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File # D~~[Q]-~[Q]
SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING: Creekside Office Park Planned Development Rezone
(P A 97-031) for a 31.2 acre site located at the northwest comer of Hacienda
Drive and Central Parkway.
(Report prepared by: Jeri Ram, Associate Planner) ~
EXHIBIT ATTACHED: 1) Land Use and Development Plan
2) Ordinance establishing Planned Development District.
3) Resolution approving General Provisions, Development Regulations
and Design Guidelines
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Open continued public hearing
Receive staff presentation and public testimony
Close public hearing
Waive second reading and adopt Ordinance
Adopt Resolution Approving And Establishing Findings And General
Provisions For A Pd Planned Development Rezoning
No fmancial impact anticipated.
Attached to this staff report is a Land Use and Development Plan (Exhibit 1) and a Resolution setting forth
the General Provisions, Development Regulations and Design Guidelines (Exhibit 3) for the development
of the Creekside Office Park Project. It is a culmination of the work of Opus West, the developer, and the
City to guide and direct the eventual development of the 31.2 acre site.
In accordance with Section 8.04.040(D)(1)ofthe City of Dublin Municipal Code/ZoningOrdinance, this
Planned Development Rezone application has been processed under the previous Zoning Ordinance( Ord. 4-
94) as the application was deemed complete prior to the effective date of the new Zoning Ordinance.
COPIES TO: Opus West
Alameda County Surplus Property
P A File
Site History:
The City Council approved an amendment to the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan for the entire Santa Rita area
(primarily owned by The Alameda County Surplus Property Authority) in October, 1996. As part of that
action, this site was given a new Specific Plan and General Plan Land Use Designation of
Industrial/Campus Office.
Planning Commission Meeting:
The Planning Commission, at their meeting of February 10, 1998, approved a Resolution recommending a
Rezone of the project site to establish a Planned Development Zoning District.
City Council Meeting:
On March 3, 1998, the City Council introduced the Ordinance approving the Planned Development
Rezone and continued the public hearing to March 17, 1998, for a second reading.
Attached to this staffreportis a Land Use and Development Plan (Exhibit 1) and a Resolution(Exhibit3)
presenting specific development regulations for the development of the Creekside Office Park Project. It is a
culmination of the work of the land owner, the developer and the City to guide and direct the eventual
development of the 31.2j: acre site.
Opus West Corporation will be developing this site. At this time specific end users for the site have not
been determined so that any preparation of a final site plan or site development review package would be
premature. The General Provisions, Development Regulations and Design Guidelines (Attachment 1 to
the Resolution, Exhibit 3), will ensure that the project maintains its consistency with the Intent of the
Planned Development Zoning District.
The General Provisions, Development Regulations and Design Guidelines sets the pattern that this 31.2
acre site should encompass users which are oriented toward clean research and development businesses,
as well as higher intensity office use, and that development patterns should locate the office uses closest to
the Hacienda Drive and Central Parkway intersection.
Approval of this Planned Unit Development will implement provisions of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan.
The proposed Rezone will allow the project to move forward in advancement of City goals.
Staff recommends that the City Council reopen the continued public hearing, deliberate, waive the second
reading and adopt the Ordinance establishing the Planned Development Zoning District (Exhibit 2) and
Resolution including Specific Development Regulations, Development Standards and Design Guidelines
(Exhibit 3).
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The City Councll of the City of Dublin does ordain as foJ)ows:
Section 1:
Chapter 832 of Title 8 of the City of Dublin Municipal Code is hereby amended in the
foJ)owing manner:
Approximately 312 acres generally located at the northwest corner of Central Parkway
and Hacienda Drive in the Eastern Dublin Specific Planning area, more specifically described 2S
. Assessor's Parcel Number 986-15-1-4(por) are hereby rezoned from a Planned Development
District to a Planned Development Campus OfficelIndustrial District as shown and described in
the Land Use and Development Plan and in Resolution , Approving and Es1ablishing
Findings, General Provisions, Development Regulations and Design Guidelines for the Planned
Development Rezoning concerning PA 97-03 I, Creekside Office Park Project, Exhibits 1 and 3
to the Agenda Statement dated March 17, 1998, to the City Council, on file with the City of
Dublin Department of Community Development, which Plan and Resolution are hereby adopted
as the regulations for the fi:ture use, improvement., and maintenance of the property within this .
