HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.1 CmtyDevBlkGrntPrgm .-< . . CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 22, 1993 1993-1994 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program EXHIBITS' ATTACHED: l- t. t ~ Dennis Carrington, Senior Planner I A. Letter from Donna Eoff, County Department of Housing and Community Development REPORT PREPARED BY: :[ ( B. Chart showing CDBG funding for 1992-93, 1993-94 and 1994-95 program years Direct Staff to submit applications for $56,049 in CDBG funding for F.Y. 1993- 1994 and for an advance of $7,891 in CDBG funding for F.Y. 1994-1995 as shown in the Staff Report. (See discussion below) RECOMMENDATION: if ~ FINANCIAL STATEMENT: DESCRIPTION: Since 1982, the City of Dublin has participated in the Alameda County Urban County Housing and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. In May 1990, the City entered into a City-County Cooperation Agreement for CDBG Program Years, 1991, 1992 and 1993. In the current program year (F.Y. 1992-93), CDBG funds were allocated as follows: 1. $ 9,308 $39.830 $49,138 Housing Rehabilitation Dublin Swim Center Improvements 2. In addition, the City applied for and was granted an advance on F.Y. 1993-1994 CDBG funds (and other funding periods as necessary) of $46,520. Because the agreement for F.Y. 1992-1993 was an annual agreement, it will be necessary to re-app1y for CDBG. funds for the Swim Center for the 1993-1994 program year and an advance of funds from program year 1994-1995. A total of $56,049 is available from the CDBG program in F.Y. 1993-1994 and may be spent as follows: 1. $ 6,600 $38,629 $10.820 $56,049 General Administration 2. Jurisdiction Improvement Projects 3. Housing Rehabilitation (mandatory) DUBLIN SWIM CENTER BATHHOUSE RENOVATION The Americans With Disabilities Act, Public Law 101-336, requires that facilities and programs which receive public funds be accessible and usable by people with disabilities. The bathhouse at the Dublin Swim Center is not accessible to the disabled and is subject to the Act. An individual discriminated against under The Act has the right to obtain a court or administrative order against the discriminatory behavior and to have attorneys' fees paid. The use of CDBG funds to improve the Dublin Swim Center bathhouse is an eligible use of CDBG funds under HOD guidelines. Given the urgency of improving the Swim Center bathhouse to meet the --------'J2--r--------------------------------------------------- ITEM NO.~ COPIES TO: General/Agenda File County HCD File Senior Planner . . requirements of the Act, Staff recommends that the $56,049 in CDBG funding available for F.Y. 1993-1994 be allocated as follows: 1. $ 6,600 2. $38,629 3. $10.820 $56,049, /CDBG9394 General Administration Dublin Swim Center Bathhouse renovation ~ ~ . . ALAMEDA COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Housing & Community Development Program January 8, 1993 Dennis Carrington City of Dublin Post Office Box 2340 Dublin, California 94568 Dear Mr. Carrington: We have received the Entitlement Allocation for the Community Development Block Grant Program for the 1993-1994 program year. The County of Alameda received $2,146,000. This figure represents an approximate 16.4 percent increase over the amount allocated last year. For your information, attached is the actual Project Percentage Allocations and the CDBG Schedule for Program Year 1993-1994. If you have any questions, please contact me at (510) 670-5948. Sincerely, RECEIVED JAN 11 1993 DUBLIN PLANNING ~ c., ~(\'---\\..0---L~, Donna Eoif RCD Technician DE:de Attachments (G:\ADMIN\CDBGLTR.DME) 224 W. WINTON AVENUE. ROOM 108 . HAYWARD, .CA 94544 . 510/670-5404 . FAX 510/670-6378 ,.-.. r- N ...., .- < C.:.J ~ C: c.5 0 ,....l ,....l < r./; 0 Z c: 0 C: .- u ~ r- r- eu c;- O c:: Z <:: 1 ...., 0 .- .- ,....l 00 ~ < 0 C;J u 0 0 < -l ~ ,....l < (;.J 0 u '"" e::::: Q (;.J u ~ '<:t t3 C\ C\ (;.J ...... (;.J , ...., r- 0 ~ C\ e::::: C\ ..... ~ C: . . ....l 0 V) C\ 0 C\ \0 '<:t 00 0 ....l,,;, 0 \0 '<:t 00 00 C\ '<:t r- 0 0 < o. 0 0 o. \0 0_ 0\., 0 0 eo ;:> <~ \0 ..; \lS 00 r.:' V) \0 00 \lS 0 Z E-< 0 '<:t V) V) \0 C\ V) ~ \0 ~ o 0 ...... .... - - .... - .... ~ .... u Z E-<C N- - - - .... 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N 0 C\ r- eo rr. ~ ,.-.. \0 O. 00 .,...~ \0. r-_ "'T "'T_ \0. Q < r- Z * C '-' r- N \0 .- V) .... C\ r- .- ~ N v-. r<l ..... N '<:t ..... "'T 00 v-. - .... N (;.J '-' r<l - - - - <;;'I - .- r<l 0 <;;'I <;;'I <;;'I c::: z ~ 0 C\ C\ N r<l \0 r<l r- 0 00 C\ N" .N r- r- ~ r- OO 0 "'T rr~ . \0_ C\ N. r- r- r- "'T. (;.J CI) ..; C'i r-: r.:' .- ~ t3 V) V) 00 00 V) G r- .... r<l r"". "'T r<l C\ 0 r- (;.J * C\ .... - - ..... - - V) C\ .- > C.:.J <;;'I - <;;'I - - C: ...., 0 en 0 0 \0 .- e::::: c::: e::::: ~ ~ ~ ~ ...., - r.:.l Z ,....l 0 ....l ~ ~ .- ~ ~ > ~ CIl Z >" e::::: 0 < ,....l .... < ~ CIl ;< < ....l e::::: < CO (;.J ~ C: ~ ::-' eo ~ r.:.l 0 ....l ~ ~ ~ - ....l 0 t- < C: r.:.l Z ~ ~ U , ~ ~- . . CDBG SCHEDULE - PROGRAM YEAR 1993-1994 I. f 1. Requests for proposals to Urban County cities November 20, 1992 4. Give projects to managers to review February 19, 1993 February 26, 1993 March 5, 1993 2. Final allocation letters to cities 3. Project submittals due to RCD 5. Obtain projects from managers March 19, 1993 9. City Agreements to City Councils April 8, 1993 April 8, 1993 April 27, 1993 May 1993 6. Preliminary Statement to TAC 7. Agreements to Cities 8. Preliminary Statement to HCDAC 11. CDBG Statement Public Hearing and BOS Approval May 4, 1993 May 18, 1993 10. CDBG Statement Public Hearing 13. Final Statement to HUD May 21, 1993 May 28, 1993 12. City Agreements Due to HCD 14. City Agreements to Board of Supervisors (l\'Iust be sent to Clerk, BOS by May 18. 1993) June 1, 1993 15. City Agreements to BUD June 18, 1993 (G: \AD MIN\CD BG9394) (Rev. 11/19/92) . . CITY OF DUBLIN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM PROJECT FUNDING PROGRAM HOUSING BATHHOUSE OTHER GENERAL TOTAL YEAR REHAB. PROJECT PROJECTS ADMIN. 1992-93 $ 9,308 $39,830 $ 0 $ 0 $49,138 1993-94 $10,820 $38,629 $ 0 $6,600 $56,049 1994-95 $10,820* $ 7.891 $30,738* $6,600* $56,049* $86,350 *Estimate /CDBGPROG IJ,