HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.3 G&O Implementation PlanI Ofl- ~ M E M O R A N D U M DATE: February 25, 1983 TO: City Council FROM: City Manager ~~/~ ~~ SUBJECT: 1982-83 Goals & Objectives Implementation Plan On December 14, 1982, the City Council and City Staff inet for the ~- purpose of developing a set of common City goals and obj ectives . After considerable discussion regarding a number of preliminary objectives identified by Staff, the Council arrived at a consensus that Staff should concentrate its efforts on those objectives identified on the attached sheets. The Council further instructed the City Manager to prepare an implementation plan for accomplishing those objectives identified by the City Council (see attached). It is recommended that the City Council review this list and determine if the target completion dates are acceptable, and further, discuss any other goals which may have developed in the last two, months which the Council believes needs immediate attention. It is further recommended that the City Council meet in July for a study session to evaluate Staff's progress in the goal implementa- tion plan and update the plan as needed. RCA:kk Attachments ------------------------------.------------------------------------- COPIES T0: ITEM NO. 7 ~ M E M O R A N D U M DATE: February 2, 1983 T0: All Department Heads FROM: City Manager ~C~ SUBJECT: Preparation of Fiscal Year 1983-84 Budget In order to complete the 1983-84 Preliminary Budget for timely submission to the City Council, it is necessary to begin preparation of the individual budget units at this time. Attached to this memo you will find a copy of the City's most recent financial report as of December 31, 1982, a Budget Schedule, a Budget Preparation Assignment Sheet, a sample of the forms to be used in preparing your respective budget units, and a Chart of Accounts. Since we, as a City, still have not completed our first full year of operation, it is critical that each of you document your workload as accurately as possible. This will better assist me in making recommendations to the City Council regarding additional staffing and equipment needs. In developing and documenting workload data, it may not be possible to completely measure the work which is performed in any particular budget, therefore, please attempt to develop key indicators which best measure your staffing requirements. Workload documentation should be as follows: WORKLOAD ESTIMATED ANTICIPATED 1982-83 1983-84 Along with workload, each department head should develop a set of goals for Fiscal Year 1983-84, which he desires to accomplish. These goals can be project or service oriented. I would also like a list of those goals or projects which are presently being worked on and an estimate of how much progress will be made on these goals by the end of Fiscal Year 1982-83. In addition to your estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 1982-83 and 1983-84, I would also like you to provide me with revenue which you anticipate will be generated by your respective budget units for both periods. If you have any questions with regard to which revenues might be applicable, please see me. - 2 - With respect to the completion of this year's budget, all anticipated costs should be included with the exception of fringe benefit costs which I will calculate. The addition of personnel or additional contract hours should be fully justified in terms of additional service which will be provided, and all associated costs should be thoroughly developed. All budget requests should be submitted to my office no later than March 25, 1983. Kay Keck will have a supply of all the forms which you will need for budget preparation. If you have questions, or need additional guidance, please let me know. ~ Happy Budgeting! 1983 - 84 BUDGET PREPARATION TIMETABLE TASK Budget Memo to City Council and Staff Department submittal of all operating budget requests Complete preparation of Capital Improvement Program Commence Contract Service Review with City Council City Manager holds Revenue Sharing Hearing Preparation of 1983-84 Revenue Estimates Present Capital Improvement Program to Planning Commission Completion of Preliminary Budget & CIP by Staff Present City Council with 1983-84 Preliminary Budget and Capital Improvement Program for City Council Review Hold Budget & Revenue Sharing Hearings Adopt Budget, Capital Improvement Program and Set Appropriation Limit COMPLETION DATE February 15, 1983 March 25, 1983 April 1, 1983 April 11, 1983 April 18, 1983 April 22, 1983 May 2, 1983 May 19, 1983 May 23, 1983 June 20, 1983 Prior to June 30, 1983 1 . ~ F IIt~LII~'Q~NPATION PLAN PROGRF~t~t ARFA 0&7ECPIVE Planning 1) Develop General Plan STA'IUS - General Plan Consultant selection to be cc~leted 3/14/83 - Planning Cannission has developed preliminary list of issues - FC has reviewed GP's fran other cities ESTIh1ATID DATE 47bRK 'It~ BE CYk~LEPID OF CQ^fPL,ETION - Negotiate contract w/GP Consultant March 83 - Prepare detailed wurk proqram and schedule - Prepare Draft GP and EIR - Flold hearings and adopt GP and EIR March 84 2) Revise County Sign Ordinance - PC has appointed Sign Corm~ittee which - Sign Cortmitee to recormiend revisions to the sign has met 4 times to date. 1'he Cannittee ordinance reviewed e~cisting regulations, and - PC to prepare draft of sign ordinance with ordinances from other cities. revisions and hold hearing - Photographic survey of signs is underaay. - City Council to hold hearing and adopt August 83 - Utilizing services of volunteer intern to sign ordinance w/appropriate revisions assist in sign inventory. 