A map of the rezoning ar-..a is outlined below:
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Section 2:
This ordinance shall take effect and be enforced thirty (30) days from and after its
passage. Before the expiration offifteen (15) days after its passage, it shall be published once,
with the names of the Councilmembers voting for and against same, in a local newspaper
published in Alapleda County and available in the City of Dublin.
PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Dublin, on this _ th day
of , 1998, by the following votes:
City Clerk
G:\PA97-03 J\ord]
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WHEREAS, Opus West Corporation, the Applicant, is requesting a Planned
Development Rezoning to establish General Provisions, Development Regulations and Design
Guidelines for a 31.2 acre portion of APN 946-15-1-4(por); and
WHEREAS, Opus West Corporation has submitted a Land Use and Development Plan
as required by Section 8.31-13 of the Zoning Ordinance, as in effect at the time of application
(former Zoning Ordinance 4-94) which meets the requirements of said section and is available
and on file in the City of Dublin Planning Department; and
WHEREAS, the project is within the scope Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment
and City of Dublin General Plan Amendment for which a Mitigated Negative Declaration was
prepared (SCH 96092092) and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and General Plan Amendment,
for which a Program EIR was certified (SCH 91103064). That Mitigated Negative Declaration .
together with the Program EIR and Addenda dated May 4, 1993, and August 22, 1994,
adequately describes the total project for the purposes of CEQA; and
WHEREAS, there have not been any identified changes in the Project or in the
circumstances under which the Project is to be undertaken or any new information which
requires revisions to the Mitigated Negative Declaration or to the Program EIR; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a properly noticed public hearing on
said application on February 10, 1998, and did adopt a Resolution recommending that the City
Council approve and establish General Provisions, Development Regulations and Design
Guidelines for a Planned Development Rezoning for P A 97-031; and
WHEREAS, a properly noticed public hearing was held by the City Council on March
3, 1998, and March 17, 1998; and
WHEREAS, the Staff Report was submitted recommending that the City Council
approve the Planned Development Rezone; and
WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and use their independent judgment and consider
all said reports, recommendations and testimony hereinabove set forth.
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hereby find that:
1. The Planned Development Rezone is consistent with the general provisions,
intent, and purpose of the PD District Overlay Zone of the Zoning Ordinance (Ordinance 4-94).
The Planned Development Rezone will be appropriate for the subject property in terms of
providing General Provisions which set forth the purpose, applicable provisions of the Zoning
Ordinance, range of permitted and conditionally permitted uses which will be compatible with
vacant and proposed commercial, office and residential uses in the immediate vicinity, and which
enhances development of the Specific Plan area; and.
2. The Planned Development Rezone is consistent with the general provisions, intent
and purpose of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The Rezone implements the intent and
development standards identified in that document and will thereby serve to implement the
provisions of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan in this area; and
3. The Planned Development Rezone is consistent with the intent of the General
Plan which designates this area as Industrial Park/Office in that the Planned Development
Rezone will implement the intent of this Land Use Designation and because the project would
create development within the densities allowed by this Designation; and
4. The Planned Development Rezoning will not have a substantial adverse effect on
health or safety or be detrimental to the public welfare or be injurious to the property or public
improvements as all applicable regulations will be met; and
5. As demonstrated in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan matrix which was made a
part of the Mitigated Negative Declaration, the Planned Development Rezoning will be
consistent with the Dublin General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan including all the
policies therein; and
6. The Planned Development Rezoning as designed will provide efficient use of the
land with minimum alteration of natural land forms and will create an attractive, efficient and
safe environment; and
7. The Planned Development Rezoning will benefit the public necessity,
convenience and general welfare and is in conformance with Chapter 8.31.0 to 8.31.19 of the
Dublin Zoning Ordinance as it existed at the time the application was complete; and
8. The Planned Development Rezoning will be compatible with and enhance the
general development of the area because it will be development pursuant to conditions of
approval and site development review; and
9. The Planned Development Rezoning will provide an environment that will
encourage the efficient use of common areas to create an innovative type of office park
- ., . - ~. - ,-
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BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT except as specifically included in Attachment .
