HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.1 Green Store Modifications tJ Dtwc L
Meeting Date: November 22, 1982
SUBJECT Green Store Modifications
EXHIBITS ATTACHED Memorandum from Planning Director dated November 18 ,
1982, with attachment of December 14, 1978, approval,
September 19, 1978 , approval, and November 20, 1978 ,
Staff Report
DESCRIPTION The Green Store at 11878 Dublin Blvd. is 'one of the
oldest buildings in the City. Past reviews and approvals concerning the
site and structure have emphasized its historical significance. Recon-
struction, additions and modifications have recently been made to the
structure and site. Based on plans submitted to the City on November 1,
1982, and review of past approvals, Staff found that many modifications
were being made without or contrary to the required planning approval
and building permit. Work on the project has been mopped because the
zoning ordinance requires either: 1) that the project conforms to the
existing conditions of approval; or 2) the existing conditions of
approval are modified.
Because historical significance is a subjective matter, it is appropriate
for the City Council to review the proposed modifications and give Staff
direction on how to proceed. The specific issues and alternatives
related to the modifications are as follows :
1. SOUTH ELEVATION: The south 1. - A. Require that the modified
elevation is different from the south elevation be reviewed by an
approved plans. As a condition of architectural firm experienced in
approval, an architectural firm historical restoration and require
experienced in .historical restor- the modified south elevation to be
ation reviewed and made recom- consistent with the architectural
mendations on the plans. The firm' s recommendations.
architectural firm' s recommen-
dations were made part of the 1. - B. Approve the modified south
approval. elevation subject to plans being
submitted for construction code
1. - C. Require the south elevation
to be consistent with the original
2. PARKING: The parking lot 2. - A. Require that the parking
design is different from the approved lot be redesigned to meet parking
plans and does not meet parking dimension standards and require the
standards. Based on the November 15, applicant to provide, to the satis-
1982 , plans, the parking requirement faction of the City Attorney, a
for the project is 72 to 74 parking contract for the joint use of parking
spaces, depending on final countable spaces in the adjoining Heritage Park
floor area. development for the life of the
buildings or uses concerned, so that
The (12/14/78) Planned Development the required number of parking spaces
was approved with the Green Store is satisfied.
required to provide 22 parking
spaces meeting standards. This was 2. - B. Require that the parking
apparently based on 16 parking spaces lot meet parking dimension standards
for a restaurant of 950± square feet and the parking lot design be in
countable floor area, and 6 parking substantial compliance with the
spaces for a bank of 1630± square approved 2/18/82 building permit
feet countable floor area. The plans and require the patio and
(2/18/82) building permit plans building to be constructed as shown
were approved with 20 parking spaces on the approved 2/18/82 building permit
meeting standards, although a review plans.
of plans shows the parking require-
ment should have been 58 to 61 2. - C. Require that the parking
spaces, depending on final countable , lot meet parking dimension standards
floor area. This is a result of and the parking lot design be in
a substantial increase in restau- substantial compliance with the
rant floor area. There is no approved 2/18/82 building permit
record of planning approval of plans and restrict the uses to that
2/18/82 plans. approved in the 12/14/78 Planned
The 11/15/82 proposed plans show an
additional 759 square foot increase
in countable floor area over the
2/18/82 approved plans. This increase
in countable floor area would
require 13 additional parking spaces,
for a total of 72 to 74 parking
spaces. The proposed parking lot
design does not meet parking stan-
dards in terms of stall size, back-
up aisle width, and turn around.
3. LANDSCAPING: The approved 3. - A. Require a precise landscaping
plans have not been followed. plan be prepared by a landscape
The 12/14/78 Planned Development Architect to the satisfaction of the
was approved with a condition that Planning Director and require restor-
a precise landscaping plan be pre- ation of the 2000 square feet of
pared by the project' s landscape landscaping reduced by construction!
Architect. The approved plan and require the old style rail fence
included measures to protect exis- instead of the concrete block wall.
ting trees. The 2/18/82 building
permit plans were in substantial 3. - B. Require a precise landscaping
compliance with the approved land- plan, prepared by a landscape
scaping plan. The 11/15/82 proposed Architect to the satisfaction of the
plan and construction on site has : Planning Director and require
removed three (3) mature trees, intensification of landscaping to
which were to 'be saved; reduced the compensate for the value of land-
landscaping by 2000 square feet; scaping lost due to revisions to
failed to provide required tree the parking lot design.
preservation measures; and replaced
an old style rail fence with a con-
crete block wall.
4. . COMPLIANCE WITH STANDARDS 4. - A. Require the applicant to
AND CONDITIONS: The meet all applicable standards and con-
Planned Development included a number ditions of the Planned Development
of additional standards and except as modified by the City Council.
conditions which have not yet been
complied with. Those additional 4. - B. Review and modify the condi-
standards and conditions are cir- tions of approval.
cled on the attached list.
