250 hrs Install New Signs 53 ea 56 ea 57 ea 56 ea signs Repaired 155 ea 189 ea 133 ea 149 ea Bike Path Maintenance 167 hrs 96 hrs 240 hrs 206 hrs Curb Painting 9,167 lf 2,333 lf 2,302 lf 6,652 If Roadside Spraying 10 ac 20 ac 25 ac 25 ac Remove & Replace Asphalt 133,606 sf 184,000 sf 32,700 sf10 106,000 sf slurry Seal-(Bid as separate 93,667 sy 100,000 sy 80,814 sy 79,000 sy contract) I I I I * Does not include work accomplished with the village parkway overlay/Reconstruction Project. I I I I - 46 - I CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL TRANSPORTATION STREET MAINTENANCE - 3020 CURRENT COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE FUND TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL General $ 65,209 $ 65,209 Contract (001) Gas Tax 209,430 209,430 Landscape Laborer II .20 .20 (206) Landscape Laborer III .90 .90 NPDES 5,620 5,620 (222) Total $280,259 $280,259 Total 1.10 1.10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I This activity funds the Current Service Level for all street maintenance activities with the exception of street repair which has been reduced due to excessive costs incurred during 1993-94 with the Village Parkway Overlay/Reconstruction project. In 1994-95 spill Clean-up costs are being shown in this budget for the first time. These costs were previously shown in the Disaster Preparedness activity. CURRENT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 INDICATOR PERSONNEL SERVICES SERVICES & SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES Street Repair Drainage Maintenance Storm Patrol & Clean-up Curb, Gutters & Sidewalks Sign Repair & Installation Striping & Marking Guardrail Repair Weed Control Bike Path Maintenance spill Clean-up TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $192,583 11,518 16,477 112 13,210 29,703 o 6,682 3,750 o $274,035 CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements Other Than Buildings TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY S 38.979 $ 38,979 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $313,014 - 47 - $ 49,060 13,800 10,230 1,010 15,690 29,715 o 8,630 4,755 o $132,890 S 45.000 $ 45,000 $177,890 $ 52,280 7,430 4,800 940 16,110 27,440 o 13,250 6,500 o $128,750 S 35.511 $ 35,511 $164,261 $149,224 10,280 7,680 910 16,530 30,385 o 14,140 5,060 6.050 $240,259 S 40.000 $ 40,000 $280,259 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STREET SWEEPING Street Sweeping Services are presently provided to the City under a private contract with A-1 Enterprises. This is the third year of a five-year contract which became effective in July of 1992. Street Sweeping Services are provided to commercial streets once a week and to residential streets twice a month. During the heavy leaf fall months, additional sweeping is performed as needed. The National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit application work, which commenced last fiscal year, requires monthly reports from the sweeper in terms of quantity of debris picked up and obstacles to the sweeping effort such as parked cars. The Urban Runoff Committee's Best Management Practices (BMP) publication recommends specific street cleaning frequencies and methods. Dublin's current level of service is consistent with the NPDES. The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 1994-95 is $73,360. This represents an increase of $1,790 over estimated expenses for Fiscal Year 1993-94. This increase is attributable to an increased higher rate charged by the contractor based on the consumer price index. This activity is funded entirely by the NPDES Storm Water Fee which must be adopted annually by the City Council. No reduction in service is recommended, because the current service level assists the City in meeting its obligations under the Federal Clean Water Act, and the service is not a General Fund Activity. WORKLOAD/PERFORMANCE MEASURES 3,810.1 624 48 BUDGET 1993-94 3,946.4 624 60 ESTIMATED 1993-94 4005.6 624 85 ESTIMATED 1994-95 INDICATOR ACTUAL 1992-93 Curb Miles Swept Major Intersections Swept CallOut (Hours) 4,081.6 624 70 - 48 - I CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET I PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL TRANSPORTATION STREET SWEEPING - 3030 CURRENT COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY I INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE FUND TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL I NPDES $ 73,360 $ 73,360 No City personnel are (222) included in this I Total $ 73,360 $ 73,360 activity. I CURRENT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE. LEVEL INDICATOR 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 I PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 I SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 I CONTRACT SERVICES street Sweeping $ 64.300 $ 67.200 S 71.570 $ 73.360 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $ 64,300 $ 67,200 $ 71,570 $ 73,360 I CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 I TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 64,300 $ 67,200 $ 71,570 $ 73,360 I I I I I I I I - 49 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STREET TREE MAINTENANCE This budget funds street Tree Maintenance Services which are provided to the city under contract with MCE Corporation. Services provided by MCE include comprehensive maintenance of City trees planted in the public right-of-way; trimming of residential street trees which impede street repair and street sweeping activities; trimming of trees obstructing traffic signs and sidewalks; and limited tree spraying and removal. The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 1994-95 is $59,070. Approximately 16.5% ($9,750) of the total activity is funded by the City's two landscape assessment districts. The Fiscal Year 1994-95 Budget represents an approximate 1.4% increase over the estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 1993-94. This increase is attributable to a cost increase in pruning older trees. WORKLOAD/PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ESTIMATED INDICATOR 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 City Owned street Trees 2,874 ea 2,895 ea 2,895 e8 2,918 ea Residential Street Trees 4,991 ea 4,991 ea 4,991 ea 4,991 ea Tree Brush Cutting 247 brs 198 hrs 198 brs 198 hrs Tree Replacement 37 ea 36 ea 40 ea 31 ea Tree Staking 554 ea 468 ea 314 ea 321 ea Tree Pruning 950 ea 1,666 e8 1,515 ea 1,441 ea Tree Fertilizing 0 ea 818 ea 20 ea 20 ea Tree Trimming (Subcontractor) 121 ea 70 ea 70 ea 70 ea Tree watering 443 ea 1,161 ea 831 ea 903 ea Tree Removal 25 ea 28 ea 37 ea 36 ea - 50 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM TRANSPORTATION COST BY FUND ACTIVITY STREET TREE MAINTENANCE - 3040 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT FUND TOTAL General $49,320 (001) Assessment Dist ##711 2,170 Assessment Dist #1713 7,580 Total $59,070 CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION lNCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL $49.,320 contract 2,170 Landscape Laborer II Landscape Laborer III .60 .18 .60 .18 7,580 $59,070 Total .78 .78 SERVICES & SUPPLIES CURRENT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 INDICATOR PERSONNEL SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES General Fund Assessment Dist #711 Assessment Dist #1713 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY $43,177 $48,960 $48,780 $49,320 4,306 3,370 2,060 2,170 2.678 7.980 7.410 7.580 $50,161 $60,310 $58,250 $59,070 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 'TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $50,161 $60,310 $58,250 $59,070 - 51 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STREET LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE This budget funds maintenance and irrigation of City parkways and street medians (exclusive of street trees). Street Landscape Maintenance is provided to the City under contract with MCE Corporation, while trash receptacle pick-up is provided to the City under contract with A-1 Sweeping. Services provided by MCE include landscape maintenance, turf care, irrigation and drainage maintenance, weed control, litter pick-up, and sign removal. The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 1994-95 is $271,430. Approximately 40. HI ($108,910) of the total activity is funded by special assessments to property owners in the vicinity of Stagecoach Road and Dougherty Road. These Assessment Districts were formed to fund maintenance activities normally performed by homeowners associations at the request of the developers. The Fiscal Year 1994-95 Budget represents an approximate .4% increase from the previous fiscal year due to a combination of slightly higher energy rates offset by a lower water usage since Zone 7 took over water service for Alamo Creek landscaping. WORKLOAD/PERFORMANCE MEASURES INDICATQR ACTUAL 1992-93 Landscaped Areas Irrigation stations Irrigation Heads Trash Receptacles Banner Installation 20.61 ac 525 ea 8,929 ea 17 ea 258 hrs BUDGET 1993-94 ESTIMATED 1993-94 20.75 ac 530 ea 9,029 ea 17 ea 40 hrs 20.77 ac 530 ea 9,029 ea 17 ea 40 hrs LEVEL OF SERVICE Litter Pick-up (times/year) Manual Weed Removal Mowing Turf (times/year) Trash Receptacle Pick-up 2 Monthly 39 52 2 Monthly 37 52 6 Monthly 37 52 - 52 - ESTIMATED 1994-95 20.57 ac 531 ea 9,029 ea 17 ea 40 hrs 6 Monthly 37 52 I CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET I PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL TRANSPORTATION STREET LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE-3050 CURRENT COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY I INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE FUND TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL I General $162,520 $162,520 Contract (001) I Assessment 50,470 50,470 Landscape Foreman 1.00 1.00 Dist ##711 Landscape Laborer I 1.00 1.00 Assessment 58,440 58,440 Landscape Laborer II .55 .55 Dist ##713 Landscape Laborer III .07 .07 I Total $271,430 $271,430 Total 2:62 2.62 I , CURRENT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL I DESCRIPTION 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 I SERVICES & SUPPLIES Gas & Electric I General Fund $ 1 , 165 $ 1,220 $ 1,500 $ 1,520 Assessment Dist ##711 488 500 560 570 Assessment Dist ##713 1.218 .1 .120 1 .260 1.280 I Subtotal (Gas & Electric) $ 2,871 $ 2,840 $ 3,320 $ 3,370 Water & Sewer General Fund $ 28,783 $ 34,150 $ 30,430 $ 30,900 I Assessment Dist ##711 14,980 17,000 17 ,500 17,700 Assessment Dist #713 15.953 19.900 19 . 720 17.460 Subtotal (Water & Sewer) $ 59,716 $ 71,050 $ 67,650 $ 66,060 I TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 62,587 $ 73,890 $ 70,970 $69,430 I CONTRACT SERVICES General Fund $ 79,828 $124,890 $128,465 $130,100 Gas Tax 78,106 0 0 0 Assessment Dist #711 38,084 31,340 31,540 32,200 I Assessment Oist #713 40.703 40.225 39.280 39.700 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $236,721 $196,455 $199,285 $202,000 I CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 I TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $299,308 $270,345 $270,255 $271,430 I I - 53 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PARATRANSIT SERVICE On July 1, 1988, the Livermore-Amador valley Transit Authority (LAVTA) assumed responsibility for the provision of paratransit Services in the City of Dublin. As a result of this transfer, LAVTA directly receives the City's Transportation Development Act annual allocation for paratransit services. In addition to the TDA allocation, the City has also subsidized LAVTA with an annual $1 ,500 General Fund allocation. During Fiscal Year 1993-94, the City discontinued this subsidy. LAVTA has requested that the City resume its subsidy of $1,500 for Fiscal Year 1994-95. In addition to funding the LAVTA budgetary shortfall, the subsidy will be used to help compensate LAVTA for the costs associated with expanding Dial-A-Ride services to meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. .- 54 - I I PROGRAM TRANSPORTATION COST BY FUND I INCREMENT FUND TOTAL I General $ 0 (001) Total $ 0 I I DESCRIPTION I PERSONNEL SERVICES I SERVICES & SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES I LAVTA TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES I CAPITAL OUTLAY I TOTAL ACTIVITY COST I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY PARATRANSIT SERVICE - 3060 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL $ o No City personnel are included in this activity. $ 0 CURRENT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 1.500 s o $ o s o $ 1,500 $ o $ o $ o $ 0 $ o $ o $ o $ 1 ,500 $ o $ o $ o - 55 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM TRANSPORTATION COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL ACTIVITY PARATRANSIT SERVICE - 3060 SERVICE LEVEL HIGHER PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General ( 001) $ 1,500 $ 1,500 No City personnel are included in this activity. Total $ 1,500 $ 1,500 This Higher Service Level would resume the General Fund subsidy to Livermore-Amador valley Transit Authority (LAVTA) for the provision of paratransit Services in the City of Dublin for Fiscal Year 1994-95. This service level is not recommended. HIGHER CUMULATIVE SERVICE TOTAL DESCRIPTION 1994-95 1994-95 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 0 $ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES $ 1,500 $ 1,500 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 1,500 $ 1,500 - 56 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VECTOR CONTROL In Fiscal Year 1987-88, the City entered into a contract for services with Alameda County Service Area - Vector Control. The City paid for this program with General Fund monies in lieu of assessing property owners as part of the countywide service area. payment for services was based on the number of Dublin "equivalent benefit units" (if the City were included in the County Service Area). Services provided included enforcing applicable health and safety codes and ordinances, conducting various investigations, responding to public complaints, conducting neighborhood surveys, collecting rodents for laboratory examination, and surveillance of rabies control. During Fiscal Year 1992-93, the City became a part of the County Vector Control Service Area eliminating the need to budget for this service. 