3) Revise Zoning Ordinance No action to date. Revision cannot be - PC to review zoning ordinance, prepare draft 4-6 cronths undertaken prior to ecx~letion of GP of zoning ordinance with proposed revisions after GP ca~ consistent with GP, and hold hearing after hlar 84 - City Council to hold hearing and adopt zoning ordinance w/appropriate revisions. 9) Review Planning regulations No action to date - PC to review and, if appropriate, prepare report Oct - Nov 83 for pre-manufactured ' with draft revisions to zoning ordinance, and housing units hold hearing - City Council to review PC report, hold hearing and adopt revision to zoning ordinance, if appropriate. S) Sphere of Influence Staff has met with the FScecutive Director - Set up City Council study session to develop To be deter- of LAYCO regarding the process for develop- planning area boundaries. mined by ing a sphere of influence. boundaries & amt of study required. Building & 1) Building Inspection Analysis of inspection and plan checking - Prepare Request for Proposal for Contract March 83 Safety Services In-House corkload is in progress. Staff has had Building Inspection Services vs Contract preluninary discussions with the Fire - Co~are contract services with in-house April 83 Chief regarding the feasibility of using provision of service. Recamiendation to fire personnel for inspection services. City Council. 2) Construction Codes Construction codes are presently being - Level of enforcement to be reevaluated at To be under- Ehforcement enforced in accordance with County's such time that the City assimies responsibility taken when policies, for the provision of service. Item 1) is corty~leted. 3) New Pre-Manufactured Units No action to date. - Provisions of UBC will be reviec,wed at such time To be under- that the City assumes responsibility for the taken when provision of service. Item 1) is cc~leted. 4) Transfer of Building Records No action to date. - All building records, permits and plans will To be under- need to be transferred from County to City taken when when City assumes responsibility for the Ite~n 1) is provision of service, camleted. - Provide adequate space for building records. Page - 1 - .w_ . . . , _ v. ~ .z. ..,t ,i-~:w:~~ ~','~ G...~,~1 t ESTZMATID DATE PROQ2AP1 AREA OBJECTIVE STA'fUS F.ORK ~ BG CO[~LEI'ID OF CQ+II~LEfION ~gineering City Wide Traffic Studies Traffic studies have been prioritized by - San Ramon Rd - Ir~rovement study reccmr~endation Mid-Apr 83 City Council. to City Council. Engineering Staff is working on San Ramon - Construction of Dublin/Silvergate intersection June 83 Road i~rove~nent plan, and designing modifications Dublin/Silvergate intersection modifica- tions. - Other traffic studies will be proposed as they CZP present- relate to capital projects as part of the ation to CC Capital I~rovement Program (CZP). May 83. City Base hiap Engineer has prepared suggested work - Staff report and recomnendation to City Council March 83 program and cost estimate of performing wvrk. - Work would be cortq~leted in phases. Oct 83 Staff has contacted other governmental agencies to ascertain their interest in financially participating in the develop- ment of a City base map. hledian Strips No action to date. - Review of need for median strips will be CIP presen- undertaken as part of major traffic studies tation to CC in the Capital I~rovement Program (CIP). May 83. Ccmnunity B~siness Street Sign Nimibers No action to date. To be included in Capital I~rovement Program. CIP presen- Identity tation to CC May 83 City Entrance Signs No action to date. To be included in Capital I~rovement Program. ' CZP presen- tation to CC hfay 83. Police Review Adequacy of Review underaay by police and City Development of database including citations, June 84 Traffic IIiforcement Engineer. accidents a co~laints. Deternu ne correlation. Develop Public Relations Dublin, Pleasanton & Livermore we~rking on - Report to City Council April 83 Program Tri-Valley crime prevention measures. Speaker bureau has been developed and is - Cortq~lete available to cortmunity groups. Herbie Program presently used in schools. - Crnq~lete Police Contract Review Review undenoay. Report to City Council April 83 & Formal Evaluation Animal Licensing s Clinic Staff has met with local veterinarians - Discuss feasibility of mail-in license Control regarding iirq~rovement of County licensing application with County. procedure for greater effectiveness and - Discuss feasibility and cost of canvas to improvement of service. obtain more licenses. - Report to City Council. April 83 Staff has met with County regarding the use of canvas to obtain more licenses. Capital Develop a Capital Irtq~rovert~ent Irrq~rovesnent Program with erty~hasis on the Program following projects: 1) Streets, beautification Preliminary project list has been developed .- Cost estimates and scope of ~rk being May 83 of inedians developed by City Engineer. - Inciude in Capital Irty~rovement Program. 