P.O. Box 2340
Dublin, CA 94566 (415) 829-3543
November 19, 1982
TO: Dublin City Council
FROM: Director of Planning
SUBJECT: Green Store Modifications
BACKGROUND: The Green Store on the south east corner of Donlon Way and
Dublin Blvd. was permitted to be expanded in size as part of Alameda
County Zoning Unit 1362 (Adopted by the Board of Supervisors 9/19/78) .
Zoning Unit 1362 approves a Planned Development for office and limited
retail uses. It was approved subject to a specific site plan.
Architectural requirements which were intended to protect the historic
features of the Green Store were also established. The architectural
drawings and site plan were approved in 1978 .
Building Permits were issued for the Green Store renovation and expansion
on February 18 , 1982. Subsequent to that time, a significant amount
of work has taken place.
On November 1, 1982 , the applicant, at the request of the City' s Building
Inspector, submitted a revised site plan which was to be consistent
with the site work that was already being constructed. A field
investigation and record search showed that the current construction
was not consistent with either the approved development plans or the
approved building plans. Questions were also raised as to if the constru-
ction and revisions to the site plan and land uses were consistent with
zoning requirements.
On November 15th another revised site plan was submitted to the Planning
Department. It is substantially accurate in terms of showing the site
plan as it is now being constructed.
Because of the numerous changes and lack of Building and Planning
Department approvals for the changes the Green Store construction has
been stopped.
Nichandros Development, has been requested to provide precise plans
which show what are the existing conditions and intended uses. With
available information we have assembled, the following list of changes
that have been made without City approval, and do not appear to
comply with the conditions of approval as established by the Board of
Supervisors on 9/19/78 and 12/14/78. Once the revised information is
submitted, a detailed check and analysis will be done.
Green Store Modifications
Page Two
1. The south elevation of the building is not the same as initially
shown along with the Staff Report dated November 20 , 1978 , or as approved
by the Building Inspection Department (BID) February 18 , 1982.
2. The size and configuration of the parking lot has been changed to
a considerable degree. Parking stalls do not conform to the minimum
size requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Back-up and aisle width is
also non-conforming. The circular circulation pattern has been made
into two dead-end aisles without turn-around area.
3. Additional parking spaces have been added which eliminiates almost
2, 000 square feet of landscaping.
4 . Three established trees, which were shown on Exhibit A, approved
by the Board of Supervisors on 12/14/78 to be saved and most recently
on the Site Plan received November 1, 1982, have been removed. And
tree preservation techniques have not been installed for the remaining
5. An outdoor eating area, which was shown as being on-grade, has been
expanded in size and is now approximately 3 feet below grade. The
approved number of parking spaces does not appear to be enough to meet
additional parking requirements which come in to play because of the
addition of the outdoor eating area.
The landscaping that was shown on the BID approved plans has been
revised and it is unlikely that the same landscape transition between
the parking lot and the building can take place.
6. A 4 ' high concrete block wall has been constructed in the westerly
landscape area. It is presumed that dirt will be piled up against it
to create a berm to screen the parking lot from view from Donlon.
This area was previously shown to be an open landscaped area with a
rail fence to match that used throughout the remainder of the project.
7. No revised drainage plan has been submitted. A recent storm caused
3" to 6" of water to collect over several of the easterly concrete paved
parking spaces. This condition will need to be corrected if these
added, and as yet unapproved', spaces are permitted to remain.
A review of the County Conditions of Approval also shows that:
1. A revised landscape plan and irrigation plan which mesh with the
revised site plan need to be submitted to the City for review and
2. Concrete curbing around all paved parking and landscaped areas
will need to be installed.
Green Store Modifications
Page Three
3. Plans for exterior lighting, signing and screening of utility meters
still need to be submitted to the City for review and approval. The work
to date is also in conflict with Condition #17 , which says that the
site design, landscaping, parking layout, architectural style, exterior
building materials, exterior colors, floor plans, lighting and signing
shall be approved by the Planning Commission prior to issuance of any
Building Permit. The changes have not received such an approval.
There are several lessor conditions which still need to be met.
Copies of the specific conditions of approval by the Board of
Supervisors on December 14 , 1978 , and September 19 , 1978, are attached.
Also attached is the Staff Analysis dated November 20 , 1978 , with
SUMMARY: Many physical changes have been made to the Green Store ' s site
plan, landscaping , land use intensity, and architecture. These changes
have not been made with the approval of the Building . Department or
Planning Department. They are inconsistent with the approvals
previously granted by the Alameda County Board of Supervisors. Some
changes are also inconsistent with Zoning Ordinance regulations e.g.
amount, size, and configuration of parking stalls.
