HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.2 DevElevationCap v . . . '( ... CITY CLERK File # DElJ[2J[Q]-~5J AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 7, 1998 SUBJECT: PUBLJC HEARlNG: P A 98-029 Development Elevation Cap - General Plan Amendment r R U (Report prepared by: Carol R. Cirelli, Senior Planner) U, EXHIBITS A TT ACHED: Exhibit 1: Resolution Approving P A 98-029 Development Elevation Cap - General Plan Amendment Planning Commission Resolution Recommending City Council Adoption of P A 98-029 Development Elevation Cap - General Plan Amendment June 9, 1998 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes Map Depicting "'Low Density Residential" Land Use Designation Outside of the Development Elevation Cap Exhibit 2: Exhibit 3: Exhibit 4: RECOMMENDATION: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Open the public hearing. Receive staff presentation and public testimony. Question staff and the public. Close public hearing and deliberate. Adopt Resolution approving P A 98-029 Development Elevation Cap - General Plan Amendment; or give staff direction and continue the matter. # FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None BACKGROUND: The City Council held a public hearing on the Urban Opportunity Area - General Plan Amendment on May 19, 1998. Due to a number of concerns voiced at the meeting regarding the Urban Opportunity Area policies within the Western Extended Planning Area, the City Council agreed to modify the General Plan Amendment policies using the wording "elevation cap," separating the process from the Western EA'lended Planning Area, and moving forward with policies just for the Eastern Eh'lended Planning Area. Staffretumed to the Planning Commission on June 9th (minutes attached as Exhibit 3) with a modified Urban Opportunity Area - General Plan Amendment as a result of the May 19th City Council meeting. Although a couple of individuals expressed some concerns regarding the new Implementing Policy "D" of - -............... - --- - - ~ - - - -............... - -- -............... - - -..-- -- - ---- ~ - - ---- COPIES TO: In-House Distribution 6.1 ITEM NO. g:\urhanoa\ccsrl the draft General Plan Amendment (as explained further on in the staff report), the Planning Commi~siQn . . adopted a Resolution recommending City Council adoption of the Development Elevation Cap - General · Plan Amendment for the Eastern Extended Planning Area (Exhibit 2). .4...1\"AL YSIS: . The General Plan Amendment is now referred to as the Development Elevation Cap - Eastern Extended Planning Area. Staff has retained the same policies for the Eastern Extended Planning Area as when the project was referred to as the "Urban Opportunity Area." Staff made minor procedural changes deleting all references to the Western Extended Planning Area, replaced "Urban Opportunity Area" with "Development Elevation Cap," and more clearly defined "urban development" and "Development Elevation Cap." One additional implementing policy was added (Implementing Policy "D") which addresses a particular portion of property (see Exhibit 4) that is outside the Development Elevation Cap, but within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan with a land use designation of "Low Density Residential". Any future development of this property may be found consistent with the Development Elevation Cap policies so long as all other applicable General Plan, Specific Plan and other development policies are complied with. Two individuals that spoke at the June 9th Planning Commission meeting were concerned that the City was making an exception to one property owner allowing him to develop beyond the Development Elevation Cap and that there was nothing preventing the City from making similar exceptions to other property owners within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area. Staff eXplained that there is only one area within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan where this occurs and that this policy would not apply to any other property owner within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan; and that although Implementing Policy "D" allows development to occur in this area, the affected property owner would still need to apply for . appropriate planning permits and comply with other applicable General Plan, Specific Plan and development policies of the City. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council open the public hearing and receive staff presentation and public testimony, question staff and public, close public hearing and adopt a Resolution approving the Development Elevation Cap - General Plan Amendment for the Eastern Extended Planning Area' as described in Exhibit 1 of the staff report. . 