1992-93 Expenditures for Vector Control service were due to a late bill from the County for 1991-92 services. Since Vector Control services are no longer funded by the City, the recommended budget for Fiscal Year 1994-95 is zero. - 57 - I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY VECTOR CONTROL - 5010 PROGRAM HEALTH & WELFARE COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL FUND o o No City personnel are included in this activity. $ $ General $ $ o o Total SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY DESCRIPTION ACTUAL 1992-93 BUDGET 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ o $ o $ o SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ o CONTRACT SERVICES Alameda Co. Vector Control $ 7,123 $ o $ o TOTAL CONTRACT $ 7,123 $ o $ o CAPITAL OUTLAY $ o TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 7,123 - 58 - ESTIMATED 1993-94 RECOMMENDED 1994-95 $ $ o o $ o $ o $ o $ o $ $ o o $ $ o o $ $ o o I I WASTE MANAGEMENT I This budget reflects costs associated with basic garbage service including the first can of residential garbage service, curbside recycling, and quarterly special garbage clean- ups. Further, this budget funds costs associated with the support required to monitor waste management activities and implementation of programs as identified in the adopted Dublin Source Reduction and Recycling Element (SRRE). All staffing related to this activity is included in the Administrative Services Department budget. I I I The estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year are $544,339. The estimated expenses are approximately $27,997 (4.9\) under the approved budget for Fiscal Year 1993-94. This is primarily attributable to lower garbage service costs than anticipated when the garbage rates were established. I The budget necessary to fund Waste Management activities in Fiscal Year 1994-95 is $667,237. Of this amount, $576,291 will be used for basic garbage service, curbside recycling, and quarterly special garbage clean-ups. These services will be funded by garbage fees ($524,000) and Measure D Rebate ($34,908). The balance of the budget will fund a Commercial Recycling Program, Christmas Tree Recycling Project, a Measure D Rebate to multi-family recyclers, and consultant services for assisting the city with negotiating a new franchise agreement. The Fiscal Year 1994-95 Budget represents an increase of $122,898 (22.6\) over estimated Fiscal Year 1993-94 expenditures. This cost increase is primarily attributable to Measure D activities and costs related to negotiating a new garbage franchise agreement. The Fiscal Year 1994-95 Waste Management budget is partially offset by garbage fees and Measure D Funds. I I I The total net cost of this activity to the City's General Fund is $27,100. I I I I I I I I I - 59 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM HEALTH & WELFARE COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL FUND ACTIVITY WASTE MANAGEMENT - 5020 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL $ 27,100 $ 27,100 Personnel support for this activity is included in the Administrative Services Department. General (001) Recycling (224) Garbage Service (225) Total 98,754 541,383 $667,237 $667,237 98,754 541,383 The 1994-95 recommended budget includes funds to accomplish the Goals & Objectives listed below. Ci ty Council Priority High High 2. Medium 1994 GOALS 1. Report on options & process to negotiate a new garbage franchise agreement which includes residential & commercial recycling. Develop expenditure plan for Measure D Funds 3. Participate in Countywide studies which benefit Dublin's SRRE goals & prepare report to City Council on options available. - 60 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DESCRIPTION PERSONNEL SERVICES SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies postage Operating Supplies Advertising Printing & Binding Books/Publications (Recycling) Mileage/Auto Allowance Travel, Conferences & Mtgs Training Legal Notices Professional Svcs Community Promotion TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES General Fund (001) Measure D (224) Garbage Fund (225) TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ACTIVITY COST ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED RECOMMENDED 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 0 700 0 750 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 300 0 350 0 50 0 0 80 50 115 120 11 0 0 150 0 0 0 0 148 100 100 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 239 $ 1 ,200 $ 215 $ 1 ,470 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 27,000 69,367 19,550 1,500 97,384 0 551.586 542.624 541.383 $69,367 $571,136 $544,124 $665,7'67 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $69,606 $572,336 $544,339 $667,237 - 61 - I 'I I I I I 1 1 1 I 1 I I I 1 I I 1 I LIBRARY SERVICES This budget funds the contract agreement with the Alameda county Library for additional hours of library service at the Dublin Library. For Fiscal Year 1993-94, the open hours at the Dublin Library were per week to 30.5 hours per week. of this amount, 16.75 hours were County Library and 13.75 hours were funded by the city of Dublin. the City for Fiscal Year 1993-94 is $165,000. reduced from 59 hours funded by the Alameda The estimated cost to The proposed contract agreement for Fiscal Year 1994-95 based on the current level of service is $177,536. This represents an approximate 7.6% overall increase above Fiscal Year 1993-94. This increase can be attributed to the following factors: 1. The majority of the increase, or $8,454, is attributable to a 5% indirect cost rate which is being added to all City contracts in 1994-95. Ultimately, the indirect cost rate will increase to 14.66% annually and will be phased in over a three year period with 5% in 1994-95, 10% in 1995-96 and the full amount in 1996-97. 2. The balance of the increase is attributable to increased utilities, janitorial, and communications costs. Also for Fiscal Year 1994-95, the saturday hours at the Dublin Branch Library will be changed from 9:00 am - 12:30 pm to 1 pm - 5 pm. Although this schedule change increases the saturday hours from three and one-half hours to four hours, there will be no additional cost to the City of Dublin. ThUS, the Library will be open a total of 31 hours per week as follows: Current Service Level Fiscal Year 1994-95 Sunday Closed Monday 1pm-Bpm Tuesday 1pm-8pm wednesday 1pm-6pm Thursday 10am-6pm Friday Closed saturday 1pm-5pm For Fiscal Year 1994-95, two higher service levels for four hour increments each have been developed. Higher Service Level 1 would add four additional hours per week on Sundays as shown below: Hiaher Service Level 1 Fiscal Year 1994-95 Sunday lpm-5pm Monday 1pm-Bpm Tuesday 1pm-8pm Wednesday 1pm-6pm Thursday 10am-6pm Friday Closed saturday 1pm-5pm The estimated cost for this higher service level is $54,750. Higher Service Level 2 would add two additional hours per week on Mondays and two additional hours per week on saturdays as shown below: Sunday Closed Monday llam-8pm Tuesday 1pm-8pm wednesday 1pm-6pm Thursday 10am-6pm Friday Closed saturday llam-5pm The estimated cost for this Higher Service Level is $54,417. The total estimated cost to the City for Fiscal Year 1994-95 to fund both Higher Srevice Levels is $286,703. - 62 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES COST BY FUND ACTIVITY LIBRARY SERVICES - 8010 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General (001) Total $177,536 $177,536 No City personnel are included in this activity. $177,536 $177,536 This service level provides 14 City funded hours of Library Service in addition to the 17 hours provided by Alameda county. INDICATOR CURRENT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 PERSONNEL SERVICES SERVICES & SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES County Library TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $164.870 $164,870 $165.000 $165,000 S165.000 $165,000 S177.536 $177 ,536 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ $ o $ $ o o o TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $164,870 $165,000 $165,000 $177,536 - 63 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES COST BY FUND ACTIVITY LIBRARY SERVICES - 8010 SERVICE LEVEL HIGHER 1 PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General (001) Total $ 54,750 $232,286 No City personnel are included in this activity. $232,286 $ 54,750 Implementation of this Higher Service Level will result in four additional City funded hours per week on sundays from lpm-5pm. This service level is not recommended due to the pending increase in hours which might result from the passage of the County Library Tax. HIGHER CUMULATIVE SERVICE 1 TOTAL 1994-95 1994-95 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 0 $ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES $ 54,750 $232,286 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 54,750 $232,286 - 64 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES COST BY FUND ACTIVITY LIBRARY SERVICES - 8010 SERVICE LEVEL HIGHER 2 PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT FUND TOTAL General $ 54,417 (001) Total $ 54,417 CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL $286,703 No City personnel are included in this activity. $286,703 Implementation of this Higher Service Level will result in four additional City funded hours per week. Monday hours would be increased from 1pm-8pm and Saturday hours would be increased from 1pm-5pm to 11am-5pm. This service level is not recommended due to the pending increase in hours which might result from the passage of the County Library Tax. HIGHER CUMULATIVE SERVICE 2 TOTAL 1994-95 1994-95 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 0 $ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES $ 54,417 $286,703 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 54,417 $286,703 - 65 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CULTURAL ACTIVITIES This budget funds City contributions to cultural activities. During Fiscal Year 1993-94, the City provided funding in the amount of $8,000 to the Dublin Fine Arts Foundation. These funds were used to offset the costs associated with the programs sponsored by the Foundation including Art Education in the Schools, Art in the Environment, Dublin Collects and the Dublin sculpture Park. For Fiscal Year 1994-95, the Dublin Fine Arts Foundation is requesting a $10,000 contribution from the City. The increased request is due, in part, to the "Art in the Parks" Program which is a multi-year program to commission permanent works in art in all of Dublin's parks. The Foundation hopes to install works in three parks during the upcoming Fiscal Year. - 66 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES COST BY FUND ACTIVITY CULTURAL ACTIVITIES - 8011 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL $ 8,000 No City personnel are included in this activity. General (001) Total $ 8,000 $ 8,000 $ 8,000 SERVICES & SUPPLIES CURRENT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 INDICATOR PERSONNEL SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES Contribution to Dublin Fine Arts Foundation TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $ 8.000 $ 8,000 $ 8.000 $ 8,000 $ 8.000 $ 8,000 S 8.000 $ 8,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ o $ o $ o $ o TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 8,000 $ 8,000 $ 8,000 $ 6,000 ~ - 67 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES COST BY FUND ACTIVITY CULTURAL ACTIVITIES - 8011 SERVICE LEVEL HIGHER 1 PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE FUND TOTAL TOTAL General $ 2,000 $10,000 (001) Total $ 2,000 $10,000 JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL No City personnel are included in this activity. This increment funds the additional $2,000 in funding requested by the Dublin Fine Arts Foundation. This service level is not recommended. DESCRIPTION HIGHER SERVICE LEVEL 1 1994-95 CUMULATIVE TOTAL 1994-95 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ o $ o SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ o $ o CONTRACT SERVICES contribution to Dublin Fine Arts Foundation TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES 5 2.000 $ 2,000 510.000 $10,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ o $ o TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 2,000 $10,000 - 68 - I I HERITAGE CENTER I This budget funds the maintenance and operation of the buildings located at the Heritage Center including the Original Murray Schoolhouse and the old St. Raymond's Church. Grounds maintenance for the Heritage Center which was previously included in this budget is now accounted for in the Dublin cemetery budget. I The proposed current service level budget for Fiscal Year 1994-95 is $3,475. The budget is based on the assumption that the Schoolhouse and Church will be under renovation for the first six months of the Fiscal Year. I I For Fiscal Year 1994-95, a higher service level has been developed which would increase the cost of this budget by $23,068 for a total budget of $26,543. This higher service level would fund a half-time Heritage Center Director to manage the Heritage Center and develop programs and activities at the Heritage Center in accordance with the recommendations of the Heritage Task Force, which were adopted by the City Council. I I I I I I I I I I I I - 69 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES COST BY FUND ACTIVITY HERITAGE CENTER - 8012 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB INCREMENT CLASSIFICATION TOTAL General (001) $ 3,475 $ 3,475 $ 3,475 Total $ 3,475 Contract Landscape Laborer II .01 .01 Total .01 .01 This budget increment provides funding for utilities and limited building maintenance at the Original Murray Schoolhouse and the Old st. Raymond's Church. In addition this budget increment includes funds for a dedication party to be held prior to the renovation of the buildings. INDICATOR PERSONNEL SERVICES SERVICES & SUPPLIES Operating Supplies Printing/Binding Repairs/Maintenance Books/Publications Gas & Electric Water & Sewer Telephone TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ACTIVITY COST ACTUAL 1992-93 BUDGET 1993-94 s $ o o $ 0 $ 150 0 0 0 200 0 0 0 850 0 350 0 350 0 $ 1 ,900 $ $ $ 8,950 o $ $ o o $ $10,850 o - 70 - ESTIMATED 1993-94 CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1994-95 $ $ o o $ 100 $ 400 0 250 0 0 12 25 780 1 ,700 95 310 0 0 987 $ 2,685 $ $ 1,000 $ 790 $ $ o o $ 1,987 $ 3,475 I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL ACTIVITY HERITAGE CENTER - 8012 SERVICE LEVEL HIGHER PERSONNEL SUMMARY $23,068 CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL $26,543 .9.lli Heritage Center .50 .50 Director (Half-Time) Contract Landscape Laborer II .01 .01 $26,543 TOTAL CONTRACT .51 .51 FUND General $23,068 (001) Total This budget increment represents a higher level of service by providing for a half-time Heritage Center Director for nine months of Fiscal Year 1994-95 to manage the Heritage Center and develop programs and activities at the Heritage Center. In addition, this increment provides funding for the increased costs associated with operation of the Center once the renovation is completed. This higher service level is recommended for funding. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DUBLIN CEMETERY This budget funds grounds maintenance for the Heritage Center, as well as burial expenses for the Dublin cemetery. Grounds maintenance is provided to the City under contract with MCE corporation. Burials at the Dublin cemetery are provided jointly by MCE and a contract backhoe operator. The proposed budget for Fiscal Year 1994-95 is $16,490. Of this amount, $8,690 is allocated for grounds maintenance and $7,800 is allocated for burial expenses. This budget will be offset by $7,870 from interment fees. WORKLOAD/PERFORMANCE MEASURES INDICATOR ACTUAL 1992-93 BUDGET 1993-94. ESTIMATED 1993-94 BUDGET 1994-95 Burials Cremations Ground Burials n/a n/a 2 2 2 2 2 6 - 72 - I CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET I PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL CURLTURE & LEISURE SERVICES DUBLIN CEMETERY 8013 CURRENT I COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE FUND TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL I General $ 16,490 $ 16,490 Contract (001) Landscape Foreman .03 .03 I Landscape Laborer I .02 .02 Landscape Laborer II .09 .09 Landscape Laborer III .9..2 .05 Total $ 16,490 $ 16,490 .19 .19 I I CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL I DESCRIPTION 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 I I SERVICES & SUPPLIES operating Supplies $ 0 $ 0 $ 203 $ 100 Printing & Binding 0 0 32 0 Books & Publications 0 0 161 0 I Legal Notices 0 0 18 0 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 0 $ 0 $ 414 $ 100 I CONTRACT SERVICES Grounds Maintenance $ 0 $ 0 $ 5,754 $ 8,690 I Burials 0 0 1,214 2,900 Vault Service 0 0 1.700 4.800 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 $ 8,668 $ 16,390 I I CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 I TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 0 $ 0 $ 9,082 $ 16,490 I I I - 73 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PARK MAINTENANCE This Budget funds Park Maintenance Services for the following facilities: Alamo Creek Park Dolan Park Dublin High School Football Field Kolb Park Senior Center Grounds Stagecoach Park Civic Center Grounds Dougherty Hills Open Space Dublin Sports Grounds Mape Park Shannon Park Swim Center Grounds Park Maintenance Services are provided to the City under contract with MCE Corporation. Services provided either directly by MCE or through a subcontract administered by MCE include: turf care, irrigation and drainage maintenance; weed control, tree and shrub maintenance, litter pick-up, park equipment maintenance and facility maintenance. Parking lot sweeping is performed under a separate contract with A-l Sweeping. Maintenance and utility costs associated with City buildings are included in the following budget activities: Civic Center and Corporation Yard (105); Shannon Center (805)i Senior Center (808)i Swim Center (810); and Heritage Center (812). The current budget for Fiscal Year 1993-94 is $591,955. Estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 1993-94 are $8,710 less than the adopted budget. This can be attributed to decreased electricity costs at the Dublin Sports Grounds as a result of installation of time of use meters on the stadium lights. Addi tionally, anticipated increases in water and sewer rates did not occur. The proposed budget for Fiscal Year 1994-95 based on the current level of service is $586,325. This budget represents an increase of approximately $3,080 over the previous fiscal year. This increase is primarily attributable to increased capital outlay as follows: 1) Dublin Sports Grounds stadium lighting and restroom improvements; and 2) Dublin Swim Center replacement of bathhouse doors. WORKLOAD/PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET INDICATOR 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 Turf (Acres) 41.31 42.6 41.31 41.26 Bedding (Acres) 6.38 6.61 6.63 6.63 Shrubs 6,321 6,620 6,651 6,651 Trees 1 ,724 1,763 1,764 1,764 Irrigation Stations 351 362 360 360 Irrigation Heads 5,158 5,275 5,275 5,275 Open Space (Acres) 107.42 107.42 107.42 107.42 Total Park (Acres) 172.05 172.05 172.05 172.05 LEVEL OF SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET ACTIVITY/FREQUENCY 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 Mowing-times/year 41 43 43 43 Edging-times/year 6 11 12 11 Fertilize-times/year 4 4 4 4 Manual Weeding Beds-times/year Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly - 74 - CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PROGRAM CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES ACTIVITY PARK MAINTENANCE - 8020 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL FUND JOB CLASSIFICATION PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General ( 001) $586,325 $586,325 $586,325 Total $586,325 INDICATOR PERSONNEL SERVICES SERVICES & SUPPLIES Operating Supplies Gas & Electric Water & Sewer TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES MCE A-l Sweeping Other TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements Furniture & Fixtures TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ACTIVITY COST Contract Landscape Foreman .97 .97 Landscape Laborer I .98 .98 Landscape Laborer II 1.30 1.30 Landscape Laborer III 1.16 1.16 Total 4.41 4.41 ACTUAL 1992-93 $ o $ 256 17,024 129.019 $146,299 $424,095 4,200 1,498 $429,793 $ $ o o o $576,092 - 75 - BUDGET 1993-94 $ o $ 400 17,900 145.300 $163,600 $424,155 4,200 o $428,355 $ $ o o o $591,955 CURRENT ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL 1993-94 1994-95 $ o $ 300 14,350 138.190 $152,840 $422,480 4,325 o $426,805 $ 3,600 o $ 3,600 $583,245 $ o $ 350 14,650 141.000 $156,000 $416,410 4,415 o $420,825 $ 4,000 5.500 $ 9,500 $586,325 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I COMMUNITY CABLE TELEVISION The Tri-Valley Community Television Corporation (TVCTC) is a non-profit entity which provides public, educational, and government cable television access. The TVCTC Board of Directors is comprised of representatives from the cities of Dublin, Livermore, Pleasanton, and San Ramon. For Fiscal Year 1994-95, the Board of Directors of the corporation has proposed a funding plan based on the number of subscribers in each community. In order to maintain the Current Service Level, the City of Dublin's share of the Budget is $17,683 plus its $1,000 annual grant from Viacom Cablevision. In addition, the Cable Television & Competition Act of 1992 will require local franchising authorities such as the City of Dublin to regulate the basic rates of the cable companies. The cities of Dublin, Livermore, Pleasanton, and San Ramon have agreed to jointly review the rate application of Viacom. It is anticipated that the City will expend $1,000 in 1993-94 and $1,000 in 1994-95 to hire a consultant with the other Tri-valley Cities. The total recommended budget for Fiscal Year 1994-95 is $19,683. This represents a 11.7% decrease when compared to 1993-94 expenditures. - 76 - I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES COST BY FUND ACTIVITY COMMUNITY CABLE TV-8030 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General (001) Total $ 19,683 $ 19,683 No City personnel are included in this activity. $ 19,683 $ 19,683 CURRENT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL INDICATOR 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES $ 48,000 $ 20,279 $ 20,279 $ 17,683 Maintenance Grant 1,000 0 1 , 000 1,000 Rate Review 0 0 1 .000 1 .000 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $ 49,000 $ 20,279 $ 22,279 $ 19,683 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 49,000 $ 20,279 $ 22,279 $ 19,683 - 77 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RECREATION The Recreation Department is responsible for planning and implementing a comprehensive program of recreational opportunities for all ages. The Department is also responsible for the management of the Shannon Community Center, the Dublin Senior Center, the Dublin Swim Center and in addition, schedules the use of the Dublin Sports Grounds and the Dublin Unified School District athletic fields and gymnasiums. During Fiscal Year 1994-95, it is anticipated that the following goals can be accomplished within the current service level: Ci ty Council Priority High 1- High 2. High 3. High 4. High 5. High 6. Medium 7. Medium 8. Medium 9. Medium 10. 1994 GOALS Renovate Heritage Center. Complete Parks & Recreation Master Plan. Secure outside funding and implement Recreation Department Fee Assistance program. Update the Agreement between the City and the School District regarding use of facilities. Coordinate construction of scorebooths and batting cages by Dublin Little League at Dublin Sports Grounds. Implement the recommendations of the Heritage Task Force regarding the best way to operate programs at the Heritage Center, provided funding is available. Work with EBRPD and County on development of Iron Horse Trail through Dublin~ Report to the City Council on potential name change for Recreation Department to more accurately reflect programs and services administered by the Department. Work with Dublin Fine Arts Foundation to implement 1994 projects, provided funding is available. Pursue proposal from Professional Sports Marketing for scoreboards at the Dublin Sports Grounds. The estimated net cost to the City for Fiscal Year 1993-94 is approximately $527, 150. This represents an approximate 5.8% increase in the net cost over the adopted Fiscal Year 1993-94 Budget. This increase can be attributed to the following factors: 1) decreased participation in playground programs, teen programs, adult sports programs and recreation classes; 2) decreased rental income due to a reduction in Shannon Center rentals and the Dublin Little League credit for the Dublin Sports Grounds; and 4) overestimation of the revenue generated by the newly adopted fee schedule. The proposed budget for Fiscal Year 1994-95 based on the current level 5987,078. It is anticipated that $469,600 will be generated in revenue. cost to the City for the current service level is $517,478. This approximate 1.9% decrease over the net cost for Fiscal Year 1993-94. of service is Thus, the net represents an - 78 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I For Fiscal Year 1994-95, a higher service level has been developed which would increase the net cost of this budget by $2,000 for a total net cost of $519,478. This higher service level would fund an additional site at Frederiksen School for the Afterschool Recreation Program. currently, the program is operated at both Nielsen and Murray Elementary Schools. The CUrrent Service Level budget by program is shown below: CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1994-95 BUDGET Recreation Administration Playgrounds Shannon Center Preschool Classes Teen program Adult Sports program Youth Sports Special Events Senior Center Recreation Classes Aquatics TOTAL $186,053 79,203 112,884 38,469 29,151 92,673 34,645 30,968 105,709 80,899 196.424 $987,078 - 79 - ESTIMATED REVENUE NET PROGRAM COST $ 0 52,400 45,000 39,000 4,000 112,900 27,100 12,800 26,000 61,400 89.000 $469,600 $186,053 26,803 67,884 ( 531) 25,151 (20,227) 7,545 18,168 79,709 19,499 107.424 $517,478 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES COST BY FUND ACTIVITY RECREATION 8040~8100 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE FUND TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL General $976,435 $976,435 Recreation Director 1 1 (001 ) Recreation Supervisor 1 1 Dublin Recreation Coordinator 3 3 Info. Inc. Admin. Secretary 1 1 ( 601 ) 10,643 10,643 Office Asst II 1 1 Total $987,078 $987,078 Total 7 7 Part Time 30,370.5 hrs 30,370.5 hr This increment finances the following activities: 1) Recreation Administration; 2) Shannon Center Operation; 3) Playgrounds; 4) Preschool; 5) Teens; 6) Youth and Adult Sports; 7) Special Events; 8) Senior Center Operation and Senior Programs; 9) Leisure Enrichment Classes; and 10) Dublin Swim Center Operation and Aquatics Programs. In addition to the full time Staff shown above, this Budget includes the following part time Staff: Building Attendants (2,306 hours); Playground Leaders (6,995.5 hours); Preschool Instructors (2,830 hours); Teen Leaders (1,615.5 hours); Adult Sports Officials (3,686.5 hours); Youth Sports Officials (1,872 hours); Special Events leaders (179 hours); Senior Center Leader (988 hours); Leisure Enrichment Class Instructors (264 hours); and Aquatics Staff (9,634 hours). WORKLOAD/PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET INDICATOR 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS PLAYGROUNDS Summer 98/day 90/day 65/day 80/day Afterschool 67/day 70/day 66/day 70/day Camp Shannon n/a 14/day 13/day 14/day Winter Wonderland 40/day 40/day 39/day 45/day PRESCHOOL Classes 180 180 180 180 Day Camp 90 112 89 100 TEENS Wells, noontime 67/day 65/day 25/day 50/day Wells, afterschool 8/day 40/day 11/day 2S/day Excursions/Special Events n/a 400 126 320 Pool Bashes 156 250 65 100 ADULT SPORTS Softball Teams 138 153 128 139 Basketball Teams 42 54 24 48 Volleyball Teams 23 45 27 24 Open Gym 584 700 337 900 - 80 - I WORKLOAD/PERFORMANCE MEASURES (Continued) I ACTUAL BUOGET ESTIMATED BUDGET I INDICATOR 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 YOUTH SPORTS Softball Leagues 30 60 90 90 I Basketball Leagues 150 165 207 210 Sports Camps 49 200 286 395 Basketball Clinic n/a 32 65 80 I SPECIAL EVENTS Halloween 226 140 106 140 Tree Lighting 200 200 150 200 Breakfast w/santa 396 400 280 400 I St. Patrick's Day Celebration 5,000 5,500 7,000 7,000 Eggstravaganza 300 300 300 350 Flea Markets 112 1,500 800 1 ,600 I SENIOR CENTER Center Avg. Daily Attendance 84 78 72 78 Meals (lunch) 2,783 2,964 2,856 2,900 Trips 187 210 132 240 I Classes Etc. 15,000 12,000 14,000 14,500 Special Events 1,428 1 ,000 1,200 1,200 LEISURE ENRICHMENT CLASSES I Number Conducted 248 250 220 240 Participants 2,187 2,500 1.,880 2,200 AQUATICS I Rec Swim 28,558 26,000 27,000 27,000 Lessons 1 ,903 1 ,950 1,785 1,850 VOLUNTEER HOURS I Preschool 1 ,435 1,435 2,700 2,700 Youth Sports 340 44 354 360 Special Events 400 375 200 250 I Senior Center 4,192 3,800 3,398 3,500 Aquatics 1 ,200 1,250 1 ,000 1 ,250 I FACILITY USE PERMITS ISSUED Shannon Center Weekday 8 14 12 18 Weekend 61 70 56 62 I Continuous 22 86 49 50 Civic Center Paid 44 47 30 40 I Unpaid* 214 233 180 180 Dublin Sports Grounds 60 85 38 40 I * Includes use by City or use scheduled by City on behalf of other entities (i.e. EDAS, Tri-Valley Community Fund, Sister City Association, etc.) I I I - 81 - I CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL I DESCRIPTION 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries, Full-Time $275,725 $ 284,410 $285,748 $289,801 I Salaries, Part-Time 216,230 242,486 219,998 235,092 Salaries, Overtime 2,591 2,768 2,332 2,573 Retirement 31,117 37,216 37,790 38,326 I Group Insurance 36,898 36,275 37,132 37,103 Workers' Compensation 26,820 37,557 33,017 21,877 F. I. C . A. - medi 5,676 6,068 5,781 6,031 F.I.C.A. - oasdi 13,410 15,035 13,642 14,574 I S.U.I. 202 0 306 0 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES $608,669 $ 661,815 $635,746 $645,377 I SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 1 ,632 $ 1 ,550 $ 1,990 $ 1 ,752 postage Fund 001 2,147 2,712 2,972 2,613 postage DII Fund 601 3,857 4,250 3,519 4,243 I Copier Supplies 2,501 3,087 2,834 3,360 Operating Supplies 40,172 45,655 38,455 39,720 Advertising 877 1,390 1,513 1 ,931 I printing & Binding Fund 001 1 ,241 2,150 2,253 2,530 printing & Binding DII Fund 601 7,929 8,000 7,680 6,400 Insurance 530 1 ,630 1 ,700 1,390 I Repairs & Maintenance 3,387 1,911 1 ,353 1,925 Rentals/Leases 9,134 7,007 6,208 6,970 Books & Publications 325 227 193 213 Memberships & Dues 751 730 720 870 I Mileage/Auto Allowance 2,861 3,360 3,300 3,380 Travel, 'Conferences & Mtgs 380 2,450 2,300 3,100 Training 785 940 105 971 I Gas/Electric 58,392 60,975 55,952 58,920 Water/Sewer 15,035 16,996 17,160 16,517 Telephone 5,586 5,814 5,332 5,640 Legal Notices 62 65 25 50 I Internal Service Fund 10,002 9.425 9.425 10.320 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $167,586 $ 180,324 $164,989 $172,815 I CONTRACT SERVICES Rec Admin $ 790 $ 750 S 1,223 $ 0 playgrounds 1 ,034 2,158 930 1 , 408 I Shannon 32,332 37,955 38,227 38,190 Preschool 120 325 270 300 Teens 1,476 4,380 305 1,925 Adult Sports 36,550 33,715 20,500 31,500 I Youth Sports 2,030 3,929 3,600 2,518 Special Events 3,227 3,400 3,403 3,900 Senior Center 17,797 55,485 18,704 20,660 I Rec Instruction 41,075 43,975 32,450 33,770 Aquatics 27.965 29.000 31 . 