Attachments: Exhibit A - Conditions of Approval by Board of
Supervisors 12/14/78
Exhibit B - Conditions of Approval by Board of
Supervisors 9/19/78
Exhibit C - Staff Analysis 11/20/78
December 1.4, 1978 /fit,� t
Approved as to Form
R. ..ARD J. MOORE, County Counsel
REEL--•----•--•-•---•------..._IMAGE-•............................ - n v,
On motion of Supervisor---_------•----_---..Coopex------------------------ Seconded by Supervisor-_--------Bost..................................
and approved by the following vote,
Ayes: Supervisors................................ ..and..CbLairmm._Santana..--•3--------------------------------------------------------
Noes: Supervisors..............................NQ?I.q-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Excused kxwzt: Supervisors__....George...all d..Ruvm9Ad.-----2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
WHEREAS,. pursuant to Provision 17, Exhibit C, 1362nd Zoning Unit (Ordinance
No. 78-89) , Dublin/Rider, Ltd. , developer of the Heritage Park Office Complex,
did submit to the Alameda County Planning Commission a streetscape plan to
enhance the appearance of Donlon Way, the Green Store, The Heritage Center, and
the proposed office center and to facilitate pedestrian movement along Donlon Way;
WHEREAS, said plans were considered by the Planning Commission on
November 20, 1978; and
WHEREAS, said plans were forwarded to this Board of Supervisors for
consideration on December 14, 1978, with the recommendation that said plans
be approved;
NOW, THFREFOR.F., BE IT RESOLVED that this Board of Supervisors does hereby
approve the Donlon Way streetscape plan as shown on the maps labelled "EXHIBIT
E, 1362ND ZONING UNIT (3 sheets)", on file with the Alameda County Planning
Commission at 399 Elmhurst Street, Hayward, California, subject to the following
1. Special concrete treatment be used instead of bricks for crosswalks;
2. Developer is responsible for all required traffic sign and devices;
3. Developer is responsible for tie-in paving between existing pavement
and new PCC curb and gutter on east side of the street;
4. Parking be prohibited along east side of the street;
5. Endorsement of the mall-like development in front of the historical
center be limited to concept only, recognizing that further study
is necessary prior to acceptance of its details and eventual imple-
6. Meandering sidewalk be extended to the end of the Donlon Way frontage;
7. Recommendation of the Director of Public Works, dated November 17,
1978, be followed including a 34' pavement width.
As Adopted by the Alameda County Planning Commission
July 10. 1978
1. Prior to issuance of a Building Fermit, a precise landscaping plan prepared by the
project Landscape Architect and based on the general landscape proposals indicated
on Exhibit B, 1362nd Zoning Unit, shall be approved by the Planning Director.
Said plan shall include proposed plant materials and quantities, measures necessary
to protect existing trees from construction activities, an irrigation system, a lighting
plan, and fencing details. The size and scale of landscaping in the parking lot area
shall be increased sufficiently to screen and soften the appearance of pavement
as viewed from the San Ramon Road overcrossing.
2. Prior to application for a Building Permit, an Encroachment Permit shall be secured
from the County Public Works Agency to construct standard P.C.C. curbs, gutters,
sidewalks and driveways along the property's frontage on Dublin Boulevard and
Donlon Way. Said improvements shall be constructed prior to final inspection of
the structures in the office center, except as provided in Condition 18.
3O. Storm drainage facilities shall be approved by the Alameda County Flood Control
and Water Conservation District prior to issuance of a Building Permit.
4. All drainage slopes shall be at 0.3% minimum.
5. All easements for drainage facilities or drainage releases located off site shall
be filed with the Building Official prior to issuance of a Building Permit.
06- All parking spaces shall be delineated with white paint or equal.
A 4 inch high concrete curb (minimum) or equal shall separate all paved parking
and passageway areas from landscaped areas. Curbs may be deleted where sidewalk
adjoins parking and passageway, provided the sidewalk is at least 4 inches higher
than adjoining pavement, and at ramps for the handicapped. Curbs may be relocated
to act as wheel stops subject to approval of the Planning Director.
All utility distribution facilities to and within the development shall be placed
` 9. Utility meters shall be enclosed.
10. Adequate lighting shall be provided in all parking areas, driveways, and the unloading
area; type of lighting fixtures and location shall be approved by the Planning Director.
11. Number of signs, their locations, sizes and materials are limited to that depicted
on Exhibit B, 1362nd Zoning Unit.