2 . . . RESOLUTION NO. - 98 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ********* APPROVAL OF P A 98-029 DEVELOPMENT ELEVATION CAP - GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT WHEREAS, the City recognized the need to identify a geographic area of urban development potential within the Dublin city limits and the adopted sphere of influence; and WHEREAS, this geographic area of urban development potential is referred as the "Development Elevation Cap"; and WHEREAS, a General Plan Amendment is proposed that would identify areas of urban development potential; incorporate a development elevation cap boundary within the Eastern Extended Planning Area; and include new General Plan policies addressing the DevelopmentElevation Cap; and WHEREAS, the purpose of the Development Elevation Cap is to clearly identify areas of urban development potential where orderly and logical growth can occur without major impacts to visually sensitive ridgelands and biologically sensitive habitat areas, or to public services and infrastructure; and WHEREAS, the Development Elevation Cap is a long-term commitment by the City to manage growth within the current City limits and the Eastern Extended Planning Area, and identifies where development is expected to occur over the next 20 to 25 years; and "WHEREAS, the Development Elevation Cap General Plan Amendment is consistent with other policies and programs of the Dublin General Plan that recognize the potential extent of urban development over the life of the General Plan; and "WHEREAS, According to Section 15061 (a)(3) of the" California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the project is exempt from CEQA because the project will not have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment and the project is within the scope of the following public record documents: Dublin General Plan (incorporating the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment); the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, and the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan EIR; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on the P A 98-029 Urban Opportunity Area General Plan Amendment on April 14, 1998, which included General Plan policies for both the Eastern and Western Extended Planning areas, and considered all written and oral testimony submitted at the public hearing; and WHEREAS, due to a some concerns raised prior to the April 14. 1998 meeting regarding P A 98- 029 Urban Opportunity Area General Plan Amendment, staff recommended a continuance of the public hearing to the April 28, 1998 Planning Commission meeting; and EXIDBIT 1 WHEREAS, on April 28, 1998, the Planning Commission considered all written and oral testimony submitted at the public hearing, and adopted Resolution No. 98-18 recommending City Council approval of the Urban Opportunity Area General Plan Amendment; and . 'WHEREAS, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing on the P A 98-029 Urban Opportunity Area General Plan Amendment on May 19, 1998 and considered all written and oral testimony submitted at the public hearing; and WHEREAS, at the May I-9th City Councir meeting, the Council directed Planning staff to return to the Planning Commission with a modified Ge~eral Plan AmenQment project that separates the process from the Western Extended Planning Area and moves forward with policies for just the Eastern Extended Planning Area, and that includes the wording "elevation cap" in the title of the General Plan Amendment; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on the P A 98-029 Development Elevation Cap General Plan Amendment on June 9, 1998 and considered all written and oral testimony submitted at the public hearing and adopted Resolution No. 98-26 recommending City Council adoption of the Development Elevation Cap General Plan Amendment; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing on the P A 98-029 Development Elevation Cap General Plan Amendment on July 7, 1998 and considered all written and oral testimony submitted at the public hearing. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin City Council does hereby find that: . I. The P A 98-029 Development Elevation Cap General Plan Amendment, as described in Attachment I -A of this Resolution, is consistent with the Dublin General Plan. 2. 1bis General Plan Amendment is necessary for identifying a geographic area of urban development potential within the Dublin city limits and the adopted sphere of influence, within the Eastern Extended Planning Area, where orderly and logical growth can occur without major impacts to visually sensitive ridgelands and biologically sensitive habitat areas, or to public services and infrastructure. 3. The General Plan Amendment is consistent with other policies and programs of the Dublin General Plan that recognize the potential extent of urban development over the life of the General Plan within areas that would not result in impacts to public services, visually sensitive ridgelands and biologically sensitive habitat areas. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Dublin City Council hereby approves P A 98-029 Development Elevation Cap General Plan Amendment, attached as Attachment I-A and incorporated herein by reference. . 2 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of July, 1998. . AYES: NOES: .ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk g:\urbanoa\ccreso 1 . . " .) GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT DEVELOPMENT ELEV A TION CAP . AMENDMENT 1.4: PRlMARY PLANNING AREA AND EXTENDED PLANNING AREA [Add the following text to end of Section 1.4] Development Elevation Cap - Eastern Ex'1ended Planning Area The Development Elevation Cap is a long-term commitment by the City of Dublin to manage growth within the current City limits and the Eastern Extended Planning Area. The Development Elevation Cap establishes a boundary identifying where development is expected to occur pursuant to the General Plan over the ne>.'1 20 to 25 years. The purpose of the Development Elevation Cap is to clearly identify geographic areas of urban development potential within the Dublin city limits and the adopted sphere of influence where orderly and logical growth can occur without major impacts to visually sensitive ridgelands and biologically sensitive habitat areas, or to public services and infrastructure. The term "urban development" means residential and non-residential development at or below the 770 foot elevation line; reservoirs, water lines, grading, or other infrastructure and construction activities necessary for serving or establishing such urban development may be located or occur above the 770 foot elevation. . The Development Elevation Cap policies are consistent with existing City General Plan policies and programs that recognize the extent of urban development within areas that would not result in impacts to public services and infrastructure, visually sensitive ridgelands and biologically sensitive habitat. The Development Elevation Cap policies support the City's existing policies of ensuring that any new development requiring urban levels of service within the Eastern Extended Planning Area occurs in a logical, orderly manner adjacent to existing development; and incorporating open space systems and preserving Dublin's visual qualities within the Eastern Extended Planning Area. The Development Elevation Cap in Eastern Dublin is defined as the 770 foot elevation and areas at or below this elevation are areas of urban development potential located within the City limits and adopted sphere of influence in Eastern Dublin (see Figures 1-2 and 1-4). Areas within the Development Elevation Cap are bounded by open space and rural residential areas to the east and north, and areas of high elevation. The 770 foot elevation reflects the highest serviceable elevation for water service based on 1) the adopted General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan; and 2) the adopted Dublin San Ramon Services District - Eastern Dublin Facilities Plan dated June, 1997. The area of urban development potential reflects the "community of interest" where public services, schools, commercial services and transportation linkages tie this area into and through other areas of Dublin. Physical characteristics within this area (i.e., rolling hills, flat lands, creeks and proximity to . Attachment I-A (Exhibit 1) . . . major transportation links, such as freeways, major streets and BART) enhance the sense of community and association with Dublin. Almost all of the development areas within the Development Elevation Cap are within the adopted Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area. Several smaller areas (north near the Contra Costa County line and east of Croak Road) are outside the adopted Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area, but within the City's adopted sphere of influence as defined by the Local Agency Formation Commission. The City of Dublin has defined a plan for phased and appropriate urban development of this area either through the General Plan and/or the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. Logical extension of public services' and infrastructure in this area will be accomplished in an orderly and environmentally sound expansion and the 770 foot elevation reflects the logical boundary for this extension. Implementing: Policies - Development Elevation Cap - Eastern Extended Planning Area A. The City shall utilize the 770 foot elevation as a planning tool to provide a transition/buffer area between urban development and agricultural/open space land uses east of the sphere of influence line which do not require an urban level of public service and infrastructure. B. Urban land uses may be approved for areas beyond the Development Elevation Cap only when land use information is available covering the potential impacts associated with natural resources, public health and safety, visually sensitive resources, biologically sensitive habitat areas, infrastructure, future land uses and other issues, as reviewed through a General Plan Amendment. C. A new specific plan or amendment to the existing Eastern Dublin Specific Plan will be required before any urban development is approved for those areas outside the Development Elevation Cap not covered by the present Specific Plan. The Specific Planes) shall include new policies and action programs which further the goals and policies of the General Plan and are designed specifically for the Eastern Extended Planning Area. D. Development of property with an approved urban land use designation under the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan that is located both below and above the Development Elevation Cap may be considered consistent with the Development Elevation Cap so long as all other applicable General Plan, Specific Plan and other development policies are complied with. GENERAL PLAN FIGURE AMENDMENTS [Figure 1-2 has been amended to show the Development Elevation Cap policies] [Figure 1-4 has been added to show Development Elevation Cap boundary within the Eastern Extended Planning Area] g:\ urbanoz\gpatextl 2 Attachment I-A (Exhibit 1) .