HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.3 NoPkngZnSilvergateDr ~.;J,,~~~~~~~~~jj,~~~'>>'~~!..~:~~i1.~~~::~;:r:;~~.~l;>:r~~>r,.:.:<~&_Wit!:~'i,1lfl\~~~~1 'llUlOZU ; )' ,jii!m~~~~ .V'~ii1li" ._ ~oIIfIW\\m.ll.~I<1L~Lr:~.."'-:.~.I;_l:r,_;~~'1o.'" ~ " . . CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT City Council Meeting Date: November 14, 1994 SUBJECT: Public Hearing: Modification to No Parking Zone on Silvergate Drive Near Arbor Creek Circle Report by: Public Works Director Lee Thompson EXHIBITS ATTACHED: 1) / Resolution 2) / Location Map 3) / Memorandum from Planning Director Larry Tong regarding the Arbor Creek development's internal parking. RECOMl\1ENDATION: 1) 2) ~3) 4) 5) Open public hearing Receive Staff report and public comment Question Staff and the public Close public hearing and deliberate Waive reading and adopt resolution FINANCIAL STATEMENT: The cost of sandblasting to remove the existing red curb is approximately $5.00 per foot; the total cost of removing 168 feet of red curb would be approximately $840.00. This cost would be paid from the street maintenance operating budget. It may be possible to reduce the unit cost if additional sandblasting work is needed at the same time. DESCRIPTION: This item was initially presented at the October 24, 1994, City Council meeting. At that time, the Staff recommendation was to allow 40 feet of parking oil the south side of Silvergate Drive near Arbor Creek Circle. After receiving public testimony on this item, the City Council directed Staff to see if additional on-street parking in this area could be allowed. Staff contacted the Livermore-Amador Valley Transit Authority (LA VTA) and determined that the original 55 feet allotted for the bus stop could be reduced to 45 feet, which would allow for 62 feet of on-street parking between Arbor Creek Circle and Silvertree Lane. For safety reasons, LA VT A Staff feels that on collector streets such as Silvergate Drive, the bus should:stop adjacent to the curb and not double park to load or unload passengers. The 62-foot space would allow parking for three vehicles. Staff also reviewed the area between Arbor Creek Circle and San Ramon Road and determined that 106 feet of parking could be allowed. This would still provide clearance for an existing fire hydrant and sufficient visibility for drivers exiting Arbor Creek Circle. This 106-foot area would allow parking for approximately five vehicles. At the previous meeting, the City Council also requested that Staff review the original Arbor Creek approval plan to make certain that all of the required parking was, in fact, constructed. The original plan was approved with a requirement of 2.1 spaces for each of the 84 units, or a total of 176. These 176 spaces were physically provided as follows: 128 covered (in garages) and 48 uncovered. Staff recommends that the City Council conduct a public hearing, deliberate, and adopt the resolution modifying the no parking zone on the south side of Silvergate Drive to allow a total of 168 feet of parking. a:(9495) Inovemberlagsrpkg2 ITEM NO. ~.