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City Council Meeting Date: February 27, 1995
Tri - Valley Transportation Plan! Action Plan
Report by: Public Works Director Lee Thompson
Hudget transfer lorm
Exhibits 3 through 5 were previously transmitted to the City Council
for the meeting of February 13, 1995:
3) Tri-Valley Transportation Plan/Action Plan
4) Draft letter to the TVTC dated February 1, 1995
5) Letter to the TVTC dated January 10, 1994
Receive Staff report, including comments from the City
Take comments from the public
Consider adoption of resolution
Consider an additional appropriation of $10,000 for a
Regional Traffic Impact Fee study and of $5,000 for a
Growth Management study and authorize an additional
appropriation from unallocated reserves.
The Tri- Valley Transportation Plan/Action Plan recommends
additional study for a Regional Traffic Impact Fce and Growth
Management. These additional studies should not exceed $10,000
for the Traffic Impact Fee Study and $5,000 for the Growth
Management Study.
DESCRIPTION: At the February 13, 1995, City Council meeting, the City Council
received a presentation regarding the Tri- Valley Transportation Plan! Action Plan; however, the item was
continued until the February 27th meeting to allow the City Attorney time to review and comment on the
revised wording in the Plan.
The City Attorney's analysis found that some of the wording in the Plan is a little ambiguous and open to
interpretation, especially as it relates to possible land use control. The City Attorney recommends that the
Plan be approved as a guideline to the G(maal Plan with the following understandings:
1) The Plan only applies to those Routes of Regional Significance indicated in the Plan. Routes
which would be under Dublin's jurisdiction include: Dublin Blvd., San Ramon Road, Dougherty
Road, and Tassajara Road.
2) The Plan contains a provision that states if Level of Service violations CroIDot be satisfactorily
resolved, a jurisdiction may modify the Standard if other jurisdictions are not "physically
impacted" (page 237 of the Plan). It is Staff's recommendation that the term "physically
impacted" shall be understood to mean physically backing traffic up into another jurisdiction from
the intersection not meeting the Standard.
ITEM NO. 1'.2
Copies to: Cities of Livermore, Danville
Pleasanton, and San Ramon,
Counties of Alameda and
Contra Costa
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The Tri-Valley Transportation Council (TVTC) which consists of representation from Dublin, Pleasanton,
Livermore, Danville, San Ramon, Alameda County and Contra Costa County, has been working for four
years to develop a traffic model and an area-wide Transportation Plan! Action Plan (Plan). The Plan
would establish major regional transportation facilities (roads and transit) that are financially constrained
to serve the planned growth in the Tri- Valley area. Each jurisdiction provided final input into the
Transportation Model for their own land use. These land uses differed slightly from ABAG projections
but were what each jurisdiction believes is most likely to occur by the year 2010. The traffic generation
for the expected land use was then assigned to the expected transportation system, and it was determined
that the tra1TIc projections exceeded the capacity of adjacent freeways alId some of the arterial roadway
links. To improve the roadway network, the Plan made some recommendations which are addressed in
this report. The Plan has now been released for circulation, and the TVTC is seeking support and
adoption of the Plan from the various member jurisdictions.
Purpose of the Plan
The purpose of the TVTC Plan is to address transportation issues through the Year 2010 within the Tri-
Valley area. More specifically, the Plall:
1) Establishes Routes of Regional SignificalIce (major roadways common to more than one
2) Can be used for Congestion Management Agency purposes, such as a deficiency plan;
3) Identifies existing and future transportation deficiencies;
4) Identifies a financially feasible transportation plan that addresses transportation deficiencies;
5) Establishes acceptable Levels of Service for the Routes of Regional Significance (LOS "D" on
arterials and LOS "E" on freeways);
6) Recommends traffic mitigation actions for roadway segments and intersections which fall
below thc established Levels of Servicc;
7) Recommends further study for the establishment of a regional traffic impact fee to fund
regional transportation improvements which are mitigation to growth impacts;
8) Recommends that a further growth management study be undertaken to better define the
distribution of growth reductions, if necessary, to maintain Levels of Service.