- 'D~ ytfyrvss~ ---.-;;:~ /";';l:iO."""~ ..!.:.:.:. .:s.t.:.:.:.::.:...... ~ .... ,.;.:::::::: OJ ::::::::!-::::::.: 5< :::: ............; c........ .'. ~Ci.... 'f::::~:~:;i:~:f~:j: :::: s:::: .~..~I!"'" ...f~.'" '::~::W:::~::t:ii.}:~i :::~ ........~.~.~:..:~ ~." :::::::::::::::::::~;..;:::::::.:.... '.':'.' 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RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT P A 98-029 DEVELOPMENT ELEVATION CAP - GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT WHEREAS, the City recognized the need to identifY a geographic area of urban development potential within the Dublin city limits and the adopted sphere of influence; and WHEREAS, this geographic area of urban development potential is referred as the areas below the "Development Elevation Cap"; and WHEREAS, a General Plan Amendment is proposed that would identify areas of urban development potential; incorporate a development elevation cap boundary within the Eastern E>.'lended Planning Area; and include new General Plan policies addressing the Development Elevation Cap; and WHEREAS, the purpose of the Development Elevation Cap is to clearly identify areas of urban development potential where orderly and logical growth could occur without major impacts to visually sensitive ridgelands and biologically sensitive habitat areas, or to public . services and infrastructure; and ~REAS, the Development Elevation Cap is a long-term commitment by the City to manage growth within the current City limits and the Eastern Extended Planning Area, and identifies where deve10pment is expected to occur pursuant to the General Plan over the ne),.1. 20 to 25 years; and WHEREAS, the Development Elevation Cap General Plan Amendment is consistent 'with other policies and programs of the Dublin General Plan that recognize the potential e>.'lent of urban development over the life of the General Plan; and WHEREAS, According to Section 15061 (a)(3) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the project is exempt from CEQA because the project will not have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment and the project is within the scope of the following public record documents: Dublin General Plan (incorporating the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment); the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, and the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan EIR; and "WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on the P A 98- 029 Urban Opportunity .tliea General Plan Amendment on April 14, which included General Plan policies for both the Eastern and Western Extended Planning .tlieas, and considered all . written and oral testimony submitted at the public hearing. EXIDBrT 2 . . . \VHEREAS, due to some concerns raised prior to the April 14, 1998 meeting regarding the PA 98-029 Urban Opportunity General Plan Amendment, staffrecommended a continuance of the public hearing to the April 28, 1998 Planning Commission meeting; and 'WHEREAS, on April 28, 1998, the Planning Commission considered all written and oral testimony.submitted at the public hearing, and adopted Resolution No. 98-18 recommending City Council approval of the Urban Opportunity .Area General Plan Amendment; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a duly noticed public bearing on the P A 98-029 . Urban Opportunity .Area General Plan Amendment on May 19, 1998 and considered all written and oral testimony submitted at the public hearing; and WHEREAS, at the May 19th City Council meeting, the Council directed Planning staff to return to the Planning Commission with a modified General Plan Amendment project that separates the process from the Western Extended Planning }\rea and moves forward with policies for the Eastern Extended Planning Area, and that includes the wording "elevation cap" in the title of the General Plan Amendment; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public bearing on the P A 98- 029 Development Elevation Cap General Plan Amendment on June 9, 1998 and considered all written and oral testimony submitted at the public hearing. NO''', THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission bereby finds that: 1. The P A 98-029 Development Elevation Cap General Plan i\mendment, as described in Attachment I-A of this Resolution, is consistent with the Dublin General Plan. 2. This General Plan Amendment is necessary for identifying a geographic area of urban development potential 'Within the Dublin city limits and the adopted sphere of influence, 'Within the Eastern Extended Planning Area, where orderly and logical growth could occur without major impacts to visually sensitive ridgelands and biologically sensitive habitat areas, or to public services and infrastructure. 