1, to this Resolution, development and operation of land use activities within this planned
development, shall be subject to the C-O Zoning District of the City of Dublin Zoning Code in
effect at the time the development and land use activities are considered. Changes or revisions to
this document, including Attachment 1 shall be subject to those requirements contained within
the most current Zoning Code.
BE IT FURTHER RESOL VED THAT THE Dublin City Council does hereby
recommend approval ofPA 97-031, Opus Planned Development, subject to the General
Provisions, Development Regulations and Design Guidelines which constitute regulations for the
use, improvement and maintenance of the 31.2 acre APN 946-I5-1-4(por) and included as
Attachment 1 to this Resolution.
, 1998.
City Clerk
G:\P A97-031 \ccrespd
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General Provisions, Development Regulations and Design Guidelines
I. Intent
II. Permitted uses.
III. Conditional uses.
IV. Development regulations.
V. Design guidelines.
INTENT. The intent of these Development Regulations and Design Guidelines is to
regulate site development and to promote flexibility using site planning criteria
specifically for the "Santa Rita Creekside Office "site. These regulations are intended to
encourage innovative site and design solutions that will accommodate a mix of office, and
Research and Development uses. The site development plan shall integrate the uses,
s1:nlctures, parking and site circulation to create the appearance of a singular work-place,
rather than a variety of independent developments. The architecture for all of the
s1:nlctures on site shall incorporate consistent and recurring design elements in order to
provide harmonious and complementary buildings which blend with each other and
surrounding uses. Site landscaping, lighting and signage shall compliment and
accentuate the s1:nlctures. The project shall project the image of a cohesive planned
business environment.
Santa Rita Creekside Office Site is a subsequent phase of the Planned Development Zone
bordered on the west by Arnold Drive and on the east by Hacienda Drive. Central
Parkway forms the site's southern boundary. As such, buildings and site circulation for
both pedestrians and vehicles shall be coordinated to limit the need to provide access
between sites from public thoroughfares. Building architecture between sites should
incorporate consistent or similar materials. The overall effect intended for this area is to
transition from office industrial uses closer to Gleason (Creekside Business Park) to high
intensity office and ultimately higher density residential uses located across Central
park"Way southerly of this project. The site shall be divided into two sub-sites: A-
"Research and Development/LightManufacturing" and, B - "Office Site".
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PERMITTED USES. The primary use within this Planned Development District shall be
business, administrative and professional offices. The intent of this District is to
encourage the location of large scale office uses, corporate headquarters or similar higher
intensity office users. The following Principal Uses are permitted in this district:
A. Administrative and Professional offices
B. Technology access center
C. Tele-commutingcenter
D. Tele-marketingcenter
E. Research and Development laboratories and offices
F. Other similar and compatible office, light industrial and commercial uses.
III. CONDmONAL USES. The following are Conditional Uses allowed in this district and
shall be permitted only if approved by the Planning Commission pursuant to the City of
Dublin Zoning Ordinance.
A. Warehouse and Light Manufacturing (with associated office use) and not
exceeding 30% of the structure.
B. Light manufacturing and processing that produce no noxious odors, hazardous
materials or excessive noise:
C. Broadcasting station or studio, excluding sending or receiving tower.
Cellular communications facility; minor
Community, religious and charitable institutional facilities (excluding business
offices) .
F. In-patient and out-patient health facilities as licensed by the State Department of
Health Services
G. Public facilities and uses (excluding offices).
H. Retail commercial establishments to serve site users
I. Eating and drinking establishments.
IV. DEVELOPMENf REGULATIONS. Development regulations for this district are intended
to accommodate the uses allowed in this district.
A. Minimum building site: Ten thousand square feet.
B. Maximum site coverage: Forty percent (40%).
C. Minimum site setbacks: The minimum setbacks from the right of way line for
buildings, accessory structures, parking areas, driveways, and loading areas shall
be as follows:
Along Central Parkway: *
Along Arnold Road:
Along Hacienda Drive: *
Along north property line:
Between buildings:
20 feet
20 feet
23 feet
10 feet
Per Site Development Review
D. Minimum architectural setbacks:
Buildings over 2 stories in height up to the maximum allowable height
(referenced in Section E below) when located at the minimum building setback as
referenced in Section C above shall be setback an additional 10' for each
subsequent story. The first 2 stories of a multi-story building may meet the
minimum setback, however, subsequent stories (above 2 stories) on the same
building must be stepped back in accordance with the following schedule. No
more than 70% of the building elevation above two stories shall be at the
minimum setback. The intent of this requirement is to reduce building mass to
create a tiered building plan and to vary the architectural face of the overall
3 stories:
.Central Parkway - 30 feet
*Hacienda Drive - 33 feet
4 stories: .