Obli2ations That Dublin Will Accept By Adoption of the Plan
Once the Plan has been adopted by the seven member jurisdictions, the Plan would become a policy
document to each member's General Plan. The member jurisdictions will use the Plan as a guide for
making transportation and land use decisions. In addition, Dublin would need to change the City's
intersection LOS standard in its General Plan to "D" (rather than just "D" as a goal) with the
understanding that under some conditions, this standard can be lowered. The conditions under which the
LOS could be reduced are (1) if the City implements other measures intended to result in measurable
improvements in TSQ's on the Routes of Regional Significance network that will contribute to significant
improvements in air quality, or (2) a jurisdiction can refer the problem to the TVTC for joint resolution.
In the evcnt thc TVTC cannot rcsolvc the violation to thc mutual satisfaction of all members, the
jurisdiction may modify TSO standards, but only if other jurisdictions are not physically impacted.
This Plan requires the following actions by each Tri-Valley jurisdiction:
I) Monitor intersection Levels of Service on Routes of Regional Significance biannually alId
report the result to the TVTC.
2) Support regional gasoline taxc.,; to encourage commute alternatives and provide funds for
needed'transportation projects.
Page 2
3) Conduct a detailed subregional TrafFc Impact Fee (TIF) and Growth Management Study. As
a result of this study, implement a subregional TIF to pay for the shortfall of planned but
unfunded transportation improvements.
4) Increase the Average Vehicle Ridership (A VR) for work (commute) trips. Achieve this
increase by requiring and enforcing a Trip Reduction Ordinance (TRO) Program such as the
City of Pleasant on's ordinance. (The BAAQMD is presently administering the TRO for
5) Support growth that achieves an overall job/housing balance within the Tri- Valley.
6) Install ramp metering at all freeway on-ramps, provided a study shows metering would be
equitable and e1Iective. The TVTC should take the lead and seek grant funding for a study of
ramp metering.
7) Support development ofa seamless HOV network for freeways in the Tri-Valley to encourage
the use of carpools and bus transit.
8) Support the preparation by CaltrallS of an incident management plan for the State highways in
the Tri- Valley area.
9) Request that transit agencies conduct a study of the formation of a transit benefit district to
finance ongoing transit operating costs.
10) Implement recommended action plans for Routes of Regional Significance (see Pages 195,
197, 199, 203, 219, and 230 of the Plan) and consider including these improvements as part of
the City's Capital Improvement Program (CIP).
11) Environmental Impact Reports (E1Rs) for any new developments be circulated to all
jurisdictions within the Tri-Valley area. In addition to any other circulation analysis, the
cumulative analysis section of each EIR must consider the expected land use and
transportation scenario.
12) Update the TVTC model periodically. Also, the Plan will be reviewed and could be modified
periodically (every two to four years). Any amendments to the Plan will require a unanimous
vote of all member agencies in the TVTC. Any adoption of annual work programs and
budgets will require a unanimous vote of the Tri- Valley jurisdictions. Applications for any
grants, expenditure of funds, execution of contracts and adoption of rules of procedure for the
TVTC will require five votes. Action on any other TVTC matter requires a majority vote.
WIlY Should The City Adopt the Plan?
It is still to Dublin's benefit to remain a member of the TVTC and to adopt the Plan. If Dublin wishes not
to adopt the Plan, or if other jurisdictions adopt the Plan without the City of Dublin, the Plan cannot be
used as an Alameda County Congestion Management Agency (CMA) deficiency plan for the City of
Dublin. Under this scenario, if Dublin's development-generated traffic impacts any CMA roadway (Le. 1-
580, I-680, and SR 84) to unacceptable levels of service, Dublin would be required to fund a separate
deficiency plan to mitigate roadway deficiencies. If Dublin's individual deficiency plan is not acceptable
or not prepared, Dublin could lose its State Proposition 111 Gas Tax subventions, presently estimated at
$145,500 per year. The TVTC Plan, if approved by Dublin, will serve as the City's deficiency plan.
In addition, the mitigation measures specified in the Environmental Impact Report prepared for the
Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment/Specific Plan state that the City must implement a plan to
mitigate regional transportation impacts, and Dublin must participate in a regional transportation and
impact fee study, such as the Tri- Valley Transportation Plan study. If Dublin does not participate in a
regional traffic impact fee with other agencies, then Dublin would be in violation of its own General
Plan!Specific Plan for Eastern Dublin.
Outstanding Issues
Two outstanding issues involve detailed studies regarding a Subregional Traffic Impact Fee (TIF) Study
and a Subregional Growth Management Study.