3. The General Plan Amendment is consistent with other policies and programs of the Dublin General Plan that recognize the potential extent of urban development over the life of the General Plan within areas that would Dot result in impacts to public services, visually sensitive ridgelands and biologically sensitive habitat areas. NOV\7, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission recommends City Council approval ofPA 98-029 Development Elevation Cap General Plan Amendment, attached as Attachment I-A and incorporated herein by reference. 2 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 9th day of.hille, 1998. AYES: NOES: 'ABSE1\"T: Cm. Jennings, Johnson, Hughes, and Oravetz Cm. Musser Planning Commission Chairperson Trib tJ~ f ~ Community Development Director g:\urbanoa \pcres2 .., ,:) i:' I~ . . . . m. Hughes asked if they would store any hazardous materials. d the applicant if he read and agreed with the conditions. s, and he agreed with the conditions. Cm. Hughes asked how to destroy an un Mr. Haag stated that Zone 7 had standards and pr edures on how to destroy an old well. He had not seen one on the site, however, Zone 7 may have record of one bei on the site. On motion by Cm. Johnson, seconded by Cm. Planning Commission unanimously adopted a vote of 4-0~] with Cm. Musser absent, the RESOLUTION NO. 98-24 APPROVING PA 97-047, CONDITIONAL USE PE ~.<\ND SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW FOR TCI CABLE CONSTRUCTIO 6310 HOUSTON PLACE 8.3 98-029 Development Elevation Cap - Eastern Extended Planning Area - General Plan Amendment The City of Dublin is proposing to amend the Dublin General Plan to incorporate a Development Elevation Cap boundary within the Eastern Extended Planning Area. The Development Elevation Cap will identify areas of urban development potential within the Dublin city limits and the City's sphere of influence. The amendment will include general plan text and figure changes and new general plan policies addressing the Development Elevation Cap. Cm. Jennings asked for the staff report. . Carol Cirelli, Senior Planner, presented the staff report. She gave a brief description ofthe project. She explained that the City Council directed staff to prepare General Plan policies which identify areas of urban growth potential, called the "Urban Opportunity Area" within both the Eastern and Western Extended Planning areas. When the project was brought before the Council last month, quite a number of concerns were raised regarding the policies for the Western Extended Planning Area. The Council agreed to modify the Urban OppoITUnity Area policies using the wording "Development Elevation Cap" instead of Urban Opportunity Area; separating the process from the Western Extended Planning Area, and moving forward with policies for just the Eastern Extended Planning Area. Staff determined a need to add an additional implementing policy as a result of a concern raised by one ofthe Eastern Dublin property owners. A new implementing policy has been added which reads Development of property within an approved urban land use designation under the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan that is located both below and above the development elevation cap may be considered consistent with the development elevation cap so long as other applicable General Plan/Specific Plan and other development policies are complied with. Staff was previously aware of this issue, but staffs intent for this Regular Meeting [6-9 pcmi] 54 June 9. 1998 EXHIBIT 3 .....~ .' I propeny was never to delete the Specific Plan land use designation of '"Low Density Residential. " even though it falls beyond the Development Elevation Cap. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend City . Council approval of Development Elevation Cap - General Plan Amendment. Cm. Oravetz asked for clarification of the orange area on the map (the property site owned by Redgewick Construction). Ms. Cirelli explained that the City may approve a project in the orange area if it complies with other General Plan policies and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan policies. Mr. Peabody stated it was the only area Beyond the Development Elevation Cap boundary that has any designation for urban development. Cm. Hughes stated that the 770 foot elevation is only related to that piece of property designated in the orange area on the map. Cm. Johnson asked what was the reason for the 770 foot elevation. Ms. Cirelli stated that the elevation complies with the existing water service levels in Eastern Dublin which has been adopted in the DSRSD Master Plan. Cm. Oravetz asked what if the Planning Commission recommended a 600 foot elevation cap. Mr. Peabody stated that would be passed onto the City Council and they would decide. Cm. Oravetz asked where the Dublin Ranch development was located. . Ms. Cirelli showed him on the map. Cm. Jennings