.Central Parkway - 40 feet
*Hacienda Drive - 43 feet
5 stories:
.Central Parkway - 50 feet
'"Hacienda Drive - 53 feet
The intent is to project a lower density appearance along major street frontages,
tiering the massing of structures toward the center of the site and along Arnold
E. Height of Buildings: 5 stories or seventy-five (75) feet.
F. Floor Area Ratio: The FAR within this district shall not exceed 0.50.
G. Parkin~ and Loadin~: Adequate parking for motor vehicles and bicycles and
loading shall be provided for the uses proposed in this district. The number,
dimensions, configurations and other requirements for parking and loading
spaces and access driveways shall conform to the regulations set forth in the City
of Dublin Zoning Ordinance. Parking ratios (parking spaces per square feet of
building floor area) shall be in accordance with Section 8.76 "Off-Street Parking
and Loading Regulations".
1. Shared Parking: Individual sites within the Santa Rita Creekside Office Site
shall be eligible for shared parking as specified in the Zoning Ordinance.
Section 8.76.050 F
/0 ~ ;%
Reciprocal Access: Reciprocal access between sites with the Santa Rita
Creekside Office Site (both sub-site A & B) and Area 13 northerly shall be
accommodated. A reciprocal access agreement shall be executed to permit
access to occur between sites and uses both on-site (between sub-sites A
and B) and with the adjacent Area 13 property to the north.
3. Short - Tenn Parking for Delivery Vehicles: An area for short term parking
for delivery vehicles, such as Federal Express and UPS, etc., shall be
provided in close proximity to the front door of the buildings. This area
shall be of a sufficient size to accommodate a standard delivery vehicle
without impeding pedestrian or vehicular traffic flow. This area shall not
be within any dedicated travel lane.
4. All required parking shall be provided on-site. Sub-sites A and B shall
each meet their required parking on their respective properties. In the
event that the intensity of the land use creates a parking demand which
cannot be met with surface parking, a parking structure shall be provided.
As noted elsewhere in these regulations, parking structures shall be located
toward the northerly and westerly boundaries of the site in keeping with
the industrial nature of that area.
Conditionally permitted or land uses not specifically referenced in Chapter
8.76 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance, generating a certain parking.
demand, may be required to provide a parking study to justify parking
demand. The findings of the study shall be implemented through the
adequate provision of parking stalls. Demand exceeding available surface
parking will be accommodated on -site in a parking structure.
Motorcycle Parking: An area shall be provided for motorcycle parking in close
proximity to the building entrance. This area shall be separated from vehicular
and pedestrian traffic and shall be provided at a ratio of 1 motorcycle parking stall
for each 150 automobile parking spaces. A motorcycle stall shall be a minimum
size of 3 feet by 6 feet.
Business and Other Signs: Business and other signs are permitted subject to the
City of Dublin Sign Ordinance. A Master Sign Program shall be submitted for City
review as part of the Site Development Review process.
Environmental Effects: No uses shall be permitted in this district which are
characterized by noise, vibrations or other environmental effects specified in the
performance standards for M-P Districts as set forth in the City of Dublin Zoning
K. Interior Uses: All Principal Uses in this District and all fabricating, processing or
repair uses accessory thereto shall be conducted within a building pursuant to the
regulations specified in the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance.
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Maintenance: The maintenance of all parking, loading, landscaping and internal
circulation areas shall be a continuing obligation of the property owner, pursuant
to Codes Covenants and Restrictions expressly for the Santa Rita Creekside
Business Park III site. (CC & R'S) approved by the City.
M. Site Development Review: Any structure, parking area, landscaping, lighting and
signage shall be subject to Site Development Review (Chapter 8.104 of the City of
Dublin Zoning Ordinance) and these guidelines.