1 60 29.225 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $164,396 S 215,072 $150,772 $163,396 I CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture/Fixtures $ 4,337 $ 3,605 $ 3,594 $ 2,740 Machinery & Equipment 2,620 4.015 2.152 2.750 I TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 6,957 $ 7,620 $ 5,746 $ 5,490 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $947,608 $1,064,831 $957,253 $987,078 I - 82 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES COST BY FUND ACTIVITY RECREATION 8040-8100 SERVICE LEVEL HIGHER PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT FUND TOTAL General $13,160 (001) Dublin Info. Inc. 0 (601) Total $13,160 CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL 10,643 Recreation Director Recreation Supervisor Recreation Coordinator Admin. Secretary Office Asst. II 1 1 3 1 1 $ 989,595 $1,000,238 Total Part Time o (1,561 hrs) 7 31,931.5 hrs. The City currently operates Afterschool Recreation Programs at Nielsen and Murray Elementary Schools. The City has received a request from the Principal at Frederiksen Elementary School to provide a similar program at Frederiksen Elementary School. This budget increment represents a higher level of service by expanding the Afterschool Recreation Program to Frederiksen Elementary School. The total estimated cost for the higher service level is $13,160 and would be offset by approximately $11,160 in revenue. This Higher Service Level is recommended. - 83 - I HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE I DESCRIPTION 1994-95 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES I Salaries, Full Time $ 0 $ 289,801 Salaries, Part-Time 10,900 245,992 Salaries, Overtime 0 2,573 I Retirement 0 38,326 Group Insurance , 0 37,103 Workers' Compensation 372 22,249 I F.I.C.A.-medi 158 6,189 F.I.C.A.-oasdi 675 15.249 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES $12,105 $ 657,482 I SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies S 0 $ 1,752 I postage General Fund 001 0 2,613 postage DrI Fund 601 0 4,243 Copier Supply 0 3,360 I Operating Supplies 1 ,000 40,720 Advertising 0 1,931 printing & Binding Fund 001 55 2,585 printing & Binding DII Fund 601 0 6,400 I Insurance 0 1 ,390 Repairs & Maintenance 0 1 ,925 Rentals/Leases 0 6,970 I Books & Publications 0 213 Memberships & Dues 0 870 Mileage/Auto Allowance 0 3,380 Travel, Conference & Meetings 0 3,100 I Training 0 971 Gas/Electric 0 58,920 Water/Sewer 0 16,517 I Telephone 0 5,640 Legal Notices 0 50 Internal Services Fund 0 10.320 TOTAL SERVICE & SUPPLIES $ 1 ,055 $ 173,870 I TOTAL CONTRACTS $ 0 $ 163,396 I CAPITAL OUTLAY I Furniture/Fixtures $ 0 $ 2,740 Machinery/Equipment 0 2.750 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 S 5,490 I TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $13,160 $1,000,238 I I - 84 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PLANNING The City's Planning Department provides superv1S1on and enforcement for the development process within the community. This includes the development and recommendation of policies and regulations related to the development process. The Planning Department is directly responsible for providing Staff support for the following activities: preparation of updates and amendments to the General Plan; development of Ordinances for consideration by the Planning Commission and the City Council; administration of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); processing of development applications; and administration and enforcement of the City's zoning and Property Maintenance Ordinances. A five member Planning Commission, appointed by the City Council, conducts reviews of development proposals and provides recommendations to the City council. In some cases, the Planning Commission has the ability to take the final action on an application, unless appealed to the City Council. The Planning Director serves as the Staff to this Commission. The Planning Director is responsible for coordinating and supervising the completion of all staff reports, agendas and meeting minutes associated with the Planning Commission. The estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 1993-94 are $519,697. The estimated expenses are approximately 7.3% under the approved budget for Fiscal Year 1993-94. The primary cost savings are associated with reduced Personnel Services as a result of staff vacancies, including the Associate planner and Office Assistant II positions and as a result in a delay in filling the Planning Intern positions. The cost of the Planning Activity is partially offset by revenue in the amount of $105,500 in zoning & Subdivision Fees and by $6,600 in Community Development Block Grant Funds. The budget necessary to provide the current service level for Fiscal Year 1994-95 is $494,524. This represents a decrease of 4.8% or $25,173 from estimated Fiscal Year 1993- 94 expenditures. Substantial reductions are related to the conclusion of the studies related to the Eastern Dublin General Plan. This reduces the need for professional consul ting services and the contract planning position. The only Professional Services contained in the Fiscal Year 1994-95 budget are costs associated with the Santa Rita Commercial Center Property. These savings are partially offset by the full year funding of salaries and benefits associated with the Associate planner, Office Assistant II, and Intern positions. Further, the cost of the Planning Activity is partially offset by revenue in the amount of $61,300 in zoning and Subdivision fees and $6,600 in Community Development Block Grant Funds. The net cost of the Current Service Level is $426,624. This year it is recommended that the Higher Service Level be funded in order to accommodate anticipated annexation requests. If the City Council approves this request, the total Planning Budget for Fiscal Year 1994-95 would be $602,689. This cost would be partially offset by additional zoning and Subdivision fees. The net cost of the Higher Service Level would be $469,789. - 85 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The following represent Workload Indicators for the Planning Department: ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 Planning Applications Completed 173 166 147 169 Business License Reviews 528 510 413 510 Plan Checks/zoning Approvals 151 200 112 115 Annual CUP Reviews 93 95 111 105 Sign Permits Issued 42 45 28 35 Ordinance Amendments 0 5 2 1 zoning & property Maintenance 159 140 136 140 Cases Handled (Closed or Corrected) General plan Amendment Reports 2 1 1 1 Home Occupation/Garbage Exemption 123 130 120 130 Inspections Specific Plan/Amendments 2 0 0 0 Annexations 0 0 0 1 public Contacts (Counter/phones) n/a n/a 1,400 1,450 Outside projects (monitoring) n/a n/a 32 25 - 86 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL ACTIVITY PLANNING - 9010 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL $494,524 $494,524 planning Director 1 Senior Planner 2 Associate Planner 1 Assistant planner/ zoning Investigator 1 Admin. Secretary 1 Office Asst II 1 Intern (Part-Time) (1000 hrs) .5 Clerk Typist (part-Time) (1000 hrs) ~ Total B.O 1 2 1 General (001) $494,524 $494,524 1 1 1 .5 Total ~ B.O This budget provides funding to maintain the current level of service within the Planning Department by funding those positions shown above, services and supplies, training, the Planning Director's participation in professional associations including the Director's attendance at the American Planning Association Conference in Toronto, Canada and professional and contract services associated with the Santa Rita Commercial Center Property and the Alameda county Mortgage Credit Certificate Program. In addition to providing professional planning and support services, this budget will allow completion or substantial progress on the following goals: 1994 GOALS Ci ty Council Priori tv High 3. Zoning Ordinance Amendment - Outdoor Sales Work with Tri-Valley Council to develop a Subregional Transportation plan Monitor & meet with representatives from other agencies regarding projects of importance to the City of Dublin (e.g. TVTC, BART Design, ABAG Regional Land Use/Housing, etc) High High 1. 2. - 87 - I CURRENT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL INDICATOR 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 I PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries, Full-Time $335,573 $330,546 $310,428 $334,673 Salaries, Part-Time 3,030 18,292 11,414 18,100 I Salaries, Overtime 1,334 1,227 900 1,157 Retirement 38,297 43,639 40,610 44,228 Group Insurance 41,305 38,616 33,606 41,328 I Workers' Compensation 9,649 10,833 11,396 8,155 S.U.I. 219 0 0 0 F.I.C.A. 3,815 4,072 3,559 4,028 F . I. C . A. - oasdi 190 1 .134 708 1 . 122 I TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES $433,412 $448,359 $412,621 $452,791 I SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 1 ,876 $ 2,000 $ 1 ,900 $ 2,290 postage 2,790 3,000 1 ,800 1,900 Copier Supplies 1,189 1 ,650 800 800 I Operating Supplies 522 250 300 400 Printing & Binding 1 , 690 4,000 4,000 1 ,800 Repairs & Maintenance 550 500 770 800 I Books & Publications 1 ,308 1 , 150 1 , 150 1,200 Memberships & Dues 297 420 430 450 Mileage/Auto Allowance 2,934 2,800 2,940 2,940 I Travel, Conferences & Mtgs 186 3,885 3,885 4,665 Training 1,220 1 , 100 1 , 1 00 1,175 Legal Notices 2,428 2,500 1 ,500 1,500 Professional Services 328,107 73,000 72,921 10,000 I Filing Fees 2,575 2,700 125 1,500 Internal Service Fund 6.508 8.115 8.115 5.088 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $354,180- $107,070 $101,736 $ 36,508 I CONTRACT SERVICES Contract Planning $ 51,485 $ 1 , 150 $ 970 $ 0 I Alameda Co Mortgage Cert Pgm 0 4.000 4.000 4,000 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $ 51,485 $ 5,150 $ 4,970 $ 4,000 I CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture & Fixtures $ 749 $ 0 $ 0 $ 825 I Machinery & Equipment 0 300 370 400 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 749 $ 300 $ 370 $ 1 ,225 I TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $839,826 $560,879 $519,697 $494,524 I I I - 88 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING - 9010 HIGHER COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE FUND TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL General $108,165 $602,689 Planning Director 0 1 (001) Senior planner 0 2 Associate planner 1 2 Asst. Planner/ Zoning Investigator 0 1 Admin. Secretary 0 1 Office Asst. II 0 1 Intern (part-time) (1,000 hours) 0 .5 Clerk Typist (part- time) (1,000 hrs.) 0 .5 Total $108,165 $602,689 Total 9.0 This budget increment finances one additional Associate Planner position, transfers the Zoning Administrator function to the Senior planner classification, and provides for additional consulting services associated with annexation requests. The cost for this increment of $108,165 would be offset by an additional $65,000 in zoning and subdivision fees. Implementation of the Higher Service Level will enable the Planning Department to continue to improve permit streamlining, process anticipated annexations, and accomplish the following High Priority 1994 Goals previously identified by the City Council: 1994 GOALS City Council Priori tv High 1. prepare an Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance and other .related Housing Element Implementation Programs (e.g., review Deveropment standards regarding Affordable Housing; study Feasibility of Higher Residential Densities near BART Station(s), etc.) Assist in carrying out the Eastern Dublin Implementation Program High 2. - 89 - I HIGHER CUMULATIVE SERVICE . TOTAL DESCRIPTION 1994-95 1994-95 I PERSONNEL SERVICES I Salaries, Full-Time $ 50,380 $385,053 Salaries, Part-Time 0 18,100 Salaries, OVertime 0 1,157 Retirement 6,656 50,884 I Group Insurance 7,564 48,892 Workers' Compensation 1,712 9,867 S.U.I. 0 0 I F.1.C.A. 728 4,756 F. 1. C . A. - oasdi 0 1.122 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 67,040 $519,831 I SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 150 $ 2,440 I Postage 200 2,100 Copier Supplies 75 875 Operating Supplies 75 475 I printing & Binding 100 1 ,900 Repairs & Maintenance 0 800 Books & Publications 100 1 , 300 I Memberships & Dues 0 450 Mileage/Auto Allowance 100 3,040 Travel, Conferences & Mtgs 100 4,765 Training 225 1,400 I Legal Notices 0 1 , 500 Professional Services 40,000 50,000 Filing Fees 0 1 ,500 I Internal Service Fund 0 5,088 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 41 , 125 $ 77,633 I CONTRACT SERVICES Contract Planning $ 0 $ 0 Alameda Co. Mortgage Cert Pgm 0 4,000 I TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $ 0 $ 4,000 I CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture & Fixtures $ 0 $ 825 Machinery & Equipment 0 400 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 1,225 I TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $108,165 $602,689 I I I - 90 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BUILDING & SAFETY Building and Safety services are presently provided to the Ci tyunder a contract with Taugher & Associates, Inc. The services provided include: building inspection, construction plan checking, and housing code enforcement activities. The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 1994-95 is $258,001. This represents an increase of $.6,719 or 2.7% over the Fiscal Year 1993-94 estimated expenditures. This increase is primarily attributable to: 1) The need to purchase the updated State Codes in order