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File # ~~~~-[f][Q]
..CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 12, 1995
Report Prepared by: Police Services Staff
EXHIBITS ATTACHED: / 1) Letter, dated June 28, 1995, from Brian McBride, Past
Principal, Frederiksen School
/ 2) Letter, dated August 29, 1995, from Sherri Beetz, Principal.
Frederiksen Elementary School
RECOMMENDATION: ~ Adopt the Parent Education Program
The cost of the program is $4,000.00 per year. Sufficient funding
has been included in the 1995-96 budget.
DESCRIPTION: At the June 28, 1995 City Council Meeting, staff was directed to
research the Parent Education Program (p.E.P.) and provide the Council members with background
~formation. The P .E.P. program was originally developed by a group of concerned parents in the City of
w.>rinda in 1979. Concerned about drug usage by young people, the group worked to establish a strong,
responsive, multi-faceted program which would address education and self-esteem issues for children.
The program, as originally conceived, relied on trained parents of students to present the information in
the classroom environment. It was found that the interaction of parents and students had a positive impact
on both groups. Since its beginning, the program has trained 3,400 parents and reached 130,000 students
in Northern California. It is currently being employed by the following school districts:
Martinez, Mt. Diablo, Pittsburg, Walnut Creek, Lafayette, Moraga, West Contra Costa,
San Ramon, Piedmont, Hayward, Castro Valley, Oakland and Dublin
The program is administered through the Center for Human Development located in Pleasant Hill. This
non-profit organization provides study materials, lesson plans and parent instructor education. Currently
there are curriculums available for grades kindergarten through 6th grade. The proposed P.E.P. program
for Dublin School's will concentrate on Grade 4. Subjects that will be covered during the 12 week course
will include: Medicine vs Drugs, Tobacco, Alcohol, Decision Making, Refusal Skills, Coping, Empathy,
Positive Self Talk, Marijuana, Reaching Out and Resources for Assistance.
This program was taught in Frederiksen School last year as a pilot program using parent volunteer
instructors. The proposed funding will provide training for 16 parent volunteer instructors which will
allow the program to be taught in Frederiksen, Murray and Nielsen Schools. The costs consist of a
~-----------------------CO]PIE~T()~---SherriB~~t;------------------- ~
Karen Sevilla ~ /. C)
ITEM NO. .,.
$175.00 initial training fee per parent instructor; a $15.00 annual repcertification fee per parent inStructor
and approximately $600.00 for supplies and administrative fees for an approximate total of $4,00Q...G0"',;,~
The P .E.P. Program is expected to complement the existing Dublin School DistrictJDublin Police Services
Drug Prevention Education Program already in place. It is expected to benefit the students who receive
the program by increasing their awareness of the negative effects of substance abuse and by providing
strategies to avoid involvement.
Staff believes that there will be no conflict with the Drug Prevention Education Program already in place
and that both programs should work well together.
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Tamarack gr., Dublin Ca. 94q68
Brian McBride I Principal
June 28 I 1995
City Council
City of Dublin
tOO Civic Plaza
Dublin. CA 94568
Dear Council Members,
I am writing this letter in support of the Parent Educator Program at Frederiksen School in the
Dublin Unified School District. Under the direction of Karen Sevilla, the PEP program has
proven to be a valuable supplement to our drug education curriculum. The importance of this
program cannot be understated. Karen S~villa has sought donations from local businesses and
successfully recruited parent volunteers to serve as drug education instructors in our fourth
grade classrooms. Parent volunteers in the PEP program provide drug awareness lessons,
choices for a healthy lifestyle, and teach children tactics to resist peer pressure. These are
interactive lessons which involve the whole class in a variety of activities.
Mayor Houston supports drug education programs in the schools. The PEP program has proven
to be successful for our students and has met with the approval of our parents. As a drug
education program, PEP offers some distinct advantages. First, it involves members of our
community in a meaningful way. Parents who teach children healthy choices and refusal skills
are helping shape the youth of our city. Teaching children is certainly more significant and
rewarding than providing cookies for a bake sale. Another advantage is PEP's cost effectiveness.
Parents can be trained for an initial expense of $175 and recertified annually for $15.
Supplies and administrative fees cost about $600 per year. In our elementary schools, total
costs translate into an annual expense of approximately $4000. On an annual per-student
basis, PEP costs less than $7 per student. This is money well-spent.
Karen Sevilla met with the site councils and parent clubs of each elementary school and
persuaded volunteers and staff to develop local parent educator programs. So far, she has been
able to recruit a dedicated cadre of volunteers for each school. The success of PEP virtually
speaks for itself. The Center of Human Development awarded Frederkisen School a certificate of
appreciation for developing family and community partnerships which promote health and well-
being. I can think of no other program that has garnered this kind of support in such a short a
period of time.