A. Site Development Review: Site development for the Santa Rita Creekside Office
Site shall be governed by the following Design Guidelines and the Zoning
Ordinance of the City of Dublin. The Site Development Review Application for
this site shall address the requirements set forth in the City of Dublin Zoning
Ordinance and shall provide additional explanatory text and graphics addressing
the following topics:
1. Statement of the site development concept which defines an attractive and
harmonious development theme for site planning, architecture and
landscape architecture;
2. Site development plan, including calculations of percent coverage by type
of use;
Pedestrian Circulation: An on-site pedestrian circulation plan shall be
prepared and submitted at the time of Site Development Review. This plan
will include transitions from public rights of way to private wal1..-ways.
Connections between buildings and walkways encircling buildings shall be
emphasized, which limit or eliminate the need to cross any vehicular drive
In instances where pedestrians and motorized vehicles intersect, a change
in pavement material or treatment shall be utilized. Standard concrete is
not acceptable and some form of embellished pavement will be included.
This pedestrian circulation plan shall emphasize connections between the
public sidewalks and sites in both east-west and north-south directions.
These connections are important, especially between this property and the
existing property to the north.
4. Architectural plans, sections and elevations;
5. Circulation Plan for automobiles, parking, motorcycles, trucks, truck
loading spaces, pedestrians and bicycles, including curb radii and truck
maneuvering templates;
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Landscape Master Plan, including a description of all landscape materials,
such as plants, furniture and fencing; their arrangement and a
maintenance program; and a calculation of percent coverage by type of
landscaped area;
7. Grading and Utility Plans;
8. Lighting Master Plan, including a description of the location and types of
9. Master Sign Program, including the specifications for each type of sign.
10. A Development Schedule showing the date of commencement, annual
accomplishments, completion of construction and occupancy dates. ,
B. Site Desi!{n: Site design is to establish the character, form and aesthetic features
that contribute to the creation of a development that is in harmony internally and
with its setting and in conformance with standard conditions of approval and
policies of the City of Dublin where applicable. .
1. Wherever possible, buildings should be sited in relation to each other to
create a system of semi-enclosed and usable outdoor areas.
Buildings should be located so that the buildings and landscaped areas, not
parking areas, create the dominant positive impression of site character
from the surrounding streets.
3. Setback variations among buildings along a street are required. No two
neighboring buildings shall have the same setback for more than 40% of
their frontages.
4. Exceptions to the stated setback requirements are:
a. Architectural projections (such as eaves, columns or arcades) may
encroach not more than forty (40) percent into the setback.
b. Freestanding signage as defined in the Master Signage Program.
5. Front and side yard setbacks shall be fully landscaped.
6. Major vehicular access points shall be oriented to attractive features of
buildings or open space.
7. Signature Statement: Each site, individWllly or the entire site if it is
developed under a comprehensive plan, shall incorporate a signature
statement which visWllly identifies this property. (See "Open Space
Landscaping, Circulation and Architectural Design" below).
j'JJ 4 jg
The intent of this requirement is to create a visual presence of this
development which defines the style of the project and differentiates the
Santa Rita Creekside Office Site from similar developments.
The site shall be designed to institute State Regional Water Quality Control
Board Best Management Practices for storm drainage. All parts of the site,
including building pads, parking, loading, access driveways and
maneuvering areas shall be graded and well-drained and shall be
maintained at all times. Drainage outlets shall include a sign reading "No
Dumping/l1owsinto the Bay".
Trash/Recycling Enclosures: Each building shall provide adequate and
accessible interior or exterior enclosures for trash and recycling facilities.
Exterior facilities shall be entirely enclosed by a solid fence or wall and
opaque gate six feet in height and shall not be located near any pedestrian
access points or outdoor usable open space areas. A roof structure
acceptable to the Fire Department shall be used for additional screening
from 2 or more story structures and to prevent winds from blowing refuse
deposited in these enclosures.
10. Location of IndustriaI Uses and Parking Structures: The project site is
across Hacienda Drive and Central Parkway from an area where the
designated land uses are medium-high and high density residential.
Therefore, industrial uses and parking structures are encouraged to locate
as close as possible to Arnold Drive and the northerly boundary of the site
and to take primary truck access from Arnold Drive.
11. Parking Structures: Parking structures shall be located as close as practical
to the northerly site boundary. On sub-site B - "Office Site" any parking
structure shall be located as far westerly as possible away from Hacienda
On Sub-site A - "Research and Development/Light Manufacturing" the
parking structure shall be located as far northerly as possible and shall be
located as close to Arnold Drive as practical.