12. The following uses are permitted in the office center site (Site C, as shown on
Exhibit B, 1362nd Zoning Unit):
r -
Office(s) for the conduct of business, administrative or professional services, including
the following types of office occupants:
Exhibit C
General Provisions - 1362nd Zoning Unit
Page 2
accountants consultants
advertising agencies commodity brokers
appraisers contractors
architects court reporters
attorneys credit bureaus
bookkeeping services data processing companies
business brokers employment agencies
builders financial planning companies
business accounting services industrial management companies
business development companies insurance agents ,
business form companies investment counseling services
business loan companies investment securities services
business management companies manufacturers representatives
business and trade marketing consultants
organizations mortgage brokers
collection agencies real estate (industry) brokers
commercial loan companies securities brokers
13. Only a bank or savings and loan institution or restaurant will be permitted on commercial
sites A and B, as shown on Exhibit B, 1362nd Zoning Unit.
14. The developer shall submit for Planning Commission approval development plans
and details for commercial sites A and B including site design, landscaping, parking
layout, architectural style, exterior building materials, exterior colors, floor plans,
lighting and signing. Approval shall be obtained prior to issuance of any Building
Permits for construction on said sites.
15. The two future commercial sites shall be developed in accordance with the building
and parking lot layouts as depicted on Exhibit B, 1362nd Zoning Unit. Architectural
style of the structure on commercial site B shall be similar to the style of the office
center. Architectural style of the Green Store and any addition thereto located
on commercial site A shall be as recommended by the architectural consultant
noted in Condition number 16.
16. The Green Store shall be preserved and restored to the earliest known authentic
design of the structure. This provision, however, shall not preclude the developer
from adding to the southerly side of the Store to provide additional space, provided
that the architectural style of the addition remains the same as the rest of the
building. Restoration and alteration shall conform as closely as possible to the
requirements for entry on the National Register and to the Secretary of the Interior's
Standards for Historical Rehabilitation. The developer shall retain an architectural
consultant experienced in historical restoration to advise on such restoration and
additions. The consultant's evaluation of the restoration plans shall be presented
in writing to the Planning Commission at the time of submittal of development plans
noted in Condition number 14. At the same time, developer shall also submit a
plan for protection of the Green Store during periods of vacancy.
17. To enhance the appearance of Donlon Way, the Green Store, the Heritage Center,
and the project office center and to facilitate pedestrian movements along.Donlon
Way, the project landscape architect, in consultation with the architectural
consultant retained under Condition number 16, shall prepare a
streetscape design for Donlon Way which minimizes paving for vehicular access and
on-street parking and maximizes walkway and landscaped areas. Said plan shall
include recommendations for paving and landscape materials compatible with the
adjacent historic resources. Said plan shall also locate the curb defining the easterly
boundary of the vehicular travelway as near to the large, old walnut trees as possible
without conflicting with the trees' root systems. This streetscape plan is to be
reviewed by the Planning Commission and Public Works Department prior to final
inspection and occupancy of any structures and recommendation made to the Board
of Supervisors concerning its adoption.
18. Construction of landscaping, curb, gutter and sidewalk along the project's Donlon
Way frontage shall conform to the plan noted in Condition 17 as approved by the
Board of Supervisors.
Exhibit C
General Provisions - 1362nd Zoning Unit
j Page 3
19. Prior to occupancy, the developer shall install a plaque indicating the location
of the former Murray/Green residence. The wording and location of the plaque
shall be submitted for approval by the Planning Director.
20. If during construction, archaeological remains are encountered, construction
in the vicinity shall be halted, an archaeologist consulted, and the County Planning
Department notified. If in the opinion of the archaeologist the remains are significant,
measures, as may be required by the Planning Director, shall be taken to protect
21. Parking may be reduced to accommodate increased landscape area, but not below 400
p '
Exhibit C
General Provisions - 1362nd Zoning Unit
Page 2
accountants consultants
advertising agencies commodity brokers
appraisers contractors
architects court reporters
attorneys credit bureaus
bookkeeping services data processing companies
business brokers employment agencies
builders financial planning companies
business accounting services industrial management companies
business development companies insurance agents ,
business form companies investment counseling services
business loan companies investment securities services
business management companies manufacturers representatives
business and trade marketing consultants
organizations mortgage brokers
collection agencies real estate (industry) brokers
commercial loan companies securities brokers
13. Only a bank or savings and loan institution or restaurant will be permitted on commercial
sites A and B, as shown on Exhibit B, 1362nd Zoning Unit.
14. The developer shall submit for Planning Commission approval development plans
and details for commercial sites A and B including site design, landscaping, parking
layout, architectural style, exterior building materials, exterior colors, floor plans,
lighting and signing. Approval shall be obtained prior to issuance of any Building
Permits for construction on said sites.