2) City Facility Preliminarv meetinq set with DSRSD Staff - Identifv 1F511f~5 ,nr~ ,.,~ nrnF,~F~m a,-~.,G_ .,.,.r ---- - ~~ a~,,, a~ tind CiCy SLaCL I.u -joinC Counci]/Itr~~rc7 CuuniClr.c. ~ ~ ~y~,y N, - Include in Capital Irrq~rovemeqt Program. ~ a,~~ _ ~ _ I . . tt ~ I .A.t'.Pa~I ~ . t ~ PROGRF~M AF2EA OBJECPIVE STA'IUS FX~RK TO BE CbMPLET'ID ESTIMATID DATE OF COtdPLETION 3) Utility Undergrounding City Engineer has set up an Underground - See City Engineer's meJ~ and letter fran District Crnmitte consisting of representa- Lou Holvick, PG&E (attached). tives fran PG&E, PT&T, Viacan, DSRSD & City - Report to City Council ~y g3 Maintenance 1) Street 'lYash Receptacles - Cost estimates have been obtained from - Obtain cost for collection, and installation of suppliers. receptacles frcm DSRSD. - Locations have been identified for 6 - Report to City Council March 83 receptacles. 2) Street Lighting Assess~nent - Work wi.ll proceed in accordance with - Recormiendation to City Council regarding March 83 District schedule presented to City Council on which additional street lights should be added. 2/14/83. - Ccxcq~letion of assessment district forn~ation. July 83 3) Tree Trirtming/Maintenance No action to date. Very little County - Development of street tree ordinance or policy. August 83 costs have been incurred for sake of - Cor~arison of County service vs private contract.Sept 83 cort~arison with a private contractor. 4) Review of Public Works Cost data being developed for various - Develop workload data for public works May 83 hfaintenance Service Level maintenance areas. However, since mainten- activities. ance activities are seasonal by nature, much of this work is yet to be done during - Review level of maintenance. May 83 late spring and early sumner. 5) Sidewalk Maintenance No action to date. - Develop sidewalk maintenance policy. June 83 Program - Include sufficient funds in 83-84 budget to undertake a maintenance program. Transportation 1) Tri-Valley Bus Syste~n City Council has approved participation in - City of Pleasanton to prepare application for Feasibility Study study, funds to MTC. - Study to follow schedule presented to City Dec 83 Council on 2/19/83. 2) Dial-A-Ride Services Pleasanton has nearly corty~leted its - Cortq~arison of Pleasanton and San Ramon Valley proposal to provide services to Dublin. Cortmunity Center proposals. County has indicated that City will receive - Report to City Council. March 83 less TDA funds in 1983-84 than current year. 3) Bus Shelters Have contacted AC Transit for plans, specs Review most appropriate locations and report to April 83 and cost estimates. City Council. General 1) Budget See attached budget memo and schedu]e. Presentation of preliminary 83-84 budget to May 83 Goverrvnent/ City Council. Finance 2) Dlid-Year Financial Forecast Cor~lete None Carg~ Jan 83 3) Inventory Control List of inventory purchased as of June 30, - Update list to present. April 83 1982 corrg~leted. - Obtain inventory tag system. 4) Purchasing Procedures None to date. All purchases approved by Develap procedures and sulxnit to City Council July 83 City Manager. for approval. 5) ~usiness License Program No action to date. - Deternune workload and cost of operating a Sept 83 business license program. - Develop business license ordinance and fee Oct 83 stn~ctnrr i th ~,f f,- F.~. '_~.. ....,._..~.,.. ,.,_,.,,,,., ty (possibly a survey), - Conmence pra3ram if approved ~y City Council. Jan 84 .. ~. <__:~:~.__....;: _. ..:: _. . ..: ..... . .. . .:.._ . ,... _:_ .:.. . .. $~„_W.r ~,,~~~,.,..~~:.~:::.r,.+~~:~~ - . . . ~ . ~ ..~ . ,. ~ ,~ ,,.:.,,.;~;.~~;i~ , . t ..~...d;,1 ( i ESTIMATID DATE PROGRAFI ARFA OHJECfIVE STAIUS t~URK 'I'0 BE COMPL.ET'ID OF COt~fPLETION General 6) Znvestment Program Maximizing interest on idle City funds by - Survey other institutions and investment On-going I Government/ investing in State Investment Pool because interests. ~ Finance of high interest yield. Administration 1) Develop Personnel Draft undenoay. - Ccx~lete draft ordinance. Mar/Apr 83 Ordinance - Circulate among employees for cam~ent. h]ar/Apr 83 - Submit to City Council Flar/Apr 83 2) Ir~rove Comrn~nity Continue to attend as many corrmunity - Develop annual or semi-annual newsletter to Jan 84 Visibility functions as possible. comnunity. Intergovern- 1) Hold Joint Meetings - Have met with DSRSD. - Set up meeting with Artiador Valley School 7b be deter- mental With Other Local Agencies District mined by CC Relations - Meeting date set with Murray School Board ~ for March 8, 1983. 2) Pleasanton Housing - Sent letter to City of Pleasanton regard- - Ascertain accurate cost of fire protection. To be deter- Authority Representation ing representation of Housing Authority. - Identify means of assuming pilot tax, mined by No response to date. Pleasanton 3) City of Pleasanton Agendas - Ffave requested placement on Pleasanton's None Ca~lete mailing list. Council/Manager 1) Goals a Objectives - Implementation plan cortg~lete. -~,Ualuation of Manager Apr 83 Relations Evaluation - Review and update goals & objectives. July 83 2) Infoxmation Dcchange System - Off agenda newsletter prepared on a Continue to work individually with City Council- On-going regular basis to City Council. ~minbers to meet their informational requirements. ~ ~