A parking structure proposed for either sub-site shall be limited in height
to 70% of the adjacent office structure.
C. Open Space and Landscapin~: A minimum of twenty percent (20%) of the gross
site area shall be provided in open space. Open space shall include landscaping in
entries, plazas/courtyards, parking areas, front and side yard setbacks and other
similar uses, wherein eight percent (8%) shall be in the parking area. Up to 2 feet
of boundary landscaping (front bumper overhang) may be counted as "parking
area landscaping".
1. A common landscape theme and common palette of landscape materials
shall be used throughout the site.
~~ 3.
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All landscaped areas shall be continuously maintained.
Landscape design and maintenance should respond to prevailing water
conservation policies and be compatible with recycled water. The majority
of the plant materials shall be well suited to the climate of the region and
shall require minimum water.
4. Plazas/Courtyard Areas: Landscaped areas shall be provided in the
interior of the site to create comfortable and usable outdoor areas that
integrate hardscape and softscape. Planting, special paving and other
landscaping materials should be selected to maximize enjoyment of the
outdoor area, given climatic considerations. Each site, individually or the
entire site, shall incorporate exterior Courtyard/Plaza areas as a means of
delineating the pedestrian entries to the buildings and on the interior of the
grouped buildings to allow for passive uses, such as eating areas, etc. The
scale of these areas should be pedestrian-friendly and attractive to
encourage use.
Pedestrian W al1.~ays: Walkways internal to the site shall be distinguished
with special paving. All wal1.~ays shall be a minimum of five (5) feet in
width and shall encircle all buildings. Adjacent to parking areas, a
minimum of 4' clear distance shall be maintained for walkways between
the car overhang and the edge of the walkway. (see "Pedestrian
Circulation" above)
Parking Areas: These standards regulate the provision of off -street parking
spaces for the automobiles of tenants of the premises and for their clients,
customers, employees and callers. They are required to remain accessible
for these purposes continuously. The number and dimension of parking
stalls shall be governed by the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance. Each
unenclosed parking facility shall include a perimeter landscaped strip,
landscaped islands and tree planters.
The landscape strips shall be:
at least 20 feet wide between the parking area and the
property line along public right of way, except along
Hacienda Drive where the setback shall be 23 feet.
(2) at least 16 feet between the parking area and building
window walls.
at least 1 0 feet between the parking area and other building
walls except in areas designated for truck docking,
maneuvering and parking.
/5 ~ 11'
(4) The landscaped strip between the parking area and the
property line along a public right of way shall include a
berm not less than three feet in height or with a slope not to
exceed a ratio of 2: 1 to substantially screen the view of
parked vehicles from the street. The berm should be sized
and located to allow visibility for the safety of motorists
exiting the site. Where residential uses abut, landscape
planting on the berm shall be designed to block views of
parked vehicles.
(5) At entries, sidewalks shall be incorporated into the
landscaped strip. A minimum of 4 feet clear width shall be
maintained for any sidewalk.
(6) Where the landscaped strip is adjacent to building window
walls or pedestrian rights of way, landscaping shall be
provided that screens views of automobiles. In this location,
the use of a berm is desirable.
A minimum of one (1) parking lot tree shall be planted for every
four parking spaces. Trees shall be distributed throughout the
parking area, shall be of a variety that offers a substantial shade
canopy when mature and shall be a minimum IS-gallon size when
planted. Tree planters shall have standard six-inch curbs on all
sides and shall have good surface drainage. Trees shall be planted
as part of the construction process for the parking area. Diagonal
tree well sqUAres used between rows of parking shall measure a
minimum of 4 1/2 feet by 4 1/2 feet for each outside edge or 6
feet on both diagonals. The design standards established in the
Dublin Parking Ordinance shall be utilized unless herein
c. The parking area shall contain landscaped islands with a minimum
dimension of five feet by five feet, excluding curb. Landscaped
islands or adjacent trees in planting strips shall be located for every
four parking spaces in a single row.
d. Parking Structures: Where parking structures are utilized, they
shall be located away from Hacienda Drive and Central Parkway.