15. The two future commercial sites shall be developed in accordance with the building
and parking lot layouts as depicted on Exhibit B, 1362nd Zoning Unit. Architectural
style of the structure on commercial site B shall be similar to the style of the office
center. Architectural style of the Green Store and any addition thereto located
on commercial site A shall be as recommended by the architectural consultant
noted in Condition number 16.
16. The Green Store shall be preserved and restored to the earliest known authentic
design of the structure. This provision, however, shall not preclude the developer
from adding to the southerly side of the Store to provide additional space, provided
that the architectural style of the addition remains the same as the rest of the
building. Restoration and alteration shall conform as closely as possible to the
requirements for entry on the National Register and to the Secretary of the Interior's
Standards for Historical Rehabilitation. The developer shall retain an architectural
consultant experienced in historical restoration to advise on such restoration and
additions. The consultant's evaluation of the restoration plans shall be presented
in writing to the Planning Commission at the time of submittal of development plans
noted in Condition number 14. At the same time, developer shall also submit a
plan for protection of the Green Store during periods of vacancy.
17. To enhance the appearance of Donlon Way, the Green Store, the Heritage Center,
and the project office center and to facilitate pedestrian movements along-Donlon
Way, the project landscape architect, in consultation with the architectural
consultant retained under Condition number 16, shall prepare a
streetscape design for Donlon Way which minimizes paving for vehicular access and
on-street parking and maximizes walkway and landscaped areas. Said plan shall
include recommendations for paving and landscape materials compatible with the
adjacent historic resources. Said plan shall also locate the curb defining the easterly
boundary of the vehicular travelway as near to the large, old walnut trees as possible
without conflicting with the trees' root systems. This streetscape plan is to be
reviewed by the Planning Commission and Public Works Department prior to final
inspection and occupancy of any structures and recommendation made to the Board
of Supervisors concerning its adoption.
18. Construction of landscaping, curb, gutter and sidewalk along the project's Donlon
Way frontage shall conform to the plan noted in Condition 17 as approved by the
Board of Supervisors.
Exhibit C
General Provisions - 1362nd Zoning Unit
Page 3
19. Prior to occupancy, the developer shall install a plaque indicating the location
of the former Murray/Green residence. The wording and location of the plaque
shall be submitted for approval by the Planning Director.
20. If during construction, archaeological remains are encountered, construction
in the vicinity shall be halted, an archaeologist consulted, and the County Planning
Department notified. If in the opinion of the archaeologist the remains are significant,
measures, as may be required by the Planning Director, shall be taken to protect
21. Parking may be reduced to accommodate increased landscape area, but not below 400
Consideration of a streetscape plan for Donlon Way and a preservation plan for the
_ historic Green Store required by the Board of Supervisors as part of Ordinance 78-
89 reclassifying the 8-acre site at the southeast corner of Dublin Boulevard and
Donlon Way, Dublin, to the PD District to allow construction of the Heritage Park
office complex.
1. Recommend approval of the Donlon Way Streetscape Plan as proposed with
provisions that:
a. Special concrete treatment be used instead of bricks. for crosswalks;
b. Developer is responsible for all required traffic signs and devices;
C. Developer is responsible for tie in paving between existing pavement
and new PCC curb and gutter on east side of the street; .
d. Parking be prohibited along east side of the street;
e. Endorsement of the mall-like development in front of the historical center
be limited to concept only.
2. Recommend approval of the plans for restoration of and addition to the Green
Store and the plans for protection of the Green Store during periods of vacancy,
with provisions that:
a. the recommendations of Storek and Storek, architectural consultants,
in their letter to The Rider Development Corporation dated October 24, 1978,
be implemented during the restoration construction;
b. a temporary fence providing security around the perimeter of the structure
be maintained during periods when the structure is unoccupied.
C. prior to issuance of any Building Permit for the restoration or addition,
detailed construction drawings receive Zoning Approval by the Planning
Department to ensure consistency between those drawings and the plans
approved herein and other general provisions of the reclassification.
Following is the provision of reclassification requiring approval of a streetscape
plan for Donlon Way:
Exhibit C, 1362nd Zoning Unit (Ordinance 78-89):
17. To enhance the appearance of Donlon Way, the
Green Store, the Heritage Center, and the project
office center and to facilitate pedestrian movements
along Donlon Way, the project landscape architect,
in consultation with the architectural consultant
retained under Condition number 16, shall prepare a
streetscape design for Donlon Way,which minimizes
paving for vehicular access and on-street parking
and maximizes walkway and landscaped areas. Said
plan shall include recommendations for paving and landscape
materials compatible with the adjacent historic resources.