asked if the letter was asking for an exemption. Ms. Cirelli stated yes. They were referring to Policy C, but staff felt that Policy D better applies to this property. Cm. Jennings asked if Redgewick has seen Policy D. Ms. Cirelli stated that she did not know. Cm. Hughes asked ifLivennore had an elevation cap. Mr. Peabody stated that they have a growth management line but in some situations they are not related to water elevations. Cm. Hughes asked if Dublin's sphere of influence ends where the broken lines are shown on the map. Ms. Cirelli stated that the sphere of influence line is the dotted line on the map. She showed where the incorporated area that belonged to the County and the Livermore boundaries are on the map. Cm. Hughes asked if the County has anything in their General Plan for the incorporated area. . Regular Meeting [6~9 pcmi] 55 June 9. 1998 ~ .... . Ms. Cirelli stated that the East County Area Plan follows our Specific Plan boundary as their urban growth boundary line. Francis Brocker stated that he has property in that area and asked who owned the property in the orange area shown on the map. Ms. Cirelli stated that it was owned by Redgwick Construction Company. Mr. Brocker asked where the water tower was located. Mr. Peabody stated it was a series of future water tanks that will be built as Eastern Dublin is developing. DSRSD has designed their water system to correspond to our General Plan and 770 is an elevation of where they are going to provide service. Mr. Brocker asked if the City will service 770 feet elevation, will they get 20 feet in excess of that. Mr. Peabody stated that the City of Dublin is not responsible for water and sewer; DSRSD is responsible. To his understanding, the tanks are built 20 to 30 feet above the actual elevation that is serviced. Helen Chim, Dublin resident asked if this tank will been seen from the ridge. Ms. Cirelli stated that the City has not seen any proposed reservoir plan, but City policy states that they must be located behind any ridges. . Ms. Chim stated if they are making one exception with this particular project, why would the City not make other exceptions for other projects. Ms. Cirelli stated that there is another policy (Policy C) being proposed this evening. If anyone came in with a development plan beyond the green line (770 foot line) on the map, they would need to apply for a specific plan amendment. Phil Collin, Dublin resident stated that to his understanding, the property owner for the area has a use approved under the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan; the language being proposed is saying that anyone with a pre~approved property use with land above and below the 770 foot could use the land above the 770 foot limit. Ms. Cirelli stated that the City has not made that decision. If that property owner came in with a land use plan with major impacts, or the project is inconsistent with the Specific Plan, this policy does not give automatic approval for any development that will occur there. Mr. Collin asked if the land owner would be grandfathered in because of a previous land use designation. Mr. Peabody stated that part of this policy is that the City has determined this green line on the map to make sense. If there is going to be any change, there will have to be a substantial reason why the City Council will choose to do so. . Cm. Jennings told Mr. Collin that the General Plan Amendment Development Elevation Cap has the information that will address his questions. Regular Meeting [6~9 pcmi] 56 June 9, 1998 Cm. Jennings asked if anyone else had any questions, hearing none she closed the public hearing. Cm. Oravetz asked if the 770 foot elevation was set by DSRSD. Ms. Cirelli stated that the City utilized the 770 foot elevation as a planning tool. It is a land use decision that the City is initiating and the City used DSRSD water service level as another tool to set where the limit should be. On motion by Cm. Hughes, seconded by. Cm. Johnson and with a vote of 4-0-1, with Cm. Musser absent, the Planning Commission unanimously adopted RESOLUTION 98-26 RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT PA 98-029 DEVELOPMENT ELEVATION CAP - GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT Mr. Peabody went over the upcoming planning commission schedule. Cm. Oravetz stated the farmers market was a success. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.. Respectfully submitted, Planning Commission Chairperson ATIE~j ~~ th CorrH'h 1 evelopment Direct - 0 Regular Meeting r 6-9 pcmi] 57 June 9. 1998 ~... ! . . . ---, ---.. J I r---..._ I : ~~.- - . _J ---- ,.- - .""~ ~ I J:- ~ ~u \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , . co (!) ~ <: 0..0) ~ e () .- e ~ e (3 ca ;::a.. co >"0 0> CD -"C We ~ ?'"U) - 0..,- - O\- -CD 0>- >cn o>cc OW l~ ,II ~ V, ...J <r i= z w o Ui w c: >- !::: II) z w o s: o ...J >- ., i I";:, ...... ~ ci =E ti EC;.E g- _ ", --~, ~~ g ~ ., -. ~.:: "';: d) ~ ., iii~ ~ c '" ~ >-~.E ~; ~ =;;....~ -;:; 'J:" .! );]~; ~ ~ "'0 "- .. _ <>.00 _", ~ ~ ~ ~ ", <: i::: ~ -g ::;; i 1i;~;E ~ <: j n ~ .1 0 o- J I .. -<:: CD ~ Ol U. EXIDBIT 4