Parking structures for sub-site B shall be located close to Arnold
Drive and the northerly property line providing all setbacks and
screening techniques are adhered to. Parking structures on either
sub-site shall be screened with combinations of landscaping and
berming and the required tree count per parking stall, as required
in the Dublin Parking Ordinance, may be reduced by as much as
50% with the required trees being placed around the perimeter of
the structure.
. ~ . . - -~.
II, ~ /t~
Signature Statement: In conjunction with the site design and architectural .
design of the project, a Landscape/ Open Space Statement shall be
incorporated. Visual identity to the Santa Rita Creekside Office Site as a
unique property shall be created. Unique landscape elements, such as
fountains, water features, entry gardens, street furniture, etc., are to be
incorporated within the site's overall signature element.
D. Circulation: Access and on-site circulation should allow the movement of
vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians in a safe, efficient and logical manner.
1. Entryways: Attractive entryways shall be provided to individual parcels for
vehicles and pedestrians.
a. Parcel entries should be oriented toward internal or external open
space, landscape or architectural features.
b. Access drives shall be located to orient visitors to the building
entries, wherever feasible.
c. Access drives shall be designed with adjacent lots to provide
sufficient automobile stacking during peak periods of use.
d. Access drives shall have minimum curb radii of 20 feet.
Distinctive landscape materials and focal elements shall be used at
each majority entry.
f. A pedestrian walkway shall link the public sidewalk on each
frontage with on-site pedestrian circulation routes.
2. Driveways: Vehicular circulation routes within the site should provide
efficient means of moving goods or passengers while avoiding long,
unbroken drives or aisles in parking areas to discourage speeding and
through -traffic.
3. Signature Statement: Vehicular circulation can encompass both landscape
and pavement alternatives to create an identity unique to a particular site.
Items such as embellished pavement, roundabouts, etc., which serve to
channel and direct traffic, shall be utilized.
E. Architectural Design: An overall architectural theme is to be established for the
entire site. Through architectural design, a signature statement can be created to
define the Santa Rita Creekside Office Site and make it visually unique to similar
projects in the vicinity. Utilizing architectural building materials and
architectural design techniques, the Santa Rita Creekside Office Site will project a
statement to define this site. The architectural design elements shall coordinate
with vehicular and pedestrian signature elements, as well as the landscaping and
open space signature feature.
/ 1~ /g
The front and side facades of buildings shall be designed to provide visual
interest to pedestrians and motorists. Front and side building facades shall
include sufficient articulation to prevent long, horizontal elements and
uninterrupted walls.
2. The design of windows, reveals, parapets and other architectural features
should promote a visually stimulating and coherent architectural theme.
Long stretches of windows shall be broken up by perpendicular elements,
such as building wall, trellises or latticework.
3. Entries: Distinctive materials shall be used in the design of entry areas to
highlight these areas.
4. Distinctive roof lines shall be introduced at building entries and at the
building corners at the Hacienda and Central Parkway intersection and the
Central Parkway and Arnold intersection. Rooftop mechanical equipment
shall be screened from view.
5. Truck docking areas shall be designed as a part of the overall architectural
design for a principal building, such that the view of these areas shall be
screened to the maximum extent feasible from street views or otherwise
architecturally treated to resemble the side or front of the same building.
Outdoor Storage: Outdoor storage of materials is specifically prohibited.
F. Lightin~ and Street Furniture: Lighting shall conform with the City of Dublin
standards. Both light standards and street furniture shall establish an architectural
style which mirrors and complements the building architecture.
1. Pedestrian walk~ays, entry areas, courtyards and plazas should be lighted
to provide a sense of personal safety for pedestrians and to minimize
2. Interior private streets, driveways and parking areas shall be lighted with
20-30 foot high fixtures of a consistent character and quality and shall
meet at least the City's minimum footcandle lighting standards for public
3. All lighting shall be shielded in a manner that prevents visibility of the
lights source and that minimizes glare and light spillover beyond the
perimeter of the development.
G. Signa~e: A clear, hierarchically organized system of signage shall be provided to
orient users to various destinations. All signs are to conform to the City of Dublin
Sign Ordinance and are to be of a uniform style throughout the site. The signage
elements shall complement the site architectural theme.
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Utilities: Padmounted transformers, water mains and other utilities shall be
located and screened to minimize visibility. No structures other than fencing and
landscaping shall be located within any portion of the public utility easement
unless authorized subject to an encroachment permit.