Said plan shall also locate the curb defining the easterly
boundary of the vehicular travelway as near to the large,
old walnut trees as possible without conflicting with the
trees' root systems. This streetscape plan is to be
reviewed by the Planning Commission and Public Works
Department prior to final inspection and occupancy of any
structures and recommendation made to the Board of
Supervisors concerning its adoption. —
Plans have been submitted by the developer to comply with this provision. After
approved, developer must implement plans along the frontage of the office complex.
Staff feels plans are in keeping with the requirements of the provision and will
provide a pleasant environment consistent with the special nature of this area.
Twenty-one existing trees would be retained and tulip trees and plums would be
added along the street. Yawn would be planted along the interim frontage. Meandering
sidewalks would connect the project with the Dublin Heritage Center across Donlon
Way. An old style three foot high rail fence and special landscape 'architectural
details are incorporated in the plan.
A 32' wide street is proposed, narrowing to 24' at Old St. Raymond's Church.
Road Division recommendations are presented on an accompanying page. Staff.
concurs with all recommendations, with the exception of the 36' recommended
width for Donlon Way. We feel that 32' is best in keeping with the intent of the
provision, to "minimize paving for vehicular access and on-street parking..."
Representatives of the Dublin Historical Preservation Association (DPHA) and community
groups have made strong presentations during Planning Commission and Board hearings
on the Heritage Park Office complex to limit Donlon Way improvements in favor of
maximum landscaping.
Reduced pavement width and wall-like development in front of the Dublin Heritage
Center would complement the center. However, this aspect of the plan would
not be carried out by the developer and additional coordination with the DPHA,the
Amador-Livermore Valley Historical Society, and Public Works Agency is required.
It is recommended that this aspect of the plan only be endorsed conceptually at
this time, recognizing that further study is necessary prior to acceptance of its
details and eventual implementation.
Following is the provision of the reclassification which requires restoration of the
Green Store and approval of the restoration plans:
Exhibit C, 1362nd Zoning Unit (Ordinance 78-89):
16. The Green Store shall be preserved and restored to the
earliest known authentic design of the structure. This
provision, however, shall not preclude the developer
from adding to the southerly side of the Store to provide
additional space, provided that the architectural style
of the addition remains the same as the rest of the
building. Restoration and alteration shall conform
as closely as possible to the requirements for.entry
on the National Register and to the Secretary of the
Interior's Standards for Historical Rehabilitation. The
developer shall retain an architectural consultant
experienced in historical restoration to advise on
such restoration and additions. The consultant's
evaluation of the restoration plans shall be presented
in writing to the Planning Commission at the time of
submittal of development plans noted in Condition number
14. At the same time, developer shall also submit a plan
for protection of the Green Store during periods of vacancy.
Plans have been submitted by the developer to comply with this condition.
As was noted during hearings on the PD, the developer proposes to restore, add to,
and lease the Green Store to a bank or savings and loan institution. This will involve
construction of a second building of 2105 square feet, which, added to the present
1862 square feet building, will result in a total structure of 3967 square feet. There
will be exterior restoration only on the existing building. The stucco will be removed
and the siding replaced. The doors and windows will be returned to their original
appearance, using wood. The original covered porch will be replaced and brought
around the new building. In essence a new building will be constructed inside the
original shell, due to the type of construction used in the original building. The
addition will be to the rear, and set back from Donlon Way, but extending beyond
the present building on the eastern end. (See the attached information from Geddes
Associates listing exterior materials and finishes.)
In accordance with the provision, the plans have been reviewed by Storek and Storek,
an architectural firm in San Francisco, which specializes in restoration of historical
buildings. Aside from a few recommendations concerning detailing, the length of
the addition, and dispray of a portion of the original structure, the architectural consultant
concluded that,the plan is clearly a faithful restoration of the Green Store. Their
comments are attached.
On November 2, 1978, the Alameda County Parks, Recreation and Historical Commission
reviewed the restoration plans and Storek and Storek's comments. The Commission
endorsed the plan and generally adopted the comments of Storek and Storek, specifically
emphasizing two points. First, the Commission felt that the eastern end of the
addition should preferably not extend beyond the existing eastern wall of the store,
and in no event should extend beyond the porch line as added to the existing building.
The Commission felt that, as much as possible, the building should retain its original
appearance, and that when viewed from the front, the extension would detract from
this. Second, the Commission agreed with Mr. Storek's thought that some of the
original structure should be exposed from the inside. This has been done in other
similar restorations, and probably could be easily accomplished here.
Under Condition Number 16, the restoration must "...conform as closely as possible
to the requirements for entry on the National Register and to the Secretary of the
Interior's Standards for Historical Rehabilitation (Standards for Rehabilitation of
Historic Properties Receiving Grants-In-Aid or Qualifying for the Tax Reform Act)..."