-.3 COPIES TO: Arbor Creek Homeowners AsSOl C I T Y C L E R K ~ FILE ~.: . . RESOLUTION NO. -94 A RESOLUTION OF TIlE CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF DUBLIN MODIFYlNG NO PARKING ZONE ON SOUTH SIDE OF SILVERGATE DRIVE WEST OF SAN RAMON ROAD The City Council of the City of Dublin hereby resolves as follows: Section 1: Pursuant to City of Dublin Municipal Code Section 6.04.250, and in the interest of public safety, the no parking zone described as "Silver~ate Drive . . . on the southerly curb line from the westerly curbline of San Ramon Road, westerly a distance of 500 feet" shall be modified to read as follows: On the southerly curbline, from the westerly curbline of San Ramon Road, westerly a distance of 1 00 feet, from a point 206 feet west of the westerly curbline of San Ramon Road, westerly a distance of 125 feet, and from a point 393 feet west of the westerly curbline of San Ramon Road, westerly a distance of 107 feet. Section 2: Traffic Code. Said No Parking Zone shall be added to Section 6.28.010 of the City of Dublin PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPfED this 14th day of November, 1994. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk a:(9495) lnovemberlresopkg2 r:1;.{~::;~~:;:&1 , f- ,,"', '... ,.co 'j I,j t:, -T~i"~:.~~ ~l~; 1-;' ,.' ~j ~ '1<e~D L~-t{~ \ ~/ ;1;- )'''----- Cl / \ Cl UJ / ., UJ > /^,_-- > 0 \ 0 :;E ',~ UJ \ UJ t- 0:: 0:: \~__UJ aJ- aJ -~ en 0 \ ~ ~1: c..aJ 0 0::: ~ ~ ?;o~ CIJ () :::.::: CIJ Cl 0:: 8 ~ ~ - UJ ---' ~ 0:: 0::: !-r---r Ln - 0 Old' ~ z I ' "'--'/' ~ I' 11,1 \ I \-1\ 1 ! I I I \ _ \ I t I : j . W ----) ~ ------ \ ~ ---1\ (-- () --L..__f\ \ I~ I \~ d -\ ~ \ \ II:Q -~d \ lli. \ \ )J L.J 0 -I ~- " I ,---- \\~ \~\ () \ r.~~; 0'(\ \n " \ Ii \ \ , \ \ h~\ '.0 0 " \ j' ~ \ ' :l \ \ U B\ \: ~~' IJ\ \ L~ \\ ('\,\4: \ - \\__ \ \ 0'0\ \)\- ...rT\\ \ \.-! \ \ \ ~ ~, ':, .-rV ~ ~-, \ - cl \ ' '> \ ('$.., >~. (:) / \ S j \ ~ /V~0' 0. "\..- _ ..........) -.. \, \ \ \ .... .... -:;.-'\ ,'I '\ - ~ ,\ -' \ ) '" /' ,) \\~~t) ,----.-'" '\f. " \ r"~ '" "'\. /, - " "J / . )/ <// / Sit VEo I "GA IE .. DRIVE (J) J> Z (") p r r III rl Tl t- Z 4: " Cl > :r: UJ " U. " Z :::.::: 0:: <i a. o z o d. o ~ 'Z o '2 d. ~ Z d. (/) / _---\ ~ :~. ~: ~~ ~>. "".~: ,~~ ~,~!.~ L,',~ '",:~i';'"~~' :J ::~ ___A Lc~titm H~ z,. ..- . . CITY OF DUBLIN MEMORANDUM TO: Lee Thompson, Public Works Director FROM: Larry Tong, Planning Director .!f DATE: November 9, 1994 RE: Arbor Creek Parking Spaces The Arbor Creek project (Silvergate Dr./San Ramon Rd.) has 176 parking spaces for 84 dwelling units. The parking ratio is 2.1 parking spaces per dwelling unit. The parking spaces are provided as follows: A. The 44 townhouses each have two (2) covered parking spaces in their garages; subtotal = 88 B. The 40 condominiums each have one (1) covered parking space in their garages; subtotal = 40 C. The project has 48 open/uncovered parking spaces; subtotal = 48 The parking spaces provided are consistent with the approved plans (see attached site plan). A preliminary site check indicates that there may be potential for adding three (3) parking spaces. The additional spaces would eliminate some landscaping. The property owners. could further evaluate the feasibility of adding the spaces. The 2 required handicapped parking spaces may also need to be modified. ~., , ,." ..,- -"', '~ ~,"D 3; ;-;.. :r, ~ \:, . ,( : _, . ., ,-, . .,~ ~ :;. . ~T ~A'~';~ ~ B~L)\;ec:td <to '- GI en ffi!' ~ .:: ~: s ..I ::n llo C.Jl .... RI >" I Z II) Z~ ; ~l llo :: gl ~ ~ ~I > ... LU' III RI W: Q = ~l' ~ 31 ",OIl3^ 115 " i I I I .J > I I I I I .......f --, " ~ ~ ~ LI.I ..... c:: (.) a <( o '" c:: o CO = <C. " .~... :;: ,., ~ . ! , I \ I \ I , \ ., I \ \ \ I .-' __J . . !!1~ ;i"{ :~-~% ;: g ...lj:.'i 9 ~ .<<: "", Hf,~~,' :';~:.;'~ ~ " ~ f .~. , ..t't; I Ii 'i ~ II '1,'f!:-z1~ 11 _ ~ ~,;!I ,.?:}. :t~~. ! 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