to prepare for implementation July 1, 1995; and 2) Full year impact of adjustments made to the Contract rate in the second half of Fiscal Year 1993-94; 3) A minor increase in the number of hours of service, due to increased building activity. It is estimated that in Fiscal Year 1993-94 approximately 60 fewer hours of service of service will be used than are budgeted in Fiscal Year 1994-95. The increased costs for Fiscal Year 1994-95 are also offset by the following factors: 1) In accordance with City Council direction, adjustments to employee salary and benefits and requested Contract Rate Adjustments are lumped in the citywide Contingent Reserve; 2) The proposed base contract includes a lower rate associated with the insurance surcharge component. The budget does not include prov1S1ons for a business license re-inspection program, which was eliminated from the 1993-94 Budget. This program would have provided periodic (once every four years) inspections of a portion of structures located in the business community. The 1994-95 Budget will allow the Building & Safety Department to respond to projected requests for Building & Safety services, as well as continue the public education programs implemented in Fiscal Year 1992-93. The public education programs are designed to assist homeowners who undertake projects without the assistance of a building contractor. The proposed workload is structured in anticipation that the following projects will be under construction during Fiscal Year 1994-95: . Crown Chevrolet/Buick Showroom . PETsMART Retail Store . Quick Oil Change . MCE - Corporate Office Facility WORKLOAD/PERFORMANCE MEASURES INDICATOR ACTUAL 1992-93 BUDGET 1993-94 Building Valuation Permits Issued Building Permit Fees Inspections Dwelling Units Issued Dwelling Units Finaled Contract Cost Contract Cost Per Inspection $13,209,986 828 $198,738 3,575 22 21 $ 195,671 54.73 $10,000,000 825 $282,000 3,800 16 44 $ 205,580 54.10 ESTIMATED 1993-94 $12,700,000 720 $265,000 3,300 17 44 $ 200,300 60.70 ESTIMATED 1994-95 $13,000,000 760 $273,000 3,400 o o $ 206,000* 60.59* *Excludes Fiscal Year 1994-95 requested contract rate increase. The total annual cost of the increase would be $7,000. If approved, it would increase the estimated cost per inspection to $62. 65/inspection. - 91 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL ACTIVITY BUILDING & SAFETY - 9020 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL Total $258,001 ~ Admin. secretary 1 1 Contract Building Official 1 1 Building Inspector 1 1 (total 3,000 contract hrs) Total 3 3 General (001) $258,001 $258,001 $258,001 This budget increment finances the current level of service and enables the City to maintain the same level of service as was provided during Fiscal Year 1993-94. 'l'he increment includes one full-time Administrative Secretary (City employee), the services of one contract Building Official (1,000 hours) and one Building Inspector (2,000 hours). The Building Official provides plan checking and overall supervision of the Building and Safety Department. Also included in this budget are the necessary services and supplies to support the Building and Safety Department. In addition to maintaining pace with the construction activity in the City for Fiscal Year 1994-95, this Department will undertake the following goals adopted by the City Council: 1994 GOALS Ci ty Council Priority Medium 1. Provide two Homeowner Building Education Seminars. Medium 2. Develop a process for recovery of property from earthquake damaged buildings. - 92 - I CURRENT I SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 1992-93 1993":'94 1993-94 1994-95 I PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries, Full-Time $ 38,051 $ 37,896 $ 37,995 $ 37,855 Retirement 4,330 4,834 4,997 4,979 I Group Insurance 4,077 4,079 4,336 4,327 Workers' Compensation 341 459 424 279 S.U.I. 48 0 48 0 I TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 46,847 $ 47,268 $ 47,800 $ 47,440 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 288 $ 250 $ 275 $ 280 I postage 274 400 250 265 Copier Supplies 147 180 160 165 Operating Supply 36 35 108 50 I Printing & Binding 972 350 360 730 Books & Publications 809 600 600 1 , 443 Memberships & Dues 531 555 531 571 Mileage/Auto Allowance 0 25 0 25 I Training 0 250 210 500 Legal Notices 59 60 0 100 Internal Service Fund 435 688 688 432 I TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 3,551 $ 3,393 $ 3,182 $ 4,561 CONTRACT SERVICES $195,671 $205,580 $200,300 $206,000 I CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture/Fixtures S 0 S 0 S 0 S 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 I TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $246,069 $256,241 $251,282 $258,001 I I I I I I I I - 93 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENGINEERING This activity provides funding for activities related to: traffic engineering and related programs; Storm Water pollution Control activities; inspection of Capital projects; inspection of private development facilities which will be dedicated to the city (i.e. the development of new streets, sidewalks, etc.); review of plans for subdivisions and private development; preparation of maps identifying parcels within the community; and technical engineering support for Assessment Districts. These services are provided using a combination of City employees and Contract Services. The Fiscal Year 1993-94 estimated costs are projected to be approximately 3% less than the amended budget. This was primarily due to the loss of the Engineering Technician for the latter part of the year. The CUrrent Service Level of $308,565 provides funding based on the assumption of a continuation of a depressed private development climate. The increase in services and supplies over Fiscal Year 1993-94 is primarily due to the anticipation of the printing and mailing of a citywide NPDES informational/educational brochure. As noted in the Budget Detail, the portion of Engineering costs associated with CIP projects are shown for information purposes only on these pages. The actual engineering costs are included in the Capital Budget for each project. It is anticipated that the personnel costs assigned to Capital Projects will increase from $59,754 in Fiscal Year 1993-94 to $108,280 in Fiscal Year 1994-95. Since Capital Projects are funded primarily from grants and funds other than the General Fund, this will have the effect of significantly reducing the Engineering Budget's reliance on the General Fund. Two of these Capital Projects are the ISTEA funded Dublin Boulevard widening project and the Dougherty Road South of the Southern Pacific Railroad project. The Engineering Department also offsets a portion of its expense through fees and charges. The following Table shows the impact of these revenues on the net cost of providing Engineering Services. Net Cost of Engineering Activity Adjustment for Higher Service Level 1 Net Cost Estimated Fiscal Year 1993-94 1994-95 $ 208,955 $ 190,995 (19,800) ( 16, 100) (52,000) (32,000) (25,951) 0 $ 111,204 $ 142,895 $ 8.311 $ 151,206 Total Engineering General Fund Proiected Revenues Encroachment Permits Plan Check/Inspection Fees AB 434 Trip Reduction Program Net General Fund Cost - 94 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING - 9030 CURRENT COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE FUND* TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL General $190,995 $190,995 ~** (001) Sr. Civil Engineer 1 Gas Tax 6,000 6,000 public Works (206) Inspector 2 2 NPDES 107,450 107,450 Engineeering Tech 1 1 (222) Assessment 2,620 2,620 Dist #710 Assessment 705 705 Dist #711 Assessment 795 795 Dist #713 Total $308,565 $308,565 Total 4 4 This Budget provides funding for the current level of service. This Budget funds the necessary services, supplies, and improvements nece~sary to support the Engineering Division. * The following legend provides descriptive information on the special funds: Assessment Dist. #710 Assessment Dist. #711 Assessment Dist. #713 NPDES #222 Citywide Street Lighting Landscape Assessment District (Stagecoach Rd) Landscape Assessment District (Villages/ Dougherty Rd) National pollution Discharge Elimination System (stormwater pollution Control Program) ** Although 100% of the costs for the City Personnel involved with this activity are reflected on the following page for information only, it is anticipated that only a portion of the Staff time will be charged to this account and the remainder will be charged to various capital projects. -,95 - I CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL I DESCRIPTION 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 PERSONNEL SERVICES I Salaries, Full-Time $ 200,225 $ 227,520 $ 186,994 $ 200,830 Salaries, Overtime 9,751 660 3,029 3,204 Retirement 22,283 15,277 24,600 26,525 Group Insurance 26,800 16,557 26,911 28,054 I Workers' Compensation 9,061 5,254 10,091 6,894 F.I.C.A. 2,995 1,713 2.738 2.947 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 271,115 $ 266,981 $ 254,363 $ 268,454 I SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 981 $ 770 $ 1 ,200 $. 1 ,200 I postage 2,916 3,045 630 1,200 Operating Supplies 1,473 900 465 870 Printing & Binding 1 , 084 4,595 1,490 6,640 Books & Publications 222 200 150 150 I Memberships & Dues 144 150 150 155 Mileage/Auto Allowance 5,273 5,450 6,371 6,570 Travel, Conferences & Meetings 0 580 580 840 I Training 967 1 ,350 240 1 , 060 Small Tools 0 0 0 175 Legal Notices 135 200 635 1,015 Filing Fees 25 25 25 0 I Internal Service Fund 3.084 2.642 2.642 816 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 16,304 $ 19,907 $ 14,578 $ 20,691 I CONTRACT SERVICES Contract Services General $ 75,635 $ 82,865 $ 81,741 $ 77,450 General Engineering Services 438 1 ,000 3,000 2,000 I General Traffic Engr 25,660 22,000 20,000 27,000 Private Development Engr/Inspection 3,398 8,000 15,000 16,000 Traffic Engr (284) 0 0 0 I Assessment District Engr 4,069 3,000 3.136 3.500 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $ 108,916 $ 116,865 $ 122,877 $ 125,950 I CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture & Fixtures $ 2,724 $ 0 $ 0 $ 1 ,750 Machinery & Equipment 1,232 500 500 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 3,956 $ 500 $ 500 $ 1,750 I TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 400,291(1) $ 404,253(2) $ 392,318(3) $ 416,845(4) I (1) The total expenses for Fiscal Year 1992-93 were actually $348,711. ApproXimately $51,580 are costs related to various capital projects. These costs are shown for information only. I (2) The Revised Budget for Fiscal Year 1993-94 was actually $298,017. ApproXimately $106,236 are costs related to various capital projects. These costs are shown .for information only. (3) The estimated costs for Fiscal Year 1993-94 are actually $332,564. Approximately $59,754 are costs related to I various capital projects. These costs are shown for information only. (4) The estimated costs for Fiscal Year 1994-95 are actually $308,565. Approximately $108,280 are costs related to I various capital projects. These costs are shown for information only. - 96 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I il I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING 9030 HIGHER COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE FUND TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL General ( 001) $ 8,311 $ 199,306 Sr. Civil 1 Gas Tax (206) 6,000 Public Works NPDES (222) 107,450 Inspectors 2 Assess Dist 710 2,620 Asst. Civil Engr. 1 1 Assess Dist 711 705 Engineering Tech. ( 1 ) 0 Assess Dist 713 795 Total $ 8,311 $ 316,876 Total 0 4 This budget increment finances the replacement of one (1) Engineering Technician position with one (1) Assistant Civil Engineering position. This position would take over some of the private development plan checking, some of the capital improvement program design work and capital improvement project management duties. This position would oversee the NPDES program and provide relief to the Senior civil Engineering position in matters of traffic studies and preparation of engineering and Council Agenda reports. The replacement of the Engineering Technician position with the Assistant Civil Engineer will give the department more latitude in assigning varied types of engineering duties encountered without the need for working staff outside their job classifications. Examples of other work that may be assigned this new position: 1) Review of easements, deeds and right of way descriptions. 2) preparation of project specifications 3) Prepare maps and plans. 4) Make engineering calculations such as hydrology, hydraulic, roadway pavement design and minor structural 5) Field surveys 6) Overseeing of the Pavement Management Program 7) Investigate engineering field problems 8) prepare requests for proposals 9) Prepare engineering cost estimates for preparation of the five year Capital Improvement program Budget 10) Represent the City in meetings related to engineering projects. 