The principal requirements of the Standards for Rehabilitation are that the restoration
be accurate, the addition be done so as to preserve the essential form and integrity
of the original building if the addition were to be removed, and that the use be compatible
with the original intended use. The restoration appears to generally meet the Standards
for Rehabilitation. Although the building is not to be used as a store, the building
has had many uses over the years, which in itself may be a part of the building's
historical character. Use as a bank would seem to be compatible with the nature
of the building. The restoration will bring the building back to the earliest known
accurate representation of the building, the 1914 photo. It is not clear how much
replacement rather than repair will be done, but replacement will match the original.
The addition will be done in the style of the original building, and will be separate
so that if removed, the integrity and form of the original structure is not compromised.
The developer has indicated that the Guidelines for applying the Standards for Rehabilitation
will be followed also.
The Historical Commission staff ascertained from the State Office of Historical
Preservation that the restoration and addition as proposed would not compromise
the building's entry on the National Register.
Condition Number 16 also required the developer to submit a plan for protection
of the Green Store during periods of vacancy. A major part of the developers protection
plan is to keep the store tenanted as long as possible during construction. Once
construction gets to the point where the building cannot be occupied, the developer
proposes normal construction site supervision. If vandalism becomes a problem,
additional measures such as guards, fencing, etc. will be taken. Staff recommends
that as minimum security when the building is unoccupied, that a temporary, protective
chain-link fence be constructed around the perimeter of the structure. Then, if
this is not enough, additional emasures such as guards, alarms, lighting, etc. should
be used.
Staff notes that the drawings submitted by the developer are somewhat schematic.
Prior to issuance of any Building Permis for the restoration or addition, detailed
construction drawings should be reviewed by the Planning Staff for consistency with
plans and other general provisions.
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Reference is- made to your letter dated November 8, 1978, and to the
letter of November 1 , 1978, from this office to you dealing with the subject
With due consideration to your arguments and the facts that now have .
been presented, this office will concur with, a reduction in pavement width fore-:.
Donlon Way to 34 feet between curbs in lieu of our earlier recommendation of 36
The 34'-foot section will accommodate the existing 8-foot parking lane
on the westerly side and provides for 2 travel lanes. This office will recommend
to the Board of Supervisors, when this development has materialized and the required
street improvements have been installed, that the easterly side of Donlon Way be
designated a "NO PARKING" zone.
It has been ascertained that the existing pavement in this area of Donlon
Way is approximately 36 - 38 feet wide and not 22 feet as shown in our records and
as noted by you as being adequate in accommodating existing traffic. Future traffic
movement is our concern and the providing for adequate travel lanes which furnish
sufficient width to allow maneuvering for ingress and egress to the proposed develop-
ment is paramount; however, the saving of the existing trees has been considered in
the street-scape design in conjunction with the forthcoming request to restrict park-
ing on the easterly side.
It is noted that several encroachments are proposed by. the developer within
the existing 66 foot right of way of Donlon Way in his layout; i .e. , fences and
parking stalls, which 'are not acceptable to this office. . In view of the location of
these encroachments. and function of the street; considerations for partial abandonment
of the excess right of way on the easterly side may be in order. Such abandonment
requests should be: initiated by the abutting land owner and forwarded to the Board.,: .
of Supervisors.
It is further noted that in the event bicycle lanes should; be provided;':
to the "Heritage Center", the proposed 34-foot paved street section would accom-
modate. 2 - 5-foot bike lanes, and 2 - 12-foot travel lanes, but no parking lane.
I hope this gives us a unified report to the Planning Commission and
the Board of Supervisors.
Enclosed is a marked-up print of the street scope plan for Donlon
Way showing in red pencil. the recommendations of this office.
The recommendations are as follows:
1 . Install standard vertical P.C.C. curb and gutter along the
easterly 'side of Donlon Way at 36 feet between face of curbs
for the entire length of frontage thereon.
2. The use of brick in the crosswalk area will not be allowed;
however, the use of exposed aggregate P.C.C. in lieu thereof
will be permitted.
3. Tie-in paving between existing pavement and new P.C.C. gutter
is the obligation of the developer.
4. All cost for traffic safety signing and devices thereto as
required by the Public Works Director is the developer's
It is noted that all work being performed within the right of way of
Donlon Way is subject to obtaining an encroachment permit from this office.
ARCHITECTS 300 Broadway San Francisco 94133
&. PLANNERS 415/421.3673
31 October 1978
Exterior Materials and Finishes
Bevel Siding: 1 x 6 Redwood Bevel siding to match existing.Paint
Channel Sidings 1 x 10 Redwood Channed siding to match existing.
Paint finish.
Roof: Western Red Cedar Shingles ,
Windows: Wood Double Hung to match existing. Paint finish.
Doors: Wood Solid Panel and Glazed to match existing.