With assistance from the City of Dublin, the PEP program could continue to be a model drug
prevention program. Under the leadership of Karen Sevilla, I am confident that students will
continue to benefit from the Parent Educator Program.
. 5v~~ }rl-~'1{
Brian McBride
, Workbook
.12 $ 36.00
5.50 1650.00
.50 150.00
*NOTE: Workbook, pencil, nameplate are
supplied free the first year to each student
as part of a startup kit by D.A.R.E.
STUDENTS (5th grade onlv)
I) Frederiksen 4-classes
(30 students ea)
2) Nielsen 4-classes
(30 students ea)
3) Murray 2-classes
(30 students ea)
Total 10-Classes
17 Weeks of instruction meeting 45-
minutes with each class each week
1) Police Officer $60,000 per year
Teaching time 17weeks (113 yr)
Officer Salary to Program $20,000
T raining from D .A.R.E
1) Ofcr Salary $20,000.00
2) Supplies
(300students X 6.12) $ 1,836.00
Total cost
Per _ student.
$ 72.78
xt*.~..... ;...
.. ....~, ",
Admin Fees (yrly)
Lesson Plans
$ 20.00
STUDENTS (4th grade only)
Frederiksen 4-classes
(30 students ea)
Nielsen 4-classes
(30 students ea)
Murray 2 -classes
(30 students ea)
Total 10-Classes
12 Weeks of instruction meeting 45-
minutes with each class each week
Volunteers (16)
Training ($175 x 12)
$ 120
3) Recertify yrly ($15 x 8)
Total Cost
... ....~,.-",- l............
. (P.E.P.)
Fourth Grade Lesson Plans
Lesson # 1 Pre-Session: Getting Started
Lesson #2 Medicine vs. Drugs
Lesson #3 Tobacco
Lesson #4 Rules
Lesson #5 Decision Making: The Steps
! .
Lesson #6 Decision Making: A Moral Dilemma
Lesson #7 Refusal Skills
Lesson #8 Alcohol
Lesson #9 Coping
Lesson # 1 0 Empathy
Lesson # 11 Positive Self~ Talk
Lesson # 12 Marijuana
Lesson #13 Reaching Out
Lesson # 14 Wrap-Up ,
~ rederiksen Elemen~ 8chool
, 7243 Tamarack Drive 'i Dublin. CA 94~ 'i (510)828-1037
rM. ('510)551-8094
, ~herrl Oeelz ~ Prtnclpal
August 29, 1995
City Council
City of Dublin
100 Civic Plaza
DUblin, CA 94568
Dear Council Members,
I am writing this letter in support of the Parent Educator Program at Frederiksen School in the Dublin Unified
School District. Under the direction of Karen Sevilla, the PEP program has proven to be a valuable supplement
to our drug education curriculum. l'he importance of this program cannot be' understated. Karen Sevilla has
sought donations from local businesses and successfully recruited parent volunteers to serve as drug education
instructors in our fourth & fifth grade classrooms. Parent volunteers in the PEP program provide drug
awarene..'iiS lessons, choices for a healthy lifestyle, and teach children tactics to resist peer pressure. These are
interactive lessons which involve $e whole class in a variety of activities.
Mayor Houston supports drug education programs in the schools. The PEP program has proven to be successful
for our students and has met wjth th~ approval of our parents. As 0. mug education program, PEP offers some
distinct advantages. Fint, it involves members of our community in a meaningful way. Parents who teac.
children healthy choices and refusal skills are helping shape the youth of OUT city. Teaching children is certainly
more significant and rewarding than providing cookies for a bake sale. Another advantage is PEP's cost
effectiveness.' Parents can be trained for an initial expense of $175 and recertified annually for $15. Supplies
and administrative fees cost about $600 per year. In our elementary schools, total costs translate into an annual
, expense of approximately $4000. On an annual per-student basis, PEP costs less than S7 per student. This is
Bloney well-spent_
Karen Sevilla met with the site counciL'ii and parent clubs of each elementary school and persua.ded volunteers
and staff to develop local Pa.J:"ent Educator Programs. So far, she has been able to reC1:Uit a dedicated cadre of
volunteers fur each school. The success of PEP virtually speake: for itself. The Center of Human Development
awarded Frederiksen School a certificate of appreciation for developing family 'and community partnerships
which promote health and well-being. l can think of no other progrdIIl that has garnered this kind of support
in such a short a period of time.
With a.c;sistance from the City of Dublin, the PEP program could continue to be a model drug prevention
program. Under the leadership of Karen Sevilla, I am confident that students will continue to benefit from the
Parent Educator Program.
Sherri Beetz