11) Work with computer and CAD system (once installed) The incremental increase in cost for Fiscal Year 1994-95 is based on a ten month period, due to the time delay for recruitment. The annualized increase in cost would be approximately $11,000. This service level is recommended. - 97 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 1 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 1994-95 1994-95 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries, Full-Time $ 7,287 $ 208,117 Salaries, Overtime 0 3,204 Retirement 710 27,235 Group Insurance 25 28,079 Workers' compensation 184 7,078 F.I.C.A. 105 3,052 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES $ 8,311 $ 276,765 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office supplies $ 0 $ 1,200 Postage 0 1,200 Operating Supplies 0 870 printing & Binding 0 6,640 Books & publications 0 150 Memberships & Dues 0 155 Mileage/Auto Allowance 0 6,570 Travel, Conferences & Meetings 0 840 Training 0 1,060 Small Tools 0 175 Legal Notices 0 1,015 Internal Service Fund Charges 0 816 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 0 $ 20,691 CONTRACT SERVICES Contract Services General $ 0 $ 77,450 General Engineering Services 0 2,000 General Traffic Engr 0 27,000 Private Development Engr/Inspection 0 16,000 Traffic Engr 0 0 Assessment District Engr. 0 3.500 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $ 0 $ 125,950 CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture/Fixtures $ 0 $ 1,750 Machinery & Equipment 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 0 $ 1,750 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 8,311 $ 425,156(1) (1) The Cumulative Cost for Fiscal Year 1994-95 if this higher service level is funded is actually $316,876. Approximately $108,280 are costs related to various Capital Projects. These costs are shown for information only. - 98 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT The purpose of this activity is to enhance and maintain the city's economic base through programs and activities which focus on business promotion and retention. The goal of this effort .also includes addressing issues related to the revitalization of areas in decline in order to protect the competitiveness of our local economy. Staffing utilized for the CUrrent Service Level projects and activities are provided for in the City Manager's of fice . In January of 1994, the City established a Business Development Task Force. The Task Force was charged with assisting the City in its economic development efforts. To date, the Task Force has accomplished the following: 1) Reviewed and assessed the City's economic development strengths and weaknesses; and 2) Identified measurable objectives to be included in a Business Action Plan. The final task will be to present a report to the City Council which includes a strategy to implement the proposed plan. The budget necessary to fund the current level of service for Fisc;:al Year 1994-95 is $12,220. This budget represents a significant increase (90%) over Fiscal Year 1993-94 expenditures. This increase is primarily attributable to costs associated with preparing an update to the City's Economic Development Profile Brochure. Other activities contained in the Fiscal Year 1994-95 Budget include continued participation in the Alameda Countywide Economic Development Program and membership in CALED, a statewide professional organization of economic development representatives and resources. It should be noted that Fiscal Year 1993-94 represents the final year of the original three year commitment to the Alameda County Program. City staff is currently assessing the costs and benefits associated with continued participation in this program. In accordance with the City Council's earlier request, a higher service level for this activity has been prepared for Fiscal Year 1994~95. If the City Council funds this higher service level, the total cost of this activity .for Fiscal Year 1994-95 would be $74,622. This higher service level would add a full time Economic Development Manager to implement those programs and activities recommended by the Business Development Task Force if approved by the City Council. Without this higher service level, the City will be unable to carry out the majority of recommendations made by the Task Force. - 99 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL ACTIVITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - 9040 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General ( 001) $ 12,220 $ 12,220 This activity is supported by the City Manager's Office $ 12,220 Total $ 12,220 This increment provides funding to maintain the current level of service of those programs included in the Economic Development budget including continued staff support to the Business Development Task Force in developing a report on local economic development. Other activities included in the current service level budget include services and supplies associated with the preparation of an update to the City'S Economic Development Profile Brochure; and continued participation in the Alameda County Economic Development Program and in CALED. Staffing for these activities are shown in other departments as noted above. TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES CURRENT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE LEVEL 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 76 $ 0 $ 200 $ 50 8 0 0 0 0 100 0 100 0 250 0 0 91 1 ,500 500 5,500 41 100 100 100 200 210 250 250 2 450 20 20 26 0 130 250 $ 444 $ 2,610 $ 1 ,200 $ 6,270 $ 4,942 $ 7,000 $ 5,227 $ 5,950 DESCRIPTION PERSONNEL SERVICES SERVICES & SUPPLIES postage Copier Supplies Operating Supplies Advertising printing & Binding Books & Publications Memberships & Dues Mileage/Auto Allowance Travel, Conferences & Mtgs TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture & Fixtures Machinery & Equipment TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ $ o o o $ o o o $ $ o o o $ $ o o o $ TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 5,386 $ 9,610 $ 6,427 $ 12,220 - 100 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL ACTIVITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - 9040 SERVICE LEVEL HIGHER PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General (001) $ 62,402 $ 74,622 Economic Development Manager 1 $ 62,402 Total Total $ 74,622 This budget increment finances a newly created Economic Development Manager position that would report directly to the City Manager. Implementation of this Higher Service Level will enable the City to actively pursue business retention and business attraction programs and activities. Further, the higher service level will enable the City to implement the recommendations proposed by the Business Development Task Force. This is accomplished by funding the new Economic Development Manager position and related personnel costs, services & supplies, travel, training, and capital outlay necessary to support increased economic development activities. In addition to providing economic development and related support. services, this budget will facilitate assisting the City Manager in meeting the following Goals previously established by the City Council. 1994 GOALS City Council Priority Medium Report to Council on development of a Strategic plan for the City. Medium Assist City Manager in implementing recommendations of Business Task Force & City Council This service level is recommended. - 101 - I HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 1 TOTAL I DESCRIPTION 1994-95 1994-95 PERSONNEL SERVICES I Salaries, Full-Time $43,724 $43,724 Retirement 5,766 5,766 Group Insurance 5,084 5,084 Workers' Compensation 322 322 I F.I.C.A. 631 631 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES $55,527 $55,527 I SERVICES & SUPPLIES postage $ 150 $ 200 Copier Services 300 300 I Operating Supplies 50 150 Advertising 75 75 printing & Binding 50 5,550 Books & Publications 100 200 I Memberships & Dues 0 250 Auto Mileage & allowance 1,000 1,020 Travel, Conferences & Meetings 1 ,350 1 , 600 I Training 500 500 TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES S 3,575 $ 9,845 .1 CONTRACT SERVICES $ 0 $5,950 I CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture/Fixtures $ 200 $ 200 Machinery & Equipment 3. 1 00 3.100 I TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 3,300 $ 3,300 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $62,402 $74,622 I I I I I I I - 102 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1994-95 CAPITAL BUDGET PROJECT TITLE Data processing system Police Evidence Records Automation TOTAL COST FINANCING General Fund (001) criminal Activity Fund (200) Total GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS ACTUAL 1992-93 $ 32,999 o $ 32,999 - 103 - BUDGET 1993-94 $ o o $ o ESTIMATED 1993-94 $ 0 o $ 0 RECOMMENDED 1994-95 $ 66,784 7,500 $ 74,284 $ 57,015 17,269 $ 74,284 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1994-95 CAPITAL BUDGET COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED RECOMMENDED PROJECT TITLE 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 Sidewalk safety Repair/ $ 44,397 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 63,393 Handicap Ramps NPDES Pilot project 635 38,266 38,266 0 stagecoach Landscape Upgrade 2,471 0 4,500 0 Kaleidoscope Center Improvements 0 0 0 10,000 Tri-valley Haven community service Building 0 0 0 10,000 TOTAL COST $ 47,503 $ 88,266 $ 92,766 $ 83,393 FINANCING General Fund (001) community Development Block Grant (209) $ 50,000 $ 33,393 TOTAL $ 83,393 - 104 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1994-95 CAPITAL BUDGET PARKS ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED RECOMMENDED PROJECT TITLE 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 Arroyo Vista Playground $ 23,781 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Dougherty Hills Park Landscaping 27,793 0 0 0 Dublin High School Football Field Renovation 1 , 125 0 0 0 Dublin Sports Grounds Renovation 0 21,000 21,000 12,145 Dublin Swim Center 8,818 114,564 113,268 0 Bathhouse Renovation - Heritage Center Acquisition/ Renovation 22,344 142,958 22,117 144,132 Park & Recreation Masterplan 12,880 20,000 20,000 0 Dublin Swim Center Deck Repair 0 0 0 17,750 TOTAL COST $ 96,741 $298,522 $176,385 $174,027 FINANCING Community Development Block Grant (209) Park Dedication In-Lieu Fund (215) Measure AA (218) $ 24,144 33,275 116,608 $174,027 TOTAL - 105 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1994-95 CAPITAL BUDGET STREET PROJECTS ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED RECOMMENDED PROJECT TITLE 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 Annual Street Overlay Program $ 253,111 $ 582,368 $ 557,576 $ 80,745 Dublin Blvd. Widening & Repair silvergate Drive to Hansen 3,702 0 0 0 Street Subdrains 98,585 0 0 0 Downtown Street Light Additions 59,285 0 0 0 Bike Path Projects 69,465 72,550 651 0 Dougherty Road Improvements South of SPRR 198 230,000 34,090 281,000 San Ramon Road phase IV 8,660 0 0 0 Dublin Blvd. Extension Dougherty Rd. East to SPRR 2,554,311 158,561 199,072 0 Dublin Blvd. Extension SPRR to Tassajara Road 573,272 0 10,920 0 Dublin Blvd. Improvements Donlon Way to village Pkwy. 5,043 2,355,000 39,810 2,459,500 Downtown Traffic Impact Fee Study 0 29,290 15,000 14,290 Survey and Monuments 0 2,000 2,063 21,240 Street Light Acquisition Program 0 0 0 400,000 Traffic Signal Safety upgrade Conflict Monitors 0 0 0 21,200 Dougherty Road Improvements from SPRR to Amador Valley Blvd. 0 0 0 27,000 TOTAL COST $3,625,632 $3,429,769 $ 859,182 $3,304,975 FINANCING Gas Tax Fund (206) ISTEA Fund (210) Measure B Fund (217) sa 300 Fund (220) Capital Project (Reimbursements) Fund (300) Capital Project (Reimbursements) Fund (710)* $ 130,890 2,261,831 67,699 13,046 431,509 400,000 $3,304,975 TOTAL * These funds will initially come from General Fund Reserves and be repaid by the street Light Assessment District over the next 6 to 7 years. - 106 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DUBLIN INFORMATION. INe. Enterprise funds are used to account for operations, similar to a private business enterprise. Dublin Information, Inc. (DII) is a non-profit corporation used by the City to finance the Dublin Civic Center and to publish and distribute publications of general community interest. Reporting these activities through an Enterprise Fund allows the City Council to periodically review revenues, expenses and/or net income. This activity is shown for informational purposes only. public Information Activities Dublin Information, Inc. (DII) is involved in the printing and distribution of numerous brochures and other public information documents. This includes publications associated with the following activities: Recreation, Senior Center and Disaster preparedness. The recommended Higher Service Level I in the Administrative Services Budget also includes the publication of one Community Newsletter. This cost has been included in the totals presented on the following page. A total of $16,813 in expenses is projected for Fiscal Year 1994-95 for public Information activities. An Operating Transfer from the General Fund will provide the funding for these activities. Debt Service/Civic Center Activities The City originally financed the acquisition and development of the Civic Center complex using Certificates of Participation (COP's) in a lease financing. This financing method results in the sale of tax-exempt certificates to investors. The Civic Center complex is owned by DII, and the City makes annual lease payments to a Trustee. The "lease payments" are then used by the Trustee to make principal and interest payments to the holders of the COP's. Once all of the principal is repaid, the title to the project will revert to the City. The City originally issued $11,968,000 in COP's in 1985-86. These Certificates were refinanced in 1987-88 with an issue of $17,230,000. This reduced the interest rate on the original issue and provided additional funds needed for the Civic Center project. In June of 1993, the City issued COP's for the third time. This refinanced the 1988 issue with a $18,525,000 COP issue. This transaction was undertaken to reduce the interest cost on the outstanding COP's. The savings of over $600,000 were structured to occur in the first five years of the new issue. The term of the 1993 issue provides for all payments to be made by the year 201 0, which is identical to the issue it replaced. The COP's may be prepaid without a premium beginning in February, 1999. The City is legally required to budget the gross debt service payment for Fiscal Year 1994-95, which totals $1,553,744. The financial documents also require that the City establish a Reserve fund, which is held by the Trustee. The interest. earnings on this Reserve Fund are estimated at $104,368 for Fiscal Year 1994-95. . This will be applied to the lease payment, resulting in a net debt service payment of $1,449,376. The actual lease payment by the City is budgeted in the Building Management Activity (1050). Dublin Information, Inc. also incurs incidental costs associated with the financing, related to Trustee Services and Arbitrary Calculation Reports. These services are budgeted in the Administrative Services Activity. Incidental expenses related to property tax assessments and corporation filing fees are projected to be $40 in Fiscal Year 1994-95. - 107 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY DUBLIN INFORMATION INC. PROGRAM ENTERPRISE FUND COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL FUND $1,553,744 Enterprise $1,553,744 Fund Total $1,553,744 $1,553,744 DESCRIPTION PERSONNEL SERVICES SERVICES & SUPPLIES postage (1020 City Mgr) $ Postage (1040 Admin Svcs) Postage (2050 Disaster prep) postage (8040 Rec) postage (8080 Sr Center) Postage (9040 Econ Dev) Printing & Binding (1020 City Mgr) Printing & Binding (1040 Admin Svcs) Printing & Binding (2050 Dis Prep) printing & Binding (8040 Rec) Filing Fees (Non-Departmental) property Tax (Non-Departmental) TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ CONTRACT SERVICES Trustee/Debt Service Reports (1040 Admin Svcs) TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES DEBT SERVICE Interest* Principal** TOTAL DEBT SERVICE TOTAL ACTIVITY FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. ALL SERVICES & SUPPLIES AND CONTRACT SERVICES ARE SHOWN IN OPERATING BUDGETS AS NOTED. $ ACTUAL 1992-93 o BUDGET 1993-94 $ $ o o 640 3,800 450 o o o 500 8,000 5 55 13,450 o ESTIMATED 1993-94 $ $ o o o 3,181 338 o o o o 7,680 5 32 11,236 o RECOMMENDED 1994-95 $ o 75 o 640 3,461 396 45 3,473 o 406 7,929 5 51 16,481 $ $ 9,838 9,838 $ $ $ 8,250 8,250 $ $ $ 2,100 $ o 1 ,200 650 3,780 463 o o 3,820 500 6,400 5 35 16,853 $ 830,479 470.000 $1,300,479 $1,326,798 $ 622,816 910,000 $1,532,816 $1,554,516 2,100 $ 622,816 910,000 $1,532,816 $1,546,152 $ $ $ 8,850 8,850 $ 908,744 645.000 $1,553,744 $1,579,447 * For presentation purposes, the interest expense is shown based on the fiscal year paid. As an Enterprise Fund, the Year End Financial records accrue interest expense and the figures will differ. ** Actual principal payments are not shown in the Year End Financial Statements because they are capitalized at the end of the year. - 108 - I INTERNAL SERVICES I The Internal Services Fund was established to provide for a reserve to replace equipment when the current inventory is used and no longer functional. Each department budgets within its own operating budget for the amount of equipment usage based upon a predetermined rate. That charge to the General Fund becomes income to the Internal Services Fund, offsetting its operating costs and reserving funds for the future replacement of equipment. I I The fund is also used to facilitate on-going maintenance and operation of equipment serviced by the fund; for example, gasoline, tires and other operating costs for Police Patrol Cars are also captured within this fund. In Fiscal Year 1994-95, the charges to the Police Operating budget are based upon a charge of 44 cents per mile. This includes a factor for operating costs as well as depreciation charges. The depreciation charges result in reserve funds to be used for a replacement. The fund is also utilized for copier and data processing equipment maintenance agreements. I I I The 1994-95 Internal Service Fund includes the following three replacement projects: 1) The replacement of one unmarked Police unit, originally purchased in 1989; 2) Replacement of emergency light bars on 4 Police patrol vehicles to improve visibility and provide additional safety during an emergency response; 3) As part of phase one of implementing a Personal Computer (PC) Network System, approximately 23 older PC systems will need to be replaced or upgraded. Recently, monitor and printer malfunctions have occurred, due to the age of existing equipment. The budget provides an allowance for unscheduled replacement of up to 2 printers and 2 monitors. I I This Budget activity is shown for informational purposes only. I I I I I I I I I - 109 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN 1994-95 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM INTERNAL SERVICES COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL ACTIVITY INTERNAL SERVICES SERVICE LEVEL N/A PERSONNEL SUMMARY CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL FUND Internal Svcs Total $230,233 $230,233 No City personnel are included in this activity. $230,233 $230,233 DESCRIPTION ACTUAL 1992-93 RECOMMENDED 1994-95 BUDGET 1993-94 ESTIMATED 1993-94 PERSONNEL SERVICES $ o $ o $ o $ o SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies Operating Supplies Repairs & Maintenance TOTAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES $ 0 $ 500 $ 135 $ 250 29,314 31,100 28,850 30,000 20.521 25.325 20.700 21. 500 $ 49,835 $ 56,925 $ 49,685 $ 51,750 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $136,436* $ 65,275 $ 65,578 $107,620 $ 88,805 $ 79,314 $ 79,614 $ 70,863 $275,076 $201,514 $194,877 $230,233 CONTRACT SERVICES MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT DEPRECIATION & REPLACEMENT TOTAL ACTIVITY COST *Capitalized to Fixed Assets (Not shown In Final 6/30/93 Financial Report) - 110 - I I IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS I I I In ~he pas~ ~he annual Ci~y Budget has shown revenues and expendi~ures for servicing ~he deb~ on Assessmen~ Dis~ric~ obligations. ~his is differen~ than the presen~ation made by ~he Independent Auditors in the preparation of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. ~he Auditors have shown the financial data as part of an Agency Fund. An Agency Fund is used by the City to account for assets held by the City in a fiduciary capacity. These funds carry out the specifications required by trust indentures, ordinance, or other regulations. Revenues are col1ected and expenses made in accordance with these lega1 documentS. This section of the Budget has been presented for informational purposes. I In the case of the Assessment Districts the City has an obligation only to advance Reserve Funds funded by the original issue and to initiate foreclosure in oases where payment of the assessllent is delinquent. Given that the City funds are not at risk, and the City merely acts as a oonduit for monies collected to be forwarded to the Trustee, the Auditors have suggested that the aooounting of these funds be presented only for informational purposes and not for the purpose of adopting a budget. I I I I I I I SAN RAMON ROAD SPECIFIC PLAN BONDS In accordanoe with City council au~horization granted in Fiscal Year 1992/93, all of the outstanding bonds on ~his issue were called on July 2, 1993. ~herefore, the City did not levy any new assessments for Fiscal Year 1993/94. The remaining assets in this fund will be used to maintain the improvements oonstructed by the Assessment Distriot. Es~imated Fisoal Year 1993/94 Maintenance Expenses are $4,190. Estimated 1994/95 Maintenanoe Expenses are $4,610. A11 maintenance activities are shown in the Traffio Signa 1 & street Lighting Activity (2050). DUBLIN BOULEVARD EXTENSION ASSESSMENT DISTRICT This is a debt service fund, which makes payments on bonds issued to oonstruot a portion of the Dublin Boulevard Extension improvements. A total of $2,350,000 in bonds were originally issued on June 2,1992. The first payment of principal will oocur on september 2, 1994. The current debt service schedule provides for the full retirement of these bonds in the year 2012. Bach year ~he City requests that the County Tax collector plaoe on the annual property tax bill an amount necessary to pay the principal and interest. The Trustee a180 holds a reserve fund, which can be called upon in the event of a default. If this never occurs the amount in reserves will be applied to the final debt service payment. I I I I I I A separate sohedule has been inoluded, which presents an estimate of financial activity for this fund in Fiscal Year 1993/94 and Fiscal Year 1994/95. Since the Construction of the improvements was completed excess construction funds will be transferred to the debt service fund. This will serve to 10wer the amount which will need to be assessed to the property owners in Fisoal Year 1994/95. As previously noted, this information is presented for informational purposes, since tbese activities are not a direct obligation of the City of Dublin. Staff ant.icipates tbat. sufficient monies will be available to carry out the transactions required under the bond doouments and applicable laws. - ill - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FOR XNFORMATIONAL PURPOSBS ONLY SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED FINANCIAL ACTIVITY SAN RAMON RD SPECIFIC PLAN ASSESSMENT FUNDS (FUND # 712) (Prepared June 1, 1994) Total Assets At Julv 1. 1993 $ 529,304.00 Estimated 93/94 Revenues Estimated Prior Year Assessments Estimated 1993/94 Interest Revenue TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES FY 93/94 $ 893 2,400 3,293 $ Estimated 93/94 Exoenditures Interest Payments To Bondholders principal Payments To Bondholders Premium Paid For Early Call of Bonds Estimated 93/94 Maintenance Expense TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENSES FY 93/94 $ 20,831 440,000 19,250 4.190 $ 484,271 Summary Of Estimated Fund Balance At 6/30/94 7/1/93 Beginning Balance: $ 529,304.00 1993/94 Est Revenues: 3,293.00 (LesS) 1993/94 Est Expense: (484.271.00) 6/30/94 EST FUND BALANCE: $ 48,326.00 1994/1995 PROJECTIONS As noted on the preceding page, all of the outstanding debt was paid as of 7/2/93. The remaining funds will be used for the maintenance of improvements constructed by the original Assessment District. In Fiscal Year 1994/95 $4,610 is budgeted in the Traffic Signals and Street Lighting Activity (2040). - 112 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED FINANCIAL ACTIVITY DUBLIN BOULEVARD EXTENSION ASSESSMENT DISTRICT (FUND # 715) (Prepared June 1, 1994) Total Beainnina Assets At 6/30/93 Restricted Investments/Reserves (Held By Trustee) $ 121,210.04 Cash Held By City For Bond Payments 90,708.61 1992/93 Assessments Receivable TOTAL BEGINNING BALANCE AT 6/30/93 168.41 $ 212,087.06 Estimated 1993/94 Revenues Est. 93/94 Parcel Assessments $ 235,585.50 Est. Interest Earnings Funds Collected on Tax Bill & Held By City 2,500.00 Est. Interest Earnings On Reserve Fund Held By Trustee TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES FY 93/94 5,100.00 $ 243,185.50 Estimated 1993/94 Exoenditures Est. Interest Expense TOTAL EST 1993/94 EXPENSES FY 93/94 $ 170,649.50 $ 170,649.50 SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE AT 6/30/94 7/1/93 Beginning Balance: 1993/94 Est Revenues: (LeSS) 1993/94 Est Expense: 6/30/94 EST FUND BALANCE 1994/1995 PROJECTIONS Estimated Revenues Property Tax Assessment Collections Estimated Transfer of Excess Construction Funds Estimated Debt Service Fund Interest TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES FY 94/95 Estimated Exoenditures Interest Pmt. 9/2/94 Interest Pmt 3/2/95 Subtotal Interest $ 85,324.75 83,618.50 principal Pmt. 9/2/94 TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENSES FY 94/95 - 113 - $ 212,087.06 243,185.50 11 70,649.50) $ 284,623.06 $ 215,136.00 12,970.00 8,315.00 $ 236,431.00 $ 168,943.25 65,000.00 $ 233,943.25 I I DEPARTMENTAL SERVICE SUMMARIES I Since the Budget is prepared by Program, Staff has prepared the following Departmental Service Summaries which reorganize the Operating Budget by responsible Department. The Departmental Service Summaries describe those budget activities for which each department is responsible, those discrete services which are performed by each department, the number of staff available within each department to accomplish those services and the total recommended budget, including funding sources, necessary to perform those services. I I For the purpose of the summaries, funding sourceS have been classified as follows: 1. General Revenues (General Fund) I I 2. Department Revenues Revenues generated by an individual department such as Building Permits, Encroachment Permits, Business Licenses, Facility Use Fees, and Charges for Service. 3. Restricted Funds - Revenues earmarked for a specific purpose or program such as Assessment District Funds, State Gas Tax Funds, NPDES Funds, and Vehicle Abatement Funds. I The total Recommended Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 1994-95 is $14,259,544. Of this amount, $11,566,063 is funded from General Revenues, $1,213,781 is funded from Department Revenues and $1,479,700 is funded from Restricted Funds. I I I I I I I I I I I - 114 - I I I I I I I I "I I I I I I I I I I I .IS - ~ Q ..... o {tl -= Q,I '0 ..... {tl Q,I =: <Il ~ ~ c 'E 6 ~ t:: ~ .--- <: u:: .0 0 ~ I---- '~ ~ 8 ~'<ii - "~ <Il .$ '~ ~ ..; ill..; 'i~'~ J ~ p.. 0 ~ u :; -Qi :;:; 1 u i~;t~~lj. - ~ ~~l ~l ~&S ~Cl. ~ i m... := ~~l ~ ~ ~ +:: If 8 la d.~~ ~ ~ p !~ :E J:: u <Il~ .0 .0 a~'~ 'S u 0 J "s Jll~~ "0 <: ~~ 8 ]i~J +:: :a~ M 8 I--- ~ >,<ro '.0 j],~! ~"~ !:iG ;:J:E 8 u:I: '--- ~ 'I ~ 0 ""'u ~ rkl - ,~t' ;g~ ~ ~ '-- ~ C1J u := - 115 - ~ ~ ro s:=,.r:C ~u 81 "4-1 OJ:1 o cO ~o~ 0.-4 ~ U ro ep o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEPARTMENT: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STAFFING: 7 o FTE City Employees Contract Employees TOTAL 7 Budget Activities Directly Administered by this Department FUNDING SOURCE TOTAL GENERAL DEPARTMENT RESTRICTED , BUDGET ACTIVITY: COST REVENUES REVENUES FUNDS Administrative Services $ 459,919 $ 344,919 $ 115,000 $ 0 Building Management* 1,553,744 1,553,744 0 0 Insurance 134,000 131,500 2,500 0 Animal control 103,750 99,050 4,700 0 Disaster preparedness 32,283 32,283 0 0 Waste Management 667,237 27,100 0 640,137 Cable TV 19,683 19,683 0 0 TOTAL $2,970,616 $2,208,279 $ 122,200 $ 640,137 * Civic Center Lease ?ayment SERVICES PROVIDED: 1. Personnel - City/Dougherty Regional Fire Authority (DRFA) a. Wage/Benefit Admin (PERS Gov't Code 20000) b. Recruitment c. Workers' compensation Administration d. Maintain Personnel Records e. Coordinate Training f. Labor Relations g. Disciplinary/Grievance Administration h. DRFA Wellness Program i. City Customer Service Program 2. Public Information a. Press Liaison b. City Newsletter c. Civic Center Tours d. contribute to Chamber Newsletter e. City promotion/Recognition Programs f. Speakers' Bureau g. Civic Education Program 3. Legislative Analysis 4. Coordinate Charitable Fundraising Drives - 116 - I I 5. 6. I I I I I I 7. I 8. I I I I I I I I I I Contract Service Administration Finance a. Accounts Receivable b. Revenue Receipting c. payroll d. Business Licenses e. Financial statements f. Audit work-up g. Budget support h. Trustee Functions/Debt Services i. Accounts payable j. Purchasing k. Treasury Functions l. Fixed Asset Management m. Prepare Annual Reports n. Respond to Requests from other Departments o. Parking Citation Administration p. Franchise Administration (Garbage, Cable TV, Gas, Electric, etc) Data Processing a. Training b. IBM support to Mainframe c. computer support to operating Departments Insurance/Risk Management a. participate in ABAG Insurance Pool b. Liability and property Claims Administration c. Review other insurance needs d. Injury and Illness Prevention Program 12. Animal Control a. Vicious Dog Investigation b. collection of stray Animals c. Dead Animal Pick-up d. Animal Licensing e. Enforcement of City's Animal Related Ordinanoes f. Animal Shelter services 13. Disaster Preparedness a. Revise, update emergenoy plans b. Develop/Implement staff Training c. Neighborhood self-Help Emergency Preparedness Workshops d. Conduct Disaster Simulation Exercises e. Organize Emergency operating Center 14. waste Management a. Review appropriateness of garbage rate increases b. Implement waste reduction and diversion programs contained in the Source Reduction & Recycling Element and Household Hazardous Waste Element c. Administration of Mandatory Garbage Ordinance d. Participate on county Solid Waste Management Authority 15. community TV - Public Access Community Television - 117 - I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I ~ DEPARTMENT: BUILDING & SAFETY ~ STAFFING: 1 2 FTE City Employees Contract Employees TOTAL 3 Budget Activities Directly Administered by this Department FUNDING SOURCE TOTAL COST GENERAL REVENUES DEPARTMENT REVENUES BUDGET ACTIVITY: Building & safety $ 258,001 $ $ o $ 258,001 TOTAL $ 258,001 o $ 258,001 SERVICES PROVIDED: 1. Plan Check 2. Building Inspection 3. Permit Issuance 4. Counter Availability 5. Business License Inspection 6. Homeowner Education Seminars 7. Housing Code Enforcement - 118 - RESTRICTED FUNDS $ 0 $ 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEPARTMENT: CITY COUNCIL ~ STAFFING: 5 Councilmembers Contract