Paint finish.
Glass: Clear
Trim: Redwood to match eri.sting. Paint finish.
Covered Walkway Deck: 2 x 6 Redwood
Lattice: 1 x 2 redwood - 2 layers diagonal.
Signs: Wood letters and/or numerals on wood background.
Paint finish.
Paint: Off-White
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i;CT 2 5 1978 S_i_lnl �
October 2A, 1978
The Rider Development Corporation
383 Diablo Road
Danville, California 94526
Attention: Vs. Sybil M. Judd _
Project Manager
Dear Sybil:
As you have requested, I am writing to coaTnent on our -review of your
plans for the restoration and development of the Green Store as part-
of your Heritage Park Office Center. .
Our review has consisted of the follak-ing: conversations 'with you and
your architect, Geddes and Associates; familiarization with the Staff
Analysis Report dated July 10, 1978, by the Planning Department; study
-of the preliminary development plans for the office portion of the
project; study of the "as is" and preliminary design draMings for the
Green Store; review of a Structural/Pest Inspection report dated 2/28/78.
The only historical material we have been referred to is a photograph;:
of the Green Store, dated 1914.
We agree with your intention, and the recannendation of the Planning
Department, that the Green Store be restored on the exterior, but
otherwise essentially developed for a new use. In our opinion, �it
would not be economically feasible to restore the building exclusive-
1y as an historical place, nor does it warrent restoration in order
to perpetuate an historical use or activity. In fact, it is quite
obvious that if the present use were to continue,the building would
soon be lost as a result of neglect and there is also a good risk that
it could be destroyed. by fire.
It is our understanding that the basic plan is to rive the stucco
and replace the horizontal siding which would be painted white or,
stained with a white pigment. The original covered walkway would be
replaced and all roof surfaces would be shingled in natural redwood
or cedar. Also, that door and window openings would be returned to
the original and that windcws, casings, eaves a-rid gutters would be
constructed of wood.
The plan is clearly a faithful restoration and we give it our fullest
support. I would only add the x-ec i tindation that caref- 1, first rate
Sybil M. Judd
October 24, 1978
Page 1�m -
detailing and craftsnanship be the standard for all woodwork. This
can make the difference between an interesting or a "lazy" restora-
tion job, however, I am confident that Don Geddes will be sensitive
to this need. Also, a quality paint job, with two or three (subtle)
accent colors on the trim would add greatly to the finished appear-
With respect.to the addition on the south side, I feel that it is
reasonable and that it will not detract- from the original building.
If critics feel otherwise, it should be noted that a bank or other
such financial use will most likely require the additional space
for their operation, and that it is this use that is justifying a
new life for the Green Store. The only suggestion we would offer
is that the length of the addition be reduced so that it does not
extend (at the east elevation) beyond the original building. I
think it would be preferrable if the addition were aligned with
the covered walkway or with the east wall of the Green Store build- '
ing. Perhaps a quick study model could be constructed or same per-
spective sketches done to study this suggestion. The flatness one
perceives frcm an elevation is misleading and a model or renderings
might be useful later for working with a tenant.
I would suggest that a structural engineer be called upon to con-
sult with over ways in which to upgrade the footings and the struc-
ture during the exterior restoration. When designing around a
vintage building, it has been our experience that it often pays
to improve the old structure beyond just meeting code requiranents
in order to obtain the most favorable financing and a quality tenant.
Before design work goes much further, 1 would also suggest that con-
sideration be given to the HVAC system. I am sure that one of modern
standards will be required by a bank and it will undoubtedly require
penetration of the exterior. Perhaps the best solution for locating
this equipment will be the low roof space between the Green Store
and the addition.
Another area where care and restraint must be exercised is in exterior
signs and graphics. As you may know, bad signing is an easy way to
kill a good piece of architecture.
A final suggestion is more of an intellectual response than an archi-
tectural one. It occured•to me as I walked around and inside the
building, that nothing of the original structure will be e.Tosed once
- r
Sybil M. Judd
October 24, 1978
Page free
the work is coalpleted. perhaps, as a benefit to the new users and J
future visitors of the Green Store, and at least as a reminder to
-then, it would be desirable to reveal a small portion of the original
structure, to be left exposed. Such an element might even be devel-
aped and featured within the public portion of the bank interior
as a kind of history corner relating to the building's past and
giving proof of its age. Somehow, it seams more satisfying that
future generations be given this perspective since so much effort
and expense-will go into saving•the building.
At this preliminary stage, I believe this is the extent of the
cormnents which we can offer and I 'hope they have been helpful. '
As you requested, we will stay in contact with Don Geddes
to consult with him as the project moves ahead..
Glenn U-
r-c:Don Geddes
• G=AS/mp