Page 3
The City Council has indicated the concern that other cities and counties in the Tri-Valley area could
force Dublin to reduce its land use densities. This would be based upon the other agencies being allowed
to use up Dublin's traffic capacity on Dublin's own roadways and accessible freeways. The TVTC agreed
that Dublin's concerns were valid and the TVTC has revised the Plan, which states:
"Jurisdictions in the Tri-Valley may implement a proactive Growth and Congestion Management
stratcgy oncc a detailed growth managcmcnt study has becn conductcd. The study should
indicate the development reductions, land use density reductions, or other types of growth
mallagement/control that would be required for each applicable Tri-Valley jurisdiction in order
to achieve TSO standards. Any development reduction should be proportional to the traffic
distribution percentages for each jurisdiction. Also, the impact of this development reduction to
traffic impact fees should be analyzed. All jurisdictions will then review this information and
know exactly how much reduction in development or growth management/control is needed to
meet the TSO's." (See page 131 of the Plan.)
ABAG has offered to do a land use study for Tri-Valley jurisdictions which differs somewhat from the
one to be undertaken by the TVTC. At the January 25th TVTC meeting, in addition to ABAG's offer, the
TVTC agreed that a detailed growth management and land use study needs to be done. The projected cost
to each jurisdiction for this study is approximately $5,000.
There has also been the concern that the Regional Traffic Impact Fee (TIF), as outlined in the Plan, is
too high, making it difficult for Tri-Valley jurisdictions to compete with other jurisdictions outside of the
Tri-Valleyarea. The Plan recommends that more detailed study be undertaken to make the fee more
comparable with other areas outside the Tri-Valley. The estimated cost of Dublin's share of this study is
It is Staff's recommendation that the City Council review the Plan and public testimony, consider
adoption of the Plan by resolution, and consider continuing with the Regional Traffic Impact and Growth
Management Studies.
Page 4
WHEREAS, the solution to providing reasonable transportation services in the Tri-Valley
will require the combined efforts of all of its member jurisdictions and other transportation agencies; and
WHEREAS, the seven Tri-Valley jurisdictions in 1991 formed the Tri-Valley
Transportation Council with the charge to bring forth a Tri-Valley Transportation Plan; and
WHEREAS, these jurisdictions working diligently have developed a Tri-Valley
Transportation Traffic Model and subsequently produced the Tri-Valley Transportation Plan/Action Plan
for Routes of Regional Significance; and
WHEREAS, there were opportunities throughout the development of the Plan for public
input, the Draft Plans were circulated, and there was opportunity for public testimony at all Tri- Valley
Transportation Council meetings; and
WHEREAS, each jurisdiction has previously reviewed and commented upon the
Circulation Draft and now the Proposed Plan; and
WHEREAS, the successful implementation of the Plan is partially contingent upon the
adequate funding of transportation facilities which may require a Regional Traffic Development Fee;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin,
at its February 27, 1995, meeting recommends adoption of this Plan by the Tri- Valley Transportation
Council and member jurisdictions and adopts this Plan as a guide to be used when adopting or amending
elements of our General Plan and Specific Plans, zoning ordinances, or Capital Improvement Programs,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council adopts this Plan with the
understanding that:
1) The Plan only applies to those Routes of Regional Significance indicated in the Plan. Routes
which would be under Dublin's jurisdiction include: Dublin Blvd., San Ramon Road, Dougherty
Road, and Tassajara Road.
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2) The Plan contains a provision that states if Level of Service violations cannot be satisfactorily
resolved, a jurisdiction may modify the Standard if other jurisdictions arc not "physically
impacted." It is Staffs recommendation tpat the term "physically impacted" shall be understood
to mean physically backing traffic up into another jurisdiction from the intersection not meeting
the Standard.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin will support
the further study of a Tri- Valley Regional Traffic Development Fce Study by contributing to the funding
for such a study provided that a satisfactory scope of work can be supported by each member jurisdiction,
with a cost estimatcd not to exceed $10,000 per jurisdiction. Prior to initiation of this fee study, thc
TVTC will cstablish policy direction with rcspect to the parameters of a regional traf1ic fee program.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin will support a
study of growth management, focused on resolution of projected transportation service objectives
violations identified in the Plan, provided that a satisfactory scope of work can be supported by each
member jurisdiction, with a cost estimate not to exceed $5,000 per jurisdiction.
PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 27th day of February, 1995.
City Clerk
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