Employees TOTAL 5 Budget Activities Directly Administered by this Department FUNDING SOURCE TOTAL GENERAL DEPARTMENT RESTRICTED BUDGET ACTIVITY: COST REVENUES REVENUES FUNDS City Council $ 115,514 $ 115,514 $ 0 $ 0 Non-Departmental 80,040 80,040 0 0 TOTAL $ 195,554 $ 195,554 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES PROVIDED: 1. Legislative oversight of the City 2. Participation in County/State Organizations (Alameda County Mayor's Conference, ABAG, League of California cities 3. community Promotions a. Dublin Pride Week b. St. Patrick's Day Celebration c. Dublin Substance Abuse Council 4. Audit of City'S Financial Records - 119 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE ~ STAFFING: 4 o FTE City Employees Contract Employees TOTAL 4 Budget Activities Directly Administered by this Department FUNDING SOURCE TOTAL GENERAL DEPARTMENT RESTRICTED BUDGET ACTIVITY: COST REVENUES REVENUES FUNDS City Manager/City Clerk $ 258,826 $ 258,826 $ 0 $ 0 Election 12,475 12,475 0 0 Economic Development 74,622 74,622 0 0 TOTAL $ 345,923 $ 345,923 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES PROVIDED 1. City a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Clerk Political Reform Act Administration Elections Administration Notary Public Certification/Recordations Records Management Program Agendas, Minutes, comprehensive Index Ordinance Maintenance & Muni Code Updates Law Library Maintenance 2. Administration/Clerical Support for City Council 3. Annexation/Development Negotiations 4. Annual Goals & Objectives Program 5. Coordinate Economic Development a. Staff contact for county Economic Development Board Program b. Staff support for Business Task Force: Special Programs; Traffic/Land use/Circulation; Outdoor Sales c. Respond to site location requests for information d. Prepare report on feasibility of a local economic development program e. Business Attraction/Retention Programs 6. Complaint Investigation - 120 - I I 7. Financial Planning Budget/CIP Preparation I B. Ordinance Enforcement Fire Authority Administration I 10. Agenda Review and Development 11. Long Range Planning I 12. Supervision/coordination of Operating Department Activities 13. Provide council information and recommendations on policy issues, City activities, etc. I 14. Represent City with other agencies, intergovernmental organizations, etc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I - 121 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEPARTMENT: FIRE STAFFING: Provided by Dougherty Regional Fire Authority Budget Activities Directly Administered by this Department FUNDING SOURCE BUDGET ACTIVITY: TOTAL COST GENERAL REVENUES DEPARTMENT REVENUES RESTRICTED FUNDS Fire Services $2,756,398 $2,693,798 $ 62,600 $ o TOTAL $2,756,398 $2,693,798 $ 62,600 $ o SERVICES PROVIDED: 1. Administration & support a. Overall Administration & Command b. Communications 2. Fire Prevention a. Review of new development & building projects for Fire Code compliance b. Fire Prevention inspections on existing properties c. Fire Investigations d. Community Safety Education 3. Operations & Training a. Training of Employees for Fire Fighting b. Training of Employees for emergency medical services c. Responses to fire & other non-medical incidents d. Emergency Medical Responses - 122 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t DEPARTMENT: LEGAL SERVICES I STAFFING: Various attorneys provide services to City under contract Budget Activities Directly Administered by this Department BUDGET ACTIVITY: TOTAL COST $ 127,170 $ 127,170 GENERAL REVENUES $ 85,720 $ 85,720 Legal Services TOTAL SERVICES PROVIDED: 1. Dougherty Regional Fire Authority Legal Counsel 2. Litigation 3. General Legal Services - 123 - FUNDING SOURCE DEPARTMENT REVENUES $ 41,450 $ 41,450 RESTRICTED FUNDS $ 0 $ 0 I I I I I I DEPARTMENT: PLANNING STAFFING: 9 o FTE City Employees Contract Employees TOTAL 9 II Budget Activities Directly Administered by this Department I I I FUNDING SOURCE BUDGET ACTIVITY: TOTAL COST GENERAL REVENUES DEPARTMENT REVENUES RESTRICTED FUNDS Planning $ 602,689 $ 469,789 $ 126,300 $ 6,600 TOTAL $ 602,689 $ 469,789 $ 126,300 $ 6,600 SERVICES PROVIDED: I I I I I I I I I I I 1. Prepare Dublin General Plan, required elements, implementation programs, amendments, updates a. Housing Element Implementation Program (Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance1 Affordable Housing studies) b. Annual Report on GP c. Zonin~ Consistency (rezoning) 2. Process planning applications for private and public development proposals 3. Conduct project Review committee Meetings to coordina~e interagency processing. 4. Maintain street address filing system 5. Maintain planning application data base 6. update Assessor Parcel No. - Zoning Maps 7. Administer land use controls through zoning and subdivision regulations a. Process Zoning Approval Plan Checks b. Process Zoning Complaints c. Maintain Sign Inventory d. CUP Monitoring/Annual Review 8. Coordinate compliance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA/NEPA) 9. Implement Eastern Dublin Plans a. Prepare and maintain Eastern Dublin monitoring system regarding implementation programs and mitigation measures. b. Carry out planning related implementation programs (establish scenic corridor policies and standards; consult with resource management agencies and similar programs. - 124 - I 10. I 11. I I I I I 12. I I I I I I I I I I I I Prepare Zoning Ordinance Amendment Studies a. signs b. Outdoor Sales Monitor and meet with representatives regarding activities which may directly impact the City. a. Dougherty Valley proposals b. ABAG land use and housing programs c. Alameda Co. Airport Land Use Commission Programs d. Alameda Co. East County Area Plan e. Economic Development Advisory Board Programs f. State Department of Finance population Data g. LAVWMA proposal h. Alameda Co. Development on Santa Rita Property i. camp Parks plans and activities j. East Bay Regional Park District plans k. Pleasanton General Plan Update l. DSRSD Plans m. Tassajara Valley plan Provide public information to increase public understanding of City policies and programs a. Customer satisfaction survey b. Provide demographic estimates and forecasts to public c. Assist in providing information regarding housing assistance programs d. Counter availability e. Courtesy Newspaper Notices 13. Provide technical planning services to other departments and agencies a. Assist in TVTC Subregional Transportation Plan b. Assist congestion Management Agency Programs c. Assist BART parking Lot Designs d. Business License Application Review regarding zoning regulations e. participate in Alameda Co. community Development Block Grant Programs f. participate in Tri-valley Affordable Housing Committee g. Participate on LAVTA Technical Advisory Committee h. Conduct Garbage Service Exemption Inspections 14. Assist Planning Commission a. Provide Staff support to Planning Commission b. Prepare and maintain minutes - 125 - I DEPARTMENT: POLICE SERVICES I I I I I I I I I I I I STAFFING: .5 33.0 FTE City Employees Contract Employees TOTAL 33.5 Budget Activities Directly Administered by this Department BUDGET ACTIVITY: TOTAL COST GENERAL REVENUES Police Services $3,280,018 $3,210,168 TOTAL $3,280,018 $3,210,168 SERVICES PROVIDED: 1. Patrol 2. Traffic Enforcement 3. Criminal Investigation 4. special Investigations (Narcotics/Vice) 5. Juvenile Investigation 6. Crime Prevention I I I 7. Public Office 8. criminal Records 9. Process Criminal Evidence 10. Process Parking citations (Administrative Review) I I I I I - 126 - FUNDING SOURCE DEPARTMENT REVENUES $ 57,500 $ 57,500 . RESTRICTED FUNDS $ 12,350 $ 12,350 I I I I DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS I STAFFING: 7.00 11.42 FTE City Employees Contract Employees I TOTAL 18.42 I Budget Activities Directly Administered by this Department I I I I I I FUNDING SOURCE TOTAL GENERAL DEPARTMENT RESTRICTED BUDGET ACTIVITY: COST REVENUES REVENUES FUNDS Building Management* $ 324,670 $ 324,670 $ 0 $ 0 Traffic Signals & Street Lighting 289,815 0 0 289,815 Public Works Admin 292,563 277,405 9,000 6,158 Street Maintenance 280,259 65,209 0 215,050 Street Sweeping 73,360 0 0 73,360 Street Tree Maint 59,070 49,320 0 9,750 Street Landscape Maint 271,430 162,520 0 108,910 Park Maintenance 586,325 586,325 0 0 Engineering 316,876 151,206 48,100 117,570 TOTAL $2,494,368 $1,616,655 $ 57,100 $820,613 * Excludes Civic Center Lease Payment I I I I I I I I. SERVICES PROVIDED 1. Building Management a. Provide preventative maintenance repair, minor improvements & supervision of Building Maintenance contractors for Civic Center, corporation Yard, Senior Center, Shannon Center, & Swim Center Bathhouse b. Janitorial Service for Civic Center c. Provides various Building Management Services including alarm servi~e, pest control, elevators, window cleaning, carpet cleaning, plant care, floor mats d. Meeting Room Set-up e. Provide for gas, electric, water, sewer and telephone service for Civic Center & corporation Yard 2. Traffic Signals & Lighting a. Traffic Signal energy & maintenance b. Street Light energy & maintenance 3. Public Works Administration a. Administer/supervise Engineering & all maintenance activities b. Process citizen complaints & requests for service 4. Street Maintenance a. Street Repair for overlay program b. Temporary/Emergency Street Repair c. Street Repair for slurry seal - 127 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I d. e. f. g. h. 1- j. k. Drainage Maintenance Storm patrol/Clean-up sign Repair/Maintenance striping/Marking Guardrail Repair Right-of-Way Weed Control Bike Path Maintenance Slurry seal Program 5. Street sweeping street Tree Maintenance a. Tree Brush/cutting & trimming for privately owned trees in public R-O-W b. Tree Staking of City-owned trees c. pruning of City-owned trees d. Tree watering/fertilizing non-irrigated street trees e. Tree removal/planting of City-owned trees f. Contract spraying 6. street Landscape Maintenance a. Litter pick-up, trash can piCk-Up b. Bedding Maintenance/weeding c. Turf Maintenance d. Irrigation Maintenance e. Paver Stone Maintenance f. Installation of Holiday Banners g. Traffic Control for Community Events h. Illegal Sign/hazards and Graffiti Removal i. Rodent Control j. Leaf Clean-up k. San Ramon Road banner installation (City only) l. Roadside weed clean-up 7. 8. Park a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. 1- j. k. 1. m. Maintenance Turf Maintenance Tree Maintenance Irrigation Maintenance Bedding Maintenance/Weed Control Ballfield Maintenance Playground Maintenance Litter PiCk-up Restroom Maintenance Fountain Maintenance Maintenance of pools ide equipment Drainage Maintenance Playcourt Maintenance Miscellaneous Maintenance 1) Gravel Paths 2) Lighting 3) Unimproved R-O-W 4) Sign Maintenance 5) Rodent Control 6) Community Events 7) City Directed Training 8) Striping/Marking 9) Deck Cleaning 10) Parking Lot Sweeping 11) Trash can pickup - 128 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10. Engineering a. Traffic Engineering 1) speed surveys 2) Development Impact Studies 3) Citizen/Council Traffic Safety Studies b. Design & Implementation of community Improvement and street Capital Projects c. Implementation of NPDES, congestion Management Agency and other mandated programs d. Engineering Plan Review and Checking e. Inspection of private work in existing and future Public R-O-W f. City Mapping g. Engineering for Assessment Districts h. Attend and/or monitor the following agencies and committees: 1) Tri-Valley Transportation Council (TVTC) and Technical Subcommittee of TVTC 2) Alameda county Transportation Advisory Committee (ACTAC) 3) Caltrans I-580/I-680 Committee 4) Congestion Management Authority (CMA) and technical subcommittees 5) Alameda county Flood Control & Water Conservation District, Zone 7 6) Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) 7) Alameda County Transportation Authority (ACTA) - 129 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEPARTMENT: RECREATION I STAFFING: 7.50 .20 31,931.50 FTE City Employees Contract Employees (HOurs) PT City Employees TOTAL 7.70 31,931.50 (HOurs) Budget Activities Directly Administered by this Department FUNDING SOURCE TOTAL TOTAL GENERAL COST REVENUES $ 177,536 $177 , 536 8,000 8,000 26,543 26,543 1,000,238 519,478 16,490 8,620 $1,228,807 $740,177 . DEPARTMENT REVENUES RESTRICTED FUNDS BUDGET ACTIVITY: Library Service Cultural Activity Heritage Center Recreation Dublin cemetery $ 0 o o 480,760 7,870 $ o o o o o $488,630 $ o SERVICES PROVIDED 1. Recreation Administration a. Public Information 1) Quarterly Recreation Brochure 2) Press Releases b. Parks & Recreation Commission c. Facility scheduling 1) Civic Center 2) Shannon Center 3) School Facilities d. Information & Referral e. Park & Facility Planning f. Parks & Recreation Master Plan g. Monthly Park Service Request Report h. Quarterly Recreation Reports i. Youth Sports Liaison Committee 2. playgrounds a. After School Recreation (3 sites) b. Summer Playground Program (3 sites) c. camp Shannon d. Winter Wonderland Holiday Camp 3. Shannon Center a. Maintain & operate Shannon Center 4. Preschool a. Shannon Center Preschool (3 classes/session - 3 sessions from Sept to June) b. Tenderfoot Summer Day Camp - 130 - I I I 5. 6. I I 7. I I 8. I 9. I I I 10. I 11. I I I 12. I 13. 14. I I I Teens a. Noontime Recreation Program (3 days/week at Middle School) b. Afterschool Recreation Program (5 days/week at Middle School) c. Friday Night Out activities d. Pool Bashes Adult Sports a. Sports Leagues (Basketball, softball & volleyball) b. Open Gym - Basketball c. Dublin sports Grounds sCheduling Youth sports a. sports Leagues (Softba1l/T-ball and Basketball) b. sports Clinics and camps Special Events a. Citywide Flea Markets (2) b. Halloween Spooktacular c. Tree Lighting ceremony d. Breakfast with Santa e. St. patrick's Day Celebration f. Easter Eggstravaganza Senior Citizens a. Maintain and operate Senior Center b. Information and Referral c. Meals Program (3 days per week) d. Cooperative services (Health Insurance and Counseling Advocacy Program, Legal Assistance for Seniors) e. Volunteer Program f. Education and Recreation (ciasses, trips, special ~vents, dances, etc.) g. Monthly Newsletter h. Senior Center Advisory Committee Leisure Enrichment Classes a. 100 Classes offered per quarter Aquatics a. Maintain and operate Dublin Swim Center b. Recreational swimming c. Instructional Programs d. specialty Programs (lap swimming, water aerobics, swim team, diving, etc.) e. Pool Rentals f. Jr. Lifeguard/Aid Programs Library Services a. Supplement county Library services (14 hours/week) Cultural Activities a. Coordinate activities of Dublin Fine Arts Foundation Heritage Center a. Heritage Task Force b. Maintain and operate Heritage Center c. Coordinate burials at Dublin Cemetery d. Maintain burial records at Dublin cemetery e. Heritage Center Scheduling - 131 -